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giveamadeuschohisownmovie · 8 months ago
Deadpool and Wolverine might actually be the best love letter to Marvel that I’ve seen.
On a meta level, the movie feels like it was written in response to people dismissing the Marvel properties that aren’t the MCU. The MCU is the “Sacred Timeline” while everyone else gets thrown into the trash aka the Void. Wade even tried to become an Avenger because he feels that his life doesn’t matter. Then, Wade gets a chance to join the MCU. Of course, he’s thrilled, but is then told that the rest of his universe is getting destroyed since they lost its “anchor” (aka it lost its relevance). So, Wade decides to fight for his universe.
On a surface level, you can read this movie as a criticism of the MCU in that it’s treating the only stories worth a damn as the ones coming from that universe. But I don’t think that’s the case. I mean, first off, this was made by Marvel Studios. Feige and Co had to sign off on this and a great deal of the plot stems from the Loki show. Second, the movie felt more like it was trying to say that ALL Marvel stories matter. It’s not really criticizing the MCU, it’s criticizing how audiences view the Marvel movies/shows that aren’t the MCU. The “why should I care about this movie if it doesn’t lead to the next Avengers movie” attitude.
That’s why I say this was the best love letter to Marvel I’ve seen. It’s a celebration of the company’s works, both MCU and non-MCU. You can see that from the Easter eggs, the cameos, the nods to the fandom, and the emphasis on forgotten characters getting a chance at redemption. Even the jabs at the company and fanbase feel like they come from a place of love.
But what really sold me on this movie being a love letter to Marvel was the ending. Instead of a tease to a potential De4dpool movie, it was a montage of the development of the Fox Marvel movies (I can’t say X-Men since clips of the Fantastic Four were there). On one side, it’s a touching send-off to the Fox X-Men franchise. On the other side, it felt like a reminder of why people love Marvel to begin with. It’s these people - actors, writers, directors, producers - coming together to make these entertaining stories for us, to bring the comics to life on the big screen. It’s like Ryan Reynolds was telling us to take a step back from all the conspiracy theorizing, nitpicking, and fanbase drama for a couple of hours, that we should just enjoy this Marvel movie as it is.
And it worked. It was genuinely just a fun, awesome movie to watch. If we’re using the MCU-as-a-TV-show-analogy that people love using, Deadpool and Wolverine is the 100th episode that is made dedicated to the fans and celebrating the show as a whole. It’s a fanservice movie done right, one that goes beyond just references and cameos.
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xbuzzybee · 1 month ago
see personally, i think that anthony mackie is the perfect next CAP. and i truly cannot come up with a single reason to why anyone would think otherwise except for he is a black man!
you’re weird. mackie is an amazing actor. if anything, the writing will prob be bad cuz hey, what marvel movie has been good since no way home? but mackie can nail it as captain america.
also, canonically, steve rogers WANTED sam to be cap. Steve saw something in sam. so canonically, even og cap thinks he’ll rule as new world cap.
leave it and your racism at the door.
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amalgamatus · 2 years ago
I know it's hard cause his comics are from, like, the 90s at the latest and kinda hard to find unless you go into shady sites or find used copies, but what I need people to understand —at least until Across The Spiderverse part 2 comes out and proves otherwise— is that Miguel O'Hara is a severely depressed guy who comes from a background of abuse. His stepfather was incredibly abusive, he was bullied his whole childhood and he has at least 2 half siblings he found out about later in life who hate him, one for being Spiderman and the other for being himself. He's never had any sort of stability- especially not familial stability. He's reclusive and self destructive, he isolates himself and ruins his relationships with others either because of his isolation or because he's actively self-sabotaging. And that's all without the addition of the child for the sad backstory.
Then, in Across The Spiderverse, he had a seemingly perfect life waved right in front of his face, like the universe —both his own and that perfect one— is taunting him with what he's never been allowed to have, but also giving him a chance to just take it, to finally have that without any extra effort needed. I'm not at all surprised by his actions and the choice he made, and I can't wait to see how that goes in Part 2.
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bluesmcu · 2 months ago
guys help I cant stop thinking about the lyrics “scary? my god you’re divine.” cuz it’s LITERALLY agathario.
Agatha asking Rio to show her true form, which shes never shown Agatha before. Rio keeps saying no because all of her time existing everyone has been scared of her true form hence why she takes people in her “human” looking form most of the time. but after a lot of flirtatious convincing Agatha gets Rio to show her true form. and when Rio does she turns away scared. shes worried that Agatha will get scared like all the others and leave her. but no Agatha grabs Rio’s chin moving Rio’s face to look at hers and all she says is “beautiful.” with a big smile on her face and she kisses Rio’s jaw where the skull part is. And from that point on Rio has never felt more loved. Agatha was the only person to ever fully accept Rio for who she was. (till she took Nicky)
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months ago
My DC humour comics list for my reading order is massive. Ambush Bug, Angel and the Ape, Captain Carrot, the Inferior Five, 'Mazing Man, Blue Devil, all the DC animated tv show tie-in comics, Tiny Titans and like 80% of all the DC Zoom imprint graphic novels. That's a lot. By comparison, my Marvel list is paltry. We have Not Brand Echh, Spider-Ham, Howard the Duck, and maybe Squirrel Girl (once i get around to adding her stuff to my list). That's three characters and one parody/satire series from the 60s. That's not nearly enough. So i'm just gonna break down my tastes for people, and I will one day force someone to help me make this list (if only so my brain will be satisfied with having it stored in my phone).
