#millionaire minister
hassanfield · 2 years
rishi sunak becoming the first poc prime minister is not the serve yous think it is
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kayas-kosmos · 1 year
Because of what's happening on Twitter...
I've made a little diagram to demonstrate why billionaires and the ultra-wealthy are bad for society.
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(Text in Image)
"If we view society as a body, every sector is like a different organ within the body that serves a function and works in harmony with other organs to maintain balance. Every part of the body is important for the whole thing to function."
"The ultra-wealthy want you to believe they are the beating heart and thinking mind of the society – they are the innovators who create our jobs and their brilliance drives society forward. They deserve to be at the top of society because they have earned that. Without them, the body won’t function because they are the most important part."
"In reality, they are more like a malignant tumour, sucking all of the blood (resources) away from everything else (people and the planet) to fuel its own infinite growth, depriving the rest of the body and slowly killing it. Workers create all of the innovation and keep things running, the ultra-wealthy take all the credit."
This is a public domain image so feel free to pinch it for whatever.
Elon Musk has put the careers of thousands of small business owners who depend on Twitter (myself included) in jeopardy by completely running it into the ground. Before this, Mark Zuckerberg had already been doing the same when he started pursuing Metaverse, making Instagram and Facebook much more unusable for artists. Do I really need to go into other examples of CEOs and very normalised practise of wage theft?
Meanwhile, the UK currently has the richest Prime Minister in its history. What is this man doing with this wealth? Continuing the Tory legacy of austerity in order to line his pockets and the pockets of his crony friends. This has resulted in a devastating cost of living crisis that continues to ravage the country as people's energy bills skyrocket out of control.
My diagram is pretty basic and lacks nuance, there's definitely more I could elaborate on with this comparison but I really don't have time. I just want people to get the basic point of how billionaires view themselves vs what function they actually serve. I'm also not here to debate whether some organs are more important than others since I'm not a doctor, that's not really the point here. And no, I don't care if people think I'm being harsh by comparing billionaires to a tumour. If they don't want to be compared to one they should stop acting like one. Jeff Bezos could end world hunger right now and chooses not to.
Also, I know a lot of people are going to come at me with the argument that billionaires give away massive amounts of money. First off, people like Jeff Bezos only give large sums of money to charity a.) for the sake of improving their public image and b.) because giving to charity allows them to write it off in their taxes. Also, charities in of themselves have a lot of problems, but that's a blog post for another day. Mutual Aid is a better way to help people directly. Really, the ultra wealthy need to be taxed, of course they do everything within their power to avoid taxes.
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"Earning a lot of money" and "holding onto a lot of money" are two different things. You cannot be a multi-millionaire unless you hold onto that money. If you give away massive chunks of it to enrich society, you cease to be a billionaire.
Oh and this is worth a watch, too.
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Also before the inevitable great man comments:
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Being a billionaire is a moral failing. Nobody needs that much money.
[Slight edit here - I made the assertion that a billionaire could not spend all of their money in their lifetime, but as someone in the comments pointed out it's very easy for them to completely waste billions in no time. Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg have shown that].
Anyway, if you would like to see more anti-Capitalist art from me, I am currently working on a webcomic called "Flowerpunk" - a story about a group of anarchists who are trying to save the city of Wyrdon from a supernatural plague known as "the rot." The comic heavily discusses disaster Capitalism and how the rich will use mass death and destruction as an opportunity to further line their pockets.
I also like to do little anti-Capitalist doodles relating to this project, which I plan to make into posters at some point.
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Please consider donating a Ko-Fi also if you would like to help support this project. I am really struggling at the moment because I've basically lost a massive chunk of my client base due to this Twitter implosion and also because of the AI BS that has made it impossible for me to get any reach nowadays. The last year or so has been an absolute nightmare for my career because of all of this.
Thank you all for your continued support! Hopefully I can re-establish my audience here on Tumblr and wherever else I decide to go.
