#minecraft boy did a good job
mathswizard · 1 year
the people who make those videos of Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy but without the screaming are evil to me .... thats the best part of the song its integral to it .. . ..
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d1s1ntegrated · 3 months
hallo!! i rlly love ur hcs and just ur writing in general esp w/ shigaraki !! it’s so refreshing!!
I was curious if you could/ would be willing to make hcs r smthn of sub!shigaraki ? :3 would be super cool!! completely up to u tho!!
you ask, i deliver bby
sub!shigaraki hcs (nsfw)
-ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅ ⑅ ♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊˎ
shig is a switch, but when he gets subby, he gets SUBBY.
will beg and whine pathetically, pleading to get fucked like the good boy he is
you have to tell him "use your words", otherwise he's a pitiful nonverbal mess
melts like putty at your words. specifically likes when you call him pretty baby, handsome, beautiful, etc.
prefers praise over degradation, will cum over and over just from you telling him he's doing a good job
really likes to make you cum all over him, it's his version of a gold star sticker
cums so fast when hes subby, but will go multiple rounds
cries, in a good way.
def has a mommy kink, but actually also other worship terms: i.e. mistress, miss, goddess, my divinity (personal fav), etc.
you can tell when he's feeling more subby, cause he'll wear lighter colors like blue and pink compared to his usual all-black wardrobe
suuuuper handsy and wants a lot of attention
only time he has manners. usually hes a generally crude mfer but when hes sub, its all pleases, thank you's, and excuse me's.
much quieter in subspace
prefers slow/cozy games like minecraft and acnh
has you speak for him during meetings when hes subby cause hes embarrassed (he always lies and says he lost his voice but in reality hes just too pathetic sounding)
if you are fucking him, he likes being on top, or doggy
if hes fucking you, its just oral, or fingering, so he can make sure he's doing the best job to make only you cum (if he puts it in, he'll cum immediately and feel bad)
gets hypersexual and just wants to be railed for hours on end
edges himself until you can help him or tell him he can cum
‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙  ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊
this one did things to me, i fear
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arseniy-arsenicum33 · 8 months
All Hermits in Hero Forge!
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Season 10 is coming! And I've finished modeling every Hermit (Thus far) in their TCG-cards poses!
Special thanks to Hoffen for their original minecraft models...
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You've already saw these eight models in my Life-series minis showcase, slight tweaks and costume changes... I really need to buy Hero Forge subscription, so i can manipulate fingers individually... Now, for the new guys... Guess what?! I've figured out how to make links! Now you can see my references directly! Technology!
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Ren got his cool casual look...
Docm77 inspired primarily by Belmarzi's design, such as this... It was very funny to suddenly stop in the middle of this project to model him hugging Snoop Dogg...
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JoeHills, unsurprisingly, based on real-life Joe Hills... But I did have this comic by my side while modeling him, for moral support, because modeling someone's likeness is always stressful...
Cleo's pose pose a challenge, It uses a transparent one-legged skeleton inside the main body... Like a real armour-stand magic! I like how it turned out...
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I've started watching Zedaph very recently, so both Noxolotl's and Applestruda's portrayals of him were very helpful in forming mine...
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Blaise's Hermit line up was used for Cub and Hypno, which you will see down the line... Bee's art was helpful, once again, and these Cub-arts by Sylvan...
My main goal with Jevin was to somehow convincingly make a slime look slimy... I was so ready to make him as rotund as this art, but alas, program restrictions...
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This art was used for False at the very beginning, but it drifted so much with the addition of cheekbones, that it doesn't look like it at all anymore...
Hypno had a surprise for me, because before making this model, I've never saw this brown line on his chest as a boob-window... But now, I am convinced... This is the art, that guided me to that conclusion... Ghostea's and Locus's portraits were useful for figuring out his face...
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Iskall lifted from this art... Hero Forge doesn't have any cool one-eyed visors, so I've settled on monocle for him and Doc...
Hero Forge also for some reason doesn't have a hand-held flower, so pretend, that Stress doesn't hold a pen, okay? And has a cardigan... Based mainly on this and this art, which was also used for XB...
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My best guess with Keralis was that he is doing Edvard Munch's "The Scream" ommage... Thanks to Myra and Cole , without them, Keralis would've looked more like a bug with them big ol' eyes...
Oh, boy, XB... A true enigma for me... Pictured here, lightly jogging... Only you could tell me, if I did a good job with him, I sincerely have no idea... Since this is in part a TCG-inspired project, it would've been wise to use references from the actual TCG-cards... To bad, I've came up with this idea near the end of a project...
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I have made so many Xisuma-costumes, and only now I am showing you the main friendly-neighbourhood DoomGuy cosplayer himself... Do I need to credit id Software for this?
WelsKnight is my champion in regards to how many references I needed for him... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7! Despite how many armour options Hero Forge has, making something coherent out of them was difficult... Especially, keeping in mind, that one day I'm going to model HelsKnight as well...
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And finally, TinFoilChef, based heavily on this stunning artwork... And somewhat on this skin by Ink-Ghoul... It all comes around...
And the Creator Himself! Beef! And his wonderful portraits: 1 2 3 4...
I actually going to use him as an example, to address something...
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Here is how my screen looks, then I am working on a model... My method of creation is derivative by nature, it requires the art and creativity of other people... And I have SO MUCH anxiety about this... Not being an artist, but still trying to make something with my limited capabilities... And post it on the internet, oh horror...
With recent talks about plagiarism and AI-art, it has come to my attention, that I myself not so different from AI, just not so efficient... So, this is why I so obsessively document my influences, it is the least I can do... Credit the artists, that I stole from... Please, check out everyone mentioned, subscribe to them, commission new pieces of art...
And if you've liked my dorky "minecraft youtubers made in DND character creator" models... Thank you...
Sometime later there will be a google doc on my blog with links to every model I've ever made, go nuts with them... Try Hero Forge for yourself, it's fun...
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tyttamarzh · 9 months
Midnight Ramblings about Missa (Or "character analysis focused on his seeking approval and how this influences his self-perception and in his performance") (Or "My boy just needs confidence and time to show how chingón he is.")
I have a thought… okay, okay, yes, Missa is a wet cat and he can't escape of that… but I think everyone underrate the ability of him for learn and improve…
When all came to the island, no one have nothing and everyone seems at the same level in general. For Missa was hard, but he adapted to life, he build a house, had an armor, went to mines and dungeons with his friends and even when others helped him, he always tried to make it on his own and search his own purpose. Everyday he gain more expierence and confidence and lost the fear to go out alone, he could fight for himself, he could survive. Then, when everyone was paired up to take care of the eggs and he met Phil, he tried his best for being useful, for help him.
He always does that, but this time he had just met him and he wanted to do his best to make a good impression on this new person in his life.
He had already done it before, that has a context, when he met the "Team Vacio Legal" (and was adopted), at first he was not considered part of the team, they treated him like an assistant, they called him his pet and they even told him that they would use him as bait, but Missa was so grateful to be with them, that he accepted all their orders willingly and strove to do the best for them (They were not just any team, it was the one that was considered the strongest and favorite to win, in fact, the winner was a member of this team). I remember that they ordered him to build a temporary house if he wanted to stay and at that moment he began to build non-stop, and he was doing it very fast, he was very concentrated on it, then Rubius, to annoy him, stand right where he was going to put a block and Missa stood paralyzed, neither of them said anything for a few seconds, until Missa, quite anxious, said: " Please, please, I'm just trying to do a good job…" and at that Rubius gave up the idea of joking with him and simply looked at him and said "You're doing very well" and moved, to which Missa He laughed and continued working until he finished. His dedication made everyone quickly become attached to him and at some point the line between being everyone's servant and being everyone's protected faded (even the 4 of them risked their lives to go save Missa's dog from acid rain), he went from not being considered part of the team to being the most loved by all of them, so much so that his death devastated them and they continued using his name as a banner until the end (ohh I really loved Extremo, sorry xD).
Even if Missa knows that he is not good at many things, he gives everything, he strives, learns and grows, to continue giving everything for those he loves, that is how he died in Extremo, helping Quackity (although Quackity did not even realize until later).
The point is, being with Phil, he helped in any way he could, he fought against the phantoms so that Phil could continue working and in fact he must have felt very good when the mission was "sing a song to the baby" because finally one of his abilities It would be necessary and useful.
Phil never had a problem with Missa in Chayanne's care. Missa was constantly striving to be competent and they didn't really spend enough time together for Phil to realize what Missa's level really was. The problem began when he was gone for so long, because everyone's level increased at the same time as the difficulty of the world, which made Missa's lack of experience very evident. And it wasn't just because he was poor and didn't have the resources to defend himself, as Phil thought at first, Missa missed out on a lot of growth and learning about Minecraft that he could have had if he had stayed on the server. Though he tries now, he doesn't He manages to cope with the current world, which made him tremendously insecure about his abilities, which is why on many occasions he no longer try and just lets himself die. Making it very obvious to everyone, even Phil, that he can't survive alone, since he's just a little wet cat.
There is something that I miss a lot about the dynamic he had with Spreen, you see, I know that many who watch QSMP did not know what their relationship was like and do not know why he is so important to Missa, but it is because Spreen never doubted Missa's abilities, even when no one, not even Missa, trusted his abilities, Spreen always trusted, he once bet on a fight that Missa had, even when Missa said she had no idea about PVP, he bet on him and to everyone's amazement, won and was like "I knew you could." Missa always tried hard to do things and get praise from Spreen, he saw him as a father he wanted to make proud and he jumped with happiness like a child when he achieved it and that's how he grew up a lot (Having the player who is considered one of the best treat you that way and praise you must be an incredible feeling).
Losing his brother not only affected him emotionally, it affected him in the sense that he lost that and that's why his self-confidence went down the drain, because when he fails he no longer hears the "calm down, you'll make it next time, champion" now he listens "Be careful, it's dangerous" "Stay away" and he is simply saved and protected by others.
I'm not saying that Phil is wrong to help him, but that made him somewhat dependent and added to his frustration at not being able to face the world alone, it made him feel like a burden to everyone (the fact that he doesn't log on doesn't help him). Somehow that made him have a kind of regression and he went back to being the fearful boy who needs to be taken care of, it's not even like in the early days of QSMP, it's like in the early days of Extremo, considering himself completely useless and stupid, struggling to try to do things right and receive some approval, but getting frustrated at not achieving it (which is why what Tina did in purgatory helped him a lot "Tina, better therapist than Melissa" xD).
