#mlb gift exchange
crimsonmonsoon · 2 years
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This is for the @mlsecretsanta secret santa mlb gift exchange. My giftee dropped out, but this was the gift I had made for them!
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thatonegirljessy99 · 2 years
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Pairing: Adrienette
Rating: PG13
Themes: Angst (?), fluff, time skip AU (characters are in their late 30’s)
Word count: 2460
Warnings: characters getting over a bit of trauma, talks of self doubt
Spoilers: None
Summary: After years as Ladybug and Cat Noir, Marinette and Adrien have taken a back seat in the hero scene to focus on their personal lives. But now Marinette has to deal with the consequences of switching guardians at such a young age, but Adrien is there to remind her no matter what he will be a soft place to fall on for his lady <3
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A/N: This is my MLB Secret Santa present for @raspberry-radiation ! I really hope you enjoy it and Merry Xmas! And thanks to @mlsecretsanta for letting me be a part of this event :)
To everyone else, I hope you enjoy my little one shot and hope you have some happy holidays! :)
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It had been almost two decades since Marinette had given up her spot as the guardian of the Miraculous box. Things had been peaceful in Paris for the last few years, a few meetings had gone down and the group agreed it was time to find the next Miraculous holders since everyone was moving on with their lives. Alya had gone into journalism and was now married to Nino, Kagami got into business management and helped fund a school for gifted children in the Arts and STEM fields. Even though the school was only 2 years old with a small student population, it was already beginning to show a promising future. Then of course Marinette went into fashion and realized that, like her parents, she wanted to have her own shop where she could sell her designs. She had already gotten enough recognition from past designs, that when she launched her online store things were going out of stock quickly. That wasn’t even mentioning how well things went when she  opened her boutique! There were plenty of people ready to buy the designs of the soon to be Marienette Agreste. Adrien was also making good progress in therapy and decided he was going to open his own therapy practice after getting his masters in psychiatry.
Things were actually falling into place and it seemed like it was the perfect time back then to make that shift, Kagami being picked as the next Guardian of the miracle box. She had been helping Marinette decipher some of the elixirs in the old texts to the point where they had discovered a potion that could help bring back Marinette's memories after the transfer. It had apparently been invented for times of peace for the guardians that had taken their turn protecting the miracle box and now wished to enjoy the fruits of their labors. The group had also made a back up plan in case the potion didn’t work, with videos and pictures being collected to show her and explain what was going on.
Easy to say, the elixir did not work at first. It took everyone a month to convince Marinette that what they were saying was true and that she indeed was the former Ladybug. But slowly some of the memories seemed to come back, memories no one had mentioned to Marinette. It was exciting and made everyone relieved that things would be okay overall.
Now, almost fifteen years later, Marienette and Adrien were happily married with three beautiful children. Their oldest, Jack, was eleven years old and the twins, Juliet and Sarah, were nine years old. At this moment all the children had set out their snacks for Santa Claus and gone to bed in hopes of finding presents under the tree when they woke up the next day. Marinettee had already gone to  her room and Adrien’s room, changing into her nightgown and sitting in bed with a mug of hot chocolate on her nightstand and a fashion magazine on her lap. As she flipped through the pages of her magazine to see if she could start to get inspiration for her spring line, Adrien entered the room with his own mug of hot chocolate, flashing a smile to his wife when she looked up from what she was looking at  before going to his side of the bed. He scooted closer to her, placing a kiss on her shoulder before leaning his head on it, humming a random Christmas tune as they looked through the magazine together.
“Anything catching your eyes?” he hummed softly.
“Not just yet, however I am starting to come up with a color palette at least for the collection,” she exhaled  a little disappointed,” but hopefully Bernadette will have some ideas for when we meet up in two days.”
“Maybe you should just relax for now and enjoy your drink before it gets cold. You took Bernadette under your wing as your apprentice because you saw potential. You two can worry about work when you are back in the office,” Adrien smiled, removing the magazine from Marinette’s lap and reaching over her to place it back on the nightstand.
“Yeah, you are probably right. I just get excited working with her because it is like seeing a younger me getting into fashion,” Marinette beamed before taking a drink from her hot chocolate.
After this, the conversation shifted to how their half days at work had gone for each of them. Adrien's practice had only been open until two in the afternoon and he told Marinette some of the lighter things going on with his child patients. There was one girl in particular that was giving him a run for his money because she would tell him one thing and then two seconds later would go back and say actually it wasn’t this thing but that thing. She really didn’t want to be there but she was causing so many problems at school that her parents thought therapy might help. 
Marinette laughed a little knowing kids can be very difficult, as their kids reminded them from time to time. She then started to share some of the ideas that Bernadette had brought up for spring wedding dresses and how it was inspired by a cookie her three year old niece decorated for her. She showed the picture to Adrien who almost spat out his hot chocolate from the mess of colors on the single cookie. Neither of them were really sure how her apprentice had gotten inspiration from that but it was hilarious to look at the inspirational cookie.
Eventually the hot chocolate and the conversation came to an end and they both curled up close to each other, whispering their goodnights. Adrien placed a small kiss on Marinette’s forehead before pulling her closer to him and drifting off to sleep.
‘M’lady, you left me.”
The voice was soft but sounded so familiar. But Marinette could only see darkness around her.
“Why didn’t you choose to stay with me? We could have had all this,” the voice taunted getting closer, images of her with her children and husband beginning to fade in and out as it continued.
That was until suddenly there was a figure that started to walk towards her. Within a second, the figure was close enough to see who it was. All Marinette could do was back away slowly as he got closer.
“Chat… Adrien, I am so sorry.. But you weren’t from my world,” Marinette whimpered, feeling her back finally hit against the wall she hadn’t noticed was there,” You came from a different time then me.”
“You could have stayed, we could have had this,” he gestured at the images of the kids that ran around behind them,” You could have stayed.”
His voice was becoming angrier, his hands grabbing onto Marinette’s shoulders who only shrinked back into the wall trying to get away. He could have been mistaken for an angel if she hadn’t met him in her dreams before. It was odd to see him in this adult version, the white suit still looking the same as it did when they were teens.
“I am not her! I wasn’t and am not ever going to be her! You aren’t my Adrien!”
Adrien woke up noticing that Marinette was whimpering as she started to move around. All of a sudden Marinette shot up, shaking, with tears beginning to run down her cheeks as she gasped for air. Adrien automatically sat up to hold her gently, careful to not move too suddenly and spook his wife. Even though he didn’t know what had just happened in her dream, he could tell that it was a lot for her. Gingerly, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and kissed the side of her head softly.
“Do you want me to turn on the light for you?” His voice came in a soft whisper, his question only being answered by a small nod.
