#hamas fighting back was never acceptable to Israel
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chaiaurchaandni · 1 year ago
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also remember that no form of resistance is ever acceptable to the colonizer. and that includes non-violent resistance (the great march of return) + non-violence is only successful against a force that has a conscience. but if your opponent had a conscience, he would not be oppressing you in the first place.
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sexhaver · 1 year ago
the thing about the Zionist accusations of Palestinian baby-beheadings and wartime rapes is that even if they were true (which they aren't), there is no ethically consistent way to denounce Hamas for those actions while still supporting Israel. if you accept the axiom that "any group that kills children/civilians or rapes women from a specific demographic is irredeemably barbaric and so is the cause they're fighting for and everyone in the same demographic as them and anyone who supports them", you would have stopped supporting Israel as soon as you learned how to use Google, because they have been killing and raping Palestinians for decades. you cannot claim to be taking a principled stand against rape and civilian killings by supporting the settler colony that proudly wields both of those things as tools in their ongoing genocide against the people you are mad at. Israel loves killing civilians as an act of ethnic cleansing so much that they sent weapons to Azerbaijan LAST MONTH to help them do exactly that in Nagorno-Karabakh. Israel is the schoolyard bully who never gets in trouble because they're the principal's kid but any of their victims who hit back with a fraction of the force are instantly expelled, except instead of giving out swirlies and purple nurples they're running the largest concentration camp on earth and violating human rights like it's going out of style
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aestariiwilderness · 24 days ago
For Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir:
To anyone who says they are "pro-Palestinian": First off, your premise is flawed from the beginning, as there's never been a real Palestine (and the region referred to as Palestine -- the name itself a remnant of forcible Roman colonization of ancient Israel -- and the people referred to as Palestinian were, up to less than 70 years ago, the Israelis themselves, prior to Israel's refounding as a nation). Saying the Jews colonized "Palestine" and in so doing "killed Palestinians" (didn't happen, and Palestine has still never been an actual nation) and so somehow they deserve all this horror 70 years later is roughly as stupid as saying the Native Americans colonized America and killed a bunch of mermaids to do so. So there's that. Secondly: To those who say they are pro-Palestinian: To those who say "think of innocent Gazan civilians" and don't mention the innocent Israeli civilians kidnapped and murdered and raped and burned alive by those same "innocent" Gazan civilians: To those who accept anything Hamas or the mainstream media says as fact: To those who have the safety and the distance and the cushioned apathy to think they see a lovely high ground to preach their own superiority from -- stepping daintily over two terribly small corpses as they climb up there -- and to say "there's wrongs on both sides": To anyone who still thinks the "two-state solution" is any kind of a moral option, let alone a practical one: To anyone who says anything less today than "I support Israel in her fight against terrorism, genocidal hatred, and barbarity": All I have to say is this: Curl around your young children. Put your hand over their heart. Feel the beat underneath their ribs. Feel their little breaths in their little lungs. They are warm. They snuffle and snort at you. They sneeze all over your device screen. They babble incomprehensible things at you. They put their little elbows in all the worst places. You love them. Without them, life is worse than empty.
Curl around them. Feel them breathe. Listen to their hearts. See how whole and perfect they are.
Now. If you can. Close your eyes. See your precious little one in that little black coffin. Put Hamas propaganda pamphlets all over what's left of them. And imagine someone keeping your baby, your heart, in darkness for 500 days and sending it back broken, crushed, and in a casket, to music and singing and dancing in the streets. Think of your child's corpse being paraded through a jeering crowd that congratulates itself on killing a Jew who never could have fought back. Think of knowing that they were taken from you and murdered; think of knowing that they died alone, in pain, in fear, in the dark, away from you, and there was nothing you could have done about it. Now. Open your eyes. Curl around your young children. Thank God that they're alive. And have the decency to be quiet.
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fromchaostocosmos · 10 months ago
Claims that Israel has been committing a genocide of Palestinians date to long before October 7. Yet the population of Gaza was estimated to be less than 400,000 when Israel captured the territory from Egypt in a war against multiple Arab countries in 1967. It’s now estimated at just over 2 million. Population growth of almost 600% would make it the most inept genocide in the history of the world.
Those repeating the word genocide over and over, turning it into a mantra that penetrates the public consciousness, smearing Israel and anyone who supports it, ignore the facts of this war. This is not an unprovoked war, like Russia’s against Ukraine. It’s not a civil war between rival militias, like the one raging in Sudan — which, by the way, is being ignored by almost everyone, even though the UN describes it as one of the “worst humanitarian crises in recent memory,” where a famine could kill 500,000 people. No, Israel was attacked. On October 7, Hamas launched a gruesome assault on Israeli civilians, killing some 1,200 — including many women and children — and dragging hundreds of them as hostages into Gaza. Today dozens — including many women and children — remain in captivity. Those who keep saying that Israel’s response is an act of revenge rather than the strategic, defensive war that most Israelis view as a fight for national survival against a determined enemy backed by a powerful country are deliberately distorting reality. In doing so, they are perversely evoking the same false blood lust and grotesqueness embedded in the blood libel archetype.
Indeed, Hamas’ actions, which precipitated this war, don’t seem to exist in the minds of ostensibly humanitarian-minded protesters. Nor even the fate of the hostages, still captive in Hamas tunnels. Although the campus protests vary in their message and actions from school to school, we never hear protesters chant that Hamas should release the hostages or accept a ceasefire. Quite the contrary. Accusations against Israel at times include praise for Hamas, one of whose aims — the end of the Jewish state — is shared by some key organizers of the student protests. As Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently said, “It remains astounding to me that the world is almost deafeningly silent when it comes to Hamas.” Accusing Israel of genocide and putting the entire onus for stopping the war, putting all the blame for the deaths, on the Jewish state is even more astounding because Hamas — designated a terrorist organization by the US, the European Union and many other countries — is a group whose explicit goal, according to its founding charter, is not just to destroy Israel, but to kill Jews. That is the definition of genocide.
Still, the death toll, even by the Hamas count, does not in any way suggest a genocidal campaign. The terror organization puts the total at about 35,000. The figure, disputed by The Washington Institute for Near East Policy among other think tanks and researchers, includes Hamas fighters. That means the number of civilians killed, whatever the total, is actually lower. Compare that to the death toll in Mosul, Iraq, where coalition forces uprooted ISIS from a city that had some 600,000 people at the time. Estimates of the exact number of deaths vary, ranging from 9,000 to 40,000 (the latter is the estimate of Kurdish intelligence). The lowest figure is on par with the rate of total deaths reported by Hamas authorities in Gaza that does not distinguish civilians from Hamas fighters, while the highest is four times greater. I don’t recall hearing the term genocide used there, or in any of the battles that led to more than half a million people being killed in Afghanistan and Iraq during America’s wars there. And yet, Israel has been repeatedly smeared with this damning accusation.
