midorichiyan0 · 1 year
Works for Solo Piano: Arabesque No. 1
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midorichiyan0 · 6 years
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midorichiyan0 · 6 years
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📝☕️ (Cafe&bar Public Culture パブリックカルチャー) https://www.instagram.com/tsogjargal.byamba/p/Bse5usqHZ8D2PUcrKZEpRJsbi2Z7nXr4BvI15M0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9jkq2fnwyzar
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midorichiyan0 · 6 years
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🌧雨の日☔️ 傘を忘れて🌂学校🏫へ来たよ。 #雨の日 #セブンのコーヒー☕️ #事業中 #日本語 #勉強 #A #学ぼう (at Saitama International School) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoIeFvjHFxr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=o9tav3sszax
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midorichiyan0 · 6 years
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月曜日 「24日」 明後日 がっこのしけんがあるのでふくしゅをしっているんだよ。🤯😍🇯🇵📘📚💯 #日本語 #勉強 #BENKYO #インクの色 #TRY本 #辞書 #モンゴル🇲🇳 #日本🇯🇵 #英語の勉強もする #頑張れよ (at Saitama Prefecture) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoF5r2AHoGO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15evph4adexhb
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midorichiyan0 · 6 years
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試験の復習をしなきゃ!📖📌📘📚🗾 💯 💯 💯 #N3#日本語#学ぼう#kanji#TRY#mildliner#日本語の勉強#埼玉県#国際学園 (at Saitama Prefecture) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoF4W-hnbJd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16euyp43y1dcy
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midorichiyan0 · 6 years
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midorichiyan0 · 6 years
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6/100 Days Challenge for Langblrs - June 6th, 2018 (07.16pm)
hi! i’m back. i hope you guys are doing good. (⁎˃ᆺ˂)
I’ve been wanting to keep on updating my tumblr as frequently as possible, unfortunately, life got in the way, and I couldn’t upload anything for a few days. However, I kept on doing the challenge (or trying to at least;;;). I wrote every single challenge in my bujo to keep track and to be able to see what I can do and what I want to do easily. And I also love this quote by Haruki Murakami, obviously. Have a good night/evening/day!
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midorichiyan0 · 6 years
in honour of the “bento date” finally happening in the clear card arc, i present to you a short comic of the closest thing happening in the Horitsuba Gakuen universe!
(audio is from CLAMP festival 2011)
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sorry for the weird borders, i originally had it laid out differently but tumblr kills the quality if it’s all one image
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midorichiyan0 · 6 years
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i am a certified Chinese Person™ here to help you with conversational Chinese because people in China are less likely to try to rip you off if you can speak the language. If anyone more fluent in Chinese than I am wants to make corrections or add on, feel free to do so!
咖啡店 -  kā fēi , diàn
茶店 - chá diàn - tea shop
咖啡 - kā fēi - coffee
茶 - chá - tea
冰茶 - bīng chá - iced tea
绿茶 - lü chá  - green tea 
tip: use v to type ü when using pinyin on an american keyboard
黑茶 - hēi chá - black tea
珍珠奶茶 - zhēn zhū nǎi chá - pearl milk tea/boba tea/bubble tea
水 - shuǐ - water
可乐 - kě lè - (not really cafe related) coca cola
大/中/小 dà/zhōng/xiǎo- large/medium/small
(牛) 奶 - (níu) nǎi - milk
the word  牛 is not always necessary unless you want to specify that it is cow’s milk, not a different dairy product
(蜂) 蜜 - fēng mì - honey 
the word  蜂 is not always necessary unless you want to specify that it is honey from a bee
糖 - táng - sugar
杯子 - bēi zi - cup
勺子 - sháo zi - spoon
餐巾纸 - cān jīn zhǐ - napkin
桌子 - zhuō zi - table
椅子 - yǐ zi - chair
热 or 烫 - rè or tàng - both mean hot
凉 - liáng - cold
冷 (lěng) also means cold but is usually not used when referring to food unless it’s frozen
喝 - hē - drink
渴 - kě - thirsty
those two characters look really similar right? you can remember it because you drink with your mouth and  喝 has a 口 (mouth) in it, and when you’re thirsty you want water so  渴 has the water side thing (sorry I don’t know the English word for it)
请 - qǐng - please
对不起 - duì bu qǐ - excuse me, sorry
if all else fails…
我不会说中文 - wǒ bu huì shuō zhōng wén - I don’t know how to speak Chinese
我不懂中文 - wǒ bu dǒng zhōng wén - I don’t understand Chinese
我不会中文 - wǒ bu huì zhōng wén - I don’t know Chinese
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midorichiyan0 · 6 years
Langblr community vocabulary in Japanese
