11 posts
Welcome to Suplex City. Suplex City. For some, it's the last place on earth they'd want to be. For others, it's home. Now that Mayor Jerry Lawler has stepped down, Commissioner Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley and Chief of Police Shane McMahon are battling for his position with opposing agendas. In a war of good guys versus bad guys, the citizens of Suplex City are forced to choose a side, discovering who they really are.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
winfall · 3 years ago
Episode 1: Welcome to Suplex City (Volume 11)
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(background photo by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay) 
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(photo by Martha Dominguez de Gouveia on Unsplash)
Shane lies in a hospital bed with an arm sling, giving a statement to Renee Young.
Stephanie and Glen quietly enter.
SHANE: This will not affect my campaign run for mayor. I am more committed than ever to putting every last criminal behind bars where they belong.
STEPHANIE: (to Renee) Could you give us a moment?
Renee steps outside.
STEPHANIE (CONT'D): Shane, what happened to you was heinous, and I know you want justice. We all do. But do you really think you're fit to get this city into shape? I mean, look at you. There are monsters out there who are capable of doing much worse.
Shane sees right through her.
SHANE: Oh, I know all about monsters. Thank you for your concern, but I'm not going anywhere. My job is to make those monsters pay for everything they've done, and I won't stop until I do.
STEPHANIE: Then may the best man or woman win.
GLEN: (creepy smile) Get well soon.
They walk out.
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(photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash)
B-roll of the high-speed chase involving the Raw Talk van and the Revival plays.
CHARLY (O.S): Despite our efforts, suspects Dash Wilder, Scott Dawson and their unknown accomplice, whom many have given the name Kane, are still on the run.
The B-roll cuts to Charly on the set of Raw Talk.
CHARLY (CONT'D): If anyone has any information on these three men, do not hesitate to notify the authorities. Every detail is essential. Now to Summer Rae with the weather.
Now off camera, Charly gets up and walks off set for a coffee break.
Kurt joins her. Pours himself a cup.
KURT: I cannot thank you enough, Charly. Your methods were questionable, to say the least, but they got us back on the air.
CHARLY: I just wish we could have done more.
KURT: Those guys may still be on the loose, but you gave the public something they haven't had in a long time. Hope. You were right. Nobody cares enough about the truth. But now they know where to find it.
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Tye bangs on the door. Bobby yanks it open, but just a crack.
TYE: Bobby, what are you doing? Everyone's been looking for you.
He looks behind him. Stacks of cash sit on Bobby's desk. Tye looks him in the eyes, knowing, but not wanting to ask.
TYE (CONT'D): What is that?
BOBBY: It's none of your business. Go home. Show's over.
He slams the door in Tye's face.
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(photo by Camylla Battani on Unsplash)
Talking Smack is on the radio.
COREY GRAVES (ON RADIO): Our prayers and thoughts go out to Chief McMahon as we hope for a speedy recovery.
Shawn turns off the radio.
SHAWN: You dodged a bullet. Better thank the Good Lord for that.
DOLPH: (defeated) After everything I've done to come this close, yet another opportunity gets stolen away from me.
SHAWN: That place was literally up in flames, and you're talking about a lost opportunity? You will get your opportunity. A better opportunity. It's just going to take a lot of time, and a lot of patience.
DOLPH: What's the point? No matter what I do it's never enough. No matter how high I climb, I get knocked right back down. I have scratched and clawed my entire career just to get one shot. And now... (beat) I'm over it.
He gets out of the truck and heads to the house.
Shawn also gets out of the truck.
SHAWN: (calling after him) If you want to quit, I can't stop you. But everything comes with a price. It's up to you to determine if it's a price you're willing to pay.
The screen door SLAMS SHUT.
Dolph answers the door. No one's there. He looks down. A briefcase lies on the porch.
Dolph looks around the front yard then back at the briefcase. Hesitates. Then opens the screen door and steps onto the porch.
He stoops down and unlocks the briefcase with a CLICK. Opens it. He takes out a piece of paper concealed by the case's lid. As he skims it, his face shifts from surprise to disturbed. He carefully puts the note back inside, shuts and locks the briefcase, troubled.
For a moment he just sits there staring at it... His face hardens. He picks up the briefcase, carries it inside and shuts the door.
The sound of SWINGING CHAINS. Two men with potato sacks over their heads stand with their wrists tied together and chained to the ceiling. The sacks are yanked off. It's Dawson and Wilder, startled and confused.
Roman, Dean, and Seth stand before them, faces masked, menacing.
DEAN: We've got some unfinished business.
If you’ve made it to the end of Episode 1, thank you so much! Thanks for just taking the time to read any of this story. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I love writing it. I’m a big fan of the WWE and when I was inspired to write this, I was overflowing with joy and passion. I am so happy that I finally get to share it!
If you are also a huge WWE fan and enjoy writing WWE fanfiction, I would love to collaborate. I have so many ideas for this story, but having someone to bounce ideas off of would be great and a lot of fun. So, if you have any ideas about characters or plots, please leave me a note or a message. I would love to see what we can create together! 
God Bless and please enjoy your day! There’s always something to be grateful for if you take the time to take a breath and look around.
Charly <3 :)
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winfall · 3 years ago
Episode 1: Welcome to Suplex City (Volume 10)
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(background photo by Gred Altmann on Pixabay)
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The lobby exits are bottlenecked as everyone tries to evacuate.
Renee interviews a distraught Heath Slater. RHYNO stands by devouring a pack of crackers.
HEATH: I got kids. I don't have time for this kind of stuff.
Charly searches the crowd.
Bandannas off, Dawson and Wilder blend in with the crowd and walk out the lobby doors.
Charly pushes her way through the mayhem.
Charly runs out onto the red carpet and scans the area. Way down the block, Dawson and Wilder hop into their RV and peel off.
Byron and Tye chase Charly down.
CHARLY: Come on.
She hurries to the Raw Talk van.
CHARLY (CONT'D): Tye, I need you to drive.
She and Byron get in.
TYE: What's happening right now?
CHARLY: We're thinking outside of the box.
She tosses Tye the keys. Still oblivious to what's going on, Tye gets in the car anyway and starts it up.
CHARLY: Follow that RV. Byron I need your phone.
Byron hands her his phone. Charly makes a call.
CHARLY (CONT'D): Kurt, we need airtime...Trust me.
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As Seth zooms down the road, Dean checks his phone.
DEAN: Guys. I know where they are.
He's watching a Raw Talk live feed of the car chase from the Raw Talk van.
CHARLY (O.S): We are now trailing the suspects' RV down Patterson Street.  Looks like they're trying to leave the city. Suspects are unarmed, but could still be considered dangerous.
TYE (O.S): This is insane. This is insane!
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Wilder glances at his side mirror. Sees the Raw Van.
WILDER: Are they following us?
Dawson sticks his head out the window. Sure enough, the Raw Talk van is gaining on them.
DAWSON: Shake them off.
Wilder swerves through traffic, narrowly missing multiple cars and takes a sharp turn around a corner.
Tye gets stuck in traffic. The Revival is getting away.
CHARLY: They just turned left on Bischoff Drive. SCPD, the rest us up to you. Don't let us down.
INT. HUMMER – MOVING – SAME Seth slams his foot on the breaks. He puts it in reverse and drives backward.
DEAN: What are you doing? We're losing them.
SETH: Taking a shortcut.
He whips around, puts it in drive then shoots down Blayze Lane.
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Wilder glances in his side mirror. They're home free. Dawson kicks back in his seat.
They turn a corner. Wilder pumps the breaks. A big, black Hummer is blocking their way through the underpass.
Dawson leans closer to the windshield trying to see through the Hummer's tinted windows.
Someone BANGS on the door. Startled, Dawson and Wilder look at each other.
Roman kicks the door down. Steps in.
DAWSON: What are you going to do, arrest us?
ROMAN: You got the wrong guys.
Dean and Seth enter stand behind him.
DAWSON: Suit yourself.
