#httyd/ygo au
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spoopyspectralassassin · 10 days ago
Messing around with my art style, trying out some new shapes and colour styles
@lumiidragon (tagging you like I said I would :3)
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rykuradraws · 6 years ago
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hhh it’s 1am again and im still hooked on this au ripp
he’s saying something like “you’re a pretty good rider” and Ryou’s all like “ehe hehh well i try” 
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jackthevulture · 7 years ago
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Remember that Ygo httyd au from 84 years ago? I wanted to redesign dragon!Atem bc i was never fully happy with him.
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ink-flavored · 3 years ago
WIP Title Tag Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @endless-minds. Another poor soul who has no idea what they're getting into.
I've done this game in the past, you see. It took me more than an hour to list all my WIP folders and the titles of the documents therein. Since that day, I've collected even more WIPs.
In the interest of time-saving (yours and mine), I won't be repeating the documents present in the past game, you can just go look at them. If anything's changed, I will list it. Tumblr will probably break these bullet points again, so you should view this on my blog instead of your dash (RIP mobile users).
The horrendously long list is under the cut. Feel free to pick as many as you please to send asks about. I will not be tagging anyone, but feel free to play along if you wish.
Shall we?
Like last time I'll be going in order, starting with original and then moving on into my current fandom for fanfiction. Bold is a main folder, italicized is a subfolder, plain text is a document.
Books + Poetry
Both Flames
Faith in Fate in Second Chances
diamond flames
Dragon’s Breath
Of Lelia
The Diamond Pommel
To Kill a King
Out of the Park
magnetic poetry
mental health
society bullshit
being gay
me (tm)
mental health
recycle bin
short stories & flash
the dream
character generations
name ideas
That Dream I Had WIP Notes
that dream i had 
The God-Dragon’s Wife
backstory posts
The Pyramid Report
The Stories Never Told
bartender au [not a WIP anymore]
country club prompt
fanart [not writing]
nsfw practice
Angle of Approach
AOA Author’s Notes
Arabic Phrases By Chapter
Arabic phrases i want to use at some point
outline & notes
dance (multiple)
hhsh [not a WIP anymore]  
Hocus Pocus Zine [not a WIP anymore]
inkflavored discord [not writing]
misc writings
fanart [not writing]
posted [not WIPs anymore]
A Portrait In Red
dnd stats
Duly Noted
prohibition era
haha i wasn’t looking at you... unless?
horny gender playing
lead free
spinny kiss
blowing smoke
preview chapter
the bit where they find yugi
wait im gay
PuzzleJune [not WIPs anymore]
snake charmer
fanart [not writing]
images [not writing]
soul one
space robot
stripper au
fanart [not writing] 
Stripper AU Notes
title pending
dragon au
fanart [not writing] 
angsty dragon au
It Takes Two
The Hand That Feeds
The Weight of the World
Where Shadows Fall
Worth Silver and Gold
yeehaw au
fanart [not writing]
images [not writing]
idk yeehaw something
fanart [not writing] 
The Legend of Yogurt the Frog
yogurt banner.psd
author’s note links
Buffer Fic Plans
Happy Hour Event Cast List
YGO Fanfiction Plans
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vulture-jack · 5 years ago
the experience of following me is im gonna subject you to at least one weird ass au for something you dont Go to like 
there are people who followed me for httyd years ago that I’m made look at yugioh mermaid aus for MONTHS. sprinkle in ygo centaurs for flavor
now were full circle back to httyd bnha kiribaku of all things when I barely even gave off the vibe that I ship kiribaku  (blame @forbiddenseason ) but like that fantasy ending hit me real late 
and i wanted to draw dragon kiri but i kinda hate dont vibe with the canon design and I was thinkin about doing a redesign and i even tried a few times but then i was thinkin abt httyd and how a good httyd au never hurts (and i LOVE trying to design in the HTTYD style) and then i fell in love with the design and here we are
i have an outline for a first chapter of a fic ill probably never write cuz i can never think of good Conflicts to make a Plot happen but i am trying, but basically all im good for is designs and throwing around ideas 
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spoopyspectralassassin · 3 months ago
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‼️Line art by @lumiidragon, please go check her out because she makes awesome art!‼️
All dragons under subtitles are related to each other in some way
Flower siblings:
Lotus: Youngest sibling. Used to pick silly fights but gave it up after getting injured. Now he’s a caring nanny for orphaned dragon cubs. The four siblings share the job but Lotus often takes charge and stays with the babies the most often. When he’s got free time, Lotus likes to sit on the beach and enjoy the sea breeze
Orchid: Middle sibling. Dislikes when it’s his turn to watch the dragon cubs because he’d rather be goofing off and playing instead of taking responsibility. He often tries to make excuses for why he can’t do the job and runs off to play instead, much to his siblings’ irritation
Heather: Not actually one of the siblings, but Rose’s mate. Heather is Scott’s twin sister and is the greatest hunter anyone has ever seen considering she can’t cloak due to her melanism. Always competing with Scott as cubs, she has mellowed out and now uses her hunting skills to provide for her mate’s orphaned cubs. She loves being there for Rose and is happy to help Lotus too, but Orchid’s approach to their responsibilities irritates her because she believe he is old enough to be more mature than he is. His attitude towards responsibilities upsets her because it makes Rose and Lotus’ job harder
Rose: Eldest sibling. Extremely thankful for Heather’s help. She feels disheartened by how “heartless” Orchid is and wishes he cared more about the orphaned cubs. She remembers being orphaned herself and so is upset by Orchid’s nonchalant approach to other cubs in their situation. Rose is incredibly loving to the cubs, her mate and both her brothers. She loves Orchid deeply even though he isn’t the most mature dragon
