#mission marvel rewrite
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mammalsofaction · 14 days ago
I'm Feelin' Super
Rated: T
Relationships: Heinz Doofenshmirtz/Perry the Platypus, Tony Stark & Peter Parker, Tony Stark & Natasha Romanov, Natasha Romanov & Clint Barton, Phineas Flynn & Ferb Fletcher & Candace Flynn
Add Tags: Human Perry, The Spy trio dynamics, The Flynn Fletcher sublings being siblings, vague compliance to CA: CW, vague compliance to Phineas and Ferb: MM
"More spies. Great." Tony drawls. He casts Natasha a sideways glance. "Is that going to be a problem?" Natasha tilts her head to Clint, lounging next to Sam and Thor on the couch. "We have it handled." "They're fairly co-operative so far, but we're keeping the whos-and-whys on a need to know basis for now." Fury says. "They won't pretend to be happy for long." "We don't plan to draw it out." Tony drawls, collapsing the holo-files into his phone. "FRIDAY, what time is it in Danville?"  AKA; A Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel re-write
Prologue below; first chapter is out :)
There is an attack in Brooklyn. It is the second time this month. 
"This is gonna wreck havoc on our insurance plan." Peter mutters, catching the corner on the 5-story from a downward spring. He crouches, surveying the area as the noise of the screaming crowd—punctuated by Red Skull's laughter—begins to fill the air in earnest. Above them, thunder booms; a glorious dissonance punctuates the ambiance of the battle, and the sky smells like ozone.  
Always a good sign to have the Thunder God around, even if it meant he had to swing a little lower the whole time to keep from catching strays.
"Let's keep that lightning and ominous wind on the minimum, Point Break," Iron Man drawls on their connected comms, and Spidey grins as he creeps closer. "I'm flying in a metal suit, over here."
"How are we on parameters?" Thor asked in response.
"We need to give Hill and Rhodes just up to 5 minutes to clear the area, the little guys know what's what."
"Speaking of little guys...," Peter drawls, and he doesn't miss the bark of laughter crackling through the channel. From above, he sees Whiplash creeping far too closely on Tony's unprotected back, which is good enough of a cue as any. He drops a web-bomb right on the face, and kicks the man a good distance away. Vanko screams the whole time; a more wholesome noise to punctuate their current whirlwind of chaos.
Iron Man huffs. "Glad you could make it, kid. Wasn’t getting any younger over here,"
He had only waited, on Tony's own orders, for school to let out, since the call-out had been just within the last 10 minutes of his final period. Peter rolls his eyes from behind the mask, as obnoxiously as possible. "It's called being fashionably late."
"Oh, trust me. I'd know all about that. You weren't missing out."
In the distance, Hulk roars, cutting off the chatter as they re-focus on the battle at hand; the big man throws Venom into the distance, tied like a pretzel, and Thor gets a face full of lashes coated in a band of electrical shock; for all the good that does. He hammers Whiplash into another corner.
Peter mimes a hard flinch. "My guy is not on his A-game here."
"Yeah? You think he's catching a cold?" Iron Man muses. "I wonder if there's some sort of union we can report to about medical leave."
"Truck on your twelve, boys!" Hill barks into their comms, and it's only for the sake of his Spider-tingle that Peter ducks out the way of the first blast; stemming from a black canon perched on the back of a tank. From the helm, Red Skull cackles, and MODOK jumps back into the fray with a miniature version of the very same weapon. Tony goes up, his repulsors aimed straight for the vehicle; but with the tank partially hidden behind the tracks of the subway, there was only so much he could do without compromising the present infrastructure.
"Fri, baby, give me a scan."
"Anti-matter shots, boss, I recommend the team to watch the strikes."
"What the hell?" Peter mumbles, going on the defensive, trying to keep MODOK from damaging too much of the surrounding buildings. "What is it that they even want this time?"
"Let's back off, fellas, these things pack a big punch!"
Red Skull, focused on re-aiming the beast of the muzzle upwards-aiming for the subway tracks-fails to account for the large hulking figure that clamps onto the back of the tank. He yelps, flung from the vehicle itself.
Iron Man whistles. Thor laughs, catching the 70-pound tank like a missive baseball.
"Great work, my large green friend!"
"Hulk pack bigger punch!"
"Let's wrap this up, Spider-Man!" Rhodey demands.
"What do you think I've been doing?" Peter complained exasperatedly, but he turned on the offense, jumping closer to MODOK—growing desperate and unhinged in his attempts to corral him—and managed to web the weapon a safe distance away. Peter webs his hands up too, moving closer, which had decidedly been the wrong move.
"You fool!" The villain crows. "You fail to account for my mind."
"Whoops," Said Peter, feeling himself being lifted via the promised telekinesis, bracing himself for being thrown. It never comes. Hulk, once again, comes to the rescue; knocking into the distracted villain and right into the base of the subway pillars. He falls on the ground as Iron Man hovers close to the wobbling monument, repulsors aimed and loaded.
"Game over, boys," Tony proclaims. "Let's call the quinjet over to take the trash out, Hill, we can get started on the-,"
Clean-up, is what Peter was sure he was about to say, but Tony had a bit of a talent when it came to speaking too soon. It was the sun, he thought, peeking out of the sky; perhaps the clouds Thor brought with him had been clearing? It felt almost exactly like a beam of light; getting toasted on the beach just a little too closely, and it happened so fast.
One moment Tony was up in the air, and the next he was falling, falling, and Peter jumped to his feet, launching himself off the ground with his super strength to pad the fall, but he only stumbled, he fell, choking on dusty air and debris that hadn't bothered him in a year...
"TONY!" Rhodey yells into the comms, but he was nowhere near the battle enough to be of use.
Iron Man knocks against the ledge of the subway tracks, the roof of a nearby semi, and finally onto the road with a sickening crunch of gravel. Peter, screams, he thinks, and his voice doesn't echo through the comms, for reasons he will find only later that they had been strangely deactivated, keeping them from FRIDAY's fail-safes. He can't be sure what happens next, but by the time the authorities arrive; the NYPD and the ambulances and the firemen and the truckloads of SHIELD operatives, MODOK was gone, and so was the gun he had been toting.
None of the villains could be found, and Peter couldn't breathe.
Something was wrong.
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marvelnatr · 1 year ago
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Warnings: Daddy!Nat, Sub!reader, humiliation, brat!tamer Nat, impact play, mocking, strap on, cock warming, breeding kink, cum filled strap, pussy spanking, spanking, bratting, oral fixation, office setting.
Summary: you continue to fail to complete your mission reports correctly. Fury has tried multiple times to get the teammates to teach you how to complete them and you cannot follow simple orders, he’s told that during your teachings you have a cocky attitude. So he places you in an office with Nat till you can get your act together.
Feel free to join my marvel discord geared to this kind of writing! Its in my pinned master list. If the link doesn’t work let me know darlings. I don’t bite <3
Your POV:
Walking into the office Natasha looked up at me, her eyebrow cocking as she stayed leaned over her desk “excuse you?” I watched her slightly confused “what? I’m supposed to be here at nine am and its nine ten” Natasha nodded “yes you’re late. But also have some manners and knock on my office door before you come in” I nodded a bit with an eye roll and started to cross the threshold, Natashas voice stopped me in my tracks “so turn around and try again”. Looking up at her I nodded and turned around, closing the door and knocking again. Natasha gently opened the door “come in”. Nodding I walked in the door and looked at Natasha, she pointed to the chair near her desk “sit” rolling my eyes again I sat down. I’m not a fucking dog. I felt Nats eyes on me, the door clicked shut and the sound of her heels getting closer to my chair till I felt her brush by me as she sat down “so you’ve been having some problems with your mission reports?” I shook my head “they’re fine. Fury is just being picky” Natasha looked up at me “his name to you is Director, I know for a fucking fact you and him are not on first name basis. Do I make myself clear?” Swallowing a little I nodded as Nat watched me “no, you’re going to give me a verbal confirmation” watching her I sat forward and spoke, allowing my attitude to lace my voice “okay”, Natasha’s eyes found mine, the second we made eye contact I had realized I may have sounded a little too bold. Natasha calmly spoke “okay what?” I watched her, backing down a little “o-okay yes ma’am”. I received a simple nod from her and sat there in silence while she finished up her work.
After fifteen minutes I looked at her “okay what the fuck am I doing here? Cause if I’m just gonna sit here I’m leaving” Natasha looked at me “you will be patient Y/N” pouting I sat back and watched her work. This went on for around another thirty minutes before she looked at me “okay, what was the last mission you did” I looked at her and sat up “fucking finally” shooting a glare at me she growled a little “watch your fucking mouth, I am here to help you, so drop the fucking attitude” ignoring her statement I pulled out my computer and pulled up the mission report. I felt her lean over my shoulder as she looked at my report and scoffed “no wonder fury wont take this, its messy” I looked at her “excuse you?” Natasha cocked her eyebrow at me “I didn’t stutter did I?” Shutting up a little I rolled my eyes and thought of a quick snarky comeback “so what’s wrong with it then if you’re so fucking smart” I guess that was it. That’s what snapped her. Within seconds I was turned and facing her, her green eyes piercing into mine
Natasha’s POV:
Wrapping my hand around her throat Y/N left out a little gasp, her eyes widening as her legs squeezed together. I laughed a little and mocked “oh, I see, you just needed to be choked out a little didn’t you?” Y/N’s knuckles turned white as she squirmed “n-no” I laughed at her, tutting “oh detka, poor little thing. How I’d love to fuck you but you need an attitude adjustment” I let go of her neck with a little push and looked at her “rewrite it. Again. Stop beating around the bush and write it” Y/N pouted “b-but I don’t know how” I grabbed her jaw and made her look at me “you’re a smart little girl, you’ll figure it out” a pout formed on her lips as she looked at her computer and started typing. Nodding I sat back down at my desk. Y/N’s legs were squeezed shut as she typed. She would look up at me on occasion, her eyes begged me to fuck her as her pupils were blown with lust. Smirking at her I shook my head “focus on your work darling”
Y/N continued with her work. I decided it was time to fuck around with her a little, my fingers made their way to my button up shirt, slowly undoing the first three buttons to reveal my cleavage. Y/N’s eyes had been trained on my chest for a solid two minutes now. I laughed a little “what’s got you distracted darling?” Y/N swallowed hard and shook her head “nothing”. I slowly got up and leaned over the desk, my chest close to her face “try again detka” Y/N looked up at me, her eyes filled with anticipation as I leaned over her. The younger woman shakily inhaled and swallowed thick, as he spoke weakly “n-nothing miss�� nodding I turned her computer to me “lets see how much progress you’ve made shall we love”. Looking over her work I tutted, she really hasn’t changed a thing. She’s made advances but hasn’t done much. I looked at her “this really isn’t any better dorogoy, are you really that dumb that you can’t put together a simple report? I know you’re so much smarter then this” a whine fell from her lips “I don’t get it, this is such bullshit!” Cocking my eyebrow at her I warned her “watch your mouth” Y/N looked at me with that same bratty look “fucking make me” laughing I leaned in closer “I will”. Her eyes widened as I sat down in my chair and patted my lap “come bring your computer and sit” Y/N rolled her eyes “no, I’m not a fucking child” I chuckled “you sure are acting like one” she quickly shot me a look and stupidly defended herself “I am not!” I scoffed at her “you are, just like a spoiled fucking brat if you ask me” huffing Y/N sat back in her chair, folding her arms and turning away from me just as a pouting child would. I laughed and mumbled “my point proven”
After about fifteen minutes she grumbled “I would like to leave now” I nodded while typing “you can after you finish your report” Y/N groaned “but I don’t fucking know what to do to fix it!” Looking over at her I spoke calmly, probably pissing her off even more “I offered to help you darling, and you wouldn’t take it. But the offer is still there. When you can drop your ego and come and sit in my lap like a good girl I can help you” she shook her head and spat “in your fucking dreams” I laughed and nodded “your choice then darling”
After a few more minutes she realized I wasn’t giving in. I heard her movements to grab her computer and find her way over to me. Looking over at her I saw her eyes watching my lap. Leaning back I gave her room to sit down, Y/N shuffled over to me pouting as I took her computer from her and allowed her to sit in my lap. Tucking some hair behind her ear I whispered “this isn’t so bad is it?” Shifting to get comfy she grumbled, her eyebrows furrowed in frustration “this sucks” I laughed a little and held her waist “don’t hurt my feelings now darling. Stop pretending you don’t like it”. A red tint fell over her cheeks as she cuddled into me and I smiled “that’s a good girl. Now, look at your screen”. I adjusted Y/N so she could see her screen and her eyes widened at me, I knew it was only time before she felt my strap in my pants, I laughed a little and mocked in her ear “so distracted darling, are you okay?”. A blush tinted her cheeks red as she nodded “y-yes da- ma’am”, I smirked “oh no baby say what you were gonna say”. Y/N squirmed in my lap as she mumbled, I held her hips and stilled her movements “speak up detka”. She pushed her head into my chest “y-yes d-daddy”. I groaned a little and held her hips down “such a good girl, there we go, finally learning your place”, the girl shot a glare at me and I smacked her thigh “nuh uh little girl, knock it off”, her eyes rolled as she spat “fucking make me”.
My hand quickly wrapped around her throat as I stood her up, quickly laying her flat over my desk then landing a harsh smack to her ass “that’s it, enough of the attitude”, Y/N gasped and moaned a little. Chuckling I tutted “such a fucking slut, is this what you want? You want me to spank you?” I spanked her again and stuck my fingers in her mouth “you just want to get punished thats all, want me to make you my little bitch”. I continued to land harsh spanks to her ass, the crimson red color was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. You could see the slight outlines of my rings from the impact on her sore ass. Y/N was whimpering and crying a little, drooling all over my desk. I laughed “awww my poor little girl, you can give but you cant take? But you look so pretty for me. You ass all red while you make a mess all over my desk. Those pretty little tears don’t mean shit to me princess”
I watched as she squirmed, an unmistakable wet patch forming on her panties. Kicking her legs apart I gently pushed my palm on her cunt “mmmm so wet for me babygirl” Y/N moaned and whined, her legs closing around my hands. I smacked her cunt and looked up at her “you do not close your legs when I touch you, do you understand little girl?” She nodded and moaned “y-yes daddy” pushing my hand against her cunt I spoke again “I said do you understand?”, moaning a bit louder she fixed her sentence “y-yes daddy I understand” smirking I whispered in her ear “panties off and lay on the couch”. Y/N scrambled to the couch taking off her panties. I locked the office door and headed over to her. I rubbed her thighs gently “open your legs detka”, her legs quickly fell open and I groaned “you’re fucking soaked babygirl“ a red tint formed on her cheeks as I trailed my finger along her cunt “so you can follow orders, shocking”. Y/N snapped her legs shut “oh fuck off”. I cocked my eyebrow at her lowering my voice to a growl “what did you just say to me Y/N?”, her eyes went wide as her face turned white. Fear and anticipation flooded her eyes as I tutted “what am I going to do with you huh little girl?” I watched as she swallowed thick, standing up I leaned over her and grabbed her neck “lets see…I could edge you…or I could spank your poor little cunt….and I could just completely leave you without touching you” Y/N quickly protested to my last suggestion, a pleading whine falling from her lips “no daddy please! Please don’t leave me like this!”. I laughed at her “and what makes you think you’re in any position to tell me what to do with you darling? Where on earth did you get that thought?”
Dead silence fell over the room. Y/N’s pupils blown with lust and fear as she squirmed. I chuckled at her squeezing her neck tighter and pulling her closer to my face “come on slut speak up”, the younger woman gasped and rambled out “I-I dont! y-you’re in charge daddy”. Smiling I nodded “that’s right detka, daddy is is charge. Here’s what’s gonna happen” I trailed my hand down to her cunt as I spoke, allowing my accent to lace my voice a little more “you’re going to lay here and hold yourself open while daddy spanks this pretty little cunt five times for your misconduct. Do I make myself clear?” Y/N moaned and nodded “y-yes daddy you made yourself clear”
Y/N spread herself open, I smirked at her “so wet”, leaning down I hovered my face just above her cunt, my breath falling over her cunt making her twitch as I smiled “oh this is gonna be so much fucking fun” pushing my palm onto her heated core I kissed her gently then landed a semi harsh smack. Y/N yelped and moaned as I gently rubbed “you know what to do darling”. The girl swallowed thick, her chest rising and falling as she attempted to catch her breath “o-one thank you daddy”. Smiling I nodded and spanked her pussy again. I received the same reaction as the last. Y/N jolting slightly at the impact on her already swollen cunt from being so needy. I looked in her eyes as she counted again “two t-thank you daddy”. Nodding I finished the next three. Rubbing her pussy gently I groaned “so red and puffy now darling, you look so pretty like this” a blush fell over her cheeks and I chuckled “so shy, why did I punish you baby?” Y/N whispered gently “b-because I closed my legs while you were touching me” I nodded and rubbed “and is that polite?”, blushing further she shook her head “no daddy”. I smiled and kissed her knee “good girl. Now, you need to finish your report”. Immediately she whined “I don’t wanna!” I folded my arms “tell you what, you do the report and you get to cockwarm daddy as you work” Y/N bit her lip eagerly nodding “deal!”
Laughing I walked over to the desk and sat down. Y/N watched me as she rubbed her legs together, I patted my lap “come on darling, you’re so soaked you’ll be just fine”. She turned beet red as she straddled me and sunk gently down on my strap. Her cunt swallowing every inch of the thick toy as her mouth fell open in a silent moan. It was the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen and I couldn’t wait to breed her. To claim her and make her mine. I rested my hands on her hips and whispered praises “come on babygirl, just a little more. You can take it. I know you can” her eyes watched mine as she whimpered “you’re so big daddy, it wont fit” I laughed a little and rubbed her waist “oh darling. It’ll fit, daddy will help you”. She nodded as I lightly fucked up into her. My entire length buried into her cervix as she moaned “f-fucking hell” rubbing her hips gently I praised “thats it, such a good girl, you’ve done so well for me baby” she smiled and I patted her cheek “now get to work”
Y/N worked on her report as I looked over a file. Every so often I would check on her to see her progress. I could feel her arousal coating my thighs. The heat radiating off her core. Sometimes she would shift and moan from the sensation of the strap moving inside her. After thirty minutes she had finally finished. I put my file down and leaned forward, moving in her again. Y/N moaned as I rubbed her thigh to calm her and read over her report. I smiled and gripped her thigh a little “thats more like it baby, you do know what to do you just wanted to cookie cut it” Y/N pouted and bratted a little “did not!”. Quickly I smacked her thigh “no ma’am, no more of that” the girl whimpered “s-sorry daddy”. My hips involuntary bucked up, causing me to fuck into her. It was a pure reaction to the honorific falling from her lips. I received a moan from her in return, groaning I whispered in her ear “I could listen to those pretty little sounds all day” Y/N whimpered “please fuck me daddy, I-I can’t wait anymore”
Quickly picking her up I brought her over to the couch, my strap staying buried in her the entire time. I rested her down on the couch, her back hitting the leather cushions. I moan fell from her lips as my cock moved inside of her “oh baby be a good girl and let daddy fuck you hm? I know you’ve been craving this from the second you looked at me”. Y/N whimpered and nodded as I started fucking into her “that’s it, good girl detka”. Quickly grabbing a hold of the leather she moaned “f-fucking hell daddy you’re so big” I laughed a little and kept fucking her “I know darling”. Y/N’s head threw back as her eyes closed, I slapped her tit “ah ah, no little girl, you look daddy in the eyes while she’s fucking you. I want to memorize exactly what you look like when you’re falling apart under me”
Y/N’s eyes shot open again as she watched me, I nodded and slipped my fingers into her mouth, lightly making her gag which in turn made her clench around my strap. She quickly got the understanding to suck and begun swirling her tongue around my fingers. My digits muffling her moans as her teary eyes watched me. I smiled and mocked her “look at you, drooling all over yourself as I fuck your tight little pussy. You look fucking pathetic darling. I’m glad you’re found a better use for that pretty mouth of yours rather than bratting”. At this point she was too busy to complain, to dumb fucked out to argue. Fucking into her harder I groaned “fuck pup you look so pretty like this”. She moaned loud and bucked her hips, I cocked my eyebrow at her “you like that one huh? You want daddy to breed this sweet little pussy? To claim you?”. A babbled yes fell from her mouth around my fingers. I smirked and fucked into her harder “fuck thats my good girl”
Y/N’s legs started to shake, I took my fingers out of her mouth “you ask for permission to cum detka” her moans grew louder “p-please daddy please can I cum?” I groaned and nodded “fuck babygirl cum for me, gonna fill you up, make my cum drip from that pretty little cunt”. I gripped her legs and spread them wider as she came. Fully bottoming out inside her I came with her. Filling her cunt as she screamed a little “h-holy fucking shit daddy!” I laughed as I kissed her cheek “such a good girl for me, now everyone in the office knows who’s screwing you”, Y/N’s face tinted red as I stroked her cheek “it’s okay darling, you’re mine now”
As her breathing slowed I gently pulled out, some of the cum dripping from her cunt as it spilled on the couch. Chuckling I rubbed her thighs “such a messy girl”. I went into my private bathroom and wet a washcloth, coming back I kissed her inner thigh “may I dove?”. Y/N nodded all floaty, I melted at her relaxed face and fucked out body. While I cleaned her up I spoke “no more of the bratty attitude okay baby?” Y/N nodded and whispered “okay daddy”. I smiled softly at her and gently put her panties back on and grabbed one of my blankets from my storage ottoman, wrapping her up in it as I picked her up and held her in my arms “that’s my good girl, you can rest now darling”
Y/N cuddled into my neck and closed her eyes. While she dozed off I rubbed some cream on her ass, admiring the indentation of my rings on her red flesh for a few seconds. Kissing her head I sat down and continued to do some of my work, doing my best not to wake the sleeping angel in my lap.
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hrrtshape · 3 months ago
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       ��  . . . ౨ৎ each world we meet in is another shade of the same love. whether under gaslight or starlight, we find each other every time.  
    ᧓ ﹒ fame dr ‧ ₊ ˚ ﹙ ଘ ﹚
this is my ultimate it-girl era : globally adored. youngest egot winner with nepo-baby status (cheers to my director-actor father and model-actress mother). everything in cinematic slow motion. <3   [ s / o ] . . . tom blyth ୨୧
◞ what's in my bag.             
◞ imperfections ⋆ in my fame dr.  
◞ things i always have on set.          
◞ day in the life ⋆ on set.⠀⠀⠀⠀
◞ trends i started.    
◞ things i love in my fame dr.  
◞ day nr one in my fame dr.
◞ things to script for your s/o. 
◞ reasons to be excited for your fame dr ⋆ diva vers!
