diamond-song42 · 5 years
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Card Shark 34: Fluttershy, Backup Vocals
Hello and welcome to this week’s bonus Card Shark! It’s the day of my favorite pony, so I’m covering a card of hers that lots of players (including myself) like. Let’s celebrate Fluttershy Day by looking at “Fluttershy, Backup Vocals!”
She just looks so cute in that Pony Tones uniform. She’s a little bit pricey at 4 AT, but she has multiple options for when she enters play: You can bounce a Friend or Resource back to its owner’s hand, or you can turn either Mane Character over. Most people make a big deal about the “turn a Mane Character over” thing, but both of these abilities are super strong. Bounce an opposing Friend or Resource you like out of play temporarily and set up other things while you can. OR you can bounce one of your own Friends back to your hand so you can activate “when this card enters play” or “when you play this card” abilities a second time. Turn your opponent’s Mane Character to their start side and give your opponent a hard time when it comes to keeping them boosted. Turn your Mane Character back to their start side to reactivate their abilities (such as the Seaquestria and Beyond Manes or Princess Luna, Dream Guide). Finally, if your Mane isn’t boosted yet (such as a hard to boost Mane like Bubbly Mare, Princess of the Night, or that Cadance), boost them! Lots of options packed into one card! (Yay.)
But now we have to go look at the bad parts. 4 AT is a lot to play a card, and in Flutters’s case, the power you get from it is only equal to half of what you paid. For the first ability, there are several alternatives that are much cheaper and easily repeatable. Bounce a Friend back with something like Unsatisfactory Work, get rid of a Resource with Bewitched Beavers, or take the Friend or Resource out of play permanently with Uh-oh or Special Beam Cannon. But what about the second option? I’d still argue that it is powerful, just not as powerful as it once was. Most viable Manes these days are not difficult to flip. Confront a Problem here, draw your third card there, pay 2 AT and do something else... not hard if you play your cards right. Depending on your opponent’s position in the game (if you are determined to flip their Mane and not yours), flipping their Mane back to the start side could be something easy to come back from! So should you still use this card? I say yes, but... wisely.
Here are some cards that make some great music with this card:
*Twilight Sparkle, Paradox Pony. If you want to activate Fluttershy again and again and again, this is your bit maker. Once you flip Paradox Pony, you can slap Fluttershy down for 1 AT less and no color req. Then return her to your hand at the end of your turn and do it again on your next turn! Paradox Pony also makes Flutters more versatile with her ability: Flip your opponent’s Mane on one turn, bounce a Friend back to your hand the next turn, flip your opponent’s Mane again on the third turn...
*Discord, Party Clasher. This one might have gotten errataed, but it can still be really powerful when it comes to cards like Fluttershy! Smack down the lord of chaos and watch Fluttershy go bye-bye. Then, whenever you feel like it, say goodbye to Discord, draw a card, and let Fluttershy come back in and wreck something. This one can also do weird things with Flutters and Paradox Pony which you can probably guess.
*Interdimensional Portal. This is an Immediate alternative if you want to keep Flutters in play longer. This one will catch your opponent off guard if they don’t peek at your hand. “Okay I’ve got my Staff of Sacanas back into play and OH NO.”
*Bedtime. If you’re into bouncing things back to your opponent’s hand, Bedtime can get rid of them for good. Staff of Sacanas? BYEEEEEE. In contrast, this is the exact OPPOSITE thing you should be using if you like Paradox Pony - you won’t be getting Fluttershy back if you do.
Hey, you! Thank you for reading this extra Card Shark! On Tuesday, I’m going back to Canterlot Nights for a Shark that might be the weirdest one I’ve ever churned out. What card could be so weird? You’ll just have to come back to find out! Diamond out!
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djdeanbirchum · 7 years
"Pinkie Pie Teach Pony Nu-Metal?" #PinkiePie #RainbowDash #twilightsparkle #Korn #freakonaleash #mylittlepony #MLPSeason4 #numetal #mlpkorn #MLPVine #vine #brony #pegasister #deanbirchum
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cinemaquestria · 8 years
LIVE: Episode Flashback: SIMPLE WAYS Discussion — Equine Episode Examination, episode 81
On this episode of EEE's Episode Flashback: we discuss the My Little Pony season 4 episode, "Simple Ways."
Join us every Tuesday at 5p EDT on CinemaQuestria for Equine Episode Examination LIVE, and participate in the discussion!
To join in the live chat, go here: http://www.CinemaQuestria.com/stream
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massreflux · 9 years
MassReflux style #brony #mlp #Mlpseason5 #Mlpseason4 #StarlightGlimmer
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jowybean · 9 years
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Aw this episode where we had a good catchy song and a of pinkie being "quote helpful. XD Trying to get back in the flow of doing title cards more quickly but not rushing the quality.  
Wip: included 
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calytones · 9 years
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"Come little children, the time's come to play Here in my garden of shadows..."
Luna sketch!
Who thinks I should color her?
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Sweet Celestia, ladies and #Bronies, Discord’s come a long way! 
♥ Love, #TheLiteraryRat
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scribefeatherhart · 9 years
Three's a Crowd
In season 4 of MLP, we see Candence and Twilight meet up in Ponyville. Before arriving, Twilight makes note that the last three times she had seen her, there had been trouble in Equestria. I remember the wedding and Sombra's rise, but what was the third time? If Equestria Girls counts as being the third time, could the movies be canon?