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theroundbartable · 5 months ago
My position on the war in Israel/ Palestine
Below the cut, because this is my opinion, and you are, of course, not expected to share it, or even care about my position at all. You might not even like what I have to say.
This is for myself and for the people who decide whom to follow based on the flags I raise in my bio (which is none).
It's a bit long, sorry.
The war in Israel/Palestine has now been going on for over a year and I keep seeing blogs that are entirely pro palestine, and then others who are entirely Israeli, accusing each other of rape and murder and genocide, of antisemitism and zionism, etc. etc. Most of these accusations were fact checked and true. Some arguments I heard of people were quite obviously formed through what their government told them, might even lied to them about. I cannot blame these people for clinging to faith, to clinging to the vague idea that there is a sense to their suffering, or who are trying to deflect of their own guilt.
I am German. I know the arguments. I know why they exist and I cannot blame people who's life might be depending on that hope, who's sanity might depend on that faith.
So far, I have not really posted my own opinion on it and I understand that my position on this is not a common one. Nor is it one that many people will accept or find satisfying. Never the less, this is my point.
Under normal circumstances, I would never have made a post and I already am very late to the debate, but since elections in the US are up and more dangerous than ever, since the debates and the war lead to attacks on people online and world wide, since all this enables the same fascistic views that once dominated my country and are threatening to dominate the field once again, I think I should at least say something.
I need to, in order to make up the the past my grandfather took part in as a German soldier, to honor my grandmother's memory who welcomed refugees of war and "war criminals" who were stationed in the neighboring Arbeitslager in her home; in her home where she was all alone with her sick father and waited for the news of her brothers falling in the war while the polish captive cooked them dinner and taught her to read. I need to, as someone who's ancestors were both shooting and housing their enemies. As someone who carries both the guilt and the pride into the next generation.
This is not a football game.
I can't go and pick a side and root for their win. I can't go out on the street with other students and hold up "free palestine" signs, when I know that the words are war propaganda from a group of terrorists. I can't go and side with Israel and justify a genocide by telling people they are being antisemitic if they criticise the Israeli government.
It is the Israeli government under Netanjahu, it is the Hamas who are fighting this war, and to say that the people under their leadership aren't in on it is naive to a degree.
We are not talking about winning and losing here. Because there are no winners in war. I CANNOT debate on who's human rights are worth more than the other. I CANNOT ignore that the Hamas started the war, I cannot ignore that they abuse their captives, I cannot excuse that the Israeli government shoots back at hospitals and abuses their own captives as well.
I can't choose between the grays, because to me, they are the same shade.
But to say they are all supporting those leaderships, to say that not most of them are just trying to survive is terrifyingly cold. That would be like saying they deserve what is happening to them and that can never be the truth.
This doesn't mean I'm not judging between the two. I judge the obvious violence on both sides, I fear for the victims on both accounts, I hate the idea that categorises who is allowed to live where in the country, I despise the idea that Israel alone is to blame.
"You can't not pick a side."
I did. Because there is not just two sides to this war. There is three or four, perhaps even more than that.
There is the terror organisation, there is the government, and then there is the people stuck in the crossfire. I refuse to side with the criminals. I refuse to side with the abusers. They are both wrong, they are both murderous and violent, and siding with one would be - for me - like pointing the gun at the other.
That said, I do not believe that people who raise the palestine flags are wrong, neither do I judge the Israel one. Both sides deserve justice for what happend and what continues to happen. But to a German who only raises the flag once every four yeara at soccer games, worshipping the government that is doing all this, that feels wrong. I know that my view is distorted because of my family's Nazi history, but I can't help feeling that way.
If we're talking about violence, justice would mean that more violence is the answer. An eye for an eye is justice too, but this will never result in peace.
Quite honestly, I don't even think a two state solution would be the answer either. It could be, if Hamas and Israel wanted peace. If Natanjahus war wasn't a ploy to keep himself in power. As it is right now, with the war expanding, even if they managed to somewhat put down their weapons, they will continue to be neighboring enemies, they will continue to hate each other and they will continue to never forgive, to never forget, justifying future reasons to war.
Honestly, I'm not arrogant enough to say I know the solution. All I know is that I know where I stand. And I will never, under any circumstances, judge you if you live in Isreal or in palestine. Nor will I judge you for fighting for each of their rights. Because unless you wish for the complete destruction of the other, unless you justify a genocide, then I am on your side. Because you are, in this war, on your own. And I don't want to see you there alone.
And I will not raise your flag, I will not raise the flag of your enemy, I don't even raise my own flags because I'm honestly not that much into soccer. Because I separate you and your life from the system you live in.
All I can do is tell you that if you flee to Germany, I will be one of the people voting for your safety, for your right to stay, and for being properly integrated. I will not side with the right wing fascists that dominate this country. I will not side with people who simply picked their favorite oppressor. It's not enough to save you. But I'm not a hero. I can only refuse to be the villain.
This makes my position obviously debatable, to some even unacceptable, and I understand that it's not very satisfying to read this from someone who is lucky and priviledged enough to watch from the sidelines.
But I simply cannot support either of these systems. Because neither of them value human life, let alone human rights.
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adhdnojutsu · 16 days ago
I have misgivings on how Israel abuses (to mind in its limited knowledge of the situation) its position of power over Palestine and how my country, the USA, enables it. But the population is there because the USA promised to guarantee their safety years ago so I feel like that more on us for shuffling people into what could only become a war zone. And I can’t pretend to know a solution that does right by both sides, but more dehumanization is never the cure for dehumanization. And frankly, I’m sorry tumblr is such an echo chamber that they can’t see that someone who’s home and family were affected isn’t going to view October 7th and the subsequent invasion the same way they do.
This is what I wish more people would understand. Israelis and Palestinians (and Jews and Arabs at large) cannot be expected to hold much space for each other. We have hurt each other too much and are currently hurting, a lot. But uninvolved people taking sides as aggressively as they do, to the point of dehumanizing one side, is just WEIRD, especially from the left. If you got no skin in the game, I don't blame you for picking sides based on sympathy or whatever, but lay off the dehumanization and the dismissal/mockery of one side's suffering. "But Israel is stronger" okay but the individual Israeli hurts, bleeds, and dies the same as anyone else..?
