#mine: nora and alejandro
forbescaroline · 2 years
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 198. nora grace and alejandro beltran - skam espana “Nora, you have always had such a clear head, and I don’t know anything. But I do know that I want to be back together with you. but I need to know what you think. It’s only been a week, what could have happened that made you get over me?”
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roseharpermaxwell · 9 months
RWRB FirstPrince AU Recs - Part One
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I'm such a fan of an AU, and I love how many there are in FirstPrince. Any situation you can put Alex and Henry in, I'm here for it.
Here are many of my favorites so far, up to 10k words. Give the authors some love and let me know if you find something you adore!
like a goddamn angel by @coffeecatsme. G, 1k. If it wasn’t for the hot blonde standing just inside the Red Cross vehicle, Alex doubts he would’ve even signed up to donate blood in the first place.
Alex decides to donate blood despite being squeamish, and Henry takes care of him.
take a picture (it’ll last longer) by @whimsymanaged. M, 1.4k. Alex’s physiotherapist tells him to start doing yoga, and it’s driving Henry up the wall.
Drummers Do It Better by @everwitch-magiks. M, 1.4k. "Drummers," Alex starts, hitting his drumsticks against the table for optimal effect, "are little sluts."
Nora snorts. "Are you sure you wanna make that claim about yourself, Alejandro?"
"Respect my authority on this subject," Alex says, with the conviction of someone who did in fact enjoy blowjobs in the bathroom less than half an hour earlier. Case in point. "For every idiot who wants to start a band, there's one tenth of a drummer. Which is why you have your guitarists and bass players talking about 'their band' — singular — while drummers talk about their gigs. Drummers don't play in one band, we play with whoever sounds hottest at the moment. So you don’t marry the drummer — they'll be out of your bed and on their way to bang someone else's hi-hat before you've caught your breath."
Or: Alex has some strong opinions during a riveting round of 'Fuck, Marry, Kill.' Unbeknownst to him, Henry is also in a band.
took you long enough by coffeecatsme. G, 1.5k. Alex is, as much as Henry wishes differently, very much straight, and wouldn’t think twice about curling in his best friend’s bed if he needed to shut his eyes for a bit. It doesn’t mean anything. And yet Henry can’t take his eyes off of Alex, hopelessly wishing he slip next to Alex and take him in his arms.
Henry finds Alex asleep in his bed. Cuddling ensues.
sparks fly by rizcriz. T, 1.6k. Alex smiles, glancing down at the maroon suit Nora had helped him pick out, feeling a little proud of himself. And, as he does most every time he’s in Henry’s vicinity, he almost immediately completely forgets the camera and crowd watching him in order to give Henry all his attention as he looks back up. “I’m touched,” He says, bringing his free hand to his heart, and reminding himself to speak into the microphone in his other hand. “You remembered me,” he says, as if this is his first interview with this particular musician.
It’s not. Though, when he thinks back on it, even the first interview hadn’t felt like the first.
And if the internet's response to that interview were anything to go by, they didn’t think it did, either.
or, Pop star Henry and red carpet correspondent Alex.
like it’s patrón by @hypnostheory. E, 1.8k. Henry points his gun back at the target, his left hand closing around his right on the handle. Behind him, Alexander clicks his tongue.
“Nah sweet thing, that’s gonna make the recoil hit harder,” Alexander says, reaching around Henry to adjust his grip. He leaves Henry’s right arm straight, but bends the left one in slightly, so it’s supporting but not holding the full weight of the gun. It puts the sight right in line with Henry’s dominant eye. “Put your left leg forward, right leg back against mine.”
Henry shifts his legs as instructed, which presses the two of them together from Henry’s back to his ankle. Alexander hooks his chin over Henry’s shoulder with a wicked little grin Henry can only catch out of the corner of his eye. “Take the shot.”
Henry meets Alexander at a gun range, but it’s not the first time they’ve met. Alex calls in a raincheck.
the odds are never in your favor by coffeecatsme. T, 1.9k. “Love,” Henry whispers—that pet name, it’s that stupid pet name that made Alex forget the reality of the Games—and Alex knows the words before he even utters them. “I don’t think they’ll allow both of us to live.”
The ending of the first Hunger Games book, but with Alex and Henry.
Aftercare by whimsymanaged. M, 2k. When Alex has an intense hookup without aftercare, he finds himself on his best friend Henry’s doorstep in desperate need of looking after.
Getting Clinical by @cha-melodius. T, 2k. “So, come here often?” Alex tries to joke, only to realize too late the implications behind asking such a question in a sexual health clinic. He grimaces, hard. “Fuck, I didn’t mean— you don’t have to answer that. I was just— trying to make it not awkward.”
To his relief, Blue Eyes just looks amused. “And made it exceedingly awkward instead?”
(Or: Alex, Henry & a meet-cute at the STI clinic)
you're calling me? by coffeecatsme. T, 2k. “As I was saying.” Nora claps her hands together. “I have an idea. Spin the bottle, but instead of truth or dare or seven minutes in heaven or whatever, whoever it lands on has to call their crush right now and confess.”
Alex’s heart drops somewhere in below his stomach. “Wait a fucking minute.”
Or, Nora proposes a drinking game, and Alex suddenly has to come to terms with his feelings for his best friends.
for you i'd ruin myself (a million little times) by coffeecatsme. E, 2.2k. Bright eyes meet Henry's, and impossibly there’s a grin playing on the man’s lips, amusement where there should be disgust behind the brown irises. “Will I be arrested if I sneak their prince off to my room?” he asks, head tilted to the side.
Or, Henry meets Alex one fateful night in Texas during his tour in the U.S.
voir dire. by @chaa-kiao. T, 2.2k. Henry Fox had the Heimlich maneuver perfected long before he got his job as a teacher. Along with cardiopulmonary resuscitation. He also never leaves the house without his phone, lest he need to call an emergency number. Generally, he isn’t so overstrung about things.  Of course, generally, he doesn’t have other people’s lives in his hands.
When his soulmate knocks on death’s door, it’s more than likely Henry will be the one answering.
doctor doctor, i'm at death's door! by dearestalez. T, 2.3k. “How did this even happen?”
“Dropped a knife.”
Henry sighed deeply, “you’re the smartest and stupidest man I know.”
