forgottenbones · 2 years
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Kinoko no Miso Shiru; Mushroom Miso Soup 
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demonslayedher · 2 years
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It's true, though. At least by the recipes I follow, every ingredient in shoga-tsukudani is also used in simmered salmon & daikon.
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I had more in this meal, though, so omake below the cut.
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Was looking for ohagi but most of the ohagi in the grocery store is huge, so I got these tiny ones which also had sakura-mochi style ingredients. Since one satsuma-imo lasts me forever, I've been experimenting with frozen satsuma-imo and onions for quicker miso soup, so I'll probably have more meals with the culinary equivalent of Rengoku-san photobombing the scene.
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Links to more details about these foods and/or my first attempts at making them:
Simmered Salmon & Daikon (shake-daikon) Ginger Simmered in Soy Sauce & Sugar (shouga-tsukudani) Sweet Potato Miso Soup (satsumaimo miso-shiru) Ohagi (you know... ohagi) Didn't actually analyze Cherry Blossom Rice Cakes (sakura-mochi), just ate a bunch of them with this adorable flower-viewing bentou.
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nobbykun · 2 years
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Artist - 千昌夫 (Sen, Masao) Song - 味噌汁の詩 (Miso Shiru No Uta) [Eng. "Miso Soup Song"] Release Date - November 1980
Listen 🎶
My blog: Showa Music Library https://nobbykun.tumblr.com/
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angel-petals · 2 years
to taste:
food vocabulary
1. 食べ物 たべもの tabe mono Food
2. 日本料理 にほんりょうり nihon ryouri Japanese Cooking / Japanese Dish / Japanese Food
3. 朝食 ちょうしょく chou shoku Breakfast
4. 朝御飯 あさごはん asa gohan Breakfast
5. 昼食 ちゅうしょく chuu shoku Lunch
6. 昼御飯 ひるごはん hiru gohan Lunch
7. 夕食 ゆうしょく yuu shoku Dinner
8. 晩御飯 ばんごはん ban gohan Dinner
9. 夜食 やしょく ya shoku Supper
10. おかず okazu Side Dish
11. お八つ おやつ oyatsu Snack / Refreshment
12. 弁当 べんとう bentou Box Lunch
13. 駅弁 えきべん ekiben Train Station Box Lunch
14. 御飯 ごはん gohan Meal / Cooked Rice
15. 刺身 さしみ sashimi Sliced Raw Fish
16. 寿司 / 鮨 / 鮓 すし sushi Sushi
17. 天婦羅 てんぷら tenpura Tempura / Deep-fried Fish and Vegetables
18. 牛丼 ぎゅうどん gyuu don Rice topped with Beef and Vegetables
19. 親子丼 おやこどん oyako don Rice topped with Boiled Chicken and Eggs
20. 天丼 てんどん ten don Rice topped with Deep-fried Prawns & Fishes
21. 鰻丼 うなぎどん unagi don Rice topped with Glaze-grilled Eel
22. 鰻 うなぎ unagi Eel
23. 豚カツ とんカツ tonkatsu Pork Cutlet
24. カレーライス kare- raisu Curry and Rice
25. 鋤焼き すきやき suki yaki Thin Slices of Beef cooked with various Vegetables in a Heavy Iron Pan
26. お好み焼き おこのみやき okonomi yaki Thin and Flat Pancake cooked on a Hot Plate with bits of Meat, Seafood and Chopped Cabbages
27. 鉄板焼き てっぱんやき teppan yaki Grilled Meat cooked on Iron Plate
28. 焼き鳥 やきとり yaki tori Grilled Chicken / Broiled Chicken
29. 蛸焼き たこやき tako yaki Octopus Dumpling
30. 焼きそば やきそば yaki soba Pan Fried Noodle
31. 餃子 ギョウザ gyouza Dumpling stuffed with Minced Pork and Vegetables
32. 茶碗蒸し ちゃわんむし chawan mushi Steamed Egg Custard in Tea Cup
33. しゃぶしゃぶ shabu shabu Japanese Style Hotpot
34. 味噌 みそ miso Miso / Bean Paste
35. 味噌汁 みそしる miso shiru Miso Soup
36. ラーメン ra-men Ramen
37. うどん udon Noodle made of Wheat Flour
38. 蕎麦 そば soba Buckwheat Noodle
39. 餅 もち mochi Sticky Rice Cake
40. 餡パン あんパン anpan Japanese Bun filled with Red Bean Paste
41. 牛肉 ぎゅうにく gyuuniku Beef
42. 豚肉 ぶたにく butaniku Pork
43. 鶏肉 とりにく toriniku Chicken Meat
44. 羊肉 ようにく youniku Mutton / Lamb
45. 魚 さかな sakana Fish
46. 海老 / 蝦 えび ebi Prawn / Shrimp
47. 蟹 かに kani Crab
48. 豆腐 とうふ toufu Tofu / Bean Curd
49. 卵 たまご tamago Egg
50. 食パン しょくパン shoku pan Plain Bread / White Bread
51. 玉葱 たまねぎ tamanegi Onion
52. 胡瓜 きゅうり kyuuri Cucumber
53. 醤油 しょうゆ shouyu Soy Sauce
54. 酢 す su Vinegar
55. 山葵 わさび wasabi Japanese Horseradish
56. 油 あぶら abura Oil
57. 砂糖 さとう satou Sugar
58. 塩 しお shio Salt
59. 胡椒 こしょう koshou Pepper
60. 調味料 ちょうみ
りょう choumi ryou Seasoning / Condiment / Flavoring / Spices
Japanese English
1. yasai Vegetables
2. daikon raddish
3. nasu egg plant
4. nin jin carrots
5. bareisho(jagaimo) potato
6. satsuma-imo sweet potato
7. negi onion
8. tama-negi onion bulb
9. nin-niku garlic
10. kyuuri cucumber
11. kyabetsu cabbage
