#miraculous quot.. ig??
Marinette: You know what? I honestly don't think you even have a plan at this point. I think you're just pretending to be constantly one step ahead of me specifically to get on my nerves.
Lila, snorting seven lines of fun dip: You're falling right into my trap by saying that, you know.
Marinette: *eye twitch*
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Plagg: Well, turns out every once in a while someone amazing comes into your life so...
Plagg: Here the fuck I am.
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jiveyuncle · 1 year
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The enablers server taught me everything I know about Félix’s parentage
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ladykyriaa · 1 year
Hot take but as an asian myself. I actually love Marinette's blue eyes. Heck they're one of my favourite features of hers🥺💖
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introvertedlass · 11 months
My fav thing about all this is that after 2 years and 2 weddings, and 1024884 articles about dating and marriage, Chris finally admitted he’s married and STILL did not mention his wife by name nor did he compliment her in any way.
But all this means is there’s still no official sound bite. I get that many ppl will say he didn’t need to mention her name and yes it’s true everyone knew who he was speaking about…but do they?
Tabloids do not have him on quote at any point saying AB’s name. Even on the scare videos he miraculously never said her name once. He was on print saying he had a gf and still no name. He went on stage and actually admitted to being married and mentioned a lady being from PT but still no name.
There are thousands/millions of women in PT or from PT. One could easily say he married any one of them. (This is clearly sarcasm because everyone knows he’s referring to AB) but the tabloids to this day can still only assume he married AB because she is most recently connected to him and is from PT. Occam’s razor and so that’s what they’ll continue to write and circulate. They can absolutely do that and the GP and most fans will believe it and atp won’t question him or it. Unless you’re the small 1 percent who sees the inconsistencies that almost feel on purpose. 😉
But without wedding photos released to the public or a people exclusive with pics and a official statement, they can only use the same separate stock photos of them side by side or one of the 20 from his vday video which only has one pic of them actually kissing. Coincidentally, the only photo ppl have of them being together after the wedding is a blurry back of the head photo of them with no money shot. The Central Park debut pap pics have them in masks and then one video of her with no mask looking pissed while he’s covered head to toe with mask. WDW she’s in a crop top showing her tattoo while he’s covered head to toe in hat and mask. LOL. The only photos of him and her together were in 24 hour IG stories that disappeared so they can’t be traced back to a direct live and existing link.
Friends and family follow but nobody publicly posts a pic of her with him or vice versa. Both sides. Both sides don’t even publicly show up in the same pics together. Justin the trolling king of clout still can’t post actual photos with both groups in Bermuda so he posts 97474 ones of his sisters wedding instead.
So after all this, it’s still a strategy for plausible deniability which is so hilarious because you’d think he’d actually have the moment to get on stage and talk about her and how amazing she is but he used 5 out of 30 seconds to say his wife from PT and used the other 25 seconds to mention the two weddings and reflecting on being married - before going on a 10 min love sesh about his dog. Even when he mentioned his ex gf Jenny slate he had a paragraph of compliments for her. They did a whole podcast together before they started dating. They have cute candids of them together caught by fans and friends/family posted them together in private photos. There were old interviews where he mentioned he loved hanging out with his gf (Jessica biel) because she was an awesome person. They were publicly cute and attended red carpets and even did movies together.
But his wife who he has had as a gf for awhile is big on judging ppl’s energies when she meets them and is from PT.
TMZ got some homework to do or they simply don’t care because in a court of law, none of this evidence can be used to prove they are married. It’s all speculation still because Occam’s razor and likes and follows on IG are not equate to “hard proof.” An anonymous source saying their names together are married but no official confirmation still isn’t 100% proof. It’s just heavy and intentional speculation designed to make you just accept and believe that it’s true and not question but the fine print is there.
I think they intend to keep it this way until they have fulfilled their purpose.
(By no means am I saying they didn’t have a wedding. It would just be stupid atp to do all that and not. But I’ve also known someone who had a lavish wedding but didn’t actually file the marriage paperwork. So despite being married to the public, they were never legally married. And when they got “divorced”, they just split and had no ties to each other. True story.)
