#mind they will never make me hate you but u make it rlly rlly hard all by yourself
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jaggybot3000 · 1 day ago
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^quite literally about to fall for the oldest trick in the book
pt 2 to this
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fairyhaos · 2 years ago
how seventeen act with their clingy s/o
requested by @cinnamoroxie: aaaa your writing is so cute <33 what ab svt w a pretty clingy / touchy reader? take care of yourself lovie and ty for writing this if u do!! 💓💓
notes: i hope you enjoy!
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this man is the father of 12 children and a dog. do you think he'd hate clingy people???? loves it when you randomly reach over to take his hand, or play with his hair, or poke his cheeks. is totally okay with you needing to be squished up against him whenever you're in the same space, bc tbh he really wants that too
pretends to hate it whenever you practically fall on top of him whenever you see him, but wraps his arms around you so tightly so you can't move away. has a hairband permanently on his wrist, partly so he can tie his hair and partly so you can fiddle with something while his hand is in the space between you. his favourite act of clinginess is when you put his head into your lap and pet his hair
have you seen this man? he adores affection, but also becomes so awkward in the face of it. basically shuts down if you kiss his cheek more than 5 times in ten minutes. lets out those beautiful laughs whenever you basically tackle hug him every time your eyes meet. would let you put the world on pause to hug him even if the world was trying to end all around you
clingy back with you. you have competitions w him about who is more clingy in your relationship. junhui once spent the entire day hanging like a baby bear draped over your back, and you in turn spent the next day Refusing to let go of your arm linked in his. he starts fake-crying if you're in the same room as him for more than five seconds and yet Have Not come over to immediately crush him in a hug
either cannot get enough of it or is a blushing mess the entire time. you pecked him on the lips one time while he was with the rest of the 96z and he went such a bright pink that it was all they talked about for a year. he pouts The Most if you suddenly let go of his hand while you're walking, but is rendered flusteredly silent if you bend down to kiss his knuckles on a whim
doesn't mind it, as long as it's not too public. however, he still absolutely loves how your touchiness means that your hand is intertwined with his basically 24/7. will politely tell you if it gets too much, but you being so open with your affection helps him relax too and has definitely been the one to lie in your lap a few times when he's had a tiring day
he's resigned himself to essentially forever being your hug toy. used to dislike it if you were attached to him for a little too long, but now he visibly pouts if you're not huddled up next to him on the couch while you're together. goes rlly red if your clinginess manifests itself in kisses, and can barely talk for a minute straight afterwards
if you flop into his lap the minute you see him, he'll look down at you in mild panic bc he thinks that something terrible has happened to you to make you clingy. soon gets used to it tho and realises it's just your love language, and is way more relaxed when you unexpectedly put your head in his lap. lets you play with his fingers. and his rings. and his nail polish, which keeps getting chipped bc of you
have you seen this man's arms? i'm betting he gives the best hugs. probably works out for that exact reason. if you suddenly hug him then he's not letting go for at least half an hour. looks like a kicked puppy if you try to leave his arms even if "mingyu seriously i need to pee so badly let me go—" "no, you initiated this, you're not escaping so soon"
it never even occurs to him that your behaviour could be classified as 'clingy' because he. he is the exact same as you. loves to boop your nose and will giggle so hard if you do it back to him. the idea of you two Not being touching in some way is a concept that just doesn't exist. jeonghan jokes you must have a string connecting you two or something bc you're always together
he's a hyper person, can barely sit still due to his urge to kick hoshi or argue with dino. however, if you're next to him and link an arm with his or lay your head on his shoulder, he's instantly ceasing his frantic bouncing so you can comfortably touch him. if he gets too worked up tho, then he'll grab your hand instead n drag you around while telling everyone off bc even when mad he'll let you touch him for however long you need
totally cool with it. you wanna tug on the hair on the back of his neck while you're bored? he'll tilt his head downwards slightly to give you better access. if you're wearing face paint or makeup tho, pls don't lean your head on him bc he'll get yelled at by seungkwan yet again if he goes to the guy for help in removing makeup stains from his clothes
loves when your clinginess turns into you just babying him. pinch his cheeks, play with his hair, coo all over him and he's grinning so hard and his serotonin levels are through the roof. vv chill when it comes to your affection, goes about his day super normally even if you're basically hanging off his back like a koala
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prettyboykatsuki · 8 months ago
miss faNGGGGG!!! MISSS !!!! FANGGGGG!!!!!! please spare some thoughts on brothers best friend oliver 🧎‍♀️im on my knees. cz like i think hed get a thrill out of the indecency of it and maybe sendo would deem you off limits cz you’re too “clean” for a guy like oliver and itd only fuel him harder…
SDJLFJDFLK g*d. i hate this guy.
i think.... with sendo.... you guys are like total opposites. sendo grows up as like.. the perfect athlete jock type son. super popular and stuff.
i know you say clean here but in my mind im imagining ur sort of alternative u just keep to yourself to yourself a lot you know.... like bear with me but because sendo is so in the spotlight u sort of develop your own thing and tend to have your own individual style. very Different i suppose. you're a little weird and otherwise super straight-laced. got bullied for being different at one point or another but found a few close friends in school etc
sendo is sendo so he's always been super popular. u drifted apart when he played soccer more and so while u know of oliver u dont rlly get to know him until he's already a slut lol. sendo tells oliver that u probably wont be his type (not to be an asshole but u are not usually like who he dates) and to not be around you in general.
oliver sort of assumes that u have some experience though. like you have a certain look and style of dress that makes u stand out. so imagine his shock and surprise when he tries talking to you and you're kind of meek. you're like super doe-eyed which makes it even worse. and olivers like. oh. i have to make it my lifes mission to fuck this kid.
and so he starts coming over and texting you a lot. you're . so naive. which makes sense considering all that sendo has told you. but he really gets off on just how easily you seem to trust him. guys lie you know? don't you have any sense of danger. but guys have never been interested in you and you don't think oliver is either.
you guys meet on accident in a 7/11 near your house once and he sort of. jumps on the chance to be alone with you. you just make it way too easy. like way way way too easy. he doesn't even have to get you drunk he just asks if you have any kissing experience and then asks if he can kiss you when you say no. and you're like oh i mean. i guess. and you're super clumsy and it gives him a weird boner.
you lose your virginity in an alleyway and in the filthiest way possible. no condom either. baggy hoodie stuffed into your mouth, basketball shorts down at your ankles, socked feet pushed up out of your sandals and your hands on the wall with oliver fucking you in public - squirt and cum running down the inside of your thigh. he's fucking you hard too, no mercy just his hands on his hips while he moans about how good your pussy feels around his dick
he's kinda horrible because he keeps teasing you the entire time. and then when you give him a fucked out look over your shoulder and ask if you can kiss again he nearly cums right there.
you're like drooling and your thighs are trembling. you nearly fall down in the middle of it because your legs are so weak. he ends up taking you home after the first round and fucking you some more after that.
weirdly i do think oliver in this scenario ends up dating you in secret. he gets off way more on your sex innocent reactions and hiding it than he thought. sendoes gonna fucking kill him later but well, it's not his fault you make such a noise when he fucks you face down ass up yk
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hannamoon143 · 4 months ago
Hi I was wondering if you could do an IN x reader angst to comfort. Any plot is fine! I really need it but no pressure in writing it! <3 Thank you <3
Do you trust me?
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pairings: bf jeongin x fem reader
genre: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: anxiety, trust issues, kinda family issues, slight cursing once, crying,
a/n: @0omillo0 this is for you now <33, i just hope you are alright since you said u rlly needed this. take care of yourself luv, and feel free to talk to me.
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Did you deserve this? The same question kept running in your mind over and over again.  Did you deserve these kind words? Did you deserve this grade? Did you deserve to feel what you were feeling? The answer was not sure for you. You wanted to believe yes, but deep down you felt like you didn’t. Why? That was a good question. Maybe it was from the trauma of your family. Your parents yelling at you for everything, punishing if you didn’t have perfect grades or made mistakes. Or maybe it was from your siblings who kept laughing at you, and calling you lazy. Or maybe from your friends, that changed often, because you seemed to not be able to hold friendships for long.
The truth was you didn’t know that either. You felt like you knew nothing to be honest. Years spent trying to find out who and what you wanted to be, wasted by other people saying you wouldn’t make it anyways. And where did everything get you?
