#mine: ssc
emiliosandozsequence · 8 months
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signs (2002) dir. m. night shayamalan
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petuniapolar · 6 months
I love both soy luna and inazuma eleven because yeah, they are media for children but there's also canonical murder
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nostalgicfun · 1 year
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Hopsalot! 🍓
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lancer sketches
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keldermans · 1 year
Voiello my dear you would love this Napoli team
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rodribentancur · 1 year
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triquizzies · 7 months
GMS MBT-01 "Fielding"
GMS has a reputation for being stolid, reliable, and thoroughly uninteresting, and so it is with the MBT-1 ‘Fielding’: a brick on tracks, the monotony of sloped armour plating broken up only by sensors and the jutting phallus of its main gun. Surpassing even the Everest in popularity, what the Fielding loses in maneuverability, grace, and close-quarters capability it makes up for in endurance and firepower. Utilising the same power core as the Everest on a system with a vastly lower power draw, the Fielding is capable of mounting even the heaviest of vehicle-scale weaponry without a hitch, and reaching speeds that can potentially damage the motive systems. [AUX/AUX] [MAIN/AUX] [HEAVY] Traits: Replaceable Parts: While resting, the Fielding can be repaired at a rate of 1 Repair per 1 structure damage, instead of 2 Repairs. Autoloader: [Protocol] 1/round, the Fielding may take 2 Heat and reload 1 Loading weapon. It's A Tank: The Fielding may not mount Melee weapons or perform the Grapple action. It may only move in straight lines, and may not Fly of their own accord. n.b. they may still be counted as flying under the effects of systems such as the Napoleon's Tesseract, but no Black Thumb 1 for you!
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corazondebeskar-reads · 5 months
the art of breaking, part two (coming may 25, 2024)
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the art of breaking, part two: theory of decay
very dark!Joel Miller x f!reader
NOTE: DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT. this fic contains themes of abuse and extremely dark content.
words: 10k
summary: joel knows just how to make you his forever. a sequel to "the art of breaking"
warnings (new warnings in red) and a preview under the cut; reader discretion is advised.
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Warnings: dead dove do not eat, non-con, dub-con, very dark!Joel, BAD bdsm etiquette, not SSC/RACK compliant, sadist!Joel x masochist!reader, coercion, corruption, manipulation, isolation, gaslighting, glory hole, reader gives tommy a blowjob (joel and tommy do not touch), body modification, permanent marking, captivity, sadism, masochism, pain play, extreme punishment, whipping, impact play in general, mentions of vomit (no description), oral, vaginal, degradation, humiliation, Joel sees reader as property, inadequate aftercare, blink and you miss it piss "play," straight up abuse this time guys, overstimulation, forced eating, needles, voyeurism, objectification, human furniture, nipple/clit pumps, this one might be worse than the first idk sorry
Again, I cannot say this enough. This is a dark fantasy and should not be taken as representative of a good d/s relationship—it’s abuse masquerading. Just because I wrote it doesn’t mean I’m condoning it. 
Please read responsibly. 
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“Y’ain’t got nothin’ to be sorry about, baby. I didn’t expect ya to remember. But you’ve been mine for two years now, and you’re still worried I ain’t gonna keep you. But I’ve been thinkin’, and I know how to prove it to you.” 
If this doesn’t convince you, he thinks, nothing will. Never mind that his whole goddamn life revolves around you. Never mind that you’ve worn his collar for the last 731 fuckin’ days. 
You’re busy wondering why he made you suck another man’s cock today if he cares about your anniversary. But then again, you’ve long accepted that what he wants won’t always make sense. It’s not your job to make it make sense. It’s just your job to do it. 
“C’mon, let’s go downstairs,” he says. 
You swallow hard around the sudden fear, and he laughs. 
“What? Had enough yesterday?”
“No, sir,” you say. It’s mostly the truth. Mostly.
