#mind had started associating it w him. LMFAO
spacelesscowboy · 10 months
just realized the only way i would want to meet a celebrity/famous person i liked was in an interview setting. whether that’s them interviewing me or me interviewing them. that sounds way more fun than running into like. gerard way in westwood and asking them for an autograph.
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green-alien-turdz · 6 months
started autistically vibrating the second i read your answer lmfao. i was thinking cartman or tweek myself tbh, those bitches are both just PRIMED for it imo. i tend to lean towards a lot of abduction experiences being some kind of extreme reaction to other earthly trauma, but that really doesnt seem to fit every account so idk what the fuck is going on. god though dude *puts on homemade MUFON lanyard* i am SO SO SO CURIOUS to hear about your/your fam's weird experiences if you ever wanna share, i saw some questionable shit when i briefly lived out in Ohio myself. gone back and forth on the legitimacy of it all over the years, one of those things that's like, the more you research the less you Know.
Okay bro, I gotchu. I NEVER get to talk about this shit so imma fuckin go wild
Ight, so legit everybody in my mfin family got some shit to say- I tried to pry my brother's experiences outta him, but he is dogshit about answerin questions. Just know that he got some stories from when he would go campin n shit (even though he has funny ass stories from when he was outta his mind fucked up, there's still a lotta sober experiences he's got too)
1st, my dad: his stories are kinda vague too bcuz we don't talk, but from what he has told me in the past, he has 2 moments in his life he was certain was alien activity. Both of these take place in Texas (but when he was still livin in Ohio, he did say he'd seen some weird shit). The first is when he was movin to Oregon, n he was drivin late at night through Texas. Not a soul on the mfin road n he's in buttfuck nowhere. He said that there was this huge fuckin flash of light from above n his truck completely shut off. Like, the mf was still rollin at the same speed, but nothin it was like the car itself just kinda switched off (no engine, no lights, no music, nothin). He's tryin to start it up over n over, not really sure what the hell was goin on- so he's tryna pop the clutch seein as he was still movin. But this shit would NOT turn the fuck over. Until after he was gonna give up, slowly brake n just pull off to the side, but before he even attempted, the truck starts up again n continues on like nothin even happened.
His second experience I don't remember as well, so sorry about that. If I fuckin recall my dad n his band were just finishin up a show n were just chillin behind the bar smokin. One mf points out that there's this weird fuckin plane over some buildings on the horizon. Like, it just wasn't movin right? He said it seemed to be movin in a really slow zig zag pattern (but it wasn't like a drone, this this was way too big n it was the mid-90s). They kinda brush it off bcuz it's late as hell n they're all pretty shitfaced. But he said that it lasted in that area for about 10 more minutes, just movin back n forth until he looked away for a minute n it was just gone.
He's also told me about how on his late night drives in dead places, he's seen a shit load of random light infront of him shootin into the ground, n this is especially fuckin freaky to me bcuz I got a very similar thing that happened not that long ago. It's explained in my individual experience.
My mom n grandma: My gma might have some more, I feel like she had told me somethin. This one is backed by both my mom n my gma (although my uncle was here too, he just doesn't associate w/ the family so maybe he'd have some input). My gma used to drive from across the whole U.S. ALL the fuckin time when my mom was growin up, like they always had these roadtrips bcuz my gpa was an abusive pos n they'd escape back to my greatgrandparents place. So they're in the more of the desert states (like New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, I just can't remember which). My mom is probably about 10 or so. It's full on daylight, unlike every other story I got, this is the only one where it is broad fuckin daylight out. There's nothin but desert for miles, it's just a long beige stretch. So when my mom saw somethin just hoverin in the sky, it stuck out like a sore thumb. My mom calls it out, which causes everyone in the car to just watch it. My gma doesn't stop drivin, but she slowed down quite a bit, n she says that thing just fuckin sat there. Like, no movement whatsoever. It didn't look all that much like a plane, but they couldn't make out defined details. All they knew is that there is this plane adjacent aircraft just hoverin in the middle of the desert. They'd never seen anythin like it, despite all of them bein raised on military bases n seein a lot of kinds of military aircrafts (which is why this was ruled out). They kept drivin off but my mom said she just watched it through the window as it became smaller n smaller until it got too far away to see- but that shit never moved. It just remained hoverin in that same place.
Ight, Imma get into my experiences now, I got two with people n one that's on my own (that one is long as SHIT).
The first one is with me n my sisters (home in Oregon): This is around 2015-2016. It's the middle of the night in late April. We were chillin bcuz it was one of my sisters bdays n we were just talkin n watchin the stars. Now we live right next to an airport, so there are a shit ton of planes that go over, even late at night- but you can always tell those bcuz of the red lights n they're usually not that high up yet. We were just talkin tryin to find constellations bcuz it was a clear ass night. At some point we see these two lights. They're contained in these circular shadows WELL into the sky, but we could still make out a vessel that the light were on. 4 light on each circle. They're goin up n down the night sky back n forth completely parallel, so it seems like they're together. At first we were losin our shit, not able to explain what we were watchin. After some rational thought, we were like 'mfer we see satellites in the sky all the time, that's probably what these are' bcuz they were fuckin zoomin through the sky. We even see satellites pass over, but we kinda notice that they move n look a LOT different than the lights we were watchin. But every satellite's different yknow? That is until these mfs, the completely parallel movin in tandem lights all of a sudden both separate n go fuckin zoomin away from one another in the opposite direction. No longer up n down, but left n right. And then they're just fuckin GONE. Like, they sped off n never returned to the place they'd been for like 20 or so minutes. (Now I am willin to admit, that very well could be satellites, but it's still weird as fuck).
Here's one with me n my dad: This is around 2019. We were out in Utah, middle of the desert. This time it's probably closer to like 10-11pm. We were kinda just doin our own thing, sittin, thinkin about shit. When outta the fuckin blue, we notice this weird ass aircraft. Like, it low flying, large enough to be a fuckin cargo plane (doesn't look like one though), n movin super slow with a BRIGHT fuckin light slowly phasin in n out, illuminatin the craft. We're both losin our shit watchin this bcuz neither of us know what the fuck we're lookin at. Now this this was low enough that, if it were a plane, we would've heard it. But it was movin at the same speed which planes always appear to be when they're thousands of feet into the sky. But this was maybe 200 or less feet up. It was a really thick, aircraft that was slightly triangular in shape, but still pretty bulky. We couldn't see any engine or shit like that. We are legit fuckin shoutin like mad men, chasin this thing. At some point we try to call over the rest of the family, but we're slowly losin our visual on this thing. Everyone else is tryna look in the sky as my dad n I make a mad dash tryna keep an eye on it as it went behind some structure. But the second we got to a place where it should've been seen on the other side, based on its flight path, this thing was fuckin gone. Like, nowhere in the sky. It was like it was never there. To this day not sure what the fuck we were watchin bcuz we followed it for a good while, just for it to vanish.
Okay, now onto my final encounter (warning, this is a LONG mf bcuz it just happened in January, so it's fresh on my mind): I had decided to drive out to Sauvi island at like 1 am because I really wanted to go out and watch the water. But it was like the foggiest night in existence. It was during that period in January where every night was covered in this thick, heavy fog. I wasn't gonna let that stop me though. Even if I could barely see the road and almost crashed like 5 different times, I was determined. The drive itself was kinda ominous, but shit didn't start gettin weird until I actually reached Sauvi's. The second I reach the island, something just feels off instantly. I mean, no one's on the road of course, it's late, it's foggy. But I mean, it was DEAD. There was an alarming amount of roadkill everywhere (like fresh roadkill), and the entire island reeked of fuckin death, skunk, and mold. So I keep fuckin driving and just get the sense that someone was following me, like on my ass tailing me, but there wasn't any other cars or nothing. But I had the window down and swear I could hear some shit close to me. I'm driving and manage to miss my turn off to the beach. Here's where shit genuinely starts getting weird. Lights. Unexplainable lights ALL over. Now if this was a more populated area, I would assume some of this was street lamps, but the island doesn't really have that many (they have them in front of some buildings, but the roads are lightless). I kept seein "headlights" coming around turns that didn't exist. And when I should've been passing them, there was nothing there and the lights were gone. Okay, weird, but maybe it was my headlights reflection on the fog. Then I see fuckin taillights. I get confused because it looks like a car going up a hill, and I brushed it off before realizing that it was a wide open, flat road, and there was no hill or car in sight. I watched the lights turn into nothing and they were gone. At this point, I'm freaked out, but I'm still finding my way back to the beach. I manage to loop back around to the entrance of Sauvi's so I can take the right turn this time. When I tell you that the smell is worse and I even notice more roadkill. I would've seen any other cars on the road, but there was fuckin no one. And I know damn well that I wasn't the one who hit them. But I brush that off because I'm every white person in a horror movie. Not too long after, I saw the final unexplainable light I'd see that night. There was this small-ish, but abnormally bright light just kinda bobbing up and down infront of this post. I assumed it was some weird reflective thing, but as I approached it, it went up and then shot into the ground- the light completely disappearin into the ground. After I saw this, the feelin of bein chased was at a 100%, like I was stressin. I finally took the right turn, and there's this one fuckin shadow in the fog that I'm TELLING you looked like this tall fucking figure walking about. I legit stopped dead in my tracks to watch it, but this feeling of dread came over me, and I sped off. I finally make it to the beach, but I think I stayed for maybe 5 minutes or less? There was an extremely menacing feeling. Like it was THICK. I couldn't see the water it was so fogged out. I mean, it was beautiful. But it truly felt like I was being watched. There was little to no sound until I heard coyotes fucking EVERYWHERE. Like an insane amount. I head back to the car and they seem to shut up. I absolutely dipped the fuck outta there.
Now it is important to note with Sauvi's that there is maybe a supernatural element into that. Seein as Sauvi's, like most of Oregon n the U.S. was home to Native Americans (Chinook Indians specifically) n as we know, mfs just weren't allowed catch a break (to put things lightly). So there is more than likely some unrest in the energies n life of the island.
But yeah, there's a small collection of experiences in my family. I'd LOVE to hear your shit from Ohio. That place has some strange shit goin on there, like genuinely. Everytime I went to vist my dad's mom, that place just feels like somethins goin on there
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channoticedmeuwu · 1 year
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p — NONE | g — crack, slight fluff, j choi line headcanons | w — mentions of food, overall p bad bc this was just a random headcanon in my mind
a/n — yippie 😋😋 I love these ramens pls and this was a pure shower thought type headcanon lmfaoo 😭 there's no planning 4 this I hope you enjoy
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starting off strong w/ my boy yeonjun 💪💪 look, if any of you haven't tried gekikara ramen, UMMMMMM. it's so good like.
it comes w two seasoning packets, a chili oil &a sugar and sesame seed type packet? I guess that's what makes it slightly sweet as well. you're supposed to combine everything in a bowl and throw the cooked noodles on top and mix, and the whole ramen and it's components reminded me sm of yeonjun 😭 because he's such a sweetheart, kind of like the sugary sesame seasoning, but then the occasional chili oil that slaps you in the face and you're like, “damn. yeonjun is fine asf.”
the overall taste isn't too spicy, there's a balance of everything and it's really delicious. which also reminds me sm when yeonjun performs on stage. he so flawlessly executes the entire choreography, you can tell this guy knows his shit, the way he distributes his energy throughout his entire body and knows how to captivate the audience at the same time ✋✋ jeogiyo noona yeonjun 🫦
shameless promo go try this ramen. (and try yeonjun if u can. ok I'll stop sorry.)