You were sitting at the floor in your little apartment, pressing your palms to your eyes so you wouldn’t cry.You hated this feeling. But what you hated even more was that you thought it would work out this time.
Your best friend of now 2 years, Sarah, left you. And she didn’t let you slowly down, no she pretended like everything was perfectly fine, until one day she suddenly told people horrible things about you, making people whisper when you walked by, making them mock and laugh at you. At first you didn’t get it. You were confused when people whispered and chuckled when you walked by. That was until you saw a message in the anonym group of the town u lived in. There were most people your age in and someone had spread a horrible messagge about you. In the message was written that you were a drug dealer, and that you had something with the boyfriend of your best friend going on, and as if that wasn’t already horrible enough, there was something that hit u deeper. There was written that you sold drugs to your own siblings and that was why your parents kicked you out and that was why you were living alone now.
After that you knew who wrote that. You never told anyone randomly you lived alone. Tob e honest only two people really knew about this. Sarah and your boyfriend jeongin It wasn’t that common to entirely have broken the contact to your family in that age.
Of course all of the things written were lies. But the last thing… The reason you didn’t have any contact to your family anymore was that they were horrible. For years you excused their behaviour with things like „they also live for the first time“ and „everyone makes mistakes, i have to be strong for them.“ But one day you realized it wasn’t normal. How they’d yell at you for bad grades or make mistakes when you were just a kid. How they’d ignore you after.  And the worst was you once made the mistake to open up to them. You told them how you were feeling, and that you couldn’t keep living like that and your friends were all fake. They laughed at you. Said you were a child and had no right to say these things. Since you were met with these things so early it was always really hard to keep friendships working for you. You had bad trust issues, and you just weren’t able to believe someone really liked you, and you often cancelled meet ups, so you could rather study, or you were just too drained. So friends came and go. Over the years you just totally distanced yourself from everyone, because you didn’t want to trust anyone anymore. That was until you met two people. Your boyfriend jeongin and sarah. Actually you never understood why jeongin liked you. You were boring, were anxious and had trust issues and you were isolating yourself a lot. He liked to go on parties, you cancelled them. You loved spending cozy evenings with him. You sometimes watched movies or you were reading together, and always when one of you would like a sentence, a quote or even a whole page, then you would read it to each other. You remembered quiet nights, spent reading…
Your head was laying in his lap, a blanket wrapped around your body. You could feel his fingers gently brush through your hair, while you listened to his honey voice reading his favorite pages from the book he was reading to you.You closed your eyes, enjoying the moment. And sometimes when there would be a quote you related to, you would tell him your feelings, thoughts and story to it.
For you, things like that were enough. You loved quiet moments. Moments where nothing bad seemed to exist, where only the cozy quiet and jeongins voice reading pretty words was heard. And he said it was enough for him too, but you always were convinced that he wanted more. That he wanted to go to parties, to introduce you to his friends.
But for some reason he seemed to stay with you anyways.
And for sarah… everything seemed so perfect. Meeting with her was actually fun and also if you couldn’t quite talk about your feelings with her you still had fun. So you made the mistake and told her of your family and living situation.
So that was where it got you now. You shouldn’t have trusted someone again. You couldn’t make this mistake over and over again. Everyone was the same.
Your throat tightened and now you couldn’t hold your tears back. You sobbed, hugging your knees to your chest. Why were you always making the same mistakes over and over again. What were you supposed to do now. The whole little town thought you were a mean bitch now, but you didn’t have the money to move somewhere else. You felt like the ten year old child you once were again. Betrayed by already too many people, sitting in your small room, crying.
But after a while, you fell into a uncomfortable sleep on the cold, hard floor.
When you woke up you were sweaty. You had a nightmare and right after you heard your phone somewhere chiming. A bit confused you stood up, stomping your foot. „Ahh shit!“ you cursed, but you found your phone so you just sat down at the floor again looking at it.
12 missed calls from „Ayen💗✨“ 23 unread messages from „Ayen💗✨“
He must have seen the anonymous message now. You leaned your head against the wall, turning off your phone. Only the pale moonlight was lightning the room a bit, and you felt cold despite your sweatiness. You had a heavy headache from crying so much earlier. You tried to think of what do now. Should you just ignore jeongin? Maybe it would be the best for him. That thought was washed away when you heard a knock on your front door. No he couldn’t just come over. You just sat silently on the floor. Should you open? You sighed, standing up and slowly going to the door. You slide down to the floor, leaning to it. You realize your voice is hoarse when you say: „What are you doing here?“
„Y/n? Are you okay? Please let me in, i was so worried about you.“ He sounded relieved but desperate. You sighed, but kept quiet.
„Y/n please let’s just talk alright? I just want to know what that in the anonymous group was. I am not accusing you of anything, as i know you well enough to know you would never do any of those things. So please, let me in, i’m not here to judge, just to talk.“
You listened to his words. So he didn’t believe it. But no matter how sweet his words sounded, you just couldn’t trust anyone anymore. What if he would betray you like sarah did one day too? You didn’t see it coming, so why would you with jeongin. You finally decided to speak up. But it wasn’t what he wanted to hear.
„I think we should break up.“
„…What? Y/n what are you talking about, are you serious?“ his voice grew more and more desperate. You kept being quiet, leaning your head to the door. Thankfully he couldn’t see the way tears were streaming down your pale face again.
„Y/n god please open the door, let’s talk, we can talk this out, please i promise i won’t ever judge you but don’t do this. Don’t break up with me in the middle of the night through a closed door, just because your scared. Let me in, and we‘ll talk about it, and then you sleep a night over it and you can think about it again. And if you want to really break up with me then, then okay, but not like this y/n…“
The worst thing was he knew you too well. He knew that you were doing this because you were scared. Scared of your future, scared of your problems, scared of ever trusting somebody again. It was selfish and not fair towards him. You knew that, but just ending things seemed easier, less painful. You wiped your tears away.
You slowly stood up, unlocking the door. Jeongin seemed relieved, and his eyes softened when he saw you. You realized you probably looked horrible. You had cried yourself to sleep, and forgotten to remove your mascara, and you were still wearing clothes from yesterday, and even in the dark lightning he could see your red puffy eyes, with the fresh tear streaks.
„Y/n…“ he softly said, and stepped in wrapping his arms around you. You didn’t move but also didn’t pull away. Actually it felt good. You didn’t notice how touch starved you were until now. Your body began to tremble, and warm tears rolled down your face again. You felt stupid for crying so much
„you know you can always talk to me right?“ he asked, pulling back a bit to look into your eyes. He lifted his hand, brushing the tears away with his thumb. You looked away, humming, because that was exactly the thing that got you here. That you thought you could talk to people, and trust them.
„I don’t want to talk now okay?“ you mumbled.
„Is it because of sarah? I know she wrote it in the group chat, one of my friends ist he admin and can see these things. Look, that’s horrible, and there is no excuse that could come up for what she did, or why she said that, but it wasn’t your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong. And these people talking about you behind your back are just random people, believing everything on the internet. They don’t know you. But i do. Please don’t let this get to you“
You wanted to just do what he said. But you couldn’t. All the things on your past proved that it seemed to be your fault. Why else would things like this always happen to you?
„jeongin, it’s not that easy. I know you only wanna be nice and stuff but i don’t wanna tell you all this.“
„what? You think i’m „just being nice“? Seriously y/n? You should know i’m not just being nice. I never said it maybe but i love you. With my whole heart.“
You lift your head up. What? That was something you didn’t hear in a really long time. You weren’t even sure if someone ever said these three words to you. You didn’t remember your parents ever saying that, and your friendships were never lasting long enough for someone to actually say this.
„Do you trust me?“
What? You looked at him confused again. Why did he ask that? It was as if he saw right through you. Exactly the one thing u thought u would have to ban from your life. Trust. And your wonderful boyfriend asked for it.
„I- i don’t know i… i can’t, i want to but i-„ you stuttered,slowly, looking down. You were sure he was gonna be mad. I mean who wouldn’t trust their boyfriend right?
But he just smiled at you. A gentle, tender smile, that made you feel warm. He wasn’t gonna get mad?
„It’s alright love. You don’t have to answer right away. I know trust is something big for you to give, especially after this incident. But i’m ready to work for it. I will do everything to someday gain your trust. Just let me show you that there are trustworthy people. I will prove it to you. Let me love you and gain your trust y/n.“
What he said was beautiful. You didn’t quite know what to respond. Jeongin seemed to know what was going on in your mind, and he said the right things, in his tender, caring way. You couldn’t fully trust him immediately, but slowly, in little steps you would heal and build trust again. And you didn’t have to do it alone. But was he really willing to stay even though you would have to convince yourself that it was alright? Would he be patient for you? It was something that you couldn’t imagine in your mind. But he sounded serious about it.
