#might draw toothless next
rottewanges · 5 months
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this was supposed to be a humanized light fury. i don’t think you can tell though.
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rosiethedragongeek · 1 year
I can't stop thinking about how Hiccup and Toothless' relationship is built on trust and has been built on trust the whole time. But more than that, it was built on trust from their very first scene.
Hiccup holds Toothless' life in his hands and he chooses to let him go, even though Toothless could very well (and might) kill him.
Toothless then has the power and he could easily kill Hiccup. He probably considers it just like Hiccup did, but he responds to Hiccup's kindness with kindness of his own, and he lets him live.
So when Hiccup goes down into the cove, there is already a tentative understanding between them that neither means to bring the other any harm. You have spared me, I have spared you, we are equal.
But both are still wary.
So Hiccup makes a decision to trust Toothless with his life again when he throws the knife into the lake. Not that the knife would have protected him much from Toothless, but it is presumably the same weapon that Hiccup would have taken his life with to begin with, and it's more about what it represents. So Hiccup gives the power in the situation over to Toothless when he throws the knife away. Now that Toothless doesn't see Hiccup as a threat to him, he calms down.
Toothless trusts Hiccup when he eats the fish Hiccup brought with him the first time, and the basket of fish the next time. Eventually, both of them are relaxed. Hiccup can just sit on a stump and draw in the dirt, Toothless can nap, there is no worry that one will kill the other. There is mutual trust.
They bond, Toothless shares his fish, Hiccup smiles (which Toothless clearly understands to some extent bc he smiles back), Toothless draws, Hiccup plays along w Toothless' game, until finally Hiccup decides to reach out to touch him.
He tried before, when Toothless was resting in the sun, but that didn't go very far, bc Toothless didn't trust him. But NOW, things have changed. They have spent enough time together that Toothless is less wary. But not entirely.
Hiccup sees this, that he is asking for trust from Toothless, so he puts his trust in Toothless first. He closes his eyes and turns away, and just like that, Hiccup once again shifts the power from himself to Toothless. (Cutting the ropes, throwing the knife). And so Toothless trusts him.
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jweekgoji · 2 months
yan! hiccup/reader/yan! dagur
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I'm on season 4 of RTTE but I just can't help but think how interesting the dynamic between Yan!hiccup and Yan!dagur would be.
tw: yandere, yandere rivals, mentions of attempts of kidnapping, slightly stalk-ish hiccup (?), overprotective Dragur, possessiveness
Dagur is already such a troublesome and unbearable person. sorry not sorry, but seriously, that guy toyed with Hiccup and almost drowned him? such a menace but that's why we love him, haha.
pre RTTE is probably one of the wildest times for you to be in this love triangle. while it is actually so nice to be around Hiccup, discussing every simple thing you two enjoy together like drawing or inventing (of course, not without him awkwardly standing next to you, almost stuttering every now and then); Dagur is the one who mostly talks. He would drag you around the island, yelling about how you two would be unstoppable together as dragon hunters and eventually you two might succeed in killing THE night fury! well, he would be the one who did all the job because it's him, obviously 🙄but you were here too, I guess...doing somethin very very important…
Even though Dagur gets a «bit» too crazy during dragon hunting, he still pays a good amount of attention to you. He would constantly make sure you stay NEAR him ALL the time, if you just made a few steps away, he would not bother casually taking your hand and be like 'nuh-uh, you're not going anywhere ☝️' with that calm voice of his, as if he's talking to some reckless little thing like you, who totally needs to be looked after by him. Dagur likes physical touch, he also loves the attention, giving and receiving it at the same time. If something or someone poses a threat to you, he would not hesitate to pull you behind him and deal with it himself.
Hiccup can't be as bold as Dagur though. He's shy, awkward and just doesn't have any experience at all. I'm not sure if Dagur has any experience too, but he's at least confident in what he does. Unlike Dagur, Hiccup is not as strong as him, and most of the time, it makes him frustrated and feel less of himself. He already experienced constant bullying by people on his own island, including his father and he judges himself too. But with Toothless around, he feels less powerless and more hopeful. If he is sure you're fine with dragons, he would find it as a reason to get closer to you. You want to find a dragon friend? Good for you, Hiccup is the best dragon trainer around. If you have your own dragon, it's just more perfect for him, because he would now use the opportunity to show his skills to you and maybe prove that he's actually more than everyone thinks of him? If he's very awkward with you on the ground, eye to eye, he's less tense around you now that he has his best friend around him. After all, it doesn't feel as scary as before.
Dealing with both Dagur and Hiccup would not be easy. Because if they both have a massive crush on you, it's just a matter of time before one finds out about the other. I feel like Dagur might get suspicious at first, because he doesn't care if you like him or someone else, he will be around you. Hold his hands around your waist, shoulders, constantly whining if you just stop paying attention to him as if his life depends on it. If someone approaches you, like Snotlout, he just can't help but show how annoyed he is. Dagur is not shy about making it obvious how the presence of others irritates him.
Hiccup has to be concerned about the dragons' safety, the safety of Berk, Dagur and now yours safety too. If you're not from Berserker Island but from Berk, Dagur doesn't want to part ways at all. He puts his eye on you, and he just can't let you slip away like that. He might just put you over his shoulder and get you on his ship when it's time to go— but thankfully, Hiccup notices this at the right time and saves you from the fate of being stuck with this madman.
If Dagur treats everyone as a possible rival, Hiccup is not that comfortable expressing his feelings yet. I mean, of course he likes you, he would constantly daydream about you like a normal teenage boy, sketching you in his book so many times that even Toothless can replicate it with a stick between his teeth. Well, maybe just a bit more than just a typical teenage boy crush. He knows he can't be like Dagur who can just express his love to you whenever the young Berserker chief sees you, but he shows it in every small but meaningful way he can. Hiccup would find out what you're interested in, what you like, and every small little fact he can memorize, but he would put it like it's just all an accident and pretend like he didn't know anything about it. good for you to have a friend like him?
When things get more heated between you three, Dagur is more protective, he's not that dumb, actually, and he perfectly sees how his bro gets a bit too friendly with you. He really, really tries to think it's just because his two favorite people are being nice to each other and nothing more, but jealousy...! I don't think he would be as violent towards Hiccup as to other people, before «betrayal» he actually thought of the poor boy as the only person he can trust.
«I just HATE how every time I try to get close to [them], someone always appears out of nowhere and takes [their] attention from ME! I mean, [they're] obviously mine, right? You wouldn't try to steal [them] from me too, yes, Hiccup? 🤨 Haha! Of course, you wouldn't, it's not like [they] interested in you anyway ☺️»
«...Right. 👀»
After the fight between the two when it gets revealed about the dragons, Dagur is practically furious. More than usual this time, since he is forced to leave, and he can't see your pretty face again now :((
But good news, it makes you and Hiccup closer now! Whether you want it or not, you were close to Dagur for a good amount of time, you might consider him even some kind of friend of yours. Someone might get a little suspicious of you, because maybe you accidentally took some bits of craziness from Dagur too, but eventually, Hiccup, being the sweet trustful sweetheart would make sure you feel as comfortable as possible. He stays longer than usual, asks if maybe you need a nice quiet ride with him and Toothless just to clear your mind off the recent incident, would always be the one who checks on you every day. He really, really wants to do more, but expressing his true feelings is still so hard for him. It was said that Hiccup is a good gift maker, so expect to receive some small gifts next to your door out of nowhere.
While being away from you, Dagur thinks only about these three things. Night Fury. Hiccup. You. 🔁
His ego hurts, his heart aches, and it doesn't help that he gets even more violent towards others. Every time he tries to attack the riders, he hopes to see you too. When he spots you on your dragon with other riders, he is happy. But you are with dragon riders, so he quickly loses his temper, screaming orders about how his people should focus on capturing you and night fury, the others don't really matter to him.
You just can't help but notice how the fights between the two get more serious with each time now that you're the main target. Dagur would make it one of his personal goals to drag you back to his ship, meanwhile Hiccup would do everything to not get you on Dagur's ship. And that just repeats over and over again, at this point it's just something deeply personal you three have. Meanwhile, the others are left all confused and lost. The time Dagur spent in prison is probably not for the best, isn't it?
