#mithrun x milsiril
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skara-skoot · 2 months ago
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no one fw mirumisu the way I fw mirumisu… i love them dearly… give me scenarios to draw them in… please… or don’t… idc
RIP Kabru tho… imagine having Mithrun as a stepdad 😭
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dungeon-meshi-tournament · 29 days ago
Yeah sure. I think they interact in the Adventurer's Bible
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fulmer2711 · 6 months ago
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kryomax · 4 months ago
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Kabru & Mithrun I Happy Halloween 🦇
Commissions are currently: OPEN! (Just msg me: DM/Website)
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carigradmergen · 1 year ago
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I just love that little pixie of the canaries'
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micoafterdark · 2 months ago
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Hiiii! I do nawt intend on abandoning this, its the only project thats survived so long and my love for dunmeshi is still alive and well >:)
But yea, ive been suuuuper busy so couldnt upload anythin in a while, so a tiny bit long comic this week :)
also, new year, yay!
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marmorafarms · 10 months ago
Kabru/Mithrun is great to me bc imagine going up to your mom and being like "hey I'm dating your old coworker now. Hope that's cool." Like that is so funny I love it. Also their dynamic is nice but mostly I need to see how Milsiril would react.
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javieroverthere · 3 months ago
Kabru: You motherfucker !
Mithrun : Yes
Kabru : What …. NOOOOOO !!!!!!!
Mithrun : Smiling for the first time since the goat happened.
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daistea · 9 months ago
Could you do a suggestive mithrun x tallman reader fic where the reader somehow managed to become friends with mithrun and they ask if they can touch his ears out of curiosity (I just like the idea of elf ears being sensitive)
Ya! This one was fun 💕 thanks for the prompt!
1800 words
Mithrun x Tall-man Reader
no tws except for smoochin and a suggestive tone
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You had a measure of decorum. Not much, though. A teaspoon, maybe. A teaspoon of decorum. Yet, that still existing decorum nearly stopped you from doing what you currently wanted the most:
To touch an elf’s ear.
Pattadol said no. Fleki laughed at you and said ‘keep dreaming’ as if you’d just hit on her. Lycion became a bit flirty in a way that threatened you. Cithis also said no. Otta… also said no, out of loyalty to her current partner. Otta’s response made you wonder what the implications of ear touching were to elves. Was it intimate? Was it embarrassing for them? Was it considered rude if you didn’t know the person well, like how using a half-foot’s first name was considered rude for strangers? That teaspoon of decorum caused you to hesitate.
Mithrun, though, wouldn’t care. Mithrun hardly cared about anything. And you were friends, sort of. He didn’t outright call you his friend, but that was fine, you could live with that. He put up with you. That was fine. Fine.
You knocked on the door of the little apartment above the noodle shop. Mithrun’s monotone, though muffled, voice told you to come inside. You found Mithrun on the floor, on his knees and hunched over the baseboards. He wielded a toothbrush like a dagger as he scrubbed at the nonexistent dust, and only spared you a glance, but said no greeting.
It wasn’t the first time you’d seen Mithrun clean like that. It was yet another habit Milsiril had instilled in him during rehabilitation, though you had a theory that Milsiril only taught him to clean so ardently because she thought it would come in handy for hiding murder evidence.
Mithrun’s home was simple. It was near empty aside from the most basic furniture. Yourself, Kabru, and several of the Canaries had given him little decorations. The pillows on the couch with the badly embroidered cows on them were from Otta. The simple, thick white curtains were from Pattadol. The painting of Mithrun’s assist dog dressed in royal garb was from Lycion. And most of the utensils in the kitchen were from you, given to him after you saw him attempt to eat spaghetti with a spoon— he knew better, but couldn’t be bothered to buy proper utensils.
As you took a moment to watch Mithrun scrub, your mind began to wander. Was this truly worth it? You’d only recently read about how soft elf ears were, yet you hadn’t been able to get the thought out of your mind. And they were so cute, too, with how they drooped and perked up. You’d even seen Mithrun’s ears droop when he pulled his hair back. It wasn’t as pronounced as other elves’ but no less endearing.