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dtmsrpfcringe · 1 month
The BBC has secured the appearance of A-list actor Michael Sheen for Saturday night favourite The Wheel. The 55 year old star, who famously played former Prime Minister Tony Blair and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire presenter Chris Tarrant, will appear on an upcoming episode.13 June 2024
The Assembly - Michael Sheen on facing the grilling of a lifetime: “I really had no idea what I was going to be asked”
Thirty-five interviewers who are autistic, neurodivergent or learning disabled, question an A-list celebrity for one extraordinary TV interview You really do pull shit out of your arse to fit whatever you are trying to spin. You don't even bother to check your facts. Everyone knows Michael Sheen is A-List for fucks sake.
so, fun fact, in Britain he may be considered an A-lister, but internationally he is solidly b-list with notable credits like masters of sex, good omens, and staged🙃
so there ya go ig
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divinekangaroo · 1 year
Still can’t get over Tommy as a mid forty-something year old gangster, international businessman, killer, sometimes assassin sometimes spy, multi millionaire from nothing, minister of parliament elected twice, innovation sponsor, patron of the arts, etc, actually canonically writing a list of ‘My Top Regrets’ and putting his wife’s name at the top of the list.
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edandstede · 3 months
being trans in the uk is exhausting. it’s dire and hopeless and i’m tired. tories trying to roll back our rights and healthcare, they don’t want us to piss in public, it would take me years on the nhs just to get a gender dysphoria diagnosis in order to even begin accessing surgeries and hormones, i gotta use up most of my raised funds just on private consultations alone and i’m one of the lucky ones who has funds at all. most surgeons won’t even chop your tits off if your bmi is too high even though bmi is fucking bullshit. we’re suffering and dying, being fucking murdered while our prime minister makes transphobic jokes in parliament, suicide rates are rocketing. we’re debated talking points and punchlines on your racist uncle’s facebook posts and our youth are treated like they’re just being brainwashed into thinking they’re trans. some of you can’t let go of the mediocre wizard books written by a millionaire terf who funds anti-trans groups just because you grew up with them, and you’re so out of touch with reality. hell so many cis gays hate us too even though to everyone else we’re all indiscernible from one another. if they’re putting me on the chopping block then you’re next so why are you helping them curl the fists they’ll use to beat you with too? every angle is just a nightmare to navigate and some people still think it’s a choice. i can’t take it anymore.
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dasha-aibo · 10 months
A big rant about the Russian opposition
Well, you said you wanted it, so here it is.
Be warned: this will be long, rambly and unfocused. But I will try to split it into several parts.
Where it all began. The 90s.
Following the collapse of the USSR, Russian opposition was left in a weird state. Big Soviet-era opposition figures like Yeltsin now held all the power, yet, at the same time, the government was full of ex-Soviet party members. See, ol' Boris didn't want to do a lustration. I don't have his exact motivations, but, if I was put at a gunpoint and forced to guess, it was because Russia, even without all the states that left was a BIGHUGE country and needed people who knew how it all worked. And all of them happened to be party apparatchicks.
Yeltsin also left the KGB eseentially untouched. This is not well-known, but KGB were actually supportive of the fall of the USSR. Now, late-Gorby KGB is not the same as KGB during Stalin or even Khruschev. They were de-fanged and forced under too much supervision. Which they didn't like. So they were allowed to change their name, had some reshuffling and re-emerged as FSB. Ostensibly, just there to fight crime and protect the state, no disappearing people allowed anymore.
This is important to understand as we go forward.
90s were, overall, a time of terrible, terrible poverty and unimaginably, unprecedented freedom in Russia. If you knew what to do and was willing to do it, you could become a millionaire overnight. If you didn't have a particuarly marketable set of skills or was just unwilling to adapt, you'd be on the brink of starvation. And that's me not even touching the organized and disorganized crime which was absolutely rampant.
Then there was the privatization. Essentially, Yegor Gaidar, the prime minister during Yeltsin's first term decided that the best course of action was to take this lumbering 70-yo communist system and crash it head-first into capitalism. It was even called "shock therapy".