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this one's got a soup base, and it says a lot that soobin is the only one out of these three who gets associated with a soupy ramen.
when you think soupy, you think comfort, you think relaxing, like a warm bowl on a cold day. the flavoring isn't anything that hits you and you're crying and reaching for a cold glass of water, but instead it's like, “wow, I could get used to this.” it's slightly salty, but you won't taste that unless you've boiled the soup down to a certain consistency where the seasoning is concentrated.
the veggies really add to the flavor too— like they have a certain aroma that they bring to the ramen. every clip I've seen of soobin when he's not performing is always something that makes me feel so happy, I'm always smiling at the screen until my mom looks at me like 🤨❓he's got such a cheerful aura to him, where he's super soft and cuddly, despite being like 6'1 ‼️‼️‼️ (😵‍💫😵‍💫)
there's this one clip of him where they're playing the headphone screaming game (LMFAO IDK WHAT ITS CALLED), and the word was “i love you” in korean, and he was so happy when he figured it out that he was screaming “I LOVE YOU? I LOVE YOU !!” like so happily n’ pouty, and I couldn't stop giggling and feeling so nice inside. and that's why I paired him with a soupy ramen 😋😋
try it, it's yummy yum yum
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finally we have buldak. last but OH HO HO (🎅❓) DEFINITELY NOT THE FUCKING LEAST 😭😭 a dipshit. an asswipe. can you see that I love beomgyu.
ironically, buldak is my fav ramen out of these three. my family's banned me from consuming it like thrice (before they conveniently forget ab said ban &the cycle starts again) because it's SO unhealthy for you— and even I agree. me, certified buldak lover. and beomgyu biaser.
it's just so spicy but I've had it sm, I'm used to it so it doesn't burn my bootyhole anymore— and the characteristic of “spicy until you're crying and screaming pain” is so beomgyu. countless clips of this boy where he's annoying the fuck out of everyone, and I want to be like on the side of everyone being annoyed and be like “so true he's so annoying UGH 🙄” but I can't help but giggle because I find it cute.
he's such a little shit, I love watching it on screen. that's also another reason I put out so many cocky!beomgyu fics because I can't get enough of this boy being the biggest, hottest douchebag anyone's ever seen.
and I know it's been like 3 years since blue hour era but I still have NOT gotten over beomgyu mocking yeonjun's line— it was esp hilarious 4 me because I started doing that right before I saw the clip too 😭 so maybe I'm beomgyu coded, who knows.
but anyway, beomgyu, buldak, delicious but painful, don't eat it if you have a weak stomach 🤧🤧
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txt — masterlist
main taglist (hmu to get added!) — @koishua @navyhyuck @allegxdly @daystiny  @kdyism  @neotism  @bluejaem  @radiorenjun  @sleepylixie @oifelixcmerebrou @mrkcore @imdamnconfused  @sicluvz @abhirami20 @tyongishs @emvrd @brxght-world @1921choi @bangchansbae
I’d appreciate if you’d give me a little feedback on the drabble if you read, whether it’s an ask, a reply or in the tags of the rb! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
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lycankeyy · 2 years
Ooooo just to add a thought to your recent gold post, I don’t think Gold’s intense insecurity comes from something in his past, as you mentioned he had a pretty happy childhood and I personally don’t think his mom was neglectful, I think his insecurity started in gsc, with him thinking that he needs to be “special” to fit in with the other dexholders and he thinks he’s weak because he puts them up on an impossibly high pedestal and assumes that because he can’t reach it then he’s not worthy of being associated with them. If that makes sense. Also as a red enthusiast I would love to hear your red thoughts 👀
OUGH YEAH YEAH YEA THAT MAKES SENSE *ROTATES* ig I was inclined to look for where it may have came from in his past bc like I said Silver and Crys both had weird childhoods (technically Gold's was also weird but in a positive way LMAO) and its fun to find things all the characters in a set have in common but honestly that makes more sense and helps the story flow better so true
ALSO about Red. I struggle so much with wording my thoughts on Red he is more of a "putting him in the brain microwave and rotating him" type character than one I tend to have incredibly deep thoughts about for a variety of reasons . One mostly being that despite how often I reread frlg which is like . The Deep Thoughts About Red arc I rarely am able to remember significant chunks of it dissociative disorder moment ANYWAY
One thing thats funny to me about Red is how much of his past is like . Left up to interpretation. It took us a really long time to get more characters with completely unexplained absent families and Red's parents are . SO absent that in the Yellow arc it's revealed he doesn't even have a family name. When people contact him they just address it to "Red". While we know people ""mature faster"" it really doesn't seem commonplace for an 11-14 year old to live in a house Alone even if they're entirely self-sufficient. It's even more wack because the fact that he doesn't have a family is like Addressed but never explained . It's just a fact about him. He doesn't have a biological family.
I think its interesting bc it gives people a lot of room to mess with his character. I've seen a whole spectrum of how people portray Red's Situation and none of them seem particularly unbelievable because we literally Don't Know what happened there. And obviously it makes found family vibes more intense LMAO between Red's complete lack of a family, Green's half-absent-without-explanation one, and . Blue . LMFAO it's really no wonder these guys all end up basically adopting at least One of their juniors at some point. It's funny
Also side note unrelated I really appreciate how I've been seeing more people putting the effort into portraying him as disabled in fanworks recently 😭 as a kid w chronic pain I was always a little annoyed that the gsc arc went the route of the Magical Disability Cure even in spite of subverting the "disabled people can do anything they put their minds to!!!" trope. Seeing people share my headcanon that he still deals with chronic pain even if the Magic Hot Spring Water™️ helps makes me happy because while I understand why things happened the way they did ough . I want disabled rep (if that wasn't obvious from me cursing Green with my migraines /j)
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
LMFAO THE “what a weird ass dream” start has me REELING like oh honey you’re in for a rude awakening (literally)
Ok I paused to type that ^ and was gonna keep commenting in my notes as I went as if I were annotating but then I got too engrossed and forgot LMAOAO but anyways
STOPPPP KARASU??? SHDKSHSJS I will not swerve iwillnotswerve….but gardener Karasu AHHHDGHS it’s just giving more sweetheart humble Karasu I can’t
Ok pause SHSH the way you write Otoya is so?? >>>>>>> like ok I’m back on track now I want this Otoya LMAOAOA he’s like the perfect balance between go with the flow do what I want chill Otoya and deadly assassin ninja Otoya also that deal they made>>>>>> I’m seriously waiting for Y/n to succeed
Hiiragis also such an ass I love it because it also kinda reminds me of him in canon?? But I also never was really partial to him in the manga either so I love seeing him full villain here, also the constant distinction between Y/N being like her own (?) vs associated as. Hiiragi is something I really enjoy!! Idk I just kinda love the set up like we KNOW this mc is gonna be different and a lot more selfish and independent?? Like the constant distinction in identity is so satisfying to read for some reason like it’s refreshing to see y/n not try to reclaim the name
But yeah omg otoya <333 I mean I was already an otoya fan before hollyhock but this just opened my eyes to another Otoya Avenue and I LOVE IT can’t wait for the next installment…(also just out of curiosity how many installments do you think this’ll end up being? Very excited hehe)
Eita nation has been fed thank you for the feast
-Karasu anon
LMAOO i felt like it made sense that she wouldn’t believe what had happened considering she’s prone to nightmares and the entire situation is kinda crazy 😭 like yukimiya secretly betraying her family and otoya almost killing her…i wouldn’t want to believe it either 😔💔
HAHAHA omg well i’m glad you were engrossed in it at least 🤩🙏🏻
DO YOU SEE WHAT I’M SAYING ABT THEM LOWKEY HAVING A MEETCUTE like him waking her up while she’s sleeping on the bench swing in the garden surrounded by trees and flowers is so romance novel shoujo anime coded to me 😩 unfortunately y/n ruins it by being all “i can’t trust you 😐” and “you have a stupid name 😨” and “my half brother and father would kill you if they saw what you’re up to 🫣” LMAOOO poor karasu 😓 i’m excited to write more of their interactions though!!
AHHH YESSS i’ve been doing my best to incorporate his more chill go w the flow canon personality into his role as a ninja who kills whoever he’s told to!! it’s def a balance because if he’s too unserious then it’s almost disingenuous to the story itself but if he’s too proper and grave abt things he doesn’t feel like himself anymore?? idk but omg the deal…i’m so excited to write how it all plays out HAHAHA it’s going to be super fun i think!!
hiiragi is so horrible in this story but considering he was already kind of a douche in canon i don’t think it’s too terrible that i’m writing him like this!! i agree that he’s not one i cared much for in the manga either (he only even appears in epinagi for the most part and he’s antagonizing my man the whole time so we’re automatically enemies for that) so i don’t mind writing him in full villain mode here!! and yeah for y/n the name hiiragi has only ever been used to hurt her so even though she acknowledges that they’re her family and she’ll do her best to look out for them she’s also hyper aware that she’s different and her own person. her relationship to the hiiragi clan will evolve as the story goes on and her character develops and i think it’ll be interesting to watch how much things change from the beginning of the story to the end
HOLLYHOCK OTOYA MY BELOVED 💖💖💖 he and y/n are truly meant for each other…mr “your life is a game to me” and miss “i want you to belong to me” UM?? i almost considered going back and adding the toxic relationships tag but honestly the relationship itself isn’t even that toxic (if you can set aside all the murdering and death threats) it’s just between two very questionable individuals 😭 somehow it makes it much more fun to write than if they were perfect and normal though?? and honestly makes otoya more appealing to me LMAOAOA
hmm i’m not quite sure how many chapters it’s going to be but definitely a lot!! i’d be surprised if it was less than ten although ig it just depends on how long certain things take me to write 🤔 but i def anticipate it being on the longer side HAHA idk if it’ll quite get the opportunity to join the 100k+ club as many of my other fics have but for sure it’s going to be quite a lot…we’re still in the setup phase/prologue arc almost atm?? like these are relatively small-scale conflicts compared to what goes on later in the story so i don’t see it being less than 30-40k words (although again yk how accurate my predictions usually end up being — aka not very 😟)
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n1kolaiz · 3 years
The Six Realms
Okay, so I was pretty close to giving up on writing analyses but I'm back LMFAO plus I see we're close to 100 followers and I just want to thank you guys for being so very supportive <3
Alright, I'm not sure if anyone's ever written about this, but if an analysis like this exists, please do let me know because I'm kind of curious as to what other people think about this, too!
Remember that time Fukuchi spoke about bringing "about the five signs of an angel's death"?
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I read a little bit more about it, and as a minor content warning: this analysis will focus on a few religious aspects (Buddhism + Hinduism). So if I get any of the facts wrong, firstly: I do not mean any disrespect to either religion, and secondly: please do correct me if I interpret anything in the wrong way.
Spoilers for BSD chapter 90 onwards + BEAST!AU under the cut!
So I'll start by talking about the Decay of Angels. As we all know, the members include Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Nikolai Gogol, Sigma, and Bram Stoker, and their leader, Fukuchi Ochi. After Fyodor's arrest, the Decay of Angels came into light with Nikolai murdering four government officials in a week. These murders symbolise the Buddhist cycle of existence, or otherwise known as samsara: the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
"We are the Decay of Angels—hiding here as terrorists, a 'murder association', five people who will announce the demise of the celestial world."
Nikolai Gogol, chapter 57
Samsara is described to be a concept beyond human understanding. According to Hinduism, samsara is the physical world where every being has its soul trapped into a physical vessel. The Hindus believe that everything has a soul, and due to a soul's attachment to desire, it is forced into a deathless cycle of being born, dying, and reincarnating into a different body. In Buddhism, the ultimate way to break free from this cycle is by obtaining nirvana.
Nirvana is a Sanskrit word for the goal of the Buddhist path: enlightenment or awakening. In Pali, the language of some of the earliest Buddhist texts, the word is nibbana; in both languages it means "extinction" (like a lamp or flame) or "cessation." It refers to the extinction of greed, ill will, and delusion in the mind, the three poisons that perpetuate suffering. Nirvana is what the Buddha achieved on the night of his enlightenment: he became completely free from the three poisons. Everything he taught for the rest of his life was aimed at helping others to arrive at that same freedom.
- TRICYCLE'S definition of nirvana
As Fukuchi mentions in the panel above, there are six different realms of existence. These realms represent every possible state of existence, but one cannot live in a specific realm forever. Depending on whether or not one's past actions were morally good or bad, an individual is born into one of these realms. Basically, the controlling factor of which realm a person is born into is dependent on their respective karma. The realms are separated into two categories: the hellish ones and the heavenly ones.
The Deva Realm: where beings are rewarded for the good deeds they have done. This realm is void of anything unpleasant. It is basically paradise— empty of unfulfilled desires, any form of suffering, and fears of every kind. Religious individuals, however, do not seek to be born into this realm since its attitude is more or less carefree.
The Asura Realm: where demigods are admitted. Asuras are driven by greed and envy, and may come in conflict with human beings since they are quite similar. They are powerful beings, but quarrel with each other quite a bit, making this realm quite undesirable to be reborn into.
The Animal Realm: where beings are given the form of an animal (you probably guessed that lol). Individuals here don't actually have good karma to take pride in, but rather, they are born into this realm to work off their bad karma (by being slaughtered, hunted, or forced to work, etc). Being born into this realm forces one to atone for their past sins by living out their life as an animal.
The Hell Realm: where one is punished for their evil actions. The most merciless of realms, where one pays for their transgressions through pure suffering, methods of which include: dismemberment, starvation, and psychological/physical torture. However, once a person's term is fulfilled in this realm, they are presumably promised to be reborn into a higher state.
The Preta Realm: similar to the hell realm, in which beings pay for their past sins (specifically: greed and stinginess) by having to survive through hunger and thirst. This realm is also known as the 'ghost realm,' because some pretas are psychologically tortured by being forced to live in places their past selves have lived in. They are invisible to human beings living at that time, which pushes them to face the depths of despair and loneliness. Your typical horror movie, really.
The Human Realm: the only realm where one's actions determine their future. The status (social ranking, physical wellbeing, and so on) of a human being in this realm is determined by their past actions, but due to the fact that a person has their own conscience to differentiate good morals from bad, the actions they commit in this realm have the power to determine which realm they are sent to next.
