#i finally made a decent promo
rescuefield-a · 1 year
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credits: X - X
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deputygonebye · 6 months
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"YOU CAN'T JUST BE THE GOOD GUY AND EXPECT TO LIVE." || Independent RP Blog for SHANE WALSH of THE WALKING DEAD. || Written and created by KENNZIE. 
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rcsentful · 2 years
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      —- we talked about making it , i’m sorry that you never made it , and it pains me just to hear you have to say it . you knew the game and played it , it kills to know that you have been defeated - i see the wires pulling while you’re breathing . you knew you had a reason , it killed you like diseases . i can hear it in your voice while you’re speaking : you can’t be treated . mr. know-it-all had his reign and his fall , at least that’s what his brain is telling all ... if he said “ help me kill the president ” , i’d say he needs medicine ! sick of screaming , let us in ! the wires got the best of him . all that he invested in goes straight to hell, straight to hell ... 
                                rules ... bio ... template by @candyredmusings​
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Another bad episode. A numerous callbacks to got (with zero subtlety), and of course, TB had 90% of screentime. Funny how in supposed TG centered episodes (1-4) the blacks still had a decent amount of screentime and relevance, just remember the aftermath of B&C. But this? Oh, someone counted and apparently aemond appeared for... 93 seconds. In the whole episode. It's official now, he actually was more relevant and present in s1 (unless he gets like 20+ minutes in season finale which won't happen). I just don't understand why was he promoted as a main character this season. It was such a dirty marketing trick. Not to mention other things they relentlessly pushed during promo, like his loyalty, scenes with helaena... It's not about subverting expectations, it's straight up lying by giving false answers to the questions of the people and journalists who actually correctly predicted what was going to happen from the beginning. Oh well, fool me once, I'm just happy this mess is over next week. Bye bye s3. Still salty they made me hate something I was passionate about for years, though.
I understand you completely. This episode was one giant ball of boredom. The only two times I woke up a bit were for Tom's brilliant portrayal of pain and for the final scene with Aemond in Vhagar. Never in a million years coud I imagine that the highlight of a HotD episode for me will be a character mounting a horse.
And Aemond... Well. I still feel very angry about the way the show treated him this season but at the same time I'm already kind of numb to it. It wouldn't even be that surprising for me amymore if the writers have him abuse Helaena, of all people, in the finale, either psychologically or physically (or both). Then it will officially became a complete circus.
On the one hand, I am happy we got as much Ewan in the promo as we did - but I sure hope he will wind a way to use this goddamn show in his own interests just as HBO used him.
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rubyteacos · 5 months
Soooo who remembers the L & Light Gametoys figure promo photos that were circulating last year? Well, I may have made a bonkers financial decision and actually bought them for giggles. They finally arrived and the time has come to see what they're like! Not a review, just an unhinged reaction and two Death Note fans playing with dolls.
Though if you want my actual review, here's what I'll say:
The quality seems very good
the heads are too small lol
the bodies are well-made and very detailed (literally even L's feet lmao)
it's hard to change the hands
Light is in the high school blazer rip
the little props are very fun (though I'm afraid of losing the utensils if I ever unwrap them) and of decent quality (not the best & not the worst imo)
the headset falls apart a lot so be careful with it haha
they are fun to wreak havoc with
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
some cpns in my head today…. 🍭🍬
not @ them proving that they do read what’s on the internet. with yibo who spoke about reading what people posted about him when he was sick. also zz who shared a review about ygy that he liked and then his thoughts about melons. they do have time to look and read. i just hope they don’t get too caught up in some doom scrolling and check more about the good things people say about their works.
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it wouldn’t hurt if they visit the bjyx supertopic too lol . which we suspect they do. 🙈🙈🙈
there is also some talk about how WYB is in today’s road show. of course he is still coughing and there is still some trace of him being sick but the fuck. look at him. in HD and unedited, this is sick yibo? so handsome! He was also smiley and attentive. speaking so well. amazing.
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the speculation is, for the past days, GG is doing Condor Heroes work early. Like 7:00 or 8:00 AM. then on the 26th, when WYB had to cancel, he arrived 9:00 AM. Then when WYB went back to work, XZ arrived at CH set before noon. people are thinking XZ gave extra time to be with WYB today before he has to join the One and Only promos again. and that’s why, even if the sickness is still there, our WYB was still in a good mood. 😌
THEM. 💓💓💓
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Da Peng attending a 10:05 showing of One and Only. It could be because it’s the earliest showing in the morning but I love how he’s not scared of 1005. knowing how certain people got “mad” about him for being “cpf-friendly” when he’s really just a decent human being who appreciates those who support the film.
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the logical explanation : the post is about chengdu world university games. which coincidentally, yibo made a promotional vcr for.
the cpn explanation:
1. The freakin time it was posted 18:00 ( YIBO ) and the premiere day of One and Only. They could have easily used 10:05 to represent XZ like they usually do but somehow they used 18:00.
2. Spicy Wonton which is what they ate during CQL filming.
3. How the color RED is the theme of it. I’m thinking how the E-Mark dance crew are wearing all red jackets in the finals ( if you see the trailers ).
4. Youth??? Dreams??? Enthusiasm??? Uhmmm. These buzz words scream One and Only to me.
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heliads · 2 years
sorry sorry, I'm spamming but I had this idea ages ago for a Luke Patterson x reader where the reader is an artist that does cover art for sunset curve promo.
