#might add more later but now I'm on the way out the door lol
nehswritesstuffs · 10 months
okay so for the "500 words or less" excerpt DVD commentary i'm going to choose the opening of this fic because i can't help myself it is honestly one of my favorite parts and i gotta know what the thought process was
Having never really considered himself weak in the ankles, Law was beginning to rethink his lifelong self-assessment as he slipped his feet into the absolutely terrifying shoes that had been shoved in his direction. With Nami on one side of him and Perona on the other, Law shakily attempted to stand, not enjoying the extra wobble he gained by simply standing still. “What the fuck is wrong with you people,” he grumbled lowly. His girlfriend, however, scowled. “You live in heels—I don’t want to hear it.” “I wear boots, Nami-ya, not whatever torture devices these are.” He looked out over the rows of shoe racks and saw that the difference in height was… concerning. “Fucking hell—these have three extra inches than normal.” “Well, yeah,” Perona scoffed. “You need to look your best, and they’re already doing wonders for your ass.” She hummed. “Well, what little you’ve got, anyhow.” “Why are we even here?” Law groused. “Can’t I just order some online?” “We are not,” Nami said, “because I am not going to have to deal with ordering shoes for your massive man-feet and then them not fitting properly. Turnaround is way too quick for us to need to worry about shipping.” “I feel like a fool,” he grimaced as he continued to curse the integrity of his legs. “We did not drive to the only shoe store in Greater Logue Town that carries wides in-stock for you to chicken out,” Perona scolded. “I’m not chickening out,” he insisted sourly. “I just have way too much coordination to know first-hand why Cora-san practices walking in these things.” “Well, you’re about to get a lot more familiar with them if we’re going to get you anywhere,” Nami said firmly. “Now go ahead and try to walk to that rack there.” Two steps and Law went sideways into a shelving unit full of narrow-widths. Nami and Perona stared at one another—they had a lot more work ahead of them than they had feared.
Ahahahaha, yes! Although I love all this fic, I do particularly feel this part. A bunch of me projecting on Law under the cut.
Have an excerpt you want me to break down? Go ahead and let me know!
Nehs? Projecting on Law? Never! *fake shocked gasp* Okay, so let me break it down:
I need wide width shoes as well, and holy shit are these hard to find since Payless started going nuts after filing for bankruptcy. Twice. This is a modern AU set in a pseudo-Midwestern America, so my loss of the only place that consistently stocked wides is also his loss of the only place that consistently stocked wides. and don't tell me that [place] does bc i've tried I am waiting for when that void is filled with bated breath bc I hate shopping for shoes online.
I am also on taller than average. (I am not Law's height, but he is on the taller end for normal people.)
I also like wearing boots with chonky heels/soles.
I also like wearing heels/wedges despite it making me "so tall" so what if I scrape six feet that way.
I also have enough coordination to walk in heels/wedges.
I can fucking run in heels/wedges.
I can honestly say that aside from a couple choice moments (as we all have) I am fairly well-coordinated overall.
I recently tried on a pair of heels in-store (returns from an online purchase, I'm sure) and as I stood I almost toppled over like holy shit.
I did roll my ankle once while running in wedges and I went down hard that was fun.
Narrow-widths are apparently a thing.
...and what sort of outfit as spectacular as Dr. Hart-Steeler's is complete without the right shoes? Can't have her show up in Crocs because although that's thematically correct I don't think those are going to fly in a drag queen revue.
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coconutdays · 11 months
seat taker
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s. you have a crush on the smartest and sexiest guy in your lit class who happens to ride a motorcycle with spooky season around the corner. what ever might happen?
w.c. 10.6k
w. fem! reader, biker!geto! x reader , fluff!, smut! (its more so toward the end so u can read until it cuts off to that lol if u want)
a/n: based on this idea I posted about biker!geto from uni lol, I didn't really proofread so ill get to that sometime later after I shower and eat lol just wanted to get this out
"go sit next to him then."
you take a nervous gulp from your water bottle as you walk to your lit class. the effort was a bit clumsy considering you were using one hand to open and close it while the other held your phone, your friend on the other line.
"never, would I ever have the balls to do that. i may be confident but I am not as delusional as the caveman gym bro that took your seat so he could sit next to me in anthropology."
she laughs on the other end, a hysterical giggle at your backtalk.
"well then he's just gonna keep thinking you're creepy cause you stare."
you let out a haughty scoff, "as if I acknowledge his existence." a finger of yours goes up in the air, as if she could see you being a smartass about your discretion, "I never look at him. I only get in a glance or two when he asks the professor a question or when he raises his hand to answer a question."
"you're insane."
"unfixable." you sigh prettily and proudly before giving a more serious response to her first suggestion, "and it would be really awkward if I sat next to him either way. the class is packed and everyone has their assigned unassigned seats, the white haired guy that always sits next to him would probably push me off his seat if he ever saw me there."
"that is true. some girl did that to me in stats and I was like ??? have you not been sitting somewhere else this entire semester? pissed me off that I had to sit somewhere else and take someone's seat."
you're about five seconds away from your lecture hall door when you add to her complaint.
"right. and then that person looks at you funny cause you took their seat and then argh–its just a fucking domino effect." you turn around and take a step into the class, the sight before you bringing emphasis to the last words that you meant to finish off with, "fuck seat takers..."