One tiktok creator whose name I sadly forgot, said it best. "You cannot end one genocide by supporting another and think you're righteous" or something to that effect. Telling us to accept diaspora when we could live in our ancestral homeland is fucked up. And I mean, people including the left are abusing us in diaspora, too, just look at American campuses:
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And yes, echo chambers are another weirdness the left has been way too into. Somehow, the more open-minded a group of people thinks they are, the more they curate and filter what they're exposed to. You can give them hard historical facts, even Palestinians themselves saying "Hey maybe Hamas sucks" or the literal Islamic Fatwa Council saying "Hamas is literally a scourge on Islam", and these people will still go "STFU zionazi propaganda whore". Me just expressing upset about October 7? "Genocidal raging zioscum". We can't even MOURN OUR DEAD without being dehumanized. A big part of my increasing anger is fuelled by the left's cruelty, because Hamas broadcast what they are, but the left wants to be seen as the compassionate safe space for all minorities - except Jews who don't make a huge display of how much they hate Israel.
Israelis are human beings. I can't believe this needs to be said. If, say, leftist Americans don't wish a cruel death on the MAGAs that just voted a lot of people's rights away, where do they get off screeching for more dead Israelis ("intifada" that just killed another Israeli child this week)? Even if we were colonizers, existing somewhere shouldn't be punishable by death, especially when we're born there and didn't go out of our way to move there and kick a local out of their home.
I can't speak for all Israelis, but as far as polls go, most of us wanted to co-exist until Hamas pissed all over our good will on October 7. I mean, of course we'd change our minds..? How many cheeks are we supposed to turn? The incessant missiles since 2002 were one thing, but wilful, point blank, selective cruelty? We're done and we get to be. The world really hates when Jews stop taking abuse. Remember: the American left was more outraged about a Jew teasing an allergic pro-Palestinian student with a banana from a safe distance, than it was about Jews getting burned alive in their beds. Clearly, there is NO degree of fighting back that is tolerated from us. If brandishing a banana is as bad as bombing a Gazan hospital, then the only way we can ever hope for compassion, is by surrendering and letting ourselves be slaughtered. I'm not even uncritically supportive of the Israeli government. Every single time I talked about Netanyahu, it was hostile. My leaving Israel was an act of protest. MILLIONS of us have protested the government in recent years, but are not separated from it the way Palestinians are separated from Hamas. I unconditionally support Israel's right to exist regardless of who governs it, because it's literally my home. Those are literally my people, my family, my friends. I cannot wish for their annihilation, and judging me for that is crazy. But to conclude from that that I'd cheer when Palestinian children get bombed is crazy. It's even crazier from people who don't give a fuck about Israeli children who were carefully selected to be murdered.
People like to say "Israelis are white, so fuck them". To actually rank lives by race is inherently racist (and was never the point of BLM, an equality movement). If someone murders you for your race, no matter which one, that's the ultimate subjugation: the death penalty on ethnic/racial grounds.
And this what you get when entering countries most of which are actual dictatorships or fascist. Hamas' Gaza is de facto fascist because Hamas is. The US are shaping up to be. But only Israel is all evil, apparently, and Palestine is all victimhood. Iran? Culture with a side of women's issue. This is absolutely crazy.
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girlactionfigure · 7 months ago
Dr. Einat Wilf (@EinatWilf) on X: What does our enemy want? Nothing we can accept. We are facing a totalizing ideology, known as Palestinianism, executed by Hamas and its enablers, that wants nothing less than ending the absolutely humiliating specter of sovereign Jews. We are facing an enemy dedicated by all means necessary to teaching a final lesson to those Jews who dared imagine themselves equal, sovereign, and masters of their fate in their own state on their ancestral land, so that they never attempt to do so ever again. We are facing an enemy that no only invaded our country, our homes, to gleefully murder and mutilated the most peace loving people in their beds, but went on to kidnap hundreds of them to serve as an insurance that they will pay no consequences for what they did on October 7th. The brutal executors of the ideology of Palestinianism, known as Hamas, did not kidnap people for the limited goal of releasing murderers from Israeli jails, but rather to ensure it pays no price for what it did and therefore could do it again, and again, and again. Make no mistake, as far as Hamas is concerned, it paid no price and suffered no consequences for October 7th. The devastation in Gaza, the people killed, are all meaningless to Hamas. Buoyed by the global pressure to provide it with ongoing supplies it even as it is conducting a total war, it remains in firm control of Gaza and its people. It secured a position as a legitimate negotiating partner while all the pressure is placed on Israel to yield to its demands to go back to October 6th with no consequences for its actions. Nothing is done against the backers of Hamas - Qatar, Egypt and Iran - pretending that the first two are somehow helpful (they're not), and the latter somehow uninvolved. Once Hamas exchanged the women and children it kidnapped, who were above all a liability for their total cause, for guaranteed ongoing supplies that secure its rule in Gaza, once it ensured that no-one touches the funnel of UNRWA, the only additional deal to which it would agree - as it made repeatedly clear, is one that goes back to October 6th: Hamas remains in charge of Gaza, of the border with Egypt that has been the site of endless supplies for its army and economy, Israel withdraws completely, and they can continue receiving billions from the world through UNRWA and other channels, so as to be even more effective executors of acts of mass murder in the future. Hamas executes hostages or attempts to do so when Israeli soldiers are close to releasing them, because the one thing they cannot accept is to have the lowly Jews rescue their own people. The kidnapped hostages are Hamas' insurance policy to continue to fight until there is no more Israel. In the face of a totalizing ideology that plays a long game with an annihilationist goal, there is only moral position for any government/international organization is to pursue (and should have been the policy from October 8th): Unconditional release of the hostages Unconditional surrender of Hamas That is the only thing that ends the immediate war (Ending Palestinianism as the ideology that negates a sovereign Jewish state in any borders is necessary to end the bigger century long war). And until then? It is war, and should be waged as such, with no illusions about the enemy we face.