He nodded and let go of Marinette for a moment as he turned to his night stand to turn on the light. Marinette pulled her knees up to her chest, her arms staying wrapped around her legs as she put her head down, her breaths coming out in hiccups as tears continued to spill. Adrien moved to kneel in front of her, giving her a moment to cry before placing a hand on her head and scratching her head lightly.
“Was it another memory?” he whispered, Marinette peeking up to look at her husband and biting her lip.
“Yes and no… I don’t know if you remember when I told you about my memories of Chat Blanc. He appeared in my dream telling me that I left him… I almost feel guilty for having what I have, knowing that in another time you don’t get to enjoy any of this with me,” she explained, her hand taking his from her head and holding it in front of her for a second before he took her hand and kissed it.
“You feel guilty for being a hero and having a family?” Adrien coos softly. There was a moment of silence before he let out a sigh and continued,” You know that you did what you could so you could fix things but he was too far gone when you got there. You came back to where you belong and you have also gone through a lot but you haven’t turned dark like him. I don’t know how it must feel to lose your memories and have them trickle back but I am sure that it doesn’t make working through your feelings easy.”
Marinette started to uncurl, Adrien then moved to her side once more and took her hand in his with a sympathetic smile.
“You don’t think I am ungrateful, right?” she asked with a nervous laugh.
“Did you think I was ungrateful when I wanted nothing from my father after we found out he was Hawkmoth?” He chuckled knowing the answer already,
“Of course not! I am still not sure how I would have reacted if that had been my parents!” Marinette quickly answered, looking at him wide eyed before freezing and smiling at him with a small playful glare. Clearly the message had been received and understood when Marientte spoke up again,” Okay, I get it. I shouldn’t be so hard on myself when I have gone through something no one else has. Or if they did, they were way older than our Master.”
Both of them started to laugh, the heaviness in Marinette's chest having already vanished. After the laughter died down Adrien pulled her into a hug and kissed her softly, pulling back to look into Marinette's eyes.
“We have been through a lot but I am going to be here for every nightmare you wake up from to remind you that things are okay and that we worked hard to deserve this,” his voice was soft but Marinette knew he meant it,” We worked hard to make Paris peaceful and we deserve this. This home, our kids, our friends. We made all this for ourselves and have every right to enjoy it.”
There was a gummy bear smile that appeared on his face as he looked down at his beautiful wife of almost fifteen years. She wasn’t the same Marinette he had met on his first day of public school. She had flourished into a beautiful woman who could speak her mind and demand the attention of a room if she wanted just with her presence. But in moments like these, he still saw the girl he would find out on her stoop late at night that would pour her heart out to Chat Noir. She cared so much about everyone still and still couldn’t bring herself to see how much she had accomplished. It made her so humble and was one of the many things that had made him fall in love all that time ago.
“You are such a good kitty,” Marinette smiled, nuzzling her face into his neck.
It was funny for Marinette to think that once upon a time, this was all reversed. When Adrien had finally gotten a moment to properly process that his father had been Hawkmoth, he questioned everything about the father-son  relationship. There were nights he would come over to Marinette’s place to just cry it all out. But after she had her memories wiped and things started to trickle back, he had become her shoulder to cry on. It was a lot to process and still was. Some days the memories would come out of nowhere but it would be parts that evoked anxiety  and panic in the up and coming designer. Now that some time had gone by, Adrien had taught her how to ground herself after these flashbacks and showed her some techniques he would use with his patients to help her process the memories in a safe way. Even when all of it was starting, he never once complained or made her feel like she was some sort of burden for him to take care of.
“Anything for m’lady,” he grinned as he wrapped his arms around her tightly before hearing some little footsteps in the hall. Both of them pull back already knowing it was the twins trying to see if they could catch a glimpse of Santa or get a head start on their presents.
“I really hope no one is trying to get a peak at their presents. If Santa finds out that two little girls didn’t listen to their mommy and daddy and didn’t sleep, he will come back to take the present and leave them some coal!” Marinette called out loudly, the footsteps stopping suddenly with two little gasps being heard from behind the door.
“It would be a shame because I told him to make sure to bring them something special this year since the kids were really good,” Adrien chimed in, now a squeal being heard before they heard footsteps running back toward the kids room.
Adrien and Marinette stared at each other for a moment before both of them fell into a fit of giggles, both trying to hush the other so the girls wouldn’t hear them laughing. After a second, it was decided they should probably go back to sleep before they get woken up by all three of their children to open the presents Santa brought them. Marinette curled up into Adrien who wrapped his arms around her waist happily. Marinette almost instantly felt at peace, the feeling of sleepiness was starting to  creep back into her system.
“Hey, m’lady…”
Marinette looked up at Adrien who pecked her nose and smiled.
“Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, kitty.”
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A/N: I hope you enjoyed the story! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year y'all!
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hecateisalesbian · 9 months
”Do you trust me?”
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Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year @justcallmelucky! I was your @mlsecretsanta this year :) you said you liked Marichat and romance! I combined this with a quote that I really like.
Process screenshots, other concept ideas, and stuff under cut
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Here’s some of the process! Probably the longest I’ve ever spent on a background 😔
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I thought this was funny idk his butt just looked so out of proportion while coloring 😭
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Here’s one concept art I came up with that also had a lot of Easter eggs, including the umbrella from s1, the picture from @buggachat’s Bakery Enemies AU, etc, but ultimately decided against it because it was a lot and also I was having a lot of trouble with perspective
this will also be posted on my art blog @accidentally-drank-paintwater to view there too! Merry Christmas!
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maribatserver · 2 years
The Grand Gift Gathering
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Give the gift of Maribat this holiday season!
For the first time ever, the Maribat Server will be hosting a gift exchange for our server members! But much like the Batboys, this gift exchange isn't quite… normal.
Instead of working alone on a secret assigned prompt, each participant will be assigned to one of two teams. From there, you'll work together to fulfill the other team's wishlist!! This isn't just a gift from you to someone else — we're hoping the influx of amazing Maribat creations will be a gift to our entire fandom.
Each team member will submit some details about their preferences, including likes and dislikes. From there, we'll send you on your way to a team and hand you the other team's wishlist. You'll select prompts from the list and just get creating!
Your team can brainstorm together, review each other's gifts, and even collab if you'd like. All we ask is that every prompt on the wishlist is included in at least one gift. That means you can double up too! Whether it's one sketch for one prompt or a mega-fic that covers three at once, all is welcome in our GGG.
To help facilitate collaboration, we'll be restricting this event to in-server members only… but don't worry! You're always welcome to join. Just send an ask to @maribatserver and we'll send you a private invite to join!
