#mikey is next btw
enburrow-store · 1 year
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You have no idea how excited I am. I will be wearing this every day.
We're not sure yet if we'll sell them yet, BUT we wanted to ask:
UPDATE OCT 15 2023: Leo hoodie plus mikey and Donnie are now available on our website:
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kentocidal · 11 months
when i get my future nanami commission i will be a changed man watch out
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seagull-scribbles · 1 year
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But they’re out of their head when Splinter’s not around
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bambiraptorx · 1 year
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nobody tell him there's actually been a total of 21 moon landings (manned and unmanned) he would have an aneurysm
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dandylovesturtles · 8 months
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@theplacewhereidumpmyinterests I can't talk about most of them because they're part of an AU verse I want to keep secret until I have the first fic that's part of it written, and idk when that will be (by summer?? HOPEFULLY??), but I guess I can talk about the other one because idk if/when I will write a fic for him (I'd like to but like I am only human)
"more AUs Dandy?" LISTEN all I do is sit around and think about "what if"s, okay?
ok so this started as me being like, hm, we see Lou Jitsu with a rotating door of women, so many he doesn't seem to remember all their names, so it's not totally out there to think he might have gotten one of them pregnant, right?
and thus Marcus (middle name Kyle) was born! literally!
so the story for this is, Lou Jitsu had a fling with a woman in the early 90s, pre-Big Mama. they were both in agreement that the whole thing was casual and it didn't last very long, but oopsie-daisy about six weeks after their last night together she finds out she's pregnant.
she debates what to do for a bit, because, as established, Lou Jitsu is kinda a fuckboi and she doesn't really want a relationship with him. But once she decides she's definitely keeping the baby she feels like she can't just not tell him, right? so she tries!
...unfortunately he's dating Big Mama by that point and she interferes to make sure that Lou Jitsu never meets with the woman and never finds out, because she knows this would get in the way of her plans.
she takes never hearing back from LJ as a sign he just isn't interested in the kid and resolves to single-motherhood. which she is the best at, btw.
she's still considering trying to introduce Marcus to his dad at some point, but unfortunately her kid isn't even 5 before Lou Jitsu suddenly goes missing, with his teary fiancée telling a sob story to the cops. assuming, same as everyone else, that he's dead, she lets the whole thing go, though she does tell Marcus who his dad is once he's old enough to understand everything.
Marcus goes through periods of being obsessed with Lou Jitsu, watching all his movies and consuming every piece of media about him that he can find, and periods where he can't stand to even hear the name. it's up and down. from his perspective, LJ abandoned him and his mom, but he's also dead, so it's not like he can have closure on this ever, right? so it's just a thing he has to deal with on his own.
but he's fine! he's alright. he gets through high school, then college, then accepted into vet school just fine.
then... his mom gets sick and dies.
yeah, that's a hard blow.
but he's alright! he has a few buddies from college he still sees now and then, and he's started his zoo vet residency at the Bronx Zoo (with a particularly special interest in reptiles), so lots of new people to meet that way! he's doing great! he's not lonely at all!
(a few months ago, he was suddenly woken up by a surge of something, like dozens of voices were crying out to him for help, tugging him toward something, saying his family needs him...
yeah, no idea what that was about. he doesn't have any family anymore.)
then the sky opens up and aliens come out.
Marcus is at work, because of course aliens would attack at the beginning of his shift. he spends the day ushering survivors into safe zones within the zoo, using his medical knowledge to handle first aid, and just trying to stay sane as the whole world turns upside down.
and then just as suddenly as it all started... it stops.
in the aftermath, everyone around him is just trying to get home, desperately calling their loved ones and praying for the best. Marcus starts trying to figure out how he's going to get home, because the trains definitely aren't running, and as he looks as his phone for a spark of inspiration, he realizes... no one has tried to call him. his coworkers' phones have been going off all day, whenever they can get signal, as loved ones try to reach them, but... he doesn't have anyone trying to reach him. and as he sits there he realizes he doesn't know who he should be calling, either.
so. that's pretty depressing.
and as he's sitting there, thinking about his life and what led him here, in a now empty vet clinic outside the bronx zoo... he hears a noise. and then, voices.
ah great. looters.
at first, Marcus tries to call 911 - but obviously the call center is swamped. so he decides to take care of the problem himself, going to see who's there and get rid of them...
wait, who is he kidding? he's definitely not paid enough to confront potentially armed looters! he's going to get out of here.
but just as he starts to leave, he hears the voices again - coming from one of the surgery rooms this time. and they're talking about IVs... scalpels... anesthesia...
suddenly he realizes that these aren't looters - they're here to try and treat somebody.
and like hell is he going to let some idiot kill someone trying to do DIY surgery.
so he turns back around and bursts into the room... on two humans, a rat that counts as giant even for New York, and four very big, very injured turtles.
one of whom immediately points a gun in his face. to be fair, that's what he thought would happen.