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tamamita · 1 year ago
(apologies ahead of time if this is something you already talked about) you're very invested in this conflict and I am genuinely confused by some things, you seem to support hamas but from my pov they're a fascist organization that took power with military might, and oppress their own people. according to people I know living in israel they've been kidnapping, r@#!ing, and killing civilians. and I've been told any palestinians who speak against it or try to escape are labeled as traitors and executed. basically what I want to know is if you support hamas despite all that, why? what am I missing here? is everything people are saying despite being documented or even personal expereince from people I know is a lie? I understand not supporting israel and I understand supporting palestinians but I don't understand supporting hamas
I'm disappointed, because you say that you've been in touch with a bunch of Israelis, yet you've made no efforts to consult with a Palestinan. The Israelis aren't suffering; the Palestinians are and have been ever since the Nakba of 1948 (which I hope your Israeli friends mentioned), 105 years if we count the Belfour declaration. So next time, please consult with a Palestinian if you want to understand the occupation better than to consult with a bunch of privileged people living in an illegal settler colonial state. It's even more evident that you'll hastly accept any information from Western and Israeli-sponsored media, e.g Hamas mass r*pe, beheaded children, etc, despite the fact that they've been debunked to death now.
I support violent resistence against colonialism and imperialism. Israel has been occupying Palestine for 75 years, so the Palestinians have actively been resisting the ever expanding settler colonial regime. Once again, Hamas at its conception was initially funded by Israel as an attempt to undermine the secular and socialist resistance groups in Palestine. Indeed, the former IOF Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev confessed to Mehdi Hassan that Israel funded Hamas (thus being complicit in the creation of its outdated 1988 charter). The Israelis did not expect the blowback when Hamas grew to power after they secured power in Gaza. Hamas, for me, is just a resistance group that continuous to uphold its legacy of decolonization by actively fighting against the apartheid regime. Now you may ask, why not peaceful resistance? Habibi, the last time a peaceful protest was held, 200+ Palestinians were shot to death during the Great March of Return. Israel seeks to undermine any attempts for Palestinian self-determination.
As for the death and kidnapping of those Israelis. This was inevitable. Israel is NOT a safe & peaceful country, it is keeping an entire population of people inside a cage, while blocking them from food, water, electricity and humanitarian aid. Even UN secretary general António Guterres said, what happened on October the 7th, did not happen out of a vacuum, that was the culimination of 75 years of oppression against the Palestinians. It was obvious that the resistance movement would fight back, it is the government's damn fault for putting its citizens and settler villages close to world's largest open-air prison, while expecting everything to run smoothly. Indeed, surveys show that Israelis are blaming the IOF and the government for the lack of security which resulted in the death of the Israelis.
Now, even if Hamas was removed from the equation, did you forget about the Palestinians in the West Bank who are constantly being targeted by violent settlers? Do you think Palestinians have no right to self-defense when they are being subjected to harassment, torment and systematic oppression? Palestinian children and women are constantly kidnapped, r*ped, tortured to death, blackmailed, jailed for life under a conviction rate of 99% under Israeli courts. You tell me how Palestinians feel first before you consult with a bunch of Israelis who will never suffer a fraction of what the oppressed are going through.
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mariacallous · 8 months ago
It’s tempting to believe that the latest escalation in the Middle East, which threatens once again to engulf the entire region in war, killed the prospects of a long-term cease-fire in Gaza and the return of Israeli hostages held there—some 115, according to the official count.
But the painful truth is that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been sabotaging efforts at a deal for months, spurning advice from his generals, and conditioning the Israeli public to accept the idea that the hostages should not be prioritized.
He has done all that by stoking divisions in Israeli society—including within the group that represents families of the Israeli hostages—and rejecting any terms for a cease-fire, including those put forward by the United States, Israel’s staunchest ally. As a result, it could be months or even years before the remaining hostages return to their families. Some might never come home.
For close watchers of this country, the fact that Israelis have come to accept this reality is nothing short of shocking. For almost as long as the country has existed, the social contract has included a commitment to retrieving hostages or prisoners from enemy hands by almost any means necessary. Usually that has meant rescuing them or agreeing to lopsided prisoner swaps.
But Netanyahu, in his fight for political survival after the Hamas attack of Oct. 7, 2023, has shown a willingness to sacrifice even the country’s core principles—and its most vulnerable citizens.
“Every time the deal is near, he adds new preconditions that torpedo the deal,” a former top official for Mossad, Israel’s national intelligence agency, told us recently, referring to Netanyahu.
Hamas and other gunmen from Gaza killed more than 1,200 people during their surprise incursion into southern Israel on Oct. 7. They also dragged away 251 hostages and a number of corpses—hoping to exchange them for Palestinians held in Israeli prisons.
The hostage crisis loomed large in the first weeks of the war, and negotiations got underway quickly, mediated by Qatar, Egypt, and the United States. In a temporary truce deal reached in November and supported by most Israelis, Hamas freed more than 100 women and children in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian women and minors imprisoned by Israel. Since then, Israel has managed to rescue a handful of additional hostages.
Israeli officials estimate that only about half of the remaining 115 hostages have survived the fighting in Gaza so far. Negotiations for their release have been intermittent, with both Israel and Hamas putting up obstacles.
But analysts believe something has changed in Netanyahu’s approach to the hostage issue since that first deal in November. Instead of prioritizing their release, he has come to view a long-term cease-fire with Hamas—and an accompanying hostage deal—as politically risky. In recent months, he has downplayed the hostage issue and dwelled instead on the need for Israel to achieve a “total victory” over Hamas—even as military officials and analysts say the goal is out of reach.
“For [Netanyahu], the end of the war or a long-term cease-fire would be a political death certificate. His messianic partners will leave the government, and he will be forced out the door,” the retired Mossad official said. Netanyahu’s coalition includes far-right religious parties that oppose cease-fire efforts and hold the key to his parliamentary majority.
For families of the hostages, watching Netanyahu put the issue on the back burner has been excruciating. Many of them take part in weekly protests around the country, urging the Israeli leader to accept a cease-fire deal that would bring the hostages home.
“Everyone knows that you [Netanyahu] decided to sacrifice the hostages on the altar of your own political survival. You prefer to drag Israel toward an escalation [of war] instead of signing a deal which will prevent it,” said Einav Zangauker, the mother of one of the hostages, speaking at a recent rally in Tel Aviv. “Because of you, the hostages are subjected to torture or worse and will die in captivity.” Zangauker, whose 24-year-old son, Matan, is still being held in Gaza, told us that she considered Netanyahu “the most cruel prime minister” in Israel’s 76-year history.
Most of Israel’s current and former security chiefs say privately that Netanyahu is driven by his own quest to remain in power and not by the best interests of the hostages or the country.
The serving heads of Israel’s security agencies have repeatedly told Netanyahu that gaining the release of hostages is not only a moral obligation but a decision that would improve Israel’s strategic posture at home and abroad, according to Israeli media and our own sources. Netanyahu has rejected their recommendations and described his critics as “weak.”