12. kabocha pumpkin
13. tomato tomato
14. kinoko mushroom
15. toomorokoshi corn
16. sato-imo taro
17. mame beans
18. daizu soy beans
19. shooga ginger
20. takenoko bamboo shoot
21. niga-uri bitter guard
22. horensoo spinach
23. seri parsley
24. hakusai chinese cabbage
アスパラ asparagus
おくら okra
かぼちゃ pumpkin
きゅうり cucumber
ゴーヤ bitter gourd
ごぼう burdock
さつまいも sweet potato
しいたけ shiitake mushroom
じゃがいも potato
ズッキーニ zucchini
だいこん Japanese radish
たまねぎ onion
ちんげんさい bok choy
トマト tomato
なす eggplant
にんじん carrot
ネギ leek
にんにく garlic
ピーマン green pepper
ブロッコリー broccoli
まいたけ hen-of-the-wood
モロヘイヤ Egyptian spinach
ルッコラ arugula
れんこん lotus root
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jambolaja · 30 days
U 8 ujutro dobio sam tradicionalni japanski doručak, zanimljivo iskustvo (pareni pirinač-gohan, miso supa-shiru, grilovani slani losos-shiozake, tofu-svježe pripremljen, morska trava-nori, zeleni čaj, poširano jaje, povrće-gomaae, kiselo povrće-tsukemono, soja sos). Vrativši se u sobu, skuvao sam sebi čaj i uživao u pogledu. Bilo je vrijeme da se preselimo u Nagano vozom, 850 JPY. U gradu je…
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magazynkulinarny · 3 years
Zupa miso
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Miso-shiru (z jap. 味噌 to pasta miso, a 汁 to płyn, ekstrakt) – jest tradycyjną japońską zupą jadaną w Kraju Kwitnącej Wiśni praktycznie codziennie, o różnych porach dnia, jako dodatek do posiłków. 
Serwuje się ją w niedużych miseczkach, bez łyżki, tylko z pałeczkami (gęstą treść zjada się pałeczkami, a bulion wypija wprost z naczynia).
Przygotowuje się ją na bazie bulionu dashi z dodatkiem sfermentowanej pasty sojowej miso oraz rozmaitych składników, zależnie od regionu i indywidualnych upodobań. 
Dashi można samodzielnie zrobić w domu z wodorostów kombu (głównie listownicy japońskiej) i płatków suszonego tuńczyka pasiastego bonito (katsuobushi), jednak nawet Japończycy bardzo często robią dashi z proszku (katsuo kombu dashi, iwashi dashi, niboshi dashi).
Na szeroko pojętym Zachodzie najpopularniejszą wersją miso-shiru jest bulion dashi z miso, miękkim (jedwabnym) tofu, grzybami (shiitake, maitake, shimeji, ostryga królewska inaczej zwana trąbką, enoki) i wodorostami wakame. Ale nie w Japonii. Tam odmian miso-shiru jest tyle, ile drobniaków w śwince skarbonce. Przede wszystkim w tamtejszej tradycji kulinarnej dodatkowe składniki zupy powinny wpisywać się w aktualną porę roku, a także tworzyć kontrasty pomiędzy kolorami, konsystencją i smakami. Często więc spotyka się połączenie cebuli siedmiolatki (czosnek dęty) negi z tofu, albo składników pływających po powierzchni, jak wodorosty, z ziemniakami, które opadają na dno, czy też tłustych, jak smażone tofu, z chudymi, jak szparagi. 
W skład miso-shiru często wchodzą składniki takie, jak: grzyby, rzodkiew daikon, ziemniaki, cebula, marchew, bakłażany, wodorosty, ryby i inne owoce morza, ale również mięso (choć znacznie rzadziej). 
Poniżej – dla zobrazowania prawdziwego kalejdoskopu rodzajów tych zup – wyszukałam w Internecie: miso ze szparagami, miso z parówkami, groszkiem śnieżnym i shiitake, miso z dynią, porem i sardynkami, miso z boczniakiem i jarmużem, miso z konjakiem, marchwią i rzodkwią daikon, miso z kolokazją i daikonem, miso ze szpinakiem, boczkiem i mlekiem kokosowym, czy miso z poduszeczkami z tofu i warzywami itd.
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Następna sprawa, która wpływa na smak japońskiej zupy to rodzaj użytego miso. Fachowcy rozróżniają pięć, a nawet sześć rodzajów miso: surowe (niepasteryzowane) miso, czerwone (aka) miso, białe (saikyo) miso, jasne (shinshu) miso, ciemne (hatcho) miso i miso pszenne. Zwyczajowo mówi się o jasnym i ciemnym miso, przyjmując za rozgraniczenie odcień pasty. Można użyć dowolnego rodzaju, a także połączyć różne. Wszystkie odmiany uznawane są za cenne źródło enzymów, bakterii kwasu mlekowego, witamin B, K i D oraz minerałów (potas, żelazo, wapń, fosfor). 
Moje miso-shiru to wspomniana wyżej najpowszechniejsza w krajach zachodnich wersja: z tofu (preferowane jedwabne, ale nie trafiłam na takie w sklepie), grzybami shiitake i wakame. Dorzuciłam też szczypior i garść rukwi wodnej, żeby było nieco bardziej świeżo i chrupiąco.
Jeśli potrzebujecie wzmocnienia w tym niby maju - a nie lubicie lub nie macie czasu na gotowanie klasycznego rosołu - to ta zupa na pewno Wam je zapewni.