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evansboyfriend · 11 months
im still, to quote pete wentz (!!!) from idk 5 hours ago, "losing my mind" im literally thinking about the fact that i was listening to this band 15+ yrs ago when i lived in the country where nothing ever happened like it just wasn't possible to go see a live music show. to go see fall out boy. you would have to go abroad and only if you were super rich ig?? because cheap flights weren't a thing then either. but now im fucking 30 and still miraculously alive and living in london and able to go see fall out boy. on stage. and my brain finally catches on that these are Real People and not just pictures on the internet (nevermind that im always out of the loop and hadnt seen any recent pics) and i lose my mind. patrick stump sits at the piano and starts playing fucking Queen?! and i lose my mind. pete wentz is talking to the audience and pausing the show so staff can get someone out of the crowd and i lose my mind. what the fuck!!!!!!!!! i need 20 more.
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Ahhhh😆😆😆 chat is the kind guy friend I need!! 😣😣
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lolidontexistheree · 3 years
Adrien: Felix, this is my girlfriend marinette
Felix: there are many people out there. You're better with someone else.
Adrien: marinette is the sweetest person I know and I love her so much.
Felix: I was talking to her.
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theofficialadyblog · 3 years
Alya Césaire: Hey there bugheads! Have you ever wanted to get to know Ladybug and Chat Noir outside of battle? What are they like? What do they think of hero work? Today we'll be answering those questions and more in an interview with the saviors of Paris themselves: Ladybug and Chat Noir! Thank you so much for agreeing to come here guys.
Ladybug: Of course Alya, we're honored to be here.
Alya Césaire: You guys have been fighting villains and saving Paris for quite a while now and I think it's time that we truly sat down and interviewed you guys and get to know you two better hopefully without anyone ending up akumatized. In our first segment which I like to call 'Paris Asks', the citizens of Paris will ask you a few questions.
Chat Noir: Fire away Alya!
Alya Césaire: The first question was asked by a citizen who would like to remain anonymous. Anonymous asks: 'For Ladybug & Chat Noir: Did you two know each other before the first Akumatization, or was that also your first meeting?'
Ladybug: That actually was our first meeting. It was also the first time we had ever transformed into Ladybug and Chat Noir so we were both still beginners at the time so it was a hard battle which is why it's so important that Chat Noir and I improve at fighting villains and free Paris of akumatizations as soon as possible.
Chat Noir: No offence to the guy who was akumatized into Stoneheart but I feel like if we were to battle Stoneheart now, the fight wouldn't have taken as long as it did at the time. It really is crazy how much we've improved within the last couple of months.
Alya Césaire: I can only imagine how difficult it must be for you two with how akuma battles are getting harder and harder as time goes on. Our next question comes from Mademoiselle Zoe Lee who asks: 'How do you guys manage being superheroes as well as your personal lives?'
Chat Noir: Don't get me started on personal lives Zoe. The thing I hate most about Shadowmoth other than the terrorism is that the guy doesn't have a schedule. Like can we agree on a time for akumatizations? Out of costume Ladybug and I still have lives and things to do like school, work, hanging out with people and have a social life unlike SOMEBODY who does nothing but sit at his lair all day waiting for some teenager to get angry. And sometimes, he akumatizes people at like 3 am and it can get so annoying, like do you not sleep butterfly man?
Alya's Note: I think it's important to note that while Chat Noir was talking here, Ladybug had the proudest smirk I'd ever seen
Ladybug: (still laughing) Is that another reason to defeat him for you?
Chat Noir: Of course M'lady, a boy needs his beauty sleep. I know you can't see it because of my mask but I have to wear makeup because of the dark circles these late night akumatizations give me.
Alya Césaire: Honestly though, it makes me wonder if the guy even has a day job.
Ladybug: Considering the the odd timings of akumatizations, I don't think he's employed. It's either that or he's a freelancer and works when he wants to.
Chat Noir: Or he's just older than we think and is actually retired.
Ladybug: As much as that was a joke, that could also be a possibility especially considering that he very rarely shows up to battle in person which could imply that he's physically not 'what he used to be' as the elderly say.
Alya Césaire: I have to make a whole post about this after this interview, this is actually legit info. Our next question comes from Monsieur Marc Anciel, the illustrator of the comic book series, 'Miraculous' who asked 'Hey Ladybug, you borrowed my bicycle to help with an akuma battle last week and I still didn't get it back. Could you give it back to me? Thank youu'. Ladybug you have alot of explaining to do.
