#charly manlove
winfall · 3 years
Episode 1: Welcome to Suplex City (Volume 10)
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(background photo by Gred Altmann on Pixabay)
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The lobby exits are bottlenecked as everyone tries to evacuate.
Renee interviews a distraught Heath Slater. RHYNO stands by devouring a pack of crackers.
HEATH: I got kids. I don't have time for this kind of stuff.
Charly searches the crowd.
Bandannas off, Dawson and Wilder blend in with the crowd and walk out the lobby doors.
Charly pushes her way through the mayhem.
Charly runs out onto the red carpet and scans the area. Way down the block, Dawson and Wilder hop into their RV and peel off.
Byron and Tye chase Charly down.
CHARLY: Come on.
She hurries to the Raw Talk van.
CHARLY (CONT'D): Tye, I need you to drive.
She and Byron get in.
TYE: What's happening right now?
CHARLY: We're thinking outside of the box.
She tosses Tye the keys. Still oblivious to what's going on, Tye gets in the car anyway and starts it up.
CHARLY: Follow that RV. Byron I need your phone.
Byron hands her his phone. Charly makes a call.
CHARLY (CONT'D): Kurt, we need airtime...Trust me.
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As Seth zooms down the road, Dean checks his phone.
DEAN: Guys. I know where they are.
He's watching a Raw Talk live feed of the car chase from the Raw Talk van.
CHARLY (O.S): We are now trailing the suspects' RV down Patterson Street.  Looks like they're trying to leave the city. Suspects are unarmed, but could still be considered dangerous.
TYE (O.S): This is insane. This is insane!
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Wilder glances at his side mirror. Sees the Raw Van.
WILDER: Are they following us?
Dawson sticks his head out the window. Sure enough, the Raw Talk van is gaining on them.
DAWSON: Shake them off.
Wilder swerves through traffic, narrowly missing multiple cars and takes a sharp turn around a corner.
Tye gets stuck in traffic. The Revival is getting away.
CHARLY: They just turned left on Bischoff Drive. SCPD, the rest us up to you. Don't let us down.
INT. HUMMER – MOVING – SAME Seth slams his foot on the breaks. He puts it in reverse and drives backward.
DEAN: What are you doing? We're losing them.
SETH: Taking a shortcut.
He whips around, puts it in drive then shoots down Blayze Lane.
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Wilder glances in his side mirror. They're home free. Dawson kicks back in his seat.
They turn a corner. Wilder pumps the breaks. A big, black Hummer is blocking their way through the underpass.
Dawson leans closer to the windshield trying to see through the Hummer's tinted windows.
Someone BANGS on the door. Startled, Dawson and Wilder look at each other.
Roman kicks the door down. Steps in.
DAWSON: What are you going to do, arrest us?
ROMAN: You got the wrong guys.
Dean and Seth enter stand behind him.
DAWSON: Suit yourself.
A fight breaks out. Dean and Roman tag-team Dawson, pounding his back, while Seth takes on Wilder.
Seth slams Wilder against the counter, knocking off dishes, and holds him down.
SETH: Who put you up to this? Was it Triple H?
Wilder headbutts Seth hard. Seth stumbles backward. Wilder braces himself then charges forward and dropkicks Seth out the doorway. Seth lands on the concrete.
Wilder's not done. He gets up and dives out of the RV landing on Seth with an elbow drop. Seth yells in agony.
Roman hears his cry. Leaves Dawson to Dean.
Wilder climbs to his feet ready to attack Seth. Inside the RV, Roman moves as far back as he can then launches himself at Wilder striking him with a superman punch.
Dawson pushes Dean off of him and uppercuts him in the gut. He grabs Dean and tosses him into a table, cash and jewelry falling all over the floor. Dawson stands over him.
DAWSON: This has been fun and all, (kicks Dean) but there's a storm coming, and we don't plan on being here when it lands. So, if you excuse us, we'll be leaving now.
He lifts his foot to stomp Dean unconscious--
Dean kicks Dawson's other foot from beneath him and hits him with a Dirty Deeds. Dawson is out cold.
SIRENS in the distance. Roman and Seth appear at the entrance.
ROMAN: We got to move.
