#yes but not yay like Fluttershy
My Equestria Girls Headcanons!
Alright, I'm going to start with Sunset since I feel that she is the center of Equestria Girls.
My main change pre-friendship games is that both Pinkie and Fluttershy are her best friends. Both of them are the nicest ever! I also really love the importance of Fluttershy being one of the first to really befriend her because Sunset was quite mean to her and Fluttershy scares very easily, meaning that it probably deeply affected her. At first Rainbow is very untrusting of Sunset and keeps telling Fluttershy that she doesn't like how she and Sunset are becoming close. Fluttershy tells her that she can take care of herself and tells Rainbow to trust her. Once Rainbow lets go of her distrust, of course she and Sunset enable each other's crazy ideas wonderfully.
OH speaking of enablers Flash and Sunset become besties and he is also a part of their crazy schemes (and Pinkie of course). Fluttershy just anxiously watches.
After friendship games, I see Sunset going to study with Princess Twilight in Equestria while the homies are at school. She still lives in EG realm and spends lots of time with her friends don't worry! At first, Sunset is nervous to approach Celestia, but Celestia asks her if she would do her the honor of being her student again. Sunset gives an emotional yes, and their relationship is very mother/daughter. She joins Twilight on friendship quests when needed as a hands on application to her studying.
Meanwhile, Princess Twilight, while technically no longer a student at all, begins to train with Princess Luna in addition to her duties. Seeing Sunset train under Celestia, learning the same lessons that she did, she gets the odd feeling that Sunset was always meant to be the one learning the magic of the Sun. Furthermore, she sees Sunset taking and interpreting Celestia's lessons in ways she never did, like it just made sense for Sunset. Working with Luna, her world opens up and she connects with herself and those around her on a deeper level. By accessing dreams and aiding in friendship problems within them (similar to things we've canonically seen Luna do) she opens up more avenues for fulfilling her duties. She and Luna also become very close as Twilight recognizes and connects with the urges to isolate, overwork oneself, and the need to prove oneself. They also struggle with tolerating making mistakes and struggle to not view mistakes as proof that they are failures. The guilt complexes run deep. Of course, they also bond over knowing that that is not the healthy way to deal with these emotions. They understand each other and help each other grow!
Back in EG world, Rarity and Applejack are THE highschool sweethearts. Everyone at school knew that they would get together but they were still excited when they finally did.
What not everyone knew is that they almost didn't. Rainbow Dash confided to Rarity that she was growing feelings for Applejack. Rarity resigned herself to letting her friend experience the joy that she wanted. And, she did have to watch in agony as Rainbow Dash and Applejack dated for a week. It was an awkward courtship that ended in deciding that they just worked better as best friends. Once they had broken up, Applejack confessed a few weeks later that she had always had feelings for Rarity. Yay!
Rainbow Dash feels a little embarrassed about how how dating Applejack turned out. It turned out to be an infatuation in the end, but it didn't make her feel any less foolish. Luckily, she had her oldest friend Fluttershy, who always made her feel better when she needed it. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are that slowburn where it's really obvious to everyone but them. Their relationship dips when Fluttershy gets frustrated at Rainbow Dash. She feels that Rainbow never makes room for her feelings and the things that she wants to do. At first Rainbow is defensive and gets mad back. But, she quickly goes back and apologizes to Fluttershy and says that she didn't realize she was doing that and of course she wants to know what Fluttershy is feelings and wants to do things that she wants to too!!! Fluttershy says that its not entirely her fault because she didn't say anything. They make up. Yay!! and also spend even more time (they already spent a lot) together as Fluttershy makes Rainbow do things like volunteer at the animal shelter with her and go horseback riding. Also, kind of random, but I think Fluttershy is secretly like really good at archery. During Rainbow's later half of senior year, she dates Lightning Dust, Crystal Prep's star soccer player. It's very toxic but Rainbow doesn't realize it until the damage has already been done. During their time dating, Rainbow gets tired of Fluttershy avoiding Lightning Dust, and starts to agree with Lightning that Fluttershy is holding her down so they grow apart. Ultimately, this is what makes Rainbow realize that Lightning is harmful for her as she is manipulated into becoming isolated from all of her friends. Of course, Fluttershy (and the rest) forgive her.
So Pinkie and Sci Twi... I'm not 100% sure where I want their stories to go. I definitely think Sci Twi is Pinkie's other best friend, so it's a matter of do I ship them or not. I'm not sure on this matter, but they definitely have hang outs where Pinkie bakes while Twilight studies and they have little conversations when Twilight needs a break from studying. Also Sci Twi gets really into the science of baking and she and Pinkie enter baking contests where Pinkie does the designs and decor while Twilight bakes the thing to scientific perfection. Sunset, Pinkie, and Sci Twi are the trio of the century and are given the superlative of "best trio" in the yearbook. On Sunset's birthday Twilight and Pinkie make her a cake with her favorite flavors decorated with memories from their friendship. It may or may not have made her cry. Oh, also the Pinkies (EG vs Equestria) like to switch every once and a while. They don't tell anyone. Sunset and Sci Twi figure it out after a while, but they play along.
I have more for all of them and stuff for college but I think that this post is long enough so I'll make a part two.
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Something that immediately captivated me was the shading style you used, specifically on the hair.
Do you have any specific techniques that you implement or is it not really a discrete process?
hello!! thank you so much, I’m so happy you like the style <333
I wouldn’t say that there are specific techniques…
Nevertheless, I shall attempt to give a breakdown for this particular drawing!
First off, base colours were like this:
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And then I sort of decided, okay, let’s have the light coming from the top. And slightly to the left. yeah. so
side. slightly.
and from the top.
And so. I added the first layer of shading, using roughly the same colour as the base, but upping the saturation and lowering the value slightly.
Highlights followed the same sort of logic, but lower saturation, higher value.
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For the next shading layer, I like to change the hue a bit. For this one, I shifted the pink towards the reds:
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And then a little more red:
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After that, I add brighter highlights. I usually like to use a colour that would provide some contrast (also taking into account the surroundings sometimes, depending on the drawing). So blue highlights this time!
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some stray hairs were added along the edges too.
You might have noticed the shading on the wings and ears—that was a multiply layer hehe
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And tada! shading is more or less done! yay
And yes, I changed the background from blue to purple afterwards. I thought it blended better with the pink—less contrast, kinda soft. like fluttershy, y’know?
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nayialovecat · 10 months
Mane 6 new generation (en+pl)
I'm sick and bored, so I decided to rate the new Mane 6 out of boredom. Remember, this is my review - you have the right to disagree with it, but respect it!
First, a little reminder of how I rate the Mane 6 from the previous generation:
Twilight Sparkle - she was better without the wings (kidding), I actually like her a lot, even if she was neurotic at times. Or that's why. In character, she most resembled me, especially in trying to reconcile social maladjustment and introversion with the role of a leader. I also like her colours.
Pinkie Pie - die, pink horse and never come back... Seriously, I can count on one hand the number of episodes with this fucked up mare that I liked! But I like her absurdly Amish family. The only thing I like about her appearance is her functional hair that acts like a fifth limb.
Rarity - my favourite mare. She has all the qualities I value most in others: hard work, generosity, ambition and a rich imagination. She also shares many traits with me, including a tendency to dramatize. And I love her design.
Applejack - I like her for similar reasons as Rarity, plus she's from the countryside, values ​​family ties and has the overprotective older sister syndrome. My characteristics. She also has a big plus for freckles.
Rainbow Dash - most of the time she annoyed me as much as Pinkie Pie, especially when she showed a lack of loyalty (her own element!). I don't like poseurs and liars, but sometimes she was okay. I don't like her look - I understand why she's blue, but that mane would look nicer with some other fur colour.
Fluttershy - my second favorite filly! What I liked most was that she was true to herself. And her shipping with Discord - Nayia likes this! And her colour combination is charmingly pastel.
+ Spike - poor little pony slave. I have nothing against the character himself, but his attitude in the group always irritated me - he was something between a sidekick, a pet, and a slave and it irritated me the hell out of him. I was waiting for the moment when he would start to be respected. It wasn't happen. He has purple and green colours - a plus, although as an adult it becomes quite unattractive (in all his versions).
And now the next generation Mane 6! (yes, Mane 6 - if I spoiled this to anyone at this point, I'm sorry...)
Sunny Starscout - too Mary Sue at times. She has contradictory character traits, as if the creators didn't know whether she should be shy or brave, intelligent or stupid. Which is why, from my point of view, he has at least schizophrenia with multiple personality disorder. I don't like it or the design - somehow I don't like the combination of orange and magenta.
Hitch Trailblazer - yay, it's guy! Finally a guy among the main characters! I really like the character of Hitch in the first film, I also like his design - but from the moment he finds and hatches this stupid egg, something strange happens to him and he becomes another schizophrenic. I get that he couldn't be normal being friends with Sunny, but seriously?
Izzy Moonbow - I miss Pinkie Pie... I can't describe why I don't like Izzy so much - she looked cool, I like that she's a bit of a combination of Pinkie's chaoticism and optimism with Rarity's talent, but why does it have to be a total comic relief? Couldn't she be a little more serious? In fact, the entire unicorn race is kind of fucked up in this generation... I only tolerate the singing chick and the big guy from the tea shop. A big plus for Izzy's design - a beautiful combination of colours and wonderful mane and tail. I love.
Zipp Storm - I didn't think something like this would happen and the pony who replaced Rainbow Dash would do it, but officially... Zipp is my favourite from G5 Mane 6! She may be a bit obsessive in places, but she's lovely about it. She is a princess, but she has her own passions, she has the makings of a detective, and she practices parkour! She is what I would like to be if it weren't for my health problems (except maybe being a princess). I like the wings in her design, but the colors and hair look are a bit meh.
Pipp Petals - let me start with her appearance - since she had to look like one of the others, I would rather have her look like her sister than Izzy. I don't like her design. Or the structure of her wings. Am I the only one who thinks that Pipp would have gained a lot if, with all her character without the slightest change, she was a boy? As a girl, she's just annoying. But maybe that's me and my aversion to girl-influencers.
Misty Brightdawn - oh yes, the second successful pony! First of all - character. Maybe being raised by Opaline, but I like that she's not as crazy as the other unicorns. She is shy, but knows how to stand her ground. She's bold, but not overly so. She is well-balanced and undergoes meaningful transformations throughout the series. I also like her design, especially after recolouring her mane in the episode celebrating the stamp's release. She's just cool!
+ Sparky - I honestly miss Spike. No, seriously. The series tries to convince us that this thing is cute and is the mascot of the series - AND IT FAILS. He's an annoying little pain most of the time and is seriously hard to like. Or is it just my impression? I don't like the design of this thing either... I wouldn't mind the colour, but the shape of the head, the eyes, uh, everything... Most of the time I try not to remember it exists.
What do you think about the new Mane 6 and their mascot (well, not a slave, but give Sparky a few years...)?
Jestem chora i nudzi mi się, więc postanowiłam sobie z tych nudów ocenić nowe Mane 6. Pamiętajcie, to moja ocena - macie prawo się z nią nie zgadzać, ale uszanujcie ją!
Na początek małe przypomnienie, jak oceniałam Mane 6 z poprzedniej generacji:
Twilight Sparkle - była lepsza bez skrzydeł (żartuję), tak naprawdę bardzo ją lubię, nawet, jeśli momentami była neurotyczna. Albo właśnie dlatego. Z charakteru najbardziej przypominała mnie, zwłaszcza próby godzenia nieprzystosowania społecznego i introwertyczności z rolą przywódcy. Lubię też jej kolorystykę.
Pinkie Pie - umrzyj różowy koniu i nigdy nie wracaj... Serio, na palcach jednej ręki mogę policzyć odcinki z tą zjebaną klacza, które mi się podobały! Za to lubię jej absurdalnie amiszowatą rodzinkę. W jej wyglądzie lubię tylko jej funkcjonalne, zachowujące się jak piąta kończyna włosy.
Rarity - moja ulubiona klacz. Ma wszystkie cechy, które najbardziej cenię w innych: pracowitość, szczodrość, ambicje i bogatą wyobraźnię. Także dzieli ze mną wiele cech, chociażby skłonność do dramatyzowania. No i uwielbiam jej design.
Applejack - lubię ją z podobnych powodów, co Rarity, poza tym jest ze wsi, ceni więzi rodzinne i ma syndrom nadopiekuńczej starszej siostry. Moje cechy. Ma też dużego plusa za piegi.
