detidgaf · 6 years
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                        We are here for you                                                            Don’t suffer alone
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detidgaf · 6 years
I had a fucking dream where i was Connor and no one could fucking hear me when i spoke, and those that could heard me like PROJECTED in their heads and it was like a whisper and no one could explain it to me because when I’d asked they realized how strange it was and I was so fucking distressed. Esp because me + these others I was with kept ending up in dangerous positions but they couldn’t hear me so I kept having to manhandle people to get them to safety. At one point Ihooked up computer speakers to a port in my arm andi could hear what they meant when they described my voice like. It was so distant and it was super fucked up asdgg when it sounded so clear to me when i spoke regular. It was wild.
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detidgaf · 6 years
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Gavin fights a lot
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detidgaf · 6 years
*wants to rp with everyone*
*stares at one draft for three hours*
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detidgaf · 6 years
One ( 1 ) package has been left on Gavin's desk containing a plushie that's half banana and half cat. The side of said package has a small note attached with just his name in block letters and a small message ( 'remembered you have cats' and then under 'thought you'd like it' ), obviously the work of an android.
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         The sight of a package on his desk is at first a sincere concern. Usually if anything was left for him, it was open faced, obvious, something that he knows what he’s getting into, how he’s getting into it, etcetera. It was never left up to the imagination, and what did his imagination go to immediately when he saw a package? Like that? On his desk? Unopened? Unmarked?          Bomb.          That was the first immediate thought. His palms were sweating instantly. If it wasn’t a bomb, maybe it was anthrax, or was that too outdated? If not that, maybe it was a prank, like a glitter bomb or an ink bomb. He had done that to Hank once before, though it was a rig in his desk that he’d worked on overnight one shift when Fowler was out.          What else could it be? A finger, maybe. Or a hand. A severed body part of some kind. That didn’t only happen in the movies you know, he had a buddy on the NYPD, an old DPD rookie that had kicked it with him for a couple years and moved, told him all about this fucking severed human ear AND tongue that had been delivered in an unassuming unmarked package.          What were the options so far? His forefinger twitched, scraping and picking at dried, cracked cuticles. There was a stinging there, probably tore it open again. He’d chew on the skin later, make the bed of his nail bleed, same old, but for now it was an itch that he could scratch. Something to keep his thought steady as his paranoia ducked through more options.          Bomb options A, B and C. Severed limb. Dead animal? Mobster style, not a horse head it’s too small and that’s definitely got to be a movie thing – plus he was pretty sure he hadn’t pissed off any mobsters – At least not recently. What else could it be? A prank maybe. Like those free boxes of condoms, or pamphlets or hygiene products you could order samples of for free.          He’s gotten those before. Big old box of tampons. Thanks Hank.          The longer he thinks, the longer he scrapes his nail through his cuticles, he comes to realize – There’s a sticky note on the side. There’s only a part of him that calms at that. Usually sticky notes were Hank’s shtick, so it could definitely be a prank… So as he finally approached, swiping that note off to squint at it with a look of skepticism – He realized.          “God damn android – The fuck’d he do?” That was enough for him to know that all of the above options were slashed – but then what?  Picking the box up off the desk, he noted how – Light it was. Tossing it easily from hand to hand, he held it up to his ear and gave it a good rattle. Whatever it was, it was soft… Something to do with cats?
         Plopping down into his seat and scooting closer to the desk, he half hid the box beneath it as he peeled it open and peered inside – Only to find that he may have preferred a severed tongue to the garishly cute and very likely japanese banana-cat mascot that was within. With a quick, paranoid glance around at those who might be nearby, he flipped over the tag. “Bananya… Where the fuck– Why?”
          But damn if it wasn’t soft…          “… Hm.” Nose scrunching, a scowl crossed his features, and in a sneaky attempt, he did up his jacket – And stuffed the plush inside, before zipping over top of it. “You’ll be safe in there for now, li’l guy.” A grumbled tone to the toy with a snort, before he set about breaking down that box and shoving it in his waste bin. Casually there after, he stood, and made his way lazily to the locker room. He’d tuck that bananacat away in his backpack, take it home, smudge might like to snuggle up to it while he was away at night.          And he wouldn’t say thank you, but – Maybe he’d be a little… Lighter  on the android come their next arrangement.