“Hey,” Alex grinned, “you married me.”
Henry finally pulled back, their faces inches apart. His smile was tired but loving all the same.
Alex accidentally injures himself and decides to hide it from his doctor husband Henry because surely, that’s the smartest thing to do in that situation.
Sunkissed by everwitch. T, 2.5k. It's been a long summer of being completely ignored by one Henry Fox, the blue-eyed boy who's been deliberately avoiding Alex ever since the first day of camp. When Alex finally confronts Henry, the last thing he expects is to find that Henry isn't nearly as stoic and unfeeling as he's always seemed. As the two form an unexpected connection, it remains to be seen if this sudden spark between them will last beyond the summer sun. After all, they've spent no more than a few hours together. It's not like they'll still be on each other's mind, after they've gone back home. Right?
the best intentions by @smc-27. G, 2.5k. He sees the flyer when he’s in town picking up the fabric and books June wanted from the market.
Once a year. On the prince’s birthday. The chance for his one true love to rescue him from the tower. A cash prize to go along with the prince’s hand in marriage. The title of Prince Consort and a palace of their own.
Alex knows himself. He knows how people are with him. He’s made people fall in love with him without even trying for it. He’s had to break hearts since he was 15 and Charlotte Marks told her father she was going to marry Alex. He can get some cloistered prince on board.
how do you want me? by rizcriz. T, 2.5k. “Christ,” Henry curses quietly, lowering the camera. “You’re beautiful.”
Kneeling on the bed, his ankles crossed behind him, a hand tucked into his briefs, the other carefully weaved through his hair, is Bea’s friend Alex. The light sits on his skin, a delicate shadow of eyelashes fan over his cheeks, and when Henry speaks, he opens his eyes and looks at him from beneath those eyelashes, a careful smirk slipping over his lips. He doesn’t move from the pose, though, as he says, “You’re not so bad yourself, sweetheart.”
Or Henry’s in over his head.
The Perils of Desk Building by @hillerskas. NR, 2.6.k
Are you planning on getting any work done in your specifically rented office space? Fabulous, as am I.
The thing about an absurd amount of noise is that it can be incredibly distracting.
Henry (2A)
When I want sincerity by @clottedcreamfudge. M, 2.6k. Alex always aces his interviews – he's never not been offered a job after an interview, and he's had a fair fucking few of them. He's not a bullshitter, either – he really tries. He learns about the company, asks engaging questions, gives thoughtful answers. He's a fucking delight.
This one shouldn't be any different. (It is.)
Total Collapse by clottedcreamfudge. T, 2.6k. Henry hates him. This is an immutable fact. So, when they'd been arguing in the third floor break room and the world had started to shake, the last thing Alex had expected was to be saved from a hefty chunk of falling ceiling as it cracked and fractured above them.
break up with your girlfriend (cause i’m bored) by fxckingeyelashes. E, 3k. the one where Alex and Nora are Henry’s new coworkers, but Henry is mistaken and jealous.
Gym Buddies by @omgcmere. E, 3k. "I'm Henry," the guy offers. Alex pushes up one rep, then another. The blood is rushing to his face as he powers through more, and seems to be rushing elsewhere as well, because there's undeniable arousal pooling in his groin from the exertion. He struggles slightly for a moment, then, and instead of taking over like Alex expects, his new best friend Henry starts—talking. "That's good, so good. Perfect, can you give me another?"
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Sweat pours down Alex's forehead as he pushes the bar back up off his chest.
"Beautiful, just beautiful. So good for me. There you are, love." Henry helps Alex settle the bar back on the rack, and Alex exhales in a rush, his heart thudding almost painfully against his chest. Fuck.
PUMP Gym is notorious for gay guys cruising, and Alex wants to hook up.
Tracing constellations by clottedcreamfudge. E, 3.1k. When Henry had mentioned he was going to be in a charity calendar, Alex hadn't really thought much of it. He'd said it casually enough that there hadn't really been any necessary follow-up questions; calendars don't exactly whip Alex into a frenzy, as a rule.
Two months later, Bea sends him an innocuous link, complete with a winky face, and Alex clicks on it without question.
And promptly loses his fucking mind.
diamonds are forever by rizcriz.T, 3.1k. Henry shakes his head. “James Bond is fictional.”
Alex raises his eyebrows. “But . . . ?”
Gaze slipping to the ceiling, Henry nods once. “It is not . . .” He says, making a face as his eyes meet Alex’s again. “Dissimilar to James Bond.”
Alex nods. “So . . .” He trails off, the information still processing. It’s a bit like his mind is buffering as he makes sense of it. It’s so little information, yet so much all at once. Like someone’s thrown an encyclopedia at his head and given him a cliff notes explanation expecting him to know it word for word. “That would mean—I’m dating James Bond?” He blinks, sitting up straight. “Oh my god,” he exclaims with sudden realization. “I’m a Bond Girl.” 
Love At First Bark by everwitch. G, 3.2k. “I still don’t know your name, do I?”
Henry watches Alex where he’s crouched down in front of David and gently scratching David below his chin. David absolutely loves Alex. Henry can relate.
“It’s David,” Henry supplies.
“Cool,” Alex says. “And what’s the dog’s name?”
Henry blinks at him. “... David?”
“What?” Alex exclaims. He looks from David to Henry and then back at David again. “Wow, okay, that is a choice.”
Henry wants to sink through the earth and never come back up again.
i wouldn't stop for red lights by matherine. E, 3.3k. There are flowers on Henry’s desk when he comes into work. They’re pretty, really – chosen by someone who knows him, because there are hydrangeas and white roses and daffodils, and certainly not enough baby’s breath for the bouquet to have been cheap. Not that Henry would make assumptions, nor that he’s the sort of person that would look up the cost of a gift, but he knows who put it here. Even before he looks at the little card attached to a rose’s stem, he knows, because he gets flowers every April 15th.
dinner and a show by rizcriz. T, 3.4k. For the first time since he walked out onto the soundstage, he eases into his chair, and nods, genuine comfort seeping into his bones. “Now it’s getting interesting,” he says, motioning towards the monitor with a grin.
