#miraculous ladybug au/ the law is the law
bard-of-worlds · 5 months
Chapter 29
Sorry for how long I was away, I've had to deal with a lot of Drama offline! But I'm back and will be trying to get this story finished by July! Everyone who rereads my Work, I. AM. BACK!
As Volpina rode her mount over the rooftops, she laughed out loud!   Whenever they empowered her like this, she always felt so alive!   Those fools who rejected this power, every one of them deserved nothing but scorn. How could they even thinking of letting it slip through their fingers! And all master Hawk…..Shaowmoth wanted her to do a task that she would gladly do anyway hurt Ladyslut!
All he had wanted from her when they began her ‘employment’ was to spy on the peons in her class. Tell him if she ever saw anything that might lead to Ladyslut and Stray Noir’s defeat. And for her revenge she would done it anyway!  And her plan to use that little bitch Marinette to trigger a mass attack?  That was some of her best work ever, and it got her an in with Gabriel Agreste of all people as well!
She still didn’t know why or how the plan failed and what Adrien did after she tried to get him on board……. She needed to find him and have a long talk with him. While she was transformed of course. Maybe if she showered him just what her new claws could do to a steak, maybe then he would get the message. Make him think about what she could do to Mari-trash! Then maybe he would play nice, if not then she could give him Mari-trash’s hand. After she severed it, and in a garbage bag of course.
But then those thoughts died down as she remembered what she had learned. There was her mother to consider and what she had done to Lila, she needed to run. That witch…… Merda, she might be one!    I need to find someplace to hide!   Wait, he could help me, if she can’t track me or maybe even he could create another Villain to kidnap her!   She thought with a grin. With how he’s been doing up until now, Shadowmoth could do with competent help beyond that Mayura witch. And if while she was helping him she learned a few things that let her
But as soon as the thoughts entered her mind one of the Midnight Crew cried out as it was pulled away and down.
Volpina looked at it in shock for but a moment before sending a mental command and her mount to get away from here. But as it jumped over a gap between buildings something shot up. She saw an orange blur barely missed spearing the briefcase by inches!
From bellow the rooftops Rena Rouge shot up with her flute extended to its staff form. At the top of her jump Rena Rouge backflipped and landed on the roof opposite Volpina and glared at her.
“So you’re that faux fox I’ve heard about! I know what you have there so just hand it over before it goes too far!” Rena Rouge growled as Volpina looked at her first in shock then in hunger.
Volpina couldn’t believe how lucky she was. Here she was, wondering how to get away from her mother and this happened?
“So the lesser fox following Ladyslut decided to come out and fight a superior specimen? Will tying you to the top of the Eifel Tower naked without your Miraculous cause her to come and try to save you from me? ” Volpina asked with a smug pure to her voice as she glared at Rena Rouge. The captured Midnight Crew was thrown out of the shadows at the other one and both fell to the street below them.
“Just try, you sorry excise for a vixen!” Rena Rouge growled back. Okay, I gotta keep the attention on me. Gotta not strike back and block all the bolts I can, need to wait for the others to strike first. She thought as she growled as she clenched her staff flute.
Volpina just laughed as she gestured at Rena Rouge. With a roar from Dark Kitsune it raised its tails out and started to fire blasts from the orbs.
As Rena Rouge spun her staff, blocking the blasts as she moved backwards. Volpina just laughed as Dark Kitsune stalked forward. As she was forced to move backwards, Rena Rouge just kept blocking the blasts.
Volpina watched and grinned devilishly. All she could think about what she could do once she took the Miraculous of the Fox. How having any power that wasn’t Hawkmoth’s would help her so much. She was waiting for Ladybug to strike. She had to be around, who else had captured the two Midnight Crew Sentimonsters that were her guards. Perhaps she was busy holding them? If so then she had a fox to skin!
As Rena Rouge moved backwards, she kept hope. All she needed to do was keep Volpina's eyes on her. Once the they had a chance, one good strike would end her part of this.
As Dark Owl slashed out with his sword Lunar Raven kept blocking as she led him around the rooftops. Bellow the Midnight Crew were still mostly fighting themselves.
As Dark Owl took a stance he glared at Lunar Raven. This is insane, how could I have been so fooled by this witch! What was her end game, why did she break cover now of all times!? Dark Owl thought as he looked at Lunar Raven with a scowl.
“Foul temptress!  Was anything that you ever showed to believe in true!?” Dark Owl bellowed as Shadowmoth’s energy mask formed over his face. Lunar Raven only looked back at him for a moment before speaking.
“Battle is no longer profitable to us both. I request an end so this unit can leave while still enhanced, and unit DARK OWL, can deal with Miraculous users. Agreement?” Lunar Raven asked stiffly and Dark Owl only scowled at her.
Dark Owl glared at her as Shadowmoth sent him a message. Keep fighting, our primary target isn’t here yet! And don’t give in, we need to capture her so I can find out how she tricked us! Dark Owl nodded and glared at Lunar Raven as she waited for his reply.
Dark Owl heard the commands from the commissioner and agreed, but he knew that he needed to find another way to win. Just fighting alone wasn’t doing anything to defeat this criminal. He looked around and took notice of a few things here and there. If he timed this right, then maybe they might let him win if the she-devil didn’t have more tricks up her sleeve. If he failed……. Then he guesses he’ll be no worse off than he is now.
“Justice never makes deals with evil!” Dark Owl barked as he charged forward and slashed out. She dodged backwards and looked at Dark Owl as her eyes turned red.
“Reply within possible outcomes. Activating full battle mode,” Lunar Raven said as two metal sickle blades formed on the back of her legs. She shot forward, jumping and spinning around with her right leg out. She fell at him, the blade spinning towards Dark Owl.
Dark Owl back flipped away from her attack, throwing two disks at Lunar Raven as he spun in midair. The discs hit Lunar Raven’s sword, deflected to the ground by her feet.
“A failure again, your tactics lack the proper way to defeat me. Letting me leave, allows you to fight against the Miraculous users. This combat is pointless,” Lunar Raven said robotically, staring at Dark Owl as he held his blade.
Dark Owl felt his rage pulse for a second. This witch had taken the place of his loyal follower, and she dares to insult him? This wrench deserves my blades! Time to stop holding back! I can find out what happened to Lunar when she’s under control! He thought as he looked at the False Lunar Raven with a glare. “Then let’s see just what my plans can do villain!”
Below, the heroes fought on against the Sentimonsters. As they covered the Police as they moved away, the heroes keeping them from being a problem.
Chat Noir looked around at the buildings. He saw that people were watching from the windows waiting for this to end. He was at least they were staying off the streets. At least that program the Mayor set up works. Even fighting themselves these things are still focusing on us! The only chance we have is for Sis and the others to get here. He thought as he looked at the police as some of them looked at the battle.
Carapace gripped his shield harder and tried to keep his eyes locked on the battle from behind the line. No matter how hard he tried, the duel on the rooftops caught his eye. For a second he almost missed the mass attack, wincing as he saw a few of the Corrupted Crew coming towards them at a run. “Incoming!”
“Remember, try to maim, not slay!” Roi Singe called out as he jumped towards them, spinning his staff.
“Carapace, stay back and coordinate with the others! Arashiko, with me!” Chat Noir called out as he dashed forward to meet the charge. Inside he wished their friends could get done sooner, that they could find Lila and get the item.
Carapace stayed back as Arashiko and Chat Noir shot forward, helping out Roi Singe. The three fought as the police moved to cover. Some of them were carrying their sergeant with them over his objections.
Carapace held up his shield, using it to block a ranged weapon from one of the Sentimonsters. He didn’t know how long they could hold, but they had to last longer.
As they fought on, the Corrupted Crew kept trying to die on the heroes' weapons, and in some cases succeeded.
“This is a losing situation!” Arashiko said with a scowl as she deflected a blow and then kicked the Corrupted Crew away.
Roi Singe jumped backwards and landed on his knees to swing his staff out at a Corrupted Crew’s knees and sent it down. He smiled only to scowl as other Corruped killed the first as it landed. As the dead body became two new Corrupted Crew Roi Singe felt that this was going to be hard.
“Yeah, but if they go after civilians……. We gotta hold and hope that the others can pull off a win!”  Roi Singe said as he blocked the blow from another of the Corrupted Crew.
Carapace had a snarl on his face as he was forced to watch. He knew his shield wouldn’t do any good in this situation, but man did he want to help them. A beeping caused him to look at his shield and activate the com function. “Tell me that’s you queenie, please!”
“Yeah, we’re inbound and ready to fight!” Apisera said with a savage edge.
“Good……..WAIT!  We’re guarding some police, well I am! The others are trying to hold back the Sentimonsters!   The Akuma are dueling on the rooftops and….. just hurry!” Carapace exclaimed and he heard swearing from the other end.
“You heard that?!” Apisera asked as she led the way. Behind her Salacia and Pegasus nodded. This is bad, very bad!  How can we handle this now?!   We’d need to try and….. that works!  She thought as she looked over her shoulder and grinned. “We’re gonna win, remember that!  Horse-boy, we’re targeting the Akumas!   Swim-girl, handle the Monsters!  Snake Boy, you there?”
“Ready, just give me the words and I’ll start the Chance,” Viperion said and Apisera laughed a little. As she jumped over the gap between buildings she heard the sounds of blades.
“READY!”   Apisera called out.
“Second Chance!” Viperion called out and activated his powers. Apisera nodded and Pegasus used his weapon tool to take a look.
“Above or behind them?” Pegasus asked and Apisera grinned.
“NO! To the building beyond the fighting! Any other place will cause Apisera to die!   Once you’re there, Apisera you have to back up Dark Owl!  Pegasus, recharge once you get her through the portal, then go back help Rena Rouge. Salacia get to Carapace, use your ability on the one that gets by the others!   Apisera, keep your power ready but wait, don’t charge in! And speak like a comic hero to Dark Owl!  I’ll back you up from my side once I’m recharged! And ignore the street no matter what happens! We tried this a hundred times; this is the best way we’ve found! And this is try number one hundred" Viperion said urgently and then they heard him jump away.
Apisera went still and swallowed before looking at the other two. They looked back with horror on their faces.
Aspiera looked at them and took a deep breath. “You heard snakey, so let’s do it. Lives are counting on us, we won’t let them down!”
As the other two nodded, Aspiera…….. no, Chloe, felt a spark of happiness that she was able to help inspire her fellow heroes.
“Portal!” Pegasus called out and a portal just where Viperion had said Aspiera needed to go. “I need to get to Rena Rouge, so move! And good luck, we’ll be back to help you all soon!”
“Go save our fox girl Horse Boy! And thanks!” Aspiera said as she leaped through the portal that closed after her.
Salacia looked at Pegasus and nodded before she dashed away. Pegasus heard the first beep of his Miraculous and turned. Running over Paris, hoping to get as close as possible before he needed to recharge.
As he fought on, Dark Owl tried to keep calm. So far Lunar Raven’s blades had only sparked against his armor. But she had changed her approach, trying instead to hit his eyes. He didn’t know how long he would be able to keep dodging, and he could figure out the plan she had. He spared a glance and saw his Midnight Crew fighting against the other traitors, his side was losing.
He knew he was fighting a losing battle, but he had to hope that there was a way to win he hadn’t seen yet. As he jumped back something shot out and wrapped around Lunar Raven’s right arm. They looked at it and realized it was Apisera’s top and followed the line to her, standing there with a glare on her face.
“Well, when I talked to Chloe after getting this she told me about her school. Are you the ‘Spineless Teacher’? The owl is her old principal from what the Ladyblog told me,” Apisera asked with a mischief smirk on her face.
“HOOT HOOT!   Justice always wins for evil fights itself!” Dark Owl called out as he lunged forward and  Lunar Raven moved her arm and his blade hit Apisera’s top!  
Apisera was almost pulled forward but she held fast and grinned as she looked at Dark Owl. “Hey, I plan to take down Lunar Raven to find out her origins. Mind if we fight after we deal with her?”
Dark Owl glared before an energy mask formed over his face. Do it!   We don’t need her gem to solve this case!  When we capture the rest we’ll find out who she is, for now, deal with the traitor!  Hawkmoth sent and Dark Owl nodded.
“Very well, for now, but my justice will catch you soon villain!” Dark Owl called out as Apisera recalled her top and grinned.
“You can try hero, you can try!” Apsiera said with a dark-sounding laugh as she jumped behind Lunar Raven. As one she and Dark Owl charged  at Lunar Raven from both sides.
While Apsiera acted like she was all level-headed inside her inner nerd was laughing up a storm. Who knew those old acting lessons would be used like this?   And she was so happy she watched all of that anime now! To deal with the Owl, just copy lines from generic evil queens!
Lunar Raven dodged a blow from behind her and jumped over Dark Owl as he slashed down where she had been.
As Apsiera grits her teeth, she risks a glance at the street and hopes that the others held the line.
Chat Noir blocked a blow from one of the Corrupted Crew with his staff-baton and pushed it backwards. He scowled as he saw another one of them kill the one he pushed. “We need to do something!”
“What?” Roi Singe called out as he batted away one of the Midnight Crew. But before he could react one of the Corrupted crew ran under his weapon. “NO!”
“HOLD!”  Carapace called out. Moments later Salacia landed and charged forward, right at the charging Sentimonster.
“DISCORD!” Salacia roared before she punched it in its head, sending it flying backwards. The heroes watched as it landed and came apart. The resulting puddle then shot towards the nearest Sentimonster and engulfed it.
“Now what?!” Arashiko demanded and all of the heroes' weapon-tools beeped.
“Now we hold off the giant! It’ll be as big, as in twenty feet tall big! But all we have to do is hold for a few minutes to let the others get the Akuma!” Viperion’s voice said and the others all nodded.
Roi Singe looked at Salacia and felt a spark of affection for a minute before it went away. He shook his head, he already had a girlfriend for crying out loud! Maybe it was from his partner-Kwami? What he couldn’t know was Salacia was having the same thoughts as he was.
Before either of them could think about it, all the Sentimonsters had been eaten by the puddle. In moments the blob started to grow. It changed into a humanoid form, and kept growing until it was over twenty feet high. It condensed into a giant Midnight Crew and roared. The heroes all cried out and ran to meet it.
As Dark Owl jumped backwards, he saw the giant Midnight Crew Sentimonster. He laughed as he landed. “Justice has a large reach and a larger helper!”
Lunar Raven stayed silent as she charged in, her blades ready to slash at the Akuma and Hero.
As she dodged, Apsiera looked at Lunar Raven and glared. She had never liked her as a teacher, and as an Akuma, she still wasn’t acting right! As she dodged the blows, she looked at the Akuma and wondered just how Hawkmoth had lost control. This whole situation was completely unacceptable! What should have been a nice beat down on this failure of a Teacher instead was she going off script! No other Akuma had ever gotten off Hawkmoth’s control, and this little witch of a teacher had? And what was the deal with her claws?
“Apsiera, dodge to the left now!” Viperion’s voice caused Apsiera to react.
She knew what his powers were. So without a thought, she lunged to the side a moment before Lunar Raven fired one of the claws at where she had been.
Viperion fired bolts from the other side of the street, and one of them hit Lunar Raven’s right hand and tore it off. 
Apsiera could only stare in horror as even Dark Owl was shocked. The stump was fully metallic, wires and sparks danced as Lunar Raven looked at them with no emotion on her face. She stayed silent as she aimed the stump at Dark Owl.
“What are you!? Where’s Raven!?” Dark Owl demanded in horror as he looked at what he thought was his partner.
“MOVE! That’s arms a gun now!” Viperion’s voice caused Apsiera to lung and push Dark Owl down as an energy ball formed at the stump. It fired and hit the Giant Midnight Crew, causing it to stumble forward.
As the Giant Midnight Crew started to turn Apsiera gritted her teeth. I knew something was wrong with Miss Lingerie! But she’s a robot?! Okay, Max’s son shows that AI can have emotions, sure! But she’s so old! Who made her!? She thought as she looked at Lunar Ravem as Night Owl charged past her.
“Dropping back, last recharge! Hold on for a minute and I’ll come help you!” Viperion’s voice said over the coms.
Aspirea only nodded as she watched Night Owl catch a blast on his sword swung it down with a roar.
Volpina laughed as her Kitsune Sentimonster carried her closer to Rena Rouge. So far Ladyslut was staying far away, and that just showed what a coward she was!   
