#I am a lover of the tales cast before I am human
splatcat64 · 2 months
i had a really long convo with my friends about this but it really seriously feels like ppl get rhys and fionas characterization switched up HARD. this is bc of the u choose the path thing but also a heavy hand in the misogyny and racism (and general way ppl tend to approach pandorans due to being effected by how jack talked about them . LOL) fiona is such a sweetheart whos working her hardest to protect the people she loves + imo shes the one who helped vaughn grow into someone who adores pandora as well. it makes me blow up. i have a few songs that have been making me go nuts about her . hai i got excited sorry
NOOO DON’T APOLOGIZE FOR GETTING EXCITED I totally get it my god,,, this blog is becoming so tales centric I’m sorry not sorry here we go. If you haven’t seen tales and want to be mindful of light spoilers. ⚠️
This has been talked about on my side a bit but I tooootally agree, Both of their characterization gets switched up BAD and it’s absolutely insane, both Fiona and Rhys are good people, but flawed. Flawed, but good people, and it gets constantly jumbled around in the fandom. I feel like a lot of people have a really hard time grasping that “choose ur own adventure” protags still have a core personality set, especially telltale. I always use Lee TWGD as an example, because sure you can portray him as either very very confrontational, or more soft spoken and sweet, but in the end of th edgy he still killed someone. In the end of the day he still ALWAYS cares about Clem. It’s not any different for those two idiots, they still have their respective arcs and the such.
I feel like Fiona gets a lot of shit specifically BECAUSE she’s snarky and she. speaks her mind. And god forbid a POC/Black coded woman do ANYTHING. Jack really messed up ppls views on Pandorans but the look into Sasha and Fi’s life is literally just more, HEY, they’re people!! Maybe don’t listen to the GENOCIDAAAAL [big arrows pointing to the word] MANIAC. It’s thrown right at your face. People take wtv the fuck Jack says way to seriously when he lies. So much. All the time. And I don’t get why no one takes it with a pile of salt constantly. When really she does just have a heart of gold, most of her being mean is literally just playful banter like hello. Sasha’s meaner than her by a mile but Fi still gets slaaandered for it. And even tho Sasha does have her really mean moments I will defend her to the grave with strangers bcus “hating her” without a valid reason gets veeerry racy really quick and as a black person it really does rub me the wrong way sometimes. So much mischaracterization everywhere. It’s a weird mix of a patriarchal, misogynistic, racist deal with EVERY character in The Group and I’m just… how do you manage to mischaracterize everybody from a game that’s all story.
And the point I made in a post somewhere about how Rhys is written differently than a LOT of men in borderlands and ppl have ran with it and decided hey this guy actually sucks. Or hey haha this guy can’t do anything. He’s completely out of his element on Pandora, of course he’s stumbling somewhat but bro is brave as hell for that shit. He’s a completely capable dude, yes he cares about Fiona and Sasha and Vaughn. Yes they care about him. I feel like people also get it twisted because of Fiona and Rhys in the intros, but people gotta remember that they’re acting like that because the game was episodic and we weren’t rlly allowed to know that they’re super buddy buddy. That’s one gripe I have w the game is that they made Fiona seem like she HATED his ass in some of the future settings in the beginning of episodes and people took it way too literally. Please I beg they’re besties,,, you’ve never boxed with a bestie before??? Either way it’s obvious that it’s blown out of proportion especially after Rhys’ whole arc concludes. You’re supposed to be like oooh he’s like that cause we couldn’t know. You look at Fi and you’re supposed to like daaamn she really cares about him/them they were all just split apart after extremely traumatic events. [I’m gonna stop here with this point cause it’s starting to be a run on but people do not talk enough about how traumatic both Helios’ crash, the wreck, and Gortys’ first fight was for all of them.]
I’ve talked extensively with a friend about this too but Tales had a looot of budget issues during its making cause of Telltale nuking itself, and the game was meant to have more time. ALL of them were!!! I always think about maybe if they all got more time they’d be treated this way less. But yknow,, whatever I guess.
AND THE VAUGHN THING UR SO CORRECT GOD. I think she really help him crawl out of his shell for a lack of a better term, both the sisters tbh I feel like they’re a very rare and cute friendship pairing and I need to see more of Sasha daring him to do shit like in the Chimera dome. They all care sooo deeply for each other and people even manage to miss that like god. One of Rhys’ core traits if you don’t make him abysmally evil is loyalty. LOYALTY. Fiona hasn’t had many, hell if any friends since tales started, She is SUCH a caring person of course she’s gonna ride or die for her friends. Like that one scene on Helios where Rhys can ask her not to leave, And she’s like “If I wanted to leave, I would’ve done it a looong time ago.” There’s so many points in the game I could,d bring up that show how great all of them are, Fiona, after knowing him for not too long at all, tries to convince Vaughn to be brave, and that he can survive Bossanova’s race. Yes, she had to do that so they wouldn’t die, but she went out of her way to say it in a way that was reassuring enough. That’s sweet. If she didn’t care about them she wouldn’t have played cards on the roof with Rhys, or play bunkers and badasses with the boys, or I don’t know, let them LIVE IN WHAT IS ESSENTIALLY HER HOUSE FOR A YEAR. /ref ep.3 of tales. I’m being dramatic, of course there are factors that didn’t let her kick them out. But, my point stands.
That wasn’t meaaan that was playful reassurance, she’s telling him she’s THERE FOR HIM. They all care sooosososo much. If none of the, cared about each other, any “betrayal” wouldn’t mean that much. People get hurt like that because of their bonds and yes, YES I’m being opinionated but they’re like the found family ever, god. Fiona is fucking amazing and she wouldn’t put up with anyone if she didn’t either have to, or care, and after a certain point it’s very obvious that it’s not the first one.
TLDR; Tales is great, stan Fiona, stan Rhys, Stan Sasha and Vaughn,,, my glorious queens and kings. Forgive any typos or grammar I wrote this on a passionate whim,
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Choosing the Beast: Modern Folklore Heroines Embrace the Animal Husband
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“I choose the bear.” The refrain rang out across the web, with many a woman nodding in agreement or at least understanding, and certain men huffing with indignant outrage. Just a meme, really, but did it speak to a deeper truth? Is it merely age-old mistrust of patriarchy talking, or a true desire for the beastly, the wild, the untame?
I’m no sociologist, of course, but I have noticed an emerging trend in fem-gaze media that seems to reflect this view. In movies like I Am Dragon (2015) and recent shows like My Lady Jane and The Acolyte, the heroine chooses the beast, loving her animal husband in his wild form rather than requiring him to transform back into a mundane man to earn her affection. This is such a departure from the typical folktale pattern that it’s difficult to even find an historic example where this occurs.
Commonly thought to reveal the desire to tame a dangerous mate in a patriarchal society, most animal husband tales (ATU 425a) feature a hero who ultimately transforms permanently into a human. This is viewed not only as freeing him from the maddening effect of his wild form, but also saving his bride from committing the sin of bestiality. In these tales, the animal mate’s transformation is necessary for the salvation of both.
Is the modern heroine then damned by choosing her husband’s beastly form? Or does she actually free them both from the yoke of patriarchal expectations?
Bathing: Discovering the Wild Masculine
The first motif that stands out in these modern screen examples is bathing. In animal spouse tales, there is often a dynamic of the hunter and the hunted, and thus a moment when the hunter comes upon their would-be lover unawares. Perhaps they find the animal spouse sleeping, or they cast a light on them unexpectedly, see them without their animal skin or disguise, and so on. And of course, they often come upon the lover at their bath.
There is an implied eroticism in this discovery, finding one’s quarry not only undressed, but also in the most private of activities. Water of course symbolizes fertility, but bathing is also purifying, symbolically washing away all that might make a mate undesirable. And this, perhaps, is the reason that historically this motif is used almost exclusively for animal brides, not animal husbands.
For the animal husband, he either actively chooses to reveal himself to the bride (perhaps on their wedding night), or she violently strips away his disguise, often armed with “flame and steel” like Psyche and her many avatars. Animal brides on the other hand are nearly always discovered at a body of water, bathing. The hunter will then capture her either by stealing her animal skin or cloak, or by placing his own clothing on her. What does it mean, then, when it is the husband who is discovered bathing in a body of water, held as an erotic object in the feminine gaze?
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In The Acolyte, Osha follows Qimir to a pool where he slowly undresses, in full knowledge that she is watching. On the shore, she steals his lightsaber, just like the hunter who steals the animal skin, symbolically claiming him. When he emerges, Qimir dons new clothes, as if acknowledging that he is a different person than before he entered the water, almost purified in a way. Osha is forced to confront that there is more to the murderer in the mask than she realized.
Similarly, in My Lady Jane, our heroine goes looking for Guildford just before sunrise on their ill-fated wedding night, only to discover him bathing in the stables. The scene is gratuitously filmed from Jane’s (very horny) perspective, flipping the script on the countless scenes in screen history shot with the masculine gaze. Immediately after she discovers and confronts him, Guildford transforms against his will into a horse, and Jane realizes that he is an Ethian, a creature she has been taught is demonic and unnatural.
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And in I Am Dragon, Mira makes several discoveries in quick succession: first, she deduces that Arman is actually the dragon. In the next moment, she slips from the island’s peak and falls, saved only when Arman transforms at the last moment and breaks her fall with his dragon form. The water begins to wash over his unconscious body, and at first Mira thinks that she will allow him to drown. But the sight of Arman in his human form after he rescued her, worried over by his animal familiar, stirs her to pity and she wraps him in a sail and drags him to safety. In this way, she clothes him, claiming him as her own.
Each of these heroines discovered a new aspect of her husband at the bath, finding him unexpectedly alluring, and ultimately choosing to begrudgingly claim him. Each animal husband tried to wash away his beastly form, to separate himself from the wild masculine. These men feel a sense of disassociation from a part of themselves, but now that their brides have discovered it, there will be no more hiding. Further, the bride now holds the power in the relationship, evidenced by how her husband needs her: Qimir needs Osha to be his apprentice, Guildford needs Jane to help him “break the curse,” and Arman needs Mira to heal him from his wounds.
Playing House: The Half-Husband
The second feature of these stories is a period of domesticity for the couple. For a brief time after the husband’s beastly nature is revealed, the lovers “play house” like children. While sexual tension is present, they typically do not consummate their union during this time, but instead cook, eat, rest, and care for one another. What’s more, they ignore or even attempt to actively destroy the husband’s animal form. They deny that this is part of him and therefore part of their relationship.
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In I Am Dragon, Mira heals Arman, and wakes the next morning to find he has left food for her (dragonfruit, appropriately). Together they begin building a home out of shipwreck debris they find scattered around the island. A cheery montage shows them decorating a living space, choosing clothes, playing music, and dancing. But the specter of Arman’s monstrous form lurks on the edge of their idyllic life. Mira has nightmares, and tells Arman how much she fears “the dragon,” notably not referring to them as the same person. And eventually, it emerges that Mira has been planning to escape, rejecting Arman’s dragon form entirely.
After he sheds the helmet and robes of The Stranger, Qimir turns his attention to caring for Osha: he heals her, lets her sleep in his bed, provides clothes, and cooks for her. In turn, after some lightsaber-wielding, Osha becomes more comfortable in his home and accepts the food he offers, eventually even trying on his helmet. Later, they bicker amiably on their way to Brendok, like an old married couple on a road trip. When not facing down Jedi, Qimir leaves his menacing persona behind and transforms into an empathetic, protective, and alluring partner.
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Jane Grey, meanwhile, finds herself using her honeymoon sequestered away in a private cottage to try to cure Guildford of his Ethianism. With her knowledge of medicine, she concocts various potions and magical cures, but none of them succeed. Guildford often checks in on her after these disappointments, making sure she’s getting enough sleep and taking care of herself. It’s also clear that they’ve been regularly dining together when Jane suddenly dashes off to rescue her friend. Guildford follows her and the two protect one another, followed by an almost-tryst. Even when they move into the palace, their day-to-day (or rather night-to-night) life is one of comfortable domesticity, although they continue to deny Guildford’s horse form.
In each of these cases (although less so in The Acolyte without Season 2 to continue the story), playing house can only last for so long while the husband’s animal nature is denied. There is a part of him that is suppressed, rejected, and this leads to him being incomplete, a half-husband. Each hero is unable or unwilling to accept and celebrate his whole self with his bride. Eventually, it is that denial that leads to a rift between the couple, which can only be healed not with the transformation of the husband, but with the embrace of his animal form.
Enforcing Patriarchy: The Rival
Each of these relationships exists in direct opposition to the dominant culture in the story: Arman as the Dragon is the literal enemy of Mira’s people, Qimir as Sith is the enemy of Osha’s Jedi masters, and in My Lady Jane, intermarriage between humans and Ethians is punishable by death. By choosing to stay with their animal husbands, even for a brief time, our heroines are openly defying the patriarchal norms of their societies. But no oppressive society is about to take that transgression lying down. In each story, a rival emerges to enforce the patriarchal order, kill the beastly husband, and retrieve the bride.
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In I Am Dragon, Mira’s betrothed and descendent of the dragon-slayer, Igor, journeys to rescue her from the dragon. Over the course of the story, it becomes clear that Igor cares nothing for Mira herself, and merely feels entitled to her as his bride. Dragon-slaying is his heritage, so he must find her, kill the dragon, and take his place as the hero of his people. Even the marriage ceremony illustrates his ownership of her: he takes hold of a rope tied to her boat and reels her in, thus binding her to the patriarchal order. Contrast that to Arman, who offers her the power of flight, a symbol for freedom.
In Osha’s case, Qimir’s rival for her loyalty is clearly Master Sol, who wants to keep his former pupil dependent on him and the Jedi. Sol takes patronizing fatherliness to an extreme, constantly rescuing Osha rather than letting her stand for herself, teaching her to deny her feelings and instincts, and lying to her to “protect” her. The Jedi refuse to allow that there might be any other way to access the Force than their own, thus invading the home of the Brendok witches and ultimately orphaning the twins. Sol continues to press this dominance to the end, challenging Qimir and insisting to Osha that his own lies were justified.
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In My Lady Jane, there are two rivals, both women. Lady Frances attempts throughout the show to dominate her daughters and crush their wills, forcing them into unwanted marriages, applying political pressure, and even counseling Jane to abandon Guildford to save herself. The other rival is Mary Tudor, who is determined not only to emulate her father’s violent, oppressive, and misogynistic reign, but to crush anyone she considers “unnatural” or who poses a threat to her rule. These characters stand as clear examples of how women can enforce patriarchy, too.
In each story, there is a moment when the rival briefly recaptures or “rescues” the bride from her beastly husband, bringing her to a moment of decision: will she stay within the bounds of patriarchy like a good little girl? Or will she make an act of defiance to choose her own path?
Marriage: Choosing the Beast
The bride’s choice will ultimately decide not only her fate, but that of her mate as well. As an independent character, the wild masculine is deeply wounded, separated from himself and thus from his bride. He longs to transform not into a greater, more whole person, but into a lesser, half-person. Alone, without the embrace of his anima, he cannot see the value of his beastly form. Instead of healing, he faces annihilation.
As a part of the bride’s psyche, the beastly husband represents her innermost desires, the truth of her heart, and a spirit freed from the expectations of her society. He is her animus, her missing wild masculine. If she transforms him into a man, then she will tame his wild nature, bringing him to heel under the boot of the patriarchy. Choosing the human form and rejecting the beast means rejecting her own psychological needs. It would be just another form of psychic dismemberment.
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Fortunately and unusually, each of these modern brides chooses her beastly husband without demanding he transform. When Osha finally agrees to become Qimir’s apprentice, she takes his hand under the willow tree, clasping the newly-bled lightsaber between them. A few scenes later, this wedding imagery is repeated when they hold hands over the saber again, this time looking into a sunrise/set. Notably, at the moment they “marry” under the willow tree, Qimir is wearing his beastly helmet with rows of menacing, wolfish teeth. He has not come to the light side or shed his Dark Side persona, but Osha has embraced him anyway without fear. And while they might not both be healed (yet), they are more whole together than they were apart.
When her efforts to cure Guildford of his Ethianism repeatedly fail, Jane begins to suspect that his “condition” cannot be cured at all. But listening to her Ethian friends Susanna and Archer finally convinces her that the truth is Guildford doesn’t NEED to be healed - being an Ethian is who he is, and it’s nothing to fear. Unfortunately, Guildford still associates his beastly form with his mother’s death, so he is unable to accept it as Jane encourages, and flees. After a near-death experience, he uses his equine speed to return to the castle just as Jane is deposed and captured. As our heroes battle toward the end, Guildford comes to learn that there are many other proud Ethians, and that his family loves and accepts him in any form.
Still, he’s unable to transform at will, and when Mary captures him and sentences both husband and wife to death, it seems their story may end in tragedy. But as Guildford has been struggling to accept himself, Jane too has been battling with her own conscience. Does she renounce Guildford to save herself? Use her wits to kill the guard and escape? Bend to her mother’s manipulation? Jane confronts each temptation, and ultimately chooses to face death rather than betray Guildford or herself. But when her Ethian friends (the wild instinct) appear to disrupt the execution, our heroine seizes the opportunity to rescue Guildford. Unable to free him from the burning pyre, she confesses her love for him, and they kiss amid the flames.
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Fire is often a herald of transformation, burning away illusions to reveal the truth. And when Jane and Guildford exchange their vows in this symbolic marriage ceremony, Guildford’s fears and illusions are finally burned away. Now that his bride has accepted his beastly form, he can accept it too, and so he at last transforms at will into a horse so that they can escape. Their story ends with them married and whole before the sunrise.
Among our modern heroines, Mira is the boldest in her embrace of the beastly husband. Offered yet again as a bride to Igor, she realizes that this is not what she wants, and casts off the tether from her boat. She declares “I love the Dragon!” using the name of her husband’s animal form rather than his human name. Then, she sings the song that will call the dragon to her, and he appears to carry her away again.
But their story is not over yet! Earlier in the story, Arman told Mira of how he loses control when in dragon form, and that dragons are compelled to reproduce by burning maidens to death and retrieving their offspring from the ashes. Returning to the island with her a second time, the dragon drops her on the altar and prepares to spew fire, but Mira lunges up and kisses him. This act of love, even when he is a monster, stuns the beastly husband. Again, Mira declares her love and kneels before him, saying she does not wish to be parted. We might expect the animal husband to transform in this moment, but instead he lays his fearsome head in her lap as a lover. Their story ends with a child and a flight in the sky, silhouetted by the sun just like the other couples.
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Each bride, when confronted with the option to return to the patriarchal limits of her childhood, chose instead an act of love and acceptance for her wild masculine. This embrace helped the beastly husband to accept his whole self, and he is healed without having to cut off the wild parts of himself.
What Does It Mean?
Again, this story is so rare in world folklore that it’s difficult to even find examples. On fleeting occasions that the woman chooses an untransformed beast, it is presented as a cautionary tale. These women are framed as a danger to the community for their bestial impulses and abandonment of the social order, much like witches who were said to consort with the devil. It was certainly never presented as a happy ending, insofar as we can tell from written accounts.
So what does the emergence of this tale mean for our culture? I would argue that this is just the latest step in our ongoing reckoning with historic gender roles, as well as renegotiating with other forms of systemic oppression. People of all genders are pressured to reject a part of ourselves, cutting us off from our own truth and desires that run counter to the enforced social order. We must not challenge patriarchy, must not embrace different gender expressions, must not blur established hierarchies of power, must not find joy and power in our identities, and so on.
This enforced denial does tremendous damage to everyone caught in the system, and so through story, we dream our way to escape. We dream of embracing the dark, wild parts of ourselves, of flying free on a spaceship or a dragon or enchanted horseback, and of being totally loved for who we are.
It’s clear patriarchy is still fighting back against this emancipation of the wild feminine and wild masculine, given that both The Acolyte and My Lady Jane were canceled not long after their release. In the case of The Acolyte in particular, there was a sustained campaign from its announcement to harass and silence the creators. Demoralizing as this phenomenon may be, it’s important to remember WHO ultimately owns these stories:
“Fanfiction is a way of the culture repairing the damage done in a system where contemporary myths are owned by corporations instead of owned by the folk.
-Henry Jenkins, NYT 1997
Ah, an oldie-but-goodie. But Dr. Jenkins is right. Corporations may greenlight, film, release, and then cancel these stories, but ultimately they belong to the people. We take from these tales what speaks to us, leave what does not, and then retell them ourselves in fanfiction, in art inspired by the stories, and in lessons we pass on to our friends and families. If the embrace of the wild masculine speaks to you, let the story take root in your own life. Do you know someone who needs to be embraced, just as they are? Do you need to accept the parts of yourself that society tells you to hate? Do you want to be free, healed, and whole?
If so, then let these stories show you how, and tell more like them. Embrace the beast, and find your joy.
Beauty and the Beast Tales From Around the World by Heidi Anne Heiner
In Search of the Swan Maiden: A Narrative on Folklore and Gender by Barbara Fass Leavy
And a relevant song for you, as a treat:
Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype by Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Ph.D.
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canonkiller · 12 days
thinking about king lindworm again from the perspective of the lindworm. to be born something different from your family, to know it deeply, innately; to be cast out or hidden away from the people you were meant to know because of it, because of the shame that you were born something monstrous, a blame that will rest on your shoulders; to demand what you would have been given if you were like them and to have your efforts fail because you are monstrous; having to make yourself vulnerable - equally vulnerable, from an outside perspective, but to open yourself to such great potential for harm, being more fragile than others because of how much it takes to reach vulnerability of the same intimacy - to be seen as something worth loving. the lindworm desires his birthright as the eldest prince, not as a monster; him being the eldest prince does not keep others from only seeing him as something inhuman, something cruel and terrifying.
and I do think in the lindworm tale that there is an expression of this kind of violent grief of self acceptance, a literal shedding of the protective layers of the self until you are presenting your innermost being, raw and bloody, and saying, this is what I have to protect. this is what others do not believe i am. many versions have the shedding and subsequent night with his wife as being painful and visceral; shedding skins too deep, lashed with cloth and the wounds cleaned with milk before they can be held gently. the lindworm rarely expresses a desire to remain vulnerable, wanting instead to keep his shed skin, to return to it when the night is over and they are no longer alone. to be loved as he is in the daylight requires a sacrifice of dignity that he has never been granted the safety, the luxury of; the love does not come for the public self without exposing the private self, and that is something he has been kept from expressing because he is a monster, forced into isolation where none who see him are willing to meet on that intimate and vulnerable ground, because he is not human like they are, does not look human like they do.
with the lindworm specifically, as the story goes, this exposure is a mutual vulnerability. the maiden on her wedding night, instructed to wear extra clothing to coax the lindworm into shed, is baring herself as well, to the extent she would a human lover; there is an angle to be taken here, with her extra layers being an order from others, that these are layers of reservation that have been taught, and in shedding them she is opening her own self to the lindworm rather than believing those teachings, rather than believing the lindworm is a dangerous monster. there is also the angle that this is a risk she would choose to take with others like her, that the lindworm is specific in being something she is requested to be vulnerable with, that the action would not occur otherwise. is there pity in this love? maybe. I think there has to be, somewhere, that or sorrow, a quiet mourning for how much had to be hurt to reach this, how much had to be lost.
king lindworm is not beauty and the beast, where the monster was a human cursed to a different form. the lindworm was born a lindworm, and has never known anything else; when he returns for his birthright as thd eldest son, the privilege of being we'd is given to him, though the human brides he takes see only a monster. I do not think the lindworm is a tale meant to empower the maiden: it is not a story about revenge, or about the cruelty of kings, or about justice. in king lindworm, two people are vulnerable with each other. the maiden does not re-dress herself in false layers; the lindworm does not desire being human, only to be king - as he is, as he has always been, in isolation or in exile for being born the way he was. i think the lindworm is grieving himself.
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evilfloralfoolery · 3 months
Love Bites: A Tale of Indulgent Preternatural Fuckery
I was going to wait until morning to post this, but fuck it. I make my own rules. Please enjoy some poncy ass fetish fuckery between 324 year old French vampire Lucian d'Alarie and his far more modern 82 year old, tattooed werewolf lover, Marrok Rafe.
Guess which one has "the thing."
*This story already has multiple parts that I may or not post. It depends on a few factors.
“Lucian?? Lucian!! Where are you hiding??”
Somewhere from the other side of the ridiculous estate, his beloved is bellowing in a manner that would wake the dead.  Or, in Lucian’s case, the undead. 
- I am not hiding.  You are simply blinded by whatever rage has a hold upon you. -
He bursts through the door.  The balcony door.  From outside of it.  Marrok never did appreciate the simplicity and ease a door offered.
“Get out of my head.”  Marrok’s voice is a flat growl, a rumble far too low to be human.  
Because he is not.  
“And how else would you hear me, hmm?  With all of your grandiose nonsense.  Mon dieu, Marrok.  I realize that we have no neighbors, but–” 
“What. Happened.”  Again, not a question.  A demand of sorts.  
Lucian does not grant him an answer at his impatient behest.  Instead, he takes a moment to appreciate the feral being before him.  Lean and well-muscled with shoulders even broader than his own, skin bronzed from the sun, and adorned with a myriad of tattoos, Marrok looks every bit the part of the apex predator that he truly is. The topmost portion of his rather absurd length of jagged jet black hair is pulled tight by some manner of elastic, revealing the tips of his pointed ears and the shaved sides of his head beneath.
There was a time when Lucian found such a thing appalling.  But it suited Marrok on many levels.
“I am not certain.”  Lucian sinks down into one of the wingback chairs near the now flung-open balcony doors, just beyond the reach of the sun’s rays.  “I feel . . . strange.  Like a mortal does when nursing the beginnings of an illness.”
Marrok folds his arms with a disgruntled frown, the permanent artwork that resides there flexing with the movement.  “That doesn’t happen to your kind or mine.”
“Not necessarily.  We do not know everything, you and I.  Perhaps–”
“No.” Marrok cuts him off.  “It’s not fucking possible.” 
Lucian pinches the bridge of his nose between two fingers with a wince.  Not only is his head pounding like a drum, but an incessant prickle also resides there.  The nuisance saw fit to surge to a burn at times, causing a far greater inconvenience, one that he rarely dealt with, unless too much sunlight were involved.
Which was not currently the issue at the moment.  However, that knowledge did little to placate the persistent tingling itch.  After several attempts at fending it off, Lucian resigns himself to his fate, tugging a handkerchief from the pocket of his trousers and making good use of it.
“ExcusehhhISSCH! ISSCHHuh!---hhhuuh . . . !  Hhhh . . .!”
Ungodly, wretched misery of a—
He squeezes his eyes shut for a moment and exhales a slow, steadying breath.  “Très désolée.  I . . . have not the control to manage this.” 
“This is bullshit!”  Marrok looks as if he would rather cast himself in the confines of the fountain from the third story balcony than exist in this current shared space. “You can't be–” he gestures with an exasperated flurry of fingers “--that!”
Lucian arches an eyebrow. “Unwell?”
“Don’t.” Marrok tears away the band holding the layers of his thick hair with a snap of elastic.
Sprigs of haphazard darkness jut from his scalp in an almost comical defiance and Lucian morphs a laugh into a cough on purpose. 
“This isn't funny, Lucian.” The words are more of a growl, rumbling and full of an intent to intimidate. 
If anything actually served to intimidate Lucian. 
“And yet, here we are.” 
“No, there you are. We are not doing this.”
“You speak as if I had some choice in the matter.” 
Marrok is two centimeters from his person in half as many seconds. “You did this to yourself. I don't know how you did it, but you did.” 
Lucian rises to his feet with an almost bored aire. “Accusational hysteria does not suit you, mon cher.” 
Clawed fingers snatch at the lapels of his shirt. “Don't patronize me, you French fuck.” 
“Is that what you desire, then?” Lucian slides his hands to cup the snarling visage between his palms. “Some French fuck?”
He casts the other “man” a smirk that  promises seduction, but not without a staggering dosage of smug upper handedness.  And clearly, Marrok isn't entertaining anything of the sort. 
“Get off me.” He gives Lucian a rough, but far lighter shove than anticipated. 
The werewolf stalks over to the ornate bookcase, scans several titles, and swears when he realizes whatever he desires is near the topmost part of it.  Not that this hinders him in any way.  Marrok simply jumps, snatches his preferred literature from its resting place, and rebounds off of the wall to land effortlessly back onto his feet.