He doesn't even think about his answer, either. Eyes flicking over Prince Henry’s features. He smiles slow and interested, and very carefully says, “Smash. Definitely smash.” And to send the point home and reiterate just how fucking bisexual he is, no matter how hard people try to bury it, he turns to the camera, and says, “Name a time and place and I’m there.”
Or, a game of smash or pass changes two lives irrevocably.
The Beginner’s Guide to Floriography by @harrysglasses. G, 3.4k. Henry owns a flower shop. Alex is a frequent customer with a very busy love life.
home by rizcriz. T, 3.4k. For a moment he fears Henry’s been outed against his will somehow, but he scrolls down to find a video clip. Unable to trust himself to watch the video, he scrolls a little further to read the transcript.
He learns that Henry had come out during a ribbon cutting, of all things. He’d stood in front of a crowd of a couple hundred people gathered for the opening of a new youth shelter, and he’d told his truth. Alex is tempted to watch the video, to examine his body language to see if it was planned or not, but he reads further and one sentence stands out to tell him it wasn’t.
There is no comment yet from Buckingham Palace.
or, six months after Henry rejected Alex at Kensington Palace.
sweet like candy by @indomitable-love. T, 3.5k. Alex is going to kill Nora.
A 68.9% chance he wasn’t going to fall and break his leg, his ass.
And now he has recovery from one minor surgery, a mountain of medical debt, and a story that Alex will be hearing about every holiday, birthday and other family occasion for the rest of his goddamn life to look forward to.
Alex shouldn’t have let Nora goad him on. But he was restless, and he did. He can’t be too mad though, not when his own stupidity led to him meeting Henry.
call it what you want to by rizcriz. T, 3.8k. It’s.
Not a secret, exactly.
It’s just, time fucking flies when you’re having fun and before anyone knows it you’re six months deep in a relationship that feels like its going to stand the test of time and neither you nor your boyfriend know how to sit down your friends and family and tell them the truth. And, okay, this is kind of their faults, in a way, because they had agreed to test the limits of their relationship in the privacy of their apartment and never really in front of anyone else—
Okay, fuck, maybe it is a secret. 
A different kind of Crown Court by clottedcreamfudge. E, 4k. Henry doesn't even really want to be courted, is the thing; the freedom to be himself is absolutely lovely, and he wouldn't give it up for anything, but the idea of marrying a single one of the obsequious, boring, or downright strange men he's come across so far fills him with dread. Why can't he just be himself for a while? Why can't he just… Well, not play the field exactly, but—
Actually, yes. That's exactly what he wants to do.
I Miss You Exceptionally by ronans. NR, 4.2k. Alex’s jaw clenches more and more tightly as he catches Henry’s name floating around in various strangers’ conversations. It’s not a surprise, obviously, but it doesn’t really sit well.
‘I can hear your teeth cracking,’ Nora says, shoving his arm.
‘I’m sorry if I’m not exactly thrilled that my ears are getting railed by the name of the guy who flew across an ocean to avoid me.’
‘I thought you were into that.’
Or, Alex Claremont-Diaz has been blanked for five years after kissing his college roommate, when said college roommate writes perhaps the most devastating novel Alex has never read.
kitchen confidential by @dumbpeachjuice. T, 4.3k. The NDA is approximately a mile long.
“Jesus fuck,” Alex splutters. “What, is their favourite film The Menu or something? Am I gonna come out of this one alive?”
Or, the one where Alex is hired to cater a private dinner party for Prince Henry and his friends, and it does not go as he expects.
Sleep With Me by HMS_Chill. G, 4.3k. Ever since high school, Alex has been falling asleep to the same podcast: Sleep With Me, where a British man named Tilney tells rambling bedtime stories and gives positive affirmations. But after they're outed, the podcast goes quiet, and Tilney may be closer than Alex thinks.
dad of honour by stutteringpeach. G, 4.6k. Henry and Alex are getting married. Arthur knows just what to do.
in need of assistance by stutteringpeach. G, 4.6k. Henry has a crush on Alex. Arthur can tell.
9 to 5 by smc-27. T, 4.7k. Henry is Alex’s favourite colleague. By a fucking country mile, to be honest. He’s intensely competent, has an insane memory for process and policy, and is kind to everyone.
Also? He’s fucking pretty, and Alex might be new to bisexuality, but he’s not that new. He knows what he likes, and what he likes are men with pretty eyes and kind smiles and nice cheekbones and English accents.
Other men, too, but like. Be serious. Henry’s top of the list.
Unfortunately, Henry lives in London. Alex lives in New York City. They work closely together and meet once a week, if not more, and Slack one another almost every day. Alex is on the legal team, and Henry is in business operations, and the second Alex met Henry for the first time, he knew he was truly fucked.
the love of my life, forever by coffeecatsme. T, 4.8k. “So,” the host of the talk show starts, eyes glimmering with excitement as he gazes at Alex over the desk, “your new single. I think anyone here would agree that it felt like a death by a thousand cuts, listening to those lyrics. If you don’t mind me asking… There’s been a lot of speculation online about who the song is about.”
Alex flips his curls to the other side, trying not to smile. “Uh huh.”
Or, 5 times the media speculates Alex is dating someone else and 1 time they realize he's been with Henry all this time.
when you know, you know by vibrantsaturn. T, 4.9k. With shaky hands, Henry pulls out the ring from the box, looking at Alex with tearful eyes that he adores so much. Asks, "Alex, darling, will you marry me?"
Alex lets out a watery laugh, swiping an arm across his face to get rid of the rapidly falling tears. He kneels down to cup Henry's face and brushes his thumbs across his cheekbones softly.
"Baby. Don't you remember?" Alex whispers, leaning their foreheads together. "We're already married."
Alex "marries" his best friend when he's six-years-old. It just takes some time for them to fall in love, but they get there.
for you, i'd set the world on fire by softcinnamonroll. T, 5k. Alex was four years old when he first witnessed love in person. He was out for lunch with his abuela and June, munching on a cheese sandwich when a couple sitting a few tables over from them caught his eye. It was a young couple, around his mommy and daddy’s age, and they were holding hands and feeding each other spoonfuls of their dessert.
[or Alex just really wants to fall in love]
Burnin' Through The Sky by @cricketnationrise. E, 5k. This whole thing is Nora’s fault, actually, and he will hold this against her for the rest of their natural lives. Possibly into the next. His personal life is fine. It’s possible he was whining about not having dated anyone since his last boyfriend, but this event is so clearly not going to fix that problem.