Dashi kombu wielkości damskiej dłoni solidna garść katsuobushi
Miso-shiru 2 łyżki pasty miso (u mnie Inaka Aka) 7-8 suszonych grzybów shiitake ok. 1/2 szklanki glonów wakame 100 g tofu 1-2 dymki garść rukwi wodnej
Grzyby zalać gorącą wodą i odstawić na ok. 15 minut, a glony wakame zalać zimną wodą i odstawić na tyle samo czasu (bardzo zwiększą objętość, więc zwykły kubek - jak przy shiitake - nie wystarczy).
Dymkę opłukać i drobno posiekać. Tofu osuszyć papierowym ręcznikiem i pokroić w centymetrową kostkę.
Dashi Do garnka z połową litra zimnej wody wrzucić kombu (może być połamane na mniejsze kawałki, albo większy płat). Doprowadzić wodę do wrzenia, a gdy zacznie bulgotać wyjąć wodorosty i wrzucić płatki ryby bonito. Zmniejszyć ogień do maleńkiego i gotować ok. 5 minut.
Można również namoczyć wodorosty w zimnej wodzie na 2-3 godziny, a potem działać z katsuobushi, ale to znacznie wydłuży proces przygotowań.
Po tym czasie bulion przelać przez gęste sito do drugiego naczynia, a żałośnie wyglądające katsobushi wyrzucić. Dashi jest gotowe.
Miso-shiru Do chochli włożyć miso, nabrać odrobinę dashi i bezpośrednio nad garnkiem lekko mrugającego bulionu wymieszać pałeczkami pastę, aż do rozpuszczenia grudek. Wlać do zupy, wymieszać i spróbować. Jeśli okaże się mało wyraźne w smaku, dodać nieco więcej miso (na chochlę, wymieszać i do zupy).
Dodać pokrojone w paseczki grzyby, tofu, pocięte na mniejsze kawałki glony, rukiew i szczypior. Wymieszać i nakładać do miseczek.
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uchiuchi-universe · 5 years
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grachuu · 2 years
DAY 1 (Valorant OC week) :: Good Morning !
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the prompt :: what does your oc's morning look like? Do they sleep in? Are they up early? Do they go straight to breakfast? Or do they shower and wash up for a bit first? It canbe hard to get up and get ready for the day when your so comfortable!
soona ,,, in bad days non work days she usually sleep in with her cat leo (◕‿◕) would put hundred of alarms to start the day with some brain workout with cypher(she's still clueless how chess works) ,,, soona enjoys starting her day cooking miso shiru(miso soup) in cold mornings.. tho looks like she decided to sleep in today ( ̄▽ ̄"")ゞ
cypher at this point is just amazed on how soona sucks at chess hes been trying to teach her for days now,.,
:: also first post here ! \(⌒‿⌒) I'll probably use this account for hirota content and others,,,
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tenzoyamato · 4 years
This drabble is for @tenzosnewleaf as part of the @tenzoscabin Discord server event! I hope it is to your liking! Happy Holidays! <3
Found Family, Rest & Recovery, Wholesome, KakaYama, SFW, Kakashi Hatake, Tenzō Yamato, Mitsuki
The light of morning shines brightly through the window, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and home cooked breakfast fills the air. What time was it? How long has it been? With a week off from ANBU duties, the days seemingly bleed together. With warm cashmere blankets keeping the sleeping Mokuton user snugly nestled into the bed, the smell and sounds echoing throughout the apartment threaten to wake him from slumber. It isn’t until his name is called out in a familiar soft voice with a hot breath against his ear does he finally stir from his sleep. 
“Mmm…” Comes the brunette’s sluggish and sleepy reply as he rolls over to face where the voice came from. Brown eyes slowly part open to gaze over at the silver haired male laying on the bed beside him as a hand reaches out to gently caress the side of his face. “Morning, Senpai.” He responds groggily as the pad of Kakashi’s thumb lightly brushes across the lithe of his cheek.
“Good morning, Tenzō.” Kakashi responds softly, leaning forward to place a loving and chaste kiss to Tenzo’s lips. “It’s time to get up. I made us breakfast.” Pulling back slowly, a smile tugs at the corner of his unmasked lips.
Tenzō smiles back in response, his eyes opening a bit wider as they adjust to the light pouring into their bedroom. “Mmm, sounds good. Smells good, too.” With a big yawn, the younger male reaches his hand up to cover his mouth. Kami only knows if his morning breath was offensive enough to drive off his lover, so he didn’t want to chance it. Once finished, he slides his hand over to rest atop Kakashi’s which was still cupping his cheek.
“Maa, it’s not that amazing… I just made our favorites. Tamago kake gohan, tamagoyaki, yakizakana, tsukemono, miso shiru, and some blanched seasoned kobachi.” Kakashi mentions as his hand falls from Tenzō’s face to rest on the bed.
“Don’t sell yourself short, Kakashi. I know I enjoy your cooking regardless, and so does-” The Mokuton user stops in the middle of his sentence as a little white haired boy comes running into their bedroom and leaps upon the bed in between them.
“Captain Yamato! I’m glad you’re finally awake. Me and the Hokage have a surprise for you.” The boy says with mild excitement in his voice.
“Oh? You do, huh? What were you two planning while I was resting?” Tenzō asks as he slowly sits up with a stretch before looking at Kakashi with a curious expression.
“I thought we weren’t going to say anything about the surprise until after breakfast, Mitsuki.” Kakashi comments as he begins to stand from the bed.
“I couldn’t resist any longer… Now hurry up Captain Yamato, breakfast is getting cold, and I want to tell you what the surprise is.” Mitsuki then climbs down from the bed and grabs Kakashi’s hand, practically dragging the man out of the bedroom.
Tenzō smiles a bit wider at the sight of the two walking out of the bedroom hand in hand, it fills him with warmth and pride. It was well worth the fight he had put up against Orochimaru in order to get Mitsuki away from him, granted the arduous battle left him chakra exhausted- It was the whole reason he had been given the week off in order to recover.
