#mildly surprising
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ertizoel · 1 month ago
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thequietpercussionist · 1 year ago
This unopened butterfinger with no candy in it
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vikingpoteto · 9 months ago
The best part of reading Captive Prince for the 100th time is imagining what's going on in Laurent's head at any given point. Everything he does has a reason and his reactions hide as much as they reveal about his character. Meanwhile Damen is doing fuck knows what out of spite and horniness.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 5 months ago
your movie charles art gives me cuteness aggression
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obsessed with getting these asks back to back and yet they both hold some truth i think ...... thank you very much everyone ....
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studioeisa · 6 months ago
just a little too soon 🃏 wonwoo x reader.
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was it hidden in the cards that i'd lose you?
★ part of buzz (seventeen's version). ★ word count: 4k ★ genre/warnings: angst, romance. alternate universe: non-idol, established/long-term relationship, pet name ('babe'), alcohol consumption, tarot card references courtesy of labyrinthos.co.
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There was a time where Wonwoo used to greet you at the front door.
He used to be so particular about it, too. lt had been a little routine that lasted for a good couple of months. You'd text once you were heading home and he'd respond with anything from take care to missed you today.
He made sure you never had to pull out your key. All you had to do was knock thrice. He'd then swing open the door— his glasses slightly askew, his mop of dark hair bearing the indent of his headphones— before softly saying, "Welcome home, babe."
But that had been years ago. The homecoming has since faded into something less ceremonious; his responses to your texts, if any at all, now more of can you get some soda on your way home and don't forget to pick up the laundry.
As your key unlocks the front door, you feel that small flicker of nostalgia— and something else entirely. That feeling you can't quite name. Because how can you miss someone who's still there?
As you step in to your shared apartment, you can hear the distant sounds of a game being played. It takes you only half a minute to figure out what your boyfriend's poison is tonight: League of Legends, based on the muffled commands that he's barking out.
You feel an ounce of pride when you pad in to his game room and realize that you're right. Wonwoo's gaze briefly flickers away from his computer screen.
You wave at him. He gives you a grin in return.
He mumbles something in to his microphone before hitting something on his keyboard, seemingly muting himself. When he looks up at you, his smile has become a touch more sheepish. You already know what he's going to ask before the question comes.
"Just one more match," you warn, like you always have.
He adjusts in his swivel chair. "Three more?"
Both of you know where this is heading. "Two," you say in unison.
Your strict gaze softens; Wonwoo's smile becomes a little more genuine. He beckons for you to come closer and you make a show out of it— faking a sigh, dragging your feet.
He rolls his eyes but reaches out for your hand all the same. Once your fingers are intertwined, he raises your clasped hands to his lips and presses a chaste kiss to the back of your knuckle.
"Thank you," he mumbles against your skin, peering up at you from behind his glasses.
You feel like a bit of a fool, to still find the action heart-fluttering after all this time. You bite back the pleased smile that threatens to fill your face as you disentangle your hand to briefly press your palm against Wonwoo's cheek.
"I'll order takeout," you tell him. "Be done before it comes."
"I'm not really in charge of the game being done by a certain—"
"Fine, fine."
As you make your way out of his room, he calls after your retreating back. "No Chinese, please!"
You order Chinese anyway. Partly out of spite; partly because it's what you want.
When Wonwoo emerges from his room after the vouchsafed two matches, he lets out a displeased sound at the sight of paper pails resting on the dining table. "I said no Chinese," he grumbles.
You don't even look up from the manual in your hands. "I got you the mapo tofu you like," you say with a dismissive wave of your hand. "And some spring rolls."
"The mapo tofu you like." Wonwoo takes a seat across from you. Despite his complaints, he's already digging through the takeout to find the meal you've chosen for him. He's too used to these little stunts of yours to be fazed.
The two of you have been dating for four years, after all— living together for a little over half that time. It's a quaint, two-bedroom apartment. More often than not, you share the same bed, but the other room is there for when the other needs their privacy.
The domesticity that you two have cultivated came with its own set of growing pains. But— for the most part— you've both learned how to make it work. Respective chores around the household. Shared meals and moments like these, where neither feel a need to fill the silence.
Except, tonight, there's the introduction of something novelty, something worth talking about.
