#might post them when I get the full team done and locked on the uniform design
juustozzi · 6 months
"get back to ina11 when victory road comes out" succesful, but maybe a bit too well: Hino mentioned our capital in the launch timing image so of course I had to go and design a national team for my country (just because our actual national team is named after an animal and that makes a great theme for the team)
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
Part 2 has been prompted by the wonderful DetReed900 on AO3! I hope you enjoy it!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 | AU: Cyberpunk AU
‘Quick, get in!‘ Gavin leaned on the passenger seat to hold the door open, as he watched Nines run towards him at full speed. The android jumped in, smashing the door close and Gavin drove off with screeching tires, while their pursuers desperately tried to get a good shot at them before they could disappear. But Gavin drifted around the next corner, accelerating again and taking several tight turns to lose anyone who might follow them. All the while Nines sat next to him laughing and cheering. Gavin looked into the rear-view mirror and relaxed a little as he couldn’t see anyone following them. He smirked, unable to be angry with the android although he likely should have been. As soon as they had made it on the highway, Gavin slowed down and weaved the car in between regular traffic.
‘How many times do I have to save you?’, he finally spoke a bit more serious. ‘Oh, come on’, Nines purred, leaning over. ‘You are just too good at that, it would be a shame letting that talent go to waste.’ Gavin turned his face towards Nines for a split second and smiled, pushing just a little on the gas. ‘You better start getting a talent for staying out of trouble, my friend.’ Nines laid his hand on his chest and looked accusingly at Gavin. ‘Do you see any bullet wound? I stayed out of trouble.’ ‘Yeah, and that gang will just forget about you doing… What even were you doing, Nines?’ ‘It’s a secret’, the android winked at him and leaned back in his seat. ‘Despite I really don’t think they would dare retaliate against us.’ ‘And why should that be?’ ‘Gavin, we could buy their whole organisation. I doubt they would dare attacking us openly.’ Gavin huffed. ‘Didn’t look that way when they were running after you.’
‘Hey, I’m fine, okay?’, Nines tried to change topics. ‘And I got what I needed from them.’ ‘Alright, Taxi Gavin reporting for duty, where can I bring you?’ ‘Stop with the sass, you get your fair share for this too. Just drive on, I have to hide it for the client in the city. I will give you directions.’ Gavin just sighed and turned up the radio.
‘What even is it with all that random side jobs you’re doing?’, Gavin asked standing next to the car while Nines hid a small package in the remains of some homeless person’s deserted shelter under a bridge. ‘If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you wanted to get rid of me.’ Nines stood up and stretched, smiling at the human. ‘Quite the opposite. I’m making sure we will do this together for a long time coming.’ ‘Alright’, Gavin chuckled, opening the door to the car. ‘And when will I be part of all the fun again?’ ‘Take a break’, Nines told him as he joined him inside. ‘For once in your life enjoy it. I will tell you soon enough.’ ‘It’s not because of Cyberlife, is it?’ ‘No. Elijah keeps his promise. For now, at least. And if he chooses to change that, I still have the backup of RA9 I can manipulate him with. We’re safe.’ ‘Good to hear. Can we go home then?’ ‘Yes. I’m done for today.’
They drove through the city, various neon signs glowing down on them and advertising the latest product you had to get immediately. Not too long ago, Gavin had lived in an old dilapidated house at the edge of the city. Once the dream of families with jobs in the city, the suburbs had now fallen into poverty and were taken over by criminal activity as the police didn’t care to patrol there anymore. Not when all the important people with money and influence were living in fancy apartments in the highest floors and everyone that still dreamed of getting there was packed like sardines in the mega-buildings. Now they were driving into their very own parking spot in a garage that had tighter CCTV as any street out there.  With only a short walk to the elevator, they were arriving at their flat in a matter of minutes.
Gavin exhaled with the satisfying clicking of the lock and the low hum of their security systems. The largest part of their Cyberlife money had been invested into this flat and the security measures and Gavin was thankful for it as it would at least get them more time should the corporation – or any other fraction for that part – decide to attack them. Nines walked up to the large glass front of their living room – reinforced to withhold everything up to a rocket launcher – and took off his white jacket he had exchanged his Cyberlife uniform with. Gavin watched how he pulled on the fabric of the tight turtleneck underneath and swallowed as he saw Nines’ smirk. Phcking all-seeing bastard…
He walked up to the kitchen and heated up the leftovers from yesterday’s meal, joining Nines on the sofa while eating. ‘Alright, I will go take a quick shower and go to bed. How about you?’ ‘I’ll skip straight to the bed part and warm it up for you’, the android muttered and took Gavin’s hand to pull him in for a kiss on his temple. ‘Don’t let me wait too long.’
As Gavin slid under the sheets, Nines had indeed warmed up the space comfortably. With his heated skin from the long shower, the softness was like heaven. The android’s hands in his hair gently massaging his scalp an added bonus. The man relaxed completely, closing his eyes as Nines dimmed the lights and switched them off completely. And with how tired he was and how good just lying there like that felt, he decided he would think about everything that happened tomorrow, if at all.
Gavin was woken up by the sun shining through the clouds directly into his face. Groaning, he slapped an arm over his face and turned, only to see that the other side of the bed was empty. He frowned. ‘Nines?’, he called into the flat, slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes. As he didn’t get an answer, he shrugged and stood up piking up some lose-fit pants from the floor to wear. He yawned heartily as he walked up to the kitchen to make himself a coffee. His fingers hadn’t yet hit the button as his eyes finally noticed the post it note stuck to it.
Good morning, darling. I’m off for the day, but it shouldn’t take long. Don’t worry, I’ll stay out of trouble for today. -9
Gavin took the little piece of paper and leaned against the counter, reading it again. He sighed, flinging it behind his back and getting back to his coffee. It was okay, it could happen, he told himself. Nines could do whatever he wanted. That was fine. He let himself fall onto the couch, sipping his coffee and cursing at himself for being so impatient as it was still far too hot. Maybe he had gotten a call by Fowler or any other Fixer in the city. Maybe he was preparing for a job. Maybe he was just out to buy some more equipment, who knew?
He shouldn’t worry. But he did. He had been betrayed a fair share in his life already and he had always been prepared should his recent partner do the same. But Nines was different. He wouldn’t do that, right? He couldn’t imagine the android doing that. And there was no reason for him to do so. They were a good team, made for each other since their very first mission together. There was no reason for Nines to leave him behind, right? ‘Phck’, Gavin cursed. If Nines did do that, it would destroy him. He knew it.
He sat there almost the entire day, watching the news, reading up the truth behind the media’s lies and checking in with the gang territories and job offers. After that it was cooking for himself, going for a short drive and after that: waiting. Until the android came back home. Because he needed to know. He would confront him today.
He perked up when the door unlocked with a familiar click and the android entered the room. ‘Gavin, I’m-‘ He stopped as he saw the man sitting in front of him, eyes fixed sternly on himself. ‘I’m home’, he finished in a more appropriate volume and shut the door. ‘Welcome back’, Gavin said. ‘We need to talk.’ Nines grimaced at that but nodded. ‘Okay. Just a moment.’ He hung up his jacket on the next chair and joined Gavin on the couch. ‘What did you want to talk about?’
‘I need to know what is going on’, Gavin decided to get right to business. ‘I need to know what you are doing and why you keep disappearing like this without any information. Sorry.’ Nines let his head rest in his hands for a moment, then lifted it out with a sigh, looking over to Gavin. ‘I know how this might look like, Gavin, but I can only tell you it isn’t what you think’, he began. ‘Hell, that makes it sound even worse now. I can’t tell you what I’m doing.’ ‘Alright.’ Gavin was short of standing up and leaving, but Nines grabbed his arm and gently pleaded him to stay with him. ‘Listen, I can’t tell you yet. I’m asking for two more days of your patience. Friday evening I will show you what I’ve been working on the past weeks, okay? It will all make sense then, don’t worry. I’m not leaving you behind or plan on betraying you. But I can’t tell you what it is, yet.’ ‘So a surprise, huh?’, Gavin asked not at all satisfied with the answer. ‘Yes’, Nines grinned and his smile reassured Gavin a little. ‘Yes, you could call it that.’
Friday evening was coming faster than thought, even if Gavin spent most of the time alone in their flat or out drinking in a bar. But that evening, Nines had told him to wear something comfortable and snatched the keys to his car from him as they left the flat. Now, Gavin was sitting in the passenger seat of his own car feeling weirdly out of place. ‘So where are we driving?’, he asked finally. Nines smiled at him and just asked in return: ‘I thought you knew these streets?’ ‘Yeah, I know we’re driving out of the city. I don’t know where you plan on bringing me though.’ ‘You’ll see. You just have to wait a little longer.’
Gavin spat some expletives his way in his mind and sighed, obviously uncomfortable. They had long left the city behind them and it dawned on Gavin where they were going. As Nines turned on the dusty road that would lead them to a very familiar hill, Gavin frowned. ‘The shed? What are you planning?’ Nines just chuckled and parked the car behind the bushes like Gavin had done before. ‘Do you know it has been a year now?’, the android asked him and stepped out of the car.
‘Exactly a year?’ ‘Yes.’ Nines helped him out of the car and led him towards the shed. ‘Wait.’ The android stopped him and watched the shed that lit up on command. The roof had been fixed and a few lightbulbs dangled from cables fastened to it. A few insects buzzed around the light sources and Nines hurried inside, leaving Gavin standing there admiring the comfy yet out of place looking decoration. As the android came back, he held a box and walked towards the tree, beckoning Gavin to follow him. In one swift motion Nines placed a blanket on the dried grass and leaned a few pillows against the tree. Then he sat down and looked up at Gavin expectantly.
‘What is this all?’, Gavin asked sceptically. ‘Just sit down’, Nines laughed and patted the ground at his side. Slowly, Gavin approached and sat down. Even before he was fully seated, Nines had pulled a few bottles out of the box as well as plates with snacks. ‘Seriously, what is this all?’, Gavin asked, by now more perplexed than suspicious. ‘I believe you could call it a picknick, darling’, Nines explained. ‘Exactly one year ago, we were sitting here and didn’t know what to do next. You changed my life that day and I can’t say I regret it.’ ‘And…?’ ‘And I really like how that new life turned out in the end. Thought it was a reason to celebrate.’
Gavin just stared at the android. ‘Wait. Wait a moment. You disappearing all the time… How did this lead up to this?’ ‘Do you know how difficult it is to get real lightbulbs in a city that relies on neon lights? Everything calming and warm is ridiculously expensive, because some people intentionally push up the prize. I thought to change that by breaking in, getting what I need and sell the rest.’ ‘You… You didn’t really run face first in gang hideouts just to plan a picknick, did you?!’ Nines shrugged at Gavin’s incredulous eyes.
‘I wanted the best for today. The wine is made from real grapes, it’s not that synth-stuff you get at every bar. As is everything else. I could have either spent all our money on this or get them myself. It was easier.’ ‘Holy shit and I thought you were ratting me out for some kind of deal!’, Gavin called out in embarrassment. ‘I would never’, Nines grinned. ‘Although I do have some kind of deal for you, darling.’
Gavin looked up to the android and lifted a brow. ‘Really?’ ‘Yes. Gavin, we have lived together for a year now and I can’t imagine a life without you. And considering how high the chances of an untimely death are in our business, I think it’s long overdue that I asked you.’ ‘Asked me what?’, Gavin asked, not believing what was about to happen.
Nines simply turned around to him and pulled something out of his pocket. It was a tiny silver ring made from what looked like parts of machinery. ‘What is that?’, the human asked and couldn’t keep his eyes from it. ‘A ring, dumbass. Remember that Job from Fowler last month?’ ‘Yes. How could I forget that? You nearly died!’ Nines nodded and took Gavin’s hand in his. ‘That settled it for me. The ring is made from my damaged part and I want you to have it. If you want it.’ ‘What exactly are you asking, Nines?’ Nines looked up to him and he saw his LED turning at insane speed. ‘Gavin Reed. Do you want to marry me?’
Gavin stared at him, then at the ring and lastly at his surroundings. Who was he kidding here, he had hoped for his dream to come true, but he still couldn’t believe it as he saw it right before his very own eyes. Grinning like crazy, he dove in for a kiss instead and only afterwards panted: ‘Yes! Yes, I would love to.’ Nines couldn’t hide his own smile and pushed the ring onto Gavin’s finger where it lit up in the same colour and rhythm as the android’s LED. ‘I love you, Gavin’, he whispered, brushing his thumb over the ring before pulling the human in a tight hug, the man returned in equal strength. ‘I love you too, tin-can’, Gavin laughed and looked down on the ring over Nines’ shoulder.
He really was far too lucky for this world. But he wouldn’t ever think about complaining.
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stardustkenobi · 5 years
Everybody Talks
Poe Dameron x Reader
Warnings: None
A/N: Hi all! This is my first ever post on this blog, critiques are always welcomed. Thank you for reading!
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Eight days.
It had been eight days since the group of bright eyed and bushy tailed new recruits had arrived at the vast green home of the Resistance headquarters.
It had been eight days since you walked into the conference room allocated for you, an up and coming strategist, to conduct general on boarding before directing each individual to their various teams.
Eight days since you had glanced up from your data pad and met a head of unruly curls, a pair of brown eyes, and stubble three seats away from you at the long table, turning your life upside down.
Four months into the campaign against the First Order resulting in little to no sleep for the group of budding freedom fighters had done a number on everybody, including you. The only thing pushing you to keep going was the fact that enlistment numbers were rising.
However, the past week had presented you with different motivation.
Poe Dameron was a pilot and a damn good one at that. Fresh and confident from Yavin 4 with flight training from the moment he could walk, he was certainly quite the catch for the growing flight crew on the base.
Quite the catch, you thought to yourself as he stared you down throughout your presentation as if he was hanging on your every word. Tongue darting out over his lips, which he proceeded to bite in thought.
He hadn’t said one word to you, none of the recruits really ever did during onboarding sessions, and you were already hooked. Sure, you had everything you needed to know about him at your finger tips. But you wanted to know him. What did his voice sound like when he was talking about things other than aerial tricks and taking out First Order troops? Was he scared? What kept him up until all hours of the night?
Eight days of catching his eye at least once each time you entered into the mess hall. Brushing past him in the hallways as he chattered along happily with two of the older pilots that you had enlisted with. Skimming over reports in strategy meetings with your superior officers that held his name and information on his progress in training.
But not a single second to introduce yourself as more than just an upstart lieutenant there to lecture him on the importance of making sure his uniform was kept in impeccable condition and reading briefs twice over before setting out on a mission. And try as you might to get over the little fantasy you had built in your head of bumping into him in the halls and falling in love with him the moment your eyes locked because this was war and these things don’t happen outside of fairytales and more recruits would come and there would be other Poe Damerons, you couldn’t.
So here you are, eight days later with your legs tucked beneath you as you spent your day off on one of the grassy hills that covered the entrance to one of the hangers on the base. The sun warmed your face as you sat quietly sketching whatever caught your eye- X-Wings practicing different formations in the sky above, astromech droids rushing around the tarmac, trees in the distance.
“Must be nice to get your head out of the strategy room for once, huh?” A voice called from above you after you had become completely engrossed in sketching out the horizon line.
Your notebook slammed shut as you turned immediately, catching a blurred glimpse of two figures standing on the top of the hill covering the hanger. “You’re not supposed to be up there, cadet.” You called up, catching a glimpse of the uniform of one of the new recruits. The person standing with them was one of the mechanics you knew very well.
“I know.” The voice called again as its owner started to make their way down the side of the hill rather than following the mechanic down the hidden hatch that led into the hanger. “We were repairing one of the antennas for data reception up there- heard the view was stunning, asked around to see if any of the mechanics needed a hand getting their tools up.”
Your eyes widened as the unruly mop of curls finally came into focus- Poe Dameron was soon standing above you, watching you curiously as you scrambled to stand up. “What’re you up to?”
“It’s none of your concern.” You said as you brushed grass off of your pants. Being presented with the opportunity to finally introduce yourself informally did you no favors- you were tongue tied and immediately retreated into what was familiar and safe, speaking to him as his superior officer.
Poe took you in, hands on his hips as he chose his next words carefully. “I’d call you Lieutenant when I apologize for disturbing you, but I don’t see a uniform or anything denoting your rank for that matter.”
Your mouth opened to protest, then clamped it shut immediately. You stared him down, searching for anything to say at all in the silence that ensued.
“You never told us your first name.” He continued, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I’ve been trying to figure it out for the past eight days.”
“You’ve been counting, cadet?” You raised an eyebrow, heart racing as your posture relaxed a little bit. Your hands found their way into your pockets as well, desperately trying to hide the shock and excitement coursing through your veins at the fact that he had been counting the days since your first encounter as well and the fact that he wanted to know your name.
He rolled his eyes, nodding a bit. “Yeah. I have.” He chuckled, his gaze intense as he paused for a moment. “You don’t have to call me that- it’s just Poe.”
You studied him for a moment, drinking in his features for what felt like the first time. His eyes were light and full of spunk, matching the tone of his voice and the way he carried himself. He was handsome and he absolutely knew it, but it didn’t put you off. There wasn’t an ounce of arrogance radiating from his body- if anything, he seemed humble. Sincere. “Why’s that?” You finally asked, tilting your head ever so slightly.
He chuckled quietly, his nose scrunching up in a way that made your heart work just a little harder against your chest. “I heard you were from Yavin, too, one of my buddies told me. I wanted to put a name to the face that people are whispering about back home. You know- they say ‘did you hear about the girl from the outskirts of the Lost City of the Jedi? Defied her mother’s wishes, stopped training to be a pilot in the New Republic’s army, ran away’. They don’t ever say your name- they either don’t know it or don’t want to tip off any First Order bugs.”
“What do you mean?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest. “People are talking?”
He nodded slowly, hesitating for a moment before placing a hand on your shoulder. “You’re kind of a big deal.” He said softly. “Resistance sympathizers are still under ground for… Obvious reasons. But when I did catch news of anything having to do with this cause, this mysterious girl from an abandoned village on Yavin always came up. How inspiring it is that she up and left, despite what her family wanted. Gave up everything, no questions asked.” He paused for a moment at your blank expression. “It has to be you, right? Who else could it be?”
Your chest swelled with the pride that you had consistently pushed down for your entire life, especially since joining the cause. It was bigger than you or any one individual’s actions and you typically scoffed at any type of praise that wasn’t for the group as a whole. However, coming from the man in front of you? That was something you could listen to for hours on end.
“You have no way of knowing that was me.” You finally said, swallowing the feeling bubbling up in your chest. “A lot of people from Yavin are starting to join up, for all you know your daring freedom fighting crush could be long gone. And I highly doubt you didn’t ask for my name before you enlisted if you hadn’t overheard it at least once. People aren’t that cautious in protecting the precious possessions of others, especially a name. Not when it comes to gossip, that is.”
“Well even if you aren’t her,” He started, eyes soft as he hesitated for a moment, then reached his hand forward to touch your arm, “I still want your name. Want to know you even just a little bit.”
His touch was feather light, but it didn’t stop your breath from shaking as you exhaled, catching his eyes once more. “Why don’t you find me at dinner tonight, cadet, and we’ll discuss it more.” You finally whispered, doing everything in your power to keep your knees from buckling.
He nodded with a wry smile, backing up. “I’ll see you later then, Lieutenant.” He said, looking a little victorious as he trudged back up the hill.
You bit your lip, nerves holding on tight before you stood on your toes slightly, calling out to him. “Hey, Poe?”