Several of the security chiefs have considered taking responsibility for the failures of Oct. 7 and stepping down, according to their own public comments. But they must surely worry that Netanyahu would replace them with cronies, making the chances of a hostage agreement even slimmer.
In the meantime, the public campaign for a hostage deal has diminished. Families keep protesting, joined by anti-Netanyahu demonstrators who demand early elections, but much of the wider public appears to have given up hope.
Within Netanyahu’s government, a few far-right politicians are increasingly viewing the war as an opportunity to finally annex the West Bank and perhaps the Gaza Strip as well. Netanyahu has said Israel would not rule Gaza in the long term, but he needs the support of the far-right factions in order to continue governing. Netanyahu faces criminal charges of fraud and bribery, in a slow-moving trial that began four years ago. Losing his hold on power would potentially make it harder for him to fight the criminal charges.
Netanyahu has ruled the country, in total, for more than 16 years. He claims that he is uniquely qualified to address Israel’s problems, including a war on multiple fronts—Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Iran, and the West Bank. But the internal divisions he has stoked are taking a toll on the country. While the Oct. 7 attack appeared to unite Israelis, the ongoing war, the agonizing over the hostage ordeal, and frustrations with the government have created a domestic crisis that might be deeper than any Israel has experienced since its founding. It’s not unusual to hear Israelis talk about examples in Jewish history when internal divisions led to national tragedies—including the Roman destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 C.E. and the subsequent banishment of Jews from their homeland.
Netanyahu invokes this history in his speeches, but it rings hollow to many Israelis. “He is a real threat to the very existence of Israel,” said Yair Golan, a retired general who now leads the left-center Democrats.
“As far as he is concerned, the future of Israel is only secondary to his personal fate. … Like many leaders throughout history who stay too long in power, he is living in his own bubble and became detached from reality.”
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justinspoliticalcorner · 8 months ago
Joshua Keating at Vox:
Today, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was back in a very familiar building. Not only was he making his fourth address to a joint session of Congress — breaking Winston Churchill’s record for foreign leaders — he’s also been a presence in the building’s halls since serving as a diplomat in the early 1980s. Since he made his first speech to Congress in 1996, Netanyahu has been almost as much a fixture of politics in America as in Israel.
Things felt different today. It’s not just that Netanyahu is a controversial figure, one who drew thousands of protesters onto the streets of Washington. That’s not new; Netanyahu’s 2011 speech to Congress was interrupted by a pro-Palestinian protester in the chamber. What is new is that he has become an increasingly marginalized one. Even a few weeks ago, when Netanyahu’s speech was announced, it had the makings of a marquee political event. Today, it was overshadowed by President Joe Biden’s highly anticipated Wednesday night speech to address his decision to drop out of the presidential election. Dozens of lawmakers — around half of Congress’s Democrats — skipped Netanyahu’s speech altogether.
Soon-to-retire Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin’s presence behind Netanyahu on the rostrum attested to how much of a partisan figure Netanyahu has become. Vice President Kamala Harris, Senate President Pro Tempore Patty Murray, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, one of whom would normally have been in that seat, all declined the role. Netanyahu, who has been Israel’s prime minister for 17 of the last 30 years, has done more than anyone to make support for the country an increasingly partisan issue in the United States, in part through actions like his speech to Congress in 2015. That time, he was invited by congressional Republicans to lobby against the Iran nuclear deal then being negotiated by the Obama administration in what was considered a remarkably partisan speech for a foreign leader. In today’s address, by contrast, Netanyahu made little news. It was a speech that gave little indication of a plan to end the war in Gaza, and likely undermined diplomatic efforts underway to do so. It was a notably defensive speech for Netanyahu, devoted more to refuting criticism of Israel than to charting a way forward out of the morass it has found itself in. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called it “by far the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary invited and honored with the privilege of addressing the Congress of the United States.”
What Netanyahu said — and what he’s doing
Netanyahu recounted the horrors of Hamas’s October 7 attacks and vowed to the families of hostages currently being held in Gaza that he “would not rest until all their loved ones are home.” Not all of those families may be inclined to take him at his word. Many of them are calling for the prime minister to accept a ceasefire deal to secure the hostages’ release, but today Netanyahu vowed that “Israel will fight until we destroy Hamas’s military capabilities and its rule in Gaza and bring all our hostages home,” adding, “That’s what total victory means and we will settle for nothing less.” Netanyahu also said, as he has in several previous remarks, that “[Israel] must retain overriding control [in Gaza] to ensure that Gaza never again poses a security threat to Israel” — a demand likely to be a nonstarter for any ceasefire deal. Despite that, Netanyahu has said in recent days that a ceasefire deal may be near, and the deal currently being negotiated is likely to be the focus of the prime minister’s meeting at the White House with Biden on Thursday. The Biden administration has tended not to respond directly to Netanyahu’s public statements on the deal, and this time was no exception. Asked if Netanyahu’s remarks made that deal less likely, a senior US administration official told reporters on Wednesday afternoon, “We were in the Situation Room doing some other stuff, so I have not seen the speech.”
How to lose friends and influence
Netanyahu praised President Biden for his “half a century of friendship to Israel” and noted that the president describes himself as a “proud Zionist.” But that only served to highlight the shrinking number of Democratic politicians who would publicly describe themselves that way. Polls have consistently shown a deep partisan divide opening up over sympathy toward Israel. He also thanked former president and current Republican nominee Donald Trump for actions in support of Israel during his presidency, including recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights and moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. Netanyahu will be traveling to Florida to meet with Trump (and possibly celebrate the birthday of his son, who lives in Miami). Still, while Trump has not exactly turned on Israel, he has clearly soured somewhat on Netanyahu, who he is still angry at for congratulating Biden on his election victory in 2020. It doesn’t seem like a coincidence that Trump posted a friendly letter from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on the day he announced the Netanyahu meeting.
Yesterday’s joint address to Congress from war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu is further proof that his support is restricted to hard-line pro-Israeli supporters in the USA.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) had the right response to his grotesquely hateful speech with the “War Criminal” sign.