"huh. what was that last part?"
your classroom is full. every one of the 200 seats are seemingly just taken. it's a sight you're not used to when you walk into class. normally, when you decide to go in, about half of the class is there, and you were starting to curse the fact that you gave yourself the luxury to finish the last of your reading for next week ahead of time. those ten minutes didn't seem like they'd make a difference, they sure do now...
with white haired guy sitting in YOUR seat.
its across the lecture hall from where he normally sits, next to Geto, who just so conveniently has an empty seat next to him, the only empty seat.
poker face, poker face, poker face.
it's all you repeat to yourself as you walk up the carpet steps to the row where Geto is sitting and try to continue the conversation with your friend.
there's no white noise, some people are typing away at their computers and others are chatting with the person next to them or near them, so it gives you room to explain yourself a little without being heard.
"everybody's already in class, and white haired guy is in my seat dude, and guess which seat isn't fucking taken." there's an edge to your voice, however it lays undetectable with your calm face.
you can feel your body heating up in nerves when you start walking between Geto's row, to the seat next to him.
"stop f/n. I am on the verge of committing a serious crime. I'm going to actually end up in handcuffs by the end of today. the–"
"AHAHAHAHAHAHA." She keeps laughing at you as you force yourself to not care that you're pulling out and sinking into the chair next to Geto. If he acknowledged you, you wouldn't have known, his mere presence something you deleted from your mind in order to process the current events before you right now.
a high pitched and drawn out HA is the last of her laughs you hear before she speaks again, "I basically manifested this for you. you should be thanking me."
"fuck your manifesting. I'm not excited for this." you don't care to filter your voice into a whisper, it stays at its normal tone even though you're next to Geto because he didn't even know what the conversation was about anyway.
you balance your phone between your shoulder and cheek while you begin to take out your iPad and journal for class.
"ask him for a ride on his motorcycle after heh." she pokes at you and you feel like you can hear her poking out her tongue in malevolence.
even though you're slightly grumpy at your predicament, you manage to make a comment accompanied by a sigh, "with the way midterms are looking, id need a different kind of ride."
"you can ask him for that too~"
"shut up, you menace."
"hehe," she strikes evilly, "well, I'll leave you to your class with your boyfriend."
"no, stop, the class doesn't even–"
and she hung up on you, leaving you to flip mindlessly through your notebook while you try to ignore the presence of the hot hot hot piece of sexiness next to you.
suguru geto has been at the forefront of your mind for weeks now. you had always slightly admired him from afar, considering your actual seat in the lecture hall was across the room from him. he was undeniably attractive, with his long black always tied up in a bun and clean outfits. and his intelligence, he was always one to garner thoughtful debates in class in response to the professors teachings. his calmness towards everything was enough to make you swoon at the thought go him being that patient with you too.
and his stupid motorcycle, the thing that made it all click for you.
you had been walking to the library after class to meet with your classmate to work on an anthropology presentation when you caught a glimpse–stare–of him getting onto a motorcycle and pulling a helmet over his head before he quickly rode off to wherever he was going. for some reason, it really got your gears grinding and wishing you could just jump this man and do some truly desperate things.
he was all you thought about after. none of the other cute guys in your classes could hold a candle to the being that is suguru geto, renouncing you into a pining mess that looked forward to every lit class–even though you pretended you didn't care for him.
god, what even was the point in all of this if you weren't ever going to make a move? if he just SPOKE to you first maybe you could get some rizz in–
"you have pretty handwriting."
you perk up like a deer in headlights at the sudden voice of Geto, wondering if you're the one he's speaking to.
and he is, he's spinning a pen between his fingers while he looks at you, slightly gesturing towards the journal in your hands, your cursive covering the pages of it.
"oh!" you're still caught off guard, doe eyes in the face of his sudden and scary, to you, comment, "thank you. can't even read it sometimes though, it's like trying to understand another language when I have to study what I write after."
he smiles slightly at your comment, a whisp of his dark hair swaying near his right eye, "I think it'd be cool to try and translate."
you resist the urge to curl into a ball and wish he would just look away from you, but you persevere, holding out your journal to him.
"be my guest." you say without hesitance
he sets his pen aside when he grabs it, immediately flipping through the pages and starting to skim through your notes, his eyes moving side to side as he does. you get a good view of him while he goes about trying to decipher your writings. he's wearing a black shirt today, it's not exactly tight, but not loose either. it gives you the perfect view of his arms bulging a bit, his biceps' size is an eye sore for you.
he's wearing these black stud earrings too, only visible because of the bun that he keeps his long hair. you wish you could see how long his hair actually was sometimes, he had never worn it down to class.
"looks like I'm more versed in your cursive than you are." he glances at you, a faint smile on his lips
your eyebrows raise a little and your eyes widen, "what? you can read it?"
he closes the journal and slides it to your spot on the very long lecture table. geto then leans over to your side a bit, close to your ear, and starts to point across the room to his white haired friend.
"see that idiot with the pitch black glasses?"
the question sends chills down your spine, the proximity making your heart race.
"silver spoon baby. learned cursive when he was four and it's basically incomprehensible unless you've been sharing notes with him since high school."
a laugh flows out of your lips, etching a smile on your face. your shoulder slightly bumps into his chest from it before you turn your head to directly face his.
"and I'm taking it that you're well versed in his cursive then too?"
he looks at you with a slight dreaminess in his eyes, his height still domineering over you even if you were both seated next to each other.
