georgia-singing · 5 years
(Unit 40: P2, M2, D2, P3, M3, D3)
Weekly blogs combined together
Kathleen -
Week 1
Within our band we have been given the song Kathleen by Catfish and the Bottlemen. In this song, i have learnt the piano parts and the vocals; this is the first time i have played an instrument in band, meaning it has led to the development of my skills. The song has been hard work to try and piece together as we have been adding new parts in each week to try and make the song sound better and more up to standard for the gig. We have worked really hard as a band on getting the structure and the tempo of the song right. The transitions between verses , chorus’s and pre choruses and the timing has been a big part of the process for all of us as there are a lot of sharp stabs in the song which the instrumentalists need to be in sync for.
Week 2
During the second week, I have been practicing the piano at home as personal practice ready for the gig. Within my practice, I have learnt all of my piano parts and memorised the cords. Furthermore, I have been learning my harmonies and listening over voice notes of the band to further my knowledge and look for any further improvements. In college, the last week we worked on the outro and harmonies and kept repeating running over the song until there were hardly any errors.
Week 3
As part of our improvements, after the middle eight of the song, we collectively decided to add a breakdown section. This allows Jamie to introduce the band to the audience while the harmonies, bass and drums can continue lightly in the background. In continuance, there is a change in the drum beat to half time to conduct a different feel. The guitar and bass play single chords/ notes before the end of the song.
There’s a reason why -
Week 1
So far, we have been successful in having the chords, vocals and structure down to our second song “ There’s a reason why” by Blossoms. During the second to last chorus, we have added an audience interaction with no instruments however we have a simple drum beat where we also clap and get the audience to clap as well. An improvement that still needs to be made are in the transitions between the verse and chorus.
Week 2
As a collective, I believe that while learning this song, we’ve been effective at communicating and working well together as a group to make the song as good as possible. During these rehearsals we got the transitions perfected and now our goals are just to keep running through the song with the audience interaction and the dynamics (which need to be more prominent). We added dance moved and audience interaction as a way to make the song more upbeat.
Week 3
This week we have just been repeating the song to ensure there are no mistakes. As there wasn’t anything we wanted to add, so we decided to just work on the ending and try a few other options out. To make the ending as “big” as possible since it is our last song, we let the ending ring out.
Mine right now
Week 1
The third song we have is “Mine right now” by Sigrid. Up to now, we have the chord sequence and the structure down but the melody and the lyrics in the song change a couple of times. Our goal as a group is to is to listen and learn accurately how it goes so that when we are in our next rehearsals, we don’t have to focus too much on the lyrics and the melody.
Week 2
To focus on eliminating mistakes, we have ensured that we have practiced the song over and over as we already have the structure, melody, lyrics and chords down. We thought it would be effective to add harmonies so for personal practice, I have listened to voice notes at home and practice my harmonies along with the audio to ensure my part is to the best of my standards.
Week 3
This week, we have decided to add a few stops near to the end of the song to make the song more interesting for the audience to hear as well as interesting for us to perform. This week I have been trying to perfect this. To complete these changes in work successfully, the group has had to communicate effectively and practice together to get the timing correct
0 notes
georgia-singing · 6 years
Week 8
1. This week i have been practicing being in my head voice so goos and fus.
2. I have been practicing all of my band songs to get ready to perform on the gig .
3.I practiced by doing 30 minutes a day in my own time .
4.Tongue twisters have been helping me with my more fast songs.
5.I feel like i have achieved my smart target because i feel more relaxed in front of my pears
6.I believe i have developed more confidence going into my head voice.
7.I could improve on my vocal range , i could do this by using semi occluded vocal warm ups.
8.I have been practicing all of my band songs at home and improving my parts so i am prepared for coming into band i have been learning not only my lyrics but everyone's just in case someone can't make it
9.In my  band rehearsals i have improved by opening my mouth wider on the parts i couldn't originally hit and it has really helped me because now i sound a lot better and can hit them.
10.My smart target is to be more confident for my gig and to try and move around more on stage and in show backs.
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