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gossamerbee · 10 years
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Oh, Netflix.. How silly of you. #mlp #twilight #twilightsparkle #mlpseason4 #princesstwiglight
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diamond-song42 · 6 years
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Pone Reviews 69: Filli Vanilli HAPPY DAVE AND BUSTER'S DAY! Welcome to a new Pone Reviews. I've been off the radar today because I've been experiencing the magic of Dave and Buster's for the first time to celebrate my birthday. Because of my birthday, I asked you to vote on my Twitter @diamondsong42 for an episode I love (and you can vote every week!). The result: Season 4's "Filli Vanilli!" Let's get to it! To start, a moral. "Sometimes being afraid can stop you from doing something you love, and only when you face those fears do you shine." Here is a lesson that is truly kid-oriented. I've mentioned before that fear is one of the most powerful forces on the planet. It can shrink a mighty man to the size of a pea. This episode promotes a common way to face your fears: Going at them like Shia LaBeouf and just doing it. By voicing over Big Mac from the shadows, Fluttershy realizes how good it feels to perform: The teamwork, the butterlike notes, the uproarious applause, the appreciation for the Pony Tones' craft. What I believe the episode also suggests is that you shouldn't do the biggest thing immediately. Fluttershy's circumstances were very different. But it does hint that if Fluttershy can do it, so can you, kids. This is the character development I appreciate. It doesn't feel forced and it sticks. Fluttershy is able to use this new inner strength later in the series. Her friends are encouraging and don't use this flaw to their advantage (not even Pinkie, who is sugared up a little more than usual here). So face your fears and be like Fluttershy. Maybe sing a little ditty while you do. Now the plot. Big Mac has lost his voice and cannot perform at the Pony Tones' next show! Don't worry, the day is saved thanks to... Flutterguy? This episode has all the elements that make up my perfect MLP episode: A catchy song, great character development, and so many feels! Let's start with the development, as it has what another Fluttershy episode (to me) doesn't. I stressed Fluttershy's growth already, but what I really like is that here she knows her limits. When the Pony Tones go to play at the Zap Apple event, Fluttershy refuses, saying she has more baby steps to take. The Fluttershy in "A Health of Information" did not know her limits. The inconsistency is what annoys me about "A Health of Information," but makes me really love "Filli Vanilli." The song is a real head-bopper, too. The lyrics are pure and don't need real deep meaning to get you going. Every time I listen to it, I find myself assuming a different vocal part. Their voices are all amazing! People give the song a lot of flack because it *is* so simple. But it's nice to see MLP is still simple from time to time. And I don't need to give any explanation for the feels part. All in all, I love it! Here are some more things I adored about this episode: *Zipporwhill is adorable. Kinda bummed her dad didn't get named. *That conversation between Applejack and Big Mac is hilarious. As someone with a brother, I wholeheartedly relate to that scenario. Siblings just *know.* *The spa ponies are so excited! *The opening "Music in the Treetops" number is beautiful. Andrea Libman is an awesome singer. Enough to blow Applejack's hat off! *For some reason, Fluttershy holding the pencil in her mouth is adorable. *I love Rarity and Fluttershy's friendship. They have great chemistry. *Torch Song looks like Coco Pommel... *The title is a reference to boy band Milli Vanilli who lipsynced many of their performances. One of my favorite title references. Kids don't get it but adults will. *Did I mention I love this episode? If I listed anything else I liked, I'd be naming almost everything about the episode. And - yes, they exist - here are some details I didn't like about this episode: *Pinkie's behavior may help the episode progress, but it still annoys me to no end. *My OCD will not let the fact slide that Flutterguy's voice unnaturally carries for every performance. *Why are deer considered pets in Equestria? THEY'RE BIGGER THAN SOME OF THE PONIES. To conclude: A musical episode with a childish moral and wonderful everything else. The music is in you! 4.75 out of 5 rainbows 🌈🌈🌈🌈% Thanks for listening to my loving ramblings for another Pone Reviews. Come back tomorrow for another Fluttershy-centric review... but we're getting the opposite?! Diamond out!
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rainbowrockspage · 10 years
Superbowl TV Spot Including The Mane 6! - Credit To The Person Who Made The Gif :) 
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cinemaquestria · 8 years
Episode Flashback: THREE'S A CROWD Discussion — Equine Episode Examination, episode 79
On this episode of EEE's Episode Flashback: we discuss the My Little Pony season 4 episode, "Three's a Crowd." Join us every Tuesday at 5p EDT on CinemaQuestria for Equine Episode Examination LIVE, and participate in the discussion!
You can join in the live discussion here: http://www.CinemaQuestria.com/stream
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deltabrony7 · 10 years
Delta Brony was bleeding at first from his last battles, but Twilight healed him a few minutes ago. The trail of blood moved because it had some dark magic in it. It expanded and transformed into dark energy, causing it to reveal Omega Brony, who now has rainbow power of the Mane 6. He plans to get revenge on Twilight Sparkle and her friends, and defeat Princess Celestia and become ruler of Equestria. Delta Brony is the prince of hope and the protector of Twilight Sparkle, and he will do what ever he can to team up with the Mane 6 to defeat his dark nemesis.
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kibbiethegreat · 10 years
Guess I missed this being uploaded while I was away on my hiatus. Ramble invited me to do the episode review of the season 4 finale of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
I'm probably not the best reviewer in the world, but hey I think I snuck in a few jokes here and there. Go check it out and send Ramble some love!
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myclosetbrony · 10 years
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These are my alarms that I created back on November to wake me up for the new episodes, it was kinda sad to turn them off yesterday. (In my country new episodes aired at 9:30)
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ilovekimpossiblealot · 10 years
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