Or: Alex wasn’t expecting to meet anyone at speed dating, let alone anyone like Henry.
Library Requests by M0ssPiglet. T, 5.5k. “You read anything good recently?”
“I’m currently re-reading Pride and Prejudice?” Henry offers, and phrases it as a question because he’s a dimwit.
“Ya, that checks out,” Alex says, cocking an eyebrow. “But I’m looking for something that’s, I dunno, actually fun. You got any recommendations?”
Alex gives him a smile, like this is just the kind of thing you ask a librarian. Henry supposes that actually, it probably is.
“Right, well, I can probably help with that too.” Henry grabs another scrap of paper, scribbles down The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue and pushes it over to Alex. “Since you seem like the kind of person who thrives on debauchery and general lawlessness.”
A 5 +1 where Henry’s a librarian who flirts via book recommendation, and one time Alex flirts back.
Little Talks by harrysglasses. G, 5.7k. “Tío, Mr Fox likes you.”
“What?” Alex’s heart skips a beat, a forkful of spaghetti halfway up to his mouth.
“Oh my god, Alex,” June hisses, “Have you been F-L-I-R-T-I-N-G with my daughter’s teacher.”
Alex is roped into doing the school run for his niece while crashing at June and Nora’s house for the summer. He stops bitching about it once he meets the teacher, Mr Fox.
before the first light by @dumbpeachjuice. T, 5.7k. “I don’t feel anyone. And I’m not going to feel anyone. Because I don’t have a soulmate.”
Alex looks confused. “What? Everyone has a—“
“I don’t have a soulmate,” Henry tells him with a sigh, “because I don’t have a soul.”
just give me a minute by smc_27. T, 5.8k. Alex isn’t obsessed.
He just thinks Henry is fucking beautiful and perfect and smart and so, so talented. He just thinks Henry’s fingers look gorgeous on his piano. He just thinks they like the same things and have similar opinions. And he just thinks if they could be in the same place at the same time, they might like, have something.
Okay, he’s a little obsessed.
Or: Alex is trying to be a GROUPIE here, but his kindness keeps getting in the way.
All for a Taste of the Honey by chamel. E, 5.9k. “So you’re telling me you’re not in favor of this plan,” Henry says eventually.
“No, I’m fucking not,” Alex huffs, glaring at him. “It’s stupid and dangerous and unnecessary.”
Henry cocks one perfect eyebrow at him. “You have another idea for how to get access to the room where he does his deals? The one that only ever admits Vega, his associates, and the strippers who entertain them?”
(Or, an FBI agent!Stripper!Henry fic. Henry goes undercover at a strip club, and Alex has a lot of feelings about that.)
In the Dog Days by chamel. T, 6.1k. Henry had been so excited when he’d announced it to their little group, gathered one evening at the pub, that David was going to be coming over to the States. He’d gone on and on—an impossibly soft look in his eyes—about how much he missed him, and how great it would be to finally have him here, and how everyone would love him.
Alex has his doubts. He’s not jealous, because that would be absurd. Henry’s one of his best friends. It’s not— It’s not like that between them. He’s happy for Henry, truly.
He just doesn’t understand why Henry wouldn’t previously have mentioned that his boyfriend is a fucking shapeshifter.
(Alex isn’t exactly thrilled to meet Henry’s boyfriend David—obviously a shapeshifter—but what really bothers him is the fact that David refuses to show his human face.)
heartbeats under coats by HypnosTheory. E, 6.1k. Alex, a DC lawyer on his way back from a work trip, is stranded in New York after a freak blizzard grounds all flights. He gets the last available hotel room on the island, but a freak error means the room is double booked. Unwilling to leave the other stranded, both men agree to share the room and wait out the blizzard together.
Want you BRIMNESxt to me by clottedcreamfudge. E, 6.2k. "On the bright side," Henry continues, still smiling slightly, "the staff and any stranded customers have been given permission to do the one thing every IKEA employee dreams of being able to do."
Alex thinks that the one thing this IKEA employee dreams of being able to do would probably get him fired, so he just raises his eyebrows in question until Henry elaborates.
"We can stay over in the showroom beds, Alex. That's what we've been given permission to do."
So begins The Great IKEA Blackout Sleepover of 2021.
(i would stay forever if you say) don't go by coffeecatsme. T, 6.3k. The words echo in his head, unbidden. The words from another life, practically another universe, shoved inside the small walls of a gilded cage, hidden in a room in London with shuttered windows and locked doors. A boy’s voice Henry still remembers ten years later, when he doesn’t quite remember what he had for lunch the day before. A boy’s voice on a phone that understood him better than every member of his family, even an ocean, a continent, three thousand miles away.
A boy’s voice that told him in no uncertain terms that it was okay if he wasn’t okay, that allowed him to pave a path until he was.
To open a new shelter in New York City, Henry needs to interview a host of potential lawyers to hire. He doesn't expect one of them to be the boy that saved his life ten years ago.
Turnabout's Fair Play by clottedcreamfudge. E, 6.5k. He manages to get a couple of hours' sleep – after working himself into a rage that works wonderfully at burning through all the caffeine and adrenaline – and pretends to still be asleep the entire time Liam's up and getting ready for work.
And cheating. Work and cheating. Because those texts were from yesterday and Liam said tomorrow, which is... Today. Cool. Liam's putting on his shoes by the front door and fucking off to cheat on Alex after five years of being together, and that's totally fine. Alex has gone past upset and straight through to vengeful.
shake it loose together by stutteringpeach. E, 6.5k. Alex is in the corner of his sister’s bachelorette party sporting the most confused boner of his life.
“Buckle up, cowpeople!” one of the strippers is yelling. He’s wearing nothing but a neon pink thong and suspenders. “It’s time to see how well you can ride the bucking bronco!”
‘Pony’ comes on, because of course it fucking does, there are strippers at this party. It’s basically written into the constitution at this point—where there are strippers, thou shalt play Ginuwine. Fucking Channing Tatum and his ridiculously chiseled abs.
Love is Thai food and crepe paper by clottedcreamfudge. T, 6.5k. "Jennifer says, 'love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs'," Henry says, just as the microwave goes 'ding' in an annoyingly accusatory way. Alex glares at it. He's not in love with Henry; they're just goddamn arepas.