Now, in hindisght, we can say that his policies very much saved Russia and lead to economic prosperity later on. But man, shit was HARD for regular people. Especially hordes of state workers.
His most infamous project, however, was the privatization. Essentially, since EVERYTHING in USSR was state-owned and we were moving towards a capitalist system, someone needed to become the owner of all this state property. Privatize it, so to say. Of course, regular people could privatize their cars and apartments, which most everyone did. But the big bucks were in all the factories and natural resource mines. And this was done in the most ass-backwards way possible. People with connections got to bid on very lucrative property in the dead of the night with only one announcement in the local newspaper nobody read. Shit like that.
Everyone disliked that.
This is how Russia became saddled with it's giant oligarchy class.
I promise all of this is relevant.
Another really important thing happened in the 90s: the 1996 election. Yeltsin wanted a second term and he REALLY didn't want commies, his main opposition, to win. So he played dirty. Unlike what many later said, he didn't outright steal the elections. He did, however, do everything in his power as a prez to ensure a victory.
Everyone disliked that. Which is how we got Putin.
But 90s also saw the rise of several important opposition figures. And there really was actual freedom of speech and very little crackdown on opposition and protests. It still happened, don't get me wrong, but it was so minor compared to what's happening today, that it's barely worth mentioning. Anyway, back to opposition figures.
I will note three main one. Boris Nemtsov was the biggest - he was a favorite of Yeltsin's, was even a Deputy Prime Minister at one point and was considered as Yeltsin's heir at the same point. Things didn't work out. But he was the big face of liberals and democrats of the era. A guy who's "against everything bad and for everything good".
Then there was Mikhail Khodorkovsky. An oligarch and a philantropist, he was genuinely interested in the future of Russia and making it a big important country on the world stage through education and commerce.
Lastly, Gennady Kasparov. Yeah, the chess guy who lost to a computer. He wasn't really political in the 90s, but I still consider him part of the "old guard".
Part 2 in a reblog, because this is getting unreadable.
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Some 13 of the 31 members of Labour’s shadow cabinet have received donations from a prominent pro-Israel lobby group or individual funder, it can be revealed.  The list of recipients includes party leader Keir Starmer, his deputy Angela Rayner, shadow foreign secretary David Lammy, and even the former vice-chair of Labour Friends of Palestine, Lisa Nandy, who is now shadow international development minister. These donations were provided by Labour Friends of Israel (LFI), a pro-Israel lobby group which takes MPs on “fact-finding” missions to the region, and Sir Trevor Chinn, a multi-millionaire business tycoon and long-time pro-Israel lobbyist. More than half of Starmer’s shadow cabinet are listed as parliamentary supporters or officers of LFI.
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edwordsmyth · 11 months
"Good morning Gaza, get up, drink my coffee, and rise. Our funeral has arrived.
Good morning Gaza, get up and recite the verse of return to a land we have carried like a tattoo on the hand.
Good morning, you stranger to your house. Not all God’s earth is Rome even if your flesh is a window-shop for the masters of words. Your flesh, is it Christ’s brittle bread?
Good morning, you offering on the altar of the Mediterranean basin, cut your path short. You’re a prayer rug for idolators, a cave of ancient civilizations, a tent for bedouin rulers, you’re the armor of the poor and the alms of millionaires. They auction you as surplus to the market’s demands. And you are the dream of Palestinians on the streets, a river of bodies in one.
Good morning Gaza. Get up. Gather your one arm. The one you have left. Good morning Palestinian flesh on the tables of ministers and presidents. You’re a stone of solidarity and balance among your executioners. Not even your language protects you, so take a short cut. Your flesh legitimates the police and the saint, they swap names, take turns, merge, bond, and sometimes split into two kingdoms that war over you, but when you rise, they reunite over your flesh.
