#mind flayer centaur
foreignfaith · 1 year
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Octopus centaur? These creatures are fun to draw. Cousin to the mind flayer maybe. He wanders the open ocean for capsized ships to eat brains.
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angel-girldick · 9 months
Thinking about a Changeling that gets cursed so that every few days she transforms into the sexual desires of a random creature nearby. In her naturally chosen form she just looks like a pale Human, all shy and pure, built like a wood plank. Then suddenly and without warning, she turns into a busty blonde Elf with tits that tear right out of her leather armor. The next week, she becomes a muscular Tiefling with a massive cock that she couldn’t hope to hide in her tight riding pants. Later on it’s a Goblin, then a Satyr, then even a Mind Flayer.
She tries to shapeshift right back before anybody notices. But it always seems to happen in crowded places, so she always gets at least a few weird stares. She can‘t even tell whose fantasy she becomes most of the time. At first, she tries to convince herself that she hates it. But she can’t deny how hot it is.
She starts morphing her tits and hips and ass bigger in her natural form, hoping her party won’t notice if she does it slowly enough. If her tight, flat armor is going to get destroyed anyway, she might as well opt to wear a busier, curvier design, right? Then she starts adding the features people seem to like the most— sensitive Elf ears, handlebar Tiefling horns, a dexterous Dragonborn tail that draws attention to a bouncy Water Genasi ass. She tells her party she’s just experimenting and trying new things. They aren’t convinced.
It’s not too long until one of her party members catches her in a clearing near camp. She’s got a Lamia tongue wrapped around a giant Centaur cock, one clawed hand fondling her massive tits and the other furiously rubbing away at a fat swollen pussy. She becomes the party’s stress relief toy after that. The curse wears off after a while, but she never tells her friends— it’s just too tempting to suddenly and “accidentally” turn into their exact type in the hopes that they’ll pin her down and fuck her right then and there.
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hexblooddruid · 7 months
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name: Bryn Acevedo
nickname: Doc (Karlach), Faithwarden (Wyll, affectionate), Faithwarden (Astarion, derogatory).
gender: cis woman (she/her)
star sign: Bryn was born under The Centaur! Summer baby.
height: 4'5"
orientation: Bi and poly
race: Gold Dwarf
romancing: My first playthrough with her she romanced Wyll (and was able to romance Gale for most of the game until they fixed that glitch). I did a second one where she and Astarion ended up falling for each other when she got locked out of Wyll's romance at the Tiefling Party. It's too early on in this playthrough to have committed to someone but she's definitely got a huge crush on on Wyll and has feelings for Astarion (though she is very much in denial about that).
fave fruit: Pears and blackberries
fave season: She will say that she doesn't play favorites, that all parts of the cycle are important for the nature of rebirth but it's spring and autumn for sure (the transitional seasons).
fave flower: Sunflowers, apple blossoms
fave scent: Pine, salty sea spray, mossy dirt
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Tea, definitely. She's an alchemist and druid. Collecting, drying, and brewing tea is her specialty.
average sleep hours: She attempts 8 but usually just get six.
dogs or cats: As a future cleric of Mielikki, she's a friend of all small creatures but she has a soft spot for cats. As a Land Druid, she doesn't use her Wild Shape in battle often so at camp it's Kitty Bryn time.
dream trip: Ahh this is so hard, Bryn wants to see so much. She was on her way to stowaway on a ship to the Moonshae Isles when she got abducted by the mind flayer ship. In this playthrough she just read the note about the Sussur and passed the nature check to know it's found in the Underdark, so she's really excited to go there.
amount of blankets: One at the most. Bryn runs hot, especially in the summer (having a magic tattoo attuned to the seasons will do that to ya).
random fact(s):
She was originally initiated into the Circle of the Forgotten Vale, a fairly insular circle who's main responsibilities is warning travelers away from the Forgotten Forest. She was Sage of her Circle, responsible for collecting, archiving, and managing their collection of Druidic Lore. This caused her to take lots of trips to Baldur's Gate to explore the libraries there. She ran away once she was named successor to the ArchDruid.
She's 50 years old, the youngest of young adults for a dwarf.
Has deep bone shattering fear of Timeless Body. Would rather die than live another 1000 plus years as a half tree person.
Doesn't imbibe often BUT definitely lights up some fantasy weed before bed while stargazing.
I thought initially I got locked out of Wyll's romance for sleeping with Astarion but I found it was that plus flirting with Gale and Karlach during their romance scenes that triggered before the party. To prevent that from happening in this playthrough I've created a spreadsheet and timeline to track Bryn's romantic feelings toward her companions. She will not get locked out of a romance with the person she's actually interested in for being a relentless flirt again.
Thank you @thedragonagelesbian (muah) for tagging me! If anyone sees this and wants to do it, consider yourself tagged. It was a lot of fun and I want to see other tavs/durges/ocs what have you.
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reduxulousoctopus · 2 years
Recently remembered that time Rob Paulson had the cast of Justice League animated do a read-through of a scene from Lord of the Rings, which got me thinking that it would be fun to do some fan art or something of the DCAU in a fantasy setting. A series of bad decisions later and I've plotted out three chapters'-worth of "the first episode of Justice League but they're a party of DnD adventurers and they're fighting Mind Flayers".
Fun fact, I don't know shit about DnD. This is a terrible idea.
