palaceofpassion · 2 years
How is human Spike enjoying his Thanksgiving with The human Mane Six?
"I don't know what Thanksgivings is."
Spike blinked a few times, confused by the statement. "But we are eating together at the moment!"
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spiralsublime · 1 year
imelda was from the get go supposed to be the femme fatale but that makes her quick marriage to lance even more important to me
the femme fatale is often characterized as a someone that draws the detective into a mess of shit that usually gives “self destructive”, and originally this is set up to be hunch as her connecting detective but LANCE MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE
hunch has his own arc, the detective taking himself more seriously, a detective who makes himself known and finally gets proper recognition. meeting imelda didn’t ruin his life, nor does he revolve around her storywise.
so imelda hits all other femme fatale beats and doesnt Need a male counterpart but we also get TROPES!! she, a wanted woman who is known to the police as a mad-woman who turned from an honest life to crime, meets a police captain (basically stand in chief of police currently) and immediately smooth talks circles around him. lance questions his boss, his job, and his life to chase after this sudden Excitement that he hadn’t allowed himself. literally, brennan says that lance has never felt so Alive.
imelda, the true version of femme fatale, finds her cynical and disillusioned “right side of the law” man, lance, and immediately they run together. then we learn that lance’s concerns is the reason that copper is so easily found in mentopolis doubling down on the “morally ambiguous” trope. she doesnt look at lance and go, actually dont be so wary of everyone, she (because she is impulse and because of how aware she is of the situation they are in) connects to him on his need to just Act.
imelda pulse is such a good femme fatale character and her moment with lance has lived in my head all this week. i cant wait to see how fast this marriage falls out once elias is no longer in that all or nothing space, though trauma, maybe they will stick together for a little longer than any of us are ready for.
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chibishortdeath · 3 months
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I was playing Undertale a while back, but also Funger at around the same time, so uh, something happened 💀💀💀
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Younger Undertale fans who may see this post! Be warned! Funger is not for kids! Don’t go looking it up!!! There’s nothing inherently adult in this post, but the game is very inherently adult and graphic horror!!!
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michi-chelle-draws · 6 months
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that one scene from taku’s route 👀
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zegalba · 1 year
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Spiked Leather Corset in H Magazine (2000)
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sabretoothleather · 1 year
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Rawr I guess
Sorry about the lighting it gets dark at 1 here
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sheericetorrent · 2 months
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favorite hcs: egg twins (+ their mild redesigns), equinox still mostly responsible for doomsday, solstice is Just a guy. an introvert even tretone being a dwarf for his (functionally extinct) species. this one i made up is how tall they're supposed to be i have So many favorite hcs :heart: but i rank these two high (not scribbled) he was raised by the crevons as a result of the extinction
the tucker in question (With my stupid brush):
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@superpaperrobloxhcs i Said this was judgment day . You will get Blasted with Art and Funnythings. i Will invade you with 5 more paragraphs worth of spr hcs and conspiracy theories someday. For now. Art. That I need to post i'm lurking, and I'm stalking when you least expect it
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nando161mando · 11 months
Just make chatGPT CEO of Open AI. It shares a lot of qualities with your average CEO:
- Steals other people's ideas
- Valued by the market at much more than it's worth
- Doesn't remember things it previously said
- Says patently absurd things with absolute confidence
- Doesn't know what it's doing
- Doesn't really believe in facts so much as what it feels is probably right
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On Loki, Joss Whedon, Spike, and The Princess and the Frog (really, there's a connection)
Season 2 of Loki is out in 16 days and the video essay on the romanticisation of abuse I've been working on for two years and planned to time with its release doesn't even have a full script.
But also evolved to understand that all heroines that are supposed to be self-inserts, from indeed Loki fanfic to actually published ones (from twilight to a discovery of witches) tend to be thought up by white people, because non white people know that you can't have something "innate" you're appreciated about, because all we have innately the system uses against us so we have to *work* at having good things to offer to the world.
And that's why of all princesses, Tiana from the princess and the frog is the only one talking about work. It's not a metaphor, it's that we know.
And I just wish I had the energy to make a beautiful enlightening 80 minutes essay to ride the coattails of the Loki character that just happened to become the panties twister he did because of the great abuser that is Joss Whedon (you mewling quim) because that's what he's always done: create characters he hopes people hate (Spike) given to accidentally good actors that fuck his expectations over... and then you have stuff like the Hall H speech of 2013 and they make their own life...