Without further delay, the Mokuton user moves himself out of bed and grabs his yukata. It doesn’t take him long to put it on and emerge from the bedroom. Walking into the dining area, he spots the table set up with a breakfast feast. “Wow, Kakashi. You’ve really outdone yourself.” Tenzō says with a surprised expression crossing his countenance.
“Well, it might just be like this everyday now that we have another mouth to feed in our house. Go on ahead and tell him, Mitsuki.” Kakashi replies, turning his stormy grey eyes over towards Mitsuki.
Peering at Tenzō with his signature smile, Mitsuki holds up a legal document. “I’m officially Mitsuki Hatake-Yamato.”
“Wha-... Kakashi… You… You mean we’re a… A family?” Brown eyes go wide with shock as he looks from Mitsuki to the paper held up in his hand and then over towards his husband. “We’re actually a family?!” Tenzō reiterates his words, attempting to quell his urge to rush over to the both of them and hold them close.
“Yup. You look shocked… I told you I was going to start the paperwork. Even if it hadn’t been approved, we still would have made it work, Tenzō.” The silver haired Hokage answers as he stands up and walks over to the brunette. “I know you want to hug me, just do it already… I’m afraid that if you hold it in any longer you’re going to explode like a paper bomb.”
With permission granted, Tenzō hastily wraps his arms around Kakashi and buries his face into his shoulder. “I… I’m happy… I know we would have all been together anyway, but… It’s still so surreal. I mean, it’s officially recognized, and on paper. We have a family!” Tears begin to well up in Tenzō’s eyes as his heart overflows with joy.
Mitsuki watches the scene unfold before him and feels something inside of him urging him over towards the two. Getting out of his seat he strides over to their side and looks up with concern as he sees Tenzō crying. “Don’t cry, Captain- Well, I suppose I shouldn’t call you that anymore… Perhaps the name parent is more appropriate now.”
Hearing Mistuki’s words, Tenzō turns his attention to the boy standing beside them and lets go of Kakashi while wiping away his tears using the sleeve of yukata. “Don’t worry, Mitsuki. These aren’t tears of sadness, they’re tears of joy…” Kneeling down to level with his new son, the brunette smiles at him warmly. “You can also call me father or dad if you want, unless you’re more comfortable with parent. I’ll still respond.”
Mitsuki’s eyes light up with surprise, and there is a gleam in them that has never been seen before, nor experienced by him. Abruptly, the white haired child launches himself forward, wrapping his arms around Tenzō in a strong embrace. “F-Father…” He murmurs out in a shaky voice filled with emotion.
Tenzō is surprised by the reaction, but enjoys it nonetheless, reciprocating with his own arms wrapping around the small being who just called him father for the first time. “I love and care about you, Mitsuki… My son… My family.” Warmth and joy fills the Mokuton user’s being in this moment, and more tears begin to fall, he couldn’t believe that he had finally found and made a family to call his own. Between his husband and the child in his arms, this was the greatest day in his life aside from his emancipation from ROOT, and marrying Kakashi. 
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the-starless-sky · 4 years
cozmez x Akan Yatsura / “FAMILY” voice drama track 1
Zen: Sorry for suddenly asking you to do a job even though you’re busy preparing for the live, Kanata-kun.
Kanata: No... I need money too, after all.
Iori: Aight, here ya go, payment for the job. Added in a bonus, too.
Kanata: Thanks.
Iori: Ah, yeah, I saw yer stage the other day. The one against BAE.
Zen: It was brilliant! I was moved. The track that felt like it’s swooping down on you, the profound lyrics... You two’s desire turned into fierce vibes, and pressed into my heart!!
Kanata: Yeah.
Zen: You guys weren’t bad during the Opening Show, but now you were like different people altogether! It’s like, you were giving your all... and you looked like you’re really having fun!
Kanata: Having fun...?
Zen: Yeah! You had a good expression, Kanata-kun!
Kanata: Oh, really.
Iori: ‘Sup with that thin reaction~?
Kanata: It doesn’t matter how good if we lose, after all.
Zen: There’s no such thingーー
Kanata: We get no money if we lose, we ain’t doing it for fun.
Iori: ‘s good to have ambitions, I like that kinda dazzle.
Kanata: Thanks.
Iori: Yer next opponent is us, Akan Yatsura. Haha, seem like it’d be an interestin’ match!
Kanata: Suiseki-san, I have one thing I want to ask you...
Iori: What’s it? Say it.
Kanata: Your team... Akan Yatsura’s other members, do they know about this?
Iori: Whatcha mean by “this”?
Kanata: That you’re collecting metals behind the scenes. Using people like me, doing business you can’t talk about to others. [1]
Zen: You...!
Iori: Ooh, how unusual.
Kanata: Huh?
Iori: Askin’ stuff about other people... I thought ya ain’t interested in anyone but yer lil’ bro.
Kanata: I didn’t meanーー
Iori: No reason to tell ‘em stuff they don’t ‘ave to know.
Kanata: ...!
Iori: Rest assured, they know nothin’.
Kanata: Is that so.
Zen: That’s why, you don’t have to worry during our match, too! Let’s ignore our standings and collide with all of our strength!
Kanata: “Stuff they don’t ‘ave to know”, you said... well yeah, of course you won’t tell them a thing.
Zen: Huh?
Kanata: The end for people who keeps using phantometals, that is.
Zen: That’s...!
Kanata: “Team is family”... saying stuff like “family”, but not telling them the important things... only showing the good stuff, you’re just deceiving and using them idiots, huh?
Zen: You’re wrong! They’re fully aware of the metal’s risks andーー
Kanata: Nobody can stop the erosion once it’s started. You’ll melt, and get swallowed by the metal - do they know this too?
