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wintrii-shadows · 4 months ago
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so that's all the kandi I have right now that's for me in no particular order. um. i'm sane what do you mean
the zoidberg one was bc my brother said it'd be funny to show to my science teacher so hehe seven eleven is one of my nicknames now the green w is for weezer and is part of a friendship bracelet set I have with three others the stars on the very right,, two of those are for charlie and niffty :3 got some kin bracelets n stuff in there too nuzi and dizzy bracelets + stars
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venti-tangents · 6 months ago
I was gonna save this for a more general hc post, but the new card trailer has me ferrel.
Now that we have a larger collection of spicy, intimate scenes with Rafayel, I’ve started to notice a bit of a pattern with how they play out.
He lures his MC in, usually using himself as bait—testing their limits, sometimes acting innocent or helpless; generally goading them on, inviting them tease him. And tease him is what they do, taking great joy in doing so because his reactions are so cute. He melts so easily in the hands of his beloved…yet he pounces right when they least expect it. I think he enjoys the feeling of “turning the tables” on his lover, so to speak.
It’s almost cunning the way he seduces the MC, which is probably why they call him a fox in the trailer (I’ll come back to this if I’m wrong).
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myreia · 6 months ago
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✦ F F X I V L E V E L 9 0
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trucygoose · 2 months ago
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heh. jeanne dresscole
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lovebugdotcom · 1 year ago
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Wibble doodles ft. Gangle
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botanists-little-cookie · 23 days ago
Silly meme I made last night :3
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selfshipper-xavier · 3 months ago
Ford: compliments xavier in anyway
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Pro.shippers/com.shippers DNI please
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gayathreya · 9 months ago
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neriyon · 5 months ago
What is something Maito keeps like: a souvenir, a keepsake, or a family heirloom; that means a lot to her? Why is it so important to her?
Ohhh, it's been a while since I last even thought about Maito's lore uihfeiuehf.
I could see her having some keepsakes her younger siblings gave her before she set off on a boat to Eorzea. Maybe some simple bead bracelet, or like, a stick figure drawing of their family? Or even some of the letters they sent her during her travels. Those were her only real connection home while on unfamiliar continent, so obiviously very dear to her (even if she'd never admit it out loud).
Other keepsakes from other's I could see her keeping would be something from Naho or Scions. Maybe a staff commissioned by the Scions as a thank-you for all the trouble she went through for them. For Naho I think it'd again be something really simple, like a pretty, colorful ribbon she felt like would brighten this mostly black wearing auri up (dubbed goth by your catgirl bestie lol).
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windupnamazu · 1 year ago
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i can't sit idly (no, i can't move at all)
ffxivwrite2023 #15: portentous of or like a portent: a sign or warning that something, especially something momentous or calamitous, is likely to happen.  
Lunya/G'raha. Pastoral AU. 582wc. ⮞ Some people hear a scream in the middle of the night and close their curtains. G'raha runs toward it.
The moon hung full over Corvos that night, drenching the summer meadows and their sprawling patches of daffodils in silver light and casting long, deep shadows where it could not reach.
G'raha fiddled with the latch of his hut, uncertain why he was so on edge. It wasn't his first summer in the pastures and it would not be his last for many more years to come, and with experience came a quiet sort of calm that eluded him this time when it had never before. Out in the field his flock was quiet as they slept under the watchful eye of his loyal sheepdog, Lyna, and the only sound was the gentle whistle of the wind through the ash trees.
Before he could fasten the lock and retire to bed to shove the strange anxiety hanging at the back of his mind away, a scream broke the peace of the night.
Immediately he was back out the door, crook in hand and barking a command for Lyna to keep watch. He tore through the thicket, lantern swinging as he tumbled down the slope towards Elftrudis's pastures with a healing spell already on his tongue.
He found her on the ground, panicked but otherwise unharmed as her own guardian dog circled her flock, hackles raised. In the pale moonlight that drifted between the trees into her section of the meadows there laid a giant direwolf, its hulking body split in twain, and standing above it…
A woman—one he'd met once before in these very same meadows. Lalafellin, possessed of moon-white hair in silken plaits and eyes of twilight flecked with crystal, skin brown as sugar and dotted with white freckles like the myriad stars overhead, impossibly beautiful in a way that made her seem not of this world. She stood over the corpse of the wolf five times her size as it bled out into the soil, cradling a lamb in one arm and in the other the arm of a scythe as tall as she was, formed of aetherial light rather than steel and dripping ichor. Two hounds flanked her on either side; the first a mutt that was nearly invisible in the dark with its pitch black fur and the second an Ala Mhigan hound with golden fur and piercing blue eyes.