Night Light Duo:
Bingo: Douglas’ mate. An energetic young lady who enjoys running around, flying races, food and playing hide and seek. She often joins in as many games as she can until she’s exhausted and then crashes out. She then sleeps for a while, awakens and repeats the process. She’s pretty much constantly got zoomies and is a crazy dragon to be around, but it’s also fun to watch. On the few occasions that she’s calm and awake and not experiencing zoomies, Bingo likes to watch others play while sitting in the shade with her friends and her mate
Douglas: Bingo’s mate. Strong and sweet. He loves watching his mate go crazy and then cuddling with her when she finally calms down. He likes the rain and loves to see worms and snails after it’s stopped raining. He loves the smell of grass after rain and is often seen under canopies keeping dry but enjoying the weather. Sometimes, he invites Bingo with him and the two huddle together in the cold watching the rain together. Sometimes he has to discourage cubs from trying to eat the snails and worms because he worries that they’ll make them sick
Galaxy Siblings:
Photon: Elder sister of Tachyon, younger adopted sister of Cipher. Partner dragon of Kite. Tough lady who picks fights, protects her younger brother, goofs off and pulls fun pranks on others. Often quite protective of Tachyon since he was born quite weak. She loves her siblings and also loves pranking them, but only when they don’t get hurt. If anyone hurts her brothers, she will rain hell on them without any forgiveness. Her brothers are her whole world. Extremely devoted to Kite as her partner and is just as protective of him as she is of her brothers, she also loves all of Kite’s friends and family and pretty much always tries to hug everyone
Tachyon: Younger brother of Photon, adopted younger brother of Cipher. Partner dragon of Mizael. Smaller than the average night light due to being a weak cub, he makes up for it in strength but most of the time Photon won’t allow him to fight alone. It irritates him sometimes but he understands her sentiments considering that she almost lost him after only a few days of knowing him. He gets along exceptionally well with Cipher, who has heard about his weakness from Photon but is more willing to let him try things for himself. He appreciates everything they both do for him. He also loves Mizael deeply and protects them almost the same way that Cipher protects him. By giving them a chance to try on their own but being there to jump in if anything goes wrong
Cipher: Adopted older sibling of Photon and Tachyon. Blade (arc-v Kite)’s best friend. Adores both of his younger siblings but sometimes it irritates him how much Photon can baby her brother. He knows she means well but he also knows that Tachyon is a very capable young dragon. As Blade’s best friend, he’s tough and devoted, never letting anyone get too close if he hasn’t pre-approved them. He tries his best do what’s right for his family, but it can be difficult sometimes due to Photon’s need to protect Tachyon. He doesn’t want to hurt her feeling but he knows that some day she needs to hear that Tachyon can protect himself and needs to be allowed to try
Necrophades Trio:
Sebastian: Middle cub, Ryou’s companion. The leader of the trio, he’s the most level headed and keeps the other two from arguing. Quietest of the three and the most serene, Sebastian is the serious one but he also has a fun loving, mischievous side to him. Just like Ryou. He stays out of things when Stalker and Sleuther are bickering but will step in if they get too rowdy or if things get too heated. Sebastian is the most naturally friendly of the trio but also the most devoted to defending their riders
Stalker: Youngest sibling, Bakura’s boy. Just like Bakura, Stalker can be kind of rude and disrespectful but deep down he has a heart. Again, just like Bakura is secretly, Stalker is very loving and kind. His heart is made of gold and he’s just a little bit of a prankster. He loves his brothers and is…. You know what? He’s basically just Bakura if Bakura was a dragon. A little sharp around the edges but once he lets his guard down and lets people passed his walls, he’s an incredibly loving, devoted dragon who will do anything for his family and friends
Sleuther: The eldest cub, and Akefia’s dragon. Again, he’s quite like his rider. Devoted to his baby siblings but also victim of the youngest’s little pranks. They antagonise each other but deep down the two of them are as thick as thieves (pun intended). And Sleuther is Sebastian’s devoted older brother too, all three of them are as close as the human Necrophades siblings are. Sleuther is cheeky and often has a grin on his face, he’s just as likely to prank Stalker as Stalker is to prank him and that’s part of why they’re so close to one another
Lightspark: Nightshade’s older twin, the two keep to themselves and are quite mysterious but they still enjoy hanging around with everyone despite being secretive. The most anyone knows about Lightspark is that his favourite fish is salmon, which everyone is happy to indulge him in
Nightshade: Lightspark’s younger sister, again, a very quiet secretive dragon who keeps her distance but still enjoys sticking around the rest of the group. The biggest fact anyone knows about Nightshade is that she enjoys playing in piles of raked leaves
Nature Duo:
Cricket: Leif’s mate. He likes bugs and mud and dirt and is basically a big baby. He dances in the rain and splashes around in puddles as much as he can. He’s very mature but he doesn’t try to stop himself from having childlike fun
Leif: Cricket’s mate. Likes all the same things as Cricket but is more reluctant to admit it because he doesn’t want to be known as a big baby like his mate. Prides himself on being more mature and having more restraint than Cricket but can sometimes be seen indulging in his partner’s whimsy
Air Duo:
Cloud: Bel’s best friend. He spends hours every day with her and the two communicate in a way that other dragons don’t understand, like they have their own little secret language. It’s possible that they do, since they grew up together. Cloud’s very good at blending in with the sky and uses this to his advantage, dive bombing Bel or his other friends at random when he’s excited