I like humour comics in any era. But while I enjoy serious comics in the 60s, 70s and early 80s, I refuse to read any mainstream, serious superhero stuff after 1985/1986. I won't do it. So i need to know about humour comics from at least 1990-Today in terms of Marvel. Is modern Howard the Duck worth it, or does it all spit in the faces of Steve Gerber and Bill Mantlo's 80s masterpiece? Is deadpool worth it for someone who doesn't like heavy amounts of gore? Is Ms. Marvel too tied in to mainline comic events for me to read it, with my strict parameters? Is the Great Lakes Avengers any good? These are the things I need guidance on. Can anybody help me here?
I'm gonna tag all the Marvel related blogs I think i'm mutuals with, because that's at least one way to try and forcibly gain recommendations. Usually I wouldn't be this pushy online, but i think i'm getting desperate for answers. And before I forget, here's some characters i don't like (for reasons too long to get into here): blade, moon knight, mockingbird, the punisher. There's four characters I won't touch (unless they're minor pieces in another book, wherein i might tolerate them while grumbling). So with that in mind, the floor is yours: @marvel-and-moor @v4guelyv4mpiric @c00c00pig @munchkinmarauder @one-blaze-of--glory (took me forever to realize your blog name changed) and... I want to say @daresplaining? I don't remember if we're mutuals, but we talked once (I remember because part of is still saved in my drafts, after months and months). So yeah, the floor is all yours. Or anyone else's (if they choose to contribute).
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Previously, Damian Wayne (DC) and Peter Parker (Marvel) decided to join forces based on a mutual feeling that they were being disrespected in the ABW space. They agreed to turn against their father figures, Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne, and carried out their plan at Fictional Wrestlemania. Both Damian and Parker turned heel as a result of their actions.
In this episode of PunchGround, the unnamed commissioner decided that instead of punishing the duo, he will give them a chance to prove themselves. Damian Wayne and Peter Parker will have a shot at the Universal Championship in the next pay-per-view/event poll series (Fictional Backlash). However, the setup of the match will depend on if they can beat the team of Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne in a tag team match.
The stipulations are:
1) If Damian and Peter win, they’ll both face against Tony Stark in a triple threat match for the Universal Championship. Basically, they have an equal chance at becoming champion.
2) If Tony and Bruce win, Damian and Peter will fight each other to determine who’ll fight Tony Stark.
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that-cartoony-villain · 4 months ago
after that agatha finale i have many thoughts about rio as death and all the symbolism behind her actions so beware of spoilers for the whole series also in no particular order its gonna be stuff i remember so I'll be jumping around
I'm going to start with the last agathario scene that we gays were hoping The Kiss™️ which is kinda obvious about a kiss from death which is very common in literature and it symbolizes dying so that part was very direct, idk if this means they never kissed before or not but in that moment agatha had a clear goal of getting rio's power for herself and they both knew it would kill her as she said in the first ep... this does imply that she probably tried to do this before but rio stopped her when they were in love all those centuries ago
which kinda goes into a theory that maybe their first entanglement (whatever that implies) created nicky, cause agatha says she didn't do a spell or incantation to create him, he was made from scratch, and rio being The green witch™️ deals not only with death and decay but the cycle of life and death, creation and destruction, so it makes sense that he is their child, created from their love, which is why it hurt them both when she had to take him away, he was also something that challenged the balance of the universe, like billy, and rio allowed agatha to keep him with a timetable that nobody knew
and that takes me into the witches death that agatha killed to keep her son alive, she knew that giving bodies to death would allow rio to turn a blind eye to her child, and it makes for great symbolism with the sentence "death follows wherever they go" because it wasn't that agatha wanted to kill people, she had to so nicholas could survive, because death *was* following her wherever she went, they fell in love and rio had to make the tough decision of leaving her so she wouldn't take away agatha's most prized possession, their kid, and once she did have to do it she still kept following agatha because now she was actually killing witches just to have power and stay alive, she was grieving and murder became her go to (not a good thing) but death kept following wherever she went
and that is possibly why rio never got over her, she was always pursuing agatha and she didn't have time to let go, so at the end when agatha makes the deal to give up billy in exchange of rio letting go of her it had both the meaning of allowing her to be immortal and to forget about agatha, she was tired of having death follow her and they both knew the only way that could happen was for rio to give up her feelings and stop wanting to be with her
another thing is the whole tarot symbolism of death, as a major arcana in most decks death means the closing of a cycle, it isn't a bad card even though people see death as a bad thing, but the whole lilia ep was about showing how her cycle was about to finish (not necessarily meaning her death btw) and through all of the road each of them had their cycles closed, alice managed to get rid of her curse, jen got her power back, lilia finally understood her timeline and organized her thoughts to save her coven, billy found more power and possibly where his twin could be, agatha got the power she wanted for a bit and rio finally put agatha on the ground
also i could talk about how lilia might still be alive but that's a different rant that will come some other time
anyway i just really loved all the death symbolism throughout the whole show and how well they portrayed everything, aubrey did an amazing job as rio and i do hope they use her again in the mcu since we've had so many deaths and there will be more and how she deals with some of the things that don't necessarily follow the natural order of things (just please don't make it comic death cause rio is a lesbian she would never fall in love with thanos)
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moonys-chocolate28 · 6 months ago
The shows i watch have way too much impact on me.