A fight breaks out. Dean and Roman tag-team Dawson, pounding his back, while Seth takes on Wilder.
Seth slams Wilder against the counter, knocking off dishes, and holds him down.
SETH: Who put you up to this? Was it Triple H?
Wilder headbutts Seth hard. Seth stumbles backward. Wilder braces himself then charges forward and dropkicks Seth out the doorway. Seth lands on the concrete.
Wilder's not done. He gets up and dives out of the RV landing on Seth with an elbow drop. Seth yells in agony.
Roman hears his cry. Leaves Dawson to Dean.
Wilder climbs to his feet ready to attack Seth. Inside the RV, Roman moves as far back as he can then launches himself at Wilder striking him with a superman punch.
Dawson pushes Dean off of him and uppercuts him in the gut. He grabs Dean and tosses him into a table, cash and jewelry falling all over the floor. Dawson stands over him.
DAWSON: This has been fun and all, (kicks Dean) but there's a storm coming, and we don't plan on being here when it lands. So, if you excuse us, we'll be leaving now.
He lifts his foot to stomp Dean unconscious--
Dean kicks Dawson's other foot from beneath him and hits him with a Dirty Deeds. Dawson is out cold.
SIRENS in the distance. Roman and Seth appear at the entrance.
ROMAN: We got to move.
SETH: If we let the cops take them in, we'll never get what we need out of them.
Dean has that look in his eyes. He has a plan.
Police cars are parked around the RV.
JBL and Booker T stand outside the doorway. The RV is trashed and empty.
BOOKER: Looks like they made a run for it.
JBL: Does it?
Something else happened here, and he doesn’t like it one bit.
0 notes
winfall · 3 years ago
Episode 1: Welcome to Suplex City (Volume 9)
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(background photo by Klaus P. Rausch on Pixabay)
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The theater is dark. A countdown flashes on a giant screen onstage. The crowd is going wild.
3..2..1. An EXPLOSION OF PYRO as Chris Jericho rises onto the stage with his back to the crowd, his lit-up jacket dazzling the audience.
Strapped into a harness, Dawson drops down from the rafters onto the stage. He moves into the spotlight with his big, smoking gun resting on his shoulder.
DAWSON: We're sorry to interrupt this lovely evening, but this is a stickup.
Wilder bursts onto the mezzanine holding another gun and a pillowcase.
WILDER: No one's leaving until everything's in the bag.
Nobody moves. Is this part of the show? Losing his patience, Dawson blasts one into the air.
Everyone on the upper floor scrambles to hand over their belongings to Wilder. Jericho tries to make it run for it.
DAWSON (CONT'D): Ay, not so fast superstar. The jacket. Hand it over.
JERICHO: You don't want this old thing. You wouldn't believe how many batteries it takes. The upkeep is exhausting.
DAWSON: This isn't up for negotiation.
Gestures with his gun for Jericho to take it off. Jericho bitterly hands it over.
DAWSON (CONT'D): Big fan by the way.
Dawson takes his pillowcase from his back pocket and starts plundering the front row.
DAWSON (CONT'D): All right. You know the drill people.
Up in the lighting booth, Tye helplessly watches it all go down.
Tye flies down the grand staircase on his cell phone.
TYE: Please hurry.
He hangs up. At the sound of POUNDING he stops short of the exit. He glances behind him at the storage closet.
He takes his time walking over, grabs the doorknob, and slowly creeps it open--
Charly breaks out.
CHARLY: Thank God. The Universal Crown is about to get robbed. We have to stop them.
TYE: It's already happening. The police are on their way. We need to get out of here--
Charly races up the grand staircase.
TYE: What are you doing? (beat) We're going to die.
He chases after her.
Dawson stands at the end of an aisle as the audience members dump their valuables in his pillowcase and pass it along.
DAWSON (CONT'D): That's right. Pass it down.
In the mezzanine, Wilder holds his pillowcase out to Shane.
SHANE: You are making a huge mistake.
WILDER: Just do as you're told, and no one gets hurt.
Charly bursts through the balcony doors, Tye on her heels.
CHARLY: The guns aren't real.
All eyes shoot in her direction.
Dawson squints up at her.
CHARLY (CONT'D): They don't have ammunition. It's all fake.
Dawson smirks. Impressed. Shrugs.
DAWSON: You got us.
Gasps and muttering around the room.
DAWSON (CONT'D): The lady's right. It's all smoke and mirrors. Unfortunately, our friend didn't get the memo.
KANE emerges from the fire tower exit waving a flamethrower.
The crowd panics and stampedes for the exits.
Distracted by the mayhem, Wilder takes his eyes off of Shane. Shane throws a punch and Wilder stumbles into the seats.
Shane reaches for his gun. Wilder tackles Shane against the wall. There's a tussle, fists are thrown. Then –
Wilder pushes Shane off the balcony and Shane crashes into the orchestra pit.
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(photo by Matthew LeJune on Unsplash)
JBL and Booker T stand at the counter of the pizza shop while the owner, ENZO AMORE, chats on the phone. JBL's patience is wearing thin.
ENZO: He's one noodle short of a linguine, if you ask me.
JBL: Are we gonna get some service here? We've been waiting for half an hour.
ENZO: (to person on the phone) Hold on for a sec.  (to JBL) Do I come to your establishment and interrupt you, sheriff? No, I do not. This is an important business call, all right? So I'm going to need you to hold your horses and I'll be right with you. (to person on the phone) Anyway, before I was so rudely interrupted.
JBL: (to Booker T) You just had to pick this place didn't you? (answering phone) JBL...We're on it.
BOOKER T: What's that about?
JBL: Another robbery. Looks like we're going to the gala after all.  
JBL and Booker T exit the pizza shop and stop short.
BOOKER T: Tell me I'm not seeing this.
All four tires of their car are missing and it's covered in graffiti. NERDS is spray painted across the windshield.
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Roman, Dean, and Seth march past the WEGOHARD license plate.
Roman kicks the door down and steps inside, Seth and Dean behind him.
An elderly couple sit on a couch watching the news, terrified.
RENEE (ON TV): Chief of police Shane McMahon is being raced to the hospital after suffering severe injuries during a robbery at the Universal Crown. The suspects are fleeing the building.
Dean grabs Seth by the collar and slams him against the hummer.
DEAN: What did you do?
SETH: I had nothing to do with this!
ROMAN: Nothing to do with it, huh? We just so happen to get an anonymous tip that leads us to the middle of nowhere why they make another hit?
DEAN: Once a weasel, always a weasel. I knew we shouldn't have trusted him.
SETH: I'm telling you it wasn't me. This has Triple H's name written all over it. If anything, it was Samoa Joe who called it in. He knew we were closing in on them and we took the bait. Guys, we're on the same team.
DEAN: Since when? You were always in it for yourself. We were supposed to have each other's back, but instead, you stabbed us in ours and threw us to the wolves. And you expect me to believe you?
SETH: Why would I set this up? You think I'd join the same side that destroyed my life? I want Triple H to go down just as much as you do. I'm not the bad guy here.
DEAN: And what kind of guy are you, Seth? The guy who turns his back on his friends for a big paycheck and a fancy ride? We were partners, man. You were my brother!
SETH: And I'm sorry! Not a day goes by that I don't regret the biggest mistake of my life. I can't undo what I've done, but we have a second chance to do the right thing. If we walk away now, they win. Just like they planned. Or we can finish what we've started once and for all.
He sticks out his fist.
Roman's on the fence, but what else has he got to lose? Sticks his fist out.
Dean paces back and forth like a rabid dog. After some torturous contemplation, he slams his fist against the hummer then bumps it against theirs.
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winfall · 3 years ago
Episode 1: Welcome to Suplex City (Volume 8)
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(photo of curtains by Nachrichten Muc from Pixabay) 
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(photo by Mick De Paola on Unsplash)
Cameras flash as THE MIZ and his wife MARYSE strut down the red carpet in their finest flanked by their entourage CURTIS AXEL and BO DALLAS.