Bel: Cloud’s best friend. A bit of an airhead, she’s been known to forget to eat sometimes and has to be reminded but most of the time she’s a strong, devoted friend who can always sense Cloud coming but lets him dive bomb her anyway because she knows it makes him happy
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spoopyspectralassassin · 3 months ago
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‼️Line art by @lumiidragon, please go check her out because she makes awesome art!‼️
Dragons under subtitles are related in some way
Bailey: An albino night fury. Bailey struggles in the sun so she often stays under the shade on really sunny days. She loves to hang out with Blaize and when it’s not too sunny for her, the two race one another. She’s kind and patient with dragon cubs who cause mischief, while also being firm with them and disciplining them
Blaize: A leucistic night fury. Partly grey instead of being fully black. He’s often filled with energy but will set aside his desire to rush around like a maniac so that he can keep Bailey company when the sun is too harsh for her. He brings her snacks and cares for her when she can’t go out and do it herself, and is all around devoted to keeping her happy and healthy
The Duo:
Scott: A melanistic light fury. One of two twins. Unable to cloak due to his fire not being hot enough and being unable to cloak like a night fury. As a result he is very good at sneaking and hunting but his sister definitely beats him at both. Quite a swift dragon, he won Pearl’s heart when they were young by beating her at a race, and their love slowly blossomed as they got older
Pearl: Scott’s devoted mate. They met when they were young cubs and she challenged him to a race. She watched in awe as he charged off ahead and was very impressed as she had never seen such a fast cub before. Having never been beaten before, he fascinated her and she stayed with him. As they grew into teens and then adults, she fell in love with him and courted him as her mate. Sometimes, the two still race one another, often joining Bailey and Blaize in their races, but charging off on their own together halfway through. A sharp shooter, she can hit any target while reaching high speeds mid flight
Space Siblings:
Star: Hokuto’s companion and Meteor’s elder sister. She’s very loving and protective of her human but she is her brother biggest antagonist. Sometimes the two have to be separated because she doesn’t know when to stop. Once, when they were young, their parents had to step in because Star was bullying her brother so madly that he could have been injured. Ever since they grew up, she doesn’t endanger his life any more but she does make sure he never knows peace. Hokuto has tried his best to stop her, but inevitably had to encourage Meteor to stay away from her unless there was at least one more person or dragon with them to stop her
Meteor: Star’s long suffering younger brother. Has central heterochromia. He just wants his sister to love him normally but she gets far too much joy from his misery. When he’s not being antagonised by his sister, he is quite good friends with various other riders’ dragons and plays games with them. He is scared of his sister ever since the incident when they were young and was all to happy too listen to Hokuto’s suggestion of not being around her alone
Goha Dragons (Goha Corporation genetically modified six night lights to be “perfect companions for the presidents”. All six were bred from one night fury and six different light furies and each was made with one president in mind. The Goha six did not approve of this, but kept the dragons as they felt it was cruel to abandon them):
Rufus: Fourth eldest dragon. Rufus was chosen for Yuuran. He’s a shy young dragon, much like his rider. His ears are naturally floppy but he can lift them and move them like a regular fury can. Most of the time, however, he resembles a lop-eared bunny. He’s kind and affectionate, if a little quiet. Rufus loves his rider and stays very close to him, the two seem a lot more confident when they’re in each other’s company
Stella: The third oldest sibling. Stella was bred specifically to match Yuuka’s aesthetic. A fiery dragon who definitely matches her rider, Stella is often described as being like a wildfire. She terrorises her half siblings and bounces off of the walls. Filled with energy to the point of bursting, she even moves around a lot in her sleep. There’s never a dull moment when Yuuka and Stella are in the room, you can guarantee shenanigans and hilarity. Surprisingly capable of being serious in situation where there is genuine danger, she is fiercely protective of Yuuka and will not let even a single hair on her head fall out of place on her watch
Cyclone: The eldest. Yuuro’s dragon. Much unlike her rider, who is like a hurricane, she’s more like a calm summer breeze. Quiet, soft and gentle. Sometimes she seems more like she’s parenting Yuuro than working as his partner. She’s the voice of reason amongst her half siblings and tries her best to keep them all calm and collected when danger arises. The others all respect her as their leader and look up to her as their elder sister. She can even manage to calm Stella’s jitters in times of need
Hana: The second youngest. Bred to be partnered with Yuuou. There’s not much significant to say about Hana other than she is kind, loving and is Yuuou’s first and foremost biggest supporter. She adores her boy, and she also adores her younger brother, Milo. She tries to help Milo be more confident and is often seen at his side if she’s not by Yuuou’s side
Matteo: The second oldest sibling. Yuujin’s partner. Loves swimming just like his rider and also adores playing in the mud during rainstorms. Usually covered in mud or dripping wet, he’s a perfect match for Yuujin. The two can often be found swimming in the ocean together or just generally playing with one another. He’s like a tidal wave sometimes, and has been known to try and rile Stella up, much to Cyclone’s dissatisfaction