◞ tips for your fame dr. ⠀
◞ welcome to your fame dr.  
◞ fame dr guide.
◞ make up routine.               
◞ little hehe moment!?!?! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
    ᧓ ﹒ spy dr ‧ ₊ ˚ ﹙ ଘ ﹚
a prima ballerina by day, a deadly assassin by night. my underground organisation hides in the labyrinth beneath the paris opéra house. pliés turn into takedowns, grand jetés into grand escapes. by night, i execute covert missions with devastating elegance. of course, i fall for a kingsman agent.   [ s / o ] . . . kingsman spy ! coryo ୨୧
  ꒲ 𝒾ncoming 𝒾ntro ! 
◞ gadgets.            
◞ missions.      ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
    ᧓ ﹒ formula 1 dr ‧ ₊ ˚ ﹙ ଘ ﹚
the youngest driver to ever snag a world drivers’ championship. the paddock’s ultimate wildcard. also..... a colourful vocabulary for cussing out the certain cunts of the paddock.   [ s / o ] . . . tbd but probably tom blyth ୨୧
  ꒲ 𝒾ncoming 𝒾ntro ! 
◞ stats.                     
    ᧓ ﹒ starlet in the 1950s dr ‧ ₊ ˚ ﹙ ଘ ﹚
golden-era hollywood has me. rita hayworth WHO ? another dyed ginger is taking her place.   [ s / o ] . . . gregory peck ୨୧
  ꒲ 𝒾ntro to the star of hollywood ! 
◞ roles. ⠀      ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
    ᧓ ﹒ sex and the city dr ‧ ₊ ˚ ﹙ ଘ ﹚
shifted ✶ the modern carrie bradshaw who's dating her own mr big...if mr big wasn't a douchebag. writing my “sex and the city” blog in vogue about the love lives (and catastrophes) of NYC. add in a few i couldn’t help but wonders.   [ s / o ] . . . logan roy escue billionaire ! coryo ୨୧
  ꒲ 𝒾ncoming 𝒾ntro ! 
◞ blurbs.                  
◞ tips for a journalist dr.
    ᧓ ﹒ cowboy dr ‧ ₊ ˚ ﹙ ଘ ﹚
aristocratic beginnings meet wild west rebellion. gowns traded for dusty skirts, bows, and braids as i ride alongside billy the kid (cue: stolen glances, quick-draw banter, and forbidden sparks).   [ s / o ] . . . billy the kid ୨୧
  ꒲ 𝒾ntro ! 
  ⠀      ⠀⠀⠀⠀  ⠀      ⠀⠀⠀⠀  ⠀⠀
    ᧓ ﹒ socialite dr ‧ ₊ ˚ ﹙ ଘ ﹚
shifted ✶ a rich-girl fantasy : NYC penthouse living. socialite drama meets “cutthroat world of dog eat dog.” basically....gossip girl. but....more fun. and no gossip. girl.   [ s / o ] . . . coryo ୨୧
  ꒲ 𝒾ntro ! 
◞ my s/o.                
◞ realising feelings.        
◞ modern!coryo headcanons.   ⠀      ⠀⠀⠀
     ᧓ ﹒ vampire dr ‧ ₊ ˚ ﹙ ଘ ﹚
shifted ✶ turned in 365 BC babylon by an ancient vampire (he’s giving 1500 years of mysterious brooding). i'm the first heretic. a half-witch, half-vampire with a tragic romantic streak. naturally, i fall for the immortal who turned me (a coriolanus vampire...... but close). before that, i was a princess witch.   [ s / o ] . . . 3000 year old vampire ! coryo ୨୧
  ꒲ 𝒾ntro ! 
◞ places i've visited. 
◞ daily activities . . . 1769.            
◞ the turning.
     ᧓ ﹒ ever after high dr ‧ ₊ ˚ ﹙ ଘ ﹚
daughter of sleeping beauty, destined for a 100-year nap, but plot twist: my father’s willy wonka. (don’t ask. just marvel at my copper-coloured curls and penchant for enchanted desserts.) i'm caught between fulfilling my legacy and rewriting the script entirely. expect whimsical daydreams, pastel magic, and a sprinkle of chaos.   [ s / o ] . . . coryo ୨୧
  ꒲ 𝒾ncoming 𝒾ntro ! 
◞ closet. ⠀                   ⠀⠀⠀
     ᧓ ﹒ princess dr ‧ ₊ ˚ ﹙ ଘ ﹚
an 18th-century versailles princess draped in silks, diamonds, and enough court intrigue to rival gossip girl. betrothed to the prince of great britain. it’s all very shakespearean. champagne fountains, masked balls, and moonlit scandals straight out of marie antoinette (who's also my sister in law. we're besties).   [ s / o ] . . . english prince ! coryo ୨୧
  ꒲ 𝒾ncoming 𝒾ntro ! 
◞ day - 2 - day.
     ᧓ ﹒ marauders dr ‧ ₊ ˚ ﹙ ଘ ﹚
pureblood gryffindor. animagus form; a fox (because obviously). seeker on the gryffindor quidditch team, and yes, number one apologist for history of magic. oh, and cousin to james potter, naturally. we hate each other (that's not true).   [ s / o ] . . . pureblood slytherin ! coryo ୨୧
  ꒲ 𝒾ntroduction ! 
◞ advanced guide for thriving & slaying.
◞ what's in my bag.      ⠀⠀⠀       
◞ things to script in your dorms.  
◞ UH. . . something?  
◞ MATCHMAKERS ANON. (full credits to ih3artreggie on tiktok!!!)
◞ marauders dr chronicles.
     ᧓ ﹒ spiderverse dr ‧ ₊ ˚ ﹙ ଘ ﹚
across the multiverse, swinging through dimensions as my own iteration of spider-woman. let’s just say, in my universe, spiders have never looked this chic. (also i'm miguel's biggest pain in the ass. because of course i am)   [ s / o ] . . . miles morales ୨୧
  ꒲ 𝒾ncoming 𝒾ntro ! 
     ᧓ ﹒ south park dr ‧ ₊ ˚ ﹙ ଘ ﹚
sister of eric cartman (the devil reincarnate). that's it, no other thoughts. the nanny of butters stotch.   [ s / o ] . . . coryo ୨୧
  ꒲ 𝒾ncoming 𝒾ntro ! 
     ᧓ ﹒ marvel dr ‧ ₊ ˚ ﹙ ଘ ﹚
daughter of agatha harkness, cursed upon the one above all on the day when she first opened her eyes.   [ s / o ] . . . magneto ! coryo ୨୧
  ꒲ 𝒾ntroduction. . . lowkey !    
     ᧓ ﹒ superman dr ‧ ₊ ˚ ﹙ ଘ ﹚
former it girl of gotham has decided to move to metropolis. soon enough, she became a painting restorer...and has found a vigilante of a boyfriend.   [ s / o ] . . . clark kent ୨୧
   ꒲ 𝒾ncoming intro !                
     ᧓ ﹒ succession dr ‧ ₊ ˚ ﹙ ଘ ﹚
daughter of logan roy. kind of a stray puppy if we're being honest.   [ s / o ] . . . lukas matsson ୨୧
   ꒲ 𝒾ncoming intro !                
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seireiteihellbutterfly · 1 year ago
omg i love ur page. can u do clueless virgin reader stops in the middle of sex w/ nanami bc she thinks she has to pee? (when its actually her orgasm)
(actual writing under the divider)
Aww thank you!. ^_^
So I had actually worked on something that sort of fit this request but for another character, different fandom. Anyway, long story short, I hated that character for this scenario and ended up deleting it. So after some changes and rewriting, lo and behold! Perfect for Nanami!
Nanami masterlist
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“That’s it…relax…you’ll definitely enjoy this…”
His words are whispered in your ear, his voice low and husky. It’s been a while since you started dating Nanami but you didn’t expect him to have this kind of enthusiasm when you finally admitted you were a virgin. It’s not like you didn’t have chances, but you were just a late bloomer on this front. 
There was a lot of nervousness when you first started dating him. At 21, you felt so young and unsure, being with a man of his age and obvious experience. There were some days you couldn’t believe he was dating you but he was so charming, sweet, and respectful of your boundaries. Your inexperience with sex didn’t seem to bother him, and he never teased you or made you feel pressured to do anything with him. 
And he plainly stated he wasn’t actually having sex with you until you figured out what you enjoyed. So right now, he was on a personal mission to explore your body and give you a safe space to explore your sexuality.
Because you kept closing your knees whenever his hands started wandering a little too high, you’re now sitting between his legs, back against his chest, knees over his, your feet planted on the outer sides of his thighs. This way he could keep your legs open with his when he felt you trying to close off. 
His fingers have found your clit, and he’s gently rubbing it in circles with his middle finger, slick from your arousal dripping from your entrance. 
“How does this feel darling?” 
All you can do is whimper at the sensation that’s building inside you. He chuckles, resting his head on top of yours.
“A fine response. But I need actual words. Now, tell me. Do you like this better-“
He gently increases the pressure of the circles he’s making.
“Or this?”
His thumb and middle fingers come together to gently pinch the hardened bud, rolling it in between, and your whimper becomes a strangled shriek as you try to close your legs, held firmly apart by his thighs. 
“Too much,” you whimper. “Too hard. Too sensitive.”
“Ssh. It’s ok. Thank you for telling me.” His entire hand lays flat on your slit, calming your nerves, using all his fingers to resume the gentle circle strokes again.
“Y-yeah…so much…” Those little circles are making you crazy, but it’s the way he’s doing it. So much patience, no rush to get to the main event, just focusing on your comfort. 
“Hm…let’s see how you’re doing inside…”
His thumb takes over the circling motions as his middle finger slips down and gently flirts with the wetness at your core. You’re wholly unprepared as the tip of his finger gently pushes in, making you take in a sharp breath. He pauses, and gently speaks in your ear.
“Relax. Take a breath. It’ll make it easier for what I have planned. I promise it won’t hurt.”
You take in a deep breath and let it out, surprised when you feel the muscles down there release naturally, aided by the stimulation on your clit. His finger pushes in further, curling as it enters, and you marvel at the feeling of it stretching you out. His fingers were so long and thick, and you moan softly at the pressure. A dexterous fingertip makes come hither motions on your inner wall and find that little patch inside you that makes your walls squeeze on his finger with pleasure. He continues to angle his finger that way until your moans fill the room.
“That’s it lovely…keep going…we’ll get you there…” he plants kisses on your neck and shoulder, his free hand coming up to cup your breast, twisting your hardened nipple. All the stimulation causes your hips to buck, mewling at the feeling. You’re helpless to stop it, when you try to struggle, Nanami parts his legs farther, taking yours with him. The exposure and vulnerability adds to your arousal. Your core is dripping, the slickness coating his finger and dripping down to his wrist. 
“Do you think you can take another one?” His hot breath is on your ear. He can’t believe how sexy you look like this, falling apart in his hands, mouth open and making such lewd noises of pleasure. With the remaining brain cells you have you nod, your dripping core begging for a little more. 
Nanami is gentle with his finger as he inserts another one, amazed at how smoothly it goes in, your hole leaking slick as he does so. He feels his cock harden in his pants, straining against the fabric, and he grits his teeth. Someday he tells himself. Not before you’re done learning about your body.
As he continues, your belly fills with heat, energy gathering tightly in your thighs and core. Despite how good his movements feel, you suddenly sense pressure in your abdomen. Your brain jerks you away from the pleasure of his fingers, making you panic slightly.
“Nanami.” You urgently tap his knee to catch his attention. Hearing the tone in your voice, he stops. 
“Everything ok?” His voice is deep, laced with concern. You feel your face burn with embarrassment.
“I…I think I need to pee.” You say in a small voice. God, why couldn’t the floor open up and swallow you whole? 
He hasn’t removed his fingers and chuckles softly. “No you don’t.”
You can’t believe the confidence that he said that with. It was so out of character for him to not listen to you. “No, trust me I do. I feel the pressure in my belly.”
There’s a pause before he softly asks, “Have you ever touched yourself before?”
Oh God why! Blood rushes to your face as you try to not stutter. The honest answer was no, you hadn’t, for various reasons. “No.” you mumble the word, thankful he can’t see your face. “Does it matter?”
“Ah. I see.” He resumes his ministrations on you. Your whole body was unprepared for him to start up again so suddenly and your body almost arches off the mattress. 
“But Nanami…”
“Trust me…and my experience here y/n…” he says to you gently. Need takes over as he picks up his movements, driving the intrusive thought out of your head. He said to trust him…What did he know that you didn’t? 
As your abdominal muscles clench, winding down tightly like a spring, that feeling of pressure coming back but instead you take a deep breath and then…
Your pleasure peaks and your fist the bedsheets, toes curling into the mattress as spasm after spasm rocks you, sobbing his name. His fingers don’t stop, gently pushing you through your orgasm, making sure you feel every last dreg of pleasure before the high starts to fade. 
“Oohh…” You sigh out breathily, in realization. 
Nanami chuckles with satisfaction near your head. 
“Welcome to your first orgasm my dear.”
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dividers by @/cafekitsune
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sabotsen · 6 months ago
Pairing: Noan x (gn!) Commandant / Reader
Notes: Set shortly after Noan’s affection story 6; word count 1.3k
Warnings: Subtle possessiveness
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A fluke. 
Fate disguised as a coincidence. 
Isn’t that how it always goes in hero stories? 
A chance encounter that alters the alignment of stars and rewrites destiny for the better, with hope woven into every word and touch. 
But this is not a hero’s story, and fate has never been kind to him. 
It is not a moment of joy, with warm smiles and gentle laughter in the company of friends. It is not a moment of anticipation, spirits soaring high before the oncoming fight. This moment — quiet and peaceful — has been won only after the blood of comrades has stained your hands beyond recognition and their corpses paved the way to the top of this hill upon which you weather every storm. 
But even so…
Despite it all, he is grateful. 
How could he not be, with your head on his shoulder? 
Your breathing is slow and steady, his cloak a poor cushion against the hard, unyielding metal of his frame. Yet now and then, you drowsily nuzzle against his shoulder and almost seem to burrow into the worn folds of the fabric before settling once more against him. It’s enough to trigger an itch in his wires, a slow rolling brushfire that sweeps across him — quiet, without flare or noise. More than once he has brushed the hair from your eyes, his fingers curling as they trace a path from behind your ear down along the curve of your jaw. 
Still you do not wake. 
Not when he calls your name or when his touch drifts across your cheek like butterfly wings, a ghost of a touch too delicate to truly be missed. Just how much have you been pushing yourself lately? It hasn’t even been three days since you returned from a month long mission down on the surface and already the shadows beneath your eyes are just as concerningly dark as the first night he kidnapped you to this blind spot in Zone Z. Do you always throw yourself so recklessly into the fray, heedless of your health? 
How does Gray Raven stand it, watching you tear yourself apart like this piece by piece? How does Simon hold his tongue every time your paths cross, despite the endless worries that flow over like rain behind the closed doors of Dark Ares? 
You nuzzle against his shoulder again, a faint furrow in your brow as the blanket draped around your shoulders slides away. Noan cannot help the small smile that pulls at his lips as he adjusts the blanket and dutifully ensures you are properly bundled. His hands hover near your cheek, an itch in his fingertips to brush against your brow and coax that furrow away. 
You trust him — foolishly, kindly — and he still cannot wrap his head around why. It’s such a heavy thing — your trust — and he has long since known cold, metallic hands cannot grasp delicate things forever. 
Would that wake you? 
Would it cross a line somewhere, somehow? 
He settles for lightly brushing the hair from your face, touch far too light and mindful, before his hand drifts down to your hands resting in your lap. Slowly, with all the careful movements of a child reaching for something forbidden in the middle of the night, he cradles your hand in his. Immediately, your warmth sinks into him, gradual and welcoming. 
Your head on his shoulder, your hand cradled in his — a fragile peace lay nestled against him. 
It feels like Spring.
It feels like home.
Delicate, like a folded paper crane. Even the slightest moment could tear and rend everything asunder. The smallest bit of rain could eat away the body. Carefully, so carefully must he act — every word and action mindful and calculating. He can’t lose this — this friend, this trust, this warmth. 
Slowly, he laces your fingers in his, marveling at the softness of your skin against the hard edges of him. You stir in your sleep, fingers curling around his hand and weakly returning his grip. 
Your title is a whisper upon his lips, gentle like flower petals. 
“You’re scowling again.” 
His free hand brushes against your cheek, thumb tenderly swiping just under your eyes as if to wipe away tears. Beneath his light touches, you seem to relax, the faint traces of tension fading from your expression. He feels the subtle shift of your weight as you lean upon him further, like a bird burrowing into a corner of the nest. 
Warmth seeps into him, sinking beneath cold metal and bleeding beyond colored wires. Down, down, down it travels — to a vast white expanse within him, where only snow thrives. It seeps in, like springtime rain, and melts the unending snow. Noan gently tilts his head, lips brushing against the top of yours as he soaks up every bit of your warmth like a sunflower desperate for the sun. 
The empty bridge framed by the black expanse of the stars are the only witness to this moment of weakness. He knows when the timer runs out, this will all be over. He will return you to your Gray Ravens, likely carrying you upon his back much like he did before. He will return to the cafe and slip that shackle back on his wrist once more. 
“Shall we run away again?” You had asked just hours prior, the playful smile on your lips marred only by the exhaustion you could not hide. 
He didn’t tell you the response he suppressed — suffocated, really — that you need only say when and he would answer your call without fail. He did not tell you how he hid a blanket in the library on the impossible chance he could sneak you away to Zone Z again. He did not speak of the joy that flared in his chest, bright and blooming, to hear your request. 
He had merely held out his shackled wrist to you, a small smile on his lips as he had replied, “You really shouldn’t make a habit of getting kidnapped by an infamous bad guy unless you want to be lectured for hours.”
Your laughter as you disarmed his tracker still rings in his ears. A precious sound — what would it take to make you laugh more often? How often do you laugh around your Ravens? 
Noan closes his eyes as his thumb brushes over the back of your hand in his as he curls himself around you. If only there were still softer parts to him left, maybe he could be of more comfort. You’re still sleeping so soundly, but it can’t be comfortable to use him as a pillow like this. The blanket he brought couldn’t be enough — it’s not, not to him. He has to do more, be more. 
Next time, then. 
The thought freezes Noan, barely suppressing the flinch that would have squeezed your hand — he could have hurt you. Next time? Will there be a next time? Would it be alright to hope for that? To trust in that? 
Noan calls your name softly, devoid of any titles. Caution laces his tone but it is no less gentle. 
Still you do not wake. 
Soon, this peace will end and his time will run out. You will return to the frontlines and he will return to his shackles, worn weary by painful tests and experiments under watchful eyes that neither trust nor care for him. 
“It would be nice,” he murmurs into your hair, “if you called upon me like this again.” 
Silence settles and the stars in the instance still frame the otherwise dark and empty room. Noan quietly tugs the blanket tighter around you and curls himself that much closer to you, every bit a child clutching a jar of fireflies for comfort. 
The feeling of you cradled in his arms — a paper crane, a firefly — 
This is enough for now…. 
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imposterogers · 2 years ago
there’s something so sick n twisted about how steve roger’s ENTIRE 10 year arc was about him returning to “steve rogers” & leaving captain america behind just for marvel to answer with that ending. because think about it. steve rogers was a chronically ill man who was bullied his entire life. every time he stood up, he was shoved back down. it could have ruined him. turned him dark and jaded. but his mother (his moral compass) cupped his bleeding, tear stained cheeks and told him you always stand up. and he did. for himself and for anyone who couldn’t stand up for themselves. even if he was the only one. it was a crucial, core part of his identity. he couldn’t turn away from a situation headed south. he would never run away from a fight. its how he met his life long best friend, who promised they’d always be there for each other. when steve rogers woke up from the ice, everything he cared about was gone. the world was foreign, it was cold. it was missing his friends. his family. to make things worse, history didn’t remember steve rogers. history remembered captain america, and time had turned him into a symbolic overly patriotic figurehead. people told him he was old fashioned, straight laced, a rule follower. and for a while, he let history rewrite him. he went on missions. he followed orders. he was the super soldier they wanted him to be. but the winter soldier is when everything changed. when he realized he’d been complacently following orders he might not agree with. when he made tentative and real friendships in sam and nat. when he found out bucky was alive. it shook him awake. it shook him out of the stasis he’d let himself lapse into, to stop surviving, and start living again. to start living by HIS code again. to stop being captain america, and start being steve rogers again. he dropped the shield. and he dropped it again. like peggy told him “none of us can go back. all we can do is our best, and sometimes our best is to start over.” he does. becomes a fugitive. embraces his found family. grows a beard (dropping the clean cut all american look). heals his wounds instead of ignoring them, and stops acting like a man out of time and starts living in the present. and endgame said “no, actually. he leaves everything to go back to the past and retire <3″ completely ignoring the fact that even if he stops being captain america, he could never stop being steve rogers 
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koiukiy-o · 9 hours ago
orphic; (adj.) mysterious and entrancing, beyond ordinary understanding. ─── 001 (II). the student.
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-> summary: when you, a final-year student at the grove, get assigned to study under anaxagoras—one of the legendary seven sages—you know things are about to get interesting. but as the weeks go by, the line between correlation and causation starts to blur, and the more time you spend with professor anaxagoras, the more drawn to him you become in ways you never expected. the rules of the academy are clear, and the risks are an unfortunate possibility, but curiosity is a dangerous thing. and maybe, just maybe, some risks are worth taking. after all, isn’t every great discovery just a leap of faith? -> pairing: anaxa x gn!reader. -> tropes: professor x student, slow burn, forbidden romance. -> wc: 0.6k -> warnings: potential hsr spoilers from TB mission: "Light Slips the Gate, Shadow Greets the Throne" (3.1 update). main character is written to be 21+ years of age, at the very least. (anaxa is written to be around 26-27 years of age.) swearing, mature themes, suggestive content.
-> a/n: here's chapter 1.5 !!?? its supposed to be in anaxa's pov hehe <3 its not big enough to be a chapter in itself, but its also not something i wanted to squeeze into the original first chapter. i had to rewrite this a million times so i cld express his inner oopie goopie feelings as naturally as possible aughhhh !! i hope i did him justice :") -> prev. || next. -> orphic; the masterlist.
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The first time Anaxagoras sees you, he barely registers your presence. Another student, another mind seeking knowledge—no different from the rest. He speaks, and the hall falls into rapt silence, his words measured, precise. He does not need to raise his voice; the magic woven into the walls ensures that even the softest murmur carries.
When he looks at you, it is brief, a mere flicker of attention. Your thoughts are guarded—not uncommon, but rare enough to be noted. A foreign mind, one not yet shaped by the Grove of Epiphany.