Anyway, here's what I've got of the characters so far:
Clark is an aasimar paladin
Bruce is a human monk/rogue, maybe some artificer so he can make gadgets
Idk Diana's race yet (boring options: variant human or custom lineage; spicy options: centaur or leonin) but she's a cleric of Hera, whose domain is listed as trickery but obviously we're going with strength instead
John is a human warlock, with some fighter or ranger stuff from his time in the military. Idk what patron would be a good stand-in for the Guardians
Shayera is an avariel barbarian
Wally is a halfling sorcerer
J'Onn is a gith wizard
I have some rough ideas for their backstories/origins, too, but I'll hold off posting those until I've done more research.
UPDATE: Diana's an earth genasi. I'm as surprised as you are that I didn't think of it before. And also, it turns out DnD halflings aren't actually Tolkien hobbits with the serial number filed off like I thought and I want Wally to have pointy ears to stand in for the lightning bolts on his mask, so he's a gnome now.
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hushed-woodsman · 1 year
Somno gang
Free use
Free use friends
Free use monsters
Domming a beast gang
Party free use on the bus
Hardcore fantasies
Bottom of the food chain
Witchs hut one two
Xenomorph two
Naga cockwarm
Egg carrier
Araya and royals One Three
Monster hunter. One Two Three
Mind flayer
Monster fucker halloween brothel
Unethical mage
Demonic beast biolumescent
Dp naga more nagas
HSR Halloween masterlist
Centaur cinnabar
Older neighbor
Time loop snuff doll
Interesting savanna
It hurt fu xuan
Breeding silver wolf
Femboy prince
Dog girls bitch
Alien boyfriends oviposition
Lesbian werewolf gf
Hot milfs in your area
Dragons bride
Kxsalt masterlist
Final girl yan
Robin dragon reader
Abuse kink
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icarusthelunarguard · 2 years
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter.
Looks like D&D is in the news, so let’s get your dice together and dive right in.
Stop being a pain in the rules. The plural of DIE is DICE, even if you have only one of each type. It’s not “DIES”. It’s never been, “DIES”. Keep this up and your character’s sheet will go through a cross-cut shredder. This week stop being… you know… YOU.
They say “Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder”. And depending on what edition of game you’re using it might be five eyes, or maybe eleven. Regardless, it doesn't find you attractive in any romantic way, only in a dietary one. This week watch what you’re eating.  
There are certain table-top games that literally do not need to exist. The fact that they do and have been sold for decades says something about us collectively! Try to imagine someone in the 1970’s pitching the idea to Milton Bradley for a 2-person game requiring spelling proficiency and dozens of play pieces? If you were thinking “Scrabble”, you’re wrong. HANGMAN! This week… make something useless.  
Cancer Moon-Child 
I’ve got Good News and Bad News for you. The GOOD NEWS is - there is an alternative to the Dungeons and Dragons Brand adventuring game system; it’s called “Pathfinder”! The BAD NEWS is… there is an offshoot version called “Ponyfinder” that re-skins all the characters and creatures in a thinly-veiled My Little Pony theme. You thought Game Nights were bad BEFORE?  
You’re going to start a new campaign with an experienced DM. Get together with your player group and agree on a specific class: Centaur Warlocks! The DM might not like it, but hey! You’re all from the same town, so it works, right? And you all have your Pact Marks on your flanks. As soon as the DM’s eyes widen, you all sing out, “My Little Centaur! My Little Centaur!” This week, keep psychiatric services on emergency speed dial.
You can get in on this one too! According to the rules Centaurs can mount other centaurs. MEANING… your five-centaur magic party can mount up and form Medieval Voltron! This week, keep these plans to yourself!
Hey, Scorpio? Heads up! We got a request to, quote, “Tear Into Libra And Scorpio” this week. So here we go. May all your saving throws be Natural-Ones, and all attack rolls on you Natural-20’s.
Just so we don’t leave you with nothing… May all of your familiars be baby mind flayers. –who get taken away from you by Infant Protection because you can’t feed it.   
Ok, One More Centaur item because you actually fit the bill. Centaurs average about six-feet, so little short of 2 metres tall. Humans average about the same, maybe a little shorter. So-o-o-o… either the horse-bodies are like tiny ponies, or the human torso is freakishly short. Either way, have fun getting that image out of your head this week. 
Playing adventuring games can be a philosophical tour-de-force for people. For instance, you might get answers to questions you’d never considered before. For instance, if you tell the DM you want to search the chest for contents and they say, “Ok… Roll D-20 for me. And since this is a surprise condition you get no modifiers on initiative.” –you never thought to ask how to identify Mimics, did you? If you survive this, plan on asking. 
Be glad the Magic Missile spell doesn’t require any material components to cast. A little waggle of the fingers and a spoken word and THOOM! Bunch of little darts fly into enemies. But imagine a house rule that says you still have to roll d20 attack… and on a Natural-One the material component is your own fingernails forming the missile. This week get your nails done professionally. 
Magic users get picked on a lot. Here’s how you can even the playing field. Stop referring to it as your wand or a staff. Call it a Tree Bone! Not only are you suddenly bad-ass, but even the low-intelligence barbarian will respect you. This week, play up your achievements. They need them.  
And THOSE are your Hobble-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook and Discord.
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oldschoolfrp · 7 years
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Xanathar the beholder, crime lord of Waterdeep, guest starred in IDW’s Advanced Dungeons & Dragons comic #12, November 1989, with story by Jeff Grubb, penciling by Jan Duursema, and inks by Dave Simons.  Xanathar and his drow colleague are modeled after Keith Parkinson’s 1987 cover for Waterdeep and the North.  This issue is available as a PDF on Drive-Thru Comics, and there is a read-through review on Comics Alliance.
Also note it is canon that one of Xanathar’s eye rays makes the sound “Barack”.