"Hm?" Wonwoo cranes his neck over at the cards spread in front of you. There's half a spring roll hanging out of his mouth as he tries to catch a glimpse of what has your attention. "Are those— tarot cards?"
You give him a small nod of acknowledgment. "Soonyoung gave them to me as a gag gift," you note. "He says that I need to get a hobby."
Wonwoo finishes off the spring roll in his mouth as he lets out a derisive scoff. "And he suggested tarot reading?"
"Hey," you say defensively. "I think it's interesting."
"I think it's bullshit."
"You think a lot of things are bullshit."
"This one especially," Wonwoo insists. "It's just a bunch of scam work."
You press the bridge of your nose with your thumb and your index finger. Wonwoo catches the action and immediately backs down, placated by the telltale sign of your growing annoyance.
"I'm not about to start charging people to have their fortune read," you say exasperatedly. "I just wanted to try something new."
Wonwoo doesn't push it. He only lets out a low hum as he picks at another roll. A pregnant silence stretches between the two of you for a couple of minutes before Wonwoo says, "Try it on me, then."
You look up from shuffling the deck. An eyebrow of yours arches upward when you notice the lack of any outwardly hostile expression on your boyfriend's face.
"You're just going to make fun of me," you grumble.
"I swear that I won't." Wonwoo pauses and meets your skeptical gaze. "I swear that I'll try not to," he amends.
It's as good as you're going to get, you decide. With a defeated sigh, you hold out the deck. Wonwoo gingerly plucks a card out, placing it face-up on to the table between you.
Amid your takeout lies a card depicting a man suspended upside-down, hanging by his foot from a tree. "The Hanged Man," you read aloud, needing to slope across the table because it's facing Wonwoo.
"Very original."
"You said you'd try to be nice!"
"I was just saying!"
For a moment, the two of you just stare at the card. "Well?" Wonwoo prompts. "What does it mean?"
"Er..." You scramble for the manual that came with the box of cards. As you skim over the descriptions, you feel your eyebrows knitting together with slight confusion. "Oh, it matters if it's upright or reversed."
"Facing who? Me or you?"
"I— it doesn't say."
Wonwoo lets out an exhale. His expression seems caught between exasperation and fondness.
"You could just tell me anything and I'd believe it," he says dryly.
"That's not the point."
Wonwoo shakes his head at your whining and pushes back against the table, his chair scratching against the floor. You pore over the definitions as Wonwoo gathers up the dishes; it seems that, for him, this conversation is already as good as done.
He has some sense to lean down to leave a quick peck on the top of your head.
"Whatever it is," he mutters against your hair, indulging you for only one more moment. "I'm sure it's a hundred percent right."
You glare at his back as he walks over to the kitchen sink.
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🃏 The Hanged Man understands that his position is a sacrifice that he needed to make in order to progress forward — whether as repentance for past wrongdoings, or a calculated step backward to recalculate his path onward. This time he spends here will not be wasted, he does this as part of his progression forward.
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When you date someone for long enough, their friends tend to become your friends.
That's how you've ended up here on a Thursday evening— even though you'd much rather spend the weeknight recuperating from your day at work. Admittedly, all you had wanted was some time with Wonwoo.
But Mingyu was broken-hearted, he had reasoned, and he couldn't say 'no' to his best friend. In hindsight, you probably could have opted to have the apartment all to yourself, could have had your quiet night to yourself.
Neither of you were willing to give way for what you each wanted, and so this is the compromise: You, tagging along to the speakeasy where Mingyu is drinking himself silly over some girl who didn't give him the time of day.
Wonwoo and you are seated on either side of Mingyu, while Soonyoung sits across from you three. Jihoon had passed on the whole thing— to be expected— and Junhui is running late.
That leaves you three to pick up the broken pieces of a distraught Mingyu.
"You'll find someone else, Gyu," you offer.
Wonwoo pats the younger man on the back. "It's not the end of the world," your boyfriend adds.
"Easy for you two to say!" Mingyu takes a long swig of his fourth, maybe fifth bottle of beer. "You two are, like, solved."
"Solved?" you and Wonwoo echo. You, with a half-smile; Wonwoo, with an arched eyebrow.
"Solved," Soonyoung pitches in, hiccupping as he speaks. "You've got it figured out. Aish, couples shouldn't be giving advice to heartbroken people."