Okay, so now that I've got that out of the way, let's shift our focus to the Book. Very little is known about the Book, but the basic fundamentals of how it works is that whatever is written in the book will come into existence only if its contents follow the rules of karma. In addition to that, only a few sentences can be written into a single page of the Book, and it must follow the current narrative of the story.
If I'm not wrong, the first time the Book was mentioned was by Fitzgerald, who wanted it to resurrect his deceased daughter in hopes of restoring his wife's mental health. The next time the Book is brought up is when Fyodor's intentions to possess it are divulged; his goal was to decimate the global population of ability-users. And now, the current arc has the Book as its central focus, with a single page in Fukuchi's possession.
[ BEAST!AU spoilers ]
The Book acts as the central point of multiverses, with each character's lives differing from universe to universe.
Dazai committing suicide in this alternate universe stands in sharp contrast with how he decided to start up a new life in the main universe.
Oda staying alive to act as a mentor to Akutagawa in the ADA differs from how Oda uses his death to prompt Dazai to "be on the side that saves people."
And of course, the way Atsushi and Akutagawa have their positions switched in the two universes depicts how different their lives would be if they were given the chance to be mentored by different people— these are just a few examples of how the Book houses an endless amount of possibilities.
[ end of BEAST!AU spoilers ]
Hypothetically speaking, this kind of reminds me of the differing realms I mentioned before, where suffering is promised in some realms, and better things are granted in the rest, depending on one's karma, or the deeds they've done in their past lives. In this scenario, perhaps one's past life can be understood as one's current life in a different universe. That's just a personal opinion though. Take it as you will.
side note: Keep in mind that the person who is more or less impervious to the Book's effect is Dazai, with his nullification ability. I wouldn't want to propose any theories in this aspect (I don't believe I'm fully fact-checked ;_;), but I could use Dazai as a raw example of how your choices affect your future. If Dazai had decided to stay in the Port Mafia after Oda's death, or if he even decided to go through with his suicidal fixations, life would've been different for him in the root universe (obviously, ryley) I mean, you could basically understand that from how he ended up in the BEAST au, but imagine if he really did slip up in his decision-making in any of the universes.
Many analysts have proposed that he went MIA (early in his life) from the main universe for a while to figure out how the BEAST universe worked, whilst having the Book to his advantage. Perhaps his actions were guided? I'm not saying he's all-knowing, but he's sure as hell smart. I'm not sure if Kafka was trying to highlight the concept of karma when it comes to Dazai, but if he is, then I suppose you could say that Dazai is pretty much unaffected by the rules of karma, existing as the centerpiece of all the multiverses. No Longer Human is the namesake of his ability, but the book talks about disqualification from societal norms and generally, the world. I was talking about it with a friend, and they reminded me that Yozo (the main protagonist) was pretty strong in his views against society. Like he didn't speak out of total defeat, he spoke out of defense. If there was anything Dazai actually lost to, it was his guilt— "Living itself is a source of sin."
Then again, that's my personal interpretation since everyone has their unique perspective of his writings. In terms of the actual adaptation, you could translate the word 'disqualification' to 'insusceptibilty' when if it came to the Book's effects on Dazai? This side note is becoming really long lmao anyways I'll link a few theories which afflicted me with brainrot down below.
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Another thing before I wrap up, the name 'Decay of Angels' stemmed from Yukio Mishima's book entitled 'The Decay of An Angel.' This is the final novel to the author's tetralogy: 'The Sea of Fertility.' The main protagonist, Honda, meets a person he believes to be a reincarnation of his friend, Kiyoaki, who takes the form of a young teenage boy named Tōru. The last novel of this series enhances Mishima's dominant themes of the series as a whole:
the decay of courtly tradition in Japan
the essence and value of Buddhist philosophy and aesthetics
Mishima’s apocalyptic vision of the modern era
Again, this could be referred to what Fukuchi goes on to say:
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Some people view the concept of samsara optimistically, justifying it by saying that perhaps each individual is given a second (third, fourth, fifth, who knows) chance to refine their actions in order to be birthed into a better realm, with their karma being the independent variable.
On the other hand, other people, specifically the Hindus, view the cycle of existence as some sort of plague. To them, the flow of life and being forced to endure the suffering of mere existence in any form was somewhat frowned down upon. Some Hindus viewed samsara as a trap. Besides, having one's soul being limited to a physical body for the rest of eternity was not very appealing, especially since where they ended up at depended on the karmic value their past actions surmounted.
Even so, particular types of Buddhists don't seek nirvana, but instead, like the Hindus, they make an effort to be good people of society, building up their good deeds to increase the likelihood of being reborn into one of the better realms.
As mentioned before, the Deva Realm was the home of angels, the most carefree, gratified beings to exist. Fukuchi describes these angels as the people who don't get their hands dirty, the people who act as the puppeteers of society: politicians.
In terms of parallels, angels were the most fortunate and powerful, but they didn't have anyone ruling over them. A lack of supervision would lead to the abuse of power, which is what I believe Fukuchi was referring to. Deeming himself the Decay of Angels, he sought to prove himself as the 'sign of death that falls on the nation's greed.'
A few fun facts (okay, not really) about Yukio Mishima: he committed seppuku (ritual suicide by disembowelment) on the day he held a speech to voice out his unpopular political beliefs to the public. Mishima deeply treasured traditions and opposed the modern mindset the nation was advancing forward to adapt eventually. In his last book, The Decay of an Angel, he spoke about the five signs which complete the death of an angel:
Here are the five greater signs: the once-immaculate robes are soiled, the flowers in the flowery crown fade and fall, sweat pours from the armpits, a fetid stench envelops the body, the angel is no longer happy in its proper place.
The Decay of an Angel, p.53
The reviews about this series I've read so far describe Mishima's works to be quite complex; his writings demanded a lot of time to deconstruct and understand. They were highly symbolic, and he was pretty obsessed with death and the 'spiritual barrenness of the modern world.' I think you could attach a few strings from here to the mindsets of the DOA members. Of course, this parallel is completely abstract, but I'll go on rambling anyway:
He should have armed them with the foreknowledge that would keep them from flinging themselves after their destinies, take away their wings, keep them from soaring, make them march in step with the crowd. The world does not approve of flying. Wings are dangerous weapons. They invite self-destruction before they can be used. If he had brought Isao to terms with the fools, then he could have pretended that he knew nothing of wings.
The Decay of an Angel, p.113
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I suppose you could resonate Nikolai with that excerpt. As much as Fukuchi takes the lead in this whole murder association, I'd like to believe that each member of the DOA plays an equally interesting part in whatever movement they're trying to execute. Fyodor feels it is his god-sent purpose to cleanse the world of its sins, his motto being, "Let the hand of God guide you." Sigma doesn't know where he belongs, since his origination comes from a page in the Book, and is fueled by the desperation to find a reason to live. Bram holds one of the most powerful abilities which is counted to be one of the "Top Ten Calamities to Destroy the World."
What I mean to say is that the DOA members are incredibly powerful, and they're not your ordinary antagonists (or I'm just biased). It's not just overthrowing authorities, mass genocide, and world domination— you could say that each individual is trying to utilize their purposes to their fullest expenditures, and the way they're trying to assert their plan into action is a little more passive-aggressive (framing the Agency, having a convo with a suicidal dude in jail, etc). They're the gray area between evil and good. As they framed the good guys for their own crimes, they're trying to conquer the bad guys for exploiting the innocent as they please.
This post would definitely age well if all hell breaks loose in the current arc (as if it didn't) and Kafka doesn't give us a happy ending.
That's all I have to say for now I guess! Thank you for reading, and once again, if anyone else something they wanna share, feel free to do so <3
sources (tryna follow Q's example ^_^) :
the six realms
the decay of angels
the book
the sea of fertility
yukio mishima
theory: dazai’s emotional/mental state in beast!au
q’s theory: dazai being the protector of the book
theory: beast!dazai and the book
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seoafin · 4 years
tbh,, i havent read the raws of the interview yet, only the translated ver from fan-translator and b4 i start, i think that this will be just me talking in circle and in no particular order AND a real mess (my brain does weird things after exams) but uhh here we go
gojou collects talented people, and by doing so he finds the people he can most probably relate to, except that he can't, not really, because something in the universe shifted when he was born. and it makes me think of how he's always known it, that he is special, and he's proven it, time and time again— he wants to take in talented ppl and he does, but there rly isn't much he can do for them. for they are talented, more talented than the world can understand,,
but they aren't gojou satoru
gojou took in megumi, bc he knew megumi was strong, and would grow up to be someone even stronger, but gojou can't facilitate or encourage his growth, bc for all they're similar, they are so fundamentally different. ALSO,, while geto was in his life, gojou rly judged everything according to his understanding of geto’s moral compass. gojou wears a human suit and geto is how he learnt to wear it well ����
the dragonfly analogy regarding to geto’s response to gojo, who was shown wearing a dragonfly patterned yukata in HI arc,, i’m trying to not think abt the fact that dragonfly symbolized victory in jpn....pain. i quoted from a web here for more explanation : In Japan the dragonfly is known as the "victory insect", or kachimushi, because of its hunting prowess and also because it is known to never retreat. Dragonflies are agile and fast fliers and can even hover, but never fly backwards
and bringing this up again, matricide and patricide are 2 of the 5 worst act to commit in buddhism, and it was said that if u commit one of those act u’re going to spend a real long time in the deepest pit of hell before continuing the samsaric cycle (higher chances to be born as an animal after that probs)— this might be geto’s divine retribution. held no power over his own body and could be considered that he’s the same as those “monkeys” 💀
ALSO the fact that sukuna's interest is "eating" rly drives home his hedonistic philosophy of seeking pleasure for himself. and he’s a cannibal...makes me think if he’ll just chomp on ppl with the mouth on his stomach
randomly, to date i think he hasn't really called himself a human, shaman, or a curse, and has held himself apart from all 3, and we've also the intro of the cursed wombs so i wonder if he’s trying to become, or is, a different entity altogether
so onmyoji got mentioned in the interview and what they practice is called onmyodo and abe no seimei and kano no yasunori were the notable practitioners,, and the kamo in jjk is the same as irl who served the imperial court back then
maybe i was right when i said that the relation between the govt. and jujutsu elders are similar to how the shogunate and imperial court work (ie, the former holds the actual power) but... lets see later,,
and i cant believe that i actually nailed it on the analogy of jujutsu practices by religion,,, so mahayana buddhism, shintoism, and taoism is present in jjk along with their respective jujutsu practices...but between the 3, it shld (?) be taoism > shintoism > mahayana buddhism (which could took a path to pure land buddhism)
it’s weird that the number of curses are supposedly higher in jpn comparable to other countries when taoism was brought from china....tengen sus
so the zenin family tree is sth like :
brothers: [toji's dad] ; naobito ; ougi
so toji, naoya, and maki & mai are cousins of the same generation
[toji's dad] → jinichi (probs) ; toji → megumi
naobito → other brothers, naoya
ougi → maki, mai
but yea i’d call anyone who’s within/close or below my age range as cousins and others above 30 as uncles/ aunts LMFAO,, i dont rly memorize my own family tree 😭😭 especially since most call the other by honorifics instead of names : aunt, uncles etc or attaching said honorifics at the end of a name for an older sibling figure/ older cousins [but like ppl in my country also call the other who are older with sibling honorific even if we’re strangers,,, rly similar to korea’s hyung/oppa—eonnie(unnie)/noona but some uses more genderless honorific] (1)
tw // topic of incest, mentions of abuse
if anyone got the wrong idea when reading this : i am not glorifying/ romanticising incest(uous themes),, i’m looking at this with absolutely no lenses of bias even tho im rly against it
初恋 = literally : first love, or puppy love
恋 = romantic love/ deep longing
i literally don't know how else to put this...🧍and with language barrier...using a western interpretation of the eng word "love" to explain a jpnese term is not quite that simple, unfortunately
that thread omg,, i rly do understand how exactly someone could associated kindness with love bc of my upbringing, it was when i was slightly older that i was just...oh so its not like that orz,,, so the most plausible explanation would be that
but the problem is that,, akutami never specify when exactly she had a crush on them,, and when megumi answered todo’s question she had a “♡” reaction 😶,, uhmmm there’s rly no way to look past this if its this way or be in denial
i’ve seen some of "why wouldn't mai react that way after hearing megumi say he'd like someone who's compassionate when she's surrounded by men like naoya",, well I MEAN,,, that, but also mai probs admires that megumi grew up so well out of the clan, regardless of the fact that he had the foundation (10 shadows) to do so. imo she seems happy for him the way she can't be for maki, bc maki ultimately had to leave her behind
hate to say it but yea,, the 3 clans most likely still practice inbreeding in order to preserve their power and presumably their wealth too 😀
i had an idle thought abt it at first but i filed it deep in the back of my mind asap,, bc i ont wanna jump to conclusion abt this out of all things too early. it’s probably not even in jjk, but all those elite clans in other ani/mangas that produce powerful heirs and whatnot also do the same,,, but this way of (my personal) thinking was influenced when i first got into tsukihime (type-moon),,, i read abt the nanaya family background and found out that they practice that in order to keep their bloodline “pure” (to keep it short : they have an optical power),, and i had this kind of assumption ever since so there’s that
i’m,, convinced the zenins' inbreeding made it more difficult for them to get powerful shamans bc they got 2 jujutsu technique-less children with heavenly restrictions in the same generation: toji & maki
even more convinced that maki might be a bit stronger than toji bc toji could see curses without aid while maki can't so the pay-off must be higher,,, SJJASN IDK ,,, plus naoya sort of implies his older brothers are nothing compared to him, and idk if we should take that as his arrogance or that his older brothers rly are weak/powerless. it would make sense as to why naobito had a lot of sons, ig, as head of clan
i feel so bad that if one of the factors that can caused heavenly restriction is inbreeding,, toji and maki and mai had no say in how they wanted to be born but are scorned for it,, typical asian families projecting their traumas and ideals onto their kids but get mad when they realize that those ideals are ugly...😁😁😁
since the zenin are conservative,, i wonder if they still hold onto old jpnese dining traditions. where in ancient jpn, hierarchical relationships were made readily apparent even within families. a dining table where everybody sat down and ate as equals would be unheard of. rather, each individual is given their own table that indicates their status,,, someone who is not considered “strong” according to the zenin’s views most likely have no place at the table, and probs eat when those who are “strong” finished/ serve them when they are eating
if toji was tossed into a swarm of curses,, i dont think abuse during said time is below them,,,
the zenin clan was already great, but they further amassed power and strength by, what i assume to be, marrying and adopting powerful individuals into the clan 🤔 ,,, i imagine they're like the hiiragi but without doing what they did to shinya (ons reference)
BUT after all that, i like to think that since akutami’s a big horror fan, jjk might be an outlet to explore said topics or even darker ones, so i wouldnt be that surpised abt it. given that there’s more than enough “red flags” before this was dropped : a reference to “tale of hikaru genji” when a grown woman asked for gojou’s number in HI arc (out of all things); granny who transformed into the man’s daughter, sat on his lap and man just touched her waist; mei mei and ui ui ; and...this (incestous theme is in the novel btw)
lets not start with whatever the fuck in kubo’s head in the interview otherwise i’m writing paragraphs with every curse words possible,, those big 3 mangakas are so— UGH,, a planet w out (cis) men like him sounds real good rn 😌 if one of yall out there decide to do it,, pls hmu rly cant do this shit anymore
akutami said i like my men pretty and i like women who will step on my neck and spit in my face (I REMEMBERED TATSUKI FUJIMOTO’S INTERVIEW WHEN HE WAS ASKED ABT MAKIMA AND IT WAS SO 😭😭😭😭) but ykw,, love that for both of them <3
when i said 3 : one piece, bleach, naruto. aside from the blatant depiction/ characterize of women in those 3,, idk if some ppl arent aware yet but oda is friends with two (2) convicted pedos,, man...the major disappointment and disgust when i first find out abt it
anyways this is just my 2 cents (which i think rightfully belong to the trash can) so pls just take this w a lil to no grain of salt - 🐱
honestly i wouldn’t be surprised if the three clans practiced inbreeding. but ik people are going to be  😡😡😡😡😡 about it when the queen of fucking england is literally married to her (something) cousin. i’m not justifying it but like....love the double standards, just as always with the west 😍
DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT FUCKING PED* LIST THEY SHOULD ALL BE IN JAIL. JAILLLLL. it’s all so gross. that’s why i fucking hate when people look towards manga for positive representation because the chances of that are super slim to zero, especially since the industry is saturated with misogyny and ped******* and a lot of other gross stuff.