Now… let's go to the present, because I saw something very different in Missa the last time. What happened in purgatory perhaps gave him more growth than we thought, not only on an emotional level by helping him decide to stay with Phil despite not feeling enough, but on a personal level. He said to Chayanne he had been working to be a better person (better player) and wanted to show what he had learned (now seeking Chayanne's approval), somehow he found that motivation again to grow and not just lamenting his situation (that implies that CC Missa he was really practicing. My friends, he didn't even do that for the squid games, he finished installing Minecraft and jumped into the water), that gives me hope that this time he is serious about stay and if he has enough time and if this time he really delivers with his promise to log on more we could see him grow and bring out his full potential (in Extremo 2 he was doing a great job until he died suddenly and became fearful again, in purgatory he was doing things well until he realized he had the wrong missions and felt sad and useless… he can do great, his ruin it is that he sabotages himself by his lack of confidence).
Possibly he will never stop being a wet cat, that is tattooed in his character, but I think that is precisely why everyone tends to underestimate him. I am sure that one day my boy is going to give everyone a big surprise… I believe!
I think my little late night thought turned into an analysis and then a Tesis, sorry about that… I hope someone finds my ramblings entertaining…
Thank you for reading!
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Okay, so can you do like a day in a life for child reader and bayverse tmnt (okay so I kinda want to see how they would react to y/n being the same height as the turtles
Also have a good day / night absolutely love your work 😄❤️👍
I actually really like writing sibling reader, I always giggle to myself while I'm writing this stuff, thank you for the request @bubbathebuzz 💕💕
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Where do I even begin to describe the chaos?
Every morning you are the first to wake up,
No matter what.
You even wake up before Leo.
How, none of them can figure out.
You beg to have a poptart for breakfast, and while you do get them occasionally, someone will ususally make you eggs and toast.
It's just not healthy for a child your age to have poptarts for breakfast everyday.
After breakfast, the boys have training, depending on how Splinter feels that day determines the type of training.
Your favorite type of training is posture or balance training because Splinter gives you a stick and your job is to hit your brothers on the ankles with it.
That's why Splinter only has balance training on weekends,
Since you have school the rest of the week.
Speaking of, Donnie makes it a point to tutor and help you with your school.
Which is definitly part of the reason you're the smartest kindergardener your teachers have ever seen.
(My little sister came up with a headcanon and I just had to share it, Donnie gives you a broken keyboard just to make you think you're helping him with his work, and you won't realize that it was broken untill you're like, 17, and you'll realize your whole life was a lie.)
If you aren't at school, one of your brothers is always keeping you busy,
They found out the hard way that leavinga bored toddler to their own does not end well.
It will forever be known as the "Paintball Incident" and I refuse to elaborate any further on the subject.
Mikey likes to play video games with you,
Leo won't let you play any 'mature' games until your older, stuff like Call Of Duty or Tomb Raider,
So you guys usually play games like Mario Kart, Stardew Valley, and Minecraft.
As it turns out, you are incredible at Mario Kart and are currently the house champion, and no one knows how tf you keep winning.
The entire fam goes into slight denial when you start growing up.
They kinda forgot you wouldn't stay small and wholesome forever,
So when you get to the age of, well, angstyness, shit gets wild.
Backtalk, sneaking out, rolling your eyes, Leo does not appreciate the attitude.
You not directly a jerk to any of them, just alot more sarcastic than you used to be,
But most of the time you're a really good kid.
Good grades, you do good in training, always have your chores done,
The whole nine yards.
(You are Splinter's favorite by default)
You are decently close with April,
You have sleepovers at her apartment, and she'll take you out shopping sometimes,
She's like a breath of fresh air compared to the chaos that is the Lair.
Casey is like that cool uncle that lets you do stuff you probably shouldn't be doing,
Like try beer.
One time, you were spending the night at April's apartment during hockey season, and Casey was there so you could all watch the game together.
April got up to use the bathroom, and Casey used to opportunity to do cool uncle things and let you try some beer.
You did not like it.
You choked slightly as the taste caught you off guard, "That taste like shit." you coughed out.
Casey scoffed, "It's an aquired taste, smalls."
"Thats code for, 'It taste like shit'."
Kareoke night is a regular thing on Fridays.
It usually ends with you passed out on the couch and one of your brothers carrying you to bed.
But it's your favorite part of the week.
If you end up growing to be around the same height as the boys', they will literally hate it,
You used to be so small 🥺,
They think it's unfair that you didn't stay that way.
It hits Splinter particularly hard when he realizes you grew up,
Because the same thing happend with the boys'.
But no matter how old you are, he is more than willing to be your person to go to,
Even if you are grown up, he's still you're dad.
(He still sings you to sleep if you have a nightmare.)
When you start patroling with your brothers, they are fucking terrified.
You can get hurt, alot easier than any of them can, so it's only natural that they're nervous.
You don't have a protective shell like they do after all.
If you ever get hurt after a fight, they are fa-reaking out.
Donnie's got the med-kit and starts checking you for everything from a concussion to lung cancer,
Mikey's panicing in the backround, while Leo just paces dramatically,
And Raph is currently beating the shit out of whatever poor idiot decided to hurt you.
Word spreads quickly amongst the criminals of the city to not go anywhere near you should they encounter the turtles,
Lest the be in mortal danger.
All in all,
It's chaotic,
It's fun,
And you know for a fact you have a family to back you up in anything you do.
Fun fun. I love writing this stuff, it's makes me giggles lol
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suwbuns · 2 years
E-DATERS! | catfishing
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SYPNOSIS. moving back to korea from america, y/n is excited to reunite with her old friends and make new ones. what she doesnt expect is to find herself reuniting with her “ex-boyfriend” from 10 years ago who she dated over minecraft. what makes things worse? he happens to be her favorite streamer who she has been pinning after for years.
written + screenshots below!
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with a random youtube video playing on one monitor and his minecraft browser running on the other, beomgyu briefly glanced at his second screen, scanning the chat log to see if any join message had appeared.
he had been on his computer for almost an entire 24 hours, not that it was different than his normal routine, but what made it different was the fact that he had been waiting specifically for her the whole time. he spent 2 of those hours exploring the world that he hadnt touched ever since the day he had realized that y/n was not coming back, swarmed with past memories and nostalgia that pressured him into wanting to talk to her again.
13 year old beomgyu waited days for her; when his parents were asleep he would secretly sneak down the stairs to the family desktop and when he would get out of school he would rush back home and go straight to his computer, each time logging back into the game to check for any signs that she might’ve been there.
she said she would only be gone for 2 weeks, but for 5 whole months he waited for her.
even til this day, beomgyu had no clue why he cared so much about the girl he never met. a childish online relationship that managed to have such a tight hold on him.
“this is ridiculous” he scoffed at himself, realizing the situation that he was on that had him waiting on her, again.
“all this for a girl, who for all i know, might not even be a girl!” he threw his hands up in the air, growing frustrated, he moved his mouse to click out of the game and possibly never return to it again.
diamondgirl123 has joined the game.
completely freezing in his tracks, his eyes fixated on the join message and read it over and over again. the tight grip that he had on his mouse loosened, yet his cursor had still hovered over the exit button.
diamondgirl123: hey
diamondgirl123: um sorry for leaving so suddenly earlier, i was just startled
diamondgirl123: its been a while tho, how are u?
furrowing his eyebrows, a million thoughts had swarmed him, causing him to feel conflicted about her sudden appearance. he didnt know why he felt such anger and annoyance, after all, didn’t he stay in hopes that she would show up?
he wanted more from her. that out of those years he was left hanging, didn’t he atleast deserve better than that? disregarding her question, his fingers flew across his keyboard to type a response.
gamerboycbg01: yeah, it has.
gamerboycbg01: why show up now lol, you did a good job disappearing.
he anxiously drummed his fingers against the wooden surface of his desk, beginning to overthink if whether or not his reply was too rude and blunt, considering its been a while since they last spoke. before he could type out an apology, a new message appeared from her.
diamondgirl123: im sorry.
diamondgirl123: do you have a social media we can chat on? ill explain everything there
diamondgirl123: it just feels weird to be having a serious conversation over minecraft lol
gamerboycbg01: uh yeah gimme a sec
with the adrenaline running through him and his anger subsiding at her sudden question, beomgyu felt himself panicking at the thought of having to expose his identity. ripping his headset from his ears, beomgyu bolted across the hallway and opened a door abruptly to jeongin in his computer chair. his knees were pulled tightly towards his chest as he sat back, engrossed in whatever k-drama that he had yet to finish.
his head snapped towards the boy who walked through his doorway, rolling his eyes and continuing to fixate his attention on his screen when he realized the culprit of the interruption.
“ever heard of knocking? what if i was—“
“yeah yeah i dont care” beomgyu interrupted. “i need another twitter account, do you still have the password to the account with a decent amount of followers?
“why? are you planning on catfishing some random girl to prove to us that you are capable of being good with women?” he responded, chuckling lightheartedly at the boy. “because im telling you, the only thing youre going to get out of it is your name trending on twitter and 50 thousand lost followers.”
following his snarky remark, jeongin received a slap towards the back of his head, yelping at the sudden pain.
“alright fine!” jeongin frowned, rubbing the back of his head as if it would aid in settling the sensation.
“yeah i still have it. you better change the account name though,” jeongin said, taking beomgyu’s phone out of his hands to type in the account details. “because the last time i used this account, i was catfishing as some 10 year old girl to catch online predators for content.”
beomgyu hummed in response, obtaining his phone back from jeongins grasp. scrolling through the account, beomgyu made a mental note of the things to change, including the dozens of inappropriate tweets before he could send the profile to you.
“do you think you can give me another name with the same initials as me? cbg?”
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taglist. @openingssequence @suburbiataehyung @shinypieceofgarbage @koeuh @captivq @beowmgyu @qluvrv @ikaeryn @whippedforbeomgyu @i8lhee @heyanonymous123 @vanicogh @sulliefimmie @tae-ology @milkycloudtyg @ox1-lovesick @soobsfairy444 @sulliefimmie @jaxavance @peachenle @pokyloky @peachybeom @alpha-mommy69 @fatoompie @ashxxkook @soobsdior @viagumi @rikismiel @luvsoobs
fun fact! jeongin gave the name bogum because park bogum was the lead actor in the kdrama he was watching 😭
a/n. sorry i didnt post yesterday i literally knocked out when i got homeee. but idk if i will continue daily updates we will have to see, also i caNT WRITE FOR SHIT 😭😭😭
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noonaishere · 2 months
Online/Offline [C.S] - seventy-four | because I like you
Your life had taken on a strange quality: at the café, you and San pretended to date while at work, and at your real job, you pretended to date on stream. You couldn’t even say that you were leading a double life, because it was just your whole life now. Both day and night, you and San were a fake couple, acting the way a real couple did in a performance for others. The only time you weren’t acting now, was when you were at home by yourself, interacting with no one.