When last he saw her, the very first time, she was a traveler who misheard his kulning cry as one in need of help and came wandering from the treeline like one of his flock at sundown. She warned him the pastures were dangerous at night and he laughed it off, having spent more than half his lifetime slogging through the wetlands in the pitch dark. Back then, she seemed eccentric but no more than he was and he found himself charmed by her open-bite smile and the wit with which she bantered with him until he had to return to his hut. At worst, she was a little misinformed but clearly well-intentioned. But before there weren't wolves of this size. Before, she hadn't had the scythe.
"What are you, Lunya?" he wondered, mouth dry.
"Me?" the girl asked with a voice like bells, luminous and intensely strange beneath the moonlight. She smiled toothily at him; her canines were sharp, fanglike. A bracing wind tore through the meadow and rattled the daffodils at their feet, sending her braids rippling in waves that revealed a pair of wolf tooth earrings hanging from her softly pointed ears. "I'm an omen."
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starlooping · 3 months ago
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thanks for the suggestion! hmmmm if it's going to be based off my url i think starloop tag would fit better! maybe. i will change the tags tomorrow though, it's bed time for me
oh i am new here. uh. whuh! that's..! something?
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lovebugdotcom · 1 year ago
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The comfort character ever.
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botanists-little-cookie · 1 month ago
Sapphic selfshippers: tag you and your f/os
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Pro.ship respect my boundaries and DNI
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selfshipper-xavier · 8 months ago
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So I got another cookie run f/o
S/i is transmasc enby and uses they/he/she pronouns
Picrew Link
Pro.ship/com.ship/neutral dni
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botanists-little-cookie · 8 months ago
weehee i drop my qpp n me if its oki ^-^
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*waving to selfshippers* hihi send me ur f/os and s/is and i will draw them together!!!! holding hands perhaps!!!! or even kissing!!!!
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fishyvamp · 4 months ago
18+ NSFW MDNI mind the tags
You whimpered as the S.C.R.E.A.M unit pinned you down. It's gears whirling and whining as it ground into you. It was strange in how it was like it was seeking gratification in a sexual way. Rubbing where it's dick would be against the curve of your ass. You clenched your fist, teeth gritted heavily, the scent of fresh oil you had just applied to it's joints in the air of the workshop. This must've been some sick joke someone was playing on you. Maybe some kind of hazing ritual to welcome the new technician.
"You got a boyfriend?" The bot seemed to tease. It's icy mechanical hand pressing against your throat pulling you flush against it's cold frame. The coveralls you wore doing very little to protect you. You could feel a scream building in your throat as none of this made sense. It had walked in of it's own free will, or at least the equivalent of free will for a android, requesting maintenance and when you had finished diagnosis everything was clear; No anomalies, not even signs of code tampering, yet when the bot was turned back on it began behaving unnaturally. All you knew for sure is If you made it out of this alive you will be looking through its code piece by piece to find out who tampered with your unit. Surely there would be a digital signature in there. Something to indicate who last touched the code.
"Stop!" You screamed out feeling it's other hand beginning to palm the front of your pants, "initiate command slash S!" The kill phrase coming out desperate the bolder it got practically crushing you against the table; it's hips picking up speed. Before stuttering to a stop, grip loosening just enough for you to slide out; breathing heavily you clutched your chest looking up at the machine that had you caged just moment ago. The fact that it didn't halt right away felt a bit unnerving but the nightmare was over. Clawing at the rough sandpaper like carpet you moved into the light of your dimly lit office. It felt like an eternity as you begged yourself to calm down long enough to plug in the diagnostic computer.
Your eyes shut tightly, you count backwards from ten, listening to the clicks and beeps as it dug whatever info it could, name after name appearing on the screen before you. The unit behaved too purposely to be a true malfunction. Your eyes darting across the screen, the only name catching your eye was that of Danny Johnson. You had to think on why that name sounded familiar despite no one currently working in your shop with that name. Who was Danny? Maybe it was a placeholder name?
It wouldn't be till later that you'd realize Danny was the name of the technician who was killed by a S.C.R.E.A.M unit a year earlier, that in of itself would explain the name, thinking maybe someone in your shop got ahold of his old login information to prank you... It wasn't unusual for the company to not care about removing the permissions of the dead. At least that was until discovering that Danny was the only deceased employee to have their profile completely removed from the system. Even his past work history and general employee file was completely null, as if he never existed. Not even old logs were accessible.
You know he was real the older employees talked about how sweet he was, how he could charm the pants off just about anyone. Well loved and respected, but he didn't exist according to the system. So how the hell did someone use Danny Johnson's information to modify code? Danny doesn't have authorization. Danny shouldn't be able to modify code. Danny technically doesn't exist. So why does it say "Danny wants you"?
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