#mini nottingham
mininottingham · 1 year
A few weeks ago, I found a fake Ken doll at a thrift store… he was a little dirty and wearing just a pair of jeans, a watch and his shoes, but he looked quite familiar…
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As soon as I got home, he went in the tub and got a bubble bath,
Then it was time to give him some clothes, so I took my sewing kit and tried making them from scratch.
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I’m not really good at it, but at last he was dressed and ready to join talking Robin, talking Vaisey and the Barbies in their adventures (adventures… they spend most of their time sitting on a couch…).
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Allan even met a terrible ancient dog with goggles (who completely ignored him).
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Someday I hope to find a Ken doll who looks a little like Guy too (even if sewing his leathers would be difficult)
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arwenkenobi48 · 3 months
Robin Hood Minific: Prince John And The Ghost
Prince John claims he doesn’t believe in ghosts, but a mysterious encounter is about to prove otherwise…
“…an’ legend has it, as legen’ always does, that the ghost of that headless execution’r goes a-wanderin’ through Nottin’ham when the moon is full, lookin’ fer a new head to chop off.” As the Sheriff of Nottingham finished his gruesome tale, he took note of audience’s reaction. Sir Hiss looked slightly disturbed, Trigger was listening with furrowed brow in concentration, Nutsy’s knees were knocking to a cartoonish degree, but Prince John’s reaction really took the cake.
The lion’s fur was standing on end, his eyes were as wide as dinner plates and his entire body was quivering like a golden blancmange. Every few seconds, he made a little whimpering sound like the beginning of a sneeze and in typical Prince John fashion, his thumb was slowly finding its way to his mouth. It took every bit of effort for the sheriff to not burst out laughing.
“Well now, how’s that fer a scary story?” Prince John immediately snapped out of his terror-induced paralysis. “Pah! Headless executioner, indeed. How would he even be able to see where he was going? What a lot of poppycock!”
Little did Prince John know that he and his courtiers weren’t the only ones who had overheard the story. A certain group of outlaws were also listening in on the macabre fable and had seen his reaction. Robin Hood ducked behind the castle wall and whispered to his companions. “Friar Tuck, put your hood up. I think I’ve got an idea…”
1 hour later…
Sir Hiss leaned on the sill of the royal bedroom window, a gentle breeze ruffling the ends of his cape. “Ahhh, what a fine night this is…” Resting his head on the end of his tail, positioned like a hand, he gazed up into the sky. “And what a beautiful full moon that is, too.” Prince John felt the fur on the back of his neck stand up. “D-d-did you say a…a full m-m-m-moon, Hiss?” “Yesss, come and have a look, sire. It’s sssimply lovely.”
Prince John stared up at the moon, feeling increasingly uncomfortable. “Uh, it’s fine enough, as full moons go, I suppose,” His words were more muffled than he wanted. “Are you alright, sssire? You sssseem a little on edge.” “On edge? Me? Rubbish, Sir Hiss! I’m as not on edge as a king can be!”
Suddenly, there was a loud, low clang from the courtyard below. It sounded like the solemn toll of a solitary church bell, but it was really just Little John banging two large metal pots together on the other side of the ramparts. “GAH!” Prince John leapt about a foot in the air. “What was th-th-that!?”
“Did it work, Rob?” Little John whispered hopefully. “Looks like it, Johnny. He’s coming into the courtyard now.” Robin watched excitedly as Prince John and Sir Hiss entered the courtyard. Grasping the hilt of his sword tightly to hide the fact that his hands were shaking, Prince John called out into the dark: “Come out with your hands up, whoever you are!” A strange groaning sound emanated from just outside the castle walls.
“Oooooohhhh…ooooooooohhhhhhh…” A hooded figure emerged from the shadows, seeming to float above the ramparts, draped in a dark cloak and wielding an axe. “Bewaaaaare, Prince Johnnnn!” It bellowed. “It is I, the Headless Executioner! Wooooohooooo!” Friar Tuck was enjoying himself tremendously, swinging his wooden axe about as a camouflaged Little John held him up. Sir Hiss saw right through the disguise, but the same could not be said for Prince John.
“AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGHHHH!!!!” Shrieking like a mandrake, the cowardly lion turned tail and fled back to the safety of his tower, clinging to Sir Hiss like a reptilian lifeline. “Help! Save me! I’m too young to die! MOMMYYYYY!” Practically falling over his own tail in his haste, he scrambled up the stairs, sprinted to his room, leapt into bed and hid under the covers.