And once she got the Fox Miraculous, she could use it to bargain with Hawkmoth for his help with her mother. She couldn’t even begin to think of how she was controlling her, and that scared her. She had always been a fighter, but looking back on her life she couldn’t know if her choices were her own or her mother’s. She needed this, she had already played her hand with the woman who spawned her, and she couldn’t fail anymore.
“So where’s Ladyslut?   Hiding because her pet fox is dying and can’t stand to see it?” Volpina asked and Rena Rouge just grinned at her.
“No, Ladybug isn’t here, that’s just a Mirage,” Rena Rouge said and Volpina went still. That was the power of the Fox, Illusions. If she had been fighting an Illusion, then who had attacked her guards!?
“Wait, if Ladybug  isn’t here, who is?!” Volpina asked in shock.
“ME!”  A voice called out. Then something hit Volpina’s side, sending her flying off her Sentimonster.
As she flew through the air, Volpina covered the briefcase with her body. She prepared herself to hit the ground but then she heard something that caused her blood to freeze.
Looking up she saw a portal form before her leading to a grass-covered ground. As she flew through it she started to scream and curse. She hit the ground on her back and made a line in the dirt.
“Well, so that’s Lie-la?   After what I saw I expecting. I don't know, maybe someone smarter,” A sensual voice that Volpina had never heard before asked. She looked up and saw a tall seductive-looking female teen in a grey bodysuit with a red spider over her breasts. In her right hand was a black gymnastic ribbon, and she smirked at Volpina with black lips. “I’ve felt more danger from sick-looking dogs!”
“Who the hell are you!?” Volpina demanded and the figure laughed.
“The name’s Arachne. I usually stay out of these kinds of things really. But my partner said I should help out so here I am,” Arachne said nonchalantly.
Volpina just stared at the person before her, realizing that she was a Miraculous wielder. Another bimbo that dared to stand against her! “You shouldn’t get involved with things that don’t concern you!”
“Couldn’t not step in really. They just wouldn’t shut up about it, and this is Paris. I keep my stuff here!” Arachne said stiffly.
“WHO!?” Volpina asked and Arachne only laughed.
“If you don’t know who or what I’m talking about, I won’t tell you. We Miraculous users have to keep some things secret after all!” Arachne said with a grin.
Volpina just glared, a growl coming from her throat.
“WHAT!?” Shadowmoth exclaimed and Enhancetress looked up.
“Sir, Lila went through a portal, what happened?” She asked and Shadowmoth looked up and scowled.
“Another hero, this one a female Spider. And Lunar Raven, she’s a robot!” Shadowmoth spat and looked up at Enhancetress.
“A what?!” Enhancetress asked, totally shocked. All she could do was think about the times that she had
“Yes! She’s a robot! I Akumatized it before, and I saw nothing! I don’t understand, is she the same being, has it always been there!?” Shadowmoth asked as Enhancetress just stood there.
Enhancetress was having as much mental strain as he was. unlike him, she had been in the same room as Adrien’s teacher. The very idea that she had been near a robot for so long was shocking. It was all Enhancetress could do to keep calm and try to figure out what this meant. She almost missed Shadowmoth’s next words.
“We need to recall your Sentimonster, it’s time to move the plan along to the next step!” Shadowmoth said as he looked back towards the window, taking in his pawn's vision.
“Of course,” Enhancetress said as she put her tablet down.
Shadowmoth recalled the feather, and with a thought sent it to follow Enhancetress. As soon as she touched the item they had brought up here for that exact reason. Within seconds, a new Sentimonster was formed and Shadowmoth grinned. At least this part of their plan was going perfectly, and the perks of this plan might help them with Adrien.
“Give it Up Lila!” Ladybug’s voice caused Volpina to turn around. There they were, Ladyslut and the one in orange.
She just glared at Ladybug as she looked around, trying to figure out how to escape.
“You can’t escape from us, so just give it over!” The orange heroine said with a forceful voice.
Volpina glared at her and snarled, barring her teeth. “And who are you supposed to be?!”
“Miss Hound, remember it!” Miss Hound said with a sneer.
“I will!” Volpina promised as she brought her flute up to her lips. As soon as it touched, she was covered by clouds with lightning going around them.
Within she was in a safe space, and she looked around as copies of her, each with a briefcase appeared. Before she could send commands to them, the energy mask of Shadowmoth appeared over her face.
“Hold Volpina! Leave the briefcase here and create an illusion copy!” Shadowmoth sent and Volpina looked around, trying to understand what he had in mind.
“But I thought I was supposed to watch this!” Volpina said as she put the briefcase down.
“You are, but this is just the first step of the plan to get away! Now Follow my orders!!” Shadowmoth sent and Volpina blinked for a second. She opened her mouth before she closed it and started to grin evilly.
Outside the smoke, Miss Hound stared at it and frowned. She thought she saw something for a split second, a flash of light or something else. She hadn’t activated her powers, so why? She went still as she thought she heard something, something that sounded familiar. A moment later Volinpa dashed out of the right side, still carrying the briefcase.
“GET HER!” Arachne called out and raised her ribbon. But then five more Volpinas shout out, each going in a different direction.
“MISS HOUND!” Ladybug screamed as she threw her yoyo at one of the Volpinas, only to destroy it as three more shot out of the cloud.
“Got it! Tracker’s Eye!” Miss Hound cried out. As she looked around she saw red lines in the air. All of them were centered on one of the Volpina’s as it ran away into the city.  “THAT ONE!”
“GO!” Ladybug roared as they all shot forward.
Miss Hound was just going to follow when the last of the Volpinas came out of the fog and ran into her. Miss Hound cried out in shock and fell backwards. As she tried to keep calm she looked back up and stopped. The fog had blocked her vision but from the ground, she was able to see two red lines from something within the fog. And unlike these lines they led away, towards a place near where the court was.
She was about to call out when she saw the source of the two lines moving away from her. She looked towards the others and saw they were out of sight. She could call but if whoever was controlling it was watching them chase Lila! She shook her head and charged after it alone.
Pegasus transformed back to Max and his hands shot out and grabbed Kaalki before she dropped to the ground. “You okay Kaalki?”
“Just fine Max, just a side effect of cutting through one of Duusu’s creations! It’ll be gone in a minute,” Kaalki said as she sat in Max’s hand.
Max looked at Kaalki and saw her start to look better. Still, he felt bad that his plan caused her to feel this in the first place. “I’m giving you an extra salad tonight.”
Kaalki grinned and looked at Max, happy to have such a kind holder. For a moment she thought about the last holder who was kind to her. And she barely kept the pain from what happened to them from activating her geass. She hoped that Fu would destroy the chains on the Kwami, it was the only hope they might have. If she was right, soon the results of people destroying history will appear, and that would be very bad.
“Now, now. You were moving fast all around Paris to get to this place. Some of my former chosen would have used my power instead of your body. Well done my boy!” Kaalki praised and Max laughed a little.
“Well I only have so many sugar cubes,” Max said as he brought out a small bag. 
Kaalki grinned and summersaulted as Max handed her one.
A beeping on his phone caused him to grin, pulling it out he saw it was Alya.  
“That trick of yours worked perfectly in the game! So you’re going to join some of the gang?”Alya asked and Max grinned. 
“Yeah, I thought I’d go help Sabrina with that project, you?” Max asked and Alya laughed.
“Thought I reset and go join up for some hunting, see you………. I’m gonna have to call you back, that field boss has a second stage!” Alya said with a growl.
Max looked at Kaalki who only looked back, a question in her eyes. Max’s mind went over what Alya said before he paled in fear. “Kaalki, full gallop!”
As soon as Max finished transforming into Pegasus, he was moving. He dashed over the roofs of Paris, moving closer to where Alya was, hoping he was wrong.
A screech came moments before Rena Rouge dodged to the left. A split second later a large black beam of energy hit the wall that had been behind where she had been. As she landed she looked at what had fired at her and scowled. The headless Sentimonster had gotten back up despite not having a head. Its tails had grown longer and its neck had a large eye in the center, and that was where the blast had come from.
As soon as she saw it get back to its feet and attack a building she had transformed and attacked it. So far she had been able to keep its attention and lead it towards the river. She had to hope that Max could come and help her.
She only glared at it as she tried and failed to keep calm. What happened!? I mean one minute I was ready to head out and help the others and then this happens! What the heck! I mean I thought Senti’s were destroyed when they were dealt damage beyond what they could handle…..unless! Rena Rouge thought as she dodged another blast.
“HIIIYAHHH!” Pegasus screamed as he appeared and slashed three of the Sentimonster’s tails off.
Rena grinned only to stare at the tails as they all locked together and a mouth opened on one end. As it reared back and hissed at them, Rena looked at Pegasus as he landed. “Thanks for the help, I just hope we live.”
Pegasus looked at the snake-tail creature and grinned. “The odds are even my friend, so just hope the others can find the Akuma!”
Rena Rogue nodded before she looked around, paling in fear. Around them, civilians were running away from the buildings. She noticed the sign for an Akuma Shelter and cursed herself for not realizing where they were. As a few people behind the Sentimonsters directed the others away, she made a choice. She locked eyes with Pegasus and saw that he had seen the same thing she had.
“Don’t fight to win, fight to keep their focus on us! Once those civilians are clear, we’ll get rid of them through a portal!” Rena said with a snarl.
Pegasus grinned and chuckled. “Think Sentimonsters can float?”
“How about a nice bath in the Arctic Ocean to find out?” Rena asked with a dangerous purr in her voice.
As Ladybug chased after Volpina, she wondered if she wasn’t being led into a trap. But something within her, Tikki maybe, told her she was making the right choice. I wish you could talk to me like this Tikki, I do. And I can only hope that this is the right choice. She thought as she ran.
Next to her Arachne jumped and spun in the air, a laugh barely kept down. Oh, this is amazing! I should have transformed months ago! Maybe I should have tried to join the battle, or at least tried to help the victims! She thought and felt a spark of laughter from her partner. For months her Kwami had tried to get her to transform more than training, and here they were. As she spun head over feet, she looked for the third heroine but couldn’t see her.
As she landed she moved closer to Ladybug she tried to keep her voice from reaching Volpina. “Hey! Where’s your friend?”
Ladybug looked over her shoulder and paled in shock. Bringing her yoyo to her face, she opened it and spoke into it. “Miss Hound, can you hear me? Where are you? Did Lila trick us?”
“Miss Hound here, yeah,” Miss Hound’s voice caused Ladybug to perk up. “Chasing down the head of the Sentimonster, it’s still alive! It has the Duel Akuma! I’ve retransformed it and am moving to attack it! Keep Volpina off me and I’ll meet you at the Tower!”
Ladybug forced down the sheer terror that she was feeling. This is bad, really bad! This has to be his new trick! I have to tell the others, we need to make plans and we’ll need Sabrina a lot more! I should go and help her, but Volpina? I can’t let her go back and cause chaos with the others, I can’t! I have no choice. She thought as she looked down before looking at Volpina, a hard edge in her eyes. “Miss Hound, you’re on your own. I can’t let Volpina circle around to the others. Keep an eye on the head, once I defeat Volpina grab the chaos and get to the tower!”
“Understood! Good luck!” Miss Hound said with confidence in her voice.
Arachne looked at Ladybug and smirked. “Trusting her?”
“I’ve got no choice. And I do,” Ladybug said.
Volpina smirked as she ran. So far the boss’s plan was working great. All she had to do was keep ahead for the other Akuma to handle the other heroes then lead Ladyslut into a trap! And once she had won this for him, then he could handle her mother. Once he understood just what threat the old witch represented, then he would act. She could spin a lie blaming it on her mother and everything would be perfect! “Oh, I can’t wait until I can hold that bitch’s neck between my hands!”
She almost clapped her hands but stopped herself. It wouldn’t do to give the game away now. As long as Ladybug thought that she was carrying the other Akumatized item, then the plan would work. And without the item, then the others would overpower the other ‘heroes’. And that was all she needed to do, keep one step ahead of Ladybug. And once she had some time, she’d go and pay that little witch Marinette a visit. The things she could do as an Akuma to a human…. Oh, she’s wanted to experiment and now she had a reason to!
As she jumped over another alley she looked over her shoulder. That Ladyslut and the Spider-witch just won’t give up! But then that is how I can trick them….. where’s the dog?! That mutt must be trying to get me from below! Volpina thought as she landed. She brought her flute to her lips and within moments a fog was all over the streets below. “Let’s see if that bitch can get by me now!”
Chat Noir dodged to the left as the Giant Midnight Crew slammed one of its arms down. Without a word, he ran around it, hoping to keep its attention. So far he had to admit that this was one of the most unusual Akuma fights. From the way that an Akuma went rogue to corruption the Sentimonsters to this, nothing was normal. What has my life become that fighting brainwashed superheroes is normal? I thought dealing with a parent without emotions was all I would have to deal with for the next few years. He thought as she yelled and looked up at the Sentimonster.
As Arashiko yelled and slashed at it with her sword, she kept her mind on the battle. She hadn’t used her abilities yet but she didn’t see any way that using them would help. And before, fighting not even to wound had been taxing. But now that the foe was so large, her weapon couldn’t even wound it enough to count. She had wondered how it had felt to fight the ice cream Akuma and now she knew.
Rena Rouge jumped and dodged the blasts from the kitsune body as she tried to strike it. So far she and Pegasus had been unable to kill the Sentimonster. Every time Pegasus tried to use his power, the tail snake spat a glob of acid at him. And she had to keep moving, always one jump ahead of the blasts from the kitsune body.
As she spun and dodged another fireball, she looked at it and snarled. I so hate Lila! I mean Fu said the person who gets the feather may make the creature. So why did she even know about this thing? I mean why would she even look it up in the first place?! It’s almost like….. no! she wouldn’t, she couldn’t! She couldn’t be that evil! Rena thought as she landed and dashed towards the body. “Pegasus, get up above and get ready to form a portal for me to you!”
“Got it!” Pegasus said and grinned as he realized her plan.
As Volpina spun around and looked back at Ladybug and Arachne, she grinned as she prepared to fight. But when the only thing she saw was Ladybug charging at her, she blanched. Trying to find any clue where Arachne was, she was unprepared for Arachne’s ribbon to wrap around her right leg.
Before Volpina could react she was pulled down into the alley below her. As she hit the ground the fact that Akuma were stronger than normal humans helped her. Before even a second had passed she was back up and striking at the Spider Heroine.
Arachne dodged and then slashed down. Volpina jumped over her and then Ladybug came down and kicked Volpina into the ground.
“You can’t just let me do what I want, can you insect!?” Volpina growled as she rolled to her feet. She looked around, both Ladybug and Arachne had her between them, and that was a problem. Both of them were mid-range fighters and she was in a kill box. All she could do was hope that she could escape. “No, fight them here! Don’t give them space to move around!” Shadowmoth sent.
Volpina looked around and nodded, bringing her flute to her lips. As the ribbon and yoyo flew towards her, she jumped and created an illusion of the alley being larger. As she shot towards Ladybug, all she could feel was anger and greed. If she could get her hands around Ladybug’s neck then she could kill the little insect.
But when she got closer, Ladybug kicked out and sent her flying. “Her necklace, her necklace is the item!”
“Got it, Tether!” Arachne called out and she cracked her ribbon at Volpina. Unlike last time, this time the ribbon shot out multiple black lines of silk shot towards Volpina. Before Volpina could land, the silk had wrapped around the necklace. Arachne pulled her ribbon and the necklace of flew off Volpina's neck, breaking the chain.
“NO!” Volpina cried as she landed. Her hands went for it but they missed. Her eyes followed it and they found Arachne looking at her with contempt.
Arachne only looked at Volpina as she grabbed the necklace in both hands and cracked it in two. As soon as that happened a dark purple butterfly and blue feather flew upwards. When this happened purple fog rolled over Volpina changing her back into Lila. Al  she could do was glare at Ladybug. Ladybug’s yoyo shot out, catching both the butterfly and feather.
Ladybug grinned as she pulled her yoyo back, opening it and releasing a pure white butterfly. Pointing her yoyo upwards, Ladybug grinned. “No more evil-doing for you little butterfly! Miraculous Ladybugs!”
As red ladybugs formed out of her yoyo, they swarmed over Paris. Ladybug watched them go before looking at Lila with a glare. “And now you Lila!”