"have to be, would have failed lots of class projects if I didn't"
you take the opportunity to poke about the whereabouts of his friend in your seat now that he's been mentioned.
"and why's he sitting over there then?" you blink up at him for a response
at this, geto sinks back to his original position on his chair, face a million miles away from yours now as he goes back to fiddling with his pen.
"he's...trying to flirt with the girl he's talking to right now." he shakes his head a little, although there isn't much of a disappointed look in his face, it's more entertained. he was probably used to his friend's antics by now.
"ah. at least it looks like she's into it." you dispense the weight of your head onto the palm of your hand as you look at his friend with him, "could not have been me."
you don't turn to look at him as you respond, "this Andrew Tate gym bro took my friend's seat to sit next to me in my anthropology class the other day. tried speaking to me like those guys who swear all you need is a computer to become a millionaire. worst ninety minutes of my life."
you hear a puff of a laugh from geto
"I can guarantee you Gojo has better skills than that. he's probably talking about his Halloween party for this weekend."
you flip your head to look at him suddenly, "he's that guy?"
every big party that everyone talked about on campus was always held by Gojo. they had numerous amounts of beers and liquor bottles. always the best music, the best hookup stories, the best snacks, everything. you hadn't put a face to the name until now, although it should've clicked when you found out Geto's name. his was always being paired with Gojo, as some would put it, two pretty best friends.
geto could see the gears turning in your head and his eyes creased a little at your realization in a smile, "yea, that's the guy."
you're a bit taken aback by his confirmation and turn to take another look at gojo before looking back at geto.
amused, geto speaks again, "by all means, go for it, he's–"
you quickly shake your head and stretch out both your hands to frantically do the same, "no, god, no. i'm not into him. it's just I didn't know that was him. I always hear good things about his parties."
geto nods, "he has an affinity for making sure everyone has a good time. you ever been to one?"
you shake your head, "never, haven't had the chance to or been invited."
"you should go to the Halloween one." geto suggests, gesturing his pen in your direction before going back to spinning it around his fingers, "you know where it is?"
you shake your head again, now completely facing his direction, the attention you were giving to his friend gone and now placed on him.
geto gestures towards your journal and reaches for it, "may I?"
you nod, curious at what he was going to do.
he flips the journal and opens the very last page, guaranteed to be blank and begins writing something on it.
when he pushes it back to your side of the table, you can see what he's written now, an address.
"that's where the frat house is."
you wiggle your eyebrows a little at him, "you in the frat too?"
geto laughs fully this time and shakes his head, "no. I have my own apartment. that's just gojo's thing."
you acknowledge him and look over the address written on your journal, "I'll think about it. have to wear my costume somewhere right?"
"what is it?" he tilts his head curiously, genuine interest in what you would choose to dress up as.
you try to bite back the smile at the knowledge you have of your costume and choose to leave it up in the air for him, tapping your journal on his shoulder.
"now that is something for you to find out if you see me at the party."
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just how it's entailed in mean girls, you dress up slutty for gojo's halloween party. you wore a playboy bunny costume, close to one of the sluttier things you can wear, but it's rare recently for girls to wear as opposed to the trendy fairy and angel costumes lately.
although it isn't exactly halloween yet, its the first out of the two parties gojo was holding in honor of the holiday. next weekend there would be another one on the actual day, but you didn't know if you'd go that one yet, you were going to see what this one was all about though.
you brought your friend with you, hooking her up with the address geto provided you because she had been aching to go to one of gojo's parties too.
your eyes light up when you see geto's sleek black motorcycle parked near the garage as the both of you walk to the door.
"god, there's so many people inside." your friend all but screeches in excitement and you would too if it weren't for the nerves of impending doom that geto, your everything crush and classmate, was going to see you wearing this.
the chills that come from the thought make you rub your shoulders for heat as you walk inside and the blaring of the music becomes even more booming now that it isn't being shielded by the walls of the house.
"where do you think the drinks are?" you try to speak up, a trace of small worry at bumping into geto laced in your voice.
she raises her head up and looks around to see where she could spot the alcohol until she starts dragging you by the hand, "the kitchen is over here I think!"
she pushes the both of you past clusters of people, paving the way for her desire for vodka and it makes you bump into someone a bit roughly.
you try to voice out your apology quickly as she keeps dragging you along, looking back at who you just bumped into.
it's geto.
his eyes show mild surprise, not one for entirely showing his emotions, they're widened a bit and he looks a bit taken aback while his eyes rake up and down your body–still being dragged away. he's not wearing a costume, sporting a white t-shirt and jeans instead.
the words of apology you were going to utter fall off as you make eye contact and realize it was him you bumped into, he who just got an obvious look at your costume.
you're glad the speed of your friend makes the interaction short lived due to her lightning speed in suddenly bringing you to the kitchen, which is lined with beer and liquor of all kinds, every space of the spacious kitchen taken up by alcohol.
you hurriedly reach to serve yourself a cup of strawberry vodka, hoping that the first sip and those after might make your nerves dilute. when you turn around to talk to your friend, who's probably already served herself straight flavorless vodka, she's being flirted with by her anthropology club crush. she gives you a quick glance, a combination of 'oh my god oh my god' and 'sorry' being communicated to you.
you smile at her knowingly and point towards where everyone was dancing and talking, marking that that's where you would be while you left her to go as far as she wanted with the boy in front of her.
you're halfway through the crowd to make it to the patio when a voice is suddenly in your ear from behind.
