#millet packs
upsidehealth · 9 months
Savor Variety with Our Assorted Millet Dosa Mixes - 4 Packs
Discover the joy of healthy eating with our assorted millet dosa mixes, available in a convenient 4-pack at Upside Health. These wholesome millet packs offer a delicious twist to your meals, ensuring both taste and nutrition. Elevate your culinary experience with our diverse millet dosa mixes.
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byzerodigital · 10 months
Little Millet Noodles
GOOD DIGESTION: The fiber-rich quality of little millet makes it easy to digest and it boosts the strength of your digestive system.
FULL OF NUTRIENTS: The millet noodles have essential vitamins and minerals that contribute to good health.
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pronatureorganic · 2 years
Pro Nature 100% Certified Organic Little Millet (Saamai) 500g (Pack of 2) is sourced from Certified Organic farms bringing about the claim of 100% Organic and retains their goodness and natural taste. Organic Little Millet (also known as Saame, Saamai, Chama, etc), is a diabetic managament millet as it has 3 times more dietar fibre than white rice. It also has the benefit of 2 times more iron and calcium and almost 5 times more magnesium than white rice. Pro Nature 100% Organic Little Millet has 4 to 5 times more protein in a serving than white rice and 1.5 times more zinc. It is also Rich in vitamins like B1 and Folate. We take utmost care in packing and storing of all our products. Pro Nature 100% Organic Little Millet is 100 percent Gluten Free hence making it available and consumable for all age groups. Try Pro Nature Organic millet.
Visit the link in the Bio and add healthy stuff to the cart now!
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rottenpumpkin13 · 9 months
Millet for Genesis and Cloud, because no one in the ration pack creation team was warned about this, and now they're out in the desert mid-monster extermination going ◉⁠‿⁠◉
Who is sent to rescue...whoever needs rescuing (Strifesodos or their teammates or the local wildlife)?
*Sephiroth is stranded with them*
Sephiroth: This isn't funny, you two. You aren't birds, millet should not have this affect on you.
Cloud: ◉‿◉
Sephiroth: Ridiculous. I'm not laughing, Cloud.
Genesis: ◉‿◉
Sephiroth: Please stop looking at me like that.
Tseng: Let me get this straight, you knocked them both out... because they were scaring you?
Sephiroth: You did NOT see what I saw, Tseng.
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tomatoluvr69 · 7 months
Cleaning out the bottom shelf of the freezer today which means finding a bunch of stuff left there by my roommate’s old roommates. Finds include: a whole frozen blue jay, a set of rooster feet, a raccoon pelt, a ziplock full of unlabeled shrimp with peel still on, bag of millet the size of Rhode Island, full lemongrass shoots, a pack of organic beef hot dogs
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flock-talk · 1 year
That last anon answer has me wondering, what in your opinion is the best pellet out there?
At the present moment I don’t believe there is a best pellet. With current research we don’t even know what exact foods wild parrots we keep as pets eat. what vitamins and minerals are actually needed in what quantities for optimal health. Most of the data used to formulate diets for captive parrots is based off studies done on chickens. Pellets don’t run feeding trials and the singular one that claims they do won’t publish any data for consumers to make educated decisions.
We don’t have any of the data necessary to be able to say that there is one that checks the boxes better than another. Currently when selecting pellets the knowledge you’re using is as primal as “is this toxic” and “will this cause harm to the body over time” which is where we are able to make statements on fillers, dyes, and sugars.
I feed three different pellets currently for various reasons
TOPs - the ingredients are wholesome foods, no real fillers or additives, no synthetic vitamins (there’s no studies on whether or not a parrot can actually absorb and utilize synthetic vitamins currently, hypothetically they should and there’s nothing wrong with synthetic vitamins, we just do not have proper peer reviewed knowledge on how they interact in a parrot body) however there’s loads of concern over whether TOPs on its own supplies enough nutrients to be a full diet on its own.
Harrisons - it is formulated by a veterinarian (say about that what you will *cough* science diet debacles *cough*), does primarily use fillers but does also have slightly more hearty things like oats and barley, packed with vitamins that may be lacking in other formulations. Have flavour varieties, tougher texture, and much more varied sizes that can benefit more picky eaters. Frequently recommended by other vets, same company also creates liquid formulas for sick and ill birds. Overall does seem like they know what they’re doing.