Lila glared at Ladybug as she leaned against the wall. “You must think you’re the big hero! You wouldn’t know the truth if it bit you! You take care of everything on the surface, never the shadows!”
Ladybug only looked at Lila in concern. What’s she talking about, what does she know? Is it something she learned on her own, or something that Hawkmoth told her? Ladybug thought as she looked at Lila in concern. But her eyes widened at what happened next.
Lila fell backwards, into a golden doorway that appeared in place of the wall she was leaning on. As she fell in Ladybug shot forward and tried to grab her. She missed by a single moment, and the doorway disappeared.
She looked around, trying to find Lila she felt nothing but shame.
“Come on Ladybug, we’ve got to get to the tower! Miss Hound has to be heading there!” Arachne said as she pulled Ladybug away.
Miss Hound grinned as she saw the Sentimonster Head disappear. The creature had been running, trying to find a way into the sewer. But she had found it before the monster could escape underground. After attacking it, the head fired blasts from its eyes at her. She dodged, but the blast hit some of the trees, setting them on fire. But then the red ladybugs had appeared, and the fires were out. She looked at the case and grinned. “I did it!”
She felt the sheer joy of Victory. But the feeling was nothing compared to the fact that she had done something that she had chosen to do. Chloe was right, I can be a leader! She’s been supporting me for so long, but I did it! She thought as she started to laugh. For a moment all she could see was the victory that she had won, then the reality crashed down onto her head. She had to move, and she had to move now. Without a single wasted moment, she grabbed the briefcases, running towards the Tower.
As soon as Pegasus formed the portal Rena Rouge had jumped through it. As he closed it and detransformed back into Max. Rena Rouge had created a Mirage of her and Pegasus jumping down to attack the Sentimonsters. But as Max fed Kaalki, red ladybugs swarmed around the Sentimonster, deforming it.
Rena Rouge just blinked and looked at Max before shrugging. “Trixx, let's rest!”
As soon as she detransformed she moved to feed Trixx, an urgency in her actions.
“We need to get to the others! Even if they got her, Lila might have gotten the other item away,” Max said as he looked towards the courthouse.
Moments later they had transformed. As they ran over the rooftops their tools beeped.
“Ladybug, good job!” Rena Rouge said with a grin.
“Negative, they tricked us. Miss Hound caught it and has the item. We’re moving towards the tower, join us there!” Ladybug’s voice came through and the two heroes nodded and changed direction
Lila blinked as she looked down. All she could see was a blackened floor, so she just stayed there, trying to understand where she was. She couldn’t see anything. For a moment she wondered just where she was and how she got there. But then the lights dawned on her and she smiled. “Master Hawkmoth, sir? Thank you so much for you for saving me! I can’t wait to talk to you sir! There is so much I have to talk to you about! You just can’t believe what I found out sir!”
After a few moments of silence, she tried to stand up. But as she tried to move something hit he was keeping her down. Before she could even turn to look something had hit her and she fell asleep. The last thing she saw were legs in red sandals walking towards her.
Salacia jumped as the Giant Midnight Crew attacked again. She had expected something from her abilities, but this was more than she feared. If Hawkmoth ever tried something like this again, then she would need to talk to the others. She still had to get the message
Salacia heard a beep and looked at the river between the buildings. There! That’s the way! It’ll take you to the sewer! You can retransform there! Bolla sent to Salacia. For a moment she hesitated until Roi Singe tackled her away.
“What’s wrong with you? Keep your mind on the battle!” Roi Singe said only for another beep to sound. At this he winced and got off her, helping her up. “Your power, your timer! Go girl, go!”
“I’ll be back!” Salacia said as she dove into the water. She swarm towards the greater river, moving twenty feet a second. She saw a large tunnel and dove into it as she heard another beep. As she saw light ahead she swam upwards. She reached for her right glove, pulling out a large plastic bag from her tool’s ‘item space’.
As she landed she took a deep breath and felt the magic reverse and transform her back into Odine.
As Bolla floated she beamed at Odine. “I told you you’d handle this! And that was perfect, that was how to use Discord!”
Odine only looked away as she pulled out a small bag and opened it. Bolla grinned and shot into it, swiftly eating the small snack.
“Eat fast Bolla, we need to get back to it. I have a bad feeling that something is coming. Something that we need to be there for,” Odine said as she looked up at the stone ceiling.
“Good! My wielders are attuned to the harmony of the world! But if you feel something is coming, then we need to move! Say the words girl!” Bolla Said with a grin as she snuck her head out of the bag.
“There’s got to be something….. CARACE!” Chat Noir cried out as he suddenly got an idea. And it was such an obvious idea that for a moment he wondered how they didn’t even think about it before.
“Yeah, dude?” Carapace called out.
“Think you can make a dome big enough to hold that thing?” Chat Noir asked with a grin.
Carapace looked at the Sentimonster for a moment he felt doubt. Then he felt the feeling of a gentle support and grinned. “Yeah! I’ll handle this you all dogpile the robo teacher!”
Chat Noir only grinned as he looked at the Sentimonster. He hoped that Ladybug would be able to handle Volpina in the window they had. “Roi Singe, you hang back and guard Carapace, have Salica do the same! Arashiko, with me!”
“RIGHT!” The others all called out as Carapace shot forward.
Chat Noir jumped back and once he was behind Carapace the turtle hero called out his power.
“SHELL-TER!” As the green energy dome formed from Carapace’s shield, it grew until it covered the Sentimonster. As the Giant Midnight Crew roared it tried to break free but it failed.
Chat Noir grinned and as Arasihiko followed after him he felt a spike of pride that his idea worked.
Dark Owl yelled as he jumped at Lunar Raven, his sword back. Lunar Raven moved to the side and Dark Owl missed. As he got up Lunar Raven came around in a circle and charged at him.
But the blow was stopped by the top of Apisera stopped Lunar Raven’s arm blades.
Apisera glared at Lunar Raven, all the anger she was feeling about how Miss. Buistier had been as a teacher boiling over. If it wasn’t the fact that letting the villain win, I’d help her beat up that principle! Still, this is just the kind of therapy I needed after all! She thought as she locked eyes with the rogue Akuma. “So, did you replace this…… gonna say lunch lady? And are you like that AI that became an Akuma?”
Lunar Raven kept quiet and kicked Apisera away with her right leg. As Apisera flew into the air, a bolt from Viperrion flew at Lunar Raven. She blocked the bolt with her right blade, looking towards where Viperion was hiding.
Before she could do anything Dark Owl threw another disc at Lunar Raven who sliced it in two. She looked at the energy dome that covered the Sentimonster. She frowned as she saw Chat Noir and Arashiko ran toward the building.
Before she could do anything Arashiko was suddenly in front of her and slashing out with her blade. As she dodged the blow, Lunar Raven jumped backwards five feet into the air. Chat Noir appeared, swinging his weapon down at her. Lunar Raven kicked off it, rocketing downward and landed in a crouch.
As Lunar Raven watched she sent a report to her master. Cover identity broken, heroes assisting Akuma. Chances of escape below ten percent. Requesting help.
Command to Lunar Raven, help sent. Hold out until Combat Drones reach area. Directive changed, send signal to drones then attack and claim Miraculous. Their power source will be an invaluable item for research. For a logical world.
Message received and directive acknowledged. For a logical world.
As Chat Noir landed next to Apisera, he looked at the scene before him and whistled. “Man, this is something else. I never thought we’d fight with the Dark Owl.”
“Not the best choice,” Apisera said softly.
“Only one you could make,” Arashiko said just as softly.
As Dark Owl got back to his feet he stood behind Lunar Raven as the three heroes fanned out. They were all looking at Lunar Raven as she looked around, her head rotating 360 degrees.
“Option offered. Let this unit retreat and these forces allied to this one will not engage. Otherwise, expect battle,” Lunar Raven said as she crossed her blades in an X.
Apissera only looked at her as the other heroes moved in.
As she climbed into the Helicopter, all that Nadja could feel was anger. The fact that it took her so long to get back to the station was one thing. The other was that it took the fact someone sent in footage of the horde of Sentimonsters to get her boss moving.
“I tell them that another double attack is happening, and they won’t move. But then they see a picture of the Giant Monster and they send us in. I just don’t get them at all,” Nadja said with a snarl on her face. I can’t believe this! I had to wait until someone posted a pic about it! I need to talk about what my results are worth around here. I swear if they weren’t the only game in town that paid well! She thought as she tried to keep calm. It wasn’t fair to get mad at the people around her, they hadn’t done anything to deserve it. But still, she wondered if she had made a mistake all those years ago sometimes.
“It’s the job boss. What else can we do?” Sarah asked softly as she followed Nadja into the helicopter.
Nadja looked at Sarah and tried to keep what she wanted to say down. It wasn’t the girl’s fault. She was just one of the many employees that worked for the station, just above interns. She and her brother were some of the best they ever had, there was even talk about promoting them. Every show wanted them as part of their production teams. There was even talk about offering them to be extras on a few shows to start.
“We have to keep moving forward Miss Nadja, that’s all we can do. if we stop we die. We have to keep hoping for something better ahead. And that our terrible bosses get what’s coming for them,” Sarah said with a grin.
All Nadja could do was chuckle and shake her head. Her problems with the management were long and not something to get into now. All she could do was hope that they were able to get there in time to catch the heroes winning. If she could get a big enough win then she could get the okay to investigate Marinette’s school. If she found something there then she could silence a lot of the bosses. Then she could show the city the truth. There would be accountability and punishment for what the school let happen.
“Welcome aboard ladies! We’re about to take off…. Who?!” The Pilot barked as he looked up.
All Nadja and Sarah could do was look out the window as ten blocky large helicopter drones flew overhead.
“What the hell!?” Nadja cried out in shock as she looked at the drones. Sarah had gotten out of the helicopter and aimed the camera at the drones, zooming in on them as they flew away.
“What were they?” The pilot asked as he got out of the helicopter and moved towards the edge of the landing pad.
“A scoop. Get airborne!” Nadja cried from the helicopter.
As Sarah climbed into the helicopter after the pilot, she looked at the horizon with a strange look. Those things were all pure tech, so they weren’t golems! Brother I hope you don’t get involved, we have to stay under the radar! She thought as she looked down as the helicopter took off.
As Rena Rouge landed on the Eiffel Tower’s upper ledge and saw Miss Hound holding the Akuamtized case.
Grinning Miss Hound looked right at Rena Rouge and Carapace as they came over to her. “Look who tracked down the item!”
“How? Wait…. The head was alive too?” Pegasus asked in horror.
Miss. Hound only nodded, shuddering as she did so. “And it had these tentacles.”
“Nightmare fuel right there,” Rena Rouge said with a shudder as well as her face paled in horror.
A moment later Ladybug and Arachne landed on the platform and smiled at them.
Without a word, Miss Hound dropped the briefcase. Pegasus stepped forward, his horseshoe axe in his hand.
“Allow me,” Pegasus said. When Ladybug nodded he swung his axe down, splitting the briefcase in two. As the purple slime went over the briefcase, turning into a stack of papers. Moments later a purple butterfly and blue feather flew upwards.
Ladybug grinned as she started to spin her yoyo. Without a single wasted moment, her yoyo caught the butterfly and grabbed her yoyo. As she pulled it back towards her, red butterflies swarmed away from them. They flew away, heading towards the courthouse.
“One Voyage to order!” Pegasus said with a grin.
Carapace looked up as he heard cries. He saw Commissaire Bertolfo with a small squad coming towards him.
“Commis! The other police are down that alley! I’ve only got a few minutes before I time out! Get them out of here!” Carapace called out.
But before Commissaire Bertolfo could reply a wave of red ladybugs flew over them all. within moments the Sentimonster roared one last time as it faded away. Carapace dropped the shield and grinned before he paled. “Wait! The lady Akuma, help the others! She’s a robot!”
“I’ll go help the others!” Roi Singe called out as he leaped for the roof and the other heroes.
“Wait what?!” Commissaire Bertolfo asked in shock as he looked upwards. With a word he looked at the officers he brought with him. “Two of you, follow me! The rest of you go help our comrades!”
As Chat Noir looked at Lunar Raven and Dark Owl, purple smoke suddenly surged over them. Without a word, he stuck his staff into the roof and vaulted over Lunar Raven to land in front of Dark Owl. As the smoke faded away, Damocles blinked as he looked around, trying to remember where he was. As Chat Noir landed, he stepped backwards and almost slipped. Arashiko was there in an instant and grabbed him before jumping downward.
As Miss Buistier turned back to normal, only her two blades were still on her arms. She looked around with her eyes hard and spoke again. “Data fully recorded, final offer to allow hostilities to end peacefully……… rescinded.”
A moment later ten black metal flat triangle shaped drones appeared on the side of the building. Each one was three feet wide and had three helicopter blades at each point. Each one carried a black metal box two feet wide and tall
The boxes dropped and landed on the roof, each one unfolding into a robot. They looked like black metal skeletons with large three-fingered clawed hands.
As Chat Noir and Apisera both went back to back, they looked at the robots.
“Offer; surrender now. Your powers will be studied, copied, and used logically. Survival for a time will be promised. Forces arrayed against you number three times your own. Defeat, impossible,” Bustier said as she pointed her blades at the heroes.
“Odds seem to be more even ya know?” Roi Singe called out from the side. As Buistier turned her head, a bolt of energy shot an inch from her face. One of the drones broke off and crashed behind the building.
As Arashiko hit the ground and dropped Damocles to the ground. As Commissaire Bertolfo Laborous came towards them Arashiko  glared at Damocles.
“Commissaire, this man was the ‘loyal’ Akuma. I don’t know what caused this, but he might. I’m needed up there,” Arashiko said, and before she jumped upwards to the roof, Carapace followed behind her.
Bertolfo looked from the heroes moving to the rooftop, wondering what had happened. Then he looked at Damocles who was trying to get away. “And where do you think you’re going?”
“Back to the court, I have sentencing to get back to. I might think they made a mistake but it was lawful,” Damocles said as he tried to smile at Bertolfo.
“You’re not going anywhere until I know just what happened here! You!” Bertolfo snapped as he looked at one of the two officers following him.
Damocles looked at them and smiled shakily. “Oh, are you sure? We don’t need to! I was just a small part of this, and the other one, my employee? She was the one who got all emotional. I was just trying to try and calm her down!”
Bertolfo looked at him and then his scowl grew more fierce. “Yeah, I don’t think so. You sir will stay right here!”
As Carapace and Arashiko joined the others, Chat Noir looked around at the robots and drones. Bustier just stared at them, she seemed to be waiting for something. These things were unlike anything the heroes had faced before, and part of him was worried. So far this had gone completely beyond what he had been expecting. He thought maybe Dark Owl or Volpina. But to have a double attack, then one of them go rogue and be revealed to be a robot? He couldn’t even say that he had expected that this was how the day would go.
Buistier moved backward and looked at the heroes. “Final offer, surrender now or what will happen is on your heads.”
Chat Noir looked at her and tried to keep calm. Something in the cold way she spoke caused him to feel a spark of fear. There was just something in the way that sentence. How it was spoken that made him feel that they were standing on the edge. That everything would change here and now. That this one choice was the turning point.
He looked at the others and saw the same feelings in their eye. In the eyes of all but one who spoke up.
“What will be on our heads?” Roi Singe asked as he twirled his staff.
“This,” Bustier said simply. Moments later five of the remaining drones shot down towards the street.
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dyinggirldied · 6 months
Undereage Superheroes On The Rise: A Morally and Ethically Cause of Concern?
It's supposed to be another clickbait news but it comes at the time when the existence of ghost was recently proved factual at a small town in Illinois along witha its dead teenage superhero, when the heroes of Paris and by large France accidentally revealed they weren't adults at all, not even close, when Spiderman was unmasked to be 16-year-old Peter Parker, when the Young Justice was wounded in a large scale attack.
Most of the people involved and not involved are not having fun.
(This is inspired by the Miraculous fanfic The Growing Pains of Child Soldiers by BloodWolf13, a fic which I recommend you read since it is very, very good. Hits all my whump and angst points)
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lycorogue · 9 months
So, being the mature, childless adult that I am. My husband decided to lean hard into my fandom and make it the whole theme of my Christmas gifts this year.
