#mishs animations
m3llowm1sh · 3 months
happy (late) narumitsu day 👍 i bring a quick silly video for the occasion
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swordy-da-goat · 11 months
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A winter creature and a ptarmigan harpy friendship
Winter creature
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mishada · 10 months
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crocsforgeckos · 6 months
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A littol yoketron design for a stupid visual novel I've been working on and off for for a month
It's mainly just a colour change with a few extra bits (the colours looked better on my laptop...)
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mishyells · 9 months
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Requested by @lizzozzil ! Click to read along on twitter
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the-jennisms · 10 months
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The final mish mash art thing I’ve done (for now) This one made from some of my favorite women in anime.
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prying-pandora666 · 7 months
The Cast and Crew Don’t Deserve Your Hate
I know many of us feel hurt and betrayed by NATLA. I know this. I feel the same.
Please stop cursing Albert Kim and the production crew. The fact is, he inherited a huge mess that was already behind schedule. Studios nowadays want the fastest turn around possible and are willing to pour money into projects.
But not time.
I’ve said it before, but LOTR is the absolute gold standard for production. They took years of pre-production time to hand craft their costumes and props and wigs. They hired artisans to hand make tunics and chainmail by hand. They sourced and layered real human hair for their hair pieces. It was incredible.
GOT also attempted something similar though not nearly at the same scale.
That’s why both of these productions have such fantastic and realistic feeling costumes, wigs, and props.
Modern studios just want fast turn around. They’ll pour in money but they want it fast. That’s why the modern takes on LOTR and GOT (ROP and HOTD) look like mediocre cosplay by comparison. The stylists are doing their best, but there’s only so much you can do with so little time.
That’s exactly what’s happened here. You can tell in how awful all the wigs and beards look, even compared to the Shyamalan film of all things! It’s why you can see machine stitching and the fabrics aren’t thick enough to pass for animal pelts. It’s why Iroh’s beard looks like it’s going to fall off, and Yue’s hair looks like a Lego piece, and Azula’s bangs are visibly attached extensions of a completely different sort from the rest of the synthetic wig. It’s why Zuko’s scar looks like a birthmark and not a burn.
It’s why the bending, despite having impressive animation, doesn’t line up well with the actors’ movements and feels pasted on. Almost as if the artists and fight choreographers didn’t get to communicate and plan together.
It’s why the scripts are a poorly juggled mish mash of plots, with threads left to hang in the wind while others are so oversimplified that it feels like a playschool version of ATLA rather then the “adult” version it’s supposed to be.
And it’s why the the Chinese writing is grammatically a mess like they just ran it through Google translate.
I have nothing but respect for Albert Kim and the cast and crew that worked tirelessly to bring this disaster to life under these conditions.
I worry about the poor crew being put through some awful crunch time for this show…
Yes it’s bad. But it’s not only bad as a piece of media. It’s bad as an indicator of what studios prioritize now, and it’s neither audiences nor their own staff.
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snapdragonessart · 29 days
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Part 2 of my dragon dentition series 😊 ancients coming next! Teef info under the cut
Obelisks take inspiration from Chinese guardian lion statues, with their voluminous manes, big paws and fierce face. As such, their teeth would be similar to a lion’s dentition, with massive canines and carnassials. Although lions mainly eat land-based animals, they are also opportunistic and will sometimes eat fish and even insects. This doesn’t make up for any large part of their diet, however, and in this way they differ from Obelisks which only eat seafood and bugs. Jaguars make a better match for Obelisks in regards to food, as they eat aquatic prey more often than lions do, with one remote population of jaguars in Brazil primarily feeding on aquatic reptiles and fish.
Pearlcatchers were pretty tricky to pin down. Their body and face look almost horse or deer-shaped. Their diet is insects and plants. The only creature that came to mind for Pearlcatchers were qilins; one-horned legendary beasts from Chinese mythology. They’re fully scaled, with dragon-like faces and a body shaped like a horse, deer or goat. This seems to fit Pearlcatcher’s the most, but figuring out their dentition is another matter. There’s not really a 1-to-1 comparative animal I can base their teeth on, so I think they’d be a mish-mash of different tooth structures. They’d have larger canines, maybe like a musk deer, but the rest of their teeth would follow a more herbivorous design. They’d have large, flat molars and premolars for grinding up plants, probably similar to a horse or goat. 