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d20-dimwit · 2 years
Homebrew Masterpost
Melted candy
Candy Corn Goblin
Furry Bait Awakened Animal
FTL Lanius
FTL Slug
FTL Zoltan
More Lizardfolk
More Centaur
More Dragonborn
Reptilian Dhampir
Flightless Avian Dhampir
Winged Avian Dhampir
River Dhampir
Ocean Dhampir
Space Tree Frogs
Lensmen (Beholderkin)
SCP-2800 - Cactusman
SCP-1788 - The Adults
SCP-1368 - Aegides
SCP-1730 - A Leech Child
SCP-492 - Animated Cloth Dummy
Water Elemental
Frozen Undead
Flesh Golem
Jack-O-Lantern Folk
The Wendigo
Spelljammer Warforged
Metal Elemental
Earth Elemental
Mind Flayer
Jak and Daxter Races
Bug Races
Additional Genasi
Spelljammer Races
Original Classes:
The Aegis
The Bionicle Toa
Stand User
Dr. Wondertainment
The Mad Scientist
The Artist
Spelljammer Specialist
Path of the Abberant
Path of Blood Lust
Path of the Star Born
Path of the Impaler
Path of the Slasher
Path of the Bionoid
College of the Frontier
College of Calcium
College of Stars
Church of the Broken God
The Grim Reaper
Circle of the Ceremorph
Circle of the Tumbleweed
Circle of Skin
Circle of Rime
SCP Reality Anchor
Wight Knight
Way of the Open Range
Way of the Mist
Way of the Divine
Shark Punching Center
Way of the Frozen Fist
Dark Jak
Way of Eco
Way of the Hermit
Oath of the Gish
Oath of the Peaks
Orbital Protector
Pokémon Trainer
Fiendish Blood
Blood Cursed
Glacial Heart
Spelljammer Flow Magic
SMT: Devil Survivor
White Mage
Blood Scrybe
Extra Weapon Options
Greater Reduce Spell
Monk Technique Scrolls
Create Book Wyrm Spell
Blackjammer’s Cutlass
Oops, All Fireballs
Spelljammer Ship Rules 1 2
21st Level Fiend, Construct, Angel, Undead
Spelljammer Spells
Circus Series
Muscle Dragon
Pokemon Chi-Yu
Pokemon Ting-Lu
Pokemon Chien-Pao
Pokemon Wo-Chien
Umber Hulkling
Thunderblight Ganon
Fireblight Ganon
Waterblight Ganon
Windblight Ganon
Spelljammer Dragons 1 2 3
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flailsnails · 2 years
Spelljammer Monsters:  Dracon
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Dracon are dragon-dinosaur-centaur creatures with a duelling code and a herbivorous, pack-oriented lifestyle.  Which is one of the most sentences ever.
They are a good 10 to 12 feet long, with a whiplike tail and feet like an elephant’s.  They have five fingers and a thumb on each hand, for 12 total digits.  Their thumbs have long, sharp claws on them that are comparable to daggers.  They speak their own language, Draconic, and Common
Dracons fashion long, thin swords for themselves, and are also skilled with darts and halberds.  They make and wear plate armor, which they make a ritual out of donning before battle.
Their family unit is the herd, led by a kaba.  They have long and intricate oral genealogies which help them decide who is kaba.  A priestly class of shallas ministers to the herd, leads worship, and advises the kaba.  A dracon separated from their herd becomes morose and sickly, but fortunately they respond well to found family.
The dracon duelling code dictates that the challenged first names weapons, the challenger names the extent of the duel, and then the challenged names the place and time.  Stories tell of a pair of dueling dracon who meet once a year to fight one exchange, “a single round of combat.”
Most evidence points to the dracons being relative newcomers to Wildspace.  They usually fly round-bottom ships that resemble galleons or cogs, sized to accommodate them.  They speak of their world with reluctance, describing it as grassy and sandy by turns, with shallow seas and at least one large moon.  More than that, they will not say.
They get along with almost everybody in Wildspace, although they seem to be prone to mixing up the traits of the various humanoids, to the point of ascribing dwarven traits to elves, and the like.  They even get on with mind flayers.  They think beholders look like sports balls.
Dracons absolutely despise spiders, and the one exception to their generally friendly demeanor is that it is on sight with neogi.
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foreignfaith · 1 year
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Mind flayer centaur
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appendingfic · 3 years
Evil DM Ideas
- Find a party who is willing to play a game that deals with the grim realities of war - who are okay with grappling with the moral difficulties of war
- Convince them to play young adult characters, explaining it will help intensify the emotional impact of the setting.
- Explain to them to keep in mind that Rule 0 means even if they see a monster that, say, looks like a mind-flayer, doesn’t mean the official lore they’ve read in fifteen hundred source books on the subject is correct.
- If possible, steer them away from playing druids
- Have them start in a low-key town dealing with, you know, killing rats in the basement.
- If you’ve got a good sourcebook dealing with asteroid strikes, use that to simulate an event they stumble across on like their first trip out of town.
- Have them find a person inside what originally seemed like a metal asteroid - almost, but not exactly, like a centaur
- He explains to them that their world is being invaded by an evil race known as illithid. Unlike other invasions, this is a secret one, as illithids are actually small slugs that enter a body and latch onto a creature’s brainstem in order to supplant its personality with their own.
- As a result of their powerful psionic abilities, it is impossible to truly know if someone has been replaced by an illithid
- He gives them a new ability - a specialized form of wild shape to help them infiltrate and combat the illithids
- If the players conclude the illithids have eaten the brain of their host, do not contradict them. This will heighten the drama when you reveal that the illithids are puppeting their fully conscious hosts.