Zen: ...!
Kanata: Suiseki-san... that name of yours, it’s the name of the ex-boss who were killed in the attack incident, right?
Iori: What’s that? Yanno it well, don’tcha?
Kanata: I looked it up, you know? ‘Cause I don’t like getting used one-sidedly.
Iori: Ooh~? The lil’ rat in my control’s be playin’ detective and tryna threaten the Suiseki Iori, that it?
Kanata: Stop screwin’ around...
Iori: Ha?
Kanata: Suiseki-san... you inherited a name and now you feel like you’re family? If you’re a family... if you guys think you’re a real family, then why do you let them do stuff that’ll whittle their own life? Families share everything, however dirty or painful it is. There ain’t a need for secrets! No need for secrecy! If it’s to protect another’s life, then your own life don’t matter! That’s what a “family” is, ain’t it!?
Iori: Are ya... tellin’ yerself that?
Kanata: Ha?
Iori: Both ‘a us keep secrets from our family, don’t we? Did ya tell yer lil’ bro about this business? About the metal...
Kanata: ...!
Iori:  “No reason to tell ‘em stuff they don’t ‘ave to know”, ain’t we the same?
Kanata: Don’t lump me with you! I do it to protect Nayuta!! Unlike you guys who do it to conveniently use them!
Zen: You...!! You’re crossing the line!!
Kanata: The next match!
Iori & Zen: ?
Kanata: We’ll absolutely win. There’s no way we’ll lose to a mock family like you!
Iori & Zen: ...
Kanata: Nayuta and I... we’ll hammer into you all that cozmez’s the most terrific.
(Kanata walks away.)
Iori: Haha, “mock family”, huh. He said something clever. Sounds extreme delicious if you put it an oden! [2]
Zen: Waka!
Iori: Hey. You’re s’posed to laugh just now!
Zen: ...! I’m sorry, but...! There will come a time one day that Kanata-kun will have to see the reality... the truth. For that reason, Waka purposefully collected metals...
Iori: It’s fine. ’s a child who’ve been hurt terribly by dirty adults up ‘til now. Well, that ‘stray cat’ kinda part of him made me can’t ignore him, though.
Zen: Sigh. We’re not a charity, you know? 
Iori: I know that~! ‘s why, we���ll win the live. We’ll seize the 10 billion without fail. Rest assured! Plus, on that case too... I’ll settle it without fail. [3]
Zen: Yes.
Iori: Well then, I’ll be goin’ out for a while.
Zen: To where?
Iori: A secret, s-e-c-r-e-t!
Zen: ...
Iori: What’s with tha’ face? Haha, don’tcha worry. ‘S minor business, minor business.
(Iori walks away.)
Iori: See ya!
Zen: ...Minor business, he said... Sigh. Waka, if it’s for you, I intend to do any job, whatever it is.   Even so, why are you always, by yourself... Sigh. “Family”, huh...
(Sound of train passing through.)
(Kanata opens the door.)
Kanata: I’m home.
Nayuta: Oh, welcome home, Kanata.
Kanata: How are you feeling, Nayuta? Your fever?
Nayuta: Mm, I’m fine already. Anyways, where’d you go? When I woke up, you’re gone.
Kanata: Sorry, just doing a minor business. In return, here.
(Kanata opens a plastic bag.)
Nayuta: Huh? It’s Raimen-tei!
Kanata: You’re hungry, aren’t you? Let’s eat before it gets cold. Chuuka-don and gomoku yakisoba [4]. Which one you want?
Nayuta: You choose, Kanata.
Kanata: I’m fine with whichever. Get what you want, Nayuta.
Nayuta: ...No.
Kanata: Huh?
Nayuta: Kanata is always like that. You always put me first.
Kanata: What’s up, suddenly?
Nayuta: I don’t like stuff like that. Kanata, you have to take care of yourself more. Kanata, you always think of me first. But even I want to put Kanata first, too.
Kanata: Huh?
Nayuta: That’s why, today, you choose, Kanata.
Kanata: Sigh. Fine. Then, I’ll get the yakisobaーno, let’s share it half and half. Then we can eat both, right?
Nayuta: You’re right, but...
Kanata: “Sharing everything is what a family is”, right?
Kanata: Aah, it was good! We’re full now, so, let’s sleep.
Nayuta: Kanata.
Kanata: Huh?
Nayuta: There’s something that’s always been on my mind...
Kanata: What?
Nayuta: I don’t think we can continue being like this.
Kanata: Ha?
Nayuta: Um... I think it’s better for Kanata to go out more. It’s better for you to widen your world.
Kanata: You... what are you saying, suddenly?
Nayuta: I understood from our battle with BAE the other day... because Kanata was different. 
Kanata: Me? Ha, which part? I’m just as usualーー
Nayuta: No, you were different. You were... you were way, way better than the usual Kanata.
Kanata: ...!
Nayuta: I think... it’s probably because of the thing with BAE. After that, Kanata started making the track with amazing vigor, right?
Kanata: That’s... I just didn’t want to lose against those naive guys, that’s all.
Nayuta: That day’s stage... I felt it. That our music have a way amazing future. That meeting changed Kanata. I felt it, you do too, don’t you?
Kanata: ...!
Nayuta: You can’t keep being closed off like this. If we stay only in our world... one day, we’ll reach our limits.
Kanata: Don’t say stupid things! Weren’t we always the best!? Nayuta and I - what else do we need!?
Nayuta: Other people.
Kanata: ...!
Nayuta: Other people’s music. Other people’s passion. Hope. Desire. That’s what will make you stronger, Kanata.
Kanata: ...
Nayuta: That’s why, Kanata. Go out more. Meet other people. If you do, cozmez can go to greater heights.
Kanata: Then, Nayuta, you too. With meーー
Nayuta: I’m not going.