“Heeheeheeheeeee!” Friar Tuck guffawed once he and others had retreated to the safety of Sherwood Forest. “Did you see the look on his face? I guess I do look pretty spooky with my hood up!” “Nah, it was Robin’s ghost impression that frightened him,” chuckled Little John. “Ah, but you’re forgetting, old boy,” Robin smiled. “If you hadn’t been there to make Friar Tuck look like a hovering ghost, none of this ever would’ve happened. Hmm, I wonder what Prince John’s up to now…”
When he was finally sure that the Headless Executioner hadn’t followed him up the stairs to his room, Prince John peered out from under his bedsheets. He had been sucking his thumb so much that it was feeling a little sore. “Uh, Sir Hiss? Are we safe now?”
“Yrsss!” Said a muffled voice. “Hiss? Where are you?” “Yr sssrttrn rn me!” When he finally emerged from beneath the royal backside, Sir Hiss wheezed for air. “Yes, we’re sssafe!” He grumbled. “And I don’t think we’ll be requesting ghost sssstories from the Sheriff any time ssssoon!”
The sheriff in question, meanwhile, had slept through the whole adventure and was none the wiser. But his vulture henchmen, Trigger and Nutsy, had only witnessed Prince John’s legendary display of abject terror. “Well, looky there, Trigger.” Chortled Nutsy. “You’d’a think Prince John’d just seen a ghost!”
The End
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minibusnottingham · 2 days
For group travel in Nottingham, Mini Coach Hire offers a perfect balance of comfort, convenience, and affordability. Whether it’s a corporate event, family outing, or airport transfer, mini coaches ensure everyone travels together in comfort and style. With professional drivers, modern amenities, and safety as a priority, this service is ideal for any occasion, making group trips hassle-free and cost-effective.
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sashasienna · 2 months
I've learned that, to really nail the great Wanting to Stay Alive Project that I'll probably be working on my whole life, I need to always have at least one thing to look forward to. More is better, and I try to find things for multiple time frames. Sometimes this means planning exciting events for the future, and sometimes it's choosing to look for everyday things to be excited about.
Right now, my excitement calendar looks something like this:
Today: I made really delicious spaghetti for dinner last night and I'm going to use some of the leftover ingredients to make lunch, which I hope will be equally delicious (I love to eat so meals are often one of the things I look forward to).
This week: Jonny and I are meeting with a mortgage adviser on Tuesday so we can start properly looking for a house. I'm not super psyched about the meeting itself, but the fact it's happening makes me feel really hopeful about the future overall. I also have a haircut appointment on Thursday, which is a mundane thing but I have a really great gender-affirming barber so it always makes me feel good.
This month: my brother turns 30 in a few weeks and a bunch of us are going camping for the weekend to celebrate. I'm not a good camper but it's a short trip and I'm really looking forward to celebrating with him. He's really cool and one of my best friends.
1-3 months: I'm going to a big outdoor music festival to see Blink-182 in about 6 weeks. I'm going with a really good friend and I can't wait for us to be the old people at the festival: we've paid a bit extra to use the grown-up campsite with flushing toilets and mattresses and we're gonna hang at the back of the crowds and be in bed by midnight and have an amazing time.
3-6 months: I'm going to visit some friends in Nottingham who I haven't seen in way too long. They're gonna teach me to play Kill Team, so I get to do a lot of mini-painting as a sort of active anticipation between now and then!
6+ months: I've just booked accommodation for me and a bunch of friends to go to an incredible TTRPG convention that's always my favourite week of the year. It's a straight week of renting out a holiday park by a gloomy beach in the middle of January and doing nothing but playing RPGs. It's absolutely glorious.
I haven't included a lot of game nights or tabletop conventions I'm attending for work, because I don't have time to write them all down and it would get repetitive, but they're also things I look forward to a lot and they give my life some structure it sorely needs!
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WALK, WALK, FASHION BABY | The Princess of Wales made a return to skirts with her appearance at Nottingham Trent University in honour of World Mental Health Day. She wore Sézane separates - the Sami Jumper in Natural and the Naelle Skirt, also in Natural. Catherine also wore her Simone Rocha Faux-Pearl Curb-Chain Earrings. She wore her Gianvito Rossi 105 Bisque Suede heels and carried her Tusting Mini Holly Bag
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The stages of ‘Meghan the Narcissist’s’ relationship with Harry. Three basics stages of a Narcissist’s relationships: Idealize, Devalue and Discard
It is a dizzying whirlwind
Meghan and Harry were married after knowing each other for about 2 years. The majority of this time they spent on separate continents. Markle pushed it quick and hard to get to the altar.
