#mimi is sus
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fairydust-stuff · 5 months ago
Ash x Yut Lung tangled au. I mean Yut Lung has the actual hair for it. Dino kidnapped Yut Lung as a baby using hair for magic ect.... Note the art is from #mimi is sus on Discord: Thank you Mimi for indulging all my weird ideas!
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Dino is Gothel he killed Yut's half brothers while they were complaining about father wasting the magic flower on his sick concubine. the rest is history.
Dino also adopted/ abuses Ash since its europe kingdom. Dino is a baron or something.
Ash goes from toy to inforcer for Dino maybe he;s a mercenary. So anyway Ash catches onto Dino using magic to stay young and secretly follows him to the tower so he can steal smash whatever shit baldy is using. To get back at him for all his crap.
He waits then sneaks in and Yut Lung attacks him with a frying pan and ties him up in the closet like in tangled.
Ash: Hey there you seen Baldy aroun…..
Yut Lung: (wacks ash with frying pan)) That will teach you to try and take my hair you….hee man!
I just like the idea of paranoid Yut Lung just hitting everything he see's as a threat with the fry pan.
Ash - did you just bash that barbar with a flying pan
Yut Lung- papa said murder is ok, if their trying to steal my hair.
But Ash actually wakes up earlier and over hears while in the closet Yut Lung begging Dino to take him outside. How Yut Lung's magic works ect…. and Ash is unerved as hell listening to all of this.
Ash is found by Dino in the closet later and he gets hired to scare Yut Lung with his adventure. Go with Yut in full attempt to sour his experience so he'll never even think about leaving the tower ever again. If he doesn't Dino will burn the Wongs house down.
Yut Lung wet and shivering: We should find shelter….I think
Ash: Nah a little water is good for you.
Ash: Look the perfect place to spend the night.
Yut Lung: Are all inn's in the middle of a dark swamp?
Ash: Sure girly its perfectly normal.
Yut Lung is niave but in creepy way he thinks everyone and everything wants to hurt him. He paints pictures of men with pointy teeth and flesh eating humans on the tower walls because that's what he was taught the outside world was like.
well luckily for Yut Lung Dino kept his hands to himself due to needing to keep him sweet because he needs his fountain of youth. He was testing the boundaries of grooming territory when Ash showed up.
Dino: here's I got you a nice romance story called Lolita.
Yut Lung: Better then Jean-Paul Sartre novels.
Ash ( screaming inside)
ash: He sniffs your hair!. Yut Lung: Just how papa says good morning.
Ash eventually just says screw it, hides the Wongs double crosses Dino and just takes Yut lung away from there. With the intention of never bringing him back.
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buddhamethods · 1 year ago
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When you're a bisexual and you absolutely MUST introduce yourself as dramatically as possible.
Oh Min Su as Chun Sang Won Love for Love's Sake (2024)
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stuff-diary · 4 months ago
The On1y One
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
The On1y One (2024, Taiwan)
Director: Liu Kuang Hui
Writers: Wang Yu Chen & Liu Kuang Hui (based on the novel by Mu Su Li)
Okay, why did nobody tell me the director of Your Name Engraved Herein had made a whole-ass gay drama? Just from that fact, I already knew I would love this. It certainly has more of a BL vibe compared to the movie, probably due to the source material, but it still manages to avoid basically all the toxic tropes and stereotypes. I really appreciate when these type of dramas take as much time as necessary to properly flesh out the characters and their bond, which is what you get here. People looking for constant romance will be disappointed, but the leads have fantastic chemistry, and seeing their development is exactly what makes it special. But truly, the characters are so relatable; the show uses them to make some beautiful reflections on life and youth. My biggest complaint is that the pace does get a bit too slow from time to time. Still, The On1y One is a gorgeously made drama and I definitely hope that second season happens.
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greyymon · 2 years ago
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color wheel thing but i did 4 characters a color because i hate myself
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jatcv · 1 year ago
Hat kid
Is sus
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I'm sorry
Nooo, WHYYYYYY?! 😭
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dormimilon · 1 year ago
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Pink diamond from memory
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ratatatastic · 5 months ago
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its the way paul always knows how to kick me in the fucking nuts. i think hes just found the perfect home. yeah kick me harder man come on make it hurt.
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mimiscappinisideblog · 1 year ago
i'm on my period, crying over how beautiful Alfredo is
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lemonmaid · 1 year ago
This wasn't in the parenting book.
Warnings: tantrums and parenting, Suguru is referred as mama but that's just because we love male wife Suguru.
Suguru Geto wasn't the one who would usually hold grudges, more or less a child of that matter.
But his adoptive son, (Name), was pushing his limits today.