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weemietime · 4 months ago
Ok so reading through some posts from some people and I've noticed a lumping in of anti-zionists and anti-semites into the same camp or framing it as only antisemites are in that camp.
which I this is unneeded like I'm blind obviously a large number of people are using anti-zionism a cover for their anti-semitic beliefs but I don't think that bad actors using this wave of criticism for Israel as a opportunity to say and doing horrifically anti-semitic thing.
just like people using this new wave of criticism toward Hamas and the various groups fighting against the IDF as a cover for their Islamophobic and anti Palestinian and anti Arab racism should not be held as the only voice in the Zionist camp.
this isn't some sort of "Hey actually all those anti semitic people are really tiny and are just a very loud minority" again like I said, I'm not blind I can see that they aren't and and they probably aren't going anywhere either but, also saying that the only way someone could find what Israel is doing is if their anti semite just wrong, like yeah Israel is often held to a higher standard for being a Jewish nation and for looking like a western (white looking) nation which is obviously wrong.
if this is anyway anti-semitic idk sorry I guess, also read that pinned post thing and yes Russia is committing a genocide and yes they should be booted from the UNSC
So I don't read this as being antisemitic in and of itself, under the assumption you're engaging in good faith. There are ways to be antizionist that aren't antisemitic, but the vast majority of uneducated people with whom I have a problem with saying "I'm not antisemitic, just antizionist" is that in the next sentence they'll be demanding Israelis must go back to Poland or else be complicit in genocide.
Really, it's stuff like that which I focus on. People just asking questions or offering legitimate criticism aren't being antisemitic. I spend a lot of my time criticizing Israel for shit as well. A woman I really respect used to work at the military prison and always said, "people think you should be hard on your enemies when they do wrong. No, we should be harder on our friends." and I agree with that.
Is it fair? To always have to be the better person and always be the peacemaker and always do the right thing while people give our enemies a free pass to literally kill us openly in the streets? Nope, it's not fair. But we knew this when we accepted the Torah at Sinai. Life as a Jewish person isn't fair, and our obligations are many and often painful. Is it just, though? I'd say yes. We must continue to try and extend our hand to our enemies.
And with regards to the Russia genocide question there's actually a good reason why I use this as an example. 1) let's say we actually put Russia and Israel on the same playing ground. Israel just attacked Gaza for no reason to annex a bunch of land because Palestinians are really Jews and Israel is entitled to Gaza.
Even if we accept this at face value, the way that people talk about Israel and Jews is fundamentally different than the way people talk about Russia and Russians. It's the double standard that makes it antisemitism, not the actions people are saying we've done.
Even if Israel was 100% unequivocally the villain, which I don't believe is true because quite frankly they weren't the belligerents and never have been, it would still be a double standard. Because the fact of the matter is, people didn't accuse Russia of genocide and people didn't call for Putin to be ejected. People didn't protest en masse and shut down universities and refuse to be friends with Russians.
And 2) In fact people spout actual Russia propaganda and sign off with "shout out to Joseph Stalin" out one side their mouth while the other says "Genocide is bad." Stalin is responsible for killing at least 9 million people, so it's not killing they have a problem with.
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fairuzfan · 1 year ago
Can you help me break down my family's arguments? It's just that they're on Israel's side
And they say that Palestine deserves what is happening
Their arguments are:
"But Hamas started, taking people hostage, raping women and killing children. Israel is just fighting back. If someone did the same to you I would kill their family."
"But the hospitals on Palestine are Hamas' bases"
"But cutting off energy and telecommunications in Palestine is just to prevent Hamas from communicating"
"But Gaza is a place promised by God to the Israelites, Israel is taking what is rightfully theirs"
"But Hamas was trying to make an exchange between the lives of the hostages and Gaza with Israel and Israel did not accept it because Gaza is theirs, and Hamas should have released the hostages instead of exchanging their lives"
Hello, thanks for asking. I'm going to generalize these arguments a little more just to make it more widely applicable.
"Well Israel is just taking revenge/defending itself"
Well a couple things. Taking revenge is not an actual reason for people to attack other people. Just naturally, it's not a good ideology we should ever live by.
About claims that it's defending itself: Israel is a military powerhouse dropping TONS of bombs, I mean literal TONS. To say that anyone is defending someone with that level of ammunition and pure destruction, is just cruel. No one should experience that even in an equal footing type of war. Shouldn't we strive to protect people? Isn't it right to help others?
Now for your specific case, if they're arguing that they would "kill their family" as revenge, I'm not gonna lie, I think you're going to have to delve into that with them and dismantle that idea by emphasizing revenge is never justified.
You should center the humanity of Palestinians and emphasize that they should never experience such horror in their life.
"The hospitals are Hamas bases"
There is absolutely no evidence provided of this other than Israeli propaganda. I'd show them this video, which is a testimony from a European doctor.
There's also this pamphlet they released saying that they "know that Hamas is safe" and still willingly bombs the people of gaza anyways.
You should center the humanity of Palestinians and emphasize that they should never experience such horror in their life.
"Gaza is promised by God to the Israelites"
Why is it necessary to enforce one's religious beliefs on someone else? Why must the Palestinians experience violence in order for Israel to exist? Besides, if it was "promised" to them, does that mean God is allowing them to kill people indiscriminately? Does God, the most loving Being in the Universe, ever condone such acts of horrific violence on people? I speak as a Muslim that grew up being taught that Judiasm, Christianity, and Islam are quite similar religions, so I doubt that any of these religions would condone such large scale violence.
I'm not an expert of actual religious scripture of different faiths, so I can't provide quotes or anything like that, but I'd argue that God's main purpose in our lives is to remind us to love each other.
You should center the humanity of Palestinians and emphasize that they should never experience such horror in their life.
I'm not sure what the argument in your specific case is, but I think any argument having to do with hostages does not make any logical sense. Wouldn't Israel want to protect the hostages? Isn't bombing indiscriminately dangerous for everyone, but especially the Hostages?
But even hostages aside, Palestinians shouldn't have to suffer en masse! They've been sectioned off into the largest open-air prison for 20 years! It's just plain cruel to blame them for the genocide they face when they've been victims for 75+ years!
I'd recommend introducing them to this resource that explains the history of Palestinians from around 1948 to now:
There is also this that has scholarly research for and by Palestinians:
Let me know if any of this is useful. Good luck, and thank you for sending this in.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 1 year ago
by Phyllis Chesler
The young women who demonstrate for Hamas are surprisingly vulgar, physically aggressive and self-satisfied. Their body language is, dare I say it, rather male. They curse. They enjoy the discomfort they cause in Jewish onlookers. Some wear hijab and niqab (face masks). Others wear Queers for Palestine t-shirts or sport black-and-white checked keffiyehs as scarves.
These girls and women are super-sonic “mean girls.” They smirk as they triumphantly tear down posters that feature the faces of kidnapped Israeli civilians. They look quite happy with themselves when a Jewish student appears visibly distressed.