“What do you need?” Mithrun’s voice yanked you from your mind. It was as if he’d grabbed your shirt and pulled you forward, making you stumble for words.
It would be easiest to just blurt it out. He wouldn’t be offended. He might give you the look, but it wouldn’t bother him, surely. Yet, it was as if you’d hit a mental wall. What seemed like such a simple request ended up stuck in your throat, refusing to climb.
Mithrun sat back on his haunches and raised his head to look at you. He rested his forearms on his knees, toothbrush dangling from his fingers. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and there were his ears.
You knew that look. He was expecting something. And he would stare in silence until you blurted it out.
“I want something,” you finally said.
“I already asked what you wanted,” Mithrun reminded, monotone.
“Technically, you asked what I needed, and this isn’t really a need. I mean, it feels like a need, but it’s really not. I can live without it. However, I would like it. It would please me.”
Mithrun didn’t miss a beat, “And you know how much I wish to please you.”
“Okay, smartass, tone it down,” you put up a hand, shooting him a glare, “I’m really nervous, so don’t make this harder for me.”
“I wasn’t kidding.”
“No, you were being sarcastic.”
“I wasn’t being sarcastic.”
“You’re just trying to make me squirm,” you accused, “you’ve become a sadist after regaining your desires, huh? You like watching me struggle?”
Mithrun only slightly raised a brow, “A bit. But use your ears, I wasn’t being sardonic.”
Your heart skipped a beat and you couldn’t help but pause. “...I’m going to think about the implications of that statement at a later date. For now, on the subject of ears, I have a request.”
He finally stood, brushing past you to deposit the cleaning brush into the sink and washing his hands in a water basin. After drying them, he went to pull the rubber band from his hair, but you made a panicked squeak at the sight, which gave him pause.
“Don’t,” you pleaded as he looked at you blankly, “keep your hair up.”
If Mithrun was confused by the request, he gave no hint. He kept his hair up, though, as he strode through the little apartment and sat on the couch, gesturing for you to join him. You’d done this a hundred times before, sitting next to him in comfortable silence as you both focused on your own things— Cithis called it ‘parallel play’ as if you were kids on a playdate. You’d spent hours on this couch, resting an arm over the back of it as you curled your feet up and talked. Mithrun would usually cross his arms and fold one leg over the other, staring at the wall as if he were ignoring you. He wasn’t, he never did— sometimes he did, but you forgave him.
You took a deep breath as you plopped down beside him gracelessly, your nerves taking over your joints and rendering you a clumsy mess. You weren’t sure why you were so nervous, though, it wasn’t as if this was a big request. It would only last a few seconds, and you’d have your curiosity sated. If Mithrun didn’t want you to touch his ears, he would simply tell you, and you’d both move on with your lives.
Yet, Otta’s earlier answer rang in your mind. She wouldn’t let you touch her ears ‘out of loyalty.’ What did that mean?
It was yet another statement that you’d have to consider at a later time. For the moment, you tried your best to get comfortable as the request rose in your chest. It was undeniable.
The words broke through the dam and flooded your mouth. “I would like to touch your ears, please.”
You watched as Mithrun stiffened. His good eye widened for half a second before he schooled his expression. He didn’t look at you, gaze glued to the wall, but the slight raise of his brows betrayed his surprise. Surprise. Why was he surprised? Was ear touching offensive in elven culture? Mithrun didn’t even acknowledge elven culture most of the time.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he looked at you. Your heart clenched and it felt as if someone had punched both your lungs, but you managed a smile. You knew you looked stupid, shoulders slumped and eyes wide and smile shaken. But he didn’t look at you like you were stupid, he looked at you like you’d just spoken gibberish.
“You want to feel my ears?” He asked.
You nodded, “Yeah, I like soft things, and they look pretty soft. I asked the other Canaries first and they all said no.”