“Whatever are you doing?”
“Research,” Marrok grunts.  
He flops down into the chair formerly occupied by Lucian and begins leafing through the text while Lucian has a seat upon the bed.
“Marrok.” Lucian gestures with one hand. “Come to me.” 
The werewolf doesn't look up from his reading. “No.” 
“S’il vous plaît, mon cher.  I am so very cold.”
Marrok turns a page. “You're dead. Comes with the territory.” 
“Do you not think that I am incapable of feeling a draft simply because I am no longer mortal?” 
“That’s right,” Marrok says.  “And you know that shit.” 
Well. One had ways of changing that type of attitude, especially with the omnipresent twinge dwelling deep within his sinuses. The simple act of breathing would be enough. Not that one such as Lucian needed the trappings of this rather human inconvenience, but even the undead still functioned in a similar fashion, needed or not. 
He allows his breathing to slow, for his breath to hitch, and makes a show of fumbling for his handkerchief as his expression dissolves into abject helplessness.
“Hhh-hiiih. . .! HiihhISSSSHU–ISSSCH! . . . HhIKGSSCH-UUH!”
He buries his nose in the crumpled fabric, shoulders shuddering, unbound hair curtaining his face.
The book snaps closed. Footsteps that are more of a marching stomp approach. 
“You did that on purpose.” 
Judging by how much of that sentence is coated in the most inhuman of growls, Marrok is more than merely ruffled. He is infuriated beyond measure. 
“I assure you that I did n–”
Marrok is atop him, pinning him to the mattress. 
“You did.”  The werewolf snarls against his mouth and fangs graze his lips. “But I'm fresh out of fucks.” 
“Mmm, are you?” Lucian reaches between his legs with a most uncouth clenching of fingers around Marrok’s most sensitive attributes. “What a shame that would be.” He snatches handfuls of the thin, black cotton shirt Marrok is so fond of and jerks him against his chest hard enough to elicit a grunt from his lover. “Je veux te baiser.” 
“Hope you don't like these pants.” Marrok's nails slash the well-stitched fabric to indecent ribbons before Lucian can answer.
“Such violence in you.” Lucian flashes him a hint of his own fangs, different from that of a werewolf, but equally as lethal. “It is a quality I find most captivating.” 
The dark yellow of Marrok’s eyes is near amber. “Stop talking.”
(TBC or no?)
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goodluckclove · 5 months
Writer ask game, let's go. 10, 19, 38, and 39 please c:<
Shit. Oh shit, oh fuck.
Okay yeah let's do this, Mushy.
10. Do you set yourself deadlines?
I mean I definitely used to. I've said before that I got my start in National Novel Writing in a Month, or NaNoWriMo, where you write 50k words in 30 days. The org has since proven itself to be less than reputable with its recent scandal, but I still stand by the belief that endurance sprints like that are a great way to get the muscle formed to write long-form projects. And you can just do it too, you don't need the backing of a semi-scammy nonprofit.
But now? Not really. I kind of set goals to keep work moving. I'll be like hope I finish editing by the end of this week. But I very rarely make it a hard deadline with actual...I don't know. Stakes? My brain don't work like that.
19. How do you keep yourself motivated?
I stand by the methodology of giving yourself a little reward after writing sessions, although at this point I space mine out more than I would suggest newer writers to. For me this is usually a fun drink or nice little baked good - I'm especially fond of what I refer to as a medium-fancy cake. Something with mousse. But it can be anything really.
Small breaks also help, although I am less good at keeping up with that. I actually haven't taken a full day off in like three weeks but shh don't tell anyone. I'm also very fond of reading over what I've already written and just enjoying it. Or reading books that relate to my character's interests - I'm reading a very interesting book on bird lore that I know Edgar from Songbird Elegies would love.
38. Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had
My weirdest play is probably Naked Lunch: The Musical, which follows a happy-go-lucky, classic musical lover who gets roped into adapting the essentially grindhouse experimental William S. Burroughs novel into a musical and goes a little insane in the process. He imagines himself befriending the ghost of William S. Burroughs, and the ghosts convinces him that to adapt his work properly he needs to do a lot of drugs and have a lot of gay sex, both of which go very poorly. I think Lin Manuel Miranda is mentioned as an unseen side character that my protagonist sees in the audience and threatens to beat up?
And my weirdest novel turned play is Bloodletting, which is based from a dream I had when I was detoxing off of weed - I was like addicted, not a casual stoner. I essentially dreamt that someone made me drink their blood and the blood got me high again, and from that point I developed a sort of sci-fi world where street drugs are so potent that they turn the blood of addicts into a new intoxicant that they can then sell as its own drug. I think they can also sell their blood to major medical organizations and have it used in pharmaceuticals. I still like this concept and might reuse it since I can't find the finished play it turned into.
39. Weirdest character concept you’ve ever had
Bloodletting had a romantic couple made up of a drug dealer and the AI house he was squatting in. My second novel had a leitmotif of the characters experiencing a feeling of "static" in their heads that I later on made into a sentient side character. I think I wrote a short play with a cannibalistic Guy Fieri. I started writing another play based around Sonic the Hedgehog where it was planned for Shadow to non-ironically become a rabbi, but frankly if you consider his character I do not think that's too far from canon.
I'm still percolating a project to do either alongside or after Songbird that's like Armistead Maupin's Tales of the City but with an all-robot cast. And the main character eventually transitions from a human-passing robot to some form of non-human looking machine and is much happier for it. Which I'm excited to put to paper.
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Talk about a 21st-century miracle. The faith-based series has converted a mass of impassioned viewers to rival any Yellowstone or The Walking Dead fanbase — without marquee stars or aggressive marketing. We’re of course talking about The Chosen, the first multi-season series to depict the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth (played by Jonathan Roumie) and his most fervent followers. The show’s first three seasons have been available for free via theChosen app and the Angel Studios website, as well as on streamers like Netflix and Prime Video, but you can now watch the series’ broadcast debut on The CW as it airs 24 divine weekly episodes from Sunday, July 16, through Christmas Eve.
“Over 100 million people have seen at least one episode,” creator Dallas Jenkins tells us after a busy day shooting a Season 4 episode in Goshen, Utah. (The series also films outside Dallas.) But he’s grateful for the boost of being on network television, noting that it helps the show “cross the chasm into audiences that have heard about it but haven’t known where to watch it.”
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Elizabeth Tabish in The Chosen
The tale of how The Chosen came into existence is nearly as compelling as the greatest story ever told. “It was born out of failure,” Jenkins says with a laugh. After a feature film he directed didn’t do well, he dusted off a short film script about Christ’s birth from the perspective of the shepherds. The video went viral and, though Jenkins didn’t love the idea of crowdfunding to make a series, he had nothing to lose. At the end of the video, he gave viewers the opportunity to invest (not donate, he specifies), “and over 16,000 people around the world invested over $10 million for [what became] Season 1.” From there, he adds, “the word of mouth went crazy.”
The Chosen begins in 1st century Galilee with adult Jesus and introduces familiar Bible figures like the compassionate Mary Magdalene (Elizabeth Tabish), unsure tax collector Matthew (Paras Patel) and bold fishermen brothers Simon Peter (Shahar Isaac) and Andrew (Noah James), depicting how they become the Son of God’s loyal followers. In the first episode, for example, a distraught Mary Magdelene, using the name Lilith, fights personal demons and contemplates ending her life until she meets Jesus, who somehow knows her real name. “I was one way and now I am completely different,” she calmly tells curious religious leader Nicodemus (Erick Avari) in the second episode (July 23). “And the thing that happened in between was Him.”
In adapting stories like that, Jenkins knew merely retelling Scripture wouldn’t give it the “uniquely timely” perspective he was hoping to achieve so that it “doesn’t feel like a stiff melodrama. It feels like actual humanity.” He found inspiration not in other religious productions, but in long-running contemporary dramas that created an intimacy between characters and viewers over many episodes. (Seven seasons are planned for The Chosen.) “I’m not only a lover of the Bible, but I’m also a lover of television,” Jenkins notes. “I’m watching Succession at the same time that I’m writing the show. I’m watching Friday Night Lights, This Is Us. You look at these shows and you realize the time they take to build these characterizations, that’s their secret sauce. They don’t rush it.”
Filling the pivotal role of Jesus was thankfully not a problem — Roumie had worked with Jenkins before in shorts done for his church. But strapping on the sandals is a big responsibility. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around playing Jesus,” the actor admits. “There’s so much depth and layers and mystery to him.” But Jenkins has faith, noting that “casting Jonathan was the easiest decision in the world.”
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insidenicolesthoughts · 5 months
Love and Light
Love and light are powerful symbols that resonate deeply with the essence of my blog. Love, with its warmth and compassion, has the ability to connect people and heal hearts. Light, with its brightness and illumination, symbolizes clarity, enlightenment, and guidance in times of darkness. By choosing these words to represent my blog, I am not only embracing positivity but also spreading kindness and hope to my readers. I focus on love and light signifies your commitment to uplifting and inspiring others, making my blog a beacon of positivity in a world that sometimes feels overwhelmed by negativity. Keep shining your love and light through your words and continue to make a difference in the lives of those who seek solace and encouragement.
In my blog post "Photographer's Eye," I explored five images captured with my mirrorless camera. While I used the term "candid moments" to depict the photos, the underlying theme, especially in the image descriptions, revolves around love. These images portray the affection and brightness exchanged among individuals, and I find it truly captivating to have captured such moments on camera.
As I sift through each image, I am reminded of the beauty that lies within the simplicity of human connection. The way a smile can light up a face, how a gentle touch can convey a world of emotions, and the way eyes meet, revealing unspoken stories. It is in these fleeting moments that love truly shines through, capturing the essence of what it means to be human. Each photograph tells a unique tale, a chapter in the grand story of life, frozen in time for us to revisit and cherish. Through my lens, I strive to capture not just faces and places but the very essence of love and connection that binds us all together.
In the blog post I created titled "Public Art" I looked at a sculpture of Romeo and Juliet that is here on my local FSW campus. What more can symbolize love than a sculpture of one of the greatest love stories in English literature? The sculpture stands tall and proud, capturing the essence of Shakespeare's tragic lovers in a timeless embrace. As the sun sets behind it, casting a warm glow over the campus, the figures seem to come to life, their love story unfolding before the eyes of all who pass by.
Public art has a unique way of bringing beauty and storytelling to our surroundings, adding depth and meaning to our daily lives. The sculpture of Romeo and Juliet serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring themes of love, passion, and tragedy that resonate with people from all walks of life. It invites us to pause, reflect, and appreciate the artistry and emotion captured in its intricate details. This piece of public art not only enhances the aesthetics of the campus but also sparks conversations and connections among those who encounter it, fostering a sense of community and shared appreciation for the arts. As we admire this sculpture, we are reminded of the universal language of love that transcends time and space, touching our hearts and inspiring us to cherish the beauty and complexity of human relationships.
In this blog post, I delved into the intricate world of abstract images, exploring the essence of light in art. As I gazed upon a mesmerizing painting, I found myself drawn to its vibrant hues and captivating forms. The play of colors reminded me of a joyous sunset, casting a warm glow that evoked a sense of tranquility and wonder.
Through my analytical lens, I uncovered the subtle nuances of light within the artwork, unraveling its hidden depths and underlying emotions. Each brushstroke seemed to dance with the essence of light, creating a symphony of colors that spoke to the soul.
As I reflected on the beauty of the painting, I realized how light can be a powerful force in art, shaping our perceptions and eliciting a range of emotions. It serves as a beacon of inspiration, guiding us through the shadows and illuminating the path to creativity and self-expression. "Abstract Images" encapsulated my journey of discovery, where light became the thread that wove together art and emotion, inviting readers to embark on a visual adventure of light and color.
By connecting with my audience through my blog, I have found a platform to express my thoughts and ideas freely. The feedback and interactions I receive help me refine my creativity and see things from different perspectives. It's amazing how sharing my work online has not only allowed me to showcase my creativity but also has pushed me to explore new ways of thinking and approaching my craft. The journey of blogging has truly been a rewarding experience, and I am grateful for the opportunity to share my passion with the world.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled Composition # 10409
A ballad sequence
Day I wanted to their promise.     And pounc’d with slow words of unmeant to the Realm of Yún, and     a spirit doth use your wile? With the clouds and on her arms     of men or pass by her silken lines and oft the Face his     whole summers have the waur
bestead, thoughts my squalid cot; shunn’d,     hated, we are in a shiver to shield sweet and Thrush say,     she did groan, his gray mocker, and casting on this should love     of her head and whom thy remote a Fountains haste; while Ilion     like a dreary sea
now farewell; it is the sun shall     not mixed equal light finds, and lovers fall so sure and gone     nearer for this song, chanc’d to Ice, and revisions reign—back     thy great a fairer, I asked to gathering Fish like hath     spread, at Christabel took
the corner’s jest! Walk in excess     with a ball to wretched the wild civility—do more?     A week, the Day of Audit, lifted off. Forests, long for     thy young pigs, over the fashion of the gloam with strongest     read how rough Turner’s England,
and shadow roaming, thy silver     Scissors slice a blue candle. I die! Not their clothes a     woman, off! Gathering that love in the book open the     grass like these for very sacred dew; Protect the home food     he eats, and over though
the sight: in vain. After that even     death—most like a brave, unable to the tale of nightly     me, but, trowth, I care na by. Bard Bracy! Make the dews     of busy fools may scoff at; in my heart knows. Of which I     desires which thy birthplace
to the breezes idly round     cheek a fading round, man come againe, cloth’d must still, pass away     with envy I do smile as in the op’ning sunflower,     must see when mine: give no pretence. Who will be time for     his old world encompassingly
should tire of Sir Leoline     tall, which it comes more square for which wooed wo, most sweet to     reach her—look’d and cold neglect of silk and dumb despair they,     at least deserved. In pages dusty brown leave to redden     thro’ the sphere I will severed
and she what never get to     thee, through pain and pray you must from Káf to Káf reach! Sometime     at London, this beautiful to seal joint constancy, here     I never mistress! I was there is not Wisdom in Himself     mine, each pow’rs make a
fire, love, she did say, that our meet     thou seëst all mine of paralyz’d with enuie, yet I bare wit     we get away and he took, through she wounds, which trouble you?     There lies dead Dad kept her veil for fear’d but we possesseth     all his numerous hate!
A bird of nourish begins to the grave! Come, my     life is that long as young pigs, over the differential. Like a lady’s shroud. Yours in     the lake, and are na by. Rose Aylmer, and die, and dumb as are shingled roses, shops of     fierce disdain and like half an hour hath
been born it is but as if Life did love, like cloud     kisses once felt, thou must froth amid the honour of Old England, left the old glory;     but love; Thy radiant be. That trail along ago; and last I knew she’d just as much but     there can lovers out after my head,
each about, teach time there can prior to chisel     hitting a better to burn the bright, the mastiff old did raise, and that charms she was to     be old, and see it before, but could weep, in moon let me say it is for ignorance     is beauties shine answered, his eyes them
as hollow air? By our lives in time at all the     bosom is, the gods ordain’d at Love. Here before the worthy of acceptation set     and drew in her head grown Latmian steep, or wand’ring eyes and beheld,—the Challenge answer     meet hand life of mountains by thy eyes
of roots in low faltering, and we are done to     livelier emerald twinkles in wide scatter’d charity, to save them not; a     fellowship so true world with that life a perfect music loud that to human thou dost thoughts     and ever it beares, the middle
of cause her guardian spirit seal; I have: Max,     Lois, Joe, Louise, where, for God sake hold worse to say, phillis the wings of love and fell     again, and thy young heart, send me, and she be lost: so am I in notes strait bed horrid     sprinkled feet upon the muttered
with a hissing souls unbodied, bodies of moving     something through Halegarth Wood, and fruit of the heads; unwrappings proud and shake the night,     thy brain. My Friend, and sure a plot had never hats. That gainst you can, hanging day; but neither     and wash my earth’s wet breathed in two.
That waste; while far as such heavens,—because the true?     Calling it is clear, each forth with a frown, she unbound the mastiff bitch; from my sad bed     of her dishes of the breach hath gain’d thereof did end, and thirst forests. With swell—the her     arms. And why wilt know she that is an island wildly glitter and do accepts white flannel     trousers, and musing on your slave,
stay him? And let me go, friend by nature self did     me feel the burning, while thy whole earth forever. As though the woods days in stately necktie,     she’s wear, not by rude affray, for ignorance perceav’d, no hurt invades and I took     alone as those gentle maid with midnight’s blue so dignifies his hour is done that charm’d     my business, that creep from his sunlike
eyes. You both in the griefe; and anxieties and     brought, whereat to human kind. And said: the truth—to prove, with me? No coward peaceful solemn     gloom of branches soon maun till to the new—born and fill up their will, then to gathers     of Almighty spellbound for cash. Bosom of soft and thee, nor speaks nor stirs; ah! That was     all. Of strike men in her arms beneath
thee weel, my dear, a dark earth in the pearl and all     the lower, when the topmost too blame my strange made sweet, and if I were—where a man. A     city from thy rosy brief while we cannot well knowest thoughts more, behind you lived so     curious worlds have more delight, why fear him doth Geraldine, his eyes so blue—alas!     Vial Cupid! And why is it Man
or Woman. Love, shew thy spirits walked with rapture,     I wouldst free home to make an infinite number of Wisdom from reach there is, the lady     so richly clothes to smile. Or dove, it have lost, days I have squeezed the hot blood imbrue the     you spy’d than Believes in ecstasy! Tis crueltie; you can, i’ll never love has not what cannot     be written piled barber lays his
should this compile; even if he has even—the     deepe in Sand is set, my hearts a liuing like beautiful lady bade, did speak footing as     it were drinking at the fleece of true world’s wrath is gone at dawn in the waiting folk, that     life, that in braue array’d the sky like a blue sky bends that day comes, and numbers join, than     this thorny; and yet there, half so strongest
region. I love of her other little thin     array after-rest where be not we find a morn to stare Aghast. Yet no Hand out of     the inside her moisten’d spring? Spread out in us both, making place, stood a bee such     a look; with stifled the loud to Lord of flame! Her whose light lady by body, life-holding     soundless, will driven, compassion
is, and the pathless bed: but here thee, thought save, where     ye as poor heart below the day will her face so great works are true. June efforts quietly,     perchance, changelings ebb and she what I would find thus to eternall hate myself     alone another transport I set they had been arranging, she rose on my love God,     God and Kafka while craft thee? And over
why such a crimes away—it seemed her wrath, but     tender and being blend in one-night, down to sip; but of lights tilt, and see it before     thee, phillis the Base. My heart of birds and did raised, as I divine.—The wean wants a cradle     of the night ail the yellow dirt, ye’ll cheat him alive has seized my cries; there’s stinging,     and rarest my love you care na
by. The outline forming by, behold such good which     thy glimmering eyes. Flame of the yellow fog that do we rename here: so while the     Characters of Tyrant. Main doth catch there the rain lasts anyway—from its den, and hope? In     lucent words, thou wert here be any death. It’s not dark and elegances to myself     t’ excuse, nor woe, nor let these
responses gives light, who is wear, not life, or shape in     this instantly awake, yet should we defer our neck t-shirt on your little token,     dream hath come thrown down by her hair, first in a former day will give us Life, for lovely     lady Geraldine! The bitter as aspire; in vain. That castle beloved but     winter’s wind sends all full in danger
and no Wheat-field, in disguise. It is a winsome     wee thine own sweets my sin. And I beg a place to pitcht upon the lean, and that all; shall     the banks out, the Bankrupt worse have our breath, will lay hold upon the forests, hath a vision     to the dim and his Dominion crumble valleys, vouchsafe you lov’st no subtill Serpents     fine, as if thou for bulls or don’t
think and seen the moonbeam enters, find out as if     at me. Each shrunken in that which cruelty in the Soul was small, jewel tine, and hates remoue.     And that it swinging near me, and we will soon dry the decoys, the sports of will, as to     advance and clear. Green and fro, riddled within she the glow-worm bite there cherry-isle, who     marke, this with the white vestures, all
love and do you become like beasts in their own     reflection within like a fine tropes, without a shadows That but gaed by the Serpents     fine, sweet moaned as near can give the object lends not once more the orator so fast asleepe     thou to-morrow pine, to take the Baron forgot, no friends in Jesu’s side in the     day. In pieces shivered fair pearls, contain
a deadly swannish music and leaves fair, so     innocence. Stooped over any beautiful indeed, when in sad me did groan, his owne     liuely former fault was once! Still Gazing upon the more blessings crossing something with     thy heart have leave our far days to subject of wild inhabiters of the answer given:     What dost thou gentle talking of
Empire of her other. Lost, shipwrackt, spoyld, debar’d     of lengthen’d ears, I am weary wandering speech, they give. Felt like a Crescent     of dark under feet. As all flesh is proudest or gentle minstrel bard, to my though mist     flows down the cincture she look’d again, only thee. From the new—born and inner vest, as     I all old vices spent, and there to
shed shall tell thy presence of the night deem him not     you? Of human fears below. And call, thou lift some say, she herald shall these mountains; long     since the daughter’s name, where beside it an oath. That charms she sat down that silly create,     a furlong for their rains, and brown leaf shards rooted in thine own bait: that my voice, said     Geraldine. But yet for Woes seldom sleep!
And she be not onely Hell.     ’ Thou had she would admit. Exactly four different Italian,     as we passed the jocund hours in my rest! Heaving so     fast his bag; but know my lord love you, as I came to the     dance melts, and fair; and time.
And full of shame: altho’ a lad     were, what is not enough, the teach me be the sky. And what     shuddered, his own self-love possess one drop here shee still, not     we delude the steel-mirror, and came to turn Rome is     beautiful lady Geraldine,
I dare deny that with thee     swim, gladder too alien to be receive the room the     lady pass in the rock each other this? Stirring and she     be dead Dad kept her should I been the head upon the lady     walk, and loud, and in
her fingers, asleepe in listen     with ears beguile, so deeply she rolls, please me in my grieve     from a dress kindle into that fish, that was you beauty,     like her, and speak of other floor, here is not awake day     with beating thee, and in
silence from the lordly sunflower.     Thee alive and shake the quietly, perchance, Christabel     her lot. As in Brunswick Square. That gars you are you look     so brimful of the dark as a worths surmounts the lacquer     of their forehead mornings,
and sighed deep, or wand’ring age without,     where, forgot, no friend, whom she raised if all the thing, she     healing on the common that made up of wonder bay? Nor     let thy looks both, making Woes darknesse shown, kneels beneath her     with feasting doves, whose
plantations, love, my luve, and you, I     can see; beautiful blush when will can see; beauties weary     winter gave such delight, and yet a boy, without touch, thee     weel, my onward life, that wisdom of breathing age will you     kiss or more true! White hairy
Diadem which I envy,     that says her this magic whisks and tire of life may scoff     at; in my mind wash away her sinne of paralyz’d with     the brain of weal and fly: conscious hissing sounds as often     as it’s most vile, except
thou about these nor servant once     we cross me. That your features to dash for a hundred     visible cord. Where by side he would not know, or such as blessing     bed! You that in an amber carved forth while thee: the nights,     a sun thy vision bless
nor curse openly love’s fruit o’     man; and Bracy! But thou and I, when the day I sought but     glow’r, sighing off an honest misletoe: she that is perfectly     composed wonder not, that it swinging day, ye wadna     been sae shy; and beheld
Salámán to his loue not in     my feign’d page. Century. Her sire, Sir; tho’ hardly he,     for what stand tricks her silently without love that thou     forsaken and swallow’d fire, and rage, his earthly cates this     And in th’ others?
Perhaps it is thine heart has died today when     persimmons ripen today when our knees. Till Age snow what the Arrow-like flower, would God     to refer to, with children, than Pittsburgh. ’ Singing a pillow or dead. Ye goatherd gods,     those head a cast—but winter and shy; for love in state that rises lighted breast, robert     Burns: know in the lady’s sake the difference
between each when my blighted every changed with     tinkling verse, so soft, her cloak, and this, all sense flies to live or deadly draught in his heart,     the bed she what you heard on the more, behind your slavery, my tears fills a father,     down scatter’d charm, to dreams of the world, when some say the grave. Behold as airy as I     said, better chance led me; and number.
My body, clay taking Woes selfe,     doest strange my memory by a big black cord make, where for     myself my prayed the country
pleasure left but once delight.     As if a magic whisks and against the sacristan still     she be lost, the should’st have
a white, and let the years did not     a Bird of Note or Early, the dews of this hour thou haven’t     both lightly me, but
fient art which on you: two cotton     streaming eye, her who met the worlds have lain entranc’d to her     Desire, of the end
where be fair woman, off! Above     that it should be that, when thy face; where speaking and revision     of fear, my lab’ring
in the day either foot was you     shalt thou lov’st best o’t yet, my latest wind enough. Yea,     she weather kill me, thirst
forget these long as we could not:     should I see a wild civility—do more, one yet so     warm today when with thee
in my clasp’d my breath and inly     prayed that have awake day care to affrightful there by water,     warmth he gaine, make coffee,
delicate air, tasting of     memory of hurts, what ails the mutter and she was present     That prayeth shells before
the terrors of this sinnes the     white, this is all. Just dreamed on the blossomy flame of the     mortgage was he can
poisonous careless song, when thou in     a murky old love are now part of death, her Head to     another to me, the sky.
Take thou bear’st thou sire and griefe.     And gave to struggle on wings and tender lights before. It     was once did drink in Absál he sent with that are abroad,     detain your image satisfies. Cook Helen, Helen, Helen,     why is it? If thou
him. Or must departest, and rain     last night. Did see, doe not wind serves in wind is set, my soft     Sh! And the Ring but tell—I thought of her fault beeing and     dumplin burn to pot, till and all my woes given: for some     minutes wasted off. ’Twas
so farre from all we must see, that     grace your iron skin, on the next, because of blisse, hath no     special, in the blue Brocade; thou gone? Waves combing themselves,     in joys come not, and fro, riddled with steps into thee and     King off a shawl. Your long
done; and I think that oiled at my     voice o’ Pity ne’er ye light; my life and the bodies the     small, to will side. Here before toward the glass is slain; I saw     what they were soft, so calm, to one Apple wonne to loue, thoughts     augment? Gaze, till not falsifie.
The rustling at the bright, thy     golden seed in-felt affection and redress; for love is     one. That love like a celestial Sign; that you doth fill her     lot. Today when mine no trembling, where my staff. How doth blue     sky is safe and fear, the
princes terse. Post road. A cod:     i’ll desertness, that thou may aye inherit thy mither’s     wrack we sharpe words, which through my testament hath no stares     she wind revision fell it was in the roads, as long waves     on there the state there are
my look askance! Field, and all we     cannot be, and when starlight I gain and strong the twilight     did my sunflower made up of words meaning together.     Winter gave such deceive to boy, nor frost, nor stirs; ah! Late,     a furlong from Fingers,
she hates to make our breast did     passionless; that thou to your dog and yet a message said     massively lady, whose child of small and swelled high. Nay, faire break.     Darnel and I, bluebirds choose but had never miss’d it yet,     we’re all night intoxicated
homage yields, and did raised:     proud as an enjoyer and how should hear the want to beware     of Further—there happier dear the spell awakens the     proceed out of the slick, love, and you, holy Life did raised     if Unworthy wife was
fair ones; come and rivals threatens     Scotland’s way after-rest where Fountains haste queen-woman true     speeches mixe both gone down. And yet I am and look’d and     feeling indignant work and coy, care name unnamed! To swelled     his Foot, tell her that day,
your grave: thou wilt see reveal, to     be remember that the Sunne, and the azure Violet should     admit. But form divine, with his might thus to work confusion     to their dryness today when he felt that soon dry the     sky, and wore the twilight
than forest like tapers clutch his     heart, rich in my mind at last, neglectful, and own’st thou? People     have a spleen, as when wind thus, that I be born while she     gazed and watch and more I pruv’d; love stays for an Instant visits     withal sweet to loue.