Interesting, perhaps. But not remarkable.
Anaxagoras continues his lecture, brushing you off as just another scholar passing through his world.
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The second time he notices you, it is because you are watching him.
Not unusual. Students watch him often—some with reverence, others with trepidation. Some attempt to discern his methods, while others marvel at the way he manipulates the arcane with the ease of a sculptor shaping clay. But your gaze is different.
He meets your eyes briefly, his mind already cycling through possibilities. A challenge? No—your expression is too guarded for that. Curiosity? Perhaps. He allows himself a moment to observe, to test. Your posture, the way your fingers tighten around the notebook in your lap. A mind on the edge of inquiry, but hesitant.
When he looks away, it is because he has already determined the outcome—you will either retreat or step forward. The choice is yours.
You return.
That is when he begins to watch you in earnest.
Not because of your presence—there are many students who linger, drawn to the Grove’s vast knowledge, but the way your attention sharpens when he speaks, the way you absorb his words not as mere instruction but as something to be unraveled, understood. You are not listening out of obligation.
That is why, when he calls upon you, it is not an arbitrary selection, for he does not waste time on students who lack potential. He watches the momentary scramble of your thoughts, the way you hesitate—not out of ignorance, but out of care. And when you answer, he finds himself satisfied.
Not impressed. Not yet.
But satisfied.
You do not sit in the back after that. He does not need to look to confirm it—he knows. Your presence is closer, a ripple in the pattern of the lecture hall. He tests you again, weaving your name into the thread of discussion, shaping the tempo of the lesson around your answer without drawing attention to the fact. And each time, you meet the challenge. Not perfectly. Nowhere near flawlessly. But well.
He notes the way your pulse quickens when he acknowledges you, the way your breath hitches for just a fraction of a second before you compose yourself. It is an instinctive reaction, untrained. He wonders if you realize it. He wonders if you know that you give yourself away.
And then, another question. He watches you as you answer—not just the words, but the shape of your reasoning, the way your mind reaches for knowledge and stitches it together with careful precision. It is this, more than anything, that makes him pause.
He does not smile often.
But perhaps, just then, he does.
After the lecture, as the students disperse, he catches fragments of conversation, the murmurs of intrigue. Your name spoken in passing, your presence noted in a way that was not before. He does not interfere. He does not need to.
He has seen this pattern before. Minds that shine brightly in the endless constellation of scholars. Some burn hot and fade quickly. Others endure.
He wonders which you will be.
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taglist: @starglitterz @kazumist @naraven @cozyunderworld @pinksaiyans @pearlm00n @your-sleeparalysisdem0n @francisnyx @qwnelisa @chessitune @leafythat
(send an ask or comment to be added!)
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chaoticallyfluffy · 8 months ago
WIP Ask Game: Learning to Live
The world knows Captain Marvel as a goofy and cheerful man who is always willing to help. No problem is too small for him and he will help an old lady cross the street with the same enthusiasm as he has taking down giant robots to save the city. The world knows him to always act like he only lives to help the people of Earth. The Justice League knows that its not an act.
After a misunderstanding, the JL think that Captain Marvel is a being who was created for the sole purpose of protecting others and that he has never taken time for himself. No family, no hobbies, no personal life at all. Its a sad existance to live only for others and believe you only have value if you earn it.
They make it their mission to teach Marvel that he doesnt need to 'earn' happiness and that hes allowed to take time to himself and stop saving the world for a few moments to experience it instead.
Marvel is less than thrilled.
From Billy's perspective, he went from happily ignoring all his problems by using every free moment he has to play hero... To being forced to hang out with the Justice League every week with activities that are strangely him-centric.
Billy desperately tries to avoid all attempts at getting to know him, while the JL desperately try to get him to open up and relax for the first time in his life.
hijinks ensue, obviously.
This fic is my current focus! The first four chapters are already posted but it was my first fic in over eleven years so it kind of sucks in my opinion. However, the people really liked it and I think they deserve something better! I'm much more confident in my writing skills now so I've been working on rewriting it for the past few months. I just started writing chapter seven and I'm planning on twelve chapters total but that number may change.
For the people who are waiting so patiently for it, here is a drawing of a scene from chapter 5 as a thanks for enjoying it!
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giveamadeuschohisownmovie · 11 months ago
Just had a thought. The plot synopsis of “Deadpool & Wolverine” says that the two of them are given a mission by the TVA that will change the history of the MCU. Obviously, that could mean rewriting the canon so that mutants can exist in the universe. But I’m thinking, what if it’s also the tone? Because Marvel Studios is clearly comfortable with the movie being a solid R-rating.
Also, think about it like this; Deadpool and Wolverine altering the timeline allows for an in-universe, retroactive explanation for why the Netflix Marvel shows (and the rest of Marvel Television) are both canon and don’t clash with the rest of the MCU. How can Netflix Marvel - which has scenes like the Punisher gouging someone’s eyes and Kingpin decapitating some guy with a car door - exist in the family friendly MCU? Because Deadpool and Wolverine altered the fabric of space and time and infected it with their edginess.
So, not only do the older Marvel Television shows get more wiggle room to be in the MCU, future Marvel movies/shows can also go darker, which works for characters like Moon Knight and Blade. If that really was the plan, then this was a GREAT use of Wade and Logan.
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rose-of-oz · 4 months ago
Given the recent sort-of resurgence of Marvel OCs in this community, I found my own inspiration revived and decided to make some myself! I actually will very likely be properly introducing all of these (as well as elaborating on my MCU rewrite that actually includes mutants and more comic-accurate stuff, which they all exist in), but for now you can still feel free to ask me questions about any of them!!
Cheryl “Cherry” Marsden a.k.a. Cherry Bomb, she/her, no ship, Margot Robbie FC. A mutant with the power to manipulate energy and use it to create small, brightly-coloured bombs. Surrendered to the Xavier Institute when she was only eleven after showcasing her powers because her parents hated mutants, but ran away at sixteen and started grifting for a “living” because she was too chaotic and pretty much everybody in the mansion hated her. Eventually became a vigilante in Brooklyn, using her powers to take down criminals and corrupt rich people, before she’s approached by the Avengers (completely Tony’s idea, is anyone surprised) because there was a chance she could help them out as a part of the team. Promptly becomes the chaotic aro-ace rep the Avengers needed, inserting herself into their little found family and causing mischief all the while. Incredibly wild and chaotic and takes very little seriously, but incredibly loyal, a good fighter, and a lot smarter than most people assume. Basically she’s just here to save the world and have a good time doing it, and we love that for her.
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Raina Lombardi, she/her, Natasha Romanoff (recasted as Jessica Chastain) ship, Monica Barbaro FC. A legacy S.H.I.E.L.D. employee (her great-grandfather was a scientist in the SSR and at least one member of her family has held a job in S.H.I.E.L.D. ever since), but never wanted to become an agent like both of her parents, so she chose to become a combat trainer at the Academy and teach new field agent recruits instead. Has admired Natasha from afar for years, but actually gets to know her after Fury finally convinces her to guest-teach a hand-to-hand lesson at the Academy and they start talking. Never actually goes out on any missions, but does interact with Coulson’s team on occasion and is a big fighter when it’s revealed that HYDRA’s invaded S.H.I.E.L.D. Generally a very serious person who’s incredibly loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D. and dedicated to her job (doesn’t really know what to do with herself after the agency collapses, but eventually becomes an MMA instructor), but also has an unexpected wry sense of humour and, despite her slightly intimidating facade, can be very warm and friendly. (Also a big fat lesbian who goes a little bit speechless whenever Natasha does something cool even after they start dating, but that’s neither here nor there.)
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Henry Archibald a.k.a. Foresight, he/him, Sharon Carter ship, Tom Payne FC. A mutant with the power of precognition who only gets his visions in dreams, and thus suffers from fairly bad insomnia because they so often scare him and he wants to avoid them. Approached by S.H.I.E.L.D. because Fury thinks his powers might be useful, and Sharon is placed in charge of sort of keeping an eye on him the way she was with Steve, to make sure he doesn’t completely break down. Very reluctant to get close to anyone because he has a tendency to get horrible visions about those he cares about, but he can’t stop himself and eventually they become a really cute couple. Incredibly anxious, quiet, and closed-off due to his powers, but also has a very good heart and would do anything for the people he cares about. Also becomes really good friends with Maria Hill, Bobbi Morse, and most of Coulson’s team, especially Fitzsimmons and Skye.
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Apollo Huang, he/they, Bucky Barnes ship, Harry Shum Jr. FC. A sorcerer (a born one, different from a mutant or witch) who moved to Budapest a few years before Bucky runs there after his magic almost gets found out back home in New York, and Bucky finds himself drawn to their stall of luck charms (that don’t actually work), while he finds themself drawn to him because he can sense the pain and dark energy from the past swirling around him. Over the year that Bucky’s hiding out, they find themselves spending more and more time together and falling in love, enough so that Apollo is even willing to reveal their magic and use it to help Steve prove that Bucky didn’t bomb the Sokovia Accords signing (he also almost uses it to kill Zemo later, but that’s a different thing). Playful and humorous, but also gentle and loving and would not hesitate to do anything at all for Bucky or anyone else they care about. Also an incredibly powerful sorcerer and not at all afraid to show off his magic to anyone who will watch.
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Sabrina Devereaux a.k.a. Snowbird, she/her, Steve Rogers (recasted as Glen Powell) ship, Minka Kelly FC. A mutant with the ability to create and manipulate ice, snow, and frost, who was sold to a mutant trafficking ring by her parents when she was only thirteen and forced to fight other young mutants for entertainment. Finally ran away and lived on the streets until she was discovered by Clint a few years after he found Natasha and she begged to be brought to S.H.I.E.L.D. and made into an agent once she realized who he worked for, because she wanted to help people the way she and her fellow trafficked youth hadn’t been helped. Created her own suit and codename as an homage to the bird-themed name of the man who’d saved her, and becomes one of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s best agents. Brought into the Avengers on Clint and Natasha’s suggestion shortly after the Battle of New York, and quickly becomes close to everyone on the team, as well as falling in love with America’s golden boy. Can be quiet and closed-off because of her past, but also has a lot of inner strength and is incredibly bold and not afraid to speak up for what she believes. Becomes really good friends with Thor and Bruce, and also a very sweet bisexual who has a big crush on Natasha for, like, a solid week after meeting her.
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Harald Aamirson, he/him, Loki Laufeyson ship, Dev Patel FC. A knight in Asgard’s Royal Guard who’s been pining for the younger prince from afar since they were both young, hating the way Odin treated him and favoured Thor over him. When he gets assigned as Loki’s new personal guard, they finally start getting to know each other and connecting and even share a kiss, only for it to be revealed that Loki was planning to banish his brother and kill Odin. Thus begins the most complicated on-and-off relationship in all the Nine Realms, but throughout it all there is genuine love and heartbreak and so much care between them. Harald is incredibly dedicated and loyal, the perfect guard, but also a little bit feral (he’s in love with Loki, how could he not be), and isn’t afraid to bend the rules for the sake of the people he cares about. Eventually becomes one of Thor’s most trusted companions, which is definitely funny when you consider how much he used to resent him (they’re cool now, though).
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Caroline “Carrie” Flores, she/her, Wanda Maximoff (recasted as Gratiela Brancusi) ship, Melissa Barrera FC. The daughter of one of the HYRDA scientists who had moved to Sokovia to perform human experiments, and although she was never allowed to interact with the subjects, never forgot Wanda and Pietro and the obvious aptitude they showed for abilities before the scientists ever got their hands on them. Due to her rage at her father and the atrocities he committed, became an assassin who hunted down the former HYDRA employees who had gotten away from the Avengers, all the while trying to figure out the secrets of the twins’ powers. Once she’s finally figured out their true parentage and the fact that Wanda is an Omega-level mutant, she finally approaches the Avengers, and through spending time with Wanda, who actually remembers her as well, they eventually fall in love! Carrie has a lot of rage and trauma due to her father’s abuse and the things she did over the years, but she has a lot of love in her heart and desperately craves to be loved the way Wanda loves her. Also, like, Probably Too Comfortable with being covered in blood, but luckily for her Wanda’s kind of into that.
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Raymond “Ray” Nakamura a.k.a. Menagerie, he/him, Peter Parker ship, Ryan Potter FC. A mutant with the power to transform into any animal he wishes, who plays off the green hair that comes with his mutation and mostly just tries to fly under the radar, but eventually gets inspired by Spider-Man and decides to take to the streets as his own kind of vigilante named Menagerie - only to accidentally run into a maskless Spider-Man one night and discover that the insect-themed vigilante is actually the awkward guy who sits beside him in English. Ray decides to reveal himself to Peter as well and becomes a Friend of Spider-Man, and eventually they also fall in love and become a really cute superhero couple. Very sarcastic and blunt, but with a heart of gold, and incredibly brave and always ready to fight for what’s right and for the people he cares about. Also becomes besties with MJ, and they have fun judging people together.
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Callisto, they/she pronouns, Peter Quill (recasted as Jensen Ackles) ship, Felicity Jones FC. A half-human, half-Asgardian hybrid who grew up with their Terran mother on Xander, until she was killed by a small Kree militia group during an attack and Callisto was taken to become a Kree battle slave at the age of eleven. Ran across Yondu’s band of Ravagers during a Kree mission, and Yondu, being reminded of his own past, decided to take her in, so she grew up with Peter until he left to strike out on his own and Callisto stayed with the Ravagers, and actually started to resent him for what they saw as him leaving her behind. When Peter steals the Orb, Yondu decides it would be best to send Callisto after him since they already have a grudge against him but will still bring him back alive - of course, she doesn’t expect Rocket, Groot, and Gamora to also be there and winds up shipped to the Kyln with the rest of them, and over the course of the group’s adventures actually starts to want to punch Peter less and less. An incredibly good fighter who’s amazing with almost any weapon, and the best sharpshooter in Yondu’s Ravager band. Very fierce and intense and, on the surface, a lot like Gamora, but actually has a chaotic streak much like Peter’s that they’ve tried to tamp down, and at the end of the day just wants to be loved and not left alone like she was before. Actually becomes really good friends with Rocket, and eventually the whole team comes to dead the shenanigans they get up to when left alone together.
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Tagging the Marvel moots: @dancingsunflowers-ocs,
@ginevrastilinski-ocs, @xoteajays, @gabbysdawsons,
@stelstellakidd, @come-along-pond, @juliaswickcrs,
@asirensrage, @themaradwrites,
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futurewriter2000 · 1 year ago
Needing You
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A/N: I'm going to pull so much of personal experience from this that even I might cry at the end but I don't cry so I let's see how far I have healed. Not even gonna lie, this was harder to write than I thought. - It deleted itself in the middle of it so I had to REWRITE IT- but it turned out better than the first time.
REQUEST 15: "Optional("hey! I love your writing, so here's a request: could you do a shot about Remus X fem Slytherin who's James sister and they both have a secret relationship, and when he (James) finds out, Remus and the reader have a really strong fight when he says something like "he's my best friend, you're only an experience" (be free to change this) and they both broke up, and the reader doesn't even talk to james but rather just... isolates herself. nended however you like but IM BEGGING make it like really sad =)nHave a fantastic day! &lt;;3.")" #wattpad
The sky was clear as day. It was the night and you had decided to finally swallow your anxiety and go out with your brother's friend. Your brother didn't mind. He just expected it to be a herbal gathering mission with his sister, when Remus told him about it. He didn't know the two of you were walking around the lake for three hours, holding hands because you almost slipped. Wishing you had planned that slip but you haven't. You put sneakers on in the winter- you haven't thought much with your head when it came to Remus. You just wanted to be next to him... and you were.
Your anxiety was piling up but you couldn't stop smiling. He was shaking, since he was only in a thin black T-shirt and a fancy coat that did not provide much warmth. You marveled at the stars and he pulled you close, showing you all the constallation you knew. You haven't been watching the stars. All the time, you kept thinking about kissing him- having your first kiss with your brother's friend, on whom you had a small crush when your brother was small. You completely forgot about Remus until a few weeks ago when you started to spend more time with your brother, as well as his friends.
The kiss happened on the bench. The lake was in front of you, the stars above and he simply leaned in, finally providing some warmth on his body.
This film has been replaying in your head for the past seven months. Every day, you rewatched it in your head, it seemed to be more magical. Every day when you saw him, touched him, kissing him- you fell in love deeper.
It was as if you were going insane just by loving him. You wanted him by your side all the time. It wasn't as if it wasn't difficult, seeing his friends forcing other girls on him when the two of you were sneaking around, knowing each other's bodies pretty well. You knew every scar, every mole, every inch of his body. You believed he knew yours as well.
Remus was a nerd. He pretended to be cool and collected but he just spent 20 minutes explaining medical propreties of three kind of herbs and how other wizards- Healers even can mix them up.
"What?" he said, quirking an eyebrow as you stayed quiet, smiling at him.
"What what?" you smiled brightly, your eyes glimmering with pure joy.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked.
"Like what?" you fixed your facial expression, hiding away the emotional depth you felt for this boy.
He stared at you for a moment and moved away from you. "Nothing." he said, starting to get dressed.
There it was. That awful feeling. That feeling of not knowing what he feels.
It always came to this. The two of you could talk forever into the night or into sex but never could the two of you talk about your feelings. You wanted to tell him. You did. You wanted to tell him that you were deeply obsessed with him. That you adored every single thing about his character and body- but there was a restrain. There was the familiar lump in your throat that blocked you from speaking any further.
He always had excuses. He was not good enough for you. He can't ruin his friendship with James... he's not looking for anything exclusive at the moment.
You moved to your pile of clothes and started to put on your underwear. I swear, your razor has never been so used in your entire life than in the past few months. You smiled at that and clicked your bra on.
He didn't even notice that your undergarments were matching. Something you felt as if your effort was for nothing, but you felt good when you did things like that. For him. To please him- do it for him... because you loved him.
"Hey..." he was by your side and you got startled a bit from your train of thoughts.
His eyes were lustful and his hands were possessive of your body. You smiled and wrapped your hands around his neck. "Hi." you said as his hand grabbed the hem of your underwear and let it go into a snap on your hip.
"This is really nice." he smiled, watching your breasts in your perky red bra.
"You like?"
"Haven't got a clear view before... but now that I do..." he said and tightened his grip around your waist. "You smell so good..." he continued, but this time it felt more as a growl than a whisper and he purged your lips with his.
It felt as if two universes were collapsing. That's how it felt, kissing the forbidden fruit for him and for you. Even though James presented a small obstacle in the way of your relationship, the whole secrecy seemed to be more exciting, causing more passionate interactions between the two of you the more you two continued this.
He backed you agains the bed... again but you laughed, pushing him away but holding onto his shirt collar. "We have to go, you know that."
He wailed like a small puppy. "I don't want to."
You pulled him into a kiss, just as passionate, just as strong and so hard to let go of it. "I-" you tried but he deepened it in that moment, causing you to heat up and back up on the bed as he crawled over you.
He raised himself up and tool a long look at you, just laying there as your foot found its way to his chest. He took a gentle hold of it and moved it onto his shoulder. "You're so beautiful."
And that was it. Small words, small gestures- you went for it all. Your love couldn't consume him all. It always wanted more.
These moments, your soul didn't care. It was happy, you were happy and you were glowing. Only your roommate was the one who knew about your secret and she didn't agree much with it. She said he didn't treat you as he should.
But you were happy and that was all that mattered.
"I love seeing you this happy but I'm so afraid that you'll get hurt." your roommate said as she made her way to your bed.
"He wouldn't hurt me. He said he would never hurt me."
"I don't know, (y/n)..." she continued but you only laughed and smiled. Something in your heart was so full of love that you couldn't keep it in. Even James thought there was something wrong when you hugged him more than you usually did.
He suspected something was going on with you but he had no clue what.
Or that's how you thought.
Remus came into the room and just as he closed the door, somebody pushed him against it. Defensively, he pushed the person away from him. "What the hell?!" he shouted and saw a pair of furius brown eyes staring at him. "James?!"
"Were you with my sister!?" he shouted, not as if he was asking, simply waiting for Remus to tell the truth he already knew. But how could he had found out. "Tell me!" he snapped, pushing Remus' shoulder. "Tell me that Peter didn't see you leaving Room of Requirements with my baby sister!"
Oh, that's how.
Remus shot his eyes at Peter, than back at James. His eyes let loose. He was tired... and ashamed. You and him talked many times about getting caught but he thought the two of you would end by now... but you didn't.
"It just happened mate."
"Fuck you, Moony!" he pushed him again. "Did the two of you kiss?!" he asked. "Were you her first kiss?!"
"Yeah, okay!" Remus lifted his hands in defense. He felt as if he was being interrogated by the Ministry at this poing.
James only stared at him for a minute, than turned around and ran his hands down his face. He mumbled something under his breath- something Remus couldn't hear.
He then turned around really carefully, trying to control the boiling blood that kept flooding into his brain. "I'm not even going to ask if the two of you shagged- I'm just going to tell you this." he said calmly, however, you could still hear the fury in his voice- the one he never used before, not once in all years of friendship. "You are going to my sister and you will tell her that it's over." he warned. "She doesn't need this Remus. What you have- she doesn't need this." he threw knives with his poisinous glare.
Remus couldn't even argue with him. He knew that this was the reason why James would never let the two of you be together. You didn't know... you didn't and it wasn't your fault but he started this mess, and he felt as if he owed it to James to finish it.
By now, you knew something was off. Whenever Remus seemed to stay away from you, you got a strong feeling in your stomach. The two of you could talk it out, always but this time, the feeling was extremely powerful and deep inside, you knew that it wasn't good.
So you avoided him too. You simply felt... afraid...
And James knew. He knew Remus hasn't spoken a word to you yet because you seemed to be cheery and all over the place. Jumping from one friend to the other.
'She seems so happy.' - he thought at first, seeing you talk to one of your friends from class. 'I'm glad he was her first everything... but she can't go through with this. She'd break.' He looked at Remus, who stared into the book, ignoring you completely.
James stood up and walked to him. "Go talk to her." he said, more of a warning than a suggestion. Remus looked up at his friend's eyes and saw the demand in his darkened look. "Now." he finished and walked away.
Remus watched his best friend walk away, Sirius hiding away in discomfort, meanwhile Peter was lost in his own world. He looked at you on the other side of the room and just as he did, your eyes met. His heart stepped a beat, not knowing that it matched yours on the other side.
He shuffled in his seat for a second or two but cleared his throat and walked up.
It didn't take a lot of convincing to let you come with him. You loved him. You would be by his side every second that counted, if it wasn't for the circumstances the two of you were in.