Ladybug: Oh Marc, I remember him. Yeah I did borrow his bike for an akuma battle last week, I believe it was when Princess Fragrance II was akumatized. I needed to get away from her quick. I thought that my miraculous ladybugs would've brought it back to him but I guess not. I remember leaving it near The Seine and if it's not there, maybe we could meet up tomorrow when Chat Noir and I go on patrol. Thanks for letting me know Marc. Oh and if anyone sees a black and orange bicycle near the Seine, please let it be there and don't take it away as it is Monsieur Anciel's. Thank you.
Alya Césaire: It's really sweet seeing you guys interacting with civilians like this which actually brings us to our next question which is from Mademoiselle Alix Kubdel which frankly is a question that I feel like the entirety of Paris, including myself, wants an answer to which is 'Why do I keep seeing Chat Noir just chilling on the streets even when there's no danger ? Is everything okay?'
Chat Noir: I guess the reason is because I find that travelling around on my stick is more convenient than just walking around and I also get to see Paris in a completely different way than I would out of costume that I don't really get to enjoy while in an akuma battle so I just transform and travel around on my stick. Also it's really fun interacting with civilians when I'm Chat Noir so that's another reason I do this. At first, I would get stares sometimes like 'What is he doing transformed like there isn't even an akuma?' but now it's more like 'Oh Chat Noir's here? Cool.'
Ladybug: I remember this one time I was on a bus and I just saw Chat just on a bench talking to Mr. Banana and I was so confused but knowing him, I wasn't surprised. It is really cool to see that people do see us as just regular civilians but just in superhero outfits.
Alya Césaire: Speaking of Mr. Banana, I remember this theory that Mr. Banana was actually Ladybug because he was talking to Chat Noir and the answer to this question has yet to answered. Ladybug, Chat Noir, anything to say about this?
Ladybug: I know I'm not supposed to reveal anything about my identity but I can guarantee you that I'm not Mr. Banana.
Chat Noir: Spoiler alert but Mr. Banana is like 35, married and has a kid and also he's taller than me. So yeah, not Ladybug....
Alya Césaire: You hear that Paris? You can delete your Mr. Banana X Chat Noir fanfics now. Please I've been scarred enough.
Chat Noir: Wait! There are fanfics of me and Mr. Banana?!
Ladybug: Chat Noir, please don't look them up for your own safety. They are truly....something.
Alya Césaire: Ladybug what are you doing on fanfic websites?
Ladybug: Uhh..what fanfic websites? I know no such thing!
Chat Noir: M'lady, reading fanfics is nothing to be ashamed of, we all have our hobbies. What's the next question Alya?
Alya Césaire: RIGHT! The final question is from Monsieur Luka Couffaine who asked, 'No questions here, I just wanna let Ladybug and Chat Noir know that they're doing an awesome job at protecting Paris(and the whole world for that matter at such a young age).Keep up the good work guys!'
Ladybug: Aw thank you Monsieur Couffaine, Chat Noir and I will continue working hard and will make sure that Paris stays safe and that we'll all be free from the rein of Shadowmoth once and for all!
Chat Noir: Yeah and it's nice comments like that gives us the encouragement to keep going! So thank you guys.
Alya Césaire: Are you kidding me? You guys are the ones who are risking your lives everyday to keep us safe out of the goodness of your own hearts.Paris is forever in dept to your service. And with that the first segment of this interview is officially over. The transcript of me asking Ladybug and Chat Noir my own questions will be released in the next few days so stay tuned aaand..
Ladybug and Chat Noir: STAY CONNECTED !
Alya Césaire: This is the greatest day of my life
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unreachablevoice · 4 years
Marinette: *angy babie face* I hate you! I can't believe you've done this!
Marinette: *crying* To me! To us! How could you?
Jason: *hugging and patting her back* It's okay Marinette. We're gonna be okay.
Damian: It's a flipping game of Monopoly. What the HECK—
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Chat Noir: Yeah, I got main character energy in one particular story.
Chat Noir: Here's the story...
Chat Noir: Once upon a time there was a sad bish. They were sad forever. The End.