- Once you have determined if any of your players have read Animorphs, you can use the books as inspiration for as many adventures as you want until the characters are broken, traumatized husks.
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randomencounters · 4 years
Okay, fine: a d100 table of races
To be used with NPC templates, that old AD&D 1e Table of Harlots (https://thedurvin.tumblr.com/post/171531933586/), or wherever else you need it. I probably still missed a few canon B-list player-races because it was more fun to scroll Wikipedia’s lists of fictional humanoid species, so don’t say I didn’t warn you
Orc (D&D-style)
Ork (WH40K-style)
Troll (roll d4: Tolkien, AD&D 1e, the dolls, Homestuck)
Fishfolk (Sahuagin, Kuo-Toa, Deep One)
Mermaid (roll d6; on a 1, it’s a Reverse Mermaid)
Frogfolk (Bullywug, Battletoad)
Giant Toadfolk (Slaad)
Centaur (roll d6; on a 1, it’s a Reverse Centaur)
Birdfolk (Aaracokra, Kenku)
Hawkman (Flash Gordon)
Lizardfolk (Kobold, those genetically-engineered sapient velociraptors from the Jurassic Park Expanded Universe despite them not being reptiles)
Turtlefolk (Tortle, Ninja Turtle, Kappa, Koopaling)
Catfolk (Tabaxi, Khajiit, Lionfolk, Tigerfolk, &c.)
Hyenafolk (Gnoll)
Bugfolk (Thrikeen)
Worm That Walks
Imperial Hippofolk (Giff)
Mobian Hedgehog
Mushroomfolk (Campestri, Toad)
Undead: roll d6 for template (Ghost, Skeleton, Zombie, Vampire, Mummy, Demilich) and roll again for race
Warforge/Clockwork (roll d6: Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Giant, Colossal)
Golem (roll d10: Clay, Stone, Iron, Ice, Alchemy, Flesh, Bone, Diamond, Tallow, Gingerbread)
Elemental (roll d4: Fire, Water, Earth, Air)
Mephit (roll d6: Dust, Ice, Ooze, Steam, Magma, Salt)
Chain Devil
Pit Fiend
Dread Glabrezu
Dread Gazebo
Ethereal Filcher
Race of Yith
Salt Vampire
Grey Alien
Martian (roll d4: War of the Worlds, Barsoom, Looney Tunes, Mars Attacks)
Metaluna Mutant
Grimlock (subterranean humanoid)
Grimlock (warforged T-Rex)
Skunk Ape
Crystal Gem
Space Invader, aka Galaxian, aka Mooninite
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myth-lord · 3 years
D&D Monster Madness
Aboleth Abyssal Maw Ahuizotl Air Elemental - Ragewind (Caller in Darkness / Voidwraith) Almiraj Ankheg - Kruthik ANT - Abyss Ant ARCHON - Lantern Archon - Hound Archon Arrowhawk - Steelwing Aurumvorax Axe Beak - Achaierai
Babau Balor Banderhobb Barlgura - Girallon (Yeti) Basidirond Basilisk - Dracolisk BEETLE - Water Beetle - Fire Beetle (Bombardier) - Siege Beetle Behir Beholder Belker - Phiuhl Black Dragon - Shadow Dragon Bladeling Blindheim Blink Dog - Cooshee Bloodthorn Blue Dragon Bodak Boneyard Brown Dragon Bulette Bullywug - Grung - Hezrou (Pod Demon)
Carbuncle Carrion Crawler - Ulgurstasta Catoblepas Cave Fisher - Avalancher Cave Moray Centaur - Armanite CENTIPEDE - Adaru - Remorhaz Chasme Chathrang Chimera Choker - Skulk Chuul Cloaker Clockroach (Clockwork Horror) Cloud Giant - Fog Giant Cockatrice - Pyrolisk Copper Dragon Coral Golem Couatl Crawling Claw Crimson Death Crysmal Crystal Dragon Crystal Ooze Cyclops
DARK TREE - Hangman Tree - Quickwood - Orcwort Darktentacles Deadly Dancer Death Knight Deepspawn Destrachan Deva - Erinyes DIRE BEAST - Dire Rat (Osquip) - Dire Bat (Mobat) - Dire Boar (Fhorge) Displacer Beast - Phane Doppelganger - Maurezhi Dragon Turtle DRAKE - Water Drake (Dimetrodon) - Fire Drake (Zezir) - Air Drake (Wyvern) - Earth Drake (Rock Reptile) Drow - Drider Dryad - Splinterwaif Duergar - Derro - Automaton Dunkleosteus Dust Digger - Silt Horror
Earth Elemental - Tomb Mote Eblis Eidolon Ethereal Defiler Ethereal Dreadnought Ethereal Filcher Ethereal Slayer Ethereal Stalker Ettercap - Vermin Lord Ettin
Faerie Dragon Fetch Feyr Fire Bat Fire Elemental - Fire Effigy Fire Giant Flesh Golem - Rotripper Fomorian - Plague Spewer - Eldritch Giant Froghemoth Frost Giant
Galeb Duhr Gargoyle Gas Spore - Ascomoid Gelatinous Cube Gelugon GENIE - Dao - Djinn - Efreet - Marid Ghaunadan GHOST - Poltergeist - Allip (Wraith) - Banshee Ghoul - Ghast (Witherstench) - Berbalang - Devourer Giant Dragonfly Gibbering Mouther - Argos Glabrezu Gloomwing Gnoll - Witherling - Marrashi - Flind Goblin - Nilbog - Spriggan - Gremlin (Quarrak) Gold Dragon Gorgon Gravorg Gray Render - Cadaver Collector Green Dragon Green Slime - Arcane Ooze - Alkilith Greenvise Grey Dragon Griffon