Mithrun cracked a little smile. It was barely there, but you could feel the amusement coming off him in waves. “Of course they would all say no. They know better.”
You weren’t sure what that meant, but he’d yet to give you a straight answer. “Whatever. Can I please just feel them, at least a little? Then I’ll never ask you for anything again.” (That was a lie and you both knew it.)
Nonetheless, Mithrun’s gaze flickered around the room. It didn’t look like he was scanning anything in particular, but rather letting the thought absorb. Once he returned to you, he slowly nodded, “I doubt I have any nerve endings left, so it’s fine.”
Nerve endings? It didn’t matter, you were so close to your goal. Some called you single minded, you preferred the description of ‘determined.’
Slowly, you raised a hand. The moment felt monumental. The air was thick with anticipation that set you on edge, raising the little hairs on your arms. You let out an exhale as if to prepare yourself, then gently brushed your fingers on the soft skin of his cut ears.
You traced the jagged tip. Then the lobe. Then the back. Mithrun leaned into your touch and his eyes threatened to flutter shut, but he managed to send you a look, “Don’t look so excited.”
“Yes, sir,” you answered immediately as you tried to school your expression.
He let his guard down, his eyes shutting as he exhaled slowly. There was a hint of gravel in that exhale that sparked a fire in your lower abdomen.
You should probably stop.
“There are definitely nerve endings left,” he murmured.
You gently took his other ear and began rubbing the tip.
Mithrun lowered his head a little, brows furrowing and lips forming a frustrated frown. He leaned in. Only when you looked down did you notice how tightly he gripped his pants. His knuckles were turning white. The sight just made you want to press a little harder…
If you’re getting hot, and if Mithrun is breathing that heavily, then—
Otta’s words made sense. Lycion’s flirting made sense. Elf ears are erogenous zones.
You’d asked every Canary if you could basically touch their privates.
More horrifyingly, you’d asked Mithrun if you could touch his—
It felt as if your face was on fire. You tensed, slowly pulling back, but Mithrun’s hands went to your cheeks before you could react. And his lips were on yours. Eager. Hungry. That spark in your abdomen flared and spread and suddenly you were a bonfire. He held your face a bit roughly, and the kiss was desperate. You should probably kiss back, you thought.
You let yourself melt into the feeling, but kept your fingers on his ears, gently massaging the soft skin. He let out a gasp between kisses before diving back in. His chest pressed against yours and you took the hint to lean back on the couch so he could slip between your legs and consume you entirely.
The mortification concerning the fact that you’d unknowingly sexually harassed all your friends was temporarily set aside. At the moment, all you knew was Mithrun, and this new power over him that your curiosity had bestowed upon you.
You will, most likely, use it for evil.
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doumekiss · 10 months ago
Calling all my fellow Dungeon Meshi fans!
So I’m trying to get back to writing more oneshots (for the last month I mostly just been translating my old stuff to english) and so I decided to do an A to Z challenge for Dungeon Meshi fanfics. What I want you guys to do is to send me a one word prompt + a ship in the notes.
My main ships are labru and farcille, but I also like laishuro, kikimari, kabumisu, chilshi, cithadol, mithmil, izutade and am also interested in writing gen for any platonic dynamics :D 
Also if you guys want to check out the other stuff I've written for this fandom in the past you can see it here
A - Alcohol (Chilchuck/Senshi)
B - Breasts (Cithis/Pattadol)
C - Cicadas (Laios/Shuro)
D - Dance (Mithrun/Milsiril, Laios/Kabru)
E - Esteem (Kuro and Mickbell + Chilchuck)
F - Flavor (Marcille/Falin)
G - 
H - Heartache (Marcille/Falin)
I - Intentions (Laios/Kabru, Marcille/Falin)
J -
K - Keeper (Mithrun's Brother and Mithrun)
L - Lamia (Laios/Kabru + Mithrun)
M - Motherhood (Milsiril and Kabru)
N -
O - Offspring (Laios/Kabru)
P - Poison (Cithis/Pattadol)
Q - 
R - Ramen Noodles (Milsiril and Mithrun)
S - Succubi (Laios/Kabru, Kabru and Mithrun)
T - Taste Testing (Kabru and Mithrun, Mithrun/Milsiril)
U - Unrequited (Kabru and Rin)
V - 
W - White Day (Laios/Kabru)
X - Xerochrysum (Marcille/Falin)
Y - 
Z - 
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 7 months ago
Morally Questionable Anime Milfs Side A Round 4 Match 1
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Yor -
"she cares so deeply about her family it makes her ill. genuinely wants to be a good mother to Anya. but maybe the 'assassination for the implied fictional GDR' isn't the most morally sound decision, even if done with noble intentions. also uh. do I even have to point out how hot she is?"