Hear me out on this one; Luke tries to teach the reader how to play guitar and the reader tries to teach Luke how to draw. It doesn't end well, the reader is embarrassed that they can not play an instrument to save their life and Luke is embarrassed that he can't draw something as simple as a dog. But it's that thing where Luke finds it cute that the reader can't play even though they're trying hard and the reader finds it cute that Luke can't draw even though they are trying hard. And it just ends up all cute and mushy and ilysm I'm gonna marry you someday vibes.
i am once again reminding you that i miss jatp with every fiber of my being
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You are absolutely hopeless. It was one thing to sign up for this sort of job– artist by hour, some sort of after school nonsense that you were fitting in around your courseload so you could try and make at least a little bit of money– but it’s something entirely different to get involved in it like this.
Looking back, there was no reason for you to ever start feeling this way. When Sunset Curve first reached out to you over the opportunity to do the official art for their demo album, you were thrilled. They already had a decent sized following despite just having started, and you’d never created anything half so important as this. That’s how it felt, at least, like you were on the cusp of something new, something brighter than you’d ever experienced before. If only you knew how right you truly were.
It wasn’t just the job that was special, though, it was the people. Sunset Curve is made up of the four funniest, kindest, most amazing boys to ever walk the earth. You’re definitely not biased in that regard, not in the slightest. Reggie Peters cares more than anyone you’ve met before. Alex Mercer looks out for you every single minute of every single day. Bobby Shaw recognizes the potential in everyone who crosses his path.
And Luke? Luke Patterson, who greeted you with the widest smile you’ve ever seen the second he met you? Luke, who really should just be a friend? You couldn’t pin him down to one specific phrase if you tried. Luke is everything– creative, bold, bright, you name it. More importantly, he’s everything to you, but that’s because you happen to harbor a crush on him.
You couldn’t shake the aforementioned crush if you tried, but oh, how you wish you could. It does not do to spend every afternoon over there in Sunset Curve’s studio, pretending you’re sketching new designs for them or doing your homework when in reality you’re just wishing Luke might finally look up from his guitar and finally notice you as something other than a background character to his stellar world.
It’s not like Luke’s an asshole about it, it’s just true. Luke Patterson is so out of your league it’s crazy. Why would he ever look at you as something other than a friend or glorified coworker? Reggie and Alex have teased him enough times about flirting with anything that breathes that you know better than to overthink so much as a smile from him. Just because you happen to think the world of Luke doesn’t mean that he has to do the same thing about you.
That doesn’t stop you from almost losing your mind every time you hang out with the boy, though. In fact, you’re alone with Luke right now, and even though it’s pretty obvious Luke doesn’t take this to be anything other than a chance to spend time with a friend, you’re one accidental brush of hands away from screaming.
You had headed over to the boys’ studio early so you could think about some new designs for their albums, both the demo one and potential future numbers. You were given a key to the place a long time ago; the members of Sunset Curve accepted you with open arms and open doors back when you first started drawing for the band. 
Apparently they like having someone else there to force them to actually be productive and make music, but you’re not too sure about that. You swear that you end up talking to the boys for even longer than they manage to distract themselves, although that’s more fun than anything in your book. 
So, although you didn’t expect anyone to have issues with you showing up to the studio unannounced, you also weren’t expecting Luke to be there alone. You stand there for a moment, hovering over the threshold, wondering if you should leave or take this as your chance to finally get closer to him. 
Luke sees you and spares you from the indecision. “Come on in, Y/N. I’m not doing a whole lot, just practicing.”
You smile at him and step inside. “Technically, if you’re practicing that’s something. I just don’t want to bother you if you’re in a songwriting mood.”
Luke makes a face. “I would love to be in a songwriting mood, but the lyrics just don’t want to come. Please tell me you’re here as a distraction.”
You laugh. “I can be an excellent distraction when I wish, but I’m not all that interesting today. Just trying to get some ideas for a potential album cover.”
Luke watches you excitedly as you reach inside your bag for your sketchbook and some drawing supplies. “Are you kidding? That’s super interesting to me. Tell me, what direction is your grand artistic vision pulling you in now?”
You swat him lightly with your sketchbook. “There’s nothing grand about it, trust me. I’m here because I’m just as stuck as you are. Are you sure your next album can’t just have a completely blank design? Maybe one solid square of color? It would make it a lot easier on me.”
“Absolutely not,” Luke declares, “you’re already robbing us of our hard-earned cash, we at least deserve some designs in the bargain.”
The easy grin on his face tells you that he doesn’t mean a word of it. Luke and the other members of Sunset Curve have made it quite clear that they value your presence, both in art and in friendship. Besides, you have discounts when it comes to people you care about, and the members of this band are certainly that indeed.
“Well,” you smile, “if that’s the case, I’d better get on it.”
Luke watches as you do some thumbnail sketches for potential designs. His eyes never seem to leave your pencil as you shade in piano keys or trace the outline of a guitar.
At last, he breaks his meditative silence to pose a question. “How are you doing that?” He asks plaintively, “Every time I try to draw something, it takes me forever and ends up being a big eraser smudge. When you do it, though, you take two seconds and have a masterpiece.”
“I’ve been doing this for a lot longer than you have,” you remind him, “practice makes perfect, trust me on that. My first so-called masterpieces were just as full of eraser marks as yours.”
Luke harrumphs. “You’re just saying that. Embrace the fact that you’re extremely cool.”
“You’re just as cool as I am,” you counter, “you may be in awe of my art skills, but I think your music is way more impressive.”
Luke’s jaw drops. “No way. Half the time you’re in here, I’m messing up my chords.”
You grin. “That’s not true, and even if it was, that still makes you better than I am. I can’t even remember what a chord is, let alone how to play it right even half the time.”
Luke sits up straight, an idea occurring to him. “You know what? We can fix that. Let’s have a skills session. You teach me art and I’ll teach you music.”
“Just like that?” You ask, doubtful but smiling nonetheless.
“Just like that,” Luke confirms, and after that it’s decided.