"is it as cool as people say?"
you jump at the intrusion and cradle the cup of vodka to your chest and look at who just spoke to you.
it's geto, exactly behind you, his large frame towering over your body and leaned over so you could hear him.
you're stopped in your tracks and turn around to face him now, trying hard not to feel intimated by your basically half naked right in front of him.
"yeah!" you nod
geto turns his head a little from his spot at least a foot above you and leans down again, at level heads with you
"sorry, say that again." he looks at you earnestly, wanting to be able to properly hear your answer with the loud music echoing into your ears and his.
"I said yeah! I didn't know parties could be this packed!" you say, taking a nervous sip from your cup as you look at him
"what happened to your friend?" geto keeps his posture the way it is to keep talking to you
"the guy she likes started talking to her!" you exclaim past the loud blare of music.
"ah." he nods, taking a quick glance to the kitchen and spotting your friend smiling eagerly at the guy in a jason costume in front of her. "what are you going to do then?"
you blink cluelessly, haven't actually thought about until he asked you.
"dance!" you look around the room so he could look with you. bodies pressed against each other and bodies dancing by themselves all across the room.
geto smiles and straightens himself before reaching a hand out to you and gives you a look of 'wanna take it?'
you can't help the bashful smile that makes its way to your face as you hesitantly take his hand. he softly brings you closer to him, not as close as the other horny bodies in the room, but it's a little intimate and makes you feel intoxicated. he puts his other hand high on your waist, making sure to avoid the sluttiness beneath that line of your torso considering your outfit, and he starts to sway the both of you to the music. he holds you to himself with you hook an arm over his shoulder and use the other hand to hold your drink, singing along to the music with a toothy smile.
it was playful, the interaction with him, a fun setting between the both of you. the combination of that and the large heap of strawberry vodka you served yourself and managed to finish by the second song with him were the reason for your increasing comfortable nature with him. you were laughing and laying your head on his chest frequently through your endless bursts of energy and gasping breaths for relief.
he was smiling throughout the entirety of it, never getting too comfortable though, and keeping his hands where they had originally been.
"I just wanna be one of your girls tonight!" you sing at the top of your lungs.
geto lets go of one of the hands encircling you and instead reaches for one of the hands splayed across his shoulder and chest, caressing it with a thumb.
you tug at him a little with your other hand and he leans down to hear what you're about to say.
"wanna get drinks?" you ask, craving a sweet hard seltzer instead of another pour of vodka.
"you want something?" geto asks you back
"are there any strawberry drinks?" you blink up at him
geto looks like he's thinking for a second, trying to remember the usual drinks his best friend caters, before he nods, "yeah there are. want me to get you one?"
you nod eagerly at him and follow him to kitchen. he had taken a hold of your hand when he noticed you were going to accompany him, he didn't want you to struggle getting through all those people.
he had been bent over to look through a cooler on the floor before he stood up and held out a strawberry daiquiri to you, "here."
"thank you." you nod before you jump and sit on the countertop so you could rest and drink
you notice geto doesn't have a drink in his hand when he leans against the kitchen island in front of you.
"you didn't want a drink?"
geto shakes his head calmly, "gotta drive back."
"oh." you remember his motorcycle from earlier near the garage and strike another question so he doesn't know that you know he has a motorcycle. incredible logic.
"what kinda car do you have?"
"ah, not a car, a motorcycle." he smiles slightly, the answer was humble
"oh~"you drag out–as if it was new information to you–and continue drinking from your bottle.
"you have a ride back home though?" geto asks, crossing his arms over his chest so he could be more comfortable while listening to you.
"uhh," you reach for your phone and see a message from your friend asking if it was okay for her to go to McDonalds with her crush, "well I was going to uber with my friend, but she just had a change of plans."
"I can take you home." he offers genuinely, tilting his head in await for your answer.
"In your motorcycle?!" you blurt out
he starts laughing heartily at your answer and smirks at you when he speaks again, "never been on one?"
"no." you shake your head, a bit intimidated, "what if I fall. im literally naked im gonna get cut up by the road."
geto smiles at you, "that's a fair concern, but I'll give you my helmet and let you borrow my jacket, it's big, it should cover you up a bit no?"
although the alcohol leaves your brain empty, you think it over which involved nothing but staring at him in supposed 'thought' before you nod, "okay."
"can I give you my number? so you can send me your address?" geto asks, shuffling a little bit closer to you
"mhm." you hand your phone to him and watch as he types away into your phone before he hands it back to you. when you stare back at his contact name, suguru geto, it makes a dawn of realization wash over you.
"you don't know my name, rig–"
you do a double take at how fast he says it and his eyes crease at your reaction.
"you get involved in the lectures a lot." he takes note for you
"oh." you sink back into yourself
"do you know mine?"
you shyly respond with a, "yea, you get involved a lot too..."
"good to know." he grins a little, watching as you take the last sip of your drink and gesturing back towards the dancing scene, "wanna go back?"
"yeah." you confirm softly, taking the hand he gives you so you can get off the countertop smoothly. and when your feet touch the ground, you yelp, "ow ow ow ow!"
the hour of pure dancing and jumping around had not been a good rival for your new and tall heels. they were a height you had walked before, but the shoes themselves were new and not worn in, causing a great deal of pain across your entire foot.
geto held you by just below your armpits, the worry he had seeping through in his widened eyes and his leaning over to see if he find out what was wrong with you.