Caitec - I primarily started feeding this because Newt is allergic to soy and this has very low soy and doesn’t yield a reaction from him. Has some filler but primarily uses oats, quinoa, millet, sunflower. Then you move in to the added vitamins and minerals. Unique crunchy texture, very palatable to my birds, very large size variety which is great for enrichment.
My choice to feed multiples is because of a safety fallback in case of recalls, I won’t be left feeding seeds trying to quickly do a pellet conversion if I have two other backups they can eat. But also to cover nutritional bases. We do not know what they need and I don’t wish to rely on one specific company to be doing everything just right to be providing optimal health for my birds, serving several will hopefully make it so if one pellet is lacking something one of the others will have it. And lastly is enrichment- various flavours, colours, textures and pellet size make meals more interesting and really liven up mealtimes.
There simply isn’t a perfect pellet because nobody knows what that would even look like.
When looking for a food to feed your bird the ultimately best thing to do is ask yourself “is this product made for the birds or to draw human interest”. Flashy colours, silly shapes, and potent sugars will primarily be used to attract your eye- not your birds. The sugars will make it palatable which converts the bird quickly and make the human happy. But the dyes and sugars are not ideal for long term health.
And secondly “how do birds do on this food” in the dog industry you would just get the paperwork from a feeding trial but for birds this means reading forums or sampling it for yourself. you can tell pretty quickly whether a food is doing your specific bird any good. Dull plumage, inconsistent droppings, weird food intake fluctuations, lack of energy, feather destructive behaviour, would all be potential signs that a food isn’t working for your bird (also potential signs of illness so y’know, correlation is not causation)
I did a deep dive last year where I contacted major pellet brands and tried to get any basic info out of them, you may want to read in to that if you want continued reading!
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tanuki-kimono · 1 year
Any kimono or other chestnut patterned object? Or a legend? Chestnuts have been present in Japan since before rice.
Chestnut or 栗 kuri can indeed be found used as patterns, for kimono, obi and any knick knack like boxes, plates, sword guards, etc. On the blog, you can find some here.
Tbh, rice was mostly reserved to the elite for a super long time, and common people eat other cereals, like millet. Chestnut were an afordable food, eaten in Japan since at least Jomon period, easy to store and packed with nutriments.
Kurigohan (chestnut with rice) is still nowadays a well loved autumn dish. Their auspicious golden colors also makes them suitable to be served for celebrations in place of the usual auspicious sekihan (red beans and rice).
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paleparearchive · 5 days
The Secret to Beautiful, Soft Skin
Van Dyck's initial 1★ story (1/1)
Location: dormitory hallway (night) | Characters: Van Dyck, Aoi/MC
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Van Dyck: What, something smells sooo sweet… Who is making sweets at this hour!? Well, I can almost guess it.
Aoi: Ah, Van Dyck-kun! Just in time. I was just about to call you to where we were.
Van Dyck: Me? What is it for?
Aoi: Hubert-kun and Millet-kun baked pies with vegetables and fruits from their garden.
Van Dyck: Sigh… I knew it…
Aoi: Huh? What did you say?
Van Dyck: It's nothing. So?
Aoi: Ah, right. So, you know, there's a lot of them, and I was going around asking people about them.
Van Dyck: Even if you came all this way, sorry, I’ll pass.
Aoi: Uh… Is that so? They’re very delicious, you know?
Van Dyck: Delicious, you say… You didn't eat them, did you?
Aoi: I-I did eat them… is that not good?
Van Dyck: Of course it's not good. I can’t believe it! What are you thinking? Binge eating at night is the worst enemy of beauty.
Aoi: B-But they said they tried to bring out the flavor of the ingredients, so they kept the amount of sugar low…?
Van Dyck: That's not the issue! It's about your lack of sense of beauty!
Aoi: Uuuuuh…
Van Dyck: Ah. Besides, your skin has gotten a little dry these days, right? I don’t think so, but you don't skip skincare, do you!?
Aoi: Uuuuhm, I do apply cream after washing my face or taking a bath…
Van Dyck: Only that!? I can’t believe it!! Aaaah, just look at your face and hands, your skin is so dry.
Aoi: Uhm. S-Sorry?
Van Dyck: No matter how beautiful it normally is, if you don't take care of it, it will deteriorate in no time.
Aoi: R-Right…
Van Dyck: I don't think so, but you're not using the same cream all the time, are you?