Have You Tried Turning it Off and On Again? by clottedcreamfudge. E, 6.6k. It’s been a month and Henry’s absolutely not making up IT issues to call a stranger who lives on the other side of a vast ocean, except that he’s doing precisely that. He’s managed to figure out that Gabriel is five hours behind him, but that doesn’t narrow things down particularly well, even in a country with multiple time zones.
Not that he’s trying to narrow it down. It’s dangerous enough feeling this connected to someone whose voice is an octave or two lower than the crown would allow, let alone when-
Well, when his heart belongs completely and irrevocably to someone else already. He’s already gone and handed it to someone he can’t have and who doesn’t even bloody want him back, so maybe that’s why this whole thing is so compelling to him. He can’t give his heart away twice, can he? Not when Alex Claremont-Diaz is already holding it in his hands, whether he knows it or not.
Foreign Bodies by clottedcreamfudge. E, 6.7k. “We both know it's not a doctor you need,” Henry says, sharp and beautiful, hands hovering just in front of him like he wants to touch Alex, but knows exactly how it would be received; like he knows Alex would burst into fucking flames at the first brush of his fingertips.
Three hours ago, Alex had been quite happy to live without being burned. Now, he thinks he'd pay for the privilege.
You Know the Rules by clottedcreamfudge. E, 6.7k. "Understood," Bea says seriously, eyes on the screen. "Loud and clear. You're terrified of commitment."
"And you think that it's your erotic fiction driving men away, when in fact it's your lack of desire to connect with anyone," Bea continues, drowning out Henry's loud protestations. "It's clear to me now. Victor could have ditched the candles and bought you that antique writing set you wanted and it would never have been enough for you because you didn't want to be seen."
Rendered silent by his own confusion and Bea's profound wrongness, Henry stares at her for a good few minutes before he manages to find his voice. "What utter bollocks."
Kind of a weird question by @gallifrey1sburning. T, 6.9k. “You’re so sure?” Nora asked, and the glint in her eyes told Alex, very clearly, that nothing good was going to come from this. So, of course, he doubled down.
“100%. Photoshoot, performance art, whatever, I don’t care. That is not just some guy hanging out on the High Line looking like he just… I don’t know, wandered off of some beach in England where he was staring moodily out to sea waiting for his lost love or some shit. There’s no way.”
“Fifty bucks says you’re wrong.”
“And how the fuck do you intend to settle that bet?”
“Easy. You go ask him.”
I fall to pieces when I'm with you by viciouslyqueer. E, 6.9k. If once is an accident, and twice is a coincidence, when it happens a third time Henry really starts to think about it.
Three times Alex doesn't want Henry to touch him and one time he understands why.
Red, White & Royal Goose by fairestfaerie. T, 7k. Happy Gooseday Alex Claremont-Diaz!
Or, the First Prince soulmate goose AU that literally no one asked for.
Original prompt: soulmate au where one person finds a goose who leads them to the other person. the difficulty comes in not being mauled by a goose
i open my eyes and i see that it's you by weather_stained. T, 7.2k. Henry plans to spend the week relaxing at Lake LBJ with Bea and David, but he doesn't anticipate the near-drowning, the concussion, or the beautiful stranger who quickly endears himself to Henry—after nearly killing him, that is. Who needs relaxation when you have Alex Claremont-Diaz in your life?
who ya gonna call? by @anincompletelist. M, 7.2k. Henry is a ghostwriter. Alex is a little confused on what exactly that means.
Chasing Butterflies by quill_and_ink. E, 7.3k. "'Hey, how's it going? Nice weather today, yeah? Cute dog, what's his name? Quick question for you - d'you wanna choke me with your dick?'"
Piss-up in a brewery by clottedcreamfudge. E, 7.3k. "I hate this," Alex says, not for the first time, and Henry covers his face with his hands.
"Yes," he says, a little muffled, "that's coming across."
"It's not, like, personal," Alex clarifies, even though it fucking is. "I just don't really like sleeping with other people. I mean, sleeping in beds with other people. I like having sex-"
"Yes, alright," Henry says peevishly, not moving his hands at all. "You needn't extol further on your love of intercourse."
"Who the fuck talks like that?"
Sit. Down. Please Stay. by @historicallysam. T, 7.5k. Alex adopts a dog he found abandoned on the side of the road. She's nervous and he wants to make sure he knows how to give her the best life possible. Enter Henry Fox and his beagle David.
Can't Buy Me Love by @everwitch-magiks. M, 7.6k. Alex is a high end escort. Henry is his wealthiest client. He's also a total asshole, which Alex has zero patience for. He'd never let a client walk all over him like that, not even one with striking features and an air of firm authority that Alex has to keep reminding himself he’s not attracted to. But over time, Alex learns there's more to Henry than fiery insults and cruel dismissal. So much more. Alex is in so much fucking trouble.
He should end things with Henry before he gets burned.
(He couldn't end things with Henry if he got paid for it.)
Class(room) Warfare by chamel. M, 7.7k. “So what you’re telling me is that you’ve begun some kind of weird aggressive mating ritual with an English professor,” Nora says around obscenely large bites of her burrito.
“How the fuck—” Alex splutters, because he honestly has no clue how she came to that conclusion. “We’re not flirting. We’re at war.”
(It starts with a polite request to erase the whiteboards at the end of class. It gets a lot more ridiculous before it ends.)
it’s (not) the end of the world as we know it by viciouslyqueer. T, 7.8k.
June is saying something. He can’t hear her – or anything else for that matter. It’s like his brain decided to shut down and not comprehend anything in front of him.
The only thing he’s aware of is a thought at the back of his mind, hitting him with such force it’s all he can focus on – no matter how much it makes his knees give out under him, how his heart feels like it’s being ripped out of his chest and stabbed repeatedly with a sharp knife, cut into a thousand pieces with no possible repair.
Henry is in New York.
Actors Alex Claremont-Diaz and Henry Fox meet on the set of ‘Roses, Wisteria, and Royal Bluebells’, and stay friends after filming is over. When a catastrophe happens that tips Alex's world off its axis, he realizes just how deep his feelings for Henry run.