Maybe you could give him and yourself one more chance. Maybe you could slowly gain confidence to trust someone fully again. Your mind was screaming against it, but your heart didn’t. Not at jeongin.
„Okay, and… i love you too“
„And even if you think it’s your last time trusting someone again y/n, it will last till forever falls apart. I won’t ever let you down“
Little did you know that time, that his words were meant entirely serious. And he kept his promise.
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wintergrofyuri · 1 month ago
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so. i forgot to say. skeptic IS a detective. a pi. a gumshoe. a dick, if you will. but i guess thats sort of implied already. i just wanted to state it clearly.
but anyways.
this whole thing was made bc im so fucking insane about the cage chapter. the themes about being a slave to fate and how our actions are not our own and losing control of yourself and your life. just. ugh. it speaks to me a lot. and ofc skeptic being an old timey detective is so universal. i joke about hating him but i Do like him and find him interesting. i want to put him in situations.
and thats what this whole au is. putting skeptic in situations. hearing new perspectives, having his theories proven wrong, dealing with uncooperative suspects, red herrings. i love when hes wrong or ignored or otherwise slighted. he seems very. sure of himself? not an arrogant fool, but more. a guy who hasnt been wrong before. ykno. and i think ur typical film noir (with slay the princess elements like cycles and fate) is just a really natural fit to explore all that.
but its Also about playing with the whole "perception based creature" thing that the princess has going on. i Love "character nobody really knows" and the princess, with her multiple forms and fluid personality, works Rlly rlly well with this concept. i love the princess and i think she deserves to be a mysterious "haunting the narrative" type character. shes like a spy with multiple disguises. or someone in witness protection.
and also bartender hero lives in my mind like a parasite. oh my god that reminds me i need to talk about the others ok.
hero is the bartender (as stated before) of "the long quiet" bc i think its funny theyre still in tlq even in this silly film noir au.
stubborn is the bouncer/bodyguard/whatever the fuck you call it. he kicks ppl out when they get too rowdy.
cheated is The regular there. he either sits at a table and mopes or gets roped into a card game with opportunist that results in both of them being kicked out (theres always blood drawn).
opportunist is a conman/snake oil salesman whos only still allowed bc hero is too nice and opp is too good at buttering ppl up.
smitten is a tortured artist, lamenting to anyone who will listen about his lost love and muse. he is never paying his damn tab, but again, hero is too nice.
cold is a mysterious figure who only visits the bar like. once a month. he barely talks to anyone and only drinks water. (hes an assassin LOL)
broken is the local priest (the god is shifty btw) who only visits bc hero told him to get out more. he doesnt drink either. he just looks vaguely haunted.
contrarian is a guy whos hard to pin down. you cant find him, you just have to pray he appears ykno. the only people who Know him are hero and cold, but hero refuses to divulge anything abt him and cold is just. Cold. ykno.
paranoid is skeptic's partner (lol) and secretary. he does half the work around the office (maybe more) and lives with skeptic. he complains and protests and threatens to quit, but its all bark. hes very loyal. to his own frustration.
now im going to be honest. hunted is Super difficult to put in this au. given his role as a fight or flight, base animal instinct type, he cant be fit into an au like this very easily. ive considered a hunter, but that doesnt fit him at all. so. im a hack and i should delete my tumblr.
but no seriously hunted is very difficult. ALSO. THE NARRATOR. ive been thinking if i should add him and how prevelant he should be and what he would be like. if he should be in the bar or if skeptic would need to meet him somewhere else. maybe hes the villain ykno. but im. not sure and i dont wanna make the whole thing Too big ykno. i swear its not just bc i dont like him (joke (hes fun to hate (but also i hate him), i genuinely am stuck on what to do with him.
anyways. thats pretty much it. i dont wanna derail this post with. yaoi ramblings. so ill keep it close to my chest. also b4 u ask, im. not going to make this a fic or anything. i dont have the energy for something like this and im not very. good at writing longform anyway. i much prefer tiny drabbles. and anyways, its kinda. rlly unfinished cuz ive been too busy thinking too hard about minor details.
listen to 3 time tony winner, broadway classic, city of angels with music by cy coleman, lyrics by david zippel, and book by larry gelbart. thanks.
I ALMOST FORGOT. theyre still birds 💜. yayyyy 💞
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kavehayati · 6 months ago
Man I wish I could feel bad enough for even talking so I just don’t yap too much it just feels embarrassing a lot of the time
My brother just called me an unskippable NPC 😭
#on one hand I hate it but on the other it’s the only way I’ve not lost my mind#like mini me would be so happy to find out I’ve finally cracked the code to how to speak to people and here I am now feeling bad about it#like everything is just so wrong#what do I even do#I saw the post of the one girl I used to be obsessed with and like idk seeing it just made me wanna cry because like it’s so good she has#sm ppl around her but like literally I could never have that#maybe it’s for the best but why is it for the best#my way of coping with situations is that I cope rlly well#if I feel like my mum doesn’t like me I will adapt by internalising the fact she isn’t my mum and I don’t need her for my growth#if my brother is too I will internalise the fact I lost probably like one of my best friends whom I grew up with#if a friend doesn’t like me idrgaf anyways lmao I’ve cycled through sm friends I could make a billion more idc#but that’s the thing I cope way too well#so now when I realise I am not needed nor am I wanted by most ppl I interact with#to the point that nobody at all ever bothered to talk to me and check if I’m okay apart from like Hal is probably the only one#it makes me borderline insane and so now one wonders why I’m so horribly avoidant why my energy levels aren’t the same anymore#because in truth I’ve internalised the fact that I simply am not the type of person to be sought out. so I try not to take it too personal#and try to be normal and I don’t do this out of pettiness but cause now I genuinely feel terrified to speak to ppl#because I’ve been so ignored like man … I feel like a freak most of the time like I’m insane or wtv but can u blame me#like I literally have nobody who would care to ask abt me except one person#and maybe dahlia but the girl is just v distant too so it’s technically just one person#ik life isn’t fair but cmon now how can I be a loser in all facets of life that’s not reasonably unfair that’s just unfair period#like I don’t understand what do I have to do to get ppl to care I don’t get ittttttt#years upon years I’ve wasted trying to fix everything wrong with me but now I fear there is nothing I can fix it’s just#the way I speak the way I think is the problem#and like yeah you can change sm of your personality so much of the way u talk but you can’t change how your brain works#like what am I meant to do now? kms ? like srsly I don’t get what I’m doing wrong I’ve tried everything to fix it but nothing works#I would try so very hard to always fix my personality but why ? I try my hardest to be very nice but it never works#why can I not be an every day type of friend#.#Dora daily
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seireitonin · 10 months ago
Grlll imma need some moreJeff content. Idk what exactly but I need it, maybe some romantic/ normal headcannons. Whateva u do I will rlly appreciate it and love it
Omg my first boyfriend ever, Jeff!!!! I’m starting to love him all over again he’s so nostalgic! Anyway in no specific order here are more hcs for him! I used Nina as an example of how he views/ thinks of being in relationships (once again I hc Nina as black)
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Jeff is 30 years old
Him and Toby were born the same year but Jeff is a little older
Despite what everybody thinks Jeff is capable of love
But his love isn’t normal or kind
His love is intense obsession and admiration in a way
For example in his own way he really did love Nina
But he’s just such a bad person that he couldn’t or rather refused to properly show it
He admired the was she threw her life away for him he admired the way she was willing to let him run her life for so many years
He was obsessed with her in his own way, the way she worshiped him making him feel like he was above everyone
Nina left him after coming to her senses though, and he constantly plots on how to break her down and get her back, despite being with Toby now
He is very protective over the people he cares about though
Willing to kill anyone who even makes them feel slightly bad
His obsession will make him very possessive
Why would you need anyone but him anyway? He’s literally Gods gift to Earth
You should be happy he loves you this much
He’s very smart with his words and actions
He’s very calculating and cunning
Part of this manipulation to make people stay is because he actually does crave genuine connection in his own way
He just doesn’t know how to do that
He’s always been rude, antisocial, blunt and self serving
All that being worse now that he’s a murderer
He can’t ever change. Not that he wants to
So instead of trying to change he’ll just use his smarts and tactics
He loves the way he is why should he have to change for anyone?