That draws a chuckle out of you and Wonwoo. Neither of you make an effort to push back on Soonyoung, instead opting to mumble plattidues to a Mingyu that is getting progressively drunker.
As the night wears on, the conversation veers in to more common territories. Mingyu's apartment-hunting endeavor. Soonyoung's shitty boss.
At one point, Soonyoung chirps to you, "How are you liking the tarot set?"
Wonwoo lets out a derisive snort mid-sip of his beer. You reach behind the back of Mingyu's chair to playfully smack your boyfriend on the shoulder.
"I've been having fun with it," you say with a sniffle. Wonwoo raises his hands in a show of surrender.
"Think you're ready to do readings?" Soonyoung asks, and there's no teasing in tone. Just a genuine sort of excitement. It's in such contrast to Wonwoo that you're momentarily thrown off-kilter.
When you realize that Soonyoung is waiting, that he's expectant, you brighten up just a bit. "Actually—" You begin to dig through your purse.
Wonwoo shoots you an incredulous look. "You did not bring it," he says, sounding mildly horrified. You ignore him in favor of fishing out the tarot set that Soonyoung had gifted you.
Immediately, Soonyoung is moving aside the bottles and glasses on the table so you have space to shuffle the cards. The three boys have varying expressions on their faces: Soonyoung is enthusiastic, Mingyu is curious, and Wonwoo is resigned.
"Me," Mingyu croaks, putting down his bottle. "Can you read for me?"
"It helps if you ask a question," you say.
Mingyu looks like he's thinking long and hard about his query, though the thoughtful expression is frayed by the way he's already fairly tipsy. Soonyoung and Wonwoo share a laugh as they wait for Mingyu, who eventually blurts out—
"What will my love life look like for the rest of the year?"
It's to be expected, considering the whole reason you're out tonight is because of Mingyu's failed romantics. Soonyoung goads him and Wonwoo snickers, but you take the question in stride. "Tell me when to stop," you say as you shuffle the deck.
Mingyu watches your hands with laser focus. After what feels like an eternity, he solemnly calls, "Stop."
A card peeks out of the spaces between your fingers. You place it face-down on the table before flipping it for everyone to see. Soonyoung leans over. Even Wonwoo can't hide his mild interest as he eyes the suit.
An upright Wheel of Fortune.
"A wheel always turns," you note to Mingyu, pointing out the imagery on the card. "It can mean that— despite being in a bad situation right now, that can easily change. Nothing, bad or good, is permanent."
There's not really much more that you can say. You weren't really in the business of taking card-reading seriously; if anything, you're treating it more like a party trick.
And it works, based on the way a smile breaks out on Mingyu's face, and the low whistle that Soonyoung lets out. Wonwoo, as you had anticipated, looks far from impressed.
"Me next, me next," Soonyoung chants, only to seemingly change his mind last minute as you go to reshuffle the deck.
Soonyoung turns to Wonwoo. "You next!"
Wonwoo takes another sip of his drink. His arms are casually crossed over his chest and there's an almost piercing glare behind his spectacles. All of you are a little too accustomed to his sharp eyes and his dry humor to be unnerved.
"I already had my fortune read," your boyfriend says.
"You can always have it read again," Mingyu whines. The whine is a telltale sign that he's heading to 'far gone' territory; your friend group knows better than to try and reel in a drunk Mingyu.
Soonyoung sing-songs, "We should ask about when the two of you are going to get marriiied."
The jabs about marriage aren't anything new. Having dated as long as you two have, you and Wonwoo are often subject to such questions from everyone around you— concerned family, impatient friends, nosy co-workers. You've both talked about it, of course, but in no certain terms.
With a laborious sigh, Wonwoo leans over Mingyu to pluck a card from your deck.
"Yah!" you complain mid-shuffle, swatting at his hand, but Wonwoo is already unceremoniously throwing the card face-up on to the table.
"Our marriage fortune," he announces, his tone edged with sarcasm.
The card features a woman sitting between two pillars— but, this time, it's reversed. You sift through your brain for what it means upside down.
"Upright, it means listening to your intuition," you offer.
None of the boys are any wiser about the fact that you're supposed to be spewing the reading for a reversed version.
"Wonwoo!" Soonyoung says excitedly. "Isn't your intuition saying that you should propose right now?"
A panicked Mingyu laments, "Wait, I'm not ready to be best man yet!"