A black SUV pulls up. The driver opens the door. SASHA BANKS steps out and strikes a pose, followed by her bodyguard NIA JAX.
Behind the media barricade among a frenzy of reporters and photographers, Charly interviews CHARLOTTE FLAIR and her dad RIC FLAIR.
CHARLY: I am here with the lovely Charlotte Flair and her legendary dad, Ric Flair. What are you two most excited to see tonight?
CHARLOTTE: I'm just here to celebrate the most superior theater in the world. The Universal Crown is the only place fit for a queen.
The Flairs move along down the red carpet as Sasha Banks approaches.
CHARLY: Sasha! Sasha!
Sasha waves gleefully and just when Charly thinks she's going to stop for her, she walks past her and joins Renee Young at a lit up gazebo with seats set up by Talking Smack. They greet each other with hugs like good friends.
RENEE: Take a seat. Do I even have to ask who you're wearing?
Sasha flaunts her own designer dress.
SASHA: Legit Boss. All day.
Charly watches on, disappointed, wistful.
Byron balances the company camera on his shoulder while trying to take pictures of the arriving celebrities with his own camera.
CHARLY: Really?
BYRON: These are for my personal collection.
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It's a full house as the lights dim. In the orchestra pit, SHINSKE NAKAMURA leads the orchestra into a glorious intro.
Smoke fills the stage. Bobby Roode rises from a trap door to a rousing applause.
BOBBY ROODE: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a celebration of the grandest stage of them all. Welcome to The Universal Crown's fiftieth anniversary.
Aiden English sings opera. Very pretentiously.
Representing the Lucha Circus, the LUCHA DRAGONS perform stunning, high-flying tricks.
THE ROCK roasts members of the audience while playing the guitar.
THE NEW DAY get the crowd pumped by launching swag into the audience to the tune of XAVIOR WOOD'S trombone Francesca.
Dolph's riding down the road when –
His tire BLOWS OUT.
He pulls over. Gets out and checks the tire.
AIR WHISTLES as the tire goes flat.
Splintered wood from busted table parts are scattered across the ground. This cannot be happening.
Jericho stands in front of the mirror fussing with his scarf. He tosses it over one shoulder. Doesn't like it. Tosses it over the other shoulder. He smirks at his reflection. That's more like it.
Heath enters.
HEATH: Hey, boss--
JERICHO: Did you just enter without knocking?
HEATH: ...Yes.
JERICHO: Are you out of your mind? You don't just burst into Jericho's private dressing room, you hooligan! You want to talk to Jericho, you close Jericho's door ever so gently and you knock like you've got some home training.
HEATH: Are you serious?
JERICHO: Uh. Yeah. Vamoose.
Jericho flaps one end of his scarf, motioning for Heath to go.
Heath is getting so tired of this. He leaves. A second later he KNOCKS.
Jericho fixes up his hair.
JERICHO: Who is it?
HEATH (O.S): Heath.
JERICHO: Come on in, Keith.
Heath opens the door, staying in the doorway this time.
HEATH: You've got a phone call from Ziggler. He's having car trouble.
JERICHO: Aw, did his little piece of garbage on wheels give up on him just like his music career? Too bad. If he makes Jericho look like an armature without his opening act, he's off the tour. Capisce?
HEATH: Got it.
Heath starts to leave.
JERICHO (CON'T): Hey, Keith. What do you think?
He turns around, putting himself on display.
JERICHO: I look great, don't I? Drink it in man.
He closes his eyes and breathes in the air of Jericho.
Heath lets himself out closing the door behind him.
HEATH: (under his breath) Clown.
It's intermission and the lobby is crowded.
Byron's showing COREY GRAVES, anchorman for Talking Smack, his glowing unicorn horn headband. Corey pretends to care then when Byron isn't looking, he rolls his eyes and walks away.
Charly notices Kurt talking on the phone. It doesn't look good. She heads over.
KURT: Okay, sir. No, I understand. Goodbye.
CHARLY: Kurt, is everything okay?
KURT: That was Mr. McMahon. He wanted to inform me that Raw Talk has been canceled. I’m sorry, Charly.
At the sink, Charly cleans up her face. She's devastated. One of the stalls open and Renee's reflection appears in the mirror.
CHARLY: How do you do it?
RENEE: I'm sorry?
CHARLY: I have followed your career for years, and yet I can never measure up to you.
RENEE: This business is tough, but in order to get ahead you've got to learn not to keep yourself in a box.
She washes her hands and leaves.
Charly looks at herself in the mirror, letting Renee's words soak in.
The lobby is now empty as Charly leaves the bathroom. She bumps into—
DAWSON: Excuse me, lady.
Dawson tips his baseball cap, displaying his “Just Fists” glove, and heads for the theater.
Charly is frozen. She snaps out of it and finds her phone in her purse. Dials 9-1-1.
CHARLY: There's a robbery about to be in progress at the Universal--
A “Just Fists” glove snatches her phone and ends the call.
DAWSON: Now why'd you have to go and do a thing like that?
Charly struggles against Dawson as he puts her in the storage closet and locks her inside.
She wiggles the handle, but it won't budge. She pounds and kicks at the door. 
CHARLY: Someone help! Please!
She searches around the room for something, anything to help her get out. Nothing but cleaning supplies and toiletries. She's trapped.
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winfall · 3 years ago
Episode 1: Welcome to Suplex City (Volume 7)
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(photo of police hat by R.D. Smith on Unsplash)
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(photo by Eduardo Alexandre on Unsplah) 
Roman sits in front of an infuriated Shane.
SHANE: You want to tell me why I'm getting calls about my so-called vigilantes running loose on the streets?
ROMAN: We were working the robbery case.
SHANE: There's just one thing you seem to be forgetting. You're no longer on active patrol duty. I could have you arrested for obstruction, assault, and destruction of property.
ROMAN: Meanwhile, the criminals get away again and the SCPD loses even more respect.
SHANE: And you think you three can do a better job?
ROMAN: We need reinforcements more than ever with Stephanie running for mayor. We are the best shot this city has. You know that.  
SHANE: You let me deal with my sister and worry about keeping your job. I vouched for you when everyone else told me to let you go. If I hear a peep about your bloodhounds causing any more problems, this time I won't hesitate. Are we clear?
ROMAN: Yes, sir.
Roman leaves Shane's office. Captain Samoa Joe approaches, eyeing him like he's a joke.
JOE: Chief finally taking out the trash? Good riddance.
It's taking all the strength in Roman's body not to kick the smile off of Joe's face.
ROMAN: Nice badge. I always wondered how you got it. Must have cost you an arm and a leg.
That makes Joe's smile fade away.
ROMAN (CONT'D): You can play captain all you want, but I know who you really work for.
Joe moves close enough to speak in Roman's ear.
JOE: Prove it.
He walks away just as OFFICER TAMINA walks over holding a piece of paper.
TAMINA: Those guys you were looking for? We just got an anonymous tip on their location. They saw the license plate and called it in.
She hands him the address. Roman has a decision to make.
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Roman rolls up the garage door. Seth and Dean are waiting inside, keeping a good distance. Roman joins them.
SETH: What's the verdict?
ROMAN: Slap on the hand. Warned us to be good, little boys and stop sticking our noses where they don't belong.
SETH: Yeah, well too bad we don't work for him.
DEAN: You mean, “we” don't work for him. Roman has his family to think about. If we get caught, he loses his badge. Then what?
ROMAN: If this is what it takes to keep my family safe, might as well go down with a fight. I got a tip. Says the suspects were spotted going west. Might be headed for the trailer park.
DEAN: That doesn't make any sense. When I saw them, they were going north. Figured they were headed for the border.
ROMAN: Maybe they're laying low for until the heats off them.
DEAN: I don't know. Something doesn't feel right.
SETH: Clocks ticking. What's our next move?
Dean still isn't on board, but he keeps his mouth shut.
ROMAN: West it is.
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(photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash)
Shawn and Dolph sit at the table eating dinner.
SHAWN: I see the music biz is treating you well. Hitting the road for an worldwide tour. Mr. Bigtime.