Suguru took a deep breath, pitching his nose, “I want you to tell me the truth and this is your last chance”.
(Name) whined and kicked his feet against the floor, "I'm not lying! Gumi did it!”.
(Name) was at that young age, you know, five, where kids learn to be honest. The past couple of weeks (Name) would lie about small things, examples followed, if he brushed his teeth, if he broke Satoru's favorite mug, if he was the one who let the cat outside, a lot of small things that led to worst outcomes because of said lying.
Right now, the current lie is that Megumi broke the TV.
Suguru felt agitated, “(Name) I want this lying to stop-”
“I saw him break the TV last night momma! I promise! I promise! Nana and Mimi saw it too! Momma! Momma!”.
(Name) broke down in sobs, the little boy overwhelmed with new emotions.
As (Name) cried. Suguru picked up the little boy, hushing him and rubbing his back. “See? This is what happens when you lie too much. No one will believe you when you tell the truth”.
“I- I-”
“Take a deep breath for me”.
“I promise momma, I didn't break the TV”.
Suguru rocked the small boy, making him calm and eventually fall asleep.
Now Suguru had another problem to deal with, his other children.
“Who broke it”
Nanako, Mimiko, Tsumiki, and Megumi sat silently on the couch.
Suguru glared down at Nanako, “Nan-”
“It was (Name)” Mimiko intrupted.
The other three nodded leaving Tsumiki quiet..
Tsumiki was shaking, trying her hardest not to look at Suguru.
“It was Megumi!”
“TSUMIKI!” The other three yelled.
“It's not just my fault! It's also Mimiko!”
“It was not!”
“It was too!”.
The four kids bickered with each other, and Suguru rubbed his temples. Where was Satoru when you needed him?
“Everyone to their rooms, I don't want a peep until Satoru comes home. Upstairs. Now!”.
The four rushed upstairs into their rooms.
Suguru pinched his nose, did he want children of course he did but he didn't think about how siblings ganged up on each other since he was an only child.
Same with Satoru.
“Honey am home-”
Suguru's glare cut him short.
“Um, rough day?”.
Suguru sighed, “You can say that”.
(Name)’The baby monitor went off, small crying for Satoru.
“Great I guess I'm the bad guy today” Suguru growled while collapsing on the couch.
Satoru could only stare, confused about what to do. “Is everything okay?”.
Suguru put his palms to his face, “I'm a horrible parent".
Satoru came behind Suguru, rubbing the male's shoulders. “No, babe, you're a wonderful parent. The kids love you”.
“I accused a five-year-old of breaking the TV”.
“Shit I forgot to replace that”, Satoru said under his breath.
Suguru felt his anger rise. “You fucking knew who broke the TV and didn't tell me?”.
Satoru was sweating bullets, “Listen baby! I was- I was going to tell you but I promised Megumi and the girls-”.
Suguru felt a murderest rage, one he hadn't felt in y e a r s. “What happened”.
“You know how you said no curse en-”
“Fucking christ Satoru-”
“Last night Megumi wanted to show me something cool and- one thing led to another and the TV got hit-”.
“Fuckinh Christ Gojo, we need to be on the same side, you need to communicate with me and not fucking hide this kind of shit from me”.
(Name) whined louder on the monitor.
Suguru took a deep breath and walked up the stairs towards (Name) and Megumi's shared room.
“Babe! Don't kill them!”
“I'm not doing anything, I'm grabbing (Name) and if anything I'll kill you”.
Megumi tensed up when he heard the door open, seeing Suguru and his curse energy.
Suguru picked up (Name) carrying him down the stairs.
“Babe! Suguru! Where are you going?”
Suguru grab his and (Name)’s shoes, “I'm taking (Name) to dinner to make up for earlier, I expect an apology from everyone when I get back”
“....do you want me to get a new TV”
Suguru stopped and pondered, "Actually, see this as a punishment, y'all broke it, no more TV”.
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acronym-chaos · 3 months ago
Soft and Cutesy ID Pack
[PT: Soft and Cutesy ID Pack].
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom. End ID].
[PT: Names].
Amabel, Anya, Arlo, Beau, Benny, Bibi, Bijou, Bunny, Calla, Charlie, Cherry, Coco, Cotton, Daisy, Dashiell, Delilah, Dolly, Eddy, Ellie, Fawn, Felix, Finn, Florrie, Gabriel, Gigi, Honey, Isla, Jamie, Jasper, Jules, Juno, Kiki, Kit, Lark, Leo, Louie, Lulu, Mabel, Marsh, Micah, Milo, Mimi, Nilla, Noah, Ollie, Peach, Poppy, Remy, Riley, Rosie, Sammy, Snowy, Sofie, Sprig, Sugar, Sunny, Tessa, Theo, Tilly, Toby, Wesley, Will, Winnie, Wren
[PT: Pronouns].