San made it as easy as he possibly could though. At work you smiled at each other more and stood closer to each other, sometimes he would get very close as if you two were having a private conversation, the way couples sometimes do, but he would tell you silly jokes to make you giggle the way a girlfriend might. During your Minecraft streams he went above and beyond, constantly making you items and leaving them for you, fighting things off for you, and standing with you while you figured out how to make literally anything and walking you through it multiple times.
He also had this habit of looking at you like you were everything in his world; eyes in upturned crescents, smile broad across his face making his dimples go off like firecrackers during new years, and you swore he looked like the sparkliest, most bishie manga boy you'd ever seen come to life. Sakura petals and sparkles floating around his face and everything.
He was… a very good actor.
In fact, if you didn’t know any better, you would have thought that maybe he really did like you as more than a friend. You wondered how good of an actor Yunho was, if his roommate was out here, night and day, acting like such a good boyfriend that - if you didn’t keep reminding yourself - you would have already been convinced that he actually was your boyfriend.
In the few hours you had between seeing him at work and seeing him during streaming, you had to consciously convince yourself of the reality: that none of it meant anything. You struggled against your heart as it tried to tell you, No, what he’s doing is real! I know because it makes me flutter and pump harder and I’m trying to tell you that it’s real!, with your brain logically countering, We agreed to fake date, it’s nothing more than that, don’t be ridiculous!, and you stuck between the two of them, not knowing who to believe. At this rate, they were going to rip your metaphorical arms out of your sockets in their tug of war, and you would collapse to the floor and die, only to still have your heart quicken at the thought of him. 
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The next day at work, you leaned your elbow on the counter and rested your chin on your palm.
“What do you want?” San asked, smiling.
“Remember when I said you have kind eyes? I like to look at them.”
San laughed.
“And you have a really handsome face. And I should know I've worked at two different cafés so I've seen a lot of faces.”
San laughed again.
“Um, can I get something?”
“Ah! Mingi! Nice to see you again,’ you said as you stood up straight. “Welcome to AtoZ café, what would you like?”
Mingi smiled. “Can I get two mocha frappes, large, and two peach teas, small?”
“Sure thing.” You smiled and went to punch in his order.
San leaned over so his face was in your way.
“What are you doing?” 
“I thought you wanted to look at me?”
“Not right now, I’m trying to put this order in.” You laughed and pushed him.
“Are you sick of me now?” He asked as he got closer.
“Sannie, oh my god.” You pushed him again.
Mingi looked at the two of you with a raised eyebrow.
He smiled, standing up straight, one hand on his hip. “Why were you looking at me so much, anyway?”
“Because,” you gestured to Mingi to pay with his card and finished ringing him up, and turned to make his drinks. 
San followed you to the espresso machine. “Because?”
“I’m a Sanflower.”
“A Sanflower?” He raised an eyebrow playfully.
“Mhm. Sunflowers always face the sun, and I'm always facing you. I'm a Sanflower.”
Wooyoung made a retching noise as he came out of the kitchen.
San ignored him, his attention still on you. “That's cheesy.” 
“You like it.”
“… I do like it.”
“Stop being gross!” Wooyoung said as he waved his hands at both of you. “I’m confiscating her. I have to teach her macaroons today.”
“Right now? I’m making drinks--”
Wooyoung hefted you onto his shoulder and you handed San the empty espresso cups you were holding before you could drop them.
“Can’t wait.”
You waved at San and blew him a kiss as Wooyoung carried you back to the kitchen. He smiled at you and pretended to catch it.
Mingi smiled awkwardly at the display and chuckled. “You guys are cute.”
“She’s cute.” San smiled, before making the drinks.
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In the kitchen, Wooyoung put you down.
“Woo! What was that for?” You hit his chest.
“I know you’re only pretending to date, but you’re both so sweet I’m going to get cavities, and I’m an innocent bystander.”
You chuckled. “Do we really seem like a couple though?”
“Yes. And I wish you’d stop.” He shoved the bag of batter into your hands.
“But we have to make it look like we’re dating so my stalker doesn’t come back.”
“He’s not even in the store at the moment, why do you have to go so hard?”
“Because he could come in at any time. If it looks like we’re springing into action, he’s not going to believe it’s real.” He stuck out his tongue in disgust as he watched you pipe batter onto the sheet in little domes. 
“And anyway, we shouldn’t talk about it not being real, we’re trying to convince that stalker that I’m taken. Maybe he’ll just… leave me alone forever.”
“So then you’d have to fake date San for forever?”
You looked up and stared at him for a minute. “Maybe I’ll just move again. The stalker wouldn’t possibly follow me to like… Centralia, Pennsylvania, right?” You went back to piping.
“Is that a place?”
“Yeah, there’s been a coal mine burning under the town and the government had to evacuate it because people were being poisoned by the smoke.”
He chuckled. “Why do you know that?”
“The Silent Hill movie was sort of based on it. All the fog.” 
He nodded. “Wouldn’t you also be poisoned from the smoke, then?”
You looked up again as if he had made some amazing point. “And then I’d die and he wouldn’t be able to follow me. Excellent idea.”
Wooyoung shoved you playfully. “Don’t talk like that. I don’t want you to die.”
You laughed and got back to the macaroons. “I mean, my stalker definitely couldn’t follow me to the beyond.”
“But then you’d be leaving your fake boyfriend behind.”
“Oh no.” You said sarcastically.
Wooyoung laughed and elbowed you. “Is he that bad?”
“No… he’s actually a really good boyfriend-- fake boyfriend.”
“Oh?” He smiled.
“Ugh.” You sighed and stopped to stretch your neck, all the looking down made it hurt. You looked at the ceiling. “He sent me flowers that day...”
He chuckled. “Is that bad?” 
“I’ve never had a real boyfriend bring me flowers.” You looked at Wooyoung. “That’s just-- infuriating. The real ones don’t but the fake one does?”
Wooyoung laughed. “He’s just a really sweet dude.”
“You’re telling me. I could slap myself, he’s so sweet.”
He chuckled. “I guess it’s good that you picked San, then? There could be worse people to fake date if you have to do it for a while.”
“Like who? You?”
“I’m an amazing boyfriend, fake or otherwise.” He stuck his tongue out at you.
“Alright. Brat.”
His eyes widened in shock for a second before he ran his fingers through his hair. “Haha…” 
You snorted and went back to your macaroons. Out of the corner of your eye, you thought you saw some devious expression flash across Wooyoung’s face.
“What if you and San actually dated? Then you’d have a real boyfriend who brings you flowers.”
“Woo, we work together. You don’t shit where you eat, dude.”
“What? How would asking him out be shitting?”
“Listen… once, when I was young and very, very dumb I dated a guy I worked with. I thought it was a fantastic idea because I’d get to see him all the time… and I did. He treated me like shit and I had to see him all the time at work both while we dated and after we broke up. I was only lucky in that he ended up getting promoted and transferred before I could be the one to quit.”
“But San’s not--”
“I know that you’re going to say ‘San’s not like that,’ and while I’ve only known all of you for a few months, I do get the feeling he might not be. But I knew that guy for over a year and I thought he wasn’t like that. And I was wrong.”
“I’ve known San longer than you have.”
You stopped what you were doing, and turned to him. “Have you ever dated him?”
“I-- no…”
“So you don’t know how he might act in a relationship.”
“Uh… no.”
You stared at him for a few moments, waiting for him to acknowledge that he understood you.
“I mean… I guess you’re right.”
You went back to what you were doing.
“But you won’t know unless you give him a chance.”
“I don’t know why you’re suddenly so invested in my love life - or lack thereof - Wooyoung, but please stop. I’m being stalked online as well as in real life. I don’t have the mental bandwidth to think about actually trying to enjoy anything right now.”
You kept your focus on the macaroons you were working on, but you could see Wooyoung looking at you. He stared at you a few more moments before getting to work on the macaroons he had piped out earlier.
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You thought of your conversation with Wooyoung again as you woke up the next morning, confused at first of whether it was a dream or not. But it was just the lucid remembrance of the day before, making macarons and trying to avoid the subject of yours and San’s possible real dating.
And even after partly reliving it as a dream, you still had no idea why Wooyoung even suggested that you and San actually date. Nosey.
You checked the time, confused as to why your alarm hadn’t gone off: four AM.
Jesus fuck. 
You stretched and tried to shake off the dream. You had the day off today, and you had to start working on the new computer you had been planning on. The last parts for it had come in late last week, but you had been so busy with your subterfuge that you hadn’t had any time to think about putting it together. Instead, maybe getting lost in working on it all day was just what you needed to clear your head for a few hours.
Too many hours - and a lot of cursing - later, it was time to stream and you and San ran around in Minecraft because your brain was too fried to do anything else.
You yawned.
“Are you okay?” San asked.
“Yeah, I’m just tired.”
“Why’s that? I would make a joke about you gaming all night but you normally don’t.”
You chuckled. “Not since Mass Effect 3 disappointed me, at least.”
He laughed.
“No, I was working on a new rig with a custom case and shit all day today. I woke up early by accident and worked on it for… from four AM to now?”
He did the math quickly in his head. “--Sixteen hours?”
“Yep,” you yawned. “I’m still not done with it.”
“Oh my god…”
“Do you want to hear about it?”
“I want you to go to sleep!” He laughed. “Why’d you wake up at four to work on it?”
“It wasn’t on purpose, I had like a weird dream and woke up.”
“A nightmare?”
“I’m not sure.”
“Do you remember it?”
Yes. “Not really.”
“Well… that sucks that it woke you up.”
“Wanna hear about the computer?”
“You know I love it when you talk shop, go on.”
As you went to respond with a long list of specs and reached for your phone so you could send him pictures, your stomach growled louder than you had ever heard it growl before. You paused.
“Was that-- your stomach?” San asked and laughed.
“I’m just realizing that I forgot to eat lunch.”
San laughed again.
“...And breakfast.”
“Wha--? You didn’t eat breakfast?”
“I always forget to eat when I’m excited to work on something.”
San tsk’d. “Jagi, you can’t do that to yourself.”
“It was an accident!” You laughed.
“I’m not scolding you.” San went quiet for a second. “What would you have eaten if you did have lunch?”
“Are you trying to rub it in?”
He chuckled. “No. Just making conversation.”
“Mmmmm, actually I could go for some udon right now.”
“Sounds good.”
“I want them fat, fat, squishy noodles.”
He laughed softly. “In what, like a soup? Or something else?”
“Oooo, good question. Umm, honestly, I could just go for a traditional udon soup right now. So warm, so squishy, so umami.”
He hummed in response and the two of you went back to your game.
Twenty minutes later San’s avatar stopped moving on the screen. 
“What you doing?” You asked.
“Take your headphones off?”
“What? Why? You can’t be here, you’re on stream.”
He laughed. “Is someone ringing the doorbell?”
You took your headphones off and listened. Sure enough, the doorbell rang. You jumped with a startled gasp. “What? How did you know?”