SETH: If we let the cops take them in, we'll never get what we need out of them.
Dean has that look in his eyes. He has a plan.
Police cars are parked around the RV.
JBL and Booker T stand outside the doorway. The RV is trashed and empty.
BOOKER: Looks like they made a run for it.
JBL: Does it?
Something else happened here, and he doesn’t like it one bit.
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paperdollfiction · 3 years
Want exclusive content? Join my Patreon for access to unedited peeks inside my writing process.
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llama-simblr · 3 years
charly-manlove said: I think it depends on what you think you’ll have the most fun playing. You don't want to quit Sims 2 and then find out you’re not really feeling Sims 4. My vote is for you to be happy with your gameplay and content 🤗❤
That is a good point! I’ll have to see after I get the votes in after the week or more votes and weigh my options. 
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winfall · 3 years
Episode 1: Welcome to Suplex City (Volume 9)
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(background photo by Klaus P. Rausch on Pixabay)
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The theater is dark. A countdown flashes on a giant screen onstage. The crowd is going wild.
3..2..1. An EXPLOSION OF PYRO as Chris Jericho rises onto the stage with his back to the crowd, his lit-up jacket dazzling the audience.
Strapped into a harness, Dawson drops down from the rafters onto the stage. He moves into the spotlight with his big, smoking gun resting on his shoulder.
DAWSON: We're sorry to interrupt this lovely evening, but this is a stickup.
Wilder bursts onto the mezzanine holding another gun and a pillowcase.
WILDER: No one's leaving until everything's in the bag.
Nobody moves. Is this part of the show? Losing his patience, Dawson blasts one into the air.
Everyone on the upper floor scrambles to hand over their belongings to Wilder. Jericho tries to make it run for it.
DAWSON (CONT'D): Ay, not so fast superstar. The jacket. Hand it over.
JERICHO: You don't want this old thing. You wouldn't believe how many batteries it takes. The upkeep is exhausting.
DAWSON: This isn't up for negotiation.
Gestures with his gun for Jericho to take it off. Jericho bitterly hands it over.
DAWSON (CONT'D): Big fan by the way.
Dawson takes his pillowcase from his back pocket and starts plundering the front row.
DAWSON (CONT'D): All right. You know the drill people.
Up in the lighting booth, Tye helplessly watches it all go down.
Tye flies down the grand staircase on his cell phone.
TYE: Please hurry.
He hangs up. At the sound of POUNDING he stops short of the exit. He glances behind him at the storage closet.
He takes his time walking over, grabs the doorknob, and slowly creeps it open--
Charly breaks out.
CHARLY: Thank God. The Universal Crown is about to get robbed. We have to stop them.
TYE: It's already happening. The police are on their way. We need to get out of here--
Charly races up the grand staircase.
TYE: What are you doing? (beat) We're going to die.
He chases after her.
Dawson stands at the end of an aisle as the audience members dump their valuables in his pillowcase and pass it along.
DAWSON (CONT'D): That's right. Pass it down.
In the mezzanine, Wilder holds his pillowcase out to Shane.
SHANE: You are making a huge mistake.
WILDER: Just do as you're told, and no one gets hurt.
Charly bursts through the balcony doors, Tye on her heels.
CHARLY: The guns aren't real.
All eyes shoot in her direction.
Dawson squints up at her.
CHARLY (CONT'D): They don't have ammunition. It's all fake.
Dawson smirks. Impressed. Shrugs.
DAWSON: You got us.
Gasps and muttering around the room.
DAWSON (CONT'D): The lady's right. It's all smoke and mirrors. Unfortunately, our friend didn't get the memo.
KANE emerges from the fire tower exit waving a flamethrower.
The crowd panics and stampedes for the exits.
Distracted by the mayhem, Wilder takes his eyes off of Shane. Shane throws a punch and Wilder stumbles into the seats.
Shane reaches for his gun. Wilder tackles Shane against the wall. There's a tussle, fists are thrown. Then –
Wilder pushes Shane off the balcony and Shane crashes into the orchestra pit.
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(photo by Matthew LeJune on Unsplash)
JBL and Booker T stand at the counter of the pizza shop while the owner, ENZO AMORE, chats on the phone. JBL's patience is wearing thin.