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chatonnoir · 2 years
hi i wanted to let you know i have been into miraculous literally since PV days but have strayed from the fandom since around season 2-3 when "salt" stuff started getting really popular. i was tired of seeing my favorites being mangled beyond recognition to fit some weird revenge fantasy, so i just stopped. recently though i missed the blorbos. its people like you who genuinely love the show and the characters that have made my more recent experiences incredibly lovely and fulfilling. thank u :]
Aw thank you honey :’) truly as someone who got a little in to ML in 2016 and enjoyed the cute fan content and saw how much fans praised it but didn't keep up with it, only to come back to it a couple of seasons later and see how insane the fandom had become over those few years .... it is truly exhausting and baffling to see what people do to the show now. Ig this is the danger of too much self-projection and a lack of critical thinking. Even people who claimed to be done with the show in season 4 continue to run blogs obsessed with """criticizing""" the show for the stupidest and most petty things possible on a daily basis, instead of just ... walking away from it if it doesn’t appeal to them anymore. It can really give you a headache.
But it all makes me think of that one quote from the end of Ratatouille (the movie which is indisputably Pixar Animation Studios' magnum opus): "the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so." ML as a show means so much to so many people of all age groups and backgrounds across the world. ML is far more meaningful and loved and contributes far more to the world than any random schmuck's salt post/fic/comic/video essay about it on the internet. ML is a sweet show! It's a cute and fun show! It's a kind show about emotions and relationships (platonic and romantic) and the power of love but isn’t designated as a Girls Show(TM), as shows with these themes often are, so boys are watching it too! And it shows us a male superhero being soft and sensitive and a hopeless romantic and in touch with his emotions without shame and a female superhero who loves him for it! Which is so important!
Similar kids cartoons when I was growing up, things like Danny Phantom, always had the romance as not an A or B or even a C plot but basically a Z plot. Literally on the back burner. An afterthought. Not something that was created out of passion and a belief that the characters would love each other and rather just thrown in because a main heterosexual relationship for the protagonist Has to be there, for some reason. Romantic moments would be limited to The Romance Episode(TM), wherein the "romantic development" is just like ... the characters accidentally held hands or kissed or something, and would often boil down to "this boy and girl are friends so OBVIOUSLY they have to like each other," without ever really showing me why they actually love each other. And don't get me started on allll the pieces of media with a forced heterosexual romance that is little more than "this male and female character have romantic and sexual tension because they're a male and female character." Or all the pieces of animated kids media where the main male character immediately likes the main female character because she's The Pretty One (As much as I love ATLA and k/ataang, even ATLA did this in the first episode). This all always felt so lacking to me as someone who was so enamored by love even as a kid.
Then comes along ML. Chat Noir didn't fall for Ladybug because he saw her and was taken with how she was Pretty. We know he thinks she's beautiful but he was completely unaffected by this fact when he first met her!!! It wasn't until he saw her stand up to evil that he fell for her! A male character falling for a female character not because Wow She Pretty but because of her bravery and cleverness and determination to stand up to evil and do good? That shouldn't be groundbreaking but it is!!! And it's beautiful!!! And Marinette didn't fall for Adrien because he was The Hot Guy or The Cool Hero or just because he's the male character and she's the female character so she just Has To. She fell for him when she saw his vulnerability and kindness!!! I would've LOVED to have grown up with a show like ML.
God the romance? I’ve never seen so much delicious Yearning in any other western kid’s cartoon. The door scene? Hoowee.... The way each of them so desperately wants the other to see both sides of them. The ending scene of Glaciator, when Ladybug is supposed to be “rejecting” Chat Noir and Chat Noir is supposed to be giving her a platonic cheek kiss, and yet it’s one of the sweetest and most utterly romantic scenes in the show. The sad undertone of Ladynoir, of being best friends but not being able to know a single thing about each other’s lives. The pure romance of the umbrella scene. The coup de foudre.