Hadozee HAG - Bog Hag - Bheur Hag - Night Hag Hamatula Harpy - Siren Hatori Hell Hound - Yeth Hound - Canoloth Hippocampus Hook Horror Hullathoin Hydra
Id Fiend Imp - Mephit - Quasit Intellect Devourer - Cerebrilith (Brain Collector) - Grell Iron Golem - Adamantine Golem - Juggernaut
Kelpie Kenku Kirin (Celestial Stag) Korred Krenshar - Carcass Eater Kyton
Lamia Lemure - Rutterkin Leprechaun Leucrotta Lich - Demilich - Skull Lord Lillend LIZARDFOLK - Drakkoth - Kobold - Pterrax - Salamander - Troglodyte LYCANTHROPE - Werebear (Firbolg) - Werefox (Kitsune) - Wereshark
Magmin - Magma Hurler Manticore - Jarilith Marilith - Spell Weaver Medusa Merman - Merrow Merregon - Barbazu Mimic - Trapper Mind Flayer - Ulitharid Minotaur - Goristro Mohrg Morkoth Mudman Mummy - Grisgol - Skirr Myconid - Phycomid
NAGA - Dark Naga - Water Naga Nereid Nightmare Nightwalker (Death Giant) Nothic - Shardsoul Slayer (Phthisic) Nuckelavee
Obliviax (Puppeteer) Oni Orc - Tulgar Osyluth Otyugh Owlbear
Paeliryon Peryton Phoenix Piercer - Roper POSSESSED OBJECT - Book of Vile Darkness - Carrionette (Soul Puppet) - Helmed Horror - Slithering Hoard - Trap Haunt - Xaver (Deathdrinker) PUDDING - Black Pudding - White Pudding Purple Dragon Purple Worm - Fiendwurm - Neothelid
Rakshasa Ravid Red Dragon - Hellfire Wyrm Redcap Roc Rot Grubs Rust Monster
Sahuagin - Skulvyn Sandman - Skriaxit Satyr - Bulezau Scarecrow SCORPION - Hellstinger Shadow Demon Shadow Mastiff Shambling Mound - Tendriculos Shardmind Shocker Sibriex Silver Dragon - Mercury Dragon Simpathetic Skin Kite Solamith (Soul Eater) SNAIL - Balhannoth - Flail Snail - Metalmaster Solar   - Angel of Decay Sphinx SPIDER - Phase Spider (Wraith Spider) - Aranea (Tomb Spider) - Darkweaver - Bebilith Sprite Steel Predator Stirge Stone Giant Su-Monster Succubus (Incubus) Swordwing
Tlincalli Treant - Saguaro Sentinel Troll
Umber Hulk Unicorn - Dusk Unicorn Uridezu
Vampire - Varrangoin Vargouille Vrock
WASP - Hellwasp Swarm - Quanlos (Advespa) Wastrilith Water Elemental - Caller from the Deeps Web Golem Wendigo White Dragon Wight - Boneclaw Will o Wisp - Trilloch Winter Wolf
Yellow Dragon (Sunwyrm) Yellow Musk Creeper - Twilight Bloom (corpse flower) Yrthak Yuan-Ti - Abomination
Zombie - Drowned - Dustblight - Entombed Zorbo
UNIQUE Demogorgon Juiblex Tiamat Bahamut Lolth Cryonax Imix Ogremoch Olhydra Yan-C-Bin Pazuzu Kraken Tarrasque Leviathan Eye Tyrant Elder Brain Zuggtmoy
UNDEAD: Shadow / Adherer / Coffer Corpse / Crypt Thing / Huecuva / Necrophidius / Penanggalan / Revenant / Death Slaad / Son of Kyuss / Blazing Bones / Flameskull / Sinister / Skuz / Dracolich / Nightwing / Nightcrawler / Gravecrawler / Charnel Hound / Vitreous Drinker / Atropal / Spectre / Skeleton / Giant Skeleton / Entropic Reaper / Famine Spirit / Wraith / Deadborn / Vampiric Mist /
FIEND: Nalfeshnee / Cornugon / Pit Fiend / Larva / Amnizu / Hellcat / Mezzoloth / Nycaloth / Arcanoloth / Charonaloth / Dergholoth / Hydroloth / Oinoloth / Piscoloth / Ultroloth / Yagnoloth / Demodand / Cambion / Abishai / Spinagon / Yochlol / Molydeus / Nightmare Beast / Wastrel / Jovoc / Zovvut / Advespa / Durzagon / Arrow Demon / Sorrowsworn / Deathdrinker / Whisper Demon / Evistro / Draudnu / Remmanon / Blood Fiend / Echinoloth / Dybbuk / Nabassu / Braxat / Death Dog / Howler / Soul Eater / Tanarukk / Skybleeder / Incubus / Barghest /
ABERRATION: Eyewing / Eye of the Deep / Giant Leech / Lurker Above / Giant Octopus / Giant Jellyfish / Giant Slug / Thought Eater / Xorn / Flumph / Thoqqua / Volt / Xill / Land Urchin / Burbur / Giant Sea Anemone / Giant Clam / Giant Sunstar / Fachan / Neogi / Giant Squid / Decapus / Darkmantle / Delver / Ethereal Marauder / Frost Worm / Grick / Avolakia / Odopi / Rot Reaver / Gorbel / Spectator / Slaad / Digester / Meenlock / Chaos Beast / Balhannoth / Masher / Vodyanoi / Uchuulon / Dharculus / Brain Collector /