Kanata: Why!?
Nayuta: You understand, don’t you? I can’t go.
Kanata: What are youーー
Nayuta: You have to go by yourself, Kanata.
Kanata: Ha?
Nayuta: Kanata, for yourself.
Kanata: ...!
(Sound of train passing through.)
Kanata: Stop screwing around... STOP SCREWING AROUND!!
(Kanata kicks some stuff.)
Kanata: What the hell are you on about!? “Go by yourself”!? Don’t screw with me!!
Nayuta: ...
Kanata: We were always together... we did everything with only the two of us, didn’t we!? When we got hit by shitty adults, when we ran away from the orphanage...!! Hungry, frozen, when we live by drinking muddy water...!!
Nayuta: Yeah... Kanata always protected me.
Kanata: I’m fine if I only have you, Nayuta!! Other people’s music, passion, who the hell cares about that!? I don’t ー we don’t need it! I always told you, don’t I!? If we’re together, we’re the strongest...!!
Nayuta: Kanata...
Kanata: Don’t... leave me alone... I... it’s enough if I only have Nayuta...
Nayuta: Kanata... I’m the same. I want to make Kanata happy. Because you’re my number one... I want to make you happy even if it costs me my life.
(Kanata cries.)
Nayuta: Don’t cry, Kanata... I’m sorry... There’s nothing else I can do...
(Sound of train passing.)
(Reo bangs on the door.)
Reo: Satsuki-chan!! Hey, get a grip!! Until when are you going to be in the toilet!? Make it fast, Satsuki-chan!! Are you pooping!? Hey, are you pooping!!?
(Satsuki opens the door.)
Satsuki: I’m not pooping, you shitty brat!!
Reo: Waahhh, stinky!!! You really were pooping!!
Satsuki: Shut up!! You just have to pinch your nose and get in!!
Zen: Hey! Be good and use the toilet in order! Jeez, even though we’re about to eat.
(Hokusai puts plates and chopsticks on the table.)
Hokusai: I’m done putting the plates and chopsticks on the table... What should I do next...?
Zen: Thank you, Hokusai! Then, please get the usual out.
Hokusai: Okay.
Iori: Yawn... Oh, smells good. 
Zen: Today’s miso-shiru is Waka’s favorite, potato miso-shiru!
Iori: Ooh, ‘s merry! Ooh... dried horse mackerel, spinach ohitashi, hijiki, and tamagoyaki, huh... [5] Good work as usual.
Zen: Not at all. A healthy mind dwell in a healthy body! Eating is important, after all!
Iori: Haha, yer right, but..
Hokusai: Zen. Strawberry, banana, and yoghurt... which one?
Iori: Eatin’ protein as dessert’s kindaーー
Zen: Ah! Waka, in place of closing tea, would you like the matcha flavor?
Iori: No... yeah.
Iori: Alright!
Satsuki & Reo: Let’s dig in!!
Hokusai: Let’s eat.
(Sound of door bell ringing.)
Iori: Huh? Who is it at this time?
Zen: Is it some kind of a salesperson?
(Door bell keeps ringing.)
Satsuki: So noisy!
(Satsuki stands up.)
Satsuki: Zen-nii, I’ll drive them away quick!
(Door bell keeps ringing.)
Satsuki: Oi, you’re bein’ noisy so early in the morning!! Get aーー
(Satsuki opens the door.)
Satsuki: ...!? Eh!?
Reo: Hey, did you reject them properly?
Hokusai: Satsuki.
Satsuki: Ah, no... when I opened the door, he’s standing in the foyer...
Reo: Huh? You, have I seen you somewhere...?
Hokusai: cozmez’s... Kanata...?
Iori: Huh? What’s upーー Ha...?
Zen: Kanata-kun... why are you here?
Kanata: I told you that I’ve investigated the Suiseki group, didn’t I? I know, at least, that this is the only house left after the group collapsed.
Satsuki: Oi, how dare you speak informally to Zen-nii!? Rather, Zen-nii, do you know him?
Zen: No, uh...
Iori: And? What business d’ya have, suddenly bargin’ in to other people’s house?
Kanata: Suiseki-san... I want to speak one-on-one with you.
Reo: Whaーdid you come to pick a fight!?
Satsuki: Aight, I’ll fight you, get out!
Hokusai: Fighting is not good...
Iori: Haha. That’s how it is. Everyone here’s my family. Don’t hold back, say anything ya want. Or... are ya scared in front of everyone ya can’t talk?
Kanata: Such a thing...
Zen: Judging from your state... something serious happened, didn’t it? If there’s anything we can do for you, then please.
Kanata: Um, yesterday... I’m sorry.
Iori: Huh.
Kanata: I’ll apologize for yesterday. That’s why, Nayuta... please, look for Nayuta...!
[1] As in illegal, dark dealings.
[2] It’s a play on words. “Modoki” means “mock” or “-pseudo”. I think he’s punning it with “ganmodoki”, a type of dish. From Wikipedia: “Ganmodoki is a fried tofu fritter made with vegetables, such as carrots, lotus roots and burdock. It may also contain egg. Ganmodoki means pseudo-goose This is because ganmodoki is said to taste like goose”. You can also put it in an oden.
[3] He’s not talking in his fake accent...
[4]  From Wikipedia: Chuuka-don is a bowl of rice with stir-fried vegetables, onions, mushrooms, and thin slices of meat on top. From japanfoodaddict.com: Gomoku Yakisoba is crispy, grilled noodles with vegetables, pork, and seafood, in a hearty, thick sauce.
[5] Ohitashi:  boiled greens in bonito-flavored soy sauce; hijiki:  dark edible seaweed usually sold in dried black strips; tamagoyaki: fried egg.