"what's wrong?" he asks quickly
"the heels," you scrunch up your nose in pain and sigh, "they hurt like a bitch now that I got a bit of rest."
you can tell geto feels bad about your pain by the way he grimaces for you and plants you on the countertop again. he suddenly kneels down and begins to work at the clasps of your heels.
"you can borrow my shoes. that sound alright?" he looks up at you from where he's at, already sliding one of the heels from your feet.
you're quick to deny, "but what about you?"
"satoru and I are the same size, I can just ask him for a pair, he has a million."
you give in at his response, embarrassed, "okay."
"you want me to take you home now?" he lightheartedly smiles as he works on the other heel, "I think you can walk in my shoes, but dancing doesn't seem doable."
"well yea." you say dejectedly, a little frown etching itself on your face when he finally comes back up, his lips quirk up a little when he sees it
"wait for me here then." he says, putting your shoes next to you on the countertop before he walks off a little hurriedly to you assume gojo's room.
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when geto walks you to his motorcycle, he takes your heels and puts them in the compartment box of it for you, then takes his helmet and immediately puts it on your head.
an 'oomf' leaves your mouth at the sudden weight of it and he looks a little amused as he starts working at the straps of it.
"there you go."
he smirks a little as he looks at the, very large in comparison to you, helmet, and picks up his jacket that he brought back from gojo's room to put on you.
"there we go" he sighs, almost like he's proud of himself and gets on the motorcycle, turning his torso a little to pat behind him for you to get on too.
when you get on and take in the feeling of sitting on a motorcycle for the first time, he's turned around and looking at his phone, pinching and zooming in on the route to your apartment.
"you actually live pretty close to me." he murmurs, noting what roads to take.
"yeah?" you yawn, laying your head on his back
"alright," geto says, starting up his motorcycle, revving it up a bit, "hug me tight okay?"
you nod sleepily and wrap your arms around him, brain so eased by the alcohol in your system that you don't overthink it, as if your sober self wouldn't be screaming and crying on the inside during this exact situation.
geto drives off at a decent pace, some part of you thinking that this might not be the speed he normally drives off and that he was taking it a bit slower just for you. you could feel him breathe in and out all throughout the ride, his chest and stomach were rising and falling underneath your touch. you fell half asleep on him halfway through it, managing to grasp onto him like a child with their stuffed animal, and unable to resist the heaviness of your eyelids.
you blink back to reality at the sudden stop of movement, the stilling air was no longer brushing past your skin and the noise of wheels screeching against the road was gone.
after geto helps you get his helmet off, he hangs it on one of the handles and takes your heels out of the compartment box.
"this is your place right?"
another yawn flutters past your mouth again and you hold out your pointer finger to say yes.
"alright." geto says, watching as you lead the way into and through your apartment and to your place. he had placed a ghost of his hand near your back in case you started to trip up from his shoes considering their size in comparison to your feet. the walk was quiet considering your focus on making it to your door and the overwhelming sleepiness dawning on you.
when you get to your door you slip off geto's shoes and them to him, taking your heels from him in return.
"thank you, geto." you hold try not to yawn again, doe eyes sleepily fluttering at him
"you can call me by my first name." he comments comfortingly, "and no problem. see you in class?"
"yeah." and this time you do yawn, again, before you open your door and walk inside, looking at him while you hold onto the frame.
"alright then." he looks down at you from across the doorway, one hand in his pocket, the other holding onto his shoes, "get some rest okay?"
"okay." you almost murmur, your bed calling out to you.
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you get to class at the time you usually do the following class meeting. the weather forecast had been a little chilly, so you opted for a cozy, off the shoulder sweater. it was fashionable and you had been dying to use it the moment you saw the weather forecast the night before.
you're scribbling notes onto your iPad this time, going over lecture notes from your earlier class that day. there were some things you forgot to add and that's what you always used this time for before class started. you see the class start filling in minute by minute out of your peripheral vision as you do this.
your habit of pretending to not care about suguru's presence is still existent, so all you can see for a fleeting second when you look into your backpack for a mint is that he is indeed sitting at his normal spot with gojo.
there was no chance to look at him that day in class, he hadn't spoken, which wasn't really rare, sometimes you wouldn't speak in class either. you, however, did speak in class that day, the module that the professor was teaching that day had piqued your interest a great amount and thus called for a great amount of your interaction with the lesson.
by the end of class, you were setting quick reminders on the notes you had taken of what was the most important before you started packing your bag to leave. the sound of feet and shuffling to leave the class a bit noisy, but it could let you make out the distant loud voice of gojo, probably talking to suguru.
"I have been on my best behavior. I do not know what you mean by that Suguru." "No no no that was a favor, look where it got you." "Oh you are such a wuss."
It was only a little appealing considering the fact that you couldn't hear what suguru was saying and the things that gojo was saying didn't let you get any clues as to what they were talking about. oh well.
you wanted to go home and start studying for a test tomorrow, so you started walking out of class, past suguru and gojo's line of view.
you heard a smack, like one of them had hit the other.
and gojo's voice, "idiot."
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you were sitting at your desk, going over the last of your test review when you felt your phone buzz across the desk and picked it up
you wanna take satoru's seat next class?
he wants to flirt with mika again?
not rlly lol.