His head snapped back as he paused in his tracks, not turning to face you completely. “Yeah, Lieutenant?”
With a sharp exhale, your face fell into a smirk. “Her name is Y/N, and she’s a strategist living on D’Qar.” You called as you stepped forward a few feet. “She debriefs all new recruits, has her eyes on being a General some day, and is a hell of a pilot when Leia Organa lets her out of the war room for a breather.”
Poe’s face softened as a smile broke over his face. He gave you a simple nod- a token of gratitude for your divulging of that information. “I’ll see you in the mess hall tonight, Y/N.”
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valkyriewarriors · 5 years
bludgers (hp au)
Her hands tangled in his wavy brown locks she knew it drove him crazy. In a swift move, he hitched her legs around his waist and pushed her against the wall. Nesta gasped as his tongue ran down the side of her neck. She can almost feel his smirk as she squirmed in his arms. Her fingers yanked his head back and to his delighted surprise, she reached the hem of his jersey. He helped throw his jersey off, it being discarded somewhere in the dark closet.  Nesta’s hands ran over the planes of his stomach and over his chest, a gesture that made him groan into the side of her neck. When she ground her hips into his he slammed her against the wall again, sliding his hands up her shirt towards the hem of her lacy bra. 
“Yes, he should be in here somewhere.” Devlon’s rough voice boomed just outside the changing rooms. “The biggest match of the season and we can’t find him anywhere... unbelievable.” Devlon continued to grumble.
Nesta froze and Cassian threw on a flash of panic before gently setting her down. He put a finger to his lips and signaled to stay behind him. Nesta almost tripped on a set of broomsticks but was careful to not make a noise. Cassian whispered gently in her ear “I’ll be back,” and left her alone in the dark equipment closet. She was so embarrassed and thought about how this was karma for snogging the captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team in a shabby closet.  
“Cassian my boy! This here is Rita Skeeter, coming to write about the Slytherin-Gryffindor match today and of course our star player.” Nesta crinkled her nose at the fake tone Devlon was using and could only imagine Cassian feeling the same way.
“Oh so this is Cassian! Gryffindor’s top and most handsome player might I add,” How old was this woman? Nesta thought.
“You should definitely add that,” Cassian remarked proudly, much to Nesta’s disgust.
“A star player indeed! A rising captain leading Gryffindor currently in a  9-0 season, with you catching every single match’s Golden Snitch.”  
“I mean my teammates really help clean the field for me, our defense-”
“And you have such a tragic history, is the trial and death of your mother your motivation?”‌  There was silence and Nesta could feel her stomach turn, her head spinning almost in rage. How dare she-
“As you know I was taken in by a wonderful family and they have shown me what it feels to belong. And that’s how I lead my team– showing them that each one of them is needed out in the field to win.”  Cassian said in a lower but stern voice.
“Of course always so humble. Another question is there someone special-”
“I think I’m done here.”‌ Cassian said which was followed by another awkward silence.
Devlon cleared his throat, “Yes the boy is very stressed, should I introduce you to the goalkeeper? She’s very..” His voice disappeared as he left the changing room.
Nesta heard light footsteps before the door to the equipment closet opened. “How much of that did you hear?”‌ Cassian asked her sheepishly.
“All of it.” She tried to avoid his eyes by straightening out her uniform.
“Sorry you had to hear all of that.”‌
She shook her head as she stepped out of the closet, “Rita is always out of line, her column is full of hearsay.”
“Even the part of me being handsome?” He led her through the back of the changing rooms, a route she knew too well.
Nesta finally looked at him, his face turned to throw a smirk back at her. “Especially that part.”‌  Her lips twitched slightly as he scoffed.
When they reached the outskirts of the castle Cassian turned towards her, “Will I see you tonight at the after-party?” His voice was quiet. Nesta had a feeling he imagined he was walking on thin ice. She swallowed as she took in the look of hope on his face, something she never wanted to crush.
When she took too long to answer he sighed. “Look, Nesta… I just don’t think I can do this sneaking around with you anymore if I’m going to get hurt in the end.”  
“Why would you get hurt?”
He scoffed, “You tell me why Nesta.”‌
She tried to avoid his eyes again but he gently took her chin to face her. His forehead laid gently on top of hers, their noses touching. He was so close, she could feel his warmth despite the daunting cold. “What have we been doing these past two years, Nesta?”
She bit her lip, a gesture he followed with his eyes. “I just can’t. It’s my last year I have to focus on my-”
Nesta swallowed again, “What we had was just…. just fun.”
He stepped back and let the cold engulf her once again. “Just fun?” He asked incredulously.
The winter’s wind blew sharply around Nesta. “Today will be the last.”‌ She whispered. But still couldn’t look at him. She tried her best to look cool and collected. She didn't want to show him there was twisting in her gut. Nesta knew he could see right through it. She didn’t want to know if he felt the same way. So she promptly walked away, leaving him alone in the cold.
“God, I hate quidditch matches.” Emerie muttered beside her. Nesta was the only one to hear and couldn’t agree with her more. Being the Slytherin prefect, she had favorable seating for all their matches. But she didn’t want to see Cassian not just yet.
“Then why bother coming? You don’t have to.” Nesta retorted, eyeing the Slytherin players as they entered the pitch. Everyone in their section cheered proudly.
“Yes, but I would be so lonely in the dorms by myself and I don’t want to miss the after party and snog some players.”‌ Emerie winked at Nesta. She figured she’d tell her about Cassian later when they aren’t surrounded by the whole House of Slytherin.
A string of boos resonated as the Gryffindor team flew into the pitch. Nesta immediately spotted Cassian. He was always in the middle of their formation as they circled the pitch with hair unruly in the wind. And he spotted her too, from afar it wouldn’t look like much, but she could feel his hazel eyes bore into hers.  
The match started aggressively as always. However, Slytherin and Gryffindor were the two most prideful teams of Hogwarts and their rivalry charged the atmosphere. Gryffindor lost one of their chasers as they were knocked off their broom and then Slytherin lost a chaser due to a foul in the pitch. 40 minutes in, Gryffindor and Slytherin were tied.
But all the while, Nesta kept her eyes on Cassian zooming through the pitch, an inch behind that golden blur. She never liked to watch him play, although she agreed he was a graceful flier, there was a special element of danger with seekers. The Golden Snitch tended to take the most dangerous paths through the opposing team’s defense. She’d have to watch Cassian dodge countless bludgers and chasers in heart-stopping flight paths.
“Slytherin has scored! Eris Vanserra plowed right through Gryffindor’s defenses and sent a scorching bludger through the goal post!” The announcer boomed through the pitch. An eruption of cheers followed as Slytherin took the lead, Nesta was obligated to clap but her attention was nowhere near Slytherin’s defense.
Cassian was gone, the snitch must’ve taken him to high altitudes. The clouds blocked her view and she could only imagine what was happening up there. Suddenly she saw the golden snitch appear again, diving straight down. Shortly behind it came Cassian.
“Gryffindor’s seeker is attempting a spiral dive to intercept the snitch!” The announcer proclaimed as everyone’s attention shifted onto Cassian.  He was nose diving in a spiral fashion to accelerate his speed. Nesta’s heart was pounding, a million scenarios running through her head. It was hard to see what occurred at the ground level. But before Cassian could nosedive into the ground he pulled himself sharply up. He had the snitch in hand.
“Cassian has done it again! The snitch has been caught! Gryffindor wins!”‌ The pitch was silent as Cassian grinned triumphantly towards the  Gryffindor’s cheering sections. Nesta hated how happy he was and how contagious his smile is. But then she saw a grey blur coming towards him, it was a bludger.
“Cassian!”‌ she screamed out. Cassian confused for second looked towards her, but it was that split second that the bludger collided into him. He was thrown off his broom, sent spiraling towards the ground.
His broom came sweeping in right before he crashed into the ground, but he still slammed in the snow-covered field. Medics and teammates rushed towards him and off to the infirmary. He was knocked unconscious from the fall.
Nesta rushed back to her room before any Slytherins could corner her and question her actions. She began to pace her room, wondering if she should go to the infirmary and visit him. There would be no doubt all his teammates would be there. Then she thought about the last conversation they had, she told him they were nothing, he was just fun. But she was lying and he knew it, but he’s unconscious now and it’s all her fault.
A knock came to the door before Emerie appeared, “What was that Nesta?” she exasperated. “One minute you’re yelling out the Gryffindor’s captain’s name and then the next you’re gone.”‌
“It’s nothing,”‌ Nesta said trying to keep her voice steady.
“Nothing?‌ Nesta, I know you’ve been pacing this room. So tell me what is going on.”  
Sighing, Nesta gave up because she knew Emerie would not give up until she got it out of her.
“You’ve been snogging Gryffindor’s Captain?!”‌ Emerie’s eyes widened and she looked bewildered. “Ms.Slytherin Prefect?”‌
“I ended it this morning.” Nesta said in a harsh tone, trying to signal to Emerie to keep her voice down.
Emerie snorted, “No, you ended it with his face shoved in the snow.”‌  when she saw Nesta’s face twist she raised her eyebrows. “Do you really have feelings for him?”‌
Nesta didn’t answer, which was an answer to Emerie.
“Then what the fuck are you doing here?‌ Go see the golden boy at the infirmary.”
When she reached the infirmary she could hear voices engulfed in a conversation. She recognized her sister’s voice.
“Nesta wouldn’t do that. She’s above hexing.” Feyre said in a stern voice. A sense of warmth flooded her as she listened to her sister take her side.
“Why was she screaming out his name?‌” She recognized the voice as her sister’s boyfriend, Rhysand.
“To warn me,” Cassian’s voice was weak. He must’ve wakened not long ago.
“Why would she warn you?‌ Nesta doesn’t care about games. She’s always reading books during matches.”‌ Cassian said nothing to answer the question. Rhysand only sighed.
As she entered the infirmary her steps echoed through the room. His whole team and some other Gryffindors were there. They all immediately turned to her. She hated feeling small, especially in a room full of people who thought the illest of her.
Nesta straightened her back and walked right towards Rhysand, whose eyebrows rose as she stared directly at him. “You really think I would hex someone? Over a tiny quidditch match?”‌
Rhysand shifted his eyes away from hers and sighed, “No, I’m sorry Nesta… I’m just angry this happened.”‌
“Nesta.”‌ The room fell silent as Cassian spoke her name. Nesta looked at him lying on an infirmary cot, his left arm wrapped in a bandage. “You came,” His face had scratches all over but it didn’t stop his wide beamed smile.
The others moved away from Cassian as she sat beside his cot. She took some chocolate out of her pocket. “Take it, I know it’s your favorite.”‌  His smile faltered a little as he took it and bit into it, groaning at the creamy texture. “Thank you, Nesta.”‌
“I’m so confused about what’s happening right now,”‌ whispered Rhysand, even though Nesta could clearly hear him.
“Who cares, let’s give them some space,”‌ Feyre whispered back and the rest soon walked out of the infirmary.
“The party was canceled,” Cassian said smugly. “Guess you couldn’t be my date after all.”‌
Nesta shrugged, “I like this party better.”‌  She gestured for him to scoot over. Awkwardly he made some room for her on the cot allowing her to scoot close to him, careful not to touch his healing arm.
“I’m sorry I screamed out your name… I freaked out.” She whispered into his chest.
“You were warning me Nesta, I should be the one looking out for flying bludgers anyways.”‌ He squeezed her small figure. She brought her hand up to his face. A few bruises here and there but he was still a devastatingly handsome brute.
“And I’m sorry for lying to you.”‌  Her thumb swiped across his cheekbone, skimming a tiny cut there.
“I knew you were lying.”  He whispered back smirking at her dismay.
“And I hate that I hurt you, and it took this,” she gestured to his bandaged arm, “to make me realize I shouldn’t let you go easily.”  
“Honestly Nesta, I’d take a thousand more bludgers for you to realize that.”‌ He groaned a bit as she hit him in the chest.
“Shut up and kiss me golden boy.”
He raised his eyebrows, “golden boy?”
But Nesta didn't answer him and rose to bring her lips to his. Quickly his tongue swiped over her bottom lip and she tasted herbal medicine and chocolate. She laughed slightly as they pulled away, and Cassian stared at her in awe because her smile was his favorite, something he always cherished.  He connected his forehead to hers once again, their eyes locked onto each other.
“I take it I can take you to Hogsmeade this weekend?” His eyes sparkled with that same glimpse of hope she saw earlier today.
She bit the inside of cheek in fake pension over the question before she laughed, “Yes, of course.”‌  Cassian beamed at her answer and gave her another kiss.
“Good because there’s this fantastic meat pie they do over at The Three Broomsticks and…”‌ Nesta only continued to stare at him as he went on and smiled at how excited he was to take her out. The hope in his eyes now turned to excitement at the endless possibilities for them, and Nesta felt the same way.  
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Health and Sports Team Building- Prologue
Here it is, the fruits of my labor and my passion project I hinted at in my update post the other day. I’ve been always meaning to write an event around my Housamo OCs (btw I have fan OCs for this game) and after some planning and delving more into how they’d fit into the world that is Housamo I decided to write this kind of event. Yoyogi has my favorite cast of characters as you may know, and I feel they’re the perfect cast for events like this since they tend to shine well when it comes to friendship and such. I hope you guys will bear with me and this project of mine for about 5 parts or so.
“Have you peeked through a window before? It could be for any number of reasons- because something caught your eye, maybe you were looking for something specific or maybe just on a whim. What did you feel? … I see. While it depends on what you look at, I often find myself curious. I can’t really say I know why. But I just want to see what’s going on… what it’s like on that side of the window. Maybe I’m just nosy. Or maybe… uh, it’s nothing…”
It was quite the busy week at Yoyogi Academy now with summer closing it’s doors and autumn in full swing. Plenty of the student and faculty were quite excited for a certain day that was coming up and quite a longstanding tradition at the school. This day was really one of the handful of days Yoyogi students excelled at- the national Health and Sports day, so naturally the school was alight with excitement and everyone buzzing around to get their preparations in order. There was one student in particular who had been eagerly awaiting for a chance like this…
He had finished packing all his repaired work orders into his ever reliable duffel bag and put away all his supplies back into their proper closets and shelves. It was definitely a hefty workload to manage as of late, but somehow Tatsuya managed to clear it all before club practice ended for the day. You see, Tatsuya is a member of the Yoyogi Kendo Club. However it’s a club consisting of only two people, one of whom already had arrangements with Tennis club, so as of late he found little reason to attend practice. Even less with the fact they don’t attend competitions as nearly as often as they should given their low head count. His peers live and breathe off these competitive natures which he understood and totally supported, but he didn’t have that edge with Kendo. He had begun to question why he didn’t have any attachment to the sport recently which led him to smaller revelations…
As he was locking up the room a familiar voice called for him. “Tatsuya!” He turned to find Yui, his club mate, peer, and close friend, coming to him from down the hall rather excitedly. “Oh, you’re all done for the day?” Tatsuya nodded in response. “Perfect~. That means you can come out with us. Since we finished practice early, the seniors and a few of our classmates invited me out for some food, wanna tag along? You can be my plus one~.” She made sure to add extra emphasis on that last bit as though it was supposed to be incredibly enticing.
“I’ve got these orders to deliver.” Tatsuya answered with his usual calm manner.
“Well, duh. We’d go after you’d do all of that. We could even lend you a hand. If not, then I don’t think they’d mind the wait.”
“Nah, it’s alright. I wouldn’t wanna make them wait on me. You enjoy yourself though.”
“Oh…” Yui was disappointed in his response, but she did her best to not let it show beyond her initial reaction. “A-Alright then. Just um… text me when you’re done. I’ll bring you something on the way back, yeah?” Tatsuya gave her another nod and watched her off. There wasn’t any super serious reason or thought process why he turned her down. As of late they hadn’t been hanging out as frequently, in no small part to Tatsuya’s workload ever since classes started back up. Not only that, their peers have really started taking a liking to Yui and he wouldn’t want to drag her down or embarrass her. After all, he was the dorky kid brother in her eyes.
Tatsuya went about his deliveries practically routine at this point. Often giving the uniforms to the team captains or instructors around campus, and delivering individual orders personally. While his work couldn’t hope to compare to Ms. Arachne’s, he still helped students maintain their clothes for as long as possible. While he rather enjoyed spending hours working on these sort of things, the one part Tatsuya absolutely dreaded was the delivery part of the day. Not necessarily because he had to run around campus and praying his clientele hadn’t run off for the day, though still being a minor annoyance, he more dreaded what would happen if he did find them.
Wow, thanks! Another great job done by the Den mother!
You really are like a Den mother you know? It suits you!
I can see why the upperclassmen call you Den mother, thanks!
“Den Mother…” Tatsuya found himself murmuring it with a displeased tone. It seemed that stigma was starting to bleed into the underclassmen as well. He didn’t mind helping his peers or the heavy workload, but did they really have to call him that? What a frail title that was. How gentle and unintimidating that name was. He could’ve had a cool nickname like a superhero or something more run of the mill for his talents. But no, his peers had to start calling him Den Mother…
On his way around campus he noticed one of the underclassmen coming back onto campus seemingly out of breath. He recognized them as Kyuma Nakatsugi, a baseball player from the first year class. Out of concern Tatsuya rushed over to the first year rather quickly. “Ah, Noboru! D-Don’t scare me like that!”
“What are you doing, Nakatsugi? I thought baseball practice wasn’t on today.” Tatsuya asked, still keeping his usual demeanor.
“W-Well, I...” Kyuma struggled with coming up with an answer for his upperclassmen. In part due to how tired he was and not being the best liar when on the spot.
Tatsuya noticed him struggling and decided to cut to the point. “Never mind all that, you’re exhausted. Here, let me help you to the infirmary.”
“N-No, it’s fine really.” Kyuma panted out. “I just forgot my water and… didn’t realize the jog without it would be this intense.” Typical attitude of a first year. Totally ignoring the necessities when starting out new regiments. Taking pity on the first year, Tatsuya reached for his own water bottle and silently handed it to him. Kyuma’s eyes lit right up. “Oh wow, thanks!” He said before gulping it desperately. When Kyuma had sufficiently quenched his thirst he let out a big sigh and panted one final time. “Thank you, Noboru! You’re really kind. I’m starting to get why Gunzo refers to you as Den Mother.” There it was.
“No need to thank me. Just don’t forget your essentials when you go to train or whatever.” Tatsuya sighed. “You can keep the water bottle, I have a spare.” With that Tatsuya went on his way briskly. While it was subtle, Kyuma couldn’t help but notice a twinge of something in Tatsuya’s expression. Maybe it was because Tatsuya forced out a smile… Anyways, now that he had water, he didn’t want to keep David waiting…!
Tatsuya was able to shake off most of the frustration from the day. He had to stop by the infirmary today anyway, not because of a delivery, but a… requirement of sorts for the upcoming Health and Sports day. He entered the Nurse’s Office making sure no one really saw him enter on his lonesome. The school’s medical doctor, Mineaki Arima. He was rather busy as his desk with numerous papers flitted about. “Instructor Arima?” Tatsuya said as he wandered inside.
“Ah, Noboru. All done for the day I’m assuming?” Tatsuya nodded. “Good, good. Please have a seat.” Mineaki gestured to the chair right in front of his desk. As Tatsuya did so, Mineaki fished out for a particular file he had kept away in his desk. “This is the list of all your approved activities…” Judging by Mineaki’s tone it wasn’t something to be happy about.