Rainbow Dash - większość czasu wkurzała mnie niemniej niż Pinkie Pie, zwłaszcza, gdy wykazywała się brakiem lojalności (jej własnego elementu!). Nie lubię pozerów i zakłamańców, ale czasami była w porządku. Nie przepadam za jej wyglądem - rozumiem, czemu jest niebieska, ale ta grzywa wyglądałaby fajniej w zestawieniu z jakimś innym kolorem.
Fluttershy - moja druga ulubiona klaczka! Najbardziej podobało mi się, że pozostawała w zgodzie z sobą. No i jej shipping z Discordem - Nayia lubi to! A połączenie jej kolorów jest uroczo pastelowe.
+ Spike - biedny, mały niewolnik kucyków. Nic nie mam do samej postaci, ale jego stosunek w grupie zawsze mnie irytował - był czymś pomiędzy sidekicka, zwierzątka, a niewolnika i to szalenie irytowało. Czekałam na moment, kiedy zacznie być szanowany. Nie doczekałam się. Ma fioletowy i zielony kolor - za to plus, chociaż jako dorosły staje się dosyć nieatrakcyjny (we wszystkich swoich wersjach).
A teraz Mane 6 nowej generacji! (tak, Mane 6 - jeśli komuś w tym momencie zaspoilerowałam, to sorry...)
Sunny Starscout - momentami za bardzo Mary Sue. Ma sprzeczne cechy charakteru, jakby twórcy nie wiedzili, czy ma być nieśmiała, czy brawurowa, inteligentna, czy głupiutka. Przez co z mojego punktu widzenia ma co najmniej schizofrenię z osobowością wieloraką. Nie przepadam ani za nią, ani za designem - jakoś nie przepadam za połączniem pomarańczy i magendy.
Hitch Trailblazer - jej, facet! Wreszcie facet wśród głównych postaci! Bardzo lubię postać Hitcha w pierwszym filmie, lubię też jego design - jednak od momentu znalezienia i wyklucia tego pierońskiego jajka robi się z nim coś dziwnego i staje się kolejnym schizofrenikiem. Rozumiem, że przyjaźniąc się z Sunny nie mógł być normalny, ale serio?
Izzy Moonbow - zatęskniłam za Pinkie Pie... Nie umiem opisać, dlaczego tak nie lubię Izzy - zapowiadała się fajnie, podoba mi się, że jest trochę połączeniem chaotyczności i optymizmu Pinkie z talentem Rarity, ale czemu musi być przy tym totalnym comic relief? Nie mogłaby być odrobinę poważniejsza? W ogóle cała rasa jednorożców jest jakaś taka zjebana w tej generacji... toleruję tylko laskę od śpiewu i wielkoluda ze sklebu herbacianego. Za to duży plus za design Izzy - piękne połączenie kolorów i wspaniałe grzywa i ogon. Kocham.
Zipp Storm - nie sądziłam, że takie coś nastąpi i kucyk, który wszedł na miejsce Rainbow Dash tego dokona, ale oficjalnie... Zipp jest moją ulubienicą z G5 Mane 6! Może miejscami jest nieco obsesyjna, ale jest w tym urocza. Jest księżniczką, ale ma swoje pasje, ma zadatki na detektywa, do tego uprawia parkour! Jest tym, czym chciałabym być, gdyby nie moje problemy zdrowotne (może poza byciem księżniczką). W jej designie podobają mi się skrzydła, ale kolorystyka i wygląd fryzury trochę meh.
Pipp Petals - zacznę wyjątkowo od wyglądu - jak już musiała być podobna do kogoś z pozostałych z wyglądu, wolałabym, żeby była podobna do swojej siostry niż do Izzy. Nie lubie jej designu. Ani budowy jej skrzydeł. W ogóle czy tylko ja uważam, że Pipp wiele by zyskała, gdyby przy całym swoim charakterze bez jego najmniejszej zmiany, była chłopcem? Jako dziewczyna jest po prostu irytująca. Ale to może ja i moja niechęć do influencerek.
Misty Brightdawn - o tak, drugi udany kucyk! Po pierwsze - charakter. Może przy wychowanie przez Opaline, ale podoba mi się, że nie jest tak zjebana jak inne jednorożce. Jest nieśmiała, ale umie postawić na swoim. Jest odważna, ale nie przesadnie. Jest dobrze wyważona i przechodzi sensowne przemiany w ramach serialu. Lubię też jej design, zwłaszcza po rekolorowaniu fryzury w odcinku z uczczeniem wyjścia znaczka. Po prostu jest fajna!
+ Sparky - szczerze tęsknię za Spike'iem. Nie, serio. Serial próbuje przekonać nas, że to coś jest urocze i jest maskotką serialu - I MU NIE WYCHODZI. Większość czasu jest irytującym, małym wrzodem i serio trudno go lubić. Czy to może tylko moje wrażenie? Nie lubię też designu tego czegoś... jeszcze kolor bym darowała, ale kształt głowy, oczy, uch, wszystko... Większość czasu staram się nie pamiętać, ze to istnieje.
A co Wy myślicie o nowym Mane 6 i ich maskotce (dobrze, że nie niewolniku, ale dajcie Sparky'emu kilka lat...)?
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princesscolumbia · 1 year
Deviation - Chapter 8 - princesscolumbia - My Little Pony Generation 4: Equestria Girls (Cartoon 2013) [Archive of Our Own]
I continue to write fics that I want to see in the world, and they continue to wind up tackling pretty big issues and putting the characters through hell.
Yay! 😭
Short (yes, this is the short one) preview below the fold, follow the link above for the full chapter, alt link to the FiMFiction version after the preview:
Sunset had experienced many a morning after while serving as the Beloved Student of Princess Celestia, but it was never a welcome or pleasant thing. Verbal sparring while all the competitors were imbibing increasingly toxic levels of alcohol, getting into an argument with the princess (sometimes under their breaths, sometimes loud enough to be heard in Ponyville), then returning to her quarters angry and bitter did not make for a good following morning, no matter how gentle a hungover Celestia had tried to make it by raising the sun as slow as possible.
Waking up in a massive cuddle pile with her new pack-mates, however, was so wonderful, so revitalizing to her soul that she would gladly have dealt with every single one of her many and myriad Alpha traits just to enjoy a morning like this every so often. There were at least two sources of sleepy purring beside herself, and she couldn’t tell which Alpha or omega it was.
It hadn’t been without hiccups; partway through the night, she wasn’t exactly sure when, nearly the whole pack had been woken up by Rainbow Dash’s absolutely terrifying snore. A half-asleep Applejack curled around the omega, pinning her on her side so she couldn’t roll on her back and repeat the sound, followed by Fluttershy scooting in closer and wrapping her arms around both of the other girls. Rarity, Pinkie, and Sunset managed to nod off again after about a quarter-hour, Rainbow hadn’t woken for any of it.
As much as Sunset wanted to stay comfortably embedded in the warmth and comfort of her friend’s sleeping bodies, the demands of her bladder would not be denied now that her body was rousing properly. She began shifting limbs and Rarity rolled gently off the bed, the beta girl apparently also awake. They helped each other out of the bed and took turns using the en-suite bathroom before tiptoeing out of the room and closing the door quietly.
They made their way to the kitchen and found Celestia already pouring herself a cup of coffee. “Good morning, girls,” she said brightly, “Do you drink coffee, Rarity?” Celestia was already pouring Sunset a cup.
“Oh, that would be lovely, I am normally an absolute harridan before caffeine.”
Celestia chuckled, passing Sunset her mug and pulling another down in almost one smooth motion, “Luna is the same way, so we definitely keep plenty of coffee in the house. Milk or sugar?” she added as she poured.
“Yes, please, to both.” Rarity glanced curiously at Sunset, who was already sipping down her very much black coffee.
Sunset shrugged, “Lotta late nights preparing for finals at CSGU, I got used to taking it black ‘cause I was too impatient to trudge down to the palace kitchens for some milk. ‘sides, the royal chefs would have probably ambushed me and tried to make my coffee ‘gourmet’,” she intentionally mispronounced the Prench word as ‘goor-mett’, “And, frankly, I was too damn tired to wait 20 minutes for them to make me a damn cup of jo.” She took another pull at her coffee and stopped mid-sip, eyes shifting worriedly from Rarity over to Celestia. She swallowed and lowered her mug, “Ah…” She found herself at a loss, her brain catching up to the fact that she just revealed she’d spilled a pack secret against Celestia’s orders.
Celestia just grinned as she passed the requested beverage additives to Rarity, “This is as good a time as any to let you know the walls aren’t exactly soundproofed here. Luna and I could hear pretty much everything.”
Both Sunset and Rarity blushed, though the latter also tittered nervously. “Oh, um…I do hope…that is to say…”
Celestia smiled at the beta as she turned to the fridge, only barely paying attention to actions that were so habitual she performed them without conscious thought, “Don’t forget, I was the one who authored the bill in the National Alpha Council to destigmatize betas being full members of packs.”
Any response Rarity may have made was interrupted by Sunset nearly choking on her coffee. Celestia paused in her breakfast routine to make sure her daughter-in-all-but-name-and-saying-it-out-loud was okay. Rarity rubbed and lightly patted Sunset’s back with the hand not holding her mug.
Finally getting her physical reactions under control, Sunset put her mug down and wiped the back of her hand against her bottom lip to catch the little coffee that escaped while she coughed. “Two things,” she said croakily, “First, why would a beta not be allowed in a pack? Isn’t the whole job of an Alpha to guard the pack? If that doesn’t include betas it’d just be the few Alpha’s they get along with and their omegas…pretty small pack, really.” Celestia noticed Rarity start to practically glow at Sunset’s apparent shock regarding anti-beta prejudice but said nothing, knowing the girl would wave it off anyway. “Second,” Sunset continued, “And I say this having pretty much lived with your pony self nearly my whole life, you were in government?!”
Celestia noticed that Rarity seemed as caught off-guard as she was, “Why would that surprise you?” after the question, she finished fishing out her eggs from the fridge and grabbed a loaf of bread, carting them to the counter to make herself food. “Oh, and did you girls want anything? I’m mostly an eggs and toast girl, myself.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to impose…” tempered Rarity, “But I could go for a bagel, if you have one. If not, toast will do nicely, thank you.”
“Cel…goddess, I miss hay-bagels,” muttered Sunset under her breath. Celestia made a mental note to ask later what name the girl kept starting to say before switching to the more generic ‘goddess.’ “I’ll have eggs and toast, too. Oatmeal just doesn’t do it for me since I got here. …stupid predator’s body…” she groused, “And what I mean is this country doesn’t have a noble class, it was one of the first things I looked for when I found the library, I was trying to find out which family lines I needed to…ah,” she glanced sheepishly at Rarity, probably trying to guage how to explain her strategy of more or less schmoozing up to the right people to get what she wanted, “’Butter up’ to. How were you in the government if you aren’t appointed by a royal house or decree?”
“Oh, that’s…goodness, I hadn’t considered that.” Rarity trailed off and looked to Celestia with the request for help written all over her face.
Celestia happily broke out her metaphorical educator’s hat as she started preparing food for the three of them, “We actually were a collective of colonies of the crown before the War for Independence,” she began, “The first Colonial Alpha Counsel declared independence after the European powers kept trying to tax the colonies like crazy to fund their wars. There’s…a lot about that you won’t know about, it’s covered in 3rd-grade social studies, which you missed.” She winked at Sunset playfully as she set about cutting Rarity’s bagel for the toaster, “I’ll talk to Nagatha about some coursework to get you caught up on US history.”
Sunset’s head tilted in confusion at that, “’Yeoo-Ess,’” she said, somehow making two letters sound like a foreign word.
“Short for ‘United Sovereign Packlands, the U.S.P., or just ‘US’ for short.” Sunset gave a comprehending, silent ‘ah’ as she sipped her coffee. “The same group of Alphas who just bucked off a High Alpha didn’t want to submit to anyone else, either, plus the betas and omegas who fought alongside the Alphas didn’t want the old feudal system to continue, some of them had finally started building little business empires and they didn’t want an Alpha coming in to claim it, so they came up with a representative system. It’s full of compromises that have had to be amended over the last couple centuries and we have a long way to go before we get real equality, which is a partial answer to your question about betas. Historically, they’ve been marginalized due to Alphas constantly fighting over the top spots in a pack, even after nations got large enough that the old pack structure just started looking like tyranny. The Holocaust War was about betas trying to exterminate Alphas and omegas using eugenics and…other methods,” Sunset noticed Rarity grimacing at this, “Which only served to set back equal rights measures for betas by centuries.”