Leftist women of all ages, many of whom are Jews, and some of whom are rabbis, lead chants against Israel. They wield megaphones, blow whistles and bang drums. They are seasoned, “in your face” performers and feel utterly righteous about drowning out everything and everyone else.
Of course, the young pro-Hamas men are even louder and more menacing. They are taller and wider. They scream, mullah-style, in hoarse voices of rage and are sometimes armed with knives, sticks and guns. They use their feet and their fists to kick, hit, beat or sucker-punch anyone who dares to carry an Israeli flag, wears a Jewish star or is in any way visibly Jewish. I’ve seen this in videos and heard about it from people who were there.
This hot Jew-hatred has been brewing for a long, long time. Yet it is being experienced as sudden and unexpected. The sight of Jewish blood on Oct. 7 has activated what we may metaphorically think of as “sleeper cells” that have been well-trained in mob violence against the Jews. These mobs are now on the move around the world and on American campuses.
Young American Jewish students, both women and men, are shocked, reeling, in free fall. They are traumatized. Frightened. Students did not suspect that such Jew-hatred existed so close to home. Like Anne Frank, they truly believed that all people were basically good. (Frank never exactly believed that, however.)
Such Jewish students are not prepared for a pogrom; or for the fact that Israel is now fighting an existential battle for its survival.
From a psychological and practical point of view, here’s what the students must learn. I am now addressing them directly:
First, you must understand that you have suddenly been drafted into a war. You must think like soldiers. In particular, you must accept that it does not matter if your enemies do not like or love you. A soldier’s only duty is to fight to win.
Second, you have to learn not to take anything personally. If you are cursed as “colonialists, racists, Islamophobes, capitalists,” it has nothing to do with you, who you are or anything that you’ve done. Jew hatred/antisemitism/anti-Zionism is a sickness, a virus, a plague that has afflicted Jew-haters. The shame is theirs, not yours.
Third, you must accept the fact that, despite exceptions, most people, both young and old, tend to be cowards and conformists. If you stand up to evil, if you stand up for Israel, you will lose friends, teachers, employers, even family members who may strongly disagree with you. This is the price that telling this particular truth exacts.
Fourth, you—or your parents or Jewish and Christian organizations—must fund armed guards to keep each one of you safe, just as synagogues and Jewish centers require armed guards. More importantly, you must spend at least a year or more learning Krav Maga or some other form of self-defense.
Believe it or not, if civilian haters, even in mobs, know they you know how to fight, they may decide to leave you alone. It’s happened many times before in Jewish history.
Fifth, it is important that you find like-minded students and meet regularly both in person and on the internet.
You have no choice. Please realize that the sight of Jewish blood excites and thrills the Jew-haters. The sight of Jews fighting back brilliantly and methodically, as the IDF is currently doing, enrages the Jew-haters.
We are not going to win any popularity contests no matter what we do. Like Golda Mair, I say: Let’s survive. Let’s win. We are in that kind of battle.
I must thank trauma psychiatrist Dr. Larry Amsel, with whom I discussed these ideas. You will hear more from both of us soon.
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briteredoctober · 1 year ago
I have never and will never condemn Hamas, and anyone with a conscience should be past even asking that.
October 7th was not an unprovoked terrorist attack, and neither was it the 'start of this war' as Zionists love to repeatedly yell. It is ridiculous to condemn the oppressed for fighting back while cheering on the slaughter of thousands upon thousands of innocents.
It was a retaliatory strike, and Hamas is legally in the right to resist occupation via armed struggle. Occupiers do not have a de facto right to self defense, only the occupied do. That is international law.
October 7th was the result of 70+ years of brutal apartheid and ethnic cleansing operations being conducted against the people of Gaza and the West Bank. It was the response to Israel's brutal murder of 7,000 Palestinian civilians since 2008. To Israel's injury and maiming of 160,000 Palestinian civilians since 2008. To the 7,000+ Palestinians, most of whom are children being held without charges, that Israel is currently holding hostage. And to Israel's forceful occupation of more than 70% of Palestinian lands since 1948.
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honesty-my-policy · 10 months ago
Part One of publicly rebutting people from the comments & reblogs of this post:
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First off @bookwyrm314 has been fighting tooth and nail, yes, I am going to call out people who are defending terrorists who in their charter call for the genocide of Jews, blaming them for everything that ever happened in the world (hi Nazi playbook) and just the general lack of any acceptance of peace. link to their charter that if you haven't read or even skimmed... why are you backing a group you know nothing about? HAMAS CHARTER
Okay to be honest i copied and pasted the comment thread into chatgpt cause the original thread was really wordy & repetitive, with lots of detailed examples & emotional appeals. it was hard to follow after seeing it all in one place. i wanted to shorten it to just the main points.
The difference between war and genocide is that war involves two military groups, while genocide involves a military group targeting civilians, which is happening in Gaza. War has rules: you don’t target civilians, especially children, or pen millions into a single city and starve them. That's ethnic cleansing, not war. The IDF is shooting children and forcing an entire population on a march to Rafah, then bombing the city. This is genocide, not war.
The logical fallacies are off the charts for the entire argument but I'll play.
False Dichotomy = Black-and-White Thinking or presenting a situation as only having two possible categories (war or genocide) without acknowledging the complexities and nuances of the conflict.
What a hasty generalization or generalizing the actions of the entirety of the IDF, as well as the whole conflict with no evidence to back it up. It's also a nice appeal to emotion, which yeah, we should use emotions it is what makes us humans but what truly makes us humans is having emotions but not letting them dictate what we do or think.
Colonization isn’t a justification for ethnic cleansing. It’s insane to say, "You should have ceded your country to colonialism for peace." There are 1.5 million displaced and starving Palestinians. Mass murdering civilians and claiming there were terrorists among them is a war crime. Hiroshima was genocide because it mass-murdered a city. War involves two military groups, not civilians. This situation isn’t war; it’s military versus civilians. Hamas isn’t the children or the city of Rafah.
This is a straw man. You've misrepresented my argument or maybe based on the arguments below not understood that Israel is an indigenous people of the land, they also accepted a two state solution but the Arabs didn't, which led to the Nakba. I explained all of this but you replied with this which is why I say this is a straw man.
Another appeal to emotion instead of actual facts or references. For the record, you stated earlier that war was ugly, this is part of war.
Hiroshima is a false equivalence, you are equating two very different historical events without even acknowledging the significant differences in context and nature. The second bit is circular reasoning, you are assuming what you are trying to prove without providing any evidence.