Sure enough, the list was a lot smaller than what he was anticipating. “Seriously…? Only that much?” His heart sank at the list. Just a mere handful of activities.
“I’m sorry, but those are all the activities I was able to approve you for. Your health comes first, after all.” Mineaki explained. “Even then, I wouldn’t recommend you partake in all of them just because I’m worried about the strain you might put yourself under.” As he tried to soften the blow with concern, Tatsuya had fallen silent, eyes unable to tear away from the list. “Are you alright?”
“…Thank you for getting me this much.” Tatsuya said rather softly.
Mineaki took a moment to think before he spoke again. “To drop formalities for a second Tatsuya, I do understand where you’re coming from, but as your doctor I can’t put a risk to your health. Please just try to enjoy yourself during the day.”
Tatsuya paused for a moment trying to process what was being said. “I guess you’ve got a point. I’ll do my best.” While it may not have been the best chance in the world, it was still a chance.
“Have we… met before?”
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keeroo92 · 5 years
Be My Nightmare Ch7
And Effect
Warnings for gore and emergency situations.
Word count - 2,463
~~~~Previous Chapter~~~~
By the end of the hour-long group session, Kelly managed to make a clumsy outline of an airliner. A small victory, considering the fuss she made.
Who doesn’t like birds? Honestly…
But it wasn’t your place to judge, only to treat. The biases and preconceptions you carried could never be allowed to influence your work, not if you were going to be an effective behavioral psychologist. That was the plan. As long as you didn’t fuck everything up, it might still work out.
You smiled at Kevin as he led V away, the last patient to depart. His canvas featured a gravity-defying youth, panic-stricken and frantic as feathers drifted away from his disintegrating wings. A shadowy figure floated nearby, but the artist didn’t have enough time to add much detail to poor Daedalus. Probably for the best.
A sharp trill pulsed from your pocket. You fished out your cell and glared at the screen; only one person ever called this early.
“Hi, dad.”
Tinny rock music played in the background, laughter and conversation a clear indicator of where he was. Of course.
Here we go again.
“Hi, sweetie! It’s been a long time, how are you?”
Despite the fact no one remained to overhear, you still tensed and scanned the room. “Uh, I’m okay. At work.”
A raucous roar of delight; it must be trivia night. He never missed it. “Can’t you spare a few minutes for your old man?”
You pursed your lips and tilted your head, taking a seat as you surrendered. Once he got a few drinks in, there wasn’t much point saying no. He’d just call back until you answered.
“I guess. I don’t have long, though.”
“You still at the nuthou- oh! Silence of the Lambs!”
Another cheer. He must be doing well today. Where the hell was Peter? “You really shouldn’t call it that. It’s a psychiatric hospital.”
“Right, right, sorry. Any interesting kooks lately?”
You rolled your eyes. No matter how many times he asked, the answer never changed. Not that he’d remember it tomorrow, but it was the principle of the thing! “You know I can’t tell you. It’s illegal.”
The timbre of the music shifted, a new song blaring through the ancient speakers of his favorite haunt. You closed your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose. Not much longer, he always got distracted after a few minutes. All you needed to do was stay calm and not react when he inevitably said something rude or just plain stupid.
“Awww, you’re no fun! Can’t you find a loophole? You were always so good at that.”
There it is. I can always count on you, dad…
“There’s not really anything to tell, anyway. Even if I could talk about it, it’s pretty boring.”
Deflect, deflect, deflect. Wait him out and let him guide the conversation without letting him steamroll you. Never instigate or react emotionally, that only made him do the same. You could deal with your own feelings later, for now you needed to keep them hidden.
“C’mon, you work with crazy people! How boring can it be?”
You forced a dry chuckle from your throat. “You’d be surpri-“
A harsh chime screamed its fury before you finished speaking. You winced and almost dropped the phone; did you forget about a drill or something?
“Dad, I gotta go! Something’s up!”
You didn’t even try to hear his response. Emergency protocols already flooded your mind, the klaxon instantly sending you into crisis mode. There was no time to lose.
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
The sleeves of your lab coat snapped through the air as you snatched the checklist and jogged to the door. Whatever was happening, the first step was always the same; taking a headcount.
The security gate stood ajar, unmanned as all personnel had far more important tasks than to push a button. Stepping through without so much as a pause threw the situation into sharp focus; this was no drill.
This is really happening.
Beads of adrenaline-fueled sweat broke across your forehead, eyes dilated and darting. The soles of your shoes slapped against the floor, faster and faster with every heartbeat. You took the stairs three at a time yet still it felt too slow. Never had the third floor seemed farther away.
Calm down, Y/N! You can’t afford to let panic control you right now!
By the time you reached the high secure wing, Aaron had most of the orderlies racing into position. Several patients already wore cuffs, obediently staying in a staff member’s line of sight. There was Jacob, under Rob’s watchful eye. Over there, Veronica and a pair of men in staff uniforms stared wide-eyed at the growing crowd. Someone was screaming, almost as loud as the alarm.
It was ordered chaos.
Where’s V?
The artist was nowhere to be seen. Kevin was conspicuously absent as well, maybe he was having trouble wrangling the sly bastard? What if the chaos triggered another episode? How would you get him out?
“Dr. Waras! What the hell happened?”
Kotomi. At least she was where she was supposed to be. Her dark eyes flew from one patient to the next, every limb frozen in sheer terror. At the alarm or the patients, you weren’t sure. Probably both.
“I don’t know yet! Is anyone missing?”
“I- I don’t know! I just got here!” she cried. Useless.
She squeaked as Oliver dashed past her, Ben barely a step behind. All around you, staff danced into position as if performing an intricate ballet. While fear featured heavily among the familiar faces, none but your best friend stood paralyzed by it.
God damnit, Kotomi!
“Get a hold of yourself, Dr. Ishida!” you snapped, glaring at her even as you marked off names on your list. “This isn’t the time to fall apart!”
She was shaking like a leaf, fluid gathering in her eyes at your harsh words. The blaring alarm drowned out the sound of her choked breathing, but the jolting motion of her chest laid it out for all to see. Another figure shoved their way by her and she flinched.
Fucking useless. I’m going to have to do her job, too.
“Fine, just stay out of the way!”
If she responded, you didn’t hear it as you left her behind. You had a job- no, two jobs to do. You didn’t have time to babysit her, she’d have to get through it by herself.
“Aaron! Talk to me!”
The hulking man gave one last command to whomever he was talking to and joined you. Not a hint of fear marked his face and you thanked your lucky stars Malphas had the foresight to hire a veteran for the position. He’d probably seen far worse than this, more than once.
“Right, we’ve got three missing! Kevin, Ken Sinclair and V, Mark and his team are on it! Everyone else accounted for and ready for evac!”
Shit, Ken too? No doubt he’s going to fight tooth and nail, probably thinks the cat made its move.
A full minute, already wasted. Not fast enough. “Keep me posted, I-“
The atrocious screech of the alarm vanished as red emergency lights flicked on. Your heart sank even as your ears rang. Red meant fire.
Where the fuck is V?!
Aaron’s intense grey gaze locked with yours, haunted with the knowledge of what might go wrong in the next few minutes. “We gotta go, now!”
“Right, start evacuating. I’ll try and reach the others.”
He nodded and started barking orders, waving his hands until the horde obeyed his commands. With each face that walked past, another check marked their names on your list. Only two patients remained blank.
Not good.
Malphas was going to eviscerate you.
He nearly laughed when the insistent wail began. That was faster than he’d imagined, how perfect.
“Shit, we gotta move!” Kevin said.
V rolled his eyes and kept pissing. Nature waited for no man. Besides, how much danger could he possibly be in? Ken couldn’t have done that much damage…
Remember, no detail is insignificant.
“Indeed,” the artist replied, answering both Kevin and Vergil as one.
With a final shake, he finished up just as Kevin’s thick hands gripped his biceps. The artist smirked but allowed the blundering fool to guide him from the bathroom, headed to the stairs and likely back to his quarters. Truly, Ken must’ve barely managed to trigger the alarm.
From the corner of his eye, he spotted motion. He turned to face it and took note; all the security gates stood open. Perhaps this was his chance? He could easily overpower Kevin and run, who knew if he’d get a better chance?
No, better to wait. I cannot afford to fail and I lack the knowledge to ensure success.
Kevin waved him through first, his watery eyes wide and watchful. No, he needed more information before making his move. For now, he’d cooperate and observe. As Vergil said, no detail he saw today was insignificant.
“Go down, we’re evacuating,” Kevin said.
A promising start. Where would they evacuate to, though? The courtyard? The parking lot?
The wail of the siren cut out and the fluorescent lights shifted, crimson security bulbs coming to life every few feet. He smirked; his favorite color.
Well, close enough.
“Shit,” Kevin muttered.
“What? What’s happening?” V asked. Any information the buffoon shared could only serve to aid his future plots.
“I don’t know, but those lights only turn on if there’s actually a fire.”
Oh, well done, Ken! I underestimated you!
He hummed and waited at the door to the first floor. A series of short clicks broke out from a speaker overhead and Kevin frowned. The artist raised an eyebrow and stared at him, a silent question locked in his gaze.
“That means the high secure patients are about to enter the stairwell.”
“And what of the other patients?”
Thick shoulders heaved in a mystified shrug. Unfortunate, it may have been fruitful to meet more of the potential tools…
The security door leading to the intake area stood open, not a soul to be seen as the two men progressed to the front door. It surprised V; where was everyone?
He found his answer mere seconds later as he felt sunlight touch his skin for the first time in weeks. A churning mass of people stood in groups amongst the trees, all color of scrubs mixed together as patients and staff found their proper spots. Voices called out names and he heard sobbing, a few peals of inappropriate laughter mixed in.
“Right, come on,” Kevin ordered, gesturing to the side.
They kept to the edges of the horde, never more than an arm’s length from the bland building. V noted that the first floor windows lacked bars, a weakness he may yet be able to exploit. Already, Ken’s gift bore fruit.
Kevin led him to the barren east parking lot and paused. “This is it.”
The artist hummed and panned his gaze. He hadn’t seen much on his way in, not from the back of the prison transport. Time to gather information. When he ultimately made his escape, he’d need a solid plan to leave the premises.
This had to be the guest parking lot; most of the spaces remained vacant. Towering oaks and firs stood watch on the fringes, a gravel path meandering through their ancient trunks. Through the heavy foliage he caught glimpses of stonework; a wall must wrap around the facility. Somewhere in the distance, the familiar whoosh of a busy roadway announced its presence.
“Here they come,” Kevin commented.
Indeed, a troupe of somewhat recognizable faces approached from the great crowd. There was Kelly, morose as ever. He didn’t see Ken or you, but there was that horrible woman he’d seen you leave with. What a treat it would be to peel her face from her skull and show it to her.
Soon enough.
Yet one face was achingly absent – where were you?
“Ken! Ken, where are you?”
You were running out of time. Unless you were willing to break protocol, you needed to evacuate in the next three minutes and join the others.
Yet you still couldn’t find Ken. Or Kevin.
Or V…
You pursed your lips and shoved the next door open, the last of the mid secure quarters. Nothing.
Panic tugged at your mind as you turned toward the next door. It didn’t make any sense, none of them had any reason to be in the mid secure gymnasium, but you still needed to check. You were responsible for the entire third floor, every room needed to be cleared before you left.
I wouldn’t have to do this crap if they’d all been where they were supposed to be!
And damn Kotomi, she should’ve taken half the floor herself. Over thirty rooms, and you had a total of eight minutes to check them all. Absurd.
You froze as the gymnasium door creaked open under your palm.
“Ken… what did you do?”
His crumpled form lied on the stretching mats, facing the far wall. A metal bin beside him crackled, flames reaching over the lip. Another body lied near the weight benches, a barbell drenched in blood and brain matter beside it. The head was so crushed you didn’t know who it was, but the blue scrubs gave him away as an orderly. You sagged in relief, even though you still had no idea where V was.
Bile flooded your mouth as you forced yourself closer, avoiding the spattered gristle to take the fire extinguisher. The stench of death hung heavy in the air, feces and urine and that special scent only found in cadavers. You hadn’t smelled it in years, but it was impossible to forget. It was even worse than you remembered when mixed with burning flesh and smoke.
You didn’t spare a glance at Ken as you readied the nozzle and sprayed, white foam shooting out to stifle the fire. An acrid chemical tang tickled your irritated nostrils but you ignored it, keeping your focus where it mattered.
The moment the flames went out, you went to Ken. The orderly was obviously beyond help, but you tried not to think about that. One life might still hang in the balance.
Burns were far from your specialty, but even a child would know his arms were in bad shape. Black and red patches dappled his flesh, bubbles of pus and ichor already forming. Several fingers looked beyond repair, nails melted away and white bone glistening in what remained.
“Oh, no…”
You reached down and searched for a pulse, only daring to breathe once you found the rapid rhythm. He was alive.
For now… but where the hell is V?
~~~~Next Chapter~~~~
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mirkwoodshewolf · 6 years
The start of an apprenticeship; Newt Scamander x teen reader
While I was posting up my Supernatural fics I thought why not give u guys more Newt. Now this was one of my recent and first Newt Scamander requests I got recently on Wattpad. And let me just say I had a FREAKIN blast with this story :) So I hope all of you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I was sooo happy that someone asked for a Newt request and I delivered if I do say so myself :)
Warnings: Nifflers, Demiguises, Newt Scamander fluff, Goldstein sister fluff, but real warning here, TORTURE (using one of the unforgivable curses), other than that just fluff and nifflers.
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It first started off with a simple Thanksgiving vacation from Ilvermory. I had gone to visit my older sisters Tina and Queenie to surprise them but when I got there, it turns out I was on the receiving end of a surprise, when my eldest sister Tina had brought in men into our apartment when the landlady strictly forbids men from entering the premises.
“(Y/n) what a surprise” my big sis Queenie stated happily as she came up and hugged me tightly.
“Hey Queenie, mind telling me why there are men in our apartment?” I asked nervously.
“I think you should talk to Teenie” I turned towards my eldest sister and she explained that Mr. Scamander the wizard wearing the blue trench coat had committed a crime against the secrecy of Wizard kind, and the other man Jacob Kowalski was a no-maj that is sick because of Mr. Scamander.
I took a good look at both men and saw that Mr. Scamander had shaggy brownish hair, freckles danced across his face but he held a warm presence. Even though he was tall, he wasn’t intimidating. I took notice that he held onto a suitcase very tightly and kept looking around the apartment trying to figure a way to get out.
While Mr. Kowalski had a tuff of black hair, a mustache that went all over his upper lip, he wore a suit that was just barely able to hold onto him and he did appear a little sick as his face glistened with sweat and he tried to keep his stance. I also took notice that he kept staring at my sister Queenie, not like in the way most men have stared at her like they wanted to own her as property, he was in awe and it was almost like a puppy-dog kind of way he was looking at her.
“Hey (y/n), you’ve had such a long trip from the train station so why don’t you get settled in and then come back out for dinner, and no sweets don’t count as a meal” I stuck my tongue at Queenie for using her mind-reading abilities on me.  I picked up my suitcase and went into my room and saw that it was all cleaned up for me.
I set my stuff down and began unpacking for the week vacation that I had from school.  I got changed from my uniform minus my robes into more casual nightdress. Once I was done changing, I joined up with my sisters and our guests and we all sat down and ate the delicious meal my sisters had prepared.
After dinner, Queenie and Jacob seemed to get a long really well as they talked about their love for cooking and baking.  I smiled softly at them never once seeing my sister so happy before in her entire life talking to someone who also enjoyed the same thing’s she did. Like I had said before, most guys think of wanting to get her as a trophy wife and have her be the stay-at-home woman cooking and preparing coffee for them, or just use her as a chance to cheat on their own wives or girlfriends to show them that they could get someone better than them on the side when they don’t give them what the guys want.
Thankfully my sister always stands up for herself and tells them straight away that she’s not interested or goes right to the girlfriends or wives and tells them of what their spouses are doing. But seeing her now with Jacob, he’d be good husband material in my eyes for my sister, if it wasn’t for the laws of wizarding community here in America. 
That’s why when I get out of Ilvermory, I want to travel the world and I don’t know maybe settle down in England since their laws are looser when it comes to No-Magic people or No-majs as we call them here.
“Our little sister here is just about to be done with school. Top in all her classes and is looking at a full scholarship into getting into MACUSA’s International Research team. She’s always wanted to travel the world, haven’t you sweetie?” Queenie said to me.
“Yeah, it’s always been a dream of mine. Travel the world, see what other cultures are like”. I said to Jacob.
And Tina or as I sometimes like to call her Tina “Kill-joy” Goldstein struck again when I heard Queenie state solemnly that she wasn’t flirting.
“I’m just saying don’t go getting attached he’s gonna have to be obliviated. It’s nothing personal”. Tina stated solemnly.
“Oh hey, you okay honey?” Queenie asked Jacob as I began to take notice of his starting to get dizzy and his sweating began to grow worse.
“Ms. Goldstein I think Mr. Kowalski can do with an early night, besides you and I will need to be up early tomorrow morning to find my niffler so….” Mr. Scamander stated as he sat up from his chair. I tilted my head in confusion and Queenie and I said to Tina at the same time.
“What’s a niffler?”
“Don’t ask” she muttered. “Okay you guys can bunk in here” she said as she walked towards their room. 
Once settling down for the night, Queenie knocked at my door and I told her to come in and she came in with a cup of hot cocoa.
“Hey sweetie, thought you might like a drink before bed”.
“Thanks Queenie”. I said as she came up to me and I took the cup from her and blew on it before taking a small sip. 
“How is your year going so far?”
“It’s going well. Me and Danielle continue to do our competitions with each other in our Potions class, just last week she was going so fast in trying to outdo me that she caused her potion to explode right in her face, but I helped her clean up after class in the end cause I couldn’t let her take it alone”.
“You girls and your competitions, but you are a good friend to helping her clean up the classroom, so you excited to have finally brought your wand outside of school?”
“Yes never have I been happier then when they told me I could finally bring my wand home”. You see since the Magical community in America is so paranoid about being exposed by the no-majs, Ilvermory has issued a law that anyone under 17 cannot take their wands out of school. 
They have to remain inside their dorms at all times when it comes to home visits and only until the wizard or witch reaches 17 years old, then and only then can they bring their wands outside of class, but one slip-up of using magic outside of school grounds or using magic outside of my current residence, results in severe punishment even expulsion from the school.
But since I just turned 17 on All Hallow’s Eve, I was officially allowed to bring my wand home with me.
“Now you can help me cook some meals” she stated.
“Yep, I can’t wait”.
“But for now it’s time to go to sleep, no into bed little missy”. I placed my cocoa down on my nightstand by my bed and Queenie tucked me in and kissed me goodnight. “Night honey”.
“Night Queenie” I stated tiredly as I yawned. She then turned off my lights with her wand and closed the sliding doors behind her as she left for the guest room. 
Later that night I had this dream of seeing President Picquery’s right hand wizard Mr. Graves in his office.  Why I was dreaming about him I have no idea, I mean I only met the wizard once when I was first being interviewed for the scholarship that Ilvermory was giving me. I didn’t speak to him physically but I saw him around, plus my sister Tina talks about him constantly always getting on her back about something.
But what happened next was something I never expected to see in my dreams. His face appeared to change his onyx black hair with bleach white, his facial structure began to slightly change into a much older man and his eyes were the biggest changes of all. One was pure black while the other was pure white.  I had seen this wizard being posted around in the Ilvermory news. 