So yeah, would be interesting wouldn't it?
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epiales06 · 1 year
As a character, Spike is super interesting. He contradicts himself- and not always in the “bad writing” way but the “complex character” way too.
On the one hand, he is REALLY motivated by family/the need for one. The first thing he did as a vampire was turn his dying mother into one (and it obviously went horribly), then he lived with a found family (The Fanged Four) for a while before going off as just him and Dru. Fast forward to seasons 5-6 and he’s looking out for Dawn, often hanging out with her and Joyce, and longing for a meaningful relationship with Buffy. Not to mention how, in Tabula Rassa, he assumed he was Giles’ son.
But on the other hand, he abuses every partner he has other than Dru (Harmony and Buffy), acts as the “black sheep” in his found family (The Fanged Four), and hates Giles during his stint thinking he was his son. Every time he gets a shot at the family and relationships he craves, he sabotages it.
Anyway, all I’m saying is that I think there are a lot of lenses we can look at Spike through and they get increasingly interesting- but I do think that a lot of his (internal) conflict and asshole-ness stems from this contradiction.
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elv--eyera · 2 years
I felt that those of us who Love This Game should know that the 25th Anniversary of I Love This Game is in less than two weeks
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holedyke · 2 years
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musashi · 30 days
every time i have a mental health episode i like have my initial freakout about being alone and needing someone to talk to and then in like the 11th hour when i'm long past the pain i am like flooded with love and support and instead of responding positively to it i just get really fucking scared, feel like i have manipulated everyone into caring about me, and hide in a fucking hole for days until it all blows over.
genuinely i just wish i had someone who would see me be like 'I HAD A BAD DAY AT WORK' and dm me like 'do you wanna talk about it? or do you want me to talk to you about franmaya.' and then we do that and i'm fine in 5 mins. but it's always either dead silence or walls of text about how great i am and it's just two different forms of torture like how do i respond to this besides just crying and isolating myself entirely.
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girl-of-ink · 2 years
Did you explain the connection yet? I only know spike and castiel, but I recognize where the others are from. Are they all like double agents??
ok so for reference, this is the post we're talking about
the characters are as follows: maxwell q. klinger from m*a*s*h, spike from buffy: the vampire slayer, seto kaiba from yugioh, and castiel supernatural
the connection is this: none of these characters were supposed to last longer than a few episodes or chapters in their source material, but each of them ended up being main characters who made it all the way to the very end of their respective series & became overall fan favorites
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klinger isn't original to the book or movie that m*a*s*h is based on, and he was intended to be one-off transphobic crossdressing joke. instead, he was so well-written and well-acted that he became a main character whose passion for women's fashion was respected and admired by all the other characters. unlike the later examples, the writers of the show voluntarily kept klinger on and really embraced the journey of writing him into a deep and sympathetic character. despite having been written for one single off color joke in one single episode, he starred in all eleven seasons and is one of the most beloved characters in the whole show
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Seto Kaiba was originally written as a one-off bad guy of the week, a classmate of yugi's who has a passion for card games but no respect for other players. he was such a hit that takahashi just kept upgrading him to be a Bigger and Badder bad guy (he opens a theme park to murder the protagonists) until he eventually became So Popular that he was (sort of) redeemed and upgraded to antihero protagonist. the anime adaptation took this even farther by highlighting him and frequently shoehorning him into arcs he wasn't really present for in the manga. he is now the most popular character in the whole show, even more than any of the original protagonists
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Spike was introduced in Season 2 of Buffy as a short-term bad guy meant to highlight Angel's status as the 'good vampire.' instead, he became wildly popular and was slowly upgraded to main character and endgame love interest. joss whedon, notably, hated the fact that spike was a fan favorite and continuously attempted (and failed) to sabotage spike's popularity with viewers. instead, he remains one of the most iconic figures of the series, even despite the attempted character assassination
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castiel is the perfect evolution of each of the previous characters. he was originally signed for a handful of episodes in season 4 of supernatural, but his impact was so great (and his sexual tension w/ dean was so powerful) that he immediately shot to the top of all popularity polls. quite a few supernatural writers, like joss whedon, hated that the gay angel had taken over their show, and he was almost killed and written off the show multiple times, but the fan outcry was so loud that they kept caving and writing him back in. by the end of the show, he remained a main character after 11 seasons, and the writers made the funniest possible choice of 1) caving to fan desires and making him canonically gay and then 2) indulging their own utter hatred by killing him immediately afterward and spending the last episode of the show acting as if he had never existed.