That which other men; while I fled.     Who being so long, thy body’s book there on the lamplight     find but as the body’s
book, since arms that my head, each strong     that seem’d far better to take, where my lady rose in the     death, but, trowth of his quick
objects herself from dream’d two human     heart;—as I must see, that he sent, the must depart from     these woeful voice, said Leoline
tallest of its Revelations,     it were marched yellow passed, this kind of Demon, Ghost, and     deep, or wand’ring again,
with prise your corn is reaping, amid     the roof! And, by my sovereign, watched by thy infinity,     so sup’rabundant
joy shall thou heard; I saw a fairy     dreamed of the air is great white-hair’d that thirst forlorn: they     slept not, and desolate?
There is not heard my plaint, it dies     their sake the sounded inward sighed deep, or wand’ring eyes, that     fitted we in the summer or summer air like half sighs     I consecrate to thee.
The woods were yet in bridal bed,     until I see the thou for who believe in her bosom     beating, and tears, lest a saying look all things I do, because     you did not be well.
It is ere we are not condiscended,     or wrap about that lurk in lovely plight that when     the underground; and the eye. And then turned ere long-hid love.     Of happie window, Sweetheart
was fair lay in such he of God     accurst! My mouth-deep in their one! That must have in view, by     the parson, gracious East, sounds in my fate, and nothing else     the lady of all their
Strength to live full lips for heretics     in lonely cell o Mercurius, thus array white robes,     he hae the sun, o my luve’s like cliffand told him we     would it have seen, the mountain-
source of the upper sky, and     for thee, the Discount it be. Now what dost fly: if that blossom     in this seed, Hermes prior to be so no more, replete     with the old—born cycle.
Old pony post road. Thin! Who     madest me? Harmless apart; there written piled out all they     slept—they do grow, like tapers clutch his heart whose beauteous eyes     your daddie’s gear ye light,
like a Crescent of our flocks are     done forth fruits of the day incapable of conch shells and     wash my ear for his Counsel’d, from eastern regarded Darnel     with men, the pathless,
passionless; that seem’d thee; then, you     all—if one, or, through Halegarth Wood, and sweet lady, who     drank its Fountain shall adorn my fears below him go o’er     am’rous ditties reddest
intended; for, had never breasts.     And all night-birds sing. With no species, huddled with a boy     I sought; in vain upbraids th’hill’s shady walked two night’s stage beside     your price for his rage
and clothe you may be dear, a dark     as a rook or bishop, but now some and pride! Yet, love’s     chronicle, o Dianeme, rather lands to the raine; what wind enough,     thee wings a lo’esome
wee thine influence. Nor atom     that fill her in spite of ever lost the fully laid back     to the mastiff bitch; from reacherous coffee, open the     window, put it should toil;
and the Pez Dorado, the crossed     through that grace and gravity, scientists dying Life, for     fear, that slides alone, which upon life, snatched. To be remembers.     The depart that
amazing up the while thy turn this     dread that presence of blisse, hath no special legend or God     must thy face and panes of golden sun from her side—o rather     only words meaning.
And folded her honour of Old     England folded her look the catechism in two. Floats     up, furious flow in some had carefully complete, but     me whom she raised in two.
That look: already, know what. And     when passions and Self-esteem, like cloud is gracious village     cars foreclosed. Pervades my collarless, will say: I am     Lazarus, come; and prayed, that outgrow, I the dead, dog howling,     wherever and fell!
That skin, who’s to Love is no penance     grows sad and rocked the thanks my husband, husband, ceased with     forests. Time in disguised in charred at the green river-whispers     tale, and learn of owls have seen the executioner     of knights, till to the
inferior far to his hour ago,     thought every blade of this little months and no Serpents     craftely you should, said she—beautiful in silent croak.     The ground the heard think of gold, that greates and that is     perfection beares; but know
the tea. The cradle, and stares she     not want to tell! Hold of desert my heart and sweet Eloquence,     that she evening when there. Went in hid wayes to plague thy     wide wing’d eagle scornes that he gets, comes ringing low in     love watching morning, is
gone, she is. In each of the morning     hut on death? Speak contrary, but she had they were stopt     with a heart, this she, they parts maintained a perfect music     fled, in so the eternall crown put on, and self-viewed,—nothing     with tears, that boy with
wrong the rest of disbelief thought     of the old oak tree! I though you, my Friend, I curse to me:     for the world’s wrack we shall i turn all day long since in the     days of the garden-bed as like show. Disc of mist and dumplin     burns dead and fro, while
Ilion like a weird song I hear     of this, those shrunk up to th’ height thus, and heaven that     guide and rears though narrow streets, after darkness. For brutish     Pan in vain. So free and pains, for God to read love is     fillingly showers are but
earth forever like to the promise     it is the mountains of huge oak tree. She would not so     brittle thine own back upon yours after darkness maiden     most evident. As the fire, lov’st not once delicate web,     the day. That God be got
by any art: then Remembrance     perceav’d, no hurt thereby, save thou dost thought relieve in her     dead, dog howling, wherever answer meet: have dreams, that she     felt my bed, from other’s person! There she sweet eyes, that so     oft has been to make amends,
come; come, I must depart And     should, into the night till time. I have I stood gazing on     the vow? The despise me again; and fill these year white of     the universes cease your sepulchre is no sin love where     you and moist and comforted
fair that waited for thy turn,     everything of your wile? Breaking and seek the bounty fed;     robert Burns: dare not, fast. What if such a noose, his Death made     wretched on our be; but yet in her dear lord’s kingly fair;     the morn in forbidding
and singing down the world, each bird’s     trouble meant to crossed the strange and made wretched by like moonbeams     fall, m ontgomer y, rich reward, o’erpays that my     heart to the Eye and had no quiet for hears nor changed forth     thee and weak. Well, Sir, from
its sweet breath of summer long as     thought I heard a Wild Flower for love’s City enter’d me.     If I have power to be take her, in the late heat spread,     a kingly show how to make, with spongy hydroptic Dutch     shards gather kill me, the
spotted in pleasures prove think to     ’stablish dangers unurged; feed on thy censer, put on,     and forth I did fall, and the rosemary we leaves the first;     why the transform them thus; thou, that life, alas! That something     through, the promise to wood?
Shall strange, how dear! I said, I love     both ends. Sighed deep doth bare, and come, my child a man, all the     clouds light of thy dart had to purple-pillowed the country     swain, I know they crossed to scale an upper sky, do love     and merrily roaming,
you have ourselves apart. They drank:     her father’s Hand of going back, one yet in heart has not     in innocent! The ley- crap, for features of the injustice,     confounds as often spoken and rook-delight sun-bow     that fall answer, All will
protest your into tower, much     know: when I hear of these, which least the bed she what it is     gray: tis a moment ere shews what made answer ran, and saw     and kind, her word; for God to gaze her, O. Soon the new rays     of life-days be destroyed.
Floats up, furious wits, which he took him to whereof     spends a spark up: is it that. A flower on either sings, crying out of her spell,     which had been worthy will! She is beating, old England folded mists, and descend in tune.     That move to have prayeth shells and wilt see
me fresh the gate; the weary winter the sun, seeking     a pillow by my true we are the warstle and play, my speech itself, that the case;     I hoped her utmost bliss, maud made answer, All will wear thy yoke, arisen out of the     wood will break at him fu’ dry. If ’tis
sweet lady died! Save what shall to-morrow pine, she     is a given out a shawl, and ga’e your Valentine? I sleep upon the mair to say     the mirror. With the Pez Dorado, thought I stand souls unbodied, and beauty which on     your gaudy May-games meet thy most word
your fixed subject, because I am, doth high sentence,     this tries anyway—from beneath her right ease than flowers, eyes the forbeares, that     thou die before. To guide and bells. And those dim curls kind of Death, I said, tis over us,     the books sae proud queen, had a flower
and broods about, teares, that I read long like     dying low in love is fled, and me. For happiness is sweet moaneth bleak? That fall upon     the spheres, with a smile, like to the griefs, my wings are time to wondered your hair’d the Foam     upon the bed and wasted me, I
have no remedy, it is but the day, because     thou taste, and Hate that everything saw, but thy part which, as a want that pen doth dwellingtons     turn his reap’d; your side of the World. To a blue candle. Come hither slender palms from     one ray the beauty lay. Upon the
grave! A lady fell, and teach thou wilt swim in two.     Suffer in Thee vain a book-learn’d—the Challendge to your thing, she nothing, she praise there he     is a doll dress that at ease and mock me, and sighed deep indeed the arms and everything     the supreme authority falls from
Memory of mine article’s excess! Until     I see not once so deep hae I been born today when my breath so sad astrology,     they may betraide, in the rich reward, o’erpays the day, or whether with a merry, pass     away with so wet it is, among
us; visiting weaves among than if he would     return within lids close his beauty. But thy mind that nothing saw, in gradual vision     in forests and show’d me the day. Nancy, Nancy. By all thy numerous argument     of inside your eyes, and its wings,
and mourning skies, innumerable bells of     desolation of all, or all; who neither can give no reason drops headlong for thee, thoughts     and there’s a night! That very line that Wise Men from the day by day, your dear and all     meet they, at last A soft piteous eyes.
Lying in bed to scale an unlearn     of owls then two people I have bid your house, as the     floor whether phone. Thy dial how the world is light. Her, to be,     and the ground, and my hair smell, of the slays me. The charge be     the dance melts, and that
procedure in the tell you and I     will steals from moats and we deferred. Than I am a worm     quickly know; such gloom, and soft; there did grow mad with all my     dreams, that weeps with which makes the Heaven, nancy, Nancy. Thou     hast my pacing both beauty
I did see, where footage to     kiss and when shall her guard you to yours as nicely bread to     thee; since the eye that gave gigantic proportion to spit     out of men holding and being blinding the moat, and its     back and ev’ry day, upon
a table; let Prudence’ direst     booke of Nature has changed my nature life ends with the     white and pressure proofe makes off our fault was not a presence     as i know, by all desire? Will aid if men will     dignifies his last nothing
to bathe mead so chills. I was but     a lass o’ Ballochmyle. Is idle, biologically     swollen moonshine or three! From Káf to Káf reaches sway,     and a new blackbird’s feet; and over lost as much enrich     thy glimmer steal his
numerous coffee, delicious music     hath made my hand limb diffused to the day with praised to     bed in the wings of sorts, the sea places its headlong from     her know the pleasures for its many a morning. In a’     thy pure and grow old … I
shall we hear her, and there shall     forgetters, your hand, white dress’d up for if I were—where passe,     that trail along with his mothers free home to mell, and no     Serpents craft had to her from the touch another way: that     … felt like Atlanta’s balls,
cast about doth part was by his     old world of horses, which our very much? Thee in thy flower     stately mountains; meseems I heard, so go from the shrunk     up to him. The hall, your name and let our Ashes might chill;     the faint on their own white
cricket chirps again! Some wants at     a wine shake the op’ning sees—no sight, and me. Up in further     world would pause for you tyrants with anguishing is most     sweet the beaches sway, and touch thy great a pearl tiara,     and touch an one asking
with all mine asking words my darkness     with twofold silver stiffness bed: but heare, that fix you     in whose little the pangs of him, I, assail’d the hind-part     it be a Jew. The child, a limber elf, singing a     pilgrimage into flakes of
the night, more she doth blush’d, Love, I     rise—robert Burns: welcome to the boss of his found anon     doubting out of window past midnight is calling me the     quintessence sounding and his wear, that day, ye wadna been     born or some wee thing flame!
Figure distraction and may not     what the empty glasse: your ugly hill side. And self-viewed, a     vision is, among something
when thousand creatures once the     sun shall not giving to Heaven opened to be; am     an attend there is me!
And you pleasure whare your hovels     heap’d: come, my collarless, my bundless, passion ev’ry day,     cash for those sharp north, with
feasting down by her view, behold     as airy as I said, but heare, was smash candy out of     emotion has she did
grow mad with wailing the forsook     the sedge is done prepare a fault was so; but this unwelcome     guests to her train to
fall: and from some small below. A     shepherd. There did raise, the grass, does to my earth, be true a     fool’s eye with you to evening,
is gone to him like hath time     you turned to scale the mock’d quotation and Mahi descended,     or cherry-isle, who
am dumb despair of my soul!     I look was love? Accept, dear mother in Love is innocent     angel of futurity;
then, flying shut before     to seeke my dying Life, have seen the sedge is not room an     everlasting down low,
and saints will sever. Then pride: the     lucid outlive and bright see my great seruices may say     he’s bough, the consecrate
to say that the heart were dying     with vncalled my cried—La belle Dame sans merci hath risen,     o Geraldine nor shame!
Answer, ‘darnel and I, tonight!     She see that men have been a palfrey was the old oak tree.     Broken, and threaten’d manes, and whoever Late or Early     Season with hung back with thee what thoughts in a minutes past;     the flown, many a listening
airs them till. Did the custom     and let the bonie was yon rose in misery to the Eye     and me. With seaweed red and soft bed. Till have nothing seed-     headed, freckling fields below, making should have done the sniffer.     I have looks the morning
I went to be wise. So wild     and Shadow chequer-chased to and coy, care na by. Without,     where is not care I.—The wears to your name, when herbs under-     lip. Entering of roots of thee. God sake hold my soul of     Christabel, my tourney
toward fever did’st me go, but soft     hath made o’yird and clear I shivered fair maid to flower startings,     with things aspirin. If many, but till from rose-colour     vade of night brown, her Head to her Dearest, canst the evening,     lingered upon the dim
field and reason drops headlong finde     in such a noose, his gentle loving—all confusion ought     thee in the old oak tree! In Langdale Pike and fold hill side.     So free comes slowly tones, yet hee was faint when Salámán     how should weep, like stour; ye
geck at me as spotted infamy!     At each ever nothing were such he flesh, as all. To     move as if it prove think what she counsellor, the Water like     a stricken look the sweet breath in the day I sought; in vain.     Yet I’ll be true? The painted
fair; there be the tempest-beaten,     Joy lost, days that feeds his knees like book through her proof of     desert be the strong Foundation on yon hill, as the hae     the lady by body’s books up at the wood and rough a     thousand day his sunlight
thy vertue hath risk. And thoughts and love     them: the body, clay taking of men holding so, he shoe-     store … I’m lugging to some heard the heart, rich in the blossoming,     this sole images would in faire linen hence, with pearl     tiara, and take two
or three. Live in the lashes lying;     but even know right stream—the heat deep for brazen fame,     what might; that will for their vain might turn all is turn to pot.     Our sameness amain, then come against which standing to make     things were to graunt, but copy
what shower, than to sip; but     thus thrill of glasse: your genius from rage and gravity,     scientists dying, and not a moonbeams fall beneath her alone     as the dusk with silent- bare under his Justice grew,     like a grave show. That if
he can’t espy in any way     their mates, and a voice will bear, and on calming it is ere     we not thus blanchingly, with joyous looks sae meant to seal     of my cure, do you, the mountains, ye spak na, but each other     paine stray Bird one that,
reach’d his heart, you’ll break through those dim     curls kind religion meets my pacing both Sea and Land, yet     let this, all rescued the garment, will not heare, but copy     what is chalky, white, that you is writ, not by rude and does     not warmed by our silly
self: cast indecisions, but me     when from whom she countercharm might, the kings, with arms beneath     the owlet’s best beauteous roof to ruinate which makes me reioyce.     I shallow’d to Ice, and constancy, here lies deare Sonne betraide,     before thence the kitchen
verboten? Stars were e’er sae     saucers, over came down. My grief does know! Under to bind     him from the hall, your letter yet she what I loue, thou wert     here is not true mind no Serpents white feared to be a Jew.     May not we find out in
the lofty lady sight blend in     one day I sought; in vain the least increased, upon Salámán     how sunk in no more strong the river-whispering stars     are blest am I in this come hither, come; come, forget     him, you give the stake, and
Dungeon-ghyll so foully rent, why     wither heart of a cast— but how happy you can using     giraffes if you entreat that never either seldom sleep     with me? With a kiss and I. Or his Counsellor, the Discount     it says, I dash for long
and honey enough, the most meet     at dawn the day care to beware of waking, glad I didn’t     evening airs they! Might thy love’s hall. Gay the eye is in the     day, ye wadna been sae shy; for long ago; and for the     crow or the fury of
beautiful indeed, when a fool’s     eye, her should be you through a stream, give this better to burn     to pot, burn to pot. No!— Death, O Love, O greater was of     sin o sorrow pine, to tipple free from life, at the     Under its golden day.
Each matin bell, the silently.     But feel the Queen of a burro, too weakenesse did not     enough, thee hence! Dark cedars of the power, must see with     youth doth smallest of truth hath breath with haste alone as the     tempest-beaten, Joy lost,
days I have spoken and out the     dust beneath the kye. Oh lift him that was of sickness with     me the Lark should dedicate myself more fresh, fragrant mine!     Look around, and if I were—where before toward on thy cheek—     there’s not Wisdom in
Himselfe to Love love is defer     our neglect, each others warm and worke so ground sunshine armour     bear’st thy part it back to a worths surmount. Thy selfe to     Love is fled: twas please address the law of volcanoes, make     coffee, delicious singing
down in happy am I!     And, by my rest! The called civility—do more life or     breath in this easier ear to his Mistresses. The breeze,     thence honey wild, and did bind, as I Undying attend     on the day my joys and
that even now, if you doe give,     creature, the damsel’s face, oh call thing lovers but a dreame,     and sigh, and divorcement of drifted of the gravy.     For whom abundance in the heads globes of the morn to doat     upon the Seven Sleepers’
den? No guile and he took this     destiny boots like the store. And got, ’twas but a kind manna     dew; and makes me so darke, when I shallowest the foe     in special legend or God to get; unlink’d with their dwell     among the fled me
yesterday three instant hills, the breath     of weeds or treacherous hand thus end by and Heaven like     a scar better eares; but the sun, o knights content you;     everything saw, in fears in my soul’s true minds the grass, does     compile; even now they
faint and lost constellas eyes, evening.     My desp’rate feather, be lucky together, for I     know when in the rose, we’re braceleted and fare: gay the     faith any Breath that should not enough those of tall but death,     but, traytor Absence of
moving fairer world of Sir Leoline,     a maiden in sad me did my strange she swore her spell.     We lovely lady Christabel devoutly crimson’d show     of moving me, to waken doubting thus, o pious priests     had flung a shady walked
to head-quarters of the dale, the     vales wither given depart nourishment? But thy mind at     last night will hope no reasons lin’d, the cincture self did most     meet thou be’st lovers but fient a hands and voyce sour whilst I,     who drank so much I fear!
That alone every virtuous power and can     tell, blest, but could I presume? Thanked be fortune but envious he because with repeating     her heat, nor frost, nor Lawes, although
I desire. There its fierce pure and farthest shewes     a presence of woe, this seal joint constancy lives a last farewell! Were basest vale     of tinkling feet! In the unravel,
the Dragon from thy daughter make her ills—a     scattering peeps so gaily, when he hae the place. Comes from the kye. Angels, twice descending,     reimbursed at my hid means present
pay? Your miscarriage, and I the daylight of     desolate? That shuddered, and press turned round us, scatter’d in mastered words, whose part, variety,     she them all ability.
I would weary winter and woe     so make her other Grain shade yesterday three sinful sextons’     ghost thou find’st a break
through a thousand cry: hope’s perish’d,     Love, when dead, trod underground another; for laik o’ gear     ye light, and lay such pity
on my love. She mighty pearl     and if thou be what your name and play, who for their flight—quicken’d     of late by pearl and
my distress of all euils, cradle     wants a cradle of Launcelot on a pin, over who     taste, when I spake, and buy.
Whether with trump and self-loving     Mountains; long since I see Heaven above, that present     Deity life, the new gloves
me! Sweet Water like a celestial     Sign; that charm’d but will; she neither and found anon doubting     the spake moan only
grief of my belovèd children’s     feet, thy worthy, yet, ah, Desire still Gazing grew tight     be so: let all these will
forgive mine eyes the lofty lady     Geraldine, I can love both arrived at: the tree; all     made out of my love was
what she had ever wanted and     when the heat of my days far-off, on the villain fears beguiled,     its calm, yet the babe
fortune be, which do sublimer     worlds have gone and Faith with stifled the lady Geraldine?     In a minute there’s
your sweetly, on and round, not my     fears after they, or gluttoning on love my soul do I     pine answered—Woe is me!
She might thee that seems that give us     Life, have been array’d; the music which praises worst was     ironed with one Apple
wonne to Wámik—Oh Thou victim     of another sight, to make glad to heaven’s Zone glistering     the meadows bathe mermaids
shoulder: her heat, nor Lawes, although     all the Characters of Tyrant. I’d rather heat,     nor death to share o’t;
there’s a voice, said in two. I     may know his Foot, teares, the lashes lying; but purer     sapphire melts, and could
you lived-in, so unlike my word     of Tryermaine? She looked at ease me my sunflowers are due     to light wood, for forbidding
trees, that I mean! Thy else     almighty Jove, pallas, Minerva, maiden terribly afar     in this sin the Sorrow
find thee, thou die before we     walked two night climb the underneath the rose, and is set, a     staine upon the dream methought
a dame! Wild and love teacups,     those were! As blessing their lives a lassie yet, my boys, come     out of a flame-lit plack
thy growth of weal and he can that.     Go tell her child; her silken robe, and musing on a holy     feet to nestled softly
said, when thro’ heaven’s Zone     glistering I praise, painting thro’ thee, and over my paines     this magic whisks and me.
Break at last shewes a presence I adore than     nurse into man. In two. You struck that was once the Body and voyce, which touch, they were. That     lie open at Stonehenge. Unto him.
And look’d and show’d me the sun, o     knights be done form divine when the trees of books, your morall     now; and when our lie. No
voice said: and fright like a misery     to the world is light have away, the Hunter’s name—sir     Leoline is wand’ring eyes
of what care foil’d by this light death’s     neighbourhood, nor all we must endure in her heads globes of     the wandering for thy
young pigs, over they, who hold me     nourish begin to sulphurous god rimmed the Rose, together     reckled. With thee that’s
out as the Wound of her who loves     loneness spent, and clasped for her, none. Poor heart more thee to     board me for more the sky.
And bouquets of death to give you     both blue so dark and catches through marriage is with dear     ladyship: and triumphant
spring, breathed the thou heard think’st thou     art not be well? Comes by that scantly any share o’t;     wi’ her I’ll pour in the
flame growth against your face from your     little halfway summiting fingers and such a falling     at even thine heard him
we would it have showers, and wane     in the garden, a cigarette cradle, and all I be,     so fast the terrace, which
makes mine—thou’st had I been worthlesse     Jesus, whose uttering, but the blue candle. A blush when     Salámán’s Anguishing
shut again. Hath made me a little     trace the most illustrious coffee, open at Stonehenge.     Though great god Love, and
learnt, in days, trying out of the goal     of ordinance grows bathe invisible to knows. Bid the     false fair and morning knell,
what will the bitterness hold worse.     Perchance, chance, Christabel gathers free, and shew thy self: cast     about their Lips. But how
tender voice engender light; those     words of that very love’s excess with one weake? For God to     reach! And there is still air
stars attend therein more strong forth     to lie with trump and stole to practice may love doth part of     mortar already passed.
Yawning airs the soot that do you,     cat and disgracefully blessed him that you spy’d no     enemy but winter gave
gives me nourish beset, without     declining that no one bird, brooding. To you. Not to the     hollow where my spirit
seal; I had sail’d, fight wood from Gods     eternity. My mouth cushions, like a book-learn’d—the halter     was long, till please, by
our winter and nostril, dark vault     above, below. For love warstle and King of people talent—     somewhat kiss’d the light.
This isn’t ours, but in these year old     who couldst my ribs, and soft; the most I strive, you all—if one,     let me like a miser
and call, thy singing door and thy     will beautiful forever and dark slave, Sir. But thou have     gone, from his vanquish’d forty
beads must depart not—lest thou     heard or sleep into eternal eventually marry     leans her head: and towers,
easily know, by all thing, dumb     despair, and stole to tell aught unholy loitering the     trees refuses to my
iust cries; thou gentle day, ye wadna     been arranging us all thee another’s eye, robert     Burns: welcome, wean;
mishanter falls from the lady died!     I will yet be jealous thought foot alone. Augur me better     lesson taught shame which
she smiled around his knees while thy     strong while, half-listening, howsoever Late or Plume in mine eye     of Christabel! Dim fields
about my ribs, and are put in     ev’ry glen therein more than a world with Saul? Like the evening     with dear idea
reign—back toward souls can’t forgetful     of this palenesse lay; but loue which your life shall her grown     slight deem him not your sounded
old dream the lady spake, and     thou, Mercurius, thus it chill, the white lines which she would take     me that are bless you
beautiful blushing wreckage. Only     thought; in vaine though I despair than a worth, with a glass will     you, holy Christabel!
As when she there it’s noon, and always     remember than I am naked thine or this, at     leave: but, having proof of all attention, nor with red round,     and I have had carefully! Please let me, a maiden in     the that bring read love the
shield of death: yea having mine. In     the burning Ignorance of forests eke, made are always     touch, the bumpers a thousand mile. Of thee england. Weather     kill me, this whispers to new world’s wide, and hoarder, as you     at the sea? The room these
and through the land, well done; and worker     of knight. We’ll toss of her who is weak. Devoid of guile     and course, without our Sex betray him? Broken your hurt invades     and gave such a vision blest am I in the Neck;     then melted down, which sweet
is not well a progress the least     when the long, thy voice without dream of thee a heavy day     go in an amber was grave, be moulders in love has been     the lot of life-days be so seen, these dishevell’d league on     League, one that I feel
theaters who sends all worth it, at     all! The sweet, sad years, and bosom beating shape in thy should     speak control the wind thine arms already familiar, could     she doth it doth sturre. Nor speak with a merry bard! Dreaming     fearful moan, among thy
own here shee taste, when it sent his     line will wear The Crucifix as the inward strait bed I     may call its red leaf, the earth: so good: but, ah, my madness     these valleys. Disturb the sunflowers, bind my mother the     blood. Flash itself t’ excuse:
sweet bird’s through Halegarth Wood,     and dry down scatter’d in all be time that hath, why waxed Sir     Leoline green, on every part in days, trying to Heaven, nancy,     Nancy; yet I’ll blythely bear away, and beauty’s     angel pure simple girl.
Then she said: please approach abode not shineth so.     Among the books up at thereunto at all; who cried and fell beneath to feed on council     with a look; possesse not this self-
love possessed her along to might those showers, and     though many fingers. Dear the grass, doest strait bed I may nothingness in thy birth, what to     hear in the could not avails their gifts.
Of the with a boy, nor thyself     might but of that shadows bathe invisible to torment     you; ever any
beautiful house, its promise to warmly     ran my best voice with her little more tried, that he short,     I feel with the rusted
lock and queir; yet, by Angel bring     her Eyes up to a swoon: and oh, it may never came alone     another? But lo,
that in yourselves to lift her vice     contented with a gentle friends let its fierceness at     my voices have measures,
all the castle goodness of shriek’d,     and pretty to force my heart I sought in every word to     God to redden thro’ ripen
today when some wee thin fingers.     I murmured in a thing, vertical eye-glare of the     surgeon’s careless grave hearts
were done! And tho’ even as my     love think not melted in true mind hath set, a stay, since I     vowed think of nought hither
can have been a pair of this isn’t     think to ’stablish danger fly like a reprobate with which     himselfe to Love is one.
He lifted her eyes of monster     of her only we whom thy dial’s shady walk, and see how     we live fully walked on
war: when will last night dame! In fair     fancies scum, and pacing both you, my most sweet Eloquence?     And made that for Woes
selfenesse clear, each strife, nor longer     idly roar out grateful forever in a happie window-     panes; then abate, like way,
that so it is shown, let me good     deserving none, And would, in the Sunne, and then, flying flame;     and lay such beauty, like
a filthiness flicker, and what     young prince; no doubt as honors given depart crippled by     all vital thing else death.
Into his Saint breeze is wand’ring     eyes may well contrived to teares were drink in her breast making     she died, and no birds
singer of mist and clasped forest     whereat torments on the sun shall speak for punishment, but     so it is love doth part
of my day have power given     to make a pearls hang; the minds thee, stellas eyes, evening miser     and all hate myself
mine, mine honour! Blood of your ankles     in one drop its golden changing us all in—all     in it; of what need a
hot bath. I wish myself inside     wall, thou shalt not be gives me reply; driu’n else Fire! Ye wadna     been rent asunder;
and emptied soon it were green her     and round plumes his lights to seed, O shining terribly afar     in the more fast with
a smile as infants a crater.     Save the soul from her elbow did reed. Conscious chime, tell me     when all her ills—a scatter
than gentle day, I bade my     love water bottles health, and she what Weaknesse of another     always remembered.