You’re the geography of chaos, the history of this East, so take a short cut. You’re a field of experiments for both heavy industry and light. An encyclopedia of gunpowder, from the age of the catapult to the rage of missiles that were manufactured in the West. Palestinian flesh, in tribal nations and suited states that disagree over the price of potatoes, leather shoes, beets, crude oil, but agree on expelling you from your blood,
gather in one arm, gather as one, and write the verse of return." -Mahmoud Darwish
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happypedrohours · 3 months
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Most likely to....game
Pick a most likely to from the list (or even your own!) and two Pedro Boys from what I'm sure is *not* an exhaustive list below and send an ask to another Hapy Pedro Hours partaker to ask their opinion:
Most likely to list
Most likely to break a world record? 
Most likely to become a millionaire? 
Most likely to have their own reality show?
Most likely to eat something off the ground?
Most likely to marry a celebrity?
Most likely to win the Nobel Prize?
Most likely to get lost in their own hometown?
Most likely to write a bestseller?
Most likely to go on Love Island?
Most likely to become prime minister?
Most likely to join a cult?
Most likely to have a threesome?
Most likely to fake their own death?
Most likely to get thrown out of the club?
Most likely to become an influencer?
Most likely to intentionally give the wrong directions to tourists?
Most likely to forget the name of a person they hooked up with?
Most likely to accidentally poison someone with terrible cooking?
Most likely to take a week to reply to a text?
Most likely to become a TikTok star?
Most likely to join the mile-high club?
Most likely to be a stripper?
Most likely to get car sick?
Who is most likely to replace salt with sugar while cooking?
Who is most likely to have the best Zoom background?
Most likely to turn up to work hungover?
Most likely to eat something off the ground?
Most likely to get lost in their own hometown?
Most likely to be the first one at the mic at karaoke?
Most likely to fall asleep during sex?
Pedro Boys list
Joel Miller
Pero Tovar
Din Djarin
Frankie Morales
Marcus Pike
Marcus Moreno
Javi Pena
Javi Gutierrez
Oberyn Martell
Lucien Flores
Tim Rockford
Maxwell Lord
Max Phillips
Dieter Bravo
Jack "Whiskey" Daniels
Ted Garcia
Clint (do we know his last name)?
Twist version: you can play this with any two celebrities or fictional characters related or not to Pedro if you're so inspired
Don't forget to tag your replies #happypedrohours so we can see them!
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eaglesnick · 4 months
The NHS will last as long as there are folk left to fight for it” – Aneurin Bevan
I’m no fan of Keir Starmer or Rishi Sunak. Sunak is completely out of touch with ordinary people and Starmer will promise just about anything to get himself into power and then break those promise when it suits him.  However when it comes to the future of the NHS I feel it will be safer under a Labour government than one run by free market, neo-liberal Tories.
From a purely selfish perspective  - something the Conservative Party excels at - the NHS saves all of us a small fortune. When your child needs medical care it is free at the point of use; when your parents need medical care it is free at the point of use; and when YOU need medical care it is free at the point of use.
Of course we pay for this through taxes and national insurance contributions but the clue is in the phrase “national insurance”. Medical treatment in Britain, is, at the moment, paid for through collective funding. It is a system based on community, social responsibility, and the old fashioned concept of caring for your neighbour. . Aneurin  Bevan, the "Father of the NHS” said:
“No society can legitimately call itself civilized if a sick person is denied medical aid because of lack of means."
It is a sad fact that Conservative Party members, many of them rich individuals who can afford private medical treatment, have been undermining the NHS because of their unwavering adherence to the ideological belief that all things run by private enterprise are good while all public sector institutions are bad. . The Tory’s will, of course deny this, claiming the NHS is save in their hands and that they have no plans to privatise it.
 Lets look at the facts.
Despite Prime Minister David Cameron promising there would be no cuts to the NHS this was the headline in the Daily Mirror when the Conservatives took over from Labour in 2012.
“David Cameron cuts NHS spending by £500million.” (06/11/12)
Two years later and we have this headline from the Guardian:
“David Cameron accused of hypocrisy over £1.4bn ‘raid’ on NHS funding." (06/07/2012)
By 2014 NHS staff were on strike because of the Tory government refused to give them a 1% pay rise. Rows over poor pay and under-funding continue to this day.