Today i saw Bahrain on a map and my breath caught in my throat
I literally stared at it in disbelief as if it shouldnt exist and must stay fictional
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r4inyclouds · 6 months ago
I got... bored. And had an epiphany so I shall gift and bless the Tumblr land with my memes from scratch with pictures I pulled put my ass/gallery
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They lit just kept getting worse and worse
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giveamadeuschohisownmovie · 1 month ago
On a more serious note about the Fantastic Four trailer, I like how you can tell there’s a better understanding of the characters than in the previous incarnations from the little glimpses we get (sorry Chris Evans, still not a fan of your F4 movies). What I mean is:
1) Reed Richards loves his family, but can’t turn off the scientist in him. So he has the team do family dinners, but he has to make it a point that it’s every Sunday at 7PM precisely on the dot. It’s very rigid and makes sense for a character who is all about science and logic.
2) Johnny Storm being presented as a goof. You also definitely get a big sis vibe from Sue by the way she talks about him.
3) The brotherly love between Reed and Ben. I also like that it’s Ben with the witty remarks, especially since this is the guy who shouts, “It’s clobbering time!” as his catchphrase.
4) It’s hard to describe this but I like how elegant they portrayed Sue. It’s like if the team needed a PR director or someone to be the face of the team for the public, it’d be Sue, which makes sense since she’s canonically in the entertainment industry. I also like the implication that she’s the glue holding the team together since Reed is too focused on his research, Johnny is a dumbass (affectionately), and Ben is still dealing with the fact that he was turned into a rock monster.
5) Galactus is Galactus, not some cloud monster. Also, I like they showed that he’s not towering over all of Earth since he can change his size. It was frustrating to read comments from people saying he’s too small, which also shows the makers put more thought into Galactus than the internet did.
Anyways, good start.
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marvel-hq-dc-srver · 5 months ago
Good greetings! This is an account made specifically for the Marvel HQ discord server! All its advertisements, events, and important announcements will be kept here. The owner of the server is @er1th4cz
Here's all you should know about the server:
° it is a community server! It allows you to make friends, talk to people from everywhere, and overall have fun conversations about your favorite heroes, movies, and series!
(ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: it is not limited to only Marvel! We have a channel for other topics and a main chat for people to discuss whatever they please!)
° It's a 13+ server, due to the ToS of discord and overall safety concerns for the minors. Our server does not limit to the ages of 18 only! It is an 18+ friendly server as well, so please don't be shy!
° it's a very new server! So please make it active and advertise it if you so wish to your other friends!
Here's a whole tour of the designated channels we have!
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That's all for now, please do join and have fun in the server!
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Me and you pulling up to the server fr:
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Girls I js thought abt something…
What if we’ve been pronouncing Wanda Maximoff’s name wrong all along??
I mean, Wanda and Pietro are from Sokovia, right?
And its very clear Sokovia its placed in occidental Europe, close to Germany, the Netherlands, etc
But in those regions the letter W is pronounced as “VV” or just V,
So here’s my theory, what if Wanda’s name its actually pronounced “Vanda” but since everyone around her (the avengers, the news, general public, etc) called her Wanda she had to get used to it to fit in just like she got rid of her accent?
This might sound crazy tomorrow but its 1 am and I’m hungry so…
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justsomefangirlie · 11 months ago
Random Thought:
(Slight X-men 97 spoilers)
I know I’m not the first one to point this out or address it, but…
The parallels between the fifth episode of X-men 97 and WandaVision. The way both Rogue and Wanda look at their respective love’s deceased bodies, sobbing and both saying how they ‘can’t feel them’ in the exact same way!
The fact Marvel studios has now given us two tragic love stories at this point… (why must my favorite characters always be the ones who suffer!)
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How successful would Peter Parker/Spider-Man (main 616 comics version)…
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Propaganda for the mic skills:
Peter regularly deploys joke, quibs, and insults at opponents not only to add comedic relief to a fight, but also to can opponents off guard
Propaganda for the wrestling skills:
On top of his speed agility and strength, Peter is also incredibly intelligent able to think on his feet, he has also invented his own style of martial arts called way of the Spider which seems to be a good balance of strikes throws, and grapples
Would you like to submit a character? Click this link if you do!
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er1th4cz · 5 months ago
Me looking at you to click the link to my Marvel Discord server
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