Finally, we'll do our grand reveal and wrap up the event. Find our schedule below: Sign-Ups Open: Nov 10th Sign-Ups Close: Nov 17th Wishlists Distributed: Nov 20th Check-in 1: Dec 10th Check-in 2: Dec 20th Gifts Due: Dec 31st
We can't wait to see you here!
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rafeyscurtainbangs · 12 days
College Baseball JJ - Headcanons
+18 Minor DNI
⭐ republished ⭐
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♡ who you met in the library after he was forced to go to study table. A week of shameless flirting later, he had you backed up against the bookshelf, fingers tangled in your hair as you exchanged your first kiss.
♡ who snuck you onto the baseball field after dark on your first date. The two of you, hid out in the dugout, talking and getting to know each other until the sky lightened.
♡ who waited two more days until the 12th to ask you to be his girlfriend because 12 is his lucky number, and he didn’t want to fuck this up.
♡ who was forced to stop smoking during the season; stealing shotgun kisses off your lips instead because “those don’t count, princess.”
♡ who didn’t think you could get more beautiful until he saw you in a jersey and jean shorts, watching him from the stands.
♡ whose walkout song is “Do You Believe In A Thing Called Love” because it was the karaoke song you chose for him on your first date at your dingy college dive bar.
♡ who’s fully aware that you drool over his ass in baseball pants, snickering to himself as you squeeze, slap, and pinch his butt every time you walk by.
♡ whose pregame ritual consists of the two of you driving around, listening to music, JJ’s ultimate distraction in the best possible way.
♡ who knew you were annoyed when a few other girls wore a jersey with his number even though it meant nothing. JJ, gifted you his Kildare Jersey instead with his last name on the back.
♡ who can always count on you to make a cute sign and cheer for him.
♡ who still goes surfing when he can. Making it a point to teach you, the two of you taking trips down to the OBX to get away and surf together.
♡ who doesn’t care that you don’t sit next to the other girlfriends; happier that you’re right against the fence.
♡ whose post-workout and post-game showers include you.
♡ who craves close, submissive sex after a loss and rough, dominant sex after a win. Sometimes, the two of you don’t even make it out of the parking lot without him taking you in the backseat of his Bronco, flipping his hat backward before attacking your lips.
♡ who calls you right after every away game, rambling excitedly or bitching profusely.
♡ who loves taking you to MLB games, dimples popping in his cheeks as he smiles, seeing you enjoying yourself as well. How could you not? Three hours together, nothing to do but sit back, drink a few beers, and eat some snacks. His arm’s wrapped lazily around your shoulder, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
♡ who’ll randomly send you a new song on a long bus ride because it made him think of you.
♡ whose been razzed a few times for getting a little too distracted when you show up to the field.
♡ who races to his phone post-game when he’s out of town because he loves when you send him nudes. You didn’t know he loved them so much until you didn’t send them. JJ texted you instantly, asking where the hell they were:
JJ: titties immediately
JJ: A few extra to make up for my hurt feelings
JJ: And one in my home jersey. No panties or bra
JJ: On my bed. Mirror shot so I can see that ass
Me: Anything else Jayj lmao
JJ: woah seriously?
JJ: Show me how wet you are.
Me: You’re such a slut Maybank
JJ: for you
Me: I love you
JJ: Love you more
♡ who teases you for wearing his baseball sweatshirts and sweatpants more than him. JJ, usually tossing it back in the closet after you’re done with it, getting a few more wears out of it until your perfume wears off.
♡ whose tan is even deeper than before; his blonde locks brightened from the sun and the slightest farmer’s tan. JJ usually practices without his shirt, just a pair of baseball pants and a hat.
♡ who’s obsessed with his post-game massage from you, which almost always turn into sex.
♡ who pitched the benefits of strip studying and its positive effects on education. Which is coincidentally his favorite studying tactic. Admittedly, he wouldn’t have made it through the school year without you. And he lets you know that often.
♡ who brings you to every baseball party, the two of you, usually found at the beer pong table. He swears up and down you’re his lucky charm. And, you make a hell of a team, usually celebrating a hot streak of back-to-back wins with sloppy bathroom sex.
♡ who made sure you were center-field on Family Day because he finally had someone to give roses to.
♡ who almost creamed his pants when he saw your barely there panties with an embroidered #12.
♡ who’ll call you from his hotel room if he’s on the road for phone sex or just to fall asleep because he doesn’t like being without you.
♡ who plans on proposing to you one day in that same dugout when the time is right.
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do-it-for-the-fandom · 9 months
Claddagh Ring.
Season 4 Christmas
I apologise in advance if any of the information in this story is incorrect! Please feel free to correct any misinformation. Thank you.
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For over three years now Castle had struggled with one thing: knowing how to say enough without crossing that line into too much. It wasn't a problem he had with everyone. No, just her. Just Beckett.
He honestly hadn't expected her to agree to a gift exchange this year. Last year, he had been included in the precinct's Secret Santa draw and (thankfully) pulled her name. Two MLB partial-season tickets for her and her father may have been a little over the agreed budget - and a dead giveaway that he had been her Secret Santa - but the smile on her face was worth every cent he had paid. Even after she had lectured him on being so over the top, he didn't regret a thing.
But this year was different. He wanted to give her a gift that meant something; a gentle reminder that he loved her, that he was waiting for her but that he wasn't trying to rush her. He wanted to give her something that symbolised their friendship, of how much he cared for her but everything he came up with seemed to be either too extreme, certain to scare her off, or too impersonal.
That was how he ended up here, in this moment: standing in Beckett's living room in absolute silence; his heart beating so fast it might just thump, thump, thump it's way right out of his damn chest; watching as she stared at the small box in her hands.
He could probably guess what she was thinking - after all, it was blaringly obvious that the small white box was designed to hold a ring - and given the shift in their relationship over the past few months, he couldn't blame her for the panic she couldn't quite hide from her face. But no, he wasn't jumping the gun, he was sure of it.
"Just open it," he quietly urged. "I can explain it once you open it."
His half-smile must have been enough to reassure her: she slowly untied the red ribbon bow and opened the box. She studied the ring inside for a few short moments.
"I've seen this design before," she said as she looked up at him, ready for his explanation.
Castle smiled. "It's a traditional Irish Claddagh ring," he informed her. "I'm pretty sure Jenny wears one."
Beckett nodded. "That's right! Her sisters all wear one, too."
"They're often gifted to close friends, siblings or... partners." He stepped closer so that he could gesture to each part of the ring as he spoke. "The hands are a symbol of friendship, the crown denotes loyalty and the heart-"
He hesitated, his mind screaming too much, too much! But when he peeled his eyes away from the small silver band to look into his partner's eyes, it didn't feel like too much at all.
