born a very long time ago, in a very different world. conceived during Lá Bealtaine. born in mid December but with fire in her blood. her eyes. her soul. A Fandomless OC (based on lore taken from various sources and mythologies). Mun is 18+
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Familiars are discovered through hours of meditation in a place that feels safe for them (the person SEEKING guidance) and they'll appear out of the mist. Usually druids pick one specific genus of animal, but sometimes their familiars can be in a entire species. They live longer than normal animals, because when they bond with their witch/druid their magic is infused with them; this allows the animal to communicate with them. They're a guide in all aspects: from magic to life. They're companions and confidants, friends, children, MENTORS. Loosing one is like loosing a part of YOURSELF. Having more than one familiar does not mean you have more magic, just that you need more guidance. Usually a familiar can live for the lifetime of the druid or witch who’s called them, but either SACRIFICE can play a factor in loosing them early or the extended lifespan of their human.
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Rona’s familiars in order of their influence .
#nothing is ever lost forever {headcanons}#of the woods {likes}#she turned her wounds into power {craft}#cw: snakes#cw: reptiles
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NAME rona quinlan AGE 1608 26 SPECIES druid, irish origin FAMILIAR reptiles, particularly snakes and crocodilians
Rona was born into a druid clan at the time the Roman Catholic church was sweeping through and destroying Pagan culture. At the age of 6 her entire family was murdered, and she was given to a convent to be raised as an orphan. The Pagan culture was being killed out, and the nuns she was placed in the care of were under strict orders to destroy any fragment of it in her. At the age of 12 when she was out in the woods with an older Nun, the woman suffered a heart attack and died; taking advantage of the situation, Rona fled into the woods to be found by what was left of her people. She learned magic, she was educated, and in order to survive she turned to dark magic.
When Vikings swept through Ireland she had already been alive for several centuries, but wasn’t able to fight off the raiders who swept through. She wound up enslaved and forced to marry one of the men who landed on the island. She studied Norse witchcraft, becoming obsessed with the idea of seiðr and adding it into her repertoire along with the druid form of voice. She’s traveled the world, acquired items and connections that would keep her comfortable and filthy rich for as long as she wanted to live.
to be included
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The Shannara Chronicles
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@ofdemonicmagic // from here Did she care that he was naked? Not even a little. Did she care about the judgey looks Magnus’ personal masseuse was giving her? Even less. But she was having issues with a cast of seelie and even though he wasn’t top shelf anymore, she wouldn’t go to anyone else. Toeing off her heels, pulling her rings from her fingers and dropping them into an empty bowl on the table behind her, Rona stepped up to his table with a smirked.
“A key? Please.” It was like he didn’t trust her
“Face in the hole,” she told him, twirling her finger in the air. His masseuse left without a word, leaving the Druid and the Sorcerer alone together. “No use for my problems to give you new knots in your neck.
Her hip was bruised and her ego dented, nothing she couldn’t handle herself but she was interested in keeping her affairs public nowadays; not everything she did needed to be keep secret. She dealt in the illegal but that wasn’t all she did, especially with the nephilim lurking around now more than ever. It wasn’t even her darker collection of artifacts that caused her latest troubles, it was her gems.
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*walks into art museum*
Hi I'm here to donate myself.
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jk you did it it’s beautiful and i love you
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Send me “HC” + a word and I’ll write a headcanon about it.
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#you are my sweetest downfall ; i loved you first {jace}#i hear in my mind all this music ; and it breaks my heart {simon}#they come to me in threes {answers}#silver's real and the liquor's top shelf {magnus}#no one made me. i made me. {meme answers}#the trees can hear you if you talk to them {memes}#and the history books forgot about us {tris.wildestdrcams}#is that a threat or are you flirting with me ? {ship tag}
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2.07 / 2.08
#you are my sweetest downfall ; i loved you first {jace}#i hear in my mind all this music ; and it breaks my heart {simon}
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Why did you break your promise and go out and see Shelby last night? You forced me to give you my word.
Gene Tierney in Laura (1944)
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#for science my eyes (◕‿◕✿)
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