He laughed softly. “That should be your food. You should go get it.”
“What?” You got up, beelined to the door, checked the intercom and saw the delivery man. You opened the door, “Hi.”
“Order for y/l/n y/f/n?”
“That’s me. How much do I owe you?”
“It’s already paid for.”
“O-- oh. Thank you.”
“Have a nice night.” He smiled.
“Yeah, you too.”
He walked back down the hall. You got some utensils and went back to your desk with the food in tow. You put your headphones back on.
“So, um… is this why you were asking what udon I wanted?”
He chuckled. “I’m surprised you didn’t pick up on it; I wasn’t exactly being sly about it.”
“Honestly, I was too busy still thinking about the computer,” you laughed. “You didn’t have to buy me food, though.”
“Of course I did. I can’t let my girl sit there with a growling stomach while she tries to stream.”
You laughed again as you opened the container with the soup, “It wasn’t that bad--” you were interrupted by your stomach growling again, even louder than the first time.
San laughed loudly. “You were saying?”
“It was reacting to the food! I just opened the lid!”
He laughed. “It sensed it.”
“It did-- oh my god it smells so good.” You could have drowned in the amount of saliva your mouth produced at the mere smell of the food and swallowed hard.
“I’m glad.”
“Did you get anything for yourself?”
“Nah, I ate earlier.”
“Then let me order you some dessert or something.”
“You don’t have to get me anything.”
“But I feel bad.”
“Don’t feel bad, you’re not allowed.”
“If you eat and you’re happy, then I’m happy.”
You had to stop yourself from saying what you really wanted to say: ‘I love you’. 
It wouldn’t have been weird if you said it, the two of you - to everyone else - were dating, after all. Couples tell each other ‘I love you’ all the time. Except that the two of you were not a real couple, and all of this was for show. If you said it, it might not have seemed weird to the fans who were watching, but it definitely would have been weird to San… and to you. The statement was much too close to how you actually felt as you mixed the soup with your chopsticks: how could he just buy you food because you were hungry and ask for nothing in return? You moved away from your microphone and sniffed an errant tear that was trying to form. Being hungry was making you emotional, that was all.
“You’re so sweet, Morn.”
“Because I like you, Jagiya. Now eat and I’ll entertain everyone. Watch my stream and I’ll entertain you too.”
You clicked over to his channel so you could do just what he said.
‘Like’. You supposed the word was innocuous enough, but it felt like it meant more. Maybe that was just your emotional state and the fact that he bought you food without asking and then told you that you eating would make him happy, ticking every box of how a person could possibly want to be treated: like they matter. He, as a fake boyfriend, treated you like you mattered.
You felt confused. You wanted it to mean more. But it meaning more didn’t go along with the plan. And - you reminded yourself - you still worked at the café together. Dating him could be all well and good, but it could also not.
You sighed and started eating your food while you watched his stream.
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San walked into a river and started taking damage from some fish.
You laughed. “Morn, what are you doing?” 
He quickly - though awkwardly - navigated away from the danger and out of the river. “Sorry, someone texted me.”
“You almost died,” you responded through a mouthful of food.
He chuckled. “Chew your food before you choke.”
You went to his chat and commented with “>:PPPPPPPPP”. He paused for a moment, and you knew he saw it when he responded with:
“Very mature.”
“The matureist.”
He laughed.
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amymbona · 3 months
Girl dad Patrick Zweig.
Someone give him a daughter.
That man deserves to have a daughter and dedicate his whole life to her.
She is the light of his life, the sun of his days. This man adores his daughter more than any other person in this world.
He is her protector, her prince, her knight in shining armour. Any kid being rude to his little girl? Patrick makes sure that kid is crying to his parents.
Someone said a bad thing about his daughter? That someone wakes up with all their teeth extracted, I'm not even joking.
He buys her sweets, chocolate, pizza, milkshakes, cotton candy, McDonald's, popcorn - anything she asks for! It's unhealthy? Oh, no worries, she will be eating a bowl of fruit after that.
He never lets her walk a longer distance. Always scoops her up in his arms and pretends to throw her in the air for some laughs.
Does his girl like a particular dress? A fluffy skirt? A little shirt printed unicorn? Socks with ruffles? It's in her wardrobe the next day.
Watching TV shows together. Introduces her to South park and teaches her curse words at an early age.
"Mister Zweig? Your daughter called her classmate an ugly ass horse."
No punishments. That man is proud of his little girl for standing up for herself.
Braiding her hair. He's been watching youtube tutorials on that.
Even learned how paint nails with perfectly chosen non-toxic nail polish.
Her room is her kingdom. A canopy bed, fluffy carpet, pushed scattered all over the room. Lego buildings by the wall. All book series neatly sorted in her bookshelf. Little fairy lights on the ceiling. Pictures of the two and posters of One direction on the walls.
Allows her to play the Sims and Minecraft on his computer.
Little tea parties each Sunday.
Lets her do his makeup with one of these shitty sets. There are glitters all over his face but he loves it.
His girl could actually be a makeup artist in the future.
"Did such a good job, sweetheart!"
Neat and thoughtful. His girl never catches a cold in winter, buys her little vitamin C gummies, tucks her shirt in her pants so she's all nice and warm.
Teacher his daughter tennis but never wants her to pursue the career professionally. Knows it could eventually ruin her.
Attends every single ballet performance. Always sits in the first row and records a video.
"That's my girl!"
When she's older, talks about boys follow. And Patrick gets so protective.
"Never let a boy treat you bad. If he's being rude, just kick him in the nuts. Yeah. Just like that."
When she gets a love letter from her classmate on Valentine's day, he calls the guy's mother to know everything about him. His daughter won't be dating some asshole.
Unconditional support. Whatever hobbies she pursues or clothes she wears (unless they at especially revealing), whoever she loves or however she feels, he always supports her.
Pep talks about mental health. Patrick knows how important it is to feel mentally comfortable.
Would do everything for daughter to smile and be happy.
A proud concert dad. Always accompanies his girl and records videos for her so she can enjoy the whole experience thoroughly.
Cries at her graduation.
"They grow up so fast, don't they?"
Forever the most important woman of his life.
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yenqa · 8 months
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in which...
you hate heeseung. you hate his snobby little voice, his stupid little glasses that are too big for him, his nosiness, and his ability to prove anything or anyone wrong easily. you hate hate hate the way you try to avoid him, but somehow he’s always around, and he can’t see how much you hate him. you swear nothing could make you like him, but after you get caught in a sticky situation with him playing your knight in shining armor, you realize that maybe he isn’t so bad after all.
pairing — heeseung x fem!reader
genre — one sided enemies to lovers, highschool au, he falls first she falls harder, oblivious x obvious, tutor x tutoree (kind of), childhood friends (ish because the whole one sided enemies thing) to lovers, long fic
wordcount — teaser is 1005! fic est. 9k-13k words (hopefully not too ambitious)
warnings — profanity, kissing (no suggestive stuff or nsfw), miscommunication, parties/underage drinking, name calling (bitch, whore, stuff like that), food
featuring — lia of itzy, miyeon of g-idle, hyung line of enhypen (sorry maknaes too many people), ocs : sooyun + teachers
disclaimer — i am not saying this is an accurate representation of these idols or trying to sexualize them at all. this just something i do for fun.
release date — hopefully by mid march?
taglist — open! send an ask or comment to be added!
yenqa — watched the movie on the plane and i was kind of obsessed… but this does not follow the movie plot, i just thought the title fit
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A blanket of white has got you and the guests at your house locked in for the night. You weren’t very happy with these strangers staying at your house for the night—In fact, you had just been completely shut down by your dad when you asked him to kick them out. It was obvious why he did that, but this definitely had to be your least favorite christmas out of the eight you had been through.
You snap out of your thoughts, continuing to eat whatever you had left on your plate, hesitating when you saw the amount of vegetables still left.
“Mom! I’m full.” You try to hide your plate from her, showing her instead a pout with a hand on your stomach. 
It didn’t work—obviously, so you were stuck at the table, a frown on your face as you forced in the greens. Across from you, a boy your age, who didn’t seem to mind, he almost looked like he was enjoying it.
That’s impossible though, no one likes vegetables. Maybe he was doing it so Santa would get him an extra special gift?
You grumble when he finishes his place, showcasing his plate that had been licked clean to his mom. He stared at you for a second looking down at your—full plate then looking back at his mom, she said “Great job Heeseung!”. He returns his plate to the table with a smile. 
Stabbing your fork back into your food, you stuff it into your face, hoping that you would enjoy it as much as Heeseung did. Again, it didn’t work, and the bitter taste returned to your mouth.
After what felt like hours of groaning and complaining, you had taken the last bite of your food, a proud smirk on your face when you made eye contact with the boy from earlier, who only smiled at you in return. 
Throwing away your plastic plate, you realized that now it was present time, and Santa just had to reward you for your good deeds.
Rushing over to the tree, you spot everyone gathered around the area, opening their presents. You run to your present, recognizing the wrapping paper from last year. Looking at your mom for approval, she nods and you tear apart the paper, lifting up the box inside.
You squeal when you see the picture, you had been begging your mom for weeks for a Lego set, specifically if it was minecraft themed. And Santa had gotten you just that. You hug the box, squeezing it. You exclaim a loud “Thank you Santa!” before running up to your room to assemble the build.
Reading the directions, you start the house, quickly getting confused on how it isn’t looking like how it does in the picture. 
“I think that’s the wrong piece.” A voice says, you whip your head around to see the same boy who sat across from you.
“Who are you?” Your eyebrows furrow at the sight, confused on why those were the first words he said instead of “Hi!” or something.
“My name’s Heeseung—Um, my mom told me to come upstairs and said we should be friends. Do you want to be friends?” 
You huff, “I’m Y/n. Also no, I don’t want to be friends, you’re mean.” You force your legos together, frustrated already with the pieces. You continue to reread the directions, pushing—what you think are—the exact legos to the board. But it doesn’t seem like it’ll fit. Maybe if you push it harder?
“Oh—okay.” You jump slightly, too focused to realize how he's been watching you for the past few minutes. “Do you need some help?”
Yes, you need help. But did you want to accept his help?  . This was your christmas gift from Santa, you shouldn’t have to share.
Glancing at the picture then to the building that had looked like an abstract rendition of it, you let out a sigh. I mean, it wouldn’t hurt, right? “Yeah, I guess.”
He takes a seat on the carpet next to you, focusing hard on the directions before breaking off the wrong pieces, reassembling it so you’ll be on the right track.
“Does this go here, do you think?” “No, it goes here.”  That was a summary of what the conversation was between you, and somehow you were always the one asking the question. Sighing, you lean back, taking a short stretch break before starting again.
You’re shocked at his speed and efficiency, it almost seems like he’s always a step ahead of you. Geez does this guy ever slow down? 