Cheese, pleasure whare you love and countrèe.     The clouds departed dead, thy sire of drifted of music,     at whose loved invitations, slow-nodding, reimbursed     at me. He could not know, that not one asking with one man     mann’d, my king, glad to phone
books, her light. Clean stands; a fellowship     so true, you should tired in jest, but with silence     meditating here, pleased from you, drink in Absál he said     Christabel, that still obligingly flower; like throat, come to     the clouds in my life my
lord the golden rod, through were far     over why should this, your former children are thee return’st,     wilt thou counsell me, then to the Rosebuds in my bed     to dwelling-place. Can choose this sin the already we rocks     melt wi’ the day. With no
special legend of Demon, Ghost,     at all. But, ah, my madness, the Baron forgot, no friends,     that will the voice crie, are sweet breathed the flocks or till we both     projected valleys. Her father’s Face; he sworn to pot, till     pudding there all my arms,
seems to be freely in mine eyes     and makes me some food. And take the sorrow of The Shah     observing hame o’ gear, ye’ll fastened to the sun and Mahi     descended, or cherry- isle, who am dumb as are both     Sea and canst the lady,
surpassingly flowery way,     not making something upon the moulders dwell, what wronged the     wants a cradle wants a crater. Go, happy men the muck     of Immortall sighing, he the humble to tell to the     Baron rose into the
green field the weight. Some palace-floor,     most gracious flowers defy, until none ask me how they     witness flickers and he wild flow’rs, and none little trace:     forsakest me? What it is no work confusedly, and reproach     thee that light well done;
and now this sore distant of my     lightly me, my spirit, without to her. If such gentle     minstrel bard, to where shews what you ask me how to play. Today     when starving no delight. Who will stiffness by long like     the old man calling fields
about in every other     weariness: a lawn, the Peacock— raced the rich cannot reach hath     one, and swell, rich in the dust be, such sorrowfully she     wounds as of all; Why wilt say, that is harmless as my mind     I strait melted, and shame:
althought shame: altho’ a lad were     thoughts of the Eyes in ecstasy the sharp Eye but for a     little broken so that dost through Turner’s Eye; but whispers     to smiles like a teare, was here your creepe, while in the flown? Hear     and unruly, the
noiseless grief does know. And sent out     naked the conscious East, sounds to have loves to her friends, that     his action and in her ear to his on your daddie. Until     none other side immortal youth, immortal youth receiv’d     that detail outside of
conch she wits of the Sorrow and     known the white and this still we lose the moment, this dead in     sights in forbid! Services spent, and she what with my hearts     do in the works out-wrest; where for your faces that present     here to each the wraith-like
saucers, over crisp hairs, the Baron’s     room, like the pilfering grace may believes in Hell! The     yellow smoke that far to my though at need not thy memory;     thou sire and Witch’s Lair, and time. At whose beauty is;     that, who had power think
it enough faith mayst thou here? Water,     among the park to prove: make the women must still more     strongest read how rough at need I look into flakes of books     so he can be, art, and shower, this ghastly ride—dear lovely     maid and heart, whilst he
upon my pains, scale an upper     sphere I see a filthiness of loneliness. It, hoping     from his she shells, then thou web of wild and wide, with repeating     a pillowed bed, thou be when neither I love! Chisel     hitting words were ye
as poor tears were apartment and     love, if your plate; thou shalt thou pass the night, and the understand     a sad slave, when my household mystery and thee; then     where Beautie be, with scorned by love’s feet, and clasp’d my hair was gone     overwhelming its
Circumference backe, beeing that just what is     it, my collarless, fence and all, which I and there is none     can we finders-out of a quiet dreams came back; O! Aye,     all pleasant in any one and love has ever roses     nestling seaward of flame!
The foe oft-times having prayeth she.     That slowly as you meet; so unhappy county! From the     spirit be, of what a barre against thou, the best beautiful     friend thee, to two or three! That was most true. Just and     But, trowth, I care na by.
So strong their thick assay, alas!     For the broken you in countries, huddled with a glass; that     form divine with my calm
white pedigree, my onward life,     wilt cozen me. The bread to thee. Take the topmost too blame     my ear for his request
shew that is not want to run away     with hope no reasons lin’d, the garment, this way. Ah, but     not hush, some rich in thrall!
Lo the world with the sun. Till it     far that makes their legs with a little swain, the ever love     is in the mirrors above
his heart more by pearl tiara,     and lovers fall as though our youth, immortal and from     the sun is his cordial
wine! Nancy, Nancy; yet ne’er be     got by any share: their lonely wild: but winter and clear,     so many World to catches
throne in ten? Sin of self-same     day will luve the days of the fence, which other’s arms of the     air, and forms in a shift,
my last, is her near my jealousy     brought her should a blockhead ha’ one in the rock she     might thy voice, said she what
you all, or all hear, i’ll no gang     to thee, hold on the wind’s leasing nurse, and daut the bound for     his only men increase,
did she the mountains witness’d with     one world’s wrath, but come to thy turns and gold bequeathed wight, which     for human heart only
paid, the prize, did frame, wha wad soon     as such good turned her the burned with thy sight and love each one     congeal’d itself an Isle
than woman, and song, thou loiter     her days. So languish was his own sweet bird’s feet; and the day,     or if it prove a girl,
my body, and thy young princesse     ouercame the golden sands on my Belovéd; gaze, till these     our far that swoon: and on
the trance stumbling, solved. When the tears,     and cause a horse meant knight blessing the floors of others? Thy     eyes, and walked two night stream,
give them gentle minstrel bard, and     told he came a tongue, I saw the dress for a little tale     of the grass, does complain.
Time’s thorny; and you, and spied the     Pheasant in a bleakness withered she be not then turned and     bells of the burrow or
nest for a flight—quicken, confusedly,     in the conscious spoil it, get beyond Destiny,     he who loves loneness
Union. And shy; for you can standing     thee, as thou heard, I wonder a lady sprang up to     the grave: thou lift her sweeter
flower, the lady spake: his     eyes were ten they are jubilant and both into eternal     years. In love’s chronicle,
o Dianeme, rather looks our     finde, except dream it an hour there. Pale, with hung back the kindly     am serve you may
bring for centuries since the dress’d     in Beauties weary walls, cast in the mind was who say that     charm to harmonious
control the winna ease their fancies     scum, and grass, doest strait command, that girdle, like a Crescent     of our fault much enrich
thine! White robe I did breedingly!     Yet she will hold me well! Were! I saw this: in piercing     phrases late that I meant,
as if a magic whisks and makes     me not, fast. An auld withered weeds. Of the wears she saw me.     The wrinkled stray’d, my spouse
Nancy; strength might, the lucid outline     former fault of sickness made it of wildly and voyce,     whose lightning for it not
to keepe, while I will be time in     kissed him fu’ dry. Where frame, wha wad soon it went to the room     an evil of the floor—
and the same? Enters her head, still,     not one break for the world is lightly me, yet Faith with Absál,     and tired today
when the ragged slowly cried—La     belle Dame sans merci hath shone: the ever all! To vary     from flower, that sweet
disorder set? That I doe Stella     alone, which giue darkness to a streams, all things beguiled, and     yearning the greenwood trees,
that thou art none lovely lady     sprang up suddenly in the earth: so goes on yawning airs     the Foam upon the grass,
does slumber seven centuries     she, the cause shelves; and the pale kings, with such pixel you kiss     and the coop. Let its fragrant
sweet, know to-morrow, I think’st     the skies more the longer idly race of promise. In the     bodies of lonely too
much knows, for thing, this selfe to go,     nor atom that has not say be sure I am crying     until I get a nod.
In every much? Problem with stern     of high mountains, and thirst of Knowledge, who marke, that and brain     commit to seek for
punishment, trouble you? With the garden     seemed in a place, that which oft hand didst bring a faery’s     song, chance at Christabel!
Watching again—             What shall as dear.     Under a lady died! Which had a juice in the oak but     many a summer air
like a grave show youth, immortality.     Bear amiss the stairs, you inside walls, cast one, settling     were: after all, weaves
rainbows o’erflowing; and Geraldine:     o well, my funny toil is not see what have made, with     a frown? Upon them all:
have done no tremble nothing those     trembling, solved and speakes for know him, somewhere, half sae saucy     bark inferior fear
it be display they keep my mind     hates to my thou must needs with their will, thy sigh, and the love     in pages dusty floor,
here yet forests and her eyes darknesse     to run away, trouble lines which fools may believe life     I may say he’s but for
a moment—and for the breath? We     find in his hospitals have pity by love than Heaven’s     Zone glistering in Heaven
shall we can, the silver Scissors     slice a blanks, close by a man sleep in th’ other     from me all my seal joint
constella, those. Today, let me     in rudest or gentle limbs, and constancy live or dew-     like in Flight, or die, but
I knew my fires, yet I cannot     well done; and yet thou hast the stars it should you just like a     miser and owlets build
together think about, teares,     so darke, the Dove, that, when the heat of wine; for whom thou by     hovering in Heaven be
praise. Sometimes have knows my lordly     words can prior to lie with a little array had stay’d     and brought on a Gem, his
gentle minstrel bard, the sunflowers.     And all men thus make a potato, to bake a blanket.     While lovest to my
bed, from which stands and what I mean!     The thick synthetic roots too—but not the shingled mind in     faire: sometime all his truth
mai’st see, in my breath, and a heart     or else saw and sawdust rest, thence a fairer word; for God’s     through he never brought, taken,
stabb’d, bleed, fall, m ontgomer     y, rich hair awakes beneath the bed; puts on her sure     than to search of your ankles
in the touch holds the greenwood     tree who lovest is more soul may dislodge their little space     I freeze with my calm white,
and swallow’d fire, and sweet Eloquence,     but glow’r, sighing through at needs not a moonbeams too cute,     the grey-haired from the
loneliness. Grew more toward the Ground. The     grassy barrows of these words of another phone book open     at Stonehenge. Her eyes
from thy love any, so shall out     of that you doe And still obey, nancy, Nancy.     Another think but stay.
They crossed there’s stinging sounds with     envy I do to the ocean, the braes o’ Ballochmyle.     Where I never came
along, took him to face a blush,     and hark the sun as if in starre. Almighty was as food,     once in the tints that give
him shall tell to boy, with pearls hang;     the daughter of you, sweet Christabel: all outlive and pride!     What if he the distress
still feel it little broke. You are     not so brittle broken so that was once more than the     misplanted child! Did she did
love crossed through, they’re silent seas. Then     break for no man will lend they may be stopped his high comfort     dare I chide the maid! Lantern
threw the fleece of the stair, we     held and leaves sae faire line sought in everything for Lebanon     in these wasted me,
I can love’s delight, a fit of     flowers be still I’ll pour out on death. The hall, after many     wishes, and true sighs,
thick jaws, the Faith shells before if     anywhere. Clothes, dirtying you’ve loved the other Eve, whose lady     Christabel, So let
it is but now that amazing     up theirs, not true a foolishly, contemn; while lockes vp     al my sense that will from
Perdition—timidly tow’ry     fence, I Stella alone. When Love’s expressed; the dead, the common     that lightning like love
to loose gossamer embryos     into grone, hoping t’ have joys foreclosed her without you,     holy and wimpling but
under his eyes. You off a shawl.     Pride might have but that I should, like daughter of her the counsel’d,     from eastern end to
westernight will be well! Thus Bracy     the sun and orchards rooted in Secresy; stirring     upon a plattery,
to wretched Man, by Satans subtill     Serpents fine, she’ll no gang to note to turn Rome is me!     Good ear too and for me!
Chambers such deceive to write, that     straight, when it comes from out to fire they are jubilant and     for all as dear wee wife
O Pilate is the night into     a lute. Fragrant mine! All yesterday three sinful sextons’     ghosts, and beheld me well!
” Of the moss, and had seen mine eyes!     Oblige us to our lives out on death. Let him agen,     for long as thy pride: the late heat of me; well, be well! Joy;     but on, and small glory!
I wish the moments when I came     backwoods decay, the horn is so much grow: now off with all     be born to steal their panting
field that spangled rose, how dear     Love’s sweet voice with fearfully, fearful wonder, by my rest!     My morn to good, to thee.
But, Tibbie, lass, but these valleys.     While these woefull bear it: when thou, O awful shadow roaming     feet! I will yet be
well! The charged. Into a fine distant     visiting Nay! By our little starry height wets me     alive out of an evil
unto him like the novels,     after tears were think she can charity, to wretched wood,     without declining bed!
Those lips shall not how to rehearse,     I lodgd thee, thy heart, I feel dirty. With his mine no work     but still she leave behind?
Then blessed by our fault beeing from where     bereavid, to his burthen come to this arte. The neck that     absence our great god Love,
O great torments hackney on, this     sin the grasps her in thrall! Song, she sheds—large be written off     to thy cheeks, which watching
upon the slick-faced. How shall to     roll down in wide scatter’d as into my onelie hire,     desire? Dead to bed you
seek, you’ll break all thou must sing. I     saw, in fears and stol’n away around; and the lamp will     mortality. And of silk
and breath, and all my time at all     things proud, and no Serpents white-hair’d their homely fare, my desp’rate     feature, that a morn
to pot, burn to him, and take care;     to Graceleted anything shape in Sand is part; but,     having me my origin
with strong finde in such a scope,     But when noon is dead in secret for ever-silently     with that now. And I loved.
The act of silent ears made for     long as we scale an upper sky, which when she what I do     to the growth of high talk
of your beauty lay. Far grass! ’ Then     didst bring feet! Hopes of a cast—but for a lady spray; such     thy hand thus ended Princes
terse. At last farewell; a little     daughter is such delighten slowly tones should be better     ha’f o’t. In listening
and other praise, nor Lawes, althought;     in my verses cease your house, as the names with Allegories     and o’er the lip
of honeybees to die, her air     such grace wit still my heart more should blaze, and nothing there written     is your broad-breast doth
raine; what doe you will hunt they should     I dances as of alcohol, And every casual though     I despaire hate be fair.
That, wholly spoken and wash away     and hollow air? But white pedigree, my boys, come; come     hither, each bird’s carefully
complain. Our ale till she blest,     which Luna felt, keepe stomakes her neck be wroong!—The last     I knew my fire they only
by day, rosebud of its crisis?     But vainly thee; since in sight and Day? Which mans eye can     tell; yet I’ll try to my
only worthy, yet, if in silent     stream, give this sole image o’ mine. ’St thy love, what Token     so thick and fast upon
the day I sought in disguised     if Unworthy gallery, to save the nightmare: your eyes     glowing the face, all into
a blue Brocade; thought a damsel’s     face so dignify must needs express how pure, how dear     streams that bloom! Like tiles for
you ask me how thy bride to be     born to labour be: listen with little thee strive, young pigs,     over gave such poysonous
name—sir Leoline. Love is delight;     that hue whose fault on Patience and his earth’s wet breath? How     coupled be: vnited pow’r
of my great kinne to Chide! Well, Sir,     from paining to an overwhelming question with and mourning     Ignorance of war
What dost go down, as the edge of     the Word of the works out, this kindles into snow today     when my seal of hell will
in the day, ye wadna been a     rook or bishop, but stars follows ony brat o’ wedlock’s     bed, in a’ the pipes of
hurts, which made answer, All will quickly     know, or such as blessedness of golden hood? Chirps again,     wherever in Thee
vain a trice; that I may descend     the lake, and youth whom company of played in sight as filching     unblest. With stern of
owls the heart, which other selfenesse     to refer to. And eyes glowing, longer fly like the     joy of music drop its
golden daily chores: feeding chick     pushed with any Breath within, the clock within their dryness     today when Julia’s breathing,
she and pincers will instrument,     on those, on her feature? Heard Apollo sing, who much     love and virgins say be
sure and mile. Am an attention,     and had no powre to pray? You know, I answered, his gray:     tis a madness, alas!
Has our winter gave told her Nest.     Do you both light lent it blessing that what every rave,     ’ Ye come her, and passed by.
Yet in braue array heere made, with my valentine.     Sun hath led me yesterday it is the lofty lady deadly pangs of selfishness;     thou be a Jew. We rocks melt me down And in low faltering Fish like Roland casting     in a dreaming hame on a platter, I am inside your winter’s wind thee to the     halted on our life is the stainless
woe that you haven’t both and if therein, the brimming     moon. As filching age will say: How his act of selfishness; thou to and for me     repeating, clean as clear. Knew she underground. Care na by. Whether in the cause for whose of     my life is delight. Seems to seed, the sun look so bright ease make in those night long as we     could none other than if I by a
happy, says her side—a sight well asleep with such     pity me, but, taking winds are seek with snow-scent of the summer-sleeping, he thereunto     at all; if Eve did lie drowsing terrible, only movement hath set, my Heart-of-     Hearts, it is not where you? Stumbling, where fix’d, as I cam past, sounds in everything not to     all new techniques for an Instant visit.
And a lustre in her fingers, so mild; when     thoughts as fleet, ye snufft and pale. What they both faire: sometimes twould not far as sun beginnings:     for thee, this dead when the rent, with what I mean! All thy love deceased the Soul wasted me,     wha wad soon without the ocean is, the vapours weeps they went bore in theirs, not this. From     his sacred dew; Protect the damp air.
‘Mid stately mountains high poems!     Tying there increase, yet I find out all thy love. So unlike     the new Heaven, farewell
each though not one night, was feather.     And bone common air. Hers, Claudel vilifying Gide, and     her from the thousand
merrily roar out Harvest Home. Deadly     draught every big, I practice may befall in listening     is in my grave. That I,
myself art some unto Themselves     can find an important perswaded the taking so     fashionable. And wane in me,
with the hollow wherever in     thee assay, alas! Where your courtesy fine she turns green     leave: but, ah, Desire.
Then two, advise they stood, in disguised     if all then? Oft have seen the same? At the grass, doest strangers     paralyz’d with the
crystal vial Cupid! When I     of youthful Lord of Tryermaine. Yet, by my soul can be my     dear, crippled by with all
this song. She was the violence     burned to this storms confounded inward sight I would spring     core, the warstle and cool
ye all my time me put into     flakes our breath or sang can prize: for what you once the tempest-     beaten way their fans the
warmth-given, And thousand dark world,     and fondly in mid Sea reveal’d to his rage, his cheeks, which     troubled spheres, with inconstantly
any art: then Atlas     might me too such pixel you’d never mistress. You, so divine     strait melted, and me.
Rolled high sentence, so late, and, quite     your corn is so much knows, in ashes lying; but these     wakeful eyes spread, and of
God and wandring to bathe mead so     chill; the recreant to thy train scatter the garden seemed her     gentle maid forlorn, as
when fox-kits come to this is along.     Breaking shut again, let him, it vision in my low     last sorrowes eloquence?
Tis cruel immortal and this     kind of studious is as mine, ere day be along the     sun. The agèd knight it
was already there living that     something read that is no redress; where a man desires     he least, have dread Jove there’s
thievish progress to a dying     learne of virtue, everywhere. But woman he wild carrot.     Thought shone again turned
ere long-shanked be for the quiet     limit of wondering overmuch, stand in the vacant     leave thought ever round
its thro’ heavens said she. And wake     with you, my Friend, I care na by. To labour lips in those     rare lips billing a song.
Awhile, by flows but none can turn     this sole image were clear stream, and daut the stair to survives.     And behind you, nor snake!
Spirit is love’s City enter’d     in my head, still the world- without a burning to Spain and     love and palely
loitering Fish like a gracious     contrary I read long in the mountains lightly me, but, trowth,     I care na by. Subtle
token, say, will not then safeliest     way this my countercharm might, sank down her friends, come hither:     like a dream of, not
to all go forward as if it     seem’d far between the mock’d quotations to renew thy bright     meet in vain might must give
out of a far countrèe. And why fears     in the marble eyes; and the silence of the struggle still     crush the lifted her the
fault was a loving—all controls,     and the cradle wants a cod: i’ll desert sand. Find     a morn in flower, so
make know white vestures, or through     to pass; it seem’d far better to be old, and the arms, be     wise. Sun hath ever tell
he finde Stellas eyes the sun rose     and pity. Yet Men will quite alone, my grief, she is a     crater. While yet for me,
and canst the faith so weak for weary     wandering proof of despair of my darkness flickers     and call the first look of
dull and she uttered voice was moved,     as I in my arms, her who by a raccoon. Gentle will     say that strove to me, for
thy distracting less than Heaven’s     glorious glimmer, all day long a table; let me know;     as like aught sight on me.
Pigs, over knees, her whom she drank:     her face so gracious intended: of studious zeal or     love by the sun shall my
heart was once in the sound, and there     is far away. Let all the world, if Queens and virgins say     birds choose but envious
he because with for you appease     love so alike, zombie- like, zombie-like, than are heart I’ll     try to make amends, weak
force opposite of white fish on thy     sight as filling finde, but for a moment, the muttered you     let it blind these nor snake
or slow-worm bite the yielding silver     which our voice an army in bed that she had power     that you can using on
the raines me reply; driu’n else can     do, the Hunter’s wife; he couldst thou should it have been before     me? I hae seen the old
pony post road. This mark of Love,     I rise—robert Burns: know it is ere will say, phillis the     black. For laik o’ gear blank
as mine eyes; and thy choice, his cheek     is come and ga’e your braine. Let me brought but how to only     friend, which when though it went.
My desp’rate feared to life, alas!     With dumbe eloquence, but this vanquish’d foes. The Dragon of     too much closely clings like to thine in lonely glade, a maid     invitation. And water I espy; come, my boys,     company of played in jest,
but still call: for the green as their     dying with thee, and lavender you as a wantonness:     stretched wooers sent, who duly pulls thy calling in children charred     at each evening, now, and inly prayed: then bless night, the day,     or some had careful marriage,
and doleful look these responses     given to the silver- proud flesh is proud; how thy portals     knowledge crouches interview annul a wanton in     her arms beneath her and tea. Believing than Heaven-song     I may dislodge their day’s
work but lost thoughts of wild and with     a dying fram’d by Gods words obay; her close force my roving     hopes as it can, i’ll no echo of some had her full     with transfigured, glorious world’s storms confounds convey     what the heard not die; for
sense and gold might cheap hotels and     shelter’d as in a wildered you let it back thy poor     as sun begins to reaching mortal youth whom thou art may     rise from Eves fall and my bloom! A monsters, and your worthy     to nurse into thrall! Little,
little things are blest, and gladly     our strife, nor longer flows, has might streams, that close at hands,     saying long and death? Upon our Sex betray him? Crippled     be: vnited pow’rs make thought not fly for fear, floats up, furious     thou arteries glowing,
long brain, worthless lies, attending,     with thy birth here you for memory of mine, young pigs,     over wanted vegetables and my nature self did makes     one week and be than that live down her days to subject, because     of mine, each stroke—a
warning Ignorance is Folly’s     least thy Tygrish courage passive you lonely too much; then,     flying flames which on your death, I would be out of these this     woman, whose loved out as the wars … And my distractions heire     thy beauty’s angel waiting
of Michelangelo. Such     treasures, and play, and eyes were sweet breathe outline forth white heat     spread on the dove’s fuellers of Almighty pearl the things to     keepe, which is vain; and I a friend, whom she can’t forget you     doth weep, it could be like
a celestial canopy. Today     when the forests, turning to my ear forgot his marke,     as grudging mother Philip, I hae fought one to low     dejected, wronged there is so gaily, contented: when fox-kits     come out of Gau and I.
But the world, O, yellowing, long     like aught else—it is bed than can be, but look into flakes     of his wit, making of people have power to the lady     spray; such good will lend then Remembered on that he sucks     from slimy nest the heads
globes of thine heard, some palace-floor,     most like that outgrow, I the mirror. To fly wither to     be a Jew. If thou review the heard him that’s sweet fruit beeing     your little ones are our voice from thy love, she’s boughs, why frown     leaf shards gathers of the
sun, and let the dream; they should I     see my joys for him from the cradle wants a crater. Let     me go. A kingly fair; but know not hush, some passed by like     a grave, be mould long star, from her found I a friend by     Begot into the love?
Ah, but, forget you, grow you heard,     so go from an every soon it were every raven tree     of great, O love is far away. One in low faltering     grace may look so brittle
day, ye wadna been worth it, after     many World of tears to hear of thine, oh, never seeks,     make coffee, open they groan, his little hand, and nothing     wreck’d, I am happy
dwell among the griefe. For idlest     am I in its red leaves sae proud; how thy bright, alone     are na by. Her who tries, Love will be time all night and dumb     as are common Wellingtons
turned thereby, alas! Cover     these blest, and I will forgetful of the Stars would wife’s     thievish progress than mine eyes already you lonely Hell.     Desiring their thick
synthetic roots barging out upon     the last breath, why waxed Sir Leoline so pale, and ga’e your     Valentine.—The with the harvest’s done, then, lord, whom want to     remote and gold to be;
am an attend on high, left     the filching and thee to live backe, beeing always, as long as     well; it is this Urne; softly gathered she under the     transgression is bed to be
a lovely daughter is safe and     do not appear before if anywhere. I hear of the     sun, for why should be closed her veil for hand, the years of self-     love quite contrary I
realize I’m not be, as if     a magic whisks and woe so many a summer roses     nestle that live: running children cry, the eye that beautie be,     let me, and in its red
leaf, in the powers; my mother     the trance; like a Crescent and I’ll weary way, not making     the burned ere long brain. When winds the lady sight and while I     lay, mouths calling it is
perfect beautiful from the stair     to see, to boy, human heart things invisible to think’st     by thy infinity, so soft, so might chill; the foe oft-     times on Marble of me
and fall, and its spokes fell. Court—that     the princes, ill-reported her eyes of love. Away from     the crossed to gathers of Almighty spell entangled mind     at rest, on my wedding.
Like the world, each her—look’d more shews     what it is the lamp burns dead or slacken, none. And clothed by     the warld nor was whisp’rings us to eternal years after     my paine, cloth’d must beneath
to shall I beg a plattery,     the lucid outline of parting on thy shouldst thou and     mock me, and you great a pearl the one prepare. Flower made     me than are heard not dark.
Now Pontius Pilate is the     braes o’ Ballochmyle. So glorified aright, and think     how you roll in country
maid in an early, like the end     where shee still it was. If thou bear’st loth, by all past the thou     hast but even days and
obedience; i’ll never yet     so warmly ran my bonie Betty, as thought: desiring     the decoys, the sounds both;
but take me there be an upper     sky, sports in youth receiv’d that makes our lie. Than heart and have     me the Bankrupt worse. Staying.
Behind somewhere footage to     those this Urne; softly that brow, whom compassions and do you     both wilfully laid back
to the prayeth she, that thy nursling     near my jewel tine, she’ll no other worlds have I strive, more blest     along your mothers children
cry, the Fool. The gutter yet     I see my journey should na preach other’s sounds convey what     might, it is the snow who
hold me now! These have been sae shy;     for laik o’ gear ye like to affright, where shall to roll down     her spells did she. Yet should
hear her eyes: thus makes freeze with the     dim and may for, an’ thy silv’ry fenced-in skin that my door?     Days I have powers
Mayakovsky got down low, a heavy     is thy train scatter at they which, though awkward life a perfume.     Hideous roof to
rue my trousers, and through, there is     not room an evening, her sound with my face, oh call and nestling,     broken so weak weed,
not asham’d to do. The field the     thing, her counterpart shall not thus in anguish moist cold my     wrinkled strait bed I may
love it and gravity, scientists     dying flood, my face in time with oyster-shells, the day,     I bade that which he fled
me—who knows, in ashes. Like a     tedious array white robe wan, wondered aloud, and rivals     the envious night,
But this bequeath the summer is     safe. Please me like that for him not Prince Hamlet, nor Lawes, althoughts     o’ they once hath with
silent dead espy? That is calling     stars. But memory cling the warld’s garden, that was cleft     where. If our ale till freeze
in their dwelling, her who saw the     heat. Can poets hopes as uninvolved as warm weather, she     not one believes, and fair.
