#mlp fim s9
gosha305 · 5 months
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Big Alicorn Twilight
Just a portrait though, because I had to draw something simpler
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Photo dump of the dragons bc I love them sm <33
And also because I wanted reference pics of them and I couldn't find a single good one. Like seriously I couldn't find a decent screenshot reference of ANY of them so I'm providing these for anyone else who wanted pics of their 3d selves.
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shummthechumm · 9 months
i need to fully watch s9 of mlp fim honestly but oh god do i not like the tone of that season. everything feels off and...cynical?? if that makes sense??? at least the finale's song is great and feels genuine but bleh.
also twilight becoming equestria's sole princess is stupid as hell lol sorry. she clearly did not want to do it but her friends brushed her off with "oh there she goes twilight-ing again *eyeroll*" no you assholes she is clearly refusing consent LISTEN TO HER???
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superxstarzz · 4 months
Traitor of friendship is cozyglow from mlp who admittedly is kinda a shitty villain imo
Her concept is cool like “a cute kid who uses the power of friendship for evil” but something about her execution sucks, maybe it’s just because I’m watching season 9 rn which also sucks imo
I realize now I come off as a huge hater, sorry about that
Hey bro ur good. I am ALL for hearing people's mlp opinions!!! now I haven't watched s9 in full so I don't really have an opinion on cozyglow, but I think she is a neat concept!!! anyways here she is in the funny clown outfit :3
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queeradreena · 8 months
celestia x twilight fans?
twilight x celestia w celestias early on set feelings "omg i love twilight sm shes so fulslsgjl luna please tell me what this is" "dear sister thats called a crush and it is completely normal! BUT NOT IN THIS CASE KILL THE BUTTERFLIES IN YOUR STOMACH NOW WERE GONNA GET BAD REVEIWS ON GOODREADS"
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getmoneyghoul · 2 years
in middle school me and my friend shipped nightmare moon and king sombra despite that they never interacted once on screen but there was enough fanart around to trick me into thinking they did but now that im better at drawing both of them im compelled to make so much fanart of a nothing ship. its nothing.
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kissandships · 1 year
The first episode is literally called “The Beginning of The End” 😭
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teenagechildtyphoon · 6 months
Mlp fim and the gates of juliya
This story will take place after s9 but in 2019
After the mane six showed luster dawn how to make friends and wishing her goodluck, twilight gets a letter from starlight to meet at twilight's old castle, as they arrive they see the map showing a country that they never seen before, starlight reveals the the country as "etheria" (I know it's from she ra but come on who won't use the name for an mlp ff?) Twilight remembers she studied about it a long time ago, so they went back to the castle to try to find more information about the mystery country, twilight finds the book and reads it telling the others that the country dissapeared over 20,000 years ago and it was amazing how it just showed up randomly after 20,00 years, so the mane six plus spike set off to find the country and learn it's secrets and traditions and discovering something that may ruin their positive perspective about etheria.
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metataxy · 6 months
MLP FiM S9 E11
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"Mud Briar's been turned to stone?" asks Sunburst, horrified.
"I didn't think I could love him any more," she says, gaze full of affection and awe.
BAHAHAHAHA. Oh gawd. I really wish we'd gotten to see Mud Briar's reaction to Timber Wolves, he probably would have asked Fluttershy to help him study them.
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I think Twi’s just tired.
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The Ending of the End be like:
Discord: I may have made a slight mistake.
Literally everyone: Okay if he’s admitting to that then you know it’s bad.
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lockandkeyhyena · 3 years
Hi yes please elaborate??? Bc I thought they were doing the opposite
okay okay!! so!! as much as i really enjoy the elements of harmony (and i DO think they served their purpose in the first few seasons!) they 100% percent became a sort of crutch for the mane six and i think the show realised this. i believe it was a very deliberate choice by the showrunners to have them destroyed (and!! sawtooth waves made a v good theory about the tree of harmony letting this happen which i totally believe) and why the student six were never given direct parallels to the elements!! (every time they are shown in relation to the elements, the assignment changes).
their first gut reaction to every problem became to reach for the elements, which in the beginning were a symbol of friendship but eventually just became a ‘blast every villain back to where they came fron’ device. heck!! they even kinda addressed this with the pony of shadows!!
as well as the elements becoming the default and stopping the mane six from looking at every problem from multiple angles, they eventually also sort of boiled down the concept of friendship to very basic concepts in the mane six’s minds. not in any sort of brainwashy way but in that the weilders were so used to not thinking any deeper about the problem that their view of villainy became very black and white.
the elements were also always very pony-centric and i think it makes sense from a narrative standpoint to have them retooled or gotten rid of at that point in the story.
anyway i think the show wanted to move away from the very literal interpretation of friendship is magic and more into the metaphorical- even if friendship being magic was still a very literal concept in the show, it wasnt literally a superweapon anymore. think about cozy glow’s line- ‘friendship isn’t magic, friendship is power’ at that point in the story she kind of had a point, even if she wasn’t able to wield the elements.
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thym0ckingb1rd · 2 years
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Here ya go, To my dearest Queen and $600 🇨🇦💵 or $475.00 USD anyhow, I just won off of a local Casino because my parents once again dragged my ass from BC to AB. Yeah, it’s a Conservative Area and BC is Liberal. The cashier who sells snacks is a very cool Asian lady but was talking trash about someone. Not sure if I should ever get snacks because of my reaction there ever again
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key-flavor · 5 years
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girldeadmo · 5 years
Lowkey sad that MLP:FiM has ended. that show was my childhood and even tho I stopped watching a few years back it still means a lot to me. I met two great people through that show who I’m still friends with and we are planning to meet one day. can’t thank the show enough for that :’)
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MLP ended today and even though I'm not in the fandom anymore and am not caught up on the last couple of years, I still want to pay tribute to my first introduction to fandom. Twilight was a massive influence and inspiration on me during middle school and I got through some tough mental times by watching MLP episodes. I will always carry with me gratitude for both the fandom and the show, and will probably never forget the lyrics to some of the songs. Even now, I still follow artists who were introduced to me through the brony fandom. I would quite literally not be on this site today, or as knowledgeable and entertained by fandom, if it wasn't for MLP:FiM.
So thank you for changing my life, MLP, and farewell old friend ❤️.
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