The roles are quickly switched as you are sitting watching him instead. Rummaging through each box only for his eyes to lighten up one he finds the right one. You watch him for a while, getting a break that you very much needed.
You hope that he waits for you to finish it, or that he doesn’t completely do it all by himself because again,  it’s your Christmas gift, and he wouldn’t do that, right?
Not right, because apparently he’s a machine—he finishes the build. He stands up, pushes his stupid glasses up also and smiles at you, heading to the door. You think he’s going to say something else like “Sorry for taking away your present!” instead, he thanks you for sharing and happily skipping away. 
Heeseung. Even his name infuriates you. He was very unpredictable and you hated that. Why did he just do that? He’s so rude. People don’t make sense—especially boys, they have cooties.
Your head was filled with calling him the rudest things you could think of—You even said a few curse words.
Though later you realized that you probably would never see him again, you were ecstatic, so ecstatic you had disassembled your legos just to rebuild it, to completely forget about your bad experience with the boy. 
Only two weeks later were you disappointed to see that same boy, sitting across from you during dinner once again.
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perm taglist — @jwnghyuns @ja4hyvn @trsrina @redm4ri @badmuni @yeokii @enhastolemyheart @softpia @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @boyfhee @hanniluvi @teddywonss
yenqa © please do not copy, steal or translate.
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allurilove · 8 days
The wedding inspo was so cute!!!!!!! When I saw the David Guetta from husband’s dream scenario, it made me think, are there any other fun/embarrassing facts about the other OCs from their past high school/teenage years?
Well, yandere professors mother was an entomologist! She was super fascinated with bugs, and she had a whole collection of different types of beetles. When yandere professor was a kid, he liked to watch his mom dissect bugs. It sort of wanted him to become a doctor for some reason, and learn about the human anatomy. He would sometimes find dead bugs around school, take em to his desk and inspect it. To everyone else it was weird as fuck, especially when you see him take the limbs apart.
Yandere husband’s first job was working for his mother. I forget what I said that she did, but I’m sure I’ve mentioned that she was a bit superstitious. She had a side hustle, which was a tiny shop filled with crystals and tarot cards. She also sold books about spirits, ghosts, and folklore. Teen!yandere husband thought she was batshit crazy. But he does keep some sage on him at times. He mostly tided up the shop, sold some items here and there, and worked on his charm. Sometimes his older sisters would come by, but that was mostly to make fun of the crazy uniform he had to wear.
Yandere chaebol is sort of a mommas boy if you couldn’t tell already lol! He sort of fears and respects her at the same time. Whenever he got in trouble with his dad, he went running to his mother because he knew his dad couldn’t do anything to him then. On KakaoTalk (a korean messaging app) his mother is the first name that pops up. And her pfp is of her and teen yandere chaebol at his peek teenager phase. He has begged her to take it down multiple times. Even if it wasn’t an embarrassing picture, he still just doesn’t want to see it. Yandere chaebol was the guy that was annoyingly smart in school. He had the most advantage anyways, since his parents got him tutors in almost every subject. Yandere chaebol didn’t go through an awkward phase like yandere husband did. (a little clue of the yandere quiz).
Yandere stalker took art pretty seriously in school. Like, he would have a meltdown if it wasn’t up to his high standards. He would pull all nighters to put some tiny finishing touches on an art project, and it’ll affect his ability to do well in his other classes. He would be yawning in class, falling asleep, and his math notebook was filled with doodles. He almost couldn’t graduate if it wasn’t for his father slapping some sense into him.
Yandere prodigy was the kid in school that lugged around his heavy ass violin case everywhere (literally me). He had a bus to catch, and he couldn’t afford to go up three flight of stairs to go grab it and run back down again. He was pretty much forced into playing the musical instrument, and actually hated orchestra as a teen. His brother was the true prodigy, but he got into an accident and couldn’t play anymore. So, it got passed down to yandere prodigy. He purposefully played bad at every concert, and he made sure his bow went the opposite direction as everyone else too. However, his parents pretty much gave him a tutor and he fell in love with it.
Calm yandere was a failed minecraft youtuber. He wanted to have a gaming channel, and also wanted to get paid for playing games too. He wasn’t getting as much of attention as he hoped for, and he did have a pretty good set up…. People just happened to think his commentary was ass since he didn’t talk most of the time. lol!
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hyhkai · 1 month
( > ᴗ⁠ < ) © hyhkai. — wips!
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౨ৎ all of unreleased/unwritten works from me!
— fics.
girlfriend on a hiatus ;
after days and days of no texts, you decided to give up on soobin, but fate brought you back to him — dating his brother wasn't something you planned or saw coming.
sweetener [part two to dangerous woman] ;
after what you thought was a ‘good’ lesson for his stupid rumour that flew around like pamphlets, you're confused why he's on a field trip he said would be "boring as hell."
boyfriend ;
did you just get ghosted by the man who's willing to do anything to fuck a chick on campus, or anything that moves? you sure did, and it definitely wasn't enough humiliation for your pathetic ass, you couldn't let him assume he has a prerogative.
iz u down? ;
after the surprising return of taehyun from University during break, him suggesting playing tennis in the field near your house was stating the obvious. i mean, it was the most interesting thing you guys did growing up in your small town. however, him suggesting fucking you behind his house was not.
mean girls ;
after your grades managed to crumble their way down, your father shook his head disappointingly and sent for a tutor. that's just fucking bad, and to make things worse, your goody two shoes ex-boyfriend taehyun, apparently has a part-time job.
camboy ! ;
after yeonjun’s rise in the industry of onlyfans, an interview was something he agreed to for fun. but after seeing the interviewer, he wished it was one of the fake interviews where he gets to fuck you.
(potential thought)
cat and mouse duet. ; ( 4 halloween)
there's one thing you look forward to every year no matter what — the carnival on halloweens. hueningkai, your brand new boyfriend — looks forward to the house of mirrors.
(inspired by the haunting adeline halloween scene)
find her ; (4 halloween)
hide n seek in a forest // taehyun + yeonjun
love (like the ana huang books.) ;
Choi Yeonjun is the man who's a devil with the face of an angel who happens to be your brother's best friend. He can not trust you with your endeavours. With your protective brother, who thinks you, and I quote, “would die while walking on the floors of a freshly-mopped mall”, gone for the month, the best idea was really to leave you with yeonjun living right beside your house to ‘baby-sit’ you? not so much. but choi yeonjun is a man of his words.
mr. right now ;
cocky!ceo x bold!reader. joining the new flourishing company, that you worked for get some experience for — to be met with the ceo who has a façade of a menace. to your luck, you've got the power to see right through him and make him lose his control. afterall, this company was not one you'd be working for long anyway.
and paris was fun ;
a new wound of a breakup, with you finally there at the college reunion after your friends begged and begged for you to come, saying that your past fuckbuddy from back in the day, none other than thee choi yeonjun, isn't coming. and oh boy are they good at lying.
nude model x artist!beomgyu ;
potential series! + restarted
beomgyu — a mere pianist paid minimum wage. you — the bar owner's fiance, and the singer at the bar. cheating. potential... crimes.
(dhoka = danger/betrayal)
(inspired by the music video LOVESEXDHOKA!!! by chaar diwari)
— series.
dial 334 if you're lonely ;
i have actually forgotten what this was about so it's RESTARTED.
— thoughts.
★ minecraft with beomgyu headcanons
★ sub!idol : : things txt would say in bed (a version for each)
★ model!yeonjun
★ smut reader!soobin
★ chess player!hueningkai (vodka shots chess)
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adorawritesalot · 2 years
yo. hi. mh boys w a streamer s/o?:)
hello everyone, excuse my sudden disappearance:( i have really important exams coming up and i barely have time for myself between studying!! promise i'll get better at writing regularly afterwards🙏
anyway, thank you for the submission! sorry i didn't send you the preview, it's your ask anyway:) love u tomi!!!!!
To be honest, he seems like a streamer guy. What do you think he was doing for almost a year before he called Jay again? Streamed Minecraft or something (imagine it was possible back then for me, please).
Anyway, he would be so supportive. He is your #1 fan (but wouldn't say it outloud).
"Hey Alex, I've been thinking about buying this Stream De-" "TAKE MY MONEY"
Would kill anyone who says it's not a real job, because he sees the work you put into it, the tears from receiving hate, and the inevitable happiness it brings you.
If you asked him to join you on stream one day, he would almost piss himself.
"ME??? On stream??? With my FAVOURITE streamer??? YES!" In a teasing voice, but he is secretly overly excited.
He is very happy for you when you start becoming famous, because he sees how happy it makes YOU. He loves seeing your dreams come true in front of his eyes.
He would get you the best camera the world has to offer. Is there not a good enough one for your pretty face? Fuck it, he makes it.
A sweetheart when it comes to making you feel better after a hate raid. Draws you a bath, orders your favourite food (he cannot cook for the life of him), cuddles you in bed.
If you asked him to do a stream with you one day, he would gladly agree. He would be nervous at first, but then he would just goof around and you both would have a great time.
He would like to just watch your streams while he works on his line delivery or something. Your voice soothes him, and that is exactly what he needs.
Would beg you to do one of those "I gave my viewers 500$ to spend on Amazon" streams. Then you reminded him that you would actually have to have those 500$. That shut him up pretty quickly.
Sometimes you think your chat likes him more than you. When he occasionally comes into your streaming room in the middle of a stream with food, your chat starts spamming his name and various versions of greetings.
One "Hey chat!" and a grin later, he is now playing with you next to him. Be ready for more streams with him! He really enjoyed it and chat did too.
Tim wouldn't really get why you are willingly putting your face (or just yourself as a person) out on the internet. Still, he would be very supportive. He always is.
Would sit with you in your streaming room. He loves your voice.
Reminds you that you don't have to do this job if it mentally drains you after every hate raid. He is very protective of you, and he wouldn't want to lose you to a bunch of jerks on the internet.
You talk about him on stream a lot, so chat is, of course, clamouring for a boyfriend stream.
He eventually agrees, but he doesn't yet know what he's gotten himself into.
It's a cooking stream. And you basically just do what he is telling you to do while looking at eachother cutely. Beware of the edits!
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silvertws · 7 days
Bro better pull a fucking 180 on that freaking little fairy-blue thing BECAUSE HELL NAH, HELL TO HELL TO THE NAH.
Leave the boys alone bish.
I'm too attached to them.
I cannot.
I think I would simply perish.
Just like that.
I hate how attached I am to the silly Minecraft guys.
I need someone as unhinged as me to talk about the sillies, for my own sanity.
Which is, barely there honestly, but that's besides the point.
I believe in redemption arcs PETRO PLEASE, PLEASE YOU CAN STILL FIX THIS.
Please, I just want them to all be happy, I'm sobbing.
ncjekwlalls PLEASE.