The sky wasn't like before. It wasn't clear as day but it was still just enough chilly. He was about to graduate soon and you will go into your last year. You haven't talked about it yet but maybe this will finally be the conversation that clears all that mess up
You thought.
He couldn't get himself to say it. Your eyes shimmered so brightly- even on a day like this. How could he do this?
You smiled and took a hold of his hand. "It's me Remus. You can always talk to me."
He swallowed hard and flickered his eyes from your hands to your eyes.
And then it was cold.
"James found out about us... and for me, I think, it's best for us to end this now. " he said, not letting you interrupt him when you started to process information. "I think it's best that we end this." he continued quietly, removing his hand from yours and avoiding your eyes... but you only stared, not blinking once... only stared.
He tried to smile but it wasn't sincere. At least not in your eyes. "We had so much fun- (y/n) but-"
"No..." you spoke weakly, clearing your voice and not letting a single tear fall from your eyes. "You can't just break up over this. James can understand- so he knows."
"No, (y/n)... listen..." he started but you interrupted him before he could continue.
"Why do you want to end it? Finally, James knows-"
"James doesn't want us to be together." he started to get more harsh with you.
"Well, that's his problem, not ours." you snapped back.
"What do you mean it's not our problem?! He's my best friend!"
"And he's my brother- if he was a real friend, he'd be happy for you."
"If he's a real brother, he'd make us break up!"
"What does that even mean?!"
Remus threw his head back. He cannot tell you. Not this. He could tell you a lot of things but the why... that he couldn't tell you. "It means it's over." he stood up.
"Don't you walk away from me!" you shouted behind him and grabbed his arm, turning him away.
"What don't you understand!?" he shouted back, pointing at his head with his fingers. "We were never meant to be, (y/n). It was a ride but we get off now!" he pointed at the floor, steaming from all the fury.
'Why couldn't you just let him go?'
"Oh, it definitely was a ride!" you scoffed, crossing your arms as he narrowed his eyes at your sarcasm. "But you're going to let one James get in the way between this?!"
"YES!" he screamed at this point. "He is MORE important than you. He is MORE than you will ever be to me!" He lost his temper, blubbering out everything he thought. "I didn't choose you! You were just there- JUST FUCKING THERE- at the right place at the right time- THAT'S WHY YOU AND ME WOULD NEVER WORK OUT. You were an OPPORTUNITY!" he shouted, letting his eyes darken and glare at you maliciously. "And I took it gracefully." he finished in a low growl, his eyes shimmering when all of a sudden you took a step back.
...it's that how it felt?
It was like a click in his brain. He was too harsh. He was- you're still James' little sister- he still... "Shit, (y/n)..."
You pulled your hand away from his touch as he tried to take a hold of it. Physically, it wasn't possible for your world to be shaking at the moment... but somehow it has and you couldn't see.
"It came out really wrong-"
And your heart could, in logic, not hurt phisically. Hertbreak is psychollogical but then why did suddently feel as if it had been ripped out of your chest. A hole... a deep dark hole in your chest, sucking every last bit of your soul into it.
"(y/n), please say something. You just stepped on a nerve and I got angry-"
Was the world always this silent? Were the voices around you always this muffled. You couldn't hear, you couldn't feel.
You took a hold of your cold arms and the cold didn't hurt. Your fingertips... as blue and swollen as they were, they didn't pain.
"Come on, let's get inside."
You wish, you could have ran away but your legs felt numb, so you wobbled as far away from him as you could. The first corner you turned to, the moment your legs collapsed and you slid into the floor.
'Was I really this stupid?'
'What just happened?"
'What will my roommate say- she'll mock me-'
'He probably feels so great now that he knows I was in love with him.'
'Why does it hurt so much?'
Random thoughts came through your head. One running over the other- one as random as what to wear tomorrow. But the air was cold and you felt as if you deserved to freeze in it.
The stupidity, naivety and the immense ego death- everything has destroyed you. They say words cannot hurt you but they can. If they say it right, if they say it in the truthful manner- in a manner intended to hurt you... you?
So you thought back to the night the two of you first kissed. He said, the right place at the right time... that's all you were to him. A girl, who was there for him to use. A girl, he had no feelings for, not close to what you felt for the past few months. He kissed you and touched you, he had seen you naked and it didn't mean anything to him. He meant everything to you.
You were stupid. You thought he loves you. You thought you were special when he kissed you. That he found you attractive, beatiful- as he had said but you were just a day given opportunity.
If there was a monster that day, there, he would have kissed it. Because it was just there. Not because it cared for him, because it was his brother's best friend and it had trusted him with itself- no because the monster was just there, by the lake, at the same time like him.
Nothing. You meant... nothing.
Grey... the colours were grey. Every single one of them was gray, different shades of it. You promised yourself, you wouldn't let anybody affect you but you couldn't help the feeling in your chest, this soul sucking hole causing your whole body to ache. It felt as if your heart wasn't even there. He ripped it out and destroyed it.
You barely woke up, but you had to... for school. You had to go to school. Not that you cared anymore. You simply just existed. It was as if you couldn't remember when you got out of bed and when you got back into it. Time flew by like it didn't exist at all.
You didn't even know when one week passed by. It just did and nothing much mattered. You sat behind your desk and wrote your Transfiguration paper. It was when you were almost done when he altered your brain and there was the big pain in your throat. You swallowed it, closed your eyes and felt them burn.
You have to finish this. - you thought.
So you did and you forced him away. As soon as you did, you went to the bathroom and washed yourself. Then simply crawled to bed at six pm. It was your ruitine since then. You took a journal, you wrote it down, realising you cannot write things down without crying, so you grabbed the pillow and pushed it to your chest. You squeezed it so tightly in the meaning to place it into the empty hole in your chest.
It didn't cover, so you cried anyway. You did. No matter how hard you tried, you cried.
You don't remember what you talked with your roommates. You plastered a smile and nodded but avoided pretty much everybody.
Everything was a no for you.
A walk? - No.
Hogsmeade? - No.
Dinner? - No.
Study group? - No.
Roommates were a nice distraction but it wasn't enough for the pain. Even when James sent you a note, you always replied with a no. It was automatic by now. You said you had to study or that you were tired. You needed time for yourself. You needed to find your self-worth again because for the past months, you let your happiness depend on one person and that person just took all that happiness away from you.
So what you needed? It was work and sleep.
James knew you were heartbroken. He knew he was the annoying sibling but he wasn't used to being annoyed by you. You had always kept your emotions to yourself. The two of you weren't close emotionally but you had your own share of fun together. When he asked Remus when everything started, it was just around the time your bond started to get better. The two of you would spend much time together and you weren't so stuck up or annoyed at any slight inconvinience.
He never saw that side of you. The one that was emotionally opened to him. He didn't know it was Remus the sole reason for that. You were happy, excited and... well, in love. But it was the wrong person. Remus has something that he didn't wish for you to deal with. You were always the rebel of the family. He was the golden child but you were your own person. You didn't talk back t your parents as he did but you did all the things that you wanted. You did everything you wanted. That was your own magic. You were a rebel but you were a kind and understanding person.
James is the tough one in the group. He is the leader, the great one... even in your own family, he is the golden one, the perfect one but you always understood him the way nobody else did. You saw him, behind all of that facade. He loved being around you. You were his safe place. You were... his sister. The sister who gave him all the unsolicited advice and was there for him when nobody else was.
He didn't see much of you and most of the time you ignored his letters and messages. The times he did catch up to you, you excused yourself to go study and he knew you were furius at him because at times, you'd snap at him, throwing harsh words at him.
He knew you were sad and heartbroken but he also knew you'd move on sooner rather than later. You were just dramatic. Women always are.
It was to his surprise when he walked into the classroom and saw you sitting at one of the tables, laughing and smiling with a Ravenclaw his age.
It was Newt's and you were one year behind- so there was no reason you should be there.
Remus was more surprised than James. If he was bound to find out, he couldn't do it now. The protocol was to sit down and take the exam. No talking, no turning around but nothing could make him focus without knowing the truth about your attendence at this exam.
He could hear the professor something whisper in your ear but he couldn't understand it. Maybe, the professor realised you weren't supposed to be there either.
But nothing happened. You mumbled back and you stayed.
It was up until the exam was over when he turned around to see your chair empty, your robe disappearing behind the door. He ran after you but James had already caught up.
The two of you were already arguing.
"What do you mean you're graduating early?" James bulged his eyes out.
Graduating early?- Remus thought. You? Why would you ever graduate early, you hated studying.
"Why not? I've already taken most of the exams and I passed. McGonagall said if I roll up my sleeves and grab the whole thing, I can do it but the chance is small. Yet, here I am." you smiled and that twinkle in your eye that was known to more people to be the twinkle of up to no good.
What were you up to?
"You can't. You don't have any recommendations- not- no." James couldn't piece it together.
"Yes. I'm graduating and I am moving to southern Europe and I am never stepping foot in England ever again."
"Southern Europe?!" James shouted in disbelief. "You're shitting me?"
"I'm not. I have a plan to leave. I always had."
"That was your fairy tale. To live in Italy or Greece or some shit." he started to laugh.
"To be away from here." you said angrly. "I hate it here. I always had."
"No." said James.
"Yes..." mumbled Remus but nobody heard him due to the loud arguing between siblings.
You always said about leaving when the two of you were together. The beach, the culture... you said you felt as if nobody supported you here. The rebel of the family. You confided into him about how you felt there was zero effort made to make something out of you. All attention was always on James and that made you rebel in your family. You didn't want to be like James but everybody forced you to be at least somewhat like him. You said, how people take you for granted, underrating your power.
I guess, this was you taking your power into control.
Before he knew it, you were storming one way and James the other but unlike last time. He chose to follow you.
"YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" he shouted behind you.
"Watch me." you turned around to see him then back around to turn a corner.
He caught up and took a hold of your hand but you snapped it away as soon as it touched you.
Of course, you wanted to see him. Of course, you wanted to talk to him, you craved him but you were furius beside all things. God, you could have screamed at him right now and hug him at the same time.
"You can't do this because you're angry at me. Don't take it on James." he started but you laughed.
"You think, I'm doing this for you?" you laughed, poking his chest with your finger. "I just grabbed the opportunity, Remus. I was just there, at the right place at the right time." you lowered your voice, quoting him.
"Come on- you don't know the whole background-"
"No, you know what Remus. I chose you. I fucking chose you to be my first. That means that I decided to trust you with my soul as well as my body and trusting people isn't easy for me." you continued. "I let you in- quite literally- but I thought we were something and you surely played the role to make me feel that way." you smiled forcefully, hiding away the feeling in your chest. You had no idea how a heart that is no longer there can still break.
"I really cared about you. I still do."
"You moved on, two weeks after us." you finally let him show a bit of your emotions. "Two fucking weeks and another girl was under your arm- God fuck, Remus. The hell is wrong with you."
"A lot..."
"Fuck you for playing the victim all the time." you pushed him hard. "Fuck you- fuck you- fuck you!" you continued to shout angrily. "I won't play the victim because I am not one. I'm moving on- away from fuckheads like you." you spat out. "Because you could have had somebody who would have loved you for everything that you are. You won't find anybody who will be prepared to love you as much as I was. Remember that, Remus Lupin. You won." you threw your hands up in defeat and walked away.
And it was one of those things that stick with you. It stuck with Remus because he didn't see you anywhere else anymore. Neither did James. He didn't know whether you were dead or alive. The graduation, they both looked for you but nowhere.
You disappeared from his life and it was until then when his life started to fall apart for him. You told me he could be whatever he wanted to be- even an auror. You supported him the way nobody else could and you accepted every flaw. He knew you would love him even more if he told you his secret but he thought.... he thought the two of you would stay friends. He thought, he had time with you. He thought he would appologise and the two of you would eventually talk.
He needed somebody. He needed somebody to talk to- always. Sirius was in Azkaban and James was dead. And all he could think about was needing you.
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mammalsofaction · 1 month ago
hey... 🌹 :3
Plucked from my Mission Marvel re-write;
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Candace is hyperventilating a little bit, she can tell, but besides a bit of “oh godohgodohgodohgodohgod" under her breath through the comm system, she’s following Ferb’s instructions to a T.
“How much time do we have?" Isabella asks.
There is a reluctant pause, but Ferb knows better than to keep bad news from her.
“An hour." He admits. “And you need to send the space shuttle right into town hall."
And it’s a 20 minute journey between the station and earth. Isabella has 40 minutes to find the failsafe compartment, unlatch it manually, and hurry them both back into their space shuttle.
Isabella inhales deeply, and nods. Surfboard and toolbox in hand by the outpost exit, she declares; "I’m ready!”
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ao3feed-sambucky · 8 days ago
Nobody else but you
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2TiFHuk by fridayvelvet "You’ll do amazing, Congressman Barnes.” A wicked look in Sam's eye as Bucky was led away to charm potential donors, that look could only promise he was up to something and not even two days later Sam showed up at his doorstep before heading off on another mission, “I hope you like it,” A confident smile on his face as he hugged Bucky quickly stuffing a small velvet box in his hand strategically hiding it incase any paparazzi are following him again, “Wear it for me yeah?” And Bucky has worn it every day since, at every gala, any event the pin has been photographed on his person, it feels like Sam’s claim on him. *a rewrite of that one cabnw scene but Bucky’s version Words: 3636, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of sambucky version of cabnw Fandoms: Captain America - All Media Types, Captain America (Comics), Captain America (Anthony Mackie Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson Additional Tags: Canon Rewrite, Reunions, Love Confessions, Accidental Love Confessions, First Kiss, Making Out, Grinding, thoughts of oral sex, POV Bucky Barnes, Post tfatws read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2TiFHuk
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motherloads · 1 year ago
My Love Mine all Mine
I kept rewriting this idea. Is it good? Probs not. But, did I need something to fuel me? Yes. Ahm, it was supposed to be happy but. Ig I'm in a sad mood.
This fic was SO close to being named "Glimpse of Us." But there is no other man or woman that they're with so it didn't match.
Probs OOC Simon.
Summary: Simon always dreams of you. He isn't sure why. But, you're always so sweet. But, you aren't real. He's never seen you before. He doesn't know your name. He knew you were caring. Dream him, he felt the love he held for you. From a mission gone wrong, he finds himself in your home. He convinced himself you weren't real. But how could he lie to himself when he can feel your skin under his hands? He has you now.
Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley/Reader
Other Tags: Scarlet Witch! Reader, Marvel/COD Crossover
Never proof read.
My baby, here on earth. Showed me what my heart was worth. So, when it comes to be my turn. Could you shine it down here for her?
“You’re a good boy, Simon.” The voice whispers to him, their fingers running over his mask quietly. “Such a good boy.” They leave a soft kiss, where his mouth should be. He doesn’t reciprocate, but he almost feels the need to. He hears them softly giggle, but he doesn’t quite open his eyes. He didn’t want to know. Didn’t want to see who it was. 
Who were they? Why were they treating him like this? Why wasn’t he stopping them? 
The thoughts that ran in his mind increased as time went on, as they began running their soft and delicate fingers on his neck, to his shoulders, on his arms. Until their hands found his own. They held him, bringing his hands to their mouth. They leave small kisses. He felt the residue of gloss stay. 
“I’ll see you soon, Simon. Calm down.” They whisper, pulling away. He chases after their warmth, running his hands on the side of their hips, squeezing tightly. They felt so real. 
This time, he opens his eyes to try and see who they were. He only sees the outline of a woman. He couldn’t see her clearly, but he could see the light wisps of red surrounding her. He said nothing as his eyes closed again. 
This was just a dream. He would wake up soon enough. 
The little he slept should not have bothered him. Usually, it doesn’t. He could easily avoid sleeping or eating without facing the repercussions. One of the many he was trained to learn and endure. But somehow, this did bother him. It felt as if he hadn’t slept at all. He felt, the rare occasions when the women visited, she drained almost everything he stored for the missions. She bothered him. He has never met her before. So why was she constantly bothering him?
His constant questions were cut off when Soap nudged him with his shoulder. He hears him, “You okay, L.T.?” He grunts in response, moving forward.
They were on a mission, he shouldn't be distracted. But he is. He shouldn’t be thinking about the woman who does not exist. She is merely a figment of his imagination. Unreal. He knew he would never experience this. He couldn’t experience this. He would not allow himself to. He couldn’t be distracted. 
Somehow he is. His thoughts, a hindrance to his capabilities and warrior in the battlefield. He hears Soaps shouts, Laswell in his ear. He hears Gaz, alongside Price. He could hear them, but he couldn’t see them. How could things go so wrong? He coughs, surrounded by smoke. He gets separated. At some point, he feels two bullets knick him. With the surrounding sounds, Soap's voice getting more scattered, he feels his breathing become more shallow. 
He’s inside a building, surveying one of the bullets. There was no exit wound, as he slightly hissed in annoyance from the pain blossoming. He’s focused on the blood pouring out, having no necessary tools to remove the bullet. He lifts up his head, looking around for anything to assist him. He freezes, seeing small eyes peer at him in curiosity. Her eyes lingered, twiddling her thumbs as she continued  to watch Simon. 
He didn’t know there were still civilians in this area. 
“You’re not like Tony Stark, are you?” She carefully questions, hesitantly stepping closer to the man. He shuffles back in response, refusing to respond to the kid. Her questions did raise his own.
She doesn’t take his silence as an answer, “She doesn’t like men like you.” She continues, rubbing her hands on her dirty pants. Her red shirt, riddled with dirt, had blotches of dried blood. 
“Where are your parents, kid?” He rasps, “Go back to them before you get hurt.” 
“I’m already hurt.” She frowns, shaking her head at the man, “You don’t get it, do you?” 
“Get what.” He growls, leaning his head back. He shuts his eyes, trying to rid his headache. 
“She’ll hurt you,” was all the girl said. When Simon opened his eyes again, she was gone. 
It’s silent again. Too silent. The blood loss increased, the smoke from before affecting him more than it should have.
Maybe that is what she wanted. 
His strength is wavering. If he loses consciousness, he fears he may see her again. He didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing. 
He accepts it, though. Waiting to feel the hint of eerie calmness before the storm hits.
You watch him sleep, silently patching his wounds up. The bullets were gone, by your courtesy. You hum a familiar tone quietly, one of the corny shows you loved watching when you were younger. You glance at the man with the mask, tilting your head as you reach out to run your fingers down the outline of the skull. He doesn’t move. You pull away to glance at the array of guns on your kitchen table. Then, you look at the woman, sitting deep in thought, running her own hands through the book she was reading. 
The Scarlet Witch looks up, feeling the eyes on her. She doesn’t say anything, looking back down at the book in front of her. She acted as if the book held all the secrets known to man. But you knew. 
It was simply a new recipe book. 
You turn back to the man, although unsure of his name and why you found him ways away from the battle currently going on. You didn’t bother to read his mind. Maybe you should have, to make sure he would not hurt you. (As if he was capable of doing so with your abilities.) But, if he was with the men who had started this battle, then you would kill him with a flick of your hand. 
The Scarlet Witch herself, with the whispers in your ear, convinced you to bring the man into your home. You were one and the same, but sometimes you felt the Scarlet Witch left important information out. 
Your thoughts get cut off, when the man suddenly coughs, breathing heavily from the residue of smoke you found in his lungs. You grab the water bottle, pushing it up to the man who pushed your hand away. You feel his glaring through his mask, as he pushes himself off the couch and away from you. 
“Careful there,” You warn, "Don’t want to pull your stitches.” You open the water, hearing the click. To show it wasn’t tampered with, you take a sip. Then, you extended it back to him. He still refuses to take it, despite how constant he needed to clear his throat. You put it down on the table.  It was weird, doing the exact same thing your captors used to do to you.
The Scarlet Witch was long gone. Leaving the book unopened and on the page she left off on. 
You see the man glance at the guns on the kitchen table. Then, he looks back at you. Quickly, he goes to snatch the closest one to him. He points it at you, gesturing for you to put your hands up. He only held the gun in one hand, holding his side with the other. “What did you do to me?” 
You say nothing. Simon grows irritated, his voice raising, “I said. What did you do to me!” He grips the gun tighter, “If you don’t answer in five seconds, I’m putting a bullet through your head.” “I didn’t do anything,” You calmly respond, “Calm down.” He freezes at your words, grasping at the familiar words he has heard before. 
“It’s you,” He breathes, “You’re the woman.” You furrow your brows in confusion, tilting your head at his realization. You didn’t recognize the man. 
“I’m sorry? I’m unsure of what you’re entailing.” You murmur to the man. “Sit down. Put the gun down and explain it to me?” You smile softly, letting yourself slightly manipulate his decision. Hesitantly, Simon sits. He puts the gun down. 
He isn’t sure why he followed your words. 
“You-” He cuts himself off, wincing from the wound you had just finished dressing before he woke up, “You took out the bullets?” You confirm with a hum. He sees your fingers twitch. Sees you run your hands together, as if nervous. 
“You were bleeding to death.” Is all you said. “I found you that way.” You glance at the flag on his chest, pursing your lips, you look back up to him, “You were the ones sent to infiltrate? I’ve seen the ones before you. Many deaths.” 
Simon doesn’t respond, instead, he leans with his own questions, “Who are you?” 
You introduce yourself, from there Simon doesn’t say anything else. You wait for him to say his name, but he says nothing. 
“What is your name?” You question. 
“You should already know,” He shot back, “You always say it.” You shake your head in response, smiling sadly at the man you still did not recognize. The only man of significance in your head, has been dead for quite some time. 
Maybe not in this Universe. But in another, you had lost your other half long ago. 
“I don’t.”
“You’re the woman. In my dreams. You’re always…There. I have never seen your face until now. But I know your voice,” He growls, his fingers twitching to hold something. Anything. He holds his knees tightly in response. 
You shake your head, “I’m sorry. I don’t know you.” You insisted, Standing up, you brush a strand of your hair away. Your hairstyle had gone haywire from how unkept you left it. You see no humans, you had no reason to do anything anymore.
Maybe you should have cut it like Natasha. 
Shaking your head, you push the water to the man still sitting down. “Heal. You will need it once you leave.” You pause, looking at the guns still on display on your kitchen table. “None have bullets, by the way.” Smiling, you leave the clueless man to his own devices. 
You learn that the man has taken on the name Ghost. Nothing else, just Ghost. You constantly felt his presence in your home, but he never pushed for more conversation. You could tell that he was trying to find his bullets. Anything. But, you continued with your daily chores. From maintaining your garden, feeding the animals. Hell, even nursing the mother and her kittens who found comfort in your home. You worked on anything. 
You run your hands through the clothing you were washing. The soap increased as you continued to lather through the grime from constantly being in the garden. You feel a presence near you, watching you. You glance at Ghost, his familiar mask peering down at you. He still wore the same clothes. 