Ridgebacks are basically land-sharks, no question. Their diet and face says it all. Although their snouts look more like goblin sharks to me, I don’t think they’d have those creepy mouths. Their dentition would be more like a great white; they’d have a mouth full of serrated, razor sharp teeth. Like actual sharks, Ridgeback’s would have a reserve of extra teeth in their jaws. 
Skydancer dragons present another tricky situation. They’re bird dragons, and eat plants and insects like Pearlcatchers. Although some official art shows them with teeth, I don’t think they’d actually have them. The closest structure to teeth that's found in birds is the tomia, which is the cutting edge of the upper and lower beak. Tomia is not made of enamel, but of cartilage. Seed-eating birds use this to slice through seed hulls, and birds of prey like falcons have a single sharp projection to rip meat and insects apart. Geese have tomia on their tongues, which pushes the food back towards their throat as they eat. Skydancers probably have a gizzard as well, as the tomia is not enough on its own to grind food down completely. It was hard to figure out what the Skydancer’s beak would be most similar to; out of all the more hook beaked birds, it reminded me most of vultures or eagles, although in diet they do not match them at all. Skydancer beaks are a mish-mash of different bird characteristics that I thought would fit them the most, rather than based on a single bird in particular.
Snappers are tortoise dragons, and like tortoises they’d have ridges in their beaks to help chew food. The official lore states that their beaks are “lined with molars that begin halfway down the jaw and continue all the way to the back”. Real-life tortoises don’t have teeth, so I’d imagine these structures would be like the tomia of birds. Their diet would be a mix of what tortoises and turtles eat, as Snappers eat both plants and seafood.
Spirals really remind me of ferrets, with their noodley bodies and energetic, chaotic nature. Like ferrets, they’d have sharp little canines, incisors and carnassials for shredding meat. Ferrets mainly eat meat, but will also eat bugs too, which matches up with the Spirals diet.
Tundra dragons are currently the only purely herbivorous dragon. The lore states that they have “impressive canine teeth used for combat. The majority of their jaw is set with flat, wide molars, perfect for grinding up scrub.” They’d be most similar to musk deers in dentition, with both male and female Tundras having the enlarged canines characteristic of male musk deer. The canines wouldn’t be as thin or long as a musk deer; they would be thick, robust, and fit more snugly inside the mouth. 
Last for the modern breeds, we have the Wildclaws. They’re raptor dragons, based on the Dromaeosaurids - raptor dinosaurs (velociraptors, utahraptors, etc). Like raptors, Wildclaws would have widely spaced and serrated teeth. They’d be fairly equal in shape, and would curve backwards.  Raptors were carnivorous, which fits with the Wildclaw’s meat diet.
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shy-raccoon · 8 months
Worldbuilding Tip
If you have a fantasy race with animal traits look at that animals social structure when desiging their culture.
A kingdom of lion people could have 2 types of towns, one with mostly women and one man as mayor and another made up of men banished from the first town when they hit puberity. With duals to decide the mayor of the first town.
Fauns and satyrs could banish all men from town except for during mating season with only women running socity or have seperate towns for each gender like actual deer herds.
Most cultures in fantasy are real world cultures with the serial numbers shaved off or a mish mash of real world cultures. So this is a great way to make more interesting cultures in your setting.
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m3llowm1sh · 10 months
minerscales confession gone wrong 😱😱
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2sgf · 2 months
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Solstice ☀️ Sol ☀️ Sunny
he/him ⭐ they/them ⭐ she/her
28 years old ; tme two-spirit first nations wo/man
@mermen is my moonlight 🌙
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★ minors do not follow or interact thank you
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★ i always read abouts, carrds, rentrys, & pinned posts! i might forget to like posts after, or might unlike them after some time to keep my likes clean
☆ i try to keep others' blacklists in mind but if i forgot to tag something, feel free to send me an ask or a message! i will do my best to remember but the dissociation might fuck with me so if it's something important but niche you need tagged, i might need multiple reminders so just unfollow if you're worried about it...