Let the fellas be happy.
Like, I usually don't ship characters ok? After Origins I just don't.
But tbh platonically??? Hell yeah, let the fellas be wholesome, no kissing no nothing, just hugging, telling each other sweet things- I will literally be kicking my feet like a little kid.
Also, on a side note.
Ruined Reality rants and theories up ahead.
Heyyyyy guys how are we feeling about the Newest Ruined Reality episode??? Yeah all good? Just doing a check in on all of us.
I mean, yeah, as expected.
Also, alright, this is gonna become a slight theory moment.
Rainbow crystal + heart of the soulstice?
You know how the rainbow crystal is made with the energy of the chromatics?
Yeah well, if the rainbow crystal still works, which I'm led to believe , fusing that energy with the heart, could potentially... Either give life back to the chromatics... Or... Create new chromatics but using the older souls, kinda like reincarnation.
Mf First Curse better not bother Light smh Balance, go punch him, you literally can, since you belong in the same omniverse-? So go and punch him thank you very much.
I seriously do not know if Light will be able to bring everyone back.
If he manages to bring Steves back, it's definitely not gonna be everyone.
Not only because a lot of bodies were destroyed, but also for a storytelling factor.
Which is why all of them staying dead is a bittersweet victory, sure, you did it Light, good job! Every Steve who's left is now safe from that! Except... Well, the last Steve kingdom kinda... Doesn't like you. So I don't know if you're going to be allowed there...
Oh, so living with the professor? Yeah sure, if you want to have another metal rod in your leg you can.
Living with Ellie and uh... Cassian....?(I am so bad with names omg) in their little magic thing?
Yeah sure.
Go on.
They already adopted you my good sir, come on, they saw you and were like "yes, this one, ours now, yoink"
Proxima the GOAT.
Another possibility.
TFC: "yo Light, sup"
Light "gtfo"
TFC "No u"
And then Light gets sent to ANOTHER UNIVERSE Just to suffer AGAIN.
Because remember kids.... TFC cursed Light to suffer FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND- yeah you get the gist of it.
So what happens when there's nothing more to make him suffer with in one universe...?
That's right... You send him to another one so he has to start all over again... And again.. and again...
I find this very unlikely because the reset trope is kinda overused and annoying and I also believe it would take out from the whole experience.
Like on a long run, it makes sense that TFC would do that.
There's just some things you cannot do or play with enough depth.
So, going back on the main topic.
What happens now?
Smh, letting Light go through the loss of Soren not once BUT TWICE.
I already tried to explain how I think the rainbow crystal might be tied to "fixing" this.
And I think that's honestly our best bet.
Like, before this episode, I honestly thought they were simply going to yoink it from Lewis and Light was gonna use it.
But apparently they didn't do that...
Also like I'm sorry.
Nah cause like, I always found that, not particularly logical.
Without the energy from the host, the only thing left with energy IS the crystal.
It would have made sense, in that case, if the crystal, its energy, also caused Lewis body to "live" but without actually being Lewis. But pure energy.
How would the crystal stay fused with Lewis?
Does that mean bro still has some energy somehow?
Was it the soul energy that kept them forcibly united?
I'm probably looking too much into it ngl, it's probably another plot hole or simply something that will be explained later... Maybe.
If the rainbow crystal is not going to be used in any way with the heart, I'll be surprised.
It could be like, a rainbow heart or whatever.
It's seriously the only thing I have going on right now.
Because it's the only thing with enough chromatic energy left to actually do something.
Unless SOMEHOW Light goes back to the other Steve Kingdom and Genesis is fucking alive, just like that, randomly, because he can.
I have no idea if any other deities are actually canon in RR.
Is Origin Steve canon? Or any of the other things in Rainbow Quest? Because Seer, Colle, Genesis, are all things from there as we know.
So just how much from that universe also transpired into this one?
Are demon Steves a problem we're going to have to deal with after everything and Seer is finally put to rest?
Also, yes, Seer will die.
I mean, he literally asked to be killed guys, what do you want? I say let him die. Colle is gone, that's enough pain already, I'm not gonna watch Seer becoming Void again (which btw, I think it's already happening or has already happened during the fight and Void is simply playing with everyone as per usual).
Still hoping for a Light corruption/villain arc (more like corrupt) because bro deserves to let out some steam and I support Light in literally everything he will do at this point.
He needs a beach episode fr.
Actually, no.
WE need a beach episode.
... I'm drawing that shit, I'm putting that in my nonexistent list of things I need to draw for my own sanity.
I completely forgot about the redstone core guys.
I mean, I don't think that's gonna help..? Idk I feel like it's a different energy from the one in the crystal or the heart so... Idk...
But maybe it could still be used for other things???
Also, we could simply get a time skip, to like, months later or something.
It has happened before and I honestly wouldn't mind it.
There's like, the option of going to the last Steve kingdom and asking them for help, but they must have moved by now, sure we can locate them with the assistant I suppose, if it comes down to it.
Also, one thing.
(idk man, some of y'all might find this offensive or call me chronically online for this :/)
Me whenever gay is used mockingly in a Steve-verse story while literally everyone is the same fucking gender as the other and their reproduction is literally based on MAGIC.
Like I'm sorry but make it make sense.
It's probably one of the things that annoys me the most.
I'm not saying that now everyone is forced to accept ships between certain characters.
I'm saying that there are not many sexuality options in a world where there's usually one gender.
You're either, Aromantic or something on that spectrum, Asexual or in that spectrum, Gay because there's literally one gender there to be attracted to.
Unless we're talking about universes that use more.
Or we could bring in the possibility that since they're all Steves or Alexes, they're all canonically non-binary.
I don't give a single fuck about romance, I can live without it.
But it annoys me, when comments are made, that logically speaking, don't make sense.
One of the biggest plot holes in RR until Ellie was introduced, was Cliff talking about women.
Which was resolved when Ellie came through and was like "no yeah, we exist actually, well used to".
Which again creates another plot hole to how tf did Cliff even meet one of those if they went extinct.
I wanna clarify that I love RR and the other Steve verse stories or I wouldn't be talking about them. And that my rants are not directed towards the creators in any way, I do not, nor cannot, dictate how they decide to write their stories.
It's their tale to tell, I'm just here to watch, and listen.
I have opinions just like everybody else and if anybody ever takes offense (for some reason) to what I say, suck it up , talk to me like a normal person.
There are opinions to which I'm not willing to change my mind on, but I will still listen to others, just like there's some of which I will probably change my mind on.
As long as you're respectful about it, so will I.
Anyhow, I'm shit at explaining my opinions, because I'm horrible at conversations and English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if I made it look like I was being rude or judgemental.
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gladdygirl18 · 1 year
A Secret Worth Keeping
This was requested to me by the great and wonderful @blehblahsworld! Thank you for this lovely request! Hope you enjoy it!
Summary: You're hiding something, and it's really obvious, especially to your older brothers, Bucky and Steve. When they confront you and threaten you with tickles, you confess that you have a crush on your friend, Simon. You make your brothers swear to secrecy, but when Simon comes over for a visit, Steve and Bucky tell your crush a little secret of yours, but not the one you'd expect.
Word Count: 3099
⚠️Warning⚠️: slight swearing
When you're an only child, privacy is here and there, depending on how your parents or parent are. However, when you have siblings, privacy is nonexistent, especially when you have two older brothers. Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, you're older brothers, are always up in your business. Those two constantly breathe down your neck, whether you're doing homework, watching videos, playing games, or cooking. However, you didn't really mind. You don't remember too much of your life before you met the two super soldiers, but your life now has been better because of them. When the two Avengers introduced you to the rest of the team, they became your family. They would often take turns taking care of you, but Steve and Bucky volunteered for you to live with them. They treated you like their little sister, and that's what you were to them, to the other older Avengers.
Years passed, and you were now a young woman. As per Tony's recommendation, you worked a stable part-time job that paid well while also maintaining a position at S.H.I.E.L.D. With both jobs, you juggled your life as a college student working towards your Bachelor's in Law. However, something else was creeping into your already crazed life: love. During your classes at college, you've grown close to a classmate named Simon Green. He was a nice boy with a good head on his shoulders. While you pursued Law, he pursued Biology, wanting to be a marine biologist like his mother. You and Simon grew closer as friends and soon became best friends, both supporting one another in each other's endeavors. As time went on, you found yourself developing feelings for Simon. He was kind, passionate, funny, and very intelligent. He would always lend an ear and shoulder to you whenever you needed it. And that side of him is what drew you to like him.
Now that it's summer vacation, you and Simon have been chatting almost every day and every night—video chatting, texting, and meeting up on occasions whenever time permitted. You two completed each other, and you couldn't be happier to have him as your friend; if only he knew you liked him.
"Wait, wait, wait, your dog did what?" you chuckled.
"He got into the flour and dragged it all over the kitchen and living room," Simon laughed, "It was incredible!"
You laughed as your crush told you the funny story. It was a warm summer afternoon, and you were talking with Simon on the phone. Outside your room door, Steve and Bucky had their ears to the door, hearing you laugh and talk.
"I've never heard her laugh this much," Bucky said, "Well, except when we're tickling her silly, but this… this is different."
Steve nodded as he continued to listen in on you. As you continued to talk to Simon, you heard a knock at your door.
"Gotta go," you said, "Text you later tonight?"
"Like always," Simon said, "Later!"
"See ya!"
You ended the call with a smile. You quickly went on YouTube and pulled up a Minecraft video, skipping it to the most replayed part.
"Come in!" you said.
With your permission, Steve and Bucky walked into your room.
"Hey, sis," Steve said, "How are ya?"
"Oh, I'm good," you said, "Just watching a Minecraft video."
Bucky scoffed before pausing the video on your phone.
"Cut the crap, Y/N," Bucky said, "Who were you on the phone with?"
"No one," you said, "You know I like to talk to the videos."
"Yeah, but the way you were talking sounded like someone was talking back to you," Steve said, "Who were you talking to, sis?"
You groaned before unpausing the video.
"No one, okay?" I retorted, "Geez, can you get off my back?"
Your sass wasn't a surprise to them. The super soldiers glanced at one another before leaving the room.
"You want take-out for dinner, sis?" Bucky asked, stopping at the doorframe.
"Sure," you said, "Chinese, please. My usual."
The two nodded before leaving your room and closing the door.
"Well, she's certainly a little songbird." Bucky said sarcastically.
"She's not gonna talk if we ask her directly," Steve said, "Let her come to us."
Bucky sighed before nodding. Hours passed, and while waiting for the food, you were texting Simon, giggling and rolling your eyes at what he sent you. Like before, Steve and Bucky had their ears to the door.
"There she goes again, giggling at that phone." Bucky said.
Steve sighed before knocking on the door and opening it. When you saw your brothers, you clicked off your phone and stuffed it behind your back.