Luke reaches over to grab his guitar. He places it on your lap, moving close to you so he can help guide your hands into position. You think your breathing might stop entirely from how it feels to have Luke’s breath hot on your cheek, his fingers wrapped around yours as he teaches you a chord. If you look up slightly, you can see how his face, no, his entire being is angled towards you. It is the most marvelous sight you have ever experienced.
Despite the beauty of the boy teaching you, your own mastery is far less substantial than you’d like. You can feel the shame of it heating up your cheeks as Luke reminds you of what you’re supposed to be learning for the umpteenth time. Watching Sunset Curve practice, you’d always wondered why you never picked up an instrument. This is reminding you of that reason:  you’re absolutely awful at it.
Eventually, your desire to seem at least somewhat capable in front of Luke wins out over your need to be so close to him and you carefully put the guitar in his lap.
“I think that’s enough for now,” you whisper, glancing away, “at this point, teaching me music is a lost cause.”
Luke shakes his head. “Hey, don’t feel too discouraged. It took me forever to learn. You wouldn’t believe how awful my fingerpicking was when I first started. You’re blowing my first attempts out of the water by a long shot, trust me.”
You laugh. “Somehow I find that hard to believe.”
Luke’s eyes are wide and earnest. “No, it’s true. Besides, I see this as an absolute win. If you can’t play the guitar, it means you need me around more often.”
Smiling, you ask:  “And is that a good thing?”
“Most certainly,” Luke breathes, and you think you might die just there, watching him look at you like you were worth so much more than you ever thought.
Luke comes to reality first, and looks away quickly, a faint pink blossoming over his cheeks. “If we’re trying to learn how bad we are at each other’s habits, though, I think it’s my turn to fail. It’s time for art lessons.”
You flip to a fresh page in your sketchbook and pass it over. Luke holds the thing reverently, and only through severe coaching do you manage to convince him to actually grip it tight enough to keep the paper steady. He keeps claiming that he doesn’t want to hurt such precious contents, but you think it might also just be a ploy to keep you laughing even just a little longer.
As much as you hate to admit it, Luke’s fears about not being able to pick up drawing might be true. You swear you give him easy subjects to start off, and despite an abundance of furrowed brows and studious expressions, Luke and art do not mix. 
At last, he looks up at you desolately and holds up graphite stained hands for you to witness. “See? It’s a losing battle, I swear.”
You bite back a smile. “It’s just like you told me about guitar, isn’t it? All you need is practice.”
You think you wouldn’t mind being there for a few more art practice sessions, either. Something about the way Luke is so devoted to trying to get this right, and all the while watching you draw out examples like you’re a living saint, makes your chest feel so tight that it might burst. You would gladly sink the rest of your afternoons and sunsets into these sorts of moments, walled up in the studio with Luke, losing track of time until you have no idea where your days begin and his end.
Luke must be feeling the same way, because he leans a little closer to you. “I’m not sure I believe it, but I wouldn’t mind more practice sessions with you. We wouldn’t even have to draw or play guitar if you didn’t want to. If you’re alright with that, of course. We could just, you know, hang out.”
The hope in his eyes is only matched by the delight in yours. “I think that sounds great,” you say.
Luke’s face brightens. “Really? I mean, yeah, it would be fun. Maybe we could go get ice cream soon.”
“Tell me a date, I’ll make time,” you reply. You’ll clear your entire schedule if that’s what it takes. This is something that you didn’t see happening in your wildest dreams, and now that it’s real, you don’t plan on giving it up for anything.
Luke lifts a shoulder. “How about Saturday afternoon? We can go anywhere.”
You could gladly spend the rest of the day just talking over the prospect of this date with Luke, but a sound from outside the studio makes you bite your tongue. You can see Alex, Reggie, and Bobby approaching the door– it must be time for the band to have practice.
Luke groans. “They have terrible timing.”
You laugh. “They didn’t know anything was happening, that’s their fault. I know everything I want, though.”
You don’t think Luke’s smiles have ever been brighter than the one he shoots you now. For once, you realize a most welcome truth:  all this time that you’ve been pining over Luke, he’s been feeling the exact same way. At last, the two of you have been able to get together, and you couldn’t be happier about it.
requested by @thatfangirl42, i hope you enjoy!