“Love Bombing - the initial stage can feel like a drug or a love cocktail as potent as cocaine or heroin because the same feel good chemical called Dopamine is released in the brain by both and we know Harry likes a drug high. During this phase there is intensive sex, exciting travel, constant praise, being put on a pedastool and focused ego driven attention (all release the same feel good brain chemicals as regular cocaine or heroine use would) so the victim feels an addictive high.”
- the traveling from continent to continent spending a few days at a time together so when together it is intense sex which is like a drug in Harry’s brain - releasing the same Dopamine etc. and we know he is a feel good drug addict.
- intense sex fest in Africa
- intense sex as they holed up at Nottingham cottage - seeing the addiction pattern???
- getting the fairytale wedding
- traveling to the South Seas and Africa for work
- clothes and jewelry shopping spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, basically buying anything you have ever wanted
- meeting famous people, private jets, staying in huge mansions
All the Love Bombing high for Harry and the superficial, materialistic, super fame high for Megan
Stage 2: Devaluation
Harry doesn’t know what hit him. He is probably in a state of pure confusion trying to figure out the mood swings and the up and downs. He gets glimpses of how it was during the love Bombing stage but most of the time it is walking on egg shells, repressing himself, confusion and just trying to do what he can to get back to how it was in the beginning and the get those addictive feel good chemicals in his brain flowing again.
Meghan has started to - subtly, insidiously, and covertly—to devalue Harry. “This may happen via putdowns, gaslighting, intermittently lacking emotional or physical intimacy, withdrawing affection, seductive withholding, inexplicably disappearing from contact, or blaming the target for the narcissistic person’s issues (projection).”
What we see happening in the devaluation phase.
- Harry is not protecting her from bad press and looking bad, she is not getting the super stardom and fame she wanted. It is Harry’s fault.
- Harry not making her the belle of the ball, she still is always number 2 to Kate. Harry needs to fix this.
- Harry not getting her a huge Mansion/ mini castle to live in like all the other Senior Royals
- the money/budget being pulled back as the public and the press finds out about how much she is spending on clothes alone. Harry needs to get her the money she expected.
- she is now pushing herself in front of Harry at events and greeting dignitaries and ordering him around at events while she controls him with her hand on his back or clawing his arm at all times. She has always been more important than him.
- making jokes about Harry at her events and stunts. Harry becomes the court jester.
- she is speaking first or cutting Harry off to do all the speaking when they are at an event. Even South Park made fun of her doing this.
The devaluation is in full force in LA as Meghan is trying to break out as the star speaker without Harry, solo events with celebrities, working to be the Princess Diana of Hollywood.
Stage 3: Sooner than later the DISCARDING phase will happen. Probably when the money is cut off or reduced, she will then file for divorce and get the guaranteed payouts and keep the mansion he will have to pay for. She will write a book bashing the hell out of Harry and Telling the world she never loved him because he is a whiney, drug addict, loser.
“Inevitably, the discarding occurs when the person with narcissism either disappears or orchestrates his or her own abandonment by engaging in some form of egregious emotional abuse. The outcome is often shocking for the survivor, unclear as to how someone that he or she fell so deeply in love with could throw it all away.” - Source Good Therapy
I believe the public discarding has started.At its worst, she will use the kids and keep them from Harry. I really believe it will end in tragedy for Harry. Being the grieving widow may be more enticing for her then being a divorcee again?? She will still technically be a part of The Royal family.
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pamprinninja · 7 months
How it started, versus how it's going...
I grew up in the UK, 30 minutes from Games Workshop's Nottingham headquarters; and my childhood heavily featured their games, miniatures, and routine trips to the local Games Workshop store.
During this time, I developed a particular affection for the work of Jes Goodwin. Initially an artist and sculptor, Jes' work was strongly geometric in nature; and displayed an unusually high degree of consistency (a particularly noteworthy achievement during a period where miniatures were sculpted by hand with ad-hoc tools).
For reference - one of Jes' early sketches of a Space Marine in Mk. VI armor; as featured in the guide that accompanied the very first Space Marine paint set:
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I actually had the pleasure of meeting Jes in person at Games Day '94; and one of my treasured possessions is the souvenir program, which he kindly autographed:
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During my teenage years, I came to possess a handful of Chaos Champions sculpted by Jes. As was so often the case in those early years, the miniatures had been designed as dual use; combining the sort of medieval aesthetics that would warrant inclusion in the Warhammer Fantasy Battle setting, but also the occasional technological greeble that would justify use in Warhammer: 40,000.
As I generally kept to the latter system, I set about cutting up and remodeling these miniatures, with the aim of making the science-fiction elements more explicit. And I was very happy with the end results, too!... Which makes it all the more unfortunate that these miniatures were lost when I relocated to the US.