He still thinks of Nina even though he won’t ever admit it
He remembers the nights he’d hold her close and he’d feel her warmth
He remembers how he’d get her small things for her birthday and how her face would light up, shocked that he even remembered
“Hey, got you something”
He throws it towards her
“Jeff! Brass knuckle necklaces?! I love them! How’d you get these!”
“Killed their original owner. You’re welcome. You don’t know how hard it is to find people with shitty taste like yours.”
Nina doesn’t even care about the insult as she excitedly tries on her new jewelry
He remembered how they’d encourage each other toxic and self destructive self serving behaviors
“Wanna rob that Hot Topic?”
“Okay let’s go stab someone so the rest run and we can raid the place.”
“Yay! I love you!”
“I love me too”
He remembers how they were partners in crime together
He misses her smile and bubbly personality
He remembers how Nina would do what he said because they loved each other the same way
Deep obsessive admiration and impulsivity
He remembered when they kissed for the first time
It was rare that he showed affection to her or touched her at all but when they did it solidified in his mind that she was given to him by God himself. He deserved her. She was made for him.
He’d never felt so right. He never thought anyone would make him feel the way she did. She’s perfect to him. Even though he’d never say that. Can’t have her thinking that they’re on the same level
Some nights he’d just stare at her while she slept, touching her skin that felt just like his. Even leaving soft, bloody kisses on it.
He’d only do this when she slept, not wanting her to see him vulnerable or affectionate at all.
“So beautiful. Just like me. Just the way I made you.” He’d say as he traced the permanent smile on her cheeks and her burned dark golden brown skin
God he hates Toby for taking that away from him
Nina and Jeff were perfect together in his eyes
He hates Toby for telling her different and showing her stupid healthy love
Toby took away Nina, Jeff’s God given right.
He should’ve killed Toby when he had the chance
Nina started becoming more “boring” the moment they started talking with each other
Then one day she fought Jeff and left him completely
He should’ve killed Nina too
How could she do that to him? She was his in every sense of the word
He made her
Made her to be just like him
But Toby told her that was “manipulation” and took her from him
He hates them both and is plotting revenge every day
He was actually really close with Toby
So he feels betrayed by 2 people he cared about
His face is severely infected because every time his scars start to heal or close, he opens them right back up
They only get more beautiful each time in his eyes
His hair is long and goes to his mid back
It’s tangled and messy and unkept
Listens to metal music a lot
Actually gets some ideas about how to kill from metal music’s lyrics
Knows Liu is alive
Has mixed feelings about it
On one hand, he loves and misses him
On the other he sees Liu as a failed job of his and finds it insulting that he’s still alive
So he just avoids him until he can’t anymore
“Hey brother, remember me?”
“How could I forget the only person who I failed to kill?”
“You’re a piece of shit, Jeff”
“You’re making me blush, Liu”
They still banter and talk to each other like brothers
They both missed it
They’re the only family they have left
So both hesitate to kill each other
That doesn’t stop them from beating each other up though
Jeff is scared of fire, even though he will never admit it
His skin has healed pretty well over the years
But it’s still not super smooth
Is good friends with Clockwork
They talk shit about Toby and Nina
Who would’ve thought their exes would be together?
Wants her help getting revenge, but Clockwork doesn’t want to hurt Toby
Jeff calls her weak for it
Jeff likes her company a lot, despite that
Part of him wouldn’t mind being with her
She’s brutal, strong, street smart, and pretty
He sees a lot of himself in her and that’s probably why he likes her so much
There’s no one Jeff loves more than himself
Once you get used to him Jeff can actually be a pretty cool friend
He loves to smoke and drink
Used to smoke with Toby before everything happened
Offensive and dark humor
Which is why him and LJ get along sometimes
Jeff is actually extremely loyal
If Nina stayed he would’ve been by her side forever
He feels stupid for caring about her and being so obsessed with her and admiring her
Jeff is 6’2
He smells like blood and beer
He’s pretty skinny
His eyes are dark blue like an ocean which would be pretty in a normal context but on him it’s pretty unsettling
His hips are always swollen but also thinned out because of the permanent smile stretching them outwards so it’s uncomfortable to look at
Jeff’s wardrobe is very simple
Plain black or white shirts, black pants and a random hoodie
Big hands perfect for delivering hard hits to victims and the other pastas he fights
If you were ever gonna be with him you have to accept that what you want and your feelings come second to his
Jeff isn’t a good person by any means
But but he doesn’t care
He knew he was a bad person for years and he’s done hiding it or trying to change
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dykekarkat · 2 months ago
hey I’ve seated myself on your couch PLEASE tell me more of your ghost andreil au it is beautiful and Oscar worthy to me
omg hi yes pls be seated im sorry this got slightly long and also took a bit!! also unsure if this even makes sense or is smth u will like but alas, i just kinda went wild. anyway thank you so much for the ask :)
i love getting a chance to talk about any and all of my aus. ghost andreil came about bcus im not a huge fan of the ghost x human relationship trope thing so i thought what if instead they were both ghosts...love beyond living is just so perfect for andreil...anyway long ramble ahead so ill put it under the cut <3
basic world building in my head is that ghosts are basically humans who are living on the Wrong Layer of the universe because they refuse to let go of their lives or have some unfinished business (normal ghost things). the supernatural isn't widely known about or believed in but there are ppl aware (like renee for instance). ghosts can touch other ghosts but not humans (duh) bcus i want andreil to fist fight and also to eventually have a physical relationship bcus it is important to me. too much interaction w physical objects depletes their energy, but the more will a ghost has the more energy they have (and by god are andreil willful little assholes).
renee and jean are both mediums! renee's been involved w the spiritual realm forever (gang related) while jean just thinks he's losing his mind slowly ^-^ renee is on a quest to help andrew move on (he hates this) but theyre still besties. meanwhile neil is desperately trying to prove that no he's not a hallucination (lol) and no jean should Not kill himself to join him. tbh idk if i want the moriyamas to be in the know or not, heavily debating over whether neil should be able to escape them through death or if he's forever cursed to be in debt to the mafia (depending on how angsty i want this to get).
- aaron is NOT having a good time in the beginning of this au. actively going through hell after losing a brother he just found and his mother. he's getting high most of the time, barely going to school, fully given up on himself, and Super Fucking Angry at Andrew. To Be Clear andrew didn't commit suicide but his normal canon i dont care about what happens to me attitude led to him dying while killing tilda. aaron DOES NOT KNOW that andrew killed her on purpose, but he's suspicious and angry as fuck anyway because andrew broke the deal (of staying together for high school). nicky still takes aaron in but nicky hadnt met andrew before his death so the tragedy for him is that andrew never rlly got a chance. andrew himself doesnt mind being dead (in his opinion its the same monotonous apathetic existence as he had living. which changes once he meets neil) but he's Pissed bcus he thinks aaron is throwing away his life. which in Andrew's opinion he did the hard part by getting rid of tilda (the problem). so andrew takes to haunting him by hiding his drugs and being a general nuisance to try and get him to school. i have not quite figured out how to get aaron to kick the drugs and get on palmetto w/o andrew ngl ^-^
- neil dies at the same time kevin broke his hand. riko snapped and neil pushed his buttons and refused to agree that riko was the best, so riko basically beats him to death and kevin gets his hand broken trying to stop it. a very tragic skiing accident indeed :(. kevin feels Extremely guilty over neil's death and jean practically forces him out of the nest, jean himself is basically resigned to joining his partner in death (smth neil is Not About). at this point andrew's been dead for two years? ish? and aaron is on the foxes as a freshman. neil splits his death time between trying to make things easier for jean and keep him from dying, and thwart kevin's attempts to go back to the nest in increasingly comical ways. meanwhile andrew is pissed about kevin bringing danger to aaron, so andreil are Fighting, i mean full on ghost fights where shit is levitating and lights are flickering and ppl are screaming because andrew wants kevon gone. eventually they do that line drawn across the center of the room to try and stay civil.