Dr. Dickhead series by cmere. E, 8k. Alex doesn't really understand why boring and pretentious Professor Henry Fox volunteers to help out at his students' events every semester, but he needs all the help he can get, so he's just gonna have to put up with him.
Blooming Lovely by Celaestis. T, 8.1k. "Yes, but we all know she hates chocolate. I feel like it's harder to say a big passive-aggressive 'fuck you' with flowers, that's all."
"Orange lilies," Alex blurts from behind the counter.
The man stops, turning his full attention on Alex. Alex realises pretty is an inadequate adjective; he's hotter than the surface of the fucking sun. Y'know, objectively. "I beg your pardon?"
lying in the low light by smc_27. E, 8.5k. The thing about having a one night stand with the guy your sister is close friends with and gatekept from you is that it becomes really fucking important that she never knows.
Or, Alex and Henry have a one year stand.
Or, Alex and Henry are in a relationship, only they’re the only ones who don’t know it.
blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine by @jackwolfes. M, 8.8k. "Do try to make a good impression tonight,” Henry mutters under his breath.
Alex’s jaw clenches just for a moment before he wills himself to relax. “Only if you try to get that stick out of your ass.”
After two months - two dreadfully long, boring months - of being married to a man that seemingly does not want anything to do with him, Alex gets a tip that his husband is going to be the target of an assassination attempt. He deals with it about as well as you'd expect him to.
ft: light whump, rash decisions, and sex in a bath tub.
all the words we don’t know by @smc-27. M, 9.2k. Henry, who Alex has never met or seen, and if he had, he’d certainly have a better reaction now. Something other than standing there and staring and not saying anything.
The only thing that makes him feel marginally okay with it is Henry is doing the same thing.
Then he seems to snap out of it, literally give his head a shake, and say, “You must be Alex.”
“Yeah.” He sticks his hand out too abruptly, and Henry looks down at it like hand shaking is a foreign concept. “Hi. Henry?”
booty shorts (a saga) series by coffeecatsme. E, 9.3k. Men should not be allowed to wear skin tight spandex shorts, Alex decides, as he watches the stupidly tall blonde dip into his millionth squat in a row.
Or, 5 times Alex stares at Henry's ass, and 1 time he does something about it.
Or, 5 + 1 times Henry wears tight booty shorts and Alex has feelings about it.
You're The Best Thing That's Never Been Mine by @cityofdownwardspirals. T, 9.4k. He can admit to himself that Henry is indeed the most attractive man he has laid eyes upon. Any person with common sense would agree with him there so he doesn’t read that much into it. He argues that that is why he started sweating when Henry smiled at him, just like he sometimes sweats when he watches Star Wars and he sees Han Solo on screen. Just two objectively attractive men, nothing more.
What he can’t understand is the fact that Henry was very bluntly flirting with him.
And while the flirting itself did not make Alex uncomfortable, he had to remind himself that Henry was one of his clients and that his fiancée was just outside the door while Henry flirted with him.
Henry is getting married and his soon-to-be wife surely won’t appreciate him hitting on a guy or that guy being their wedding planner.
He needs to get a grip.
The Woes of a Professional Matchmaker by ronans. T, 9.9k. ‘Mr Clare-‘ Henry almost chokes when he lays eyes on the man in the waiting room. ‘…mont-Diaz.’
‘You’re about to do a deep dive into my personal life, pretty sure you can call me Alex.’
Henry clears his throat. ‘Uh, quite. Alex. I’m Henry Fox.’
Alex beams at him and stands up, adjusting his burgundy blazer as he goes. Christ. The air between them clouds with the smell of Alex’s unbearably tasteful cologne as he moves past Henry into the office.
He’s fucked. Absolutely fucked.
Or, Henry runs a matchmaking business. Alex is his newest client.
I only tag an author once per post, but I'm still figuring out firstprince author handles. If you see one I may not know or find a broken link, please give me a heads up!
RWRB FirstPrince AU Recs Part Two
RWRB FirstPrince AU Recs Part Three
Master List of RWRB FirstPrince Recs
Master List of Recommendations
117 notes · View notes
inmyarmswrappedin · 9 months
Every so often I am reminded of that one comment in Nora's cover of Nana Triste that said something like: "guys I translated the lyrics to English using Google and she says Alejandro is her child and she's going to take care of him 🩷"
The song laments an abusive relationship, and ends with the sentiment: "I curse you, because I never should have been the mother of a child who isn't mine."
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marcmarcmomarc · 2 months
RWBY Audio Description notes
Think of the Disney+ DVS track for The Sorcerer’s Apprentice and the emotion of the one for Monsters, Inc. For more instructions, be sure to read the Ultimate Guide to Audio Description on u3playmedia.com.