It was Gellert Grindelwald. 
I shot up in my bed panting frantically and I quickly got dressed and cried out for Tina and Queenie but no one responded. I then called out for Mr. Scamander or Jacob, again got no response.  That was until I saw a note on the kitchen table from my sisters.  I picked up the note and it read.
Newt and Jacob left the apartment, Teen went to find them and I was called into work. Things have gotten more dangerous now at MACUSA with all that’s been happening. Please just stay home, lock the door don’t answer it for anyone okay honey? I should be back by sunrise.
Love, Queenie. 
No, no, no, no they—they need to be warned. They need to know who Graves really is. I immediately got dressed and then apparated out of the apartment and flew myself all the way to MACUSA.
By the time I got there, it was completely empty with only a handful of people walking around.  As I walked through the hallways I then heard a voice call out my name. When I turned around I saw that it was my sister’s boss Mr. Abernathy.
“Oh hi Mr. Abernathy, so sorry to come in so early but I was wondering do you know where either of my sisters are at?”
“I’m not sure about Goldstein but Queenie she’s downstairs preparing coffee for the council meeting downstairs, is there a problem?”
“Yeah it’s—it’s a lady problem. And I would really like one of my sisters to come home and help me out”. At that statement he backed off and let me go my way and I thanked him. I walked on as if I had only one destination to get to then when no one was looking, I apparated towards Mr. Graves’ office.
Once I got there, I took out my wand and pointed it at his door and whispered.
“Alohamora” but it didn’t work.  I then ran through my head all the unlocking spells that I knew and tried “Aberto” again that didn’t work. “Oh come on (y/n) think!” I began running through my head again one last time I then came to a spell Danielle once taught me an unlock spell that is so obvious that most people wouldn’t remember it.  I then took a deep breath and pointed my wand at the lock and whispered “Sesamius Opus” at that I heard his door open. “Thank you Dani”. I then went inside Mr. Graves’ office.
I looked around for whatever spell or potion was used for Grindelwald’s disguise but couldn’t find anything.  I was so focused in trying to find whatever it was that helped Grindelwald with his disguise that I was completely unaware that the devil himself was right behind me.
When I turned around and saw “Mr. Graves” standing there, I quickly took out my wand but before I could even get one syllable out of my mouth, he used his wand to fire my wand out of my hand leaving me defenseless. He then fire a shot right at my stomach sending me towards the wall and soon I felt his hand around my throat.
“What are you doing in here child? This section is strictly forbidden”.
“I know….who you are”. At that statement he sighed deeply and said.
“Much like your sister, always turning up where you’re not needed. What gave me away?” I remained silent not wanting to tell him anything.  I felt his grip tighten around my throat cutting off my airway even more than before. “Answer me and I will let you walk with only your mind obliviated of this encounter”. I choked out but managed to somehow get enough spit into my mouth before spitting right in his face.He glared at me with soulless dark eyes and the next thing I knew I saw blackness. 
When I awoke I found myself in a pure white room chained up to a levitating chair.  I saw what looked like a sea of potion surrounding me.
“You are indeed the more interesting out of your sisters Ms. Goldstein.” I looked up to see Grindelwald himself standing before me. “Top of your classes in all years at Ilvermory, especially in the dark arts and potions. Your professors even praise you for your talents, you could be a great witch one day. Maybe even more. Now answer my one question, how did you see through my disguise?” Even though I was scared to death at seeing the infamous dark wizard before me, I refused to allow him to see me fear. So I kept quiet.
“Crucio” I then felt a surge of agonizing pain come through me as I held in my screams and panted heavily. “I grow tired of your silence my dear, tell me how you managed to see through my disguise and I’ll let you and your family go”.
“Drop….dead” I panted.
“Not what I was looking for, Crucio”. I felt the same pain go through my again. I kept hearing him whisper Crucio again and again and again never once refraining. He didn’t care that I was just a child, he was willing to watch me suffer and he didn’t even care if I would die or not.
I kept screaming in agony as I couldn’t take the pain any longer until I finally answered him.
“I HAVE FORESIGHT! I have foresight….I have foresight” I sobbed out.
It’s true. Like my sister Queenie who was a Legilimens, I was gifted foresight when I was around 8 years old. They don’t happen much and only through dreams do I get them. I haven’t really had one in years when I saw myself traveling the world with someone. Back then I was still learning to control my powers so I never did see who it was that I would one day travel with, but that’s what’s pushed me to getting the International research spot in MACUSA.
“Foresight, I never thought I’d see one so young. And if you were able to see past my spell, as I stated earlier Ms. Goldstein you must be very powerful for your age, and could be even more. Join me, imagine what kind of power you could obtain, what you could create. See a new world where Wizards rule and the muggles live under our reign”.
“Psychopath!” I panted out. His eyes narrowed then Grindelwald shifted back into Mr. Graves and he said in Graves’ voice.
“Very well then, Ms. (Y/n) Goldstein you are hereby guilt of trespassing and assaulting an Auror. You are thereby sentenced to death and your sisters will receive the same sentence”.
“No….no please th-they didn’t……”
“Shhh” he the pointed his wand at the chair and I was now being lowered towards the death potion. I let out weak sobs as I saw three people in white coats now come in to watch me be executed. I threw my head back silently praying for someone to help me and that’s when I heard the door slam open and what sounded like a fight came out.
My vision was blurry but I swore I thought I saw a flash of blue fighting off the three executioners.
“(Y/n)!” I opened my eyes trying to focus my vision and it was there I saw standing before me was Mr. Scamander.
“Mr. Scamander?” I stated out.
“Hang on I’ll get you out of there”. He then pointed his wand which unlocked me from my chains but before he could do another spell I tried to tell him.
“Mr. Scamander behind you!” He was then suddenly punched by the male executioner and the two of them began to try to over-power the other.  Newt then cleverly kicked the male’s shin inward and release some kind of bat-like greenish-blue creature and it flew around until it tackled the man down which forced his wand into the death potion making it sizzle like boiling water and raise it up higher towards me.
I whimpered and tried to stand up but I could only curl myself up into the chair.
“Mr. Scamander!” I cried out.
“Now, now don’t panic everything’s gonna be just fine. Now listen to me (y/n). I need you to jump towards me”.
“I—I can’t…..He used the Crucio spell on me”.
“Alright, alright”. He then made some sort of hissing sound at the creature and soon it began to change its flying pattern and circle under and then over me. “Jump”. I looked to him and then at the creature flying over me and I said.
“You’re insane”.
“Jump on him (y/n). Don’t worry I’ve got you”. As I saw myself now beginning to be encaged by the death potion, I tried to stand up but every muscle in my body refused to obey me, plus I was deathly scared. What if I didn’t make it? What if he didn’t grab me in time? What if I died today?
“I—I can’t…..I’m scared. I won’t make it, I can’t make it Newt I—”
“Hey, hey (y/n). Look at me, okay I need you to look at nothing but me right now, can you do that for me?” Tears filled my eyes as I looked up at him and he told me. “I’ll catch you. I swear to you (y/n), I swear on my life that I won’t let you die. I promise I’ll catch you. I’ve got you (y/n)”. Looking into his blue-green eyes filled me with some warmth and I knew that I could trust him, even after just meeting him today. 
I nodded telling him that I believed him. And no matter how much my muscles were screaming at me, I began to slowly stand up just enough so that I would be able to jump.
“That’s it, I’ve got you (y/n)….Go!” I then took my best leap and managed to land on the creature’s back before flying forwards and I fell into Newt’s arms.  He then held his hand out and the creature turned into a cocoon in his hand and he said to me, “Hold on”. He then adjusted me so that I was being carried bridal style in his arms as I cried out in pain but he calmed me down by shushing me softly before taking off running.
Newt ran down the hallway with me still in his arms. He had me so adjusted in his arms that as he was running I wasn’t being jostled around.  I then saw flashes of light heading straight for us as I knew the Aurors had been alerted of an escape and I heard the sound of the alarms going off.  Newt hid us behind a pillar and released the creature out and it flew around knocking the Aurors. As Newt came out running he then stopped and I heard him say.
“Leave his brains come on! Come on!” The creature then obeyed as it took off flying again. As more Aurors came for us, the creature protected us by simply tackling them down to the ground.  As Newt kept running I asked him.
“What was that thing?”
“Swooping Evil” he answered me.
“I gotta get me one of those”. I joked. Newt kept running on but soon stopped just as we were about to reach the exit and just when I was thinking we had been stopped by more Aurors or even worse Grindelwald himself, I was beyond relieved to see my sisters and Jacob standing before us.  Queenie held Newt’s case while Tina had all their wands plus my own.
“Oh (y/n) thank Merlin you’re alive!” Tina stated as she came up to me and took me from Newt’s arms and she and Queenie both hugged me but I groaned in pain.
“She said she was attacked by the Crucio curse” Newt explained to them.
“What?!” my sisters exclaimed worriedly as they both looked over me.  As Queenie turned her head she then gestured towards the suitcase as she still held it in her hands, “Get in” she stated firmly. One by one we all went into the case then Newt and Tina both helped me down into the suitcase.  Newt carried me down the steps before handing me to Tina who was at the bottom of the steps and as I was transferred to my sister, I saw that I was in some kind of shed.
“Place her over here” I heard Newt’s voice say. I was then gently placed as I cried out in pain on a soft makeshift mattress.  I felt Tina sit beside me stroking the hair away from my face.
“I thought we told you to stay home sweetie?”
“You—you needed to…..”
“Shhh don’t speak now” my eldest sister whispered. I then heard Newt’s voice say.
“Lift her head a bit, have her drink this. This should give her back some of her strength”. My head was then raised up and I felt something touch my lips and I felt a potion working its way down my throat softly.  I swallowed it whole and once I was done, I felt myself growing very tired before I blacked out in exhaustion.
*3rd Person POV*
Tina dabbed her youngest sister’s head with a damp cloth and Newt said to her.
“That should do it, now all she needs is some rest”.
“What exactly is that Crucio thing that did this to her?” asked Jacob.
“It’s one of the three unforgivable curses. The three most powerful and dangerous spells that any witch or wizard can do. One is an instant kill, the other can control a person’s actions against their will, but the one (y/n) was submitted to tortures the victim beyond any levels. Think of it as someone taking a hot iron rod and touching it to your skin from the inside”. Tina explained.  She turned back towards her sister and took a better look at her.
Her once vibrant skin was now ghostly pale, her eyes that were once filled with light were now sunken in and dark circles underneath her eyes. She couldn’t believe that someone in MACUSA knew the unforgivable curses and would do that to an innocent child.
“Here, for once she wakes up. This should give her some more strength and energy”. Jacob handed to Tina one of his grandmother’s desserts that he presented to the bank before all this mess started. Tina nodded in gratitude then she set the treat beside her sister then the two men left Tina alone with her sister.
*My POV*
When I woke up I found myself in a shed. I rubbed my eyes and when I opened them up I was staring face to umm….snout with some black, furry creature.  It had a pink snout, black fur, webbed feet with claws and a stout tail.  It sniffed at me before cuddling right back into me.
Normally someone would scream at seeing something just staring at them especially if they didn’t look like a normal animal, me on the other hand, I thought the creature was cute and it was friendly enough to cuddle with.  I giggled and pet it when I heard the door to the shed open and Mr. Scamander came in saying.
“For the last time you pilfering pest, stay in your burrow and don’t go—Oh (y/n), how are you feeling?”
“Better, much better actually. Wh—where am I? Last thing I remember was being in MACUSA”.
“You were hit with one of the forgivable curses, luckily for you I managed to brew a potion strong enough to give you back some of your strength. Now I would suggest still getting some rest, you were barely able to stand when I got you out”.
“Oh yeah you—you saved me. Thank you Mr. Scamander, I owe you my life”.
“Oh please call me Newt, and there’s no need to thank me”.
“Yes there is Newt, if it hadn’t been for you I’d…..well I doubt I’d even be here”.
“Well I couldn’t just let you die could I?” I smiled then I turned my attention back to the creature in my lap and I asked him.
“And who is this little guy?”
“Oh that is my niffler. Terrible bugger he is, anything shiny and he’s off like a shot. Grummy little thief, I thought him wanting to come in here was because I must’ve left something shiny in here, but I guess he wanted to come and see you. Dougal was also wanting to see you, he always has that parental sense in wanting to care for things”.
“Dougal?” I questioned.
“Do—do you think you can walk? Try and stand up for me?” I slowly found my footing and tried to lift myself up.  Wobbled the first few times but I managed to find my footing and proceeded to walk towards Newt.  He held his arm out for me to take just in case I felt like falling so I went ahead and took it. “Now before we head out I must warn you advance, it is a bit much for first timers”. He then opened the door to the shed and the second we stepped out, it was like I was in a whole new world.
Multiple habitats like those no-maj zoos that I’ve always visited whenever I came home from school but without the cages surrounded the entire area.  I was in awe and bewildered by the amount of space this suitcase had, it was truly bigger on the inside.
Dozens upon dozens of creatures were around roaming freely around their habitats but my attention was drawn to the magnificent Thunderbird to my left. I was in pure awe at seeing my Ilvermory house creature standing before me.
“Is—is that a—”
“Yes, he’s the reason I came to America. His name’s Frank, I found him in Egypt all chained up, I couldn’t leave him there so I rescued him, healed his wounds and brought him here to take him back to his home in the wilds of Arizona”. Soon a white furry creature with big golden eyes came up towards me and hopped onto my back and started stroking my hair.  “This is Dougal, he’s a Demiguise, fundamentally peaceful most of the time but can give a nasty nip or two if provoked”.
“Hello Dougal” I reached up and stroked through his soft fur and he let out a purr like sound as he leaned in against my hand then he adjusted himself more until he clung to my back.  Newt continued to show me around the case where I got to meet more of his creatures and he even introduced me to a creature I thought I had been seeing move around in his cloak at dinner earlier yesterday evening.
He told me that his name was Pickett the Bowtruckle and he has some attachment issues of not wanting to leave Newt’s side and join his branch (which is what a family of Bowtruckles is called).  But if I’m completely honest, out of all the creatures I’ve met, I seem drawn to the niffler the most. The little guy even gave me one of his gold coins and Newt was surprised at that, telling me that he’s never shared his gold with anyone before, not even Newt.
“(Y/n)!” I heard two voices cry out my name and soon I saw my sisters running up towards me and I embraced them both.
“How are you feeling honey?” asked Queenie.
“Better than what I was earlier”.
“Why didn’t you stay home like we asked you to?” questioned Tina.
“I—I had a vision about Mr. Graves, guys….he’s not who he says he is”.
“Wh-what do you mean sweetheart?” asked Jacob.
“I mean that Mr. Graves never even existed. Not until he came to MACUSA, and how is it that he’s managed to rise faster in the ranks of Auror command than any other Auror who had worked for President Madam Picquery? Guys…..Mr. Graves is actually Gellert Grindelwald”.  They all looked at me in shock except for Newt who might have had the same suspicions as I did.
“(Y/n) are you sure that he’s Grindelwald?”
“Teen, have my visions ever been wrong? Why would you doubt me now?”
“She’s right Tina, just from talking to him when we were being interrogated there was something about him that almost had a similar connection to Grindelwald’s belief. With all these attacks that have been happening that you’ve told me about, the obscurus. Grindelwald would seek a chance like that to expose us to the Muggle-world”. Newt backed me up.
Before we could continue on with our conversation, Frank suddenly went on the defense as thunder rumbled above us and he was flapping his wings almost anxiously.
“Danger, he senses danger”. Newt stated.
“(Y/n), you need to get home right now” stated Tina.
“What no I’m coming to help you guys!” I snapped at her.
“This isn’t a request. He already hurt you once, almost killed you I—I can’t let that happen again!” Tina choked.  I walked up to her and embraced her and I said to her.
“I learned from the best witch on how to fight. Now that I know exactly who I’m dealing with and won’t fight blindly, I’ll only step in when I need to”. She looked at me skeptically but I stared back at her with strong eyes determined to not back down from my decision.
“Just stay close to either me or Newt okay?” I nodded then we all began formulating a plan to stop Grindelwald. 
*Time skip to after the battle with Credence*
After Credence was destroyed by the Aurors and “Graves” tried to persuade the Aurors of their crime and how the supposed law to keep us save from the no-majs and asked them if it really protects us or them. At that moment Graves snapped and tried to kill Madam President Picquery but Newt used the Swooping evil to distract him and fired out some kinda of cocoon webbing to trap Graves where he stood as my sister used the Accio spell to bring Grave’s wand to her. As he turned to us with hatred in his eyes I said to President Picquery and the other Aurors.
“You all have been deceived. Mr. Graves was a fictional character created to hide his true form”. I then pointed my wand at him and made an R shape as I stated, “Revelio”. At that moment Graves began to breathe out harshly as his hair changed into the bleach blonde, the older face began to form as well as the mustache.  As I circled before him there kneeling before the Aurors was Gellert Grindelwald himself.
“Do you think you can hold me?” He asked President Picquery.
“We’ll do our best, Mr. Grindelwald” she stated lowly. It was then two Aurors came up and took him into custody and walked him out of the subway.  Newt came up to me and hid me from Grindelwald’s view as he stopped right in front of us.  The dark wizard turned towards us and he said to Newt.
“Will we die, just a little?” His eyes then turned towards me and he smirked wickedly down at me before being lead up the stairs. 
After he was taken into custody, in order to obliviate the entire city of New York, Newt suggested that by using the Swooping evil venom he could use Frank to create a thunderstorm and that should erase every no-majs memory of everything that happened tonight.  Seeing Newt say goodbye to Frank was heartbreaking and I knew it had to be even harder for Newt.
I mean he told me he had basically helped raise Frank back up on his feet the moment he rescued him.  To all of his creatures he saw them as his children and he vowed to protect every one of them, but now he had to let one of them go just like he was set off to do before all of this craziness started.
“(Y/n) come here please”. I heard Newt’s voice say to me.  I was surprised to see both him and Frank looking at me. I turned towards my sisters and they both nodded at me to go on so I cautiously walked up and held out my hand and Frank brought his beak to my hand and I stroked through his feathers. “Seems he’s come to like you”.
“I wish I had more time to get to know the creature that represents my house. But I know this is for the best, like you said this is why you came to America in the first place. And you must be willing to let them go”.
“Indeed” I heard him say.  After Frank was done nuzzling my chest he then let out a cry and turned towards Newt who said. “You know what you’ve got to do”. He then tossed a vile of the Swooping evil venom in the air and Frank caught it in his beak and took off flying high into the sky.  I stared in awe watching him go higher and higher into the sky.  Seeing him cause the sky to darken and thunder boom in the sky as well as lightning flash until finally a big boom was heard and rain began falling.
The Aurors then began to repair the damage of the battle while the no-majs went about their normal day as if nothing happened. Once everything was cleaned up, President Picquery ordered us that Jacob had to be obliviated because even one witness could cause trouble but she allowed us to say goodbye before she and the rest of the Aurors walked out of the subway.  
At the top of the subway exit, we said our goodbyes to Jacob even though it was hard, especially for Queenie.  She tried to convince that she would be willing to come with him and that she’d never find anyone like him.  Even though he tried to brush it off, she assured him that there was only one like him.  I then tried to stop him by whimpering out his name but he assured me.