Another bit of black-and-white thinking, as if civilians have never waged wars in history or things might be more complex in this situation.
Palestine has existed since families bought land from the Mongols in the 14th century. British colonization doesn’t erase that history. Forcing Palestinians to Rafah, starving, and bombing them is a deliberate strategy, not war. Killing civilians creates more terrorists, not fewer. It looks like an attempt to eradicate a nation. The IDF is blocking aid and killing those bringing food. Forcing people to walk across the country with nothing is like the Trail of Tears. It’s ethnic cleansing.
You are appealing to antiquity/tradition as though because something had historical precedent it should be valid or justifiable in the current context. The Jews do the same but they don't go around in their official charter saying that everyone else are infidels, that one specific group is the reason for every bad thing that happens in the world or that until all Arabs everywhere in the world are dead the 'day of judgement' isn't going to come. So... think on that.
To be honest this has nothing to do with anything. It's a non sequitur.
You present another situation with black-and-white thinking, as though there are only two possible categories, ignoring once more the complex nuances of conflict.
This is a classic slippery slope way of thinking. You are suggesting that killing any civilian ever will inevitably lead to the creation of more terrorists without any evidence for this progression happening.
You again assume what you are trying to prove - that there is an attempt to eradicate a nation - without any sufficient evidence.
A final appeal to emotions.
You claim I lack empathy for civilians, but I can distinguish between soldiers and civilians. Your "whataboutism" shows you care more about winning an argument than understanding the truth. Citizens shouldn’t be targeted, that’s a global rule. Were child victims like Hind child soldiers? The Holocaust had survivors; does that mean it wasn’t genocide? Your argument insults Jewish, Japanese, and Palestinian people. The IDF targeting civilians isn’t war; it’s mass murder. They admitted to waiting for targets to go home and killing entire families. Killing 300,000+ civilians is villainous. Making people walk a trail of tears and starving them is evil. Repeating Nazi tactics to win isn’t worth it. Fifty years ago, we’d agree Hamas is bad, but now Hamas is filled with Palestinians angry because the IDF killed their families. Bombing Palestine makes more angry survivors, not fewer. Killing civilians isn’t smart, and it seems like the goal is genocide.
Another straw man at the start, you aren't actually talking about the point.
Oooh! A new one! You decided to attack the character and motive instead of addressing the actual argument. That's an Ad Hominem. Another new one! A Red Herring! Diverting from the main argument and creating distractions instead of focusing on the main discussion.
You really do view the world entirely in black-and-white don't you? How easy life must be.
You also love to generalize the side you don't like without any evidence or nuance and not acknowledging any of the complexities of the situation.
And another slippery slope!
I was going to go through each point and provide evidence to refute everything but goddamn. For one, you provided no actual evidence, for two this entire thing was so laughable after reading it like this.
You are exactly who my original posts targets and that is why you were triggered.
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zucchinimalfoy · 1 year ago
I don’t know if this will reach anyone, and quite frankly, I don’t give a fuck. I have shit I need to say and shit that people need to hear.
First and foremost, Free Palestine. It has always been Free Palestine, and will always be Free Palestine.
My earliest memory of the occupation of Palestine was when I was seven. At the age of seven, I had the emotional maturity, the human decency to look at what was happening and come to the conclusion that the Palestinians were innocent. They were being forced out of their homes by the settle colony isr*el, and that they needed to be freed.
If I, at the mere age of seven, can come to that conclusion, then what the fuck are the world leaders in GOVERNMENT doing? I’m a Muslim, Alhamdulillah, and as a Muslim, I have utter belief in the fact that Palestine will indeed be free one day, by the will of Allah S.W.T. I have no doubt about it, but as a human, I am begging for a ceasefire on the attacks in Gaza, on innocent civilians. isr*el has cut off water, food, electricity and fuel. They had previously prevented aid from entering from Egypt, only just allowing twenty trucks of aid in to Gaza, which we all know does nothing to help the 2.2 million people there.
For 75 years, Palestine has been illegally occupied, Palestinians have been slaughtered and forced out of their homes. Everyday, they live in constant fear. Not just in Gaza, but also in the West Bank (which Hamas has no presence there, if you were wondering). Everyday of their lives, they’ve been beaten, hit, killed. And on October 7th, they decided to fight back.
And before you come for me, I do not condone the murder of innocents, like children. But, I cannot also say that all those isr*elis are innocent. Just them calling themselves isr*elis makes them somewhat accountable as they are saying they accept the apartheid, the genocide and ethnic cleansing. isr*el is not a state. It is a settler colony, and in my eyes, I will never ever recognise them as anything else.
Also, not to mention that in 2019 69% of men and 56% of women were serving in the army (I couldn’t find more recent statistics than that, I’m afraid.) But, at the same time, a life lost is a life lost. It’s heartbreaking, and my prayers are with all those who have lost family.
But, let’s move onto Gaza.
2.2 million people. 25 miles long and 5 miles wide. Over 1.1 million are children. The death toll is now over 5000. Over 1700 of them are CHILDREN. Over 51% of people in Gaza are now homeless, due to their homes being bombed and having no safe place to go. If you look up the amount of people who are homeless in the UK and the US, add those two figures together, and you’ll see that it still doesn’t come close to the amount of displaced people in Gaza. Two of the most powerful countries in the world, the US being one of the largest, and Gaza being literally 25 miles long.
Put that into perspective.
I’m fucking sick to death. Sick to death of bitch-ass celebrities like the Kardashians and the Jenners and Jamie Lee-Curtis and so many more who post their support for isr*el, without having a single fucking clue about the historical context of this genocide.
Palestine was always, and has forever been Palestine. The brits ‘gave’ Palestine to the jews after the atrocities of WWII, and Palestinians welcomed them.
Then the Nakba happened in 1948.
This is a crime against humanity, a massacre of Palestinians, a slaughter of children. This is another Holocaust.
And, if you support Palestine, that does not make you antisemitic. It makes you human. Orthodox Jews from all over the world have showcased their support for the Palestinians- they do not claim Israel, do not believe it to be their land, and have and always will recognise it as Palestine.
This is not a war. This is not a conflict. This is ethnic cleansing. It isn‘t limited to religion, as there are Muslims, Christians and Jews in Palestine.
You don’t have to be Muslim to support Palestine, you just have to be human.
I’m sorry if this is all over the place. There’s so much I want to say, and it’s difficult to articulate when I’m this angry. I’m just going to say one last thing.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. 🇵🇸
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