Aoi: Huh? I always just pick an appropriate one based on the scent and use the same one every day until it runs out…
Van Dyck: Siiiiigh… Seriously, you.
The condition of your skin is different every day! How can your skin be satisfied with just one! You really don't know the basics of beauty!!
Aoi: B-But I don’t have a sensitive skin, at least I think.
Van Dyck: You… It’s quite beautiful to begin with, so don't ruin it yourself.
Aoi: I don’t mean to ruin it, though…
Van Dyck: Just the fact that you're not taking care of it is enough, it's an affront to beauty.
Aoi: Uh, I’m sorry. I’m busy, so…
Van Dyck: Well, I know it's a lot of work for you. But you’re the face of this museum now, aren't you? If the signboard wasn't beautiful, no one would come to see it. In other words, it’s your duty to be beautiful at all times!
Aoi: M-My duty…
Van Dyck: Do you get it? Proper daily care is the fastest way to beautiful skin! First, thoroughly cleanse the dirt from your skin, then tidy it up by applying face lotion and milky lotion. Take care of it without fail during the day. At night, moisturize thoroughly with cream. Choose serums, masks and packs depending on the condition of your skin and the climate of the day. Give the skin what it wants, as much as it wants, and not too much or too little.
Aoi: … Amazing. So that's why your skin is always so soft!
Van Dyck: It’s obvious, isn’t it? Don't be impressed, you’ll be doing it every day from now on.
Aoi: Uh… I’ll do my best. B-But since we're here, why don't we go to where the others are? The pie, the delicious one, you know.
Binge eating at night might not be a good idea, but maybe just a bite or something like that would be okay? And Rubens-san came too, so…
Van Dyck: Teacher is there!? You should’ve told me that first!! C’mon, what are we doing!? Let's go to the kitchen quickly!
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swagging-back-to · 5 months
realized when i was doing a scaled 'floorplan' for the 40 gallon mouse tank that i MOST CERTAINLY do not have enough clutter for that tank and it will be very bare bones.
luckily i found a place that has pretty cheap mouse and rodent toys/hides so i got like 10 different things for them there---almost all of it being hay-made (bc i put in a little triangle hay tunnel in with them and they destroyed it literally overnight. was so disappointed bc i wanted it for a semi-permanent structure. soooo to make sure they don't destroy the next one i got a bunch of hay stuff they CAN chew.)
got two little hay wreaths, two hay tunnels, a large 8in hay hut, a small 5in hay hut, another 8 in hay TIPEE. two 6in cholla logs, and THREE hanging hay wigwams (they were actually sold as outdoor bird houses in a three pack compared to the *one* sold for mice which was the same price--major deal.)
oh and then another wooden bridge, 2 little metal skewers to hang produce on, two more triangle tunnels as well as a smaller little hay ball they can crawl in, a hanging apple wood toy, a 5in terracotta honeypot jar (sold for aquariums), a 9in multichamber hide, and 2 seagrass chew balls (bc the main colony cannot get enough of that shit)
and then locally i got another terracotta pot (regular one) bc i saw on Pinterest a woman put te pot upside down and stuffed amaranth and millet sprays in the drainage hole. i thought that was a cute way to add clutter and also they could use the space underneath as a small burrow. and then a glass jar for sushi and mochi.
i pulled a hammock, l shaped platform (i don't think ima be using this one tbh), a little plant pot, a willow ball, and three little houses i pulled from storage and am planning to use, too.
all in all these girls are SPOILED and they're gonna be in for the time of their lives in a week.
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desitreatfood · 2 months
India's First Millets Chaap - Desi Treat
Revolutionizing Chaap! India’s Top Millets Chaap by Desi Treat (Healthy & Delicious) Welcome to DesiTreat !
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Say goodbye to regular chaap! Desi Treat brings you a healthier and tastier alternative — Bharat’s Top Millets Chaap! Packed with protein, fiber, and all-natural ingredients, this millet-based chaap is a game-changer for vegetarians and vegans alike.
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nikhil313 · 5 months
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As students navigating the challenges of academic life, we understand the importance of both physical and mental health in our overall development. Our diet plays a crucial role in shaping not only our well-being but also our ability to reach our maximum potential. Instead of succumbing to the temptation of quick-fix meals like instant noodles, chips, and soft drinks, it's time to prioritize nutritious foods that offer high-quality nourishment at affordable prices.