“It’s okay kid, it’s okay. It’s just like waking up right?” Then without another moment’s hesitation, Jacob stepped out into the rain and allowed the potion to do its work.  Queenie then used her wand to form an umbrella above her as she walked towards Jacob, stroked his face and gave him a kiss.  I lowered my head sadly as tears fell down my face and I hugged Teen and she rubbed my back and stroked down my hair comfortingly.
Queenie then came back towards us and though we hate to, we apparated out of the subway and back to our apartment before Jacob could open his eyes. 
The next few days I received the letter I knew I had been dreading. Ilvermory had caught wind of my use of reckless magic in MACUSA headquarters and for that I was expelled from Ilvermory and my scholarship into the International research has been revoked.
I sighed heavily then I heard Newt’s voice say.
“Something troubling you?”
“Yeah, I’ve been expelled from Ilvermory and my scholarship opportunity into the MACUSA Research team has been revoked. Even if Madam President could convince them to reinstate my scholarship I doubt there’s any way I’ll get back and finish my last year of school. And I doubt MACUSA will hired a student with an expulsion record”.
“Actually….there is another way you could see the world” he stated.
“And what is that if I may ask?” I asked.
“For a while now I’ve been thinking about hiring an apprentice. Someone who could keep an eye on me from over-working myself and helping me with my creatures. I’m always traveling the world discovering new things for my book and I would like an editor by my side at all times instead of waiting for weeks on end to hear a response back”.
“Are you—you’re offering me an internship?”
“Now it won’t pay much, but you’ll get to do what you’ve wanted to do your whole life. See different cultures, meet new people, and you’ll be my first young witch I educate on why Magical creatures should be protected instead of being hunted to extinction”. I smiled at him and he said, “Plus I think the niffler would miss you. He kinda likes you”. I laughed softly and hugged Newt and said to him.
“Thank you Newt, for everything”. He was tense at first but then he relaxed and embraced me back and said.
“You’re welcome”.
After a long talk between Newt, Tina and Queenie about his offer of hiring me as his apprentice, they agreed that the best thing for me right now especially after my expulsion would be to go with Newt to get some experience out there in the world.
So a few days later after setting up my passport and packing all my things up, Tina and Queenie came with Newt and I to the docks that would take us to Madrid, Spain and then from there the world was my oyster.  After Tina and Newt said their goodbyes to each other, Queenie embraced me tightly and said as she rocked me.
“You have fun and listen to everything Newt tells you okay honey?”
“I will Queenie”.
“I’ll miss you baby sister”.
“Not as much as I’ll miss you big sister”. She kissed my cheek and hugged me one last time before I turned to Tina.  She smiled and hugged me and said.
“You be sure to write to us as much as you can”.
“I will I promise Tina”. She kissed my forehead and stroked the hair out of my face before turning to Newt and said to him.
“You make sure to look after her for us”.
“You have my word, no harm will come to her under my watch”. The boat then let out a blow of its horn. “Come on (y/n), we better board or else they’ll leave without us”.
“Coming Newt”. My sisters smiled down at my proudly with tears in their eyes and we all got into one last sisterly group hug and they both kissed each of my cheeks then I followed behind my teacher and the two of us walked onboard the ship and as we took off, I waved by to my sisters and they waved back to me until New York was out of our sights.  I sat myself beside my new mentor and he said, 
“Ready to begin your teachings?”
“Indeed Professor Scamander” I joked making the two of us laugh then he took out his journal and ran through the basics with me.
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theclaravoyant · 7 years
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She... plays softball. Plays for the other team, as it were.
a Skimmons Coffee Shop AU, ft. happily platonic FitzSimmons, and ever-helpful gayngel & captain shipper Bobbi Morse
taking a leaf from the wonderful @the-nerdy-stjarna’s book to re-release an old fic with a new banner for @aosadvent2017 prompt “food”. I love Coffee Shop AUs, I have one for every occasion, but this one seemed especially fitting as I wrote the fic itself for last year’s @skimmonssecretsanta.
Rated G/T. ~3600wd. the original fic post is here, you can read it on AO3 here, or below. Enjoy!
Swinging my way, Baby?
It was a Tuesday afternoon, when it had first happened.
A Tuesday, around 3:30 in the afternoon. When recounting later, she was unable to consistently say what month, let alone what date, because it had begun just like every other Tuesday, and had continued much the same, save for a moment of lightning in the middle.
Jemma Simmons, aspiring PhD, was meeting up with Fitz for Chem study, just like every other Tuesday afternoon. She wasn’t running late, because she never did, but surprisingly, Fitz was already there, and talking to another girl. A girl whose face Jemma had memorised from across the classroom, but had never seen up close like this before. A girl whose name she probably knew, but couldn’t pick out of a lineup, for all the face was familiar to her. A girl with sharp black eyes, a quick smile, and a tank top bearing shoulders that made Jemma’s knees quake.
With considerably less smoothness and dignity than she might have liked, Jemma feigned indifference to Fitz’ visitor. She took her usual seat at the large library table and began separating out her books and notes with precision. Still, she couldn’t help peeking every now and then, up at where Fitz and his friend were talking. Her hair was short, about shoulder length, and flared about her face, bouncing as she spoke or animatedly responded. Her bag was slung over one shoulder, and one of Jemma’s covert glances caught her hitching the bag up, causing the muscles of her shoulder to ripple. Jemma’s face flushed at that, and she buried her nose in her books until Fitz and the girl parted ways and he came to sit down.
“Sorry I’m late,” he greeted, scooting his chair in and scrabbling to pull his notes and books out of his bag to catch up with Jemma.
“It’s no problem.” It was a nice view. Jemma bit her lip, and instead tried, with a casualness that was on second thoughts, too forced to have been worth the pretence, asked, “who was that?”
“Who?” Fitz glanced over his shoulder. “Oh, Daisy. Yeah. Daisy Johnson, you know, she’s in Computing with me. She was just after some help with a Physics assignment.”
“Oh. So. She’s not – I mean…You don’t…like her?”
Fitz laughed.
“I used to have a crush on her, actually,” he explained, amused by the memory. “We almost went to the middle-school dance together. ‘Cept turns out she, you know, plays softball.”
“Softball! Of course!” Just in time, she stopped herself from commenting on how those arms would be wasted on anything else. But still, Fitz shook his head.
“No, I mean – well, yes, she does play softball. And football, actually. But I mean she, you know. Plays softball. Plays for the other team, as it were.“
“Oh. Right. Right. Yes. I’m with you now. I follow. I – yes.”
Smooth, Jemma. She stuck her nose into the nearest book and hoped she wasn’t sweating as profusely as it was starting to feel like she was.
And then it happened. The bolt of lightning. The realisation that she might, in all honesty, have an iota of a chance. It was like flicking a switch, turning a fleeting fantasy into a blooming, consuming desire in the blink of an eye. Situational affection? A mind-boggling if temporary crush? Or cupid’s arrow through her heart, turning everything Daisy into diamonds in an effort to lure Jemma into a love story for the ages? Not knowing was half the fun of it. And more than half the terror.
“Why do you ask?” Fitz wondered after a moment. “Do you like her?”
Jemma fidgeted in her seat.
“I was just thinking about trying out myself,” she said, as smooth a derailment as she could hope for under the circumstances. “For softball, I mean.”
Fitz snorted. “I’d like to see that.”
Jemma slapped her pen onto the desk.
“I totally could!”
“I’m sure you could! I just don’t think it’s your style. Hideous uniforms, pointless running around in circles, lots of sweating and effort for no discernable reason –“
“Except fitness! And – and fun! And teamwork! And competition, you know I love competition –“
Soon enough the argument shifted away from Daisy, and even from softball, and onto the two of them challenging each other’s sporting abilities and willingness to suffer hard work and dirt. Jemma’s crush didn’t fade though. It only took a back seat. For a few hours, she even had herself convinced that she should indeed pick up a bat and try out.
Eventually, of course – and for which Jemma was eternally grateful - the heady optimism of inspiration faded and she realised that she had neither the skill, nor the money, nor even the desire to try out for softball, or any other kind of sport really. She would never be able to maintain it, if nothing else. Plus, her running around getting sweaty and failing at everything was, to say the least, not nearly as alluring as she would like to come across. Instead, after a few days of denial and indecision, she picked herself up and sought out Carter’s, the café where most of the campus’s sports and arts – and queer – communities were reputed to hang out. Being a hard science student who spent most of her time across campus these days, Jemma had not been to Carter’s for some time. It was not as she remembered it, and as she walked in, a combination of nerves, surprise and marvel took her breath away.
Only a few steps through the door, Jemma’s purposeful stride faded into a slow turn, like a young woman in a film arriving in The Big City. She stared so wide and for so long she felt like a freshman. She probably looked like one too, but she couldn’t help it. The place was decked out like a 1950s milkshake bar or diner, right down to the stools at the lunch bar, juke box in the corner, and musk-candy colour scheme of pink and green. Not to mention, the pillbox hats and matching collared uniforms that the feminist in Jemma was a little ashamed to admit, made her heart flutter. It felt like she had stepped back in time, or at least into one of those handcrafted, overly perfect horror-movie villages in Florida where nothing was ever as it seemed.
A chill ran down her spine at the sudden expectation that something might jump out at her. Nothing did, but she was unceremoniously dropped out of her timeless bubble and into a world where she should, by all accounts, order something or sit down. One look at the tall, muscled blonde behind the counter, making fiercely cheerful eye contact with her latest customer and smiling that familiar smile, told Jemma she was not up for that yet. So she sat, simply grabbing for the nearest empty table and pulling out her notebook and anatomy textbook. She’d come in here to eat – or at least, that’s what she had been planning to tell anyone who asked – but there was always work to be done.
Soon enough, in fact, she was so absorbed in her readings that she didn’t even notice the true reason for her presence there slip in through the door.
Daisy Johnson.
Carter’s had been a staple of Daisy’s college life. Situated between the gym and the theatre, it was where some of the most interesting people gathered, and where many of the girls on her team – both literally, and euphemistically – worked and hung out. Being near the theatre as it was, and relatively near the food and design schools, Carter’s tended to go through renovations a lot. Its latest incarnation resembled a 1950s diner and aside from its renewal of her love for Back to the Future, Daisy didn’t care for it all that much. She was hoping for something more outrageous next, like a Wild West saloon, or some kind of situation in which everybody wore rollerblades. But for now, at least the food was good and the milkshakes – and the uniforms, of course – were widely celebrated.
“Lookin’ good, Bobbi,” Daisy greeted, as she dropped into the stool nearest the cash register. Barbara was today’s resident supervisor’s intensely loathed full name, and in the spirit of the vintage theme under which she currently worked, she had easily heard it more times in the past three months than in the three years before that. Even so, Daisy had to bite her lip to stop herself bringing it up for a laugh. Bobbi glared, and Daisy beamed innocently and ducked her head below the counter for a moment, trying to reach simultaneously for her purse, and for the pastries under the cover beside the register.
Bobbi rolled her eyes good-naturedly, and lifted the cover for Daisy’s blindly reaching hand.
“Pink or sprinkles?” Bobbi asked.
“Surprise me.”
Bobbi handed Daisy a pink one with rainbow sprinkles, just as Daisy’s head reappeared over the counter. Her eyes widened at Bobbi’s selection and she took a large bite, humming in satisfaction through the mouthful of donut.
“Ah, you know just how I like it.”
Bobbi eyed her with an exaggerated expression of disgust as Daisy fished out coins from her purse, the donut now dangling from her mouth where she had sunk her teeth into it in order to free up her hands.
“Not if you like it like that, I don’t,” Bobbi remarked.
“Shut up.”
Daisy took the donut out of her mouth and added a coffee to her order, but as she did so, looked over her shoulder. It had just now clicked in her brain that she had recognised somebody when she’d come in. Somebody who didn’t usually come here, and who fit in a little too well, with her A-line skirt and pastel colours, and the way she kept twirling her fingers in her stray lock of hair.
“Oh my god.”
Daisy swung back around to the counter and ducked, wishing she had a menu or something to cover her face, though that hardly would have been less conspicuous. Blushing furiously, Daisy tried to recover by taking a sip of her coffee, and burnt her tongue instead. She cursed herself as Bobbi asked, inevitably,
“Who’s that?”
“A girl. Just a girl. No biggie.” Coffee, coffee. Ouch! Damn it.
“No biggie because she barely reaches my elbow?” Bobbi speculated. “Or no biggie in the lesser known, ‘if I hide behind this menu and she never sees me I’ll never have to confront my feelings,’ sense of ‘no biggie.’”
Daisy sighed.
“Ah, I really hope you become a fully fledged bartender one day,” she said, resignation in her tone. “Your talents are wasted here.”
Bobbi pouted, and reached for a towel just so that she could brush it across the counter and lean on it dramatically.
“So this girl, huh?” she inquired.
Daisy sighed again. Feelings confrontation time. “Her name is Jemma, she’s in my Physics class.“
“You take Physics?”
“Yes. What did you think I was taking?”
“The Science of Harry Potter?” Bobbi suggested. Daisy glared.
“Don’t even joke about that. I would kill.”
Bobbi smiled, and prompted: “So, Physics.”
“So Physics. Anyway. She’s there and she’s pretty and, well, I thought that was the end of the story…“
“Iiiiiiif you’d let me finish….but see, I’d thought she was with Fitz. I’d just assumed. Only, I mentioned something about it - y’know, them – to him today and I’m pretty sure he’ll still be laughing at graduation. They’re just friends! So totally friends! Kinda weirdly close friends, but still!”
“So why the long face?”
“I got my hopes up for a bit. But then I remembered. Jemma’s had certified boyfriends. Milton, Will. So I’m back where I started. At least I was. Til just now. And she’s here. I mean…do you think she knows? About this place?”
Daisy raked her hands through her hair, anxious, only to find Bobbi smirking, a mischievous glint of victory in her eyes.
“Oh, sweetie, she knows,” Bobbi assured Daisy. “And as for that ‘certified boyfriends’ thing…she’s had certified girlfriends too.”
Daisy’s eyes narrowed.
“Me!” Bobbi confirmed, with a flourish. “She’s a bit of a Bambi but don’t be fooled. That girl can go.”
“So what happened with you two?” Daisy wondered. Bobbi shrugged, her expression softening.
“We were both high achievers,” she explained, “and both in the same field. Competing for attention, grants, grades… Neither of us wanted to compromise and well, too much competition stops being fun. It put a strain on us and luckily, we stepped out before we snapped. No hard feelings. Some that suck, of course, but we don’t hate each other, so that’s a plus.”
“Hmph.” Daisy’s shoulders slumped, and she resumed picking at her donut, pensive and somewhat put out.
“Hmph?” Bobbi repeated, curious.
“Well, Jemma’s still a high achiever. She probably wouldn’t have time for me anyway. It’s just going to collapse, it’s not – Never mind, I’ll just get over it.”
Bobbi shook her head, made a note on a cup, and passed it to the coffee girl without taking her eyes off Daisy for more than a moment.
“There’s only one way to know for sure,” she insisted. Daisy moped, but Bobbi slapped down an apricot danish in a napkin and drew her attention.
“Ask. The girl. Out,” Bobbi commanded. “Bring her something, make her laugh, get a conversation going. Come on, Daisy, I don’t have to coach you.”
“I don’t even know what she likes!” Daisy whined, though her defenses were falling left right and centre. “I could get her an Americano, that’s what I have- but then, what does that say about what I think about her? Or me? Cheap, basic, unoriginal. Great. But then if I get her something else, something fancier, she might not like it, or she could be allergic. Or tea? Maybe she likes tea. I mean she’s English, they must like tea right? No, that’s ridiculous. Not all English people like tea. So what then?”
Daisy met Bobbi’s eyes, desperate.
“As the ex, it is my duty to let you work all this out on your own, young Padawan,” Bobbi informed her sagely. But before Daisy could give up, Bobbi received her secret order from the coffee girl and pushed it across the counter to Daisy, alongside the apricot danish. Bobbi met her confused glance with a wink, and added: “As your best friend, it’s my duty to wingman you to the best of my ability. It’s a fine line.”
“You’re fantastic. I love you.”
“Ah, save it for Bambi!” Bobbi shooed Daisy away from the counter and Daisy went, gleefully, singing in her head, over to Jemma’s table. She had a moment to take in the dusky pinks and browns of Jemma’s outfit, and the way the light seemed to fall softer on her, and then Jemma looked up.
“I’m sorry,” she said, “can I help you?”
And just like that, the moment was gone, evaporated by the sudden grip of panic.
Jemma looked up, and she could have sworn her heart skipped a beat. Here was Daisy, so close her eyes were sparkling, and with an absent smile on her face like she didn’t have to think about it. And with an apricot danish in one hand, and what appeared to be a chai latte – though the label was partially covered – in the other. Jemma’s stomach rumbled. It was like a vision from the gods.
“I – I’m sorry,” she stammered, snapping herself out of her distraction. “Ah, can I help you?”
“Um. Yes. Maybe.” Don’t look at Bobbi, don’t look at Bobbi. It had been far too long since she’d had a proper date, especially with someone like Jemma. And even though Bobbi had promised, Daisy still wasn’t sure…
“I was wondering…”
Make her laugh.
“Did you swallow a magnet?”
Jemma blinked. “What?”
“Did you swallow a magnet?” Daisy repeated, her mouth bone-dry all of a sudden. “Because…you’re attractive.”
Jemma snorted. “That’s terrible.”
“I know,” Daisy groaned.
“No, I love it!”
“Really? Because I’ve got plenty more.” Daisy cleared her throat and leaned into the cheese, listing off pick-up lines in a variety of voices as she slid into the seat next to Jemma’s. “’Baby, I’ve got my ion you.’ ‘What’s your sine?’ ‘Are you full of berillium, gold and titanium? Because you are B-E-A-U-Ti-ful.’”
Jemma snorted again and curled up, giggling.
“Ten points for delivery,” she awarded.
“Oh! Speaking of delivery, these are for you.” Daisy pushed the gifts across the table, and Jemma bet into the danish with relish.
“Thank you, my favourite!”
“I had help,” Daisy confessed with a smirk. “A little birdie told me.” Jemma raised an eyebrow over Daisy’s shoulder at Bobbi, who shrugged innocently and went about wiping down and rearranging the counter.
“Well, are you having anything? I don’t have my little birdie on me today, but I’d be happy to return the favour.”
“Not a favour,” Daisy insisted. “A gift. A…hm, a –“
“A date?” Jemma grinned broadly. “With me? Really?”
“Wait, did you not get that?” Daisy frowned.
“No,” Jemma replied sarcastically, “the string of pick-up lines was completely lost on me. Yes, of course I got it! I just thought it was sweet how you got all flustered. I’ve been too intimidated to speak to you all year.”
“Intimidated?” Daisy laughed. “Why?”
“Because…” Jemma blushed. “You’ve swallowed a magnet.”
“Aw! That’s terrible!” Daisy crooned, flattered, as if the word terrible was sweet.
“I know!” Jemma moaned, but she couldn’t help smiling. “I couldn’t even remember your name until the other day, I’ve just been sitting in class pining all year!”
“You should’ve asked Fitz to hook us up! Does he know? About you?”
“Yes! I don’t know why I didn’t think of that. I guess it still feels a little weird to talk to people about it. It’s strange being bi, I feel like I’m faking it half the time. Plus, I mean, I didn’t even know that you were – that you could even be interested until he told me. Oh, I hope you don’t mind about that, by the way.”
Daisy shrugged. “I’ve already told him I’m cool with it. I’m pretty out.”
“Oh. Good.”
“Obviously not out enough, though, if you didn’t pick up on it. I should start wearing rainbow flags to school…or plaid, at least. I could rock some plaid, don’t you think?”