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 2 years
Round Four: Berthasaura vs Caihong
Berthasaura leopoldinae
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Artwork by @i-draws-dinosaurs, written by @i-draws-dinosaurs
Name meaning: Bertha and Leopoldina’s reptile (in honour of naturalist and women’s rights activist Bertha Maria Júlia Lutz, and first Empress of Brazil and advocate for Brazilian independence Maria Leopoldina)
Time: Uncertain, likely ~121 to 75 million years ago (Aptian to Albian stages of the Early Creataceous) but may be younger
Location: Goio-Erê Formation, Brazil
Theropods are famously carnivorous dinosaurs, but many, many groups of theropods have decided “actually but what if I didn’t” and gone vegetarian, and yet it’s still wild when another one of those pops up every now and then. Even among them though, Berthasaura is special for being the only theropod that seems to have tried to just straight up turn itself into an ornithopod. The long spindly legs, the teeny little arms, and a big head with a toothless beak all come together to create an utterly bizarre little theropod that honestly nobody could have predicted.
Berthasaura is a noasaur, and those of you familiar will at this moment be saying “oh of course it’s a noasaur” because those guys were small ceratosaurs that were basically Theropod Wacky Experimental Phase 1.0. Within this group you’ve got wild sticky-outy teeth, a single weight-bearing toe on each foot in our fellow competitor Vespersaurus, and now multiple instances of beaks evolving independently. Theropods just love to evolve a beak, what can I say? Whatever the hell Berthasaura had going on, it must have been successful because as the basalmost noasaurid currently known its direct lineage has been surviving since at least the Late Jurassic!
Caihong juji
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Artwork by @i-draws-dinosaurs, written by @i-draws-dinosaurs
Name meaning: Rainbow with big crest
Time: 161 million years old (Oxfordian stage of the Late Jurassic)
Location: Tiaojishan Formation, China
It’s always a special treat to hear the announcement of a dinosaur with known colours, because it gives the most direct impression of how truly stunning these animals would have been to witness in real life. And Caihong might just be the most spectacular of them all so far, described in 2018 from an immaculate full-body fossil that preserves detailed feathers! Caihong’s feathers are longer than some other floofy dinosaurs, and would have had the appearance of a luxurious mane along its neck. Not only that, the fossil preserves feather microstructures that in life would have made this dinosaur gloriously iridescent!
Now iridescent dinosaurs aren’t new, Microraptor has been decked out in fabulous starling-esque plumage for a while now, but Caihong absolutely takes it to the next level. Its whole body was covered in iridescent black, including the enormous tail, but the real star of the show are the platelet-like melanosomes found on the head, neck, and the base of the tail. Different from the usual iridescent melanosomes, the structure of these tiny organelles reflects brilliantly iridescent colours, like those on the heads of hummingbirds and particularly the bright purple feathers on the necks of the trumpeter family. Caihong would have put on an absolutely dazzling jewel-toned display in the treetops or on the forest floor of prehistoric China!
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roetrolls · 8 months
Simpler Times
“Orfuse!” His name, called as a greeting, is laced with just enough exasperation to alert the oracle of what he is about to hear next. “You forgot to lock the door again.”
“Hello to you too, grumpy-pants!” He chirps back, scribbling a note in his journal and listening for his moirail’s familiar, heavy footfall in the hall.
“What if someone wanted to kill you?”
“Well, I don’t think the door’s persuasive enough to help me there.”
“I’m sorry!” he concedes. “I forgot.”
The word comes out with such incredulity that it breaks in two, and Orfuse beams into his notebook. He can’t get enough of the adorable cracks that have begun to grace that ever-deepening voice, as embarrassing as his moirail seems to find them.
“Maybe my hands were full!”
“You’re a handful,” Harlan says fondly, finally coming to a halt in the living room’s entrance.
With a twinkling laugh, Orfuse lifts his head to greet him proper. At once, though, his mirth is stymied, replaced by a horrified gasp and his heart in his throat.
Harlan leans against the doorframe with his clothing wrinkled and his facepaint smudged to nothing, dried blood spattered across his skin. His lip is busted and his cheek is swollen, with a fresh bruise already blooming at his temple.
Orfuse nearly falls from his chair with how fast he leaps from it. “Harly!”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re hurt!” He counters, taking his moirail by the arms and dragging him to sit on the couch for a better look at the damage. His fists seem to have had the worst of it, with knuckles split to bleeding and bruises on his fingers. “What happened?”
“There was a fight,” Harlan answers simply, sitting still and allowing Orfuse’s worried hands to comb through his hair in search of hidden wounds. 
“I can see that,” he says, and it is his turn to be incredulous. Though he can’t seem to find any evidence of injury, there is certainly blood, dried into his tresses in such a way that it crunches between the oracle’s fingers. “Is this yours?”
He draws back, relieved.
“But this is,” Harlan adds, raising one sharp, shiny tooth into view. Orfuse gapes, eyes widening into saucers, and the purpleblood grins wide enough for him to see the gap where his canine should have been.
Orfuse tries in vain to lift his jaw off the floor.
“It’ll grow back,” the young subjug shrugs, still flashing him that dimpled, toothless smile. “Faster if you kiss it, maybe?”
“Harly!” He admonishes through a bout of suppressed giggles, shoving at his face with a hand. “What is wrong with you!?”
Harlan guffaws, reaching up to pull the oracle’s arm away. His grip is weaker than Orfuse is used to, and the awkward way he holds the bronzeblood’s wrist to lay a kiss upon his palm belies just how much pain he’s really in.
Pity swells in the oracle’s chest, and he takes one of Harlan’s hands in his to assess the damage once more. He’s not so naive as to be unaware what an injury of this nature means. He has a feeling he doesn’t want to see the other guy.
“I’ll get you some bandages,” he says softly, stifling the instinct to give his palm a squeeze. 
“Thank you.”
It doesn’t take him long to return with the first aid supplies, but a few minutes alone is all it takes for whatever adrenaline carried Harlan here to finish filtering out. By the time Orfuse settles back in to begin cleaning the wounds, his moirail looks exhausted.
“Does anything else hurt?”
Harlan exhales through his nose. “Apart from everything? No. Not from the fight.”
Orfuse flashes him a sympathetic look, pausing his medical ministrations to put a comforting hand on his knee. “Achey?”
“Sharp. The growing kind.” He sighs wearily, his eyelids heavy. “I’d like to be done with it already. I don’t need to get any bigger.”
A silence lingers between them for a moment. Orfuse hopes it’s the welcome sort.
“I’m going to use the alcohol now, alright? It might sting a little.”
Harlan nods in acknowledgement, then looks away, likely hoping to hide whatever reaction he may have when the liquid meets his cuts.
“What was the fight about?”
“You.” His shoulders relax as Orfuse begins wrapping his knuckles, the worst of the process finished. “Krivek wanted to run his mouth again. He called you a leech. Said you made me weak.”
“Harly…” Orfuse frowns. “You can’t go picking fights every time someone says a bad word about me. I don’t want that.”
“You don’t understand the church, Orfuse. There’s no place for weakness in that world. I needed to prove him wrong, for both our sakes.”
“What did you even prove?”
“That you make me strong.”
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evilwriter37 · 1 year
Vigcup Week 2023 Day 1
Anything and Everything
A/N: Reposting here in full because of the current attacks on ao3.
Prompt: Survivor
Rated: mature
Warnings: graphic depictions of an injury, blood
Pairings: Viggo/Hiccup, Hiccup & Snotlout, Hiccup & Toothless
Word Count: 2,993
Summary: Hiccup can’t just leave Viggo there to die. He takes him back to Dragon’s Edge, where his friends begrudgingly help him heal.
"Quick! Get him on the table!"
"He's heavy!"
"The table! Tuff, go get Fishlegs!"
There was a lot of shouting going on in the clubhouse for the middle of the night. Hiccup had barely escaped Johann and Krogan with his life, and was now trying to save the life of the one who had attempted to sacrifice himself for him. He couldn't have just left him behind. He couldn't.
Hiccup and Ruffnut were now trying to get Viggo's armor off of him, their hands slipping in all the blood. They hadn't removed the arrows from his back for the flight back, as they didn't want him just bleeding out before they could get him to a healer.