Soonyoung seems to take serious offense at that. "Who said you're going to be Wonwoo's best man?" the boy demands. "I've known him longer!"
The two go on to bicker about the hypothetical ceremony and the groomsman line-up as you and Wonwoo stare on incredulously. After a moment, Wonwoo huffs out a laugh that only you catch. "Idiots," he grumbles fondly.
He finishes off the last of his drink. You're not sure if you've been lumped in to the half-insult, but you don't have the time to dwell on it.
Instead, you absentmindedly play with a corner of the reversed card as you contemplate calling it a night.
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🃏 When it comes to the High Priestess reversed, it can mean that you are finding it difficult to listen to your intuition… Something has been telling you to follow your gut, but you may be ignoring the call. There is a lot of confusion around you, and your actions may feel contrary to what you know is right.
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Here's how it gets you, weeks down the line.
On the surface, it looks like something small being blown out of the water. A date night postponed because of yet another friends who 'needs' him.
"We live together," Wonwoo sighs, running a hand through his hair. The argument takes place in your bedroom, where there's a chasm of space between you. You, sitting on the edge of your bed. Him, already standing by the door.
"We literally live together," he repeats. "We see each other every day."
"You barely even look at me nowadays," you snap, and despite the haze of your anger, you're lucid enough to wonder— where the hell did that come from?
Wonwoo's visible confusion mirrors your internal one.
"What—" he starts. What does that mean?, he probably planned to ask.
Instead, he grits out, "I'm looking at you right now."
And he is. Of course he is. It's a familiar expression; the set of his jaw, the spark in his eyes. He is trying and failing to keep his tone level, to not give in to the punches that you're throwing.
But when you love someone, you can be so cruel to them. Perhaps crueler than anyone else.
It goes both ways. Your mutual refusal to budge. Your tendency to let all the resentment build. And Wonwoo—
"You care more about being good than being good to me," you accuse him.
The frustration on Wonwoo's face only deepens. "Isn't that the same thing?" he asks.
"No, it isn't." Your voice is softer, now. More genuine in its ache. "There's a difference."
As if on cue, the muffled sound of his phone ringtone begins to blare from the living room.
You and Wonwoo regard each other in the low lighting of your bedroom. You, dry-eyed and hurt. Wonwoo, tightly wound and prideful.
The ringing of the phone ceases, only to start up again. Wonwoo makes his choice.
"I won't be coming home tonight," he says, his voice wretched. "Don't go looking for me."
With that, he takes his leave, slamming the bedroom door behind him. The force knocks over some of the things atop a nearby dresser— your set of cards, a stray lip gloss tube, the picture frame holding a photo from your first anniversary.
You don't pick them up just yet. You stay at the edge of your breath, holding your breath for so long that you feel your chest begin to burn, as you strain your ears for the sound of Wonwoo moving across your shared apartment.
His heavy footsteps get more distant. The lock on the front door clicks.
The chasm grows, and grows, and grows.
Only then do you go to assess the damage. The lip gloss tube has rolled too far under the bed; you resolve to figure that out in the morning. The picture frame remains miraculously intact.
(You don't notice this until much later, but there's the tiniest crack on an edge of the glass. A cobweb-like fracture that you will only see once you hold it up to the light.)
You go to gather up your deck of cards, and your eyes stray to the only one that has fallen face-up.
A lightning bolt striking a tower that's on fire.
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🃏 The Tower represents change in the most radical and momentous sense… The old ways are no longer useful, and you must find another set of beliefs, values and processes to take their place.
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WONU 🐈❤️ 1:43 AM You really didn't come find me
YOU 2:06 AM u told me not to.
WONU 🐈❤️ 2:19 AM Right
WONU 🐈❤️ 3:03 AM I think we need to talk.
YOU 3:33 AM yeah. we do.
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It's quiet as you two pack up.
You're not ignoring each other, no. There are still a couple of amicable exchanges, like do you want to keep the blankets and I don't have space for any more of the succulents. Occasionally, you'll reminisce over some small thing.
The stubborn bathroom grout that had given you both grief. The burn mark in the kitchen from when Wonwoo had first attempted to cook.
"It's like we're looking through a museum," you say as you shove the last of your clothes in to your suitcase.
"A museum of our failed relationship," he muses thoughtlessly.