😬 see y'all on the 25th
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kompaktcat · 1 year
Sasha here!
CW here for references to hypnosis;
With the recent vibe of robot girls being The Thing on here lately I thought it might be fun to share a related thing of mine that's been an ongoing project for a while. While I have not had the drive or capacity to really work on new updates for it for a long while (I just kinda came out of a bit of a dormancy which does not help), this project was the collision between my enjoyment of machine/robot/pet play, hypno stuff, and a l o v e for prop making that we don't get to indulge nearly enough.
The goal with this was to make something that looked like it was plucked straight out of its universe and plopped into ours, and while not perfect, I'm proud of the work that went into it. It's intended to carry the vibe of an old software manual binder, but in a retro future sorta way.
The other goal was "Imagine if a robot girl had a manual to mess with her firmware" because let's not dance around that.
Please note that within the context of this project, where "System" appears, is meant to convey "operating system," as this project was conceived prior to RealisationsTM
Presenting the Firmware Operator's Manual
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Neofelis Integrated Systems is imagined to be a prominent industry leader in the electronics integration and cybernetics field, that is rumored to dabble in biosynthetics and synthetic intelligence development, but these rumors are unsubstantiated outside of the company. In reality they're a Bit Fucked beneath the surface.
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Opening the cover, numerous post-its are scattered on the interior, to help sell the idea that this manual existed in a real working environment. An extra LOTO tag is included in the manual, Just In CaseTM
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The interior title page mirrors the outer cover, but with some additional information. Numerous pages within this project are also dotted with UV reactive EUrion constellations to depict anti-duplication measures.
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Contents 1/2. The second half won't be shown here because Reasons. EPM here refers to Elevated Permissions Mode -wiggle eyebrows-
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You can't just design and construct synth prototypes without proper regulation. That just won't do. Everything is definitely above board here.
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These pages are just such a vibe. I can't help but add them between sections.
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There are a few graphics that were made and sprinkled into this project to really fuel the software manual vibe. The chassis diagram in the print copy is now out of date, slightly. Also, never miss an opportunity to hide memes in a creative kink project. We like easter eggs.
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Beyond this there's complete sections regarding ethics and safety (some of which is genuinely important SSC/RACK info, because that's important), and the sections containing various hypno commands, which will not be shared openly for obvious reasons. There's also the Error Codes page at the back, full of error codes I really have not bothered to memorise admittedly.
Anyways, that's all to share. Questions are encouraged though!
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emiliosandozsequence · 8 months
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signs (2002) dir. m. night shayamalan
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gorgonfuckerdotnet · 2 months
Isn’t saying ���I’m sure the losers at SCC are hiring’ kinda like saying ‘I’m sure the losers at Lamborghini are hiring’?? They do fancy mechs for rich people don’t they?
// in what world- // buddy if you knew the people i know to pilot SSC // no 1 would never think it's fancy // it's just people who wanna fuck the Metalmark. // "oh we do business with the wealthy" // im an anarchist // my first mech was K-PG // i grew up among [UNGRATEFULS] ffs! // who do you think was mining the materials // for your Lamborghini Huracan of a mech? // all i need is my it/its puppything SCYLLA // my fat vorpal gun // annoying (4 every1 else) amount of reactions // and pure hull upgrades !!! // rich mechs are more fun to destroy
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gee0man · 1 year
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Marigold Sumeragi, another #LancerRPG character of mine that I got away with slipping into official art. Marigold is one of Smith Shimano's premier test pilots and has years of experience putting various untested and dangerous prototypes through their paces.
Her flighty, laidback attitude belies a thrill seeking daredevil. Marigold has a tendency to bring her machines back in dreadful condition, to the consternation of the rest of her team. However the truth is evident; Marigold can draw out the latent potential of any frame.
She'll always find the last 10% that no one else can. She can fight harder, faster, and better in the exact same machine than anyone else. Perfect for testing the absolute limits of SSC's latest designs. Whether it comes back in one piece is another matter though.