Cud / Cuddle / Cuddles, Flu / Fluff / Fluffeir, Gi / Gig / Giggle, Hu / Hug / Hugs, Lo / Lov / Love, Ma / Marsh / Marshs [Marshmallow], Plush / Plushie / Plushies, Pur / Purr / Purrs, Smi / Smil / Smiles, Snug / Snuggle / Snuggles, So / Sof / Soft, Su / Sug / Sugar, Swee / Sweet / Sweets, Twi / Twink / Twinkle, Whim / Whimsy / Whimsicals
[PT: Titles].
A Dream Made of Softness, The Cherished One, The Cozy Dream, The Fluffy Wonder, The Gentle Glow, The Hug Collector, The One Wrapped in Ribbons, The Snuggly Star, The Sweet Embrace, The Warm Hug, [Pronoun] Who Brings Comfort, [Pronoun] Who Brings Sunshine to Storms, [Pronoun] Whose Love Feels Like Home, [Pronoun] With Tender Heart
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom, End ID].
Requested by anon!
Also tagging: @id-pack-archive
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arrowheadedbitch · 1 year ago
Hear me out, hear me out
Tim gets sued for allegedly setting someone's house and fire and switches career paths into the music industry just so he can rub this banger into their faces
Whether or not he did this after the trial was over or during it is up to you
But let's be real, he was found not guilty either way
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crazydaymycrazyway · 3 months ago
Hey Su...you're gonna be the patriarch. Suryong had his way till now, and it's going to continue. Whether you want it or not, you'll be the patriarch.
On a side note, I'm so glad Su didn't forget about Mimi. I mean, at first I thought it was Mi, but whatever. Turns out, Su is a pretty nice guy. He's even thinking of the instructors. And their interactions were so wholesome. Can't wait for him to figure out what his grandfather did. Gosh, I love this novel
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pupsmailbox · 11 months ago
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NAMES︰ aero. ambrosia. angel. anise. anisette. bakerette. bambi. benedict. berrie. berry. betty. biscuique. blanche. blanchesse. blanchette. bluebell. bonbon. brie. bubblegum. cake. cakerie. cakessa. cakette. cakie. candace. candi. candibelle. candie. candy. caramel. caramella. caramelle. carmella. carmine. cassia. cerise. chantilly. charlotte. cherie. cherry. chiffon. chip. chocco. choco. chocobina. cinna. cinnabelle. cinnabon. cinnamon. claire. clem. clementine. coco. cookie. cookilyn. creamine. creamique. creme. cremelle. crepe. cupcake. cupid. custard. custella. cwake. dahlia. darling. delight. dove. drizzle. dulce. dulcie. eclair. fleur. frostine. fuchsia. graham. gummi. heath. honey. honoré. joy. julienne. kandie. kandy. kat. kit. kitty. lacey. lollie. lollu. lolly. lulu. madeleine. maisie. margaret. marjorie. marshmelle. miel. mielle. mika. millie. mimi. moussette. muffine. nana. nilla. panettiere. pastelle. pastrie. pastrina. patisserie. patty. peach. petal. pippin. pixie. popsy. praline. precious. pudding. puff. puffy. pumpkin. pwuffle. raspberry. reese. rosa. rose. rosie. ruth. rye. sherbet. shortcake. sorbelle. sorbet. sprinkline. strawbette. strawbie. sucre. sucrose. sugar. sugarbelle. sugarlyn. sundae. sundaeya. sunny. sweetheart. sweeti. sweetie. sweets. taffy. tartine. tealyn. teddy. toffee. toffi. trixie. truffrill. tulip. vanilla. vanille. vaniya. wafer. weddicae.