i think ppl forget jjk is a horror manga LOL so obviously it’s going to confront darker themes. the question is whether it’s going to be done tastefully or not......
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scorpioxsith · 4 years
Don’t you agree?
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I was totally on my bullshit after watching Chapter 13 last night, I smoked a joint and, god damn I was feeling inspired, I wrote something, whatever my imagination was doing at 1AM.
It’s just a little something. I tidied up the grammar to coherency but i kinda like it being organic as it was, to reflect reader being not-sober (just like me baha). 🤪
Also influencing this, I’m in the UK and we’ve been in lockdown for the past month and it ain't about to end for me anytime soon, so i am pining for a night out (idk just some fun god damn) and some mando attention. 
I felt like sharing it because it’s kinda fun and lighthearted and if it helps someone else escape right now then cool. This is some #realthirstyhotgirlshit, reader is flirty and a lil confident but also a lil shy because heck I can be confident (lies) but put me in front of Mando and you bet I would be total jello. (also i dont think mando is necessarily OOC in this BUT if he is idc i just want him to be my daddy lmfao) 
Im living for season 2, someone give Filoni an award NOW!! 
warnings: references to alcohol/drug use. its not smut but its flirty. if i carry it on it'll go “further” but I’m scared of commitment so
Drabble below the cut.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You hanged off of Greef Karga in a friendly embrace and giggled in the spice lounge. You were howling about a story he had just told you and the two of you were almost crying with laughter. You’d just come back from a very successful mission, and when he'd asked if you wanted to celebrate the win with him, you shrugged your shoulders at him with a playful smirk “alright then.”
two hours later and you were both inebriated. it was bleeding into the mid evening, the night at its peak. energy buzzed in the spice lounge with the music and fluttering ebb and flow of conversations, carrying an infectious energy into the air. 
your body felt relaxed, your mind loose. 
it was a little foolish, given you are in so doing letting your guard down, but you hoped if you were unlucky enough to be accosted in this state, with Greef by your side you felt a safe bet you could still take most people. 
Although you didn’t particularly have much in common with him, he had a playful demeanour that made for a fun drinking partner. 
Karga tapered his hysterics off into a deep chuckle, “ah, you know-” 
A blur of silver came into yours and Greef’s vision until it materialised before your eyes into a Mandalorian. A hot Mandalorian. You had no idea you had a thing for that but it was the first thought that sprung to your mind. You quickly looked to Greef, playing off your fluttering lashes and hoping the Mandalorian hadn’t noticed your astonishment. Or…maybe if he had, maybe it wouldn’t be totally the end of the world. Who knows. 
Greef Karga also took a moment to summon a response, frozen for the barest of moments, but you saw it. He was taken aback by the Mandalorian's presence. Then, he flew into a huge bravada of an introduction. 
Maker, you were both so high. 
“Mando!” Greef bellows, “well I never. I never thought I’d see you in this particular establishment!” 
The Mandalorian cocked his head impatiently. “I’m only here because I was told this is where I’d find you.” 
His voice went straight through you. Fuck. 
Greef turned to you. “Allow me to introduce my associate…” 
you smiled awkwardly at this, oh god - why were you feeling shy? I mean…well actually...you do know why, don’t you? 
“Good to meet you,” you said carefully - you didn’t want to spook him, so no heavy flirting yet but your tone was warm and a little sultry. 
The Mandalorian’s helmet turned to you and you weren’t sure if you imagined it but you were sure you felt some sort of tension almost immediately bloom as he continued to hold your gaze. Your skin prickled in a path down your body as if his very gaze was passing over your curves and leaving a blazing fire in its wake. 
Your voice lazy, a little sexy, as were your sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks. “I'm Y/n.”
“Mando,” he responds huskily. You think that will be it, but then- “I haven’t seen you around here before.” 
His voice is run through a modulator in his helmet, making it hard to pin down his tone. You couldn’t tell what his angle was but something inside of you hoped he was feeling the same magnetism as you right now.
You realised he was waiting for an answer, and you hope you mask the subtle cheeky glint in your eye before you respond. 
“I am new to this parsec, yes. I have been in the Guild for a couple months now but I’m often out on mission.”
“Is that right?” There’s a smoothness to his voice that makes you blush slightly, you hope its not obvious. To Greef, that is. It'll definitely be obvious to Mando’s heat vision, but you could live with that embarrassment. He continued, “I assume as you are here, your previous mission was successful.”
You nodded up at him, thinking wow he’s so tall and big and yes and he’s looking down at you too, until a hand clapped on your back and Greef came into the picture again. 
“Indeed!” Greef commended as if it was the best thing in the world. “An impressive one hundred per cent success rate! She’s almost as talented as you, Mando, I like this one!” 
Karga gives you a joking side wink and you can’t help but laugh - he forces it out of you when your eyes meet as if something is so hilarious but you’re not even sure what it is, mainly just the fact that he’s chatting absolute shit and you can’t take it seriously. Mando gazes at you as he waits for you both to finish your ridiculous and illogical giggling fit.
It takes longer than a minute for you both to get control of yourselves, your laughter filling the air of the spice lounge. Mando's hands went to his hips and he cocked into a stance that had you wanting to drop to your knees. That stopped your giggling. 
Karga wipes another tear from his eye, you’re not sure if he’s doing it for dramatic effect and it almost sends you off the edge again. 
“Forgive me, I’m feeling loose. Speaking of, I’m going to go get myself another Gin ’n’ Juice,” Karga announced playfully. “Mando? Drink, Y/n?” he asks you. 
“Just a water, please,” you said sweetly. You needed it. 
“Karga, I came here to talk,” Mando quipped impatiently. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Karga rolled his eyes, “and if I’m gonna listen to you, I need a drink. Why don’t you take a seat and I’ll be right back.” 
With that he whirled away, leaving you with the Mandalorian. 
You weren’t sure whether to start conversation or wait for him to ask you something, but then there was the predicament of what to say. The armour was sexy as hell, but it did make him difficult to read. 
The Mandalorian was watching Greef retreat to the bar, before seeming to roll his shoulders and relax slightly, consciously, then looked down at you. 
Then, he adjusted his weapon away from his body so he could take one large stride over to the now unoccupied space by you. He sat close, but still too far away. However, he relaxed into the seat a little more, the bulk of him spreading out further and inching closer to you. It was like some kind of erotic display and you couldn’t help but gaze at him in a way that betrayed your desires. 
His helmet tilted at you and he chuckled knowingly. “Careful, kitten.”
  Your eyes widened in surprise and a sudden warmness whooshed through your whole body. It was dizzying and immediately a hot aching began to pulse in your core. His voice danced through your tingling senses and you were enraptured. 
You wanted to touch him, desperately, even just get a little closer. Encouraged by his boldness, you summoned the courage to teasingly reach out and slowly trace your fingers over his thigh. You hear a staticky breath come out of the modulator. 
One of his large hands snapped down to rest over yours, except he didn't snatch your hand away. He held it in place, his hand heavy and hot over yours, pressing down on his firm thigh. Your breath hitched as movement in your peripheral barely caught his other hand coming up, too late and you were taken by a shudder when you felt his gloved fingers trail gently down the sensitive curve of your exposed neck. Your head tilted in compliance, lashes fluttering, barely in control of the longing gaze of desire you were levelling back into the visor of the helmet.
"You should be careful, cyar'ika," he murmured, "Some would take advantage of this right now." 
You barely held back a whine, but you knew he was right. Shit, his righteousness only made you want him more. 
He pulled back swiftly, though it was a gentle touch when his hand gripped and lifted yours off his thigh, placing it back onto your own lap. His fingers ghosted over your forearm as they retreated.
Moments later, Karga returned with more drinks you knew one single man could carry, and you gaped at him. 
"Karga, I said water!" you pouted.   
"I got that, too," he replied, pushing a glass filled with clear liquid towards you, condensation beading down the side. 
You drank half of it immediately. You eyed the pink drink he'd also brought you back, unsure if it was wise. You weren't really one for drinking and smoking at the same time, it was risky business that. 
Greef lowered himself into the seat across from Mando. "Get on with it then, before I change my mind," he said to Mando, urging him to get the business talk over with, because he knew for sure that must be the reason for this highly unexpected appearance. 
  You didn't miss the way the Mandalorian looked at Karga in a silent challenge, daring him to cheek him again. Karga laughed it off, bumping one of Mando's pauldrons and slid one of the drinks across the table to the Mandalorian.
Mando's shoulders rose and fell in a sigh of defeat, like he just couldn't be bothered with the hassle.
"I think the puck you gave me was intended for someone else." With that, Mando slammed the puck onto the table, startling you slightly and some of the fuller drinks jumped out of their glasses onto the table. 
The puck's holo beamed up a second later, a picture of a wealthy, androgynous looking human male. 
He continued, "You know I can't be going anywhere near the Inner Rim." 
Karga peered at the puck. "Ah yes..." he glanced at Mando, then you, before chaotically spinning the puck across the table towards you. 
"Dank ferrick!!" you cursed, barely catching the puck under your palm as you slammed your hand down to the table quickly. 
  Karga burst out laughing, "coincidentally it was meant for her ladyship here. Very chivalrous to bring it to its rightful owner, Mando." 
  The Mandalorian's head spun to pin you with an unreadable gaze. After a tense moment, he said, "Who said I was returning it?" 