You wince and his expression softens imperceptibly, but he doesn't apologize. The silence stretches on for a little more.
A mutual decision, both of you had told all your friends. For the better.
You, moving back home for a bit. Wonwoo, opting to room with Mingyu again.
As you tape up the last of your cardboard boxes, you speak up. You're not looking at Wonwoo as you say, "It wasn't a failure. It just—"
Your words fail you. You only really want to communicate to him that your four-year relationship wasn't something that you had wanted to regret, that it's not, by any means, a dead loss.
It's a small grace that Wonwoo understands you, still. That, even now, he can hear what you don't, what you can't say.
"Yeah," he mumbles. He's already doing final checks to see if either of you had forgotten anything. "I know."
Some years ago, that might have been enough. To be known and to be loved.
But as you hoist a box up in to your arms, as you face Wonwoo who is looking at everything else but you, you realize that there is only so much that knowing can do. For you. For him. For anyone.
"I'm going to start loading things in to my car," you inform him.
"You'll stay behind?"
He nods. "Going to give the keys back to the owner."
"Okay." Your voice is low, again. Like you're scared you'll drive Wonwoo away if you speak any louder. "Alright."
A beat.
And then Wonwoo finally looks straight at you.
There's nothing on his expression that gives away what he's feeling or thinking. He's always been the harder to figure out between the two of you. You spent years and years trying— trying to read him, trying to decipher every little thing.
You no longer feel that urge. It's a bit freeing, really.
"Take care," he says after a long pause.
"You, too."
Wonwoo doesn't call out your name as you walk away. That's not his style. In all the time you've known him, he's never been the type to beg, to grovel.
Wonwoo always knew when it was time to call something quits, when it was time to head home. You try to embody that as you walk past the front door, as you head down the hallway.
Before you round the corner, though, you glance over your shoulder.
Faintly, you can make out Wonwoo crouched over one of your boxes. The ghost of a smile tugs at your lips when you see him hold up and squint at a card.
A part of you wants to head back in, just to see what he's looking at. Just to see the last trick that the fates have up their sleeve.
Instead, you head for the elevators.
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🃏 The Fool card is numbered 0, which is considered to be a number of infinite potential. Consider him a blank slate, for The Fool has yet to develop a clear personality. He is the symbol of innocence — his journey to come will shape his character yet.
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Here's how it gets you, years and years later.
It starts with the hotel key card. When you press it to your designated room's door lock, the machinery lights up red and lets out a low beep. You try one, two more times, only to get the same results.
It starts with your free hand reaching for your cellphone. Your first thought is to call Soonyoung. He had made the arrangements, after all, being the pedantic groom-to-be that he was.
It starts with the door swinging open right before the call can go through.
Soonyoung picks up on the other line. "Have you met your roommate?" the bastard says in lieu of a greeting.
"I'm going to kill you," you say in to the receiver before promptly ending the call.
Wonwoo leans against the door frame, a half-smile on his face. His hair is shorter, now, but his glasses are still just a touch lopsided.
It starts there— the way he looks older and yet still very much like the last time you saw him. The way his expression is a lot less guarded and a lot more open. How you can tell there's a fondness that lingers; how your own heart, like a traitor, skips a beat at the sight of it.
It starts with Wonwoo half-jokingly saying, "Welcome home, babe."
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evelili · 3 months ago
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goodbye 2024
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wdapteo · 22 days ago
Tragically hilarious that they went "we're gonna make tit global 🙂‍↕️🤩" and then no one other than usa/some parts of europe can buy the exclusive tit merch like my dudes... WHEN will you learn..
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meyhew · 1 year ago
incomplete list of celebrities who have expressed solidarity with israel on social media but havent had the heart to defend the humanity of palestinians being slaughtered for years and years and years (notice how almost all of them are white as fuck) 
nina dobrev 
sarah paulson 
ashley tisdale 
claire holt 
lily james 
paris jackson 
jessica chastain
mandy moore 
sarah hyland 
the jenner/kardashians 
noah schnapp 
jamie lee curtis 
kerry washington 
zoey duetch
vanessa hudgens 
amy schumer
phoebe tonkin 
mark hamill 
natalie portman 
max greenfield 
gal gadot 
mark ruffalo 
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wisteriasymphony · 25 days ago
im going to design the most generic fragrance ever and call it like The Fragrance™ and its gonna have bergamot vanilla sandalwood and musk in it. because apparently none of you fuckers get tired of them showing up in EVERYTHING EVER FUCKING MADE
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brenatto-apothecary · 8 days ago
Sam saying notts too scared and then changing his mind because theres a child in need and having nott rush to save him even while sober and terrified 😭
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olessan · 7 months ago
Pike: "Oh, you're a big one!"