While Jeremy Hunt was Health Secretary patient experience and staff moral took a dramatic turn for the worse. Despite presenting himself as a “champion of patient safety”, targets were missed, waiting times increased, and the very fabric of some hospitals began to crumble, leading to Hunt being labelled “the man who ruined the NHS”. (Open Democracy: 08/07/22)
In 2016 The Independent ran this headline:
“Jeremy Hunt co-authored book calling for NHS to be replaced with private insurance.” (10/02/2016)
Is it any wonder the NHS has been seriously under-funded and run down when the man in charge was an advocate of private medical health insurance? Millionaires like Cameron (£40m) Hunt (£15m) and Sunak (£651m) can afford to pay for expensive medical care but the rest of us are not so fortunate.
This brings me back to the purely selfish reason we should vote for the party most likely to protect the NHS. Below are some AVERAGE costs for private medical procedures and treatments in the USA provided by Statistica 2021
Heart valve replacement…….$170,000     £133,390
Heart bypass………………….......$123,000     £96,518
Cornea (per eye) ……………......$17,000       £13,339
IVF treatments ………………......$15,400      £12,084
Hysterectomy ………………….....$5200          £4,080
In addition, Americans have to pay for their stay in hospital. This fee is on top of medical treatment costs. According to Debt.org (30/11/23) the price for the average stay in hospital of 4.6 days is $13,262. (£10,406)
Whatever your political leanings, the protection and restoration of the NHS should take precedent over all other electoral considerations because we will ALL need medical treatment at some stage in our lives be that as a child or as an adult.
We know the Tory mantra "private sector good public sector bad” just doesn’t live up to reality: we only have to look at our polluted waterways to realise this. Whether Keir Starmer would be any better at protecting the NHS from profit motivated private companies is a moot point.
With headlines like:
“Can Wes Streeting’s private sector plans save the NHS?” (Guardian: 14/04/24)
“Labour’s Wes Streeting just used the SUN to talk up NHS privatisation” (Canary: 08/04/24)
we cannot rely on the Labour Party leadership to protect the NHS from the profiteering private sector, not least because Wes Streeting has been paid £175,000 from donors linked to private health firms. (National: 14/04/24) There is no such thing as a free lunch so one doesn’t have to wonder to hard what these “donors” might want in return for their money!
Even so, I feel there are those within the Labour Party who would work very hard to stop the leadership of the party from running down the NHS to the point of collapse, as is the Tory plan, so with great reservation I will be voting Labour in the coming elections.
Save Our NHS
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not-poignant · 2 months
Hi hi :D Hope you are having a good day!
I was rereading UtB and I got to chap 24 and there was this part:
"‘Jesus,’ Dr Gary said."
And at first I was like 'huuuhuuhu I wonder if Jesus is an omega, beta, or alspha in the Underline-verse'
But then I was like 'gaaaasp, what if he was a peak alpha!' And I started thinking about the influence of peak alphas on things like religion, as religious figures. I know they're very rare, but I also remember Augus saying that it should be illegal for Ash to be a lawyer as a peak alpha. So then I started thinking about how would peak alphas would impact religion. Or cults! Or royalty! Or politics! Or just the course of history in general! Maybe they would stay the fuck away from it, or maybe they would crave having that control? I spent a very enjoyable hour daydreaming about it, which felt a bit like splashing around in the paddling pool of someone elses worldbuilding, which was maybe a bit rude lol, sorry if it was. And maybe Gary saying 'jesus' was just a throwaway expletive, and you didn't even mean much by it, but I was wondering about your thoughts! <<33
Hi anon!
This is something I've thought of. It's hilarious to me to low-key imagine Jesus in this world as an omega, though I haven't invested too much thought into it because I don't really care much for religion in general.
But generally speaking I liked the conflict of omegas being treated as second-class citizens and how that gets justified against Jesus being an omega etc. And then I was like 'I don't care about this enough to keep thinking about it, it's just amusing to me.' And that's about where I'm at. Enough to be sacrilegious and not enough to have fleshed it out further because I'm very idc about that stuff.