Two decades later, and I have taken it upon myself to recreate these miniatures (albeit with the full advantage of the skills I have developed in the interim). The first mini on the chopping block is 021919 from the 1989 Citadel Catalog (frequently referred to by its most obvious physical characteristic, "Nurgle Chaos Champion With Fly Mutation"):
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(It feels vaguely sacrilegious, taking a razor saw to what is now technically an antique; but I very much subscribe to the DIY mentality that was so prevalent during the initial Rogue Trader days, and - given that the model originates for the same time period - keeping the old traditions alive seems only appropriate.)
In my original conversion, I removed the haft and blade of the axe; and positioned an old Space Ork plasma cannon over the now unobscured shoulder. I also replaced the sandaled foot and exposed fly-mutated leg with their armored equivalents from a Space Marine Devastator.
This time I around, I opted to angle the right arm, to add a greater sense of movement; and completely reposition the left arm, as if to calling out a target:
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(In doing so, I created a great many headaches for myself: the right hand snapped off at the wrist, and had to be repaired. Cutting the left arm free necessitated cutting through the hand; and the pins I inserted into the remains of the palm broke free, requiring JB Weld to resecure.
I cannot underscore the frustration inherent to these two experiences; at the same time, I'm a great believer in the idea that growth as an artist demands taking risks - up to and including potentially ruining one's art.)
The original version of the conversion also featured an extended barrel (fabricated from the Lord Fuegan's firepike, and a handful of random Genestealer claws). However, I wanted to replace this with something a little more appropriate for a follower of the Lord Of Pestilence; which ended up being the better part of a Plague Spewer:
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In terms of next steps: I intend to strap a canister of goo-based ammunition to his left side; and continue to add new detailing to hide the various cuts and joins.
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steveinscarlet · 3 months
One for the Joe Hoes methinks!
Full text under the cut
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Reckons all-round nice guy JOE ELLIOTT, but that doesn't stop the hugely successful DEF LEPPARD getting a slagging from the likes of Black Crowe Chris Robinson. Is it jealousy cos the Leps were the first band ever to sell seven million albums back- to-back, or do even the band themselves think they've wrung and sung themselves dry with their latest multi-million seller, 'Adrenalize', and the mammoth tour that's accompanied it? ALISON JOY stowed away aboard the band's mini-bus (no limos here!) to try to discover the way the land lies...
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1992 will not be remembered as one of the greatest days in the lives of Def Leppard- especially vocalist Joe Elliott. Still not completely recovered from the bout of pleurisy which caused him so much trouble a couple of months ago (and still knocking back eight tablets a day to keep it under control), Joe has also been struck down with every singer's nightmare - the sore throat.
Despite half-hearted attempts not to talk too much (difficult for one so vocal) and several visits to a flight case stocked full of everything from plasters to paracetamol, tonight's show in Champaign, Illinois is a bit of a duffer. The rest of the band play a blinder, but Elliott's below-par performance results in the set being cut short to try and save his voice.
Post-show, Joe pours himself about a quarter of a pint of whisky and states an intention to get "bolloxed drunk" and forget all about it. The problem is, with Leppard's inflexible touring schedule, there's just no recovery time when you're below par.
As Joe explains, "When we do two gigs in a row, I have no problem. When we do three, it's a lot harder. I'm not singing Billy Idol vocal lines that are dead easy - I'm singing demanding stuff, and it takes a lot of breath. When your throat gets screwed up it swells, which means less air gets in, which means you have to use your lungs more; it's very tiring."
Add to this the many hours Joe spends doing interviews, local radio, warming up and travelling, and it's easy to see why he can't just tuck himself up in bed with a Lemsip and sleep it off. It pisses him off that the audience pay part of the price for his illness, in paying to see a sub-standard Def Leppard performance. Fortunately, the crowd at Champaign's Assembly Hall are sympathetic, and respond by singing even louder to help him through.
ACTUALLY CANCELLING a show, however, is out of tha question.
"We've never cancelled a gig on the day," explains Elliott, "it's always been 48 hours notice. We've only ever cancelled two gigs because of me: Nottingham in '83, and on the last tour I dislocated a rib in Belfast and spent two nights in hospital. I had to have an epidural after the Nottingham show, it was so bad, and I had this big Velcro waistband holding my ribs in place. I did the next six or seven shows like that, and had to go to the doctor every day for injections."
Apart from that, there've only been a couple of other health disasters meriting cancellations; one when drummer Rick Allen had tendonitis in his arm, and another when guitarist Phil Collen was suffering from glandular fever. At that second show, two people returned their tickets and 500 turned up to try and buy spares.