Sunset’s brow pinched together, “Oh…I get it. Back home we had a history of the pony races being very divided. Unicorns considered themselves superior so set things up so they’d be in charge and have all the power, the pegasi were basically a military state that liked to think they were better than any ground-bound pony, and the earth ponies got, well, kinda dumped on. The Hearth’s Warming story gets really dark the more you dig into it.”
“Hearth’s Warming?” interrupted Rarity, “What does the holiday have to do with how the races interacted?”
Sunset smiled, “I guess it would be pretty different here, since it’s not about the founding of the country…anyway, the three pony tribes used to fight all the time, but when you get down to it, the earth ponies were pretty much a slave class to the other two. They fled and then revolted when the unicorns and pegasi followed. If it weren’t for the windigoes giving them a reason to band together, they might have killed off pony-kind before Discord even got his chance a few years later.”
Celestia placed a plate in front of Sunset and Rarity, “That’s actually fairly similar to our own Hearth’s Warming origin; the Alphas, betas, and omegas were at war, then a plague hit and they had to stop fighting. A sage from each group each wound up contributing to find a cure.”
Sunset’s stomach growled at the sight of eggs and toast on her plate. As she grabbed the fork Celestia provided she chuckled, “I’m guessing the story is *very *romanticized?”
Celestia put her plate down on the breakfast bar and decided to eat standing up, “Just as I’m guessing ponies owning each other as slaves isn’t mentioned in a holiday play?”
Sunset saluted Celestia with her fork and popped a bite into her mouth. The principal took that as a cue to continue her impromptu civics lesson, “The representative system was intended to give everyone a voice and make sure nobody could abuse power, so three branches of government were set up and a document was drafted to outline the rights, liberties, freedoms, responsibilities, etcetera. The president is the Chief Executive…”
Sunset swallowed quickly, “Not ‘Alpha Supreme’ or something like that?”
Celestia chuckled, “Actually, Wheat Farmer wanted that title…”
Rarity gasped, “What?! A beta wanted to be called, ‘Alpha Supreme’?!”
The Pack Alpha chuckled, “Yes, there’s a lot that gets left out of the curriculum, there’s just so much history to cover and we’ve only got you as a student for just so long.” She sipped her own coffee and continued, “The president can pass or veto laws, but can’t propose any and can’t declare war. The Supreme Court was intended to be a court where packs could have final arbitration, but it became a balance to the president and congress and between the federal government and the packs.”
“The third branch of government is where things get a little tricky. It was originally just supposed to be a single governmental body where legislators gathered to propose new laws and do the managing of things, but the Alphas got a little nervous that they were being stripped of their traditional leadership role, so the congressional body was split between the National Alpha Counsel and the Parliament. Parliament is pretty much whoever gets elected by popular vote in their districts, and there’s a set number of people represented by each representative, so the size of Parliament can grow or shrink depending on the census.”
The three had eaten their food by this point, the two teens fidgeting with their mugs. Sunset was paying close attention, her voracious mind consuming the new knowledge as Rarity paid the attention of an interested student who’d heard it all before. Celestia took the last sip of her coffee, “Technically, all pack alphas are members of the Alpha Counsel, though that’s mostly on the state level.”
“Is a state like a province?” asked Sunset.
Celestia thought about this for a moment and nodded, “The first states were those original colonies I mentioned. Since they started out as colonies of different political powers in Europe, they all had different political affiliations and cultures and weren’t really interested in blending those, so they kept separate states, which have pack-lands that can cover counties or cities or even open wildlands. By the time the USP had been around for a century, the country had become a collective whole, even if there are enough differences from state to state that you can tell if you know the cultures of each state.”
She began stacking her dishes, which prompted the girls to do the same. As she took hers to the sink, she finished up her unexpected Saturday morning lecture, “Each Alpha takes a turn serving on their local Alpha Counsel, which elects an Alpha from their number to represent the local counsel on the state level, who then elects someone to represent the state on the federal level.” She took the plates from the girls as Sunset grabbed the coffee pot to refill her mug, and Rarity offered hers for a refill as well. She looked up to Celestia, who nodded and gestured to her mug with her head and shoulders on the counter, wordlessly confirming she wanted more, too. “Put on a new pot for Luna, please,” she said in quick aside. “A few years ago I finished up my time in the National Alpha Counsel.” Her face puckered in remembered frustration, “I don’t think I’d ever do that again. Your princess has my respect for running a federal-level shit-show. I can’t imagine having to do that day after day for…” she shuddered, “Centuries.”
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Read the whole thing at FiMFiction.net or AO3.
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vaugarde · 2 years
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i’m gonna be real i don’t really have any tweaks to make to her character. i just added a pink nose and diamonds to her design i think she’s pretty good as is. she’s one of my faves ^^ idk who she’s getting paired w for nextgen either, as long as i dont know what im doing with starlight anyways. i do wanna give her a kid tho so we will see
-she grew up as a performer alongside her dads, jackpot and big bucks (yes ik the wiki coyly claims that jackpot doesnt know if he has a daughter at all, idc i think them being her traveling dads is cute) not sure abt her mom tho, apparently she has a canon one in the comics but idk who she is so. idk. she separated from them to do her own act when she was an adult
-go girl give us nothing (affectionate)
-i like to think she has a pet rabbit actually just like fluttershy
-transgender :)
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thym0ckingb1rd · 2 years
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Here ya go, To my dearest Queen and $600 🇨🇦💵 or $475.00 USD anyhow, I just won off of a local Casino because my parents once again dragged my ass from BC to AB. Yeah, it’s a Conservative Area and BC is Liberal. The cashier who sells snacks is a very cool Asian lady but was talking trash about someone. Not sure if I should ever get snacks because of my reaction there ever again
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
How about Pinkie Pie suggests a Truth Or Dare at Twilight's place. Mainly for when Spike walks by she can "coincidentally" ask him to join in with them. Spike would feel weird at that but accept it since it is Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle suggesting he join in.
When Twilight had her sleepovers, Spike made special note to stay out of the way. Unless he was offering them refreshments. It was the least he could do after all...
From the kitchen he could hear the laughing, the joyous ruckor. And despite himself he found that he was longing to be a part of it. "Bad Spike, it's best this way. Yeah... you're alright. You have Twilight."
Calming himself he headed back, a tray in hand with various fruity drinks. "Hello. I've brought refreshments." He kept his tone leveled.
Something no one really knew about him, was that he actually hated speaking that way. The only time he didn't was when he was alone with Twilight or Celestia. But he needed it, to help him stay level headed at all times.
He could feel the stares from the girls, the careful gazes, the way they made sure that he wasn't going to get anywhere close to them.
So he knew when to take the pull, "Here you go Twi." He placed the tray close to her, so that way he could keep his distance.
"Spikey!" Pinkie's outburst caught everyone off Guard, Spike included. "We were going to play Truth or Dare, do you wanna join us?"
Jaws hung open and SPike was ready to decline, but then Twilight had to say something, "Yes! Please join Spike. You can't always be stuck in your room all the time." She shifted to the side, patting the floor between Pinkie and herself, calling him forward.
He made careful note to watch the other girls. He could tell there was a various level of interest, from dangerous glances form Rainbow Dash, to not comfortable with looking at him from Fluttershy.
"I think I'll pa..."
"No Darling, I think... I think it would be good to get to know you better."
Rarity wasn't sure where this was coming from... but she could see that he was sad. Even if they were scared of him. And if Pinkie could get over her cowardice, then so could she, right?
"Now hold on! This is a girls night!" Rainbow interjected, glaring at Rarity.
"Darling, he's a young boy, I don't think havi-"
"I'm uh... only 3 years younger than Twi. I'm not really a young boy..."
Spike was of age after all, at least by Equestrian rules. Though... he wasn't exactly a Pony. So his age was a bit confusing even for him.
"Wait then why are you so short?"
He wasn't sure who said it, but Spike didn't feel like answering.
"Girls." Twilight kept a level gaze, each of them simmering down. "Please Spike? For me?"
Spike sucked in some air.
"Or me!" Pinkie joined in, grabbing his hand.
His eyes closed, "Okay... just. Please nothing personal."
"Thanks Spike."
"Thank you darling."
Spike... wasn't sure where to go from here. He could tell it was going to be along evening... but it... it was nice not being alone.
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randomanimemadness · 4 years
Idk how to, like, introduce a new oc (not new for me just new for everyone here lmao) but HERE have this sweet ball of fluff
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Her name is Coin
She is a cattttt
She's the youngest of a huge ass family of aristocats aristocrats, but her parents and all but 2 sisters are kinda jerks.
She lives with her second oldest sister named Escope, her parents are wildly stupid with names on purpose btw
She is scared of lots of stuff, that list including; monsters, being alone, the dark, tall creepy guys, bugs, robots, her parents, messing up, and much much more.
She is SMOL! She's kinda clutsy and ditsy, she's not good at much, and she's kinda sheltered so she doesn't know much either, but she can bake cookies! Only, cookies- And she's good at board games, card games and video games! That's it tho. Not very witty, not strong, not fast, but she will chear you ON and suport you and anyone, except she is shy so it'll be more of a fluttershy "yay"
She likes books, music especially clasical music, watching dancing, trying to do new things even tho she's not the best at stuff, and chaos!
Oh and one last thing about her,
I fucking ship her with Manic and NO ONE CAN STOP ME
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No she is NOT a "self insert oc to date a favorite character," if anything im self insert manic
Mkay to be fair, my fav trope tho for ships is best friends first, then slowly develop a crush on eachother, then finally admitting that they are soooo in love and oops it's too far to turn back now
I have like a shit long backstory for this ship,,,, so like.... yeah. I wanted them to have a grow into it feel instead of the forced into it?? Like i don't want it too feel unnatural like lots of oc x canon ships do. So yeah. Half of my art of them is them like seeming like a couple but it's not, it's them like "lol this is my best friend it's definitely platonic" like this bit here.
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Living together? No. Sleepover? Yes. The kiss? It's a birthday kiss. Damn. So platonic.
Why sleepover? Cause sometimes her sister is out of town and she REALLY hates being home alone overnight, so she calls him to see if he can come over.
But anywaysssss, here, have some more of her 💜💜💜
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rantsaboutponies · 5 years
Twilight’s Seven
In this episode: Not the School of Friendship! So...yay!
The Sibling Supreme! [Note: The Sibling Supreme is legally distinct from the Sisterhooves Social. The case of Applejack v. Twilight was settled out-of-court several years ago. Please don’t bring that up.]
“Guess I’ll...watch the school?” Once again, Twilight really shouldn’t be in charge of anything.
Ah, yes, the “break into somewhere to test its security” episode. Just what I’d expect from...a My Little Pony series?
If the enemy knows your plan, he’s supposed to explain why it wouldn’t work. It doesn’t seem like it wouldn’t in this case.
There certainly are a lot more “wacky” facial expressions in this episode than there have been lately.
“My Love Is Like a Barrel Full of Hay” is honestly not that far from an actual country-and-western song title.
Careful there, Pinkie. Thom Yorke almost died.
Really, Rarity? Wearing the same outfit as a previous episode? How gauche.
The fact that they thought bringing Zephyr Breeze back was a good idea tells me everything I need to know about the state of the series.
Why on earth is Fluttershy talking like Cozy Glow? Her voice isn’t that “cutesy”.
Seriously, how did Zephyr even get hired?
They brought Maud to mark the spot where the rock should be broken but not to actually break it? Did you forget that she does that on a regular basis?
This Halloween Heist episode is weird.
I feel like any plan could have been thwarted by just...having Shining Armor wait in the throne room. Y’know, like he did.
Yeah, you probably should be prepared for traitors at the highest level. Not sure how you would be in this case, but it has happened before. Remember? You sent her to the moon and all that?
Episode score: Tie.
Season score (W-L-T): 0-0-4.
This episode reminds me of shows like Chuck or Psych. Not in quality, mind you, but when those shows were officially ending, the writers were basically allowed to do whatever the hell they wanted. That’s why you got episodes like “Chuck Versus the Hack Off”, which was set at a nudist colony, or “Psych: The Musical”, which was...well, you can probably guess.
And it was written by the main voice cast. Makes sense.
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digikate813 · 6 years
My Little Pony Re-Watch: Episode 16 Sonic Rainboom
*In Season 1, Flutershy appeared to have 4 stand out moments. None of which were in her own episodes go figure. Flutterguy, revealing her knowledge of sewing, a moment we’ll get to later, and here with the cheer. And it’s no wonder because it’s too adorable and perfectly in character. Yay.