And it doesn't matter if the episode is romance-centric or not because ML has given us a male and female hero duo with so much genuine love and affection for each other that it's palpable in every episode from the very first season (especially if you’re watching in French lmao). Just... the sweet way they talk to each other, where you can hear their fondness for each other in their voices. The way they tease and roast each other. The petnames. The way they support and protect and take care of each other in and out of battles (specific moments like Ladybug looking after and reassuring Scaredy-cat Chat Noir in Reverser and Chat Noir putting Ladybug’s yo-yo over her mouth for her so she could breathe underwater in Truth make me so insane). The whole concept of “them against the world.” The way that even while loving Ladybug, Chat Noir has no problem telling her when he disagrees with her. The way they will have disagreements/conflicts that are completely in line with their established character traits and weaknesses, but aren’t able to stay mad at each other for more than a minute because of their softness for each other, and always come back from it because above all else they care about and love each other. It’s so unmatched. That’s love bitch
Speaking of how their conflicts are completely in line with their established character traits and weaknesses - the characters are incredibly deep and human and consistently written with motivations and personalities and flaws that all make so much sense! And they’ve developed so much since the start of the show! And the two protagonists mean so much to and resonate with so many people, kids and adults alike. Plenty of people have gone in to the depth of Adrien’s character and why he’s meaningful to people for paragraphs on end so I won’t repeat that, but I rarely see people talking about the beauty of Marinette’s character so I just have to point out like... A female superhero who is not a Strong Flawless Girlboss Who Needs No Man but one who is basically a female Peter Parker? A female superhero who is awkward around her crush and kind of Ridiculous and a hopeless romantic who makes stupid lovestruck faces at pictures of said crush and likes girly things and the color pink and wants to hold her boy’s hand and barely has her shit together and sometimes makes bad choices but is ultimately trying her best to balance her Great Power and Great Responsibility with her civilian life and relationships? Like, I’m not in to comics so sorry if this is inaccurate because I’m only pulling from Spider-Verse, but even Marvel’s attempt at making a girl Spider-Man through Spider-Gwen made her this cool badass with an undercut. I don’t want another Black Widow or Captain Marvel or whatever!!!! I love that ML basically gave us a female Spider-Man who is just as much of a complete disaster as Peter Parker was (talking specifically about Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield versions). I love the way both Peter and Marinette fuck up and make mistakes and bad choices and struggle to balance their two lives and accidentally end up hurting or pushing away the people who are close to them while they’re trying so hard to do what they think is right and protect the people they love with no real guidance. The loneliness of keeping their identities a secret through all that knowing that one slip up could put everyone they love in grave danger. Not to mention Marinette’s very blatant neurodivergent coding that is so clear in everything she does? Seeing her ADHD brain basically become her strength when she’s Ladybug through the bizarre connections she can make with random objects in a split second, just like how someone with ADHD would go on seemingly bizarre and random tangents mid-conversation because their brain latched on to something and quickly made a whole bunch of connections in a short amount of time while the other person was talking? Chef’s fucking kiss baby.
And I love the episodic adventures format!!!! Lots of people do!!!! The rewatch value of every episode is so good!!! Not everything has to be a 10-ep-per-season HBO drama where each 1 hour long episode is solely focused on moving the plot? People who ask for which episodes are important and which ones are “filler” that they can skip when starting ML are so weird. The fun of ML is watching all of Ladybug and Chat Noir’s fun adventures together in every episode? I love watching them just Being Ladybug and Chat Noir while they fight bad guys and have their banter. Episodes can just be Fun!!! Episodes can just exist to BE fun and silly or to explore a specific friendship or relationship rather than being focused on the main villain plot and that’s not a flaw!!!!
tl;dr: ML is a fun and cute show with very relatable, human characters and shows a beautiful, deep, powerful loving relationship between its male and female superhero leads that a lot of similar cartoons and even movies aimed at adults can’t pull off and a lot of people genuinely love this show because of it.
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hi corey, idk if you're still doing this but i was drawing and then was suddenly hit with the realisation that i completely forgot to send you one of these, so if you are here you go but if you're not ignore this <33
your top 5 (less or more if you desire) favourite tics? or if you don't want to answer that top 5 quotes that live in your head rent free?
ooooo theo this is so fun! i thought about this the entire time i was at work!
1. i have this like... gulping verbal tic and it's pretty quiet and some friends have told me that it's kind of a comforting sound? one of my friends told me that it sounds like a baby crocodile (affectionate, like... she ain't wrong) so i kind of like that one?
