#militant a
intotheclash · 1 year
FILIPPO ANDREANI - "NININ" (feat. MILITANT A) - da IL SECONDO TEMPO (ICo... (ecco, qui sono tra amici veri(
Sky era il cielo e per telefono c'era un gettone, alle otto della sera guardavamo Blob alla televisione. Il PCI seguiva Mosca goffo ma caparbio, gli operai cancelli e loro casa a Capalbio. C'è chi diceva "la storia ormai è finita" ma per noi era appena cominciata. E adesso scansati che il babbo spacca tutto e non curarti delle schegge e nemmeno della legge.
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elettritv · 8 days
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🎥#ELETTRITV💻📲 Intervista a Militant A Assalti Frontali @assaltifrontali - Il RAP del Lago, delle Occupazioni, delle Scuole, IPER Festival delle Periferie 2024 @iper_festivaldelleperiferie - Er Tempesta @_ertempesta_ e lacazzodepiaga @lacazzodepiaga il nuovo Rap Metropolitano - Città dell'Altra Economia @citta_altra_economia_cae , ex Mattatoio di Testaccio, Roma
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bixels · 7 months
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I watched Starship Troopers tonight.
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wuthering-tempest · 17 days
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dads and the pet they didnt want
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yourneighbortoasty · 4 months
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militant mary fan art that turned into militant mary and jucika yuri. I know that she technically has ribbons in her hair in the comic, but they look like rabbit ears to me
you can learn more about militant mary here
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I honestly don’t know how people automatically believe what the IDF puts out, how could they even identify which “militants” were killed among the dead at the school when not even the civil defence agency could identify the martyrs due to bodies being cut up into pieces? Or are they just going off intel which doesn’t always turn out to be accurate? Or even a list of names which doesn’t always correlate to the actual individuals they’re after?
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xobloodletter · 3 months
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what if caesar's legion was a matriarchy
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chaiaurchaandni · 11 months
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also remember that no form of resistance is ever acceptable to the colonizer. and that includes non-violent resistance (the great march of return) + non-violence is only successful against a force that has a conscience. but if your opponent had a conscience, he would not be oppressing you in the first place.
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ithacanradio · 1 year
why does it always gotta be "oh im a communist but not like those marxists leninists-" we had this debate. in the 1800s. in fact marx AND lenin wrote about it: you are either for some nebulous idea of communal living that gets you nowhere OR you realize that you have to start from the current material conditions, and organize, and the organization has to be centralized for it to work and you have to study a lot and also act in group because going to protests on your own is just perpetuating an individualist ideology. they were saying marx was outdated in 1915!! guess what happened two years later. like you can incorporate all you want from feminism and queer theory and even anarchy but at the end of it all. only one line of action can bring about revolution, has revolution as its objective and has in fact done so before. it's marxism leninism. you have just been conditioned to think it's outdated so you wouldn't use the only weapon that actually works! people cant afford to eat and the west's quest to maintain economic hegemony is pushing us into ww3 and you will not use the concepts of plusvalue, imperialism, and political party, why? because the ruling class told you identity politics are more modern?
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xxpereonn · 2 months
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lunarcrystal · 8 months
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Lute's Defeat
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kropotkindersurprise · 4 months
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Escalating Insurgency: An Interview with the Spokesperson of the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB)
The decades-long insurgency in the Papuan provinces has been intensifying. The TPNPB has now become a significant security threat for Jakarta. In this interview from late January, Militant Wire speaks (again) to Sebby Sambom, the spokesperson of the TPNPB.
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ceilidho · 4 months
i've been watching too much Supernatural lately so now all i can think about is Ghost and Soap working as hunters and coming across fledgling vampire!reader who just wants to be left alone and doesn't want to hurt anyone, but they decide she's too much of a risk to be left on her own
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 7 months
Just because I disagree with militant veganism and animal rights doesn’t mean I like how some act on this site towards vegans. Whether you want to admit it or not, tumblr can be pretty dog-pilely. People can claim it’s not about blaming vegans and it’s just pointing out they’re not cruelty free, but when I was vegan and saw all the posts ranting about vegans and their “slave labor quinoa/agave/almonds”, all it did was make me double down as I and many others never touched it. To a lot of people, it does come off as blaming and being way harsher on vegans especially when they word it in a way that positions those products as solely vegan things. People who claim veganism is cult like and also shared that post about how to treat people in real cults like JW or Mormonism often ignore that advice with vegans. You’re not changing minds when you feed persecution complexes by acting hostile and dog piling people. I stopped being a vegan because of people who actually took time to educate about animal welfare and misconceptions aras spread. You may not want to hear this, but a little kindness and patience can go a long way. This does not mean people who have been hurt by militant vegans have to act nice, just remember that acting very hostile towards anyone who disagrees isn’t going to change their mind.
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pearls-n-opulence · 3 months
Anti Targs until the Targaryen likes to wear the color green
Anti monarchism until the characters upholding the classist monarchy are from Oldtown
None of you people are serious
If you’re gonna be an anti, commit instead of cherry picking a struggle
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alexstarksblog · 4 months
Some new Yautja and a couple of sketches with others ^^
Militant is the eldest son of the Black Trooper and it is a great pride for him to be an exemplary hunter for others
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Marine Predator is an elite naval soldier who is Sirena's loyal partner and is secretly in love with her.
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Gul'mira is a sweet and kind Yautja who is an old friend of Zahra :3
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