DOLPH: Hardly...I  have the opportunity of a lifetime, but there's still that nagging thought in the back of my head telling me it's just another road to nowhere.
SHAWN: Maybe you should consider going in a different direction.
DOLPH: And what direction would that be? The unemployment line?
Shawn wipes his hands and tosses his napkin onto his empty plate.
SHAWN: Let’s take a ride.
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(photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash)
Shawn makes his way through the friendly, country grill as a band plays on stage. Dolph follows behind him, clearly out of his element. A shiny fish in a sea of wood tones.
DOLPH: This is your new spot, huh? I was picturing something a lot, I don't know, louder.
SHAWN: You know me. I'm not a flashy guy.
Dolph chuckles.
DOLPH: Right.
They walk up to the counter where MICKIE JAMES is taking orders.
SHAWN: Miss James. Always a pleasure.
MICKIE: Likewise.
SHAWN: I'd like you to meet a good friend of mine, Dolph Ziggler. He's a musician.
MICKIE: Any good?
SHAWN: Only one way to find out.
He looks at Dolph. Dolph realizes what's happening here.
DOLPH: Maybe some other time. I have a big show tonight...
SHAWN: All the better to warm-up. (to Mickie) He's going to need to borrow a guitar.
Dolph is now strapped with an acoustic guitar, waiting offstage to be introduced.
DOLPH: I'm all for growing my audience, but this might be pushing it a little.
SHAWN: What do you have to lose? Go out there and do what you do best. Steal the show.
Mickie gets up onstage.
MICKIE: Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to a new friend of mine, Dolph Ziggler.
Dolph makes his way to the stage getting polite applause from the crowd. He plugs in. Adjusts the mic while surveying the crowd. Then he goes for it full throttle.
He gauges the audience who look confused, not into it at all. He's already lost them.
Dolph storms out. Shawn follows behind.
SHAWN: Dolph, wait up.
DOLPH: Do you know how humiliating that was? I looked like an idiot up there. What was the point?
SHAWN: I'm trying to teach you that you don't need a sold-out stadium to be a musician. All of that pyro and flash? That's not music. Whatever you're looking for, you've got to go deeper than that.
DOLPH: Says Mr. Showstopper himself.
SHAWN: I made a choice to determine what's really important to me and that wasn't it. It's time for you to make the same decision.
Dolph contemplates this for a moment. Then --
DOLPH: I have a show to get to.
He heads for Shawn's truck.
0 notes
winfall · 3 years ago
Episode 1: Welcome to Suplex City (Volume 6)
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(photo of chair by Mariakray on Pixabay)
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(photo by Damir Kopezhanov on Unsplash)
Charly drops a file on Kurt's desk.
CHARLY: They call themselves The Revival.
Kurt looks through the file.
CHARLY (CONT'D): A gang of advocates who support good old-fashioned fist fights. “No firearms. Just fists.”
KURT: Okay...
CHARLY: How is it possible that they've gotten away with two robberies technically unarmed?  Because not enough people are seeking out the truth even when it's right in front of them.
Kurt closes the file and puts it aside.
KURT: Look, Charly, I admire what you're doing, but save yourself the trouble. Those guys are probably halfway into Canada by now, and the last thing the public needs is more news about crimes that will never be solved. That's why I want you at the Universal Crown tonight. At least it'll take the city's mind off of worrying about being the next victim.
His phone rings.
KURT (CONT'D): Can you shut the door on your way out? Thanks.
Outraged, Charly leaves the room.
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(photo by Sergey Isakhanyan on Unsplash)
JBL and Booker T walk into the bar surrounded by bikers. Drinking. Shooting Pool. Throwing darts at Shane McMahon's photo. Having a good time.
Laughter comes from the back where a group of guys are playing cards. JBL has spotted his target.
AJ STYLES gathers in his big pot.
AJ: I am phenomenal, if I do say so myself.
KARL ANDERSON clears his throat on sight of JBL and Booker T coming their way. He and LUKE GALLOWS stand guard.
AJ (CONT'D): At ease, boys. (to JBL and Booker) To what do we owe the pleasure this time?
JBL: We have reason to believe you can help us find a couple of suspects.
He takes out his phone and shows them a close-up of Dawson's glove.
JBL (CONT'D): See anything familiar?
AJ looks at the photo. Now he's offended.
AJ: I can assure you, those are not my guys. Quite frankly, you're looking at them. And I don't think they appreciate your accusations. You know, we're getting sick and tired of you breathing down our backs.  
BOOKER T: We're just doing our job.
AJ stands causing Anderson and Gallows to back him up.
AJ: Does your job include harassment? Or maybe you're having trouble hearing me. I said they're not one of us. Why are you still here?
JBL: One more question. Where were you at 9 AM this morning?
AJ snarls like an angry pitbull.
JBL (CONT'D): Let us know if you hear anything.
He and Booker T walk away.
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(photo by Jordan Koons on Unsplash)
BARON CORBIN stands behind the front glass display counter of the cluttered pawn shop watching Freestyle, an amateur wrestling show, on an antique TV.
COMMENTATOR (ON TV): Jason Jordan has proven to be unstoppable thus far. The kid has a bright future ahead of him.
Dean, Roman, and Seth enter heading straight for Baron. Baron ignores them until they gather around the counter.
BARON: Can I help you with something?
SETH: That depends. Sell any illegal weapons lately?
ROMAN: I'm sure Shane would love to hear all about that.
Baron keeps watching the match on TV, uninterested.
BARON: I don't know what you're talking about.
DEAN: You don't know what we're talking about?
BARON: That's what I just said. Look, if you're not going to buy anything I suggest you get out of my store. Clowns...
Baron goes back to watching his program.
ROMAN: He's right. Let's have a look around. See what we can find. Then maybe he'll tell us what we want to know.
Roman eyes a trashcan full of kendo sticks. He picks one up, twirls it around.
ROMAN (CONT’D): Hey, how much for this?
Smashes a display case.
BARON: Hey! He can't do that.
DEAN: Looks to me he can do whatever he wants unless you start opening your mouth.
Baron remains silent.
Seth wanders over to a collection of baseball bats.
SETH: All we want is a moment of your time.
He takes a bat. Smashes the TV.
Baron hops over the counter, charging at Seth.
Dean grabs the trashcan and slams it against Baron’s back. Baron falls to the floor. Dean tosses the can.
DEAN: Get him up.
Roman and Seth lift Baron to his feet. Dean approaches Baron, wielding his own kendo stick.
BARON: I didn't sell them anything. Those bozos stole them from me the second I turned my back.
SETH: Why didn't you call the police?
Corbin keeps his mouth shut.
DEAN: Cat got your tongue? We have ways of making you talk. An entire room full of them. So, unless you start yapping, we're going to turn your junkyard into a playground.
BARON: I didn't want to be involved. You want information? I know what their license plate number is.
DEAN: What, did you chase them down?
BARON: I sold it to them.
The three of them exchange looks.
Dean snatches a receipt slip from the counter, grabs a pen and thrusts it at Baron. Baron writes down the plate number. Dean takes it. It reads, “WEGOHARD.”
JBL and Booker T enter. Assessing the situation, they pull out their guns.
JBL: Freeze!
Seth and Roman drop Baron as all three of them hold up their hands. Roman lowers his mask.
ROMAN: They're with me.
JBL: You've gotta be kidding me.
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winfall · 3 years ago
Episode 1: Welcome to Suplex City (Volume 5)
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(guitar photo by Alexander Lesnitsky from Pixabay)
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(photo by Andrea Davis from Unsplash)
Parked in front of a luxury, rustic home, Dolph gets out of the car, grabs his luggage and guitar, and kicks the door shut. As he stands there, regretfully taking it all in, the screen door opens.
SHAWN MICHAELS steps out onto the porch with a big smile.
SHAWN: Welcome home.
He surveys Dolph's sparse belongings.
SHAWN (CONT'D): I see you've packed light. I just renovated the closet. You should be able to squeeze right in there.