★ disabled, neurodivergent polyfrag system
☆ remade on july 18th 2024
art blog: @solsunbeam
more about under the cut! ^^ not necessary to read
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☀ my socio-political beliefs: land back, pro palestine, anti-colonization, harm reductionist, anti-canada and anti-usa, anti capitalism, defund & dismantle the police, prison abolitionist, anti child family services, pro family reunification, better funding for social services, pro universal healthcare (including mental health resources, optometry, AND dentistry), antipsychiatry, pro universal basic income, decriminalize drugs, sex bioessentialism is rooted in white supremacy, and may all the catholic churches burn down thank you
☼ i don't 'debate' any of the above with anon asks. if you want more info on why i hold these beliefs, you can ask me privately via message. though, i may block you if your vibes are bad. if you deeply disagree with the above, then i rather you block me than try to convince me otherwise. i'll save us both the time and just block you.
☀ in general i block whenever i feel i need to
☼ i occasionally post about the above, but this blog will also contain a mish-mash of my interests, personal posts, fashion pictures, nature pics, and like.... idk whatever ✌🏽
☀ mutuals this is your sign to ASK FOR MY DISCORD! come. enter my dms. let me send you pictures of my cats.
☼ interests: poetry, art, films, fashion, video games, animation, plants, comics, child welfare, trauma recovery, disability rights, tarot, witchcraft, the occult, linguistics, lolita fashion, and all kinds of other stuff
☀ video games: kingdom hearts, fire emblem, legend of zelda, animal crossing, final fantasy, supergiant's hades, minecraft, mario bros, pokemon (mostly gens 1-5), sonic the hedgehog, undertale, deltarune, // anime/manga: witch hat atelier, dungeon meshi, sailor moon, revolutionary girl utena, yugioh duel monsters, card captor sakura, madoka magica, hunter x hunter, ghibli movies, and other stuff lol
☼ alters may or might not tag their posts as [alter name].txt feel free to refer to them as their name! but we all respond to the collective name as well <3
☀ my final message...... peas and lov on planet erth....... goodnight
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mishada · 6 months
"I'll shoot Rudy!" | South Park meme | [OC]
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mylancap1 · 10 months
Sebagai fapper tegar, tentu la aku ada taste & preferences tersendiri. Antara taste yang aku sangat susah nak move on... isteri orang atau lagi best disebut hot wifey. Dulu masa aku mula-mula fapping, aku susah nak brain kenapa kawan aku boleh turn on dengan orang yang dah kena lenjan berkali-kali oleh partner dia. Tapi bila ada beberapa peristiwa melibatkan isteri orang ni, aku boleh letakkan 100% keyakinan isteri orang berkali ganda mengghairahkan dari semua sudut.
Aku nak reveal dulu beberapa hot wifey yang aku layan. Kali ni aku share wife selebriti. Menarik benda ni sebab sebagai wife selebriti tentu tak lepas dari daya tarikan public. So yeahhh, perkenalkan Tasha isteri kepada penyanyi.
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Tasha bagi aku sangat underrated. Kawan-kawan aku even tak pernah kenal siapa dia. Tapi bagi aku, Tasha ada daya penarik tersendiri. Muka dia memang bagi aku tak sangat menaikkan nafsu. Muka jenis plain. Tapi kalau aku tengok body dia, fuhhh dia memang ada pakej hot wifey. Body bini orang tak perlu perfect. Chubby, montok, sedap ditampar-tampar. Pakej ni masa dia anak dara lagi dah ada. Lagi satu, perwatakan Tasha ni agak bitchy. Dia bawa karakter macam ala cikaro sikit, suka ride motor, sport, etc. Benda macam ni buatkan kita tau sexual level dia macam mana. Dia jenis yang akan biarkan partner dominate dia kaw kaw. Tasha tak kisah kalau partner dia cuckold atau gangbang dengan cara paling extreme. Outfit dia pun menunjukkan dia suka macam tu. Animal prints antara favourite Tasha pakai. Nampak sangat slutty bila dia pakai leapord atau zebra print. Tapi Tasha masih cover jugak aura sexual dia. Dia cuma tunjuk kepada sapa yang berminat. Aku personally cuma follow dia masa Tasha anak dara. Belum sampai tahap maximum turn on.