  You blinked at him, palm suddenly burning where the puck was sitting innocently beneath it. 
  Karga chuckled again. "Apologies for the assumption, old friend. How can I resolve the matter?" 
  Mando's gaze returned to Karga, briefly releasing you. "You promised me payment for this. The only solution I can see is a partnership for this bounty."
The Mandalorian turned back to you. "Don't you agree?" 
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inigofication · 3 years
Hey obvi if they're still a new character and can't share much thats understandable, but i gotta hear more about your flunked spacie cuz that concept is INSANE
HAHA I’M GLAD UR INTERESTED!! My friend who’s DMing wanted to do a somewhat sci-fi campaign so we went ALL OUT together :) I did NOT mean to write as much as I did, so apologies in advance for how much this is LOL
Backstory-current progression under the cut because it’s a LOT!
Basically, as you guys saw from my post, society progressed from super high tech and science (the time that Soleil is from) into your fantasy/medieval time as things went on; this is partially due to the fact that science/research had delved into body/gene modifications which is how a lot of people gradually could give themselves features that us as players associate w/ tieflings and the like!
Soleil never delved into that much, her only modifications being 1) star freckles and 2) her white hair (stays that way so she doesn’t have to re-dye it, etc); the “part-android” also comes in because she has a sort of upgraded memory storage? Basically she can access places with USBs or discs etc etc and store the contents directly into her mind! This kind of modification was super common during her time though, so, not crazy for her.
She also has (had? 👀) an older brother named Lucas!
(cw // slight injury)
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(first pic just a doodle of them when they were younger, second pic is the most recent memory Soleil has of him; his hair is normally dark brown but one time he dyed it white to match her)
With Lucas, she and him went to the same space piloting academy, as did their father. However, Lucas excelled and while Soleil is plenty good of a pilot, she lacked the team communication/general teamwork skills needed of her (because she just didn’t make friends all that well), which put her at 12th in her class, just shy of the top 10 that could graduate. When she realized she likely wouldn’t move up the ranks, she purposely flunked out because doing the rest felt pointless to her. She was about 18 at this time.
Around the time she flunked out, her brother was still in school and their dad was a bit of a mess- their mother had been out of the picture since Soleil was 3 but she was still giving their dad issues/stress. So, Soleil’s uncle came over both to help her dad and make him a proposal: Soleil could pilot the St. Marianne, part of a different program. Her dad, albeit reluctantly, agreed, leading Soleil into the new course, where she worked for about 4 years before the mission that would change everything.
This brings us to the start of the campaign! Soleil has very little memory of what happened at this point. All she remembers is the ship flying smoothly, casual conversation, and then a bright flash of white light- next thing you know she’s being woken up from the ships cryo-chamber by a tiefling and a half-orc! Talk about a wake up call LOL, also, the ship she was piloting is torn in half and she has NO CLUE what happened.
So, as the campaign progresses, she’s been traveling and taking up work with her new companions and simultaneously 1) adjusting to the new lifestyle and 2) finding out clues about what happened in her past!
So far, she’s been able to recover footage of her brother from a military base that she never saw because it was after her disappearance/“death!” He’s dating someone and they both got into trouble but Soleil hasn’t found out what yet! There were also robots/androids at the military base that recognized Soleil (aka Private Mercier) when she arrived, even 3,000 years later! So her information is still within the databases.
Also, it’s worth mentioning that after Soleil was taken out of the cryo chamber, she had a new mark on her back, that of a purple butterfly that was smooth to the touch, imbedded in her skin but a different texture. A few months ago, as a psiioniic rogue, Soleil unlocked the ability to basically hive mind with her peers, and a flutter of purple butterflies always show up when she uses it. She sees butterflies in nearly everything she does and both her and I still have no idea what it means!
The butterfly on her back recently split into two butterflies, the purple one and now a white one as well. Somehow, overnight, Soleil was granted the ability to see into people’s memories/dreams when she sleeps- in this “dream scape” as I usually call it, she is less of a corporeal form and is made up of a cluster of butterflies. Even more recently, Soleil has started seeing these “dream butterflies” in the normal day; she went to have breakfast with her friends and everyone in the tavern had butterflies around their heads except her friends, who’s memories she had seen prior- this leads me to believe that this effect happens when Soleil sees someone who’s memories she hasn’t seen yet.
So far, Soleil has seen into the memories of her two friends, a friend’s father, Soleil’s father and mother, her uncle, a little bit within a new group of companions they have, an Elven woman who Soleil doesn’t know but is trying to, and more, including a RED DRAGON who we have to meet next session 🙃
She tried to go into Lucas’ memories, but his were harshly blocked off and she wasn’t strong enough to get in.
SO YEAH!! She definitely has a LOTTT to work with! Her current biggest concerns are as such:
Save our friend’s sister, who’s being coveted by a green dragon
Find out as much as she can about her parents, her brother, her uncle, and what exactly happened to the St. Marianne
WHATEVER THE BUTTERFLIES MEAN?? WHERE THEY CAME FROM?? and finding the Elven woman in her dream who spoke to Soleil, but Soleil doesn’t know her
Again, sorry this is so much LMFAO, I’m having so much fun with her and I’m glad to indulge you guys on it :) if anyone has any other questions or curiosities feel free to ask! 💜
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tslasvegas · 4 years
Episode 4: “I'm sorry Daddy, I've been very naughty.” - Keegan
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Wow! Today was A Day to say the least. I feel like boo boo the fool with how things went down today, but hopefully, I can recover from that now that there’s a new tribe. I’m excited to get to know new people, but sad to see my old alliances have to come to an end. I guess we’ll see what happens
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Finally a swap and golly 5 OG Palazzo! I really hope this works in our favor. Kinda nervous for Joey and Stephanie tho because now they are in the minority of their tribe. I do hope they’ll find a way to survive till merge
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LMFAO IM... watching the tribal council for the other tribe and I'm SORRY??? Who the fuck is Jake S he is the most condescending man I've ever seen in my entire life YIKES. Anyways this swap is nice.. I think I've got a good group, I really hope we win the next few immunities because I 1) really dont want to see Rachael on this tribe and 2) i want to try and rebuild my um. tattered relationships. I did the best I could in the challenge for tonight, I'll try to come back tomorrow a little more renewed cus I'm kinda wiped out from today's events. Now that my tribal council cherry has been popped for this Org its time to go crazy woop
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So good not to check Luxor anymore! 
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Well last tribal went fine, I got to see what was in the Prize Vault which is awesome; now I have a better idea of the twist. Big problem though- Our swap put me in the minority. I was running Luxor and had a core 4, now they have 5 OG Pink so they can pluck us off, one at a time. I went from drivers seat to getting driven over. We need to win the challenge, so I'm gonna go ham in winterbells and hope to pull it out.
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We swapped! I think I made a confessional already, but honestly I don't remember. I gave Livingston some of my chips so he can go visit the vault after the immunity challenge. We'll see what is in there and for how much, and maybe snatch up some real nice items to help us out. I've also got Andrew on my side, which is great and he's apparently quite tight with Pat, which is fantastic. Mo is a pretty decent dude and I've been talking with Jake a lot today. Things are going alright. I just hope we can win this challenge. 
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Phew, while the swap was not ideal. I was really liking my tribe, we were kind of quiet but individually everyone was great and we also kicked butt at challenges! Anyway, the swap with numbers wise not great, but I know Xavi from a previous game and we have a solid relationship, I hope he and John and Joey and myself can build a solid squad to make it to the merge. The challenge was rough tbh, I am not great at video games, but I think I did ok... Jaiden got like 20 trillion points on a game so really I have no idea how I did. Hoping for the best!
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I am losing my mind in my personal life so I am sorry that I have been mia. I appreciate the patience from the hosts and my tribe. It makes me still want to play even though I've been kinda invisible. I'm aware of that. I'll fix it. I promise. Otherwise, its been pretty good as a tribe so far. Andrew, Pat, and NIk and i are all really close from other games, so we're good and Andrew and Pat and I are together, which is just really unfair if you ask me. I can't wait to start scheming!
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Uhhhhhh.................................... anyways........ yall hear somethin? Oh I hear something. It's the sound of Joey literally blowing himself up to me hardcore!!!! The narcissism and arrogance really jumped out on this one. So Joey had the idea of calling tonight to go over some stuff and honestly out of the 2 hours we spent, I think about 45-60 mins of it was rather nice and I do feel that I enjoy his presence, but omg... his desire for control is so noticeable and its kinda gross. Joey and I debriefed on what went down on Bellagio and I totally understand why there was the difference in us discussing tribe dynamics - I had to give up all my info while he kinda kept things more reserved. I want to assume this is because of the fact that I went to tribal and he hasn't until now. I won't judge him for that. However, after this he's kinda like dictating the fact that an OG Bellagio needs to go home. Ben is the easier person to throw under the bus since he didn't even bother to do the challenge/let us know what's up. Not a big fan of that, but aight. Then Joey starts suggesting we vote out Kailyn...?? Uh... not on my watch. I have to make it up to Kailyn at least a little bit so even though she's probably got a loaded gun pointed at my head rn, I want to defuse the situation rather than start throwing her out there as a potential target. Even if it isn't coming from me, I'm not here for that. The information that Joey did give up to me relates to the chips in the game. I've never paid much attention to the chips, but I guess it takes 10 to get into the vault and Joey's got between 11 and 15 (he changed his answer on the subject SEVERAL times). He says there are three idols worth 40 chips each, then a super idol worth I think 50 or 60 (can't remember). On top of that, there are nullifiers, vote advantages, and a legacy advantage, too. He seems fixated on the legacy advantage and really wants the chips to get it. Like.. ok do you but we NEED the super idol?? Does he not realize that thing has more power than anything else in the vault combined..? ANYWAYS. What really started to turn me off about Joey is that there was this sudden expectation that I'd be giving him all of my chips thus far. I don't care about them to begin with but knowing what I know now, it doesn't make sense for me to give him my stash just to fuel his hunt for... a measly legacy advantage... I put myself in a compromising position. I told him that once a host gets back to me on my exact total, I'd be willing to trade him my chips for I guess an allyship going forward. I mean that. I want to work with Joey at least through this vote, but I can't guarantee that it'll go much further than that. He is a very risky person for my game right now because if he's coming off this strong to everybody, it's only going to hurt me by association to stick with him longer than a vote or two. However, I'm going to try and divert the attention and just be like, maybe we need to use my five as a bartering piece for new allies at this point. I want to try and build meaningful partnerships right now, especially since that was the only reason I wanted to make it to the merge.. Rebuilding is crucial as well. Kailyn and possibly Nik/Rachael are not going to be fond of me once we all have "the talk" about last tribal. I put myself in an even more compromising position with them, but I'll find my way out of that mess. I think........ As far as this tribe goes, I think between Joey's WILD imagination/constant over-analyzing and the lack of direction this tribe has taken so far.. I'm doing okay. Nobody is really standing out besides Joey and I guess myself in a way, so if I keep him around it MIGHT even shrink my own target little by little - unless people find out we're together then FUK. 
......five seconds later
In terms of my other relationships right now, I love John Coffey but this is old news, I've been in love with this man since like 2016 and it's fine - totally fine - just fangirling a bit rn since I get to spend more time with him!! woohoo. Xavier and Stephanie are straight up non-entities which makes me SO scared of them especially since Stephanie's won an ORG before... how can someone be so irrelevant yet still win something? Hmm... Makes me think that she's secretly a ninja, you never even see her around. Nik has grown more and more quiet as the days go along and I wonder what's goin' on with that. Maybe they've decided since Biden won the election that moving to New Zealand is a bad idea? Lmfao. I dunno. Nik stresses me the hell out because I have no idea what they're thinking at any point in time even in the off-chance that we are talking. I think I might just have a personality they don't mesh with because I noticed on call forever ago that none of my jokes were particularly landing but Nik had a lot to say and a LOT to joke about there... rip. If it's a personality conflict - go off, I guess. I'll try on a couple different hats w this person to try and see if I can get things to go better than they have been. Kailyn.. like I said before, pretty sure she's after me but I am really trying to sell it to her that I like her a lot, because I do. I literally compare her to my best friend irl because they have very similar attributes and I consider Kailyn kinda messy but fun and quirky like my BFF so I hope that Kailyn did truly appreciate me making that comparison. Ben's inability to do this challenge is going to be his undoing. I think the only acceptable move is to vote him off this time because I HAVE to prove to Kailyn that I can stay the course, and I also need to whittle down Bellagio numbers to prevent people from targeting us and having everything go to shit that way. Let Joey control this, please dear god. Don't let me get blood on my hands. Let Rachael integrate herself well on this tribe. Let someone else blow themselves up in the process. Just not me plz and thanks. There is no fear in my soul tonight. Joey might be a fucking crackhead but so am I. I'm breaking down walls that I didn't think existed but Joey basically told me tonight that he thought I was confrontational, rude, chaotic, and all these other things but was impressed at how calm, optimistic, and outgoing I was. Love to hear it. He might think he overestimated me but he was right about the initial impressions... too bad he won't be around long enough to see that side of me :~) 
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FIRSTLY, DeNara was robbed. Okay so I already wrote this a while ago in my host chat about how the fact jake and dan are praying for my downfall because after the swap i am the only og bellagio on a tribe with 5 palazzo and 2 luxor. so after I slowly blinked at my screen for a bit I was like okay how do we survive this if I go to tribal. Because I’m under the impression tribes are gonna stick together especially going into merge but since Luxor is already down so many members it’s kinda Bellagio Vs. Palazzo. but then I was like okay wait I’m the only member of bellagio on this tribe after coming from a tribal so I’m the only one who can say what happened and I can create what narrative I want to help me get through the next couple rounds. Because if I was like oh blah blah I was in majority im so fucked then of course they’re gonna target me to get me out. But if I play the victim card and milk the fact that I voted in the minority acting like I hate my og tribe maybe they’ll think to use me as a pawn. To take down others moving forward. Listen if I have to be labeled a goat to move forward then BAA bitch.