Beckett smiled. "That symbol is pretty universal. I think I can figure it out," she said with a small laugh. "Thank you, Castle. I love it."
The sincerity in her voice did nothing to calm his racing heart; he felt it swell in his chest. And as she stepped closer, wrapped her arms around his waist and leant her head against his chest he was sure it was about to burst open!
He wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes, savouring the moment he knew wouldn't last.
Disappointment - the kind you grow all too familiar with when it comes to unrequited love (or, at the very least, unacknowledged love) - settled over him as she removed herself from his embrace, but he wouldn't let it show. He smiled the brightest smile he could muster and eliminated any potential awkward silence by passing on the information the sales assistant had given him.
"The lady that sold it to me did want me to make sure you knew how to wear it correctly."
"Wear it correctly?" she repeated, as if she may have misheard him. "Is there an incorrect way to wear a ring?"
"No, but apparently how you wear the ring matters," Castle explained. "Wearing it with the point of the heart toward the fingertips supposedly means that the wearer is single whereas if you wear it with the heart pointing toward your wrist it means that some lucky guy has captured your heart."
"Okay, got it."
"You sure? It's not on me now if you wear it wrong," Castle joked.
Beckett smirked and playfully rolled her eyes. "Heart pointing down: I'm single. Heart pointing up: my heart has been captured," she summarised. "I promise to be extra careful to ensure I don't accidentally give anyone the wrong idea."
"Also, you don't have to wear it, you know, if it's not your thing-"
"Castle," she interrupted, but he continued.
"I just thought it was a nice symbolic gift."
"Castle," she repeated, firmer. When he stopped rambling and looked at her, she continued. "It is a nice symbolic gift," she assured him. "I really do like it."
Rick smiled, allowed her sincerity to fully sink in. "I'm glad."
Just days later he was hosting a pre-Christmas get together for the gang at the loft. It was casual, small - just Beckett, Lanie, Esposito, Ryan and Jenny, his family and himself - but that didn't mean he wasn't going to go all out.
The loft was decorated to the nines, festive music played softly in the background and dinner was nothing short of perfect.
But better than all of that - better than the laughter, the stories, the pure joy and sense of kinship that filled the air that evening - was Kate. She had stolen his attention for most of the night, starting just moments after she had arrived. While talking to Lanie, she had absent-mindedly tucked her hair behind her ear. That was when he saw it: the ring - his ring - on her middle finger, the point of the heart aiming toward her wrist.
He knew he shouldn't read too much into that, that maybe it was a simple mistake, but he couldn't help himself.
He remembered her words so clearly as they echoed in his mind: "Heart pointing up, my heart has been captured. I promise to be extra careful to ensure I don't give anyone the wrong idea."
He knew better than to assume that she was trying to tell him something, that this was a sign meant just for him, but that didn't stop his hopeful little heart from pounding twice as fast as it should, from skipping a beat or two whenever he looked at her only to find she was already looking at him.
She had noticed.
Everyone had noticed.
But he didn't care.
Someone had captured her heart and he knew - he just knew - that that someone was him. He had (in not so many words) told her he would wait - and he still would for as long as she needed - but this was the hope he needed, a promise that he wouldn't be waiting forever.
After dinner was finished and everything had been cleaned up and put away, she approached him in the kitchen with a shoebox sized gift box in her hands.
"Merry Christmas, Castle," she said quietly as she passed him the box.
He looked over toward their friends in the loungeroom, then back to Beckett. He took the box from her hands and placed it on the kitchen bench.
"I went for a symbolic gift, too," she said as she inched closer. "I, um- I may have cheated a little bit, though."
"What do you mean?" he asked as he tugged on the ribbon and let it fall loose.
"I had a little help." She looked up and locked eyes with his daughter. Alexis was sitting in the lounge room, half engaged in the conversation and half watching the interaction in the kitchen.
Rick looked up from the gift to Beckett, followed the path of her gaze until he saw his daughter watching them.
"We brainstormed a few different ideas," Beckett continued, pulling Castle's attention again. "But then she said something that just kind of stuck with me."
She stared into his eyes, could see the wheels of his mind turning as he tried to figure out what his daughter could have possibly said to her.
"She said that all you've ever really wanted was to figure me out, to really know me."
Beckett looked back over to the lounge room, found that Alexis's watch had been joined by Lanie and she knew that they didn't have much time before they had gained the attention of the entire group.
She turned back to Castle, placed her hand on the top of the box. "This should help, I hope."
Castle smiled. "Is it your diary?" he joked, aware that the group's presence in this moment was making her nervous, and desperately wanting to ease some of those nerves for her.
Beckett hung her head and chuckled. "No, but it's pieces of the puzzle."
She moved her hand and Castle lifted the lid.
He just stared into the box, mouth slightly agape as he struggled to find the words - any words.
Beckett smiled, his silence reassuring her that this gift wasn't a horrible mistake.
"There's - uh - baby photos, Christmases from when I was a kid, photos of me with my whole family: cousins, aunts, uncles." She slid her finger along the ridged top of the neatly filed photographs. "Consider it a kind of highlight reel of my life, I guess. It covers high school, my time at Stanford, The Academy, right up until the day I met you."
"I usually have to pry each little story out of you," Castle quipped. "Who are you and what have you done with my Beckett?"
He realised his mistake too late, eyes widened in horror at the slip, but Beckett just smirked and raised her eyebrows questioningly.
"Thank you," he continued. "Honestly, this is great."
"That's just the first part."
Castle gasped theatrically. "There's more?"
"Yes, there is." She smiled and bumped her shoulder to his. "On Friday - I've already checked to make sure you're free - I am going to cook dinner for you."
"Oh, so you're trying to kill me," Castle joked.
Beckett's jaw dropped and she jabbed a finger at his ribcage. "I can cook!" she defended. "It's just easier to order take out. Anyway, as I was saying before you so rudely interrupted me: you can use dinner as a chance to ask questions."
"Any questions?" he asked - a little too quick for comfort.
She closed her eyes, hoped she wouldn't regret it. "Yes." She opened her eyes again, looked up into Castle's. "I'll answer any questions you have."
He leaned closer, placed his hand on her hip and smiled. "I look forward to it."
Intoxicated by the warmth of his touch, the sweet scent of wine on his breath and the heat of his gaze, she canted toward him; stopped only by the sudden burst of laughter from their friends - an abrupt reminder that they weren't alone - in response to something Espo had said.
"Are you two gonna join us or are you gonna stand there whispering all night?" Lanie called out to them. Her voice remained light, unknowing, but her face warned Beckett to be careful: a sign that she had seen their almost moment.
Castle's hand dropped from Beckett's waist.
"Coming," Beckett replied cheerily.