In this blog, we'll explore how making simple yet impactful changes to our dietary habits can optimize our health and empower us to excel academically and personally. By shifting our focus towards wholesome, budget-friendly alternatives, we can fuel our bodies and minds to thrive amidst the demands of student life
1)Plan Your Meals: Planning your meals ahead of time can save you both money and time. Start by creating a weekly meal plan, taking into account your schedule and budget. Make a shopping list based on your meal plan to avoid impulse buys at the grocery store.
2)Buy in Bulk: Purchasing staple items in bulk can significantly reduce your grocery expenses. Items like soyabean , black gram , pulses, millets , lentils, and beans are not only affordable but also versatile ingredients that can form the basis of many nutritious meals.
3)Focus on Whole Foods: Whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins offer excellent nutritional value at an affordable price. Avoid processed and convenience foods like soft drinks , chips or packed snacks, pizza ,junk food, which tend to be more expensive and less nutritious . Incorporate these wholesome ingredients into your meals to nourish your body without exceeding your budget
4)Limit Convenience Foods: Convenience foods like pre-packaged snacks, frozen dinners, and instant meals may seem convenient, but they're often loaded with unhealthy ingredients and come with a hefty price tag. Instead, opt for homemade snacks like trail mix, yogurt with fruit, or veggie sticks with hummus. Not only are these options healthier, but they're also more economical in the long run.
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byzerodigital · 10 months
PEARL MILLET (aka Bajra, Kambu, Sajjalu) is an excellent source of iron, protein, folic acid and fibre that keeps complex ailments like anemia, constipation, obesity in check and flushes out all toxins. Bajra grains are gluten free hence, bajra flour doesn't stick together well. Also, they release energy slowly because of the complex carbohydrates.They are an ideal food for weight-loss diet because, they take time to digest and make one feel fuller.
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lulamadison · 2 years
141. “Tell me what you want.”
Thank you so much for the prompt! Here is a little Lawrusso fill for it :-)
Daniel had never expected living with Johnny to be a life of quiet domesticity. Yet, it almost came as a surprise when he found that they still had to do all the everyday mundane things that people did, like trips to the grocery store.
But with Johnny things were never mundane. They were a constant negotiation, like bargaining with a toddler who wouldn't eat anything other than fish sticks. Except Johnny wouldn't even eat fish sticks...
“There we go,” Daniel said, a beaming smile on his face as he placed the plate on the table in front of Johnny. “Lobster Risotto with no green stuff.”
Johnny eyed the plate, then said, “I'm not eating that, man. I not touching anything that lives in the ocean.”
“What?” Daniel asked, looking down at the delicious plate of food that he'd lovingly prepared.
“Lobsters are like the Scabies of the sea, and they eat shit,” he said. “C'mon, LaRusso, I thought you were smart. Everyone knows that.”
“They don't eat shit,” Daniel said.
“Lobsters roam around in the ocean, which is where all the whales and fish are,” Johnny said seriously. “They can't get out of the water, so they literally live in their own toilet, and there are a lot of fish in the sea.”
“You really believe that?” Daniel asked.
“Have you ever seen a Shark in a bathroom?” Johnny asked, raising an eyebrow.
Daniel sat down at the table, his head in his hands. There was no arguing with that.
“Do I really have to go?” Johnny asked, his voice almost whiny.
Daniel was used to it now and he knew the rules of this game.
Johnny got a kick out of being annoying. There was an almost childlike glee in him every time he got a rise out of Daniel, so Daniel would play along and pretend to be annoyed, even though he secretly found Johnny's antics amusing.
“Yeah, well, if you're good I'll take you to In-N-Out burger after we finish shopping,” Daniel said with a grin.
“Mehhh...” Johnny said, trying to act indifferent, even though Daniel knew he loved their little trip out after the store. “Maybe I'd prefer a beer.”
“Well, it's a good job I already have a six pack of Banquet sitting in the trunk of my car just waiting for when we get back,” Daniel said.
“You do?” Johnny asked, perking up like a dog hearing a bag of chips being opened.
Daniel loved walking round Whole Foods with Johnny, and how even though they'd been coming every Saturday morning for the last three months Johnny still couldn't pronounce Quinoa.
“Quinn... Quinn.. oh-A,” Johnny would say every single week, and every week Daniel would correct him.