Fishlegs was the closest healer. He wasn't on par with Gothi, but he'd trained under her for a time, and would know what he was doing.
They'd never dealt with anything this severe before. There were exactly four arrows sticking out of Viggo's back. Hiccup was hoping that none of them had hit nerves or internal organs, but it was possible. He could still die even though they'd gotten him back to Dragon's Edge.
And that frightened Hiccup. Viggo had... He'd revealed his true feelings for him, and Hiccup still remembered the tenderness of his voice and the way he'd taken his hand. He couldn't die! He couldn't!
"Tuffnut!" Hiccup shouted once Viggo's armor was off. The man had groaned during the process, but hadn't actually stirred. He was unconscious, and maybe that was for the best. "Where's Fishlegs?!"
"Coming, coming!" Fishlegs rushed into the clubhouse, Meatlug and Tuffnut on his tail. For a moment, he just stood there, stunned by the sight of the man on the table. But then he was rushing into action.
"Hiccup, Ruff, Tuff! I need towels and water! And some alcohol! A-and a knife! Meatlug, get the fire going!"
Hiccup and the twins were quick to get everything that Fishlegs needed while Fishlegs washed his hands in a basin. He was quick to dry off and come back over to Viggo. Meatlug had spewed some lava on the logs in the stove to start a fire.
"Hiccup, help me get his clothes off. I need to get the arrows out and the wounds disinfected and cauterized."
Hiccup just nodded, drawing his own dagger. Currently, he was feeling numb and frantic all at once. He hoped Fishlegs could remain clinical throughout this, because right now, the last thing they needed was panic.
It was difficult to cut off Viggo's tunic and dragon-scale tabard, but eventually, the clothing was in pieces around the table and the floor, and the wounds were in clear view.
The blood drained from Hiccup's face.
It was very possible that Viggo might not make it.
Fishlegs was already working as Hiccup took in the sight. He slid the first arrow out of its spot lodged in Viggo's flesh. The man's back twitched in unconscious response, but there was no other movement from him.
"Quick! Heat the knife!" Fishlegs ordered, grabbing for the alcohol the Riders used as disinfectant and uncorking it. He mixed it with water instead of pouring it right on, while Tuffnut held the knife in the flames.
Viggo twitched and groaned as Fishlegs cleaned the wound, but did not wake. Hiccup was almost glad for it when Fishlegs pressed the heated knife to the wound and his flesh sizzled. Experiencing any of this while awake would be incredibly painful.
The next three arrows followed suit, and Fishlegs went through the same process of cleaning and cauterizing each wound.
Then it was done, and the Riders stood silently around the table, staring, panting.
"W-will he make it?" Hiccup asked Fishlegs, terrified of the answer, but needing to know anyway.
"I don't know." Fishlegs looked down at the blood on his hands. "I really don't."
Hiccup sat vigil the rest of the night. Bandaging the wounds had been a hassle, given Viggo's size and state of unconsciousness, but it had eventually been done... After cleaning up the blood of course. There had been a lot of it.
Hiccup and Toothless had brought Viggo to their own hut and put him in bed. Hiccup now sat by the bed, watching him breathe. Toothless sat with him, though he looked exhausted from the long mission.
"Toothless, you can go to bed," Hiccup said.
Toothless sat up straighter, shook his head with a snort. He'd be staying with Hiccup.
Dawn crept in and the candles dwindled. Hiccup was terribly exhausted, but he couldn't sleep. He needed to know that Viggo would make it.
He'd left Fishlegs and the twins to explain to the other Riders why there was blood and Viggo's clothing all over the floor and one of the tables in the clubhouse. They'd burned the arrows. Hiccup hadn't wanted a damn thing to do with them.
A knock on the door. Sighing, Hiccup looked towards it, neck cracking as he did, as he'd been sitting still for too long.
"Come in!" he called.
He was surprised by who entered. Hiccup had expected Fishlegs or Astrid to be there, but instead, it was Snotlout. He saw blue sky and daylight through the door behind him.
"Is he... still alive?" Snotlout asked carefully, shutting the door behind him.
Hiccup looked to Viggo, still saw his back rising and falling with his breathing.
Snotlout came up the stairs, looking at Viggo in shock.
"So, he saved you?"
"Yes," Hiccup responded. "He helped me." He ran a hand over his face, into his hair. "And now he's in my bed, maybe dying." He laughed; it was a hoarse bark. He was tired, nerves frayed, still reeling from everything that had happened. Viggo had saved him. Viggo Grimborn, the former chief of the Dragon Hunters, who he'd been at war with for almost a year now.
Snotlout took the only other seat in the loft. He looked at Viggo for a long time, then at Hiccup.
"You should sleep."
"And where would I sleep?" Hiccup asked. Really, he figured the floor near the bed would work for him. He could throw down a nice fur and snuggle up with Toothless.
"I mean, my bed's currently unoccupied," Snotlout responded.
"The floor will do."
Hiccup still made no move to do anything about sleeping. He would stay awake until Viggo stirred, no matter how long it took.
"How are you feeling?" Snotlout asked after some time in silence.
"Fucked up," Hiccup replied honestly. "Just a couple of days ago I thought Viggo was still an enemy. And now? Now..." He couldn't say what had happened between them in the cave. He had the Maces and Talons piece Viggo had given him in a pouch on his belt. He could still feel his hand against his, callused from fighting, could still feel that tenderness in his voice.
Viggo Grimborn loved him.
"Now what?" Snotlout asked.
"Now what, indeed," Hiccup agreed. He drew his gaze from Viggo's mostly-still form to Snotlout. "What are you doing here?"
"I can't check up on you?" Snotlout asked, folding his arms over his chest. "We're all worried about you, Hiccup."
Hiccup sighed. He supposed that made sense.
"I can watch him while you get something to eat," Snotlout offered.
"Who said anything about eating?"
"Me. Just now. You need to."
"But..." Hiccup trailed off, looking at Viggo. He couldn't just leave him. What if he... what if he passed on while he was eating and not by his side? The thought was unbearable.
"No," Hiccup said firmly. He planted himself more steadily in his chair to make it look like he wasn't exhausted. "I'm staying. Here."
Snotlout leaned back in his chair, crossed his legs. "Guess I'm staying with you, then."
Hiccup gave him a weak smile. Snotlout could sometimes pretend he didn't care about other people, but his loyalty was unmatched.
Hiccup loved his friends.
And he might love the man that was struggling for his life in his bed.
Viggo didn't stir for three days. Every once in a while he groaned in his sleep, twisted his head, but that was all.
Hiccup had everything ready for when he'd wake up. He was keeping a cool pitcher of water in his hut that he would exchange for fresh water every so often. He couldn't get Viggo to drink while he was unconscious, but he'd need lots of water when he woke.
Those three days were some of the most stressful in Hiccup's life. He sat there by the bed a lot, Toothless never leaving his side, understanding his anxiety and sorrow. His friends would come sit with him, though Hiccup knew they felt a great animosity towards Viggo.
But how could Hiccup feel animosity anymore? This man had practically confessed his love for him. He'd helped him. He'd saved his life. 
Hiccup slept sometimes, though it was incredibly difficult to get him to do so. He'd thrown a fur down on the floor near the bed and would sleep with Toothless curled around him. It should have been comforting, but all he felt was stress and dread.
Hiccup would help Fishlegs change Viggo's bandages and care for his wounds. They didn't seem to be infected, but that didn't mean they couldn't still kill him.
But on that third day, his eyes opened.
Hiccup had been dozing in the chair, head hanging down even as his neck protested. However, he was awake and alert at the first sign of movement, of Viggo shifting.
And his eyes were open.
"Viggo!" Hiccup cried in utter relief. He'd thought he would never wake, that eventually death would take him. But here he was, blinking at Hiccup in some confusion.
"Where... where am I?" His voice was rough and guttural from lack of use and water.
"Dragon's Edge," Hiccup said. He laid a hand over one of Viggo's that rested on the bed near his shoulder. "You're safe."
"You... you saved me."
Hiccup nodded, though the statement had been rhetorical.
"We should get some water in you," Hiccup said. "You've been out for a while."