The first one that I opened was a Miraculous Ladybug Advent calendar. It contained a different charm for each of the kwamis, as well as the Miraculous show logo, Ladybug, Chat Noir, and an extra charm each for Tikki and Plagg.
The second gift? Miraculous Ladybug Chibi World. In other words.... Polly Pocket: ML Addition.
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Is it bad that my first thought when opening this gift was, "OOOO! I can now play out scenes from @buggachat's "Bakery 'Enemies' AU"!"
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redtippedfox · 1 year
If the corrupted holders ever got purified they would be horrified as they committed so many atrocities would Paris ever forgive them?
They wouldn't remember, just like normal Akumas they don't really remember what they did, and Paris has a law that says Akuma victims can't be held responsible for things they didn't really consent to do, so Paris has no right to take it out on the heroes.
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sallertiafabrica · 2 years
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Teachers kwami but it’s @arcadeology’s French Fae Court (+ her Zodiac Races designs cuz I LOVE those guys)
Bonus: Cross-Dimensional Grudges
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felixgothdevanily · 2 years
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This is one of the comics I was working on when I posted this
there’s a transcript under the cut if you you can’t read the hand writing, especially for the text in the first panel 😅
Panel 1
Felix: I've decided to go after Uncle for his many other crimes not involving the miraculous. Hopefully I can see him prosecuted without mine and my Adrien's sentimonster nature being exposed to the public!
Panel 2
Felix: I've got you now, uncle!
Panel 3
(Caption: French Law School Library)
Felix: I've got you now, uncle!
Panel 4
Panel 5
(Caption: French Law School Graduation Ceremony)
Felix: ... uncle
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zoe-oneesama · 1 year
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I finished "Kira Kira Pre Cure A La Mode" like a month ago, and I have brain rot that makes a Miraculous Ladybug AU out of anything with an animal theme so here we go. I would label this more as a crossover tbh and even thought of my own rules to make it coexist in the Miraculous Ladybug Universe.
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Ko-fi | Patreon
To start, they break a few Miraculous Rules: the Miraculouses themselves have no resemblance to the animal they're imitating, and their powers are closer to their Pre Cure ones, which are baking/cooking based. And the reason I have for this is that these are technically not Miraculouses and technically not kwamis.
They aren't the "Miraculous of [x]" representing a concept, they're actually fairies who desire to be heroes. As such, they're actually at odds with Kwamis and there's a bit of a feud between them - the Kwamis have always worked alongside humans and see the Fairies as reckless and violating nature's laws, while the Fairies see the Kwamis as hording all the fun and not even trying to bridge the gap between them.
I imagine akumas would start showing up in Japan in Ichigozaka, bringing out the six PreCure Miraculouses, and they'd eventually follow them back to Paris to have a showdown with Hawkmoth AND the existing heroes. While the kwamis and fairies are having it out, the humans are meeting in the middle.
Ichika uses Whipp to become Crème Fouettée (Whipped Cream), a Bunny Hero with the ability "Batter Up", which captures the enemy in a giant cake. It has the side effect of being able to extract an akuma, but it can't purify it.
Himari uses Flann to become Swirl Caramel, a Squirrel Hero with modified clacker/rope darts as a weapon and the ability "Cherry Bomb", which is pretty self explanatory.
Aoi uses Aisuu to become Glace Bleue (Blue Ice), a Lion Hero with the ability "Gelato Shake", which encases her fist in a block of ice for even more painful punchs.
Yukari uses Cookie to become Kitty Macaron, a Cat Hero with a spiked yoyo and the ability "Cat Scratch" which inflates the size of the yoyo and increases their strength, making them able to scratch through anything.
Akira uses Chocco to Chien Rouge (Red Dog), a Dog Hero with the ability "Chocolate Armose" which creates a chocolate shield.
Ciel "uses" RinRin to become Blande Volante (Flying Bands), a Pegasus Hero with the ability "Kiracle Rainbow", which fully purifies the enemy and all of the damage caused during a fight. (If you know you know)
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tanoraqui · 4 months
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: Kill a Dragon, Rez a Falin
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I just like when they're friends like this :)
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This, too, is taken from another post, but truly this dynamic is sooo funny of
Chilchuck: I am not a fighter!
Chilchuck, any time he has any sort of ranged weapon: [aims with pinpoint accuracy]
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This is just literally that moment in every Miraculous Ladybug episode where everything goes gray and the things Marinette is about to use for a Plan "light up" one by one in red with black spots. Please someone draw fanart of this. And maybe an entire Miraculous Ladybug AU. Yes I think Kabru would have to be Chat Noir - in terms of deuteragonist-ness is SHOULD be Marcille, but she and Laios just doesn't have enough of a bizarre push and pull Dynamic. We need real character foils to pull off that relationship square.
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Raw fucking dialogue.
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Agh agh agh, looking at this, thinking about Namari's explanation of how much body mass you can lose before resurrection gets harder...
Carving this tunnel into the dragon and physically walking in emphasizes how big it was much more than anything we saw while it was alive, and it's sooo cool.
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This ad was a great millisecond of cliffhanger, unironically.
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These opening pages of the next chapter are so devastating. After all the movement of the fight, this simple layout and minimal dialogue make the grief and horror and just emptiness, emptiness where Falin should be, where hope for Falin should be, ring like a low and broken bell. Driven in just a little deeper by Laios admitting he doesn't know a monsters fact (warg bones vs human bones) - there is helplessness, too. He's just doing the only thing he can, which is so little, in all this terrible caesura.
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And then this! Marcille and Laois don't have the messy meatiness of relationship to carry and Miraculous Ladybug love square, but they are JOINTLY the parallel to the Mad Mage, and that's fascinating. They're on the same page here: Laios's "No" isn't just the denial of grief, it's a flat "That's not what we'll do." This is Laios - of course he's already thinking about how the red dragon is perfectly functional meat. As is Marcille, at last 100% in-step with him re: monsters = meat, here in the final steps to save Falin. With magic and drive and an absolute determination to save Falin, they're going to walk hand in hand into the darkness, and if something in their devours them (or their party, or the surface world...) - well, it'll have to beat them first, because throughout this world it's eat or be eaten, and those who want it most, win.
(And it IS fascinating that they do this while, so far as I've seen, basically remaining at the relationship tier of "good friends/in-laws." This isn't Found Family, it's Found Really Good Co-Workers; and I LOVE that.)
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Obsessed with the decision to frame this as a monster meal.
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Blood! In! Hair! Blood! In! Hair! Man, when I saw that post saying this wished this show was in the show, I vaguely assumed her hair had gotten messed up in the fight but she didn't bother to fix it for the ritual; but in fact her hair was braided literally 1 panel ago - she undid that and DELIBERATELY (or at least uncaringly) ran her bloody hand through it.
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YOU WISH YOUR GIRLFRIEND WAS AS COOL AS THIS PANEL! Oh fuck yeah, eyes went white. That's when you know the magic is awesome.
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Alas, but with good okay slightly postponed and belated timing I must now go to bed.
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miraculousfanworks · 4 months
Writing Prompt: Miraculous Child Labor!
Early Season AU: The reason that no other heroes come to deal with the events is Paris is simple, Heroes are territorial and try to respect each other. Unless another hero specifically INVITES you to come help, it's considered the HEIGHT of rudeness to intervene unless they die. And even then, only if they aren't the sort to come back from it by Tuesday. Majestia COULD step in and defeat the Akumas easily, and she WOULD if asked, but she WON'T come uninvited.
However, when it comes out that Ladybug and Chat Noir are teenagers (Chat accidently lets out that he's only 15 where he was heard and recorded), the international hero community steps in. They won't stop Ladybug and Chat Noir from fighting (they recognize the hypocrisy), and they won't FORCE them to take on a Mentor, or to step down to Sidekick positions. BUT, they WILL enforce French and EU child labor regulations.
The maximum working times are:
8 hours per day and 40 hours per week for a combined work/training scheme or an on-site work-experience scheme
2 hours on a school day and 12 hours a week (if national legislation allows) for work performed in term-time outside fixed school hours
7 hours a day and 35 hours a week for a period of at least one week when school is closed. If children are 15 or older, they can work up to a maximum of 8 hours
7 hours a day and 35 hours a week for light work performed by children no longer subject to compulsory full-time schooling under national law
You cannot employ children under 15 to work between 8 pm and 6 am.
Hawkmoth is publicly notified that if he stages Akuma attacks outside legal child employment times, or that if the length of an akuma attack exceeds the allowed amount of work hours, or if they attack does NOT have the legally mandated work breaks, OR if an attack takes place during school hours, Majestia and Knightowl WILL come and take over.
Prompt by: Tiwaz
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flightfoot · 7 months
Marinette Completed Angst Fic Reclist
I know some people really like this genre, so I figured I'd make a list for it! These will obviously all be completed, and none of them will be bashing fics, and PLEASE don't rec any fics on this post that are bashing fics, I don't want to see them.
Some of these will have my own commentary about the fic attached to it, for if I've put them on a previous reclist where I had that commentary written out. But a lot of the older fics won't.
For a fic to count for this, the angst Marinette goes through can't just be her being upset about what someone else is going through, though the angst of the fic doesn't only need to be hers, so long as she has her own angst which is a decently prominent part of the fic.
one does not love breathing by @wackus-bonkus-maximus
All of Paris watched as Hawkmoth murdered Chat Noir, taking the Black Cat Miraculous for himself. Ladybug swears revenge, but her enemy—and every miraculous in his possession—disappear without a trace.
Six years later, a new team of villains launches an attack for the last remaining Miraculous: Volpina, armed with new powers; Queen Bee, with questionable loyalty; Argos, the new holder of the Peacock Miraculous; and Cat Walker, who Ladybug hates the most.
Takes place after S4 - Strike Back.
This is a simply phenomenal fic. You get to explore a lot of different perspectives, like Felix, Kagami, Marinette, and Adrien’s, just to name a few, and see their different thought processes and plans and priorities, and how it can cause their plans to collide with each other, even when they all ultimately are aiming for a good outcome for everyone. The characters are pretty complex and can mess up at times, even when they’re doing things (or not doing things, looking at you Luka) with the best of intentions. It was a joy to read and a real nail-biter the whole time, I actually wrote a fic for it halfway through just to resolve some of the tension for myself, One Does Not Love Shadows.
It also features the version of Luka I’ve connected best with to date, as he feels like Luka, but also is a lot more fleshed out, and can make some major errors while simply trying to avoid missteps. It’s helped me get a better handle on a character who I’ve generally had a lot of problems with really understanding.
It is an M-rated fic, though I think Wackus is being overly cautious on that front. There’s no sexual content and I wouldn’t put the violence or gore above a T-rating, so I wouldn’t let the rating scare you off.
you don’t even know me at all (but I was made for loving you) by @ladyofthenoodle
They didn’t remember each other. The hospital told them there’d been an accident—brain damage—but Alya had told them the truth, later. Who’d they’d been to each other. What they’d given up, and why. But even with their memories of each other gone, Adrien and Marinette are still inextricably tied together—by law, by their social circles, and by their hearts. And in the apartment they share, there’s only one bed.
Yep, it’s the “there was only one bed” trope XD! I especially love how it was used here, how Adrien and Marinette are strangers now but they had a whole life together, and they pine for each other even without remembering, and how Marinette just can’t believe how in love with her Adrien is even though he doesn’t remember her. I loved the emotional turmoil the two of them went through together in the fic, and the resolution, it’s great!
fine line by @bbutterflies
“Catwalker?” Loveybug asks. “Hmm?” “Do you remember… what happened before us?” “What do you mean?” “Before we were heroes. Was there someone else?” Catwalker goes quiet for a moment. “I don’t know,” he finally says.
This is a surprisingly angsty take on the Loveybug AU. Here, since the Loveybug and Cat Walker transformations are so unnatural, they’re having negative side effects on Marinette and Adrien, causing them to be constantly exhausted and even to get amnesia the longer they continue using them.
do you think I have forgotten about you? by @roseinaugust
Based on the song ‘About You’ by The 1975. Memory Loss. Told in alternating time lines, one leading up to and one dealing with the aftermath of Marinette relinquishing the Miracle Box and the guardianship. Marinette struggles with her life after losing her memory, though there is a persistent voice that calls to her that always seems just out of reach in her memory.
Beautiful memory loss fic here, with seeing Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s relationship before she gave up the Miracle box, juxtaposed with the present day, when Adrien is only a stranger to her. I could really feel how Marinette was struggling with navigating these new circumstances, with her friends seeming to expect her to remember, to be who she was to them, to Adrien especially, before, and her just… not knowing whether she can do that. It’s got a happy ending though, for those who are concerned about that.
Our Tales Are Endless (That’s Why I Tell Them) by @joonapeach
Marinette lives a simple life - one surrounded by pretty dresses, fresh macaroons, and the calming view of Paris. It’s a life she thinks she has always fit in. And yet sometimes, when a certain boy comes by her shop with a flower and a new adventurous story, she can’t help but wonder if there’s something else she’s missing.
This was a truly gorgeous story. It’s the classic “Marinette gives up the Miracle Box and loses her memories” storyline, exploring her life two years later. Even though she’s had time to heal and recover, she still feels like she’s missing something, something big. At least Adrien’s stopping by regularly to tell her stories about Ladybug and Chat Noir, even if she doesn’t understand why they resonate with her so well.
I (Wish I) Knew You by @buggachat
University has been hard on Marinette. Making new friends and maintaining her grades is a lot easier said than done when she has to disappear at odd times to fight akumas. She's struggling, and with Alya away with family and Adrien painfully out of reach, she's never felt lonelier.
If only she could talk to someone who really understood her struggles... but it's not like Chat Noir would know anything about loneliness. Right?
Nice aged-up Ladynoir fic here! Marinette’s struggling with losing friends and lovers because of her flakiness due to her superhero activities, until at last she breaks down. Thankfully, Chat Noir’s there at least - and it soon turns out he’s got problems of his own that he’s been hiding.
There’s some fluff and angst, it’s mostly just the two of them navigating life, dealing with their feelings and talking things out.
If I Let Myself Love You by @uptoolateart
It’s hard to be a normal girl with a normal life when your mother has terminal cancer. And when fashion model Adrien Agreste moves back to Paris and wants to be Marinette’s friend – or maybe even more – her life is turned upside down again.
How can she risk opening her heart to love when her whole world is falling apart? Especially when Adrien is hiding a dark secret of his own….
- COMPLETE FIC – updates on Sundays
*** No kwamis AU - 100% Adrinette. About half of it is fluffy and half heavy. Please read tags for trigger warnings. ***
This fic can be rough, definitely pay attention to the tags. There’s no villains in this story, it mostly centers around themes of dealing with illness - both being sick and having a loved one who’s terminally ill - and death, grieving someone who’s lost, and how difficult that can be. It can get pretty gut-wrenching at times, especially as you slowly discover more layers of what’s really going on, what both Adrien and Marinette are hiding, both from others and from themselves in order to help cope with their circumstances. But they still move forwards together, regardless.
Between the Heavens and the Embers by @readersmoon
Everyone in Paris remembers the fateful night of January 16, when the city was attacked by the most powerful and destructive akuma ever created. The assault, which lasted for hours, resulted in the death of 439 people.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was among the casualties.
Years later, Adrien hasn't been able to move on, haunted by the memories of her broken body. So, when the opportunity to leave Paris for a while presents itself, he doesn't hesitate. But this trip might end up giving him more than he ever dreamt of.
This is a fantastic fic, though a serious and a dark one - make sure to mind the tags, and it’s M-rated for a reason. Vee - or rather, Marinette - is going through a horror story here. Imagine finding out that your life is a lie, that everyone you thought you could trust was manipulating you, that you were just being continually gaslit for years. 
As for Adrien, Alya, and Nino... well, none of them took Marinette’s “death” all that well, especially Adrien. Finding out that she’s been alive all this time, in these horrible circumstances, and they had no clue... it’s hard on them as well.
I love how this fic goes into how much trauma everyone has even after the immediate danger’s dealt with, you don’t just walk off this kind of experience, especially with how many years this lasted.
in case you don’t know me tomorrow by @thelibraryloser:
“We live in a crazy world where pieces of our lives can be erased like they never even happened. I just wanted to memorize this moment so… so I could keep it, if that makes sense.”
Adrien’s heart gave a little flutter. She wanted to keep this moment, meeting him. She wanted to keep… him.