I think it'd be cool to switch desk buddies every once in a while ;)
lmaooo. I won't tell mika if that's what you're scared of
haha, that's not rlly the case, but just take his seat
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when you go to class again that same week, you hesitantly take gojo's seat. there was no follow up text from suguru after you said your okay and it was a little off putting. of course it had only been that night and the day after that he hadn't texted again, but it was a little weird, especially for it being the very first text conversation he strikes with you. the only thing that had been exchanged between either of you in your messages had been your address to him from gojo's party.
there were no notes for you to go over, there was no test or important knowledge that you had to use soon in any upcoming classes, so you were left to wait for the class to begin while you aimlessly scrolled through your phone and watched people come into class.
three minutes had passed before suguru and gojo were walking into class together. gojo was rubbing his friend's shoulder rather roughly, a fang filled smile on his face as he said something to him. suguru didn't seem to mind it, like many things, his eyes still had that warmth they always had, but it looked like he had said something back.
gojo playfully shoved suguru forward by the back before he laughed evilly and walked to your original seat, if you were right, you could see his bright blue eyes flick to you for a second behind his glasses before he smiled at the girl he flirted with last week.
you look up at suguru as he finally gets to the seat next to you.
"hey." he sighs with a smile as he plops into the seat.
"hey." you smile only halfway, a little tired from staying up to finish a homework the night before.
"sorry about the cryptic texts." he starts to apologize, moving his chair a little closer to yours, "satoru took my phone."
ah. that's why it seemed so out of character
"it's fine." you reassure, "they were a little off putting to read."
suguru scratches at the back of his neck, "I'm sorry about that. I meant to text after but I felt awkward."
"really? about?"
for the first time, you see him stumble on what to say, hesitance obvious when he opens and closes his mouth for a painfully slow second before he manages to respond, "to see if you were coming to the party on actual Halloween night this weekend."
"oh." your mouth opens in a little oh, oblivious to what he really wanted to say, "I'm not too sure. my friend that I went to the party with is spending it with that same guy she left with. so I don't have anyone to go with. plus I already used my costume."
"what's wrong with using the playboy bunny costume again?"
you eye him, disappointed, and lean over to flick his forehead, "i...am not an outfit repeater, suguru. the people who saw me at last week's party are going to remember me and say 'she's using the same costume again, what a loser'"
he gazes back at you as if you pat his head instead of just flicking it, warmth and a hint of mischief seeping into his stare, "you're right, you did catch a lot of attention."
suguru leans back in his seat and answers, "you looked beautiful. it was hard to ignore."
"for who?"
"for me and every guy with eyes at the party."
he seems calm and confident when he says it, but his cheeks and ears start to get a slight pinkish hue as he awaits your response.
you try to keep looking at him, fighting the need to look away and wait for the professor to start class, your flustered face saying all too well what you're feeling, "what am I supposed to say to that?"
"you don't have to." suguru moves forward, positions his feet to face you as well as his face, and puts his elbow on the table, slanting his body onto it a little, "The president of gojo's frat asked for your name. He really liked you."
"You like him?" he asks, with the tone of a guy who would try to set you up with the president if you said yes.
you shake your head, gaze looking down in embarrassment, "no no. it just caught me off guard..."
"if you like Toji it's fine," he tries to lower his head so he could catch your eye again, speaking earnestly yet something about it sounds like it's fake, it's weird, "he's like a dog, treat him well and he's loyal. although he can be brutally possessive, probably the type to leave hickeys on your legs if you're going to be with him and wear a costume like the one from the party."
"no, I don't like him. he's not my type." you answer meekly, having felt a bit of pressure from his boasts of the frat president.
and before he can continue with his intense conversation again, you're saved by your professor, dramatically entering the class and bellowing for all of you to pay attention to him.
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when your class ends, you try and succeed at scampering away from suguru before he can get a word out. as if she possessed magical powers, your friend called you the moment your professor ended the lesson. within the millisecond her name popped up on your phone, you grabbed at your phone at put it to your ear.
"hey hey! I have a question!"
you pay no mind to suguru as you haul your backpack over your shoulders and begin to walk out of class.
"what's up?"
"do you want the extra halloween costume I bought? levi is taking me to dinner on halloween for our date and I won't get to use it."
"the fembot costume?!"
you can almost makeout the banter between suguru and gojo a way's away behind you as you walk down the concrete steps of the building.
"yeah! you can go to gojo's party in it!" she beams, before her voice gains a bit of malice, "you can dance with motorcycle guy again~"
"go there by myself?" you groan, almost wanting to stomp your feet on the pavement beneath you
"lots of girls go by themselves to parties!"
"well I've never done that." you grumble
"aw come on. use the costume and go for me. pretty pleaseeeee."
"I'm going to give you a reason to be scared on halloween if this goes south for me. got it?"