"Hey, boys," you said, crossing your arms, feigning innocence, "What's up?"
Your brothers glanced at each other with raised brows.
"Food's here." Steve said, feigning ignorance.
"Awesome," you said, "I was getting hungry."
You jumped out of bed before walking out of the room. Before your brothers could pick up your abandoned phone, you stepped back into your room and snatched it up.
"Almost forgot this." you said with a wink as you left.
Steve and Bucky groaned.
"Well, there goes the idea of taking her phone and giving it to Tony to hack into." Bucy said.
Steve looked at the other with an annoyed look.
"Kidding," Bucky said, "…Mostly…"
Steve chuckled and rolled his eyes.
"Come on," Steve said, patting the Winter Soldier's shoulder, "You're hangry. Let's go eat."
Bucky groaned before following the other out of your room to eat. Days to weeks, your brothers grew increasingly curious about who you were talking to, and Bucky grew impatient. While in your room, you giggled as you texted Simon silly memes. In the living room, Bucky heard you and felt his eye twitch in irritation.
"Alright, that's it," he said, setting down the TV remote, "I'm gonna see what she's laughing about, one way or another."
Steve groaned and rolled his eyes.
"For once, I agree," Steve said, standing up, "How do you wanna go about this?"
"Just follow my lead." Bucky said, his eyes glittering with mischief.
The Winter Soldier stood and waltzed over to your room. Captain America sighed before following his friend, not knowing what he had planned. When you heard a knock, you clicked off your phone, set it to the side, and pulled a book from your nightstand drawer, ensuring it wasn't upside down.
"Come in!" you called out.
With your permission, your brothers walked into your room.
"Hey, what's up?" you asked, looking away from the book.
"We want to know why you've been giggling at your phone for the past few weeks." Bucky said.
"I've been watching funny videos. What, I'm not allowed to laugh at funny videos?"
"You can, but the way you've been laughing is as if someone's making you laugh," Steve said, "Not to mention, you've been staying up late, too, staring at your phone."
"It's the summer. I can't stay up late?"
Bucky growled under his breath, hating how you had an answer for everything. The Winter Soldier snatched the book from your hands before picking up your phone.
"Alright, Y/N, that's it," Bucky said, "Who are you talking to on this?"
"No one, I swear." you said, reaching to grab your phone.
Bucky raised your phone over his head, rendering your attempts to reach it useless.
"Y/N, if you just tell us who you're talking to, we'll leave you alone." Steve said.
"What's there to tell?" you questioned, "I'm not talking to anyone, and if I were, why would I tell you two? It's none of your business."
What you said made the super soldiers reel back in shock. They've seen your sassy side before, but this was new.
"Watch it, young lady," Bucky said, "Tell us who you've been talking to for the past few weeks that's turned you into such a giggle-bug."
A faint blush rose as you averted your brother's gaze and shook your head.
"It's no one." you muttered.
The two super soldiers didn't believe you for a second. The Winter Soldier sighed before setting down your phone and the book.
"Alright, Y/N, let's make a deal," Bucky said, "If you don't tell us who you've been talking to, Steve and I will just tickle you."
Your brother's words made you turn to him and Steve wide-eyed. They both wore impish grins as the stared you down.
"Y-You wouldn't…" you stammered.
"That all depends on you," Steve said, "Oh, and we won't be nice. We'll hone in on that little sweet spot of yours below your ribs."
You swallowed a lump and scooted away from your brothers, a nervous smile spreading across your face.
"So, are you gonna tell us who you've been talking to?" Bucky asked.
When you averted their gaze and shook your head, Steve sighed dramatically as he shook his head.
"Oh, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N," he said, "Guess we're doing this the hard way."
Before you could protest, your brothers pounced on you. You yelped before dissolving into frantic giggles, feeling their fingers explore your torso.
"Steheheheheve! Buckyhyhyhyhyhyhy!" you giggled, "Nahahahahaa! Sthohohhohohoohoop!"
"Are you gonna tell us who you've been talking to?" Bucky asked, pinching your ribs.
"It's nohohoho ohohohone! Lemme gohohohoho!"
Your brothers lay beside you, each holding an arm over your head while they used their free hands to tickle you silly.
"Just like this, this is how you'd be giggling at your phone," Steve said, "What's gotten you so giggly these past few weeks, huh, Y/N/N?"
"Nohohohohothihihihihing!" you cried.
"Alright, screw it!" Bucky said.
The Winter Soldier released your wrist before using both hands to dig into your sweet spot: right below your ribs. You squealed before letting out adorable cackle-like laughter.
"Oh, right! I forgot this spot makes you snort," Bucky chuckled, "Absolutely adorable."
You thrashed around in your brothers' grip, using your free hand to push at Bucky's chest, but your attempts were adorably futile.
"So, Y/N, who've you been talking to on that phone of yours?" Steve asked, "A potential crush, perhaps?"
When Steve said that, your face flushed.
"So it is a crush!" Bucky said, "Who is he? Is he handsome? Nice? Funny? Rich?"
You could barely speak, laughing and snorting too much to hear the Winter Soldier.
"Admit that it's your crush, and we will." Steve said, clawing at the side of your stomach.
You let out at least three snorts in a row when Captain America did that. This was straight-up torture.
The brothers glanced at one another and nodded before stopping briefly, allowing you to catch your breath.
"So, who's the lucky guy?" Steve asked, gently poking your sides.
You pated and giggled at your brother's poking.
"Ihihihihit's… not a cruhuhuhush…" you panted, residual giggles slipping through.
"Uh-huh, sure it isn't." Bucky said, poking your armpit.
You jumped in surprise before slamming your arm down.
"Nohohoho, hehehahahaha! Stohohohop!" you giggled, "Leheheheave me alohohohohone!"
"We will, once you admit you have a crush on someone." Steve said.
You giggled as you squirmed, tiredly swatting away your brothers' hands.
"I dohohohon't have a cruhuhuhush!" you giggled.
The super soldiers glanced at each other and shrugged. Without warning, the two started clawing below your ribs and the sides of your stomach, sending you into a frenzy of laughter and snorts.
"Y/N, what did we say about swearing?" Steve questioned.
"You know what we want to hear, Y/N/N~" Bucky cooed.
You growled through your laughter, hating but also loving this at the same time. When you felt tears dot the corners of your eyes, you finally gave in.
At once, your brothers stopped the tickling, leaving you breathless. Steve released your wrist and crossed his arms as he sat up. Bucky did the same as he helped you sit up.
"So, what's your crush's name?" Steve asked.
After taking a moment to catch your breath, you groaned.
"I-It's Simon," you began, "Simon Green…"
Your brothers' eyes widened.
"Your classmate from college?" Steve asked.
You only nodded, feeling your cheeks burn from embarrassment.
"Aww, Y/N, that's so cute," Bucky said, "You guys look really cute together."
You groaned as you covered your burning face with your hands. Steve chuckled as he patted your back. You then looked up at your brothers with a flustered face but daggers in your eyes.
"Swear to me that you will not tell him if he ever comes to visit," you said, "If you do, there will be hell to pay."
"Ooh, what's lil' Y/N/N gonna do?" Bucky teased.
You gave the Winter Soldier a dangerous look, one that Natasha taught you while you were training with her. The look alone made Bucky shut up.
"Message received." he said, feeling his heart sink into his stomach.
You nodded before giving Steve the same look. Captain America held up his hands in defense.
"Noted," Steve said, "We won't tell."
With a nod, you grabbed your phone and left your room. Steve and Bucky glanced at each other and burst into laughter.
"She's adorable." Steve said.
"Well, she's our little sister." Bucky said.
Some months passed, and Simon visited you to hang out with you and your brothers. At the beginning of the afternoon, the four of you played Mario Kart and Poker. As Bucky shuffled the cards for another game, you got up to use the restroom. When you were out of sight, the brothers glanced at your crush.
"So, Simon, what do you think of Y/N?" Steve asked.
"Well, she's a nice girl," Simon said, "Really funny and very passionate about her work. She's kind and strong-willed. I'm guessing she got that from you two, right?"
The super soldiers chuckled at the compliment.
"Well, what if I told you there was a little secret our dear little sister has been keeping from you these past few months." Bucky whispered.
Simon raised a brow with a slight grin. Steve glanced at his friend and shook his head, to which Bucky just winked.
"Oh? And what's that?" Simon asked.
"She's deathly ticklish, especially below her ribs," Bucky said, "If you even poke her there, she'll snort."
Simon's face broke into a surprised smile.
"Shut the hell up, no way." Simon said.
"It's true," Steve said, relieved Bucky didn't say anything else, "If she's ever being a sourpuss or being sassy, give her a quick tickle, and she'll straighten up right away."
Simon hummed in thought with an evil grin.
"I'll keep that in mind." Simon said.
When you came back, the boys all glanced at you with mischief glittering in their eyes.
"Did I miss something?" you asked.
"Oh, nothing, Y/N," Simon said, "Your brothers just told me a very juicy secret."
Your eyes widened before glaring daggers at your brothers. You slammed the table and stood up with anger in your eyes.
When you realized what you said, you quickly covered your mouth.
"Nope, but you did." Bucky said, wearing a shit-eating grin.
Steve turned to his friend, lightly slapped his chest, and shook his head. Simon stared at you with rosy cheeks.
"Y-You like me?" he asked.
Overwhelmed, you let out a sob before running out of the living room to your room, slamming the door behind you.
"Y/N, wait!" Simon said, jogging after you.
Steve groaned before glaring at Bucky.
"Care to explain?" Steve asked.
"Give it time." Bucky said, setting the cards down.
You clutched your head as you paced around your room and sobbed.
"Shit, shit, shit! I'm such a fucking idiot!" you cursed, "Damn, damn, damn!"
You growled before punching your wall, not stopping until you made a dent. You panted and slumped to the ground, letting out a soft sob as you leaned your head against the wall. Then, there was a soft knock at your door.
"Go away…" you sobbed.
"Y/N, it's Simon," your crush said, "Can I come in?"
You breathed out a sigh before humming a yes. When Simon walked into your room, his heart ached when he saw you slumped against the wall on the floor. When the young man sat beside you, silence fell between you.
"Are you okay?" Simon asked, breaking the silence.
You shook your head.
"You really have a crush on me?" Simon asked.
Another beat of silence passed before you nodded your head. Simon chuckled.
"I'm flattered, Y/N," Simon said.
"But you don't reciprocate." you said.
What you said made tears well in your eyes.
"You're flattered but don't reciprocate, do you?" you asked.
The young man sighed before gently turning your face to him.
"I do reciprocate." he said, his cheeks turning red.
Your entire face flushed.
"Y-You do?" you asked.
"I do," Simon said, "I've liked you for a while now, just never knew how to tell you."