Lanie continued to talk to the group, stealing everyone's attention away from the kitchen again.
Castle sighed, frustrated. Kate leant her forehead on his shoulder, let out a huff of air that was some odd mix of annoyance and amusement. After a few seconds she lifted her head, smiled apologetically and patted his bicep before walking away to join the rest of the dinner party in the lounge room.
"Hey Beckett," Castle called out to her after flipping through a few of the photographs. He waited for her to turn her attention back to him before continuing. "Are there any pictures in here of that tattoo you told me about?"
Beckett pursed her lips to try and hide the forming smile.
"You mean the one you can't see while I'm, uh, fully clothed?" she asked sarcastically.
Castle's grin beamed. "Yeah, that one."
"No, Castle. There are no photos in existence of that tattoo," she said firmly. "And there never will be," she added for good measure.
Castle sighed and shrugged. "I mean- you could always show me in person," he suggested.
"I figured that could be your birthday present," she teased with a flirtatious smile.
"You are really good at this gift giving thing, just so you know."
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lucid-ao3 · 7 months
Hello! I haven't updated tumblr in a while soooo decided to make a (long) post about what I'm currently working on and what I've posted recently:
MLB Writing Updates
1. In December I posted A Holiday Wish. It's a fun little few-shot where Adrien gets a gift from Plagg and sees what life is like if Ladybug loved him back. Shenanigans ensue. I really had fun with it. It's a companion piece to my story 'A Birthday Wish', wherein Marinette gets a similar birthday gift from Tikki. I always had the idea of "hmmm what if this was Adrien and Plagg, instead?"
2. I also wrote, in December, a fic for a gift exchange where the duo visits the Shadyverse. It's holiday themed, and I reallyyyyy enjoyed writing the piece. I was able to dive into Shadybug's life and paint a picture of what that universe may be like for her. I may expand on the universe simply because it's SO unexplored and interesting to write/create. I can really do anything with it! Some minor head canons were: Marinette's parents are divorced, Marinette lives alone, her still lives in Paris but is distant, her mother lives in China (estranged), Ladybug and Adrien are together, GabeDad is kind and loving, Marinette's second home is the Gabriel Mansion, Marinette lives alone, the bakery is a chain that churns out mediocre sweets.
I LOVE LOVE writing Adrien Angst - as many of you know - and the Shadyverse lets me flip that into Marinette angst in a similarly delicious way.
3. My Antidote story is 10k words and complete in my eyes but... it's also not complete. I want to post it but it ends abruptly and I don't want to disappoint readers. I'm uninspired to write a big final battle. TBD - may post before the end of the month.
Harry Potter Writing Updates
1. I posted my first ever triad smutfic. It's raunchy and *ahem* well I like it lol! Dreomione anyone? Check it out! Rated Explicit! Title: Disobedient
2. My Veela!Draco 8th Year story is coming along. I've recently been struck with inspiration. At the moment I have 28k words written. I'm thinking it will be around 45k by the time I'm done. It's spicy, but I'm also trying to do a solid "Draco is a new man" characterization that is believable, so the love story doesn't fall flat among the smut. I hope to start posting before May (fingers crossed!!)
3. I think I'm going to finally cross-post my old, old, first ever fanfiction, 'A Tale of Cinderella' to ao3. I've edited that thing about 100 times and it's evolved into something post-able. I'll post it all at once. Maybe tomorrow. Dramione/Rated G/Fifth Year Cinderella-esque romance
Zutara Writing Update
1. I'm not sure if I ever mentioned I have a Zutara story in the works, but I do. It'll be rated PG. I wanted to post it before the Live Action came out buuuuut not all things work out. Still, I have a lot of fun writing it and hope to post it by the end of the summer. Summary: "What if Katara healed Zuko's scar in Ba Sing Se, and Aang fully unblocked his final Chakra, releasing all worldly tethers (and Katara) and allowing him to master the Avatar state? Zutara book 2/3 divergence." What do you all think? Does it sound interesting? I'm shaping it around the cartoon so some chapters include things like [watch book 2 episode 20], etc. I want it to be as canon as possible - but Zutara!
WOW THIS WAS A LONG POST. I didn't realize how much I've been doing writing-wise. I'm happy I spent the time to type this all out even if no one reads it :)
Thanks all xo
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idle-iberus · 2 years
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Merry Christmas @mystic-panda-4 ❄️🎄
I am your secret Santa for the MLB gift exchange this year! I hope you like this little comic (: I made sure to not go past “elation” for season 5 spoilers (haven’t watched past that myself too) and tried making a short story focusing on ladynoir ^^
Thank you @mlsecretsanta for hosting this wonderful event! It’s been great fun seeing everyone’s beautiful creations! ☺️
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grahamdefamily · 1 year
MLB Bastille Day Gift Exchange 🐞🎉🐈‍⬛
New URL, who dis?
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Welcome to the MLB Bastille Day Gift Exchange - a fun fandom event to celebrate the end of Season 5, with its crazy twists and turns, and kick off the summer holidays with a bang!
Your mission, should you choose to accept it: create some amazing Miraculous content for a lucky fan out there.
Your reward: you get to be the lucky fan receiving some amazing Miraculous content in return! Crazy, right?
Details below the cut!
Before we begin, some ground rules:
In order to guarantee everyone’s comfort, we will try our best to match you with people in your general age group (<18 or ≥18).
It goes without saying, but it goes even better saying it: adult content is a big no-no. Please refrain from creating or requesting explicit content (ESPECIALLY FEATURING THE KIDS) or graphic depictions of violence. And of course, no incest or ships involving an adult and a child (I can’t believe I need to spell this out).
Apart from that, all genres of content are welcome: fanfics, fanarts, playlists, edits, moodboards, and more! The world is your oyster, so feel free to express your creativity in whatever way you like best.
To preserve the fun of the game, please keep your identity secret until the big reveal on July 14th. If you need to contact your recipient for any precisions, @paracosmicfawn and @ninadove are here to help! And if you got one of us, uh, bonne chance, I guess.
In order to make your gift easy to find, don’t forget to tag your recipient as well as @mlbgiftexchange. We also recommend you use the tag #mlbgiftexchange, so everyone can admire your beautiful work!
By registering for this event, you’re making a commitment to your recipient and agree to follow the timeline outlined below. So please, try to stick to it as best you can.
That being said, life happens. If you need to drop out or to get extra time for any reason, we simply ask that you let us know ASAP (no questions asked) so we can inform your recipient and find a fall-back solution.
Most importantly, have fun!
The timeline (not to be erased):
Monday, May 15th: the registrations are officially open! Make sure to send us your contact info and preferences through our beautiful form.
Monday, May 29th: deadline for the registrations, to give the organisers plenty of time to find the perfect matches for you!