- eventually kevaaron start bonding and processing their grief over the loss of their brothers and fall in love at the same time, while andreil are also falling in love through asshole ghost mating rituals. major plot point would be renee using her séance powers to make kevaaron aware of their ghost protectors and a lot of drama unfolds from there (andrew reveals the murder stuff, aaron gets more pissed he died, aaron wants to banish him exorcise him in anger etc etc). the catalyst to andreils romantic relationship occurs bcus riko brings drake into the picture to hurt aaron(similar to canon), and neil basically almost ghost kills himself stopping him (expends too much energy in a short period of time) --> their relationship still doesnt start until a few months after this but it is the turning point for andrew being able to trust neil.
other small things:
lola is a contracted demon to nathan (unsure if moriyamas are aware).
nathan kills riko for killing neil (its a pride thing) and basically starts a war within the moriyamas. that neil Really does not know how to feel about, still terrified his father will be able to hurt him due to his knowledge of the occult (which may or may not be reasonable)
mary died trying to escape w neil so he went to the nest at 10 as planned. when he died and realized he was a ghost he looked for her immediately but she had moved on. it was probably more crushing to see that she could've stayed and watched over him and didnt than to witness her actual death.
tilda and mary moved on immediately after death (does heaven exist in this world??? hell?? dont ask me idk either)
pre andreil reveal nicky starts a channel to document their haunted college dorm. its one of the first things andreil bond over bcus they love starting shit nicky is so reactive. post andreil reveal nicky stops posting on it bcus it feels too weird to him, until neil is like hey i wanted to spell dick with the ouija board again :( and then nicky brings it back with gusto
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thedvilsinthedetails · 1 year ago
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hey im still figuring out what i wanna be called but for now u can call me Jamie if u want I’m genderfluid as fuck [they/she/he or whatever idegafatp]
some typa aroace spectrum probs grayace & demiromantic also omniromantic - in general I have nothing figured out
so a simp w like a slight preference for men ig but kinda ace most of the time but sometimes very not
neurospicy bitch
writing request status: OPEN FOR MICROFICS RN
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I’m a rosekiller loverrr but also a multi shipper so u never know what ur gonna see ig [but probably Rosekiller, Wolfstar, Dorlene, Starchaser maybe some sunkiller if I’m in the mood etc] for the record just bc I don’t ship smth doesn’t mean I support hating it even as a joke [translation: prongsfoot is chill leave them be]
if u don’t like smth, just ignore it, if u send me hate I’ll reply w shitty jokes probs
my dream job is to be an actor [screen actor specifically]
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Media I like:
Fav TV stuff: Challengers, Gravity Falls, Cruella, 10 things I hate about you, into the spiderverse
Fav author is @neil-gaiman also that man is my idol so I’ll probs reblog him a shit ton [do u think he’ll like…mind that I tagged him? Sorry if this bothered u Neil!!!] Music [uhhh changes all the time tbh but for rn]: The Neighbourhood, Olivia Rodrigo, Conan Gray [Kid Krow phase rn], Chappell Roan, Renée Rapp, Green day, Ricky Montgomery, NOAHFINNCE, MARINA and Hozier
Spider-Man. Fucking love Spider-Man.
One thing to note about me tho: obvi I love recommendations but I find starting literally any new forms of media really fucking daunting for no reason [this is everything: songs, movies, books etc]
e.g. I fucking love spider verse but I still haven’t watched movie 2, same w latest season of young royals, same with even like ONE song alone I find it rlly hard and really scary
so if u give me recommendations and I don’t get back to u about them for ages it’s not bc I forgot or i was ignoring u but bc I find it scary so pls be patient :)
also same w please don’t like assume I’m knowledgeable about like any of the music artists I named earlier bc tbh I don’t rlly listen to artists I listen to songs [im still a fan of a lot of music artists ofc but the artists I listen to ≠ the artists I’m a fan of]
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HI! welcome to my crazy blog, I love making friends im not at all scary I promise :D
Btw my inbox is ALWAYS open for spam, ship ramblings [even if it’s not smth I ship], info dropping about ur hyperfixations, venting, questions etc. [the only thing is no illegal ships bc it will be ignored] also sorry pre warning im shit with the inbox chains [‘send this to ten people who…’] so often I won’t answer those sorry, anything else I will make sure to answer but the chains I sometimes just forget about sorryyy
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Barty Crouch Jr & James Potter kinnie
got a FAT crush on Evan Rosier [he’s the loml he just doesn’t know it yet] and also a crush on Dorcas Meadowes
I write sometimes:
I fell for you like glitter on stage - rosekiller band au, this was a microfic series on tumblr that I posted on ao3 for convenience [words: 4548] [this is my fav thing I’ve ever written lol]
we are all just prisoners here of our own device - Jegulus, a oneshot on ao3 based on the song ‘hotel California’ by the eagles. [Words: 6162]
Oh where do we begin? The rubble or our sins? - ON HIATUS. Roman Empire Jegulus au with side Rosekiller, Wolfstar and Pandalily on ao3 [words: 6141] [currently I don’t want to write Jegulus - the hyperfixation hath faded]
also I’m in a marauders RP as Barty and u shld follow it bc we’re all super cool and funny and amazing and awesome and yeah @bartythebabygorljr
tags you’ll see on my page:
me and my old black biro > writing tag
Im in love with that Rosier boy > [this is a new one] me having a massive crush on Evan Rosier
the most boring soap opera > my life tag
I have an online diary called @miseryoforpheus if ur fascinated by my charming and irresistible personality
[The song at the bottom of my intro post changes all the time depending on how I’m feeling]
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pbpsbff · 10 months ago
happy 1 year of r&r :)
i know it's a lil cringe to like. celebrate the birthday of a series on ao3 but r&r is literally my child. my baby. i birthed this series. and you all signed up for this when u started reading my fics thank u
soooooooo thank u guys for all the support i've received over r&r i know it's hard to stay a consistent reader when my posting schedule is entirely non existent but i am so grateful for everyone who's stuck around this long and been with me for this journey (calling it a journey because a year ago i did not have any sort of overarching plot in mind and now we're 17? 18? fics deep and so many things have happened and i'm usually just as surprised as my readers) it's rlly u guys that have kept me going this long
ANYWAY. i rewrote this like 500 times cause i hate being like. overly sappy on this account because it's way funnier to act like a celebrity with a huge ego, but real talk i am so proud of everything i've done w this series & what it's become in the past year
i've been posting my writing online since i was like 10, so we're going on almost 9 years now and i don't think i've ever ever ever received as much support for something as i have for r&r and something about that is soooo special to me??? idk it's just so nice to see a completely self indulgent series become so loved by others, especially since the only other fics i had up before gmm&m were a little more on the "i'm gonna write what seems popular right now" side???
like shoutout to everyone who was here before/around when i started the series because my account was so empty like. 2 fics and one gets updated every 6 months. r&r pulled me out of the trench i fear. it also cured me of my very horrible disease that makes me delete all my fics after 9 months and then completely disappear from a fandom so everyone say thank you r&r
but yeah idk where i'm going with this i'm very grateful for r&r and all the friends i've made and people i've met through it because i was very lonely before i rejoined tumblr and r&r was like. 90% of the reason i made my account
@spidergrotto & @sapoteylx for being the first ppl i met on here to openly talk about and support r&r which i thought was so so cool even if you guys have become my haters in the past few months i've known you :/ thank u r&r nation u keep me humble and miserable (and i am very thankful for our friendship i think some aspects of r&r would be very different if we'd never met)
& ao3 user classactical because you've been here since like. a month or two into the series i think and i always always always look forward to your comments because i feel like if you comment, i did a good job on the fic LOL thank u for sticking around for so long, even if ao3 has been actively working against you for a whiiiiile
there's a lot more i want to say and a lot of people i want to mention but that would take a very long time and i always feel weird tagging a lot of people in posts so just know if u read r&r we are kissing rn. or high fiving idk whatever floats ur boat i guess
but yeah anyway tl:dr happy birthday r&r i'm very proud of this series & very thankful for everyone who has read any part of it ever u guys are so cool and hot and have amazing taste and i'm taking your kudos and bookmarks etc. as you swearing your allegiance to me and promising me your undying support no matter what (legally binding btw) thank u guys
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eggtargaryenii · 3 months ago
Low-key Jacemond would go hard bc like...Aemond would 100% do freaky, unspeakable things to Jace considering their shared history. Their relationship would be not healthy at all, but we're throwing in Tired Cousin with Parental/Abandonment Issues, Eldest Bastard (Daughter), and Mommy Issues Pirate who'd do anything for his family.