jatp tag list: @rogueanschel, @retvenkos, @caswinchester2000, @lovesanimals0000, @amortensie
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turnwashingtonsbaddies · 10 months
ok im officially done with school (woo 🥳) so i can give everyone in my ask box what they've been waiting for. i am going to keep the list limited to the ppl in this promo photo bc there are so many goddamn characters in that show and if you want heavy-hitting analysis, i've gotta keep a short list (at least for now)
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analysis under the cut:
as mentioned before caleb brewster does indeed SWEEP the pussy eating power rankings
as also mentioned before john andre is as mediocre in eating pussy as he is in acting and flute playing. he thinks he's amazing at it tho
now for the fun. i need to get this first paragraph out of the way bc it is about the man who made me begin to ponder this question 2 years ago in the first place. abraham. fucking. woodhull. this beanie-wearing menace to society has NEVER made anyone other than anna strong come. point blank period. even with anna tho, he's done it like maybe once or twice. whether or not he did it by giving her head is up for another debate tho
oh and speaking of anna strong. she gives me pillow princess vibes for a reason i cannot quite explain. it is just kind of a gut feeling i have. maybe it has to do with the fact that ppl are always just throwing themselves at her, so she doesn't have to bother with actually working on pleasuring them
but back to abe for a minute. he's actually (believe it or not) NOT the worst one on the list, and that is because richard woodhull has NEVER ONCE made a woman come. not even his wife. not once. richard has never even eaten pussy before. richard has only ever had sex in the missionary position. abe is a terrible partner for a reason, and that reason is bc he was raised by richard
one member of the woodhull family does possess some finesse however. mary woodhull eats pussy like a mf champion. i imagine her learning it was much like her learning how to fire a gun. at first she was like 'wtf is going on??? i cant do that??' but give it few tries and she easily upstages all the men around her
using mary shooting a gun as my transition here..... let's talk about simcoe. honestly, he does give me the vibes of someone who really wants to be good at eating pussy, and maybe he even enjoys doing it. however, i think he gives toothy head. and i also think he does it on purpose. that's right. he's a biter
speaking of ppl who enjoy eating pussy, i think hewlett slays in that department ngl. ik i said before that caleb is arguably the only man on the show who enjoys eating pussy, but i actually want to amend that bc i think hewlett does too. however, i think the one drawback for hewlett is that his desire and ability to give good head does come from a place of him being (and i mean this with peace and love hewlett enjoyers) a massive simp
i straight up dont have a transition for this one but it was literally an intrusive thought and i just need to expel it. ben tallmadge the type of guy to apologize after eating pussy. why? who knows. it could have even been decent head. he's still apologizing anyway. however my bet is that decent is the best he can do bc he's an overthinker, which can get in the way of having strong head game
finally, and yes i made you read all of this before giving you what you wanted anon, robert rogers. "(must include robert rogers)" is SO REAL. SO TRUE. you're right for saying so. however he is such an enigma to me and i really don't know where to place him both as an eater of pussy and frankly as an entity in general. i know he has to exist in some kind of extreme tho. god-tier head or the most abysmal head ever anyone's ever experienced. maybe he's even literally eating pussy, like in a cannibalism way. i'm not ruling that out either. honestly, maybe the quality of head varies between sessions too. after all, he's always gotta keep em on their toes
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absolutebl · 1 year
Hi there! I've just returned from a two-week holiday (as I'm writing this I'm actually still driving back home, but I want to get on top of it lmao), so I would like to defer to your knowledge:
could you pretty please provide me with an update on what series ended/started while I was away? I have a vague idea, but I don't want to miss out on the things that didn't get as much promo and are therefore not on my mdl.
if you can, my watchlist will be forever thankful!!
July Report: BL that Stopped & Started & Is worth Your time
Ended July 2023
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Step By Step
This was Thailand’s answer to The New Employee, and everything I loved about that show I loved about this one.
This was an office romance between stern boss and sweet subordinate that felt more authentic to an office environment than previous Thai BLs of this ilk. And that authenticity added tension to the narrative and character development (how novel). Now that might be because it has western source material, or it might be because it is actually kind of old-fashioned (it’s been years since I worked as an office grunt). I also really enjoyed the brothers’ relationship, and kinda wished they hadn’t attempted (and failed) to give said brother his own side BL. That one flaw made it a 9/10 for me.
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La Pluie
This BL takes to task the fated mates trope and what it means to have love chained intimately to predestination. It’s about how faith in destiny before choice diminishes the authenticity of emotion, relationships, and connection. This is a high concept to examine through the lens of a BL.
By activating + examining the soulmates trope this show is challenging a foundation of romance: the idea that there is one person meant to be your one romantic partner all your life. This means that we, as viewers, spend much of the show worried about it having a happy ending, and that’s the source of both its brilliance and tension: would the narrative have the strength to truly challenge its own romantic core? But, ultimately, all this elevated complexity was executed in a somewhat shaky manner with the narrative derailing into some serious pacing issues and characters manipulated by miscommunication.
However, with good chemistry and decent acting all around, plus some excellent high heat and representation of consent and a few other rare tropes, this one has to (like it’s sibling show My Ride) earn a 9/10. I enjoyed it even as it made me think, so despite its flaws:
Started July 2023 & Looking GOOD
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Jun & Jun
Korea Thurs Viki 8 eps
THANK YOU BL GODS. It is so good. Like everything I want in the world. I’m incandescently happy with this show.
It’s office set,
it’s an ex idol,
everyone is pretty as peaches,
and it’s all about remembering somebody’s smell!
I could not be more delighted.
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Laws of Attraction
Thai Sat iQIYI 8 eps
(Icky picked it up but they are serving it in a complicated way that may require a VPN.)
Stars the pair from To Sir With Love with the same production team. IT’S SO GOOD. A morally corrupted trickster lawyer with a tragic past, sad eyes, and a beautiful smile that he uses like a weapon. Meets paladin martial arts instructor from other side of the tracks (who is out, at least to his baby sister).
Corrupt police.
Spoiled rich kid evil.
Ambitious politician.
Tragic death.
Terrible subs.*
This show is very like Manner of Death but so far it is a much better/tighter story (there's a Devil Judge aura happening). It’s NOT BL but it is fucking phenomenal. And you should watch it. Not wait to binge it. WATCH IT.
On a global scale this might be the best thing currently airing featuring gay romantic leads. Its really fucking good. It’s Lawless Lawyer but more complex character motivation and gay af. Fuck yes please and thank you. FINALLY.
Triggers for violence, beatings, death & torture depicted on screen. Like MoD they are not holding back. 
(* A lot of the familial names they are using are not gendered in Thai but translated as such, like “nephew”. This one is gonna go down a lot easier if you know some Thai.)
Stay By My Side - Taiwan Fri Gaga 10 eps
Hidden Agenda that isn’t hidden - Thailand Sun GMMTV YouTube 12 eps
Low Frequency - Thailand Sat iQIYI 8 eps
Started But You Can Probably Wait IMHO
Dinosaur Love (Sun iQIYI)
Be Mine Super Star (Mon Viki)
Wedding Plan (Weds YT & iQIYI) it's mame so A trash watch is happening! 
Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (Japan Thu Gaga)
Hope this is what you wanted.
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duchessofferia · 5 months
Which is the earliest time Jame Seymour should have been introduced in "The Tudors"? Since Jame had scored a place in Katherine of Aragon's court in 1529, she should have been introduced sometime during the last couple of episodes of s1, along with Edward and their father John.
After a recent rewatch, during the scene at the s1 finale where a nameless girl rebukes Anne Boleyn after her wishing that all Spaniards would be put under the sea speech, I thought that that part should have gone to Jane Seymour. That rebuke could have been one of Jane's first lines in the series.
You’re right, Jane should’ve been introduced earlier. The earliest Jane could’ve been at court was 1527, or more likely 1528, to my understanding. Katherine of Aragon made her speech at Blackfriars in 1529, and The Tudors leaned into the idea of Jane as connected to Katherine - the scene where Mary gives Jane Katherine's cross to help her through labor comes to mind. As for Anne, there were an assortment of... nameless, jittery blonde women swirling around her during the early seasons. The creators could've slotted Jane into one of their places. Maybe they meant to? I know there was some kerfuffle about her casting.
If the comparison scene between Jane & Anne before the latter's murder is anything to go off of, the creators wanted to set Jane up as ideologically opposed to Anne, to some extent. It would've been nice if Jane was given a more self-actualized role in that opposition, rather than being shown as this silly, flighty girl who stumbled into a position for which we're obviously supposed to judge her. I just know she and Katherine Howard are sharing tea cakes in hell.
Sir John's offscreen death in Season 3, and the casually callous way Edward communicated it to Jane, also would've landed much better if they'd introduced Jane earlier. Her and Edward's sibling dynamic is one of my favorites in the show, communicated subtly through shared looks, close ups and such. In Season 2, Jane follows Edward's lead, allowing him to influence her decision making something like a surrogate father. Jane is certainly the passive member of their relationship, but that wasn't used to cast her as stupid, or lesser than the other wives, which I appreciated. Edward asking Jane if she'd like to be Queen once he and his father start planning for it speaks to this dynamic that's sort of childish, in a sweet way - Edward leads and Jane follows, but willingly, not slavishly.
In Season 3, when Henry starts controlling Jane more overtly, Edward remains a man in her life who she's allowed to criticize and chastise, even as he's demonstrated to be brutally unscrupulous in his own right (see: that awful sexualized torture scene.) His wife Anne Stanhope is shown putting horns on him, but Edward barely notices, never mind getting mad at her for it. Compare that to how savagely Henry reacted to the vaguest whiff of infidelity in his Anne. The first one, that is.
It's almost like The Tudors' Henry is a decent public figure, but a monstrous domestic one, while The Tudors' Edward is a monstrous public figure, but a decent domestic one. And Jane is the woman who connects the two of them, binding their families into one, however temporarily. As Jane lays dying, Henry compares her to his late mother, and Jane is introduced to Henry by her own father, himself depicted as this jolly old fat country lord. Sir John's characterization in The Tudors was sparse, but maybe that's a blessing, considering the shaft Thomas Boleyn got.
Which leads me to another comparison. Thomas and George Boleyn's posthumous reputations both took a massive hit with this show. George is rendered not just abusive but sexually violent, the shadow of early 2000s homophobia hanging over The Tudors' portrayal like a pall. His father's depiction is more unfair than offensive, but that's not much of an improvement. This promo pic of him just makes you feel dirty, as Olga Hughes pointed out, lmao. We the audience can assume that Pádraic Delaney's George Boleyn got his cruelty from his father, while Anne (and Mary) are the family's more kindhearted diamonds-in-the-rough, a position that is reinforced by George's atypical protectiveness over Anne, which is ultimately used against him. Jane and Edward's relationship isn't as emotionally intimate as George and Anne's, but Edward and George's duel positions as men who are capable of being both negligent & violent and paternal & attentive sets them up as interesting examinations of the kind of man who takes root in an environment like this, much like Charles Brandon, Eustace Chapuys, Francis Bryan, etc.
The missing piece in the equation is Jane. Henry's fatherhood is well explored, Anne's sisterhood is the most overtly sympathetic part of her characterization, Mary I's conflict as a daughter is what drives her through the whole series. Jane is a sister, daughter, mother and wife, and there are a few shining moments where she really titillates: inquiring about her family's plans, selling the necklace Henry gave her, chiding Edward for mishandling her father's death, protecting Mary no matter the cost, things like that. But her most well-developed relationship is the one she has with Henry, and that one says more about him as a man than it does her as a woman.
How did Jane feel about Sir John that encouraged her to lean on Edward, even though he was easily identifiable as a worse man than his father? How did Jane feel transitioning from Katherine's household to Anne's, especially with regards to her catholicism? What did she think about the dissolution of the monasteries when it first started? Did she want to get married and have children, or did she just know she'd have to one day? What were her prospects before Henry? What does she like in a man anyways?
Unfortunately, we don't know, because The Tudors doesn't bother to tell us. Wish it had been different, to say the least.