As Joe explains, "You've got 58 people on the road for 18 months. It's a physical impossibility for nothing to go wrong. When it's the singer who's ill, though, it's just so much more highlighted." Suddenly laughing, he adds, "Mind you, it'll probably do us a bit of good to sound out of tune now and again, cos everybody thinks we've got everything on tape! At least Champaign proved we do f**k up!"
LEAVING THE ASSEMBLY Hall, the band and entourage surprise the fans waiting outside by getting not into a fleet of limos, but squashing into a small mini-bus. Def Leppard do not fart around in limousines, instead preferring the friendly banter of the small bus, and tonight talk is of the show, Joe's voice and, natch, football.
I'm perched at the back next to guitarist Viv Campbell, who offstage wears his hair in a very interesting ponytail which sits right on the top of his head. It is, he reckons, "convenient". Viv's planning to move back to Ireland soon, after a few years' exile in Los Angeles, meaning he'll be much nearer to Joe's home studio.
Up front, Joe turns round, points at Viv and laughs, "He's worked with Lou Gramm, David Coverdale and Ronnie Dio and now he's lumbered with me!" Self- deprecation? They got it!
When the mini-bus pulls up at Champaign Airport, Def Leppard's plane is waiting in the snow. The small plane - certainly more functional than glamorous - is what enables the band to play every corner of America in a very short space of time. The flight is a short hop to Green Bay, Wisconsin, where the temperature is hovering at around minus 10. Although the next day is a day off, the band turn straight into bed for some well-earned rest most likely in preparation for the five-a-side football match that's been arranged!
DESPITE THE fact that Def Leppard are successful, down-to-earth blokes, some people just can't resist putting the knife in, and as Joe Elliott himself admits, "I don't know one person in the music business, apart from Brian May, who actually likes us". Indeed, The Black Crowes' Chris Robinson made a completely unprovoked attack on the Leps in Kerrang! recently: how does that kind of thing make Joe feel?
"Well," he ponders, "I've got to look at it from two points of view. There's a part of me that says it's unprofessional, but this is the most unprofessional business in the world anyway. Everybody knows that controversy sells. We've slagged bands off in the past, when we were about the same age as Chris is, so I can't really have a go at him for it.
"If Chris Robinson doesn't like Def Leppard, fine; I still like The Black Crowes, and I'm not gonna not like them just because he doesn't like us. They're retrospective, trying to go back and be The Rolling Stones, while we've been criticised for trying to push things into the future. As much as I like them, though, if I was in that kind of mood, I'd put 'Exile On Main Street' on instead, because it's much better. "The only people who like us are kids that come to concerts and buy records, and that suits me fine. I'd much rather do a show in front of 16,000 screaming kids with no musicians ligging than be one of those bands who everybody in the business likes. I remember when everybody was sucking up Lenny Kravitz' arse so much it was like they all wanted to give him an enema! Yet the guy couldn't fill the Marquee! I'd much rather have it the other way round."
STAYING WITH all things critical, what would be your response to people who label you as sexist because of songs like 'Make Love Like A Man' and 'Personal Property'?
Joe sighs a long, hard sigh, then finally says, "The way I look at it is that you're portraying a role on every song you sing. Phil Collen wrote 'Miss You In A Heartbeat', and when I sing it, it might be a song he wrote about his wife, but I don't sing it to his wife, I sing it on his behalf to his wife, and to anybody else that wants to hear it.
"When I do 'Let's Get Rocked', I'm pretending to be Bart Simpson, but when I did it I was 32 years old. Warren Mitchell is not Alf Garnett; Alf Garnett is a sexist, Warren Mitchell is an actor playing a sexist. When we do those songs, we're just portraying a vibe. 'Personal Property' is not sexist, I don't see how anybody could think it is. All it's doing is putting a woman on a pedestal, and you just end up with these typical skinhead, dungaree-wearing women saying, 'Sexist crap'. Get a life! It's just four minutes of rock 'n' roll - and we're the least offensive band around!
"We would never sing 'Back Off Bitch', but did anybody have a go at Axl? No, because they're too busy trying to figure out his personality. With us, I guess there's nothing else to look at..."
THE FOLLOWING day's show at Brown County Arena, Green Bay presents a different band to the one who limped home in Champaign, and their relief is evident. Everything runs according to plan and the crowd are, to quote that song, hysterical.
Fan hysteria is something Def Leppard have had to deal with for a few years now, and there are plenty of tales to tell about band members arriving at hotels to find naked women in their beds, or people who barge into their rooms and refuse to leave. Just what, to Joe Elliott, is the price of fame?