Milo: The youngest sibling. Paired with Yuuga (Swirly). A shy dragon who often stays near Swirly and avoids interacting with anyone else. Despite being incredibly shy, Milo is devoted to Swirly and the two are a pretty unstoppable team. His human companion means everything to him and he will do anything to keep him safe. He appreciates his sister for helping him but most of the time he’d prefer to just stick to Swirly like glue. The two are inseparable and, much like Yuuran and Rufus, Milo and Swirly’s partnership results in a boost in both’s confidence that almost makes you believe they’re not the same people you knew before
Sibling trio and their mates:
Twilight: The middle child. Strong, confident and intelligent. Loving and loyal to his siblings, Twilight is the protector of their group. He stays behind, waiting to ensure that his family is safe before he joins them. A trait he has had since he was a cub, he has always been very devoted to protecting those around him, especially his family. He always appreciates when Toothless lets him take place as the last one waiting for everyone to get to safety, which would usually be Toothless’ job as the alpha
Faye: Twilight’s mate. She worries about him often because he stays behind and tells her to go on ahead. She knows deep down that he can take care of himself but she worries anyway. A very sweet dragon, who knows how to fight and often takes the job of being second-to-last dragon to leave the danger zone. One: because she wants to wait for Twilight, and Two: because she’s just as devoted to her family as Twilight is. They’re a perfect match. Faye’s job within the group is to make sure that there are no dangers around any areas they may be staying to eat or sleep or drink
Comet: Daylight’s mate. His main purpose within their group is to gather food, which he enjoys doing because he loves providing for the ones he loves. Daylight fell in love with him because of how kind hearted he is and ever since then he has never lost any of that kindness. He provides for his family and also for his friends, always making sure cubs are fed and everyone is happy. (If I had to pick a quote to define him it would be: “what do you want to be when you grow up?” “Kind”)
Daylight: Eldest sibling. Can sometimes be grumpy, but mostly he’s very loving. Everyone needs time to themselves sometimes, right? But he never doesn’t want to be in Comet’s company. Comet is his safe space, no matter how bad he feels. Sometimes, when he was a cub, he could be very snappy and rude. But Comet never abandoned him and always made sure he knew that his outbursts weren’t his fault. He was overjoyed to find someone who was so kind and loving, and ever since he has been practically attached to his mate. Daylight’s unofficial assigned job in their group is that of a sentry. He stays and keeps watch, ensuring that no dangers harm his family
Florian: Midnight’s mate. Florian is a little flat sometimes. He can be very blunt with his feeling, but he means well. He never intends to hurt anyone’s feeling but sometimes he does things that can come across as being rude or uncaring. Despite this, he’s extremely devoted to the little family group and enthusiastically takes place as the leader of the group whenever they need to retreat. He rallies everyone with a fiery confidence and then encourages Midnight to go ahead of him because he prefers to know she’s safe first. The two end up leaving side by side because she is stubborn and refuses to leave him
Midnight: The youngest sibling. The unofficial leader of the family group. Always smiling unless there’s danger and is happy to let Twilight take the job as the last line of defence. Trusts Daylight as their sentry and is always so pleased with the work that Comet and Faye do for them all. She’s hopelessly in love with Florian, and often stubbornly refuses to leave his side when they have to flee since she hates the idea of having him out of her sight. She worries a lot about Twilight whenever he plays at being the last line of defence but deep down she know that he can look after himself and is the greatest fighter in their little group
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spoopyspectralassassin · 3 months ago
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‼️Line art by @lumiidragon, please go check her out because she makes awesome art!‼️
Dragons under the “others” subtitle are unrelated to one another
Shadows: Vector’s companion dragon. He’s a very friendly outgoing dragon who often chases butterflies and runs through fields because he enjoys watching fireflies rise up into the sky. He’s a strong fighter but he hates hurting others unless it’s absolutely necessary. The scar on his lip is from a small incident when he was a cub in which he injured himself while goofing off
Wyrm: Mokuba’s dragon friend. Loving and caring, he’s often seen carrying Mokuba around in his mouth like a cub whenever there’s ice on the ground or if there’s any other hazards around. He loves playing fetch and will pester everyone until they entertain him
Fury family:
Nyx: The big scary mother one. She has a frosty resting face but is incredibly caring and soft on the inside. Her outer appearance is usually a farce to keep potential threatening strangers away from her cubs. She knows that anyone who is familiar with her will not be intimidated due to having seen her softer side and she uses this to her advantage. She’s very loving to her family and those she trusts, but prefers to keep her frosty demeanour in more public spaces
Nimbus: The fun loving father who often enjoys watching his children goof off. He often gives smug glances at anyone else who observes his children, as though he is saying “I made these, look how proud I am”. He’s incredibly proud of his babies and will literally drag everyone he trusts to come look at them at every opportunity he gets. Many a defenceless human/alien has been forcefully dragged to see his young while he excitedly bounces around and coos wildly
Dart: The eldest sibling by a few seconds, much to her brother’s disdain. A terrible prankster who then blames her siblings and somehow always gets away with it. She is smart and cunning and will always find ways to cover her tracks. She learned how to draw from Toothless and absolutely loves doing it. Her favourite things to draw are varying leaves that she finds. Sometimes she is helped by people to make little paw paintings because she absolutely loves doing it. Fortunately for her brothers, everyone think they’re cute so even when they get into trouble it’s usually just a very light scolding