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probablygoodrpgideas · 2 months
Ecaz: The first resettled planet, where a group of settlers landed after their 2000 year journey from earth to discover it and other planets had already been settled by other humans but all of those humans had disappeared, alongside earth. The political capital of Union and by far the most populated planet (almost half of the population of Union). The headquarter of GMS is located here
Ungungi: A planet very rich in metals and minerals leading to a massive mining industry and great wealth. Organized into city states.
Manitou: A fertile planet full of life, some of which clearly imported from earth while some might be native or bioengineered. The land is collectively owned and divided into several democratic nations
Wakan Tankan: A planet that was full of abandoned research facilities. All of them have been bought by SSC
Luna: After Earth disappeared, the moon started orbiting the sun instead. It also has 5 blinkgates while all other planets have 1 at most, making it a hub for transport and commerce (and the headquarters of IPS)
Athena: A fully militarized planet owned by Harrison Armory. Pre-union, they had subjugated other planets for supplies, now they rely on trade. They have a weapon that can destroy planets but using it would be expensive enough that it's almost guaranteed to never happen again.
Ahura Mazda: The planet where the first mechs were constructed. It is run by Northstar and its organization resembles a feudal system, with mercenary lords being assigned specific sectors of the planet and the rest of Union where they are allowed to take mercenary contracts.
Tiamat: An ocean planet with artifical islands, some underwater cities, and supermassive ships. They mostly export seafood and salt. Live there is isolating, so the Internet is huge, which, alongside a huge surpolus of energy from geothermal activity, lead to it being the cultural capital of Union and the planet with the highest percentage of HORUS members. The government is run by NHPs but has some human oversight.
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babyhatesreality · 2 years
Omg imagine this:
They have a Polaroid camera and one day she ask if she could take photos of them. They agree and later they find them somewhere special bc they have a special place in her heart and life 🥺💖💓🦄
My heart is melting 😭
I gotchu fam <3
Say Cheese
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x Little f!reader
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Warnings: DDLG (SSC), f! reader, reader is named but name scarcely used, pet names all over the place, fluffity fluff fluff fluff.
"Papa, what dis?"
Steve looked up from his mountain of paperwork. You were standing in front of the shelves in their office, examining all their treasures with your eyes (and not your hands because you were a good girl). He grinned when he recognized your little butt wiggle of excitement as you discovered something you hadn't seen before. He stood up and came over to you.
"That is a polaroid camera, my love," he explained, smiling down at you. "You take pictures with it."
"Where da number buttons on it?"
"It's not like my phone or Daddy's phone- this camera doesn't have number buttons."
"It DOESN'T?" you breathed in wonder. "Is dis from the old times?!" you followed up excitedly. You loved anything from 'the old times'.
Steve chuckled. "Yup, but this wasn't mine or Daddy's. We bought this at an antique store. Daddy and I...weren't around when this was invented," he said, side stepping the details. "But we thought it was pretty cool, right?"
"Right! SO cool!"
"You want to hold it?" he asked, as you were practically vibrating with excitement and he knew you were just dying to touch it.
"What do you say, baby?"
Steve laughed at your exuberance. "That's my good girl. Be careful now," he said, picking up the old camera and putting it carefully into your hands. You held it like it was a Faberge Egg, your eyes wide with wonder. You gently pivoted it in your hands, examining it from every angle that you could. Steve couldn't help but smile at your absolute laser-like focus as you took in everything about this cool, new thing from the old times.
"You wanna have your picture taken?" he asked gently after a moment. You just turned to him in hushed astonishment, then nodded vigorously. You wanted to jump up and down but you had to be very careful with Papa's treasure. Papa took the camera from you, flipped it around, leaned down, and looked through the small lens window. "Say cheese!"
