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heartnosekid · 10 months ago
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weirdolini on ig
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wardensantoineandevka · 1 year ago
the Nein's level 20 outfits have an average of 7.2 buckles each
Caduceus: 0
Yasha: 0
Beau: 0 visible, but presumably 1 for her goggles
Jester: 5
Caleb: 16, including the 5 not visible on his boot, possibly more
Fjord: 21, including the 6 + 3 not visible on his boot and wrist, there is presumably one on his pauldron but it was not counted
some obvious outliers here
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louisupdates · 1 month ago
Louis Tomlinson preparing for the 40 yard dash.
New Orleans Convention Center, New Orleans [7.2.2025] 📸 mariaacastaneda IG story
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creative-clawmarks · 6 months ago
Lil Masky question. Does he still tackle fucking everything in this AU? If so, does it almost look like an over excited doggo wanting affection? Like, did it take a second for Jay to realise that he actually meant to harm him?
Also, I can't get over the thought of just Jay coming back to the motel on a full moon like:
Jay: Tim, I got this week's food. I also got you some fresh smokes! Tim?-
Masky: B O R F.
Jay then proceeds to probably get tackled.
Slight clarification: Tim does not change involuntarily on the full moon. Rather, it's the one time he can change voluntarily and keep his wits about him while doing so. Masky is what happens when something freaks him out bad enough he becomes a dog about it whether he wants to or not.
But yes, he does still tackle everything, be it as an attack or a greeting. This big dog with his big paws is so happy you are home and he is going to knock you over.
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This is NOT a Nine-Spotted Ladybird, Coccinella novemnotata, but rather a Variegated Lady Beetle, Hippodamia variegata.
OP is from Australia judging by their Instagram. Coccinella novemnotata is a North American species. It is also highly endangered and very rare to photograph.
Coccinella novemnotata looks like this:
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left photo (c) Jason M Crockwell - right photo (c) Gene H
Round body shape
Pronotum has two square white "cheeks" connected by a white bar just behind the head
Black line between the wings
Nine spots in the specific pattern shown above. The spots might be clean and round, or small and patchy
In California only, Coccinella novemnotata is spotless, but still matches all the other features listed. (It shouldn't be confused with the California Lady Beetle, Coccinella californica, whose pronotum has two square white "cheeks" but not connected by a white bar.)
Hippodamia variegata has these features:
Long, oval, almost rectangular body shape. Hippodamia as a group are known as Oblong Lady Beetles
Pronotum has a white border with two round white dots
Variable number of spots. The above has nine spots, which is probably why OP misidentified it, but they may have as many as 13 spots, or as few as zero. The spots can sometimes merge with each other, creating bars or T-shapes.
More info on the Nine-Spotted Lady Beetle on BugGuide (with identification info!) and on iNaturalist (with map of sightings!)
More info on the Variegated Lady Beetle on BugGuide (with identification info!) and on iNaturalist (with map of sightings!)
This is a good example of how species' common names can be unreliable for identification! While the original photo is of A nine-spotted ladybug, it is not a photo of THE Nine-Spotted Ladybug.
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Nine-spotted Ladybird (Coccinella novemnotata)
#ladybirds #ninespottedladybird #insects #wildlife #nature #macro #garden #natureisbeautiful #ladybirdphotography #insectphotography #macrophotography #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #gardenphotography #EtoE2 #ethereal_moods #ethereal_softness #gloomy_side_views #ip_insects #macrogrammers #flowersandmacro #charming_nature_ #top_macro #topmacros https://www.instagram.com/p/BuTpJTEgZCd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c5oomtbs4ebt
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velvetwyrme · 4 days ago
Sorry if you answered this already, but would Bumblebee in your buggy au, would he be a bee? or a beetle?
Or perhaps........a Bee-tle?
..................I'll see myself out.
bee-tle hehehehhee....
i haven't answered this before! but i HAVE thought about it
personally i think he'd be a (bee)tle, partially because originally Bumblebee was a Volkswagen Beetle, and also because i think someone seeing a yellow bug and going OH THATS A BEE OBVIOUSLY and being wrong about it is also funny af ehjfgjfjdkfbkd
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solo-walker · 3 months ago
Hear me out: Frankie and Rupert Sr.
