lazychildofdarkness · 2 years
don't you just hate getting cinnamon on your cat?
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lazychildofdarkness · 2 years
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I bend down and got back up and my spine legitimately sounded like these fidget toy things
am i dying or does my body just hate me
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lazychildofdarkness · 2 years
I have never felt anything more vividly in my life
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lazychildofdarkness · 2 years
New words
Today my sibling and I made up new words (completely separately somehow) and he came out with "how the lazysusan has spun" instead of how the tables have turned and I came up with "splorkel"
and he just
denies it
It even has a definition!
and he just says no?
its like when you're holding in laughter at someone else's misery. Not the act of laughing itself. Just the trying not to laugh part.
That feeling when you're at a park and a child trips and starts crying and your family member gives you the look while you turn red in the face trying to not laugh
that's splorkel
I don't care what he says because I have contributed to society even if its already a word or something
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lazychildofdarkness · 2 years
Dream #2.5
I made a ham sandwich
I only know this was a dream because I made it with a cheese we didn't even have in the house
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lazychildofdarkness · 2 years
More dreams because my brain still hates me
Person A has hair that changes color according to emotion. Why is this you may be asking yourself and the simple answer is beCAUSE MY BRAIN CAN. anyway
A: overwhelmed and therefor has rainbow hair
B: can sense it from across the house and bolts to person A's room
B: sees person A
B: le gasp
B: "love DOES look better in color"
B: then goes and comforts floofy haired significant other because I can no longer remember what either of them looked like :)
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lazychildofdarkness · 2 years
Dreams because my brain hates me
A: you're just mad I can pull more women than you
B: I'm gay bro
A: oh yeah
A: I would say I can pull more men than you but I cant
C: dude person A, person D, and person E are all in love with you
A: yeah they are idiots
B: ???
A: They've lived with the stupid (gestures broadly at themselves)
A: and they still thinks its cute
A: they're fucking morons
C: touché
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lazychildofdarkness · 2 years
Voltron thingy because im awful at names
Here me out
Lance will occasionally sneak into Allura's room after he thinks everyone is asleep and one time one of the other paladins walks in to them frantically putting clothes back on and everyone thinks they dating but in actuality they play dress up, drink alcohol, braid hair, talk about exes, and do stupid stuff and they fell asleep in pretty princess dresses and were changing out of it in a desperate attempt to hide this because reasons. And they just. Don't explain this. Like totally go with the "dating" thing. Like its fine.
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lazychildofdarkness · 2 years
Book Prompt
Ok so what if you had just your basic, run of the mill chosen boy story right? Main character brings their bestie, chaos ensues, gotta save the world blah blah blah but at the final battle golden boy just dies. Like he's dead-dead. The the bestie who had no personality the whole book goes feral/gets corrupted and straight up maims the villain then the person who recruited these litERAL CHILDREN has to kill said bestie and the story just ends. Right there. With the 2 kids just dead.
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