What Simon said made you smile. Your smile soon faltered before looking away from him.
"You're only saying that to make me feel better." you said, hugging your knees to your chest.
Simon frowned; he hated seeing you so sad. He breathed out a heavy sigh before turning your face to him again. Then, he placed a loving kiss on your lips. Your eyes widened before they closed blissfully, savoring the kiss. Simon's soft lips made you feel like you were on cloud 9. When you parted, Simon smiled.
"Do you believe me now?" he asked.
You chuckled before kissing Simon again, smiling when you felt his lips curve upward.
"Now I do." you said, breaking the kiss.
Simon smiled before he embraced you in a tight hug. You felt happy tears stream down your cheeks as you returned the gesture, melting in your friend's embrace. When Simon broke the hug, he placed his hands on your shoulders and stared into your eyes.
"I really like you, Y/N," Simon said, his cheeks turning red, "W-Would you… would you be willing… to go out with me?"
The question was so sudden. You felt yourself smile and nod.
"Yes, yes I would!" you said happily.
Simon smiled and hugged you again, and you gladly returned the gesture. Leaning against the doorframe, your brothers smiled at you and Simon.
"That was your plan all along, huh?" Steve questioned.
"Yup," Bucky answered, "And it worked perfectly."
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angelf1re · 6 months
Undercover Care
as a young, broke senior in high school, you take up a babysitting gig, not knowing you’d be babysitting a mafia bosses sons.
Tumblr media
You sighed quietly, looking over the job listings on the website one more time. Most of the jobs wanted people with experience, something you didn’t have, so finding a job was…a little difficult to say the least.
You wanted something simple too, just something to get you off your feet, not some crazy over the top job that drained you more often than not. You ran a hand through your hair, jumping slightly when you got a notification about a new job being posted. You hover your mouse over the listing before clicking.
The notification took a second to load but once it did you started reading. A babysitting gig. You hummed, looking over the details. 3 kids, ages 21, 22, and 16, access to food while working, $8,000 a week, bedroom if need- $8,000 a week!? You blinked, rubbing your eyes to see if they were playing a trick on you. Nope. $8,000 a week. What kind of rich fucker was this guy? $8,000? For three kids? Scratch that, two of them weren’t even kids anymore, and they still needed to be watched?
You looked over the details one more time. “I mean…it’s not a bad option…” you mumbled to yourself, clicking on the contact number. You copied it down into your phone, dialing and calling as soon as you did. You took a deep breath, listening as your phone rang. Tragically, you couldn’t help but hope the guy wouldn’t pick up. Awful, you know. But you were a nervous wreck. You were only 19, so what if he didn’t hire you? What if he wanted someone with experience? Or someone older? What if-
you were cut off by the sound of the phone being picked up. “Hello? Who is this?” The man on the other side asked. “Um, hi. My names Y/n and I was um…looking at the babysitting position?” You winced slightly at how awkward you sounded, although it probably sounded worse over the phone. “Ah yes! I didn’t expect someone to respond so quickly!” The man said cheerfully. “My names Philza Minecraft. It’s lovely to meet you, mate.” He said. You smiled, at least he was a nice guy. “Uh yeah. Nice to meet you too.” You said, feeling a bit less awkward.
“Now, my boys can be…how do I put this…rough. They don’t really like new people, so you will have to win them over. If they don’t see you fit within a month, sadly I would have to let you go.” The man, Philza, explained. You nodded before remembering he couldn’t see you, so you just let out a hum. “First question, how well do you deal with high stress situations?” The question caught you slightly off guard. “I’d say I’m pretty good?” You said, shrugging to yourself. “And what about cooking? Can you cook well?”
You thought to yourself for a second. “Yeah I’m a pretty good cook.” You and your mom used to spend two nights a week learning a new recipe together, you even still have her old cookbook that she gave you before the divorce. “Wonderful! Now, how old are you?” He asked, making you panic slightly. “I-I’m 19, sir.” You said nervously, biting your lip. “Perfect! You’re hired.” Your jaw dropped slightly. That easy? “O-okay. When should I come in?” You asked, getting over the shock quickly. “Come in tomorrow at 9. I’ll have a schedule for you by then. I’ll text you the address.”
You smiled to yourself. “Thank you so much sir.” “Please, call me Phil, mate.” He said, his tone cheerful. “Before you go, what are your boys’ names?” You asked curiously. “Ah, Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy.” He told you. You smiled. “Alright. I can’t wait to meet them tomorrow.” You said happily. “Well it was nice talking to you, but I have got to go to a meeting soon.” He said, the sound of rustling on the other side of the phone. “I understand. Have a good day Phil.” You said, pulling the phone away from your ear as you hung up.
You say there for a second, processing the fact that you, a 19 year old, now had a job. A really, really good paying job. You cheered to yourself, standing up from the chair quickly. “Hell yeah! I’m employed!” You said happily, spinning around a little bit. It took you about 5 minutes to calm down, but excitement was still running through your veins. You had a job now! You smiled to yourself, going to the kitchen to make food before you started getting ready for bed. You made something simple, just some chicken tenders and sweet ‘n sour sauce. You sat down on the couch, placing your plate on your lap and you grabbed the remote, flipping to a random cartoon channel. You ate in peace, going through all the possible outfits you could wear tomorrow.
You say there for a bit, almost just snacking on your now somewhat cold food. Once you finished, you turned the tv off, going to the kitchen to wash your plate before going to bed. You hummed to yourself as you cleaned, still going through all your possible outfits you wanted to look professional but also not too professional, you were only 19 after all. You set the plate on the drying rack and dried your hands, jogging slightly as you went to your room. You quickly changed before going to the bathroom to brush your teeth, looking yourself over in the mirror. After getting fully ready you finally got in bed, the buzz under your skin finally going away. You fell asleep peacefully, excited for tomorrow.
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(This is going to be a series! I’ve had the idea in my mind for a while so I thought it would be nice to write it out!)
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running2reanimation · 2 years
The road home is paved with fire and brimstone.
He’d not realized home far away the children’s nether portal was from his own. The journey started in exhausted silence soon gave way to complaints from his young travelling companion.
“You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.” King winced at how harsh it sounded. The truth was King needed Purple to come because the child was the only thing keeping him moving forward instead of down. But that was something that couldn’t be said aloud.
“I want to! I just wish it was easier, that’s all,” Purple’s assertion faded into a mumble and King could see the boy start to pull into himself.
“Don’t we all?” King sighed, placing a hand on Purple’s shoulder before pressing on, the silence returning with a new bit of tension from words unspoken.
As they neared the bastion King came to the realization that the last leg of this journey was about to become much harder. Without his staff, or Purple’s elytra reaching the portal was going to be quite the climb.
He paused a moment, calculating the most efficient way up without supplies, or if it was even possible to do it without them.
Purple took this opportunity to sit down and rub his feet, “How can you keep going like this? I thought old people were supposed to be tired all the time?”
“I can’t stop. If I did I would never be able to get going again. I’ll stop when it’s over,” But King knew it would never be over, “and I am tired all the time.”
No doubt he looked it, with his wild tangled hair and dark bags and tattered clothes. He could feel the growing ache and started to climb. Purple groaned but followed obediently.
They were making good progress; King could even see the portal in the distance without having to squint too much. He heard Purple make a slight noise of anticipation as the child clearly noticed it too.
And then Purple took of running ahead, before leaping into the air and plummeting straight down.
Fortunately, King caught on to what was about to happen and was right behind Purple, grabbing onto their ankle with one hand and the ledge with the other.
He felt the pain he’d been ignoring screaming as he pulled Purple back up before crawling up himself.
King almost tore into the boy for his recklessness but Purple was already doing an excellent job without King’s help, “Stupid! Stupid! You know you don’t have your elytra! Why else would we be walking, dipstick!?”
King felt his heart twist; whoever taught Purple to think like that would have hell to pay if King ever found them.
He stood - his body’s protests once again being ignored - and offered his hand to help Purple up, “You made a mistake. We are both tired and not thinking straight.”
Purple nodded and mumbled, “I’m pretty sure I’m never thinking straight.”
That earned a bark of laughter from King and they pressed on.
When they finally reached the portal Purple once again charged ahead and by the time King caught up they had already collapsed into the Minecraft bed that had been part of the parkour trap’s testing phase.
Which meant the only available bed was his own, and if wanted to reach it he was going to have to climb the ladder.
He stood in front of it for a long time - and may actually have fallen asleep leaning on it briefly - before reaching up with shaking hands to grasp the first rung and began his very stiff, slow ascent.
As soon as he reached the top he splayed out on the floor and was so tempted to just stop there. Every muscle was pleading for him to, but he was so close.
With something between a wheeze and a groan - and a very ominous crack from his back - he got to his feet once again. He paused for a moment to look out the curtain less window and admired the sunset before making the last few steps to his bed.
He woke with a muffled scream - he didn’t remember the nightmare but he could take a few guesses as to what it may have contained.
It was still dark, if he had to guess it was probably very early morning, around four or five. He still ached but it was bearable again, which meant it was time to make breakfast.
He opened his fridge and winced at how barren it was. A few eggs, probably rotten by now, a third of a carton of definitely expired milk and a bit of salted butter that he wasn’t confident about either. At least the bottle of jam still seemed fine.
The freezer had nothing but microwave dinners, something quick and easy to prep and eat while he worked.
And he was out of coffee and sugar.
Fortunately, there was a 24-hour convenience store within walking distance - a great place to pick up supplies when you’ve lost track of time working on…
He stared at the living room wall before bringing his arm across the chalk drawing he’d drawn and redrawn over the years. He smudged it but he could still clearly make out the reinforced art. It wouldn’t be so easy to wipe away.
He grabbed one of the papers off the wall, flipping it over and writing on the back ‘Gone grocery shopping, be back soon, stay out of trouble - King’ and stuck it to the bottom of the trap door.
A sudden fear gripped him; what if Purple left while he’d been sleeping? He almost dropped down the ladder to make sure Purple was still there but he reined that impulse in before giving way to full-blown panic. Why would Purple have come all this way only to leave?
No. He was going to grab his grocery bag and go and that’s just what he did.
The walk to the store was chilly and quiet save for the occasional predawn birdsong and other than the aches it was pleasant.
The automatic door slid open and the cashier greeted him, and King glanced back at her in recognition.
The cashier, Aqua, was Gold’s best friend growing up and Aqua’s parents were convinced that the two of them would get married someday. King was never as convinced about that.
She’d wanted to go to university in the city, what was she still doing here?
He approached the counter with his armload of basics - he was thinking of making French toast - and Aqua - whose eyes had definitely been on him the whole time he’d been going through the store - gave him a concerned look as she rang him through.
She clearly debated with herself before asking, “Mr. King… Are you… alright?”
“…I’m getting there.”
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