“I have clothes that can fit you, if you’d like to take a shower. No offense, but you’re starting to reek.” You smile at him, continuing on rubbing the dirt off of your clothing. 
He doesn’t respond, but you do see his head tilt in question. “You know where my room is. It’s the bottom drawer.” He disappears soon after, taking you up on the offer. 
It’s quiet, only the chirps of the birds and your animals. You move on to letting your clothing air dry. Wiping the sweat off of your forehead, you nod to yourself at the job. At that moment, Ghost returns. You look at the outfit, seeing a familiar long sleeve and sweats. 
“Husbands?” He asks gruffly, the shirt being tight on his figure. The sweatpants, surprisingly fit him. The ones you made to appear out of thin air. 
“No,” You begin dumping the water out, “He’s long gone.” 
Ghost felt inclined to help you. He knew he had overextended his stay, but he couldn't help it. He needed to know more about you. Who you were. What you did for a living. Why you never left him alone. He needed to know before he left. He convinced himself, that he would be the one leaving willingly.
Even with the little he slept, he still had the dreams of you. It was just you. Sometimes, you said little things that made his heart hurt.
"You are my sadness and you are my hope. But mostly, you're my love." You murmured to him, running your hands through his hair. His face was uncovered, as you smiled down at him from your place on his lap. You kiss his forehead, eyes glimmering in pure love at him. Your love, for him.
"You could never hurt me," You're below him this time, your hand reaching out to lay on his cheek. The same exact look on your face. The same one as always that he continued to love with all his heart. He sees his hands stay on your hips, pulling you closer as your laughs filled the room.
He never says anything in these dreams, always afraid to ruin the moment. But, even if he tried to, he felt he was never in control of the dreams he lived through.
One, stuck to him deeply. Once again, you were touching him. He felt like crying--No. He was crying. It wasn't a breakup or anything. It wasn't anything sad. No. "They're twins, Simon." You whispered, a smile on your face as you brought his rough hands onto your stomach. "Boys." He holds you closer in this dream, shaking as you soothed him. His head lay in the crook of your neck, soaking your turtleneck with his tears. He felt what dream Simon felt.
He was ready for the twins.
Throughout this time, he continued to follow you, sometimes helping you hold your items when asked. He collected the eggs quietly, like you asked him to. Even when one of cows was prepared to have their own, he helped.
“The dreams people have are the glimpses of the other lives they could have lived. The appearances of the other Universes,” You spoke calmly, seasoning the meat you were preparing to cook for dinner, “I’ve had dreams where I was a zombie. Another where I died in a burst of red.” 
You pause, moving the meat to the stove. You watched it sizzle. “I’ve heard the voices of my sons calling out for me.” You calmly say, smiling sadly, thinking of the voices of the two boys who asked you for help. Who begged for their mom.
"Sons?" He asks.
"Twins," You confirm. "I was a twin once."  He keeps that information to himself, seeing your smile that twitched.
“What are you trying to say?” Ghost questions, taking over on cooking the meat. You stand behind him. 
“The dreams that you’ve had of me. They’re real.” Is what you say, moving on to the salad you were going to prepare, “I reckon that’s one of the little that I have seen where I am happy. Where I haven’t experienced or done all that I have done.” You hum, “You must think I’m crazy.” 
“I’ve known the minute you brought me into your home.” Ghost responds, his back turned to you. “I’m inclined to believe you.” “Why?” You question him. 
“The books you’ve tried to hide for one thing. You like Witchcraft?” 
You giggle at his words at first. Then, it turns into a full blown laugh as you double over. He ignores you, focusing on the meat in front of him.
“Nothing is lost in your eyes, are they?” You stifle your laughter, running your hand down your mouth. You held the collar of your shirt, pressing lightly over your beating heart. 
“The ruins around your home cannot be ignored.” He gruffly responds, shaking his head with a sigh, “Your home is in a vast clearing, but I have seen nobody pass through. The only animals evident are the ones you own.” 
“You’re quite certain that I’m a Witch. What if I simply enjoy the crafts? I’m just superstitious,” You giggle, pushing the salad aside as you move to sit on the counter to watch him cook the meat. 
He wouldn’t try to hurt you, he would know better. He stays silent, unsure how to respond to your question or how to confirm what he knows. You take the silence as an answer. Instead of continuing the conversation, you reach out to the side of his balaclava. One of his hands shoots out, effectively stopping you from touching it. You only smile back, not moving your hand away from his grip. He carefully lets go, as your hands run on the little seams you can see. You continue onto the outline of the skull. Running down to his shoulder, the soft cotton of the clothing he was borrowing moved under your motions. 
You felt real. 
You ran your hand down to his arms, swirling it in a specific motion that caused shivers down his spine. From the hand not focusing on the meat, you let your fingers intertwine. 
"It's unfair to dream of the world we deserve. The life we deserve. It's unfair others live the life that we have yearned for our whole lives." You stare down at your conjoined hands. You rub your thumb atop his covered hand.
“Such a good boy.” You murmur, bringing his hand to your lap. He doesn’t say anything. His free hand gripping onto the meat he had now deemed ready to remove. When he turns off the stove, he provides his full attention to you. He turns his body to you, but he still doesn’t say anything. 
You bring your other hand to his covered cheek, he slightly leans into your touch. He was almost there, but not quite close. You smooth the creases using your thumb. Simon closes his eyes. 
“Simon,” He grunts quietly, “Simon Riley.” 
It’s as if he can sense your smiling. Your hands do not stop from how you continued to touch him. 
“You’re a good boy, Simon,” You murmur, his breath hitches from your comment. 
He’s fully leaning into your hand, bringing his head down onto your forehead. You hum a tune unfamiliar to him, but familiar to you. When you released your hand from his own, he didn’t expect you to hold both sides of his covered face. 
He feels the ghost of your lips in between his eyes. Then, he feels it near the corner of his left eye. You move on to the right. Then to his nose. 
He stills when your lips ghost his own. 
“I wish we can stay together, Simon,” You whisper, moving away from his lips. He could still feel your breath, though. “Love is not possible for me. It never will be.” 
“Why?” He places both of his hands over yours, squeezing, “Why?” He repeats. 
“I”m undeserving of this. What I have done, the lives lost because of me. I have lost everything before. I bring Chaos wherever I go. Why do you think I live isolated? I’m not risking your life,” You leave one last peck on his clothed mouth. 
“This was a mistake.”
He opens his eyes, immediately noticing the unshed tears. You smile at him sadly, “You are a dream.” “I just feel you.” 
Simon remembers nothing else but your warmth. The last thing he sees is the red surrounding his head. The red wisps resonating from your palms. 
"You'll grieve. It will be bad," You whisper in his ear. Everything is dark. It's so dark. Why can't he see anything? Where are you?" "But what is grief, if not love persevering?"
When he awakens, he is surrounded by medical equipment. Immediately, he stands up, looking around frantically. From his movement, he startles Soap awake. Despite being groggy, Soap immediately goes to his side, pushing him back down. 
“Ay, get back down L.T., You’re not well,” The Scottish man reprimands, struggling to get Simon to calm down, “We found ya surrounded by dead bodies. Jeez, ya put up a fight.” 
“Where is she,” Simon rasps, his voice felt like he hadn’t spoken in ages, “Where is she, Johnny?” 
“Who?” Soap questions, “There was no lass around.” 
“I was-” Simon continues to struggle, “She’s real. I know she’s real.” 
As if he could hear Soap’s struggle, Price enters the room, immediately going to help Soap. When they have Simon restrained, he is still breathing heavily. 
“Where is she?” Simon continues to ask, his eyes searching everywhere for a glimpse of her. Just her. Where is she? 
He needed her. He needed to see her. She was real. He knows she was real. He felt her. He knows her. 
“I need her,” His eyes, so far away, look out the window as a wisp of red leaves him from the corner of his eyes. 
She’s real. 
He just felt you.
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in-my-loki-feels · 4 months ago
Title: A Desperate Play For Control Rating: E (⬅️ please mind the change) Fandom: The Avengers (2012), Loki (TV) Relationship: Loki/Mobius M. Mobius Some Additional Tags: Canon Rewrite, SHIELD Agent Mobius M. Mobius, POV Loki (Marvel), POV Mobius M. Mobius, Mind Control, Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery, Loki Needs a Hug (Marvel), Slow Burn, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending (in case there was any doubt), Explicit Sex, Porn with Feelings
Word Count: 49.4k [8/9]
Loki's first mission as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent goes about as well as any of his other plans have lately, but will something good will come of it in the end?
A hefty 11k chapter for you this week. There were a lot of feelings to fit in there (and some smut). 🤭
Go shower this chapter's illustration (and @wolfpup026) with love here!
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ririchanva · 9 months ago
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╰※╮▫◕‖ Current ‖ ∴❃∴ ‖ AO3 ‖ ∴❃∴ ‖ Next ‖ ◕▫╰※╮
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Summary: Shiro, in the last moments of dying, was sent back to the past to rewrite events that will change for the better. Once he started to change one thing, a lot of other things also went into a butterfly effect. Will he be able to prevent a disastrous future this time around?
A/n: Okay, so welcome to this second crossover story on this account~! This time, we're tackling not just Voltron: Legendary Defender, but we get a lot of Ben 10, Marvel and DC stuff as well. This was one of the other projects I've been working on besides Quirks and Miracles, and hope this one receives the amount of love as much as my other story does. I did try to write this story before, but had to scrap and re-do it for some major changes plot wise. Anyways, here is chapter one, and hope you all enjoy~
Chapter Warning: Mentions of war, violence, blood and major character death(s), but only for this chapter. It is also a Fix-It sort of fic about also an AU crossover that's different from canon events.
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Chapter One: The Return of Voltron (Part 1)
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 It was supposed to be an easy mission.
Being called out of retirement, Shiro was invited to a peace treaty celebration between some planets that were joining the Galactic Coalition. And of course, it was not only the former Captain of the ATLAS that was told to come.
It was good seeing the team again. With Hunk dressed in his culinary uniform, Pidge maturing over the years, even Keith grew up and calmed down from his “lone wolf” phase…
….the biggest change was Lance.
Shiro softened at watching the once bright eyed sharp shooter ageing faster than Shiro himself, especially since the Cuban no longer smiled or showed any emotions. He almost looked like a shell of his former self, taking Keith’s role into being a wall flower and avoided talking to people. Particularly to his former teammates. Losing Allura took it’s toll on the former Blue turned Red Paladin, to the point that he had retired earlier than Shiro to live in his family’s farm.
It was a shame, but Shiro respected his friend’s decision. 
The reunion was cut short when the party was ambushed by rebel Galras that did not join the Blade of Marmora nor surrendered to the Voltron Alliance. Shiro, being rusty, had tried to fight off the best of his abilities…
….But it wasn’t enough.
And now, the previous Black Paladin was lying on the cold, hard ground…bleeding out and dying.
He couldn’t move. He couldn’t even think straight as he was listening to the blasting of guns, the cries of allies and enemies alike…he even had to close his eyes tight at the shouts of his teammates names. Keith yelling at Lance as a body hit the floor, the screams of both Hunk and Pidge and more thuds. 
Shiro had turned his head with a broken sob at seeing his fallen friends. Hunk being the farthest away, body unrecognisable. Pidge…she was curled up as if hugging herself and unmoving…
Then, there was Keith and Lance. Side by side. Lance on his back with dead eyes and Keith curled up on top of him, as if shielding him. But it looked poetic as Lance looked at peace while Keith looked pained…almost regretful..
Shiro too. He felt regret wash over him.
Tears welled in his eyes at the memories flashing in his mind. He regretted not talking to his friends, his found family, more even when they separated to their own lives after Voltron was no more. He wished he knew where the Lions went, find Black maybe. That he didn’t talk to Keith more about Lance, or even talking to Lance himself as the former Blue Paladin withered away.
Heck, he didn’t even want to admit it…but Shiro regretted marrying Curtis.
Thinking now, as he was dying, he never really loved him. Curtis was a sort of comfort that Shiro accepted. At the time, Shiro thought he had true feelings for the man that helped him in the ATLAS. He deluded himself thinking he was in love with the man, because he couldn’t process that Adam was gone. That Shiro…settled because he thought that was what he wanted, needed, at the time.
‘I am an idiot. I’ve basically strung Curtis along in a lie…and I can’t even tell him because I am here…about to die…’ Shiro thought to himself as the world quieted down around him, signalling that the battle was over. He didn’t even care if his side won or if the rebelled Galra did. 
More memories of his past flashed before his eyes, and he chuckled. Did he deserve to remember? Allura must be scolding me in the stars by now…
What would she think about this?
He had to cough a laugh, thinking that Allura would be upset that they lost easily…or that she would be screaming at him to get up, keep fighting…
“I have no more in me to keep fighting…” Shiro admitted to himself while wheezing, staring at the sky about him as he sniffed, “I think…it’s time…”
“You gonna give up so easily?”
Shiro looked at the voice that spoke, seeing a familiar brown haired male sitting on top of him, staring down at him with those hauntingly green eyes. Hallucination or real, Shiro accepted the person with a bitter laugh, shaking his head.
“You of all people would show up as I breathe my last breath.” Shiro murmured weakly, as the person looked down at him sadly, tilting his head.
“You’re not a quitter, Shiro. You’re a fighter, and a stubborn one at that.”
Shiro softened, wanting to reach up and touch the other person’s face. Or even sit up and reach up to hug him, anything. But alas, he didn’t have the strength to do so and then sighed.
 “…You were right, Ben.”
Ben raised a brow at Shiro, who just chuckled then coughed hard, making the brunet concerned.
“Right…about what?”
“Everything. I should’ve listened to you when you said that I was in over my head before Kerberos. I should’ve listened to you when you said you were only looking out for me and not trying to talk down at me because of…of my disease. I know you’re not like Adam, and I just…” Shiro closed his eyes and sighed, his head lolling to the side, “…I should’ve talked to you. O-Or found you when I came back on Earth…hell, I should’ve tried to find you when I came back the first time before finding the Blue Lion…”
Ben stayed silent, and Shiro continued.
“There are many things I should’ve done and wanted to say. And…and I wish I didn’t…”
“…Didn’t what…?”
Shiro opened his eyes again, the light leaving his eyes as he saw nothing in front of him. Hallucination, then. 
Shiro sobbed as he felt alone, his vision slowly fading as he breathed out softly.
“I wish I didn’t go to the Kerberos Mission and followed after you that day…” 
“Is that what you wish for?”
Shiro looked up, expecting the illusion of Ben again, but was surprised seeing a young pale man with almost shaggy dark brown hair and dark brown eyes staring back at him blankly. While he did look on the youthful side, his eyes…it looked almost ancient and staring right into his soul.
“…Who are you?”
“Me? I’m…” The young man paused, tapping on his chin, bobbing his head side to side before speaking again, “You can call me Caspian. It’s the name I prefer actually.”
“Who…?” Shiro closed his eyes for a moment, before opening them again as he breathed out tiredly, “What are you? Are you…like, Death?”
“Heh, that’s a good one. Dunno what I am right now, honestly…but I do know I am here to help you~” Caspian had a quirk of an amused smile for a moment before looking seriously at the man before him, “Takashi Shirogane, you are in need to save the universe.”
Save the universe?
Shiro couldn’t help but painfully laugh, which confused Caspian as Shiro shook his head.
“Of course I’d be dragged into once again saving the universe….” Shiro sighed in annoyance, then looked at Caspian, “Why me? Why do I have to do it?” And not someone else for a change?
“Because you wished to fix your mistakes? Is that not what you truly wished for?” Caspian raised a brow at Shiro before tilting his head, “That you wanted to change things and make it right?”
Shiro opened his mouth for a moment, then closed it, sighing. “…Why not ask another person? Someone…not me? Someone else that could maybe change things for the better than I could…”
Something in Caspian softened as a solemn smile appeared on his face, “…The Universe cherishes you, Shiro.”
Shiro snorted, “The Universe has a funny way of showing it.”
“Well, the Lions of Voltron had chosen you.”
“…The Lions are gone. They left when Princess Allura died.” Shiro said miserably, feeling the guilt in his heart.
“And they wish to have their Princess and Paladins back,” Caspian countered, “The Universe needs to be put into balance, and properly this time. So, the Universe thought that you alone should go back and fix everything…save your—what did you call them? Your Space Family.”
Shiro turned his head to where Caspian was looking, his heart clenched at seeing the dead bodies of his friends. Pursing his lips, he turned his head back to the other male, and softened.
“…So, are you taking me now?”
Caspian snorted at his acceptance, and nodded.
“Right where you wished to be…”
A hand reached out to touch over the former Black Paladin’s chest as Shiro felt himself passing out.
“Remember, Takashi Shirogane. Once you make ONE change, everything else will be different than what you remember…”
Opening his eyes with a gasp, the Asian male whipped his head around frantically, as if just remembering to breathe.
He…he wasn’t in that planet anymore? He wasn’t dying and lying in his own pool of blood?
Shiro had to pat himself up, down and around his body to see where his gaping wound on his side was, clearly seeing he wasn’t even wearing his ATLAS uniform.
It was a Galaxy Garrison Space Suit.
“Shiro? We’re about to be launch for Kerberos in twenty minutes, are you coming?”
Whipping his head to the source of the voice, he almost dropped his jaws when seeing a very much younger Matt Holt staring at him in concern, fixing his glasses.
Shiro was at a loss at first, before his mind remembered the day of him, Matt and Sam Holt flying off to space for the first time. He had to look around then saw a reflection of himself, and gasped. He was twenty one again, his face young, full of life and…his hair was all black and he still had his right arm.
He was back.
Soon, he turned around and started running, ignoring the calls of Matt as he was making his way into the Garrison. 
He had to find him. He just had to!
Flashes of a memory formed in Shiro’s head as he ran. Of a brown haired male talking desperately to the young Shiro to not fly to Kerberos and wanted to say something more, almost looking sad and defeated. Flashes of Shiro angrily yelling at him and storming away…and into the very ship that changed his life forever. 
Shiro pushed himself to run faster, hoping he wasn’t too late…
…And smiled in relief at seeing a slouched figure going through the exit of the Garrison gates.
Back straightened at the sound of the voice, the young man was turning his head questionably, toxic green coloured eyes looked towards him in surprise, and almost slightly red as if he was holding back tears.
Shiro felt his whole body warm at the surprised and breathless tone the other male had and was rushing towards him in top speed, not caring that he looked like a lunatic with arms waving above his head and crying big fat tears. It seemed Ben wasn’t prepared as he was soon feeling strong arms around him, almost falling over if it wasn’t for Shiro pulling him into his chest and sobbing on him.
“S-shiro? What—?”
“Thank god! Thank god, you’re here…” 
Ben Tennyson was never one to be surprised about anything anymore. Ever since he was ten years old, the boy now ageing into a fine young adult, the brunet had been through so many things and met so many walks of life that nothing should ever catch him off guard. So it came to a shock that the summer childhood friend he’s known since he was eleven was now burying his face onto his shoulder, leaving tears and snot trails on his hoodie.
“…Ah, S-shiro…?” Ben asked awkwardly, looking at the bigger male tightening his grip around him, and was relieved when he looked up to see Matt running over to them, “Matt! Thank fuck, do you know what’s got into Shiro?”
“That’s what I would like to know! It wasn’t a few minutes ago that Shiro couldn’t wait to leave this place and go up in space!” Matt huffed, hands on his knees as he was taking a breath from running all the way here, and then looked back up, very miffed, “You got a lot of explaining to do, Shirogane! Do you have any idea how this is going to look?! What will Sanda say when you have begged and pleaded for your case to go on this mission—?”
“Fuck Sanda.”
Ben and Matt both looked horrified at Shiro swearing with a low growl, with Ben having his jaws drop and Matt almost breaking his glasses comically.
“Shiro…?” Ben questioned before Matt screamed out loud.
Shiro looked back up at his best friend and narrowed his eyes, and Ben squeaked when he felt the arms tighten around him more. What was going on with him?
“Yes. Tell Sanda to shove it, I changed my mind. I’m not going to Kerberos…”
Calming down, Shiro softened.
“Please tell your dad I’m sorry and thank you for everything, but there’s something important that I’ve gotta do…”
This time, Shiro turned to Ben and breathed out.
“Ben, I’m going to need your help. There’s a lot I wanna say to you, but for now, I think there are much more important things to cover. Will you help me?”
“Yes, of course,” Ben said without hesitation, smiling.
This…this was something that Ben had been waiting a long while for. He wasn’t sure what changed in Shiro at this moment, but it was better than the cold shoulder and violent overacting anger towards him for the past few years. Helping Shiro, whatever it is, was something Ben will do and more.
Matt stared at them for a moment, taking a minute or two to process what was going on and sighed. Rubbing at his head, he turned around and spoke out loud.
“You do realise that this will be seen as an insubordination. The Garrison are not going to be happy you did this…”
“And they’re not gonna be happy on what I’m going to do next~” Shiro smiled, before grabbing Ben’s hand and rushing off, “C’mon, we’re going to find a few people and go somewhere else. Talking here in the Garrison is not safe…”
Matt balked at him while Ben was still reeling at the change of attitude from the Asian male, before Matt started stomping his feet and waving his arms up and down angrily.
Shiro looked back and gave a happy grin, waving at him, “Fixing stuff. Please give my apologies to your dad and cover for me from Sanda and them! Thanks Matt, you’re the best~”
And with that, Shiro and Ben vanished back inside the Garrison, and Matt felt his heart stop. 
“…I need better friends.”
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“Okay, are you going to explain what is going on now, or am I to wait until you stop dragging me to wherever we’re going?”
Shiro paused in his steps as he looked back at the confused look on Ben’s face, and his eyes softened. God…just looking at Ben made his heart flutter. He couldn’t believe he was living and breathing in front of him again. Shaking his head out of the thoughts, Shiro calmly spoke.
“Considering you’re a big hero, and know a lot about space, what I’m about to tell you might be shocking. But before that, I’m going to have to pull some cadets out that might help us out,” He explained, and soon started walking again.
Ben nodded slowly, trying to understand him, but he was sort of distracted as to why Shiro was still holding his hand as they walked together down the Garrison halls. Somehow the gesture sort of made Ben’s cheeks flush for a moment, head spinning. This is so out of character for Shiro…but why do I like it?
Ben was going through his internal monologue, Shiro meanwhile was looking through classrooms by their windows, peering in to look for two certain people. He paused for a second when he spotted Hunk for a moment and then looked unsure.
Should he pull Hunk out and drag him to Voltron again?