HUMANOID: Hill Giant / Halfling / Hobgoblin / Weretiger / Yeti / Aarakocra / Babbler / Dark Creeper / Dark Stalker / Dire Corby / Dune Stalker / Mountain Giant / Gibberling / Grimlock / Meazel / Norker / Quaggoth / Formian / Verbeeg / Selkie / Thri-Kreen / Wemic / Dragonkin / Asabi / Werebat / Athach / Abeil / Death Giant / Lumi / Phoelarch / Storm Giant / Nightshade / Gith / Flind / Bugbear / Wereboar / Wererat / Werewolf / Ogre / Tabaxi / Skindancer / Pit Master / Shadar-Kai / Lizardman / Triton / Kuo-Toa / Nagpa /
OOZE: Ochre Jelly / Slithering Tracker / Stunjelly / Aballin / Flareater / Phasm / Bone Ooze / Flesh Jelly / Teratomorph / Conflagration Ooze / Corrupture / Graveyard Sludge / Brown Pudding / Gray Ooze /
BEAST: Ankylosaurus / Brachiosaurus / Ceratosaurus / Elasmosaurus / Mosasaurus / Pteranodon / Stegosaurus / Triceratops / Tyrannosaurus / Giant Eagle / Giant Eel / Giant Frog / Giant Gar / Giant Lamprey / Subterrean Lizard / Mammoth / Giant Otter / Giant Owl / Giant Sea Horse / Sea Serpent / Giant Constrictor / Giant Cobra / Giant Snapping Turtle / Giant Weasel / Giant Wolverine / Blood Hawk / Bonesnapper / Jaculi / Quipper / Rothe / Behemoth Hippo / Boobrie / Giant Catfish / Compsognathus / Deinonychus / Dimetrodon / Struthiomimus / Tanystropheus / Giant Raven / Verme / Megatherium / Cloud Ray / Quetzalcoatlus / Spinosaurus / Gambol / Moonrat / Guulvorg / Amphisbaena / Dire Bear / Dire Crocodile / Dire Elephant / Dire Shark / Dire Rhinoceros / Dire Stag / Dire Tiger / Dire Wolf / Worg / Muckdweller / Brain Mole / Ixitxachitl / Jackalwere / Pegasus / Sea Lion / Androsphinx / Hieracosphinx / Ice Toad / Bunyip / Disenchanter / Fire Snake / Kamadan / Mantari / Nonafel / Afanc / Baku / Boalisk / Kech / Ascallion / Frost Salamander / Kirre / Dragon Eel / Tojanida / Mudmaw / Rejkar / Zezir / Lodestone Marauder / Rylkar / Julajimus / Sand Hunter / Cranium Rat / Witherstench /
PLANT: Shrieker / Whipweed / Kampfult / Mandragora / Giant Sundew / Vegepygmy / Wolf-In-Sheeps-Clothing / Death’s Head Tree / Thorny / Phantom Fungus / Twig Blight / Dread Blossom Swarm / Night Twist / Burrow Root / Assassin Vine / Bloodsipper / Burnflower / Vine Horror / Tri-Flower Frond / Violet Fungus / Wood Woad / Battlebriar /
FEY: Brownie / Nixie / Nymph / Sylph / Atomie / Boggle / Green Hag / Grig / Hybsil / Frost Fairy / Lhiannan Shee / Ragewalker / Lunar Ravager / Banshrae / Frostwind Virago / Wild Hunt / Eladrin / Grimalkin / Sea Hag / Annis Hag / Kercpa / Skiurid / Pixie / Pech /
CONSTRUCT: Homonculus / Caryatid Column / Iron Cobra / Margoyle / Mongrel / Magic Golem / Bone Golem / Glass Golem / Shield Guardian / Hangman Golem / Merchurion / Clay Golem / Clockwork Horror / Dwarf Ancestor / Stone Golem / Emerald Golem / Retriever / Hellfire Engine /
DRAGON: Bronze Dragon / Dragonne / Pseudo-Dragon / Cloud Dragon / Mist Dragon / Linnorm / Gorynych / Tether Beast / Styx Dragon / Ambush Drake / Guardian Naga / Spirit Naga /
ELEMENTAL: Invisible Stalker / Water Weird / Azer / Mihstu / Ice Elemental / Lightning Elemental / Time Elemental / Energon / Earth Weird / Nishruu / Nyth / Orglash / Immoth / Tempest / Blackball / Breathdrinker / Chraal / Gulgar / Zaratan / Chaos Shard / Kapoacinth / Visilight /
VERMIN: Rhinoceros Beetle / Water Spider / Assassin Bug / Ant Lion / Death Watch Beetle / Slicer Beetle / Megapede / Giant Solifugid / Tenebrous Worm / Fyrefly / Bonespear / Sword Spider / Spider Eater / Spellgaunt / Brood Keeper / Chelicera / Harpoon Spider / Tomb Spider / Boring Beetle / Giant Ant / Giant Crab / Bristle Spider / Death Jumper / Snow Tarantula / Giant Tick / Bloodsilk Spider / Heart Tick / Carcass Crab / Giant Centipede / Giant Mantis / Giant Scorpion / Giant Spider / Wraith Spider / Giant Wasp /
CELESTIAL: Lammasu / Titan / Planetar / Swanmay / Trumpet Archon /
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Meepo's channel is like one of those Hydraulic press crushing everything channels, but he uses Shatter-spike.
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Look below the cut for the rest of Echo's choices....