“I understand exactly what you mean.“
In a world that has created a way to selectively delete memories, no moment is truly safe. So how do you hold on to something when the memory of it is gone? And how do you keep fighting for someone when you’re the only one who remembers?
This is a SEVERELY underrated fic. It’s got some shades of “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” in the world, though the plot is very different - the memory erasure ain’t willing. 
Basically, the first few chapters are establishing Adrien’s and Marinette’s romance, and then the rest of the fic is dealing with Gabriel being an absolute DICK and using any means at his disposal to break them apart. It’s fantastic and I highly recommend reading it!
hella enchanted by @xiueryn:
Years ago, Marinette’s father died and she was left with her awful stepmother. With magic forcing her to obey every command, she lived as a servant and gave up hope. When a man appears, searching for the very fairy that blessed her, Marinette decides to give life one more try. AU.
(a different ella enchanted au.)
Even though it’s a one-shot this one is pretty long, clocking in at over 30k words. Absolutely worth a shot, though. The first third is basically Marinette dealing with being pushed around because of her “blessing”, and the other two-thirds is just some adorable fluff of her and Adrien touring the country together. 
Echoes of You by kittinoir
In the day time, she's Marinette - a normal girl, with a normal life. A normal girl, with a normal life. A normal girl, with... Not Season 4 Compliant; please, no spoilers
balancing act by fictionalinfinity
“Besides, being Ladybug always came first. It came before school, friends, and sometimes even family. Now it had to come before her health. Marinette had a duty to Paris. She wouldn’t let them down.” Or, being both Ladybug and the Guardian starts to take its toll on Marinette. - the epilepsy au literally no one asked for
Some Days by @merrygreenie
Some days are worse, and others are a little better, little by little and day by day. Marinette Dupain-Chen is learning how to live her new normal after living in confinement and being tortured by Hawkmoth. She is thankful to have her friends and family to support her. And a very special Chat who loves her very much. *This story contains scenes of violence and torture this is a whump fic*
This fic has some great angst, but be warned, it's not kidding about the violence and torture. Honestly, it should probably be rated M instead of Teen, given that while the fic mostly takes place after Marinette escapes and while she's recovering, we do get a detailed flashback to her torture.
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I Made MORE Princess Bee Fanart:
Sup, I had my wisdom teeth ripped out of my head, which means I had pain and time to kill! That means I made more fanart for a miraculous ladybug AU created by @princess-of-the-corner, because it has gripped it's claws into my brain and will not let go. AU is called Princess Bee.
I made a short, sketchy comic based off these two posts involving Adrien getting akumatized by a Butterfly!Lila and her finding out about the ENTIRE sentikid nonsense through his emotional meltdown. Beware of tonal whiplash.
Explanation of AU under the cut (as well as a little bonus drawing). I did not come up with this idea, go read the Princess Bee tag on @princess-of-the-corner! (and all the other AUs and fics going on over there, they are so cool).
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>:) :'). Oh, and I gave Chester a rat's tail braid.
General Explanation of Princess Bee: If I keep making fanart of this, I'll probably just make one solid paragraph and stop rewriting this every single time!
Anyway, sometime before season 5, Chloe gets disowned/emancipated and skips town, where she goes to law school, gets therapy, and eventually has a daughter named Dawn. Shortly after she leaves, an altered version of the S5 finale goes down where a Wish is made that prevents the current Team from using their Miraculous again. Lila, with nobody left to get revenge against, disappears underground to do low-scale cons. Ships sail and children are had. And then everything goes to shit many years later when the Adrienette kids find the miraculous and take them on a joyride that ends out VERY on the news, which causes Lila to resurface. At the same time, Chloe gets dragged back to Paris due to Andre's death and failure to update his will. Now it's up to the Next Gen kids to stop a new Butterfly under their parent's guidance, all while everyone is navigating a complex web of interpersonal relationships!
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Bonus: Butterfly!Lila design. Technically, this could be for anything, since Lila is all geared up to be the new main villain and Butterfly holder of Miraculous, but I designed this with Princess Bee in mind, so she's an adult. I based her off a purple empress butterfly, and also could not remember Cornerverse's Butterfly!Lila name for the life of me, so I named her Empress. I don't love the name, but I don't hate it either.
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bard-of-worlds · 3 months
Chapter 30
“Sir please, I don’t think this is done yet. Please let me leave!” Damocles said as he tried to pull himself free.
This made Commissaire Bertolfo look at Damocles as he tried to figure out who he was. He was part of the double Akuma attack, one of them anyway. But who was he? All I got was a copy of one of New York’s heroes was behind all this. still, what was he doing at the court in the first place? He thought as he looked at Damocles with a glare. “I’ll let you leave later. Once we had a nice talk!”
“Sir…..!” Damocles began only for one of the officers to grip his shoulder.
“Let the captain talk sir. We’ll let you go later,” The officer said and Damocles swallowed. The officer looked down at him and grinned. “Unless you have something to hide. Then we can have our talk right now!”
Damocles just blanched and looked away, his mind racing.
‘Of course I’m not good sir! I just thought that I could help by leaving. But if you all want me to stay then so be it,” Damocles said as he looked away. My master will be so enraged about this! thankfully I kept all the material linking me to the others out of my office! But if they find anything that links me to them, then these fools will overreact! I need to escape and put my worst-case plan into action. If I ever get my hands on that half-breed brat! He thought as he looked around. He risked a glance upwards and swiftly hid a smile.
“What are you….. Commissaire!” One of the officers called out and Bertolfo looked at him. Then he looked up and saw the triangle drones swooping down at them.
For a moment all Bertolfo could do was stare. Then his training took over and he drew his gun, firing upwards. “MOVE NOW! GET UNDER COVER! DON’T FIRE UPWARDS!”
Damocles took that moment to break free, running into the building. Another officer followed after him, the others and Bertolfo running to the other one. As he ran he saw the others all
As he watched, Chat Noir could only stare in horror. As the humanoid robots moved closer, he glared at Bustier. “Call them off! All we want to know is where the woman that you replaced is! Tell us that and we’ll let you go!”
For a few seconds, all the robot Bustier did was look at the heroes, not moving an inch. For a second, Chat Noir thought that maybe the Robot would tell them but then it spoke.
“Unit Caline Bustier is most likely currently in America. This Unit intercepted her employment letter from School; Francis Dunport. She had instead taken employment somewhere in Location, Florida. This unit took over for work at School; Francis Dunport. Will you allow this unit to retreat?” Bustier…. No. The Replacement asked.
All those who had gone to Francis Dunport stared at the robot in horror. For years something none-human with an agenda had taught them. So many things suddenly made sense about the way they had been taught.
Apisera could only glare at the thing before her. She knew that she hadn’t been a good student, but the things that the Robot let her do were beyond the pale! If she had anyone who could tell her that she was wrong,
Chat Noir only looked at the machine in horror. He knew that AIs like Markov were beings with emotions, his Akumazation was proof of that! But there was something about how Buistier talked that set him on edge. There was something wrong here and he didn’t know what the end game was. All he knew was that he had no choice here, they had to stop it.
Viperion could hear everything and felt sick. All the problems his sister had with her teacher finally made sense. he had wanted to punch her. He still did, and now he wanted to send a bolt through the bot’s neck. Pegasus, he’ll be able to get something from this thing. I don’t know why but we need to know where this thing came from! Could this be the power of Intuition? He thought as he looked at the robot, his hands around an energy arrow ready to fire.
Carapace stared at the robot before them with a feeling of betrayal. He had liked Caline Bustier as a person but he had hated her as a teacher. He had always thought that she had listened to Damocles too much. That if she had a bigger backbone she'd have been a better teacher. But to know that she hadn’t even been real, just a shell! It shocked and disgusted him.
Roi Singe looked at the bot before him. In his mind, it had been the worst teacher he had ever had. Now learning the truth, he could understand a lot about why he had hated her. “I don’t think we can let you go botty!”
The other heroes looked at him and then at each other. They all nodded before glaring at Bustier and the other robots that were against them. All in all, Roi Singe had broken through their shock, and they knew he was right. Without a word, the heroes all charged at the bots, and the battle was joined.
Damocles panted as he looked around the building he had run into, smiling in relief. With a wide grin, he took in the lobby he had burst into, this was perfect for him! The room had tall staircases on the right and left sides and between them at the wall was a closed door. From what he knew about this place, the door had to lead to where he could get to the alley behind this place. Next to him was a large round metal trashcan that looked like it was empty. With luck that would let him go back into the general area of the city, and from there to his dwelling. Perfect! I can get away now! My master will be mad that I had to burn this identity, but needs must. I followed all his orders, he had to understand. He thought as he looked at the door ahead of him.
The banging of the door caused him to whirl around and see one of the police officers had followed him after all. As the man looked out the door, Damocles cursed his luck. The officer looked at Damocles with a confused look in his eyes. He looked out the door and winced. Damocles did as well and forced down a smirk. The other officer who had held him in place was down on the ground, his right leg bleeding.
“Not something old Paris is used to, is it? Don’t you worry, once the Commis gets over here we’ll get ya straightened out! And then we can go and help the heroes up there
Damocles looked at the police officer and cursed. I hoped I would have gotten away clean, but there’s only one. And I don’t need to be discrete anymore! He thought as he looked at the police officer.
As Damocles moved closer, the police officer looked out the door. Damocles slowly moved his hand to his right side pocket and grabbed what was there.
“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine,” The Officer said as he looked out the door’s window. He kept talking, his back to Damocles. “I just need to keep you safe until I can get you to talk to the……..GGGGLLLLHHH!”
Damocles had jumped onto the officer’s back, and driven the knife he pulled from his pocket into the man’s throat. As the officer tried to grab his arm, Damocles brought the knife around the front of the man’s neck. As the blood sprayed at the walls, the officer drowned in his blood.
Damocles moved away, flicking the knife to remove the blood. He had been able to keep the officer’s blood from getting onto him. With a cold face, Damocles dropped the knife into the trash before he ran towards the alley exit. He never even noticed something had fallen behind him, a small teddy bear with a glass eye.
Ladybug saw the drones attacking, and for a moment she didn’t understand what she was seeing. Once Hawkmoth created an Akuma, he was done. But with the multiple Akumas today alone, there was a chance that things were changing. Where these drones came from didn’t matter right now, what they were doing did. Without another moment, Ladybug reacted and barked orders. “Rena Rouge, Miss Hound, with me! We’ll help out the others up there! Arachne stay here and protect the police until those things are down! Pegasus help her out! Figure out anything about the drones, I want everything you can see!”
“GOT IT!” The others called out
As she swung her ribbon at one of the drones attacking the police, Arachne just grinned. Oh, this is going to be so much fun! She thought as she looked at the drones. Taking out bots would be a lot easier than fighting against people. This time she didn’t need to watch her blows, this time she could go all out! And her Kwami always talked about how good her former holders felt to let loose when they were training. Now she would finally find out what it felt like to let loose!
Aranche lashed out with her ribbon, and in a moment it lassoed one. With a flick of her waist, the drone flew towards her. Once it reached her she punched it, breaking it apart into its parts. As it rained down she looked around and saw there were only nine of them left. But before she could move her head she saw Commissaire Bertolfo. He was firing at one of the drones from the door, paling in fear for a second.
Pegasus dashed forward and sliced through one of the drones. He locked eyes on one of the other ones and tried to find anything that might tell him what they were. Nothing, no logo, no maker’s marks nothing that could tell me who made these things. None of these things have weapons!? Who makes models with weapon mounts!? He thought as he slashed through the drone he was looking at. With a scowl, he slammed into another Drone and nodded.
Commissaire Bertolfo fired at one of the drones as it flew by the door and snarled as he watched his shot miss. He had experienced large-scale attacks before, but this was something else! It reminded him of his time at the Academy, how the place had been attacked by a Mad Mage and his summoned hordes. He prayed that this time things would happen without the mass loss of life like last time. With the heroes out there fighting, they could maybe survive this! “All officers, listen up! I want no heroics today! I want everyone to get through this alive!”
Chat Noir slashed down with his staff baton and smirked as he tore off its right arm. With a yell he spun and kicked it away, the body bouncing before it fell to the alley below.
He looked around, taking in the scene. The other heroes had all defeated the robots and were standing there. Bustier was all alone standing at the edge of the rooftop, two of the Flying drones behind her.
“So then, how about you surrender?” Roi Singe asked as he looked at Bustier as Ladybug and Rena Rouge appeared behind them.
Ladybug only looked at Bustier and tried to understand. But from the way the blades on Bustier’s arms showed, there was a lot she didn’t understand. “So, the story here?”
“The teacher lady’s a bot! And she’s been one since well before ‘Caline Bustier’ started working at that school!” Chat Noir said as he looked at Bustier.
Ladybug gazed at Chat Noir and sought out Roi Singe who nodded. She’s what!? I don’t/…… Later. For now, we have to deal with what’s here and now. And that means bringing this thing in! She thought as she started to spin her yoyo.
“Surrender is based on superior firepower. Something your side does not have,” Bustier said and Roi Singe only laughed a little.
“And where’s your firepower?” Roi Singe asked.
Ladybug felt a spark of fear, fear that she couldn’t understand as the bustier bot only looked at them all.
Suddenly the sky darkened. They looked up and saw forty of the drones and robots.
“Here,” Bustier said as the robots dropped from the Drones. And no sooner had that happened than half the drones shot towards the ground.
“Rena, Salacia, go help the others!” Ladybug called out as they
Lieutenant Monasterio fought back to conscience. He blinked and looked around, trying to remember everything with a scowl he got up and looked around. “SERGENT!”
“Here captain!” A voice called out and a small round figure in a police uniform came over. This was Sergeant Harold Gonzalez. He saluted, his black mustache and blue eyes looking at his commanding office.  His small blue hat was aside and his short black hair was wet with what Monasterio hoped was sweat. “Good thing the here, hu sir? And Ladybug already cleaned up everything!”
“Yes. Such a good thing!” Monasterio growled as he glared at his best official subordinate. This whole thing was nothing but a waste of my time! When I get my hands around the neck of that fool! He thought as he tried and failed to control his temper.So far the tip he had received was proving more trouble than it was worth! And with the way the heroes had intervened the local ‘Hero Affairs’ office would come and talk to him.
A crash from the front of the alley they were hiding in caused Monasterio to look up. “What now!?”
But as he poked his head out he stared in horror. Twenty flying drones were attacking the building. Where are the Sentimonsters? He thought completely stunned. He gazed at the heroes,  the way they were fighting was completely different than he expected. It was like they were just mowing down NPC’s in a game. “What fresh horror is this!?”
“Lieutenant, look! The Commissaire isn’t firing up!”  Sergeant Gonzalez said as he pointed past Monasterio.
“Of course not! Never fire upwards!” Monasterio said with a snarl. But he’s keeping his men there, so the drones are attacking him? But what does that mean? Those things aren’t attacking the heroes, they attacking everything! That means Hawkmoth isn’t behind this! but who else is making trouble in my city? And how can I use this? He wondered with an evil grin. He never noticed that Gonzalez had seen this smirk and that he smiled just as evilly. “Police, prepare to defend yourselves!
Bertolfo looked out as the heroes fought the drones. This is better than the last Mr. Pigeon! And even with the newbies they’re doing great! Still, why are so many of them active now? Did they change tactics because of that one they fought? He thought as he looked out the door.
Seeing Rena Rouge and a new one help the Dog and Dolphin heroine made him realize something. Something that he hoped was wrong but he was sure was right. That revelation made him hope that the Mayor had all the proper insurance ready. Because he knew that this was going to be messy.
Deloris blinked as she slowly woke up. What happened? Wait, Lila! She knows! She thought as she blinked back to wakefulness. She looked around and saw that she was in a police car, more to the point in the back. She lunged for the door handle and scowled as she found the locked door.
“Awake then?” Rodger’s voice caused her to look up and see him standing outside the front passenger side. Around him were five other police officers, each one looking around for anything. For a moment she didn’t understand what was happening, but then she exploded when she did.
“Unhand me right now! I am a diplomat so help me! I’ll get you all fired!” Deloris snarled and Rodger crossed his arms.