.....five seconds later
Things are going good, because not only am no longer in danger this round but that means Rachael is going to the enemy tribe which if she came to our tribe that might’ve disrupted the narrative I had going of me being against og bellagio. Also DeNara should still be here, don’t think I didn’t clock the fact that Ben scored a 0. I also found out from Andrew that Rachael and Ben are apart of the same Tengaged group which explains why Rachael was so set on Ben staying but like, listen, if I end up in a game with someone I’m friends with, and they’re not active and helping the tribe. Good riddance.
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What the. We lost yet again. I have lost everything since the start of the game. It's crazy. There are 4 from Bellagio, 2 Palazzo and 2 Luxor. 2+2 seems like an obvious plan, but it looks like it is falling apart already (read: Joey). Sucks to be across the world, so instead of scheming, I'll be sleeping.
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Forgive me father, for I have sinned. is the same as I'm sorry Daddy, I've been very naughty. 
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The swap did happen. Expected it. Glad we won this first challenge in this new tribe tho in worried for Stephanie and Joey
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Vault Shenanigans - Holy shit I did not expect this to be as powerful as it is. I was preparing myself for some sort of payment based search system, but being able to straight up buy the items I want, but its also the same for other people. I had a misconception at how generous the wheel was so I'm probably behind some people with the amount of chips, but I could very well start scooping up some of the steal votes and just say "see ya" to the idols, although getting a super idol would be very wild, it still seems risky to hold out that long to get it, even though there's a great amount of power associated with it. The other issue with a super idol is that I think that its very likely that if I get into a position where I need to use it, that I lose a lot of respect with the jury if it does happen. The only benefit from actually having it would be that I no longer have to worry about someone else whipping it out, so it'd be less for me wanting it, but more for others not having it. As of now, I think my optimal play is to hold on to my chips until around ~40, and then buy both vote steals at once, OR go all out for the super if someone has already bought an idol by that point, because I would be operating under the assumption that the frontrunner is already out of the running. Tribe Swap Shenanigans - This is a hell of a tribe swap. 5-2-1 is always a great spot to be in, I am already good within the 5 that I have so I don't have to worry about anything there, it should be relatively smooth sailing as far as getting to the merge. Mo/Jake are alright so far, neither particularly speak too much. Kevin has not reached out at all, probably will try to talk to him tonight for general purposes, even if he seems like he'd be an easy one to get out first should we go to tribal the next time. But generally I really don't plan on losing so it's kind of a wash. I'll take the smooth sailing, easy path to merge. Premerge is never as relevant as merge is when it comes to FTC as long as you have something to show for yourself at the merge. I've got all game to make my presence known, and I plan on using the entirety of the game to do so.
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I feel super anxious today because even though I had a great conversation and built a good connection to Joey, there hasn't been any talk about the vote quite yet. I mean obviously names have rolled out but nothing solid is out there still, I think I just need to let go of the urgency for a name to start being spread early on and just let things be. Stephanie and I have been chatting a bit here and there today so I feel more comfortable with her and hopefully she sees things from a similar perspective as everyone else - the Bellagio foursome needs to get broken up right now. As long as it's not my name of course!!!!! Plz vote Ben @everyone. Or Kailyn tbh save me a little bit of trouble now. Talking to Xavier is SO HARD LMAO. He doesn't immediately contribute information into a conversation and as bad as I wanna get rid of Ben, I almost..almost think going for Xavier is the smarter move, since Xavier doesn't seem too motivated to actually get to know ME and work with me. I'm selfish that way. Kailyn doesn't seem like she wants to do Ben which is a little frustrating but I totally get it, if Ben stays he's going to go after her hardcore but like she needs to actually pitch me an alternative lmfao. I don't wanna go bending over backwards just to appease her right now so if she doesn't gimme a name.. sorry sis but then I think it's gonna be Joey's call on this one :/
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I am being very cautious now. The 4 of us (me, John, Joey and Steph) are going to vote together. Now Jaiden wants to vote Nik. And Kailyn wants to vote Ben. Why can't we just agree on one?! And it always has to go down to the wire. Stick together, people!
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I think I am possibly leading the charge against Nik rn?? Joey told me he wanted Ben and then I told him I wanted Nik and now he wants Nik LOL take that Stephen 
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Okay well I have no idea what's going to happen tonight, but I'm going into tribal not afraid of the vote I am probably going to have to make ... I think the best move is to just vote for Nik and be done with it, but it's going to cause a serious rift in a lot of my relationships if I do so. I've been super wishy-washy to a lot of people I think and right now it doesn't make sense to continuously do one thing when I mean another.. especially since there seems to be zero ground to move upon when it comes to getting the vote to turn from Nik to Ben. Nik doesn't even SEEM ACTIVE?? Why are we making this a bigger deal than it needs to be. Ben can't just walk around deciding what's going on and I think Kailyn would prefer to keep Nik around rather than Ben but it's like... so push for Ben to be the target hun! She's feeding into someone else's move no matter what she does, it's either Ben's agenda or John's agenda. Pick a side, but pick the side I'm on, too. Why don't we just vote for Kailyn tbh. lmao
0 notes
taehyungsgrowl · 6 years
Michael Langdon Birthchart:
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Hey y’all! So here is the birth chart we came up w for Michael. We have him being born March 19th @ 10:14 PM Western Time. Please give this a read and let us know if you agree or if you have other ideas as to what his signs are. The birthchart we drew up had 2 inconsistencies. It made him have a Sagittarius Rising and an Aquarius Moon. We both agreed on other signs for those placements. 
Pisces sun: Well to start off, I would like to say that the meaning of the pisces is the creator. Which I think is pretty neat since Michael did want to essentially create a new world. anyway. Some words that come to mind when thinking of a Pisces are emotional, impressionable (hello satanists who tried to manipulate our boy), perceptive & intuitive (which can explain how he was so good at reading people - no one reads people like a Pisces, trust me. Michael is super in touch w others emotions) (side note; the symbol of the fish has been associated w Jesus Christ and we all know the Michael x Jesus parallels Ryan gave us so). While Pisces are incredibly understanding of others around them, they are often the most misunderstood sign (how fitting for our antichrist, no?)
A quote that I read about this is “easily touched by human suffering” anyone remember Michael crying for the mother whose children had been victims to the radiation?
Also, Pisces cry A LOT with just how emotional we get (both of us are Pisces here) and like so does our boi™.
Capricorn moon: “as a Capricorn moon you may have had to step into a position of responsibility early in life, or received strong impressions from your parents (most usually mother) about the need to live up to certain expectations in life” guys.. That’s Michael!!! I feel like most Cap placements feel like other heavily rely on them; they are natural born leaders in my opinion.. Also ambitious lmfao that boy considered running for president I’m- anyway lmfao the symbol for Capricorn is a goat and we know that your moon sign represents “your inner self” and with that scene in Sojourn where he encountered the goat??? Wow poetic cinema!! @gremlinkween also pointed out that the combination of a Pisces Sun/Capricorn mood may have someone come across as a Scorpio and as first glance, I would have laid my life down thinking Michael was a Scorpio.
Aries Mercury: so Mercury rules communication, right? Well I think Aries mercuries are people who are candid af when communicating w others.. This just reminds me of when Michael conducts his interviews he’s just like “tell me who you really are” he doesn’t have the patience to beat around the bush. I’ve also read that they don’t do well with outdated ideas and anyone remember when he said the concept of sin was antiquated? Michael ain’t about it!! @gremlinkween said this is probably why he runs into things head first without putting a lot of thought into it and he does everything so boldly and just hopes for the best lmfao
Venus Taurus: Venus rules over love and relationships!! So because venus does rule Taurus, I’d like to think this makes Michael a hopeless romantic (especially w a pisces sun omfg)  As a Taurus Venus this means Michael has “an appetite for luxury and a style snob” and i mean??? Is that wrong??? ALSO SO SO SENSUAL. I’M TALKING TOUCH STARVED NEEDS TO BE CONSTANTLY DEMONSTRATING LOVE PHYSICALLY? @gremlinkween made some awesome point about how this would give him a hard shell to break and very stubborn in his relationships, but when he loves, he loves hard!! Which we see with Mead and how he went through extreme lengths to get her back and we see just how heartbroken and distraught he is when he’s rejected by his family
Scorpio Mars: eyyyyyy, it’s yo gremlin, Ash, so the Mars Sign is the “””””masculine””””” energy, but more importantly, how you respond to the physical side of things, whether that be sports, sex, whatever. This would explain why he’s just so violent and extra. Like did he really have to explode Madison’s head? No. Did he really have to eat Marie’s heart and make a show of pulling the knife out of his back with that sexual grunt? Absolutely no. Scorpio is the sign of doing the absolute most, doing it the most aggressive, and sometimes even sexually, which explains his just kinda overall sexual tone when it comes to the physical. So honestly, our hcs about Michael being super freaky and violent? Not off at all
Scorpio Rising: The Rising Sign is all about how others perceive you and the general and first impressions, and your spontaneous reactions to things. Scorpios, as a said do the most, but that’s because they are the fixed water sign. They are just as emotional as a Pisces or a Cancer, but it’s all under the surface, as my best bitch once said “Scorpios are the tossing and turning seas. We can look serene on the surface, but there could be riptides underneath the surface that could easily kill you, but sometimes you see that on the surface as well” and does that not sound like the impression that our boi gives off? Is that not his impulse reactions to things? He can be so calm and then he’s suddenly destroying everything in his path.
Tagging a few who seemed interested in this idea: @sammythankyou @lovelylangdonx @babydollcake @sweetlangdon @royalblueviper @x-satanicbeautyqueen-x @codyfernss @langdonsrapture @langdonsdemon @sloppy-wrist @1-800-bitchcraft @tiny-ruby-seeds @starwlkers @langdonsoceaneyes @kissydevil 
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dakotafvller · 5 years
here’s me.... swinging onto the dash w my third char... somebody stop her... she’s out of control...... she lost her mind post apple store appointment.... 
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☁☼☁( ****. sydney sweeney. cisfemale. twenty-one. ) welcome back to your summer paradise, DAKOTA FULLER we were wondering when you’d finally show up! the town’s really missed how AUDACIOUS you are, even if you can be a bit DRAMATIC at times. we hear back home they call you the FIREWORK, makes sense considering you remind everyone of BUBBLEGUM AND TEQUILA SHOOTERS HIDDEN IN YOUR MINI LOUIS VUITTON PURSE, DANCING ON THE TABLE AT THE PARTY, HEART SUNGLASSES AT BRUNCH, AND SHARING A JOINT WHILE SITTING ON A BOY’S LAP. [fiona/19/pst/she/her] ☁☼☁
u know the drill.... i’m lazy at this point so.. finger guns
yipee so homegirl right here.... was raised in a  small house on the outskirts of the city with just her mom. her dad left them both when she was around 6
she remembers crying and crying and crying when her dad left them because she couldn’t understand why they weren’t enough to make him stay
she ended up moving to an even smaller apartment in the city with her mom, who wanted to return back to her dreams of being a big broadway star and commercial queen that she had before being married n dropping em for ‘love’
despite how small the apartment was her mom had random men coming in and out of it in the wee hours of the night, lost inspiration to pursue her dreams, and started drinking way too much
her mom was messing around a lot n dakota got acquainted w sex at a pretty early age
she kind of neglected her daughter.. lost the desire for family things n the structure of a household after her father left them... she drunkenly told a 7 year old kota “if he doesn’t give a shit why should i?” lmfao so from that point on dakota took it upon herself to raise herself
she grew up pretty fast! eventually realized the power of the female body n sex and used it to her advantage.. got slut shamed a lot when she was younger and hated it
got into drinking and drugs, eventually met someone at her school who took her to a party in the city and she got used to the night life there a lot at a very young age.. she became fascinated w the city and the lights and the night and how it was all very, very different from her upbringing and gave her an escape
she got scouted by this guy at 18 who told her she had the potential to be a big time model, she had the face and look etc, had her have a photoshoot in some loft where it ended up being a lot more of him just wanting her to get less and less clothed. so she ended up letting him take nude photos of her. didn’t think much of it until she ubered home. she cried the whole ride and felt gross and the guy told her he’d leak the photos if she ever said a word.
eventually she actually did model! she did campaigns and more commercials while in school studying, eventually dropped out of college and moved in with a very fortunate friend who loaned her money and got her started and her name out there
her friend had the lifestyle she wanted.. money, boys, drugs, popularity.. so she associated herself with it so much that eventually she was providing for herself off of modeling gigs she got and commercials she booked
so..... in a way she’s kinda faking it till she makes it and even tho she wants this lifestyle... it kinda never was her and one of her past flings even told her to her face that she was a faker and a nobody skdskdkla
she’s... literally never had a good relationship w boys ever and kind of lets them use her? especially when she was young bc she was a sad lil thing
she’s big on the party scene n idolizes paris hilton and the simple life skdkaldaskd.... she’s an attention seeker and a loud mouth but she’s fun and messy and likes drugs and alcohol and bad decisions 
wanted connections: fwb!!!!! past hookups!!! current hookups!!! friendships that fell out, childhood friends, enemies, exes??? anything messy? someone she fucked over? someone she had a thing w and cheated on or led them on??? pls give me drama and angst lmao
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lokiarsene · 5 years
like yesterday, here's a bullet list of my thoughts for episodes 18~21
thoughts on episode 18:
oh no, it's the beach episode.