(Answers given under the assumption Echo would survive the encounter)
Aboleth - Smash (those tentacles)
Angels - Smash
Azer - Smash (HOT)
Banshee - Smash
Behir - Smash
Beholders - Smash (should be obvious by now)
Bullywug - Smash (forgs)
Cambion - Smash
Centaur - Smash
Cloaker - Smash (they literally moan to communicate)
Couatl - Smash
Cyclops - Smash (don't need depth perception to have a good time)
Death Knight - Smash (the armor stays on, baby)
Demons - Smash
Devils - Smash
Doppelganger - SMASH (like, c'mon, is this even a question?)
Dracolich - Pass
Dragon, Shadow - Smash (It's a dragon!)
Dragons - SMASH (It's a dragon!)
Dragon turtle - Smash (It's a dragon!)
Drider - Smash
Dryad - Smash
Empyrean - Smash
Ettin - Smash
Faerie Dragon - Smash
Flumph - Smash
Fomorian - Smash
Galeb Duhr - Smash (get you a rock boyfriend)
Gargoyle - Smash (we've all seen the show)
Genies - Smash
Ghost - Smash
Giants - Smash
Gith - Smash
Gnolls - Smash
Grell - Pass
Grimlock - Smash
Hags - Smash
Half-dragon - Smash
Harpy - Smash
Homunculus - Smash
Hook Horror - Smash
Jackalwere - Smash
Kraken - Smash (don't worry about the physics...)
Kuo-toa - Smash
Lamia - Smash
Lich - Pass
Lizardfolk - Smash
Lycanthropes - Smash
Manticore - Pass
Medusa - Smash
Mephits - Smash
Merfolk - Smash (Echo grew up on the coast, gotta dream)
Merrow - Smash
Mind Flayer - Smash
Minotaur - SMASH
Myconids - Smash
Nagas - Smash
Ogres - Smash
Oni - Smash
Pegasus - Smash
Pixie - Smash
Pseudodragon - Smash
Rakshasa - Smash
Revenant - Smash
Sahuagin - Smash
Salamanders - Smash (HOT)
Satyr - Smash
Shadow - Pass
Slaadi - Pass (Echo's not into chest-bursters)
Sphinxes - Smash
Sprite - Smash
Succubus/Incubus - SMASH (again, is this even a question?)
Treant - Smash
Troglodyte - Pass
Troll - Pass
Umber Hulk - Pass
Unicorn - Smash
Vampires - SMASH
Wight - Pass
Xorn - Smash
Yetis - Smash
Yugoloths - Smash
For a grand total of 84 Smashes to 10 Passes The rest of the entries from the MM weren't included because they weren't capable of giving/understanding consent. (Animated objects, Ankheg, Basilisk, Blights, Bullette, Carrion Crawler, Chimera, Chuul, Cockatrice, Crawling Claw, Darkmantle, Demilich, Dinosaurs, Displacer Beasts, Elementals, Ettercap, Flameskull, Fungi, Ghouls, Gibbering Mouther, Golems, Gorgon, Grick, Griffon, Hell Hound, Helmed Horror, Hippogriff, Hydra, Intellect Devourer, Invisible Stalker, Magmin, Mimic, Modrons, Mummies, Nightmare, Nothic, Oozes, Otyugh, Owlbear, Peryton, Piercer, Purple worm, Quaggoth, Remorhazes, Roc, Roper, Rust Monster, Scarecrow, Shambling Mound, Shield Guardian, Skeletons, Specter, Stirge, Tarrasque, Water Weird, Will-o’-wisp, Wraith, Wyvern, Zombies)
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grigori77 · 5 years
2019 In TV - My Top 10 Shows
This past year may have sucked balls in a lot of ways, but we certainly never got short-changed when it came to our TV.  There was an absolute WEALTH of truly cracking TV around, both on regular networks and on the various on-demand platforms, and so here is my pick of the best, my absolute favourites of 2019.
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Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof brings us a blinding sequel to comic book legend Alan Moore’s legendary graphic novel with a delightfully trippy, ruthlessly efficient rug-puller that seems pretty tailor-made for HBO.  Old faces return in interesting ways, while there are some cracking new “masks” on offer, particularly Regina King’s Sister Night and the always-brilliant Tim Blake Nelson as morally complex antihero Looking Glass (in some ways very much the show’s own answer to Rorschach).  It never goes where you expect it to go, and refuses to give easy answers to the questions it raises, effortlessly paving the way for more next year ...
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Amazon offers up its own edgy, thoroughly adult superhero property with this darkly funny antiheroic gem based on the cult Garth Ennis comic, expertly adapted by Supernatural creator Eric Kripke.  Karl Urban dominates as Billy Butcher, the foul-mouthed, morally bankrupt “leader” of a makeshift crew of mercenaries, hitmen and psycho killers devoted to “taking care of” superheroes when they inevitably go bad.  Season 1 ultimately serves as an origin story, showing how the team come together, laying quality groundwork for the incoming sophomore tour that promises to open the already fascinating world out significantly.
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More Garth Ennis, namely this blinder of a closing season for AMC’s consistently impressive adaptation of his best known series for Vertigo comics.  Surprisingly epic, deliciously subversive and constantly, darkly hilarious, this thoroughly non-PC series from showrunners Sam Catlin, Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen (yes! I Know!) certainly went out on a high note, providing its loyal followers with perfectly-pitched bow-outs and sometimes heartbreaking goodbyes for all its players, especially its dynamite leads, Dominic Cooper, Ruth Negga and, in particular, Joe Gilgun as unapologetic bad boy vampire Cassidy.  A worthy end to one of my all-time favourite TV shows.