Shopping with Johnny was like shopping with a child who was high on sugar. He touched everything, running his hands over fresh fruit and vegetables, seemingly relishing the texture of Avocado skin, even though he'd never eat one.
“Groats,” Johnny said, as he picked up a packet. “That's a funny word. What is it? We should get some.”
“It's just porridge, but healthier,” Daniel replied.
“Shit no,” Johnny said, dropping the bag back on the shelf. “Like eating paste.”
“Look with your eyes, not with your hands,” Daniel said, as Johnny picked up a box of Millet.
“Yeah, but what is it?” he asked, as he shook the box. “Looks like bird seed.”
“It's not bird seed,” Daniel snapped, plucking the box out of his hands. “It's a cooking ingredient. You make... You make... Actually I don't know what the hell you make with that. Maybe it is bird seed and someone put it back in the wrong aisle.”
“Holy shit, LaRusso,” Johnny said, as he wandered into the Bakery section, practically drooling. “Look at the size of these cinnamon buns.”
“You want some?” Daniel asked holding them up, keeping his thumb over the vegan symbol on the packaging.
“Hell yeah,” Johnny replied, nodding.
“Alright then,” Daniel said, as he lowered them into the trolley. “You know, I read an article this week about Spelt bread, and I'd really like to try some. I wonder if they have any.”
“B-r-e-a-d,” Johnny supplied, usefully. “That's how it's spelled.”
“Ha,” Daniel replied sarcastically. “I'm surprised you actually got that right.”
“Hey, knock it off, asshole,” Johnny said, pushing him playfully in the shoulder. “You're ruining shopping day for me.”
Daniel let out a huff of laughter, then said, “Oh, Asparagus! We need that.”
As Daniel picked out a nice a bunch, he heard a sound behind him, like someone being sick.
“Blergghhhhh,” Johnny said, as he mimed sticking his finger down his throat.
“When we're in the meat section remind me to get some really good steaks to go with it,” Daniel said with a smile.
“You're doing steaks?” Johnny asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah,” Daniel replied, as he picked up a pack of rainbow carrots, knowing Johnny would eat them, simply because of the mismatching colours.
“OK, cool,” Johnny replied.
“And we need these,” Daniel said, as he picked up a pack of multicoloured baby tomatoes.
It really was like feeding a toddler where Johnny was concerned. He wouldn't eat “green stuff” but he would eat vegetables if they were brightly coloured, or disguised. He could make an all meat pasta sauce, but grate carrots into it, and Johnny would wolf it down without complaint.
“Cottage Cheese,” Daniel said, reaching for a tub.
“Hey, you know what this reminds me of?” Johnny asked, as he reached out and touched all the packs.
“What?” Daniel asked, as he placed the tub in the cart.
“That episode of Dr. Pimple Popper we saw the other day,” Johnny replied.
“Andddd no Cottage Cheese,” Daniel said, putting it back on the shelf.
They moved round the store, and Daniel picked up some herbs. “We need some Dill.”
Johnny chuckled behind him, then quietly said, “You said Dill.”
“And we need Virgin Olive Oil,” Daniel said, as he picked up a bottle.
“Hehehehe,” Johnny sniggered. “Virgin.”
“Pork,” Daniel said. “Maybe we should have pork chops tonight when Sam and Anthony come over.”
“Pork,” Johnny repeated, letting out a soft laugh. “Yeah, we should pork before your kids come over.”
“Oh and we definitely need some Sweet Italian Sausage,” Daniel said, turning to grin at Johnny.
“OK, that's enough,” Johnny said. “We should go home now.”
They stopped off at the In-N-Out Burger on Ventura and both wolfed down animal style burgers, wiping the sauce off their chins with serviettes as they ate. It was their tradition now. Grocery shopping followed by food, then go home and fool around before heading to the Dojo for class.
After they unpacked the car, Daniel put all the groceries away, humming as he gave the counter a wipe over with a cloth.
“Hey,” Johnny said, crowding into Daniel's space, planting his hands either side of Daniel on the counter top, and jamming his nose into the back of his neck.
“Hey to you too,” Daniel said, as he turned around, trapped in the warm, tight space of Johnny's arms.
“We've only got an hour before class,” Johnny said, as he leaned forward and planted a kiss behind Daniel's ear.
“Yeah, it's not a lot of time,” Daniel said, then he let out a groan as Johnny dragged his tongue across his collarbone.