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Bila Tasha dah married, ni la turning point sebenar. Anak dara transform to hot wifey. Masa dia pakai dress kawin pun, aku dah nampak bayangan tu. Muka dia dah nampak aura sex. Walaupun boobs dia tak terlalu besar, Tasha ada asset utama iaitu bontot. Bontot Tasha memang power. Memang gedabak besar. Dekat sini semua benda boleh try. Macam-macam skills boleh cuba.
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Tasha dah jadi makin slut. Tudung dah on off. Rambut panjang dia memang antara yang aku turn on. Masa doggy atau Tasha ride dekat atas, boleh bayangkan dia layan rambut panjang dia mengurai sampai la dia rasa tak selesa terus dia ikat ke atas. Masa nak doggy balik, aku akan buka balik ikatan sanggul tu dan pull her hair. Doggy sambil pull the hair memang nikmat yang maximum.
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Bila semua bitchy yang ada dalam diri keluar lepas married, Tasha rasa selesa untuk show off dekat public. Lepas kawin kejap je tak sampai berapa bulan, sperm dah lekat sampai la Tasha preggy. Hari hari fucking mesti la lekat. Cuma dalam keadaan make love yang kinky dan extreme macam gang bang & threesome, sperm sapa yang lekat tu menjadi persoalan.
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Disebabkan circle Tasha yang ramai wife selebriti jugak menjadikan sex macam gangbang & orgy jadi pilihan. Memang sebenarnya lenjan isteri sendiri belum sampai level ultimate. Sampai la berjaya fucking isteri member & skandal dengan mana-mana hotwife. Tu puncak tertinggi make love.
Gangbang, cuckold, swinging, orgy, soft & full swapping memang jadi kegilaan dorang. Mereka akan berada dalam tempat yang best dan habis habisan lenjan. Mula-mula fucking wife sendiri lepas tu beralih kepada yang lain. Mish lepas tu doggy lepas tu wife yang ride dan paling gila dorang boleh sampai tahap double & triple anal. Damnnn. Fucking hot. Position pulak boleh maximum level tahap standing position & pile driver. Berdas-das sperm akan mencurah masuk ke dalam pussy. Arghhhh...
Sampai la semua bunting. Cuma tak tau sperm siapa. Bila Tasha preggy, ni la kemuncak aku turn on. Memang muka dia aku tak turn on sangat. Tapi bentuk body dia especially bila dia preggy boleh buat dick aku mencanak 100% tak turun-turun sampai berjam-jam. Tetek dia yang medium size akan membengkak dan paling best bontot dia tu omg aku paling tak tahan sial. Perfect butt for hotwife. Besar, pejal, lentik. Memang anal sex jadi pilihan kalau fucking Tasha. Apa lagi masa dia tengah preggy. Arghhhhh...
Face 4/10
Aku terpaksa jujur. Aku tak suka muka Tasha. Apa lagi kalau dia make up. Nampak fake. Tapi tak la sampai aku turn off. Masih berjaya buat aku terangsang. Cuma belum sampai level aku akan cum teruk dekat muka dia.
Boobs 6/10
Boobs dia medium size yang menghampiri besar. Cuma to be honest, boobs dia tak sepadan sangat dengan body dia yang chubby. Patut lagi busty. Saggy sikit tak apa. Sebab dia akan jadi hot MILF nanti. Tapi aku masih turn on tengok boobs dia especially kalau show off dengan pakai baju ketat.
Butt 10/10
Kelebihan Tasha. Bontot dia sangat padu. Besar, lebar, lentik. Semua ada dalam pakej bontot dia. Memang stok untuk doggy habis habisan dan anal sex. Bukan senang mahu cari butt macam Tasha.