Braius, holding his 19 charisma back by a thread: I'm uh,, um, yes
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xetroverthinkin · 2 months ago
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lu guang internally during this scene:
" No... NO. this CAN'T be happening. according to the previous timelines, he is ONLY supposed to wake up approximately 0.75 secs later (thereby allowing me to act homosexual and pet his hair). this timeline is... doomed."
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cyanide-latte · 1 month ago
I had a weird dream last night that was apparently about Professor Cerulean (so ofc he's been on the brain all morning.)
The first half of the dream was sad and semi-intense, in that he was moving through a nightmare sequence of people he cared about all withering and dying before his eyes, including a potential past romance? Eventually he woke up from the nightmare in a cold sweat, panting and needing to make tea or coffee as a means of grounding himself.
From that portion of the dream, I've definitely learned that he's panromantic, though I think he might be somewhere on the ace spectrum as well? And technically agender in the sense he just...doesn't care about gender applying to him. He's quite comfortable with he/him pronouns but doesn't think of himself as actually having a gender. He's definitely had a past romance he's cut short due to lifespan issues, and I think the answer to his heritage is that he thought his mother was fully human and his father fae, but it turns out his mother is half-fae. So he's like. Quarter-human. Which means his aging and lifespan are kinda fucky. (He is definitely also very reluctant to get attached to anyone in any capacity as a result.) He'd probably appreciate Marcille from Dungeon Meshi, honestly.
But then the dream shifted to comedy.
Because as he was sitting down, preparing to drink his beverage, there was a knock at his door.
He goes over, opens it, and @tixdixl 's Vex and Xiáng and @ramshacklerumble 's Cusi are all standing there. He goes "no" and shuts the door. Immediately reopens it, scowls, shuts it and reopens it to go, "I'm busy, go away." Shuts it, reopens it, scowls. Shuts, reopens, says "you shouldn't even have been able to FIND this doorway," shuts it again, rapidly reopens and shuts it several times, and finally asks in that proper Blue Caterpillar enunciation "Why, are you, still, here."
At which point Cusi shoved past him and they all went into his house.
Which tells me that somehow his entire fucking house is enchanted so that its side door will randomly open and connect to a door in NRC (usually a closet or something,) so he doesn't have to travel himself to go between NRC and home. And that technically nobody but him should be able to figure out what door his house will connect to. Feels like a Howl's Moving Castle reference crossed with a Through the Looking-Glass Red Queen reference, re: "all the ways here belong to me".
Anyway, that's it, that's the ramble, that's the post.
Taglist: @elenauaurs @inmateofthemind @ramshacklerumble @tixdixl @winterweary
@distant-velleity @rainesol @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @twst-migraine
@jovieinramshackle @the-trinket-witch @treydia (DM me if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist for my TWST OCs stuff)
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gunsatthaphan · 4 months ago
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It’s coming 👀
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piedoesnotequalpi · 2 months ago
92sies Crutchy, or: I Managed To Write About Newsies For An Actual Grade One Time And I'm Going To Make That Everyone's Problem
@chair-in-a-ditch, @make-friends-with-the-rats, and @echofive7567, ask and ye shall be received...or something. Disclaimer that I have no idea if this is particularly novel analysis; for all I know it's been discussed to death years before I joined the fandom.
So! 92sies Crutchy! You hopefully know him, you hopefully love him.
When I decided to write a paper for my disability studies class about disability representation in Newsies (i.e. about Crutchy/ie), I had to a) find relevant sources (surprisingly challenging) and b) rewatch 92sies and Livesies and take notes on every scene Crutchy/ie appears in as well as transcribe potentially relevant lines. Until that rewatch, I'd always had one question lurking at the back of my mind: why is Crutchy/ie the only newsie who bothers to pronounce Wiesel's name correctly? And through my research + reading an earlier draft of the 92sies screenplay + rewatching the movie with disability representation in mind, I found a potential answer that also explains (some of) what previously felt like inconsistent characterization.