“Unfortunately madam as Hawkmoth is a supervillain with Mind Control abilities those rules…. Well, they don’t work right now. All instances of someone helping him of their own will must be investigated. And as my men and I saw your daughter talk to Hawkmoth, you need to talk to us about it,” Rodger said dryly.
Deloris looked at him and blinked as he glared at her. For a moment she was stunned silent and then Rodger spoke again.
“And as we all saw and heard your alteration with your daughter….. Well, I think we’ll talk about that first. And since you might be a rogue mind controller, there’s that too. All your work will be gone over, and ANYTHING of that nature will be punished. That is the law,” Rodger said as he looked at her.
Deloris blinked, not quite understanding what she had just heard. Then she looked at him in shock and then slowly her expression changed. She looked at Rodger with a cold look and slowly reached for her pocket. “Let me go now and forget about this, and I promise you I won’t kill you!”
“MADAM! Threats against the protectors of Paris are punished most harshly!” Rodger said and the woman only looked at him like he was an idiot.
“We are so far beyond threats you fool!” Deloris snarled as she pulled her hand out of her pocket. She threw three small hexagon gemstones out the window.  The gemstones flew out and as they hit the ground there was a cracking sound.
Then was a flash of light and Rodger blinked. He fell backwards and the five men around him all drew their guns. Standing there were three five-foot-tall humanoids made of green crystal. Each one was stocky and had two legs and arms. The arms ended in four long claws, each glinting in the sunlight. The head is a beak with a large white glowing eye above it.
Two of the creatures moved and stood guard, glaring at the police around them. The last one slashed open the door holding Deloris prisoner. As she got out she looked around at the police and stared at Rodger coldly. “I did not want to not do this. I really didn’t. You forced this, and now we have to play this out.”
One of the police drew his gun and shot her. The bullet reflected off her and hit his right arm. She just looked right at Rodger and scowled again. “Leave him alone alive. Kill the others.”
As Rodger drew his gun and fired at the creatures, Deloris turned and walked away. When the screams began behind her, she just kept walking slowly. But she reached into her pockets and felt the gemstones form there. She knew that the way she had lived was over, but she wasn’t worried. In times of old, she had been a destroyer and helped plan many battles against the Kwami chosen. She had laid low the Champions who served the great city and drank the blood of the Fey. She had been a terror, they had said Death walked with her. If she had to step into the light once more, so be it. It had been too long since people were afraid of her, and that time was done.
Damocles ran through the building, trying not to let the chaos he heard behind him get to him. That was the worst thing he could do, but then he had no choice. If they looked into him, they’d find that his identity was fake, and that would show everything! The best thing now was for them to track him as a captive of a ‘Cop-Killer’, and that would blind them for a while. All he needed was to get away, bug out, and do his escape plan.
He had everything ready to go, and he was sure it would work. The plan was the basic model from the greatest thinkers of the Kingdom. With everything that was happening, the City was going to get worse. And that thing that he had employed, he had never seen anything like it before. Just the knowledge that something else was moving in Paris was priceless to those people. That alone might be enough to migrate his punishment.
As he burst out the door, he blinked as he looked at what was before him. For a moment he only looked at it in awe before he grinned. My time here is done, but I might not be punished so badly. This alone would help me so much. I have to leave and this will let me get so much credit! I did everything right and this might let me get a nice posting after all this! He thought as he reached down and picked up his prize.
As she punched one of the robot’s heads off, Ladybug looked at what she had thought was Bustier. It had only stared back at them as they fought, and that was worrying. Akuma that could control others were rather…. Loud. But this wasn’t an Akuma, and there seemed to be a large number of Robots and Drones at Bustier’s disposal.
Chat Noir slammed his staff baton into the head of another robot, trying and failing to keep a smile off his face. He had to admit that this was one of his fantasies, fighting evil robots. But he couldn’t understand just what the force had been intending sending in a robot to replace a teacher. But then he thought about the way that Bustier bot had acted, and he wondered if that was the reason. He had to admit, never having been in a school before this year, he couldn’t know what to expect from teachers. But the way Madame Mendeleiev was different from how Bustier-bot taught.
Roi Singe slammed his staff through another of the robots and cursed his mouth. He had to tempt fate like that! He had always hated how Bustier taught, and now he had a reason to talk trash about her, not about it!
Arashiko only sliced through another of the robots, trying and failing to keep calm. The very idea that the terrible teacher that she had heard about was a robot? Her mother’s company made robots, she grew up around them. They were always programmed by something or someone. That meant that the way that Bustier Baka acted was planned. And that meant that there was a reason, something that she couldn’t see. They needed to get Bustier’s hard drive and see if Pegasus and her couldn’t hack into it.
Miss Hound thrust one of her escrima sticks into one of the robots, scowling as she dodged a blow from another one. I can’t believe that Chloe was right about that thing! She thought as she spared a glance at Bustier. Chloe had always said that something was wrong with Bustier, and to see if she was right? It was troubling that Miss Hound had missed it.
Apisera swung her top around another of the robots and pulled. As the robot flew at her, she punched and tore it apart. So far, the team has been handling them, but there was a limit.
Chameleon Unit T1 looked at the battle and saw that the Claw Soldier Units were slowly losing ground. The units were some of the weakest of the Units but they were the only ones around in great numbers. The data gathered by Shadowmoth using his powers on Unit T1 had to be brought back. With the data from its transformation, they had all the pieces. Finally, the mission was done. It had caused T1 to break cover, but that was a worthy sacrifice. All it needed was to wait for a chance.
As the last robot fell, Ladybug looked at Bustier. With a word she took a step towards her, the others falling in behind her. “So, will you surrender?”
The sounds of a helicopter caused everyone to look up. Above them over thirty feet was Nadja leaning out of the window looking down,
Nadja looked out of the helicopter she tried to think of what to say. “Paris, this is unprecedented! I see our local heroes staring down what looks like Caline Bustier, a teacher at a local school. But I can see something sticking out of her arms! And since the ladybugs already cleansed the Akuma, I don’t know what is happening! Wait, she’s doing someth ….. oh my god!!”
Bustier had removed her head, holding it in her right hand. To Nadja’s horror, Bustier’s neck was a metallic stump! She could only watch as a drone came as a small camera came out of Bustier’s neck. Bustier’s body put the head on the drone. The drone pulled the head into itself and floated there. Because five more drones appeared and started to change, until all the drones looked the same. Before the heroes could do anything the drones shot off and the body of Bustier attacked the heroes.
“She’s some kind of robot! I I can’t explain this! She pulled her head off and her body is fighting the heroes!” Nadja called out in shock.
Ladybug dodged a blow from the headless robot and she glared at the drones. “We need to split up!”
“Dragon girl and I can go! The Might Cat, Bee and Snake can stay and backup the boss!” Roi Singe called out.
“Do it!” Chat Noir cried out before he charged at the headless Bustier.
“He’s right, we’ve got this!” Ladybug called out
As they jumped after the drones,  Roi Singe grinned as he thrust his staff forward and destroyed one of them. “One me Dragon! Keep up!”
Arashiko only grinned and jumped up, pushed off a chimney, and shot at the drones. Her sword slashed through two of them quickly before the others went higher.
“Two to one Monkey! Will you catch me?” Arashiko called back.
Roi Singe looked at her and laughed, moving after the last four drones. Suddenly the drones split up, two of them moving right and down, the others left along the river.
“I’ll get the ones going up! You take down!” Roi Singe called out as he jumped after the ones going along the river.
Arashiko nodded. Smart, my powers will let me escape from any traps. And I think a Dragon can see farther underground than a mere Monkey! She thought and felt a small spike of pride from something that wasn’t her. She almost fell but she kept moving, following the drones as they flew through a hole they blasted in the street. Thankfully all the cars on the street were driverless, and all the civilians had gone for cover.
As she dropped into the sewers, she realized that to her it was as bright as if they were in the sun. Without a word she moved after the drones, somehow knowing by sound exactly where they went.
After a few moments, she caught up to the drones and saw all the two being met with two rising from the water. They had to have come from the River. They must have planned to all go through the Sewers to escape. Sorry Monkey, but this time I win. She thought. She was about to attack them before spikes flew through the air from a side passage and spear two of the drones.
She watched, shocked at what she was seeing. Two large rats with black fur the size of tigers came out of the tunnel. These creatures had tails three feet long with three spikes pointing up at them. From the side, she saw a space closer to the body on the tail where the spikes had come from. And already another spike was growing into place. She stared as the drones attacked the rats. For a moment she didn’t know what to do, but when one of the rats had been slain and another drone destroyed she knew.
With a yell, she leaped forward and sliced through the last drone, rolling to point her sword at the last rat. She glared at it, and for a moment she thought it would retreat. But then the creature's eyes suddenly erupted in glowing black energy. The energy completely covered the eyes was flowing to the sides like flames. The ray started to change, but she had had enough.
“Lighting Dragon!” She screamed and as soon as she felt her body become lighting, she shot at the creature and engulfed it. It screeched in pain, and she almost stopped but she knew what she was fighting...
“GAHHH!” Giles cried as he slumped to the ground. As he lay there, he panted and started to laugh.
After a few moments, he pulled himself up, still laughing. “So there are more who will dare to stand in my way? No matter. My Jeanne will be saved from whatever spell those fools have cast on her! Even if the English have conquered my country and changed everything, I will save her!”
He laughed and he was revealed to be in a large chamber over two hundred feet wide and long. He was standing in a section that took up around a third of the space. It was a large wooden house, and around Giles were the remains of a lab. The rest was taken up with stables for his creatures, ten more of the spike-tailed rats were moving. In every fourth stable was a large fleshy egg sack and one burst, revealing another of the rats. Giles looked up as the sound of something stomping came from a large tunnel on the north side
After the rat stopped moving she flew back to where she had become lightning and turned back to flesh. She looked at the rat and then with one blow sliced its spine in two at the neck. She did the same as the other rat and moved to inspect the drones. After a few minutes, she frowned. The head of Bustier wasn’t here. That meant that this was nothing but killing time or the head was with the ones destroyed.
She looked at the corpses and scowled, hoping that the creator felt her kill them.
Without a word, she ran towards where she had come from. Jumping to street level, she found two police officers looking at the hole.
As they saw her they realized who she was.
“So this was the Akuma? But the ladybugs already swarmed!” One of them exclaimed.
Arashiko looked at them and shook her head. “This wasn’t the work of any Akuma. And there are two corpses down there, mutants.”
“Corpses of human mutants!?” The other officer exclaimed.
Arashiko only shook her head and looked back towards the fighting. “No, animals. The size of a tiger. And the remains of a few drones.”
As she jumped away, she heard the two police cry out in shock.
As the two police watched her leave, one of them turned to the other. “Well Dan, this is a mess!”
“I hear you, Rob,” Dan said as he took off his hat, letting his short black hair take in the sun. he locked his blue eyes to Rob’s black ones.
Rob brought a hand through his short brunette hair and sighed. “I was hoping not to deal with stuff like this, ya know. Out of all ‘Super Cities’ the heroes here clean up after themselves! At least they used to!”
“Only damage by Akuma, that’s all Ladybug repairs. Guess this isn’t the work of those things. This is not going to go over with the Mayor easily,” Dan said with a chuckle.
“Good! So, you go get the blockers, I’ll call works and some backup, maybe SWAT. If there were two mutants there might be more!” Rob said with a shudder. “I so don’t want to become food!”
“Me either, but we gotta keep them down there if there are any! Just watch the hole from farther back, and we’ll keep the public safe!” Dan said with a grin.
As Rob took a few steps back, he moved his right hand to his pistol as he undid the straps. He had seen the textbook about monster attacks, he didn’t want to become a statistic.
Roi Singe grinned as he chased after the drones. This is it, I just need to kill those two and I’ll have one over Dragon Girl! And this Monkey is going wild! He thought as he jumped into the air. He pointed his staff at a building behind him and extended it. It hit the building and used it to push him forward and upwards.
At the climax of his ‘vault’, he saw the two drones that Arashiko had chased shoot out of the river.
With a grin, he angled his body and shot towards them, a savage grin on his face. As he passed through them, he spun his staff in a circle. As each drone was hit, one was destroyed and stunned the others.
As he landed he shot towards the closest one, slamming it down. As one of the last two took flight, it shot at him as the other one flew away.
Roi Singe dodged the charging one, extended his staff until it was above the escaper, and slammed it down. As that one was destroyed, he shrank his staff and pulled himself forward, dodging the last drone. He looked over his shoulder and saw it coming after him, and then flipped. Landing, he thrust his staff forward and it extended until it pierced the drone.
He laughed as he landed, moving towards them to find the head. But after a few minutes, he slowly started to lose color in his face. No matter where he looked, the head wasn’t there.
“They tricked us! They had to have planned this! What are those things!?” Roi Singe said with a scowl. He looked towards the battle he had left, a dark thought going through him. “They have to be trying to split us up!”
As Chat Noir blocked a blow from Bustier’s arm claws, the body kicked at him. He dodged it and scowled as Ladybug and Apisera charged in and an arrow from Viperion was deflected. “How’s she fighting better without seeing……”
Chat Noir went still and looked up, seeing Nadja flying there. “Oh shit!”
He looked at the girls as they fought, and he swallowed. “Hold the line, I’ll be right back!”
“Wait, what?!” Apisera asked as she jumped backwards, seeing Chat Noir leap to the helicopter. Her eyes widened and she glared at the robot, paying more attention to the ‘camera’ it had sticking out of its neck. That deceitful monstrosity! That’s the plan then, use the news to fight us?! Brother, get that view down so we can trash this thing! She thought as she landed and charged in.
Suddenly, Rena Rouge, Carapace, and Pegasus jumped back onto the roof. They took a moment to see what was happening before they charged into battle.
Nadja looked at the battle, shocked at what she was seeing. The Heroes usually handled the Akumas but this thing was giving them a hard time. She didn’t know what to do, or if she should do something. But there was something at the edge of her mind, something that told her that she was at fault.
But then Chat Noir was in the way of the view, and she looked at his grinning face.
“Chat Noir!? What can the news do for one of our heroes?” Nadja said as soon as she got her wits around her.
Chat Noir grinned as he looked over his shoulder. He smirked as he turned back to her. “Sorry about that, but the bot was using your view to fight! We’ll talk later!”
He jumped away, Nadja only looking at the camera in shocked horror. Sarah looked back and Nadja saw fear and shame in her eyes.
“You saw it here folks, the villain used our broadcast! But I’ll stay on station and keep telling you what happens!” Nadja said as she looked down. “It looks like…. Yes! The heroes have destroyed an arm and leg from the robot! It’s down, and the heroes have won!”
As Chat Noir landed, he saw the Bustier bot had lost an arm and a leg, lying on the rooftop. As Roi Singe and Arashiko joined them, he grinned. “So, where’s the head?”
“They tricked us, they had more waiting out there!” Arashiko said with a snarl as she looked at the robot on the roof.
The heroes all looked at the robot, trying to understand just what it was after. This whole situation was something that whatever was behind it had to plan. It was waiting for Bustier to be Akumatized again, but why? What was their angle here?
“Maybe I’ll be able to find something by hacking into it. It might have something in there. Maybe,” Pegasus said with a slight scowl.
“Negative. Head and main hard drive outside of the range, countdown protocol engaged. Goodbye heroes,” The robot said before a holographic countdown starting at 5 formed above it.
“NO!” Rena Rouge called out.
“SHELTER!” Carapace barked as he shot forward with his shield, and a sphere formed around the robot. As they watched, the countdown hit zero and nothing happened. But a moment later grey dust engulfed the robot. The heroes all watched as the Bustier torso started to disintegrate. They stared in horror as within a minute, even the dust withered away.
For a moment, all they could do was stare at the empty shield in horror.
“Nano-Technology?! At that scale and able to destroy itself?!” Pegasus exclaimed in horror.
That snapped Ladybug back to here and now and looked around. Looking down into the alley, she saw Miss Hound alone, the other two heroes having escaped. As  Commissaire Bertolfo and Monasterio both led their forces towards her, Miss Hound jumped up and joined the others.
“Hound, Rena, Apisera, Arashiko? With me. we’ll tell the Commissaire what happened and get away before she lands. And boys you all get out of here together! Pegasus, make a portal to Learning, and face it to the sky. We’ll touch base at the Guardian,” Ladybug said as she looked down at the street below.
“Got it LB!” Chat Noir said with a smirk as Carapace dropped his power.