Ruffrunner: Third eldest sibling. A big fighter, he often tussles with Lily and they view each other as valuable sparring partners and rivals. He does often allow himself to the dragged into Dart’s schemes, always seeming to forget that she will use him as a scapegoat. She usually compensates him by sharing any food she manages to steal with him because he never learns his lesson
Pouncer: Second eldest sibling, younger than Dart by about 10 seconds at most. Very grumpy about this fact whenever it’s brought up. Used to be easily dragged into Dart’s schemes but learned his lesson and started making himself noticeable in different places to her whenever she started causing mischief so that he has an alibi. Feels bad for Ruffrunner but sometimes he genuinely thinks that Ruffy lets Dart drag him along just so he can have ill gotten snacks
Eclipse: Second youngest child. Probably the most affectionate night light of the six, Eclipse will crawl into people’s laps and sit there happily being pet or just enjoying their body warmth. He loves sitting on people’s shoulders and has also clung to people’s heads at times. He sometimes manages to sneak snacks while sitting with people but mostly he does it because he likes the physical affection
Dawn: The youngest child. She naps most of the time and stays out of trouble. Anyone who doesn’t know her or only just met her has had at least one moment where they’ve gone “oh my god she’s died” because of how deeply she sleeps sometimes. She sits close by to her parents mostly because she knows she’ll be safe to nap in peace around them. A huge daddy’s girl who, when she’s awake, rides around on her dad’s head or follows him everywhere
Dusk: The third youngest child. When he was younger, he’d bully other cubs into sharing their snacks with him but he grew out of it after they all banded together and gave him a taste of his own medicine. A fast learner and, so far, the fastest flier of all of his siblings, he is very agile when in the sky and often challenges other cubs to races so he can show off. Hates losing and grumps with his head against the nearest wall or tree if he ever does
Light and Dark:
Yin: The younger twin. Sunshine incarnate despite being the “dark” twin. Always smiling and bubbly and absolutely adores being around people and playing. He loves his brother and hugs him all the time, much to Yang’s irritation. He prefers close contact with people and sometimes leans his chin on their heads idly and closes his eyes to relax
Yang: The elder twin. Grumpy, serious and short tempered. Dislikes physical affection, hence the irritation when Yin hugs him often. He loves his brother but wishes he’d be a little less energetic as he deems it “childish”. Prefers when people respect his personal space and shows that he doesn’t mind your company by leaving you gifts from a distance. This is pretty much the only time you’ll ever see him smile btw :3
Seraph: Durbe’s companion. A very polite light fury who is sort of quiet and in the background but sometimes he gets zoomies and goes insane, wreaking havoc and tearing up his surroundings. He then crashes out and flops down to rest, the only evidence of his earlier energy being the destruction left in his way. He often brings food for any cubs hanging around and is quite affectionate towards them
Hikari: Saiou’s light fury. Very calm and quiet. She’s the most stealthy light fury you’ll ever meet, having perfected silent footfalls and being very good at sneaking around. She uses these skills for good most of the time but occasionally she uses her sneaking skills to get into mischief, which no one can ever prove is her and Saiou always says she has an alibi, although we’re all sure he’s lying to keep her out of trouble
Ghost: Spectre’s buddy. Just as devoted to Tsuki as Spectre is to Ryoken. Views Tsuki as his elder brother and in the early days of their meeting he followed Tsuki around like a lost puppy. The two enjoy one another’s company and can be found together any time that Ryoken and Spectre hang out. If angered, Ghost will not hesitate to snap at you to frighten you. He knows his teeth are sharp and he wants you to know he’s not afraid to use them
Tsuki: Ryoken’s chosen partner. Tsuki was raised by an old man from an egg, but one day the old man tragically passed away in a house fire. Ever since then he vowed to never let himself get close to another human but when he met Ryoken he looked at him and saw himself deep within his soul. The two bonded and ever since have been devoted best friends. He loves Ghost as if he were family and was more than happy to take him under his wing and show him that humans aren’t always scary
Koopa: Rowland’s surprisingly professional pal. Koopa is a businessman in dragon form. He always reminds Rowland of deadlines and things by making sure he sees paperworks or doesn’t forget his briefcase. Kaiba often jokes that he should be paying Koopa. Koopa suggests being payed in food, he is always ready to sample new foods. When they aren’t working, Koopa likes to remind Rowland to relax and to stop worrying so much about Kaiba and Mokuba since their dragons are definitely on the job and he thing is Rowland fusses too much
Pixie: Ruka’s dragon companion. Very similar to her rider, a tough girl who won’t give up and will do anything to protect those she cares about. She gets along very well with Rua’s razorwhip, Mineral, and loves watching Rua and Ruka interact. She thinks their relationship as siblings is one of the greatest things she’s ever seen and if you ever catch her watching them, you’ll see that you can barely see her eye colour due to how large her pupils are. Compassionate and sweet, she guides very young cubs and helps them learn to fly if their parents aren’t able to, or helps them get better at it when they’re first beginning to learn
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spoopyspectralassassin · 3 months ago
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‼️Line art by @lumiidragon, please go check her out because she makes awesome art!‼️
(Also my furies having bright colours on them was inspired by lumii)
I’m gonna post the four pages of these individually cuz it’ll be 4 shorter posts instead of one huge post haha.