You can't tell me the dynamic wouldn't go hard either bc like...Aemond can just.....be a more hands on Valyrian Teacher alongside Reader for Jayce. Jayce has the heart of the King. Reader has the mind for politics even if she hates it. Aemond has big, scary dragon rawr.
*squints* there's no world in which the Reader would not find the juxtaposition of Jayce's soft lips and savagery of Aemond's scar not beautiful. IT'D SOMEWHAT FIT NARRATIVELY. Like, my girl fears abandonment and gets entangled with two men who spell devotion in different ways. Aemond protects his family by accepting that to protect someone and to truly love someone, he must protect and cherish those dear to his loved one as well. And uh, Jayce....gets his Eldest Daughter foot rub. Just kidding, Jayce overcomes the circumstances of his birth by having hot people politically dispose his opponents and burn them.
Manifestind Jayce to provoke the Daddy Issues out of Aemond so we can add some spice to this too. I fear the day the three of them get busy together bc you know that Dragonpit gonna get loud 💀
"eldest bastard (daughter)" KILLED ME DEAD ANON AHJHLSJKEFJSJ yeah jace does kinda have that energy huh 😭😭😭 has to parent his younger bastard siblings and then has to parent his mom. literally there is no father figure for him to rely on either (laenor was absent, harwin is dead, and daemon is daemon) ajhhdldjskfjdkd he is truly eldest daughter representation
IM NOT RLLY SURE HOW THE JACEM*ND SHIP WORKS FOR MOST PEOPLE, but in the specific context of this fic yes it would be insanely bizarre and if they ever have a single normal moment it's because their cousin is working overtime to manage the relationship 😭 U ARE SO RIGHT THO they would be an absolute power throuple... all the answers to jace's problems as heir to the throne was just marrying a guy who gives him scary dog privilege & his gaslight gatekeep girlboss cousin. ("eldest daughter foot rub" LMAOOOO u are so funny oh my god)
"juxtaposition of jace's soft lips and savagery of aemond's scar" stop this nonsense anon u are making me so h-word. I will never be able to write a sentence as erotic as that one. you are very right though lol I feel like this reader is SO starved for love and in a way this is the best endgame for her too. aemond is so batshit fucking crazy that she will never feel lonely. jace is so sensitive and kind and devoted that she will never feel unloved. the sad thing about this love triangle is that if she ends up with just one guy, there will be a kind of emptiness that only the other one would know how to fix. a throuple would circumvent that immediately 😭
PLEASE ANON do not make me think about a jacem*nd/reader nsfw scene I would literally die of horny. jace bringing out aemond's daddy issues in the middle of a threesome would make for some truly insane sex...... aemond is getting his shit wrecked by you both tbh aaghgldjdkwfjsjj
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year ago
i hate typin long words sometimes its hard to rlly explain but bc of college too i just found it sm more easier to cut out certain vowels w words (it drives my friends insane sometimes esp when i send a message nd its so full of typos bc i thought itd b funny to turn off autocorrect ?? like no.. i am not gna type out certain words.. so used to it by now
on that note, reader ignoring the txts from ghoap bc shes upset at them nd it isn’t even abt getting kidnapping. like they did smth to upset her and they’re jumpin hoops tryin to figure out what they did 😭 can imagine johnny just being pouty bc they’re away at their job and whinin to ghost and ghost just “>:(“ bc how dare u ignore them..
i love it lol. i have like at least one spelling mistake in every message i send to someone, i end up getting texts from friends that are like "wtf did you just try and say" cause im too excited to send the fucking message to bother rereading. you're relatable as hell.
two ways you can go with this in my head
(a) you're mad at both of them, but you absolutely refuse to tell them why. it should be obvious and quite frankly in your mind it's worse that they don't even know. leaves them pulling their hair out. but this is your first argument as a couple that doesn't center around the whole kidnapping thing so they're trying to like actually work through it lmao. ends with johnny laying himself over you and whining while you just stick your nose in the air and cross your arms. simon tries to be all soft, thinks maybe if he's nice it'll tempt you to tell him. strokes up and down your side, nose in your hair, says a whole bunch of pretty words. you are not fooled lol. they get it out of you after a few rounds of frankly exhausting sex that night lol
(b) you're mad at just one of them. if you're mad at just johnny, simon gets sooooooo cocky. tugs you into his arms, mimics all the ways johnny usually touches you just to drive it home in johnny's head that he's not touching you. keeps you glued right to his lap and tells you you can tell me love, we can make sure he apologizes properly together. make sure mean johnny never hurts you again, hm? and johnny is a mix of pouting and pissed across the couch. if you're mad at just simon, johnny will join in with you. he'll throw an arm over your shoulder and just start making shit up lmao, start saying simon's done all this shit that he hasn't just because it's fun to team up with you on something. you're actually mad but johnny is mostly trying to goad ghost into really good sex. this has a very interesting result that night lol
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stevie-petey · 8 months ago
okay hello hi, took entire 24 hours to process (it's 1am yet again) and now im here for insights !!!
firstly, i LOVE hopper and bug SOOOOO MUCH DUDE. YOU ATE WITH THEIR SCENES, THE CONCERN, THE CONNECTION, THE HUGGGGGGGG I FUCKING LOVE IT !!!! (can u tell i have daddy issues) and just now that their relationship was getting good, he goes & dies (lol) and will come back in the end of s4 ://///
also really wish to see more of murray x bug too, chaotic duo would love it !
the. casual. fucking. intimacy. between stug omg, it was there before too but it just HITS after they've kissed. lovely.
the seperation goodbye, especially with jon & nance <3
mind flayer is such a cockblock bruh, they're at a hill looking over hawkins and talking like screech later bitch.
reaching the mall, her sitting in steve's lap & SINGING NEVER ENDING STORY HELLO?????? kinda rlly wanted a suzie bug interaction (hoping you pull it off somehow)
the fucking mall scene. holy shit i had goosebumps, m. her running down AFTER KISSING STEVEEEEE and shit dude shit your foreshadowing went HARDDDDDDDD. billy saying he tried to find her?!?!?! still hate him but OMG?!?!?!?!
genuinely the foreshadowing is insane, bug already carries so much guilt but now billy AND hopper ON TOP OF will and maybe barb???? wow m wow i cannot fucking wait for s4 im so excited for EVERYTHING !!!!!! the vecna angst is gonna be CRAAAAAZZZZYYYY AND OH EXCITED ESPECIALLY FOR EDDIE X BUG !!!!! pls be a friendship pls be a friendship pls be a friendship pls be a friendship-
okay ANYWAY back to the chapter, steve and bug's conversation about her luck running out THEN THE LOVE CONFESSION !!!! I WENT FUCKING FERAL I TELL YOU LIKE GENUINELY I WAS SCREECHING IN THE DEAD OF THE NIGHT. literally could not be more PERFECT.
ik max and bug in s4 will be closer than ever, cannot wait to see that dynamic <3
okay the LOVERS LAKE SCENE ?????????????????? THE MAKING OUT ???????? THE I LOVE YOUS ???????? THE FUCKING BRACELET ???????? i was literally fanning my eyes trying not to cry because it was just so adorable and wholesome and i was MELTING. couldn't be anymore perfect.
the finding out of jon moving :((((
AND the goodbye scene :(((((
with joyce, with WILL !!!! love how she already knows about him and im sure she will be the first person he'll confide in :'))) i love their relationship so much, i will need some will x bug blurbs pls m.
and the goodbye with jon <!3 it was so emotional, alsoooo FOREHEAD TOUCHES ????? (loved it. adorable.) but nancy you're one STRONG soldier, i would NOT have tolerated lmao
anyway got real teary eyed during the end. and one tear dramatically rolled down my cheek as i finished reading but very grateful we have season 4 coming up next BUT THE BONUS CHAPTER BEFORE THAT I WILL BE WAITING EAGERLY FOR THAT !!!! bonus chapters are literally my favourite since it's completely m original and im a big m fan :3
so yes ! we're done with s3 insights, thanks for tuning in and thanks for DELIVERING. i will see you when the bonus drops, bye goodnight love you <3
TRUST if i ever get a chance to foreshadow ,,, im always taking it <333 i looooove foreshadowing its my drug tbh
and i LIVE for ur insights oh my god i giggled so hard reading everything
the main takeaway here im gonna focus on is jon n bug ,,,, because i really do want yall to know that theyre besties BUT (and i say this lightly) theyre obsessed with one another. nancy is also stronger than me, and i think season 4 will really show how lenient shes been with jon n bug. while theyve done well refraining from how they used to be (reminder they would cuddle and kiss each others cheek every day), theyre still realllllly close in a very uncomfortable way and bug will get a taste of her own medicine when nancy does it with steve lmao. yes, theyre childhood best friends, but christ they can be a lot to be near. bless nancy
AND BONUS CHAPTER !!! i have a few ideas where i want it to go, specifically a scene with bug and all the kids for their first day of high school. besides that: its fair game since we have a good few months to cover between seasons 3 and 4
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twistedtalking · 2 years ago
3 Dormleaders and the Adeuce Duo's Reaction to
TW: Ace is a jerk, slight mention of Exams, Idk how to write Idia/Malleus/Azul, new to the internet and it's slang writer trying to imagine what Idia would say, slightly cringe, slight T*ey slander, intentional wrong grammar, Azul so confused he forget he doesn't have morals, Mentions of camera, weirdo prefect, I made this when I was bored, and braindead from school, shirtless Malleus, grossed-out Azul, etc.