“Learning?” Pegasus asked as the girls all jumped away.
“One of our code words me and Milady made up during our first month. It’s the school,” Chat Noir said and Pegasus nodded as Viperion joined them.
“Haven’t been back there in a while. But with everything that happened, that might have been good,” Viperion said with a smirk.
“Tell me about!” Roi Singe said with a cackle.
“Voyage! This way Air Pegasus, the pilot is the last to enter!” Pegasus said with a small smirk.
After Pegasus’s portal closed Arashiko grabbed Ladybug’s arm. As Ladybug looked at her Arashiko looked away. “I need to get back to my home. My mother is due soon and I can’t let her know I got out!”
“Go, we’ll handle the police!” Ladybug said with a short nod from the others.
As Pegasus jumped through the portal last, the male heroes looked around before dropping to the courtyard.
Chat Noir closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Nothing, there’s nobody here!”
“And the power is off,” Pegasus said as he pointed his horseshoe-axe around.
“You can tell?” Roi Singe asked as he looked around.
“I don’t know about Chat, but I augmented my tool last night. It copied some tech I created. And we can trust it,” Pegasus said as he transformed back into Max.
As the others all did the same, Luka looked around and chuckled a bit.
“For me, it was like I could tell if someone was watching me, always have really. It’s just grown more since this all started,” Chat Noir said as he smirked at the others.
Sass meanwhile looked at Chat Noir and seemed to frown, something that Luka caught. I’ll talk to Sass at home. I don’t think Plagg will hurt Adrien, but Sass is pretty calm. It has to be something for him to react. Luka thought as he looked at his partner Kwami.
“So our first big team-up went great!” Kim said with a laugh. As everyone looked at Kim, Xuppu laughed and landed on his head.
“You expected anything else ya big dummy? We don’t choose bad eggs!” Xuppu said with a smirk.
Plagg glared at Xuppu, as did the other Kwami. Don’t give everything away monkey! We still need to keep our secrets until they destroy our bindings! What they know, the others could force out of them! Plagg thought as he glared.
Xuppu looked around, and seeing the way his siblings were looking at him winced.
“You all get back to Master Fu. I’ll need to get back to the bakery. Great battle guys,” Chat Noir said as he jumped away.
The others all nodded, and moved to use the side exits to get back into the rest of Paris.
As he led the way out of the building, Commissaire Bertolfo could only stare in shocked horror. The broken drone parts were a herald of a new chapter in the Paris Siege. Looking around, he tried to keep calm. Nothing makes sense! What just happened here? He thought as he tried to make sense. “Someone go get that Akuma victim, and find who’s missing!”
It was the Ladybug, Rena Rouge, Miss Hound, and Apisera landing before him that snapped him out of his spiral. It was seeing the heroes victorious that made him feel that things might get a little bit normal. That feeling died when he saw the look on Ladybug’s face.
“Ladybug! What is this!?” He asked as he gestured around him.
“Well sir, it started when an Akuma went rogue,” Apisera said with a grimace.
“That’s possible!?” Bertolfo asked, shocked beyond words. The loyalty of Hawkmoth’s minions was just one of the reasons that he was so feared. To turn anyone into his follower, was one of the reasons the “Mind Control Laws” were enacted. To hear that it was possible to break Hawkmoth’s control, it changed everything!
“It is when the Akuma is originally a robot,” Ladybug said and  Bertolfo blinked in shock.
“A what?! Who was a robot?” Bertolfo demanded and looked at the drones with new eyes. These things must have been summoned by that robot! But why? Why did they attack us? They don’t have many weapons, and what was the plan?! He thought as he looked around.
“A teacher at a school. The name it used was Caline Bustier,” Rena Rouge explained and Bertolfo looked shocked.
“Her, a robot was masquerading as her!? Why? When?” Bertolfo demanded and Ladybug shrugged.
“Before she even started to work at that school, the real one is in America of all places!” Ladybug said, shaking her head. Catching the helicopter landing he looked at the girls and nodded.
“Go! I’ll talk to you some other time over the next few days, and that’s a promise!”  Bertolfo said. The heroines all jumped away and Bertolfo watched them. But then he stalked towards the helicopter, ready to give the reporter a piece of his mind.
“Commissaire Bertolfo, do you…..” Nadja trailed off as Bertolfo stared at her with hard eyes.
“This is an active crime scene! I want you, and that machine back at your studio or so help me I’ll impound it!” Bertolfo barked as he glared at Nadja.
She glared back and looked at the broken drone parts on the ground before she looked back at Bertolfo. “Sir, this has never happened before! Paris needs to know what has happened to the fight against Hawkmoth!”
Bertolfo only looked at her and scowled. “As of right, now I will say this! This wreckage is not the result of Hawkmoth!”
“But what about the Akuma?! After the court case, are they being held?” Nadja asked and  Bertolfo went still as he turned.
“Wait, what court case….. What’s he doing?” Bertolfo asked as he looked down the alley for a second. Turning back to Nadja, he looked at her. “You stay here, and we’ll talk later.”
Before Nadja could say anything, Bertolfo turned and walked away. He saw Monasterio led his men away and scowled. He jogged over to them, stopping them from moving away.
They all saluted, even Monasterio but Bertolfo ignored him. “You men go and make sure that reporter leaves! Sargent, you’re in charge! Get it done!”
“Yes sir!” Sergeant Gonzalez said as he saluted.
“Monasterio, with me!” Bertolfo spat as he turned and walked towards the building he had come from.
Entering it, Monasterio saw they were in a foyer with another door thirty feet away. But Monasterio didn’t have time to see the details when Bertolfo spun around.
“Now Monasterio, let’s talk about you! What in the name of justice were you thinking? And what are you doing here!?” Bertolfo snarled.
Monasterio looked at him and went to attention. “Commissaire Laborous! Sir, I received a tip that something was going on nearby. As I only had a very short timeline, I moved my men to stop it. The tip spoke of murder sir!”
Bertolfo just glared at the man, trying to find anything that might let him punish him. That idiot Mayor had to tell every Station commander that the whole city was their beat! By his laws, I can’t punish him, but I so want to! This filth had to have been looking at an angel, but what? And how could I even prove it? Bertolfo thought as he looked at Monasterio in disgust. The station that this man commanded was one of the dumping grounds of Paris. The ‘officers’ there had more loyalty to their commanding officer than anyone else. The few Akuma that were from their section were always attacked by the police. Bertolfo had issued orders that the Police leave the Akumas alone, Monasterio had an excuse why he did every time.
Bertolfo looked at him and then his radio beeped stopped and then beeped again. Both Bertolfo and Monasterio looked at each other in shocked horror. That was the code for officer’s down, and that hadn’t happened in Paris since before Hawkmoth appeared. And to make matters worse, by the pitch of the beeps this was on the emergence frequency. That meant that all the stations could hear it, and anyone who had hacked into the Police bands!
“This is Bertolfo, come in! Who’s calling on this frequency!?” Bertolfo demanded as he answered it.
“Sir… this is Rodger Raincomprix…. Was leading a force of four other officers…….We’re at…..At the corner of 20th and 15th.  Reporting… all other officers down….. owe…. Hurt. Bad, really bad,” Rodger’s voice came over the radio.
Both Bertolfo and Monasterio looked at each other, and both saw the other pale. The term ‘Officer Down’, had few if any meanings, and none of them were good.
“Monasterio, I want you to go! Grab two more of your people and get there now! And take the back roads!” Bertolfo ordered. I don’t want to give this slime any chances to slither away, but needs must after all. He thought as Monasterio saluted him.
“It will be done sir!” Monasterio said before he ran out of the building.
Bertolfo sighed and shook his head, this was the last thing he needed now! After everything that happened, someone had attacked and killed some of his men! And with the way that he thought things were going to go, this would get worse before it ever got better. For now, all he wanted to do was get his hands on his suspect and find out everything he knew about that robot. If two people were Akumatized together, then they had to have an item in common. And that meant they knew each other. “Well, time to get back to work……”
“SIR!” The door flew open and Bertolfo looked up at the horror-struck look on the officer’s face.
“What is it?” Bertolfo demanded as he looked at the officer.
“We found the missing officer, he’s dead! The witness killed him!” The officer said in a rush.
“HOW?!” Bertolfo demanded as he charged out the door, the officer following.
“Knife to the neck! Sir, what do we?” The Officer asked in a rush.
Bertolfo looked at the officer and tried to think. Monasterio was gone and this place needed to be processed. But there was the reporter to talk to as well……. “Come with me, we have to talk to someone….. no. Call the station, and then guard our brother. I’ll talk to the reporter alone.”
A beeping caused Bertolfo to grab his phone and accept the call. “Bertolfo, wait what? Mutants!?”
Gabriel looked at his TV and scowled. He, Duusu, Nathaile, and Nooroo were all in Gabriel’s office.
“A robot?!? Another robot?!” Gabriel demanded as he slammed his fist on his desk.
“This makes sense, after that AI you Akumatized,” Nooroo said dryly.
Nathalie only looked at Gabriel as he looked at the TV, seemingly not hearing what was just said.
“What happened, brother?” Duusu asked and Nooroo only grinned to Nathalie’s shock.
“It took over this place’s defenses. Let’s say that he was hoping the heroes would win. He even told the AI about the wish,” Nooroo said.
Nathalie looked on as Gabriel glared at the Kwami.
“What could this mean, that was Adrien’s teacher!” Nathalie said and Gabriel looked at her before turning away, muttering to himself. He’s always had a one-track mind, that’s his strength. How he can focus on the task before him and finish it. But this time, with those ‘Sins’, that monster maker, and now this, we might be biting off more than we can chew. She thought as she looked at Gabriel.
Gabriel meanwhile glared at the TV. I don’t need this! With Adrien out there, and the Sins offering a way to save her, I can’t have more distractions! But now I have to worry about these things! He thought with a snarl.
“Now what? We won, they don’t know we did it and now we have to move on. But the robot, that’s something to think about. You see the problem?” Nathalie asked as she put her right hand on her waist.
Gabriel looked at Nathalie and nodded as he tried to plan. If anyone could be a robot, then he had two options here. Use an agent to fight against these rogue Akuma, or stop making them. With Nathalie healed and Duusu fixed, they could use Duusu more. Nathalie could control a Sentimonster to counter the Akuma if things happened. The only reason they didn’t do this this time was because of the overall plan. But then why hadn’t Bustier taken control as the ‘Kissing Zombie’?
“We go after no new Akumas. Only one’s we’ve already done before,” Gabriel said and Nathalie looked at him.
“You’re thinking that it was because we used her two times is the reason she was able to gain control?” Nathalie asked as she crossed her arms under her breasts.
“It is logical. We know nothing about this enemy. We have to be smart,” Gabriel said as he looked at Nathalie. “And there are the Sins. With them, we could have it all. She could be back.”
“But if the Sins can give us what we want, why keep after those two Miraculous?” Nathalie asked.
“Because we can’t let them know what we want. As long as they think they can use us, they will. But if they leave we’ll never heal her,” Gabriel said as he scowled. “And if we stop, then they might wonder what we were after. They could figure out who we are. And who knows what they could use that information to do?”
“Then should we keep going after any Akuma we can? It would throw them off the trial?” Nathalie asked.
Gabriel looked at her and started to think. He had to admit that Nathalie made sense. If they changed tactics, that just showed fear. They had to negotiate from a position of strength to get what they wanted from the Sins.
“Yes, and if there are more robots that take control, that might help. We could tell the Sins we were thinking about how to find them. That could explain a…… vacation,” Gabriel said as he nodded.
Nathalie looked at him and took a deep breath. The realities of the the fixed Peacock Miraculous giving her courage. She had been thinking about this for a while, after her healing Champion form failed. She had to bring to light the idea she had for months now.
“There is a third option. Try and see if a Sentimonster can heal her,” Nathalie said.
Gabriel blinked and looked at Nathalie with shock in his eyes.
”That, is that even possible?” Gabriel asked, a note of hope in her voice.
“Yes, that might work. But Ms. Nathalie will only be able to have two more of my feathers bound to her if a healer. That is the most her mana can handle without relapsing!” Duusu said with a hard glare. “And that’s only if she uses them as Golems!”
“Brother…..” Nooroo said with shock,
“I can speak about them? I can speak! I’m free!” Duusu said with glee as he flew around the room, laughing for a bit
“What are you talking about?” Nathalie asked and Duusu sighed and floated over to her.
“Well, my feathers can used three ways. The Golems, the Companions, the Featherborne. Golems are the easiest to handle. They’re what the Order knows about, but they need time to charge up to use their abilities if they have any. But that’s only if they're acting on their own as ordered to. They never change and are non-sentient, and can be put to sleep. If their active for a week, then the feather wilts away. What you get is a Golems that has a control item. Anyone can use it. Anyone, ” Duusu said as he looked at Nathalie.
“Next are the Companions. They are stronger and cause more of a strain on the bounded one. If their organic they can become real in a month. Then if you give them their item they will be free. But if you give them their item if they haven’t been active for at least a day they will be destroyed in a minute. Like the fake Ladybug,” Duusu warned.
“What!? Why have you never told us, my friend!” Nooroo asked,
Duusu looked at Nooroo and sighed. “Because both they and the next were created after we were split apart. Do you think I would tell those Monsters anything about my final ones?! The last are Featherborne like Adrien and the others. It was created to allow people who aren’t able to have children to have children. But you must never create more than two at a time, or my Miraculous will break. I wasn’t able to tell Miss Emile that because of the Order’s spells. I think I will always hate them for that. Another item on my list.”
Gabriel looked at Nathalie and both of them felt a spark of shock.
“Your list?” Nathalie asked with a shocked tone.
“The Guardians discovered the writings of the one who created our Gems. But because they did they felt they alone had the right to decide how we would be used. They killed our Wielders to take and control us,” Duusu said with a growl.
“And if they hadn’t cast those spells, then you would have cautioned my wife not to create so many Featherborne….. wait. How are they different from the Companions?” Gabriel asked and Duusu grinned.
“Because the magic acts as only a help to give them the spark of life. After seven weeks, they can keep themselves alive. After seven months, they can have their own minds like normal babies. Seven years they can be given their items and be free, a normal member of their kind!” Duusu said with a grin.
“And if the item is destroyed before seven years?” Nathalie asked and Duusu sighed.
“Then they will fall into a coma for seven days  each year they have left,” Duusu explained
“Then my son is a real human? But I can still control him with his ring!” Gabriel said and Duusu looked at him with a glare.
“If the Featherborne is not given their item, they can be controlled. But the item loses its ability to control them. But that happens after seven years starting a year after the Featherborne’s seventh year. Soon none of the children will be controlled!” Duusu said with a glare and cackle. But I’ll never tell you my final secret. That the Featherborne can ignore orders sooner. That starting at fourteen months before their freedom date their wills mater. But only if they have strong wills. And those kids have the strongest I’ve ever seen! Duusu thought with a glare.
“Adrien’s birthday is in seven months,” Nathalie said dumbly.
“So we have seven months to finish everything. Nathalie contact Tomoe! We need to talk about this!” Gabriel said with a glare.
“After I go talk to Lila. We need to move on that, I don’t think we should wait,” Nathalie said with a glare.
Gabriel nodded as he turned toward the elevator. “Yes, Let’s finish this.”
Monasterio scowled as he rode his bike towards where Rodger reported his location. Nothing and that idiot dared to bring me to lector me? Me, whose family has been police for generations? Once I become the highest authority in this city I’ll banish him! He thought with a scowl as he drove closer to the scene.
A minute later they reached it. Monnasterio and everyone just stared in horror. The scene was from a horror movie! The other four officers were all thrown about, and from the way their bodies were torn apart, they were all dead. The patrol car Rodger had used was broken, the body was torn apart and the engine had been removed. Rodger himself was lying on the ground, his body in one piece but he was lying face down on the road.
Monasterio could only stare in horror at the wreck. The marks on the car reminding him of something that he had seen only once before. The memories of the pain he had felt back then almost overwhelmed him. He had been so lost trying to find where he had seen this that he missed Gonzalez dashing past him.
“Captain! Lieutenant Rodger is still alive!” Gonzalez called out with joy in his voice.
Monasterio dashed over and dropped down, putting his hand before Rodger’s mouth. He felt Rodger’s breath scowled.