These are all of the night/light/night-light furies in my httyd/yugioh AU. Any that don’t have subtitles are unrelated to one another
Ebony: Ebony is a titan night fury who was cursed/blessed (depending on how you look at it) by a witch to make him immortal, he can be injured or sick but he will never die. Legends say that he is already thousands of years old which some people believe to be impossible. (That little bit of information is based off of the Face of Boe from doctor who lol). He is devoted to protecting Nico and West and is the guardian protector of Crash Town
Toothless: Toothless is Isaac’s loyal companion and longest known family. The two bonded as lonely nine year olds and ran away together, crash landing in Satellite resulting in Toothless losing his right tail fin. They met Yusei who helped them make a new tail out of scrap which managed to miraculously survive until they reunited with him a few years later at 14 years old. He is named after the movie version of Toothless because Isaac is a huge fan of those movies (which are based on factual Viking history in this universe rather than being purely fictional, but are still also made up stories). He is a fun loving, borderline puppy dog most of the time but if you attempt to hurt anyone he cares about you will find yourself facing a freezing glare that could put a flightmare’s paralysing breath or a speed stinger’s sting to shame
The colour siblings:
Ivory: Ivory is the eldest sibling. Her and her siblings pride themselves as protectors and will always fight to protect those that they care about. She is the most mature of her siblings as well as being the eldest, but she enjoys playing with other dragons and relaxing in tree shade on warm days. On colder days she will build small campfires for her siblings or her friends
Lavender: Lavender is the second oldest sibling. She is very friendly but will always be the first to jump in to protecting others. When she’s not defending others, she likes irritating her siblings and being a general menace to her friends. On warm days she goes swimming with Copper and on cold days she sits by them listening to the campfire with Sage
Copper: Copper is the youngest sibling of the group, but the most serious. He can often be seen observing from high points in trees diligently to ensure that no one in his care can possibly be snuck up on. He enjoys his sister’s pranks because he usually stays out of her way, but will get very grumpy if he is the target of her tomfoolery. When he’s not playing his role of protector, he can be found swimming or laying in the sun. On colder days, he prefers to snuggle with his siblings
Sage: Sage is the third oldest sibling. He’s probably the worst fighter of his group, but he tries his best and is very good at keeping his siblings out of trouble. He’s the most capable of taking a hit so he offers himself as the target and distracts the enemies while the other three fight them off. When he’s not on duty, Sage will join his sister underneath tree shade or sometimes he’ll sit and keep his brother company while he’s observing their surroundings. On colder days, Sage helps Ivory collect wood for her campfires and loves snuggling with the other two beside them.