Between June 14th and June 21st: we will be contacting each of you to tell you about your recipient and everything you need to know to get started on your piece.
Friday, July 14th: Bastille Day, the big reveal! We will exchange presents, watch fireworks together, and sing the Marseillaise while parading Gabriel’s head on a spike. Don’t worry too much about time zones when posting or scheduling, but please make sure to get something out on the day!
Any questions?
Please feel free to reach out to us via this blog.
You can also contact us directly at @paracosmicfawn or @ninadove on Tumblr!
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black-rose-writings · 11 months
MLB - Season 2 - Episode 24 and 25
Finale time!
Catalyst (Heroes' day 1)
These two dorks (Gabriel and Nathalie).
I want to say that maybe if Marinette got a better hobby than proving Lila wrong, things may not have gone as badly... but I'm suspecting with what I've heard about Lila after season 3, it wouldn't have helped.
Oh, he's on his best chaos behavior in front of Nathalie. He's be monologuing so hard if nobody was listening.
She just straight up murdered his ass. I mean, I know it's an illusion with the explicit purpose to make everyone feel awful, but fucking christ, this is a fucking kids show.
Aw, look at them, being so sweet with each other, exchanging magical gifts. (I still think Gabenath has its merits, but I also know shit gets fucking weird in the later seasons, so like, don't crucify me for it. Let them and Emilie be an evil villain thruple, that would have been really cool)
There is the Hawkmoth dramatics I came here for.
Plagg is so proud of himself.
Poor Sabrina, she's trapped in a sewer and blind.
These two already have a secret handshake? Fucking hell.
Look at these dorks with their dorky little eldritch god friends.
Catalyst transition screen is 10/10.
Mayura (Heroes' day 2)
Mr. Mothball has this all planned out. He didn't count on one thing, though. That Marinette always wins.
The trust of these two is incredible.
Epic battle time.
These two are out here playing 4D chess, fucking christ.
You call it cowardice, he calls it strategy.
Man who's got nothing to lose, huh? Mayura 3 seconds later proving how wrong that is. Also, damn, he really wiped the floor with them.
Nathalie, that is one hell of an effort to impress a taken man. But go off, queen.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 2 years
Le Coucher du Soleil
le coucher du soleil by foxflowers
Some days, Marinette wakes up crying without knowing why.
(your name au. written for Pommi for the 2022 MLB holiday gift exchange.)
Words: 3821, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Plagg, Tikki, Gabriel Agreste, Nathalie Sancoeur, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Your Name AU, this is one of the best things i have ever written, Soulmate AU, Kinda, holiday gift exchange 2022, Angst, Pining, as usual
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43927629
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2024 Washington Nationals are MLB 68 84. NATITUDE and HeadToHead t shirt
2024 Washington Nationals are MLB 68 84. NATITUDE and HeadToHead t shirt
We typically go to a Christmas Eve candlelight service in the 2024 Washington Nationals are MLB 68 84. NATITUDE and HeadToHead t shirt. Those are crowded but not nearly as packed as the evening services. Then we meet at my sister’s house along with her family, my other sisters and their families, and Mom. Like good Texans we feast on the traditional tamales, accompanied with fresh guacamole, cheese dip, and cold beer. Our kids run around and catch up with their cousins. After dinner it’s Mom’s birthday party! She was born on Christmas Eve. For the last 25 years or so my wife has baked the birthday cake, always with a different recipe. Mom opens her birthday cards and gifts while we enjoy the yummy cake. After that it’s time for the cousins’ gifts. When our children were little all of the adults gave presents to all of the kids. Now that our children are grown they exchange gifts with each other. Sometimes they’re pretty funny. When my nephew completed law school he received an official looking barrister’s wig. He was thrilled. Rome and her provinces were very dependent on the tim.
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nunez1020 · 3 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Unisex MLB LA Dodgers Strap back Hat.
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New York Yankees vs Cleveland Guardians 2024 MLB Bronx game shirt
New York Yankees vs Cleveland Guardians 2024 MLB Bronx game shirt
We typically go to a Christmas Eve candlelight service in the New York Yankees vs Cleveland Guardians 2024 MLB Bronx game shirt. Those are crowded but not nearly as packed as the evening services. Then we meet at my sister’s house along with her family, my other sisters and their families, and Mom. Like good Texans we feast on the traditional tamales, accompanied with fresh guacamole, cheese dip, and cold beer. Our kids run around and catch up with their cousins. After dinner it’s Mom’s birthday party! She was born on Christmas Eve. For the last 25 years or so my wife has baked the birthday cake, always with a different recipe. Mom opens her birthday cards and gifts while we enjoy the yummy cake. After that it’s time for the cousins’ gifts. When our children were little all of the adults gave presents to all of the kids. Now that our children are grown they exchange gifts with each other. Sometimes they’re pretty funny. When my nephew completed law school he received an official looking barrister’s wig. He was thrilled. Rome and her provinces were very dependent on the tim.
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0 notes
svgoceandesigns1 · 4 months
Houston Astros Rainbow SVG - Astros MLB Fan Gifts SVG PNG, Cricut File
Houston Astros Rainbow SVG, Astros MLB Fan Gifts SVG PNG EPS DXF PDF, Cricut File, Instant Download File, Cricut File Silhouette Art, Logo Design, Designs For Shirts. ♥ Welcome to SVG OCEAN DESIGNS Store! ♥ ► PLEASE NOTE: – Since this item is digital, no physical product will be sent to you. – Your files will be ready to download immediately after your purchase. Once payment has been completed, SVG Ocean Designs will send you an email letting you know your File is ready for Download. You may also check your Order/Purchase History on SVG Ocean Designs website and it should be available for download there as well. – Please make sure you have the right software required and knowledge to use this graphic before making your purchase. – Due to monitor differences and your printer settings, the actual colors of your printed product may vary slightly. – Due to the digital nature of this listing, there are “no refunds or exchanges”. – If you have a specific Design you would like made, just message me! I will be more than glad to create a Custom Oder for you. ► YOU RECEIVE: This listing includes a zip file with the following formats: – SVG File (check your software to confirm it is compatible with your machine): Includes wording in both white and black (SVG only). Other files are black wording. – PNG File: PNG High Resolution 300 dpi Clipart (transparent background – resize smaller and slightly larger without loss of quality). – DXF: high resolution, perfect for print and many more. – EPS: high resolution, perfect for print, Design and many more. ► USAGE: – Can be used with Cricut Design Space, Silhouette Cameo, Silhouette Studio, Adobe Illustrator, ...and any other software or machines that work with SVG/PNG files. Please make sDisney Father's Dayure your machine and software are compatible before purchasing. – You can edit, resize and change colors in any vector or cutting software like Inkscape, Adobe illustrator, Cricut design space, etc. SVG cut files are perfect for all your DIY projects or handmade businDisney Father's Dayess Product. You can use them for T-shirts, scrapbooks, wall vinyls, stickers, invitations cards, web and more!!! Perfect for T-shirts, iron-ons, mugs, printables, card making, scrapbooking, etc. ►TERMS OF USE: – NO refunds on digital products. Please contact me if you experience any problems with the purchase. – Watermark and wood background won’t be shown in the downloaded files. – Please DO NOT resell, distribute, share, copy, or reproduce my designs. – Customer service and satisfaction is our top priority. If you have any questions before placing orders, please contact with us via email "[email protected]". – New products and latest trends =>> Click Here . Thank you so much for visiting our store! SVG OCEAN DESIGNS Read the full article
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freyayuki · 9 months
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Burst Power Token Exchange Shop Pick
In the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game, once you have 50 Burst Tokens, you can exchange them for 1 Burst or BT weapon in the Burst Power Token Exchange shop.