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demonslayedher · 2 years
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The best wingman covers you so your girl won't see you while you eat, or something like that.
As I still have frozen satsuma-imo to make into miso soup, here is Rengoku-san Pillar-bombing an Obamitsu meal with Iguro's favorite tororo-konbu and one of Mitsuri's favorites, pork cutlet.
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Omake below the cut~
My leftovers were a more simple katsu & tororo konbu soumen. No miso soup, so they had some privacy for this meal?? By the way, the chopsticks are some Izumo Taisha, one of the biggest and bestest shrines to pray for matchmaking, ufufufu~
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The oil was too hot, so I overcooked my katsu this time and it wasn't as amazing as the time I made it for this amazingly adorable bentou, nor did the hearts come out as well. Oh well... plus, there was this whole fiasco with my panko having gone bad, and sprinting to the store, and just plain forgetting to pay like a total ditz, and then sprinting back to the store, and then sprinting home to finally finish cooking, and then having forgotten to get something to clean up the oil afterward anyway... sigh.
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Links to more details about these foods and/or my first attempts at making them:
Sweet Potato Miso Soup (satsumaimo miso-shiru) Pork Cutlet (katsu) Dried & shredded kelp (tororo-konbu)
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senjuofthesea · 4 years
The taste of Gyokuro spreads over Tobirama's tongue, hot and savoury, just slightly bitter at first before it is replaced by light sweetness. It's an acquired taste, Tobirama concludes as he sets his cup down on the table. The liquid shivers gently and Tobirama watches it for a moment before moving on.
He picks up his chopsticks and spoon and digs into his breakfast. Today, it consists of miso shiru, gohan with lightly salted wakame, yakizakana, and a leftover piece of fish-filled tamagoyaki.
The taste of umami fills his senses again as he demolishes his miso soup. It's hearty, lightly salted, and pleasantly warm. The tofu in it is mostly tasteless but Tobirama prefers it that way. Especially over the fried version. The mushrooms are something he adds mostly on a whim - his mother used to favour them and make soup so wonderful that even his younger self would potentially look for an extra bowl. He longs to taste his mother's cooking once more even though he knows it is impossible.
He digs into the yakizakana next, tearing off little lightly salted pieces of fish periodically. It has a subtle taste, not too...fishy. If it were to taste like that, Tobirama isn't quite sure he would eat that. He prefers fish that don't taste like they have been swimming in mud all day. Every couple of bites, he shovels gohan into his mouth, lightly salted as well. The wakame enriches the rice — it tastes like the sea and despite being salted, it still tastes slightly and very pleasantly sweet.
He saves the tamagoyaki as last. It is sweet to his tastes, not too much but it is still custardy and smooth. The fish inside is just a bonus. Like a little surprise, an underlining flavour to the omelette's sweetness.
Tobirama is soon done with his breakfast, downing his head and thanking no one. His chopsticks are placed down over his empty gohan bowl when he sits back, relaxing and relishing in the aftertaste of his breakfast before the taste of Gyokuro washes it all down.
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eri-cheshire · 3 years
So.... I wanna talk about misso soup/miso shiru. More specifically how some people write about it in fanfics that bugs me endlessly...
*deep breath* Ok, so, I know it's called "soup" but it doesn't mean it's usually eaten with a spoon! *Awkward silence*
I know it's a stupid thing to be bothered about, but it somehow feels weird to see healthy everyday japanese people eating missô soup with spoon written so often in fanfics...
Maybe it's just not common in my household... or in any of my friends home.... or in any japanese restaurant I went to.... unless you ask for it.
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jambolaja · 2 months
Ob 8. uri sem dobil tradicionalni japonski zajtrk, zanimivo doživetje (dušen riž-gohan, miso juha-shiru, soljen losos na žaru-shiozake, tofu-sveže pripravljen, morske alge-nori, zeleni čaj, poširano jajce, zelenjava-gomaae, vložena zelenjava -tsukemono, sojina omaka). V sobi sem si skuhal čaj in užival v razgledu. Čas je bil, da se preselimo v Nagano z vlakom, 850 JPY. V mestu je bil festival s…
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okinawanonline · 4 years
Food and Drink Vocabulary in Okinawan
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For this vocabulary list, I went through the book 小学英語絵カードプリント1400ブック and found the Okinawan equivalents for the Japanese words in that book. This covers the section of food and drink. Note that many words are identical to their Japanese equivalents. For words that I do not have confidence in (meaning they weren’t found in any dictionary but I used the Okinawan readings of the characters used in the word) are marked with a *. 