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it's cold when you get to gojo's party and you're beyond psyched out of your mind. from the unbelievably slutty costume that let everyone see your naked body in panties due to sheer babydoll material and the fear of coming across a very handsome suguru or toji zenin, who as handsome as he was might be able to seduce you, but you didn't want him like you did suguru.
you're more conscious of the stares now, due to suguru's previous comment and the fact that this costume was way more revealing.
on instinct you rush to the kitchen and get a strawberry daiquiri like the one suguru got for you exactly a week ago. you didn't want to get drunk tonight considering you came by yourself, so reaching for the strawberry vodka again was not within your list of options.
your eyes were on high alert as you pushed yourself through the countless bodies dancing, trying to remain unseen.
it doesn't give you cause to hide for some reason, considering he's suguru's friend, but you see satoru strut to the kitchen in a slutty firefighter costume. he was wearing the pants and boots, and nothing on top but a set of suspenders. classic.
however, you do a double take when you suguru geto wearing that same exact costume. you swear you feel your eye twitch in frustration when your eyes see his hair finally down, splayed across his back and chest, and get a peek of a tattoo tracing his spinal structure, bone for bone, going all the way up his back until it gets interrupted by his hair. his arms are practically calling to you when he fist bumps a toji zenin wearing a prisoner costume, they flex and bulge at the action. his abs are all perfectly prominent and–
he just made eye contact with you.
you hadn't gojo walk up to him and whisper something into his ear, probably that you were here.
fuck you satoru gojo.
suguru smiles immediately and turns to walk to you, leaving you to stay in place and not run away from him.
"you bought another costume?"
"no," you feel your chest heave at the sight of him, breath getting caught in your throat with his very shirtless self right in front of you. it makes you look off to a girl dancing behind him when you continue, "my friend gave me hers because she didn't end up dressing up."
"you want me to bring zenin?" he points a thumb behind him, towards the kitchen, face the definition of calm and suave.
you glare at him this time and take a sip of your daiquiri
"what? feeling shy?" he smiles down at you, if he weren't such a peaceful seeming person, you would have said it was condescending
"I'm not into zenin." a tinge of irritation already seeping into your voice.
"you sure?" he moves closer to you, your face right smack in front of his chest.
"yes." you jut your chin at him, done with his shenanigans
his lips twitch a little when he tugs your strawberry daiquiri out of your hands, grabs you by the neck, thumb close to your chin, and says, "open your mouth." he immediately starts to chug from your daiquiri and the thought of realization dawns on you of what he was about to do.
you open your mouth and he pushes his body closer to yours as he spits the drink into your mouth, his eyes solely on yours as he does it besides for when he briefly looks at something or someone behind you rather haughtily. he's still holding you and intently watching when you swallow it down immediately. that familiar happy crease of his eyes sketched itself across his face after.
you're heaving a little, star struck by the action the both of you just committed, "what was that suguru?"
"scaring off zenin. you don't want him right?"
his eyelids flutter a bit, something yours did whenever they were sleepy and it makes you search into his eyes more. your curiosity dying when you see the sudden red veins clouding the whites of his eyes. and you push him off.
"are you kidding me? you're high?"
"and drunk." he smiles, not minding your pushing him off and still inserting himself into your personal space again.
you try to speak and can't, solely out of irritation at the fact that he did that because of his intoxicated state. you bite your lip to stop yourself from overreacting and settle for shaking your head.
"you don't like guys who smoke?" he asks, genuine concern laced with his stupid crossed persona at the moment, "I tend to never smoke, but satoru passed me his joint when I was already at the 'whatever happens' point of a tequila bottle ."
"I really don't care about that in a guy, as long as he's not a musty constant weed user that can never cope with his life." you roll your eyes at him slightly, "but you just spit alcohol into my mouth because you're crossed as fuck."
"no." he scoffs, now entirely entranced in his conversation with you.
"I spit alcohol into your mouth so zenin wouldn't come up to you."
the response makes you cross your arms over each other, "a simple 'hey she's not into you like that' would have sufficed."
"where's the fun in that?" its a serious question for him, you can tell by the way he patiently waits for your answer
irked, you look up at the ceiling while biting your cheek, trying to gather yourself again before you say, "sober up geto." and turning to walk away.
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you made it your mission to stay hidden the entire party, having entered the deal with your best friend that if the night turned sour for you, she would come with her boy whatever to pick you up in his car
after their date.
which wasn't going to end until an hour or two.
the garage had stayed open to the enormous frat house, although there weren't any people in it. people had respected the space, leaving the miscellaneous in it untouched such as the two cars and...suguru's bike.
you eyed it from the rather comfy bean bag in the darkest corner of the garage, feeling a fight or flight instinct at the mere glimpse of it whenever you looked up from your phone.
it had been almost two hours since you last suguru and you were striving to keep the streak going on longer.
"told you I'm going home satoru." a wary and very sobered up voice says when they open the door to the garage, "I drank enough water, I'm sober."
it's suguru.
there is no stagger in his step and his posture is refined as he walks to lean again the trunk of the car furthest from you and closest to his bike. you remain hidden due to the cars covering you from his line of sight as well as the sheer darkness of the corner.
he's wearing a shirt now, another black one, and he rakes his hands across face when he gives a defeated sigh. you hoped he wouldn't notice you.
this was your Friday the 13th movie for sure.
suguru pulls outs his phone from one of the spacious pockets of his fireman pants and he starts to type away immediately. there's a slight buzz from your phone seconds within the action.
are you still here?
I'm sobered up now.
he shoves his phone back in his pocket after. and you watch as he stays where he is, crossing his arms across his chest while he waits a good five minutes for you to respond, which you don't do. he gets his phone out again after and taps something randomly before he puts his phone up to his ear.
the strong buzzing of your phone on your thigh make a ricochet that gets's fine tuned ears pick up quickly.
"y/n?" he's shining his phone's flashlight on you, squinting his eyes just a little to try and make you out.
nervous, you mutter, "what."
suguru turns the light off and sighs, walking to your corner, his eyes already getting adjusted to the darkness.