Dolph climbs the stairs.
DOLPH: I don't doubt it, but that won't be necessary. I just need a few hours to crash then I'll be on my way.
SHAWN: Not a problem. Mi casa es su casa and all that good stuff. Come on in. Take a load off.
They enter the house.
Entering the living room, Shawn walks over and grabs his crossbow from a nearby table.
SHAWN: You, my friend, arrived just in time. Me and the guys are going out on a hunt. You're welcome to join us, if you'd like.
DOLPH: Sorry. My crossbow's in my other bag.
SHAWN: Suit yourself. I'll be back with dinner.
Shawn grabs the rest of his gear, sits his bow on his shoulder and heads off.
Dolph drops his things on the floor and takes a look around at the place. Costly, yet still modest.
DOLPH: Must be nice...
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(photo by Sonia Dauer from Unsplash)
Roman, Seth, and Dean get out of the Hummer wearing face masks with dog fangs on them. They head toward the gun shop in the middle of nowhere. The windows are barred and the doors look like they belonged to an army truck.
DEAN: Someone's having a good time.
Roman, Seth, and Dean get out of the Hummer wearing face masks with dog fangs on them. They head toward the gun shop in the middle of nowhere. The windows are barred and the doors look like they belonged to an army truck.
DEAN: Someone's having a good time.
Goggles on, D-VON AND BUBBA RAY DUDLEY take turns shooting jumbo launchers at pyramids of tables stacked far in the distance. Wooden shrapnel explodes in the air.
Dean, Seth, and Roman circle around back. D-Von nudges Bubba Ray. Nods at their visitors. Fingers still on the trigger.
Dean holds up his hands in surrender.
DEAN: Sorry to interrupt, boys. We just want to talk.
BUBBA RAY: About what exactly?
DEAN: About an hour ago, there was a robbery at a nearby gas station. The culprits were using machinery that matches your specific tastes.
D-Von shakes his head. Sucks his teeth.
BUBBA RAY: I remember two guys coming in asking for weapons, but we don't sell to anyone who doesn't own a permit. They made a fuss about it, but they were smart enough to walk away.
ROMAN: What'd they look like?
BUBBA RAY: One had a handlebar mustache. That's all I know.
SETH: You have any idea how they could have gotten their hands on your merchandise?
D-VON: Some guy runs a pawn shop downtown. Because of our “No Refund Policy,” a lot of our stuff ends up in his inventory. Perfect place to hide an assault weapon.
ROMAN: Our buy one without a permit.
SETH: You know the name of this place?
D-VON: End of Days.
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(photo by Lee Cartlede from Unsplash)
BELLS RING as Charly and Byron enter the vacant diner. Charly sadly scans the booths, not used to it being this empty, and finds a disgruntled Matt sitting alone on his laptop.
MATT: Delete. Delete. Delete.
Jeff comes out from the kitchen.
CHARLY: Still open for business?
JEFF: I don't see why not. What can I get you?
Charly and Byron sit at the counter.
BYRON: One Twist of Fate milkshake and one extreme-size Swanton pancake. Extra whipped cream. (re: Charly's look) I told you I was hungry.
CHARLY: I'd like to ask you a few questions about the robbery.
A little less cheerful, Jeff starts working on the order.
JEFF: Fire away.
Eager to get the scoop, Charly takes out her phone and records the conversation.
CHARLY: Could you describe the robbers?
JEFF: They were wearing black ski masks and black leather jackets. They took everything in the register and helped themselves to a milkshake. If they weren't holding a gun to my face, I would have swung a skillet to their heads.
BELLS RING as DETECTIVES JBL and BOOKER T enter, all business. They approach Matt.
JBL: I'm detective JBL, this is my partner Booker T. We're going to need to take a look at your surveillance cameras.
MATT: Sure...
Matt pulls up the surveillance footage on his laptop.
JBL: In private.
Matt closes his laptop and gets up, not really wanting to be bothered.
MATT: Right this way.
He leads them toward a room in the back. Charly stands holding her phone.
CHARLY: Detectives, can you tell us any more information about the suspects?
JBL: Not now, Miss Caruso. The last thing we need is the media sticking its nose where it doesn't belong.
They follow Matt into the back room.
Caruso turns to Byron who's perusing the menu. She clears her throat. Byron doesn't hear her. She tries again. Byron looks up. Charly cuts her eyes toward the back room. Now he gets it.
He sneaks over to the door and presses his ear against it.
In the footage on Matt's laptop, Dawson stands on the counter aiming his gun at the ceiling while Wilder collects the money from the register.
BOOKER: Nothing we can use. Can’t even tell the guys apart.
JBL: Hold up. Take it back a few seconds.
Matt rewinds the video.
JBL (CONT'D): Stop.
Matt pauses the video where Dawson has his hand raised in the air. JBL points to Dawson's glove. It reads, “Just Fists.”
BOOKER T: What are we looking at?
JBL: Do those gloves look familiar to you?
BOOKER T: I think you might be stretching it a bit.
JBL: It's the only lead we've got. Might as well start there. Thanks for your help, Mr. Hardy. We'll be in touch.
JBL opens the door and finds Byron standing there. A deer in headlights.
BYRON: Uh...I was looking for the bathroom.
JBL: Does this look like the bathroom?
BYRON: No, sir. I'll just hold it.
He goes back to his seat.
JBL: People are getting screwier by the second.
He and Booker walk out while Matt helps Jeff with Byron's order.
CHARLY: I may be overstepping, but if you can give me any new information that might be useful, we can help you catch these guys.
MATT: All I know is that they're looking for some guys wearing biker gloves.
Jeff flips a large pancake high in the air where it almost reaches the ceiling.
MATT (CONT'D): I feel like such a coward. I stood right here and did nothing while he blasted a bullet in the ceiling.
Charly's eyes follow the pancake as it rises toward the ceiling again.
CHARLY: Where exactly?
MATT: Right up there.
Matt points at the ceiling. Confused.
MATT (CONT'D): What the...
Charly stares at the place he's pointing. There's no bullet hole.
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winfall · 3 years ago
Episode 1: Welcome to Suplex City (Volume 4)
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Police surround the gas station questioning witnesses. Dean and Roman stand outside Roman's patrol car separated from the others.
DEAN: I just stood there and did nothing. Like a coward.
He punches the hood.
ROMAN: Easy. Sooner or later they're going to want this back too.
DEAN: We're the only guys in this pit hole that care about this place and all we can do is sit back and watch it burn.
ROMAN: Or we could do something about it. Seth has a plan.
DEAN: The architect has a plan. What, did he not hit you hard enough the first time? Because I got hit pretty hard. Why in the world would you trust him again?
ROMAN: He thinks these guys are working for Triple H.
DEAN: Who isn't?
ROMAN: Exactly. Seth is our inside man. He knows things only someone close to Triple H would know. He can help us get these guys and every other criminal tied to Triple H. We can end this.
DEAN: How do you know this isn't another trap?
ROMAN: We keep our eyes open this time. The second we suspect foul play, we cut him loose.
DEAN: What if I can't control myself? Every time I look at his slimy face I want to punch a hole through it.
Roman considers this.
ROMAN: We can work with that.
Dean's listening...
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(photo by Avery D. Alessandro on Unsplash)
Dean and Roman stand in the parking lot suited up in all black, waiting. Seth pulls up in a black Hummer. Hops out.
SETH: Is this really necessary?
ROMAN: You said you want our help. You can walk away now or man up. What's it going to be?
Seth slams his car door shut. Gets his game face on. He approaches Dean who snarls back at him. They stare each other down.
ROMAN: You know the rules. No low blows. Keep it clean.
He gives them some room. Neither of them make the first move.
SETH: What are you waiting for, huh, champ? Go ahead. I know it's been eating you up inside. Take your best shot.
Dean doesn't move.
SETH: No? Let me make this easier for you.
He turns his back to Dean. Holds out his arms.
SETH (CONT'D): There you go. I'm right here.
Dean just glares at him. Seth swings back around, frustrated now.
