#might as well fucking die!!!!
clulessmess · 3 months
No reason i just wanna die?
Wanna kill myself?
Cease to exist?
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smallidarityfan · 28 days
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jubmato · 4 months
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guys. guys hear me. out. pelase hear me out im cooking i swear guys ple
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ashiyn · 1 year
mayor scar fancam to material girl due to this beautiful post <3
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echo-stimmingrose · 8 months
I desperately need to see a scene at camp where they are accusing Clarisse of being the thief. THE TENSION!! THE DRAMA!!! She has no idea what the fuck their talking about but of course they believe Luke over her cause he's the camp golden boy. I need her yelling at everyone who doesn't believe her! (Dionysus included by the way, she absolutely would yell at him too) AND I want to see her be like "I fucking told you so!" after they find out it's Luke.
AND this would give her such a good reason to hate the trio like we already know she does.
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cologona · 6 months
Bruce didn’t mean to slice Jason’s throat and if he did mean it, it was only to disable , it wasn’t lethal and the wound would’ve been treated, and though that didn’t happen it wasn’t Bruce who sealed Jason’s fate but Joker who set off the explosion, and anyways Jason didn’t actually die he comes back in other comics.
Except none of that matters. It matters for the validity of UTRH as a Batman story that Bruce has deniability sure, but does it absolve him? UTRH says No. At the end of the day Bruce would rather attack his son than let his murderer die. Bruce thought he was refusing the choice but the lesson of this tragedy is that refusing to pick one over the other boils down to choosing the other.
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vampistol · 5 months
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So... the hunger games lol
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dailykeiji · 10 months
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today's keiji is: possibly my most self indulgent keiji yet
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r--kt · 6 months
wait, why aren't we talking about Madara meeting Obito with a DAMN SCYTHE in his hands? man, this half-dead boy almost had a heart attack right away wtf are you kidding??? the kid was this 🤏 close to seeing the Apostle Peter, at least try to make your cave babyproofed
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eastbluecrewed · 2 months
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things you can't get back
aka i've been waiting so patiently to see kidd get his ass beat by shanks (affectionate)
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nonuggetshere · 2 years
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They're like a barbie doll to me
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Chapter 27 in a nutshell...
Dib, thinking about his inevitable demise:
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Zim, furiously confused and insulted as to why Dib hasn't begged him for sex yet:
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cherriko-art · 6 months
Ok more alnst rambles.
I think my favorite interpretation of both Sua and Ivan's deaths is that their self-sacrifice was less about saving their loved ones than it was that they themselves could not live without Mizi/Till. Like this belief that yes, we're choosing our loved ones over our own lives, but also with the belief that Mizi/Till would be able to live past their (Sua/Ivan) deaths.
But for both Sua and Ivan, they could not find any reason to live if Mizi/Till were to die instead in their rounds. Both are absolutely obsessed with their partners - their entire reason for living revolves around Mizi/Till, bc for both Sua and Ivan, their lives were empty husks until they met them.
Ivan calls Sua out for being a self-sacrificing idiot, calling her selfish bc it'll only leave Mizi traumatized over her death. According to him, her choosing to die was not out of love for Mizi, it was a purely selfish choice bc Sua cannot live without Mizi. But in the end, Ivan is the exact same.
So dying for their loved ones? Easy. But ask them to live with their loved ones' deaths? Over their dead bodies.
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herblay · 2 months
So uh about Hisashi Midoriya
A list of things Kohei Horikoshi one hundo percent intended for us to understand about Hisashi Midoriya, because he definitely implied them uh somewhere in text (next to social structures and a functioning bureaucracy) (Izuku Midoriya substitute teacher is so fucking funny to me tbh like Horikoshi really said bb ur a glorified babysitter till ur bestie gets his money up) (Him being Bakugou's sugar baby hero is SO fucking stupid I wish I could've come up w that)
Canonically Izuku was a fucking immaculate conception.
The real Hisashi Midoriya was the friends we made along the way
He is really All Might's secret lovechild, Todoroki was right all along, the problem is both All Might and Inko forgor
He left to get milk and never came back
All for One actually fucked his dad
All for One is his dad
(All for One believes he is god. God is like, everyone's dad. In some sense, u know?)
All for One is actually the baby daddy of everyone in this series they just ain't admitting it.
Much like Anakin Skywalker, Izuku has no dad and HELLA midichlorians
He left to get milk and came back but like 20 years later so we ain't seen it yet
Nana Shimura is actually Hisashi Midoriya. How, you might ask? I said so.
Hisashi Midoriya died like an Anime Mom Death bc he wore his hair like that once but they didn't show us because we'd cry too hard and never forgive it
Hisashi is just so hot they can't show us in canon bc we'd be too distracted
Bakugou killed him. He can have a little homicide as a treat.
Izuku killed him. He SHOULD do a lot of homicide as a treat.
Inko killed him. Real.
He left Inko to have a whirlwind romance with someone's secret twin (I haven't decided who yet)
Principal Nedzu ate him (he was delicious)
Fire breath did not protect him against spicy food and he went on Hot Ones and died.
Hisashi's quirk wasn't fire breath, it was negligence, baby!
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novelconcepts · 1 year
I’m sure I’m not the first person to say this, but I am so grateful that the Yellowjackets creative team has proven themselves flexible storytellers—in a lot of ways, but particularly regarding Van. ‘Cuz how many times do we get a lesbian in a show (especially a funny, lovable one) and resign ourselves to having to say goodbye in some catastrophic way? And this is absolutely the kind of show where, until you see the adult counterparts, any one of those kids could bite it. And that Van was SUPPOSED to die—or at least, wasn’t necessarily supposed to live—but Liv Hewson did such a fantastic job and the character became so enriched and so charming that she not only gets to live past season one, but gets to live into adulthood.
And that she gets to be so herself in adulthood; Van feels the least changed, in some ways, of any of the grown versions. She’s, as Ambrose and Hewson point out, dimmed down and calcified, but she’s still dressing the same, she’s still proudly gay, she’s out here acting as a sort of snarky cinema mentor to the kids who come into her shop. No, she isn’t happy, because none of them are, but she is alive, and she’s out and proud, and she’s a fundamental figure in this narrative when she could so easily have been written out in a blaze of fire or a wolf attack. I’m so grateful, because it means no matter where adult Van’s journey takes her, we’re getting to hang on to Hewson for as long as the show runs, as one of the core six members of the ‘96 cast, and that is fucking huge. We’re getting the message that at least two of those six characters are gay and get to grow up, and that gayness has nothing whatsoever to do with their trauma and problems in 2021. Like. Goddamn. That’s enormous.
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mirpkechi · 15 days
hgelp cant stop shakijg
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