Then, he realized he didn't know how to get Viggo to drink. There was no way in Hel that he was going to make him roll onto his injured back and sit up. Viggo seemed to be pondering this as well.
"Let's get you propped up on your side," Hiccup finally figured. He stood to help Viggo move.
He gave a loud cry when Hiccup helped move him, and Hiccup nearly drew back, but, eventually, Viggo was on his side.
But, Hiccup noticed something odd.
His legs hadn't moved.
At all.
That would have to be a problem for later. First, water.
Once Viggo was situated as comfortably as they could get him, Hiccup went to the pitcher and poured some water into a cup. The water was fresh, changed only an hour ago.
Viggo took the cup and drank greedily, even after Hiccup told him to slow down. He couldn't blame him though. He remembered how thirsty he'd been when he'd woken after the battle with the Red Death.
Viggo downed nearly half the pitcher before settling back down onto his stomach. Hiccup placed the cup on his desk. He was peering at Viggo's lower half, covered by blankets.
His legs still hadn't moved.
"Mm hm?" His sound was filled with pain. Hiccup would have to give him some willow bark tea. It would make him lethargic and sleepy, but it would be better than leaving him to suffer.
"Can you..." Hiccup didn't know how to word this. He didn't want to shock him, but really, waking from severe injuries after thinking you would be dead was a shock in and of itself. "Can you move your legs for me?"
Viggo furrowed his brow in confusion. But, then he got a look of concentration on his face.
Hiccup watched as horror crept into his eyes, as his mouth opened and he began to pant.
"I... I can't... I can't feel... I can't feel my legs."
Hiccup's stomach twisted. He sat on the side of the bed as Viggo began to hyperventilate. Hiccup had never seen him show so much emotion before, be so raw and open and vulnerable with him. He felt trusted.
But oh gods, this was fucking horrible! Viggo was paralyzed from the waist down!
"Viggo, breathe," Hiccup intoned. He took his hand again, loving the feeling of it in his own, the warmth of a living body.
Viggo choked and spluttered.
"Breathe." Hiccup squeezed his hand. "It's okay. It's going to be okay."
Viggo turned his head to look at Hiccup, his eyes filled with tears. It hit Hiccup like a hammer. He'd never seen such emotion on his face, had thought him incapable of shedding tears.
Hiccup squeezed his hand again. "Because you have me."
Viggo blinked, and he drew in a shuddering breath through his mouth. A few more gasps came out, but he seemed to be steadying his breathing. Hiccup couldn't imagine how painful that must be with the wounds in his back.
"I do?"
Silence, for a moment.
"Are you okay?" Hiccup asked. The silence had been a little awkward, filled with unsaid words.
Viggo snorted, and Hiccup realized he'd asked a very stupid question. Of course he wasn't! He'd woken with arrow wounds and paralyzed from the waist down!
"I-I'm sorry." Hiccup didn't let go of his hand. "I just..."
Silence again. He didn't know how to say what he was feeling.
"I understand how you feel about me," Hiccup finally said.
Viggo said nothing, waiting for Hiccup to continue, because he had to continue.
"I... think I return those feelings."
Viggo's eyes widened for a moment, but then it was his turn to squeeze Hiccup's hand.
"Are you sure?"
Hiccup looked at him, at the man laying in his bed. His hair was mussed, his face pale, huge dark circles under his eyes.
And yet, he looked perfect and beautiful to him.
Viggo chuckled a little, in good nature, then winced and groaned.
"Remind me not to laugh."
"Will do." Hiccup did smile a little though.
The next silence that followed wasn't awkward at all. It felt like some tension had been released.
"Hiccup, tell me: how did you lose your leg?"
Hiccup felt like that was an odd topic of conversation, but, then again, he'd been disabled for four years now. Viggo had just woken to find himself newly disabled.
"Do you know of the Red Death?" Hiccup asked.
"Yes," Viggo responded. He shifted a little. "A giant dragon who controls others the way a queen bee does."
"Well, uh, I fought her," Hiccup said. "Me and Toothless."
Toothless stirred at the mention of his name. He'd been on his sleeping stone the entire time, passed out from pure exhaustion.
He gave a huge yawn that showed his teeth before retracting them into his gums, and then he was padding over. He looked quizzically at Hiccup sitting on the bed with Viggo. He probably didn't know how to feel about this. He'd been keeping vigil for Hiccup, not for Viggo.
"When?" Viggo asked. "How did it go?"
"Well..." Hiccup kicked out his left leg to show his prosthetic. "I was fifteen. We won, but I lost my leg. They had to amputate what was left. I woke up two weeks later."
"Were you awake when they...?"
"Thank the gods."
"Thank the gods, indeed." Hiccup had always been very glad for the concussion he'd received from the Red Death's bludgeon of a tail. It had kept him unconscious while they performed surgery.
"So..." Viggo seemed to be rolling his words in his head. "You understand. You woke just like me, to find yourself..." He didn't say the word. Hiccup knew it was difficult. He'd have to go through grieving and acceptance.
"Yes." Hiccup tightened his hold on his hand. "You will get through this, Viggo," Hiccup promised. "You're a survivor. You've got this."
Viggo smiled weakly. "As are you. A fitting match, is it not?"
"Us," Viggo clarified. "We're quite fitting for each other, I think."
Hiccup looked at Toothless before bringing his attention back to Viggo. He was right, wasn't he?
"I think we are."
Hiccup felt a swift and sudden urge to kiss Viggo on the forehead. He began to lean down, hesitated, then did it anyway. Viggo closed his eyes, letting out a pleased hum.
"I love you, my dear Hiccup."
"I know." Hiccup smiled, ran his other hand through some of Viggo's mussed and dirty hair. "I love you too."
Toothless rumbled in curiosity, tilting his head.
"Oh, come on, bud," Hiccup said, straightening, releasing Viggo's hand for the moment. "You know I love you too!"
Toothless warbled happily, licked Hiccup so hard he almost fell backwards onto Viggo. That would be bad.
Toothless backed away a little, making an apologetic sound, licking his chest in embarrassment.
Hiccup laughed. Viggo started to, but Hiccup put a gentle hand on his shoulder.
Viggo clamped his mouth tightly shut. There was still amusement in his eyes.
Hiccup wiped some of the saliva off himself. His tunic would have to be cleaned. He was lucky he wasn't wearing his leather armor, as Toothless' saliva didn't wash out of leather.
"Now, do you need anything?" Hiccup asked Viggo. "I can make you some willow bark tea, get you food, an extra blanket--anything."
"Food would be nice," Viggo replied. He reached up to touch Hiccup's hip. "But for now, all I need is you."
Hiccup smiled, took his hand, and kissed the back of it. He wanted to feel Viggo's lips against his own, but now was not the time for that. Soon. Soon, he'd be able to kiss him tenderly and passionately the way he wanted.
He was glad to have Viggo. That man really could survive anything.
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Next and Before the Beginning for JaK?
NEXT - the next line. meaning i will finish the sentence I'm on and write a new one, which you'll get.
“Uh… he-hey? Look what I found?” Hiccup tries to draw her attention and gets it faster than he thought he would. The Gronckle sees the package of raw meat in his hand and that’s the only thing she has eyes for now.
From chapter 29, lol.
BEFORE THE BEGINNING - three sentences (or more) about something that happened before the plot of my current project
Toothless grows more desperate by the day. Food is getting scarce, he doesn't know what's safe to eat anymore. There's a disease quietly devastating the world and no one knows where it might crop up next. Or perhaps it's not so quiet anymore. Something is happening to the humans and that's never a good sign. Yet, desperation drives the Night Fury to one of their cities. If he can find untainted food anywhere, it has to be there. He lands and finds himself surrounded on all sides by their tall stone blocks. Dawn is coming and that means searching the city for food will have to wait. No matter how hunger gnaws on his stomach or how long it's been doing so, shelter will have to come first. Night Furies own the night, the same can't quite be said about the day. There are no natural caves in a human settlement, but there is an entrance to something that leads to an underground space. Do humans make their own versions of caverns? No matter, anywhere underground- shielded from the elements and hostile dragons- is good. It's better than to be out in the open, completely vulnerable. So he pads inside, not knowing that he's entering what the humans call an "underground parking lot." Not knowing that another dragon already lives there
A little something about how Toothless ended up in Førsby and how he may have lost his tailfin, which I already have an entire outline for for a seperate post-JaK fic. Couldn't stick to just 3 sentence, of course. :')
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I haven’t drawn anything to do with my AU in a while cuz my brain is fixed on some other drawings I’ve been doing which will take a while, so I might not post any art for a bit
I do have a couple of old drawings I can share though, so I’ll post those when I find them again.