-- i really like how they show the way the PT take care of futaba. ren patiently cleaning up her room in between hours at the florist, them playing vidya with her, or just having lunch together in montage moments is very sweet. it makes me wish the anime had much slower pacing, more slice of life-y kind of drama.
-- watching yusuke, ryuji, and futaba lose their freakin minds over good curry is VERY relatable.
-- i still don't understand why ann and makoto thought that a two piece frilly bathing suit was the way to go with futaba. a one piece that she could wear under a long wrap or a hoodie would've made so much more sense... but >male gaze
-- have i told y'all how fucking tired i am of the sexualization of the teenage girls in p5 yet, and how it is one of the several things that fuckin ruined this game for me
have i?
well here it is again
none of the previous games were as bad as this b t w and p4 had one of the dungeons be a STRIP CLUB.
-- yusuke and his lobsters are wonderful.
-- oh god i forgot COMPLETELY about the whole 'mental shutdowns' thing in this game's plot. i think because it's all so pointlessly convoluted. p3 had something similar but even there it was just people turned catatonic for weeks on end when the monthly boss-shadows drew near.
i think the reason i find this so hard to understand is because from p3 to p4 the rules of shadows didn't really change so much. p3 had the persona users go up against shadow bosses; p4 had people confront the shadows within themselves, either accepting them completely (which then turned into persona), or the shadow 'absorbed' the person and ran rampant as a monster. neither of those rules really contradict each other, but in p5 personal shadows for persona users are gone completely, and how you deal with other people's personal shadows doesn't even involve them being present to complete the merge.
mona says that persona users can't have palaces, but persona users in 4 could and DID have 'dungeons' within the shadows' worlds. these dungeons dealt specifically with what was at the core of the shadows' emergence--a deep secret and a hidden truth that caused the shadow to grow, a place that was a replica and a distortion of reality based upon that suppressed truth. so that sure sounds like a fucking palace to me.
so....................... unless there's like, multiple realities folded into our own, and persona users can only access certain ones.................. i'm just super confused.
like, i know it's because the rules change game to game, but p3 to p4 didn't have any contradictions, and p2 didn't contradict anything in p3, either. it just went from a full party of wild card users to a singular one.
-- i'm glad ann's getting a little screentime here. i was just thinking about how other characters' development was lacking after makoto and futaba got so much focus.
-- mona's so sweet to ann ;-; now that he has a human form in p5r, i hope they become really good friends. she needs a kind guy friend that'll be reliable~ plus he makes her laugh.
-- sojiro talking about the anniversary of wakaba's death is......... really interesting........ considering that screenshot of futaba sitting next to a woman with the exact same haircut as her "deceased" mother.
-- ren reassuring mona that he absolutely has to be human, that he will return to who he used to be once they figure out what's happening in the metaverse is jsut jdfklasd
-- listen i know mona isn't rly a cat but he's the BEST cat
thoughts on episode 19:
oh it's the hawaii episode.
-- man what the hell kinda budget do these school's got that they can just go overseas with dozens of students on a yearly basis? that's impressive.
-- ryuji: "whoa, awesome! ..... i don't really get it, but awesome!" fjdsafds okay that got a laugh outta me. good one, ryuji.
-- ren: "i'm excited, too." (said in a monotone) fjklsadsl BLESS THIS BOY
-- ren's FACE when he learns that futaba installed a spying app on his phone and can hear him/see pictures he takes is...... kind of hilarious. especially if you have the headcanon that he and akechi send dumbass snapchats to each other a lot--which i do. and which you do now, too.
-- mona's depression is ten times more sad because he's a cat okay :c why they gotta make the cat so cute
-- ren, ryuji, and ann's lil sleepover is adorable. especially since ann chastises ryuji for not knowing one of the basic rules of a sleepover: if you start talkin' about your crushes, you gotta start with your own~ thems the rules lads
-- rip principal bloatneck.
-- honestly that truck shoulda at least TRIED to stop.
-- "A LO HA." goddammit that's adorable
-- the PT targeting okumura, who is essentially the dave thomas with political ambitions of the persona 5 world, is far funnier now that i phrase it like that.
-- mona's totally right that ryuji's just concerned with getting popular and his dick wet. like,,, that's why this argument only made me hate ryuji more than i already did. he gets pissy when mona points out the truth.
god he sucks lmao
-- i really like how guarded akechi's face looks in his conversation with sae, and how off his guard he looks when she tells him that she's not going to hold back, especially since the culprit is doing such dire, awful things. he's not exactly surprised, but he's definitely uneasy and shaken by what he hears. which makes me wonder who he’s really concerned for--himself, or for ren (and the PT by extension, but akechi only really seems to care about ren, so).
the reason i like that is because the okumura arc in p5 is really where akechi's mind starts its downward spiral. principal kobayakawa's death obviously rattled him, especially since the only reason the principal died was because shido saw him as useless and disposable, something akechi is desperate NEVER TO BE. and it's that + what happens with okumura that really kicks him over the edge.
i hope p5r will give us the chance to pull him back from it. he deserves a better chance than the game's subpar writing gave to him.
thoughts on episode 20:
-- ren wakes up in a panic because he thinks he sees mona on his bed ;___________;
-- goro snoopin' on the PT's LOUD, TOTALLY CONSPICUOUS conversation in front of okumura foods' HQ is kind of adorable if you remember he clearly loves star wars (HE HAS A LIGHT SABER), and the camera cuts to his face right as they're talking about big bang and outer space lingo.
-- oh, haru. i really wish you were the black mask. that would've been so much cooler--and an actual twist. her total hopeless panic about being a beauty thief could still be a thing (because it is actually endearing), it'd just be an act. but that's me talkin' fix-its again.
-- i really like the scene of haru defending mona to the PT on the rooftop, then cutting to show just how strained her relationship is with her father. she exists to be useful to her father's ambitions and nothing else, and that scene really drove home just how painful that is for her.
-- oh hey remember how the game went through the trouble of showing how haru's fiance is a sexist, violent, animal-hurting piece of shit and then promptly failed to actually separate her from him in game (i think you only can do that in her s-link?? the s-link you can barely finish in your first run of the game??), and in t hEN SHOWED HER IN THE CAR WITH HIM LATER, LOOKING HORRIBLY UNCOMFORTABLE?
-- ryuji running into the attic, all worried about mona, with a first aid kit, is..... very good. very good and endearing. good on you, ryuji.
-- haru gently encouraging mona to tell the truth is also really good. idk if i just missed it in the game or what, but i really like how she's presented in the anime. she's like a counterpart to ren--soft, sincere, observant, patient, yet she's made of pure steel beneath all that.
thoughts on episode 21:
-- haru, the reason your father's heart grew twisted is thanks to capitalism. you gotta change the heart of capitalism.
-- not to be all poochie here but whenever akechi isn't on screen, all i can ask myself is whERE'S AKECHI?
-- okay see this is where i'm thrown completely out of the story or even really liking haru. haru just listened to her dad's shadow saying he would PIMP HER OUT TO HER FIANCE WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT. and she still is just like ~no i want him to go back to being kind~
bitch are you nuts
are you NUTS
god. i'm getting so mad again lmao
-- ren approaching haru to point out that if the truth of her father's crimes comes to light, she'll forever be associated with him (and with all the harm and ruined reputation that brings) is, once again, further reminder of just how... damn good ren is. he doesn't hesitate to speak from the heart nor does he ever fail to listen to someone else speak from theirs.
-- also not for nothing but uh
how did the cops not like
figure out how the PT phan-site was set up within the first few months and track it down to mishima? was that ever addressed at all?
-- honestly another reason why i get so fucking mad about this okumura stuff is the game goes SO FAR OUT OF ITS WAY to make you feel BAD that he died, when he was by all rights a fucking shitheel monster, yet when akechi dies it's like 'oh well. that sucked.' fuck off, atlus. the death of a greedy, heartless CEO isn't more sad just because his gaslit daughter is conditioned to be sad about it.
i understand that a large part of the shock after okumura's death is because the PT don't know if they did anything wrong. but okumura was in no way a good person. he was in no way a person whose redemption overruled all the hurt and harm he did. that has been the case for EVERY PT target before this, so why the fuck is okumura suddenly so different? why SHOULD he be?
the difference between him and, say, akechi is that okumura et. al. all made those choices on their own to do terrible things. they delighted in it, they enjoyed it. but akechi, much like futaba, was forced into a cycle of self-destruction--it’s just that in futaba’s case, her self-destruction targeted herself, and akechi’s was quite literally weaponized and used against others. he approached shido as a young teenager and was then used by him for years.
a teenage boy being used as a magical hitman by his shitlord father is far more deserving of sympathy and redemption than grown adults who willingly make the decision to harm, abuse, and prey on others. but no, the game didn’t want to do that.
this is another big problem i have with p5's second and third acts: it's so tonally dissonant and sloppy. it's like they didn't try to actually be as rebellious and hellraiser-y as the first act WANTED to be, and it all ends up being such a limp-dick shriveled mess of "let's fight against this rotten society!! ......... as long as it in no way actually upsets anyone or does any REAL change." fuck off lmao
that's not me even commenting on the "twist" and how it needed to be explained MULTIPLE TIMES to the player for it to make any sense.
and it still doesn't make sense to me btw.
so that's another thing i hope p5r fixes.
-- rip evil dave thomas megamind.
-- akechi floating the idea to sae that the phantom thieves had nothing to do with okmura’s death is............................ interesting.
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honeybadgr · 7 years
i’m bibi and welcome 2 my awful introduction
can i start off by sayin this girls name is josefina mariá ruiz-vázquez because most latinx parents are extra & we gotta pay for it lmfao but literally just call her joey pls ( or my fave, honey badger, cuz those little shits are fighty af even when they against someone bigger & that is... her )
now that’s out of the way, here’s my gal’s backstory ,, buckle up bc it’s a ride
although her birth certificate says she was born to adriana ruiz & matías vázquez, josefina never knew her mother. adriana was only 19 when she had josefina. a baby, in her mind, ruined all her years of planning... but it helped her sleep better knowing said baby would go to family, instead of foster care ( even if after realizing the father lived in a trailer on the southside of town, the uneasiness she was raised with didn’t fall short. )
nevertheless, adriana knocked loudly on the door and prayed that he would take in their daughter --- more so, he actually bothered to read the note she neatly tucked into the pristine baby blanket
ofc matías, who was like nine years older than adriana to begin with, was like ??? tf is this and how do i turn it off ??? make it stop crying ??? wh a t??? i somehow managed this once before, do i really gotta do it agAIN i am Tired ,,,
oh yes, there’s more. an eight year old son who already lived with him, and unbeknownst to him, two more baby boys* born vaguely around the same time josefina was. let’s just say matías was a v busy man who only had to deal with two of the four. *owen wilson voice* wow
* also those two baby boys,,, also half brothers,,, and the ones mentioned in her secret / what’s been used to blackmail her so i’m gonna b hella vague ab them cuz i’m gonna likely b putting them as wc SO lmfao
matías wasn’t a bad dad... he just... had a lot of issues. but, those issues caused luís --- the eldest of the vázquez kiddos --- to often look after josefina when their dad couldn’t. being eight years older made it easier as they grew up, but when joey was a smol baby it was v difficult
it wasn’t a secret that their dad was/still is a serpent, but when luís was deemed old enough for his own initiation, he followed in the footsteps. “it’s in our blood,” they both told joey, on multiple occasions. and she really started to believe it.