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mandy4ever69420 · 1 month
‘lone star lesbian mickey’ U GET IT!! probably unpopular but I really hate fics that give him loving bfs and friend groups in mexico that are super protective of him it makes no sense 😫 like I hope he fucked his way through the country but otherwise that man is a feral gremlin thru and thru and regular ass people don’t get him and that’s fine! I need fans to stop attributing a personality to him that makes him more sympathetic or palatable i suppose? it takes away all his complexity pleaseee
i haven't seen these fanfictions* but wow, i really cannot picture that at all. i imagine that it seems lonely to people that he's not big on making more connections but its not something you can just expect of someone. mickeys a real "i know enough people" type guy
i find it much more believable he'd be sort of a closed off weirdguy with a handful of passive friendships that don't really go anywhere. "yeah we get drinks after work but idk their kids and their friends," هيك
i think more so than making mickey palatable, it can just be that people can't wrap their head around him really only wanting a small social circle at all. especially since mickey is so well liked. so of course he should have a lot of friends, right? i know a lot of people find mickey relatable in other ways, so they want for him what they'd want for themselves. this is just what happens with fictional characters sometimes. c'est la vie
it's one of my favorite/most touching features of mickeys personality that he's not super into being close with people. i really like that people just are so fucking charmed by him and he gets overwhelmed. it's not his fault that he doesn't have room for that. like, you don't have to really "get" it, that's just the way some people are.
so if he's not big on forming friendships with every mark, joe, and amy that walk by, it just follows he's not into relationships very much. he found the one he likes already tyvm👍 i also think it's sweet when ian (very social) is just. visibly delighted watching mickey ignore and brush off people trying to be friends. because that's part of him and how he is, so it's part of what ian loves
it might be people think he should date in mexico because there was a decent chance he was just not going to see ian again (certainly ian thought this was a very final tragic goodbye) but i think 1. mickey would be perfectly ok being single, because romance isn't a necessary condition of being alive and 2. he never really believed that was the last time he'd see ian. less so a tragic farewell and more so a "goddammit ok this is a fucking bummer while i wait for the next opportunity to go home or whatever"
with mickey having protective friends it's kind of funny, because i get it. like. it's a bit self insert wishful thinking-y i believe. yeah he's been through a lot and even the person he loves most fucks him over sometimes. but he's just not going to react well to that! it's his business who he wants to be with and if you asked he'd happily clarify that he can handle his damn self
i agree he probably had a number of hookups in this timeframe. (side note: have you seen those people who think mickey bottoming with ian is like special secret level 2 sex that he wouldn't do with anyone else?? dude lmfao). i actually wonder if this ties into the way people are just bizarrely judgemental towards people who like sex but aren't interested in emotional commitment. even as a clearly expressed boundary. in a lot of shows this is treated as a flaw or a symptom of an underlying problem that someone should "overcome" & im mostly fine with these "learn to accept and be in normal relationships" plot lines but you really do have to respect someone's emotional boundaries. sure, maybe they're just repressed because of (whatever), but maybe that's not the business of random people around them
*i have, however, seen promos for fic that gave mickey an abusive partner in mexico which made me SUPER mad. not vagueing bc i genuinely have no idea who or where this was, but that's and incredibly widespread & racist stereotype. idk like white anglo america can't cope with men of color being beautiful and charming and we have 50 years of cinema/media depicting black, latino, and arab men as domineering and dangerous partners :(
mickey is not immune to falling into abusive relationships just for being tough and clever, this is very clear from several aspects of his plot line. you don't really need to do much to elaborate on that. its something i appreciate a lot in shameless, and i'll never understand people who thought it was poor writing for mandy to have an abusive boyfriend, because it's unfortunately not uncommon for people with abusive upbringings to wind up in familiar patterns. but again, the problem is that mandy's crappy boyfriend was cast as a black man for no reason. lip is also super racist to kenyatta (both in telling cops he's selling crack, and calling him mandy's "big black boyfriend"). pull it together people!!!
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introvert-celeste · 7 months
Oh man, I was going through my Google Drive and I found some old SU fan art I made on the tablet I had in high school. I've probably shared it here before but it's been so long I might as well share it again. These are pretty much my first and only attempts at digital art.
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Probably my favorite, made a few days before Sworn to the Sword premiered. I was so excited lol. I realize the shading makes absolutely no sense, but it is what it is.
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Okay, this is cringe but I actually liked Ronaldo a decent amount of time. The paper background was from a promo one of the people who work on the show posted for this episode.
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A couple of Gregrose! Probably inspired by We need To Talk. I think this really showcases how inconsistent my art style was/is.
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And here's another example of my art style being inconsistent, albeit this is just a sketchy doodle. These were all made during the summer of 2015, by the way, so there's very little time between each piece.
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And finally, here's a gem design I made for one of my favorite stones, Celestite! I don't remember anything about her backstory--clearly I had something in mind--but I still kinda like her design.
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acoldsovereign · 7 months
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// @scarlxtleaves / @thuganomxcs / @peoplcshope
{{ Happy Birthday, you fuckin' fucker! (I say this with love). I remember when I first came to the DBZ RPC months ago and I was so shy I didn't know how to communicate properly. People scared me. Following people scared me. People following me back scared me. I was freakin' scared of EVERYTHING. I even unfollowed a person I followed (and then followed them back when they checked in with me) because I realized how bad that looked/how problematic it could be if I didn't address it. I felt so bad, and I still do sometimes. I'm so glad that mutual was understanding and patient with me, aaaaaaaa. Needless to say, ya girl had SO many issues in the beginning. I was a HOT MESS. Hell, I didn't even have all of my muse info up but you didn't give a shit about none of that. You just took one look at my blog, saw 'despot of the universe' on my header and said 'LET IT RIP' like Beyblade. DUDE, you were ballsy as fuck and I'm so glad for that! You gave me my first ever starter here!!! THAT made me remember you! Everytime I logged in, it was to respond to our Future Gohan/Maiz fight thread. (I'm actually looking for it now because that's gonna be something I continue after I reply to someone else first 👀). You're one of the first people I ever plotted with too, even if that intimidated me a little. I mean, granted it was after you gave me the starter because I was freaking worried about everything, which was why I was all over your inbox, "okay, so she can do this and that...", "i have no problem with them having this sort of dynamic", etc. Gosh, you were overwhelmingly sweet and kind to me and I appreciate that. I know this is not something I should apologize for, but I'm still sorry that I scared you slightly when I changed my username to acoldsovereign from maizthefemalesaiyan, and didn't tell you in advance. I didn't realize you wouldn't recognize me so I had to put the former name in my old promo post. YOU'RE why I did that. I didn't know what other accounts you had and I just wanted to let you know it was meeeeeeee! ;w; But then you forgot your password to the blog so we couldn't even communicate anyway! One thing I will say-- it is funny I recently posted about Toriyama and Future Trunks and what the latter means to me because guess what blog I found you on. Guess what reunited us. Yeah.
YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN?????? That man is always doing something for me! You would've thought he was REAL. But anyway, it was so cool to have you back on my dash again! It took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize who it was. I saw the name "Jay" on your promo post and it didn't cross my mind it was you, man. Not until I went down the blog and saw the writing style matched up. Remember how I just burst into your inbox and made some noise? And then you realized it was me? That shit was hilarious. We were so happy to see each other. Everything's been smooth sailing since then and we've created so many cursed memes, threads, jokes and storylines. Dude, we fuckin' made Rengakura. That little psychopath LOL. Well, moreso I made him but your response to that thread in particular made it so that he didn't come out any worse than he could've. Damn you for having Trunks make the right decision! (Again, I say this with love). At least in one verse, Trunks finally gets a happy-ish ending though. He lives with his mostly mellowed-out/former-tyrant for a wife and a pseudo-sane Saiyan-hybrid child on a spaceship, having space adventures. 🥺 Papa Trunks isn't something I knew I needed until I got it so thank you. I also did not know Maiz was actually capable of chilling the eff out-- THAT was a surprise to me. The fact that she's actually a decent mother is hilarious, considering all the fucked up stuff she's done before without blinking an eye. I also love how through our threads, you can see how she naturally came to care for him, even if she's sadistic and still messes with him from time to time. One of my favorites scenes with them unironically was when she offered to take Trunks to a tropical planet for his birthday. She was actually affectionate towards him the proper way more or less, but he didn't realize it because he was so used to her being busy/selfish/frosty/teasing. Bro thought he was dying. That was tragically sad yet funny all at once. I'd say more but this is already a lot and you already know how I feel about your Yusuke and our favorite assassin, Sanosuke.
Long story short- thank you for warmly welcoming me into this small, but chill RPC. I'll always love and appreciate you.
Happy birthday, Jaybird.
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day (green tea!) Welcome to the weekend and welcome to September!
Wow! Here we are again: Friday! Where did that week go? No, seriously, where did that week go?
First of all, many thanks to everyone that got involved with Throwback Thursday on my page. Yesterday’s word was HOME. Again, another emotive word! It has both good and bad connotations for people. I could lay my hat in all sorts of places but it wouldn’t feel like home! I like my bed, my sofa, my armchairs, my remote, my fridge, my study. You know I’m a creature of habit and routines, so I need to things to stay the same. Am I a little OCD? Maybe I am?
Looking forward to the weekend. After the show, we are popping down to Hove to see Lady Wesker. She’s been a bit out of sorts. A Curry’s delivery van totally wrote off her car (while it was stationary) and Curry’s stingy insurance company only gave Mum £2k. What can you buy for that? Anyway, she’s sorted now, so hopefully we can go out in her new (second-hand) car? The last thing your mum needs is some big oaf in a big van destroying the key to her independence. We will not be shopping at Curry’s again! Heartless corporate bastards!
A quick word on the England squad. The word is pathetic (and that’s being polite!) Maguire, Phillips and Henderson? Really, mate? Where are Sterling, Watkins, Bowen and Ward-Prowse? Southgate must think it’s still 2020?
Naturally, I’m very grateful to receive a lot of promos via email. However, it takes a lot of time to work through them all. I wouldn’t mind this if most of them were decent and playable, but most of them are NOT! Even new music by established names! Maybe I’m fussy but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. Doubtless, loads of people will say, “Oh, there’s plenty of good, new music, Lindsay!” Well, it might be good enough for YOU but I’ve been collecting top quality music since the late sixties and most of this new stuff is not cutting it! I look at the charts to see the most popular tracks, check them out on iTunes and, more often than not, I am seriously underwhelmed!
Really hope you can join me tomorrow at 1.00 p.m. for ‘The A-Z Of Mi-Soul Music’: The final part of The Letter P. We will have one week of Q, then move on to the next letter. I have made contact with the executive producer of The Letter R (Pt. 1) and she has built a superb show! We’re going to Jamaica in mid-September for a wedding, so I’ll miss one radio show but I’ll be back in time for the start of The Letter R on September 23rd.
Absolutely buzzing! Friday: my favourite day of the week! No work ‘til Monday, The Mighty Josiah arrives, Chinese for dinner and my team are on telly! Very excited!
Have a fabulous and funky Friday! I love you all. You’re probably thinking, “You don’t even know me!” but, if people can hate for no reason, why can’t I love?
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cantsayidont · 8 months
Some more dubious TV:
GRISELDA: Griselda Blanco, la padrina de cocaína in early '80s Miami, gets the #girlboss treatment in this six-part miniseries starring Sofía Vergara. Writers Doug Miro and Ingrid Escajeda seem to have made a close study of the 2007 film AMERICAN GANGSTER, about Frank Lucas, which is similarly structured and has a similar abundance of period detail that never feels organic or authentic. If you know anything at all about the real Griselda Blanco, it also feels pretty sanitized, and of course prettified. For contrast, there's also a 2017 Lifetime movie called COCAINE GODMOTHER, starring, improbably, Catherine-Zeta Jones, which is much more tabloid-lurid, although calling Jones' performance and accent "a broad caricature" would be giving it more credit than it deserves. Curiously, the Lifetime version is much more upfront about presenting Griselda as bisexual: Both it and the new mini indicate that Blanco's bestie, who eventually died of a drug overdose (called Carolina in the 2017 version, Carmen in the new one), was in love with her, but the new version is weirdly noncommittal about Griselda herself. Pondering the behind-the-scenes politics of that is honestly more interesting than much of what's onscreen.