Milsiril -
"Milsiril has a gloomy personality and hates other elves, choosing to surround herself with dolls instead. She takes in Kabru as an orphan boy and after refusing to let him learn combat initially eventually relents and gives him brutal combat training. She's not shown much, but she did also nearly kill Mithrun to put him out of his misery when she thought he was completely empty."
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skara-skoot · 2 months ago
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i enjoy drawing mirumisu just standing there…
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dungeon-meshi-tournament · 29 days ago
Mithrun x Milsiril
And this one too
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dungeonmeshi-polls · 7 months ago
Someone asked me to add Pattadol and Thistle. Pattadol is like 16 but she's an adult in that world so ig it's okay.
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dungeonmeshi-confessions · 4 months ago
I honestly really love Milsiril x Mithrun, but only in the tragic "we could have been friend or even lovers if only I had known the real you but now that's not possible anymore" flavor. Anyway go read It's Too Late by nnaiyomaise on ao3
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thethousandyearwitch · 9 months ago
[Active Fandoms: HxH, Chainsaw Man, Dungeon Meshi, Naruto
Potential Fandoms: JJK, Noctilucent: Before Dawn, Golden Kamuy, Umineko]
Hunter x Hunter:
-> The Show Must Go On! [Hisoka x Illumi, Gon x Killua; YouTuber/Streamer AU; 23k Words, Rated T]
-> Looking For Gardens/Coffins [Pariston x Ging; Hanahaki Disease; 1700 Words, Rated T]
-> We make this bond [Pariston x Ging, Pariston & Gon; Pariston gets to Babysit; 1300 Words, Rated G]
-> Go ahead, Hold your breath [Leorio x Kurapika, Hisoka x Illumi, Pariston x Ging; Hospital AU; 4700 Words, Rated T]
-> Save a dance (just for you) [Leorio x Kurapika; Hurt No Comfort Autopsy fic; 3500 Words, Rated T, Major Character Death]
-> Dirty Nails/Awful Thoughts [Pariston x Ging; Cannibalism Hunter/Prey Dynamics; 6400 Words, Rated E, Major Character Death and Violence]
-> Damned Doomed Dismal [Hisoka x Illumi, Illumi x Chrollo; Arranged Marriage + Infidelity; 7700 Words, Rated E]
Chainsaw Man:
-> Smelling Blood; Wanting More [Denji x Yoshida; Canon Divergent Yaoi Dungeon Scene; 1400 Words, Rated E]
-> * When I'm Done It's Over (A Little Bit More)* [Denji x Yoshida; Time Loop AU; WIP]
Dungeon Meshi:
-> Sweet To Tongue & Sound To Eye [Kabru x Mithrun; Post-Canon Porn Without Plot; 2k Words, Rated E]
-> Just Lay Still [Milsiril x f!Reader; Pre-Canon, Milsiril nurses you back to health; 5.5k Words, Rated T]
-> *Find Your Way Home* [Kabru x Mithrun , Mithrun & Milsiril; Post-Canon, Kabru has died an Mithrun and Milsiril connect over their shared loss.]
-> Eye for an Eye [Hidan x Kakuzu; Black Market Organ Theft with homoerotic Surgery AU; 1700 Words, Rated E]
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