“We better get to it fast,” Johnny said.
Daniel reached up, wrapping his arms around Johnny's neck, and whispered, “Tell me what you want.”
“You know what I want,” Johnny said back, his voice husky.
“I do?” Daniel asked.
“Yeah,” Johnny said with a grin. “Where's that six pack of Banquet you promised me, huh?”
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millet-n-minutes · 8 months
Ditch the Sugar Crash, Embrace the Millet Mash
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Remember that feeling after an evening of gorging on Diwali mithai? The sugar rush followed by the inevitable crash, leaving you sluggish and wishing you’d opted for the salad platter. Well, friends, there’s a new kid on the block, and it’s got all the sweetness without the guilt — millet sweets!
Think you know Indian sweets? Think again! Sure, laddoos and jalebis reign supreme, but nestled among them are these humble millets, packing a punch of both flavor and health. This ain’t no fad, folks. The Indian millet market is expected to skyrocket to a whopping ₹65,000 crores by 2027, proving that people are craving not just sugar, but smart sugar.
And smart it is! These tiny grains are loaded with protein, fiber, and vitamins, acting like tiny bodyguards against diabetes and heart disease. Studies by the Indian Institute of Millet Research show they can even lower your risk of these nasty conditions — talk about a delicious way to take care of yourself!
But hold on, “healthy” doesn’t always mean “yummy,” right? Wrong! Millet sweets are like a Bollywood dance party on your taste buds — a vibrant explosion of textures and flavors. Imagine:
Crispy foxtail millet jalebis, their nutty sweetness swirling with every bite — ₹20 a plate, not ₹50!
Melt-in-your-mouth ragi laddoos, infused with the warm hug of cardamom and coconut — homemade magic for under ₹100 a batch!
Silky barnyard millet puddings, bursting with the tangy sunshine of mango and chia seeds — a guilt-free dessert for under ₹50!
These are just a few steps in the millet mambo. Fancy restaurants are whipping up gourmet millet cakes and soufflés, but the real beauty lies in your own kitchen. Traditional recipes like payasams and halwas can easily be transformed with millet flours, giving you familiar flavors with a healthy twist.
So, ditch the refined sugar blues and grab your whisks! Explore local markets, dust off your grandma’s recipes, or become your own culinary rockstar. Millet sweets are more than just dessert — they’re a celebration of health, sustainability, and your amazing taste buds. Let’s raise a spoon to the unsung heroes of the sweet world, the millets, and savor the symphony of taste and well-being!
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freshwey-india · 9 months
Superfoods in Indian Diet; right from your kitchen
One of the best things about living in India is its food and the culinary heritage that we experience in every meal that we consume. No wonder; back in medieval times, India was the world’s most sought-after country due to its treasure of spices, hidden from the rest of the world. To the present day, the culinary diversity that we find in India cannot be found anywhere else in the world. However, despite having a plethora of food options that are readily and easily available, we often find ourselves purchasing inexpensive, imported alternatives. 
There is a long list of food items that are so affordable that they can be found in every Indian household, yet they are inexpensive and often a luxury overseas, such as in the US. The list includes spices such as turmeric, cardamom, and ashwagandha (15x more expensive), grains such as millets and black gram (10x more expensive), and fruits and vegetables such as guava and jackfruit (20x more expensive). Without waiting any further, let’s learn about the Desi superfoods that you can add to your diet based on their affordability and availability. 
Everyday Nutritional Powerhouses: Here, we will talk about the superfoods that are not only affordable but also readily available in our households. 
Dal (lentils): Packed with some protein, fiber, and many essential minerals, dal is indeed a staple for a reason. You can explore diverse varieties like moong, masoor, tur, urad, and more for different nutritional benefits. 
Leafy Greens: Do not try to underestimate the power of palak (spinach), methi (fenugreek), and sarson (mustard greens). Not only are these loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but they also boost your immunity in the chilling winter season. 
Seasonal Fruits: Embrace the abundance of papaya, bananas, guavas, and oranges to fuel your body with vitamins and natural sugars.
Spices: We might know them as spices that add flavor to our meals; spices such as turmeric, ginger, garlic, and chili peppers are more than just flavor enhancers. They are anti-inflammatory powerhouses with many health benefits, such as regulating blood pressure and playing a major role in the prevention and treatment of various cancer types. 