2. i shake the rock on symbol but only on my right hand and it's a super chill tic and doesn't hurt :)
3. rocking back and forth--i think that's more of a stim than a tic, but it's really comforting to me even tho it's embarrassing. i love the way it feels :)
4. ummm ig i have this... idk how to describe it, but it's kind of like a clicking sound? it usually comes after my p*geon tic (complex tics my beloved :/ ) but's like a "tch-tch-tch-tch" sound kind of? usually is in the same pattern and pitch? i like that. it's one of my more consistent tics <3
5. uhhhh okay hm okay um, ig... i'm not gonna lie, idk if i have another one that i like, we're still working on liking all of my verbal tics and i have no sympathy for most of my motor tics because they hurt lol
quotes that live in my head (doing ten because i cannot narrow it down, mental tics lol
1. "there's more to life than surviving!" -- ninjago, s10 ep3, lloyd
2. "be brave, children. courage is the one thing that no one can ever take away from you" -- the land of stories, the wishing spell, goldilocks
3. "we're eating / we're eating / we're eating kids / we're the crime fighting kids / we're eating / we're eating kids / here comes a snake" -- my internet friend's dream that they turned into a video
4. "no i didn't, dingbat, listen! i said 'brooke is your mother speaking fo--" / "get your finger out of my face!" / "girls, out the room, out the room!" -- dance moms abby, kelly, holly
5. "that's rough, buddy" -- atla, zuko, literally say this an unhealthy amount to the point where my internet friends who have never seen atla say it all the time
6. "but they loved with a love that was more than love / i and my annabel lee -- annabel lee, edgar allan poe
7. "now can't you see karl by the tree in the distance / amos arrives with his usual flare / zacky and don, gathered round, cheering on / yes / even the witch is there / she is there" -- what's next?, musical big fish
8. "you got this, twilight!" / "no, we got this--together!" -- my little pony movie (2017), pinkie pie, twilight
9. "what's going on in my house?" -- miraculous ladybug, s3 party crasher, g*br**l *gr*st* (doesn't deserve vowels lol)
10. "tell me, what does you require to turn a meal into a mouthgasam?" -- sk8, ep6, ad*m. no, i don't want this stuck in my head, it just is i hate it here
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kaeshii-art · 4 years
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I found this incorrect quote on Pinterest, it didn't credit anyone so credit to the tumblr user. Let me know who it is if you find it :3
Also I hit 6k on ig, Thanks Guys 🥺🤧💞💞💞💞💞
Show: miraculous
Characters: @/adrienagrestebrand @/marinettedesigned #/ninoneedsaninstagram
Actors: @/brycepapenbrook @/cristinavox @/BenjaminDiskin
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en-hees · 3 years
welcome to svtdonquixote !!
my name’s anna, age twenty1, and pronouns are she/her. enjoy watching my mental breakdown. this account will be multimedia ft. icon making, incorrect quotes, minimal writing, and small smau’s.
now every topic will have rules because that makes it extremely and so much easier on me. i procrastinate a lot so me writing is miraculous.
icon making !!
— i won’t be taking requests because then i don’t wanna do them and that’s my toxic trait.
— please keep credit where credit is due, i beg. that includes the icons on @sunasource. that’s my old acc </3
— if someone asks who made it? direct them to this account pls and ty !
— most often than not i will be doing kpop icons limited to stray kids, ateez, enhypen, seventeen, & txt. (skz antis dni).
incorrect quotes !!
— once again… no requests. i love doing incorrect quotes, but when asked… i don’t wanna. it’s like getting told to clean your room when you’re already doing it.
— as stated up there, mostly kpop incorrect quotes will be made.
— please be cool and reblog them, i love the clout 😋
writing !!
— this one is extremely rare as i lose motivation real quick. if i do write and you like it… please don’t ask me for more. i will cry /hj.
— literally nothing more for this… reblog if it’s good ig 😭
smau’s !!
— nah see cuz this is equivalent to writing but in text form…
— i like doing this if i get requests for example “when you call them pretty” or something like that. this is what i’ll except requests for.
— smau fanfics will not exist… i refuse.
— same as before… pls reblog i beg.
alright !! now that rules have been set… stan seventeen <3
this account is not a safe space for anti’s… you’ve been warned. i promise i’m nice though 😭🤚🏻
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revoltinglittleworm · 3 years
1? 6? 14?
1. meaning behind my url
“We belonged together; there was a dream rightness and magic to it, inarguable; the thought of her flooded every corner of my mind with light and poured brightness into miraculous lofts I hadn’t even known were there, vistas that seemed to exist not at all except in relationship to her.”
Donna Tartt, The Goldfinch. one of my fave quotes
6. favorite band
ig if i think about it maybe no doubt that was the first concert i ever went to and they hold a special place in my heart nostalgia wise
14. i only have my ears pierced and i dont want any other piercings i rarely wear earrings but i think a belly button piercing would be hot.
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