SETH (CONT'D): This is what you wanted, right? Spent years rotting in jail replaying what I did to you. Over and over again. I bet you were dreaming about this moment. Every tiny little detail. Well, now's your chance. Take your shot. Do it. Hit me!
He shoves Dean. Dean stumbles back. Seth's unleashed the bull. He charges at Seth and plows him to the ground throwing jab after jab. Roman hovers over them making sure things don't get too messy.
Dean grabs Seth by the hair, lifting him up from the ground, but Seth elbows him in the stomach and Dean doubles over. Seth shoves Dean into the building, Dean bounces off and Seth kicks him in the face. Dean collapses to the ground.
Breathing heavily, Seth hovers over Dean.
SETH: Had enough? Huh? We're wasting time.
Dean headbutts Seth then hits him hard with a clothesline slamming Seth in the dirt. Dean sits Seth up, locks his arm around his neck from behind and squeezes tight. Seth tries to wiggle out of Dean's grip, but he's not going anywhere. Seth taps.
Roman attempts to pry Dean off of Seth.
ROMAN: All right. That's enough. It's over.
Dean shoves Seth away and rises to his feet. Catching his breath, he stares down at Seth.
DEAN: Get up. We've got work to do.
He wipes the blood from his nose and makes his way over to the Hummer.
Seth chuckles. Roman extends an arm, helps him up.
ROMAN: Before you get any funny ideas, don't forget. I still owe you one.
He slaps Seth in the back hard and joins Dean.
Seth limps over to the driver's seat. Roman's sitting shotgun and Dean hangs in the back.
ROMAN: So, where we headed?
DEAN: Those knuckleheads were holding heavy arsenal. There's only one place I know that holds that kind of heat.
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(photo by Yash Rao on Pexels)
Roman inspects the Hummer's interior. Shiny. High tech. Must have cost a fortune.
ROMAN: What's this, a gift from Papa Helmsley?
SETH: Just one of the few perks of selling out. Better believe it came with a price.
ROMAN: No kidding. Now you want to tell us the real plan? Because we all know Seth Rollins doesn't do business unless there's something in it for him.
SETH: You don't think I still care about this place?
ROMAN: Not more than you care about yourself.
SETH: Triple H betrayed me. I'm just here to return the favor. After everything that went down, you think I'm going to let him run this city?
ROMAN: So he's the one who took you out of commission?
SETH: Didn't even have the guts to do it himself. Man's tied to a lot of strings.
ROMAN: Does the puppet have a name?
SETH: Samoa Joe.
Roman and Dean exchange glances.
SETH (CONT'D): Don't look so surprised. The SCPD has more criminals on their payroll than they have in the cells. That's where we start. Underground. We take down the pawns, we get to the king.
ROMAN: It's not going to be easy. His friends have a way of slipping through the system.
SETH: There's one thing I learned about Triple H's stooges: Loyalty isn't earned. It's bought.
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Wilder is at the wheel hightailing it out of the city. Dawson enjoys the view outside the window while sipping on his stolen drink. 
His phone RINGS.They look at each other. Dawson answers it.
DAWSON: Hello?...(relaxing, it's not trouble) Sorry. We work alone. 
After a long pause, he blanches. Hangs up.
DAWSON (CONT'D): Turn around.
WILDER: No way. We need to get out of here.
DAWSON: I said turn around!
Wilder stomps on the breaks.
DAWSON (CONT'D): We've got one last job to do.
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winfall · 3 years ago
Episode 1: Welcome to Suplex City (Volume 3)
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(photo by Andrew Karn from Unsplash)
Roman and Dean pull up to the dilapidated motel. Rats wouldn't even want to live here.  
ROMAN: You're not going to like this, but I agree with Seth. This city needs people like us. You think I like sitting around doing paperwork all day? We signed up to put the bad guys away. If we turn our backs now, they're going to be the ones running this place.
DEAN: The last thing this city wants is a hero. It feeds off of the crime and chaos that runs rampant on these streets. There is no saving it. And we have people like Seth Rollins to thank for that. Thanks for the ride.
He gets out.
Dean reluctantly turns back around.
ROMAN (CONT'D): You're one of the last good guys I know. Don't forget that.
Roman drives away.
Dean observes his home. Notices the flickering neon signage: “Have A Nice Day.” The letters finally give up and go black. “HA,” remains.
Dean enters his room. The wallpaper is torn and fading, the carpet is stained, an old-fashioned television sits on a chair, and his lumpy mattress lies on the floor. Slightly more comfortable than a jail cell.
He moves to the tiny fridge by his bed and opens it. It's empty aside from a bottle of water, ketchup and mustard packs, and a moldy tuna sandwich in plastic wrap.
DEAN: So much for that tuna sandwich.
Dean enters his room. The wallpaper is torn and fading, the carpet is stained, an old-fashioned television sits on a chair, and his lumpy mattress lies on the floor. Slightly more comfortable than a jail cell.
He moves to the tiny fridge by his bed and opens it. It's empty aside from a bottle of water, ketchup and mustard packs, and a moldy tuna sandwich in plastic wrap.
DEAN: So much for that tuna sandwich.
Dean's cruising down the road, tapping his hands on the wheel to the radio. The gas light is flashing, but he ignores it.
The car slows to a stop. He tries to start it up again. No use. It's not going anywhere.
He gets out and opens the trunk. Grabs his fuel jug, closes the trunk and starts hiking it.
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(photo by Suzanne Emily O'Connor from Unsplash)
Dean walks inside and makes a beeline for the ATM. He sits down the jug and takes out his wallet. Nothing but a bankcard, license and MetroCard inside. He plucks out his bankcard and slips it inside the machine. Taps withdrawal.
Zero funds in his account.
Barely surprised, he takes back his card, puts it in his wallet and walks away.
KID (O.S): Hey, you forgot this.
Dean turns to see a kid, 12, holding his jug. He takes it.
DEAN: Thanks.
KID: You used to be a cop, right? I heard about how you and your partners used to take down bad guys.
DEAN: That was in another life.
KID: Why'd you stop?
Dean considers his word choice.
DEAN: It got hard to tell the difference.
Two men with blue bandannas covering their faces stand in the entryway armed with big guns that look like pyro blasters. DASH WILDER AND SCOTT DAWSON. THE REVIVAL. Dawson's gun is aimed at the ceiling, smoking.
DAWSON: Evening. If you don't mind, we just came to collect a few things and we'll be on our way.
Wilder takes a pillowcase to the register.
WILDER: Money in the bag. Now!
The cashier quickly opens the register and dumps all the money in the pillowcase.
Meanwhile, Dawson helps himself to snacks and cold drinks.
Wilder goes to the kid next. The kid stares at the gun, petrified.
WILDER (CONT'D): We don't want to hurt you. Just put the money in the bag.
DEAN: Let him go. He's just a kid.
Dawson cracks open a can and takes a sip.
DAWSON: You want to know the best thing about cash? It doesn't discriminate. (to the kid) Hand it over.
Hands quivering, the kid takes out his few bucks and drops them in the pillowcase.
DAWSON (CONT'D): You next, hero.
Dean throws his wallet at Dawson's feet. Dawson nudges Wilder to pick it up. He does. Opens it. Dawson laughs.
DAWSON (CONT'D): Life is just not a fan of yours, Officer Ambrose.
Wilder tosses the wallet back at Dean.
DAWSON (CONT'D): You folks enjoy the rest of your day.
They leave, hop into an RV, and take off.
Dean is boiling.
0 notes
winfall · 3 years ago
Episode 1: Welcome to Suplex City (Volume 2)
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With a growl, Dean launches at Seth, but Roman intervenes, blocking his path.
ROMAN: Relax.
DEAN: I'm actually glad you're here, cause now I don't have to spend another three years hunting you down.
ROMAN: Look, I get it. He's the last person you want to see right now. Just hear him out.
Dean paces in quick strides back and forth, a ticking grenade.
ROMAN (CONT'D): (to Seth) You might want to start talking.