Shiro softened as he watched Hunk look out the window and into starry void that was space, the two standing at the central deck of the ATLAS in silence. The war was over, and yet…
“Sometimes…I wished that I didn’t get dragged by Pidge and Lance to space…” Hunk murmured quietly, but then looked to Shiro and looked sheepish, “D-don’t get me wrong! While I do love Yellow, and the team…it’s just…there’s a part of me that missed so much of my families lives, that I was gone for so long…I dunno…it feels complicated now that I’m thinking on it.”
Shiro watched as Hunk was fiddling with what seems to be a cup of Nunvil, staring down at the liquid with ageing eyes.
“If I had a choice to go back? I wished someone else would be the Yellow Paladin and I would stay on Earth…”
Shiro knew that Hunk, despite proving time and time again that he was stronger than he thinks, wasn’t cut out for being in a war. And, as much as he wanted to call out to his friend once more, he has been through hell already once in the past. Maybe someone else could take his place?
Deciding to move on, Shiro looked away from the window and started moving on, giving a mental parting farewell to his old friend. Maybe this time, Hunk can stay with his family and be safe.
Shiro was going through classroom to classroom once more, but then paused when he finally saw two familiar figures. He smiled when he saw Keith, who was very young with no scar on his cheek nor looking like he was haunted by war, and then turned his head to see—
Shiro’s smile fell when he spotted Iverson yelling at Lance, who was looking down at the ground and hands fisted on his sides. Right, Shiro remembered that Lance had a hard time in his first years of the Garrison. And Iverson particularly relished scolding Lance and trying to compare him to Keith, who somehow was some sort of secret genius. 
“Yeesh, this guy’s an ass…” Ben murmured to Shiro, and Shiro soon released Ben’s hand from his own and started walking in the room, “Shiro?”
This alerted everyone in the class, including Iverson and Lance, as Shiro was marching over to them.
“Shirogane? I thought you were flying out for the Kerber—“
Before Iverson could say anything, Shiro pulled his arm back and WHAM!
Keith’s eyes widened in surprise while his classmates, including Lance, were gasping and crying out in surprise. Takashi Shirogane, polite and the Golden Boy of the Garrison, just punched a commanding officer! Needless to say, it surprised every cadet in the room. Ben almost had to laugh at the scene, Shiro looking like a raging bull as he stood over Iverson, who was on the ground and holding his bloody nose. 
Shiro was quick to pull the man up by the front of his uniform jacket, and sneered at him, “You think it’s fun talking down on people that are not on the same level as others? You get some sick twisted kicks onto bullying cadets that need more guidance and care? Well, let me tell you something, Iverson…you’re never going to be half the man that Lance McClain is!”
While during his time as Captain of the ATLAS, Shiro remembered how Iverson had been somewhat tolerable when joining the Voltron Coalition, even making apologies to Keith and Lance on how he treated them during their Garrison days. But right now, this Iverson wasn’t the comrade he knew in the ATLAS. Might as well start humbling him while he was still high on his ego trip.
Shiro turned to the soft voice, seeing Keith approaching him and touching his arm, violet eyes wide and looking concerned. This caused Shiro to calm down, dropping Iverson to the ground and turning fully to look at his young brother figure. By Quintessence, he looked much like a boy than he remembered. Still looking hopeful and bright…right before Shiro flew in space and captured by the Galra.
This caused Shiro to reach over Keith and hug him, surprising the shorter male with a squeak.
“S-shiro?! What’s got into you?” Keith wiggled out of his hold, looking weirded out, “Aren’t you suppose to be flying to space with the Holts? Why are you here? A-and why did you punch Iverson?”
Somehow despite looking appalled at the thought of his hero punching an officer, Shiro could see the envious glee that someone actually put Iverson in his place. 
“Let’s just say that…there’s something more important that I have to do,” Shiro soon turned to Lance and smiled softly, “Lance, right?”
“I should thank you all for getting me out…Lance, right?”
Shiro remembered the very first time meeting Lance, and almost felt the same as before. Especially with Lance reaching a hand out and hesitating, his eyes looking unsure. But he then smiled, looking up at Shiro with hero-worship and admiration in his eyes, taking his hand and shaking it.
“Yes, sir. Lance McClain, reporting.”
“Ah, just Shiro is fine.” It felt weird for Lance to call him sir out of all things. 
“So, what’s going on?” Keith came in between them, looking at the both of them with narrowed eyes.
“I’ll explain later. But right now I need you two to come with me.” Shiro stated, and noticed that a few cadets had gone out, probably to call another officer while a few others were checking up on Iverson, “We should get out of here. Now.”
Keith didn’t hesitate as he nodded, already grabbing for his backpack and heading to the door while Lance faltered, looking from Iverson and back to Shiro.
Shiro noticed this and softened, “If…if you don’t want to come with, that’s fine. I’m not forcing you to do anything you don’t want. And I most certainly don’t want you to get into trouble, if that’s what your’e thinking.”
While he had decided to let Hunk be this time around and not bring him along, he’s not gonna lie and say that he was going to do the same for Lance. In fact, he was hoping Lance would come with them, no questions asked. Unlike Hunk, Lance was made to be exploring and fighting in space. He had shown Shiro time and time again how much of a fighter he was, and how he was someone that could be on equal footing to not just Keith, but too Shiro as well. 
Someone who was destined for great things, just like Allura had predicted. 
However, he wasn’t going to push Lance into coming along, as much as it pained him.
Lance looked like he was thinking for a moment, and Shiro’s spirit almost died at the thought that Lance was going to decline him…but was relieved when Lance looked at him in determination and nodded.
“If you say I should come, then I shall follow your lead, Shiro.”
Shiro smiled, nodding his head as he soon turned to rush out the door, Lance right behind him. Ben was talking to Keith quietly when Shiro and Lance approached, the two then glancing up at them. Shiro did wonder why they stopped talking as soon as they approached and what they were talking about, but he suppose he can ask them later. The four of them soon were rushing out of the Garrison quickly, especially when they noticed some officers were now chasing after them. 
“Oh man, it feels like we’re criminals or something!” Lance yelped as he kept on running, Shiro looked sheepish.
Okay, maaaaybe he shouldn’t have decked Iverson like he did just now.
Either way, Ben was reaching towards the Rust Bucket and got in the driver seat, looking at the other guys, “GET IN!”
Keith slipped into the front passenger seat next him, Lance jumping in the back. Shiro was about to go in when he spotted Matt and Sam Holt watching them from afar. Sam looked worried for him, albeit, also puzzled as to why Shiro was leaving and Matt…well, he was glaring at Shiro as if he wanted an explanation to all this. Shiro just gave a small apologetic smile and salute, knowing he’ll explain to Matt what’s going on when things have calmed down. And so, he slipped into the RV and Ben drove off, a few Garrison vehicles coming after them.
Lance had to look back, seeing the Garrison in their wheels and gulped.
 “Man, they do not look happy.” He stated nervously, then he looked to Ben, “Can’t this thing go any faster?”
“Never a dull moment. This is a typical Wednesday for me.” Ben murmured, rolling his eyes as he pressed something onto his steering wheel, and soon picked up speed.
“We could toss some non-essential weight?” Keith suddenly said, and Shiro’s eyes widened for moment at those words.
“Oh right!” Lance looked around for a moment but then frowned, looking over at a cheeky looking Keith as Lance huffed, “Okay, that was an insult, I get it.“
This…never happened, at least not at this moment? Shiro thought with a frown, but then again, a lot of things happened that weren’t like in his past memory. Since when did Keith look playfully at Lance, who looked slightly annoyed. Okay, wait, that was normal of Lance in this timeline…right?
Keith suddenly straightened, looking at the front window and his eyes widened as he pointed out, “Guys! T-that…is that…?”
Shiro and Lance looked over, and their eyes widened at seeing the edge of a cliff. Ben almost smirked at them, giving a wink before accelerating the speed of the RV. The three boys screamed while Ben was laughing as the Rust Bucket took flight in the air, the Garrison trucks and cars stopping at the edge of the cliff. Rolling his eyes at the men screaming in his RV, Ben pressed something on his dashboard as the RV started floating in mid-air. Shiro managed to calm down, looking at Ben staring at him with a smile.
“You think you’re the only one that knows how to fly the skies, Shiro the Hero~?”
Shiro’s eyes softened, letting out a chuckle as he smiled fondly, “You’re amazing.”
This caught Ben off guard for a moment, his face flushed before turning around to face the front, “W-whatever, Shiro, you’re so weird…”
Shiro continued on staring at the mumbling Ben, ignoring how Keith was looking at him in suspicion. 
“Soooooo, where are we going?” Lance finally asked as they were still flying in the air, looking from Ben to Shiro, “I mean, I know I said I’ll follow you, but I would like to know exactly what I’m getting into?”
Shiro knew that he had to eventually tell them what’s going on, but he didn’t know where to start. And would they believe him? The first time around, it was hard to believe anything that happened and what was about to happen in the future. But…what stays the same and what changes? Shiro had already done a lot of things that he didn’t do in the past…how was that going to effect everything from this point forward?
“It’s gonna sound hard to believe…” Shiro started, glancing at the trio with an unsure look.
“Try us.” Keith said, already giving a look that said that he will believe anything he says. Well, that was typical of Keith, who had his whole trust and faith on Shiro ever since the day they met. 
Shiro pursed his lips as he then let out a breath.
“Okay…but first, Keith, do you think we can stop by your house?”
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Reaching the Kogane home was something that Shiro didn’t think he’d be seeing again in this lifetime. From what he remembered, Keith had taken him and the Team into a shack. Shiro then remembered Keith saying that the shack was just an old place that his Dad had kept when being a part-time ranger around the dessert. Something about how there were stragglers around the area that wanted to sneak into places that are off limits like the Garrisons secret bases. Shiro believed that was the time when people were hearing rumours about aliens being in the area. Oh how right they were. 
“Keith, was there anything strange going around here that might seem…I dunno, extraterrestrial?” Shiro asked innocently as Ben parked his RV to the side, him and Lance talking while Keith welcomed Shiro inside his house.
Keith raised a brow up at him before fully turning to him with his hands on his hips, “Answer my question first, since when are you and Ben in talking terms again?”
This caught Shiro by surprise, “W-what do you mean?”
“From what I remember, last week you were telling Ben to ‘fuck off and never come into my life again!’ and always kept telling me how much you hated the guy?”
Shiro winced at the words coming from Keith’s mouth.
It was true. A long time ago, Shiro absolutely couldn’t stand Ben. He didn’t hate him, per se, it was more…Shiro was immaturely jealous of him.
Shiro knew Ben ever since they were young. One summer, when he was eleven years old, his grandfather and Max Tennyson introduced him and Ben with one another. Apparently, the two were pilot buddies and eventually ended up in the same Plumber business, becoming good allies and life-long friends. With that, their grandfathers thought that Shiro and Ben could be good friends too.
Young Shiro was hiding behind his grandfather’s leg as he peeked out for a moment at the smiling young Ben, who was giving the biggest grin and waving all friendly like. Their grandfathers looked amused at this interaction, knowing that they made the right decision. 
And it worked for a while…until the news of Ben being a hero came out. 
Fifteen year old Ben blinked when he and sixteen year old Shiro were coming out of Mr. Smoothies one day, and the two were surrounded by paparazzi. A lot of them asking about Ben being a hero and saving the day time and time again, to rumours about being an evil traitor to the human race and expect aliens to invade Earth. Either way, Ben looked annoyed as he grabbed Shiro’s arm and escaped the hounding tabloids.
Shiro looked over at his friend, “Wow, y-you’ve become so popular…”
“Yeah, but it’s getting irritating to the point I can’t even do my job,” Ben murmured as he sipped his smoothie, and Shiro looked away for a moment with a strange look.
Thinking on it now, Shiro always felt that Ben got everything in life too easily. He managed to fly by school despite being the worst student ever, he had friends despite that he never tried interacting with people…but what killed Shiro the most, was that Ben got to go to space. Shiro’s biggest dream…
“You…went to outer space?” A seventeen year old Shiro breathed out one day when he came out, a sixteen year old Ben waiting in his bedroom with a smile.
“Yeah! It was so awesome. Check it out, I got a souvenir for you!” Ben excitedly said as he was holding what looked like a shiny rock, and Shiro frowned.
“You…went to space.” Without me, Shiro would think bitterly. 
Ben looked at Shiro, confused, placing the space rock down and looked over his friend, “Yeah? I told you that already—“
“You knew exploring the stars and planets is my dream!” Shiro said hotly, looking away as he glanced around all the N.A.S.A. memorabilia and posters of planets and stars. 
Ben looked around as well, closing his eyes and sighing, “…It wasn’t like it was a field trip, Shiro. I was on a mission—“
“And yet you come running here to show off, is that it? Rub it in my face?”
Ben looked hurt at the accusation, which came out of nowhere to him, as he stared at Shiro incredulously, “I-I didn’t—”
“Get out.” Shiro pointed to the door with narrowed eyes, “I don’t want to talk to you today.”
Shiro had to mentally face-palm at his younger self, remembering how Ben looked incredibly and reasonably upset that he was shooed away. All because Shiro was jealous. Jealous of a chance that he wanted. And he did eventually get the chance, in the Galaxy Garrison…
…But even then, Ben was involved with that too.
Eighteen year old Shiro’s eyes widened as he looked down at the paper in hand, then looked to a grinning seventeen year old Ben, who was holding a cupcake and party blower.
“What…did you do???”
Ben laughed as he gave a sheepish look, “Surprise~? Thanks to my rep as hero of Earth and the universe, I managed to score you a way in to your dream come true. You said that you would do anything to get into the Galaxy Garrison to train and fly with the best~! And so, I placed a good word for you with them!”
Shiro crumpled the paper in hand and threw it to the ground, looking at Ben angrily, “Do you have any idea what you did?!”
“…Er, this is the part where you say ‘You’re welcome, Ben~ You’re the best, Ben~’ and all that?” Ben said slowly, wondering what had Shiro up in defence now.
Shiro shook his head as he then let out a huff of frustration, “Do you know how this is going to make me look? Thanks to you, they’ll think that I asked you to recommend me into the program, like I need to have you go up to them and beg me to be placed in! Like some desperate yuppy. They’re not going to take me seriously with my skills and knowledge alone. They’ll now think I’m The Great Ben Tennyson’s Charity Case.”
Ben didn’t think of that, and looked almost apologetic, “I didn’t—That’s not my—Shoot, ah, h-hang on! I can fix this—“
“THIS IS ISN’T SOMETHING YOU CAN FIX! AND STOP TRYING TO FIX ME!” Shiro slammed his fist onto a wall, almost scaring Ben for a second as Shiro breathed out heavy and in fury, “You’re sounding like my doctors. You’re sounding like my grandparents. Trying to control my life and tell me what to do with it!”
“I-I wasn’t trying to do that! I swear, Shiro, I just wanted to help you—“
That was the last time he had ever spoke to Ben like that. There was another time, but it was supposed to be today…when Ben was trying to also stop Shiro from going to the Kerberos mission.
The man blinked as he heard Keith’s concerned voice, and was brought back to the present. 
“Ah, s-sorry, what were you saying?”
“You zoned out. Shiro, why did you not go to the Kerberos mission? Are you okay?” Keith asked quietly, looking Shiro over, “Is it the disease? Is it acting up again?”
Shiro felt his heart drop for a moment, and looked down at his wrist, the very one that had the monitor to remind him of his booster medicine for his muscles and maintenance for his weakening body. Right…he was still sick. By not going to space and be captured by the Galra, it would mean that he was still on a ticking time limit before his whole body would fail him…and die.
“…That’s not it. But thank you for reminding me,” Shiro will have to figure out a cure later…because he knew there was one, but not on Earth, “I will explain everything to you, Keith, I promise. But there are some other things that I’ll need before then.”
Keith looked like he wanted to question him more, but decided against it and nodded.
“Okay…so what else do you need?”
Shiro hummed before he looked outside to see Ben and Lance approaching to the front door, and his eyes softened.
“We’re gonna have to call in some people.”
“Call in…who, exactly?” Keith asked curiously, before Ben and Lance stepped into the house and hearing the conversation, “That’s also another thing, why did you want Lance to come with us?”
Shiro looked over at Lance and smiled, “Because he’s going to be important on this mission~”
Lance’s blue eyes widened for a moment, looking flustered at being under the spotlight, rubbing the side of his neck, “I-I’m important…?—Wait, wait, time out. What mission?”
Shiro turned serious, glancing at a curious looking Ben, then to the cadets.
“What I’m about to tell you stays in this house. The reason that I didn’t go onto the Kerberos mission is because there is word that Earth is going to be invaded.“
Lance and Keith gasped, and Ben looked suspiciously at Shiro.
“That’s a big statement, Shiro. What makes you say that?” The Omnitrix wielder inquired, and Shiro knew that Ben was on the know about any alien race coming to invade Earth or not. Which is good, this means he’ll take me seriously. 
“Have you heard about Voltron?”
Ben looked at him for a moment, before raising a brow, “…From what I heard from Grandpa Max, it was an old wives’ tale. A story about five lions turning into one giant man that saves universes. Something to tell kids before bed—Shiro, why do you know about Voltron? Earthlings don’t know about that…well, they do, but they think that’s all anime cartoon and fake for TV entertainment?”
“Because it’s real. And I can prove it—”
Shiro paused for a moment, before looking to Keith.
“…Keith, I know you have some weird shack somewhere around here and you might be drawn to search around the grand canyons that are nearby.”
 Keith looked confused, “…Are you talking about Dad’s shed he uses as a man cave? And all those deserts are just that, deserts. Why would I search around there?”
This caused Shiro to look confused for a moment, but had to mentally slap himself. Duh, that part won’t happen until he disappears during the Kerberos mission. Where Keith got himself expelled from the Garrison and was turned into a hermit searching for the Blue Lion…that all won’t happen until next year. 
“Ah, r-right…” Shiro sweat-dropped before looking over at Ben, “Okay, I have another way to prove it…”
“Oh yeah? How?”
At Ben’s question, Shiro then paused once more, giving himself a slap at his forehead for real this time and almost freaking out Ben, Lance and Keith.
At this time, she would be under the name Katie Holt. She wouldn’t be the same Pidge he remembers because right now she didn’t have a purpose of sneaking into the Garrison, changing her name and looks, going on a mission to find her missing brother and father…that were not missing anymore, thanks to Shiro bailing. 
‘Meaning she won’t have the machine that tracks Blue or hear the message about the Galra and Voltron.’ Shiro felt himself groan inwardly, and as much as he wanted to find Pidge and ask for her help…how can he?
There were two things that could happen. One, was that Pidge would look at him like a crazy person and pretty much would call the police on him…or worse, send Mama Holt to deal with him. Another would be that Pidge might be willing to help in the name of science…although this might alert Matt and get him riled up into thinking Shiro was dragging his baby sister into something dangerous.
‘With Matt and Sam on Earth now and the mission cancelled because of me, there is no reason for her to come to the Garrison at all…or any reason to be part of Voltron.’
With this thought in mind, it would mean Shiro might have to consider that Voltron won’t be complete this time around. If he had things his way, he wouldn’t want to bring Pidge into war again. Right now, she was fourteen going on fifteen. A child. And Shiro wasn’t about to send her into space and get hurt again.
Ben looked at Shiro’s thoughtful face and sighed, “Shiro, I know that you think you know things, but I have to say that there is no way there is an invasion happening—“
“Okay, okay! I know I sound like a lunatic, but I’m telling the truth!” Shiro desperately pleaded as Ben almost backed away when Shiro stepped forward, “Please, I know you have every right to not believe me…”
“No, no! Shiro, I believe you. Really, I do,” Ben breathed out softly, “But I cannot just go running to the Plumbers with just word of mouth alone. We need actually solid evidence that there is going to be some sort of attack that’s going to happen.”
Shiro tried to scratch his brain on ideas, until he landed on one.
“Ben, do you remember the Teen Titans?”
This sort of surprised Ben as he looked at him strangely but then spoke slowly, “Er, yes but…why would ask about them?”
Shiro was confused why Ben’s tone changed, but then it hit him. How could he forget how he reacted in front of people that understood Ben the most. And the very people Shiro felt insecure around the most. Which was also yet another reason why he and Ben drifted apart.
“Guys, this is the friend I was telling you about.”
Sixteen year old Shiro felt nervous as he felt himself dragged along by a fifteen year old Ben towards a group of teens in costumes, the people turning to them with different expressions on their faces. Some of them curious, some of them confused. Either way, Shiro didn’t feel all that comfortable. At least Matt was with them, along with Ben’s cousin, Lucy Mann. 
“This is Shiro. He’s going to be a future explorer to space of the Galaxy Garrison~” Ben boasted with a smile, while Shiro was rubbing the side of his neck sheepishly. 
“I’m Robin, leader of the Teen Titans. Nice to meet you, Ben has told us a lot about you,” A teen in a domino mask spoke with a calm smile, placing his hand out to Shiro, who shook his hand.
“I-I’ve heard of you. Um, big fan?” 
Robin chuckled, having an arm around a tan-skinned girl with red hair and glowing eyes, “And this is Starfire. My, ah, girlfriend…”
“A pleasure to meet you, Friend Shiro. Ben has told us fondly that you wish to see the stars and planets outside of Earth,” She spoke softly, as Shiro felt his cheeks flush. 
Whew, if he wasn’t attracted to men, he would’ve thought Starfire was beautifully gorgeous. Well, she is, but still— 
Ben smiled, watching Matt and Lucy mingle with the other Titans before Shiro leaned over to him once Robin and Starfire left.
“Ben, why did you invite me to this party anyways? Matt, I understand, since he’s Lucy’s plus one. But…?”
“Why wouldn’t I invite you?” Ben looked up at him and tilted his head, “You’re my friend, aaaaand well Julie couldn’t make it. That, and Gwen and Kevin have a date night so, I called you,”
Shiro quirked a brow before looking over at someone calling Ben over. Ben just told Shiro to relax and enjoy the party, before disappearing off. Shiro at first did try to stay away from crowds and just people watch, but eventually thanks to Matt and Lucy, he loosened up. He even got to talking to people like Starfire, to Cyborg, and then to other Honorary Titans. He was about to find Ben when he heard his voice along with two others.
“Guys, c’mon, lay off him! I mean, he’s my friend,” Ben’s voice sounded, and Shiro had to lean back from being seen as it seems Ben was talking to Speedy and Kid Flash, “So he ain’t a super or an alien from another planet with awesome powers, so what? So is Matt.”
“The thing is, at least Holt is a super genius and he’s all buddy-buddy with Princess Sludge over there,” The archer hummed a bit when nodding to Matt and Lucy, sipping his drink, “What? Did you think your friend would be good for the team once he upgrades from cargo pilot? We don’t need another space cadet, Tennyson.”