Body Cutting 6.5/10
Tasha tak ada body cutting yang nice sangat. Tapi markah dia lebih separuh sebab aku sangat geram dengan body cutting dia masa preggy. Ahhhh masa tu memang sumpahhhh mengalahkan turn on aku terhadap body anak dara. Dengan tetek membengkak, perut membesar, bontot pejal. Speechless.
Sexual Attractiveness 7/10
Tasha punya sexual taste lain daripada lain. Macam aku cakap dia punya style macam cikaro & rempit yang akan benarkan member laki dia lenjan habis-habisan. So yes for gangbang, orgy, semua yang kinky beramai-ramai. Bukakke pun nice. Makin banyak dick makin cepat Tasha orgasm. Ni la kemuncak taste Tasha.
Aku masuk kepada benda yang paling aku suka pasal Tasha. Sebab aku bra fetish, so paling aku turn on sebab Tasha suka show off bra hitam dia. Aku betul-betul kalah bila dia tayang tali bra hitam dia tu. Sini aku terpaksa bagi markah lebih. Too sexy.
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your-enby-antihero · 10 months
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faustiandevil · 1 month
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Cuki macska vagy, jajj! | You are a cute cat, oh!
I’ve been seeing a lot of cats in the tag and I work like a cursed monkey paw, I will draw cat related Lorre and Price, but no one will enjoy it. Anyway welcome to the horrors beyond your comprehension part of Hungarian Culture, which is Megalkuvó macskák (Compromising cats) or as its more widely known Macska-duett (Cat-duet). The song is of course a parody using various other songs mish-mashed together to tell the story of two lazy cats dealing with a mice infestation. It’s performed by the late funny men Géza Hofi and János Koós, and of course the cats are drawn in their likeness. We created Cats 2019 before it even existed teehee~
I’ve been playing around with this idea for a long time now, because I really would’ve liked to see Lorre and Price in an animated movie together and honestly it fits their vibes. Adding the original parody, because it’s worth the watch and people need to know that I’m absolutely in the right when I say they would have killed it.
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littledigits · 9 months
Hi! I absolutely love your work and your art style (and I think Hilda is one of the best animated shows ever made!!) I want to dip my toe into drawing, mainly because I want to be able to do little sketchy character drawings for my D&D campaign lol. Is there any particular book or course you might recommend for getting started? Thank you!
thank you so much ! <3
I would say if you want to start drawing , do whatever makes it accessible and fun for you to start. I cant go hardcore into learning, i need some indulgence to keep it fun.
Its hard for me to recommend anything off the top of my head. there is SO MUCH GOOD STUFF OUT THERE NOW ADAYS. also you may look at a book or a course and the way its explained wont make sense to you, but someone else could put it a different way and it could click better! Everyone has a different workflow and different methods, so what i'd recommend is just poke around in some youtube videos and just watch a few beginner ones, see what methods you vibe with. But at the end of the day do what you feel like is most fun and dont sweat the details
DONT BE AFRAID TO REFRENCE THINGS! When I was in school for animation, one of the first things you did to learn to draw on model was draw overtop of the model sheet and break down the proportions. (how many 'heads' tall is it , how many 'eyes' wide is the face). If you see a style you like, learn from it !
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Drawing overtop of a character and breaking it down is a great exercise if there is a style you want to mimic. Understanding the proportions helps because then when you draw, if it looks -off- you can test out your own . Who knows, maybe you accidentally made the body too long or short! People are afraid to trace or draw over, but its a great exercise as long as you dont take credit, especially if you're not just doing it for something to look pretty but you want to *understand* how it was done. This helps a lot in building your own style ! my style is a mish mash of everything i've loved and worked on over the years, and it changes over time. So if you see something and you're like 'ooo thats COOL how did they do it' , save it , break it down , maybe you'll learn a few new things !
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also I recommend to start with simple shapes ! I put some screen captures from rough sketches that Scott Lewis did, who is a senior animator on hilda. Even as an experienced animator he knows how important the fundamentals are (which is why hes good at his job haha). I think if you want to do fun sketchy things for DND , keeping it simple is the way to go :) you'd be surprised how much expression you can get out of shapes ! I hope this helps you get started on drawing all the endless DND shenanigans that I'm sure live in your head :D .
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