SETH: You have every right to hate me, all right? I don't expect you to welcome me with open arms. I'm here because a while ago I stole something from you and I want to help you get it back.
Dean keeps pacing, shaking his head.
ROMAN: You're losing him.
SETH: Suplex City is one step away from utter chaos. Triple H has this town crawling with criminals. I of all people should know. For years, they've been hiding underground while Hunter's been holding the leash. If Stephanie becomes mayor, the leash comes off and they will bury this town. Unless we take them out first.
DEAN: I'm sorry. Did he say we?
SETH: We were once unstoppable. We laid injustice on its back. The only guys who could get the job done around here. We made a promise to protect this city, our home, and I say we make good on that promise. You think Shane has what it takes to stop what's coming? He can't even see what's going on right beneath his nose. This city won't make it without us. They need us. I need you.
All eyes are on Dean.
DEAN: You can crawl back to whatever hole you came out of because I don't do business with snakes.
He steps dangerously close to Seth.
DEAN (CONT'D): Contact me again and you're going to wish you put me away for life.
He storms out of the building.
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(photo by Pascal Bernardon from Unsplash)
JERRY LAWLER and his lawyer DAVID UTUNGA are bombarded by reporters as they head for Jerry's car. Getting jostled in the midst of the media madness is CHARLY CARUSO, journalist and anchorwoman for Raw Talk, and her cameraman, BYRON SAXTON.
CHARLY: Mr. Lawler, can you tell us why you decided to step down as mayor?
UTUNGA: No comment.
Jerry and Utunga quickly get in the car and Charly watches her story drive away.
Her phone rings. Not the call she wants right now.
BYRON: The boss?
Charly gives him a look. Byron makes a face. Better her than him.
CHARLY: Hello.
MALE VOICE ON PHONE: Please tell me you got the story.
CHARLY: Utunga wouldn't let me get a word in.
The Executive Producer sits in his office chair with his back toward us. Above his head, a TV screen shows Talking Smack breaking news about a recent robbery.
He turns the TV off and spins around in his chair to reveal--
KURT ANGLE: This is getting out of hand. Talking Smack is getting all the breaking news while we're showing their recaps.
Charly and Byron head toward the Raw Talk van.
CHARLY: That's what happens when you cut a deal with Stephanie McMahon.
KURT: Allegedly. But that's beside the point. We're losing ratings and we need something that is guaranteed to hook viewers. Which is why I'm sending you to the Universal Crown to get inside scoop on their 50th anniversary gala tonight.
Charly pauses at the van, appalled.
CHARLY: The Universal Crown?
Kurt gets a CALL WAITING TONE. Checks his phone.
KURT: I've gotta take this. We need that story.
He clicks over.
Charly hangs up and gets inside the van while Byron puts the camera in the back.
CHARLY: My day just keeps getting better.
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(photo by Maria Orlova from Unsplash)
Charly and Byron enter the glass doors to the lavish lobby of the theater: Sparkly chandeliers. Blue carpets. Photos from past performers and concerts on the golden wallpaper. All surrounding a breathtaking grand staircase.
Charly would rather be anywhere else. Byron is fascinated.
BYRON: You know, I used to dream about being a performing artist. I still kind of wonder sometimes, what if?
CHARLY: Don't we all.
Theater director, BOBBY ROODE walks by with his bodyguards JOEY MERCURY and JAMIE NOBLE at his heels. Bobby enters his office and Joey and Jamie stand guard outside of it.
Charly motions for Byron to follow her and makes her way over.
CHARLY: Excuse me, could we have a word with Bobby Roode?
JOEY: Mr. Roode has asked not to be disturbed.
TYE DILLINGER enters the lobby witnessing the whole thing.
CHARLY: It'll only take a second.
JAMIE: I'm sorry, Miss. Some other time.
CHARLY: Great...
Shutdown once again, Charly and Byron head out.
TYE: Bobby getting his beauty rest again? Divas. (To Joey) Am I right?
Joey shrugs.
Tye offers Charly his hand. They shake.
TYE: Tye Dillinger. Lighting designer AKA visual artist. The guy who makes the stars shine. (flashes jazz hands for effect) I'm free for an interview if you want.
CHARLY: Great. Yes. This can work.
She positions herself next to Tye as Byron frames the shot.
TYE: How's my hair on a scale from one to ten?
BYRON: Ten. For sure.
TYE: Perfect.
Byron throws Charly the “rolling” cue.
CHARLY: I am here with Tye Dillinger, the lighting designer for the Universal Crown. Mr. Dillinger, what can we expect at the 50th anniversary of this historical landmark?
New Day dances down the lobby behind them, Xavior playing his trombone Frecesca, already having a good time.
TYE: I think that about sums it up. The stars are coming out tonight to celebrate the most spectacular stage of all time then, now and forever. You don't want to miss it.
CHARLY: You heard it here folks. Be sure to tune in. Back to you Michael.
BYRON: And we're off the air.
CHARLY: You just saved my job. I really appreciate it.
TYE: It's nice to be a part of some good news for a change. Especially after that robbery.
CHARLY: What robbery?
TYE: Down at Hardy's. Wiped them out. Seems like this city is getting worse by the day.
There's a spark in Charly's eyes. That's where the real story is.
CHARLY: Lunch is on me.
BYRON: Yes! I'm starving.
She and Byron head for the exit.
TYE: Hope to see you tonight!
Joey snickers. Someone has a crush. Tye awkwardly walks away, bypassing a large, framed poster announcing Y2J's appearance at the Universal Crown's 50th anniversary aala.
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(photo by Liam McGarry from UnSplash
Fingers shred an electric guitar, amp way up, to the steady rhythm of head pounding drums. Shiny tights. Shredded shirt. Bedazzled vest. This is DOLPH ZIGGLER and he's in the zone. He's singing at the top of his rock star lungs to a house count of...
Zero. But even at rehearsal, he gives it his all.
FEEDBACK SHRIEKS as roadies unplug Dolph and his band.
DOLPH: Hey! What are you doing?
The roadies start filling the stage with Y2J's instruments, carrying Dolph's less flashy equipment away.
CHRIS JERICHO saunters onto the stage, fancy scarf and all. He glares at roadie HEATH SLATER as he's setting up Jericho's guitar.
JERICHO: Careful with the merchandise. That thing costs more than your mortgage.
DOLPH: I was still rehearsing.
JERICHO: Hey, I said watch it, Stan!
HEATH: It's Heath, man.
JERICHO: Well, you know what happens when you manhandle Jericho's equipment, Dave? Do you? You just made the list.
He whips out The List of Jericho, clicks his pen emphatically, and writes down his name. Heath just shakes his head and keeps unpacking.
DOLPH: All I need is five more minutes and I'll be out of your way. This is a huge night for me.
Jericho laughs in his face.
JERICHO: You think people paid to see you? This is about me. The Tour of Jericho, baby! You're just the opening act. The snack break before the main event. Your name isn't even on the poster. You want to know what a real star looks like? You're looking at him. So take a seat, rookie.
Dolph looks him in the eyes, burning to give him a piece of his mind, but he bites his tongue. It's not worth it. He snatches off his guitar and walks off the stage.
JERICHO: Amateurs.
He notices everyone watching.
JERICHO (CON'T): What are you doing standing around? Start my music. (Beat) Stupid idiots.
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(photo by Sophie Louisnard from UnSplash)
Dolph climbs the spiraling staircase of what used to be one of the most prestigious apartment buildings in the city. It could use a bit of touching up, but it's vintage architecture and décor make it charming.
Dolph slows when he reaches his floor.
His luggage, one rolling suitcase, sits outside his apartment with a notice taped to the door. He walks up and reads the notice. “Evicted.” He snatches it off.  
Dolph barges in holding up the crumbled notice.
DOLPH: You're kicking me out?
NATALYA HART sits at her elegant desk petting her cat. One of many. The others pad around the room or nap on the sofa. Framed photos of them  sit on her desk and decorate her walls. They're not just pets. They're family.
NATALYA: You were late on your rent. Again.