Ankh and Kisara’s family:
Huey: Huey is the adoptive son of Ankh and Kisara, and Lily’s adopted brother. He was found as an abandoned egg and raised alongside Lily. He is younger than her by two days and she know that they aren’t related by blood but she does not care (that sort of thing is never considered in this AU by humans/dragons/aliens, family is family no matter whether they’re related by blood or not). Huey, just like Lily, is a cheeky little prankster who works with his big sister to irritate others and to then try and escape consequences by being as cute as they can
Lily: Lily is Ankh and Kisara’s daughter. She is a little menace who often tries to use her big shiny eyes to avoid the consequences of her actions. If that doesn’t work, she blames Huey and flees, leading to terrible sibling squabbles. Their main target is their poor uncle, who falls for their pranks far too often due to being very trusting. Lily loves to terrorise everyone, and often gets away with it because everyone thinks she’s adorable
Argyle: The younger sibling of Ankh, he is Lily and Huey’s uncle despite only being about a month or two older than them. Argyle’s parents trusted him to be looked after by his elder brother because they wanted him to be closer to other dragon cubs since they prefer to keep to themselves. He is very trusting but he’s started being very wary whenever his niece and nephew suddenly start giving him attention
The green trio:
Leah: Eldest sibling of the three, she’s very calm but is also not immune to her sister’s ideas of terrorising their poor brother. She’s quite intelligent and enjoys listening to stories whenever anyone tells them. Often times, when she’s not pranking Caspar, she can be found following people around or joining older dragons in their activities
Gwen: The youngest sibling, Gwen is the leader of the “terrorise Caspar” team, which usually consists of just her and Leah but sometimes Huey and Lily or other cubs join them. She’s cunning and always knows the best way to grind her poor brother’s gears. She loves the fact that he is very reactive to all of her pranks
Caspar: The middle child of his triad. He loves his sisters and all of their friends but sometimes he wishes they’d leave him alone so he can do his own thing. Most of the time his “own thing” is just napping or climbing trees. He admires Copper greatly and has been found several times sitting with him helping him to observe and watch out for any potential threats. He doesn’t mind his sisters’ pranks most of the time but he can’t help but react in a big way when they manage to scare him good
The blue twins:
Azure: The elder twin. Her face may look a little more serious than her sister’s but she’s a huge love bug who adores snuggling with people and does her very best to teach cubs and protect children. Some children often think she and her sister are superheroes because of the way that their blue patterns are. She plays into this, making herself the official protector of all younglings in her vicinity
Bora: The younger twin. Bora is a goofball who definitely doesn’t have a poker face when it comes to showing how overjoyed he is to see you. He loves everyone and will stay as close as he can to other people and dragons. If you ever find him on his own, he probably initiated a game of hide and seek due to the fact that it is his favourite game. His tracking is surprisingly good for a dragon who isn’t part of the tracker class and he loves to show it off by being the seeker and finding everyone as fast as he can
Ankh: Ankh is Atem’s loyal companion. He adores his baby brother and is an incredibly devoted father. This often scary looking dragon melts into a large fury puddle whenever he’s with his mate and his cubs. He tries to keep a tough outer image but it’s obvious from the way he interacts with his family that he has a heart that’s about as golden as his eyes. A tough fighter, he trains his daughter to be a fighter as she grows older because she asks him to. His intentions are good but his daughter continues to be a menace and uses what he teacher her to terrorise other dragons, much to his shock. Kisara often reminds him that he was the exact same way at her age
Kisara: Kaiba’s fourth blue eyes white dragon, Kisara is named to honour the girl whose soul monster the BEWD was (obviously hehe). She’s tough but she is also a very affectionate mother who will always put her cubs’ health before her own. She absolutely adores Argyle and is overjoyed to have him around her cubs since he is much more level headed than Ankh and will be a good influence on them. Kisara is wary of strangers but will defend the people she trusts and loves to her last breath
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spoopyspectralassassin · 2 years ago
This one’s mildly lazily coloured cuz it’s 4am, sorry.
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This is my self insert for httyd/ygo and his dragon cuz httyd/ygo started as a silly thing in my head as an escape from reality.
Isaac: Isaac is basically just me, I am Isaac lol. He’s 15 because that’s how old I was when I first got the idea for this AU and he’s essentially just me being a huge nerd and going “this is what I wanna be with a few little twists”. He was raised by dragons from the age of 8 when he found a Night Fury that was shot down (totally not me stealing stuff from the httyd movies or anything) and has therefore learned how to understand dragons as if they were speaking to him in human languages. He wrote a sort of book of dragons so he could remember things about every dragon he met and knows a lot about dragon behaviour because he lived in a huge dragon nest similar to Valka’s bewilderbeast’s nest. He’s kind of a mix between Hiccup and Valka and spent the years he lived among dragons as a sort of vigilante freeing trapped dragons and helping other varying dragons in anyway he could which earned him respect amongst dragon kind. Because he was raised by dragons he is seen by dragons as another dragon rather than a human and people call him the Prince of Dragons because dragons respect him and listen to his commands in combat or in troubled situations. He met the ygo characters when he crashed in Neo Domino one day while testing a new flight style with Toothless and met Yusei who took him in and ended up forming a bond with him and adopting him as his son alongside Jack (hehe kingcrabshipping). He acts as an older sibling figure to Rua and Ruka who are also Jack and Yusei’s adopted children and Crow, Bruno and Kiryu act as their uncles. He is also seen as a part of the Arclight family (and its extensions which I’ll go into later) and is viewed as the Arclight brothers’ step-sibling.