“You already play softball!”
“I do roller-derby too, actually,” Daisy added. Jemma’s eyes widened.
“I have always wanted to try that!”
“It’s a load of fun. You will get the crap beaten out of you though.”
Jemma’s eyes lit up immediately.
“Any gruesome injury stories?”
“Ew! We’re eating!”
“Well, I’m eating,” Jemma corrected. “And I’m a bio student. I’m used to it.”
“You fascinate me,” Daisy said, more sincere than she had been expecting. Belatedly, she realised Jemma was right and that she still did not have her food with her. She glanced over her shoulder at it, and saw the coffee and donut and her bag still by the counter.
“Um. I’ll be right back.“
Bobbi met her eyes pointedly, and pushed the coffee and donut across the counter with a salacious sparkle.
“I’ll bring you guys a lunch menu later.”
“Shut up,” Daisy scoffed, blushing.
She returned to Jemma’s table, to find Jemma eagerly awaiting her arrival.
“We don’t have to talk about gory injuries if you don’t want to,” Jemma clarified. “I can be a bit gross. Sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. I have some killer stories! I just like to keep my blood and bones separate from my icing and sprinkles.”
“Fair enough. We’ll just have to find something different to talk about, then.”
Jemma pulled her anatomy notebook toward her and Daisy frowned, confused. Shouldn’t they be heading away from blood and bones? But as she watched, Jemma turned to a blank page, tore off a corner and started writing on it. A phone number.
“Just in case you wanted to tell me those stories some other time,” she explained as she slid it over to Daisy.
“Can’t wait!”
“But for now, blood-free, hm?” Jemma mused. “Well, okay, let’s start at the beginning.”
She held out her hand for a shake.
“Jemma Simmons. Biochemistry.”
“Daisy Johnson. Counterterrorism.”
From there, they launched into a lively conversation, swinging from favourite foods and seasons of the year to mockeries of dating advertisements, anecdotes, relatives and ancestors, life goals and hobbies and home and everything in between. They had lunch, and then Jemma walked Daisy to class, and grinned at nothing and rocked on her heels and shivered with delight after Daisy went inside. Daisy had given Jemma her number too, and Jemma rolled and flipped the paper between her fingers gleefully. It had been a long time since she’d had a date with someone special, lost track of time, kept them on her mind. It had been a long time since she’d felt this sort of chemistry with anyone, or had it reciprocated so enthusiastically or with a warmth and vibrancy that reminded her this is real.
Jemma ambled toward home without a rush, floating on the high of her blissfully, unexpectedly successful day. She sat on the train, barely but contentedly containing the urge to introduce herself to everyone that walked on with, “hi, I’m Jemma Simmons, I have a girlfriend. She’s amazing.” Then, as they pulled away from the station at last, her phone buzzed. A message from Daisy.
Remind me to show you a proper bat grip tomorrow. McLean Field, 9am.
Jemma smiled so wide she had to bite her lip to contain it, and proceeded to spend most of the rest of the trip home entering their next date, with care and flourish, into her diary.
23 notes · View notes
A Review and Contextless Commentary of Episode Two of CW’s Nancy Drew
[I watched this episode last Thursday, but forgot to post because my life is busy with midterms and the last weekend of the LARP I cast at, so I’m just getting this up now. Might watch the next episode and try to post the review/commentary before bedtime.]
I liked this episode less than the first one. There were a lot more facepalm moments. The characters are developing well but the mystery is not. It feels very stagnant from where the story ended in the first episode, nothing really changed in the course of this one. 
I haven’t given up hope yet, they do have to make this mystery last at least a season, so I get why it’s moving slowly. 
And now, for judgy, slightly obnoxious thoughts (be warned, they’re long):
Oh good. They didn’t totally ruin Carson by making him a cheating bastard.
I still refuse to believe that Carson, any version of him, is capable of or responsible for murder. If any version is, I’d buy the golf ball over this guy
Why are we doing this CW? Why are we having a teenage girl and a grown-ass-man hooking up? I don’t care that she’s 18, the implication is that she wasn’t when this bullshit started. I’m not even angry about it, I’m just tired. And maybe a little concerned how often this kind of storyline crops up in teen shows and is not portrayed as BAD and CREEPY and PREDATORY
Yes George, little reminder, his wife was just murdered and he’s a suspect. Smart move on maybe not sleeping with him. On top of the whole predatory thing.
That is a pretty bullshit injunction. But also, I think technically plausible? Either way Highly Suspicious on Mr. Ryan Hudson’s part
We’re still calling him Nick huh?
Of course the small town wouldn’t cancel their quirky and probably slightly creepy event for something like a simple murder
Is he McGinnis? Cus I’m like 80% sure that’s not what we called him last week…but whatever man, McGinnis it is
Yes let’s just openly discuss stealing blood from a corpse. Good plan Nancy.
Break in with better coverage bitch! Not in your distinctly colored work uniform and all your hair and other DNA sources exposed!
So far Nancy is the only one conclusively seeing the ghost, including even the audience not seeing it clearly, and I’m hoping that means something…
I call bullshit on Ace’s haunted morgue story. If someone died or went missing in a government building, especially a FREAKING MORGUE that would not go unsolved/attributed to a ghost
Exact wording concerned-flirting is still 110% what I’m here for with the Nedcy relationship
That’s your story? That your wife was on (impliedly) psychiatric medication and you don’t want that somehow going from an autopsy report, usually a sealed medical record at least until the death is solved, to ending up in the paper because of some nebulous effect it might have on your family? Could you be any vaguer and more full of shit?
Noo, George don’t fall for that and refuse to steal his phone because you feel guilty or something…even if you believe him, which you shouldn’t, you still need that to clear your name
Sure you’d never try to cover up info on your wife’s murder. But you’ll hook up with an 18-year-old the day after she’s murdered…
Nancy, spying on your friends and co-conspirators is rude. Justified, but still bad form
Oh, Carson knows Ryan. Good. And there’s clearly a history there. Awesome.
Finally! Carson with a spine! Much more the Carson I know and respect.
Ooh, so the history has something to do with Kate. Intriguing
Tactless Drew strikes again. Super not helping…
Oof. Probably deserved, but harsh anyway George.
Maybe don’t loudly discuss your criminal plans in the middle of a restaurant? I mean even discounting the girl you have just given every reason to turn your ass in, there are other people in there. With ears and the capability to tell McGinnis.
Bucket ritual? Really? That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, and I grew up in a town with the Annual Rubber Duck Races and the Tomato Festival
Can part of the bucket ritual be punching a sleezeball in the face with a bucket?
Also, maybe look around when you’re talking in case people overhear?
Going to Ryan and not the police is…maybe not the smartest idea George
More Ghostly hallucinations for Nancy…good…and she’s doubting herself. Not good. Don’t listen to Team Ghost or go to them for comfort when you see things, they’re not going to be helpful and we don’t need you freaking out more.
A least she’s covered up a bit more this time. But still leaving her hair and face exposed and wearing her distinctive (apparently) hat that got her into trouble once before on B&E. Nancy. Get it together.
That’s a lot of bodies for a small-town morgue
Coroner’s driver is hot. And clearly annoyed by these morons. I love her
That body looks very different than the woman before she died. I’m going to chalk it up to lighting and being a several day old corpse, but on another level I think it’s a low-budget corpse? Like that’s nowhere near the same hair color or face shape. Did you even try?
Lisbeth is so fucking Done with these two. Also I feel bad for Ace having to bust his clearly beloved car. And that leaking was focused on too closely to not be suspicious
When did it start raining? It wasn’t at the festival…
Oh god is this going to be a jumpscare? Nope, just dramatic noises. I think I might have to start watching in the dark for all the dramatics to really work…
So Gay! I love it!
Focus Nancy! Also she didn’t leave her whole body behind huh? I’m guessing Dead Lucy is less dead than one might think
Don’t steal evidence of a cold case. That you’ve already asked the police about recently. Bad plan.
How did the alarms get set off?! I would have believed on the way in or the way out, but not in the middle of the process. Unless the cold case evidence boxes are on pressure sensors for some bullshit reason
Go George! Glad you’re feeling apologetic Nan, but now is super not the time
And now Nancy’s in prison. Well this was a short show, considering this McGinnis doesn’t like her enough to let her investigate from lockup the way he did in ASH
I guess the suspicious zoom in on the dripping under the car was a red herring?
Yes! Bess got the cute girl’s number!
If Bess is what they’re calling ace rep, I’ll flip a table because what she’s describing is NOT WHAT BEING ACE IS (at least not for most people’s experience of it)
Adorable. And so fucking awkward. I love Ace like a lot. Which does not bode well for him tbh, especially as a canon foreigner
I love that they each have their own very different priorities to George’s announcement. Like, does it really matter what dead people parts she has Ace?
Listen to your cop friend Nancy. And maybe don’t immediately snoop so blatantly in a police computer…
Obviously she breaking into shit. That’s what she does. This isn’t new Carson
That’s…not how manslaughter trials work. Like ever. Unless, maybe, if she was a CI for the police and revealing her identity jeopardized other cases.
Is now the best time to talk about this? There’s usually shit like cameras in police holding areas…also do you really think your dad’s just going to be “haha yeah, I killed Lucy Sable and stashed her dress in the attic, you caught me!”
Really? I left you locked in a prison cell to get you to talk to me? That’s bad parenting
Ominous statement is ominous
I mean she JUST died, and her murder is still being investigated where both of you are suspects. So like maybe don’t jump to that assumption. Also, fuck him (but don’t fuck him) because he is a garbage person
I’m kind of in love with the fact that he fixed up the Blue Roadster and gave her a secret compartment for her locket. It’s sickeningly adorable
Watchya doing Carson?
I maintain that this is the dumbest ritual/town tradition ever
You’re stopping in the middle of sex for the bucket thing? Really? Is it that important?
Oof. Burning evidence now that you know your nosey ass daughter knows about it is bad form Carson. Way to look Suspicious
George…don’t read into it…it’s more likely a prank than an omen. Especially if you’ve been bullied/harassed before… Alternately, it’s hurting my theory that the ghostly apparitions are all in Nancy’s head
Of course it was Nick’s phone. I knew it was going to be one of theirs.
Okay, but seriously, Ace desperately needs a last name as one of the best things about the show and currently unsearchable as a unique tab on Tumblr
And now for the trailer!: Oh goodie, we’re doubling down on the ghosts and weird shit so I don’t get to keep pretending there’s a logical explanation or that it’s all in Nancy’s head…yay…
0 notes
narwool · 8 years
I couldn’t tell you why I typed all this out. I was going to break down the words to make Flynn say what I want but I got lazy. So instead now we have every word Flynn Scifo has ever said in English. (I might have left some out... His voice is still ringing in my ears.)
Right, do you think the other teams are going to make it?
No, I think we should just keep on going.
Back that way!
I think so.
What do you think is wrong? Why didn’t you stick to the plan!?
We’re in this together, your recklessness affects everyone of us, not just you!
And you’re as responsible as a toddler!
Yes, sir…
Me? It was your fault!
Are you ever planning to put your full uniform on?
And look at this floor!
Trust me, the feeling is mutual. I still don’t get why you joined the knights at all.
I’m sorry…
It’s just his natural charm.
Anything I get I’ll earn for myself.
Yes sir!
What’s he thinking? Make the forest safe soon; he promises them too much.
No thanks, I think I’ll pass.
I’m staying right here. Yuri is the one who started it all, it has nothing to do with ***-
I said, I don’t want to be part of this!
We’re leaving!
In other words, before, he was just wandering around aimlessly, hoping to find someone to fight! Right Yuri?
He’s always been like this, immature and reckless.
We both grew up in the lower quarter of the capitol, that’s all.
And then you had to go and spoil it all by showing up for the recruitment exam! Why did you really join!?
Don’t talk about him, okay?
I’m very sorry sir.
I find that hard to believe sir!
Yes, sir…
Sir? I will?
*clears throat audibly*
Yuri, quit causing trouble. I’m tired of getting dragged into it.
You’re a member of the knights now. You have to obey the rules. You need to be more responsible. And if that’s too much for you to handle, then you don’t belong here.
If you can’t swallow your pride and learn to obey orders, then you should leave the knights.
The capitol.
I am Flynn Scifo of the Ceazentonia brigade. I have come to the capitol to attend the ceremony as Captain Niren Fedrock’s proxy.
Inside that case you will find a document requesting reinforcements.
Excellency, strange things have been happening. There’s abnormal aer in the forest near town. Monsters are appearing! Please sir, I beg you. Read the request.
Wait, your excellency! The situation is most dire! The citizens are in serious danger.
My father…
Lady Estellise…
Thank you M'lady. I’m glad it’s me that the captain sent in his place. I’m sure Yuri would have slugged his excellency in a heartbeat.
Uh, he’s…
Nice cushy job you got, taking care of the dogs.
Get out of my way, I’m too  busy for you.
We can’t for now. He’s not sending anybody. Not ‘til after the ceremony.
His orders are for us to hold the forth. I’ll bring the documents to you later.
Yes! I can’t help whatever headquarters decides to do!
Don’t you think I said the same thing?! They just don’t see us as a priority! There’s nothing we can do!
I suppose you think I didn’t try hard enough!?
Sir you can’t be serious! If we do that, then people are going to die! We can’t just disobey an order.
Yeah I am. He liked ignoring orders, too. Headquarters had stopped the attack, but he…
My father died disobeying the orders he was given! Did you know they never found his body? I am never gonna make the same mistake that my father did.
Sorry about earlier… I didn’t know that Lambert had died.
My father’s body never got a proper burial. They only gave us a few personal effects. Once you die it’s over. Everything ends. And there’s nothing left. Nothing that matters.
[The] Barrier’s still there; they’ll have a hard time getting past that, at least.
The whole reason we asked for reinforcements was because it was too much for us to handle! We should wait.
If we die then who protects them?
Yes? What is it, sir?
No, thank you. We’re leaving earlier tomorrow.
I’m a member of the knights, sir. My personal feelings don’t really matter.
I agree. We should obey headquarters, protect the townsfolk, and wait for reinforcements before taking any action.
*strange anime noises*
I am a member of the knights! I will obey my direct superior. I may not fully agree with what the Captain’s doing, but he said something to me earlier and I want to find out what it means.
Goodnight, sir.
You knew our blastia would go out of control before we even left!?
*Gaspy thing*
I always do my duty.
Over here sir!
The aer’s flowing from there.
*War noises*
Yuri! We need to cut the red cords!
Who would build something like this?
Captain, look! This core-
*Sad gasping noises :(*
Calm down! You know this guy’s not worth it Yuri!
Yuri… It isn’t over yet.
We found it inside the ruins. Only you use that type of core, sir.
Why did you do it!? Were you hoping the town would be destroyed!?
You’re creating new blastia?
But you lost control of the blastia, so you decided to destroy it and take out the brigade and the town, as well!
Fortunately for us, that’s how we were able to bring back that core as proof. Are you saying…?
*Screams of rage*
Damn it.
I’m on it.
Yeah, what are you surprised?
The empire is abandoning this place now, so they’ll move on.
I think Merzon and the Captain were friends. I’m guessing that’s why he stayed.
I prepared and incident report and handed it over to Vice Captain Jurgis. Garista died in a random blastia explosion. We’re both covered. Jurgis suspected Garista too, once the Captain filled him in, so he didn’t make any objections to the report I turned in.
Right back at you, Yuri.
Making it in the world all alone, yeah, that’s you alright.
As for me I’m a knight through and through. I’ll stay here and do the best job I can. Just like the Captain ordered.
Oh, that’s right. I guess that you won’t be all alone.
Take good care of it.
See you later.
Yuri! Are you alright?
I’ve been looking all over for you.
Yuri, I’m happy to see you’re finally seeing the world outside the barrier.
Well, I got a little less happy when I saw this!
I didn’t think that when you quit the knights that you’d take up a life of crime.
Simple or not, a crime is a crime.
Ah- I’m fine. L-Lady Estellise…
Please, this way.
I’ve heard your story up until this point, Yuri. And also the reason for the bounty on your head. First off, I owe you my thanks for protecting her.
And that’s where we have a problem.
Regardless of the circumstances, Imperial law cannot allow the obstruction of officers, jailbreaking and trespassing
Then I assume you are prepared to receive the punishment your actions deserve.
So you can tell me it was all done in order to get back the lower quarter’s blastia core? That’s what you wanted to say, right?
I’ll make the introductions. This is my second in command, Sodia. This is Witcher, a mage who offered his assistance to us at the laboratory in Aspio. This is my-
At ease Sodia. He is a friend of mine.
I’ve just heard his story. While he is guilty of minor crimes the warrant for is arrest contains false accusations. Later, I will return him to the capital and explain the situation. And he will receive his due punishment.
Those aren’t the only rumors surrounding the magistrate. He’s released a monster known as Rhybgaro into the wild, and amuses himself by forcing those who can’t pay their taxes to hunt it. He claims he’ll pardon their taxes if they manage to capture the beast.
What? What happened to their child?
You never could sit still, could you?
Yuri, don’t do anything reckless.
Witcher, go and see if we can get the right to search blastia laboratories.
*Sigh* I thought leaving the capitol would have changed him a little. But it seems like he’s even more reckless than before.
Yuri’s so single minded when it comes to protecting others. He’s willing to sacrifice himself to do it. I envy him for that. But I also worry that he’ll take it too far.
Oh, by the way, Lady Estellise. How is it? Walking around outside, free?
Good. I’m glad to hear it.
Magistrate, I don’t know what’s happened here, but allow us to offer our assistance.
Damn! He’ll get away!
It looks like everyone made it through unharmed!
Master Ioder!!!
Wait, I’ll pull you out! Sodia, give me a hand!
I’ve made arrangements at the inn. We can discuss things further there. You’ll come, won’t you?
It’s too dangerous! You’ve gotta get out of here!
Yes, sir!
Your Highness!
Prepare rooms at once. I’ll take her there myself.
We’ve come to help subdue the monsters.
Is this really the time for that?
Yes. We’re old friends.
I see you know Yuri as well.
So… you’ve come to have a laugh at me in this sorry state?
It doesn’t hurt to be forced to view things from behind bars, every now and then.
That was the Red Eye’s doing. They attacked after you left.
Even if it was, the responsibility is mine.
But how do you know?
I hadn’t heard about that.
Most likely the wanna force a clash between the guilds and the knights.
Yes. To put them in a fighting mood.
I was wondering how long it’d take you to get rid of that damn lock. You’ve got to stay here.
Yuri… if I don’t make it back, you’ll have to die in my place.
Doesn’t anyone knock anymore?
As of today, I’ve been assigned the post of Captain.
If that’s how you feel, you should come back to the knights. You’d be able to-
Thank you… You didn’t come down here to celebrate my promotion.
It’s Ragou, isn’t it? Appropriating Nor Harbor for his own purposes, committing treason by his collusion with Barbos. Add to this, stealing from the populace, and the extermination of even his own people; simply because he didn’t like them. The people he killed were either fed to monsters, or sold to those who will pay money for corpses.
That he should be able to do those things, and not have to answer for them. The authority of the council… is far more powerful than I had imagined.
I thought with this promotion, that I had gotten a bit closer to my goal. But I have to face the fact that the law can’t even punish a single person like Ragou.
True, but many people continue to suffer in the meantime, needlessly. When I consider that, I…
*anime anger noise*
Yes. Someday I’ll create a legal order that treats everyone with equality. I have to.