“No offence, but I don’t see anything special about that guy. He’s…too normal, ya know?” Kid Flash hummed in agreement, “He’s no Robin, who was trained as a kid by THE Batman. Or like Speedy with Green Arrow or—“
Ben sighed in frustration, “You’re judging him already without seeing what he can do…”
“Didn’t you say that he was sick?” Another voice sounded as it was revealed to be Raven, floating over to them and looking at Ben seriously, “It wouldn’t be wise to have an ally that’s already on death’s door. Not to mention cruel to be giving him false hope. Does he even know that you wanted to recruit him as a Titan?”
Shiro felt his heart squeeze for a moment as he closed his eyes. He knew it. 
He left that party that night without telling anyone. He didn’t even answer any calls from Ben, Matt or anybody. Shiro just felt disappointment once more, and he never wanted to be involved with parties with Ben ever again.
“Shiro? Are you okay? You’re spacing out again.”
Shiro snapped out of the memory as Ben said this, and then sighed, “I’m fine, Ben. Really. It’s just, we’re going to need them.” 
Staring at Shiro for a moment longer, Ben then sighed and was grabbing his cellphone from his jacket pocket, “…Fine, there’s someone that I can talk with. Just give me a sec, okay?”
Shiro looked relieved, but then had a thought before asking cautiously, “W-who is it?”
“Ahhh, Starfire actually…”
Shiro had a mental cheer in his head. This is the exact person I need!
“Great! Ahhhh, there’s also someone else we might have to check on first. Where is your cousin, Gwen?”
Ben looked up and blinked, “Err, she’s probably in her Alma Mater considering she’s going for her advance magic masters…we can totally go and visit her if you want?”
Shiro looked thoughtful and then shook his head, “Do you think it’s alright to maybe call her over?”
“I can try and contact her too,” Ben tilted his head, “But why did you want to have her come here?”
“Just…I need her to check on something.”
Shiro had a theory. One that could be possible, but he needed to confirm it with someone that was magical. Turning to Keith and Lance while Ben was talking on the phone, he looked to the two of them and sighed.
“Okay, the next bit…we’re going to have to explore down at the canyons close by.”
“Is there something that we’re supposed to be looking for?” Lance asked curiously, and Shiro smiled a little.
While it may be a year or so earlier than expected, it was best that they find the Blue Lion now before the Galra does. Which is perfect since at this moment, one of Zarkon’s fleet that was stationed nearby Earth’s atmosphere was not close yet. If they could find Blue first and go to Arus to the Castle of Lions…maybe this time around they’ll have an advantage against them.
“But first, we’re going to need a machine…” Shiro hummed as he was resting a hand under his chin in thought, eyes narrowed, “One that could read Fraunhofer lines. It would give us the exact location…”
Keith folded his arms, looking sort of puzzled, “A frown…who?”
“It’s a number describing a spectrum of an element…” Shiro accidentally murmured, then blinked as he caught the weirded out looks from Lance and Keith, “Er, basically it’s gonna help us find what we’re looking for.”
“Shiro, you didn’t exactly tell us what we’re looking for,” Keith pointed out, now looking annoyed, “This whole being mysterious and not telling us exactly what’s going on is starting to bug me. Not to mention you’ve been acting weird and bailed on the very mission that you thought was your everything…punching Iverson—“
“Kinda had it coming,” Shiro interrupted with a frown, but then shook his head, “I will explain, once we find Blue—“
“Good news and bad news, guys,” Ben came between them with a finger up, glancing at the both of them before speaking cheerfully, “Good news, I managed to contact Starfire and she’s kinda flying her way here.”
“And the bad news?” Shiro raised a brow while Ben looked sheepish.
“Gwen is out world at the moment. Apparently Kevin has dragged her into one of his car shows in another planet and won’t be back for a while,” Ben explained but then tilted his head, “If you tell me what you need Gwen for, maybe it will be better so I can tell her properly why she needs to come back to Earth.”
Shiro sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, before closing his eyes, “I need her magical expertise to check on something.”
“…I might know someone else that might be able to do that for you,” Ben suggested, as he had his hands on his hips and raised a brow at him, “But again, you’re gonna have to tell me why you need magical help? Since if I recall, you never believed in that sort of stuff.”
“…It’s to check if there’s a cure for my disease.”
Keith and Ben’s eyes widened at that, while Lance gasped and placed a hand over his mouth.
“You’re sick?” Lance asked, clearly worried with sympathy in his eyes, which Shiro ignored as he looked at Ben.
Ben sighed, “…Shiro…”
“Please? I have a feeling that there might be something that could.” Shiro pleaded, stepping forward to place a hand on Ben’s shoulder.
“…I’ve tried to tell you this option before. But you had shut me out every time I tried mentioning it, saying that I should stop calling you and meddle in your life.” He took a deep breath, but nodded as Ben turned away and wiped his eyes, “…Okay. Okay, I definitely will call someone that can help. She’s almost the same level as Gwen and might be able to help.”
Shiro’s eyes soften as he smiled, squeezing Ben’s shoulder, “Thank you…”
Lance and Keith looked awkward at the moment the two men shared, and Keith interrupted them with a cough.
“Er…okay, so, is it really that easy that someone could magically cure Shiro?” He asked.
Ben nodded, “Surprisingly there are things magic can spot that human technology and medicine can’t. Anyways, if we’re gonna do this, we’re gonna have to find a big space.”
“Um…why?” Lance wondered out loud with an apprehensive look, growing even more nervous when Ben grinned.
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The four young men stood outside of Keith’s home, the sandy winds blowing around them. Ben stepped forward, holding what seems to be a small notebook, and flipping it open. Reading it quietly, he raised a hand up, and spoke softly that the other three had to strain their hearing a bit to understand. 
“Esporow Via Esprolixas Capti Capters Few Sonmow Lenton Oway On Respicklas Lokis Lusses Via Astendus Ocultes Ienwua!”
And with a flash of lights, a very large double door appeared before them, almost looking like an entrance of a spooky castle. Shiro, Lance and Keith looked up in awe while Ben just smiled in satisfaction. While they were distracted, Ben walked over to the door and knocked on it, placing his hand over the door and then called out softly.
“Charmcaster. I know you’re there, and I definitely know the password to your door. So you better come out here unless you want me to barge in—“
“Tennyson, I swear to Legerdomain that you are a pain in my ass sometimes.”
Ben smiled as he looked over to the side to spot a young woman with silvery hair tied up in a high ponytail, light purple-bluish eyes and wearing what seems to be a magenta coat with purple at the ends, tight dark pants that matched with her aesthetic makeup she had on.
“Hey Charmy~” Ben greeted cheekily, before the woman snarled.
“I told you not to call me that,” She looked over at the three other males that were there, then looked back at Ben tiredly, “So, decided to ditch Gwendolyn and her guard dogs and replace them with hot men? What also happened to that handsome alien partner in blue that hung around you?”
“Har, har…and Rook has his own thing going on, so that’s that.” Ben rolled his eyes playfully before looking back at Charmcaster, “I need your help with something.”
“You always need my help with things~” Charmcaster purred as she stepped forward, running a finger down his chest, “Is it that time again—?”
“NOPE! Nope, n-not that,” Ben blushed as he took her hand and placed it down, coughing a bit before letting out a small chuckle, “No, ah, there’s someone I want you to check out.”
“Mmm, checking out people besides you~?”
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
“Tease~ As usual~”
Shiro narrowed his eyes at the two of them for a moment, but then blinked when Ben looked over at him, making Charmcaster look at him too.
“Charmy, this is Shiro. He wanted to have someone magical do a medical diagnosis on him.” Ben explained, and Charmcaster’s eyes sparkled with mischief for a moment, and Ben noticed, “Charmy, no—“
“Shiro~? Is it the very same one that you’ve talked about?” Charmcaster teased, already stepping up towards the taller male, observing him and hummed, “Fitter than Levin, and quite handsome than Rook. I can see why Tennyson is very interested in you~”
“You talk about me?” Shiro questioned, making Ben reach over and smack the witch with a frown.
“Now’s not the time to be playing, Charmcaster. Can you please check on him for me?”
Charmcaster huffed, but nodded as she then stepped back for a moment, raising her hands towards Shiro. Keith wanted to jump in, thinking she was going to attack but Lance stopped him and shook his head. The sorceress hummed as her eyes glowed, murmuring some sort of language as a light surrounded Shiro. To him, it felt warm, like he was being wrapped around blankets and coddled into comfort. After a minute or so, Charmcaster stopped, the light dying down from her hands and around Shiro.
“…Well?” Ben asked as Charmcaster looked over at him, raising a brow.
“…There’s nothing wrong with him?”
All the guys looked puzzled.
“What?” Keith asked suspiciously, before Ben shook his head.
“Um, no? From what I remember, Shiro has a degenerative muscle disease?”
“He’s right,” Shiro said with a serious look, “According to the doctors, with my muscular dystrophy, I only have a few years to go and I wouldn’t be able to pilot or go to space anymore.”
Charmcaster raised a brow at him, and chuckled, “Well, your silly doctors are wrong. There’s no disease in you…”
Shiro looked floored, “Are…are you sure?”
Charmcaster looked offended, “Are you saying my magic is wrong? Then you’re even dumber than I thought,”
“Hey!” Keith growled, before Shiro stopped him from trying to thwart her for that comment. 
“So, what? You’re saying…I’m healthy and have no signs of my disease in my body?”
Charmcaster nodded, “Yes. Maybe someone out there cured you already without you knowing~”
Shiro tried to wrack his brain for a moment, feeling like this didn’t make any sense. But then the memory of him almost dying, the strange man that had brought him back to this time—
Charmcaster froze at the name while Ben, Lance and Keith looked confused.
“Who?” Ben asked, as Shiro breathed out, looking towards Charmcaster.
“You know who he is, don’t you?”
“How do you know that name?”
Before Shiro could answer, a shadow casted over them and everyone looked up to see a flying red haired woman in purple landing before them, her glowing green eyes looking at them before smiling.
“Greetings!” She cheerfully said, but once she spotted Ben, she soon swooped in and brought him into a hug, “Friend Ben! How I have missed you!”
“A-ack! G-good to s-see you too S-starfire…” Ben choked out as he wriggled himself free from her, and breathed out softly with a friendly smile, “Ah, glad you found me. Er, sorry for dragging you out here but we need your help.”
“I shall offer my assistance to the best of my abilities~” She said in a voice of positivity, almost looking like an angel the way she smiled and the sun shining down on her figure.
Shiro was waiting for a moment for Lance to say something, but blinked when a minute passed by and heard nothing. He glanced over at the Cuban male for a moment, witnessing Lance looking to the side boredly next to Keith. Isn’t this the part where Lance slides in and flirts with a pretty girl? He would wonder, scratching his head.
Maybe he should say something?
Sliding next to Lance, he nudged him, “Don’t you think Starfire is pretty?”
Lance glanced over at the older male, then looked to Starfire, then back to him and shrugged, “She’s attractive, I guess?”
“You…guess?” Shiro asked in surprise, with Keith tilting his head and looking at him suspiciously.
“Why do you care what Lance thinks about some alien chick’s looks?” He asked slowly, and Shiro smiled sheepishly. 
‘How weird…maybe this is a good thing?’ Shiro thought to himself, glancing at Lance again, who was staring at Keith with a thoughtful gaze.
With Ben and Starfire still talking, the Tamaranian’s eyes then glanced over to Shiro and blinked, but then recognition shone in her eyes as she then softened, “Ah, you are—?”
“U-Um, it’s nice to see you again, Miss Starfire,” Shiro was quick to cut her off, not liking the sympathetic look she was giving him as he placed his hand out to her, “I asked Ben to call you here because I wished to ask you a few questions and help me find something hidden among this canyons.”
Starfire looked at the hand, then shook it kindly with a small smile, “Any friends of Friend Ben is a friend of mine. Tell me, what is it you wish to ask me?”
Shiro smiled a little, and took a deep breath. “Do you know about Voltron and the Galras?”
A gasp left Starfire as she released Shiro’s hand, looking at him appalled, “H-How do you know about—?”
“Let’s just say I have my sources. But it’s good that you might have knowledge about them and know why I’m asking?”
Starfire nodded slowly, “They are an advance alien species that are are known to work in terms of absolutes, with victory or death being a common motto and philosophy. Cruel and relentless, they are a race that you do not wish to go up against. They are even worse than the Gordanians…”
“Don’t…even know what those are?” Keith murmured, and Starfire didn’t look away from Shiro.
“Are you telling me you know the location of Voltron?”
“Yes. And the Galra are looking too. Luckily I might have an idea of where we can start looking before they do, but we’re in need of a machine to find it,” Shiro told her, and Lance raised his hand up, “Yes, Lance?”
“You said you need a machine…but since we have a witch with us—?”
Lance ignored Charmcaster for now.
“Don’t you think it’s easier to have her track whatever it is you’re looking for?”
Shiro blinked as he stared at the Cuban for a moment longer, before he smiled, “That’s…actually a good idea, Lance. That was really smart of you!”
Lance felt his face flush as he then rubbed the side of his neck bashfully, and Shiro couldn’t help but smile in pride. It was good that he has Lance here, the potential is still there.
Ben tilted his head and looked to the silvery haired girl, “So? Can you?”
“I can use my magic to track a lot of things…but it would be easier if I had some sort of sample of what I’m looking for~” Charmcaster said, placing her hand out as she stared at Shiro for a moment.
Shiro froze as he looked stumped for a moment. Right, how was he going to give something for her to locate the Blue Lion? He would think nervously, glancing around for a moment until his eyes landed on Keith. If he remembered correctly, Keith said that something had lead him to the canyons. Drawings and symbols leading him to where the Blue Lion could be—
Shiro looked back to Charmcaster and smirked, “First, we have to go near the canyons. Then you’ll understand.”
Everyone looked at each other at this, confused and somewhat intrigued. 
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“…Okay. I admit it…this is super freaky…” Lance murmured as everyone stood at the edge of a cliff, looking over at the large masses of rocks and mountains before them.
Charmcaster was floating for a moment, eyes glowing pink along with her hands as if being a human sonar. 
“Anything, Charmy?” Ben asked as he watched over her, and the woman breathed out finally after a minute.
“I have a lock on a strange signature. Follow me,” She murmured and floated downwards, and everyone soon followed.
Starfire stayed in the air to keep an eye on the sorceress, Ben also following by using a little power from his Omntrix. According to him, he had an upgrade on his watch, allowing him to borrow some of his aliens’ powers without transforming. It was both impressive and terrifying to Shiro how much Ben could use said powers. Keith and Lance also followed behind him, more cautious than anything, but somehow had faces on that looked like they felt something…familiar. 
Soon, everyone stopped when Charmcaster froze in place, looking down what seems to be an entrance to a cave.
“…We’re going in there?” Ben questioned, and Charmcaster started moving forward once more, and inside the cave, “…Yup, guess we are.”
A sigh escaped Shiro, knowing what was coming next and soon followed after the floating magic user, Ben and the rest behind him. As soon as they entered the cave, amazed sounds of gasping was heard from everyone…everyone except Charmcaster and Shiro.
Shiro, who knows what these were, wasn’t surprised in the least and had a fond smile on his face. Bingo, now all that’s left is for Lance to touch the walls of the Lion carvings…
He turned his head to see Lance already on it, curiously looking at a chipped drawing of a lion and running his hands over the markings. Shiro waited with baited breath for the walls to light up the familiar blue luminous light that would lead them to Blue…but his smile fell when nothing happened. He didn’t understand, wasn’t it Lance that triggered that awakening to Blue?
“Wow, these are…amazing…” Keith murmured, reaching out to brush some sand off one drawing, seeing the drawing of the lion.
It was then that a loud roar was heard, and Keith’s eyes widened when he saw that the drawing started to glow. Standing back, he looked around and saw all the drawings on the walls started lighting up, almost scaring everyone. Shiro had to double take looking at Keith, now even more confused.
‘Keith triggered Blue…?’
And suddenly, the ground shook under them and gave way, each one of them falling down like some sort of waterslide further into the cave. Starfire gasped, flying after them along with Charmcaster to grab them before they hurt themselves. She managed to catch Ben, while Charmcaster caught Shiro…although sadly Lance and Keith fell with a thud into some puddle of water, landing on each other. A groan escaped the two teens before they realised they were entangled with one another and quickly moved away from each other.
Keith slapped his reddening cheeks for a moment, but then his eyes caught sight of what seemed to be a gigantic force field that was holding an EVEN MORE GIANT ROBOT LION!
“Is this it?” Starfire asked, in awe and looking it over with a hint of excitement in her voice, “Is this the Voltron?”
“Part of it…” Shiro murmured, then saw Ben was staring at him and coughed, “T-there seems to be a force field around it. Lance, feel anything weird about it?”
“Huh?” Caught off guard being called out, Lance raised a brow, “Er, nooooo?”
Shiro blinked, looking back up at Blue then looking back at Lance, “You sure? You don’t feel like the eyes are, like, totally following you?”
Lance folded his arms, raising a brow, “No, I didn’t. Why are you asking me that?”
Keith stepped forward as he looked at the lion for a moment, then felt his heart race. For some reason, he felt like the lion was looking at him. The dark haired teen moved himself to the left, then sliding to the right, frowning a bit as he was very much feeling the eyes on him. Going closer to the force field, he hesitated. Then, he raised a fist, taking a deep breath.
“How are we going to get through the barrier?” Ben asked as he stood next to Keith, ignoring how Shiro and Lance were going back and forth behind them.
“M-Maybe we can knock?” Keith said awkwardly, hoping to come out as a joking manner, and even knocked on the force field for a second, “Heh, guess it didn’t work—“
His eyes widened when something shocked his hand, a light coming from the barrier as Keith stepped away. Before Ben could ask if he was alright, his eyes widened as he witnessed the force field melting away and the room light up with magical blue light. Both of them looked down when the ground shook, seeing how strange markings were appearing under them.
Shiro stopped and turned slowly to Keith and Ben, but mostly staring at Keith.
‘Blue…chose Keith? That can’t be right!’
But he then gasped when something was entering his mind, and knew then and there that Blue was communicating with them. 
‘Hello Black Paladin…it is good to see you once more.’
“What…?” Shiro said out loud, staring at the beast and then gulped, “You…recognise me?”
‘You may look young, but your soul is the very same one as before. Before you and the other Paladins sent us away when the Princess died.’
Shiro winced, but then looked confused, “Wait…do…are you from the time in my future?”
The purring is all the answer he needed. And he won’t question it right now. But this means that Yellow and Green are going to be pretty mad that their Paladins are not here this time around. Glancing at the others, he saw that they were slack-jawed and unmoving, almost as if time stopped for them. Blue must be giving the same vision that she did before, explaining who she is and what Voltron is.
Good, this gave him a bit of time.
“Why did you open for Keith and not Lance?” Shiro questioned, raising a brow at Blue, “He’s your paladin, isn’t he?”
‘While Lance is indeed my Chosen, because of you coming back to the past, things have changed. Thus, I have decided to bestow Keith as my new Chosen in this lifetime…’
Shiro didn’t understand, “But…why?”
That, Blue didn’t answer. And it frustrated Shiro so.
“Okay, don’t answer. So, are we going to head to Arus and meet Princess Allura and Coran in the Castle of Lions now?”
‘Yes. All seven of you will go.’
Confusion coloured Shiro’s face. Seven?
He had to count everyone in the room, and pursed his lips.
“Er, Blue? There’s six of us…?”
Suddenly, Blue roared once more and making everyone jump in surprise, including Shiro. It was then there was a sound of a girly shriek was heard somewhere around the cave, then a splash of water. Turning around, he soon found a blonde haired girl in all brown, orange and yellow sitting on the ground, wincing as she rubbed her back and butt with a pout.
‘Who is this?’ Shiro wondered, looking at the girl before a gasp left Keith.
The girl looked up at the sound of the name, her eyes widened in fear and looked like she was about to run.
“Wait!” Shiro called before Starfire flew past her and tackled the blonde girl to the ground, “Starfire, what—“
“TERRA!” Starfire shouted to her face, but then started crying big fat tears as she wrapped her arms around the freaked out girl, curling around her into a big, tight hug, “OH MY FRIEND, I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONE! A-AND FRIEND BEAST BOY SAID THAT YOU LOST YOUR MEMORIES AND, AND, AND—“
“S-star…y-your hugs are a-as suffocating a-as ever…” Terra choked out as she was trying to wriggle her way out of the Tamaranian girl’s arms, and sighed in relief when she was let go.
Keith took one step as his eyes narrowed, and Terra caught the look with a skittish look.
“Terra…is that you?”
“Keith…” The girl breathed out, standing up shakily as she had her hands onto her chest as if shielding herself, “I…I didn’t think I’d be seeing you again…”
“Why are you here?” He asked, looking like he was holding back some anger as he tried to keep calm.
Terra’s eyes saddened, but then looked up at the Lion before looking at everyone seriously, “I-I felt some weird energy level here. It called out to me and I followed it…although I wasn’t expecting to have some company here. Especially you, Keith…”
Shiro felt confused. Was this girl here before they found Blue?
Lance coughed, before speaking out loud, “Did…anyone else see that?” 
Charmcaster raised a brow as she looked at Lance weirdly, “See what?”
“Voltron is a robot!” Ben exclaimed, waving his hands in the air in excitement, “Voltron is a HUGE, HUGE, AWESOME ROBOT!”
"And this is only one part of it!” Terra said out loud, shocking Shiro for a moment as she continued with a hum, “I wonder where the rest of them are?”
‘Did…did Blue show her too?’ Maybe that was why Blue said that the seven of them are going. This just got more interesting, but complicated. 
Starfire frowned, looking somewhat lost, “I did not see anything?”
“Neither did I…?” Charmcaster also spoke up, which had Shiro thinking for a moment.
‘So Starfire and Charmcaster didn’t get shown anything by Blue. Only me, Ben, Lance, Keith…and probably this Terra girl that just showed up.’ He thought with a hum, tapping his chest while his arms are folded. But what did this mean for Voltron now? Were Ben and Terra possible Paladins now?
Shiro decided to leave those thoughts away for now. Right now, they had to leave.
The Blue Lion let out another purring sound, lowering her head in front of Keith. Surprise coloured the shaggy haired male’s face, watching how the robotic feline open her mouth to allow him inside. Keith stared, but then confidently walked in, the others following him inside. This included Terra, who stared at Keith’s back worriedly.
It made Shiro wonder what was her history with Keith?
Walking into the Lion, they noticed the inside looked a lot like a ship’s, and Keith was familiar with that scenery as he enters what seems to be the cockpit when another set of sliding doors opened up for him. He saw the single chair, smirked and took a seat. Suddenly, the seat slid forward, shocking Keith as he soon saw the dashboard light up before him, watching how a lot of holo-screens appeared before his eyes and how the command console activated.