"No throat most days!" he laughs, before continuing, "No, I can live with 98 per cent of it, because this is what I want. The most painful thing about this whole situation is that all your friends become phone friends, I don't get to see United (Sheffield, that is), and because this is an expensive tour and we have to do five shows a week, I occasionally suffer from throat problems.
"We have never had bodyguards, because the way that you project yourself is the way you are responded to. We've always tried to project ourselves as a bunch of normal guys who can prove that you can sell 15 million albums and not have to vomit on a preacher man, beat people up, piss in aeroplane seats, rape women... whatever you've got to do to prove your 'macho-ness' and get publicity.
"The reason Guns N' Roses are so big is that they've got good songs and a bad boy image. What small amount of bad boy image we had died with Steve, and he'd be the first to admit that he didn't sell one record with his image as a bad boy.
"As for the privacy thing, well, I could walk through a shopping mall tomorrow and maybe six people would stop me. So I sign six autographs - big deal! If somebody's following me, though, I get pissed off. I don't like upsetting fans, but some people are so fanatical you can tell them to f**k off and they'll still buy your next LP!"
AND DEF Leppard have sold more than a few. With every album from 'High And Dry' onwards selling on a multi-million scale, sceptics might wonder just how much longer the band can keep up their astonishing success. So how many more albums will Def Leppard make, and can they keep producing those multi-million sellers?
Joe: "Well, if we've got 10 more years in our career, that means two albums! No, I don't know. This one's ('Adrenalize') not gonna sell as many as 'Hysteria', though, I can tell you that now. That one was a phenomenon; it happens once in a lifetime.
"I'd be happy if we sold three million every time. Sales don't bother me much; I'm financially secure, so I'm not motivated by money - I'm motivated by being a better singer than I was on the last album. The challenge on the next record is to see how Viv's songwriting fits in with ours."
So you're not planning a sudden retirement?
"No - though I would hate to see happening to us what happened to bands like Uriah Heep or individuals like Billy Squier, who just disappeared off the face of the earth, because I think we're better than that. I'm not too happy about the fact that we put an album out every four but if somebody said, 'Would you go back and change the way things have gone?', then other than Steve dying, no, I wouldn't. We were the first band ever to do seven million albums back-to-back (with 'Pyromania' and 'Hysteria') and if this one does it, we'll be the first to do three."
AND WITH 'Adrenalize' getting close to six million sales right now, Leppard look poised to break another record and once more rubbish the cynics who say they should pack it in.
An' for Leo fans in Britain, this year still holds a bit of promise. January 18 saw the release of 'Heaven is' as a single, and word has it that the band will also headline an outdoor gig at Don Valley Stadium, Sheffield in September. The latter has yet to be confirmed, but you can guarantee that if Def Leppard are the hosts it's sure to be one hell of a party...
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world-of-wales · 11 months
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11 OCTOBER 2023 || The Princess of Wales paid a visit to the Nottingham Trent University in Nottingham.
Catherine opted for -
↬ 'Naelle' Merino Wool Skirt in 'Natural' by Sézane
↬ 'Sami' Merino Wool Jumper in 'Natural' by Sézane
↬ Faux-Pearl Curb-Chain Earrings by Simone Rocha
↬ 'Mini Holly' Bag in 'Taupe Atlantic' by Tusting
↬ 'Gianvito 105' Suede Pointed Toe Pumps in 'Bisque' by Gianvito Rossi
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sherwoodknights · 4 months
Mini photo dump from my day in Nottingham today @dragonsneversharetheirtreasure @gothicacetheatrekid
Nottingham Castle fr
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The man himself
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And finally, channelling my inner Allan A Dale with a cheeky stop at the Trip Inn (im not selling gang secrets to Gisbourne in there I promise guys please believe me)
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mininottingham · 2 years
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Mini Guy and mini Robin were relaxing in the forest, when a tiger spotted them and attacked mini Robin!
Mini Guy didn’t know what to do, when Godzilla arrived suddenly and he began fighting with the tiger.
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Mini Guy hurried to help mini Robin and luckily they were able to escape unscathed
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tomasitaoficial · 6 months
“Trouble on the roads!”
Just a mini comic of an original story of mine, Reblogs are appreciated!
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Negron: This will be loud-
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Negron: Wait... Why didn't anything happen...?
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Thanos: you surprised me so much that it was disappointing.... I will call HER and tell her what happened, The train will have to stop and the train tracks will be changed.
Mandarin: Stupid trinket!! ¡Estoy hasta la puta de esto!
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Nottingham: Don't worry, Mandarin, I know what to do
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Mandarin: Ostia puta-
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Mandarin: Bueno, Por allí os veo!! This place will become a danger!!