Beef stew - ビーフシチュー・Biifu shichuu
Bibimbap - ビビンバ・Bibinba
Boxed Lunch/Bento - 弁当・びんとー・Bintoo
Buttered corn - バターコーン・bataa koon
Curry - カレー・Karee
Curry and rice - カレーライス・Karee raisu
Escargots - エスカルゴ・Esukarugo
Food - 物・むん・Mun
French fries - フライドポテト・Furaido poteto
Fried chicken - フライドチキン・Furaido chikin
*Fried Egg - 目玉焼ち・みだまやち・Midamayachi (might be目玉焼き・めだまやき・medamayaki)
Fried Rice - チャーハン・Chaahan
Gratin - グラタン・Guratan
Hamburger - ハンバーガー・Hanbaagaa
Hamburger Steak - ハンバーグステーキ・Hanbaagu suteeki
Hot Dog - ホットドッグ・Hotto doggu
Kebab - ケバブ・Kebabu
Kimchi - キムチ・Kimuchi
Miso Soup - 味噌汁・んすしる・Nsu shiru
Namul - ナムル・Namuru
Natto - 納豆・なっとう・Nattoo
Ramen - ラーメン・Raamen
Omlet - オムレツ・Omuretsu
Pancake - パンケーキ・Pankeeki
Paella - パエリア・Paeria
Peking duck - 北京ダック・ふぃきんダック・Fikin dakku
Piroshki - ピロシキ・Piroshiki
Pizza - ピザ・Piza
Rice ball - うぶんにじりー・Ubunnijirii
Rice cake - 餅・むち・Muchi
Salad - サラダ・Sarada
Sandwich - サンドイッチ・Sandoicchi
Soup - スープ・Suupu
Spaghetti - スパゲッティ・Supagetti
Steak - ステーキ・Suteeki
*Sukiyaki - すき焼き・すきやき・Sukiyaki (might be すち焼ち・すちやち・Suchiyachi)
Sushi - 寿司・すし・Sushi
Toast - トースト・Toosuto
Taco - タコス・Takosu
Cake - ケーキ・Keeki
Candy - キャンディー・kyandii
Chocolate - チョコレート・Chokoreeto
Cookie - クッキー・Kukkii
Cotton candy - わたあめ・Wataame
Cream puff - シュークリーム・Shuu kuriimu
Crepe - クレープ・Kureepu
Cupcake - カップケーキ・Kappu keeki
Donut - ドーナツ・Doonatsu
Gum - ガム・Gamu
Ice cream - アイスクリーム・Aisu kuriimu
Jelly - ゼリー・Zerii
Parfait - パフェ・Pafe
Pie - パイ・Pai
Popcorn - ポップコーン・Poppukoon
Potato chips - ポテトチップス・Poteto chippusu
Pudding - プリン・Purin
Rice crackers - 煎餅・しんびー・Shinbii
Asparagus - アスパラガス・Asuparagasu
Beans - 豆・まーみ・Maami
Broccoli - ブロッコリ・Burokkori
Cabbage - キャベツ・Kyabetsu
Carrot - 黄大根・ちでーくに・Chideekuni
Cauliflower - カリフラワー・Karifurawaa
Celery - セロリ・Serori
*Chinese cabbage - 白菜・はくしぇー・Hakushee (might be 白菜・はくさい・Hakusai)
Corn  - ぐすんとーぬちん・Gusuntoonuchin
Cucumber - 胡瓜・きーうい・Kiiui
Eggplant - なーしび・Naashibi
Garlic - ひる・Hiru
Ginger - しょーがー・Shoogaa
Green pepper - ピーマン・Piiman
Japanese radish - 大根・でーくに・Deekuni
*Leek; Onion - びら・Bira
Lettuce - レタス・Retasu
*Lotus root - れんこん・Renkon
Mushroom - 茸・ちぬく・Chinuku
Peas - いんどぅー豆・いんどぅーまーみ・Induumaami
Potato - じゃがんむ・Jaganmu
Pumpkin - ちんくゎー・Chinkwaa
Radish - ラディッシュ・Radisshu
Spinach - ほぅーりんな・Huurinna
Sweet potato - 芋・んむ・Nmu
Tomato - トマト・Tomato
Turnip - んんでぃー・Nndii
Vegetable - 野菜・やしぇー・Yashee
Apple - りんご・Ringo
Avocado - アボカド・Abokado
Banana - バナナ・Banana
Blueberry - ブルーベリー・Buruuberii
Cherry - さくらんぼ・Sakuranbo
Chestnut - くり・Kuri
Coconut - ココナッツ・Kokonattsu
Fruit - 生物・ないむん・Naimun
Grape - ぶどー・Budoo
Grapefruit - グレープフルーツ・Gureepufuruutsu
Kiwi fruit - キウィ・Kiwi
Lemon - レモン・Remon
Mango - マンゴー・Mangoo
Melon - メロン・Meron
Orange - オレンジ・Orenji
Papaya - パパイヤー・Papaiyaa
Peach - 毛桃・きーむむ・Kiimumu
Pear - なし・Nashi
Persimmon - かき・Kaki
Pineapple - パイナップル・Painappuru
Strawberry - いちゅび・Ichubi
Tangerine - みかん・Mikan
Watermelon - しーくゎ・Shiikwa
Other food
Beef - 牛ぬ肉・うしぬしし・Ushinushishi
Bread - パン・Pan
Butter - バター・Bataa
Cheese - チーズ・Chiizu
Chicken - 鳥ぬ肉・Tuinushishi
Crab - がに・Gani
Croissant - クロワッサン・Kurowassan
Eel - んなじ・Nnaji
Egg - くーが・Kuuga
Fish - いゆ・Iyu
French bread - フランスパン・Furansu Pan
Ham - ハム・Hamu
Jam - ジャム・Jamu
Lobster - ロブスター・Robusutaa
Maple syrup - メープルシロップ
Naan - ナン・Nan
Octopus - たく・Taku
Pork - 豚ぬ肉・っわーぬしし・’waanushishi
Rice - 米・くみ・Kumi
Salmon - さけ・Sake
Sausage - ソーセージ・Sooseeji
Shrimp - いび・Ibi
Squid - いちゃ・Icha
Tuna - あちぬいゆ・Achinuiyu
Yogurt - ヨーグルト・Yooguruto
Chocolate milk - チョコレートミルク・Chokoreeto miruku
Coffee - コーヒー・Koohii
Beer - ビール・Biiru
Cocoa - ココア・Kokoa
Cola - コラ・Kora
*Green tea - 緑茶・りょくちゃ・Ryokucha (Might be 緑茶・おーちゃー・Oochaa or something else).
Juice - ジュース・Juusu
Milk - 牛ぬ乳・うしぬちー・Ushinuchii
*Oolong tea - ウーロン茶・Uuroncha (might be ウーロン茶・Uuronchaa or something else)
Soda - ソーダ・Sooda
Tea - 茶・ちゃー・Chaa
Water - 水・みじ・Miji
Wine - ワイン・Wain
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