*An episode that introduces us to Rainbow Dash’s most unique ability. The Sonic Rainboom! And can we all agree that that is just a cool concept in general? A sonic boom and rainbow all at once?! Again it’s one of those things that just sounds cool and visually stunning that i can’t believe I haven’t heard it somewhere else before
*This is also the first time we get any kind of indication of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy having more of a history them most of the others do as friends. Having grown up in the same place and apparently went to the same flight camp. It adds a bit more to the believability of so many different kinds of ponies being such close friends, when some of them have known each other for a really long time. At least to me.
*There’s also a really sweet moment for me when Fluttershy stands up for Rainbow Dash. I love how proud she is of her own assertiveness. Good for you Flutters!
*We got more world building! Seeing the in the sky city of Cloudsdale for the first time. And subtly expanding on the rules of this world like only pegasi can walk on clouds (until Twilight finds a spell that can help them because of course she does). It does make me wonder if there are other towns and cities in the clouds for pegasi besides Cloudsdale?
*We’ve seen that pegasi control the weather in Equestria, but here we see that they make it to. At the Weather Factory. Am I the only one who finds this adorable? Also Pinkie literally tastes the rainbow. Nice.
*Rainbow is already worried about failing the Sonic Rainboom at an upcoming flight competition, but what amplifies those anxieties is Rarity. Twilight gives her butterfly wings. Defying nature with magic again, and Rarity of course gets a little self absorbed as she starts to show them off and even enters the competition herself last minute.
*This episode definitely highlights one of Rarity’s biggest character flaws. Her vanity. But i wouldn’t call it a flaw of the episode. Character flaws are necessary to create any kind of conflict. When they get to be a writing problem is when they are either flanderized or make the character unlikable. And i don’t think they cross that line with Rarity. Yes she overshadows Rainbow Dash, but the only reason she got the wings in the first place is so she could be there to support her friend, and gets so caught up with their beauty that she gets too proud of them. But she’s never not supportive towards Rainbow. Heck they have to share the stage during their performances, and she’s cool with it. She steps all over Rainbow’s performance, but not intentionally or maliciously. And I think that makes a big difference.
*And Rarity does gets her comeuppance in the end by literally flying too close to the sun.
*Rainbow Dash has also been letting her nerves get the better of her through this whole episode. The only reason she has to share the stage with Rarity is because she kept passing off her number until the end of the queue because she was too nervous to perform. But the act of trying to save Rarity from plummeting to the Earth that helps Rainbow finally push her skills to their limit and pull off the Sonic Rainboom. And yeah. It looks just as cool as it sounded.
*Celestia was at this event too? Wow she doesn’t attend nearly as many events as she used to. 
The lesson of this episode seems to go to Rarity, and making sure your heart is in the right place with your actions, but I also like the lesson of not getting so caught up in your own head, whether it’s doubt or pride, that it makes you blind to your goal. Which i think could both apply to Rarity supporting Rainbow, and Rainbow winning the competition. Next Time: The Stare Master!
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monkey-network · 6 years
Good Stuff ~ Stray Thoughts: Best Gift Ever {MLP}
MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYBODY! IN OCTOBER! But who can be picky when the ponies are about? Roll the cartoon...
Oh no... narration. I immediately regret this.
Oh god... musicals. I sorely regret this.
Though at the first song isn’t pounding them sleigh bells
MY LITTLE PONY: Friendship is Consumerism
Awwww, Marble Pie got cucked! I forgot about her and Big Mac! Oh, this is not a good way to start the holiday season.
We get it, Christmas pony cameos, your movies were great
You know, Twilight, simplicity can go a long way.
And thanks for bringing the plot along, Spike, you’re a helper.
Alright, Appuhjaque is bringing the plot together.
Spike, you’re still young! Enough!
Dang it, plot, you always find someway to stress Twilight out
Okay, Maud, that was a good joke.
Pinkie, what would yaks have for-- wait nevermind. I’m all for whatever you have planned.
I wonder if dragons can be truly smooth operators? “They’re tops!” Doesn’t mean they can’t be smooth.
Fluttershy, stop making my heart warm up.
Dick Sword?! UGGGGGH, this is really gonna be a disaster.
Though his love for Fluttershy is still admirable
Flim and Flam? Goddammit, go away! I’m sorry, but you’ve overstayed your welcome with me. You’re old, you’re one note, I’m tired of ya’ll! JEEEEZ!
Yaks not best at gift giving?! *sniff* That is... so relatable.
Also, curse the Post Office! That place and its mundane!
There lies Spike, he will never score
Discord, stop being an asshole.
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They are really on their A game with the meme faces
Oh no, Sweet Acorn Orchards. The one place shut down due to the mass Squata virus
Nut Tea. Very nutty! AHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. Comedy gold.
Rarity bought a fedora? OOOH why?
Bubblegum Princess! And Babu McFlurry Heart, wearing a cute onesie coat that should be impossible for her to move in.
Shining, you cheeky bro.
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Fuck yes, that’s adorable!
They’re honestly up there with the Kirin, they’re so pure.
My god, Fluttershy went turbo for a second!
Never knew we could have ninjas in this Christmas special
Oh Spike, I’m sorry
Good job AJ, Fluttershy, you rightfully killed the Christmas industry
Huh, I’m surprised Rarity’s story didn’t take a turn for the super awkward. That’s sweet.
Okay, sweet reindeer aside, Rarity’s story is the highlight of this special.
It’s also sweet to see greedy ass capitalists in their place.
And Planes, Trains, and Automobiles ponies. Nice, I ‘membah that movie.
Okay, I can see AJ and Flutty’s dynamic now.
Uh oh, baby shenanigans
Can they never say “Twilynanas” ever again?
Formula gonna explode, Twilight
Discord, I hate you sometimes.
And I never thought giant furry monsters would also be in this special. It’s a gift that keeps giving.
Chaos on both ends?!!! Well, it’s better than dealing with family!
Oh no, a pudding symbiote!
And I love the chemistry between Shining and Cadence. Precious
Fluttyshy handling kaiju like a boss!
Pinkie sacrificed herself to the sauce
Okay, that was a sweet climax
Thank you, Discord.
A song? For an ending? What?!!
Friendship?! *PUKES* Oh god, that’s too- *PUKES, coughs* That is sooo predicta- *PUKES* Uh that’s beautiful, but good grief, I don’t feel good.
Yay, *burp* Christmas montage.
Yona cameo, baby. I knew that happen. Check me on that.
Oh, the reindeer were the narrators. I should’ve seen that coming.
MERRY CHRIS- wait it’s.... not even Halloween yet....... Shit.
👏 MORAL 👏 OF 👏 THE 👏 STORY! Well, this goes to show that as much as you may plan for getting your friends and/or family the best holiday gift ever, it won’t always go exactly as planned. You might not be able to get your people anything at all, but don’t stress too much over that. Never forget that being there for the ones you love most, yourself, or somebody close can just as thoughtful a gift. And if you’re not a holiday person, that’s okay... because you still deserve love.
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MY LITTLE PONY: Friendship is the Spirit That’ll Never Stop Giving
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diamond-song42 · 5 years
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Card Shark 34: Fluttershy, Backup Vocals
Hello and welcome to this week’s bonus Card Shark! It’s the day of my favorite pony, so I’m covering a card of hers that lots of players (including myself) like. Let’s celebrate Fluttershy Day by looking at “Fluttershy, Backup Vocals!”
She just looks so cute in that Pony Tones uniform. She’s a little bit pricey at 4 AT, but she has multiple options for when she enters play: You can bounce a Friend or Resource back to its owner’s hand, or you can turn either Mane Character over. Most people make a big deal about the “turn a Mane Character over” thing, but both of these abilities are super strong. Bounce an opposing Friend or Resource you like out of play temporarily and set up other things while you can. OR you can bounce one of your own Friends back to your hand so you can activate “when this card enters play” or “when you play this card” abilities a second time. Turn your opponent’s Mane Character to their start side and give your opponent a hard time when it comes to keeping them boosted. Turn your Mane Character back to their start side to reactivate their abilities (such as the Seaquestria and Beyond Manes or Princess Luna, Dream Guide). Finally, if your Mane isn’t boosted yet (such as a hard to boost Mane like Bubbly Mare, Princess of the Night, or that Cadance), boost them! Lots of options packed into one card! (Yay.)
But now we have to go look at the bad parts. 4 AT is a lot to play a card, and in Flutters’s case, the power you get from it is only equal to half of what you paid. For the first ability, there are several alternatives that are much cheaper and easily repeatable. Bounce a Friend back with something like Unsatisfactory Work, get rid of a Resource with Bewitched Beavers, or take the Friend or Resource out of play permanently with Uh-oh or Special Beam Cannon. But what about the second option? I’d still argue that it is powerful, just not as powerful as it once was. Most viable Manes these days are not difficult to flip. Confront a Problem here, draw your third card there, pay 2 AT and do something else... not hard if you play your cards right. Depending on your opponent’s position in the game (if you are determined to flip their Mane and not yours), flipping their Mane back to the start side could be something easy to come back from! So should you still use this card? I say yes, but... wisely.
Here are some cards that make some great music with this card:
*Twilight Sparkle, Paradox Pony. If you want to activate Fluttershy again and again and again, this is your bit maker. Once you flip Paradox Pony, you can slap Fluttershy down for 1 AT less and no color req. Then return her to your hand at the end of your turn and do it again on your next turn! Paradox Pony also makes Flutters more versatile with her ability: Flip your opponent’s Mane on one turn, bounce a Friend back to your hand the next turn, flip your opponent’s Mane again on the third turn...
*Discord, Party Clasher. This one might have gotten errataed, but it can still be really powerful when it comes to cards like Fluttershy! Smack down the lord of chaos and watch Fluttershy go bye-bye. Then, whenever you feel like it, say goodbye to Discord, draw a card, and let Fluttershy come back in and wreck something. This one can also do weird things with Flutters and Paradox Pony which you can probably guess.
*Interdimensional Portal. This is an Immediate alternative if you want to keep Flutters in play longer. This one will catch your opponent off guard if they don’t peek at your hand. “Okay I’ve got my Staff of Sacanas back into play and OH NO.”
*Bedtime. If you’re into bouncing things back to your opponent’s hand, Bedtime can get rid of them for good. Staff of Sacanas? BYEEEEEE. In contrast, this is the exact OPPOSITE thing you should be using if you like Paradox Pony - you won’t be getting Fluttershy back if you do.
Hey, you! Thank you for reading this extra Card Shark! On Tuesday, I’m going back to Canterlot Nights for a Shark that might be the weirdest one I’ve ever churned out. What card could be so weird? You’ll just have to come back to find out! Diamond out!
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ghostmartyr · 6 years
Pokémon White Randomized Nuzlocke Run [Part 6]
Five badges down, three to go!
Hail the victorious living:
Frogger (Seismitoad)
Ptera (Archeops)
Palm (Breloom)
Batman (Escavalier)
Gelding (Tornadus)
Fido (Entei)
Clay invited our ten-year-old self off to see a cave in the middle of the wilderness, so that’s first on the agenda today.
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Or is it?
Yeah, fight time.
Bianca has learned the way of the Hyper Potion. I would mind this less if she used it on something that didn’t know Hypnosis. And Defense Curl. And Lucky Chant.
Bianca’s Musharna is much like Bianca’s Patrat. It has murder in its heart.
Sigh. Well. It’s BRNed now. So Fido doesn’t have to be awake for the rest of this fight. Aw, but it wakes up anyway, because Fido loves me.
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All of my fucking yes.
I’m going to let Gelding tackle the Pansear, because I don’t think he can get too hurt from it. I’d very much like to not be wrong about that, and ta-da, all is well.
The final Watchdog is before us.
How fitting that Gelding knows the move Revenge.
Confuse Ray is nothing before it.
Confuse Ray, Super Fang, and Hypnosis.
Hey so Batman’s in now and I don’t like this at all.
Lemonade for Batman. And now a Hyper Potion.
Super Fang can’t be its only attack.
She fought through the Confuse Ray and killed the bloodthirsty Watchdog!
Hell. I hate those things.
Bianca gives us Fly, so yay. When’s Surf coming around?
This route is great for Palm, so I’m going to give in, let him lead the party, and throw the Exp. Share on anything that can’t do jack against the current set of wilds. I guess it’s nice that everyone’s getting a turn up front.
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Time to open up our new area. Hopefully it’ll be full of things Batman can grind against. ...Gosh, that’s a sentence.
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Also N is there.
Fight time?
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Oh hey, I forgot you things existed!