despite being vivacious & kind of a breath of fresh air, a young josefina usually found herself in company that would have made her mom, if she were around, disapprove. if adriana kept her, there would be no doubt she would’ve done anything to keep her daughter away from anyone/anything associate with the southside ( a mistake she knew she made herself, after becoming briefly involved with matías )
it was only a matter of time before joey was inaugurated herself.
being fifteen at the time & as bold as ever, she didn’t quite understand why luís practically dragged her away from the wyrm in a fit of rage --- she knew what she was doing, she was “old enough” to do the serpent dance
she obviously wasn’t, but you know fifteen year olds thinking they own the fuckin world etc
even got her serpent tattoo on her hip wow she literally said fuck it to her brother & did it all anyway i can’t bELIEVE it def lead to somewhat of a fallout between them, bc like “you’re a child....pls sit down and do normal teenager things” BUT IT’S ALL A BIT HYPOCRITICAL BECAUSE HE WASN’T MUCH OLDER WHEN HE JOINED AS WELL damn
so at age 26 now luís is STILL no.1 concerned father figure to his baby sis especially w/ everything that’s happened & still happening & he’s just,, he’s getting early grey hair bc of her i swear lmao 
she prob fought BOTH her other half brothers & didn’t even know!!! They related!!! Cuz fuck ghoulies they TRASH ( and she will ,,, be the first to shout it as loudly as possible oops sorry fam ) & i feel like the northsider brother would b stuck-up so ksdjfnhjdkm Y E A h
when i say smol i mean SMOL she only 5 foot :(( pocket sized 
LOVES DOGS!!! she got so attached to hot dog she cried
speaking of crying, ya girl is an angry crier oops again
“i swing both ways” / “are you bi?” / “well yes but also i mean i can swing both ways violently with a baseball bat, so---”
she,,, ain’t a bad person tho ,, she just has a lot of misplaced aggression at times & with the family situation coming to light/being blackmailed it’s like wow fuck thIS
and she hates math w/ a passion but like same so i relate u know ,, she an art & history hoe aka two things that ain’t gonna help her w/ shit out of school 
ALSO DON’T THINK I FORGOT AB OUR GIRL’S MOM ADRIANA HAHA OH MAN turns out adriana ruiz is now adriana ortiz & is a police officer :)))))) that’s fun !!! just imagine that initial reunion gosh ...
adriana vc: oh my small daughter i’m so sorry joey vc: fuck ur apology i don’t wANT IT LIKE U DIDN’T WANT ME
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necromilk · 8 years
DEC EVENS 2-22, desta odds 1-21, Dante evens 24-44, just for the hay 23-33 for slime, odds 35-45 Bjorn
What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
His relationship w his mom is alright, was never really super close to either of his parents but w her he is the closest but even still shes more of a background parent/passive mom
Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
oh h a h i’m sure hes actively seen people murdered when he was out on the job so he’s become a bit desensitized to some things
Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
if u mean not nightmares, likely running in the woods w wolves–that freedom to embrace himself without fear
Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
ofc since he is a cop, first target tho was probably on someone who honestly wasn’t even a threat but pulled his gun out as a self defense and likely missed
Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
he actually enjoys casual lounge wear, so less clothes, but he is v self conscious about himself so he wears more clothes
In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
the most calm, likely laying in bed post-coital w his partner ilya, just relaxing and enjoying their alone time together
Does your character remember names or faces easier?
he actually remembers smells but he associates that w faces easier, since he kinda needs to know what ppl he’s going after actually look like
Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
happiness, but for a while assumed it was just never something he was going to have so he aimed for success in the work place
Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
he admires ambition, people who will do things for themselves and are self motivated
In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
i think he tends to compare himself more so for self-criticism, in the sense that he feels like he can never do enough to help people and seeing other people succeed in that whenever he fails just makes him feel shitty
What does your character like in other people?
he likes people who speak their mind, people that are confident in themselves but also aren’t afraid to ask for help
Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
he likely has cousins somewhere close to his age but hes never met any extended family so he doesn’t really know, and is also an only child
What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
he has a pretty good relationship w his dad, though his dad has more of a friendship type relationship with him than a fathership
On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
if he HAS pockets in those many robes, probably his pet tiny acramantula Anansi, sometimes an astronomic pocket watch
Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
just the usual of either being hunted by hooded men in masks or eaten by a werewolf or seeing his friends and classmates dying horrifically in front of him an unable to do anything to stop it
Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
he technically has a stable place to live compared to when he was younger, so I guess so?
In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
the first three years of school
Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?
maybe not like a papercut, but a massive wound might trigger him a bit
Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
not at all, he grew up in a way that they didn’t have a lot, out of personal choice, so he could enjoy the people he was around and his experiences as a child instead of money or things
What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
it was probably a handmade cloth doll his mother gave him
What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
lmfao the relationship flaw is that he doesnt understand intimate relationships at all and yes it sure has fucked a lot of things up for him
If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
he is pretty quick to throw blame on other people, in his mind its deserved, also because he can’t handle self blame very well
How quick is your character to trust someone else?
How does your character behave around children?
he loves children, isn’t the most socially adapt at talking w kids but he enjoys them
How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
you say the wrong thing and he will likely right hook you followed by loud yelling insult
What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
any mythos creature attempting to live with humans, esp the ones in relationships w humans (oh the irony)
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
in any intimate situation with another person that would compromise his emotionally stunted brain
Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
unfortunately there are situations where he can’t continue to attempt to make one single method work, so if it fails, then move on to the next one
How does your character behave around people they dislike?
is openly hostile and aggressive, unless its in a public place cuz then its a lot of civil contempt
Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
removing the problem/threat insures that it will never be a problem/threat again
How does your character treat people in service jobs?
he did service work growing up, so ofc he is as kind as possible, always prefers talking and being friendly w them
Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?
He had a teacher in school he really looked up to, was the most positive male role model he had
How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
it would take him a good long while, but once he says it, he means it. Never would he say something like that without being genuine or lead someone on
What does your character dislike in other people?
he dislikes uncertainty, and weak willed/ weak minded people
How quick is your character to trust someone else?
he doesn’t trust anyone, but he can tell when someone isn’t going to be a threat that he doesn’t need to be on guard around them
How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
maybe not so much suspect someone else as would be quite good at redirecting suspect away from himself onto someone else
How does your character behave around children?
didn’t like kids even when he was a kid
How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
being on the receiving end, he casually owns up to what he did and whoeheartedly unapologetic, there fore invalidating the confrontation
How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
is better with using his words to turn the confrontation to more his favor, and would only get violent if the other person started it first
What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
he had always dreamed of being the bland boring background catalyst character, lo n behold his dreams came true lol
What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
showing decency to those who are unworthy of it
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.
likely in a room where all the attention isn’t on him, but he is directing everyone from the sidelines
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
having little to no control over someone he had planned on using at some point, but even then i wouldn’t call that uncomfortable
In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
he doesn’t criticize himself often, but its likely more on the defensive side that he would disagree with that criticism and try turning it aroung
How does your character behave around people they like?
actually has a fully conversation with them and will actually seek them out or let them join in his company
Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status?
defending his honor,
Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?
he might’ve been bitten by his childhood cat, but its a cat and cats do as they do
Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?
he definitely always puts forth the effort to get what he wants, otherwise where is the satisfaction once you get it
Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?
like taking care of someone younger? no, though he did try tutoring dom but doubt that counts any
What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
he is a very logical, non religious person, he knows his body will decay and there is nothing for his soul in the end, but a tiny bit of him is hoping he is wrong and that there is some kind of afterlife
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stridersister · 5 years
lol glad you like talking about it bc i love reading it! world building is my absolute favourite thing in the world so i love swapping ideas with people every now and then!! c: ohhh, i for sure thought elio would get the princess (u know how it always goes) :o neat!! love me some blue/red aesthetic. tell me about elios two friends!
I do too! that’s why this is one of my favorite stories that I’m writing/working on, even if I can’t have time to work on it at this very moment (hopefully that changes this summer! in like 2 days lmfao) I get to build a bunch of different planets/peoples
yes right that’s what I want people to think, and then Elio is just like nope I’m in love with this muscular woman with skin as dark as the night and a heart of gold, her name is Albora and she comes from Earth. Her sister is named Sona with pink/purple hair but otherwise similar look and she’s my space lesbian, can’t have enough of those. she falls in love with the enemy, they have a korrasami aesthetic goin on
so those are the 5 main characters lol there’s Elio, Rex Roer and Yala Qin Amaya being his childhood friends from the prison, they escape and get separated and in the process Elio meets Albora and Sona, and basically take back Earth, the first planet where the story takes place. So Rex is very bestial, hence his name. His people are ridiculed in the empire, they’re like Space Pirates with a Cause. His world is also inhabited by a dwarf species, they all live together in harmony and believe strongly in individual freedom to be who you are while still having a community to back you up. Rex has deeply tanned skin, reddish eyes and really red hair just like the rest of his peoples. They’re all rough and tumble & his home planet is basically one big mine that they defend the Empire from getting their Grubby Paws on and they like it that way. Rex’s family especially leads the rebellion, his mother being a particularly notorious figure, and because of that he’s hated by pretty much everyone when he first gets to Earth’s prison. Elio is just like nope, I’m adopting him. Ziad (Elio’s dad) is like ugh fucking fine u can keep him, and all the crooks know not to mess with Ziad. Rex is muscular, if a bit stocky, and his sense of smell is INSANE. he has two sisters and one brother (who is trans and their reunion is heartfelt and pure) who tease him relentlessly over his crush on the pretty blue princess, which is really comin to light around the time that he is able to reunite with his family!
Yala Qin, god where do I start. Ok first off she’s the REAL narrator of the story, and I always struggle b/w wanting to make the story 3rd person omniscient or just say fuck it and make it all from her pov. this story actually follows events in which she is the protag, a story that was literally originally just about her. Anyways, her name means Witness. She has blue skin, greenish eyes and thick, bluish green hair (I’m still debating between anything from royal blue to teal, it literally all looks good) that she grows out to go all the way past her waist and then lowkey be as tall as her. She has Asian features, as the Medorans all do. Her mother, Mikuzna, late Empress of the Medoran Empire, also had blue skin and is not of royal blood. It’s actually considered a Big Deal to the Medorans what color ur skin is, green being the most wealthy/noble class of Medorans. Yala Qin’s father, Garlo Ben, has green skin and red hair, as did his father before him, and as does Yala Qin’s older brother (ugh kff I can’t remember his name rn but all of their names are alien sounding intentionally bc when u think alien u think green skin and shit). Yala Qin and her younger brother, Phix Mik, took after her mother and got blue skin. The Medoran Nobility was NOT happy about Mikuzna becoming Empress but! Mikuzna is a key player even in death because she had the same powers as Yala Qin in life. She knew what she had to do and how to get the throne, just as well as she knew that the story had to unfold the way it was going to. Plus, she’s charming AF and no skin color can change that, Garlo Ben was SMITTEN ok. The third type of Medoran, and the far more common kind, as well as the lowest class, has purple skin and blondish hair (Phix Mik also has blondish hair too, almost white, to go with his blue skin. He’s soft. Smart boi, my fav. I lowkey ship him with Elio lmfao but I have some even better ships in mind.) 
So that’s Yala Qin’s whole backstory, and as u can see Blue is key to her whole lewk. Blue becomes the color of the rebellion because of how it was associated with the fall of the Medoran Empire, many taking it as a sign Mikuzna’s ascent to the throne was the sign of the apocalypse. She’s a princess, but she hasn’t been since she was young and landed on earth, so she’s bold and hard and mean. she bites. she fights with Rex a lot, naturally. She’s got layers and layers of thick skin because of who she is and she’s not backing down, and she goes through so much growth throughout the series, as they all do. Medorans can also breathe underwater and have webbed fingers and toes. Their home planet has red oceans and a pink sky, blue trees. or maybe the other way with the sky and trees idk whichever is prettier but def red oceans. Her powers, which she discovers once she gets back to her home planet, allow her to be two places at once, in a sense--the afterlife and the present timeline. There she is able to explore her past life, Sheva, and the lives of others through their souls. I would explain more but it’s very intricate and comes from the first story I was writing forever ago, so it’s a little hard to explain. basically Yala Qin, as her past life self Sheva, is able to interact with and see the souls of others in order to learn from the past and bring forward the correct future. Elio has faced off against his uncle in the past as their past lives, and have a primordial antagonism towards each other--up until now, Elio hasn’t been able to defeat him. Yala Qin is able to see all this and make corrections, but the only problem is that she doesn’t know whose soul belongs to who in real life. I’m not sure if this makes sense lol but I promise you I develop this arc over 7 whole books lmao. But so Yala Qin has these powers, she often goes between the two and that’s why Mikuzna knows she is the “Witness,” hence her name meaning in the Medoran language. 
ff wtf I didn’t realize how much I even wrote about them lmfao and I’m not even close to done but I’ve worked more on this than my paper, which just goes to show u where my heart is ugh
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