"Donnie!" yells the biggest one, and, oh, they can talk. huh.
"Relax, it's just a tranquilizer!"
"Donatello!" that's the rat. there's a sound like a whip cracking and the one with the gun makes a startled noise and drops it.
now the rat is in front of him. he's looking up at Marcus imploringly. "Do you work here?" he asks.
"Y-yeah. I'm a vet."
the rat bows very politely. "my sons are seriously hurt, and I don't have the supplies to help them at home. I understand it is a lot to ask, but... we must use your supplies. please, if you could just look the other way."
Marcus looks around at the turtles, especially the one on the table, the one worst off. he looks mangled. he won't live long if he isn't properly treated.
a rat, two humans who look like teenagers, and the turtles. who the rat called "sons". now that he's noticing, they're all pretty short, other than the big one. are they also teenagers?
"...Are any of you doctors?" he asks. the littlest one starts to raise a hand, but the girl grabs it and forces it back down.
everyone else has left by now. he's the only doctor here.
alright. guess he's doing this.
"...okay, everyone make some room. let me get sterilized, and I'll see what we're working with here."
and that's how the son Lou Jitsu didn't know he had becomes primary care doctor to his teenage mutant ninja half-brothers. ^^
(and then a bunch of other stuff happens)
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seaghosst · 4 months
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ok. i’m finally posting about my tmnt iteration ive been working on for like two months lmao
this iteration is mostly to explore my own ideas with tmnt concepts and characters cause it seemed really fun!!
i call it “TMNT: Bay Area” because it takes place in san francisco instead of nyc. the reasoning for that is because when i first heard of “the bayverse turtles” i thought it meant that the movies took place in the bay area LMAO
so far i have the backstory for splinter, the foot clan, the turtles/their mutation and character traits/conflicts figure out but i still have a lot to work out!! i’m open to questions :}
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webzebs · 9 months
ROTTMNT but as Humans Part 1: Raph
He’s just my little guy :) It was very fun to draw him and I liked how it came out!
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I used this screenshot as the reference:
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I’m currently rewatching ep 2 S2 of Kin for like the 4th time (so happy we got so much more Mikey goodness this episode!), and I think this little exchange between Michael and Jimmy is my favourite of the episode.😂
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Jimmy: I’m telling you, Michael, wait until you f*cking see this! Coming in?
Mikey: Do I have to?
Jimmy: Yes! You’re my brother. I value your opinion on these things. 
Mikey: F*ck’s sake. 
Jimmy: Yeeeaaaaaah, that’s the attitude! 
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The sheer exasperated sibling quality of this scene cracks me up - Michael being a grump and Jimmy compensating with mockingly extra enthusiasm. 😂
And then once they get inside, what are they there for? A baby Burmese python! Naturally, Jimmy’s just dragged him along to torment him with snakes again. lol
(Is this the face of a man who has any opinions to offer on the matter of snakes? Except that maybe buying one that’s going to grow to be 20ft long and keeping it as a pet is not a great idea.)
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The Jimmy & Mikey scenes are always among my favourites (both for the brotherly affection and the greater complexities of their relationship), so I hope we get more of them this season. 
I do find myself worrying about the rift their father’s return from prison is likely is cause though. Michael obviously already has Bren’s number when it comes to what the man’s capable of and immediately took the initiative to try and make sure the rest of the family is united against him. 
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Despite Michael’s trepidation over Bren’s return, he also seems to be the only one who’s not afraid openly go toe-to-toe with him. Other than Amanda (and maybe surreptitiously Frank), he seems to be largely standing alone thus far.
Jimmy’s obviously aware of what Bren’s like, but perhaps not to the same extent. Plus, his relationship with Bren - despite it’s tensions - doesn’t seem quite as adversarial as Bren’s with Michael. And I can’t help but notice that whenever Bren’s going off about something, Jimmy is always the one most conspicuously closed-mouthed. 
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The juxtaposition of the scenes in episodes 1&2 where Jimmy and Michael separately accompany Amanda to the Turkish money transfer store just speaks volumes about the difference in their characters. 