Yogurt: It is a natural source of probiotics for gut health, calcium for strong bones, and protein for muscle development. It can be consumed plain, flavored, or even with fruits. 
Nourishing Yet Special: This category will include superfoods that are not as easily found in households like the ones mentioned above, yet they are hidden gems that carry more nutrients than you can take. 
Millets: Ragi (finger millet), bajra (pearl millet), and jowar (sorghum) are some of the gluten-free grains that are rich in protein, fiber, and certain micronutrients. They’re most commonly used in rotis, dosas, or porridge.
Nuts & Seeds: Chia seeds, flaxseeds, and pumpkin seeds are packed with nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, essential minerals, and protein. You can soak them in water overnight before consuming them or directly sprinkle the seeds on your salads, yogurt, or porridge.
Amla (Indian Gooseberry): One of our top favorite superfoods, amla is a vitamin C powerhouse that boosts immunity, aids in digestion, and comes with anti-inflammatory properties. You can enjoy it raw, pickled, or in the form of juice.
Coconut: Another superfood like the Indian gooseberry, coconut water is the hub of electrolytes, while its flesh has healthy fats and fiber. While it grows in the south, coconut can be found easily in the northern regions of India. Although it is mostly consumed raw, coconut’s nectar and flesh also make it a key ingredient in various South Indian dishes. 
Jackfruit: This versatile vegetable can be enjoyed unripe or ripe. Ripe jackfruit offers antioxidants and vitamins, while unripe jackfruit provides a meaty texture in vegetarian dishes.
Exquisite and Rare Nutritional Delights: Last but not least, this category will take you through some of the rare, expensive superfoods that are worth every penny that you spend on them. 
Saffron: Found in the northernmost region of India, i.e., Kashmir, saffron adds a luxurious touch to many dishes and drinks while boasting anti-inflammatory and mood-boosting properties. Due to its scarcity, saffron is one of the most duplicated superfoods. Purchase saffron only from a reliable dealer. 
Black Rice: A nutty-flavored rice rich in antioxidants and fiber and known for its longevity-promoting properties.
Ashwagandha: This powerful herb is an adaptogen that helps the body manage stress and improve stamina.
In the big picture, embracing India's diverse superfoods offers a treasure trove of health benefits while remaining kind to your wallet. From readily available lentils and greens to hidden gems like millets and amla, these culinary powerhouses pack a punch of nutrients without the hefty price tag of imported trends. So, explore the vibrant flavors of India, nourish your body with local abundance, and discover that superfoods don't have to be exotic or expensive.
To learn more about health and diet, follow us on https://freshwey.in/blogs/news
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reggaekush · 1 year
Introducing our partners premium grass-fed collagen peptides, now with an added boost of 50 organic superfoods to supercharge your nutrition. We've carefully selected high-quality ingredients to create a collagen supplement that goes above and beyond for your health and well-being.
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Our collagen peptides are sourced from bovine hide, ensuring the highest quality and purity. They are packed with essential amino acids like histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, and methionine, which are crucial for supporting various bodily functions.
But what sets our collagen apart is our Orgain Organic 50 Superfoods Blend. We've meticulously combined a powerful mix of nutrient-dense superfoods to create a truly exceptional product. Imagine benefiting from the goodness of millet, amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa, chia, kale powder, apple pulp, and cinnamon, among others.
Our superfoods blend also includes an array of organic sprouts, super veggies, super berries, and super grasses. This means you'll experience the full spectrum of nutrients and antioxidants found in acai, cranberry, wheatgrass, barley grass, oat grass, banana, mango, beet, carrot, spinach, broccoli, tomato, kale, and so much more.
With each serving, you'll nourish your body with hydroxylysine, hydroxyproline, proline, serine, tyrosine, and a plethora of other vital amino acids and compounds. These nutrients work synergistically to support healthy skin, hair, nails, joints, and overall vitality.
We believe in the power of nature, which is why we prioritize organic and sustainably sourced ingredients. Our collagen and superfoods are carefully selected and blended to ensure maximum potency and bioavailability.
Boost your daily routine with our collagen and organic superfoods blend. Whether you're looking to support your active lifestyle, promote youthful-looking skin, or enhance your overall wellness, our collagen product is here to help you reach your goals.
Experience the synergy of collagen and superfoods like never before. Try our premium collagen supplement today and unlock a new level of nourishment for your body and mind.
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