So then I started thinking about how would peak alphas would impact religion. Or cults! Or royalty! Or politics! Or just the course of history in general! Maybe they would stay the fuck away from it, or maybe they would crave having that control?
Oh no they totally crave that control. A tiny percentage of the world's population is peak alphas but they're overwhelmingly likely to be found in positions of power.
Tbh this is... intentional. I was trying to think of how to account for the absolute fucking monsters that end up as all-powerful billionaires in the world. Utter twats like Elon Musk, who you just know are too pathological to have hold of that much money, and yet no one on the planet is holding him (or the Zuck etc.) accountable.
And to me it gave me some comfort in my omegaverse, to imagine these asshats as being peak alphas. People who attain their power not because the governments have no regulations to stop them (which they should), but because they just have too much ardolphogen influence / power for anyone to stop them from getting this powerful.
And just like it's a huge issue in our world, it's a huge issue in this world too. The millionaires but especially the billionaires in this world are likely to be peak alphas. Generally speaking it's frowned upon for them to become Presidents and Prime Ministers, but they are found in other levels of court and parliament, as royalty, etc. They're less likely to make cults and more likely to go into business where they can control a lot of people at once.
It is a huge, huge issue. And it was planned for as part of the dystopia in advance.
Peak alphas crave controlling communities, not individuals. With the exception of Augus, the peak alphas we meet all have significant control over large amounts of people, whether it's Crielle and Fenwy Laboratories, or Temsen and Gary and Hillview, etc.
They don't need intimate relationships or love, because they form a bond to a much larger group. Historically that would have worked for small micro-communities - one person drawn to controlling and looking after the community while alphas were drawn to omegas. But in a globalised society and runaway exploitation re: billionaires, it's just become completely dystopian and it's partly how you end up with a world that favours alphas so much in the first place.
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kingmabry · 3 months
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Morarji Desai, Prime Minister of India (March 1977 to July 1979), was President of Ramana Kendra, Delhi, 1968-70.
I had the privilege of seeing Ramana Maharshi in August 1935 in the hall in which he usually sat. He was sitting on a sofa and wore only a loincloth. I could see an aura on his face, which was glowing with peace and joy. I sat opposite to him but did not ask him anything. He too did not say anything to me. I sat just over an hour and just looked at his face. Till today I have not seen that aura, that joy or peace on anybody else’s face. That hour of perfect stillness in that silent presence has been a precious memory ever since.
While I sat there, no questions arose in my mind, nor did I feel any desire to ask anything. I was at complete peace with myself. It was this experience that convinced me that Ramana Maharshi had realized God or Truth. Some of his disciples who were present asked him some questions, which he answered. He, however, said nothing of his own accord.
I had to leave the place next day by train at about twelve. About an hour-and-a half before the time of departure, I approached Ramana Maharshi for permission to leave. He told me that I should go after I had eaten. We sat down for lunch along with the Maharshi, at about eleven O’clock. After lunch, I bowed down to him and left.
The visit left an abiding impression on me and convinced me that Ramana Maharshi was a realized soul and that the ideal of ‘action in inaction’ as propounded in the Gita is really attainable.
Presiding over the 99th Jayanti celebrations of Ramana Maharshi at Ramana Kendra, New Delhi, on 13th January 1979, Morarji Desai as Prime Minister, said:
The Maharshi seemed to know everything. He knew the language of the animals. He listened to their complaints. He treated every being in the same way, whether it was a cow or a dog, a crow or a monkey. All were equal in his eyes, the beggar and the millionaire. He never went out of Tiruvannamalai. He refused to go out and preach. He said, “If I am a jnani, I consider everybody else a jnani too. What is there to give?” He regarded everybody as himself. He made no attempt to convert anybody. One got transformed by his very presence.
Many civilizations have flourished and then disappeared. But in this country, you find our old culture and the ancient religion still alive. And it is this that keeps the country alive. It is persons like the Maharshi who keep it alive...All learning should come from within. That is the way the Maharshi showed. He did not criticize others way of life. He said, “Stick to your own religion and follow it properly.” Ramana Maharshi taught that one could do sadhana in one’s chosen way and reach the goal.