MASTERS OF THE AIR: Lugubrious Apple TV+ miniseries about the USAAF 100th Bomb Group of WW2, based on the nonfiction book by Donald L. Miller and produced by Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, and Gary Goetzman, obviously keen to recapture the success of BAND OF BROTHERS. A heavy-handed and often tedious propaganda piece, MASTERS is basically a long-form modern version of WW2 movies like AIR FORCE or THIRTY SECONDS OVER TOKYO, full of contrived patriotic uplift (inevitably underlined by obnoxiously syrupy orchestral scoring), lots of CGI (most of which looks like a video game), and a few more naughty words than the 1940s Production Code would have allowed. The promos suggested the show would deal with the experience of Black fighter escort pilots, which could have had some interest (especially since the 2012 movie RED TAILS did such a disastrous job of it), but the handful of Black characters don't appear until the eighth episode, and they're much more thinly drawn than the white officers who comprise the core cast. Most of the main characters are theoretically based on real people (who are shown in a brief coda in the final episode), but the show's dramatization is much less effective than a decent documentary treatment would have been, particularly since it's already reliant on sleepy voiceover narration to hold together its disparate story threads. The main consolation is that there’s a refreshing lack of distracting stunt casting; I didn’t recognize anyone in the cast, which is for the best with this kind of thing. A show for your dad or grandpa who only watches WW2 documentaries.
STAR TREK: PRODIGY: I only barely struggled through the first four five episodes of this animated STAR TREK spinoff, and the kindest thing I can say about it is that I'm not even remotely adjacent to the target audience. The animation and character designs caused me physical pain, and overall it feels like what we would get all the time if STAR TREK became another of the many properties absorbed by the evil power of the Mouse. One shudders to think.
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fromtenthousandfeet · 16 days
I have so many thoughts about every member and their feelings towards returning to BTS that it verges on fanfic
JK - has emotional attachment to BTS but is very confident about going solo and wants to explore that. I sincerely doubt he'll sideline his solo career to stay with the group full-time especially since he's been deemed the chosen one by bsh and scooter and is well aware of it
Tae - I think he probably loves the relevance and money that comes with being a BTS member but I really don't think he likes the grind or keeping up with other members work ethic for practice and what not (isn't that the real crux of the infamous dumpling fight?). I bet he loved being super lazy and calling the shots during his solo career like no choreo (lol armys designated dance line member who hates dancing) and making time for travel and variety shows instead of working on and releasing a ton of songs. I can see him staying if they scale back stuff to cater to him
Jimin - he's got an emotional attachment to BTS as well and I think the him of 2021 would've been gung ho to be back in the group full-time but I think working on songs by himself and doing promo by himself - while it was hard and he's admitted it was hard and time consuming....I think he really loved it. He seemed to find the whole process creatively fulfilling - much more than his recent activities in BTS actually. Plus like Tae, I bet he liked finally being able to call the shots too. If they get back as BTS and he's sidelined again (which I unfortunately think he will be), I think he'll be reluctant to stay full time. Also feel his solo success has quietly made him more confident in himself and his capabilities even if he doesn't constantly toot his own horn like JK
RM - another guy who loves the relevance of being in BTS but finds everything about the experience of being a member stifling. If his solo career had gotten the traction of Jimin's or JK's, then he'd be out of BTS like yesterday. Pending that, I think he might actually put the group first. Being a BTS member got him to the world stage - that means something to him
JHope - he's so opaque to me. I really have no idea
Yoongi - definitely would continue the group full-time. I think he's someone who would've been able to continue his solo career with full steam even while being a group member full time and he probably finds it easier to make connections as a BTS member and would take full advantage of that
Jin - again I'm not very sure. I feel he'd be okay with either. I don't think he craves clout and just has a healthy appetite to be successful. I don't think he'd mind a smaller career as a solo artist but I also think he wouldn't mind continuing in BTS either. But he's also not properly done his solo album and it's associated promo yet and that definitely has an affect so we'd have to check back in six months
This is the healthiest fanfic I've ever seen. I completely agree with your assessment of each member.
Speaking of bordering on fanfic, sometimes I think part of the reason Jimin has been so adamant about staying together as a group is because he knows the others aren't as popular as he is and will struggle in their solo careers. Basically, he wants to stay together so the others don't fall short and feel humiliated. JHope and Jin come to mind, because neither have broad appeal.
Taehyung and Jungkook will never be as successful as Jimin, at least not on their own merits, but they both have a large enough following to carve out decent solo careers. Tae has seemed bored with being in BTS for quite some time. Go be an actor/influencers or whatever. I think Jungkook is really looking forward to going solo. I've never seen him happier than Left & Right, the World Cup, SEVEN/Golden videos and performances, but especially the Festa dinner where they announced their hiatus. He could hardly contain his excitement while the rest of the group looked like their dogs had just died.
RM? I swear he's ready to leave BTS, but you're right, he's attached to the fame. There's a real internal struggle going on in his brain. I hope he doesn't sing too much in his future endeavors. He's a great songwriter, though, so please continue in that direction. But for his own dignity, I need him to go solo, especially if more crap like Butter is on the horizon.
As for Yoongi, I have no idea. I don't get that guy at all.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! We'll see what happens in the next few years.
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