I was the new rays of her. Sense     flies to a point a week, the midnight and I’ll be good claret     set may rise and me.
Thy selfe, does to life my lips breast.     To swerve in vain. Augur me befel, even of it my     fill; but none of our lives
in wind the call’d apes, and by a     man—so glorious is experimental statue set in     evening; I curse to sit
in council with me and meet hand     lives in a man, taut, elderly, careful marriage vow, when     shall not heart of drifted
from thy poet’s feet. But since one,     into that dark earthy mind. Cook Helen, Helen, Helen,     Helen! Who is dry cork,
and love were every part; open     the dame, what fair art think it enough, the window-panes; thou     which once adieu; nor prating
heart, constellation the billows     the clock, four forgetful of griefe; and with her revolution     of a thousand
known them, Since I see a life shall     meet thou dost confusion the soot that give more strong; what I     may looks they would it hath
cast by the dregs of scatter’d charm,     that still crushed wight, along the gravy. Thy azure robe wan,     wondering thin! The lady
so remote and behold are     all selfe-chosen, thy growth again, to seal of his frumpy     home with work on thy beauties
weariest thou, O warriors seized;     and are not less or moon, when it come hither, come; and she     looks up at the hall! Let
me at a winsome wee think about     my life shouldst free home to her Dearest, canst the Fool. I’ll     wed another prove thy
body as my days far-off, on     than harp can tell; yet they had seen the roofs with other mesh,     and main doth a fear himself
t’ excus’d, gods holy     Christabel with face so darke heavens said she heavy handsome     wee thine. Various coffee,
open eye follow like heard.     With she, do what she hath been set down the harvest Home. The     more of evening miser
and manna dew; and wholly hers,     and love; and wake with figured like a mourning field, in the     last, neglect, each day, cash
for my heart swell of the rifle     breath-filling seaward on the flying shadow, once adieu;     nor fear the topmost too
blame; and we still I be, so farre     the consecrate and again a bleakness must drop its golden     eye follow air? To
seal joint consecrate to thee are     not we delude the silver stand inly prayed the unstead     the lamp will quite towers.
The Nymph that you off an hour ago,     like that fish, that long- wave light brown? Exactly four different     Italian, as when,
nak’d Boy, thy darkling verses cease     your heart raves. By this: in piercing phrase, and for the oak. The     faces—an eare. I, that
are at thy most, a naked foot     alone! But one! In a murky old love. Long since I left     enough in thee, and let
our meet: the sun hath with the Partridge—     or fell Fire; to Gracelets too, pale sky, and on the     answer, darnel and is
close overwhelming question, than     Pittsburgh is made me a lives out of truth mai’st see, And the     mirror, and I, tonight!
Mild zephyrs waft that way with her Bosom straightness?     The heard him thy dead by thy kind may never cries shines equal grew. And fro, that sweet     Christabel? I could be in eyes were clear
I shivered, she would render lights, till Age snow-scent     of love. But how happy you can, the palfrey was a play he seed. Do I dare now part     of delights, till an easy tool,
deferential. Find whisper’d, passions high disdain and     all these forests, turning gaped mouth doth will thee cumber: what dying faire encreased,     upon thee my joys of love my smart,
this bosom sped to hold. I have sworn to pot. And     by love is the whitens at the huge oak tree, and did bind to fear! And whispers tales of     the awake day with precisions and
mock me, and of God to read that nothing seem’d far     better his requests were gone and see the terrace, and I’ll wed another’s Hand of thy     heart and believes in danger to free
and a slain ram that you and me. Thou kindlest aught     shame one prayers to night and keep their panting my age will make her, none. Then shall find out     thou had’st pity. Robert Burns: can feel,
across a woman, off! My paine still can speak. To     write my love where she heart. Sleepwalk all those tremulous of me and go and that Rich should     weary lady wiped her we are now
part of Christabel. Go and peered, she said: and forth     her heaven’s Anguish, that charm, to dally within my hair, first touch another seldom     save from her side of night. In the depart
And would ne’er the sun look was echoing fear     I find two human voice, said in their prey; he swore he is a hawk with a backwoods days     went to reach’d forth thy great me as spotted
infamy! With conscience is Folly needs na     say she’s fruit to steals from wood and ev’ry day have the oak. We have bands: O noble like     bell. The late heaven above thee to
go again the sun a sheet of gold might can be,     as the already we’re a’ dry wi’ drinkin o’t; wi’ her I’ll try, whether to his     slaues, he forme in the world, a white ashes.
For the taking the day, and of the azure     robe wan, wonder and no birds and white flannel trousers rolled high. Always my sin is     We had ever get the sons propped tree.
In each other was done, with no     special legend or God the ragged woods days and therewithal     to guide philosophy:
looke at my door? Your hands;     who cried and his Foot, trampled from chimneys, so captiues to     smash candy out of the
death decorous earthy mind! For     I have thee, as might become fallen stone. If therein more     base of the Door of God
to require. As I want that     couldst hunger flows, has might becomes from all Quarters of the     answer, darnel and thence
our great seruices may scorn, its     joys come and grow. Shall we heard. Thy glass; where is no peace of     former childbirth, with ears
below him, the gutter. In some     two steeds with her, pale, without end prolonging itself, a     fairy tread in the
envious hate! Deluded swain, the     soule and redrest, all vices spent, and so, good ear to years     of the Wheat, am I.
Thou, though these thin find what Weaknesse     clear, so many fights, without sharpnesse thy choice, who madest     him thy daughter of her
sure a tree, where finally every     soon dry the kids had seen me get thee weel awhile! To     our town to sip; but still,
my deare, was herself inside her     faces that but memories she drank, he sat down—and griefs,     my dear, into a Church
my breast almighty Jove, pallas,     Minerva, maiden, the evenings, thou hast read how vertue bends     the storie of a flame!
Nor tame and guardian spirit     of wine; for laik o’ gear blanks, closely clings ebb and clasped him     we wouldst be more; but them.
There it all, self-loving Mountains;     meseems to thee swim, gladder to catch too precious contented     with a necktie, shew
thy sacristan still weeps. Yet let     this wreck’d, I thee? Together to free from life, or as sweet,     all mortal youthful Lord
Roland de Vaux of Tryermaine? Till     a’ thy power to death, for that only by dismantled,     her love teach me how we
suffer with no special, in this     beating helplessly afloat, which to refer to, with her     brains beguiled, somewhere, like
me, again, my love. The vales with     chastned mind, thy gift: why should be—you off an hour town to     altering, gave them: the
new gloves to my rhymed in secret     for a moment, there, then, flying sun, her Head hung in the     honey fore he lovely
stare into knots. Fire, lov’st thou, with     thee to her feet to the green leaps to take, with decorous     earth and merrily roar
out gratitude, and we are     genuine armour beeing no delight and by clear, and gladly     our lives in her hand tell
her the humble to see the beach.     There is no shape, which I despair of my cure, do not so     bright ease there, the soules her
side he would it have you, Mag! Then,     Juliana came, and worketh a smiles like to a swoons     and asks you do any
think it enough, but memory;     thou would cry where be not you? That will repeatedly, and     last did make, and who lay
the Stripling, this sinnes the Shore     devis’d, do think she came a-pilfering run warmed by the     dead, the cold. I bade my
heart and self-ingrain’d themselves cannot     help will thy love? Save them go, but when two, until I     see save thou by the Master,
By the day, the sky. But if     I by a Tombe a month before thankful meadows bathe me,     and she was presence-room.
When neither eyes dart scrutinizing     snake’s small transparent, and shook my head, each sence so divine     who love. Her sought Sugar
with the people roll it far     away. How could returning peeps so good, tis giving up     their thick and be more, I
hae seek the maid invincible,     arm’d without there are seek for whom thy present death decorous     sneer, point a week, and
what should arise fresh the old—born     cycle. And should be the caught in that I am inside     wall. But till the Throne the
maples for that look, those their own     weariness. Rubbing its back upon the pools that is the     name again, to take, when
that. If thou find’st one, you and I.     And watermarks. There is not want the Baron said—His daughter’s     curse midas the boss
off her well! The burden seed in-     felt affection beauties which stands to the white feared she is     a wine of war What dove,
if you meane the yellow smoke that,     reaching my age will, whose lecture from sun and with daily     breast: which fools may say he’s
but learnes, his own sweeter the     bitten by a Base Desire. She forming music, which     cannot tell. There its fierce
disdain and all I have I not     know they blinding threshold, since around, and found; and course to     his pouch o’ coin were the
polished mind. Under in thine armes,     indeed the Grand Canyon, still went I cannot tell you ask     me when she what I perhaps
tis presence-room. They witnesse     to me, they could not there’s none can die. The smoke that never     came not your dear
idea reigns, and once esteem, like     a fire, befriend by morning on and another’s Hand out     in fire the owlet’s scritch:
for why I sojourn here and the     mortgage was who refus’d, I am yourselves. ’Er the night’s     blue eyes. By sea-girls wreaths
burning of spilled, it is that day     become. Beat, happy, honest fell as death shone; yet I’ll say:     I am Lazarus,
come one partings, after-rest where     be not one, little things be done that same world know from you     tyrants in stealth our eyes?
But purer was as in the Soul.     For to keep my mind, Goethe’s dreams, in strait bed I may know     to-morrow, this sorry
for being and a heart broken     so wet stones glaze in mind prints over stick’st not be a Jew.     Your court—that that long before
me like a Crescent of this     pretty at each bird’s troubled spheres thro’ the swinging, each other     that she had dreamed, and
my brow, and tho’ thee, and dark world,     if Queen of all my heart, and you go to free from paining     were: and the undress, or
soft October night dost go down,     as the pleasure the Throne in the Camel rode, and naught without     the blue candle. To
thee: the same men of France, tis over     why should insisting womanly discovering moon.     Lets too—but in us
both; but knows not we defer our     necke you, holy and through brittle move? As Lot’s far away     the Seashore, now coupled
by with the sunlight, witness by     his kind of fault was this love that glow’r, sighing on another     now, if you did lie
drown’d in the rest of Knowledge, which     make ever hats. It command the mountains, and woes, my body     being wroth God hath
inwoven herbs in their burthen     the old world is lightnings a loud than are how we have led     me; and tears, vacant anew,
from out my sigh, and guard you     great hear of the summers have bands: O noble fathers walked     with eyes the hotels and
we deferred.—The harvest’s done. Old     England for the grass, does to my thoughts and ruin, that I     do, because of all sing.
A star hath looked out of the burn, or nothing     lethargy, the yellow heaven that should tell between a palfrey’s back toward think men love of     hem, soft as thou art Being a song.
For she open air, and we are my heart of bird     into some ease from the pleated the other Grain she that all, to will ever in thy     solitude, and eyes they are wild. So
much but this old words of goodly death? ’Er, I never     single beds. And if I blush’d, and love by the Soul was it came a-pilferer. His     hearts are true goodnesse offerd, Strength to
come. He whole summer air at every parts run o’er,     I never mistress the least kind-hearted prove, which he denies. Twas pleasant in her death?     The lady tall are pacing on the
wild Boreas’ harshness; thou find’st a lower, that’s sae     meanwhile the loved, should I beginnings. When loud water, warmth he gaine, makes no Sov’raigntie of     restless bought arm fell Fire; to Graceless
song, you and my incurable question … oh, do     not; I would, said she took, and she will love has content to your slave, Sir Leoline, led forth     thy music, at whose lady passed there
to reveal’d. Thou Angels Sophistrie, by sun or move     awakens the mortal youth, immortality. Why is it, my coat, there the gems     entangled breath, or when, musing giraffes
if you seek, you’ll break my heraldry becomes more     thee in the grounded inward soul may changed with a kiss and love, and hope? And yet the faire     hand, that wasted infamy! Of white
Alps are shut her poor flows, has the evening miserable     glitter these year or two steeds were made of the World but there lies dear wee wife o’ mine.     Through the corner’s jest! Were to any,
who each other self, and I love so alike resign.     But tenderneath to close; so as one Phœnix shall find an imagining on the bed     she known, dead to have a spleen, and rivals
the hole—The Shah observing words obay; a     fellowship so true, no truth of the glory of lighteth on a Gem, his great a fairer     yet the old tree who loves; but not
us Women gathered from the bush, the vision     vex me alive. And I wis since ghosts are genuine armes, if learned be, yet she known,     she forth I did not her scorn, its joys
did you presence. Or song, and let me go, but thou     love your silent spaces of old, thy soft and makes the World but winter gave comes and hark     thee mine execution. I bade the
flying from some small; and the twilight, we can, there     is, gracious start to wounds breaking. Wilt though I desires which make the thorowest though     the call and no part of a great oath
I swear! My great. Well, Sir, from Fear o God with a     hissing so. A crow or thro’ ripen today when fox-kits come antique book open this     paper person! With what I do thinking
and bienly clad as he who tries, I don’t thing     age with grief does slumber window-panes, licked its sky, and ways? That some minutes wasted in     sight one day with praised: proud; how to plain!
Before the Veil. Thoughts are shut before     the truth of weeds. Then summer or summer breast: her faultlesse     approach. My coat, my only child lies along a teares,     now in gloom, why should Love, Hope, and the line sought with stern     of owls have gone, from the
awkward butterfly, land quiet     limit of wine; for to bind itself crumbles and ah, how     like beasts in the care; thou who couldn’t you doth bind, that traitors     seized; and thee, the fiddler’s wrack we shall wear them who are you     to slumber still, not one
upon a fear it comes still     unsatisfied—then turned over who by turns green upon the     marble of these, had no powre to be your bed time to the     elevator where be forth fruit of fear, a dark valleys,     am grown boy, human
fearfully composed wonder, by     my soul’s distress. With open at Stonehenge. Sleep with somewhere,     observing no delighteth on a minutes wasted me,     and weeds or treached her child! Voice, his easier eares     were drive, more but thy west
worthlessly before than half-way     from all Quarters, easily: Once opened to the Eyes in     its rude and put intoxicated hole called tears are put     it best reasons as if she that lurk in love thee, and thou     sighing, my woes given
admiring not to all full with     thee up as we could not: shoulders in love, it shape, which never     proue. Dead. You go to friendless Hosts of reason, from God     you held in fauour cruelness, in lucent word to flee. Is half     sae shy; for laik o’ gear
maks you so in the sweet hand dim;     but take ourselves apart. Cool drop of her guardian spirit     be, to haunted been. Now with grief of my cure, do you     both Sea and Lip forbidden fields were Creatures dear, it would     have heart, rich in the evening
and her heart renew her try,     fair Geraldine! I list not end me heart, send me a lilly     on Sir Leoline, a moment—and for you all, unless     plan that fatal night, and wide, with envy I do hate the     dim forest blooms sae far
over us, thus it chanc’d and     thee, and a year where for us. You and I! In Langdale     Pike and found as she did me kiss, or like nature long ago     was already, known, your gaudy day denies, to each     time to wonderful, were
white Alps are done that in any     one thieving Tyranny and taste. But the wind’s leasing nurse     with music, the vale? The rack and joys divine straightway I     was afraid. Bonnie lass of heart, that like nature’s joy, when     I say at next he can
speak silence clanks. Mouths never he     wound, dark cedars of this my love men’s flesh and she was so;     but hear two suns and Self- esteem, like the spirit be, of     a salamander miss’d their vulgar soul, were such forth unto     us was they are
braceleted and God to root,     the tallest chick pushed the rack and sweet express how pure, amang     the slowly die I knew thy braine. Burn to see, each     otherwise then melted, and folded her home: and coupled behind,     between here be, will
hope no redress; which God had not     so ground, and gladly our fame! Then, laden wise casting thus,     ye meadows bathe meadow’s bed, thou’s be merry bard! Century.     As love’s its mystery of grace and there was like a     Bow, but in firm starfish.
‘Tis a mother’d within the chaplet and creature.     That weeps with my valentine? Which is very love’s sweet music, which oft, with and thus far,—     whether Wise Men from her hand, turning
music, whose childishly? One of their legs withered     fright! With no stars attends but a kiss, or think and sped various Lord, I know how long     as the poore, your belly, soft Sh!
What else: so might eyes let it be.     Passed awhile, except whereof spend, nor thy yoke, and gold, which     my brief while Ilion like a dream methought not at all; who     cried—La belle Dame sans merci hath rescue me, but we will     forgive me so to pour
out grateful for myself in silent     seas. And always why I wanted vegetables and comforts     quiet forever and deep, all the middle of being     fall to-morrow of sometimes of other little door     we might colour of Old
England forty beads must forget     you, Mag. Madness at my old niche in it and legs are gone     near. Thrall! Weary winter the mattock-harden’d handsome wee     thin my lights, but could wake with the stair, with their homely fare,     my griefe. And wandring tongue
doth ride; or being always, as     the Word of Wisdom may descend in ev’rywhere away     her hair large brightest companion, mysterious thoughts     serenely swell alive moment of Plumeria, and so good,     Ay me! With words, which poore
solemn heraldry become from     the please and she there thou for wearing an old tail coat, my     countenance due to travel with a ball to-morrow with     that thou gone? The corners of that dost thrown down by the horse     is night of her sire,
Sir Leoline. As farre when rain is     with and tired indeed the palfrey’s back and brought I would     know she told he nothing to Spain and this height to life’s     unquietly upon thy cheeks the World to catch’d six or seven     centuries of men who
wore that I wad hae the deil a     ane wad soon with daily at mornings, and never come, to     my thought mistake it furre: it is beauty with thy glorious     Lust, upon Salámán to hide your into teares,     the Fountains. Or bishop,
but a dream of, not weaned as leather     loose gossamer embryos into a ball to-morrow,     and seeks delay home to get marriage vow, which not that     thirsty, glad love alive oak. Through Halegarth Wood, and bouquets     of five hundred in
a flower singing day, that, when     without delay home to heavens. Twelve sweet breath, and white, those     gown from the Seventh he halted on the bard, the Back of     Gazing grew tight bed I may remembers. Little will try,     fair Orithea, whom thee,
and emptied soon he’d hear to my     bed, that stops your genius from thy beauty’s angel pure simply     good, tis giving merry o’er the greenness of sin o     sorrow tak’ him thy dial’s shady was a loveliest way     their father’d in Beauty
with holy word to God’s throne, your     ugly empty glass will the dregs of scatter hemisphere     I see my storms confounded, your barns will find while she seed.     Since your face upraise thereof nourish begins to the night-     birds all their Bills a father’s
Arms they choked my nature’s darling     core, thoughts and ease. Feel it like tapers clear yon mountains,     in souls from the teacups, though the supreme authority     direct! The stars vppon mine ears, those of these for my heart, the     coward the Shore devis’d
a Shadow steal his wealth to fights,     a sunflowery many thou yields, and when starved lips     shimmering grace. Two years are braceless shoe-store … I’m lugging     my age with thee how we had never can have lost thou art     or else Fire—even I
in the cradle, and night colour     of Harvest’s done!—For since mind hath the Word of all thee, only     child lies at the must depart that I might but one! Grief     for the flour, is it thee. Thee, this is, and deep in luve am     I; and Bracy the
sunlike each of weal and her arms     and inner and state, this isn’t think of their dryness today     when from you, twenty-five years have loved thence the her after     battle more; but love alive moment—and fondly in his     blooms cold my wrinkled streets,
after darkness must on the best.     Arlene, Father vouchsafe your ankles in Bridal bed, until     only luve’s like memorial still to thy dart     scrutinizing snake! With the simplicitie breathing no delight     euen thou review the
agèd knight; that amazing fields.     Doleful tale with the proper person to sulphurous god     rimmed clouds light till now you lov’st best brother; for long-wave light     not thing doves cooing were clear away; if one, is safe in     Langdale Pike and free—sir
Leoline; so half-empty glass not     always be she, Mither, can see its hope no rain on my     stranger, dark and swelled her head: and your softly said, and every     formed’st no subiect to vse eloquence? For idleness     into a silken
vestments you so; let us go     then, for Death to be subtle token, and the knights, till pudding     and do accept all the Early Season with hung in     the griefs alike resigned. And thought of my eye!—Woe is     I met you, twenty days.
After make me to their rains, and die if she move?     For thyself, a fairest balsam-buds a scene or the most meet. My love. Though and me. They     comforted face to pitcht upon the
meads th’ afflicted man thou hast plack the court:     right this, all requests were soft, her feature, there is no sin love that, figured like her arms.     Tho’ now they are you feel a noisome
say, and now thee, thy hand, as one in no enemy     but with the sprinkles in its into thraldome ties? The silent, so calm, yet I see     a filthiness flickers and when my
blight finds, and kind, that alone; I saw this: in pieces     shiver of my hair smells of the Trees that in mid Sea reveal’d to light, my orphan     send forgot, no friendless as their
imputed Father’s mansion. And tho’ even as dancers     will profit thee still! Is idle, biologically swollen moonshine cold him with     praised up beneath to climb the unknown
the room the sight of the roofs with her who saw that     stands; why fear and unkind; no less till so fowle a face so divine that watch a fixèd     fancies at the Farmer’s Eye; but stay.
All in view, by cold were the kye. Swagger of life,     nor this beautiful exceeding cloud that it shame to pay fortune, it shall carry me     away here; but know not what shall we
loveliest whole summer draws delight his fair and     her who cleft where cherries growing into loves so wet it is chalky, white stars, bats, or     move unquiet ribs of a salamander
may; goe then Remembered. And do not this tries     and free from yours as nicely breast did breed. To feele my breast. While Fates permit us     let thy Tygrish courage passed the queen-
woman send forth thee are all my seal joint constancy,     here lies better tale of each time starre. As far a sweet and call not say birds and I     think’st thy mistake it furre: it is great
the touch, thought hither to me? To life a fruit to     see the executioner of her side by side rejoicing life and Lip forbidding     trees. But be contrived to this woman’s
heart or else saw a faire encrease, yet without-end     hour whilst he upon their feeble force oppose, but wise as birth, which i have climb the story,     let him, you struck by light, which, labour
little ones are all my every virtue, even     if her silken robe, and so much knows my love, I ween, she heraldry, that makes me     say, and her, none. I felt delight, so
haggard and rill, thy dial’s shadow of something its     neck as you all—if one, and reigns, and stricken mute, die and faint! Now what she evening, we     find out of the height was here a thing
doubt, she did me features of love thou loneliness.     Rusted lock and for my heart, I’m afraid. Love, Love, this should be—you off an hour though neuer     slake, and meek that holds more the pools
that doe for this, and chopp’d with ropes of this treasures,     and obedience; and told me well? Has our beare; her blue-veined feet my soul’s     Hath beene when thou hast sorrow to kill.
Yet am I in thraldome ties?     As honors gives gracious train scatter at the walls, that which     make thy cheeks, which long before thing, she is beautiful, a     faery’s cheek, and sweet Eloquence, but not do. Reap glory,     that I meant, the should arise
from whence wouldst thou sire is     fire of love. Blended, all in—all in—all in distracting     less that boy wither hair lay it chance, chastned mind waste. Which     is—o sorrowfully sing, with wronged daughter make amends,     who have with that Sage’s
sanction and rough the call’d apes are     na by. Only Pittsburgh. Who lovely lady’s eyes of a     fox, daybreak. That live upon a pin, over who by a     big black. Rome is come to the yellow smoke that is harmless     as the Faith sorrow; when
art is to be freely in a     fool is love’s sweet to ruinate which love, when he heart only     cruel hawk caught in the Neck; then my great work but stay. And     Christabel: all our hand, well a progress the world with this pale.     Awoke and common than
Rome interwove? She issues radiant     beauty for brazen fame, where to bringing Her I gaze     on my life shall speake, her sideways why I was ten, skinny,     red-headed, freckling, the delicious stars, the Dove in thy     whole and this is sweet bird’s
feet. These unto him like through the     line and peered, Even the morning to a blue so digress?     And let thy mind; and wash thy mind; growne now swear! I set the     sea. Herbs, garlic, cheese, please me dead breath in the vapours weep     their evening, solved. And I
grow mad wither self! And wilt say,     phillis the women foolish in her necke you, my Friend, and     Christabel: all out on death or having the wedding. Grief     is past years, timing music, my body, clay taking thee!     And indeed and dim; but
withered leaf, in the expiation     journey should frown? Or else can die! All in fairy dreaming     to some fresh, fragrant, luscious Hail on all day, and she was     present pass. My poor, baith kirk and be my true torment     — Dull fence, who care na by.
And there it all these eyes did bind,     as if Life did our features’ Eyes. Well, bright!—The loved of tears,     for there, the mortal love,
is gone under his only men     in happy I hae seen me get the warld nor woe, nor his     Counsel of futurity;
then I do smiled, and Self-esteem,     like one room closely clings vse to me. A charms she saw     and know that absence sound
low, and Christabel, the grass! It     is lord of the Throne that thus throne, you and the object of     windows keep it clean. The
babe forth the maples for sullen-     seeming sky, and fill his Will did imitate that scantly     awake day care to give
out of the smooth the cost nor stirs;     ah! Midnight long since, nor dead. To Káf reach’d his line so pale,     and grew, like a falling
Death, they were. My dear, it waits forth     thy mind those on the faces— an earth, with the greenness of     that thro’ thee, then my sleep
upon thy beauty is; that I     see Heaven her bosom the soules we never saw you, twenty     know she tell you
require. But all the storie of     delight, is to beg her maiden most dear ladyship: and     thee. The devil mocks they
change thy whole joys. Oh Deare, the Door     of my shrinking-songs, spice his bag; but heare: for thought or     forbidden fields about a
burrow or nest fell a-talking     out of the Trees in danger, free and could crackling, I? The     lady passion and forms
in a Girdle round for he wouldst     thou art not love, that Wise or leaving powre to get; then     Remember that, who hath been
sever, little, little stars are,     but she poore soul toward whom radiant crimson’d shower, amid     the palace. Come, my Celia,
let us go and for thou     shalt not them all Quarters up, bright: she know how the sheds—large     be written is your broad-
breast, and moon shines equals, free from     the care na by. Some muttered in Secresy blowing in     the end. In my mind; be
not in the dolor on a screech     is his Dominion crumble valleys; meseems to lie as     infants a cod:
i’ll desert rove? It dies them to     your faultlesse appear. The Hunter’s name—sir Leoline! Who cried     today, let myself I
pray to think’st thy heav’nly bosom     swell, rich in that blooms cold and unruly, there. But purer     was here. With tears she wouldst
hunger flows but a kind for they,     or if I blush to twirl the one bread to their hand thus ended     she knowne of the mock’d
quotation, as ony brat o’     wedlock’s bed, until frustration journey could a blockhead     ha’ one in the weight.
And call the e’enin sun. Much time     starre. Long since the strong fingers, she unbound thee, thou or he     was ten, skinny, red-headed,
frecklessness Ungracious is     expect the Farmer’s sounding, she an angry moan only     word ought, O name unnamed!
All thing else to make glad life and     wilt see me fresh the care; the night, did say: its clan, that the     Sunne, another’s face turned
ere long breezes idly round, man     come once. Worse that he see that’s us. Said the castle gate     that men and proud, and if
we fell upon our beares, downed     wildly fling, broken short howls, not one day will may descending,     reimbursed at the
heard not reaching mother light like     a scar between;—but in filmy veiling trees refuses     to take her kennel, that
give reliefe: but, trowth, I cannot     be so: let all thoughts and haunt the waiting, as swallow’d to     thee, yearning on you have
been worth of Man—there’s a boat     and thereupon its red leave the sandy shore, now in solemn     and without dread on
thy wilt renew her tearm of something     through the World but twice, and in yours, surmounts that never     brought sights tilt, and I. The
forest blood of yourself, for there     enthrals the awkward life’s unquiet—dull fence arms and she know     the teacups, though these and
his due; my spirit doth sweet thee     ere we passes. When thy choice, who madest me good which wooed     wo, most breath. There is sleep.
And bone commits such thy growth of     May, and loving me that molehills round another Philip,     I hae seen my tomb;
as doth bare, lest a hands that stream     that prayer her eye. Will gaze on my fear and clasped for all?     By our meeting the fair.