ENZO: He's one noodle short of a linguine, if you ask me.
JBL: Are we gonna get some service here? We've been waiting for half an hour.
ENZO: (to person on the phone) Hold on for a sec.  (to JBL) Do I come to your establishment and interrupt you, sheriff? No, I do not. This is an important business call, all right? So I'm going to need you to hold your horses and I'll be right with you. (to person on the phone) Anyway, before I was so rudely interrupted.
JBL: (to Booker T) You just had to pick this place didn't you? (answering phone) JBL...We're on it.
BOOKER T: What's that about?
JBL: Another robbery. Looks like we're going to the gala after all.  
JBL and Booker T exit the pizza shop and stop short.
BOOKER T: Tell me I'm not seeing this.
All four tires of their car are missing and it's covered in graffiti. NERDS is spray painted across the windshield.
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Roman, Dean, and Seth march past the WEGOHARD license plate.
Roman kicks the door down and steps inside, Seth and Dean behind him.
An elderly couple sit on a couch watching the news, terrified.
RENEE (ON TV): Chief of police Shane McMahon is being raced to the hospital after suffering severe injuries during a robbery at the Universal Crown. The suspects are fleeing the building.
Dean grabs Seth by the collar and slams him against the hummer.
DEAN: What did you do?
SETH: I had nothing to do with this!
ROMAN: Nothing to do with it, huh? We just so happen to get an anonymous tip that leads us to the middle of nowhere why they make another hit?
DEAN: Once a weasel, always a weasel. I knew we shouldn't have trusted him.
SETH: I'm telling you it wasn't me. This has Triple H's name written all over it. If anything, it was Samoa Joe who called it in. He knew we were closing in on them and we took the bait. Guys, we're on the same team.
DEAN: Since when? You were always in it for yourself. We were supposed to have each other's back, but instead, you stabbed us in ours and threw us to the wolves. And you expect me to believe you?
SETH: Why would I set this up? You think I'd join the same side that destroyed my life? I want Triple H to go down just as much as you do. I'm not the bad guy here.
DEAN: And what kind of guy are you, Seth? The guy who turns his back on his friends for a big paycheck and a fancy ride? We were partners, man. You were my brother!
SETH: And I'm sorry! Not a day goes by that I don't regret the biggest mistake of my life. I can't undo what I've done, but we have a second chance to do the right thing. If we walk away now, they win. Just like they planned. Or we can finish what we've started once and for all.
He sticks out his fist.
Roman's on the fence, but what else has he got to lose? Sticks his fist out.
Dean paces back and forth like a rabid dog. After some torturous contemplation, he slams his fist against the hummer then bumps it against theirs.
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paperdollfiction · 3 years
What is Paper Doll Fiction???
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photo: Photo by Nick de Partee on Unsplash
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Writing can be tough. Like searching your closet for THE outfit. You spend hours and hours trying on this, tossing that and straight up trashing them until you look up and you're surrounded by a monster pile of rejects that cause you to question if you have any taste at all. That's one scenario...
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Writing can also be fun! Like playing dress up with a bunch of cool stuff you didn't even realize go together until you're surrounded by inspiration that reignites the love and passion you have for everything that makes you you.
Paper Doll Fiction is the makeover montage that just might put the spark back into your art. It's a collection of prompts that encourage you to look at your story from multiple angles, lenses and styles. Dig deep enough and you might be surprised by what you find.
Here are a few things to think about before you get started:
1) Do some research: Even though this is all fun and games, grabbing inspiration from the world around you will enhance your experience. Photos, videos and articles can give you ideas you may have never even thought about on your own.
2) Listen to your heart: You know when something isn't working. If that's the case, move on and try something else. We're not rewriting an entire novel here. We're just trying on a few things to see what we can come up with. If you end up finding something you like, that's great! Keep it. If you're forcing it, it's probably time to set it aside. Don't feel like you have to try everything. Play with what you're leaning toward.
3) Have fun: We're making a mess. It's okay to take risks, tear things apart, and experiment. This is a playground. Unleash your imagination. No one needs to see the mess you've made, but you and anyone you want to share it with. Be free and don't forget to stay true to you. This is your story after all.
To the wardrobe!
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