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You get a Burst Token every time you complete a Challenge Quest. They can also be a possible reward for special missions and the like though this is very rare.
The Burst Power Token Exchange shop contains every single Burst weapon that is currently available in Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia. Every time a new BT is released, it will be added to this shop.
Players can only carry a maximum of 50 BT Tokens on hand. If you get any more Tokens, they get sent to your gift box where they’ll stay for 90 days.
After 90 days, the Tokens and anything else that have been there for that long will automatically be deleted.
Anyway, the point is I now have 50 Burst Tokens. Actually, I’ve had them for a while now.
At the time that I’m writing this post, I have 50 Burst Tokens and 19 more in my gift box. One of the Tokens in my gift box will expire in 3 days then 2 will expire in 4 days.
In short, I’m running out of time. If I don’t want to waste a Token, then I need to exchange for a Burst weapon ASAP so I can redeem all the Tokens that are stuck in my gift box.
The problem is trying to figure out which Burst to get. Here’s a list of the Bursts that are currently available for exchange and that I don’t have:
The Warrior of Light from Final Fantasy I
Firion from Final Fantasy II
The Emperor from Final Fantasy II
Onion Knight from Final Fantasy III
Golbez from Final Fantasy IV
Kefka Palazzo from Final Fantasy VI
Shantotto from Final Fantasy XI
Vaan from Final Fantasy XII
Ramza Beoulve from Final Fantasy Tactics (#ad)
Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy V
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Bartz doesn’t show up in the shop yet but he’s the next BT char after Golbez and his banner is dropping a day or 2 before one of my Burst Tokens will expire, so I’m considering him as well.
Right then, let’s take a closer look at these chars and see if I can try to narrow my choices down:
The Warrior of Light from Final Fantasy I
Have his LD. He’s fully MLB except he’s at Ex+ 0/3 only. If I get his Burst, then I’d Purple him so I can get the passive from his Ex even while he’s equipped with his BT.
I wouldn’t say no if I come across his BT while pulling for another char but I’m not sure it’s worth pitying or using my Burst Tokens on.
The Warrior of Light (WoL) is a tank. He does his job well. It’s pointless to rely on him for damage though. He shields and protects his allies but his damage is nothing compared to an actual DPS.
If you had his and a DPS char’s Burst on the same team, then it’s highly likely that you’d choose to use the DPS char’s BT as opposed to WoL’s.
I don’t think WoL needs his BT. He already does very well with just his LD. And that’s why he’s now out of the list of chars that I could use my Burst Tokens on.
Firion from Final Fantasy II
Don’t have his LD. His 15cp and 35cp are fully MLB. So is his Ex but it’s not even at Ex+ 0/3. Don’t know too much about Firion but he’s more of a support with some damage capabilities. He can heal and battery as well.
Not that interested in him though. And, AFAIK, he has yet to be updated or reworked even in the Japanese version of DFFOO. Also, even if I get his BT now, I can’t really use him without his LD. And that’s aside from the fact that he’s been powercrept by now. In short, he’s also out.
The Emperor from Final Fantasy II
My Emperor’s Purple and fully MLB except I’m missing his LD. He’s a magical DPS but he’s also been powercrept by now.
Already have Terra Branford (from Final Fantasy VI) fully built and maxed, including her BT, LD, High Armor and she even has Spheres as well as perfect Artifacts.
So, yeah, I don’t think the Emperor’s gonna be replacing her anytime soon, especially since she only recently showed up so her DPS capabilities are better than his.
Besides, chars without LD aren’t really usable, at least not in harder content. If they have a LD, then they need that LD. So I’d say that the Emperor’s out as well then.  
Onion Knight from Final Fantasy III
My Onion Knight’s in a similar state to my Firion. The latest story chapter where he was featured really made me hate him so, at the moment, don’t really want anything to do with him, and that’s why he’s out.
Golbez from Final Fantasy IV
My Golbez is fully built. The only things he’s missing are his High Armor and Burst. He’s a mixed physical and magical DPS who’s locked to the dark element. He’s pretty good although I heard that there will be lots of upcoming fights that will absorb dark so he won’t be usable in those quests.
Golbez just showed up though. Heck, right now, the banners featuring his weapons are still up, so he’s usable when compared to my other choices who have long since been powercrept.
My worry is not being able to use him much though. Heck, I didn’t even end up using him for the Divine Alexander Lufenia quest (level 200) or the Nine Lufenia  quest where he’s synergy since I don’t have his Burst.
I did use him for the Challenge Quests but those are Chaos-level (level 180) and he worked well enough even with just his LD.
I’ve yet to do the Kadaj Lufenia quest but I’ve already seen runs without Golbez or those that only use him with his LD so I don’t think that I’m gonna need his Burst for that.
Also, Tifa Lockhart’s (from Final Fantasy VII) LD is coming soon, and I’m gonna pull for her.
Aside from the fact that I like her (planning to give her Spheres and buy her High Armor; can’t say the same for Golbez even if I get his BT. I mean, I like him well enough but not sure about the armor and Spheres), she’s also hyped to be the next meta DPS and, unlike Golbez, she isn’t locked to an element.
She doesn’t have a Burst though so that’s one thing that he has over her. Hmmm. Gonna need to think about this some more so Golbez is still in for now.
Kefka Palazzo from Final Fantasy VI
His 15cp and 35cp are fully MLB. His Ex is at base Ex only and not even fully MLB yet. Missing his LD.
Honestly not that fond of Kefka. Okay, okay, I don’t really like him so not really interested in exchanging for his Burst. I mean, if it shows up while I’m pulling for someone else, then, sure, I’ll happily accept it, but I don’t want to use my Tokens for his BT. In short, he’s out.