Toothless: Toothless is a 15 year old Night Fury who was shot down and left to die in a forest but was found by Isaac who took pity on him and found a way to help him fly again. They then fled together and joined a nest of dragons who ended up respecting them both as leaders due to their behaviour. Due to events in the storyline, Toothless later becomes the Alpha of all dragons (yeah, like in the movies lol). Toothless is a playful and friendly dragon but if you dare try and harm any of his family he will not hesitate to take you down. He has a little heart shaped scale on his left ear which is one of his distinguishable little features. The tail he’s wearing in the above image is an automatic tail (which Yusei helped Isaac build. Also please pretend the gears or whatever are underneath or are just blending in very well) so he can fly alone like canon!Toothless could in the third movie. Toothless has a mate called Thunderstorm who is a Skrill/Night Fury hybrid and their relationship is based on the story of the two gay penguins (I forget what their names were, I think one was called Roy). This Toothless is named after the canon Toothless because the httyd movies do exist in httyd/ygo but they’re based on old texts and stuff rather than being purely fictional like they are in our reality and also because, just like me irl, Isaac is a huge httyd movie fanatic.
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spoopyspectralassassin · 2 years ago
I haven’t drawn anything to do with my AU in a while cuz my brain is fixed on some other drawings I’ve been doing which will take a while, so I might not post any art for a bit
I do have a couple of old drawings I can share though, so I’ll post those when I find them again.
Here’s one of a fury family based on toothless and the light fury’s family in the movies.
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The night fury is called Nyx and she is female. The light fury is male and his name is Nimbus
Like httyd/ygo!Toothless, the three night lights that have the same pattern as the canon night lights are the same genders and have the same names as the canon night lights because they’re very similar to them
Black one with a white nose in the front is named Dart and is female
White one in the middle is named Pouncer and is male
Black one with blue eyes next to Nyx is named Ruffrunner and is male.
The other three babies are:
Black one next to Nyx is called Eclipse and is male
Black one next to Nimbus is called Dusk and is male
White one in the back on the rock is called Dawn and is female
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spoopyspectralassassin · 1 year ago
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I keep forgetting to post things like a dumbass.
First pic of the little night fury is a baby Toothless (my AU’s version) from before he was shot down
Second pic is an old page of all the furies in my AU that are 100% fury genes from a while ago before I included go rush and sevens (and OCG structures) to my AU. I intend to redraw it in my new art style to go with the one I did of the Goha furies (will post those together with the new fury page when it’s done)
The last pic is three night light OCs based on the canon night lights colours but they are NOT supposed to be the canon night lights
The first pic is done in my new art style, the second one I re-coloured so the colours are correct but the line art is old and the third is just old lol
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Here’s a bonus Zwijo and Yudias I drew ages ago that I’m not sure about anymore (I also noticed while looking at it again that I forgot the yellow highlights in Zwijo’s eyes pff)
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spoopyspectralassassin · 1 year ago
Got bored and doodled a boye
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I love my boy, I hope he makes other people smile too :3
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spoopyspectralassassin · 1 year ago
I drew this ages ago but I never posted it. It’s httyd/ygo Toothless, properly drawn this time (unlike when I drew my self insert who I’m also gonna redraw) so he has all his scars :)
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spoopyspectralassassin · 2 years ago
I managed to stay on task for something and did dragons finally! Hopefully y’all won’t have to wait ages for the next dragon profiles lol, I’m sorry for being inconsistent all the time.
So, here I have two dragons that are both the same species but look different because of dominant/recessive genes in their respective parent dragons. Quill’s parental night fury had the more dominant genes so she’s more night fury looking while Illia is more dominantly razorwhip looking.
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Additional facts about these dragons cuz I might as well do their profiles while I’m on the subject of them:
Quill: Quill is Emma Bessho’s companion dragon in my HTTYD/YGO AU, she is a NightWhip dragon. Her prominent fire type is plasma due to her more dominant night fury genes. She’s usually a kindhearted dragon but is fiercely protective of those she cares about. She’s also been known to fight Gunner (haven’t profiled him yet, I’ll work on it hehe. For context, he’s Blood Shephard’s Razorwhip and is basically Quill’s adopted sibling due to Emma and Kengo being close siblings)
Illia: Illia is Bruno’s dragon (and the reason why I decided to draw the bruno in my last post lol). She is also a NightWhip but with more dominant Razorwhip genes. She’s very friendly and largely docile, she tries to avoid confrontation but is capable of protecting herself or others if she is pushed. Her primary fire type is the kind that a Razorwhip has and she is capable of firing off spines from her tail like a Razorwhip can.
Yeah, basically my inspiration for these two dragons was: playing with the concept of dominant and recessive genes when it’s two different dragon types being mixed and also I wanted Illia to look more robotic while Quill looks more organic because it felt like it fit the characters whose dragons they are. Also, Illia’s name is Illia partly because I was thinking of twilight princess when I thought of her and partly because Bruno was a part of Illiaster.
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spoopyspectralassassin · 2 years ago
Bruno I drew from memory instead of doing the thing I was actually supposed to be doing cuz I’m stupid and cannot stay on task to save my life
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Small side note about Bruno in my AU since I’m here anyway, he’s human rather than being part robot, is a part of team 5Ds but doesn’t live at the garage, he has his own place nearby but hangs out at the garage a lot. He’s a brother figure to Yusei and uncle figure to the twins (Yusei and Jack pose as the Twins’ dads) and he doesn’t have his Antinomy form. Yusei is the chief mechanic and Bruno is his right hand man basically
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