Here’s one of a fury family based on toothless and the light fury’s family in the movies.
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The night fury is called Nyx and she is female. The light fury is male and his name is Nimbus
Like httyd/ygo!Toothless, the three night lights that have the same pattern as the canon night lights are the same genders and have the same names as the canon night lights because they’re very similar to them
Black one with a white nose in the front is named Dart and is female
White one in the middle is named Pouncer and is male
Black one with blue eyes next to Nyx is named Ruffrunner and is male.
The other three babies are:
Black one next to Nyx is called Eclipse and is male
Black one next to Nimbus is called Dusk and is male
White one in the back on the rock is called Dawn and is female
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dragonmasterhiccup · 6 days
She shakes her head. “Too deep. I don’t think there would be a safe way to get there, really…”
“There’s some things I know I’ll miss. Sleeping in the sand, my crab, swimming with whales, the coral reefs… but to be honest… the ocean doesn’t have anything I deeply care about anymore. I lost that a long time ago. But now…” she finally takes her eyes off the fire and looks at him. “I have something to care about again.”
His eyes softened, brows furrowed together slightly. It saddened him to hear her say that, that she'd lost all she cared about. He remembered when they first met, how she'd sadly wiped away the drawings of her parents.
Now he knew that she intended to stay human, at least. But, maybe he could find ways to replicate the things she said she would miss. It may not be the same, but it might make her feel more at home.
Looking back at her, he was a little surprised by her last statement, and he felt a blush making its way across his face.
He looked away bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck. She couldn't have meant him, could she? No, it couldn't be right... maybe her love for collecting shipwreck treasures could be what she meant?
But then why not bring some of them with her?
His eyes found hers again, and he realized that he wanted her to stay. There was something about her, he wasn't quite sure what it was, that made him feel drawn to her.
Hesitantly, he placed a hand over hers. "Then we need to make sure you can stay, I... I'd hate for you to lose anything else you care about."
Toothless, seeing all of this, grumbled comically before nudging Hiccup's shoulder with his nose. When Hiccup turned to face him, the dragon looked back towards the village.
Hiccup scrambled to his feet. "Oh! Oh, uh, we're going to be late for dinner...we should--we should get going, I think..."
Holding out a hand for Melodía to help her up, he quickly asked Toothless, "Do you think you might be able to put that fire out for us, bud?"
Toothless effectively stomped out the flames.
"Dragons are fireproof, so they don't get burned,," He explained to Melodía. "Shall we head back?"
Upon returning to the hut, Stoick and Gobber were already there. They turned to greet the pair as they walked in.
"It's about time ya showed up! The whole village has been asking about this mystery girl of yours."
Stoick shook his head. "Gobber, let them come in first, yes?"
Hiccup pulled out a chair for Melodía before sitting next to her. Stoick was on Hiccup's other side at the head of the table, and Gobber sat across from Hiccup.
Hiccup, looking at Melodía, gestured to his old mentor. "Uh, this is Gobber. Gobber, Melodía."
Gobber gave the former mermaid a nod in greeting. "Welcome to Berk, Melodía! Do ya like it so far?"
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xdivinewalkerx · 9 months
Back From The Dead
Hello everyone. I know I've been dead for a very long time and I might go dead again, but now it's the holidays and I'm gonna try to post more often. For now I've been doing some updates on things.
Update 1:Oc Upgrades
So I've been thinking of designs of my OC's human, humanoid and true forms, which I have been working on and I never did do drawings or anything yet of them. But I have been doing designs for them on griffins destiny and the first one I had upgraded was Erebus, which his name has been upgraded to, because of some issues going on in my discord server. So with our further heart I give you Erebus's new upgrade ^^
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Fafnir is a Night Light Fury, but he is the god of the sun. He was once wild and free until humans had captured him for studies and experiments to find out where he came from and how did he get to the lands. After when Toothless had passed one of his children were chosen to become the next Alpha of the Hidden World. Years have passed and many of the Night Lights were mysteriously going extinct, Ruffrunner had worry about the dragons in the hidden world and his species starting to disappear without a trace. So before the search began two night lights were born in the hidden world only to be watched by their mother, Ventys who's mate had died from protecting everyone while running from the hunters and humans. Ruffrunner promised that he will help keep her young ones safe as the years go by they grew as for their size, which both of the boys grew to the size of an ancient night fury. Ruffrunner didn't know why they grew to such a large size, but he thinks that it must be a gift. Few days go past as Ruffrunner became ill and couldn't help the fellow dragons of the hidden world as Ventys's son Ferin had to help keep charge of things for the Alpha, but he was worried for his brother Fafnir. When Fafnir was on his mission, he was shot down by hunters then was taken by the humans. When he was about to studied on then a war started between the hunters and trainers who had rescued him. After he was rescued, the trainers started to try to get his trust after a few months until one trainer had gotten his trust with the name of Elin. Fafnir had many adventures with Elin and they still do Adventures together to help dragons and take Fafnir back to his family.
Fafnir 's Saddle:
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I am still working on his light fury patterns as for my other OCS I am working on one at a time ^^
Update 2:
The second update will be my profile. My username will be changed soon and so will my pfp.
Update 3:
The story that I was gonna do has been cancelled as many ideas have been made and I have been very busy. A new story will be revealed as soon as I have finished with ideas, title and backgrounds.
Update 4:
I will be drawing some of my ocs as their true forms, but it will take a while because of details.
Update 5:
I will make my ocs on gacha life 2 soon when I have enough time.
That is all and I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! ^^
Important! Please read!:Please don't steal any of my ocs or they're looks and details. If any of the ocs showed from this profile please tell me. If any gifts or using any of my ocs for stories or crossovers please tag me or tell me if using them for stories or crossovers Ty! ^^
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toasterdrake · 3 years
The Julieta fic was so freaking cute, she deserves so much more love and attention! <3 I saw requests are open, so if you write for him, could I request some headcanons for Hiccup helping his s/o nurse an injured bird back to health, and it's just sickly cute and they start thinking about their future together? Thank you!!
A/N: ahh thank you! i hope you enjoy this! i've got a few more julieta reqs to write so keep a lookout for them if you'd like :)
i suggest listening to a pronounciation of the endearments to get a feel for the words but if you'd rather not please note "kjære" is pronounced as a "shar-ey" sound.
Feather Touch
Hiccup Haddock x gn!reader nursing an injured bird and thinking about their future - headcanons
Language key: kjære - honey/dear, elskede - beloved
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You immediately know you can't leave the poor thing to die. Hiccup has no intention to argue; he wants to help it as much as you do.
When you get back home, Hiccup makes a tiny makeshift sling for its wing.
You make a nest out of one of Hiccup's old tunics.
You keep the dragons out of the room so that they don't give the poor thing a heart attack. Toothless is very curious and keeps trying to sneak peeks at what you're up to when the door opens.
Hiccup nearly breaks multiple things (bones or trinkets you decide) attempting to get Toothless' stone bed down the stairs.
He comes back up with a bowl of warm salt water and a cloth so that you can clean the blood from the bird's feathers.
You suspect it managed to escape a Terrible Terror, judging by the bite mark in its side.
Hiccup convinces Gothi to lend some of her herbs. You make a paste for the wound to keep it from getting infected and to speed up the healing process.
You're too nervous that you might hurt the little bird - it's nothing like handling massive scaly beasts; you're the one that has the ability to crush it - so you hold it gently while Hiccup applies the paste.
As he does so, you can't help but admire how soft he is.
His face warm in candlelight, you can tell his touch is no stronger than feathers. When the bird tries to move away he hums reassuringly, pausing his ministrations until it settles again, putting its state of mind before finishing the task quickly.
He's gentle with the bird in the same way he's gentle with dragons, with drawing, with inventing, with you, with loving you.
