arielvontassel-blog · 12 years
I'm just making sure you know. You know how Nic is. -shakes head- This is probably something you don't want to hear right? You're best friend kissing me or anything else that goes past that for that matter. I suppose I will.
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Tonight seems like a nice evening
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arielvontassel-blog · 12 years
Maybe he'll realize it with this fight you two have. You're more of a brother than Nic will ever be to him. Well thanks, Vincent I appreciate the support. I really don't.  We did talk about it during the New Years party, does a kiss qualify as a yes I like you too?
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Tonight seems like a nice evening
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arielvontassel-blog · 12 years
Ah, I see. Well I hope you guys make up soon. I think he really only has you Vincent. That's true. What makes you think I'm the person? I assume that's what you're implying with that statement or maybe you aren't. Perhaps, that's my own arrogance getting the best of me.
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Tonight seems like a nice evening
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arielvontassel-blog · 12 years
What'd he do? -shakes head- Are you two going to make up anytime soon? I don't want to be the mediator between the both of you but I can always try and talk some sense into him if you like. So..he told you about us huh? Maybe or maybe I'll just talk to him in person. You know Cole, he doesn't do committed relationships. 
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Tonight seems like a nice evening
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arielvontassel-blog · 12 years
Hmm? Is something wrong with you two? No, I haven't talked to him in awhile actually. I don't know what he's thinking in his head but I mean maybe we are, maybe we aren't. I probably haven't been able to be reached anyways so that might be my fault too. So I'm guessing he told you about us, huh?
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Tonight seems like a nice evening
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arielvontassel-blog · 12 years
They’re nicest in small towns, without all the city light and stuff. I’m doing okay, how are you?
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They really are. We never really get to appreciate them in cities. I'm all right, I've just been kind of spending my time indoors although Elle came to visit me. I thought I needed some time to myself anyway. What have you been up to?
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Tonight seems like a nice evening
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arielvontassel-blog · 12 years
It is. I could gaze at the stars forever. How are you today Vincent?
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Tonight seems like a nice evening
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arielvontassel-blog · 12 years
Tonight seems like a nice evening
The stars seem to be bright. I enjoy it if I do say so myself.
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arielvontassel-blog · 12 years
Oh are you trying to wine me and dine me tonight Alec?
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I've enjoyed these past few days.
I make lovely soup.
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arielvontassel-blog · 12 years
I've enjoyed these past few days.
Nice and quiet, and definitely not a worry in the world. Although this soup is quiet good.
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arielvontassel-blog · 12 years
Most likely. I wouldn't blame you Vienna is a magical place. Still though, it'd be a shame if you didn't come back because you fell in love with my country. I guess I'll have to find someone to do things to pass the time by.
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Snow is better than sun with my…condition. Let’s hope I don’t love it too much. It’d be too much of a temptation to stay.
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arielvontassel-blog · 12 years
You're not that boring cause if that's the case I must be the most boring person alive. You'll love it there. The snow fall will still be going, it's much cooler there as well.
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I’ll be sure to do that. I better plan on doing something exciting then, cause I’m a pretty boring guy. Don’t want to come back telling you that I didn’t do anything. Maybe I’ll visit Vienna, I heard it’s pretty nice.
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arielvontassel-blog · 12 years
Yes, definitely. Of course it will be. I'll just be here reading and playing the piano and what not. How thoughtful of him. All right. You know my number by now, I look forward to the calls. Do tell me about your adventures when you get back.
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Yeah…we’ll still have that..I’ll have free time on my hands.
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At least that will be the same.  Good thing Jeremy bought those suitcases for…me. They’ll come in handy for something. I shouldn’t be gone for longer than a few weeks or so. I’ll keep in touch though.
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arielvontassel-blog · 12 years
How do you know that? If she loves you wouldn't she come back for you? What are you talking about? It's what's best for you. If you think that's what's best for you why wouldn't I want you to go? I'll still be here when you get back and we'll still have that stupid business that probably doesn't get a lot of action.
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I never said she stopped..And I haven’t stopped either. But she said her goodbyes, she’s not coming back, not for me. You’re not getting in the way of anything Ariel..But you…you don’t want me to go?
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arielvontassel-blog · 12 years
I don't know what to tell you. I don't think she'd stop loving you though. She's Gwen. I've heard that but I'm not quite sure if that's true. Yes, I'm fine. I'm perfectly fine, Richard. I don't want to get in the way of you packing.
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Jeremy went away and he’s different. She comes back…she’s going to be different too. We’re not going to be the same. Nothing will be the same that’s what happens when people leave. 
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Hey…are you okay?
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arielvontassel-blog · 12 years
Oh really? Dance all night long? I did, I just had a few drinks, here and there.
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Bring in the new year!
I was, I wouldn’t have missed it. I didn’t see you either, did you have fun?
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arielvontassel-blog · 12 years
Will you be okay if you're alone? Maybe something went wrong and she'll come back. Are you going to start packing now?
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I think it’s probably for the best…I mean how can I stay around right now when I expect to see her. She leaves me a note and..that’s the goodbye I get..
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I’ll miss you too.
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