Papa snapped the photo, then held out the camera to you. He grinned again as you tilted your head adorably, confused by the whirring sounds coming from the camera. You stepped back a bit as the photo started to emerge-you hadn't been expecting that- but once you understood what was happening, you gasped and rushed forward to examine it more closely.
Steve plucked the finished photo from the camera and shook it a couple times. "Wha you doin' dat for, Papa?" you asked, your curiosity insatiable. Steve stopped for a moment, looked at the photo, then shrugged.
"I'm not actually sure, Little One," he said. "I think it helps the photo develop faster." After another moment of shaking, he handed it to you. "Here you go, angel. What do you think?"
You were absolutely gobsmacked. This was so much cooler than you'd ever dreamed. After about five seconds of worshipful silence, however, you turned and yelled down the hallway. "DADDY!!!!"
"Hey, inside voices, baby. You know better than to yell like that," Steve scolded, which was promptly forgotten by you the second Bucky screeched to a halt in the doorway.
"What's wrong?!" he asked, breathing hard at his mad dash across the apartment. He scanned the room for intruders, blood, weapons. Seeing nothing but Steve facepalming and you jumping up and down excitedly, he was confused.
"Daddy, lookit!" you said, thrusting the photo under his nose. "We gotta take pictures together!"
"Trouble," he said sternly. "What have we told you about yelling like that?"
Instantly contrite, you looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Not ta do dat," you said meekly, biting your lips. "Sowwy Daddy, sowwy Papa. I got too excited. AGAIN." You sighed dramatically.
Bucky shook his head, trying to suppress his grin at your cuteness. Steve gave him a look that was also clearly trying to hide his smile. "We can't laugh," Steve muttered to his husband. "Don't encourage her." Both men took a second to compose themselves, before turning back to you, their eyes twinkling.
"Alright, Trouble, you're forgiven," Bucky said, ruffling your hair. "Now tell me all about these pictures."
The three of your spent the next hour doing an impromptu family photo shoot that included a lot of silly poses, a lot of cheek kisses, and tons of laughter.
About two weeks later, after they'd tucked you into bed and you were fast asleep, they were tiptoeing out of your room, when something caught Steve's eye. He gently tapped Bucky's arm and pointed. With the stealth of two super soldiers, they snuck back to the pile of "dragon" treasure you had made last week and refused to disassemble. Steve pulled on a corner of the thing he noticed at the bottom of the pile. Sure enough, it was one of the photos that all three of you were in from your polaroid fun day.
Bucky carefully moved one of your stuffed animals out of the way, revealing even more of the photos.
Both of their hearts swelled as they realized you had kept them both safe in the pile of your greatest treasures.
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rodribentancur · 1 year
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triquizzies · 5 months
Two Tanks, for Lancer
The IPS-N Götz:
The Götz originates in the heavy tracked haulers of planetoid miners. The advantages of the haulers over the standard frames - lifting and towing capacity, reliability, and relative simplicity - carry over to their mil-spec descendant. The Götz is a brutally efficient siege vehicle, capable of creating and occupying space no matter the battlefield. Heavily armoured and aggressive, the Götz is typically shipped with a mixture of close-range point-defence weaponry and superheavy mining lasers able to reduce any fortification to ash and slag.
The SSC Featherwing CRV-C:
The Featherwing is the hidden gem of Smith-Shimano’s BELLA CIAO mil-spec line. Fully amphibious and CBRNV-sealed, the Featherwing is capable of operating in grueling conditions for extended periods without any loss of efficiency. Its proprietary linking interface allows the pilot to drive, navigate, fight, and manage drone swarms as effectively as a full team, turning that lone pilot into a one-man reconnaissance screen.  What the Featherwing sacrifices in tactical maneuverability, it more than makes up for in operational mobility and self-sufficiency. Compared to the Swallowtail it can mount heavier weaponry, navigate rougher terrain at greater speeds, and keep its pilot alive in hostile environs for up to 32% longer.
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