DOLPH: I just need one more day.
NATALYA: And how many more days after that, Dolph? It's bad enough I'm renting out apartments like cheap hotel rooms just to keep the lights on in this place. You rent by the day, I'm going to need daily payment. No more exceptions.
DOLPH: So much for heart.
He dumps the eviction notice in her trash bin and walks out into --
Dolph grabs his luggage left by the door and takes out his phone. He stares at it, regretting it's come to this, but it's his last option. He dials. Waits for the line to pick up.
DOLPH: Hey. I'm going to need that favor.
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winfall · 3 years ago
Episode 1: Welcome to Suplex City (Volume 1)
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(photo by Michal Franczakk from Unsplash)
CHAINS RATTLE as the garage door of an abandoned warehouse rises to reveal three SCPD officers standing side by side suited up and aimed. DEAN AMBROSE, ROMAN REIGNS, and SETH ROLLINS.
Dean takes the lead, cautiously stepping forward to scope the place out.
Bags of money and weapons are piled in the middle of the floor, but no one's home.
DEAN: All clear. Someone must have tipped them off.
SMACK. Roman collapses to his right. Dean swings around prepared to shoot—stops, mouth open in shock. A chair slaps his head and he hits the floor. He's out.
A gloved hand clutches a black metal chair drops as the attacker hovers above Dean. We rise up his SPD uniformed torso until we see the face of--
Seth Rollins. Grinning. No remorse.
SIRENS SOUND and LIGHTS FLASH outside the building's dirty windows. Dean and Roman are still knocked out on the ground, money scattered around them. Dean stirs, wincing in pain. He looks around, disoriented. What happened?
The garage doors open and SCPD swarm inside waving flashlights led by OFFICER SAMOA JOE.
Dean struggles to climb to his feet.
JOE (CONT'D): Don't move! Hands up where I can see them.
Dean remains on his knees and holds up his hands. Flashlights find his face and he squints.
Surprise twitches on Joe's face, but he maintains his position.
Dean has some explaining to do.
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(photo by Joshua Newton from Unsplash)
MONTAGE: Newspapers with breaking headlines are dropped one on top of another in a metal trash can.
-Front page: Dean Ambrose's mugshot on the front page. Headline: Dirty Cop Behind Bars.
SETH ROLLINS (V.O): Funny how this world goes 'round.
-Front page: Captain Rollins shaking hands with Chief of Police SHANE MCMAHON. Headline: New Captain Helps Nail Dirty Cop.
SETH ROLLINS (V.O): One minute you're surrounded by kings and queens, on top of the world.
-Front page: Captain Rollins standing with city council leaders HUNTER HELMSLEY  and STEPHANIE MCMAHON at a charity baseball game. Headline: SPCD and City Council Unite for the Greater Good.
SETH ROLLINS (V.O): And the next...
-Front page: Captain Rollins in a hospital bed and a photo of a silhouette with a question mark. Headline: Captain Rollins Brutally Attacked, Suspect Unknown.
SETH ROLLINS (V.O): Your world comes crashing down on top of you.
-Front page: Triple H shaking hands with a smiling Samoa Joe. Headline: City Council Backs New Captain.
SETH ROLLINS (V.O): Some say their kingdom is too big to tear apart. The only way to end it?
-Someone lights a match.
SETH ROLLINS (V.O): Burn it down.
-A menacing Seth Rollins tosses the match onto the pile of newspapers. Watches it burn.
Superimpose: Three Years Later
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(photo by Theme Photos from Unsplash)
A boot taps to the music playing on the jukebox. It belongs to former officer Dean Ambrose. He's a little rough around the edges. Times have been hard. He takes a sip from his coffee mug, hearing the breaking news on the TV hanging above the counter, but not really listening. It's Talking Smack. Suplex City's leading news station.
RENEE YOUNG (ON TV): After nearly a decade, Mayor Jerry Lawler is stepping down. His reasons are unknown, but it leaves the position open for candidates looking to fill that role including Commissioner Stephanie McMahon and Chief of Police Shane McMahon.
Clip of an interview with Stephanie McMahon standing with her Director of Operations, GLENN JACOBS:
STEPHANIE MCMAHON (ON TV): I am not aware of what led to our former mayor's decision to abdicate his position, and quite frankly, that's none of my concern. My concern is for the citizens of this city. We want to build a community that's working toward the same goal: Success. That is why I am running for mayor.
Clip of an interview with Shane McMahon:
SHANE MCMAHON (ON TV): This city has gotten out of control. It's about time someone stepped up and did something about it. Which is why I'm running for mayor.
The door to the tavern opens and Big Show steps inside. He grunts on sight of Dean.
He makes his way over and takes the seat next to him. Taps the counter with his beefy finger. Bar owner, SHEAMUS, walks over and places a glass in front of him. Big Show chugs it and slams the empty bottle back down with a THUD.
BIG SHOW: You've got some nerve showing your face around here.
Dean ignores him. Keeps tapping his foot to the music.
BIG SHOW (CONT'D): Shoving your badge in our faces like you're better than everyone else. Now look at you. You're just like us. Cheers.
He lifts his glass in salute and drops it at Dean's boot.
Dean's foot stops tapping.
DEAN: Is there a problem?
Big Show stands, his massive frame towering over Dean.
BIG SHOW: You're my problem.
Dean causally sips his drink.
DEAN: (To Sheamus) I'm going to take this to go.
He slams it across Big Show's head. Big Show totters, but he's still standing. Dean throws a punch, but Big Show grabs his fist midair and headbutts him.
Dean stumbles back. He grabs his stool and whacks it against Big Show's body. Big Show barely loses his balance. Dean tries again, but Big Show yanks it from him and chucks it against the wall where it shatters to pieces.
He grabs Dean by the throat, lifts him off his feet, and chokeslams him through a table breaking it in half.
Dean lies there, coughing.
DEAN: You're going to have to do better than that.
Big show snarls.
Dean crashes through the window. He lies motionless in a pile of shattered glass on the sidewalk, in pain.
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(photo by Syarafina Yusof from Unsplash)
Dean gets his mugshots taken. He's been here before.
Dean is asleep in the cell. Looks like he needed it. OFFICER DANA BROOKE bangs on the bars with her baton, startling him awake.
DANA: Naptime's over. Someone actually likes you.
She unlocks the cell.
The station is teeming with bad guys and bad girls being brought in and processed. PHONES ARE RINGING off the hook. A usual day for the Suplex City Police Department.
Dana walks Dean out as Chief Shane McMahon exits his office.
DEAN: Chief Mac. Or is it Mayor Mac. You've got my vote.
Shane is not in the mood.
SHANE: You think this is funny? Listen to me. We've got real problems to deal with and instead we're wasting time with the likes of you. You want to throw your life away, do it someplace else. Don't ever let me catch you in here again. Captain, a word, please.
Recently promoted, Captain Samoa Joe follows Shane back to his office. As he passes Dean he acknowledges him with disgust.
Dean exits the building spotting Officer Roman Reigns who's leaning against a patrol car.
ROMAN: Rough night?
DEAN: Had worse. Good to see you, brother.
ROMAN: Don't be so sure.
He moves to the driver's seat.
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(photo by Vaibhav Goyal from Unsplash)
Roman and Dean are riding outside of the city, seemingly to the middle of nowhere.
DEAN: I appreciate you running to my rescue, but I hope you didn't spend your last dime on me. All I've got to offer in return is a half-eaten tuna sandwich in the fridge. You can have it if you want.
ROMAN: Keep your sandwich. I owe you enough as it is. Besides, I'm not the one who bailed you out.
Dean is puzzled by this information, not knowing what to make of it.
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They pull up to the abandoned warehouse and park. This place still haunts Dean to this day.
DEAN: What are we doing here?
ROMAN: You'll see.
He gets out. Dean sits there, contemplating. Going against his gut, he follows Roman.
Roman pulls the chain to lift the garage door open. Inside, it's dark and empty, hollow. Until someone steps out of the shadows.
Seth Rollins. 
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