I guess they’re people. I probably should not call them things. Hey N, why do you get a ninja squad with your knight motif? What kind of Mary Sue nonsense is leaking out of your green hair and if you give me your hat will I stop commenting on it?
Also, fight time is apparently not until the end of this cave. If then.
Which means now is the time for finding pokemon.
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...Not you. No repeats.
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Chargestone Cave’s true power is bringing all of the characters with names together. Hi Professor Juniper. Are you going to give me free stuff again? You are!
It’s a Lucky Egg!
That is an incredibly useful item to have. Thank you, Professor. I am so glad you do something besides telling people where they can ride their bikes.
Actually I don’t know if she does that. I haven’t tried to ride my bike anywhere I can’t. I’m too used to being yelled at over that.
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‘Ello, score. I don’t know how I feel about how many of these things I recognize from elsewhere, and let me tell you about how much I wish this Yanmega did not have SonicBoom, but Yanmega’s cool.
The trick is not going on autopilot. This thing can murder any number of my team.
(Yes, I forgot the Quick Ball again.)
Net Ball?
This has the feel of not going well. Frogger, you have the most HP, go soak up some hits.
If I have to knock it out just to avoid a wipe I’m going to be sad.
I need to buy some stuff at the next town. I have eight Great Balls left. They aren’t even earning a shake. Hey, wait, that one did. Yay?
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Dang, name. Name.
I don’t think enough people are reading these to judge me if I name it Fluttershy. That’s his name now. See you another time, Fluttershy. Hopefully never. I like the current squad.
The game’s now decided it’s Summer.
This matters because now the random Deerling we come across will be adorable and green and I can never have one.
I’m gonna give Gelding the Lucky Egg and toss him out in front.
There’s Chansey in here. This one knows Minimize. Another move I don’t care for, but yay for Revenge killing it in one hit. Plus, you know, actually hitting it. This cave is going to be gold for exp.
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A wild trainer appeared!
I can’t remember if Archen has a Rock typing. This thing is conceivably very dangerous. Not while it uses Agility, but... Yeah, okay, Acrobatics brought Gelding down to 25, Fido, operating under the theory that it doesn’t have a Rock move, go murder it.
Murder achieved. Good dog.
Frogger’s going to be in front for a bit while I see about healing.
Frogger does not do enough damage to harm the Chansey with Softboiled.
Batman, get in there and try to fix something.
Future plans include never letting Gelding take damage. This is all a massive inconvenience of switching and walking around and switching and yay exp.
I think the next time I can buy stuff I just need to make a concentrated effort to pick up some Potions. Walking back to whatever Center equivalent is nearest to save items is very time-consuming. I should give up and buy all the health I will never need.
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Look at my super special awesome ninja escort. Because I might fall off the bridge if I’m left to my own devices or something, idk.
Gelding wants to learn Agility. I do not want him to learn Agility. Guess which one of us has an opinion that matters.
Now a Maractus has appeared. Is this cave just the land of repeats?
One level below, Shiftry, Chatot, and Xatu wander the halls. So only the first level is the land of repeats.
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These guys both just gave me a Nugget for no reason. Score.
Oh great, a few steps away is someone who heals stuff. That is so much better than free Nuggets. Naturally the healing’s only there because Team Plasma and plot stuff needs to happen elsewhere in the cave, but we can’t have everything.
Another pokemon I love is Scraggy. Team Plasma likes using it. How dare they. Same with the Sandile set.
This gen has so many good pokemon what even.
Like, yes, Watchdog.
But everything else.
Heyo, Batman’s learned Iron Head. Ptera’s going to get the Exp. Share now. I think the leveling is going to be a little absurd for a while, but I want it to be absurd with everything on the same page. We do not play favorites on this team.
Because the favorite is dead.
Gelding’s turning out to be surprisingly useful just because his moveset has so much variety. He has a Fighting, Psychic, Flying, and Dark move, and a focus on both Attack stats. It just walks on things. Floats.
Hahaha except for Watchdogs with Hypnosis. Why does that not ever miss. Hypnosis, Super Fang, and terror. These are the tools of the devil.
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I can’t catch it, but ! ! !
I’ve never seen any of these in any of the games! This is truly the cave of wonders!
Also our new way of dealing with Watchdog is sending out Palm and having Palm Mach Punch it into oblivion. Because we shall not suffer a Watchdog to live.
Another level down, and there’s Grimer, Electrike...
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I need a legendary bingo card and I need it yesterday. The heck. The actual heck.
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Am. I playing with a shiny clause?
Okay, here’s how shinies will be dealt with: I am allowed to catch them outside the realms of the standard challenge. They will not receive nicknames, so will not be used. But I can try to catch them.
“Them” meaning this Grimer, because I don’t think shiny odds are affected by the Randomizer. This is just some cool natural luck.
...Luck that I think I am going to use my one Quick Ball on. I haven’t yet figured out which move is least likely to kill this critter, but all of my pokemon have ten levels on it, and are fully evolved. If I can dodge hurting it, I should.
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I don’t usually dig the green shinies, but it is super appropriate for Grimer, and I am very happy to have it.
This floor has Zubat. My heart has a feeling. You have not been missed, you fucking bat, but no Pokemon run would be complete without you. It just wouldn’t be the same.
You know, I think I might have gone down the wrong stairs for plot progression. There were just normal trainers and items down there, and there are stairs that go up to the right of those stairs.
...I’m gonna heal before I address that.
Up the stairs, and we’re back to Entei.
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As well as plot.
I was about to ask if there’s any other gen that cares as much about its color names, but then I remembered that yes, pretty much all of them are linked well to some kind of something.
I keep disagreeing with N. I can’t remember/do not know if that changes anything in the slightest, it’s just what’s going on.
Hey so I forget. How does N rationalize his use of pokemon for battles? Was that in one of the dialogue bubbles I didn’t read? Or just much earlier in the game? I don’t particularly care, I’m just curious.
Then there’s Professor Juniper and all the other adults who listen to this kid and go all, “Oh sweetie, we all go through the phase of thinking we’re the only ones with good thoughts. Lots of love, keep having fun!”
I’m paraphrasing.
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Look, Flying Gym place.
If there is some other way of thinking of it, I do not have it on my memory record. Oh, Move Deleter’s in the house next to the Center. That would be maybe useful if I still had a legendary that knew Cut.
I don’t, if you recall.
Hey, we meet Professor Juniper’s dad. He updates our pokedex, so maybe we won’t end up with question marks where most of our team’s numbers should be.
Flying Gym Leader’s name is Skyla. Pretty sure she is one of the Gym Leaders I am continually searching out femslash fic for. Results make me sad, but then again, it’s been a while. Maybe that’s what I’ll do after beating her.
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“Hey kid, wanna see a graveyard?”
That is much more depressing in a Nuzlocke run.
This is a really tiny city. There’s the airport, a few buildings, and then BAM, back to nature. After being immediately outside a cave. This town just popped into place because the airport showed up, didn’t it?
But more importantly...
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It’s a new route!
What will we get?
I’m walking around the grass because I can’t remember if there are other kinds of grass in this route and I want the illusion of choice in my completely random options. This has led to fighting a triple battle with a trainer who has a Watchdog.
At least it can only make one thing fall asleep per turn. It doesn’t bother trying, because this monster knows Hyper Fang, which is maybe even more stressful when its only chance at attacking is a critical hit, but the important thing is that it’s over now and another Watchdog is dead.
We faint the pokemon we attack. My team can be killed, but not their opponents.
Watchdogs still die.
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Hello, I accidentally took a step into the grass, and here we have our new friend!
...How not to kill it. I think the usual route is just Biting it with something, but everything except Fido and Batman has ten levels on it, and Fido and Batman are Fido and Batman.
Grass/Water, right? Hm.
Frogger, let’s see if Mud Shot can keep the little guy alive.
Heyo! Not even to the orange. Good boy, Frogger.
And oh geez, I have been very negligent in buying stuff. Poke Balls are still in good shape, but none of the other Balls are.
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Oh, nice. That was pretty much painless. He needs a name, though.
You remind me of a ninja turtle.
Leotello. Bam. I hope I don’t need you, because I know I didn’t choose the Water Stone to have, and I can’t recall if I’ve picked one up.
I really need to switch Gelding out of the first slot. Fido needs some leveling, and Gelding really does not anymore. He’s 40 in a field of high 30s. ...Okay, the actual field is high 20s, but the field known as my team is high 30s, and that’s what I care about.
Anyway, Fido. Witness the power of the Lucky Egg.
...After I go and buy some stuff before I forget.
(That didn’t happen, I fought the next trainer instead.)
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Aw, you adorable dinosaur creature you. I am so sorry I’m gonna murder you, yes I am. Such a perfect, flawless critter. Best Dragon line is best, no question. Haxorus even has an amazing shiny form. -pats Axew on its perfect head-
Okay, purchases. Potions. Balls. Need them.
Have them.
Okay, yeah. Journey free to continue.
Male Nidoran is a thing in this route. So is Girafarig. So are trainers.
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Why are you caring about your ten-year-old at this point in the story?
...Huh. And that’s literally all she calls to do. Neat.
There’s darker grass over the ways. Let’s see what I could have had if I had been slightly more smart about where I put my feet.
Hullo, it is a Staraptor.
That is such a damn badass bird.
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Like, look at it.
Look at its soulless eyes.
V cool.
Purrloin is also in the darker grass. And more Buizel. Back in the normal grass there is Ariados. I always had some degree of affection for that thing. No idea why. Never once used it, and I don’t like spiders. I guess it doesn’t have the right number of legs, so that makes it okay? Huh, there’s also a Durant.
...Did I enter a different area? I didn’t see anything to indicate that. There’s a Girafarig back again. Maybe it was just a percentage thing.
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Ha. Yeah.
I don’t wanna go in.
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A place I obviously should have come to long before.
I’m just going to run upstairs and dance around the graves until I find my next pokemon and trigger whatever’s necessary to let me battle the Gym Leader. Armed with the comforting knowledge that if any of my team dies, they will have a good, immediate resting spot.
I know I’m like the millionth person to point this out, but really. There are really trainer fights in a graveyard? Wherefore art thou respectless maggots.
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Oh my gosh! You! You are a favorite thing! Hello!
...How the heck do I not kill you?
I think. I’m going to give Gelding a shot. Air Cutter isn’t too
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Gelding no. No no no no no no no.
Damn it. No.
To finish the thought above, Trapinch is Ground, so I was willing to chance Gelding’s high Attack against Air Cutter being kind of wimpy, and the type resistance killing STAB, and there was a risk regardless because of the levels and stats, but I thought Flying vs Ground wasn’t such a terrible thing to bet on, given the options, and.
Hell, now I’m sad.
Less meaningful things hanging out in the graveyard are Anorith Anorith and Anorith. Is it one species per level or am I just unlucky and growing sadder?
I picked up a Revive off the ground in a pokemon grave site.
That’s a yes on sadder.
Hey, so I’ve been seeing a lot of Swoobat lately that I haven’t screencapped, and that reminded me of something: I never went back to that cave, and I think there was more to it. It has one of the legendaries from this gen in its depths, I think, and I guess there isn’t much for me to do in it, but it’s weird to think there’s a place I didn’t really explore.
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Where is my bingo chart.
I don’t even know this thing’s typing. I think it’s from this gen, but it’s one of those that I maybe got from a GameStop event and never really looked at or used, and even that is foggy. My assumption would be Psychic just based on me shrugging and assigning Psychic to any legendary I’m not sure on.
Green could mean Grass, though. Wait, no it couldn’t. I used Flamethrower and it lived.
Fido’s setting a record for number of times it can hurt itself in confusion. Being put to SLP is practically a blessing, and I seriously need to switch before we see some legendary on legendary death action in the wrong direction.
Yeah, definitely Psychic. Batman is super effective against it.
So that was needlessly scary, and then on our way down the stairs to see the friendly nurse (this gen is so kind about healing stations and I love it), we run into a Dragonair.
I don’t think I could play a randomized version without Nuzlocke rules or something similar. I would go nuts training every single thing I loved to be a viable option. I’d be a hundred hours in and have four badges.
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To soothe the souls of our fallen friends.
Huh. This is kind of an empty detour. Skyla’s only up here to heal a pokemon off-screen, and then we ring a very pretty bell that gives me feelings that wouldn’t happen without the death clauses. It’s nice enough, but I could have sworn something a little more monumental went on. No?
Am I thinking of another memorial site? I think I might be... I think Golett is somewhere later in the map?
Maybe that’s what I’m thinking of.