Narrator: Leilani Jones-Wilmore (The Nightmare Before Christmas, the Monsters, Inc. duology, the Finding Nemo duology, Shrek 2, the Cars trilogy, the High School Musical trilogy, Ratatouille, Cars Toons: Mater’s Tall Tales, Up, The Princess and the Frog, Alice in Wonderland (2010), Toy Story 3, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, The Social Network, Gnomeo and Juliet, Brave, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2, The Radiator Springs 500 1/2, Annie (2014), Inside Out, The Good Dinosaur, Despicable Me 3, The Boss Baby: Family Business, Sing 2, Hotel Transylvania 4: Transformania, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, The Super Mario Bros. Movie, Trolls Band Together)
Credit rolls (Mistral arc)
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Here’s a demonstration (sped up because the normal speed is over three minutes long)
Volume 4
Created by
Monty Oum
Directed by
Kerry Shawcross
Gray G. Haddock
Miles Luna
Story by
Miles Luna
Monty Oum
Kerry Shawcross
Written by
Miles Luna
Kerry Shawcross
Executive Producers
Burnie Burns
Matt Hullum
Supervising Producer
Gray G. Haddock
Koen Wooten
Post Production Producer
Chrysta Hiser
Technical Producer
Sean Murphy
Assistant Producer of Pre-Production
Nick Todd
Assistant Producer of Animation
Luis “Paco” Vazquez
Starring the voices of
Lindsay Jones as Ruby Rose
Kara Eberle as Weiss Schnee
Arryn Zech as Blake Belladonna
Barbara Dunkelman as Yang Xiao Long
Jessica Nigri as Cinder Fall
Christopher Sabat as Arthur Watts
Josh Grelle as Tyrian Callows
Jen Taylor as Salem
William Orendorff as Hazel Rainart
Katie Newville as Emerald Sustrai
Samantha Ireland as Nora Valkyrie
Neath Oum as Lie Ren
Miles Luna as Jaune Arc
Mike McFarland as Mayor
Chris Guerrero as Blacksmith
J. Michael Tatum as Klein Sieben
Howard Wang as Whitley Schnee
Jen Brown as Pyrrha Nikos
Alejandro Saab as Dying Huntsman
Jason Douglas as Jacques Schnee
Jason Rose as James Ironwood
Bruce Carey as Captain
Tyler Coe as Reporter 01
Amber Lee Connors as Reporter 02
Jason Douglas as Reporter 03
Jen Brown as Lisa Lavender
Burnie Burns as Taiyang Xiao Long
Yunhao Zhang as Crew Member 01
Kendra Ziegler as First Mate
Michael Jones as Sun Wukong
Chris Kokkinos as Crew Member 02
Aaron Dismuke as Oscar Pine
Shannon McCormick as Professor Ozpin
Marissa Lenti as Oscar’s Aunt
Ryan Haywood as Peter Port
Joel Heyman as Bartholomew Oobleck
Vic Mignogna as Qrow Branwen
Kim Newman as Higanbana Waitress
Anna Hullum as Raven Branwen
Tara Platt as Kali Belladonna
Kent Williams as Ghira Belladonna
Derek Mears as Corsac Albain
Mike McFarland as Fennec Albain
Scott Frerichs as Businessman
Amber Lee Connors as Businesswoman
Alejandro Saab as Henry Marigold
Nick Landis as Angry Businessman
Kyler Smith as Waiter
Felicia Angelle as Trophy Wife
Chris Kokkinos as Husband
Cherami Leigh Kuehn as Ilia Amitola
Dawn M. Bennett as An Ren
Apphia Yu as Young Ren
Connor Pickens as Young Blacksmith
Scott Frerichs as Tall Boy
Marissa Lenti as Short Boy
Amber Lee Connors as Medium Boy
Kaiji Tang as Li Ren
Kristen McGuire as Young Nora
Stan Lewis as Mistral Pilot
Richard Norman as Atlas Pilot
Alena Lecorchick as Train Announcer
“Let’s Just Live”
Lead vocals by Casey Lee Williams
Lyrics and music written by Jeff Williams
Performed, produced and mixed by Jeff Williams
“Like Morning Follows Night”
Lead vocals by Jeff Williams and Casey Lee Williams
Lyrics and music written by Jeff Williams
Performed, produced and mixed by Jeff Williams
“This Life is Mine”
Lead vocals by Casey Lee Williams
Lyrics and music written by Jeff Williams
Performed, produced and mixed by Jeff Williams
“Bad Luck Charm”
Lead vocals by Jeff Williams
Lyrics and music written by Jeff Williams
Performed, produced and mixed by Jeff Williams
“Armed and Ready”
Lead vocals by Casey Lee Williams
Lyrics and music written by Jeff Williams
Performed, produced and mixed by Jeff Williams
Recorded and performed by Jeff Williams
Additional music by Alex Abraham
World of Remnant music by Alex Abraham
Vocals by Casey Lee Williams
Copyright ©2017 by Jeff Williams
Jeff WilliamsMusic (ASCAP)
Music available at the Rooster Teeth Store and iTunes
©2017 Rooster Teeth Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This piece of media has been described by the Media Access Group at WGBH with funding from Rooster Teeth Productions and Viz Media, read by Leilani Jones-Wilmore. For more information about motion picture access, visit our website at access.wgbh.org.
Volume 5
Created by
Monty Oum
Directed by
Kerry Shawcross
Gray G. Haddock
Miles Luna
Story by
Miles Luna
Monty Oum
Kerry Shawcross
Written by
Miles Luna
Kerry Shawcross
Executive Producers
Burnie Burns
Matt Hullum
Supervising Producer
Gray G. Haddock
Lead Producer
Koen Wooten
Technical Producer
Sean Murphy
Pre-Production Producer
Nick Todd
Animation Producer
Luis “Paco” Vazquez
Visual Post Production Supervision
Joe Clary
Chrytsa Hiser
Post Production Supervisor
Laura Yates
Starring the voices of
Lindsay Jones as Ruby Rose
Kara Eberle as Weiss Schnee
Arryn Zech as Blake Belladonna
Barbara Dunkelman as Yang Xiao Long
Vic Mignogna as Qrow Branwen
Samantha Ireland as Nora Valkyrie
Neath Oum as Lie Ren
Miles Luna as Jaune Arc
Richard Norman as Pilot
Reina Scully as Mistral Pilot
Daman Mills as Leo Lionheart
Kent Williams as Ghira Belladonna
Michael Jones as Sun Wukong
Tara Platt as Kali Belladonna
Gio Coutinho as Menagerie Guard
Cherami Leigh Kuehn as Ilia Amitola
Christopher Sabat as Arthur Watts
Zane Rutledge as Bartender
Clifford Chapin as Shay D. Mann
Aaron Dismuke as Oscar Pine
Jen Taylor as Salem
Jessica Nigri as Cinder Fall
Monica Rial as Sienna Khan
Garrett Hunter as Adam Taurus
William Orendorff as Hazel Rainart
Chris Kokkinos as Bandit One
Anna Hullum as Raven Branwen
William Ball as Saber Rodentia
Shannon McCormick as Professor Ozpin
Billy B. Burson III as Bandit Two
Amber Lee Connors as Vernal
Victoria Holden as Worried Mother
Scott Frerichs as Mata
Mike McFarland as Fennec Albain
Derek Mears as Corsac Albain
Nick Landis as Yuma
Nick Landis as Ramen Shop Owner
Emily Fajardo as Small Girl
Yuri Lowenthal as Mercury Black
Emily Fajardo as Trifa
Stan Lewis as Menagerie Guard 01
Jenn K. Tidwell as Menagerie Guard 02
Willem W. Keetell as Faunus 01
Ariel James as Faunus 02
Christine Stuckart as Young Faunus Woman
Patrick Rodriguez as Older Faunus Man
Katie Newville as Emerald Sustrai
Luis “Paco” Vazquez as White Fang Member 01
Willem W. Keetell as White Fang Member 02
Jamie Smith as Mistral Police Captain
Jenn K. Tidwell as White Fang Member 03
“The Path to Isolation (Mirror, Mirror Part 0.5.)