Ace: ...Oh. So I'm just a video game character... No real feelings, no real emotions. My family is just a figment of my imagination. My personality, just pieces of code.
Life has lost all it's meaning.
...Or was I ever truly alive in the first place?
Man, you should have seen the look on your face. It was HILARIOUS!
What? Did you really think you could fool me with such a basic prank? Come on, my brother already done that one when I was five. ...which I completely did not fall for whatsoever! Nope. Not at all.
Anyways, you should really hide your props better. I could see the camera from miles away.
(Prefect: What do you mean "camera"?)
Ace: ...
(Prefect: ...)
Ace: ...we're dead.
"Huh?! REALLY?? Was My whole life a lie?! Oh gosh, does this mean I've never existed?!?! Are the words coming from my mouth really from my thoughts or am I just reading from a script done by some bored writer?!
Does this mean my exam results mean NOTHING?!?!"
(Ace: What? You really fell for that? Dude, you're so gullible. It's just a prank, man. Right, Prefect?)
(Prefect: ...)
(Ace: ...right?)
(Prefect: ...)
(Ace: Dude, this isn't funny anymore)
(Prefect: ...)
"We're all gonna die!!!"
(Ace: We can't die if we were never alive in the first place, idiot. Oh great, now I'm saying weird stuff too!)
(Prefect: Sorry for the long wait, guys. Mind catching me up on what happened when I was AFK?)
(Adeuce duo: When you were WHAT?!?!?)
"Rlly? Who'd believe that? Like srsly, I'm not even that marketable. I'm too floopy to be in a shooter game, too boring to be in a gacha-"
(Prefect: It's a gacha)
Dude, who in their right mind would pull for me?? I'm the boringest character ever!
(Prefect: Nah, that's Trey)
Nah, Trey's the untrustable kind
(Prefect: Nah, that's Jade)
...okay, fair.
Anyways, I just don't see the appeal. Like, why? I'm just a weirdo who hates people, and stays in my room to play video games 21/7! And I read manga the rest of the time. I'm a total loser!
(Prefect: And that's what makes you the relatable character. Jokes aside, your saracasm is pretty funny, man, the ghost bride event was hilarious, and your character design is pretty cool. That's some of the reasons. Honestly, just gonna pull 4 u on ur next banner.)
"You should get your eyes checked"
(Prefect: I should. It's been a while since I changed my glasses. I can't even see your eyes lol.)
(Prefect: Anyways, Want to play the game? We got Rhythm games, card battles-)
"Sounds great. Better question, are there any, ahem, hot mommies?"
(Prefect: We got...Leona? And Vil! Man, how could I forget Vil? I love that man)
"Who doesn't?! I mean, whoever doesn't must be BLIND. He's totally SSR tier! If he was in the game, I'd whale for him whenever he gets a banner! He's pogchamp.
Well, As long as he isn't trying to get me to take care of myself. He's way better behind a screen. Like man, I don't care if I'll die quicker, give me my cup noodles and pomegranate candies. Actually, it's much better if I die-"
(Ortho: Nee-san! We talked about this!)
(Prefect: You tell him, Ortho!)
Could you send the game now?
(Prefect: yeah, sure. But the boss battles are pretty hard to beat-)
"Heh, I could beat that game in 3 weeks top"
(Prefect: Alright, you're on!)
Child of man, what is this "video game character" that you speak of, and how am I such one?
(Prefect: it just means a whole lot of people all around the world- Scratch that. All around the universe, simp for you!)
What does "simp" mean?
(Prefect: Imagine Sebek but, well... Yeah, never mind. Just imagine Sebek. But for like, fictional characters)
But I am not a work of fiction though, child of man? What dost thou mean?
(Prefect: ...heh. um, actually...)
A talking portrait of me in your digital device. I still do not understand what you are trying to convey.
(Prefect: Never mind. Let's just look at fanarts of you)
(Prefect: portraits of you done in my realm)
I am fine with that. Show me these "fanarts" you speak of.
"These are not at all accurate. Some of them look completely different from each other. And why do some of them portray me without my clothing-"
(Prefect: OKAY, THAT'S ENOUGH INTERNET FOR TODAY! Yeah, let's just look at gargoyles or something! ...wait. Is that Lilia with a bag of groceries?!?! Oop. We're doomed.)
Ah, good afternoon Prefect. I wish to speak to you. You see, while we were stealing-
I mean, checking your phone-
(Prefect: Why are you stealing checking my phone??)
Not important.
Anyways, we found this. Care to explain why you have a picture of me as your lock screen? I mean, I AM quite handsome, but the use of photos of me taken without permission could and would get you sued!
I don't really want to sue you, so I've came up with a good compromise. How about a-
(Prefect: thank God, you didn't see the home screen.)
...Well, of course I did. It was quite...odd.
(Prefect: Really? That's all? I thought you'd make a bigger reaction, you know, with it being you in an nsfw outfit)
In a WHAT!?!?
(Prefect: Aha! So you didn't see my lock screen! I was just joking. FYI, it was just a cute chibi Azul in his octomer form.)
(Prefect: The bunny girl outfit was last week)
WHAT?!?! I could sue you right now, you know?!
(Prefect: you have no proof)
You admitted it!
(Prefect: You have no witnesses)
Nonsense! Jade and Floyd are-
Ah. Right...
Ahem. Pray tell, where did you find such...things.
(Prefect: The internet Is a weird place)
(Prefect: Octavinelle's the most popular game in Twisted Wonderland. At least, in tumblr. Poll-wise, I mean. I prefer Heartslabyul though. Ah, By the way, I mean the videogame, not this world.)
Impossible. I am not from a video game. I'm not some weird anime character-
(Prefect: *shows gameplay*)
Okay, but-
(Prefect: *shows chapter 3*)
...do I at least get a share on the income?
No? What do you mean "No"?! THEY'RE USING MY FACE! FOR INCOME! AND I DON'T EVEN GET 48%?! This is unfair. This is ILLEGAL! I'm going to sue!
(Prefect: You're going to sue...D*sney. The one who made you? The one who made Ursula??)
Yeah, what's the problem with that-
Wait, Ursula?! What do you mean-
(Prefect: does that mean I can buy twst merch from you now? Hey, can I order a body pillow?)
What? T-that's disgusting!
(Prefect: *puts down bag of money*)
Did I say disgusting? No, I meant odd. But everyone's a little odd.
So, who do you want a body pillow of? Come now, Let us discuss the price in the VIP room.
Original ask:
(Argument with Idia)
You're just a game character anyways!
(For Deuce)
I'm pulling for your banner cuz you're my fav character. Wish me luck! What do I mean? I mean, you are a video game character, you know.
(For Ace)
Dude, you're from a video game.
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dollivication · 7 months ago
To 🦈 and 🌀: <33 thank you both, I'll be sure to treat your brains with care, only the best for them.
To Dollie ❤️: I've had sea shanties stuck in my head for the past week, do you have any pirate AUs in that lovely mind of yours?