- Face to Face
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darkmaga-retard · 5 hours
Jennifer Bilek
Sep 22, 2024
Under the guise of a human rights movement, our bodies are under siege by the systems of transsexualism, transgenderism, and transhumanism. Contrary to mainstream belief, these are not types of humans; no one transitions their humanity—at least not yet. Instead, these systems work together to promote the illusion of such a transition, driven by profit and the agenda of human engineering.
"Defining sex as ‘a biological, immutable condition determined at birth by genitalia,’ disregards the internal, emotional experience of gender identity. It also denies acknowledgment of the transgendered community and strips us of our civil rights."
- Colonel Jennifer N. Pritzker (billionaire philanthropist, female impersonator, driving gender ideology globally)
“Once we realize that our essential sweetness is in our minds, and that each of us has unique life-path potential not fully tethered to a body-determined route, then it is as sensible to be transhuman as it is to be transgendered.”
- Martine Rothblatt (a multi-millionaire, female impersonator, tech guru, and author of the first “gender bill,” driving gender ideology globally)
“We are going to reform the gender recognition law to address specifically the situation for non-binary people”
- Petra de Sutter (Belgium Assistant Deputy Prime Minister and female impersonator, driving gender ideology globally)
I recently had the pleasure of discussing the corporate myth of “trans” with W.D. James on the Philosopher’s Holler podcast.
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3rdeyeblaque · 1 year
On June 3rd, we venerate Elevated Ancestor Doctor Jim Jordan on his 152nd birthday 🎉
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Renowned throughout the South for his famous healing conjure work, rootwork medicines, & intuitive reading, Doctor Jim Jordan is a Blackbelt household name among our peoples of North Carolina.
Born as 1st generation of "free folk", James Spurgeon Jordan, was the son of formerly enslaved parents & extended family, from whom he received his initiation & well-rounded education in Conjure & Rootwork as well as training in divinatory arts. He learned Rootwork from his mother who was of mixed heritage, both First Nations & Afrikan descent. He adopted his support of his community from his father who founded the Neck Baptist Church in Como, NC. He learned intuitive reading through crystals & playing card divination from his Uncle who was a professional reader & minister of his own church in Franklin, VA. He learned more about Conjure lore, divination, & herbalism through his cousin who was a palm reader & midwife.
Doctor Jim Jordan specialized in playing card divination, crystal ball scrying, & palm reading for 70 years of his life; becoming a millionaire over time. For most of that time, he wildcrafted his own flora. His fame drew folks as near a his hometown in Como, NC to as far across the country as any were willing to travel for his service. It wasn't until 1925, after his practice grew beyond his means of harvesting, that he began supplementing certain flora with commercially sold supplies. To those whose wariness of him was overshadowed by their curiosity & faith in his work, he was believed to be “an enemy of Ole Satan.”For instance, he was known to use goofer dust not to kill, but to turn back evil and bring good luck.
Shortly after his death in 1962, a local journalist, author, and publisher began collecting first-hand accounts of his life, & later published a biography entitled, "The Fabled Dr. Jim Jordan: A Story of Conjure.". Presently, Doctor Jim Jordan's resting place is largely unknown - for good reason. IFKYK.
"[Doctor Jim Jordan] used herbs, roots, & a crystal ball to treat patients who came from all over the country to be healed " - The North Carolina Folk Life Institute
We pour libations & give him 💐 today as we celebrate him for his devoted service in healing & lightwork to the Black-Indigenous, First Nations, & Afrikan descendant communities across NC, the South, & nationwide.
Offering suggestions: libations of water, Baptist Bible, Playing Cards, clear quartz crystals, & tobacco smoke
‼️Note: offering suggestions are just that & strictly for veneration purposes only. Never attempt to conjure up any spirit or entity without proper divination/Mediumship counsel.‼️
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eternalistic · 3 months
Just a few days ago, Iceland issued millionaire whale hunter Kristjan Loftsson a licence to murder 128 vulnerable fin whales.