You think of the softness of his touch on your own skin. You wonder if he would care for your body the way he cares for your health and happiness. If his fingers would feather over your hand and the gold band that could rest there like they do the bird's wing.
You can almost imagine his eyes as soft as his touch, his face lit by the same glow that illuminates him now.
Then Hiccup is finished treating the bird, and he's going downstairs to wash his hands.
You help the bird drink from a dish filled with water and feed it a handful of seeds.
You wrap a rock heated by dragon flame in cloth and leave it in the nest to keep the bird warm.
When Hiccup returns you can feel his eyes on you.
In bed, he draws nonsensical patterns on your hip. You can feel his thoughtful frown on the back of your neck where he rests his head, practically hear the cogs turning. His stubble tickles your skin.
"Kjære?" you ask for his thoughts.
"Just thinking of the future, elskede," he murmurs.
You watch the bird sleeping in the makeshift nest. It looks so fragile. Hiccup doesn't speak more, and soon his breathing deepens to a soft snore. You let it lull you to sleep.
Over the next few days the bird clings to Hiccup's finger as he raises it up and down. It instinctively lifts its wings, pumping the muscles.
You're amazed at how fast Hiccup forms a bond with it in a similar way to a dragon. Maybe he simply has a knack for creatures of the sky, you muse.
The bird leaves you fully healed within the week, helped along by the herbs Hiccup applies every day along with his custom physiotherapy.
You wonder how long it will be before something new joins you, as you touch the medallion around your neck.
- love, Lynx
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haruchyio · 3 years
Hi! I loved the Toman as kids in daycare, could you do that for bonten? Tysm!
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tokyo manji daycare hcs
— children!bonten members + caretaker!reader (separate) ft. kurokawa izana
— themes. fluff, crack, bonten members with chubby hands
— toman members ver.
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# sano manjiro.
you don't understand him at all. one minute he's happily playing with his friends, and then he'll be sulking in a corner somewhere the next. there are times he'll just be at the corner of the room, quiet and unbothered that you'd begin to worry if he's doing okay.
# sanzu haruchiyo.
this baby is so hard to understand because he's always so hyper!! you never know what's going on in his mind. he's always running around the room, looking for trouble. he likes sticking things up his nose or hide his greens under the carpet and blame it on someone else. very troubelsome baby but he's my baby
# akashi takeomi.
he would stare at the window that displays the playground behind the building. he always occupied the swing, and ignores the cries of the children who was begging for their turn on the swing. if he's not there, then you'd find him sleeping on the sandbox while the haitani twins bury his lower half with sand. (you'll have to clean him up later and scold the twins)
# hajime kokonoi.
this baby loves listening to lullabies, especially when he's about to sleep. you'll hear him sometimes trying to sing along but it always end up a babbled mess. there are times where he'd pull on your clothes and just stare at you because he wants you to sing him his favorite song. if you're lucky, you might get to see him doing his little wiggly dance (don't laugh at him when he stumbles! he'll cry!)
# haitani ran.
has a fixation with magic but he doesn't know whta that word is. his eyes would literally form stars when you "steal" his nose or when your thumb magically disappears into thin air. normally, other kids would cry about their body parts being stolen from them, but you'd see ran laughing and clapping his cute hands, as if saying again! do it again!
# haitani rindou.
he and his brother are always fighting, most of the time he initiated it though. it starts with him biting ran's fingers with his toothless gums, or steal his toys and run away so ran will run after him. he also has an obsession with dogs. everytime he sees one, whether it be on the tv or a storybook, expect that he'll be stealing that from you and stare at it until he gets sick of it.
# kakucho hitto.
drawings!! always seen holding a bright crayon and a piece of paper. he'll just be sitting and coloring until he gets tired, and he will give you his masterpieces and you'd tape them on the wall proudly. he loves compliments alot!! when he feels happy, he'll draw you and him holding hands—and wait, why is the sun red?
# kurokawa izana.
he loves being held, carried, touched—just everything!! he makes these little grabby hands towards you (or at any kids for that matter) when he's asking for a hug. he pouts when rejected and will cry under the blanket until someone goes up to hug him. (baby kakucho will always be the one who finds him!!!)
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© sen (haruchyio). all rights reserved. no work may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without my permission.
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wheelsup · 3 years
okay but can you imagine spencer washing your hair for you?
like, i never (ever) let anyone (at all) touch my hair, but i feel like he'd be really gentle about it, and there is just something so soft and tender to me about the idea of washing someone's hair for them 🥺
that’s my dream <3 ik you didnt specifically ask for a blurb but i think about this very often. i wrote two versions of this, but this one (with two bickering best friends who are v much in love) won my heart. 
wc: 1.6k   contains: friends (to crushes, maybe ;) ), injured reader. gn!reader
“Spence, I promise you that I can do it by myself,” you huffed, attempting to yank off your tank top as you walked toward the hotel bathroom, using only one arm while trying to keep the other as still as possible.
“I’d be more inclined to believe you if you didn’t sound like you were going to cry,” he snickered, following hot on your trail as you tried to escape his hovering. 
“You’re being dramatic.” 
“Oh really? Lift your arm up, then.” He leaned his hip against the marble counter, crossing his arms over his chest as he waited for you to do it. One obnoxiously smug eyebrow arched on his forehead.
Sometime during the case, you’d gotten into a brief tousle with a suspect, who just had to run away when approached. If Morgan had been there, you wouldn’t have even batted a lash, but he wasn’t. So not only had you detained him by yourself, you also wound up with a minor pulled muscle in your shoulder. 
You shot him a sarcastic smile, toothless and irritated, and raised your right arm into the air. He let out an airy scoff. 
“Other one, smart ass.”
Your arm dropped down to your side, your smile falling with it as you turned sharply towards the shower. 
“Look, I’m disgusting right now. So either I suck it up and shower, or you’re going to smell me until the day we solve this case.”
Spencer’s nose crinkled at the gross truth. He wasn’t ungentlemanly enough to tell you, but sharing a bed with a coworker was quite a quick way to discover if they were in need of a shower or not. Your shoulder might be out of service, but both of you could agree that hygiene was a bigger priority. 
“You can’t even move. Just… just let me help you.”
You snorted. “Nice try, Reid. I’m not letting you shower with me.”
He rolled his eyes at your use of his last name. You only called him that when you were annoyed with him. He pushed off the counter and turned to the wall, hitting the light switch and earning a shriek from you as the room suddenly went dark. 
“I won’t look,” he shrugged, amusing no one but himself. 
“You’re a clown, you know that?” you muttered under your breath, drawing back the shower curtain and fumbling around, searching for the knobs in pitch black. “Absolutely fucking theatrical.” 
You found them moments later and ran the water, testing the temperature on the back of your hand. By the time it went from cold to warm, you noticed that he still hadn’t moved. From the sliver of light peeking under the door, you could make out just his silhouette in the corner, perched on the vanity. 
He was being stubborn about this. That, and the comforting fact that you couldn’t see a single thing –– thankfully, not even his face –– wore you down.
“Close your eyes,” you murmured. 
“It’s already pitch black in here ––”
“Close your eyes, Reid.”
Sighing through his nose, he did just that. To make sure you knew it, and also maybe just to be annoying, he made a show of getting off the counter and turning himself around to face the wall. You peeled out of your clothes as quickly as you could. In the process, you caught the long shower curtain under the heel of your foot and, as you stumbled over it, accidentally dragged it along, sending the metal curtain hooks screeching as they slid along the bar.  
The second you found your ground, you immediately shot daggers into the back of Spencer’s head, waiting for him to make a joke. As if he could feel them, he bit back his quip. Not without letting a barely contained cackle slip under his breath. 
“Okay,” you warned, stepping into the shower. Grabbing the end of the shower curtain, you pulled it tightly over your body to cover yourself as you poked your chin out to talk to him. “I’m in.”
Spencer turned and approached the shower, eyes still shut with his hands out in front of him, feeling the walls for guidance. He was still mocking you for making him close his eyes. You raised your brows; he must’ve thought he was quite funny. 
“You look like Velma when she loses her glasses.”
That knocked the funny bone right out of him. His hands dropped to his sides.
“Just get your hair wet and hand me the shampoo.” 