I won’t complain about the free exp, this just felt like a bit of a non sequitor delay. Usually places like this turn out to be optional.
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What are you doing on top of this tower. You are lunch for Palm and I appreciate that, but this is the opposite of your natural environment.
Palpitoad’s up here too. Palm is a lucky mushroom kangaroo this eve. His Attack stat will always make me sad, but his existence makes me happy.
The floor below the top has Muk in addition to the legendary song thing. So that’s neat. Actually wait, Frogger’s the only one not 40. Maybe I’ll let him beat up on the Muk.
Oh. He was closer than I thought. Anorith works too, I guess.
Every time I see a Trapinch I am going to feel just so sad.
So sad.
I don’t even know what I would have named her. But we would have been amazing together.
For now, though, it is Gym time.
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It might not have aesthetic, but Skyla’s Gym is all about firing yourself through cannons repeatedly to find new opponents. Yes.
Ptera is going to be in the first spot. With Crunch in the place of Rock Throw (why did I do that again?), he only has Ancient Power for STAB + Super Effective, but he’s still overpowered as heck, and has a partial Rock typing, so he should be okay against other birds. I think most of my team can probably handle anything she throws out, though there will, of course, be the odd “wait it learns that?” moment. Hopefully nothing too catastrophic, but I do expect it.
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It’s a bird. It’s a plane.
It’s a me.
Without the necessary syllables to make that reference fly home.
So, the cannon fodder seems to have early 30s for their squads. Ptera’s not having a problem with that, despite me using Acrobatics even though he has a Lucky Egg on him. Items and Acrobatics do not play well together. I’ll try to remember that before Skyla. It hasn’t mattered so far, but if it does matter, it’ll be against her.
Oki doki. Lucky Egg off, Ptera prepped. I was lazy and used a Potion for 12hp to top Ptera off instead of going back to the Center. It isn’t like I’ll have much use for standard Potions. It’s practically free healing.
Now then.
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Let’s gooooo.
I can’t remember if I’ve commented on it yet, but the sprite for our protagonist just looks so serious this gen. It isn’t quite so noticeable when he’s on his own, but put him next to someone like Skyla and he brings Red to mind.
He is a little happier in the video chat things.
Maybe he just takes Gym fights seriously.
What a weirdo.
First up is a level 33 Swoobat, looking adorable. Yay for Crunch, and it is gone. Following that is a level 35 Swanna. I’m going to use Ancient Power and cross my fingers for that one. I was about to be happy with Crunch over Rock throw, but I really miss having a physical Rock attack.
One and done, last one up is a level 33 Unfezant. Ancient Power again?
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Another painless victory, another badge! Sweetness!
Skyla lets us go with a warning about seeing Team Plasma in the next city, but that is a thing for another day. Now is the time for basking in the glory of success and Pokemon Centers.
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peculiar-bonds · 6 years
Out of Sight, Not Out of Mind - Chapter 2: Dark Rumours
Synopsis: While Mane 6 are on a research mission in a small town from another world called 'Earth', they learn about an old myth among the inhabitants: the Slenderman. What is the ugly truth of this haunted town? Will they survive the monster's deadly grasps?
Warning: This chapter contains a few swear words.
The girls found the principal’s office in no time; luckily, there was a sign, because the door looked like it was camouflaged within the entire high school, almost the same as a secret chamber, where nobody is allowed to walk into.
“So, who’s going to knock?” Pinkie asked, feeling slightly uneasy.
Twilight sighed. “I will do it…it’s my duty to finish this task after all,” she continued in a dramatic tone.
“The door won’t bite, you know?” Rainbow Dash added, amused by her friend’s unreasonable anxiety.
Twilight glared at her teasing remark, then turned back to the door. She knocked slowly, almost silently. When she was starting to think no one was there, a voice called from inside:
“Come in!”
The youngster startled a little, then took a deep breath and opened the door with her small, trembling hands.
“Good morning, Sir. We’re the new students that transferred here recently, and we have some questions to ask, if it’s alright…” Twilight said nervously, almost staring at the man in front of her.
Xavier Barnes, the principal of ‘Waukesha South High School’, was different from most humans; his skin tone was significantly darker, and he had distinct features unlike the others: thick lips, a wide nose bridge and baldness. Still, his expression showed a hint of kindness and good intentions towards all of the students, even the new ones.
“Yes, of course! You can call your friends in as well!” the principal answered with a calm tone.
The teenager called the others to come inside the office . One by one, they filled the room in no time.
“Please, take some seats,” the principal kindly invited them.
Almost everyone found a few chairs to sit down, except Rainbow Dash and Applejack, but they didn’t seem to mind.
“Alright, girls, so what are the questions that you need to address me? Do you wish to request a tour of the school, or your timetables, perhaps?”
“Yes, we need those too, but we also…want to see our transfer files…if you have them, of course…” Twilight pointed out.
“I just received them this morning. I didn’t actually get the chance to have a look at them and approve them…but considering that you’re all here at this moment, we’ll discuss them together, shall we?”
“Of course!” Twilight approved.
“Alright, then; let’s see yours first…” he said while taking a folder from the drawer and opened it to find a multitude of papers that described their new human identities. Twilight peeked on the documents, fully astonished and confused at the same time; how was it possible that they managed to disguise themselves without any effort? Did Princess Celestia take care of all the details, or is it a phenomenon that usually happens during interdimensional travels? Either way, she was relieved that the humans didn’t sense anything out of the ordinary.
Meanwhile, the principal started reading the papers aloud:
“Name is Tara Sparkle, born on 15th September 199-; says here that you were a straight-A student at your former school; congratulations on your performance, and I hope you will achieve the same results in our school!”
“Thank you, Sir” Twilight replied with a soft smile. “I’ll try my best not to disappoint anyone here.”
“Very well, then…and please call me Mr. Barnes.”
The young girl nodded. Principal Barnes took another folder and looked at Rarity.
“As for you, miss, your name is Rachel Damon, right? Born on 5th October 199-; you seem to have a passion for fashion design, and we’ll surely need students with such abilities; maybe you could come up with a new design for the cheerleader’s costume, who knows?”
“Oh, certainly!” Rarity nodded.
The principal kept looking through the files, then nodded at Fluttershy.
“Florence Woodheart, born on 17th March 199-; selfless and willing to help others, particularly the animals. We have some volunteering activities here, if you’re interested.”
“Oh, thank you! I’d be glad to help,” Fluttershy replied with a soft voice, but feeling very excited on the inside.
“Alright; the next one is Rebecca Dash, born on 1st April 199-. It seems like you have an aptitude for sports in general; we’d gladly invite you to join one of our teams: basketball, voleyball, track, anything that you wish to do.”
“Wow, sounds great!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, truly eager to try all of the sports in the near future.
“And here we have the last two: Penelope Diane Pie, born on 29th May 199-, and Anne-Jay Smith, born on 12th December 199-. I see you both made several contributions to the former school, such as organizing events. I’d be happy to see more students like you as a part of the school's development committee.”
“Thank you, Mr. Barnes! We’ll do our best!” Pinkie confirmed with pure joy. “Right…Anne-Jay?”
“Yep, sure thing!” the country girl replied, almost confused by the situation.
“Alright! In this case, I wish you a warm welcome to our high school! Here are your timetables,” the principal said while handing six pieces of paper to each of the youngsters. “Good luck in these years that will follow!”
“Thank you!” Twilight replied, then left the office along with her friends, each of them wishing the principal a good day.
“Look, Twilight! We’re in the same class! You too, Pinkie Pie!” Rainbow Dash announced with excitement while walking through the halls.
“Woo! This is great!” Pinkie squealed behind them.
“Yay, seems like we’re in the same class, Rarity…” Fluttershy continued on the other side of the corridor.
“Wonderful, darling!”
“Aw, I’m alone in another class though…” Applejack pointed out, quite disappointed by the outcome.
“You aren’t alone, Applejack! We’re still in the same school!” Pinkie replied, then hugged her friend to comfort her.
“That’s true, can’t deny it,” Applejack chuckled.
“What’s our first class, Twi?” Rainbow Dash asked while starting another conversation with the friend in front of her.
“Geography…Oh, great! It’s a good way to learn more about Earth”
“And also a boooooring one!” the reckless teenager sighed. “Did I tell you that I haven’t missed school AT ALL?”
“Oh, come on, we don’t have time to whine about this! Let’s go!” Twilight replied while grabbing Rainbow Dash’s arm.
“Wait for me, Twilight! Bye, girls! See you later!” Pinkie Pie called, waving ‘goodbye’ to her other three friends from behind.
The three girls arrived in the middle of the class, panting and apologizing simultaneously for being late. While introducing themselves, Twilight noticed that the class was filled with a disciplined atmosphere, but for the first time, she felt awkward and very uneasy. After they finished the introductions and occupied their seats, the teacher returned to the lesson. Twilight listened attentively while looking at the World Map. She took notes from any word that her new teacher said, feeling more eager to discover Earth from its depths…
When the bell rang and the teacher left, the atmosphere of the class changed drastically, from calm and disciplined to lively and almost chaotic. Pinkie Pie didn’t wait more than five minutes until she befriended nearly half of the class, along with Rainbow Dash, who started having a conversation with one of the jocks. Still, Twilight remained at her desk, studying the new notes that she took from the Geography class. From time to time, she turned her eyes from the papers to observe the environment; while having a look to the right, she noticed one of her classmates who seemed as lonely and isolated as herself. Unlike the other ones, this girl was of a paler complexion which was in contrast with her short and dark blue hair that had a few faded neon pink and green strikes. Her clothes were also very dark, like she was trying to get out of the colourful routine of ordinary people. The expression, highlighted by the black makeup, showed a slight feeling of disgust towards her classmates, whom she considered ‘ignorant’ and ‘blind’ in front of a potential horrific reality.
Twilight wanted to talk to her and introduce herself, but she hesitated due to the apparently aggressive nature of the strange girl. Surprisingly, it was her classmate who started the conversation:
“You must be new here…but looks like your pals went ahead of you with the integration”
“To be honest, I don’t really care about socializing at the moment. There are more important things for me than having pointless conversations,” Twilight explained, visibly annoyed by the attitude of her other two friends.
“I know how you feel, um…Tara? Right? I usually forget new names at the beginning.”
“Yes, it’s Tara.”
“Nice to meet you. I’m Emma, or the ‘emo freak’, as the others usually call me”
“I don’t think you’re a freak…You’re just different from the majority, from what it seems”
“Wow, that’s the first nice thing about me I’ve heard this week…” Emma answered with a faint smile.
“Glad to help, Emma,” Twilight nodded.
“Why did you choose Waukesha out of the other cities from US? Cities that are significantly better…”
“I’m not sure exactly, it seemed the only choice that I had…”
“A bad choice, more like.”
Twilight was puzzled by Emma’s last remark. She paused for a few seconds, then leaned closer to her classmate’s desk.
“What do you mean by ‘a bad choice’?”
“Girl, you have no idea how cursed this place is…Miles away from Waukesha, there is a huge forest, and in this forest lives a grotesque being. It is creepy as Hell, if you ask me: tall as fuck, very pale, faceless, and wears a black suit. Rumour has it that this creature hunts to death the ones who trespass its domain; it also has a thing for children, especially the very curious ones. Once they enter the forest, they’re kinda forced to collect eight pages from different spots; nobody knows precisely who scribbled those pages though. It might have been an unlucky victim, or the being itself. As for the page hunt, if you lose the ‘game’, you’re gonna have a terrible fate, I tell you…even I fell for this shit, and I have no idea how I escaped from that Hell. I swear I saw it RIGHT in front of me, and even though it didn’t have a face, I could sense an expression that almost pierced my damned soul, and then…”
“Hey, emo freak! Are you for real?”
Emma’s storytelling was interrupted by a girl’s call; suddenly, there was an exchange of fiery glares between each other. Right after the mocking question was asked, all the other classmates, including Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, turned their heads to Emma, who felt like bursting with hatred and anger towards the one who interrupted her.
“Um, excuse me? What’s your damn problem if I talk to her?”
“None, freak! It’s just that you scare her with your bullshit about the Slenderman, or whatever! He’s not real, for crying out loud!”
“He’s as real as possible, bitch!”  Emma yelled, counterattacking viciously the remarks of her classmate.
“Oh yeah? Prove it, then! If you claimed that you saw it, why don’t you have photos?”
“Because I was too busy showing him this!” the emo girl replied while showing the middle finger to her classmate. “FUCK OFF!” she yelled while storming out of her desk, getting out of the class and slamming the door behind her.