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Based on my Finnish vocabulary list.  多言語ブログ [たげんごブログ] - language blog ブログ - blog ブロガー - blogger タンブラー - tumblr コミュニティ - community オタク - nerd 言語 [げんご] - language 母国語 [ぼこくご] - native language 目標言語 [もくひょうげんご] - target language 語学 [ごがく] - foreign language study  言語学 [げんごがく] - linguistics 文化 [ぶんか] - culture 文法 [ぶんぽう] - grammar 語彙 [ごい] - vocabulary 辞書 [じしょ] - dictionary 文房具 [ぶんぼうぐ] - stationery リソース - resources ウェブサイト - website アプリケーション - application 本 [ほん] - book 助言 [じょげん] - advice 質問 [しつもん] - question 答え [こたえ] - answer 画像 [がぞう] - picture, image ビデオ,  動画 [ビデオ, どうが] - video 音楽 [おんがく] - music チャレンジ - challenge アンケート - questionnaire ミーム - meme 冗談 [じょうだん] - joke ムードボード - moodboard チャット - chat ブログを書く [ブログをかく] - to blog 勉強する [べんきょうする] - to study 学ぶ [まなぶ] - to learn 教える [おしえる] - to teach 説明する [せつめいする] - to explain 練習する [れんしゅうする] - to practice 上達する [じょうたつする] - to improve 直す [なおす] - to correct 話す [はなす] - to speak 聞く [きく] - to listen 書く [かく] - to write 読む [よむ] - to read 翻訳する [��んやくする] - to translate 通訳する [つうやくする] - to interpret 議論する [ぎろんする] - to debate 質問する [しつもんする] - to ask 答える [こたえる] - to answer 手伝う [てつだう] - to help 助言する [じょげんする] - to advice 勧める [すすめる] - to recommend 応援する [おうえんする] - to support 旅行する [りょこうする] - to travel 友達を作る [ともだちをつくる] - to make friends 多様な [たような] - diverse 多言語の [たげんごの] - multilingual 親切な [しんせつな] - friendly 寛容な [かんような] - tolerant 勤勉な [きんべんな] - hardworking 人気がある [にんきがある] - popular 楽しい [たのしい] - fun
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midorichiyan0 · 6 years
Vocabulary: Personal Information
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学年:がくねん(academic year)
大学生:だいがくせい(college student)
大学院生:だいがくいんせい(graduate student)
学部:がくぶ(academic department)
出身:しゅっしん(hometown; origin)
専攻:せんこう(academic major)
電話番号:でんわばんごう(telephone number)
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midorichiyan0 · 6 years
To feel shy, feel awkward
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midorichiyan0 · 6 years
Top 5 Phrases Your Teacher Will Never Teach You
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Here is a list of some very common Japanese expressions you might not learn from a Japanese teacher.
(Sugoi) - An adjective meaning “wow,” “amazing,” or “great.” This word is commonly heard and is often used when one hears or sees something interesting or unusual.
(Baka) -  A noun meaning “idiot” or “fool.” When used as baka na (バカな), it becomes an adjective meaning “stupid.” This word can either be insulting or playful depending on how it is used.
When used in a serious manner, it can come across as a strong insult, so it��s better to exercise caution with this word.
(Uso!) - literally means “lie,” but when used as an exclamation, it corresponds to “No way!” or “Really!?” in English.
Words used by young people:
超(Chō) - a slangy adverb that usually comes before adjectives to emphasize them, making this word the equivalent of “very,” “so,” or “really.”
や ばい(Yabai) - a very slangy word that has a few different meanings. When used as an exclamation (yabai!), it usually indicates that something is wrong and roughly means “oh no!” or “shoot!” When used to describe something, it can have both a good meaning and a bad meaning depending on the context.
マ ジ(Maji) - similar to chō in that it often comes before adjectives to emphasize them. When used as “maji de?!”(マジで?!), it becomes an exclamation meaning “Really?!” or “Are you serious?!”
す げー(Sugē) - a colloquial version of the above-mentioned sugoi. In young people’s speech (and particularly in young male speech), the “-oi” and “-ai” word endings turn into an “eh” sound.
あいづち (Aizuchi) - frequent interjections listeners make during a Japanese conversation that show the listener is paying attention to and understanding the speaker. They can include things such as:
そうそう/だよね~(Sō sō/Da yo ne~) “Yeah” or “I know~” (expressing agreement)
うんうん (un un) “Okay” or “Yeah”. Sometimes used just to show that you are listening.
へぇー(Hē) “Whoa!” or “Oh!”. This is often used to show that you are impressed or that you didn’t know something.
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midorichiyan0 · 6 years
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midorichiyan0 · 6 years
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Өнөөдөр Зуны эхэн сарын шинийн 15. Бурхан багшийн их дүйцэн өдөр билээ. Цэвэр ариун ёс суртхуун (10 хар нүгэлтэй тэмцэж), тусч сайхан сэтгэл (бусдын тав тухыг эрхэмлэн) учирыг тунгаагч билиг оюун (учир зүйг ухан ойлгох)-тай бхыг Будда айлдсан бдаг.🙏🏻 Өнөөдөр суралцаж эхлэх өдөр юм. #buddhaquotes
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midorichiyan0 · 6 years
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一期一会⁂いちごいちえ⁂’One time, one meeting’
The Japanese term describes a cultural concept of treasuring meetings with people. 
The term is often translated as “for this time only,” “never again,” or “one chance in a lifetime.” Ref. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ichi-go_ichi-e 
The term reminds people to cherish any gathering that they may take part in, citing the fact that many meetings in life are not repeated. Even when the same group of people can get together again, a particular gathering will never be replicated, and thus, each moment is always once-in-a-lifetime, ref.  Naosuke (1858).
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