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PRONOUNS︰ ae/ae. angelsfood/angelsfood. ba/bake. bake/bake. bake/bakery. belle/belle. berry/berry. bite/bite. blush/blush. bon/bon. bow/bow. bread/bread. bun/bun. butter/butter. ca/candy. cae/cake. cake/cake. candy/candy. car/caramel. cara/cara. cara/caramel. ce/cer. che/cher. chef/chef. cherry/cherry. chew/chew. cho/choco. cho/chocolate. choco/choco. choco/chocolate. chocolate/chocolate. cinna/cinna. cinna/cinnamon. cocoa/cocoa. confection/confection. coo/cookie. cookie/cookie. cream/cream. cru/crust. cup/cake. cup/cupcake. cupcake/cupcake. cute/cute. dar/dar. delicacy/delicacy. dessert/dessert. devilsfood/devilsfood. do/donut. doe/donut. dou/dough. dough/dough. fla/flan. flo/flour. fre/fresh. fro/frost. fro/frosting. frost/frost. frosting/frosting. fu/fudge. goodie/goodie. heart/heart. hon/hon. hon/honey. honey/honey. ice/ice. jelly/jelly. lace/lace. lolli/lolli. lolly/lolly. love/love. mac/macaron. mi/mix. mou/mousse. mu/muffin. nom/nom. pas/pastry. pastry/pastry. pi/pixie. pie/pie. pink/pink. plum/plum. pop/pop. puddin/puddin. pudding/pudding. puff/puff. puff/puffle. ro/rose. roll/roll. rose/rose. soft/soft. sprinkle/sprinkle. sti/stix, strawb/strawberry. strawberry/strawberry. su/sucre. su/sugar. sug/sug. sug/sugar. suga/suga. sugar/sugar. swe/sweet. swee/sweet. sweet/sweet. tart/tart. toffee/tofee. trea/treat. treat/treat. wa/warm . 🍡 . 🍦 . 🍧 . 🍩 . 🍪 . 🍫 . 🍬 . 🍭 . 🍮 . 🍯 . 🍰 . 🎂 .
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ratatatastic · 7 months ago
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ey tienes vergüenza?? de q??? escondido detras de ese manito enguantada...tambien sabes como sentir el timidez a esa edad grande q no mimi...
tiene sentido de una princesa q se sonrojó mal y esta tan avergonzada q no puede ser nada mas q cubrirse con sus manos aunque todo su carita se nota q se enrojeció feo
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identelier · 18 days ago
KAWAII-themed pronouns & names
Mochi, Pudding, Purin, Choco, Strawby, Lolli, Peachy, Candy, Jelly, Coco, Momo, Lulu, Lili, Mimi, Bubbles, Gumi, Cherry, Berry, Honey, Bee, Cotton, Hime, Yume, Amai, Sakura, Suki, Neko, Haru, Usagi, Yuki, Shiro, Sora, Hana, Starry, Twinkle, Glitter, Sprinkle, Sparkle, Puffy, Sugar, Angel, Dolly, Rin, Riri, Toto, Pipi, Pinky, Peko, Milky, Cupcake, Vanilla, Sweetheart, Sweetpea, Softi, Nene, Susu
mo/mochi/mochis/mochiself -- pud/pud/puds/pudself -- gum/gum/gums/gumself -- lol/lolli/lollis/lolliself -- cho/choco/chocos/chocoself -- jelly/jelly/jellies/jellyself -- candy/candy/candies/candyself -- bun/bun/buns/bunself -- neko/neko/nekos/nekoself -- usagi/usagi/usagis/usagiself -- kitty/kitty/kitties/kittyself -- pup/pup/pups/pupself -- yume/yume/yumes/yumeself -- hana/hana/hanas/hanaself -- hime/hime/himes/himeself -- star/star/stars/starself --twink/twink/twinks/twinkself -- glitter/glitter/glitters/glitterself -- puff/puff/puffs/puffself -- angel/angel/angels/angelself -- dol/dolly/dolls/dollyself -- pink/pink/pinks/pinkself -- charm/charm/charms/charmself -- pe/peko/pekos/pekoself -- lu/lulu/lulus/luluself -- ri/riri/riris/ririself -- su/suki/sukis/sukiself -- mi/mimi/mimis/mimiself -- po/popo/popos/popoself
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wolvzephyr · 7 months ago
Looks like we've got Project Moon's official statement in English now. Essentially, they're claiming the lawsuits/copyrights were first filed by the union and the artists (Mimi and Monggeu) to claim copyright over WonderLab and Leviathan (the comic portion of Leviathan, not the novel portion), and the union + Mimi have filed a civil suit for it. (The wording of the union's post DOESN'T contradict this interpretation, but they do specify that Monggeu was sued over reparations for speaking out against the company, which was not mentioned in PM's version.) PM is claiming ownership by saying they paid and treated the artists like full-time employees during their contract, so it's company work and therefore company property. (Again, this WOULD be standard industry practice, but if they have to argue this at all then that means Project Moon messed up on writing the contract.)
Honestly, it's a toss-up whether Mimi gets WonderLab or not—The court'll decide, since she wrote, designed, and drew it all and it seems it must not have been specified in her contract who gets the rights.
UPDATE: Apparently freelancers keep their copyright in Korea!? Wow, that's nice. Mimi is probably going to win, then. Cool.
If they're going to gun for it, I don't think Monggeu is going to get the rights to Leviathan's comic section though, considering the amount of PM oversight for it.
Either way, although I don't think this is as big a catastrophe as some are making it out to be, I definitely don't think PM (or KJH) has learned much, if anything. That'll be it from me.
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