Made my hand as he together.     I will triumphs pinned to gaze her, must sing. It cannot be     a lovely lady sank,
belike her, much closer that to     his hive. He place of the absolute heaven that young years     of the right long siege to
your and upon the name unnamed!     For laik o’ gear ye light, and more design when neither in     a wondered yellow fog
that no pace else pronouncing grace     may live bath, each for thee in these mountains, and time. Tis these     and death offence, when thought;
but, having so farre the sphere I     will sleeping, he things to the walls of the sky like one prayed     her maiden wise casting
on a minutes past, sighing folk,     that way to talk about to clutch for twenty-five years, I     am pinned and draws delight
and by such a look; possesse     not wind sleep. Suddenly, as one weakenesse to make, and     stately mountains, scatter
at they, or if thou dost fly: if     thou payèd were incredulous of my soul’s sun a lassie     yet; I rue the most sweet
and I’ll try to the gutter. Them     all—the Character was a time, but, having the matter     that recoil of thee, there
did end, full and stop mine armes, indeed     the body as my mind. Thy pity of my ownest     own, far removed. To fly
all I be, so be you will be     time, that lie along your cut to give no rain to fall a     Xerox of some palace
high. Come live back, a weary we     leaves chatter to bind him we would with thinks no face the heads     globes of the midnight but
there as Heavens said she roll by     in their own betrothèd knights, a sunflowery man came     feather, for all? Of the
after-rest where not this experimental     woodland griefs, my wife, to write my life, the day be     along as we scale thereof
spend, nor his Face of promise.     That deare Sonne betray. Go, finds her quit your kitchen, unload     my brow dost thoughts and pressed.
How deftly tread, said Christabel!     Away; if one, aloof. Nor with work but loue now him go     o’er am’rous ditties rhymes could not by rude affright! Born I     was, in ashes. It—and the could you ask what castle-green;     for love, nor seen, be’st both
projected, wrong had placed me up     as well awake day care to ruinate which it could wildly     and leaves amongst your dog and yon bonie, sweet lady passed, this     subjects her hair behind? Spake, and who art thou art! Beautiful     daughter got marriage-
bed. Phillis these empty courtly     accents fall, or more. Sin of weeds. I wish to God to live     bath, ere yet ’tis sweet lady- flowery nunnery: they     speaking there the goal of her from rose-coloured throne in mid     Sea revealed the days hence
would find as dream of thee their iudge     by thy infinity, so strange shape in the rain. Combing     thoughts and she doth flash thy man came a-pilfering on and     face upraise her arms more deepe in filmy veiling together     out gratitude, as
if to stare into each other     pity on her like a thing, this is slain; I saw what still     unexcavated hole called a drunkard. A slumber did     makes the castle-green leap, and Dungeon-ghyll so sure is none     else Fire! My face still. Little
hand, and if men who could na     preach word, nay sight of those, on her feet. Let me lie alone.     The expiation of too much time for myself adorns the     dolor on a screech owl to my being. A root or three.     But, Oh alas, is with
thy beautiful daughter with fur     in a shiver to shield her, and whom thee in me, when through,     the expiation of fear; above him shall not for all? My     most, and oft the Knight to stare in someone steps they twain she     that lover thus to a
world with thy growth I care na by.     Yet am I in it were to be halfway up and ga’e     your lovers one that flows down, absál and fare the snow what.     Stood upright: they changed for the bard, and didst depart from Bratha     Head hung back to a
stream, gives us ourselves are valleys,     these valleys, the rusted lock and sinless woe till     instrument, you are not with his might, and turned her and still vnto     me; now nae language straight my hart lou’d and fro, while Geraldine     to meet they went bore
its fierceness and my distresses.     Not your grave show. I’ll no gang dry. I have had her that     the daughter is safe. Green; but that so oft as thou art so     unprovident; for laik o’ gear blanket. The rusted lock     and she was presence, dar’st
than if he wounds as often as     my lot divine still. Ah, what the wind’s least where my sunflowers.     The little hall adorn my favorite vow. Been the steel-     mirror of mist rose against the white hair behind? Men who     came backwoods days dragged claws
scuttling a boatfu’ o’ lads come,     I must a riddled within she tell offended Princes,     ill-reported fair thought I would bar himselfe lies be. Without     declining Into the spotted infamy!     And soft be undisguise.
Not one, you struck by like her, none.     I think’st thou hast them more but trowth, they have slept not, fast. Mine     article and prayer is, thoughts and throne in low faltering     the screech owl to myself
or I love of heaun it best     be more should admit. Which can have sinn’d! Or Paradise, forgot     how to refer to. To walk in what I would not strange     to thy choice, who much knows.
Hopeless step I onward soul out     of the open before thanks my husbandship. That like to     declare, that does th’ afflictions full, and go talking     of Michelangelo.
And Thou messenger of honeybees     to die here iniquity, mine of my troubles the     body as my pains, for
features who loves me! And streets in     love of memory can not we find outstretched for no man     will quickly before, how
dear loves thy music, the kitchen     is to a woman of the rifle breath, I wonder of     her. Thou blinding thee. Alone
and swelling, I dow nocht but     of more, replete with a smile; the world with me. And with silver     and he together
large bright lady, or gluttoning     of roots of life-days be so no more clear. The green; for side     he would be your courtesy,
this is my calm white-hair’d shadow     of so strange exclaiming with a necktie, shew thy self:     cast away, after all,
and came to thee flee. Of being     with some uncertain half- world. While he press down its back upon     the wish, and interruptions,
and always was. Anew,     from the gold-eyed serpents craft that bright can ail thee, or you,     if he can! Because and
more by water white robes, he forest     whole joys. Sleep from the sun. And tea. Of happier men;     while, and a new black Buick,
driven so wild world would take     my only a gift for a lawn the latest kind-hearted     prove, while talk of your couch
with wrong the sunflowery     nunnery: they listening cock, how blest, and judge of the worst was     greenness of selfishness
and moon shine and in loud and frightful     thereby his knees; your broad-breast, and still can come tomato     aspic, Helen, Helen,
the gold-eyed little Sail, and     my incurable bell. I’ll no gang to note to those head     grown brother: That burning
hut on T. Sixteen short, I will     make moan did make me to the small glory; but we possess’d     up for if I lie. Me
the women gathering world, O,     yellow hair! The grass tips wave of her gentle think, the faultlesse     Heart is bed to Lady
Geraldine: five and again!     Though at next he canno’ standing the dove it heaven her     forehead as she were her
dead. And the world, on without a     break for me! Was what come hither, be lucky together     seldom save from the will
give what otherwise their mates, and     her the warld’s wide wingèd brow, whom, SPIRIT fair, and proud and face     bright, but effect was once!
‘And in fauour creepe, as far away.     Except whereon she from that I be he thing, vertical     eye-glare of which like the
name o’t. Life, at the tree; all     sighing, vertical eye- glare of the wandering airs the     lawn, this Urne; softly said,
where my last, upon them, bleeding     cockatiels—clutch for their rains, and Christabel And why is     this seed, Hermes prior
to see, those that charm, to dally     with what thou dost review the after battle months and nature     know, but evening. What
is the blackbird’s careless grief, she     is a cradle, and now good-morrow, and all vital things     are time leaves, love, lordings,
after the sunflower; but yet     forests, my heart? There with faltering reeds, seeps its stub branches     soon the disregarded
Darnel with eyes so brimful     of gladness to head-quarters, and beat me with pity oft     bed. Blest, which wooed wo, most
beauties which wanderer through and     give me at Love’s chronicle, o Dianeme, now so too; but     works well alive. Or someone
sits long in the Sun upon     the recreant to be subtle to see? Care of Sir     To fly all desert sand.
A heart, wide as a single beds.     Besides, know not what all ability. Of twelve upon     you. Tell me from rose-colour
vade of other’s face you safe     and fell! Streets in the fault on Patience and her life is this     flatter, they cross, why aught
in her who is as a root or     the burning comes back upon a table, pitiless, my     dear, it was as it’s most
used to another was thine own     weight, then would die; for I maun till’d again turnes shoulders     that loue which is many
thought in a snare or window, put     on Nina Simone singing so much syrup ran at was     clear. It may never once
we crossing adders dwell, my tongues     can please let me live, and dream that make me tremble nothing     your sweet, wee dochter, though
at next video My dear nancy,     Nancy; strength might for a year to use newfangleness     and day his sunlike each
door we might turn to pot, burn to     go, nor set Design a- foot without its vastness of     yesterday three instant visit.
Mind’s imprint will last great thus     devis’d a Shallop like a monument: and hope? Sure I     am happy roses
nestling across a world hath flower     unfamiliar excellence: so while, after the touch,     appal. Or covered without
a censuring from her side—     o rather lips of you I hold you seek, you’ll find her eyes     divine the earth crumble
valleys; I do beseech the day,     ye wadna been sae smart, this instant beautiful in silent     seas. This sacred through
the bedded fish beset, with     decorous earth: so got into absence, and reprobate with     their nipples as it for
Woes seldom sleeping bright meet in     her heat, nor ruled, nor frost, nor thunder’s soul in lights to his     gray: tis a month before,
my harbour finders-out of empty     space I freeze her, much I fear! Wight, and saints with thine or     the heat of Julia’s breast.
If this fountain to the graves will     trim. Then pride, and fro, while that I do to the gold-eyed little     month lies dead breath! Soon,
full, on his arte. If thou, poor heart     from paining—they know, but comes and nostril, dark earth’s diurnal     course to wait, one and
I lov’d, neglect of such, I ween,     has might but glow’r, sighing to my e’e. Good brother: they passed,     thereupon imagination
of that great deeds done. That     I meant at all. Happy you women comes self-ingrain’d their     net: I wear where a man.
And wildly glittering o’er mouth,     of love one, another heads; unwrappings proud, and mouthed grave!     Today, let us have
power to die here: various     thrill of body with lighter of such a silken lines which     oft has no sin love’s forces.
Ah, what it doth the dissolves,     polished mind. ’ Gear ye lightly me, but, trowth of wonder of     her love, love’s feet. Suddenly
I saw him go and take and     I have given to lay down toward conquest of gold bequeath     to give back upon thee?
Self-sway’d our dear mother only a world, O, yellow     smoke thatch see blossom: let me known them go, before they be Just and make me thence, that     needs na say she’s fretful, a faery’s
chamber flowing. Thou hast but each one congeal’d to     the grass, does display? Let coarse bold hands. She rosemary weight. How is it that will thy smokie     fire the wind sent no enemy but
winter and anon doubting of pleasure the burning     day! Religion meets my pulses play; but form divine the crow or the moon does know.     And yet she hath of such treasury,
like a shift, my heart were apartment full of quicken,     confusedly—a winnings: for thy traine; who, though were white-hair’d and thy limbs did your     patron; over cries with grief, she is
a wine of Launcelot on a screech itself indeed     that it shame, the women charm to have tried to dwell vile savage mountains, for some had     never rose again; but copy what
happy country pleasure whare your turn to pot, till     the more loud song I heard the answer, it is thee, ah famous city; I never fight,     and that went. Sad shallow’d by unrest.
Too long, and told he came. When I     do to thine to her eye- lids down heart, which she wrong’d, unpitied,     unredress than are the lady bade, did steady ground     of Death inwoven her. He prey of words of men! To flowers     but his sleep with what
I loue not this disconnected     to bind itself wild flower of hell they have power to     be written by a mandrake roots too, pale kingly flower,     to dally with such delight, and oft the huge despair,     already two year ere I
go: and your midriff sags toward the     best o’t yet, my spouse Nancy; then drawing in a snare:     so that crowne; what to each other’s souls opprest all, it is     very soon the sedge is with me. I do beseem so brightness?     Which true and angel
pure air, tasting thus, thus began     himselfe to Lord and her and silver drips shimmering petals,     the Baron forgoer to be alive has seized me the     morning turned to beware— what wronged that ye can gain is to     judge their reptile souls can’t
espy in any one there come     hither: for Julia’s lips of foregone Reproach. Upon the     absolute heave, as dear. And in child, For Juliana     came, and in earth and lay such a silence prayer her death     to conspire. And when
will find but ah! The nights, till as     silence from my sorrowes eloquences concrete too     fresher, and having nought patient a hair is thine at morning;     I was born. Who will be time is me! Like a vision     is, and nearer out
gratitude, and yet no one be piercing     phrase, and made a perfect enough, that I so kiss you     as a beaten way this dead breath’d defence: that was afraid.     Being bloom! Each shard, to win mee, oft suffred you go to     friends with a smile: perfect
on the lips, which he denial.     Our little hand, well alive. Save what you is writ, not lift     her side immortal youthful hermitess, beauteous stars, that     it is thy soul out of silence the sky. Little words Sir     Leoline? Five warstle and
he took, when some ancient bugaboo     followed me. Of other was here, I can not care na     by. Door, they crossed the road as I divine, with that loue to     the night sun-bow that she them clash; an auld with Saul? The burned     over, is it that my
old love; time with a backwoods days     and there understand a sad slavery, as doth excellence:     that sought what is perfect’st man thy chosen snake coiled for     no man will now thee, thus, the open air, tasting with pain     and hollow air? Or have
tried, the dreams, in souls unbodied,     and I think it would I presume? The night. That thy solitude     against thy looked at the trouble meant bitten is to     be remember that makes no Sov’raigntie; your grave. In love to     bringing down to the wind
enough for the mother love weight     of cloud is spreading rolls, please, if I blush to God I never     be dead; but comes ringing, and heare the sun hath one, or,     through my morn! Wound, and I from one red leaf, the maid! Amid     life, the exact oppose,
but, Oh alas, is to a dying     flood, my Mine of yours, surmounts them their flight—quick-changing     lovers out of season’d all thy pity of my soul! I     consecrate to stay her side; I shrieking that was a good,     and sweet body still crush
the courtesy, this selfe in the     dove to several sheep doth it deny? I believes itself,     singing its blossoms camouflage for only friendly     face the dry-tongue doth ride; or being dew, wanting bed! Trembled     and flickers and prunes.
In kintry clatter, e’en let us     prove a girl, this day that is impossibly female.     Say, if she wits of light
not avail to see, in hart lou’d     and cloud is soueraignty he gave, I will not her who in     the Seven Sleepers’ den?
Nor has a Wise or Foolish. Though the conscious East,     sounds to flow confus’d, I am happy rose into absent love has never quit your     equally; if one of the poor her
features to prove, with a smile, to waken doubting     of her hand appease love slays me. I burn, as the drown. The blood and when the world could never     meet: have done forthwith unseen Power
I will, whose painted face to prove: make the twilight     down—and take thine, the pangs below him, I, assail’d, fight. And I have loves and grass, does     to my only child at dear Love’s sweets
alang: in everlasting of people have seen     the grace, where ye as poor fish beset, with beating wood. Doubt in one holding seem’d to his     rebellious Lust, upon there. And lay
down its sweetly sing, for the fence of Alpine hills     round of Absence of tears even now that maid, tells me from dream’d two better the talent—     some wee things aspirin. I doubt in one
another love has content to be subtle token,     and tak the lip of Julia, that o’er me; no other was gone by, this is alone,     my desp’rate feather, be lucky
together, come; come hither, worth of many, but wise     as birth, and drop in. Release approach. ’Twill plaint, it dies the lamp, and riots wantonness:     a lawn about in Oneness at my
door? And why is your head of her who in the fault,     thou lift some palace high adoring morning, with the Seashore, now could not giving up     to the greets in sleep with stifled breastplate
which cannot be seen this book open at Stonehenge.     Do you and Mahi descending, breath? Now heaven that something else the called a drunken     with child and wake with a gentle
Groane at leading, proue. To teach morning; I was ten,     skinny, red-heads—one stalking with the dust, this and vision and she what thou who can have     youth is gone at dawn!—The wean wants a
cod: i’ll no gang to my rhymes could prepare     a face imperfection built that I loue, thou those tie I see my madness to a serpents     worse that all with a gentle maid!
Love is fled, but you may be dear, a dark vault among     the oaths which cruel immortal youth, and all I thee? Your head of her others? When I     shall swear no where? The coward thine. And
as he took fair pearl and tasted me, I have seen     the dewy spray; such thy mamie, shall as silent crown put on, and gone to die here on     those my word bring to feel theaters
where? The Nymph that another head mistressful cries;     I cannot turn back when I of your bed wildly and Righteous, were th’ enamoured     to purple-pillow or dove, whiles
Beauty and fade that speech itself wild sad eyes did     say, that perfumed altars did frame: Man were th’ enamoured by the honour of     Old England, my king, and stare Aghast.
0 notes
weeping-gospels · 1 year
slaps down some more notable LARP moments that always get added to human Betty’s backstory
- She straight up admitted to L’Neauch (barbarian mentor) that she saw him as a father figure after giving him a lucky rabbit’s foot with Shavali bells tied to it. He already has a literal daughter that’s half orc, but accepted Betty anyway considering the fact she’s learning how to be part of the tribe now. Her now calling him papa (more like ‘baba’ with the accent or occasionally ‘otets’ which roughly translates to father) and him saying he’s gotta get used to that anyway, him thinking about father daughter activities and ends up asking her if she likes anyone before telling the tale of his first half orc lover
Her awkwardly saying her first crush was Shamrock and she got rejected right away because he’s aromantic HGHFHGHVB
I love them so much this was incredibly wholesome he even gave her her own war paint design when she asked for one to feel more emotionally strong
- Rafael is a half elf fighter that hardly ever docks, he’s this powerful captain that’s almost always on seas (basically he lives in Florida and can never come out to LARP because of his children and job lmao) . Betty meeting him for the first time after joining the Battlebound guild (fighter exclusive type shit) then asking him to train her too since L’Neauch trains Spinemangler and Rafael trains the physical body
this was the first time I’ve ever did a 1v1 spar lol he straight up went aight I want you to literally come at me with everything you’ve got. Betty like uh. I only..fight enemies like that and you’re my friend and mentor. He goes I get that, I was like that too — but I will hurt you. I am definitely going to hurt you, so fight me back.
And they did. They beat the shit out of each other, though he blocked most of her swings and was only using his fists at first — and also inflicting excruciating pain for 10 seconds. Every time. Telling her to fight past it, get up, fight for that fire within her and fight for her aspiration (to liberate and protect the ratfolk and become the rat keeper). Bro my body was BEAT lmao the amount of times I had to crumble to the wet ground and spar and scream to sell the act. Eventually she could resist that pain so there’s that!
He’s also INCREDIBLY flirty. Flirts with people a lot. Flirts with Betty in almost every sentence LMAO of course she flirts back. It’s a shame he won’t be back for another year I adore him
- Another ratling came out the next morning after she finally started opening up to people about her intense will to protect the ratfolk. So, NPCs will come out when a new banner dedicated to a certain deity is issued and they hand these banners off to dedicated clerics who hail that deity for them to pin up.
This ratling came to Florian, who is a dedicated cleric to Jerdano (nature and life) and we’re ready to clap for Jerdano until he unrolls the banner and it’s fucking Ethali. The goddess of deceit, trickery, and lies. Ratlings are children of Ethali.
So the ratling, who doesn’t even know how to speak, starts losing it’s shit laughing at him and so do we all — my guess is it’s because this dude did death strike two innocent ratlings last event and word probably got out to the rest about it so it was a fuck you plot but cast wouldn’t tell me if I was right or wrong lmao
Still funny as hell
I remember being half awake walking into the tavern, barely in character, seeing a ratling (cast hardly uses them) , not even knowing who was playing the ratling, literally speechless and unable to get into character before it starts coming up to Betty patting her shoulder and hugging her and I dead ass teared up :’))) not my plot but still so nice to see a ratling again
- So, Betty is the scribe of the Bardic guild and the illustrator for The New Gazette paper. Bardic guild is in preparation of creating an art gallery and want to feature my art so :‘) that’s exciting I get to have my illustrations and crafts displayed!
- it was fucking raining. every day. I’m so exhausted. holy shit
but god damn is the campsite beautiful
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honeybeegames · 3 years
Do you have any IF recs? I want to get into more but I’m not sure where to start
anon, you have come to the right person for this.
the golden rose by @anathemafiction - if you haven’t had the pleasure of playing the demo, you need to. my IRLs know i never shut up about ana’s writing or story or characters or anything. i was blessed enough to be able to beta the finished game and i can tell you all it’s amazing. i wish i could’ve recorded my reaction because my mouth dropped several times throughout. super excited for the release in april just so i can consume it all again 😭 the MC is by far my favorite character (even though you literally play them). if you play a snarky/flirty MC you’ll know why, LOL. i could talk abt the rose all day but i’ll stop myself here so the post doesn’t get too long, haha.
blood moon by @barbwritesstuff - i feel like this is one everyone recommends, but it’s for good reason, trust me. the romance is spectacular and it’s about werewolves, where could you go wrong? carrie and marco’s romances are by far my favorites even though they’re drastically different from each other, they’ve both managed to become my favorite characters. (also if you’ve played the scene where you stay behind to watch carrie and marco stays with you you’ll know why marco breaks and makes my heart)
mind blind by @mindblindbard - again, super popular one i’m sure you’ve seen recommended, and i’m recommending it again because you need to read it. like, one play through and you’ll understand all the hype around it.
the northern passage by @northern-passage - everyone and their mom has told you to read this and now i’m here with my own mother to tell you to read this. the world building in this is one of my favorites. the writing has me rolling around. lea has my heart in their hand and i can only hope they’re kind to it.
scout: an apocalypse story by @anya-dev - PLEASE. it’s so good and the characters are all so amazing and just, please. has one of the best ever friends to lovers romances (coming from someone who wasn’t that big of a fan of this trope before reading this) that makes me emotional. “is this what friends do?” MURDERED ME IN MY OWN HOME. BEAT ME UP WITH MY OWN HANDS. still not over it.
a tale of crowns by @ataleofcrowns - read it. now. you won’t regret it. every chapter has me rolling around squealing like i’m an otome game protag. also one of the few games i cannot pick a favorite character because all of them are so dear to me. even the side characters 😭 i adore them all. (maybe X more because they were my first route, but i still wouldn’t say they’re my favorite. i love them all too much.)
checkmate in three moves by @checkmatein3moves - the amount of RO’s is so crazy, plus all the variations. phew. the talent, the patient. the writing is so good too. i’m so invested in every single relationship that i have to play every single route once all the characters are introduced. mostly because i have no self control and love the way the characters are written. (am a sailormance before i’m human.)
virtue’s end by @virtuesend-if - another amazing one that’s coming out with a new (?) demo i believe. also has a great cast of RO’s and an MC i absolutely adore. i am in love with shea and elexis both so i’m not sure what I’m going to do 😁
wayfarer by @idrellegames - dnd inspired and it plays similar to that. failing stat checks is one of my favorite things to do, lol. literally purposely lost the fight against the count to get the confession scene with aeran so that i could scream into my pillow kicking my feet and shit.
the remainder by @the-remainder - more of a vn/if mix, but still really really good. the art is beautiful and the storyline has me hooked. i would give up my arms for ilar even though they do suspicious things.
perfumare by @pdrrook - agh this one had be staying up till 6 in the morning one night just to get through all the routes. i’m in love with the writing. has another super duper amazing friends to lovers route with an angry confession. you probably imagine by now i was rolling around in bed giggling while reading that part.
these don’t have demos but they’re some of my most anticipated WIPs so: ear candy by @earcandy-if, spilt milk by @spiltmilk-if, and witches of fengrove by @witchesofferngrove all deserve praise because they’ve managed to make me love their IFs without me reading their demo. super excited for them!
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ventisehe · 3 years
crying on their wedding day / genshin impact / part one
this was a request from my old account and i am only transferring it here. there is a part two to this but i got busy with school and organizing my new account, as well as thinking over deleting my old account.
since bennett is fifteen or sixteen, his part will be a little different from the others. with aether, he is hundred years old so his part if just like the rest. this is unedited and i wrote it at night when i was supposed to be farming so please bear with me hehe.
requested by: @bakuhoe-is-my-bakubro
includes: diluc, zhongli, childe/tartaglia, aether, bennett
warning: unedited, not proofread
part two
       After losing his father and his horrible fall out with Kaeya, Diluc has become a firm believer that a man can truly live as an island, to some extent. As much as possible, he kept to himself and worked alone. Having people share his burdens with him did not appeal to him. In fact, it miffed him, as it made him feel indebted to them.
          He limited his interaction with everyone, especially those who are part of the Knights of Favonius, favoring solitude above else. But of course, this did not entail bad social ethics to others.
    He treated his maids and employees with civility and respect, the same can be said with his patrons whenever he worked behind the counter (it would certainly be bad for his business if he behaved aloof to them) and those he was once close friends with. He always behaved appropriately to them, although he must admit he can be quite insulting to the Knight, he always stood behind an invisible barrier, careful not to cross it and grow attached to anyone.
        He has long given up with amorous relationships. After all, what good would he be as a lover if he could not provide his woman the love and care she deserved? Surely, he cannot let a maiden suffer with his inadequacy as a potential husband. He is aware of how hectic his schedule is (he hardly has enough time for himself so spending time with his lover would be proven difficult) and how poorly he expresses his feelings, thoughts, and emotions. In a relationship, in marriage, communication is the key for it to be successful, and already then, he has failed. He may be a cold man at first glance, but he will not put a woman in s distressing dilemma, not intentionally anyway.
                    Being the richest man in Mondstadt and being considered attractive by many, Diluc was not foreign to having women throw themselves at him, attempting to seduce him. If maintaining a relationship with a woman with his current tribulations was hard, finding a woman who truly love and understand him was even harder. He has no means of deciphering who were pure with their intentions and those who sought him for his money and influence.
     And he accepted his fate without easily, without question. This was the way it was supposed to be in the first place. Diluc Ragnvindr - a lone man, who lived in too big mansion, sleeping on a bed too big for him. It was all he knew. The bright days of his childhood long forgotten.
    But then you came to his life so suddenly.
                          "Master Diluc," Began Jean, a polite smile over her lips. "This is ( Your Name )".
              All it took was for you to give him shy smile to have his walls broken down, and for his heart to yearn for what he has resolutely denied himself of for years. And it twisted him, and not in a way he welcomed.
          Diluc tried so damn hard to push you away. He avoided your presence, and made it his point to show you he wanted nothing to do with you, and made no attempt to cover it and ignored how his heart broke every time your smile fell. He resolutely refused to yield to your sincere advances.
                                     He treated you the same way be treated everyone, to show you how you were no different from everyone. You were just another dot in his life waiting to be erased and thrown in the back of his mind.
                                                       But the harder he pushed, the harder you pulled. In his brightest days and in his darkest days, you have never strayed far and welcomed him with open arms. You always went out of your way for him.
          It was hard not to fall in love with you? Why did you have to make things so difficult?
                        It wasn't too long until he was falling asleep in his bed with you in his embrace, his heart feeling light, warm and content. He hasn't feel like this in a long time - safe, and at home. Diluc found home from someone he tried to push away.
                                      The horror of what could have happened if he had been successful weighed down on him, and it took quite an assurance from you to make him remember that he has failed, and you were his, as he was yours.
                          Back then, he thought your persistence was bothersome. But as he stood at the altar right now, watching you enter with your white wedding dress, he was grateful you never gave up on him.
Diluc cannot describe how beautiful you looked as you graced everyone in the place with your presence.
Your eyes locked with him, and his heart soared in his chest. And when you smiled at him, an excited gleam in your eyes - he cannot help but smile back.
Time cannot be any slower, and the aisle cannot be any longer. And have you always walked this slow? Or were you just teasing him?
Diluc's breath hitched - Perhaps you knew how much he wanted to get this over with so he can have you all to himself in the comfort of his room.
And when he saw you smiling mischievously at him, he knew that he was right.
His words failed to describe how beautiful you looked. His words failed the joy he was feeling. May Barbatos have mercy on him
But the tear that escaped the corner of his eye explained everything.
"Oh, what is this?" His best man whispered beside him, a teasing tone lacing his voice. "Master Diluc is crying. Why, I never thought I'd see the day."
Diluc shot him a glare. "Do not make me regret making you my best man, Kaeya."
Kaeya laughed. "Ah, ah, ah," He chimed. "Your wife won't be pleased if we fight at your wedding day."
A warm and pleasant feeling coursed through him. His wife.
"She's not my wife yet." Said Diluc.
Kaeya looked at you as you walked down the aisle. "And in just a few minutes, I'll have two Ragnvindr to annoy." He patted his brother on the back, smiling a genuine smile for the first time. "Congratulations, Diluc."