… I’m still trying to figure that out.
Ah-! Aren’t you cutting it a bit close?
You could at least ease up a little.
You know, knightly duties and such. Afraid that’s all I can say!
I’m not at liberty to say.
You’re the one taking this seriously! It’s been awhile since I’ve seen you enjoy anything this much. And don’t you think it’s about time you return her Highness?
Her Highness tends not to listen to the things I tell her.
Well, shall we put an end to this little show?
Yuri, protect her Highness!
Commandant, but why is he here?
Yuri, Lady Estellise, wait!
Surely after returning to the capitol, you can-
Your highness!
A guild? So that’s what you meant by doing things your own way.
That’s fine, but what about -?
Commandant, how could you!? You’re the pride of the imperial knights. How could you commit treason?
And you just intend to betray the trust of his Highness Ioder?
This is madness.
Alexei, wait!
Go after Alexei and Yeager!
The shrine of Baction is said to be located on the Hypionian continent.
Very well… Let’s talk over there.
I’m sorry…
His Highness is not to blame. I had total confidence in Alexei. The responsibility is mine.
The conversion of Heliord into a military installation, the abuse of the residents at Mantaic, all of Cumore’s activities, the forbidden developement of new blastia… all of these were carried out under the Commandant’s… under Alexei’s orders.
The Commandant… Alexei was not always this way. You of all people should remember. Those who were just would lead lives of prosperity. That was the ideal that Alexei once held dear. That was why I…
*gasp* “ …!”
No. That never would have happened if I hadn’t been blind to Alexei’s true nature. I had grown far too used to simply obeying orders like a good knight. Even when I doubted them… It was my lack of thought that brought this about.
No. It is as she says. I must shoulder this responsibility. It is up to me to rescue Lady Estellise. Witcher, Sodia, until then, help Yuri and his friends protect Master Ioder.
I was unable to prevent the Royal Guard from abducting her Highness. I am duty bound to correct this wrong by saving her.
I know. That’s why this brigade is concentrating all our efforts on ensuring his safety.
Yuri… thanks.
Alexei! What happened to the ideals you held? What changed?
And just how many lives do you plan to sacrifice to acquire it?
Yuri! Look out!
The enduring shrine of Zaude…
No, that’s the first time.
I wonder what it is?
World domination… do you really think can do that.
We knights are always one step behind. Without the rest of you, we’d never have been able to approach the capitol. Much less stop the blastia from spreading this danger across the land.
Even with Lady Estellise…
I assume your friends will be with you.
Yuri, you’re the one who really did all this…
Going already?
It looks like things here won’t be settled for a while. I had hopes that we’d have the guild ships at our disposal.
It seems they’ve been unable to decide on a course of action since the Don’s passing. It looks like I’ll be one step behind you again this time.
The council has chosen Ioder as their leader. For all intents and purposes, he’s got their nomination for the throne.
That’s not it. It’s just that… I’ve finally come to terms with the choices she’s made for herself.
Don’t give me a hard time. It’s something I’ve had to struggle with in my own way…
I’ll bring the problems of the aer and the blastia to his Highness’ attention. He’ll be able to come up with some way of helping, I’m sure. As for Lady Estellise, Yuri, you have my confidence.
As far as anyone is concerned, the capitol was retaken because of my efforts. It isn’t just with this though. No one knows the things you- that Brave Vesperia have done for them. They probably never will. Are you satisfied with that?
We cannot let our guard down here. If we cannot defend this place, we lose the very reason for taking out the monsters.
You’ll get yourself killed if you keep watching me fight.
Sh-shut up!
I am not worked up!
Would you be serious for once?
I can’t concentrate with you talking all the time.
You’re not too bad either.
We’re about to the middle.
You like you’re actually having fun in the middle of all this.
Now Yuri!
Your Highness.
I guess we have to stay and defend them for a little more.
I’m sure the guilds are in chaos right now, too. Thank you for your help.
Witcher! Is something wrong?
Wait. Could you explain what you’re talking about?
You never change.
Okay. I’ll see what I can do. In exchange, you all go talk to the people of the Union and Pallestralle.
Not bad!
No way!
How could I-? I underestimated you!
Now we’ll have a real fight!
You got strong…
I will take up your challenge anytime.
Not bad… you’re putting up a good fight.
Ha… nice.
I have no choice-!
Take this!
The art of the knights!
Demon Fang
Demonic Chaos
Demonic Circle
Tiger Blade
Sonic Thrust
Sword Rain Alpha
Guardian Field
Dragon Swarm
Holy power come- First Aid!
Oh divine spear, run mine enemy through- Holy Lance!
11 notes · View notes
The Original Concept
So below I have some old RP/Story Junk from Forever ago, This was done with a close friend for my HeartCandies Concept Story about Teens with SuperPowers relocated to a military base in the artic to be trained as soilders. Below the cut is the god awful writing of mine from +3-5 years ago.
A TIME OF INJUSTICE Part 1 A RolePlay/Story by PuppyTheKat and Jordan Schnur Bee sat with her back on the seat of the couch and her legs in the air. Her arms were tightly crossed in a stubborn fashion. Her crooked teeth were clenched and her thick eyebrows lowered in to a angry scowl as she stared at the ceiling.
Firefly ran in screaming, "The mayor is getting eaten by a giant octopus! We need to go now."Firefly got suited up and was ready to go.
Bee threw her legs over her head flipping over the couches seat. Then launched herself into the air and levitated over to firefly. YAY! She yelled I love these training ecersices. She jetted through the air to the training hall. Puppy and Justine were already there.
Firefly followed bee, and pulled a chair up to the holographic computer. Punched in some stuff and the program began. A giant octopus jumped at puppy
Puppy jumped over the arm and morphed into a cheetah and ran up the octopus's arm and struck the octopus's large head with extended claws. Bee flew up and started kicking the octopus but was quickly seized by a large suction cup.
Firefly jumped up and struct the octopus in the arm, another arm grabbed him. After a few moments with all his might he broke free and tried to help bee again and managed to let her loose.
Justine jumped up and shot several arrows and yelled clear before the arrows exploded one knocked off an arm and the other hit the head and blew puppy right into the wall stunning her momentarily.
Firefly saw the moment where we could win this. He yelled to Bee and Justine to all go for a uniform attack on his head on his mark. Next he rushed to puppy to make sure she was alright.
SilverSparks made a few strange hand symbols and suddenly acorn and Ryuu apeared and started a separate uniform attack silver sparks gave firefly a sharp glare this is my team alt get back into position. Puppy ran past him sorry dude I'd watch your back round him he's always hard on new reqruits.
Firefly grudgingly did what Silverspark said. He thought to himself, I'm not a fan of this guy. He flew to he top of a building and tried to get a good angle for his secret weapon he had been working on.
Puppy jumped forward toward the ocrapus's beak and pryed it open while partially moyphing her hands into large clawed hand paws. Shredder jumped next to her and helped her hold it open and Justine shouted CLEAR!
Firefly finally gets his secret weapon working. He pulls out a gun the size of an iPhone and aims it the octopus and, making fun of Justine says "CLEAR!!"! With a huge pop a small ray fires and turns the octopus into a frog. Firefly grins happily.
The arrow hist the frog and explodes right next to puppy and Shreddder giving them mild burn injuries and some ripped skin. Then the simulation ends. Puppy and Shredder hunch over a bit...."well I see your alternate better be thankfull that was a simulation or we would have been down for the count." Shredder said glaring at firefly..... Silversparks charged at him and crushed his weapon after throwing it to the ground..."YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ALL OF US IF THIS WASN"T A SIMULATION!" He then turned to puppy "KEEP YOUR SIDEKICK UNDERCONTROL FREAK!" Puppy lunged at him then shredder held her back..."It's not that bad." he said. Just then the overcom sounded .. LEVEL FIVE FAILED
"Well I guess I screwed up bad huh" Firefly says to puppy. "I really thought it was a good idea at the time. Silverspark could have been a little nicer, I'm not sure I like that guy very much. Anyway, what's next on the schedule puppy? "
Puppy looked to SilverSparks and gave him a nasty gaze and pulled back her lips revealing her canines...."Can it Freak....Meeting in the module room in five minutes...I'd be there if I was you.. Ya dont want to end up in you know were again..." Puppy snorted... and he walked away. Dont let him give you any trouble kay?...Sorry bout the side kick line he knows were partners...we should really work on that." She said popping her knuckles.
It's cool. I'm going to go finish my Rocket. Screw the meeting. Once I get some respect maybe then I'll go.
Puppy gave a toothy grin and chuckled"Well after that simulation I probably shouldn't listen to you for a while but ticking off Silver sounds pretty fun right about now...Besides its not like they can send you to solitary confinment for blowing off a meeting..right?!?" FireFly turned his head and twerked his head to the side..."You were sent to solitary!!!!" Puppy jumped recalling what she said..."Ummmmmmmm Nooooo......ish".
Firefly decided he could fix his Rocket later and that it would be more fun to go fly in the Jets he finished last week. He called to Justine and asked her to come too. Once they got to the Hanger he set the Jets to Dogfight Training mode and jumped in. Said good luck and shooted out of the hanger bay doors.
Puppy jumped up and shifted into an HummingBird and flew alongside FireFly. Some Time had passed before Suddenly she said in a tiny highpitched voice."Wow look over there!" She gestured to the horizion where blood red smoke stretched across the sky she looked back..They could no longer see the B-4 Center...."We've never gone this far north we already passed the Concaves and the border mark....were in enemy lines...." She thought about it for a second then stopped...we'd better leave a marker...or we may not find our way back..."
Firefly didn't notice we were behind enemy lines, as he was having so much fun. He took a nose dive and at the last second came up behind Puppy, locked on and fired. A popup on puppys screen showed that she had been hit. Since this was training mode, her engine went out and she started to lose speed. Meanwhile at B-4 Acorn wondered where Puppy, Firefly and Justine were.
Puppys body shifted to her normal form before fallling out of the sky. She hit the ground and groaned before pulling herself under the cover of a fox burrow. While back at B-4 The Instructors had gathered. Spitfire hagged at The Ice Marshall..."THEY'VE BEEN GONE FOR ALMOST AN HOUR WE NEED TO SEND A PATROL!" He glanced back at her and gave her a sarcastic look..."Justine is with them they should be fine." GammaWave exchanged another glance with Canaviral ArmStrong. She looked to the others..."We've detected a signal...it appears to be an sos...from enemy lines. They may have been captured...we cannot breif the classified information until they have returned." SilverSparks laughed "She really did it this time I can't wait to see the punishme..." He was cut off by the Canaviral "As you know justine is with them...She is your TEAMMATE...."SilverSparks cringed at the word.....and The Canaviral continued."And since you are the leader of the team That makes it a double offense against your post and puts you at fault for any damages...You did know that Right?" SilverSparks gave a look of disbelief.."I HAVE TO GO AFTER THEM!!!" Spitfire chuckled "Think of it as a redo of your training excersize..she laughed again. SilverSparks felt his heart race...he could never do this alone.....could he? "If only puppy were hee... he cut the thought...If she were here there would be no problem...Ughhh he grunted before walking towards the doors then brutally slamming them behind him.
A TIME OF INJUSTICEPart 2 A RolePlay/Story by PuppyTheKat and Jordan Schnur
Firefly coudn't belive his eyes. Had something gone wrong? Why did puppy just fall out of the sky like that? He turned his jet around and started to search for puppy. It had been 10 minutes and he still coudn't find her. Had she been captured? He sent out an SOS, he knew he was going to be in trouble, but was very worried about Puppy. Justine also looking for her, with no better luck than Firefly.
Puppy looked up from the den...she was to weak to Shapeshift from her humming bird form and slowly drooped into sleep. SilverSparks plowed through the snow following their tracks while staring at the ground.."they stopped"...he felt the snow...it was covered in burn marks.. they must have used a flying device..He ran back to the base and geared up in the small helicopter often used for training missions. Acorn tagged along in the two seater. They had quickly covered the teritory when acorn said "What if they passed the border?!?"
Firefly saw something on the radar, he knew who it was. He put his pride aside, and set the course for the ship. He called Justine to do the same.
SilverSparks hovered the heli-copter next to them and rolled down the window where is Puppy? he scolwled
"I don't know. I've been looking for her for over an hour" Firefly said in reply.
SilverSparks said with comtempt in his voice." We have to go back...one team mate lost is better than the whole team we need to ask the councils advice on the matter....
"No!" Firefly said with anger. "She's lost out here, and I'm going to find her with or without you. Justine you in?" Justine replyed, "Let's do it!"
SilverSparks gave a sharp glare at Justine before giving her a raised eyebrow" You know the rules on this in section 2-b." Justine lowered her head...."You also know the punishment..." He continued she slowly joined SilverSparks "I can't abandon my post leader or the rule book....Sorry puppy..I just cant." Acorn looked away and sighed. SilverSparks gave firefly a glare..."Its been ordered by the instructors for us to come back now." He looked down at his wrist watch..."You have no choice."
"I will not do it!" Firefly ran full speed to his jet, and put SilverSparks ship into a ForceField. He got into the Jet and programed an automatic search grid, and began.
SilverSparks Gave a nasty glare "So thats how its gonna be!...Hold on tight!" he said and phased through the force feild. He quickly jumped out of the craft and onto Fireflys back he reached inside of FireFlys Throat and put the perfect amount of pressure on his wind pipe to knock him out. He loaded him into the ship and headed for the base. When they Got Back He quickly placed FireFly in solitary confinment to avoid him hurting the team or himself.."He sounded over the intercom..."Dont worry I can't even get out of there it is only activated by a secret phrase that the instructors know....And You cant control your robots in there either."
Firefly stood screaming for days, or what seemed liked days. Just wanting to go out and find puppy. He kepts replaying the last moments in his head, over and over and over.
Puppy woke up in a a small dark area hazilly....She looked up and there was an armoured gaurd standing next to her...All of a sudden Puppy started having uncontrollable spasms in her legs it threw her around inside the truck the gaurd held her down on the floor and a voice came from the cab.."Whats going on back there?" The female gaurd called back "Reaction to the sedatives one sec..." BANG!!! The driver called back " you okay?" A long pause filled the air... "Dont worry shes out for the count...I'll tie her up." They soon arrived at some snow base... And approached a man on a long cloak .."This was a dead or alive right?" The driver said. "Yes, Illusion bring the body.... he said before handing the driver his money than leaving with illusion and Puppys body draped over her back. Back at the base The ice marshall opened the door and light covered Fireflys face..."I have some bad news...you know... he sat down next to him.. that upon arival each of you were installed with a tracking device that monitors your body and health...well Puppys went out cold this morning...I thought you should be the first to know...as you were the closest to her some might say even closer than she was to shredder who originally saved her life when she arrived.... Because of this unfortunate accident your rank has been moved up to B-4 Beta until further notice I'll let you inform your team mates he said walking out.
A TIME OF INJUSTICE Part 3 A RolePlay/Story by PuppyTheKat and Jordan Schnur
After The Ice Marshall left, Firefly started to cook up a plan. He secretly called Shreder in to help him. After the thing with Justine, he wasn't sure he could trust her anymore.
Acorn followed secretly behind Shredder and they just happened to hear her spying in on them ecspessially when she heard the news..."PUPPY CAN'T BE DEAD!" she yelled tearing up.....Shredder gasped..."Acorn!!!!!!" she stumbeled upon surprise and landed in a faceplant.
Firefly ran to Acorn and put his hand over her mouth. Shhh No one is supossed to know about this. We don't belive puppy is dead. We have been tracing signals for the past few days and we think we might know where she is.
On the far side of enemy lines Illusion stood by the entrance to the cell. "So your awake." she cakled. Puppy jumped up..."Oh no...Im not the one you want!!!! I'm not who I appear! Let me out!" she yelled. An overcom sounded "Don't worry sweet heart...There's no use trying to escape....I have you!...And I dont plan on letting you go anytime soon snowshoe....." The gaurd momentarilly froze in shock at the words used......She watched the girl carefully before noticing the girl was staring at some thing ....something that wasn't there...."A psycic trick...hes playing one on her....she must think he's standing right there..she thought..." The intercoms sounded again.. "Illusion come to my chambers at once we must discuss certain arangements in the girls training....stay right there I'll be right back..." The sinister words rolled off his tounge. She jumped up this time she ran full force at the entrance before being yanked backwards again by the short chain tethered to the shock collar she wore around her neck...."I'm not the one you want!" she yelled again "Let me out I can prove it!" the gaurd slowed to a stop and looked back before sayning in a hauty voice..."Thats what they all say." She walked down the ling tunnels of the hide out they had been carved in the rock of the mountain...She carefully examined each door till she found the right one...It was verry tall carved out of deep red cherry wood she slowly opened the doors before kneeling at the entrance..."Master may I come in?" The large chair slowly turned around and a man whos face was covered by a metal mask was revealed he had a long deep purple coat and his voice was that of an old man...a strong one at that."It took you long enough! One might think you'd forgotten the way....And learned your manners...Are you feeling sick!?!" The gaurd tensed "I was feeling proud!...At my catch ...She's well rather strong hard willed and stuborn as a mule." He scowled "You mean like me....." She froze then matched his scowl with a greater one...but this one had a certain hatred in it..."Nothing like you....THAT WOULD BE AN INSULT!" He looked back at her...."So your back to normal I see." She looked at him again "They WILL come for her you know......I can tell." He turned "ehh?". "They won't abandon her.. you can tell." He turned.."DONT GO SOFT!!! Besides they will if they think she's dead...". She tilted her head "What would make them think that?"...."Well each one of them have a chip implanted on the back of their neck sends their vitals and locations back to the base...You smash it it renders going out cold...They made it to easy by flying out in the open lets just say that a tranqulizer takes out a humming bird really fast...even the extremely small ones.".....The gaurd took a step out of sight and reached for something on her back she then picked up the dart gun "So...whos keeping an eye on the prisioner?"...........Back at B-4 Shredder explained to Acorn..."We recieved an encoded message 5 minutes after she fell out of the sky.....We can't crack it!" Acorn looked at the message and gave them the most sarcastic look she could muster..."Really guys! Your not serious are you......It says; Hit with Tranq taken to Sector 7 Point 5....." The two boys looked at her in awe....."Just tell us how!?!" "Well if you werent so busy trying to find a secret code you would have realized the "code" 8-9-20_23-9-20-8_20-18-1-14-17_20-1-11-5-14_20-15_19-5-3-20-15-18-G_16-15-9-14-20E Was that code that every kid used in kindergarden along with the backwards alphabet." Shredder stopped and looked to FireFly....."So we could have had the answer days ago?" She looked at Shredder "Yes...This is why i'm your team-mate to help you."
Firefly looked away, a little upset but relived. He went to ask permission take the jet to sector 7 to go get her. He also though how weird it was she didn't contact them, but aside from the point.