When Jimmy’s told only one person can go in the back, he just accepts it and remains behind (despite looking uncomfortable about it) while Amanda conducts the rest of their business. Whereas Michael, in same scenario, just silently stares the store clerk down as if daring him to stop him from going with Amanda; unsurprisingly the man doesn’t challenge him. One brother is an insecurely submissive follower, and the other is a self-assured Mr F*ck-Around-and-Find-Out. xd
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But it’s Jimmy’s insecurities that ultimately weaken him, and thus make him so malleable to Bren’s manipulations. Manipulations that can only serve to drive a wedge between he and Amanda - who will then just be driven even more firmly to Michael’s side, resulting in further conflict between he and his brother. 
All of which is great for Bren, because in playing Jimmy off against Michael he not only gains himself an extra lackey (who Mikey will be unwilling to take out), he also checks him as a support to Michael and Amanda. 
At least until Bren crosses the line and Jimmy finally wakes up and realizes he needs to find his courage and stand up to the man. And that he needs to stand with Michael to bring him down. ~
(*screeches* In case it’s not obvious, I really NEED the rest of those episodes!! I am in torment okay- Netflix bingeing has ruined me! 😭😬)
And speaking of Mikey and Jimmy, here’s some interesting things Charlie had to say about their relationship and his role as Michael:
“It really helped explain Michael (the brotherly dynamic). How Jimmy handles being around Michael, how he’s protective and also kind of feels threatened by him, was so revealing to me. I think that their history with their father is very, very complicated. I think that Michael has done stuff that is almost unforgivable in the past towards his brother, but at the same time, weirdly, he kind of - I think Jimmy knows Michael took the brunt of the father’s abuse. And in a way Jimmy can’t ever, you know, can never not try to be protective of his brother.
There was a version of a lot of the Jimmy and Michael scenes where we could have played them with much more tension. And much more kind of chest-puffing, like try to be the top dog, and neither one of us felt like that was right. We didn’t discuss it necessarily, but I think that we both felt that like ‘these two have been through so much’. That really they just love each other, and they want to support each other. What that means sometimes - and this is true of a lot of siblings, a lot of families in general - it means you have to find a way to forgive things that once seemed unforgiveable.”
“One of the things I liked about Michael, I’m fascinated by what he doesn’t say as much as what he does say, you know? And in a family where everyone’s got opinions and everyone’s giving their input, and he just kind of sits back and takes it all in and keeps his opinions to himself most of the time.
I’m not, as a performer, I’m not afraid of that. I’m not sitting there counting my lines in a script wanting more. (laughs) You know, I quite enjoy that. I did a similar thing with Boardwalk Empire - you know, the character in that doesn’t say a huge amount but he’s very influential.”
~ Charlie Cox
(That said, I’m thrilled to see Mikey stepping up so much more this season!!! 🔥❤️🔥)
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forgetfulmachineart · 2 years
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[ID: Two digital drawings of Mikey as a human. On the left, he’s drawn from the waist up facing to the right. He’s wearing a sleeveless orange hoodie with a black turtle neck underneath. The hoodie is splattered in blue, red, purple, and green paint. On the right is a portrait of Mikey with his hood up and his turtle neck pulled up like a mask, air filters with pink faces are also there. /End ID]
Mikey is so fun to make designs for :D
(inspired by this design! I swear I’ve seen them on twitter but I can’t find them :’)
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frogandbird · 4 months
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writing yay
all of those are planed btw, ill let y’all figure out whats been started/written/edited eta
i wanna see what y’all think each chapter is lamo- a few of them are easy some not so much
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arochaco · 1 year
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mikey doodles🤭
tc*sters / proshitters dni i hate u😡
and some close ups for you guyz😋
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mykilljoyhq · 11 months
I got my old MovieStar Planet account up and running again
And I was looking the art books and
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…… 2019 me, we gotta talk……
Edit: I think in the art book I meant “what is Electric Century”
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ramblehour · 2 years
Donatello gives me Gender envy,I want Mikeys Personality,I adore Leo and Raph and I can't decide if I want to be April or want to be with April.
God do I love Rise of the Tmnt
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seagull-scribbles · 1 year
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Turtles of Time
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shigussy · 2 years
started writing for my fic again😊i think im goin a little heavy on building the friendship of hinata and tenko but i actually believe 2 little boys WOULD bond this fast especially if they have shared trauma.
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wtf is tmnt 2012
I was just having a casual conversation with my little brother, talking about 2k12, when all of a sudden I see him watching an episode from season 3. I ask him, "What's going on in this episode??? Why is Raph's mask just there? WHY IS MIKEY CRYING AND SCREAMING???????" And he responded with:
"Raph got turned into a plant dog."
"And then he comes back."
"The mutation gets sucked out of him."
Yeah okay so what in the actual flying fuck is up with the 2012 show?
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