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detidgaf · 6 years
i love @313248317-87 / @murdersmartyr and i forgot your hanks url fuck BUT I LOVE THEM WITH MY WHOLE HEART AND I WOULD FIGHT A MILLION MEN FOR THEM OK
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detidgaf · 6 years
I wanna know something
Reblog if it’s alright with you if I name drop or make reference to your muse in an RP you are not in
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detidgaf · 6 years
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they fight
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detidgaf · 6 years
erregent replied to your post: gavin and bavin. mavin. favin. fappin. fappin...
grabin fee
groovin flea
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detidgaf · 6 years
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do your thing, go live a lie. play it NICE, go run &. hide. turn down the pulsing, the pulsing you know you feel inside ‘til you burst and FINALLY
                                           do what you want
est. 17/06/18 - rev. 23/07/18 image made by @noblecne
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detidgaf · 6 years
gavin and bavin. mavin. favin. fappin. fappin reed.
gonna fap in your eye
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detidgaf · 6 years
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They didn’t have the OG case so the guy was like I’m not supposed to do this but whatever and just have me the fucking display case. We sat and talked about it a bit too, how he’s played and beaten it several times so while my sister was in her interview we chattered about the pathing options and the graphics and shit for like thirty minutes.
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detidgaf · 6 years
Is he currently squatting, literally, in his brothers apartment, over a ridiculously fat cat? Absolutely. Is he acting like he's airlifting an exceptionally tiny white kitten right onto said fat cat? Hell yes. Plopping Smudge right on top of Pudge, he marvels at his work. "Hah, look -- They're a creamcicle."
          he straightens, staring at his twin as if he just discovered the key to something life changing like eternal youth, or time travel, or terminator dick attachments. pudge is unphased like he usually is, just continues to lay there and let the smaller feline get comfortable in his folds of fat. 
          gaze flickers between his twin and the master piece of fluff and fur, pointing a few times so furiously his jacket sleeve rides up.
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          “that’s the cutest shit i’ve ever seen in my life, take a god damn picture.” // @detidgaf
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detidgaf · 6 years
sprawls my sweaty ass out on the dash. I’m home and my siblings p much got the job so I can get a 15% discount on a PS4 when they start working on gamestop. Ayo. I also finally commit and bought Detroit. I’ve been on the fence about it for a while now, and while I do not and will never support David Cage himself, the people that worked with him and the artists shouldn’t be made to suffer for all the hard work that went into this stunning game. Cage can honestly suck a fat one, but the 60$ i just spent? This is going out to you Jesse, Bryan, Amelia, and all the other actors. To the artists that worked on every aspect of the game to make it so god damn beautiful, this is for you guys. Cage. Smh. Idek what to say other than you know what? I’m not going to let this stupid asshole stop me from supporting the people that put more work into his game than he did with his shite writing. That being said, I’m gonna try to go to my dads this weekend to play since I don’t own a PS4 at my moms just yet. So.
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detidgaf · 6 years
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Who's buying these for Gavin. They're called bananyas and I'm dying
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detidgaf · 6 years
Alright I gotta prep to leave to take my sister and my semi-adopted sister to job interviews. (i just got a call that the second one got an interview at the same place right after my sister smh)  but even tho all of this SHIT was MEMES this morning and i got nothing worth while done -- It did make me feel good. Y’all took my sick morning and event ho im still gettin sick on and off i’ve been in a good god damn mood. So thank you guys. YOu’re awesome.
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detidgaf · 6 years
Places earmuffs on Detective Reed's ears. "There. Now you won't hear anything. You can't even hear me saying you're garbage."
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“I’d rather be deaf and ignorant than hear another single fucking uwu.”
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