The Ice Marshall looked at FireFly and repeated himself. "I refuse to let you and the others go out....This is irrisponsible even for you Shredder...I'm highly dissapointed in you FireFly... You didn't even tell the team....I'm putting the facility on lockdown until you can come to your senses!" A short alarm blared and the rest of the team converged in the control deck. "I have bad news team we have to confirm the death of your beloved team mate Puppy The Kat... What some of you may not known is that we have been taking shifts beetween search parties searching for her. We have taken measures against such a thing by giving each of you a tracking system that also monitors your vitals as you've known but what you did not know is you each had an extra tracking system that is virtually untrackable without using a one of a kind hand held system. This morning the second system registered her vitals peaking then abruptly stopping....in translation she suffered a heart attack. We will be contacting the bearu for a replacement for her rank." SilverSparks eyes narrowed as he muttered something under his breath to Justine who refused to keep eye contact with anyone. Bee could no longer take it...."SO WE JUST GIVE UP!!!! PUPPY POURED EVERYTHING INTO US!!! ANYTIME WE NEEDED HELP SHE WAS THERE! WHEN SILVERSPARKS FAILED SIMULATION 12 SHE PASSED 34!!!! THERE IS NO TEAM WITHOUT HER!!!!" Her face flustered with deep red of not only Loyalty but tenderness. The Marshall looked at her with the emotionless stare that always glazed his face. "Yes, Then that is what we shall do......Your just children, that is an honorable position that they don't respect they would kill each and every one of you if given the chance they show no hesitation or evidence of a concious....we can only train you for the trials to come and thoose who are left behind are those who were not destined to survive." Bee stopped stone cold....Her eyes gave way to emoitionlessness and her shoulders dropped her kness buckled and she fell to the floor. Her head seemed to dangle from a hinge."You could watch us get killed and do nothing?" The team was just watching them in horror. The Ice Marshall hesitated too long......They all knew the awnswer....Bee Coughed and a drop of blood spewed from her mouth. "Just because my master killed you dosen't mean you can treat me like this...."Bee looked up at him her eyes were red at the flames in the depths of hell.... Justine was mortified and without thinking jumped inbetween the two....Knives that was the feeling knives everywhere......She grabbed her face from the pain.....Bee had gone limp.... She forced out the words and revealed her one good eye...PeeKaBoooo...... Just then the Ice Marshall fell to the ground unconcious as did Justine. SilverSparks watched as Spitfire picked up the Marshall and Shredder rushed to the girls side.....Silver couldn't find anything to say nothing rude nothing judgemental nothing sarcastic......It was the second time he had been truly afraid.....He didn't even check if they were okay...he just ran....he ran and hid under the simulation desk.....
A TIME OF INJUSTICE Part 4 A RolePlay/Story by PuppyTheKat and Jordan Schnur
Firefly was mortified, he had no idea what to do... He grabbed Bee and took her to her room, laid her down and put the blanket over her. After he went and got Justine. He looked at her, and hoped she would be alright. He took her also to her room. Hopefully she will feel better. Now Firefly wasn't satisfied with Puppy died. To many questions left unanswered. Something else was going on here. He went to his room, locked the door hacked the secure files, which he had done many times before and started studying them.
The man turned at her "Why I am!....". She looked confused at him and took a step back almost bumping into the mirror. The man looked past her squinting then his eyes widened before narrowing into a devlish smile...."So your the captive!.....How, Are you a psycic?!?". She smiled slyly..."Why 'master' dont you know your assistant when you see her! After all is my name not illusion?" His grin faded..."So thats why you were acting strange....I knew there was something different...about you...So you're a shapeshifter than?" She smiled before she shifted into a wolf then back breaking the illusion and revealing herself. "Not that kind...I didn't do anything!"...He looked at her "What are you..." "Insinusating ?" She filled "I just used your trick against you. You knew that they had captured a female and she would be tied up in the back, BUT; you didn't know what she looked like...Your mind filled in the blanks you tricked everyone including yourself....I just played the part...but, how did you figure me out." He seemed to be highly confused glancing to the sides a few times before smiling..." You reached behind your neck and felt the stitches...were it was removed...You still have blood on your fingers!...And I saw tthe stitches in the mirror behind you...." She smiled "So does this make us even?" She gave a sly look and raised an eyebrow...."No not really...you see now I have to keep you as you've seen my true face....Not even Illusion has...and to think she was telling the truth!" He looed back up and Puppy was gone.... He stood up and narrowed his eyes..."Sly little brat..wont be long till she finds she can't escape...." Back at B-4 SpitFire stood behind FireFly tapping her foot .... "So this is your idea of fun huh?!?"
Ummm, yeah as Firefly quickly changed what he was doing not wanting anyone to know what he was doing. Sooo what's up SpitFire?
She gave a little snort chuckle combo...."Now i know i might seem a little 'HOT HEADED' .....and not the 'Brightest'!" She joked ".....but if you really wanna find puppy then your probably gonna need this!" She showed him a plastic ID with a thumb drive on the end... "Level one clearance....Best way to access without or with hacking....I'm not just your weapons and fighting coach but i'm the best programmer and hacker in the biz" She smiled at him. "It will just register as me on the database...so don't log on during my classes or you might get caught......" She looked at him again "Ask me anything..bout your team mates the instructors you got it....everything here has an explanation....Thats why puppy is on a higher level than Silver.....Were good buds and I think we both know that Silver can't handle the team without her..... So wuddya say truce, she extended the ID wich collapsed to a simple thumbdrive......."2 Petabytes too!"
Okay that sounds like a good idea he though to himself... Okay truce. Now look at these readings do they seem weird to you? He showed her psycic energy readings that were off the chart.
"Oh no..... Den Onde..... I know where she is!" Suddenly The feed buzzed and whirred. Pixels seemed to jump across the screen...."Were getting hacked!" FireFly jumped "WAIT!" SpitFire locked on to the feed..."This is no hacker!" A visual slowly peiced together ...... "PUPPY!" SpitFire yelled. She was running through the long looming hall of what appeared to be a midevil castle. Puppy looked horified then the sound synchronized from jibberish...."Help is anyone there! This is Puppy The Kat I'm in Sector -7 Point 15! I need help some one is pursuing me! I can't find an exit! If you find this PLEASE COME FOR ME!" SpitFire gasped.. "Oh no Illusion!"......."PUPPY WATCH OUUU..." SpitFire was cut off by a loud familiar noise..... Puppy stoped cold she suddenly started giving short uneven heavy breaths. She trembled heavily. Her eyes widened then rolled back as the front of her shirt started turning damp...She went limp and hit her hear on a stone wall and right above her eyebrow became tinged with red. Illusion walked to her limp body then kicked her in the stomach...Puppy did'nt even flinch. She remained motionless. Illusion used her heel to crush the feed from the watch and the video dissapeared.... SpitFire fell to her knees and tears streamed from her eyes ....."no....WHY?!?"......"She got shot....."
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mattsammonsez · 5 years
Brass Tacts: Taking on the Big Boys... Again and Again and Again
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America is a nest for the revolutionary spirit. After all, that’s how the country came to be in the first place. After more than 150 years of colonization under the British rule, the locals rose up and declared independence to become a world power in the 243 years since.  Often overlooked in this revolutionary experience, is the fact that the colonists also embarked on an 8 1/2-year battle with Britain over independence, and would face an embarrassing second act performance by the crown in 1812. But the notion of breaking away, establishing new norms, and having a long-lasting impact around the world isn’t just for the political science history books. It’s well instilled in sports history, and provides a blueprint for true disruption of content creation.
Businessman and marketing maven Dennis Murphy, and fellow businessman and lawyer Gary Davidson, were part of a southern California group of investors trying to get an American Football League expansion team in Anaheim, where Major League Baseball’s California Angels would soon be moving into a brand new Anaheim Stadium. The AFL was moderately successful in its inaugural year of 1961, with the only franchise relocation being the Chargers leaving Los Angeles for San Diego. But before Murphy and Davidson could complete the expansion process, the AFL and NFL had agreed to a merger, with one stipulation being that existing AFL franchises playing in NFL markets (such as the Jets in New York or the Raiders just a bridge away from San Francisco) would not have to relocate to new cities. While this kept the AFL in New York and Oakland, it also gave the NFL exclusive domain to the growing and lucrative Los Angeles market with the Rams firmly established as the home team.
Murphy and Davidson were not deterred, as the process of pulling together an AFL expansion attempt had opened the world of possibilities to all sports leagues. After the football league merger, the two rebels fixed their sites on the stodgy National Basketball Association. The NBA in the mid 1960s was the youngest of the four major sports, having started in its current form in 1946. The game of basketball then would be seen as something foreign compared to the game it is now-- there was very little individual freedom as one team worked in a structured system that tried to outscore the other team’s tightly structured system. Murphy and Davidson looked to add some fun to the game, while also bringing the game to new markets, in a similar fashion that the AFL delivered professional football to markets the NFL didn’t want to expand to. The new basketball league would also take a page from the AFL playbook, in that the ultimate goal was to have the league (if not several teams) merge with the NBA, giving the owners of the teams that merged a significant return on investment.
The American Basketball Association would tip off in 1967, featuring a colorful red, white, and blue basketball as well as colorful teams such as the Anaheim Amigos and New Orleans Buccaneers. Through the years, the ABA teams would change names and locations, all the while introducing psychedelic uniforms and zany promotions. But the ABA was much more forward-thinking than the NBA. The league introduced the three-point line and the slam dunk contest at the all-star game, and undercut the NBA’s talent pool by drafting some of the best up and coming stars such as Julius Erving and Moses Malone. Despite the nomadic adventures of several of the league’s teams, the ultimate goal was attained in 1976 when four ABA teams (San Antonio, Indiana, New Jersey, Denver) were merged in to the NBA. 
While the ABA was plugging its way to a merger with the NBA, Murphy and Davidson took aim at the NHL in 1971 with the creation of the World Hockey Association. The NHL was still a primarily Canadian and Northeastern U.S. league, despite expanding mostly for the benefit of a U.S. network television contract in 1967 and again in 1970. While the ABA was centered around a merger built around a fun league, the WHA would have a merger with the NHL as an end game while pirating star players away from the NHL’s restrictive reserve clause. The reserve clause locked in a player’s agreement to an NHL club in perpetuity once he signed a contract. That meant that the only way a player could leave a team or situation he was unhappy with was through the team releasing the player or trading him to a bottom-dwelling team if not full out relegating him to the minor leagues. There was no free agency, and no leverage in salary negotiations for players as even the NHL’s biggest stars such as Gordie Howe made just a little over what the average player was making.
Murphy and Davidson scored a major coup when they were able to convince Blackhawks’ star forward Bobby Hull to sign with the WHA’s Winnipeg Jets, inking a 10-year contract with a then-unheard of $1 million signing bonus. From that moment on, the gloves were off as the WHA pilfered many star NHL players including Bernie Parent, Derek Sanderson, Gerry Cheevers, and even Howe would join his sons Mark and Marty in Houston in 1973 following a year’s retirement. The NHL had to match contract offers to keep stars such as Phil Esposito and Bobby Orr from jumping to the rival league. The downside to the bidding wars was that many WHA franchises were poorly funded from the get-go, so the league had to shift strategies to survive. The WHA eventually drafted amateur players at the age of 18 when the NHL still held out with a 20-year-old draft in an effort to protect junior hockey leagues. In the final days of the WHA, the league boasted of young talent such as Mark Messier, Rick Vaive, Rob Ramage, and Wayne Gretzky. Like the ABA, the WHA would see its merger dreams come true too, albeit with a lengthy and costly legal battle. In 1979, Winnipeg, Quebec City, Edmonton, and New England (later rechristened the “Hartford Whalers” by request of the Boston Bruins) would join the now 21-team NHL.
Not all of Murphy and Davidson’s rival leagues would be successful though. The 1974 attempt to dethrone the NFL through the World Football League was disastrous for a number of reasons, and the future World Team Tennis and Roller Hockey International leagues would have some measures of success but weren’t long lasting ventures with any other league to merge with. But what can we as content creators learn from their adventures?
The status quo doesn’t have to be status quo: There’s always room for something different, and often the idea comes from someone who isn’t steeped in the status quo paradigm. The NBA and NHL didn’t have to change in the 1960s and 1970s, but with a more fun product in the ABA and looser salary system in the WHA, the older leagues had no choice but to adapt. And while the ABA and WHA long-term goals were to get accepted in to the old guard, it was through incredibly unorthodox methods that they got there. For content creation, the message is simple-- if you need to do something completely different to get to where you want to go, it’s worth trying it.
The content DOES need to be different: In the ABA it was the style of play, and in the WHA it was how players got paid that brought superstar credibility overnight. Challenging the old guard can be done by anyone, but it’s the differences that have to truly standout from what everyone else is doing. Want to make some video content? Great! But what are you going to do that will truly standout from what everyone else is posting now?
The effect of the rebellion may not be felt for a long time: The ABA-NBA merger didn’t instantly fix the NBA in 1976, but the free-wheeling and individual highlight reel focus on play gave birth to the Magic Johnsons and Michael Jordans the league built itself around in the 1980s and 1990s. The WHA-NHL merger didn’t make the NHL a cash cow in 1979, but every NHL player since the WHA’s inception owes a debt of gratitude to Murphy and Davidson. The lucrative contract that a 4th-line center who blocks shots can get today never would have been dreamed of if the reserve clause was intact. Likewise, playing professional hockey in cities such as Glendale, Dallas, and Nashville might seem insane had the WHA not planted seeds in Phoenix, Houston, and Birmingham. Even the failed WFL made a lasting contribution-- the NFL moved the goalposts from the front to the back of the end zones as the WFL had done. Forty-five years later, that’s how it still works.
The revolution won’t be easy: Like I said earlier, the battle for independence in the U.S. lasted 8 1/2 years. The ABA took 9 years to merge, and the WHA took 8 years, and once the mergers happened the old guard went out of its way to make life hard for both the ABA and WHA teams that came in. Sometimes the most fun, obvious, and sorely needed content shifts to the paradigm have to go through several obstacles to see the light of day. But if you have a great idea, and an established goal, you can weather the inevitable ups and downs to see them through.
Visit SammonSez.com to see how your revolutionary ideas can help you achieve your broadcasting and content creation goals.
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flauntpage · 7 years
The Joel Embiid Game: Five Observations from Sixers 115, Lakers 109
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  Turns out Joel Embiid was right when he described his minutes restriction as “fucking bullshit.”
And myriad fans and media were also right when pointing out that early-season Joel just didn’t seem to be 100% fit.
So now you see what a healthy and focused Embiid can do, which is 46, 15, 7, and 7.
46, 15, 7, and 7…
The last person to do that was.. nobody! There’s no stat line on basketball reference that matches those parameters.
Now, they didn’t record blocks back in Wilt Chamberlain’s day, so I’m sure that Wilt hit those numbers at some point. And you do find lines of 46/15/7 for guys like Hakeem Olajuwon and Rick Barry, but the point stands – Joel was outrageous last night.
I always like to look for a number that nobody is really talking about, and the one that jumps out from this game is “2,” just two turnovers for Joel last night. That ties a season low, which he matched in a win against Atlanta, when he went for 21, 12, 6, and 3.
That tells me that he was locked in mentally. No forced passes, no wasted possessions at the rim, no settling for 15-foot jumpers. He just seemed so much more composed in this game, and that also improves with physical conditioning. When your body lags, your mind lags, but Jojo was dialed in entirely.
If we’re looking for a his best play from last night, take your pick. I think the two looks that he had down low, late in the fourth quarter, are the obvious choices:
I feel like I abuse the word “assertive,” but I don’t know how else to describe this play. Embiid knows exactly what he wants to do to Julius Randle when he receives the ball, getting the Lakers’ power forward to leave his feet before sliding back to the basket. That bucket gave the Sixers a lead that wouldn’t be relinquished.
He did the same thing about two minutes later, posting up Randle further from the basket but recognizing the overplay and immediately swinging through to the rim:
It’s just elite footwork and recognition there.
Pure numbers aside, I just think Joel showed total concentration last night. He wants the ball down low in clutch situations and he’s been getting it done when those opportunities present themselves.
  1) JJ Redick
11 points on 4-15 shooting and 0-8 from three.
I feel like Redick is becoming the Sixers’ Alshon Jeffery, the big-name free agent on a short-term deal who was brought in to fix a glaring offensive problem. He’s shown some flashes but isn’t putting up huge numbers despite helping his team in other ways.
Brett Brown keeps Redick on the floor in the fourth quarter because he’s always a threat to shoot, and that spaces out other teams and keeps them honest. It’s like Jeffery being guarded by the defense’s best cornerback. Nelson Agholor gets a chance to snag more catches. Dario Saric and Robert Covington get more open looks.
Redick had a rollercoaster fourth last night, hitting a finger roll to make it a 112-104 ballgame. Later, he had a blocked three-point attempt that lead to a Laker run out to cut the lead to four. With 0:24 remaining, he hit 1 of 2 free throws to extend the lead to six.
So he hasn’t been lighting the world on fire, and I don’t know what his Sixer future is considering the new Covington contract, but expect him to be on the court in those situations, no matter what kind of game he’s having.
  2) Give that man a raise
Speaking of Cov, he’s reportedly about to get a four-year, $65 million dollar deal.
Let’s just take a moment to appreciate the story. Here’s a guy who was claimed off the scrap heap and developed into a high-level NBA player. In a world where guys like Kent Bazemore and Allen Crabbe are worth $18m per year, it’s just refreshing to know that a guy like Covington earned every single dollar that he’s about to be given.
I thought last night might be a statement game for him, considering the news, but RoCo was quietly effective, going for 12 and 6 on 5-9 shooting and hitting 2-5 from three.
One of those was a monstrous late game swish to put the Sixers up 110-104:
That’s off a broken play.
Best part is JJ Redick knowing that the shot is good when the ball isn’t even close to the rim:
  3) Richaun Holmes and the bench
Amir Johnson was the first big off the bench for the second game running. He finished with 0 points and a block in 9 minutes. Richaun Holmes made a cameo and added 0 points and 1 rebound.
The rest of the bench combined for 21 points, with a nice third quarter burst from Timothe Luwawu-Cabarrot, who ultimately shot 4-10 and 1-6 from three-point range. Justin Anderson went 1-4 overall.
They still need much, much more in this department. Legitimate bench contribution, or a few made shots from Redick, would have put this game away early.
  4) Guilty by association
I don’t understand the hate for Lonzo Ball.
Why, because his dad is an asshole?
Because his brother got caught shoplifting?
Do those things have something to do with Lonzo directly, or do we just want to see the collective failure of his family and the Big Baller Brand?
I get the on-court scrutiny. Ball was a high draft pick. Ben Simmons blowing past him for a dunk tells Sixers fans, “hey our rookie is better than yours.” T.J. McConnell doing it says, “hey, our undrafted point guard is better than your #2 overall pick.” That’s player vs. player, team vs. team, the NBA obsession with making comparisons of any sort.
Going down that road, yeah, Sixers fans should want Lonzo to fail because they don’t want the Lakers to be good. But to rag the kid for shit he didn’t do or didn’t say is a little weak to me. Lonzo has been mostly quiet and respectful while his dad runs around like an idiot.
That said, he’s got a long way to go:
Lonzo wasn’t ready for the TJ McConnell spin cycle http://pic.twitter.com/Hk2uuoq1Zl
— #Mickstape (@MickstapeShow) November 16, 2017
  5) Laker throwback uniforms
They killed my eyes. Not sure why.
I think it was the clash of the light blue against the dark blue on the Lakers’ floor. If you’re partially colorblind, like I am, you know that certain shades are a pain in the ass to differentiate. The Lakers’ throwbacks had two shades of blue and yellow, juxtaposed against two different shades of blue and yellow on the floor.
Speaking of bad juxtapositions, how did Bryan Colangelo end up sitting next Jimmy Goldstein?
Collar and the hat http://pic.twitter.com/tRlnaUX6iL
— Kyle Scott (@CrossingBroad) November 16, 2017
  The Joel Embiid Game: Five Observations from Sixers 115, Lakers 109 published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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