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Thanos: Who the hell told you that you make the orders?
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Thanos: SHIT
I hope to share more of these cats in the future! (and yes, They are available for questions!)
Part 1 / part 2 (You are here) / part 3
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arwenkenobi48 · 3 months
Mini Fanfic Concept: Prince John Meets A Dragon
Starting my beloved dragonsona, Reverie
“Uh, sssire?” “Oh, not now, Hiss, can’t you see I’m busy?” Prince John didn’t even look away from his golden mirror. “Yes, yes, I know, sir, but there’s a…” Sir Hiss stammered nervously. “There’s a what, Hiss? Come on, spit it out!” “There’s a dragon on the castle roof, your majesty.”
The Sheriff of Nottingham stood with Trigger and Nutsy at his side in the middle of the courtyard, staring in open-mouthed alarm at the dragon as it sat coiled around the top of the tallest tower. “Well, criminently! How’re we gon’ get that thing down from the roof?” The dragon’s green eyes peered down sternly at the stout wolf. “I can hear you, you know.”
With a simultaneous squawk of horror, Nutsy and Trigger promptly hid behind their canine commander. “It can talk, Sheriff! It done spoke to us! What we gonna do!?” “Now now, you two, don’t lose yer heads.” This was the worst thing the Sheriff could have said. “Lose our heads!? EEEEEEK!” Nutsy ran for his life. “Get your tail feathers back here, you coward!” Trigger flapped after him. The Sheriff shook his head and facepalmed. “Oh, why’d I even bother?”
While all this was going on, Prince John and Sir Hiss entered the courtyard. “Sheriff, where’s the dragon?” Prince John demanded. “I’m up here!” A strange voice replied. Spreading its massive wings, the dragon glided down from the tower and stood before the astonished villains. “Good afternoon, Prince John. My name is Reverie. I’ve heard about the recent string of robberies in your kingdom and thought you could use a royal guard-dragon. What do you say?”
Prince John’s fur stood on end as he cowered in the presence of this colossal creature. “Oh…mommy…” he began to suck his thumb, but it had barely entered his mouth before he tipped over backwards and fainted, his paws sticking up in the air like a stunned goose. In spite of themselves, Sir Hiss and the Sheriff both laughed at their inept monarch’s predicament. Reverie glanced sheepishly at the two of them. “Oh dear. Was it something I said?”
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graemepark · 25 days
Well I don’t know about you, but I had the most fantastic Bank Holiday Weekend in Glasgow, Brighouse and Stockport despite the disappointment of two short notice cancellations at the start of the extended weekend.
Firstly, my Thursday gig in Cardiff got cancelled in the morning due to the weather and Storm Lilian. I was supposed to be DJing at the Bay Series New Order afterparty at Clwb Ifor Bach but because the main show got cancelled, the afterparty did too, so apologies for that.
On the Friday I was supposed to be performing with Haçienda Classical at Crooked House Live in Lichfield as well as DJing at an afterparty. However, the event got cancelled on the Wednesday but I can’t apologise for that because it was through no fault of The Haçienda whatsoever and completely down to the promoters who announced that the cancellation was “due to unforeseen circumstances”. This was not the case at all and we are all quite angry about not being able to perform as advertised. The scores of people involved in the show both on and offstage were now unable to work and, like me, had probably turned down other offers due to already being booked. I know you were angry and disappointed too based on the feedback received.
However, things got completely back to normal on the Saturday as I made the train journey to Glasgow for STREETrave 35 at SWG3 where I DJ’d in the TV Studio after CJ Mackintosh. Other DJs on the bill included Paul Oakenfold, Darren Emerson, Michael Kilkie, Jon Mancini and more and it really was a fantastic event with such a great atmosphere throughout this magnificent multi room venue.
On the Sunday I returned to England to DJ at the Our House event near Brighouse for a short afternoon set before heading to Stockport to DJ at the wonderful Moovin’ where I played in the Mini Moo arena to such an up-for-it crowd.
My DJ sets from STREETrave, Our House and Moovin’ will be available on Mixcloud soon and you can fond out where I’m DJing in the coming weeks and months by visiting my website Gig Guide.
Thanks to everyone who came along to party and for your support. I’ll see you in Nottingham this Saturday for Haçienda Live at Wollaton Hall alongside Soul II Soul, Ulta Naté, 808 State, Rowetta, K-klass, Danny Tenaglia, Roger Sanchez and Smokin’ Jo. I’ll also be DJing at the afterparty at NG-One alongside Ultra Naté, Tom Wainwright and Atari Safari.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Scottish actress Sandra Voe born on Shetland on 6th 1936.