The others suddenly came back to their usual routines, with the addition of gossip about Emma. Both puzzled by the whole argument, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie went to Twilight’s desk.
“What in the name of Celestia just happened there, Twilight? And who is this ‘Slenderman’ they kept talking about?” Rainbow Dash whispered, deeply curious about the situation.
“Can we discuss about it after school, please? You know why…” Twilight replied while subtly pointing her head at the other students, who seemed very offended by Emma’s unusual beliefs.
“Alright, then,” Rainbow Dash nodded, going with Pinkie back to their seats. The bell rang again, and it was time for another class, but without Emma.
*after school, at Twilight’s studio* (dialogue only)
(Twilight prepared some tea for her friends, because a very long discussion was about to start soon.) TWILIGHT: So, how was your first day? Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack? RARITY: Oh, it was really delightful, darling! We’re actually going to stay in the dorms while we study here. Fluttershy and me in a room, and Rainbow with Applejack and Pinkie in another one. RAINBOW DASH: Wow, really? Didn’t have the chance to check that out today. Well, at least I have my own bed from now on. FLUTTERSHY: (sees Twilight with a thoughtful expression while taking a sip from her cup of tea) What’s wrong, Twilight? You don’t seem very content. TWILIGHT: (sighs) Oh, nothing special…just had a discussion with a classmate. She told me a weird story about a local legend … RD: And a whole scandal happened. RARITY: Oh my, what happened? Is the girl alright? TWILIGHT: I don’t really know…Haven’t seen her since she stormed out of the class… FLUTTERSHY: Goodness! There was also a boy in our class today who kept rambling about a man in the woods… TWILIGHT AND RD: ‘A MAN IN THE WOODS?’ APPLEJACK: Can somebody explain to me what’n the hay’s goin’ on? RD: (screaming) It’s a ghost in the forest that takes people, Applejack, like what’s so hard to understand? TWILIGHT: Calm down, please. Whether it’s true or not, I think we should explore that area… RD: Are you nuts, Twilight??? TWILIGHT: Just listen. I’m saying this because Princess Celestia gave us a mission, and she didn’t mention anything else; maybe this is our main task. RD: You got it all wrong! She just told us to study the humans, not solve their issue with that…thing. Plus, we don’t even have our powers anymore, like our wings and horns, your magic… TWILIGHT: Maybe, but we don’t know if we don’t try. RD: I tell you this is a very bad idea! TWILIGHT: Are you scared? RD: Not at all, egghead. It’s just…well… TWILIGHT: I know it’s hard, I’m a bit scared too…but we have to stay together. This is one of the main points that Celestia advised me on in private before we left. (There was a pause. Rainbow Dash thought for a few seconds about the consequences, then the lack of loyalty that she showed in front of her friends at that moment. There is no place for fear when it’s about duty, not at all.) RD: (sighs) Very well, then…I’m coming with you. FLUTTERSHY: If Rainbow is coming, I’ll come too. AJ: Me too. PINKIE: MEEEE TOO! RARITY: Absolutely! RD: But if anything bad happens to us, it’s just your fault, Twilight… TWILIGHT: Don’t worry. Once we see something out of its place, we simply run away. RAINBOW DASH: (mutters in distrust) Ugh, if only it would be that easy…
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thundertempest · 7 years
Prompt #151: A Pint A Day
"Did you hear?" said Sweetie Belle, as she tumbled into the Crusader Clubhouse, "The hospital's emergancy blood reserve has been weirdly short over the last month or two."
"I haven't heard about anything like that, Sweetie," said Apple Bloom, "Where did you hear about that?"
"Oh, Rarity was talking with Miss Redheart while sis was fixing us her nurse uniform, and Redheart was saying that the hospital would have to organise another big blood drive."
"Don't they do that every year, though?" said Scootaloo.
"Yeah, but they've already had this year's, remember?" said Apple Bloom.
"Oh yeah," muttered Scootaloo.
"Anyway, maybe we can get our Cutie Marks in something related to that," said Sweetie, to accompanying nods form the other two.
"Cutie Mark Crusader Medical Mystery Investigators, YAY!" All three shouted, rushing off.
"...And then we read a book that said that one of the best ways for a vampire to survive in a town was to feed at a hospital, and because the hospital's blood reserve is short, there must be a vampire in town, feeding at the hospital!" said Scootaloo, as the three Cutie Mark Crusaders stood in Sugarcube Corner.
Pinkie Pie slurped her box of tomato juice dry, and tossed it over her shoulder and into the bin behind her.
"And so, because I know everypony in town, you want my help finding out this mysterious vampire pony?"
The Crusaders nodded fervently.
"Mrs. Cake, I'm going out! Gotta help stop a meanie vampire!" Pinkie called out, leaping over the counter.
"That's nice, Pinkie," Mrs. Cake's voice floated back, "Have fun!"
"Cutie Mark Crusader Vampire Hunters, YAY!" shouted the Crusaders, as they following Pinkie.
Pinkie skipped down the street.
"So, the way I see it, with my incredible detective powers," said Pinkie, sliding a wide-brimmed fedora on, "is that the best ponies to investigate would be somepony who nopony would ever expect to be a vampire, so we should start with...Applejack!"
Apple Bloom gasped.
"Mah sister ain't a vampire!"
"Are you sure?" said Pinkie, and Apple Bloom looked confused for a moment, before Pinkie continued, "To Sweet Apple Acres!"
"Well, Applejack's not a vampire," said Pinkie, looking at the bent silver cross and empty bottle of holy water in her hooves as Applejack trotted away to help Big Mac repair the cider press.
"Ah told you so!" said Apple Bloom, "And she hates goin' to the hospital anyway!"
"So, we should change tactics: Who's the most likely pony to be a vampire?" said Pinkie, pausing for a moment.
"Fluttershy, of course!" said Pinkie, just as the Crusaders were about to answer, "She almost never comes into town when it's sunny, she's friends with bats, and some of those bats even drink blood! It's the perfect cover! To Fluttershy's!"
"Okay then," said Pinkie, her voice muffled by Fluttershy's letterbox, "Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are not vampires either."
"I said Rainbow Dash was too awesome to be a vampire!" said Scootaloo, as Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom pulled on Pinkie's hind legs. With a pop, Pinkie came free from where Fluttershy had suplexed her into the letterbox.
"And Fluttershy can't even bring herself to hurt flies sometimes," said Pinkie, sliding her detective hat back on, and sipping on another box of tomato juice, "So there's only one real option left: Twilight. Sparkle."
The crusaders blinked.
"Think about it, girls: she stays inside all day, never seems to sleep, and nopony knew anything about her before she came to Ponyville. If there was ever the perfect candiate for a vampire, it would be her! To Golden Oaks!"
"Sorry girls, I thought for sure that Twilight would be a vampire," said Pinkie, as the Crusaders unstuck Pinkie from the ceiling of the main chamber of Golden Oaks Library, covering their noses to block out the smell of crushed garlic that Pinkie had covered herself in. "But at least we also know that Rarity's not a vampire either."
"Yeah," muttered Sweetie Belle.
"Hey, what's whooop!" said Pinkie, as she finally came unstuck, and bounced off the floor. "What's wrong, girls?"
"Nothin'," said Apple Bloom, "Just realising that it was a kinda stupid idea. Maybe there's just been a whole bunch of accidents or something, or the hospital had to use more blood than they thought they would."
Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo nodded their agreement as Pinkie looked around.
"Besides, Twilight was right. Vampires are just stories," said Sweetie, "cool stories, but they're still just stories."
"Well, it was still fun, right?" she asked as she slurped on another box of tomato juice, "so maybe that's all that matters, girls. And maybe you'll get your cutie marks next time. And hey, go and tell Mrs. Cake that you can each have a cupcake on me."
"Yeah!" said Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, rushing off, Leaving Sweetie to stare at Pinkie for a moment.
"Pinkie?" she asked.
"Yes, young grasshopper?" said Pinkie, with another slurp of her juice box.
"Why do you keep drinking tomato juice?"
Pinkie looked around furtively for a moment, motioning for Sweetie to come closer.
"It's because I'm actually a secret vampire, and this is a neato way to hide what I'm really drinking."
Sweetie Belle levelled her best stare at Pinkie Pie.
"Just kidding!" laughed Pinkie, "It's because my doctor said that I can't just live off sugar and cake and hot sauce. I need vitamins and stuff, and this is a super-easy way to get it."
Sweetie smiled, and dashed off after her friends, and Pinkie bounced home.
The door to the blood bank at the hospital creaked open, and Pinkie Pie slipped in.
"Boy, did I wear myself out today," she muttered, picking up one of the blood bags, "going out in the sun is super tiring, even with my hat. Now, not too much, Count Pie, or else ponies will really start to suspect a vampire. No more than a pint."
Pinkie Pie bit into the bag, and smiled around her fangs as the viscous blood trickled down her throat.
Written for Prompt #151: "The Blood That Feeds"
The Prompt: One (or more!) of the Mane Six or CMCs is actually a vampire!
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Rambling Reviews: EQG - Friendship Games
After gushing about Rainbow Rocks, we return to talk about the Equestria Girls series once again. As I said in the previous review, I found the second film to have a higher quality than the original. The villains were both intimidating and fun, the songs were catchy and Sunset Shimmer went from being the villain I hated to the hero I can actually begin to like. The only weak point was the HuMain 5, who did nothing but bicker and whine until the finale where they inevitably banded together to beat the bad guys in what I have labeled the best climax of the series. So, of course, another sequel was inevitable, especially after the cliffhanger with a human version of Twilight Sparkle investigating the weird events occurring at Canterlot High School. And now the time has come to look at that sequel, known as Friendship Games. Will this film be even better than the last, or will it fail to live up to the high expectations Rainbow Rocks established? Well, as Tom Hardy once said: “Let the games begin.”
We begin once more in the human world, where Sunset Shimmer is running to Canterlot High on an early morning while sporting a new outfit. Her and the HuMain 5 meet up at the front of the school, where Rainbow Dash has brought them all together for an emergency like no other...she needs a spare guitar string.
*sigh* We’re not even five minutes into this film, and already Rainbow Dash is making an effort to get on my nerves. She sent an emergency group text to everyone in the hopes that one of them had a spare guitar string so she can perform for some fans from the Battle of the Bands. If she starts singing a reprise of Awesome As I Want To Be, I’m out of here!
Mercifully, that doesn’t happen. Instead, while the others go inside to see Rainbow’s performance, Sunset sits on the front steps to write in her magical journal from the last film. And no sooner does she write out a message to Twilight Sparkle in Equestria then a girl in a hoodie arrives by bus to investigate the mirror with her PKE Meter. Yeah, it probably has some other techno-babble name, but look at it. It’s the PKE Meter from Ghostbusters. Way to take a page from Suburban Commando, guys. But, before Sunset can discover who the girl is, she jumps onto another bus, which conveniently made a stop just minutes after the original bus dropped her off. Seriously, what is the bus schedule like in this town? And, of course, while Sunset asks who the girl was, it’s revealed that the girl was the human Twilight Sparkle, more commonly referred to as “Sci-Twi” due to her prowess in science. This is proven by her immediately dismantling her PKE Meter and using the technology inside to make a new device that totally doesn’t look like a compact mirror at all. The people who whine about these films being thinly veiled commercials will never know, Hasbro! After a half ominous half energetic title sequence, we get some backstory about what the Friendship Games are and who Canterlot High will be competing against this year, Crystal Prep’s Shadowbolts (no doubt a not so subtle reference to the Shadowbolts from Season 1 Episode 2 of the TV show). The HuMain 5 groan about how Crystal Prep has always beaten them every year, but Sunset initially scoffs at how silly the rivalry is. And just like that, Sunny has earned some brownie points from me.
Well, at least Rainbow Dash isn’t singing about how awesome she is and how she’s gonna win the Friendship Games. She instead sings about how everyone is awesome and how they’re going to win the Friendship Games. Honestly, though, this song is pretty good in spite of it’s “yay school pride” vibe. It’s a peppy, energetic song that gets everyone in the room amped up in spite of their initial melancholy. They even make a reference to Sunset’s she-demon form. Nice of them to remind Sunset about the lowest point in her life again.
But things take a strange turn as Rainbow Dash’s powers start to appear in spite of her not playing her guitar (notice how I avoid using the phrase “pony-up”). After feeding Rainbows ego for a split second, Sunset gives probably the most fitting line to describe Equestria Girls as a whole:
“It just seems so random.”
Chalk up another brownie point for Ms. Shimmer.