ALSO I saw a Wesker mention from 🌀 and I'd have to say, despite not playing re5 (the ps3 controls are so tanky 😞) or re1, I'd gnaw on that man like a dog with a bone
SEA SHANTIES… i love drunken sailor (IT JUST GOES HARD I HAVE NO EXPLANATION LMFAO) and my jolly sailor bold so badly….
cw: violence, obsessive behaviors, mentioned non-con but nothing actually explicit
pirate aus…. fawk… headscratchh…. well i always liked the thought of laik.. childhood friends with leon; ur royalty, he’s a boy from a poor background. you guys were laik 2 peas in a pod! but ur parents (king and queen) strong advised that you stop talking to him! he’s a commoner after all. and you can’t rlly go against ur mom or dad :( so yu switch up and tell leon that you didn’t want him around you anymore, that he’s a peasant and you could never be friends with someone as dirty as him!
leon ofc is fucking HURTING. he doesn’t wanna believe that his bsf just suddenly started hating him?? he was literally so whipped by you, and now you’re just being a dick? that just wasn’t like you… but he did as you told him to and he stopped coming by. as the years passed, your head was filled more with royal concerns and you damn well near forgot about leon!
leon never forgot about you though. while you two spent those years apart, getting older, he became meaner. your words really got to him, because now? there was a threat to your people. a pirate captain and his crew, targeting the already small population of your kingdom. the king and queen were doing their best to ward them off, but what could rlly be done at that point?
your mom and dad, as mentioned before, weren’t all that kind to those with a lower status :/… leon had used this to his advantage and got together with all of those who had been wronged by the royal family. and that number was enough to hold off against literal soldiers like jfc…
of course, leon and his crew arrive and start fucking everything up. burning down houses, robberies, literal manslaughter. you could only watch as your mom and dad panic abt wtf to do. your dad’s men are dropping like flies, because pirates play dirty whilst knights play with honor. it’s a fucking bloody mess (◞‸◟)
it doesn’t take long before the pirates get to the actual castle. king and queen are quickly taken care of, now the only one left is you. but you aren’t hurt yet—held still by other pirates, yes, but you haven’t gotten stabbed like some unlucky people. and then u have the (not so) great pleasure of meeting the captain himself :3
leon’s mocking ur confused expression, jeering at how scared you look. considering you’ve completely fuckin forgot this guy you demand to know who he is—to which leon haaaappily reminds u abt the friendship you two used to have before you just poured it down the drain.
“you didn’t love then me because i was no one, but now, you’ll love me because i’m someone” is basically what he tells u. he was no longer poor, considering all the shit he’s robbed, and now that he actually has a reputation compared to his past self. and now that the people who told you to stay away from him are now gone, he was happily going to make up for lost time with you, whether you liked it or not.
JSJSJFGTHIS IS PROBABLY REALLY UHMM CLICHE, sososoery if u were hoping for something different jsjskdf..</3 i guess a summary would just be yan!childhood friend!pirate!leawn…. and i’d also like 2 add he’d probably non-con u… saur..
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splatcat64 · 7 months ago
i had a really long convo with my friends about this but it really seriously feels like ppl get rhys and fionas characterization switched up HARD. this is bc of the u choose the path thing but also a heavy hand in the misogyny and racism (and general way ppl tend to approach pandorans due to being effected by how jack talked about them . LOL) fiona is such a sweetheart whos working her hardest to protect the people she loves + imo shes the one who helped vaughn grow into someone who adores pandora as well. it makes me blow up. i have a few songs that have been making me go nuts about her . hai i got excited sorry
NOOO DON’T APOLOGIZE FOR GETTING EXCITED I totally get it my god,,, this blog is becoming so tales centric I’m sorry not sorry here we go. If you haven’t seen tales and want to be mindful of light spoilers. ⚠️
This has been talked about on my side a bit but I tooootally agree, Both of their characterization gets switched up BAD and it’s absolutely insane, both Fiona and Rhys are good people, but flawed. Flawed, but good people, and it gets constantly jumbled around in the fandom. I feel like a lot of people have a really hard time grasping that “choose ur own adventure” protags still have a core personality set, especially telltale. I always use Lee TWGD as an example, because sure you can portray him as either very very confrontational, or more soft spoken and sweet, but in the end of th edgy he still killed someone. In the end of the day he still ALWAYS cares about Clem. It’s not any different for those two idiots, they still have their respective arcs and the such.
I feel like Fiona gets a lot of shit specifically BECAUSE she’s snarky and she. speaks her mind. And god forbid a POC/Black coded woman do ANYTHING. Jack really messed up ppls views on Pandorans but the look into Sasha and Fi’s life is literally just more, HEY, they’re people!! Maybe don’t listen to the GENOCIDAAAAL [big arrows pointing to the word] MANIAC. It’s thrown right at your face. People take wtv the fuck Jack says way to seriously when he lies. So much. All the time. And I don’t get why no one takes it with a pile of salt constantly. When really she does just have a heart of gold, most of her being mean is literally just playful banter like hello. Sasha’s meaner than her by a mile but Fi still gets slaaandered for it. And even tho Sasha does have her really mean moments I will defend her to the grave with strangers bcus “hating her” without a valid reason gets veeerry racy really quick and as a black person it really does rub me the wrong way sometimes. So much mischaracterization everywhere. It’s a weird mix of a patriarchal, misogynistic, racist deal with EVERY character in The Group and I’m just… how do you manage to mischaracterize everybody from a game that’s all story.
And the point I made in a post somewhere about how Rhys is written differently than a LOT of men in borderlands and ppl have ran with it and decided hey this guy actually sucks. Or hey haha this guy can’t do anything. He’s completely out of his element on Pandora, of course he’s stumbling somewhat but bro is brave as hell for that shit. He’s a completely capable dude, yes he cares about Fiona and Sasha and Vaughn. Yes they care about him. I feel like people also get it twisted because of Fiona and Rhys in the intros, but people gotta remember that they’re acting like that because the game was episodic and we weren’t rlly allowed to know that they’re super buddy buddy. That’s one gripe I have w the game is that they made Fiona seem like she HATED his ass in some of the future settings in the beginning of episodes and people took it way too literally. Please I beg they’re besties,,, you’ve never boxed with a bestie before??? Either way it’s obvious that it’s blown out of proportion especially after Rhys’ whole arc concludes. You’re supposed to be like oooh he’s like that cause we couldn’t know. You look at Fi and you’re supposed to like daaamn she really cares about him/them they were all just split apart after extremely traumatic events. [I’m gonna stop here with this point cause it’s starting to be a run on but people do not talk enough about how traumatic both Helios’ crash, the wreck, and Gortys’ first fight was for all of them.]
I’ve talked extensively with a friend about this too but Tales had a looot of budget issues during its making cause of Telltale nuking itself, and the game was meant to have more time. ALL of them were!!! I always think about maybe if they all got more time they’d be treated this way less. But yknow,, whatever I guess.
AND THE VAUGHN THING UR SO CORRECT GOD. I think she really help him crawl out of his shell for a lack of a better term, both the sisters tbh I feel like they’re a very rare and cute friendship pairing and I need to see more of Sasha daring him to do shit like in the Chimera dome. They all care sooo deeply for each other and people even manage to miss that like god. One of Rhys’ core traits if you don’t make him abysmally evil is loyalty. LOYALTY. Fiona hasn’t had many, hell if any friends since tales started, She is SUCH a caring person of course she’s gonna ride or die for her friends. Like that one scene on Helios where Rhys can ask her not to leave, And she’s like “If I wanted to leave, I would’ve done it a looong time ago.” There’s so many points in the game I could,d bring up that show how great all of them are, Fiona, after knowing him for not too long at all, tries to convince Vaughn to be brave, and that he can survive Bossanova’s race. Yes, she had to do that so they wouldn’t die, but she went out of her way to say it in a way that was reassuring enough. That’s sweet. If she didn’t care about them she wouldn’t have played cards on the roof with Rhys, or play bunkers and badasses with the boys, or I don’t know, let them LIVE IN WHAT IS ESSENTIALLY HER HOUSE FOR A YEAR. /ref ep.3 of tales. I’m being dramatic, of course there are factors that didn’t let her kick them out. But, my point stands.
That wasn’t meaaan that was playful reassurance, she’s telling him she’s THERE FOR HIM. They all care sooosososo much. If none of the, cared about each other, any “betrayal” wouldn’t mean that much. People get hurt like that because of their bonds and yes, YES I’m being opinionated but they’re like the found family ever, god. Fiona is fucking amazing and she wouldn’t put up with anyone if she didn’t either have to, or care, and after a certain point it’s very obvious that it’s not the first one.
TLDR; Tales is great, stan Fiona, stan Rhys, Stan Sasha and Vaughn,,, my glorious queens and kings. Forgive any typos or grammar I wrote this on a passionate whim,
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