Other than the fact she was born on Shetland, where her father owned a fishing factory, there is little I can tell you about Sandra’s early life. However she has been a very busy lady, appearing in many TV shows over the past 50 odd years Voe began her on screen career in 1966, appearing in an episode of Dr. Finlay’s Casebook.
Her shows in the 70’s include Coronation Street, Emmerdale Farm, Within These Walls and Sounding Brass, during the 80’s on TV and film, Bread or Blood, The Practice, Open all Hours and Local Hero, the 90’s saw her in the brilliant Takin’ Over the Asylum, which seems to crop up in a few of our anniversaries and another regular show on my posts Taggart, over into the 21st century and oor Sandra was still working hard, the pick of 15 different shows and films were Playing the Field, Midsomer Murders, Foyles War, and of course Monarch of the Glen .In 1993 she was also in the gritty film Naked, which also starred Ewan Bremner, Spud in the Trainspotting films.In the past 8 years Sandra Voe, now in her 70’s shows no sign of slowing down, Holby City, Howards end, in 2013, inevitably she turned up in her home Islands on the superb Shetland. Just this year Sandra has chalked up a couple of appearances on the hit series, Vikings as a witch
As well as the many, many TV and film roles she has also been a regular treading the boards at some of the top Theatres, including Sheffield Crucible, Leicester Phoenix, Leicester Haymarket, Oxford Playhouse, Birmingham Rep, Manchester Royal Exchange, West Yorkshire Playhouse, Nottingham Playhouse, Bristol Old Vic, Bloomsbury, Hampstead, Lyric Hammersmith, Almeida, Bush, Shared Experience, RNT, Royal Court and Ambassadors.
Her daughter, Candida Doyle, was keyboard player with the '90s British pop band Pulp, her son, Magnus Doyle, was Pulp's drummer. Sandra was last on our screens in the very good mini-series Trigonometry.
Recently Sandra has been reliving her Local Hero experience when she makes a return trip to the north-east for the 40th anniversary of the film. She has teamed up with fellow actors Jimmy Yuill, Jonathan Watson and Tam Dean Burn and met school children from Banff Academy and Fraserburgh Academy.
Sandra said: “It’s wonderful to be coming back. The place and the community is conjured up so well by Bill Forsyth that you really believe it.”
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graciedaily · 4 months
surprise songs | setlist
05/21/24: UMUSIC acoustic session, Toronto, ON
06/17/24: gracie and audrey's tiny show, the Echo, LA
06/20/24: Jimmy KImmel Live! Mini concert, Los Angeles, CA
07/12/24: an evening with gracie, kingston upon thames, England
07/13/24: an evening with gracie, bristol, england
07/14/24: an evening with gracie, southampton, UK
07/30/24: ACL Live Taping, Austin, TX
09/05/24: portland, OR
09/06/24: seattle, WA
09/08/24: berkeley, CA
09/09/24: los angeles, CA
09/11/24: los angeles, CA
09/12/24: los angeles, CA
09/15/24: denver, CO
09/16/24: denver, CO
09/19/24: irving, TX
09/20/24: houston, TX
09/22/24: austin, TX
09/24/24: kansas city, MO
09/25/24: minneapolis, MN
09/27/24: chicago, IL
09/29/24: nashville, TN
09/30/24: atlanta, GA
10/02/24: washington, D.C.
10/04/24: new york, NY
10/05/24: new york, NY
10/06/24: new york, NY
10/08/24: philadelphia, PA
10/09/24: boston, MA
10/10/24: portland, ME
02/08/25: madrid, Spain
02/09/25: madrid, Spain
02/11/25: lisbon, Portugal
02/15/25: stuttgart, Germany
02/17/25: amsterdam, netherlands
02/19/25: hamburg, germany
02/21/25: dusseldorf, germany
02/22/25: berlin, germany
02/24/25: zurich, switzerland
02/25/25: milan, italy
02/27/25: paris, france
02/28/25: brussels, belgium
03/03/25: nottingham, UK
03/04/25: leeds, UK
03/06/25: london, UK
03/07/25: manchester, UK
03/08/25: cardiff, UK
03/10/25: dublin, Ireland
03/12/25: glasgow, UK
04/29/25: auckland, new zealand
05/02/25: sydney, Australia
05/03/25: sydney, Australia
05/04/25: sydney, Australia
05/06/25: brisbane, australia
05/07/25: brisbane, australia
05/09/25: melbourne, australia
05/10/25: melbourne, australia
05/11/25: melbourne, australia
05/13/25: adelaide, australia
05/16/25: perth, australia
05/17/25: perth, australia
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