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While it’s clearly taken its look from the wildly successful video games, Netflix’s second most ambitious long-form offering of the year takes its lead from the fantasy book series by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski that started it all.  With its somewhat episodic set-up and decidedly twisted narrative timelines, it take a few chapters to get the hang of it, but there’s plenty to draw you in, from the exotic world-building to the frenetic action and compelling collection of richly crafted characters.  Henry Cavill is the titular hero, lovably grouchy mutant monster-hunter Geralt of Rivia, but the real scene-stealer is co-star Anya Chalotra as roguishly self-serving mage Yennefer of Vengenberg.
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One of the year’s two big sleeper hit TV surprises for me was this inventively offbeat allegorical Amazon fantasy series from The 4400 creator René Echevarria and screenwriter Travis Beacham. Orlando Bloom and Cara Delevigne are the star-crossed lovers at the heart of this intriguingly dark and dirty murder mystery thriller set in Victorian London-esque city-state the Burgue, in which humans struggle to co-exist alongside a struggling disenfranchised underclass of fae (fairies, fawns, centaurs and the like).  The racial turmoil undertones are writ large throughout, but this is far more well-written and lavishly appointed than you might expect on first glance, and almost ridiculously addictive viewing.
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My other big TV surprise was this wonderfully bizarre sci-fi anthology series of animated shorts from Netflix, mostly adapted from an eclectic selection of short stories from a wide range of top-notch literary talent including Peter F. Hamilton, John Scalzi, Marko Kloos and Alastair Reynolds (a particular favourite of mine).  As you’d expect from the brainchild of Deadpool director Tim Miller and producer David Fincher, this is edgy, leftfield stuff, frequently ultra-violent and decidedly adult, and the wildly varied nature of the material on offer makes for a decidedly uneven tone, but there are some absolute gems on offer here, my favourite being Suits, an enjoyably simple tale of salt-of-the-earth farmers on an alien world utilising clunky mech suits to protect their settlement from rampaging giant xeno-bugs.
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The show with the biggest cinematic wow factor in 2019 had to be this long-awaited prequel series to Jim Henson’s classic fantasy movie masterpiece, created for Netflix by, of all people, Louis Leterrier (yes, the director of The Transporter, Now You See Me and Clash of the Titans, if you can believe it). The technology may have evolved in leaps and bounds, but there’s a wonderfully old school vibe in the delightfully physical puppet effects used to bring the fantastical world of Thra and its denizens to life, so that it truly does feel like it’s based in the same world as the film.  This was EASILY the most visually arresting show of 2019, packed with exquisite character, creature and set design that perfectly complements the awesome work done by Henson and Brian Froud on the original, while the writers have created a darkly rich narrative tapestry that makes Thra seem a more dangerous place than ever.
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I was a HUGE fan of My Chemical Romance frontman Gerard Way’s magnificently oddball alternative superhero comic, so when I learned that Netflix were adapting it I was a little wary because I knew how spectacularly hard it would be for ANY showrunners to get right.  Thankfully Steve Blackman (Fargo season 2) and Jeremy Slater (The Exorcist TV series) were the right choice, because this perfectly captured the outsider nature of the characters and their endearingly dysfunctional family dynamic. Ellen Page, Tom Hopper (Black Sails, Merlin), David Castañeda and Emmy Raver-Lampman are all excellent as the more “functional” Hargreeves siblings, but the show is roundly stolen by Misfits star Robert Sheehan and Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn’s Aidan Gallagher as nihilistic clairvoyant Klaus and the old-man-in-a-child’s-body sociopath known only as Number Five. Consistently surprising and brilliantly bonkers, this was definitely the year’s most wonderfully WEIRD show.
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Writer-director duo the Duffer Brothers’ ultra-nostalgic 80s-set coming-of-age sci-fi horror series remains the undisputed jewel in Netflix’s long-form crown with this consistently top-drawer third season expertly maintaining the blockbuster-level standards we’ve come to expect.  This year the cross-dimensional shenanigans have largely been jettisoned, replaced by a gleefully nasty through-line of icky body horror that would make major influences like David Cronenberg and Stuart Gordon proud, as perennial teenage bad boy Billy Hargrove (the fantastically menacing Dacre Montgomery) becomes the leader of an army of psychic slaves under the control of the Upside Down’s monstrous Mind Flayer.  The kids are all brilliant as always, Winona Ryder and David Harbour really get to build on their strong-yet-spiky chemistry, and the show is almost effortlessly stolen by Joe Keery as one-time golden boy Steve Harrington and series-newcomer Maya Hawke as his nerdy new foil Robin Buckley, who were very nearly the cutest couple on TV in 2019.  Another gold standard season for a true gold standard show.
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Sadly, legendary author Terry Pratchett died before he could see the adaptation of one of his most beloved novels (and one of my all-time literary favourites too) see the light of day, but at least his co-author Neil Gaiman was around to bring it to fruition with the aid of seasoned TV director David Mckinnon (Jekyll, Doctor Who, Sherlock), and the end result sure did him proud, perfectly capturing the deeply satirical voice and winningly anarchic, gleefully offbeat and gently subversive humour of the original novel.  David Tennant and Michael Sheen could both have been born to play Crowley and Aziraphale, the angel and demon nominally charged with watching over the young Antichrist in preparation for his role in the End Times, even though they would both much rather the world just went on quite happily the way it is, thanks very much. This is about as perfect an adaptation as you can get, the six hour-long episodes giving the surprisingly complex story time to breathe and grow organically, and the result is the most fun I spent in front of my TV this year.
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