One with a brother he loved deeply and lost and one with a brother he has barely known (or that's what I'm assuming, considering their perceived age difference). One knowing he was irreplaceable and loved in return by his only remaining family member and the other returning from a living hell to find that nothing has changed and that he's been buried already. Both misunderstood. Both abandoned. Both survivors.
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finelythreadedsky · 2 months ago
if i had a nickel every time a character in greek tragedy is presented with a covered corpse and mistakes it for a different character who was played by the same actor (and thus has the same body) as the character whose body the audience knows the corpse really is… okay i would probably only have like seven cents. but still.
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middle-o-nowhere · 1 year ago
New headcannon:
König isn’t allowed to be a sniper because he doesn’t have 20/20 vision… I’m imagining like his vision is just ever so slightly off that it’s nearly not noticeable, but the military is of course still like “Nope. No. Too risky. Too much of a liability.”
But of course it’d also be absolutely hilarious if he just has completely heinous vision. Definitely SHOULD be wearing glasses, but refuses too. Somehow, Kortac just doesn’t care about it as “he still gets the job done… somehow. So it’s not a problem.”
Imagine one day there’s a huge confusion because König says something’s ‘red’ and his fellow soldiers are adamant it’s actually green. “Sir, are you color blind?! How the hell are you even in the military at this point?!??”
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critter-captures · 5 months ago
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Snake collection post, all taken at Dierenpark De Oliemeulen in September 2024:
Corn snake (Pantherophis guttatus guttatus)
same as #1 (corn snake)
Beautiful pit viper / Brown-spotted pit viper (Trimeresurus venustus)
Indian python (Python molurus) (albino)
Egyptian cobra (Naja haje)
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starscelly · 1 year ago
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dallas stars as (mostly) tweets (5/?)
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from-leviathans-coffin · 9 months ago
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crapbirdphotography · 3 months ago
Mistake on my submission, it's a Loon (Likely Common Loon), found an image I had of the same individual where it was actually identifiable (it is only marginally better)
crap bird identification is perfect here, don't worry
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isbergillustration · 1 year ago
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I feel like absolute garbage today so no new art (sorry to the peeps whose commissions i promised to do today) but here is an update on this thing. Amputated part of its waist which is good, glued its legs on back to front which is. Unfortunate.
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Above pictured is Hippodamia variegata, the Variegated Lady Beetle, also known as the Adonis Lady Beetle.
This is NOT Coccinella novemnotata, the Nine-Spotted Lady Beetle.
OP is from Australia judging by their Instagram. Coccinella novemnotata is a North American species, and even in North America, it is extremely rare.
Coccinella novemnotata looks like this:
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left photo (c) Jason M Crockwell - right photo (c) Gene H
Round body shape
The pronotum has two square white "cheeks" connected by a white bar just behind the head
A black line between the wings
Nine spots in the specific pattern shown above. The spots might be clean and round, or small and patchy
In California only, Coccinella novemnotata is spotless, but still matches all the other features listed. (It shouldn't be confused with the California Lady Beetle, Coccinella californica, whose pronotum has two square white "cheeks" but not connected by a white bar.)
Meanwhile Hippodamia variegata has:
Distinctly long, oval, almost rectangular bodies. Hippodamia as a group are known as Oblong Lady Beetles
Pronotum has a white border with two round white dots
Variable number of spots. One of the above has nine spots, which is probably why OP misidentified them, but the other has 13 spots. They can also have patchier or merged spots, or bars, or fewer spots, or no spots.
Info on the Nine-Spotted Lady Beetle on BugGuide (with identification info!) and on iNaturalist (with map of sightings!)
Info on the Variegated Lady Beetle on BugGuide (with identification info!) and on iNaturalist (with map of sightings!)
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Nine-spotted Ladybirds (Coccinella novemnotata)
#ladybirds #ninespottedladybird #insects #coccinellanovemnotata #nature #garden #macro #wildlife #EtoE2 #ethereal_moods #gloomy_side_views #flowersandmacro #topmacros #top_macro #charming_nature_ #macrogrammers #viewbug #mynikonlife #insectphotography #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #gardenphotography #macrophotography #ladybirdphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/BqyZDfVl9FX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1u25d4ueamj9n
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dino--draws · 11 days ago
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self awareness and facial scars at the whims of a cruel and ugly story
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