Fin whales are awe-inspiring -- capable of communicating through song, feeling love, and experiencing deep emotional suffering. Loftsson often kills them pregnant, and a study found that these majestic giants can take up to 2 hours to die after being harpooned.
We can still stop this cruelty and protect the second largest mammal on earth – not just this season but for good – by helping change the law and making this Iceland’s last licence.
The Icelandic government is under pressure. The key minister admitted she doesn’t agree with whaling but says the law forced her to grant the licence. Brave lawmakers plan to try to repeal that law.
We can help, like we did before: Let’s make this a PR nightmare for the Icelandic government, and build a 2 million-strong call to put whalers like Kristjan Loftsson out of business forever. Time is ticking – add your name and share with everyone you know!
(2,013,949 have signed.)
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kwebtv · 1 year
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TV Guide -  July 6 - 12, 1963
Martin Sam Milner (December 28, 1931 – September 6, 2015)  Film, stage, radio and television actor. Milner is best known for his performances in two popular television series: Route 66, which aired on CBS from 1960 to 1964, and Adam-12, which aired on NBC from 1968 to 1975.
He guest starred in many television series during the 1950′s through the 1990′s.  Among them were The Stu Erwin Show, Dragnet, The Life of Riley, Navy Log, 7 The West Point Story, Wagon Train, The Millionaire, Rawhide, The Twilight Zone, Laredo, The Virginian, Fantasy Island, MacGyver, Murder, She Wrote and Life Goes On.  He also starred in The Swiss Family Robinson during the 1975-1976 season.  (Wikipedia)
Glenn Corbett (born Glenn Edwin Rothenburg; August 17, 1933 – January 16, 1993)  Actor in movies and television for more than thirty years. Corbett came to national attention in the early 1960s when he replaced George Maharis in the cast of the popular CBS adventure drama Route 66. He followed this with roles in high-profile films and television shows, including a guest role in the original Star Trek series, the daytime soap opera The Doctors and the prime-time soap Dallas.
In 1963, Corbett replaced George Maharis on Route 66. Corbett, playing Lincoln Case, co-starred with Martin Milner during part of the third season and the fourth and final season of the series (1963–64). In 1964–65, he had a role on Twelve O'Clock High as Lt. Tom Lockridge for two episodes.
Corbett's other television roles in the early to late 1960s include Wes Macauley on It's a Man's World (1962–63). He was featured in 1964 as "Dan Collins" in an episode of Gunsmoke titled "Chicken" in which a man gets an undeserved reputation as a gunman when he is found at a way station with four dead outlaws at his feet. Corbett was cast in a 1965 episode of Bonanza, titled Mighty is The Word, in which he portrayed a gunfighter who finds religion and becomes a preacher, only to be confronted by a vengeful man whose brother he once killed. In the 1965–1966 season, Corbett guest-starred on The Legend of Jesse James.  Corbett also guest-starred in an episode of The Virginian, entitled "The Awakening", in which his character, David Henderson, is a destitute former minister who has had a crisis of faith and comes to Medicine Bow just as a dispute breaks out at a local mine over safety issues. He appeared as "Chance Reynolds", a regular cast member on The Road West (1966–67). He guest-starred in the second season Star Trek episode "Metamorphosis" (1967) as Zefram Cochrane.
In 1971, Corbett had a guest appearance with Mariette Hartley on Gunsmoke (episode: "Phoenix"). In the 1970s, he had guest-starring roles on the television shows The Mod Squad, Cannon, The Streets of San Francisco, Police Woman, The Rockford Files, and Barnaby Jones.
In 1976, Corbett joined the cast of the NBC daytime soap opera The Doctors as Jason Aldrich. He stayed on The Doctors until 1981. Throughout the 1980s, Corbett was a recurring guest star on the long-running television series Dallas as Paul Morgan from 1983–84, and then from 1986–88.  (Wikipedia)
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