You drew the curtain shut again as you dipped your head under the shower stream, coming back moments later with sopping wet hair and a little bottle of complimentary hotel shampoo. 
He let you sit on the floor of the bathtub, just slightly removed from the spray of the water. Your back was to him, as he kneeled down on the tile floor, just outside of the bathtub so he didn’t have to get wet. You bent your knees to your chest, resting your chin on them.
Spencer first pushed up the sleeves of his sweater as far as he could before deciding to remove it altogether for the sake of protecting the wool against stray water. The cuffs of his work shirt were unbuttoned and rolled up to his elbows as he got to work.
Taking a healthy quarter-sized amount of shampoo into his palm, he lathered it between his hands before running soapy fingers through your scalp. The pads of his fingertips softly dug in as he carefully massaged the shampoo in.
When he started working his fingers in patterns, putting pressure near your temples and increasing it as he dragged them up the curve of your scalp, you let your eyes close. He was getting rid of a headache you didn’t even realize you had. 
The tension you’d been carrying in your shoulders eased a little, and it made him think about how much you probably needed this. One of his hands came down to massage the muscle between your neck and your good shoulder, knowing it was best to just let the hot water do its magic on the bad one. 
When the shampoo had been sufficiently lathered, he stood up and detached the shower head, bringing it down to you so you didn’t have to move. You leaned your head back for him as he carefully rinsed the soap out.
You weren’t going to ask, but thank God Spencer told you to hand him the conditioner next. This, he slathered all over the ends of your hair, making sure all of it was sufficiently covered in conditioner before loosely twisting it into a low, makeshift pony for you. 
“Mm. I was about to ask how you’re so good at haircare,” you chuckled lowly to yourself, in a half-sleepy voice with your forehead resting on your knees. Dangerously close to falling asleep. “Then I remembered what you used to look like.”
You had a lazy smile on your face just thinking about the days where Spencer’s hair used to be down to his shoulders. He looked so pretty like that (not that he didn’t look pretty now, too), you always wondered why he got rid of it. 
“Remember when I got shot in the knee?” he hummed, returning to work your shoulder. He adorned a tiny smile of his own as he started to reminisce. “You came by my house at least once a week. Brought me meals, watched movies with me. Helped distract me from the pain. Even drove me to my physical therapy appointments.” 
You mm-hmm’d that you remembered.
“You pretty much did everything shy of helping me bathe. Though, I feel like you would’ve helped with that, too, if I asked.”
You both laughed at that. You hadn’t really noticed the parallels of your situation, being injured and needing his help for once. He was happy to repay the favor. 
“I’ll, uh. Let you wash your body yourself,” he said, coming out of his daydream for a moment. He rinsed his hands off and got up, patting down his wet hands on his trousers. With one nod from you to confirm that you’d be able to do it, he quickly exited the bathroom to give you privacy. 
You emerged seventeen minutes later, clad in pajamas with towel-dried hair. Spencer was still awake as you crawled onto the bed beside him, more than ready for bed after that. He looked to the side to ask you how the rest of your shower was, and before he could get it out, you shuffled up next to him, winding one arm around his and resting your head on his chest.
“I take it you had a good shower?” he laughed. This was one of his “I told you so” moments, and for once, you didn’t mind it. 
“Mhm,” you smiled, chuckling behind it as you shut your eyes. You were falling asleep fast. “Spence, the scalp massage…” 
“Was good, right?” he boasted, inflating his own ego a bit. 
You nodded against his shoulder, not caring if you helped blow up his ego another two sizes. Burrowing deeper into the covers, nestling tighter against Spencer, you got one more quip in before falling asleep. “S’good that I think I have a crush on you now.” 
Joke or not, he pulled the blanket higher until it reached your chin, holding you with both arms and kissing the top of your head before falling asleep himself.
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morroodle · 2 years
I've decided to combine my hyperfixations. Ninjago Httyd au. Don't ask me how this works.
Cole: Catastrophic Quaken
Quakens are bulky, intimidating Boulder class dragons that attack by slamming into the ground or their foe. Despite their appearance, they're actually big softies who are very protective of their friends. In other words, this is literally Cole as a dragon
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Jay: Armorwing
Yes I know the skrill exists but hear me out. I'm basing these choices not only on element but also on personality, and I really don't think a skrill would be the right companion for Jay. They're just too scary. Armorwings are relatively solitary, but considering they are likely relatives of boneknappers I imagine they are really friendly so long as you don't threaten their hoard. Armorwings are scaleless, so they collect scrap metal and weld it to their bodies to protect themselves. Considering Jay's origin, I think an armowing would be great for him.
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Kai: Monstrous Nightmare
You saw this coming. Your mom saw this coming. Everyone saw this coming. Monstrous nightmare is a stoker class dragon that can set itself on fire. They're flamboyant and very loyal, and even if they don't do what their rider wants all the time, they'll take orders when things get serious. There is no easier choice.
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Zane: Razorwhip
Zane was... tough. Originally I wanted to give him a Bewilderbeast, but that dosent exactly work if I want this to be a proper au with stories. So even though I think it would be a perfect fit in both element and personality it just wouldn't work in a story. I could have gone with a snow wraith, but much like Jay and the Skrill I didn't think it would fit. Razorwhips are loyal dragons that have always seemed very serious to me, and they're protectors. Combined with the metal thing, I think it's a good fit.
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Nya: Scauldron
This was another hard one. Scauldron seems like the obvious choice, being the main water dragon, but I didn't think it fit. Again, personality played a big part in these choices. Scauldrons are far from friendly and they have never really been trained. But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. I wouldn't call Nya aggressive, but she's nowhere near as friendly as the rest of the ninja. The scauldron is also shown to get very homesick, and I think that matches Nya as well. Honestly I really wanted to pick something else but sadly there is a severe lack of tidal class dragons.
(There are like no good scauldron pics)
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Lloyd: Rumblehorn
I thought Nya and Zane were hard... then I had to do Lloyd. There was no obvious choice here. There are very few green dragons, and certainly none with anything resembling Lloyd's powers. I honestly don't think a rumblehorn is a great fit either but there was no better option (please give me a better option). The reason I chose a Rumblehorn, aside from being 1 of 4 green dragons, is because rumblehorns are protectors. Unlike most social dragons who either live in packs or symbiotic relationships, rumblehorns protect other dragons, even when discouraged, without getting anything in return. Seems pretty fitting to me.
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Morro: Stormcutter
(Yes I'm doing Morro too what do you expect)
Ok so I don't have the best reasons for this one but stormcutters are my favorite and so is Morro so shut up. Im going partially based on headcannons I have for him because there really aren't any evil dragons. Stormcutters are big 4 winged dragons that are very agile. They can be quite ferocious but are also very curious, and are arguably protectors. This might not be universal but Cloudjumper (Valka's stormcutter) seemed overall pretty tired and unamused by toothless/the babies antics, and that fits great with my redeemed Morro headcannons (poor boy is so tired of being alive).
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That's all I have for now but I fully intend to make more of this au in the future. I plan on writing how I think each of them met their dragons and maybe their dragons names, and who knows maybe I'll draw some of this next time I have motivation. Let me know if you would like me to do more characters and which characters you'd want to see, or give me your takes and explain why all my choices are terrible.
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ivans-back · 3 years
Reasons why How to Be a Pirate is my fav HTTYD book
- the symmetry:
the Swordfighting-At-Sea-Lesson being interrupted (and Hiccup’s life saved) by Grimbeard’s first surprise, his coffin.
Hiccup’s swordfight with Alvin being interrupted (and Hiccup’s life saved) by Grimbead’s final surprise, the Monstrous Strangulator.
- meeting Alvin as a sneaky, sly, mustachioed villain, rather than the evil tyrant he became.
- the way the story constantly twists and turns from each thrill to the next, starting with Swordfighting-at-Sea, to Grimbeard’s Coffin, to the Isle of Skullions, to Alvin’s Betrayal, to the REAL Treasure, to Grimbeard’s Final Surprise.
- this drawing of Toothless:
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- how Toothless ends up sniffing out the real treasure after all, in the most casual manner possible.
- maybe the real treasure was the left-handedness we found along the way.
- how Hiccup’s decision to not tell anyone about the real treasure basically foreshadows the ending of the entire series (!!!)