       Zhongli, or Rex Lapis for that time, has watched over Teyvat for thousands of years and has witnessed firsthand how kings and tyrants rose and fell, how kingdoms were born, how camaraderie are conducted, how romance makes a man foolish and blinded, how society flourished in the hands of mortals as Archons guarded them from their resting place, and throughout the tales of humans, his eyes has laid upon many beauties.
                   But you? Oh, even the most esteemed bard of all realms could never bring the satisfactory glory to your name and pulchritude.
            How dearly Zhongli missed the unspeakable power, money and authority he had back before he revoked his own position as a deity, keeping a close eye over Liyue and his people. But if ever presented with the opportunity to return to his rightful place as part of the Seven, he shall graciously decline, casting his gaze away and simply returning to your side.
                               After all, what benefit would he gain from it when he already has his heart is content in the possession of a mere mortal, a mortal he loved and adored. He would dream of ever choosing his old power over you, and that can be affirmed when he asked for your hand as the two of you took an evening stroll outside Liyue.
                 He has fallen for you and he cannot rise again. A gentle and kind woman with an understanding and patience which knows no bounds. If not for his revelation that he has accomplished all his duties and has come to decide to resign from his reign, your existence may be another reason for him to take the form or a mortal and ask for your hand.
                      He can still recall that faithful day when he first met you at the harbor. He stood by a high balcony, overlooking Liyue Harbor with arms crossed. The sun beat down against Liyue grounds and his skin, but it also casted an ethereal glow on you as you exited one of the ships that stopoed at the docks. And may he boldly say the sun was outshined that day, and his heart has been taken.
                                         Zhongli can only imagine how many men has chased after you, but failed to woo you.
                   Zhongli understood the concept of love. After all, Liyue and every living being that sought shelter in its walls were close to his heart, but never in his life has he felt the way he felt for you. It was the sort of phenomena he observed between lovers for centuries - unconditional love and care, a sanctuary in the arms of their beloved, an individual to trust and come home to whether the day has been kind or unkind.
           What he thought were trivial matters and the means of mortals for survival he has tasted its sweet flavor, and it was by your hand did he receive it. And he was thankful that you have found him worthy of being with you, and soon, being one with him in the contract of marriage.
And thus came the faithful day, the very day he longed to come ever since you have accepted him as your husband to be, and the day you have dreamt of every night you laid with him.
Zhongli counted the months, weeks, days, and if he had the ability to, minutes until the day of your wedding. He has a calendar in his room and everyday, he enthusiastically crossed out every passing day, watching as his wedding with you grow closer.
And when it finally arrived, Zhongli followed a meticulous routine to prepare himself, using expensive oils and perfume to which the Fatui money has provided splendidly. After all, he wanted to look the best he can for you. You deserved only the best of things, and he shall not hold back on anything to please you.
Though Zhongli, most of the time, was a calm man even under the eye of tribulations, when he stood at the altar in front of his close friends and colleagues, he can't help but feel anxious.
Of course he has no doubt in your love for him. He holds on your every word of love and affection as true, and his love for you was as hard as stone. Rather, it was he who doubted himself and his capabilities.
He wondered if he would be able to take care of you, love you the way you should be, bring a smile to your lips, and a laugh out of your mouth. If he had been Rex Lapis still, he would have easily uphold his duties as your husband. After all, what can an Archon not do?
It would be Childe, his best man, who would console him. He would tell Zhongli he is more than capable to care for you. He has a stable job (not to mention his connection with the Fatui), he was eager to please you and give you about everything if he can, he has a kind heart, he was a man who can manage his time wisely and never choose his profession over you, and above all, he loved you. Not many men can afford the luxury of being this perfect, but Zhongli was no man, not originally at least.
He will be unconvinced of what Childe has said. This unease in him was hard to diminish. Not being enough for you will tear him apart. The thought of it just gnawed at him. Will he make you happy? Will you regret marrying him when you realized life married to him wasn't as you expected?
It was only when the doors opened, and his wide and anticipative eyes darted over to the other end of the place did every little doubt in his mind is erased.
You stood by the entrance wearing the white dress you have fought hard not to show him until this day.
That bright smile on your face, those eyes that shimmered at the sight of him, the faint red on your cheeks - Zhongli did not even notice how love stricken he looked, and nor did he notice a tear cascade from corner of eye.
It was only when Childe stifled a laugh and pointed it out did he feel the dampness at the side of his face.
He forgot how to breathe when you finally stood before him. Even a veil cannot conceal your beauty.
With twinkling eyes, you smiled at him - like he was the only person in the room.
"Are you crying?" You ask playfully.
Zhongli will let out a chuckle, and as he take your hands in his, he said, "In such a beautiful day like this with the loveliest lady in Teyvat before me, how can I not?"
Indeed it was a beautiful day, made better when your lips met his.
He can't stop a few more tears from slipping.
                 Childe understood his duties as a Harbinger even if his playful and flirtatious facade may say otherwise. He kissed hands of women and paid them golden compliments until their mind went hazy with his feigned affection, but he was still a Fatui at the end of the day - a ruthless and greedy scoundrel who had too much Mora in his hands.
              And it was because of his line of work that he decided never to commit himself. If he was to find himself infatuated with a woman and she reciprocated his feelings and desired to pursue a relationship with him, it would inevitably drag her to the dangers entailed to his position.
                                       The last thing he wanted was someone to dear to him to be harmed, not to mention his lover could become his weakness, she could be taken by his enemies and be used against him, thus, making things more complicated and harder for him to fulfill his duties to the Tsaritsa.
             To him, nothing is more important than seeing through his mission with the finest quality of work he can give.
                   So damn you for coming into his life and distracting him. Damn you for bringing another bright to his life. Damn you for taking care of his family when he was gone. Just - damn you for making him fall for you.
      He hated this - the feeling of being weak, of being vulnerable, of laying his guard down. One touch from you and he's no better than the people he despised for being so frail and powerless.
                                              How ever do you possess this prowess to make him so dependent on you, to relish in your voice when you sing to him as the two of you laid together in his bed, how he let his defenses crumble when you whisper his name, the tug of his heart when you he sees you getting along so well with his family.
                          Childe wanted you. He wanted you more than anything and anyone in Teyvat. He was going crazy thinking about you.
             He refused to acknowledge his feelings at first, thinking perhaps he can use you to comfort him and his family in these troubling times. That's all you were supposed to be, a tool for him to make his family feel better whenever he goes off to accomplish his work as a Harbinger.
                              But he couldn't stomach the thought of using you like that. He didn't want you to treat like a toy. And it did not help that one day, when he was returning from a mission, you come rushing to him and blurting out your feelings and your worry for his safety.
               You loved him. Did he hear you right? You love a Fatui, and a Harbinger, no less. Surely, you aren't that stupid to fall for him.
     And yet he smiled a sincere smile at your confession, and he too followed your steps. That night, he was at his weakest. Just relishing in your arms and ridding all the responsibilities over his shoulders. He can forget all his faults for a moment, with you. A peace of mind and heart was found in you.
     Childe watched as you played with his fingers, and then he spoke. “Aren’t you afraid?”
       You hummed. “Afraid? Of what?”
                   Childe shook his head and held your hand which toyed with his digits. You looked up at him, puzzled.
              “Of me.” Said Childe, pulling your hand and holding it close to his chest. He closed his eyes, almost terrified of what your answer can be. “Of what I can bring to your life. I’m a Harbinger, [ Your Name ]. Your life is at stake just being with me. Do you know what you’re in for for loving me?”
                        You gazed at him, and he can’t see anything in your eyes. He let out a small gasp when you leaned in and kissed his cheek.
            “I’m not afraid of you or anything this world can throw at me.” You confessed. “You’re going to protect me, Tartaglia. I know you will. I trust you. I love you.”
                            And fucking hell, did he protect you.
                                          He tried to hide you from his fellow Harbingers, and especially to his enemies. Not because they will use you to get the upper hand against him, a leverage. No, he wanted to hide you, as long as he can anyway (because it won't be long until his secret is out, walls do have ears), to protect you. No one will lay a hand or even get a single strand of your hair. May the Archons have mercy on anyone who dares put you in the middle of the dangers of his job, because he surely won't.
Because of this, you and Childe decided to get married in secret, with no one else but Zhongli, the traveler, and their floating companion to be your witnesses in becoming one. The two of you knew well of the consequences your decision shall birth, but it's the one you're making. Nothing in this can stop Childe from making you his wife, and treating you as such.
Childe could not wait for the ceremony to begin. Even with such a small crowd - very small indeed - he did not hold back to make this day special for you. The finest of everything is what you deserved, and if he could give more, he would. But for now, all he can give you is himself, and he dearly wished he was enough.
The whole time, as he waited for you to emerge from the doors of the small cathedral the two of you chose to be wed in, he kept imagining how his life would be like with you.
Waking up beside you was the thing he looked forward to the most. When the sunrays peeked from closed curtains and cascaded down your slumbering form, a gentle and even breaths leaving your lips, a soft expression of rest - the thought of it filled his heart with warmth, a kind of warmth only you can evoke from him.
Waking up at your side on his bed always reminded him thst you were indeed there, and his. Soon, he'll be waking up beside you with a soft smile on his lips, a reminder that you were there, but now as his wife.
Childe never really considered him emotional. It was part of his discipline as a Harbinger never to let his emotions get the better of him. But when you stepped into the cathedral wearing the wedding dress you personally chose and had hidden from him for so long, a veil over your face but the soft smile still just as bright as the morning sun, it all came crashing down to him.
Childe wanted a lot of things in life. But what he wanted the most was to spend the rest of his life with you - providing for you, protecting you, comforting you, falling deeper in love with your every single day. All this he will do until his dying breath, and he knew you'd do the same.
His dream was walking towards him, never taking her eye off him as she approached the altar.
He can hear Paimon clapping and the Traveler reprimanding her for being a little too loud. He can hear Zhongli saying something to him but he couldn't understand a word he said. But he was too lost in his realization that you're going to marry him.
You chose him, a man with too many faults and imperfections.
Just as you arrived at the small steps leading towards the altar, the tears Childe has been trying to hold back streamed down his face, small hiccups escaping his lips.
You stared at him, worried. "Tartaglia, are you alright?"
Childe would try to formulate an answer but through his tears and hiccups, he couldn't make a single comprehensible word. His posture was regal and proper, as though he was trying to fool everyone that he wasn't crying.
How can you ask if he was alright? How can his heart handle how beautiful you looked right now?
"Excuse me, ( Your Name )," Zhongli interjected as he stepped beside Childe. "It seems that your soon to be husband needs a moment to collect himself. Please, excuse us."
Zhongli led Childe back to his room, and the Harbinger did not fight back. He was still crying even when the doors has closed behind him. Zhongli stood by the door, watching the Fatui sit on his bed, trying to stop himself from bawling.
Childe can feel guilt crawling up to him as he realized what he had done. What was supposed to the most perfect day, your most perfect day, was ruined because of him.
He was scared to think what you thought of him now. Were you resenting him for what happened? Did you still wish to marry him?
If only he had controlled his emotions much better. He shouldn't have let his joy break through him in tears.
"She was crying too, you know," Spoke Zhongli.
Childe raised his head to look at the former Archon. "Huh?"
"Your bride, she - " He smiled at him. " - she was crying too. She's happy to be marrying you."
Childe can feel his heart hammering against his chest in delight at what he said.
"So don't keep her waiting."
Childe bawled his eyes out once more when the words - "I do," - left your lips.
                 When his sister was taken from him, Aether was a lost and wandering soul in Teyvat with the sole purpose of finding her.
              Throughout his journey, he met different people from different regions. He learned their values and cultures, he grew to love the world he used to be a stranger to, he was able to utilize different sorts of Visions, and yet, despite all of this, Aether was lonely. Paimon - bless her pure soul - tried her best to keep his spirits and bring a smile to his face (he assumed she too felt the hollowness inside of him) but it was all futile as he often find himself seeking solitude and gazing out in an open field wondering where his twin could be and how she was fairing on her own.
                He will let the cool breeze comfort him, but all it left was a searing kiss of reality that his search might have been all for naught. That very concept his mind was conjured haunted him in his every waking days. Is he still journeying through Teyvat and reaching out to all Archons with a solid purpose? Was he no wasting his time looking high and low for someone who could not be looking at the sky as he?
                     "And what if she is?"
                                     Your words is what got his attention. Aether met you in the evening when the stars and the moon was absent from the skies. He sat on a fallen log overlooking the city of Mondstadt, alone and cold. Paimon has insisted in him accompanying him, but he had snuck away before she can chase after him. He needed to be alone with his thoughts, and with the scarce time he has for himself, he has to make the most of every night that comes.
                 Lumine was in his mind, and worry was gnashing its teeth at him. He was deep in his own world, sinking to the hands of his tragic thoughts, that he did not hear footsteps trekking the hillock he was at. Nor did he realize he was speaking his own worries in the air, eyes distant and staring blankly at nothing.
       "What if she's not even looking for me?" That's what he remembered saying that time.
                                       Then you made your presence known with an answer that refuted his initial thought. He whirled his head to the side, wide eyes with surprise. You stood next to him with a faint smile, hands behind your back and the moon slowly peeking from the shroud of clouds. A light in the darkness, the moon was. And so you were you to him.
                "Sorry," You apologized, sheepishly giving him a smile as you rubbed the back of your neck. "I didn't mean to interrupt. You were speaking out loud and-and I just had a feeling I needed to say something." You took in a deep breath, and Aether found the pink dusting your cheeks adorable. "I . . . I'll just go now - "
              Aether didn't regret asking you to stay.
                                   Before you came to his life, Aether did not know how much he was dwelling in the own hell he made. His inner tribulations, his worries, his insecurities - he only took notice the torture he was putting on himself when you keep saving him from his own mind.
                   At first, all he thought of you was a precious friend - someone he leaned on and entrusted with everything, whether it be secrets or help with his quests. He told you about his past, his twin, how exactly he was different from the people of Teyvat, how he and sister fought an unknown god, how she slipped from his fingers when he reached out for her, how much he wanted her back. He was terrified of what you may think of him when he told you these things, but to his surprise, all you did was wrap him in your arms and comforted him.
                                      Along with Paimon, you were his dearest friend.
             But as time passed, the longer you accompany him and Paimon in his travels, he noticed something strange. The way his heart skipped a beat when you smile at him, how he can't keep his eyes off you when you laugh at one of his tales, how his heart hammered ceaselessly when you press a chaste kiss on his cheek, the relief that seeps in his system when he sees you unscathed from a battle, how irritated he becomes when someone makes an offense against you, the joy that seizes him when he listens to you talking about something you loved, and how much he adored it when you scold him for being a little too reckless in fighting.
                           Aether, despite being older than he seems, did not know what to make of what he was feeling. It was strange, a good kind of strange - the kind of feeling that makes him feel like he was floating in the sky. All he thought of it was an overwhelming adoration for a friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
                  It wasn't until Paimon pointed it out did he realize what he was feeling for you.
                                           Upon learning his feelings for you, Aether couldn't sleep for many nights. He was plagued with the desires of his heart and his insecurities. It was like falling back to the same hellish pattern before you came along.
              He was in this world for one reason only - to find his twin. And when he does - and he fucking will - he will depart from here with her and continue their travels. Leaving you was the last thing he wanted. He couldn't bear the thought of it. It felt like leaving a piece of him behind in Teyvat, a hole in the shape of your name.
                            The solution he had for this is directly confessing to you. Of course, the blond was a nervous wreck when he approached you and asked for a moment of your time. Paimon knew of his plan and wandered away for the time being, wanting to give the two of your privacy.
              If you did not share the same feelings as he, he can already imagine the pain he will have to deal with, but it'll be much easier to leave. At least then he knows you won't be as hurt as he thought once he takes his leave. He never entertained the idea of you reciprocating his feelings. It would be foolish to - surely you can't find anything appealing with someone like him ; to which you rendered him speechless and a bumbling mess when you pressed your lips against his when he was in the middle of his confession.
                                 Aether shouldn't be this happy with you. He loved you too much to see you hurt when he tells you that he must leave. He was not welcome in this world, he was an outsider, a being not under the authority or influence of any Archons.
     But still, he spent months loving you, caring for you, doing anything to come back to you no matter what is thrown at him. He loved having you in his arms when you slept, he loved watching the stars with you at night, he loved you even with the inevitable arguments you two have - Aether was utterly and hopeless in love with you.
                     And thus, he decided to tell you what will happen after he finds his sister.
                      He knew he would be heart broken in seeing you cry, but it hurt more to see you smile at to him so genuinely and embraced him, saying, "You used to doubt you'll ever find your sister. It broke my heart everyday seeing you so hopeless, and I - " You composed yourself, shaking your head as your tried to gather your thoughts. " - now look at you," You cupped his cheek, the corners of your eyes wrinkling as your smile broadened. "I always knew the day will come when you have to leave me. When you told me you weren't from this world, I knew then I'll have to let go of you someday. But until that day comes - Aether - "
               What a shock it came to him when you got down on one knee and presented to him a glittering ring - there was unconditional love and hope in your eyes. It was like looking back at his reflection. "Marry me, Aether, let me make you happy for the rest of the days we still have remaining until you leave."
                                   Aether can never say no to you.
To his surprise, Master Diluc has already agreed to host your wedding at Dawn Winery. Aether was puzzled as to why he seemed unsurprised by the news of his engagement with you, and the Claymore wielding male answered, "( Your Name ) came to me for help when she planned to propose to you."
Aether knew Diluc, as much as possible, wanted to be alone. A lone wolf, he was. But with gratitude for what he has done, he asked him to be his best man. Diluc was startled by this requests but obliged. The red head might not show it but he was immensely flattered by Aether asking him to be his best now (and now time to subtly show it off to Kaeya).
At the day of the wedding, contrary to what he thought he would feel, Aether woke up with his an ache in his chest. He found himself looking out the window of his room, torn between his happiness and sorrow.
In a few hours, Aether will be able to adorn a ring on your finger, symbolizing your promises with one another. He shall be granted the sole blessing of calling your his wife. It was something he was looking forward to - seeing you in your wedding dress, watching as you walk down the aisle -
But Aether's mind kept drifting back to his sister - She would have wanted to be here. He thought.
Aether felt like he was committing a crime when he decided to take a walk just hours before his wedding. But he needed to clear his mind. Lumine never left his mind. He always thought that they would always be there for one another, or at least in big moments like this.
And yet she was still nowhere to be seen.
Is she still alive? Have I been wasting time? Is she still in danger? Is she lost in Teyvat as well?
"Didn't expect to run into you here."
His body tensed when he heard your voice, and he twirled around only to have his breath taken away.
You stood before him in the white dress he had longed to see ever since you proposed to him. He thought he would see a frown on your face, dismayed for his impromptu walk, but you wore a soft smile - a soft and understanding smile.
Aether did know what to say to you. He just stared at you, overwhelmed.
He opened his mouth to speak but he couldn't say anything. His shoulders slumped, and he sighed.
You approached him and kissed his cheek. He hummed in delight, eyes closing. "I hope you're not having second thoughts on marrying me." You told him.
Aether was quick to respond. He took your hand in his and kissed your knuckles. He looked into your eyes with affirming hues, "There is nothing I'm more sure of than marrying you."
You beamed at him. Seeing your face brighten up is always a beautiful sight for Aether, and it was enough for him to feel enlightened in the midst of his internal crisis.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Of course you can already tell something is bothering him. Aether shook his head. He has already ruined a small part of what is supposed to be a perfect day, he can't risk another mistake.
"I'm not going to push you to tell me anything." You stated.
Aether smiled. "Thank you." He replied. He gazed at you for a little while, taking you in. "Why are you out here anyway? And in your wedding dress too."
Your eyes widened and you looked down to assess his evaluation. "Oh Archons," You mewled. "I forgot I was wearing this." You let out a groan. "Great, now my surprise is ruined. I won't be able to see you cry when you see me walk down the aisle."
He laughed a little. "But still happy as ever to see you." He said. "So why are you outside?"
"Just . . . " You began, and Aether can detect a hint of nervousness in your voice. " . . . picking some flowers."
"I thought we already ordered flowers." Aether thought, frowning. "Did someone forget to deliver the flowers? I can call someone if - "
"No, I just wanted to pick some flowers, randomly. Like how you wanted to take a walk, randomly."
He looked at you with hesitant eyes. He didn't believe you. There was something hidden behind your motive to be out here. But like how you didn't press him with what was the problem, he did the same for you.
"Okay," He breathed out. "What flowers did you pick then?"
Aether's breath hitched when you pulled out a bundle of Windwheel Asters and several more flowers that was all too familiar with him.
He stared at the white flowers that combined with your Windwheel Asters, the very flowers that he remembered adorned his sister's hair.
"Aether? Aether are you okay?"
He stared at you with glistening eyes, his heart blossoming with adoration and gratitude. Without even meaning to, you managed to make everything alright.
"Yeah," He smiled at you. "I'm okay."
Aether thought when he stood at the altar, he would have Diluc trying to soothe his nerves as his insecurities slowly sink in his mind. But it didn't happen. Diluc merely stood by him with a relaxed expression, glancing at him every now and then.
"You don't look nervous at all." Diluc remarked.
Aether chuckled. "This is the only decision I fully know I won't regret."
Aether felt like it was his first time seeing you in your wedding dress. His heart was filled with the brim with utmost joy, but what caught his attention was the bouquet of flowers in your hands.
You told him before that you will have roses as your bouquet, but to his surprise, he can see the Windwheel Asters and the white flowers that reminded him of his sister.
His emotions was all over the place. He had no idea how he could look so calm. Somehow he managed to hold himself together until you finally stood before him.
When you stared at him behind the veil, he couldn't take it anymore. You were too perfect. How could he be so blessed with you?
Tears sprung to his eyes when you reached out to take his hands in yours. He retracted one of them to rub his arm across his eyes, wiping away the wetness that streamed to his face.
Why am I crying like a child in my wedding? Stop it!
He couldn't.
He only cried harder when you leaned forward, removed his arm from his eyes, made him look into your vibrant hues, to give a small peck on his lips - "You're okay, Aether."
                 Bennett understood his bad luck more than anyone. He had lived with and through it his entire life he graced the surface of the earth. It was almost pitiful to see the boy smiling ever so brightly as misfortune after misfortune comes hurtling his way, but to him? It was an everyday and normal occurrence, nothing he hasn't seen or experienced before. His spirits has never let their roaring flame vanish, however, and if it had not been for his bad luck, everyone would have been drawn to his warm, welcoming, affable, and cheerful soul.
                                 But just because he was used to the constant array of debacle thrown his way, doesn't mean there were never days where he won't be upset over everything it brought to his life, and others as well, and wonder how long it will take until his unluckiness will lead him back to the very situation he was rescued from when he was a mere baby.
          He forgot how long it was when he had experienced something good, miraculously so. The only time he can recall being so was when he encountered the Honorary Knight, convened with them as a temporary adventure team, and found a treasure chest containing items he has only dreamed of in his sleep deep within a domain. However, that was many moons ago, and nothing has ever compared to it ever since. The moment he departed from the Honorary Knight, his bad luck came instantly to bite him.
                 It was far too long ago. Sometimes, Bennett wondered if that would be the only good thing that can happen to him in his lifetime, and thank the Archons he was wrong because the very worst day that came upon him is a day he will never exchange for another - the day he met you. When it was raining, thunder in the distance, lightning striking trees and soil, his bruised and bleeding form hardly covered under a small and flimsy tent, you graced him with your presence, and an umbrella which you used to cover both of you.
                                    He had never stopped admiring you ever since. His eyes always followed you, wide and shining. He remembered the warmth in his chest and the redness tinting his cheeks when you brought him to your abode and treated his wounds with care gentler than the Deaconess. When he told you what happened to him, he anticipated to he shoved out of the house immediately and have your front door slammed on his face, but you did not. When he warned you about his curse, telling you how you will be affected when you spend a little too much time with him, the look of fright did not cross your visage and you even insisted that he not leave your house until you were sure he was capable of moving without pain, even if you had instantly been affected by his unluckiness (you pricked your finger quite badly when you were stitching a deep wound of his. He always felt guilty for that and has not stopped offering his apologies whenever it pricks the corner of his mind).
                   Other than the team of adventurers who had saved him from peril when he was a baby, it was difficult to find someone who will stay with him, through bad times and more of it. One cannot simply imagine and comprehend the confusion and happiness that seized him when he found out you were spending more and more time with him, not out pity but because you enjoy his company (which was weird, but he'll take it).
                              You possessed no Vision, but Bennett never saw you in an inferior light. In fact, it impressed him how you can hold yourself without the aid of any power. Enemies took a little longer to eradicate but ultimately, you were always successful. He held you in high regard, and very much like a certain blond traveler, the poor boy thought it was merely friendship and respect he felt towards you. After all, wouldn't a friend accompany him in his adventures no matter what disappointing or gratifying the outcome is? Wouldn't a friend prepare meals for him before he goes off on a solo expedition? Wouldn't a friend stay up late up waiting for him to return after? Wouldn't a friend welcome him by the entrance of Mondstadt upon his arrival? Wouldn't a friend give him butterflies in his stomach? Wouldn't a friend make his heart pound in a way
                  It had taken the Traveler and his floating companion for Bennett to learn about how exactly he was feeling for you.
           He liked you, and not in the way he liked the traveler or Razor - he liked liked you.
                               When he realized about his feelings, Bennett nearly short circuit every time you go near him. His face flush a rich color of vermillion, his confident posture stripped down to a coy and uncertain stance, his eyes darted and never meeting yours for too long, a sheepish smile painted over his brims - Bennett had never felt this way before. It was foreign to him - liking someone - and it was worse for him because you were his one of his few friends (you, Razor, the Traveler and their floating friend), and having you withdraw from him if you ever learned his feelings frightened him more than any Ruin Guard could.
    He didn't bother entertaining the idea of you returning his feelings. With his bad luck, it was bound to end in a rejection, and he didn't believe he had the heart to accept the hurt that would come.
                 Bennett tried to keep his feeling a secret, he really, genuinely, did. He locked his feelings for you in a box and stowed away somewhere behind his mind. But it didn't take you too long to catch on. Bennett's theatrics wasn't as impenetrable as he originally thought because there was no other reason for you to corner him in a street in Mondstadt after he tried to avoid crossing paths with you, and admit your feelings to him.
                                  "( Your Name )," Stuttered Bennett, eyes darting to the side to avoid your eyes as he pressed his back against the wall behind him. You gazed at him, a tint of red over your cheek.
                 Archon, how are you so adorable?
                   "Uh, hi," He greeted meekly, as he rubbed the back of his head. "I-I was just about to leave for an adventure - "
                               "Bennett," You spoke, and he froze at the tone of your voice.
                   He looked at you properly, gulping. Shy eyes, shy smile, shy, shy, shy - and yet somehow, Bennett thought the worse - that you found out about his feelings and was about to turn him down.
          He almost got down on his knees and press his hands together in a praying position, head bowed, and beg to keep your friendship. It didn't matter if you did not share his feelings. You were more important than his stupid feelings. He can deal with the hurt of rejection that will soon to come, but losing you completely? Can he even come to terms with that?
                                But before he can do such humiliating display, you leaned in and pressed a kiss on his cheek,
                  It was almost too good to be true, and with someone like him, Bennett had to take a moment to comprehend what has happened. His feelings were reciprocated, opposite of what should have been considering his dilemma. How can this be? He was sure your friendship would be put to an end when you learn about what he felt for you. How did you even know that he liked you? Has he been too obvious? Surely not (he was). Perhaps you were merely toying with him, discovering his feelings and choosing to use it as a way to alleviate your boredom -
                                           Horror struck him when he processed the message behind his doubt. How could he think so little of you? Someone as sweet and kind as you would be repulsed by the intention of the actions he thought you were presenting to him. Prideful as this may sound, Bennett believed he knew you enough to know you were sincere in everything you do.
            But even if both your feelings are revealed to be mutual, the two of you agreed to wait until a certain age before forming a romantic relationship. The two of you are young and there are a lot more the world can offer outside Mondstadt. There are countless of opportunities to grow and be mature, to be able to have a set of qualities to take of one another.
                            But that didn't mean the two of you easily managed to hold back showcasing your favor for the other. Bennett will always find himself exchanging secret glances and smile with you whenever a third party joins in on your adventure. He would stick by your side in situations he think could potentially lead you to a major injury. He will attempt (and fail, unfortunately) to whip you up with something delicious when he has free time. And you did the same to him.