Anyways, in order to keep up appearance, Vice-Principal Luna assigns Sunset Shimmer with the task of keeping the HuMain 5’s magic under control, but that is easier said than done. Sunny already feels the stress of not knowing how the magic works due to it’s sudden evolution, and writes a worried message to the Equestrian Twilight hoping for a reply soon.
Meanwhile, at the sparkliest of Preparatory Schools, Sci-Twi sings an obligatory Disney Princess song while on her way to the principal’s office. This is probably one of the few songs I’m not overly interested in, but it does help reinforce that this Twilight is socially awkward and intelligent. So intelligent, in fact, that she feels that sticking around at Crystal Prep would only be a hinderance, which is why she has sent the principal an application for an independant study program. Speaking of the principal, Ms. Cinch here asks Sci-Twi to participate in the Friendship Games in order to basically show off her most gifted student like a prized pony...and yes, I realized that I just made a terrible joke. When Sci-Twi shows reluctance, Cinch basically extorts her by saying if Sci-Twi fails to participate and win the games, he application to the independant study program will be denied. Sci-Twi begrudgingly agrees which gives way to the movie introducing the most obnoxious if not underdeveloped characters I’ve seen in these films; The Shadowbolts. There’s Sour Sweet, who is essentially Two-Face, Indigo Zap, a loud, over competitive girl, Sunny Flare who...does nothing, Sugar Coat who is so blunt you could use her as a bludgeoning weapon, and Lemon Zest, who gets a brownie point for her taste in music.
As the Showdowbolts get off their bus at Canterlot High, Sci-Twi picks up a signal from inside and sets off to find the source...kinda like Yami Bakura and his Millennium Ring. Inevitably, every student inside mistakes her for the Equestrian Twilight, even Flash Sentry, who I swear has become the lost puppy looking for his master ever since Rainbow Rocks. Look how dejected the guy is whenever Sci-Twi brushes him aside, he looks so crushed. Even Derpy Hooves...oh, sorry, Ditzy Do...what?! That’s wrong too? Well, what am I supposed to call her?
...I hate PC Parents.
Anyways, after Derpy makes an obligatory cameo to cheer Flash up, Sci-Twi converges on the location of the magic, which is just Rarity gushing about all the pointless clothes she made for the Games. No sooner does she say making clothes makes her feel alive then her magic springs up only for Sci-Twi’s device to steal it. Not realizing what Sci-Twi has done or that she is not the Equestrian Princess, the HuMain 5, Sunset and even Principal Celestia greet her like everyone else has only for Cinch to drag her away minutes later. And then the first film rears it’s ugly head for a brief moment like a phantom as Pinkie becomes a Deus Ex Machina device in order to explain what the audience already knows about Sci-Twi, to which Principal Celestia gives the best response.
While the HuMain 5 wonder about Sci-Twi, Sunset tries to use the mirror to Equestria, only for Sci-Twi’s Millennium Compact Mirror to steal her magic through the portal. Before Sunset can confront her, Sci-Twi leaves with her classmates, leaving Sunset to investigate the mirror. To her sheer horror, she realizes that the portal (which is now supposed to be open all the time) is dead. Nothing can get in, nothing can get out. Including Princess Twilight.
So, realizing she has to take matters into her own hands, Sunset goes to confront Twilight who is still using her device to locate more magic. Before she can get any information, however, the Shadowbolts intervene, but Pinkie manages to snag Sci-Twi and have her help in livening up the dull party in the gymnasium. As Pinkie’s tactics work, she starts to show her powers like the others, and the device goes nuts again, not devouring the magic but also ripping open the very fabric of the universe until Sci-Twi snaps it shut. What was that quote from Sunset again? “It just seems so random.”
Ahh, I’m going to get so much use out of that line now.
Principal Cinch immediately kills the party and pretty much reiterates that she will be the lukewarm bad guy for the movie, basically saying that “Canterlot sucks and Crystal Prep rules. Nany-nany-boo-boo, stick your head in doo doo.” Ok, she didn’t say that specifically, but she might as well have.
What follows is a montage of events with the song AcaDeca paying over. It’s actually a fun segment with both of the teams talking smack to one another as the events unfold. We even get cute moments like Flash Sentry and Bon Bon somehow failing to make a cake and instead making...Sprinkled Bread? Speaking of cake, check out the Mona Lisa cake that was of course made by Pinkie. Don’t ask how she did it, it’s Pinkie Pie. Logic does not comply. So, the two teams compete in the Academic Decathlon segment of the Friendship Games until Sunset and Sci-Twi are the last two standing, each representing their schools. Of course. And while Sunset fails to score the point, the HuMain 5 and their classmates congratulate her for getting so far because friendship.
After she wins the AcaDeca, Sci-Twi meets Fluttershy, who shows off all of her animal friends while Twilight gives her dog Spike some air. Oh, I forgot to mention him, didn’t I? Yeah, up until this point, Spike’s presence in the film has been pretty lukewarm. Why do I say “up until this point”? Because after Sci-Twi, once again, steals more magic and rips more holes in the universe, Spike somehow gains the ability to talk.
“It just seems so random.”
In either case, after more extorting from Cinch, the HuMain 5 discover what the friendship games has in store next: a tricross rally, with archery, roller skating and motocross. Yes, motocross. In high school. Before anyone starts freaking out, I actually did the research; this is an actual thing, especially back in the 70’s-80’s. It’s not exactly common due to how expensive it is, but it is a thing nonetheless. A very overkill sort of thing. And guess who shares my opinion?
Ahh, Sunset. One more brownie point for the bacon hair.
So, the rally begins with the always bipolar Sour Sweet berating Sci-Twi for being an unathletic wuss. Gee, it’s almost like she wasn’t supposed to be in this competition. One could say that she is being forced to participate. Regardless, Applejack helps her out, but reveals her pony powers in the process. You know the drill by now, the machine goes haywire, sucks in the magic and more portals open up, only this time something comes out. Straight out of a hentai, a giant plant monster starts to attack the girls during the motocross segment, forcing Rainbow to show off her powers again and help whoever the monster captures. This catches Cinch’s attention, and she covertly watches what unfolds next.
After Rainbow Dash deals with the monster while Sunset wins the motocross segment, thus tying the score with Crystal Prep. Sunset doesn’t give a care about the score though, as she snaps Sci-Twi’s Millennium Compact Mirror shut and basically snaps at her. All throughout this film, Sunset has been trying to contain and understand this magic, and then Sci-Twi tampers with things she doesn’t understand to the point where people almost got hurt or worse. This is the straw on the camel’s back for Sunset, and she lashes out against Sci-Twi, almost to the point where you feel like the original Sunset starts to leak out. So, after Sunset gives her a tongue lashing, Sci-Twi leaves and the wheels in Cinch’s head start to turn.
And then, Principal Celestia talks to Cinch and has probably the best idea in this entire film; cancel the games and call it a tie between the schools. Cinch, being a sensible adult responsible for the well being of the children attending her school, accepts the terms of this deal, and they all lived happily ever...oh, who am I kidding, of course Cinch refuses to take such a deal, as it would “tarnish her reputation”.
Thus, the students meet up for the final event, but Cinch pulls Sci-Twi aside to propose a crazy idea: Unleash The Magic. Yes, through a song, Cinch and the Shadowbolts tell Sci-Twi to fight fire with fire and use the magic that she has collected against the Wondercolts. Sci-Twi, having been abused by Cinch, her classmates and Sunset, gives into peer pressure and opens her device.
What follows is that climax I teased in the last review.
Twilight goes through what looks like a terrifying transformation, reaching out to whoever can listen to her pleas for help before being enveloped and corrupted by the raw magic. Much like Sunset She-Demon, Twilight becomes drunk on power and becomes...Midnight Sparkle.
*crickets chirp* Don’t look at me, I didn’t name her.
Midnight then proceeds to rip holes in the fabric of reality while cackling like a madwoman while Sunset, the HuMain 5 and even the Shadowbolts try to save the students who fall through the cracks. Sunset tries to snap Midnight out of her madness, but it’s no good. So, Sunset grabs the discarded compact mirror in order to absorb more magic from her friends in order to become… Seraph Shimmer. *more crickets chirp* Ok, that time I did name her. After Seraphim seals the cracks, the two demigods proceed to have a Dragonball style showdown, which Seraph inevitably wins when Spike momentarily distracts Midnight with those big puppy dog eyes. But, victory isn’t immediate, as Seraph doesn’t straight up blast Midnight. Rather, for a brief moment, she and Midnight are sealed into a white void where Seraph tries once more to convince Midnight that there is a different way to learn about magic, a way that is far less lonely than the path she travels now. Sci-Twi takes Sunset’s hand, and the two revert to their human forms, the crisis now averted.
Cinch, who hid after causing this in the first place, demands that Canterlot High must forfeit the Friendship Games for their use of magic or she will contact the school board. Everyone, even her own students and staff, call her out on her lies and blatant disregard for student safety, but invite her to tell the school board all about the magical flying girls, the portals to different dimensions and the talking dog. Cinch, having finally been backed into a corner, silently walks away and has never been seen since.
So, it’s time for the obligatory wrap-up, with both teams winning the Friendship Games...somehow, and Sci-Twi wanting to transfer to Canterlot High rather than go through with her independent study application. Sunset and the HuMain 5 wholeheartedly accept Sci-Twi as a new friend...just when the mirror portal decides to work again. Yup, the Equestrian Twilight finally makes an appearance at the last thirty seconds of the film right before the credits to basically give a reason as to why the portal died besides Sci-Twi stealing magic, and it’s a funny if not cute thirty seconds.
And with that, Friendship Games comes to a close with a cute slideshow. So,how was this film? Well, obviously it’s quite a good film, and in some ways I suppose it is better than Rainbow Rocks, but I feel like Friendship Games cannot surpass it’s predecessor. Now, like I said, it is a good film. The songs are all catchy, some of the characters are written a lot better than before, the climax was certainly just as epic if not more so than before and the film was very entertaining overall. There’s even this self-aware air about Friendship Games, as if the writers knew what the adult fanbase was upset about and decided to throw them a bone for their troubles. But, there are just certain aspects of the film that keep me from liking it more than I actually do.
For starters, let’s talk about the magic. I’m sure you folks are wondering how the magic works in this world, and even if you’re not I’m gonna tell you. According to Sunset Shimmer, at the end of the film, the magic now works only when the HuMain 5 show their Elemental nature (i.e. Applejack being honest, Pinkie Pie spreading cheer, etc.). To quote Sunset, “it seems so random” after we clearly established in Rainbow Rocks that the magic works with instruments. Then again, in the original film the girls didn’t do anything and yet they were able to do that deus ex machina attack. This may sound like a nitpick, and I will admit it kinda is, but I’m just asking for some consistency in these films.
Also, let’s talk about the Shadowbolts. These ladies were probably the least threatening “villains” since Sunset, forcing Cinch to carry to weight and being the driving force of evil and even that doesn’t work all the time. I don’t know, maybe I just prefer it when the villains are Equestrian creatures masquerading as humans who know more about magic than Sunset and the Equestrian Twilight, but sometimes changes are necessary in order to keep things interesting, otherwise these films would be a tad formulaic in its structure.
Although, maybe it was a tad late for the structure in the first place, as the plot line of Twilight stealing the magic became a tad repetitive. She tracks magic down, encounters a member of the HuMain 5, they show an attribute of themselves that reveals their magic, Sci-Twi steals it and causes weird things to happen, rinse and repeat.
Look, I’m not saying Friendship Games is bad. I’m honestly grasping at straws trying to find things to genuinely complain about rather than just sounding very nitpicky. If anything, I appreciate that this film took the risk of introducing an all human cast, minus Sunset Shimmer  and Spike, of course, and have the villains be humans rather than an obligatory Equestrian villain. Also, cutting Sunset off from the portal was honestly a nice touch, allowing Sunset to prove that she could handle this situation without Princess Twilight using the power of Deus Ex Machina to save the day from her human counterpart. But for some reason, I cannot like this film more than Rainbow Rocks. Maybe it’s because of the lack of character the Shadowbolts are given, maybe it’s the inconsistencies in the overall plot across the films, maybe it’s the repetitive structure of the story, I don’t know.
What I do know is this; Friendship Games is another great entry in the Equestria Girls series, and I would watch it again if I wanted to, in spite of my love-hate relationship with the film. It may not be as personally gratifying as Rainbow Rocks, but it is certainly is an improvement over the first film. I know that is not saying much, but it’s the best I can say for this film. In any case, that’s three films down, one more to go.
In the meantime, never stop rambling, TM
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