“I dream of a time in the future when men will be able to own[live with] such beautiful and dangerous things and use[treat] them wisely.”
‘STILL... NOT... READY...’
- but my favourite part might be when Hiccup and Fishlegs arrive back at Berk and although everyone thinks they failed and Hiccup might not be the true heir, they still get a Hero’s Welcome because everyone’s just happy to see them alive.
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slippinmickeys · 2 years
The Mesas of Deuteronilus Mensae (3/?)
You can find the work on AO3 here.
There was a soft knock on the door.
"Come in," she called, glancing at her watch. Her first appointment was in a few minutes and Baker still hadn't arrived -- it must be him. She booted up the exam room's desktop and brought up the appropriate file, listening as the door opened and closed. After a moment, she heard the gentle clearing of a throat. She looked up.
Instead of Baker, it was one of the mission specialists -- Mulder. He gave her a small, toothless smile.
"Dr. Mulder," she said, standing. "I'm so sorry. I was expecting the flight surgeon. Your appointment isn't for another-" she glanced at her watch once again "five minutes."
"Sorry," he apologized. "I'm chronically punctual. Might be something you need to take a look at."
She smiled. "I think that might be more your field than mine," she said, gesturing for him to take a seat. It was the first time that NASA had employed an in-flight Psychologist, though she supposed she saw the need for one to study the effects of humanity's first off-planet colony.
He was tall and lean and hoisted himself easily up onto the examination table, the hairs of his forearms -- where he had his jumpsuit sleeves pulled up -- looking caramel against his bronzed skin. He caught her looking and Scully sat on the short stool in front of the computer to his right and pulled up his file.
"Have you been spending a lot of time in the sun?" she asked, keeping her eyes on the screen.
"What can I say," he said, his tone friendly but dry. "Trying to enjoy its general proximity while I can."
"If it's any consolation," she said, turning to him. "There will be SAD lamps on base and on the Larunda," she went on, referring to the ship that would be transporting them to Mars.
"Oh, I'm aware, Dr. Scully," Mulder said. "But there's nothing quite like the real thing."
"On that front," she said, smiling. "I can't disagree."
Mulder exhaled and looked around the room. Scully studied him, this man who would be one of only nine other human beings she would be spending the next six years with. There was a small analog clock on the wall, and she could hear the ticking of its second hand in the quiet.
"Last medical exam before launch," Mulder spoke after a moment. "Kind of hard to believe."
"Yes," Scully said, glancing once more at his file on the screen. "This one will be slightly more comprehensive, being that it's the last." She looked once more at her watch. "If you don't mind getting started, I can do your vitals and blood draw and run through some preliminary questions while we're waiting for Dr. Baker."
"That would be fine," he answered, his feet bouncing a little against the end of the exam table.
Scully nodded and rolled over on old mercury sphygmomanometer. "Can you remove the top of your jumpsuit, please?" she asked.
She watched him for a moment as he began to unzip his jumpsuit and then quickly turned her head away to afford him a bit of privacy, something she normally did immediately, by rote. She shook her head at herself. She was going to have to get used to physical exams again if she were going to be acting in-flight physician. She would be working with Baker, the flight surgeon, who would be stationed at Mission Control.
"Undershirt too?" she heard Mulder ask after a moment.
"Ah, no," she said, turning back to him. "That won't be necessary."
She attached the blood pressure cuff to his arm and swung her stethoscope over her head, inserting the buds into her ears as she pressed it into the warm skin of his elbow.
"Huh," Mulder said, observing her. "Baker usually uses the electronic thingy."
"Well, call me old fashioned," she said, inflating the cuff, eyes glued to the clock on the wall.
She could hear Mulder inhaling quietly and then the hiss of the cuff deflating filled the space. She pulled her stethoscope off of him, the end of it warm from being on his skin. After she pulled apart the velcro, Mulder flexed his hand.
"Will I live?" he asked.
"And then some," she said, smiling at him. "One fifteen over seventy seven."
She rolled her stool back over to the computer monitor and entered his readout, then scanned his file.
"Your file says you're single?" she asked him, trying to keep her tone even.
She saw him glance quickly at her bare left hand.
"I am." His answer a little sheepish.
"Your last panel of blood work looks good," she said. "But we're going to need to do one last draw today."
He looked at her curiously. "What for?"
"One last STD panel," she said, sitting up straighter. She'd elected to wear a lab coat instead of her jumpsuit today, and it pulled at her shoulders.
"Good luck to you," he said, almost happy to report: "I'm a tough stick."
She gave one quiet chuckle and looked at him assessingly. "I'll be the judge of that," she said smugly.
"You some kind of phlebotomy queen?" he asked, seemingly intrigued by her attitude.
Scully smiled. "I have a crown made from a venous tourniquet and everything." She began collecting the necessary blood draw accoutraments and rolled back over to the table.
Mulder chuffed a breathy laugh. "Well, I can assure you that it's not possible for anything at all to have changed since the last round of STD tests, but I'm more than eager to see the phlebotomy queen hold court."
She thought briefly that it was near criminal that the man was not only single but seemingly celibate, and then wondered where the thought came from. She shook her head a little ruefully.
Mulder held out his arm and she gripped it gently in her hand, palpating the skin of his elbow to look for the juiciest vein. His skin was warm, supple, soft as the inside of a finger. After a moment, she pressed a gray stress ball into his hand. It was shaped like the moon, with little craters and pockmarks on it.
"Squeeze this," she said, pressing his skin one or twice more and then snaking around her tourniquet. His arm flexed under her hand, his musculature firm and fit.
"Have you started taking your birth control?" Scully asked him, keeping her eyes on what she was doing. Though it was an absolute requirement of the mission, in her experience, men were a little less enthusiastic about doing so. Pre-launch, the men of the crew were expected to rub a birth control gel on their shoulders once per day. Once they were in space and on-planet, they would switch to a pill. When Mulder didn't answer right away, Scully felt the need to reassure him to fill the silence. "I'm sure you're aware of this, but it's not a hormonal birth control and won't affect testosterone levels. It merely blocks proteins from binding to vitamin A, which is crucial to mammalian fertility." She risked a glance at his eyes, and found he was looking directly back at her. It occurred to her that her face -- hunched down to get a good look at his veins -- was exactly level with his groin. She swallowed and returned her attention to her task. "I know some men worry about that," she finished lamely.
"I can assure you of my current sterility," he said, as she plunged the needle into his arm.
She reached up and snapped off the tourniquet, plugging in a collection tube which immediately began to fill with blood. "You should bounce back to normal virility four to six weeks after mission," she said. "If that concerns you at all."
"Thanks," Mulder said, clearing his throat. "I'm not that worried. I uh, read the pamphlet.”
He was squeezing the little moon stress ball a little intensely and she gently pressed her hand over his to still his movement. The muscles of his jaw jumped under his skin, and she took a deep breath.
"Did you know," she said after a moment, her tone conspiratorial, hoping to change the odd tenor of the moment. She smiled up at him, swapping out one collection tube for another. "That NASA's original Nerio mission parameters listed abstinence as the first line of defense against pregnancy at the colony."
"You're kidding," Mulder said, chuffing a quiet laugh.
"I wish I was," she said. "But then someone pointed out that you couldn't possibly expect a blended retinue of healthy, fit people to abstain from sex for six years."
Mulder shrugged. "They could have gone the Jurassic Park route. Sent all women."
"It was discussed," Scully said. "But that wouldn't have stopped the sex, either."
Mulder finally laughed and she felt the tension run out of his arm.
"In any event, they opted for STD checks and universal birth control."
"Well," said Mulder. "Whoever it was that spoke up, I'd love to send a bottle of Scotch."
Her sample collected, Scully pressed a cotton ball to Mulder's elbow and pulled out the needle. "Hold that, please," she said, and then covered the little piece of cotton with a band-aid, snapping it down over his skin smartly.
"It was me," she said, glancing at him before rolling away to deposit the needle in the small sharps container. "Though I'm more of a gin girl, if you're serious."
The look on Mulder's face was priceless, and she might have burst out laughing if Dr. Baker hadn't blustered through the door then, muttering apologies and plucking their attention from the moment.
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