“Wow…” Keith breathed out, seeing how the steering handles for a pilot just appeared before him, “This is so cool…”
“Ooookay, I dunno if I should state the obvious or not: but, is no one in here sort of freaked out that we are inside of a big ass cat’s head?” Terra asked everyone with a weirded out look.
Keith stared at her for a moment before he gasped, feeling warmth all over his head and down to his legs. It was as if he was feeling someone tapping at his mind and picture after picture was being presented before his mental cranium and…a voice talking to him.
“Er, d-did you guys hear that?” Keith asked, and Lance looked over at him strangely.
“Hear…what?” The cuban male asked.
“I-I think it’s talking to me?” Keith murmured, as he looked at the dashboard and then to his steering wheel.
“She. And yes, she is talking to you,” Shiro pointed out helpfully, making Ben stare at him weirdly.
“And how would you know that, exactly?” Ben questioned with narrowed eyes, as Shiro looked sheepish.
Keith didn’t hear them as he continued to stare at his console, then to the front window that was already showing the inside of the cave they are currently in. Humming for a moment, he curiously reached out to the bright keys in front of him, tapping onto it. It was then that Blue suddenly got up, stretching her limps and started making a move. Everyone inside held on with shouts of surprise, and Keith grinned once gripping both his controllers.
“Okay. Got it. Now let’s try this~” He chuckled, soon pushing his arms forward with eyes ablaze, forcing Blue to move as well. 
With a mighty roar, the mechanical lion soon broke free from it’s prison, smashing out of the cavern walls and off into the sky. Giving a small somersault, jet blasters from it’s paws activated, and the Lion soon was flying even higher up in to the sky.  Screams were heard inside of the cockpit, Keith’s eye twitch when both Lance and Terra were hugging around his head and gripping his hair, Starfire and Charmcaster pressed against the walls with their eyes closed and Shiro gripping his arms around Ben protectively while Ben’s eyes were wide and face flushed. 
“K-Keith! Slow down! Th-this isn’t the s-simulatoooOOOOOORRRRR—“ Lance was screaming as Keith kept making loop-de-loops with Blue and suddenly blasting off even faster.
Keith was smirking the whole time as everyone still was yelling for him to stop, in particular Terra expressing she was going to barf, and continued to fly. This was the most fun he’s had in a long time, no way he was going to stop now!
“Isn’t this awesome!?” Keith yelled out with a smile, and Lance had to move his head to the side as if finding a place to blow chunks or two.
“Make it stop! Please, make it the stop!” Starfire cried out with comical tears, as Keith laughed.
“I’m not making it do anything~ It’s mostly on auto-pilot~” Keith teased, as Lance snapped his head up and glared at him.
“Keith, you son of a bi—“
“Oops, can’t hear you, Blue seems to want to fly up again~”
More screams were heard as Blue was soaring high in the sky once more, but then Keith frowned when he looked down at the controllers.
“K-Keith?” Shiro asked, as Blue finally slowed down, but it seems they were not in Earth’s atmosphere anymore, “Keith, what is it?”
“The Blue Lion is telling me something…” He responded, as Lance looked at him in disbelief. 
“The Lion is…talking to you? What exactly is she saying?”
Keith raised a brow at him for a moment and huffed.
“I-It’s not like she’s saying words per se…more like she’s feeding me ideas in my head…”
Shiro looked curious then asked Keith, “What is Blue saying?”
“Blue wants to go home…but where is her home?”
Shiro knew that this was going to happen. As soon as Blue was free, it was only a matter of time that she would want to reunite with the other lions and meet with the Princess and Coran in the Castle of Lions. Thing was, Arus was pretty much a wormhole away at the edge of the solar system, and way past Kerberos. Meaning once they leave, there was no way they could get back to Earth for a long while.
“…Guys, I have a confession to make…” 
Everyone looked to Shiro for a moment, their expressions mixed with curiosity and caution. 
“Where we’re about to go…it’s gonna be even farther than you’ve ever gone.” He was mostly speaking to Ben for this part, but Shiro looked to everyone and sighed, “Before we fly any further, I want you to know that you don’t have to be here. We can easily fly you back down and you can walk away from this. Forget about this all happening and go on with your own lives. Because from here on out…your lives will be at risk.”
Shiro hoped at least Lance and Keith will stay and come with him to Arus, but he wasn’t going to force them if somehow they didn’t want to go to space and leave Earth. Shiro knew in his heart of hearts how Lance valued family above all else, like Hunk. 
He even had to loosen his grip on Ben just to show that he wasn’t holding him back either.
Ben stared up at him for a moment before smiling, “You talk as if I haven’t been far out of the galaxy before. Wherever you’re going, I’m in.”
Relief washed over Shiro at that moment, smiling down at Ben fondly.
Keith gripped his wheels, as he then breathed out, “I’m already in even if you didn’t say all that. You’re my family, Shiro. There’s no point being on Earth if you’re not around. Besides, who else is going to keep me in line when I get into trouble?” He teased, grinning up at the man.
Shiro chuckled, then looked to everyone else, “W-well?”
Starfire clasped her hands together, looking starry eyed as she smiled, “I would be honoured to join this voyage with you all. Besides, it would be good to stop by Tamaran if I can.”
“What about the Titans?” Shiro asked, ignoring the way Terra tensed up, and Starfire looked awkward for a moment.
“The…Titans are disbanded temporarily.”
Shiro decided not to question any further than that. He looked to Lance this time, and he looked worried. Lance was awfully quiet, and he looked like he was contemplating on his choices. Shiro’s heart squeezed, knowing that Lance was thinking of his family in Cuba. Especially with Veronica being in the Garrison, probably looking for him right at this moment.
“Lance, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to…I won’t force you or think any less of you…”
The brown haired male glanced up at his hero, his eyes wide and something flicked in those blue rises of his. Pursing his lips and narrowing his eyes, he soon straightened, huffing a little.
“I’m a Cadet of the Galaxy Garrison. And we do not quit on a mission. As this is my mission and you are my captain, I will follow you without question. I trust you.”
Shiro felt like he heard these words before, and he felt his whole being break remembering those were Lance’s last words to him.
“I’m a Paladin of Voltron, Shiro. We do not give up! Even if you are part of ATLAS, you’re still my leader. I will follow you to even hell and back if I have to. I trust you.”
“S-shiro? A-are you okay?”
Shiro didn’t even realise that his eyes welled up, quickly reaching to wipe his eyes and smiled weakly at the worried Lance, “I-I’m okay. Just…touched that you trust me.”
“W-well yeah! You’re my hero, after all,” Lance then placed a hand over his mouth and flusters, looking embarrassed that he said that out loud.
Keith saw this and rolled his eyes, but kept the Blue Lion steady.
Shiro smiled, but then glanced over at the remaining people and softened, “And you two?”
Charmcaster was immediate.
“I’m gone.”
And with a magical poof, she actually vanished into thin air, leaving a dust of pink behind.
Ben looked amused, “She does this. But she’ll back…when she’s bored, at least.”
Shiro looked unsure, “What makes you say that?”
Ben grinned as he was then holding up what seems to be a small raggedy pouch of some kind, “Because there’s no way she’d leave me with her magical bag full of unwanted secrets with me~”
Terra almost looked impressed, “Snagged it from her while she wasn’t looking?”
Starfire gasped, “Is that not stealing?”
Ben whistled, twirling the bag around his finger with the strings, “Well, it’s not stealing. More like borrowing~”
Ignoring that for now, Shiro looked to Terra, and waited for her answer with a look, “And you?”
Keith snorted, “Don’t bother, Shiro. If she wants to leave, she can leave. It’s all she’s good at anyways.”
Terra looked at him with narrowed eyes, then placed her hands on her hips as she looked at Shiro coolly, “You know what? Not like I have any place to be, so count me in~”
Keith quirked a brow at her, glaring at her with annoyance while Terra turned to him and stuck her tongue out to annoy him further. Lance glanced at the two of them weirdly but looked over to Shiro, who was just watching them in confusion.
“Sooooo…I guess everyone, minus one that left, are all on board,” Lance noted as he looked at the other man, “Shiro, you’re our senior officer here. What’s our next move?”
Everyone looked towards the man as Shiro then took a deep breath, looking out the window. 
“The Blue Lion knows where to go. I say we trust it…but we're a team now. We should decide together.”
Ben smiled, “My vote never changed.”
“Mine either,” Keith agreed, and it seemed Starfire and Terra also agreed along with Lance, “We trust you.”
Shiro nodded, relaxing a little, “Okay…I guess we’re out of here.”
Once he said this, Keith soon pushed his controllers forward, the Lion soon zooming into the skies and out of Earth’s atmosphere. This surprised most of them except Ben and Shiro, the two already used to space (With Ben being a hero and Shiro…well, from the future and all).
“Amazing. It would take a long trip to travel this far off the galaxy,” Starfire pointed out as she saw the planet that was Kerberos passing by them, “But we are here in a tick…”
Shiro caught this and snapped at her, “You…know that word?”
“What is a tick?” Lance asked as Starfire tilted her head.
“I believe in your Earth terms, it is a measurement of time?”
Shiro didn’t like how his stomach turned at that, but focused on Keith’s piloting when he spotted it.  A glowing blue wormhole appeared in front of them, and Shiro knew that this was it. There was no going back after this.
“You ready?” Shiro asked Keith, who smirked.
“Look who you’re talking to~” Keith soon made Blue go forward, the Lion speeding towards the portal and disappeared through it.
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After a few rumbles and tumbles from Blue, everyone was holding on tightly in the confined space they were in as they exited the portal. 
Keith breathed out slowly, blinking his eyes as he looked around, “W-wow…that…was…”
A groan and a hurling sound was heard at his left, Keith closing his eyes with a wince as Terra threw up at the side. Everyone else also looked away with a disgusted look, Terra then finishing with a small apology while holding her sides. 
“Surprised she took this long…” Keith murmured before looking out once more to the window and blinked, “Woah…”
“I don’t recognise any of these constellations…” Starfire murmured as she looked around, Ben also looking around and agreeing with her.
“Okay, maybe this is a part of the galaxy I haven’t been yet. Maybe it’s even farther than Revonnah…we must be a long, long way from Earth…”
“I think the Lion wants to go to that planet over there,” Keith pointed out to everyone as he spotted what seems to be a beautiful looking planet that almost looked like Earth, and Blue was speeding over, “I think…I think this is her home.”
Everyone braced themselves as the Blue Lion was hitting past the atmosphere, growing red hot as she never slowed down one bit, as if excited to be coming home to this unknown planet. But Shiro knew. He knew and was smiling brightly as they got closer. Passed the skies and down to look at the land below.
“Guys, personal space,” Keith murmured as everyone seemed squished against him as he piloted the Lion, then glared at Terra close to him, “Terra, your breath is killing me.”
"Um, is it just me or is anyone else having second thoughts about flying through a mysterious wormhole?” The blonde murmured and then narrowed her eyes at Keith, “Why are we listening to a robotic Lion anyway"?
“This Lion happened to take us to her home planet. So I suggest you shut up and stop complaining. You agreed to come with anyways,” Keith argued, and Lance sighed.
“Don’t be mean to her, Keith, she was just asking…case you haven’t noticed, not everyone is used to being inside a strange robot cat taking us to who knows where?”
Keith looked up at him and cocked a brow, “Ohh, you scared?”
“With you in the helm? Terrified.” Lance said coolly.
"All right, knock it off! We all agreed that we do this together and I know that it’s not a happy situation,“ Shiro interjected between them, trying to calm them down, “But we're here now. If we want to get through this, we've got to do it as a team. Okay?“ 
“Sooo, what do we do?” Ben asked curiously.
“First, we are letting Blue lead us to where she needs to go,” The Castle of Lions should be close by…He added in his mind then glanced over at Keith, “Keith? Is Blue saying anything to you?”
“No, she’s pretty quiet right now.” Keith said with a shrug, and Lance hummed a little, but then blinked when he looked up and leaned over Keith, who then blushed and looked up at the Cuban, “W-what are you—?”
“Guys! There’s a Castle up ahead!”
Everyone looked up and indeed, there was a beautiful view of what seemed to be a shining modernised Castle that was perched on top of some mountain that was nearby what seems to be a beautiful seaside. Shiro felt his eyes well up at seeing the view of the Castle of Lions, his heart yearning. We made it. We’re home, he would think to himself as Blue was zooming to land outside of the Castle, carefully placing their paws on the ground. Somehow, with a purr from Blue, the Castle suddenly lit up in bright blue lights, just like back in the cave.
“Wow!” Starfire and Terra were in awe, and Ben whistled.
“Neat trick,” He stated, but then turned serious with a pursed lips, “…Maybe we should keep our guard up?”
Lance looked over at him, “Something wrong?”
“Who knows what lies inside this Castle. Friend, or foe?”
Shiro sighed as he placed a hand on Ben’s shoulder, “I can assure you, they are friends. Let’s get going.”
Ben wanted to question Shiro, but one by one, everyone was getting out of the Blue Lion and staring right in front of some large doors with some sort of symbol on it. Suddenly, Blue straightened up and roared out loud, causing everyone but Shiro to tense up as if readying for a fight. But they soon turned around when the same doors were glowing brightly and soon opened wide for them.
“Ohhh…the door is open,” Terra breathed out before looking over at Blue, “Heh, s-sorry, thought you were going to eat us.”
Shiro soon rushed forward and started making a beeline to where he knew the Princess and Coran were, and Ben couldn’t help but follow after him. This also caused the rest of them to follow, wondering how in the world Shiro knew where to go? 
‘There’s a lot that Shiro isn’t telling us,’ Ben thought in his head, seeing how Shiro skidded to a halt.
It was then a beam of light appeared as the vestibule activates, Shiro remaining calm while the others sort of freaked out.
“Hold for identity scan.”
“W-what is going on?!” Keith exclaimed as he felt himself being scanned, looking around, “Who goes there?What do you want with us?!”
“Keith, calm down. The Castle is just trying to identify us.” Shiro murmured quietly, and then blinked when it finished scanning and started to light up another hallway for them.
“Welcome, Paladins of Voltron.”
Shiro smiled a little, before making his way down the halls, ignoring the look of suspicion from both Ben and Keith. Either way, yhe lights in the hallway started to glow warmly, the team then started to walk down the lit hallway and down a flight of steps. Soon, they ended up in what seems to be a chamber of some sort of strange looking pillars in them.
Shiro was immediate as he went to the centre of the room and looked over some console, while Ben looked around.
“Where are we? Some kind of control room?"
“Princess Allura…” Shiro murmured as he pressed a button on the console, watching two strange pods rise from the ground, “Hope you and Coran had a good sleep…”
“Alright, Shiro, I think I had enough. Tell us what the heck is going on,” Keith finally snapped and walked by Shiro, who looked over in confusion, “It’s like you know all of this. Like, you’ve been here before?”
Shiro softened and was about to say something until he heard a noise and snapped his head to see four more pods rise from the ground. This caused him to frown, as he remembered in the past these ones were empty. But apparently there seem to be people inside them as well. Alteans? Maybe…
“A-are these guys…dead?” Lance squeaked out in fright, but one of the pods started to open.
Shiro expected Allura’s pod to open, but it was one of the new ones as the glass melted away to reveal a blonde girl with a braid dressed in green. She looked…human.
She gasped, her eyes opening to reveal them to be of obsidian coloured, reaching her hand out and yelled, “Wally!”
Ben was quick to move as he opened his arms out and caught her, the young woman falling into his arms. Shiro was alerted for a moment, almost wanting to step forward but the other pods were opening. Soon, another pod opened to reveal a very young Asianboy in a hoodie, stumbling onto his knees and hands as he then was gasping for air. The next pod opened to reveal another blonde haired girl, this time her hair was down past her shoulders and held back by a black hairband, dressed what seems to be a Wonder Woman shirt and red jogging pants. The last pod opened to reveal some red haired rugged man with almost glowing ruby eyes, in a brown trench coat and even stranger clothes underneath.
Shiro…didn’t know any of these people.
“W-what…where am I?” The woman in Ben’s arms murmured, holding her head, “What the heck happened?”
“You’re…in a Castle. In another planet. Um, hi, I’m Ben.” The brunet introduced himself with a small smile, and the blonde looked up with a squint of her eyes.
“…You’re not Wally.”
“No, I am not. May I ask your name?”
Suddenly, Ben yelped when he found himself in a restraining hold, twisting her arm over his neck and looking at everyone else in the room.
“Stay back! Are you part of The Reach?!“
“The what?!” Lance yelped as he placed his hands up, almost wanting to step forward to stop her, “No! Let him go! W-we’re just passing through! We don’t know anything!”
“Gambit feels like a Sentinel has hit Gambit over the head one too many times,” The strange red haired man spoke in a deep Cajun accent, rubbing his head before looking around with confusion, “…This isn’t Genosha?”
“Artemis!?!” The other blonde girl there squeaked as she flew over and then placed her fists up to stand in front of the girl holding Ben, “Alright, you Reach scum! You’re not taking us or our home planet!”
Keith was already pulling what seems to be a knife from his jacket, and Shiro was also readying for a fight.
The young teenage boy in the hoodie just was rubbing his head before he looked around, before narrowing his eyes, “…I think everyone should calm down for a moment.”
“What’cha say, short stuff?!” The floating blonde girl looked over at him with a glare, while the boy looked up and gave her the stink eye, which made her flinch back with an unsure look.
“I mean, why are you guys going all aggro the moment waking up in…what I believe are Sleep Chambers,” The boy looked back to where he had come out from and then hummed, “Well, never thought I would be abducted by aliens at the age of fourteen. Sort of thought that would happen later on after I finished my brother’s nerd school—“
“Yo-you’re not abducted,” Shiro spoke up as he managed to calm down too, glancing at the one called Artemis holding Ben hostage, “W-what exactly do you remember before waking up…um—?”
“Hiro. Hiro Hamada,” The boy introduced himself as he looked to Shiro, “You seem to be the ring leader for this operation, correct?”
“Uh, I wouldn’t call myself a ring leader per se…” Shiro murmured before Hiro rolled his eyes.
“Anyways, the last thing I was remember was I was in a science fair with my brother and his friends along with my Aunt. I won and was going to go out to celebrate, but I hung back to double check on my invention one last time. I was the last to leave the building that held a lot of upcoming students’ projects but somehow the building was set on fire. Next thing I knew was I was knocked out and ended up here…”
“C-Can you please let me go now?” Ben tapped at the woman’s arm, before he yelped and was dropped to the ground and the blonde raised a brow.
“My name is Artemis. I’m a former protege of Green Arrow and I was supposed to be with the Justice League and The Team behind them to take down an alien race called the Reach…last thing I remember was watching my boyfriend get fried by some weird machine and I rushed in to push him out of the way and…nothing.”
“Wait, Green Arrow has another protege besides Arsenal?” Ben tilted his head, but then yelped when Artemis glared down at him.
“Arsenal? Do you mean Red Arrow or the real Speedy?”
“Who’s Red Arrow? And….real Speedy?”
Artemis shook her head before looking at the other blonde girl and softened, “Cassie, what are you even doing here? Do you remember what happened?”
Cassie looked sheepish for a moment before shaking her head, “I-I dunno. One minute I was with Robin taking down the Reach’s machines and army and then got a message about Kid Flash, Flash and Impulse being in trouble. I was going to fly to their location when I was zapped and…blacked out too…”
“You know of Robin?” Starfire asked curiously before Cassie looked over and nodded.
“He’s…my teammate,” She looked flushed for a second before coughing, then turned serious, “A-anyways, um, who are the rest of you guys? I only know Artemis since we work with the Justice League.”
“There’s no way you work with the Justice League,” Ben pointed out, “I’ve never met you two before.”
Artemis glared at him, “What? We do work with the Justice League. Who are you to say that?”
“I’ve worked with them plenty of times and I’ve never met you nor your Wonder Woman fangirl here,” Ben pointed to Cassie before looking at Artemis with a grin, “I’m Ben Tennyson. Or Ben 10, ya know, saved the universe a billion times~?”
“…Never heard of you.” Artemis huffed as she stared at him, arms folded. 
Suddenly, a whistle sounded and the strange man in the trench reached a hand up, signalling everyone’s attention.
“Ah, je suis tres desole for interrupting. But Gambit thinks that the other pods are opening,” He pointed to one that was already melting the glass away, and soon was making the move, “La tête haute~!”
He had shoved Lance out of the way when a strange mocha color-skinned woman with white hair and in a dress was reaching her hand out with a gasp, whispering out ‘Father!’ with a breathless tone, and Gambit soon caught her in his arms in time before she fell to the ground.
Shiro almost balked at this, knowing that it wasn’t Lance who caught Allura this time around, but a total stranger. Lance groaned as he was rubbing his butt since he fell when pushed away, Keith walking over and looking over at him, asking if he was okay.
"Who are you? Where am I?" The woman in his arms questioned, looking around for a moment before her eyes landed in front of the red head.
 “Remy LeBeau, chérie. But you can call me Gambit~”
The woman narrowed her eyes up at him, then tilted her head, almost confusing Gambit. She was quiet for a moment, but then blinked she looked into his eyes again, and felt her face flush.
“…Goodness, your eyes?”
Gambit chuckled, giving a charming smile, “Gambit knows. Eyes are attractive, non~?”
Suddenly, she soon brought him into a headlock, but somehow she squeaked when he turned it around on her before holding her in a princess carry.
“Ah, ah, ah, Princesse. There’s no need for violence~” Gambit smiled casually as the woman struggled.
"Who are you? Where is King Alfor? What are you doing in my Castle?" She interrogated with a yell, as she tried to break loose from Gambit’s grip.
“Princess Allura calm down!” Shiro approached this time, raising his hands up as he looked to her, “My name is Shiro. Blue brought us here, and we need to find the other lions and quickly before the Galra find out.”
“You know my name—Wait! You have the Blue Lion? What happened to it’s Paladin? What are you all doing here? Unless... How long has it been?" Allura gasped as she looked around then back at the strangers before her, and then felt her heart drop, “No…”
Shiro softened, as he breathed out, “It’s been ten thousand years, Allura. Sorry, but as much as it’s a lot to take in, I’m afraid we don’t have time to explain everything.”
“Oh, I think it’s the perfect time to speak about everything,” Ben spoke up as he looked up at Shiro, “You know more about this than you’re letting on…so start talking.”
Shiro sighed, knowing that Ben was right.
“Alright…I’ll come clean. Let’s…sit down so I can explain everything.”
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//So what do you guys think? Do you think I should continue this story? Or should I just stick to writing Quirks and Miracles only? Let me know what you guys think~! Leave a comment below or feel free to message me on questions or anything else of this story. Thank you and have a wonderful rest of your day~!
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