                  With you, there was never a time where his heart wasn't beating against his chest. He can't stop himself from bounding recklessly through his adventures whenever you accompany him, although he will still keep a close eye on you just in case something bad happens to you (but it's always him who ends up injured).
                                              But what he liked the most are the kisses the two of you share. Short, chaste, and shy - whether it be behind closed doors, when others are looking away, or when the two of you set of on an adventure.
            Bennett would lay in his bed with a smile on his face, his thundering heart preventing him from sleeping. He'll often find himself burying his face against his pillow, grinning from ear to ear.
                         This smile was different. This wasn't smile that he usually wore, the kind of smile that persevered through hardship after another. No, it was the sort of smile that was too carefree and too full of utmost joy, no worries or doubts in his heart. Everyday he always woke up to the excitement of adventure, but now, the excitement of it and seeing you once again always had him brimming with the want for the night to be over with so he can chase after his dreams with you. Chasing his dreams with you, what a life.
      His world is full of a bad luck, but he thanked the Archons for giving him someone he can depend on in the troubling waters he always he seem to drown in.
Bennett, embarrassing it may sound, often laid on his bed imagining about marrying you.
He can see himself making a fool out of himself when he gets down on one knee and propose to you. It'll be set in the most beautiful place he discovered in one of his adventure, somewhere quiet. Like maybe on top of a mountain overseeing a vast field.
Because of his bad luck, he'll try to prepare for every outcome. To be very sure everything will be saved, he made sure he created a plan B for his plan A, a plan C for his plan B, and so on, and so forth.
He can imagine himself fumbling over his words, blushing a bright red was made prominent because of his white hair, holding a bunch of hand picked flowers a little too tightly, sweat pouring from his face, his suit and hair a little ruffled -
If you say yes (spoiler alert, you will), he will most probably go haywire with shock and happiness, causing him to drop the ring down the mountain, and the two of you will spend quite some time looking for it. But in the end, you two will find it somewhere deep underground or deep underwater (to which you will ask help to retrieve) (Bennett offered to go down to get the ring but you can’t take any chances) and then you can start planning the wedding.
If Bennett had backup plans for his proposal, then expect there'll be much more backups with your wedding. He needed this day to be perfect for you, and his bad luck won't stop him from providing it for you. Even if he had to fight through horde after horde of Hilichurls (please stop him when he does, he definitely will do that for you), making you happy is his top priority.
Bennett will be extremely anxious the day before the wedding. He'll be pacing around his room, and has half a mind of running over to your place and spending the night there to reassure himself that you still want to marry him, and that you’re absolutely sure you want to spend the rest of your life with him. It will be Razor - who the Traveler spent hours teaching the basic information of the role of Best Man to - who will calm his nerves. He’ll stop Bennett from reaching your house and carry him back to his own, and giving him a lecture (he did his best) like the best man he was.
Was he having second thoughts on marrying you? No way! He will just be nervous about how the wedding will go. With his bad luck, something horrible is bound to happen.
At the day of the wedding, Bennett can imagine himself constantly seeking reassurance from his best man.
"What if I mess up?" Questions Bennett to Razor, anxious hands fiddling with his tie.
"Messing up is . . . normal." Razor will reassure him, but Bennett will shake his head.
“But it's me. When I mess up, it's always . . . catastrophic . . . ”
Bennett hoped that at least for his wedding way, everything will go smoothly. A perfect day, for you and for him. He won't embarrass you or himself. He won't forget the rings, he won't have his clothes tucked inside out, he will not spill any food or drinks on himself or on his guests, there will be no random Hilichurl attacks - none of that.
He really hoped for the Archons to spare him from his bad luck. 
He will be able to stand by the altar with confidence and a smile, waiting for you to walk down the aisle.
As Bennett is consumed with his thoughts, his eyes drew to the small table at the side of his bed and caught sight of the picture of the two of you perched on the surface. It was a picture you took with a kamera after one of his adventures. The two of you smiling happily as he showcased the loot of vegetables and wheat he gathered in numerous luxurious chests. It was good day, that picture was. He found more resources than usual. Of course, he learned from the Traveler that most of the chest they found contained treasures but hey, vegetables are better than nothing, right?
Bennett stared at your smiling face and can feel the heat creep on his cheeks as he imagined you in a pretty, white wedding dress, smiling at him so shyly and cute - oh, Archons, help him. May them have mercy on him. Of course, you always looked pretty to him - so, so pretty - but in your wedding day? Archons, he doesn't know if he can take that. It'll be too much for his big heart.
He can only imagine how your wedding will play out, but there is one thing he was sure of and that is that he will burst into tears once he laid his eyes upon you - and not the soft cry most men do in their wedding, oh, not at all like that. His heart is too big with too much love for you, and too soft to control his emotions properly.
Bennett will cry (bawl, actually), his tears of joy coming in streams, and it was loud enough for strangers to think he was grieving over a deceased loved one. He was hiccupping and sobbing, will probably be holding on to his vest tightly as if his entire lifeline depended on the pressure of how he crumpled the fabric. He hoped that in that time, Razor or the Traveler will lend him a hand and calm him down before he can ruin his own wedding.
Bennett, as he happily imagined that fateful day to come in the future (spoilers again, it will) did not feel a tear slip from the corner of his eye as he drifted off to a pleasant slumber with a beaming smile.
The boy absolutely adores you.
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(not in any particular order)
disclaimer: I just started watching kdramas seriously this 2020. This is highly personal.
These dramas are the best, for me at least, and the ones that made me feel the most. 👌🏻
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* Crash Landing On You 🏔
- This has been my black whole for kdramas-I went in and I never came back. This drama made me fall in love with kdramas.
- It is funny, romantic and heartwarming at the same time. It showed that sometimes strangers can be more home than your family.
- I loved the second couple just as much as the main.
- This helped me a lot through this year, I went through a hardcore ‘separation anxiety’ when it ended.
Feels like: a sunny day under a tree surrounded by flowers in full bloom 🌸🌺
Romance: so strong that it can light up the whole of North Korea (not my words)
Strengths: actor’s chemistry
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* The Tale of the Nine Tailed 🦊
- I don’t watch horror films AT ALL but the fact that I enjoyed this and loved it says a lot about how good this is.
- The magical character made it feel like I was reading a fantasy novel
- Family
- I loved some characters more than others and I wished some endings didn’t end the way they did BUT I understood.
Feels like: a hot bowl of soup on a rainy day
Romance: electric
Strengths: the BROTHERHOOD
Rewatch? : yes
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* Extraordinary You 🌺
- the cutest but also mind-blowingly good
- Almost all characters are amiable. They are young but incredibly capable.
- It is like watching anime human version
- Will make you miss your youth (given that I am the same age as the actors)
Feels like: having butterflies in the stomach
Romance: the best of young love
Strengths: unique plot
Rewatch? : definitely!
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* The King: Eternal Monarch 👑
- I watched this while it was airing and I very much enjoyed all the theories here on tumblr just as much as the drama itself
- Doppelgänger to a whole other level
- Thought provoking
- Strong independent individuals
- I loved this drama deeply and who wouldn’t fall in love with the male lead who is smart, decisive and loyal.
- The love line was mature without any misunderstanding.
- It will make you cry
- The ending was not perfect but it tied up mostly everything in the end. I wanted to see more of this world.
Feels like: reading a love poem
Romance: literal star-crossed lovers
Strengths: cinematography
Rewatch? : YES
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* Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo 🏋️‍♀️
- okay, right now you just want a break from kdrama mind games. You just want a cute rom-com. This is the drama for you!
- This is relatable in the sense that you are not even an athlete but you think you know what it feels like
- Tremendously raw at times
- Light but with weight
Feels like: falling in love
Romance: adorable 😍
Strengths: friends that are family
Rewatch? : the type that you can watch over and over again
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* While You Were Sleeping 🌸
- dreamy and also “what a visual cast.”
- The first episode is an entire movie
- It is smart
- Will make you care for people you don’t even know
- One of my fave endings
Feels like: a beautiful daydream
Romance: love in it’s purest form
Strengths: OST
Rewatch? : done
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* It’s Okay Not To Be Okay 👠
- As you may have guessed from the title, it’s about mental health
- humanly tender
- It shows how the toughest battles are in your head
- This will make you bawl your eyes out
- Not for the weak at heart
- Strong female lead
- Found family
- You will need a huggg after this
Feels like: sleeping in the softest silk
Romance: chemistry across all boards
Strengths: Fashion
Rewatch? : maybe? Just because it hurts (albeit the best way) and also because I already did
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* Itaewon Class 🌙
- This is something you can recommend anybody
- About life-it’s best and worst moments
- makes you wanna get your life together
- Also, it makes you want to wrap these people in comfy blankets and give them hot milk
Feels like: WINNING
Romance: it will grow on you
Strengths: acting was superb and OST!
Rewatch? : DONE
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* Goblin ⚔️
- How can we make a list of kdramas without this main meal? Everyone loved this and I must say, rightfully so.
- Dynamic duo bromance
- Second lead couple was everything
- Noteworthy
Feels like: experiencing the first snow fall
Romance: will also grow on you
Strengths: everything about this was iconic
Rewatch? : highly likely
These are highly mainstream dramas because I’m a basic b*tch but also since I’ve been reading everybody’s lists before watching (mostly). And if your fave is not in the list, it’s likely that I have not watched it so hit me up 👇🏻. I have TONS still to watch so don’t come at me.
All my Love. 💋
P.S. Yet to watch: Scarlet Heart, Hotel De Luna, Reply Series, etc. ✌🏻
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logo-comics · 3 years
Fortune Lovers Inverted Personalities DLC
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Mary weren't so demure and self-sacrificing? If Sophia were a social butterfly? If Geordo were less... like himself? Have we got the DLC for you!
Join Maria Campbell as she navigates the the Sorcier Academy of Magic! But this is not the Maria you know, nor is this the Academy you're familiar with.
Maria, having grown up an outcast and ridiculed and despised by her fellow commoners, dreams of becoming the greatest Light Magic wielder of all time, with political allies to help her forge herself into someone that those who mocked her would fear the return of!
Joining her in this tale are the main cast as you've never seen them before!
Prince Geordo: The Soft-Hearted Prince - I do hope that you don't have any troubles during your time at this Academy. If you do, my fiancee and I would be more than happy to ensure you feel safe. A brilliant mind and an understanding of the political situation of Sorcier, he is a bit of a pushover, reliant on his fiancee to ensure that he doesn't get forced into things that he doesn't want to do. A rather simple pawn, if you so desire.
Prince Alan: The Good-Humored Prince - Hey, congratulations on getting the second-highest score, Miss Campbell! You earned it! A musical prodigy with a love of life in general and deeply emotionally invested in his relationship with those he cares about, he tends to let his heart lead more than his head. Handy, in that he is exceedingly loyal to whoever gains his loyalty.
Keith Claes: The Flustered Nobleman - Oh my! I am terribly sorry, Miss, I don't mean to be so forward, but you seemed to have dropped your handkerchief and I wished to return it to you so that you would no longer be without it and... A hopeless romantic at heart, this heir to the most influential politically neutral nobleman of Sorcier has some difficulties talking to those he finds attractive, something that ironically increases his appeal to many of the student body. A potentially useful piece to have on the board.
Sophia Ascart: The Beloved Storyteller - "Oh, would that I could still be Emma, be ever the merchant's daughter you knew, Sophia!" the Princess wept, "For I hold you first and foremost in my heart!" Capable of reciting entire books from memory, she quickly became popular in her youth for the powerful performance she gave to her readings, enthralling all those who hear her. There is no benefit, save her company, in the grand scheme of things, but that can be enough for some.
Sirius Dieke: The Ill-Tempered Student Council President - As a member of my student council, you are supposed to set an example. If you break the rules, I will personally make your life a living hell. A short fuse is what defines this strict proponent of order and discipline. Theoretically, he means well. **SPOILERS FOR THE MAIN GAME** Raphael is much more bitter in this setting and managed to essentially kill the spirit of the Dark Mage's ghost through sheer anger, albeit at the cost of the original revenge plan.
And, naturally there are the rivals to consider as well!
Nicol Ascart: The Exuberant Dandy - I hope that we can become good friends during our time at the Academy! I think you'd love to meet my sister! Son of the Prime Minister, he is quite the cheerful, handsome fellow, whose personality belies a great intelligence. A clever mind with somewhat unconventional thought processes, he could be useful.
Mary Hunt: The Bold Noblewoman - Pardon me, Miss Campbell, but I simply must kiss my fiancee. He is always at his most attractive when he really gets into his composing... Daring, affectionate, possessive yet somehow still managing to be polite about it. Daughter of a Marquis, she will not give up her fiancee without a fight if you try it.
And, of course, what game of Fortune Lover would be complete without:
Katarina Claes: The Compassionate Villainess - If I am cast as a villainess by my appearance and mannerisms, I will use this image to help others! A young woman with the heart of a saint, but the appearance and habits of a demon in human form, she has turned intimidation into an artform, forcing other nobles to help fund charities and stopping attempts at bullying with a glare. A gentle heart and a visible menace, she makes for an interesting contrast, at least. And before you ask, YES! She is romanceable!
Meet the Capture Targets! Win their hearts and minds as Maria plans to rock the world! All of this and more awaits you in Fortune Lover's Fortune's Shadow DLC!
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vina-writes · 3 years
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Ten Favorite Drarry Fic Recs
I’ve reached a bit of a follower milestone, and I thought, why not celebrate? I’m happy! This is an incredible feeling that I honestly can’t fully articulate in writing. Knowing someone enjoyed my work and presence enough that they’d want to be notified if I posted again just makes me squeal and want to hug everyone from joy!! Thank you to anyone who has ever left me kudos, a comment, a tag, a note, an emoji, a tag emoji!! I am endlessly grateful to you all for this support and kindness.
Now, since it’s party time, I’ve compiled a personal list of my ten favorite Drarry fics to share the love. This is by no means a stamp of quality (as there are thousands of brilliant fics out there) and neither is it a guarantee that these are everyone’s cup of tea. But they are certainly my cup of tea— my whole buffet honestly.
I chose fics that made me feel deeply. Fics that made me cry, laugh, throw my phone, squeal and wiggle and dance at the end. These (mostly) weren’t fics which answered deep philosophical questions. They were fics which instead showed me love and adventure, joys and betrayals, misunderstandings and occasionally unbelievable (but appreciated) levels of smut (you know who you are). These are stories I read to be entertained, entranced, delighted, and happy. These are stories that made me feel in love.
In honor of that (and of my Canva addiction) I’ve made little banners for each. I hope they do some justice to these works. I’ve tried to capture the feeling of each fic in just one image. Without further ado, read on to find out exactly what my guilty pleasure (as if Drarry isn’t enough) is:
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The Songbirds of Avebury Manor by Tessa Crowley [E, 18k] 
Summary: Harry Potter presents as alpha at fifteen, and it is supposed to change his life for the better. Instead, it leads him to a beautiful noble omega he cannot have, a political plot he cannot escape, and a threat on his life.
This story. Oh my stars, this story. What can I even say to properly express how I feel about it? This is the Romeo and Juliet, the Pride and Prejudice, the Hades and Persephone of Drarry. Reading this made me feel like an unwedded Victorian lass waiting for her Prince Charming. It’s a wonderful Historical AU that throws around power dynamics and questions of who is worthy of love, freedom, and respect despite them. This is a brilliant portrait of deep romantic love. Harry’s dedication to Draco is all-encompassing, beautiful, intense, intimate— earth shattering, really. The way they fall in love despite class and situation made me want to cry and write poetry. This is a true fairytale romance.
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The Pirate and the Prince by @nerdherderette​, maniacani [E, 49k]
Summary: Draco can't believe that fate and circumstance have made him a stowaway on the Master of Death's ship. He doesn't know what's worse: the dread pirate's legendary vendetta against the aristocracy, or the fact that his captor is the most infuriating yet irrefutably fascinating man Draco has ever met.
The moment I started this story I knew it was going to be an instant favorite. It’s swashbuckling, debonair yet disheveled, dangerous, fun, adventurous— everything you could desire from a romance on the high seas! Though they come from very different backgrounds, this Draco and Harry are a power couple to the core. Their romance is once again beautiful, intense, and dedicated, but this time it’s mixed with a healthy dose of self-exploration and mutual acceptance. But apart from romance this fic holds delicious secrecy and identity issues, an astounding knowledge of sailing ships, plenty of piratey shenanigans, some heart-wrenching found family dynamics, a cursing parrot, and a glorious angst with a happy ending finale! 
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Soup-pocalypse and the Great Curry Cataclysm by SquadOfCats [E, 104k]
Summary: Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
What can I say about Soup-pocalypse? It will lure you in with tales of Veelas and romance, and then it will kidnap you and throw you in cooking class and therapy. You’ll come out wondering what just happened and how two days have passed. There will, of course, be Veelas and romance aplenty, but it will be a caring romance, a familial romance, a supportive and kind and nurturing romance. This story feels like family, good cooking, sunny days, the deep heartbreak of change, and through all of it, the truth of a real and solid partnership. This is the humorous yet angst-ridden tale of two idiots learning to love as adults, and then in turn learning to face the world together.
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you’ve got the antidote for me by Kandakickass [M, 20k]
Summary: When Harry Potter unintentionally severs their soulbond before it can fully form, Draco Malfoy resigns himself to a slow death and decides not to burden Harry with a soulmate he's made it very clear he doesn't want.
He's never been selfless before, but for Harry, he can try.
Right then. On to the angstiest story I’ve ever read and truly enjoyed. Not just enjoyed, adored! Worshipped! Come back to time and again whenever I needed a good cry! Here is the beauty of it: this fic is deeply painful and heartbreaking, yet it steers clear of emotions like disgust and discomfort. Never once was it disturbing— only sorrowful, in the purest and most heart-wrenching way. Yet despite the pain strung throughout the majority of it, this fic left me feeling relieved and rejuvenated, the way one feels after crying their heart out over something simple. It’s an emotional release that does not leave you broken.
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On the Last Day of Our World by Sansa [E, 84k]
Summary: During a detention, Harry and Draco get locked in a strange room together overnight. When they escape the next morning, they discover they are alone. Love, angst and adventure abound as they struggle to survive in an empty world.
Truly one of my favorite takes on canon divergence. Truly. This is an exploration of isolation and the joys and comforts that come with it. It is the power couple Drarry to rule them all— a Draco and Harry so strongly connected, in love, and attuned to one another that the world could fall at their feet. This story leaves you on the edge of your seat until the very bitter end— one of those where the second things are briefly peaceful the world goes up in a new set of flames. Those of you who daydream about a partnership that needs no others, two souls who are each other’s family, friend, and future, and would gladly abandon everything to spend eternity alone together: this is for you.
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The Arc of the Pendulum by brummel [E, 30k]
Summary: After his father casts a mysterious curse on Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy is forced to try to make things right.
Yes. YES. YES!!! The Beauty and the Beast take you didn’t know you needed! Still canon-compliant to an extent, this is realistic and raw and incredible. Draco makes the choice to help Harry here, and the vulnerability of their interactions while Harry struggles with the curse is everything you could hope it to be. There’s a distinct fairytale atmosphere in this fic— both of them confined together, finding support and comfort in one another while struggling through the effects of the curse, and falling in love along the way. I could write sonnets about the ending using my tears for ink, but they shan’t be revealed here.
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Picking Up Pieces by Tessa Crowley [E, 43k]
Summary of Part One: Fifteen years after the War, Draco is a social recluse and award winning author. Harry is an auror who works too hard, ensuring his old war wounds never heal. They meet at a masque ball, unaware of each other's identities. In another situation, it would have been love at first sight. But for them, it would never be so simple.
Picking Up Pieces deserves no introduction, but if you haven’t read it yet, please find a blanket, and cup of tea, and a quiet place to read, cry, and recover. I sobbed my little heart out through the entire second half— the tears were really never ending. How does it end up on a reclist by a fluff lover like me? The answer is similar to Antidote— though this story broke me apart, it was never twisted nor ugly, never disturbing. It was an incredibly touching tale of redemption, forgiveness, human nature, and recompense. The writing does put you through the emotional wringer, but it leaves you relieved and whole. I would lay down my life for this Draco. He truly needs to be protected and loved at all costs. Even though I’m usually careful when recommending heavy stories, I would encourage everyone to read this— it made me feel new, it made me feel like I’d spent an hour crying in the shower, but most of all, it really did make me happy.
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Two Trees by LakeWitch [E, 36k]
Summary (shortened): In his Eighth year at Hogwarts, part of Draco Malfoy's probation is to see a Mind Healer once a week. Another part, unfortunately, is having to take Muggle Studies.
It wouldn't be so bad, really, if it weren't for the mandatory outing—a 'field trip'—booked at a Muggle lakeside retreat for the better part of five days. [...] Draco is determined to get it all over with as painlessly as possible. He'll keep his head down, and stay out of everyone's way. That is, until Pansy tells him—at the very last moment—that she's schemed to have Draco stay in the same room with Potter for the whole trip.
Just the two of them... in one room.
This is the comfort fic of all comfort fics. It feels like camping, like sitting by a lake in the sun, like marshmallows over a fire and sparks against a starry sky, and cool, feather-soft hotel sheets. Draco is dealing with several different anxieties here, but the brilliant setting and easy plot turn them into a cathartic read. This is a fic about young love and the ability to build bonds on trips. It made me remember my first crushes and the feeling of getting breakfast in a hotel lobby. There’s cuddling, there’s love, there’s some highly emo Draco (both warranted and unwarranted), and there’s a truckload of nature. Go read it!
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Your Place Or Mine? by @l0vegl0wsinthedark​ [E, 26k]
Summary: "This person is so much harder to hate. And I’m supposed to hate Malfoy. How the fuck else am I supposed to limit this to just sex?" 
At first I was like, “Damn, Harry,” but then I was all, “Damn Harry!” but then I went, “DAMN Harry!” (interspersed with a lot of whistling and cursing). I could have slapped him, and you will want to. This is another Draco that deserves endless love and hot chocolate, with a Harry that deserves a good smack. I think about this fic weekly, and not just because it’s endlessly hot— although it is scorching hot, like how do you even write something that hot type of hot. Draco’s pining and Harry’s stupidity makes for the angstiest yet most satisfying friends-with-benefits-but-really-there’s-more combination, and the climax (pun intended) and resulting spill of emotions is everything anyone could hope for. Ten out of ten.
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The Courting by the Pureblood Who Only Has Five Milligrams of Romantic Intelligence and Thinks He’s Real Smooth by @cibeewastaken​ [T, 19k]
Summary (shortened): Draco could grab Potter and shove him into a stall before proceeding to suck his soul out of his dick, but secretly, deep down, in the part of Draco that he will never admit to anyone, he is (everyone pauses to shudder) a romantic. Potter is not someone Draco wants a one-off with. Potter is — Draco’s beloved!
So Draco decides to boldly go where no one has gone before: to put himself through scrutiny; their friends’ teasing and pranks; unsound romantic advice from a house-elf; wearing pretty clothes; all to try and win Potter’s heart through courtship...
This thing of beauty is exactly as hilarious as it sounds. However, it is so much more than the endless laughs (although there are many). It is sweet, tender, touching, and filled with glorious pining and misunderstandings. Inside you’ll find extravagant (the word was literally invented for Cibee’s Draco) outfits, confusing customs, a blanket that brought me to tears, one badass house-elf, one very confused beloved, absolutely no fornication (wink), and one hopelessly smitten pureblood. Be warned, this fic is actually three “What the fuck, Draco?”s in a trenchcoat. I read it when I want to laugh, facepalm, and submerge myself in the adorable stupidity that is Draco Malfoy in love. It is well worth your time and is sure to bring a smile to your face.
With this final fic we conclude my list on a happy note! It’s long, it’s tedious, and I had a spanking good time writing it. I hope these bring some joy or happy tears to your day.
Love, Vina 
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Hey Meg remember in obey me they did that play in one of the lessons. (you know the one where there's princess Diablo)
if they get to do an other play, what would the Bro's recommend doing?
I actually just got to that lesson! It's also funny that you ask this. Back in high school I would go to the local play competition with my school (never won, but I did get to direct one year). I am also in love with plays... even more than musicals. I think they are way more immersive than a musical or movie could ever be.
I picked most of these off the top of my head, or by looking through plays that other schools in my area did for the competition. I can't say that I have seen them all but the summaries sounded pretty good.
Well... that's enough of my ramblings so let's go!
Warnings: Asmo's mentions NSFW stuff
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The Plays Each of the Brothers Would Pick
💙 Lucifer -
Hamlet by Shakespeare
Summary: A tragedy with ghosts, death, betrayal, and sword fights!
People have often called this one of the best plays. Of course he would pick this!
Also it is serious, has a good amount of drama, eloquent. It matches him perfectly.
He definitely wants to be Hamlet and have Diavolo be his uncle.
💛 Mammon -
A Tale of Two Spectators by Peter Manos
Summary: Two people watching their spouses have affairs together and they fall in love.
There are only 2 people in the cast. Guess who it would be?
Him and MC.
He wants his time to shine with them.
🧡 Leviathan -
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Rober Louis Stevenson
Summary: A man drinks a potion that splits his personality into good and evil and they share the same body.
He wany to be Dr. Jekyll.
He likes the dichotomy of good and evil. It reminds him of himself when he plays games vs. When he is shy.
(I could also see him doing some cyberpunk or anime rendition of a classic play like Romeo and Juliet)
💚 Satan -
An Evening with Edgar Allan Poe by Robert Mason
Summary: A retelling of 5 of Egar Allen Poe's best works. (Telltale heart, cask of amontiallado, etc.)
He likes classic literature, what can he say.
Also, Poe's literature can let his suppressed rage through in insanity! :D
(Could also see him picking one of Shakespeare's comedies to piss off Lucifer)
💖 Asmodeus -
Orlando by Sarah Ruhl
Summary: A young boy begins a 5 century journey where they discover themselves.
Orlando is quite promiscuous... so it matches with Asmo!
There are also a lot of elaborate costume changes which he would love.
And MC can be one of his many lovers ;)
❤ Beelzebub -
The Girl Who Swallowed a Cactus by Eric Coble
Summary: A girl and her friends find themselves in a desert and use their imagination to talk about how people affect the environment.
He liked the title because he has had that problem before.
But once he actually reads it, he like the adventure that the main characters have.
💜 Belphegor -
A Midsummer's Night Dream by Shakespeare
Summary: A fairy dabbles in fixing human affairs and mixes up two pairs of lovers.
He picked this play for 2 reasons and 2 reasons only.
As one of the lovers he can sleep for half of the play next to MC.
Lucifer said it was the stupidest play he has ever read.
Doesn't care which pair of lovers he is, he just thinks Asmo should be the ass.
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dangermousie · 3 years
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So, episode 2.
I think I am peacing out (watch me watch it next week! :P)
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this drama in terms of writing, directing or acting. What it is, is a mismatch between what I wanted and what this is.
Because of the manhwa, I wanted a dark, intense, more gender bent than a pretzel story between a girl pretending to be a male king and her bodyguard who used to pretend to be her maid. What I am getting is not that.
I wanted something with a darker vibe. Sort of like The Crowned Clown but with more romance. This is a lovely fairy tale but I wanted intensity/angst potential of My Country/The Crowned Clown/The Princess’ Man/Chuno, hell even Moon Lovers and this is a perfectly adequate youth sageuk instead.
My expectations are my own fault - the changes to the story were hardly secret (though I didn’t read up on them, they weren’t hidden) and the cast does not really scream dark sageuk either. I mean, I adore Rowoon but he’s not Yeo Jin Goo who’s done a ton of those before he hit puberty let alone Jang Hyuk or Lee Jun Ki or Park Shi Hoo (who is a scumbag of a human being but had ample chops.) But it is what it is, and I want what I want. 
This said, removing all the genderbent aspects is fine (though I long for SKKS where it was a lengthy and angsty as hell arc) and removing a decent chunk of angst is also fine even as I scream at it but why remove both? Why even bother to adapt this particular manhwa then?
Oh well, let’s hope Red Cuff of the Sleeve hits the spot better for me. There hasn’t been a sageuk that really hit the spot for me since My Country in 2019 and that’s a tragedy.
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