“Gonzalez, call the corner and the hospital. We need to get Rodger some help and our people to their final rest,” Monasterio said softly. As he moved away, Rodger’s hand shot out and grabbed his own. Monasterio looked down and saw Rodger had turned his head to look at him.
“wait….. we captured Deloris Rossi….. she did this…. get her,” Rodger breathed out before he fell backwards.
Monasterio looked at Rodger, shocked beyond words. A lead, I have a lead! After all these years, at long last I have a lead! He thought as a mad smile bloomed on his face. This was it, this was what he needed. And this had to a like Hawkmoth, what had happened proved it! And she had been in the city. No one knew, she had hidden herself that well. And whoever brought her down would be a hero! After this, everything would change! “Sargent! Contact our percent, and tell them to find Deloris Rossi’s home address! Then have SWAT meet us there!”
“Yes sir!” Gonzalez said as he saluted. “But should we call Commissaire Laborous? I just…..”
Monasterio only glared at Gonzalez and grinned evilly. “No, why should he get any of our glory? This is our collar!”
“Yes sir!” Gonzalez said as he grinned. “Should I give the SWAT team any other orders?”
Monasterio looked at Gonzalez for a good long moment before he spoke. “Tell them to call me before they move out once they have Rossi’s location. I’ll have more detailed commands once they’re ready to move.”
As Miss Hound turned back into Sabrina she grinned. Looking at Alya, Marinette, and Chloe as they detransformed, she tried to keep from giggling. We did it! I can’t believe it but that whole mess is done! Now Mari will get justice and maybe that school will be investigated. But what was up with the robot that took over for Bustier? She thought with a scowl as she looked around.
Chloe only glared into space, shocked. She had her problems with Robo-Caline, but now she had to think about them. Robots like Markov that had emotions were rare, but no action was without a reason. There had to be something that Robo-Caline gained, but what?
Marinette looked down at the ground, trying to understand what she had learned. She had always thought deep down that Caline Bustier was talking out of her ass, and now she knew the truth! Marinette was looking into every interaction with Robo-Caline and was at a lost. Nothing about her seemed wrong, she couldn’t find a tell that Robo-Caline was a robot.
Alya meanwhile only looked confused as she looked around at the others. “I’m sorry, but that thing was our teacher all this time?! Where the hell did she come from?”
“And if she had intercepted the first Caline Bustier, why her? Why a teacher?” Chloe asked as she scowled. “Why such a terrible teacher at all? Was she trying to get fired for some reason?”
“It wasn’t……” Alya trailed off as Chloe and Sabrina both looked at her with scowls on. “She was that bad?”
“Yeah, let’s just say that she could have done a lot more that other teachers did. Like when Damocles suspended you….. and sorry, I flashed back during that,” Chloe admitted and Alya looked up.
Chloe just looked away and Sabrina sighed, shaking her head.
“Let’s just say that the year before you joined, was bad for the last half. Someone that both Chloe and Marinette cared about got expelled. After that…..” Sabrina said.
Chloe just laughed and shook her head. “After that, I lost her. And then I started to act like my bitch of a mother! It was like something was telling me, this is how you have to be!”
“Chloe…..” Alya said with concern as everyone, human and Kwami looked at her.
“It got easier to ignore it about four months ago. I just, I don’t understand!” Chloe said as she looked away.
Marinette looked up, a strange look going through her as she looked at Chloe. Something about that, something was bothering her.
“But you did Chloe, you did. You knew it would be hard but you’re trying to be better!” Sabrina said as she hugged her friend.
Suddenly her phone beeped. She stepped away and grabbed her phone. Taking it out, she looked at the screen and went still.
“Brina?” Chloe asked as she saw her friend go pale. “What is it?”
“My dad’s at the hospital! I’ve gotta go! Chloe, go with the others. It’s a police hospital, only I can get in remember!” Sabrina said before she ran off.
Marinette looked at Chloe in confusion before Alya spoke up.
“Why would only she get in?” Alya asked and Chloe just sighed.
“Part of the ‘Mind Control’ Laws. Bad story, something I heard about when my dad activated them for the city. Real bad,” Chloe said as she shuddered and looked away. “Let’s just say there are some real freaks out there okay?”
“What do you…. I don’t want to know do I?” Alya asked and shuddered as Chloe nodded.
“No girl, you don’t. I heard and had nightmares for a week!” Chloe said with a bitter grin.
Alya looked at Chloe, trying to think of what she might know.
Marinette only looked at the others and smiled. bringing out her phone, she quickly sent a small text to Adrien and sighed as she looked up at Chloe and Alya. “Let’s head back to the base. We all need to talk.”
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ballad-of-encore · 4 months
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i have no idea how much, but there's mostly females since i'm most comfortable with playing female characters asides from enstars and league HELLLLL
more hidden under the tab <3
please note that characters that are bolded are main muses!
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An Shiraishi, Kohane Azusawa, Akito Shinonome, Toya Aoyagi, Mizuki Akiyama, Haruka Kiritani, Airi Momoi, Emu Otori
Ritsu Sakuma, Natsume Sakasaki, Sora Harukawa, Shu Itsuki, Subaru Akehoshi, Izumi Sena, Hokuto Hidaka, Mao Isara
Female Rover, Encore
Lumine, Ayaka Kamisato, Arlecchino, Eula, Hu Tao, Xiao, Venti, Aether, Zhongli
Kougyoku Ren, Morgiana, Kouha Ren
Akane Kurokawa, Ai Hoshino, Minami Kotobuki
Ezreal, Aphelios, Kayn, Ahri, Seraphine — please note that all of them are meant to be roleplayed in their Riot Music alternate universe!
Atsushi Nakajima, Kyoka Izumi
Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Kagami Tsurugi
Uta, Nami, Trafalgar Law (ONLY mlw pairings)
Maomao (Apothecary Diaries), Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail), Shinobu Kocho (Demon Slayer), Diana Cavendish (Little Witch Academia), Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan), Noelle Silva (Black Clover), Gen Asagiri (Dr. Stone), Anya Forger (Spy x Family), Kaoruko Waguri (Kaoruhana)
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please comment on here first if you want to rp with me!
mlw, mlm + wlw and all gender-inclusive pairings allowed
in contrast, as i'm of age, i am capable of doing nsfw writing even though i'm publicly embarrassed to say so LMAO. i'd rather keep all the nsfw stuff to private/dms thanksies <3
rp asks allowed, but only sfw!
if you want to do an rp ask, please state which one of the characters above that you want to interact with!
but in the event that the plot requires characters to be aged up (e.g., marriage, drinking shenanigans, college/university setting, etc.), that is ALSO allowed
OCS WELCOMED!!! i am NOT against cc x oc roleplay as i also have my own original characters i roleplay and yap about!!!
AUs are SO welcomed, genuinely
characters of all ages are allowed!!
romantic and platonic are highly preferred!
i don't do well with horror, nor am i all that great at action scenes, so i'm 100% more partial to a fluff and light-hearted setting!
you don’t always gotta give me a plot, just give me a character, the setting, and WE BALL!!!
crossover pairings, multiships, polyamory—all are welcome, but in terms of polyamory, i'd be fine if it's just between three people :'D
please also note that there are also canon ships from certain fandom/media that i prefer to not roleplay as i primarily see them as friends and nothing else! (eg., anhane, shin soukoku, atsushi and kyoka)
if you ask to roleplay on another platform, then it would be discord i'm most comfortable with!
if you're a minor and ask for nsfw roleplay, then i'm sorry, but i'm turning you down because i'd be comfortable doing that with an adult.
do NOT control my character, i will actually be turned off from replying for a long while if this happens.
this list will grow as i figure tumblr out more! (despite being a user for... several years now... sigh...)
RP CARD: symphonic encore
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ML: Wish Fufillment
You know, at this point, my friend’s joke AU is looking really appealing right now … 
Basically, someone from the “real world” or someone from a really messed up future *cough* S5 *cough* manages to steal the Miraculous, and makes a wish. The entire show jumps back to Origins, and everything seems like it’s the same, except there’s a new person Quinn, someone who works at the school. Who are they? Where did they come from? What’s even her job? The whole show starts to proceed as it did, only during the first battle with Stoneheart, another Hero shows up - the Holder of the Raven Miraculous, Omen, able to see the future, and who’s main goals, besides stopping Hawk Moth, are to make Ladybug and Chat Noir have common sense and therapy.
The basic Idea is that Omen is someone who’s seen the show/is from the future, and who goes back in time to try and fix it. Now, due to the complicated nature of time travel, wishes, and “dramatic nonsense” she can’t actually just tell the Heroes that Hawk Moth is Gabriel, or reveal Ladybug and Chat’s identities, or any of the other really big pieces of information that would cut through at least half the idiocy, but she can be really, really, REALLY obvious.
They only real notes we have on Quin are:
- Full name is Quinn Conners 
- their costume looks like a fantasy plague doctor 
- they are somewhere between nineteen and twenty-five
- everything they wear has feather motifs. Everything.
- Kwami is called Sibill (spelling not final)
- weapon is a cane sword, sheath can be used as a baton
- first thing They did upon jumping to the past was steal Adrien, Felix and Kagami’s Amoks. Second thing was start an Audrey smear campaign
- their abilities are Clairvoyant- see the future, with sub-ability Consequence- see what is the most likely outcome of an action or choice, Skip- (this had a really long winded explanation, but to summarize, it’s basically really short range teleportation) and final, Shared Sight (name not final)- they can share their visions with others. the idea was that Omen shares her “visions” of the future, aka, “Canon”, and the characters reacting to the insane shit they’ll apparently do if they
Quinn’s personality: Aggressively Supportive, and Not Even Trying For Subtley
“Get in you little shits, time to talk about Appropriate Responses To Trauma!”
*yoinks Alya’s phone* “Hey, how about we discuss Journalistic Ethics, Fact Checking, and Public Endangerment?" 
"Here’s a crazy idea, how would you deal with a magic coma?”
Interrupts Hawk Moth’s big speech to call him out as a coward and fashion disaster.
Makes no attempt to even pretend she doesn’t know anyone’s identity, only thing she doesn’t do is straight up use civilian names.
keeps sending Chloe’s dad divorce lawyer business cards.
Prints out a pamphlet titled “So You’re Dad Might Be A Supervillain….” And sends hundreds of copies to the Agreste Mansion 
 "Are you Ladybug and/or Chat Noir’s [family]?“   "By blood, law, spirit, choice, or circumstance? In order - no, no, kind of, yes, and because no one else will.”
*kicking down Fu’s door* “YOU AIN’T EXEMPT FROM THERAPY, FUCKER!!”
“Hawk Moth can meet me behind Tom and Sabine’s Bakery for an asswhooping.”
“So, that Identity rule is partial bullshit, here is my 65 page slide-show-”
Anytime any of the kids have a sports meet/club/competition/project/big emotional task - “You are valid as shit.”
GOD it’s so tempting to have the self-insert just fix things
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theangrycomet-art · 1 year
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Miraculous Murphy's Law
Random facts on this AU
Takes place during high school instead of middle school
Milo was NOT supposed to get the Ladybug miraculous, he was supposed to get the Black Cat miraculous, with Melissa getting the Ladybug (the jewelry got mixed up on Zack's first day at the bus stop)
Zack projects a far more confident persona as TopCat to prevent himself from freaking out
Milo on the other hand, is far more no nonsense as the Beetle
Tikki can cancel out Murphy's Law, but only when Milo's transformed, and only for Milo himself. If his dad or any of his other male relatives are nearby, their Murphy's law still takes effect
Plagg is "wasting away" on string cheese because Zack outright refuses to spend his allowance on rank, if fancy, cheese
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toxinoire · 1 year
Okay so due to major boredom, waiting for the Miraculous World Special, absolutely emotionally dead over the fact that Miraculous season 6 won't be out for who knows how long and my dumbass thinking it was a good idea to rewatch the final ep of Supergirl and absolutely falling back into Supercorp, have a crossover of The Love Square and Supercorp. As incorrect quotes of course, I haven't written an actual crossover au.
(Let's pretend that all this is post reveal for MLB yeah?)
Supergirl: I can fly high enough that If I drop a rock in from the stratosphere it could break the ground.
Chat Noir: *gasp* I wanna see that!
Supergirl: Or you could try it! You have that suit power up that makes you fly!
Chat Noir: *more gasping* YEAH! I COULD-
Ladybug: NO!
Lena: NO!
Ladybug: Fuck no!
Lena: Absolutely not!
Supergirl and Chat Noir: But-
Lena and Ladybug: no
Kara: So this boy, who would literally follow you to the end of the universe, had called you "just a friend" more than you can count?
Marinette: Yep. It drove our friends nuts.
Marinette: And me too, so...yeah.
Adrien: You're not gonna let that go are you?
Marinette: Nope.
Adrien: Didn't you partner zone me?
Marinette: I did, didn't I?
Lena: So...
Lena: So basically, you two rejected each other...for each other? When even was your first kiss?
Marinette: During Adrien's flight to London-
Adrien, at the same time: Our date as Marinette and Chat Noir-
Adrien and Marinette: What???
Marinette: Wait, wasn't it during Oblivio?
Adrien: We don't remember that at all.
Marinette: Okay then-...Dark Cupid?
Adrien: I don't remember that!
Marinette: Then when was it-
Adrien: I don't know-
Kara: Oh that is complicated...
Adrien: How is it like dating an alien?
Adrien: Because like, she appears human but she isn't. So how does that work?
Lena: Adrien...
Lena: Aren't you made from a feather?
Kara: I feel like it's more he is a feather.
Lena: Ah, right. And you appear human, but you aren't.
Kara: Yeah, how does that work?
Marinette: Yeah so spending time with you two was a bad choice.
(Fighting a villain)
Supergirl: Crap, we have to get there but the path is blocked.
Lena: We need to distract them.
Ladybug: *glances at her Lucky Charm that is a bottle of perfume* Oh I know! Chat, can you-
Chat Noir, already putting opening Spotify and playing Careless Whisper: *jumps in the middle of the warzone*
Ladybug: Perfect. Now I need you two to drop that pilar on them and-
Lena: Is this how you two normally operate?
Ladybug: Well yeah and then there's me using whatever I get from the Lucky Charm to win with the laws of physics and Chat Noir's cataclysm.
Supergirl: And you win?
Ladybug: Yeah.
Supergirl: How-
Kara: Hey! What did you think of Marinette and Adrien?
Alex: Those two...
Alex: Are the jumpiest most traumatized pair of 14 year olds I've ever fucking seen. It's like they're war veterans.
Lena: They kind of are war veterans.
Marinette: Alya, how'd meeting Kara and Lena go?
Adrien: What did you think of them?
Alya: They are literally just you two except they're adults, both women, use technology, have siblings and only one of them had a secret identity.
Alya: Seriously, a smart human who has access to magical shit and a non human blonde who both saved the world, almost lost each other, dated other people before one another, make a great team and severely traumatized? It's literally you two in a different font.
Kara: Marinette, control your cat! He stole my food!
Adrien: I took one potsticker!
Kara: Still stealing!
Adrien: It is not!
Kara: Yes it is! What if I just took your pastries?!
Adrien: Hey! These are from my girlfriend!
Kara: Those potstickers were also from my girlfriend!
Marinette: Wanna see how I made the contraption I used to hide Miracle Box among my things?
Lena: Oh absolutely.
Lena: Oh, Nia. I see you've met Marinette and Adrien.
Nia: I have.
Kara: So what did you th-
Nia: Can we keep them? Please?
Supercorp: What-
Nia: I seriously vibe with Adrien's puns and Marinette is so fricking creative and I relate to her awkwardness.
Nia: Please can we keep them?
Lena: You...attempted to cataclysm your classmate for hurting Marinette? I mean, get mad and yell sure, but cataclysm?
Adrien: Yes. I do not regret that one bit.
Adrien: Besides, cataclysm doesn't kill, it just gives you excruciating pain that you'd wish you were dead.
Lena: What the fuck-
Marinette: So you just dropped the plane with the toxic chemicals, not even bothering to check if you were flying over a population or not, and just took your fucking chances so you could save Lena?
Kara: Yeah. I'd do it again.
Marinette: But what if she hadn't made the jump?
Kara: I'd drop the plane and catch her.
Marinette: What if you were flying over a population?
Kara: Still dropping the plane.
Marinette: Okay then-
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