each of these characters was meant to be a one-off character meant to either be a joke or a means to advance the plot. each of them was so unbelievably charismatic and charming that they became main characters due to their extreme popularity with fans. for klinger and kaiba, the creators embraced their wildcard protagonists and allowed them to blossom naturally into nuanced and interesting characters. for spike and castiel, the creators threw countless conniption fits but could not quash the public's fervor for an asshole vampire and a gay angel. i find comparing the four of them really interesting, as it shows the way that fan interaction can shape a narrative, and it gives us an insight into the way characters and stories can take on a life of their own and eventually result in one gay angel ruling the entire internet against the will of the people who created him
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Spike,cowboy bebop .
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avalior · 6 months
While it was strongly claimed during Cosmic Turnabout that Clay caused Solomon's unconsciousness by overdosing him on his anxiety medication, this was not the case.
Solomon's PTSD would likely be treated with SSRIs, with the most likely prescriptions being venlafaxine, sertraline, or paroxetine. Of these three, only sertraline has an explicit side effect of potential loss of consciousness -- however, experiencing this side effect would be cause for hospitalisation and would not be conducive to space travel once Solomon was conscious. The only other alternative would be to cause serotonin syndrome by forcing Solomon's serotonin levels to spike beyond control, through either a medication overdose or combining his existing medication with other tablets to raise his serotonin.
However, serotonin syndrome would also run considerable risk of seizures and arrhythmia, which again would not be conducive to space travel and would be far too inexact as to how much of the medication to give Solomon without a) killing him b) causing him to be entirely unfit for space travel, rather than just knocked out for the launch and c) causing any of the other side effects of serotonin syndrome instead of unconsciousness in isolation.
This also does not tally with Simon explicitly stating that traces of medication were found in Solomon's system -- presuming Solomon had blood drawn shortly following Clay's attempted murder being discovered and police arriving, there is no feasible way that Solomon's unconsciousness could have been induced by his medication as the volume needed to cause the unconsciousness would show in far higher quantities in bloodwork than just "traces".
In truth, Clay assisted Yuri in 'managing' Solomon's anxiety with the launch by including generic sleeping tablets in his usual medication, passing them off as additional vitamins and assisting in this deception by taking visually similar actual vitamins himself. It was these tablets which caused Solomon's loss of consciousness for the HAT-2 launch; far safer than hamfistedly overdosing Solomon on his medication until he caused unconsciousness.
Clay worked under the assumption, with Yuri's deceitful confirmation, that the drugging was consensual and Solomon was aware of this potential plan, with Solomon being consensually unaware of the details as to avoid further anxiety. Following his recovery from the Phantom's attack, once he is medically cleared, Clay does stand trial for Solomon's spiking on charges of infliction of bodily harm.
#( h. ) clay.#spiking /#drug mention /#[ sertraline and ssris can also cause memory problems and forgetfulness according to the nhs ]#[ so there's solomon's erratic testimony still explained (as well as a heaping dose of he's lying anyway) ]#[ solomon starbuck is a certified sertraline girlie it is known ]#[ turning cosmic turnabout over in my head like an interesting rock and the game does not make sense ]#[ athena and phoenix also refer to them as 'tranquillisers' not anxiety meds which doesn't tally with ]#[ there is the potential that solomon is given benzodiazepines which ARE sedatives but are only for anxiety not PTSD ]#[ you're not supposed to take diazepam for more than 4 weeks but sol testifies he's been on the meds adhoc for 7 years ]#[ diazepam and sertraline reportedly don't interact so he could have been dosed with diazepam to knock him out but at that point ]#[ just get the night nurse out? ]#[ most diazepam looks fairly distinctive (blue or yellow from what i'm seeing?) and not at all vitamin like ]#[ there's no way clay at 23 could force solomon at 35 to take tablets he knows aren't right and still have sol think of him so fondly ]#[ not to mention you're not supposed to operate heavy machinery on diazepam and you can't get much heavier than a wholeass space shuttle ]#[ and since yuri knew abt the medication he'd have known what sol was taking ]#[ clay's trial will have a whole other post but know it has shades of lamiroir's window testimony about it ]#[ tldr clay didn't overdose sol on his medication but he did dose him with sleeping pills bc he's king of the himbos and listened to yuri ]
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