Crutchy has no trouble being rough/rude amongst the other newsies/amongst peers - in Carrying the Banner, he fights with Mush and Blink; he's also one of the people who takes part in making fun of the Delanceys (albeit while surrounded by other newsies who would back him up in a fight and are saying worse things about the Delanceys than he is). Later, in The World Will Know, David argues against beating up scabs and claims they'll get a bad name for it; Crutchy cheerfully responds that their reputation can't get any worse ("Not only is Crutchy very aware of their already-poor reputation here, he's also happy to choose violence if it will further their mission."). Meanwhile (at least before Jack ends up in the Refuge), he is very polite to all the adults he interacts with, more so than the other newsies are: he is the only newsie who pronounces Wiesel's name correctly and says please when asking for his papes (even though he laughs at everyone else calling him Weasel), and he addresses Snyder as "Mr. Warden Snyder, sir." So, why the difference?
In one of the papers* I read as part of my research, there was a discussion of how well-rounded portrayals of disability can (and do) show how disability is not just due to impairments, but also societal factors (too many stairs, flashing lights, ableist attitudes from other people, etc.). Another paper** discussed the history of violence against disabled people (of which there is a lot) as well as how "viewing disabled people as being inherently vulnerable may cause them to be seen as 'weak' or 'helpless.'" Essentially, the way he interacts with adults is a matter of safety. In my paper, I argued that Crutchy's politeness is to keep himself from being a target for violence (which ultimately fails!): if he sparred with Wiesel, he'd draw attention to himself and potentially face consequences; if he openly defied Snyder, he'd be giving Snyder a reason to single him out in a negative way and potentially injure him further. Obviously the other newsies who do these things draw the same attention, but they are all able-bodied, which affords them a level of privilege/safety that Crutchie doesn't have (see above point about violence against disabled people being very common). This fear is verbalized somewhat in Livesies when Crutchie references the potential of being locked up in the Refuge, and obviously there he's only explicitly talking about his mobility or lack thereof, but I think there's a larger implication there of just not wanting to draw attention (and that being rude/sassy with adults while being disabled is especially dangerous, given that Livesies!Crutchie also pronounces Wiesel's name correctly).
(But Isabel, you ask, what about the sauerkraut incident? I'm getting to that.)
Going back to the quote about vulnerability, I think that ties into why Crutchy doesn't want Jack, or anyone, to carry him out of the Refuge - being carried would mean publicly acknowledging that he's a) not immune to needing help and b) vulnerable to being injured. Crutchy is for the most part treated as a peer amongst the newsies (and is asked by Jack to carry out multiple important roles in the strike, like starting a strike fund and carrying the news to other neighborhoods), and he probably does not want to lose that status.
Once Crutchy knows he's unlikely to get out of the Refuge anytime soon (and that his strategy of caution around authority figures did not keep him out of the Refuge (arguably, he was not being cautious when he was ripping up all those papers during the strike action, but see the above point about attacking when surrounded by people who will back him up)), only then does he try deliberately rebelling without the other newsies behind him: he steals a potato off Snyder's plate and spits in his sauerkraut. This still isn't open rebellion, though; this most likely happened out of Snyder's view. It is only once he is a) surrounded by other newsies, b) free of the Refuge/Snyder, and c) in a situation where the police are very clearly on his side that he is openly rude to an adult (the Delanceys don't count since they are close in age to the newsies): he tells Snyder to make friends with the rats, and gleefully slams the door of the police wagon behind him.
TL;DR: Crutchy/ie is a bastard (affectionate), but there's an added layer of calculation with respect to his personal safety that the other newsies don't necessarily have to make.
Anyway, those are my semi-organized, probably unoriginal thoughts on the matter. Enjoy, I guess.
*Holcomb, J., & Latham-Mintus, K. (2022). Disney and disability: Media representations of disability in Disney and Pixar animated films. Disability Studies Quarterly, 42(1). https://doi.org/10.18061/dsq.v42i1.7054
**Ralph, S., Capewell, C., & Bonnett, E. (2016). Disability hate crime: Persecuted for difference. British Journal of Special Education, 43(3). https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8578.12139
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shoulderholsterfreak · 1 year ago
Grand Admiral “Every Time I Smile Sardonically I Do One Push-up” Thrawn
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