Shantotto from Final Fantasy XI
She’s in the same state as Kefka except I recently got her LD and Ex. Not really fond of her either although there’s more reason to get her since at least I have her LD. Don’t really want to use my Tokens on her either though. Heck, although I just got her Ex and LD, haven’t done anything with them.
Just locked them so wouldn’t accidentally sell them. I did equip her with her Ex so I could finally sell her MLB 35cp.
But she’s been powercrept by now so it’s not like I can use her in Lufenia quests which was why I haven’t bothered to build her.
I’m thinking I’ll consider building Shantotto if she ever gets usable again in the future. By then, I might have already gotten my next set of 50 Tokens to allow me to exchange for a second BT. For now though, don’t want to use the Tokens on Shantotto so she’s out.
Vaan from Final Fantasy XII
His 15cp and 35cp are fully MLB. Missing his LD. Recently Purpled his Ex so I could give his Sphere to Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII.
I like Vaan well enough, and I heard that he’ll get an update and rework that’ll make him pretty good.
When that happens, all of his weapons will be featured on a banner that also includes, IIRC, all of Kefka’s and Ardyn Izunia’s (Ardyn Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV) weapons. Yeah, it’s a triple BT banner.
Already have all of Ardyn’s weapons though and, like I said, not really interested in Kefka, so if I pull on that banner, it’ll be for Vaan. Getting any of Kefka’s stuff would just be a bonus as I’ll likely stop as soon as I get Vaan’s LD and BT.
The thing is though, I’m not sure if I really want to spend gems on that banner. Sure, Vaan gets a rework and update that makes him very good. But that doesn’t mean he’ll be necessary. There will be other DPS who I could pull for.
if I exchange for his BT now, then I’m ready for when he gets that rework of his. But I’ll still need to pull for his LD. If I pull on the triple BT banner while already having exchanged for Vaan’s BT, then I run the risk of possibly getting a dupe of his Burst. I mean, the odds are low, but it could still happen.
On the other hand, if I exchange for his BT already, then I could stop pulling on the triple BT banner as soon as I get his LD. So at least I won’t have to go all the way to 125k gems to pity his Burst.
That’s assuming I don’t end up getting a dupe though. Anyway, even if I get Vaan’s BT now, it’s not like I can use him. Heck, he’s Purple now and I’m not using him.
So maybe I’m better off just waiting for that triple Burst banner. At least I have the chance to also get Kefka’s stuff there as well, not that I’m all that interested in him. Then again, I could just end up with Ardyn dupes anyway.
So, yeah, I don’t know. Need to think about this some more. For now, still considering possibly exchanging for Vaan’s BT so he’s still in.
Ramza Beoulve from Final Fantasy Tactics
My Ramza is fully MLB and Purple, including his LD. Just missing his BT. He’s a support so you’re more likely to use a DPS char’s Burst as opposed to his.
He hasn’t been updated or reworked in a while so it’s also been a while since I last used him. Sometimes, very rarely, I still bring him out (just in Cosmos (level 150) and Chaos-level quests though), but he’s no longer my go-to, not even as a Call.
So if I exchange for his BT, then it’s highly likely that it’ll just be sitting in my inventory, unused.
AFAIK, Ramza has yet to get another banner even in the Japanese version of the game. So choosing his Burst now means that I can skip his future banners unless they come with a char who I want to have or feature new tech for Ramza.
Since Ramza isn’t set to appear on a banner anytime soon though, at the moment, there’s no risk of getting dupes of his BT even if I get it now.
Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy V
My Bartz’s 15cp is fully MLB. Have a copy of his 35cp and Ex but neither are MLB. As aforementioned, the banner featuring the debut of his LD and BT will show up in a few days.
I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about Bartz so was planning to pull for his LD on his LD banner though, at the moment, I still haven’t made up my mind on whether to go with gems or tickets.
What I’m sure about though is that I’m gonna be pulling for Galuf Halm Baldesion’s (from Final Fantasy V) and Tifa’s LDs with gems. Their banners will also feature Bartz’s BT but not his LD or his other weapons.
Galuf’s LD banner will show up a few or so days after Bartz’s LD and BT banner then Tifa’s will show up a few days after Galuf’s LD banner. All of these banners will overlap for a few days at least.
I don’t actually mind using my Tokens to get Bartz’s BT. But my worry is that I’d end up getting dupes when I pull for Galuf’s and Tifa’s LDs. Yeah, the odds of that happening aren’t exactly high, but the possibility is still there, especially since I’m planning to draw across 3 different banners, all of which feature Bartz’s Burst.
If you get a dupe Burst, you can sell it and get 5 Burst Tokens. If I spend 50 to get Bartz’s BT though, getting a dupe of it soon after would feel like such a waste.
One of my Burst Tokens will expire in a few days so there’s no way that I could wait until after I pull for Tifa’s LD to see if I can get Bartz’s BT there or not. So therein lies the problem. Definitely need to think about this some more.
Candidates for Burst Power Token Exchange Pick
After going through each char whose Burst I’m missing, I’ve managed to narrow the list down to the following:
Golbez from Final Fantasy IV
Vaan from Final Fantasy XII
Ramza Beoulve from Final Fantasy Tactics
Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy V
Ugh. Still way too many to choose from. Still don’t know what to do and I’m running out of time. Need to make a decision ASAP, otherwise I’d lose a Burst Token, possibly more, the longer I take to pick a BT.
Okay, let’s try to narrow it down some more. Let’s see. I think I should take Vaan out already. Even if I get his BT now, I’ll still need to pull on the triple Burst banner for his LD anyway. I’m better off just going for his Burst there.
Bartz should be out as well. I’m pulling across 3 different banners that feature his Burst. I’m planning to use gems on 2 of those banners so there’s a chance that his BT will drop on one of those pulls.
I don’t want to risk picking his BT via Tokens only to have it drop as a dupe while I’m pulling for Bartz’s LD, Tifa’s LD, and Galuf’s LD. If his Burst ends up not dropping at all on any of those banners, then I’ll worry about that then.
So that leaves me with Golbez and Ramza. I’ve narrowed my choices down to 2 but it’s still difficult trying to decide between these 2. I’m really running out of time now. There’s now only 1 day left before one of my Burst Tokens will expire. Need to make a decision now.
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Ended up choosing Ramza’s Burst. The BRV freeze effect on Golbez’s BT is pretty good, but I heard that he got a pretty underwhelming BT+ in the Japanese version of the game. Ramza has yet to get a BT+ so here’s to hoping that he gets something good.
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So, what about you? Which BT did you pick from the Burst Power Token Exchange Shop? What do you think about this feature? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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