“The Triumph”
“All Things Must Die”
“All That Matters”
“This Time (From Shadows Part II)”
Score by Alex Abraham and Jeff Williams
Vocals by Casey Lee Williams
Copyright ©2018 by Jeff Williams
Jeff WilliamsMusic (ASCAP)
Music available at the Rooster Teeth Store and iTunes
©2018 Rooster Teeth Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This piece of media has been described by the Media Access Group at WGBH with funding from Rooster Teeth Productions and Viz Media, read by Leilani Jones-Wilmore. For more information about motion picture access, visit our website at access.wgbh.org.
Volume 6
Series Created by
Monty Oum
Directed by
Kerry Shawcross
Connor Pickens
Story by
Miles Luna
Monty Oum
Kerry Shawcross
Written by
Miles Luna
Kerry Shawcross
Executive Producers
Burnie Burns
Matt Hullum
Executive Producer
Kerry Shawcross
Head of Animation
Gray G. Haddock
Supervising Producer
Koen Wooten
Lead Producer
Joe Clary
Technical Producer
Jason “Jax” Kane
Art Associate Producer
Brian Lee
Layout Producer
Rob Thomson
Animation Producer
Luis “Paco” Vazquez
Animation Associate Producer
Scott Morgan
Motion Capture Producer
Luis “Paco” Vazquez
Visual Post Producer
Shane Davis
Post Production Supervisor
Laura Yates
Department Coordinator
Emily Hamel
Line Producer
Nicole Fisher
Additional Production Staff
Chrysta Hiser
Joshua Miller
Sean Murphy
Jamie Smith
Jennifer Tidwell
Nick Todd
Script Consultants
Yssa Badiola
Gray G. Haddock
Connor Pickens
Eddy Rivas
Koen Wooten
Starring the voices of
Lindsay Jones as Ruby Rose
Kara Eberle as Weiss Schnee
Arryn Zech as Blake Belladonna
Barbara Dunkelman as Yang Xiao Long
Samantha Ireland as Nora Valkyrie
Aaron Dismuke as Oscar Pine
Christine Stuckart as White Fang Guard 1
Garrett Hunter as Adam Taurus
César Altagracia as White Fang Guard 2
Connor Pickens as White Fang Guard 3
Vic Mignogna as Qrow Branwen
Neath Oum as Lie Ren
Alex Mai as Dee
Christopher Guerrero as Dudley
Shannon McCormick as Professor Ozpin
Cherami Leigh Kuehn as Ilia Amitola
Michael Jones as Sun Wukong
Kerry Shawcross as Neptune Vasilias
Miles Luna as Jaune Arc
Melissa Sternenberg as Maria Calavera
Jessica Nigri as Cinder Fall
Lauren Aptekar as Mistral Woman
Colleen Clinkenbeard as Jinn
Ethan Marler as Newscaster
Luci Christian as Lil’ Miss Malachite
Jenn K. Tidwell as Body Guard
Jen Taylor as Salem
Aaron Dismuke and Shannon McCormick as Ozma
Chase McCaskill as God of Light
Bruce DuBose as God of Darkness
Richard Norman as Frightened Man
Jenn K. Tidwell as Eldest Daughter
Lauren Aptekar as Youngest Daughter
Josh Grelle as Tyrian Callows
William Orendorff as Hazel Rainart
Yuri Lowenthal as Mercury Black
Katie Newville as Emerald Sustrai
Christopher Sabat as Arthur Watts
Ruth Urquhart as Tock
Lindsay Sheppard as Saphron Cotta-Arc
Lucella Wren Clary as Adrian Cotta-Arc
Jamie Smith as Terra Cotta-Arc
Kyle Phillips as Nubuck Guard 1
Kyle Phillips as Nubuck Guard 2
Mela Lee as Caroline Cordovin
Jen Brown as Red Haired Woman
Connor Pickens as Terminal Soldier
Jeb-Aguilar Kendrick as Atlas Soldier
Danzer Koehler as Argus Air Control
Noël Wiggins as Manta Two-Two
Dalton Allen as Manta Three-Four
Melanie Stern as Manta Two-One
Joe Clary as Manta Two-Four
Alena Lecorchick as Atlas Air Traffic Female
“One Thing”
“Forever Fall”
“Big Metal Shoe”
Score by Alex Abraham and Jeff Williams
Vocals by Casey Lee Williams
Copyright ©2019 by Jeff Williams
Jeff WilliamsMusic (ASCAP)
Music available at the Rooster Teeth Store and iTunes
©2019 Rooster Teeth Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This piece of media has been described by the Media Access Group at WGBH with funding from Rooster Teeth Productions and Viz Media, read by Leilani Jones-Wilmore. For more information about motion picture access, visit our website at access.wgbh.org.
1 note · View note
juliettse · 4 years
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Stay, please.
493 notes · View notes
birdmans · 4 years
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i love you
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joanascock · 4 years
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skam españa + nicknames
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lolaslecomte · 5 years
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I'm gonna miss you. Me too.
590 notes · View notes
taraolssons · 5 years
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but i do know that i want to be back together with you. but i need to know what you think. it’s only been a week, what could have happened that made you get over me?
443 notes · View notes
cherrymoonvol6 · 5 years
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lunes, 8:16
405 notes · View notes
crowsnotvultures · 5 years
Nora: “all I want for christmas is you” ;)
Alejandro: what does that mean
Alejandro: you KNOW i failed english
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forbescaroline · 4 years
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ultimate top ten ships meme → skam remakes dynamics (as voted by my followers) #3. nora/alejandro (skam espana) “Nora, you have always had such a clear head, and I don’t know anything. But I do know that I want to be back together with you. But I need to know what you think. It’s only been a week, what could have happened that made you get over me?”
329 notes · View notes
archail · 5 years
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jonasvasqez · 5 years
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👀 NORANDRO, please explain
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1K notes · View notes
juliettse · 4 years
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Good luck!
324 notes · View notes