"why didn't you answer me?"
"do you really not know the answer?"
"you're right." he sinks down in front of you, sitting down on the floor and brushing a stressed hand through his hair. his legs are stretched out and basically manspread even though he's not on a chair.
"satoru didn't text you to switch seats with him because he wanted to flirt with mika" he comes forth, both of his hands laying across his knees.
you're confused, "but–"
"it was a wild attempt of his to help me talk to you again." and he laughs, a burst of energy randomly gracing the intense air. suguru raises a hand to rub at the back of his neck while his chest and stomach ricochet and his teeth peek out from his mouth.
"truth is, I really like you." he's still smiling.
the declaration makes you stare blankly at him and a million goosebumps rise across your entire body.
"if you don't feel the same in that regard it's fine of course." he reassures, back to his normal calm self, "I just thought it would help explain my behavior."
"since when?" you peep
"our first class meeting," suguru seems a little bashful at the confession
"I have for a couple of weeks now too." you meekly profess
suguru seems genuinely surprised, his eyes widening, "you have?"
"why do you sound so surprised?" your brows knit.
"it felt like you didn't know I existed until last week." he grins followed by a small huff of humor
"oh...that," you trail off, embarrassed, "I thought pretending you didn't exist was the best way for you to not know I had a thing for you..."
"satoru is far smarter than me in that aspect." he says, "he insisted that you were doing that when I told him."
you giggle a little, "he read me like a book."
suguru hangs his head for a second and groans, still joyful, before he whips his head up and gazes at you, "I apologize for having never gathered the courage to approach you before. I have Satoru to thank for even getting me here with you in the first place."
"it's fine." you shrug, pulling at your own fingers, "we're here now aren't we?"
"we are." he agrees before leaning over. suguru grabs one of your hands and brings it to his lips, placing a soft kiss onto it while his eyes never leave your own.
"want to go back to the party?" you muster past your nerves, focus solely on the warmth of his hand still holding onto yours.
suguru shakes his head lightly, "I'm enjoying it being just the two of us right now. do you want to?"
"no, I like it here too."
theres a moment of silence, where both of you stare at the hands that the both of you have connected until a strong breeze passes and flutters the thin material of your babydoll up and makes you shiver strongly.
"let me." suguru says as he hastily gets up and gets his leather jacket that's hanging from his motorcycle, then brings it back to you, helping you tuck your arms into the sleeves and get comfortable in it.
he's above you when he does it and you can see the small glances he tries to avoid giving your body, especially at the sparkly pink thong peeking through the see through material of your costume. suguru is making sure his jacket is on your properly when you call out to him suddenly.
he doesn't get the chance to respond when he looks back up at you and you pull him in by the material of his shirt to kiss him.
he reciprocates within seconds, after the surprise wears off and places a hand on your thigh, the other next to your head and grabbing at the beanbag. his lips are soft and have no remnants of alcohol on them, a smooth flavor of his skin and flesh meeting your tastebuds when he dips his tongue into your mouth. it elicits a groan from him when you whimper at the contact.
he pushes as much as he can into your space without falling and you follow suit, trying to lift yourself as much as possible off the beanbag to meet him.
a particular whimper has suguru pulling away from you and pulling you up by the arm so he can maneuver you to sit on the trunk of the car next to you. when he plops you down onto it, he slots his torso between your thighs and pulls you for an even deeper kiss. his hands have a strong grip on your thighs as he keeps you against him and you can feel the distinctly large throbbing of something against your panties through his pants.
"are–mmmm–you hard?" you ask through kisses
suguru can't help the grind of his bulge against your core when he answers and keeps kissing you, giving small nips to your lips, "yes."
your eyes are closed into the kiss when your hands navigate to the waistband of his pants, about to reach for–
"not here." suguru mutters and keeps both of your wrists clamped under one of his large hands.
you pull yourself away from his lips and heave, a pout of sexual frustration illustrated on your eyes and lips. "okay."
he raises a hand to caress your cheek as he smiles fondly, "what?"
"nothing."you look away for a quick second, leaning in to kiss him again after.
suguru stops you before you do though, clamping one of his hands against your mouth while the other holds the back of your head.
he's smiling even wider this time, "now what kind of gentleman would I be if I let you touch me before I get to touch you?"
you slouch in his hold, too upset by the fact that you couldn't touch him or go back to kissing him to care about his words.
"you know, even satoru couldn't keep his eyes off of you in this little costume of yours." he looks down for a second so you could too, "god knows what toji was thinking. I saw the tent in his pants when you took my spit and booze like a good girl."
suguru sees the way you shift your hips for a smidge of relief at his words. "are you my good girl?" he leans his forehead across yours, hand still on your mouth. you try your best to let out a muffled 'mhm' and incessantly nod your head, eyes pleading and hands gripping onto his shirt.
"are you going to answer the phone when I text you next time?"
you give him the same answer again.
"god." he warily eyes you, gaze wandering towards the outline of your breasts and the rest that wasn't covered by your thong, "you're so beautiful."
the hand at the back of your neck trails down and moves some hair away from your shoulder, then ends up holding you by your lower back as suguru leans down and starts to mouth at your neck. he starts off small with his intentions, simply placing soft and subtle kisses, eliciting a ticklish response from you until his lips become searing and he goes in with the intent of leaving hickeys on you, it makes you squirm and suguru lets you, it's not like you can break away from his touch anyway. you use your legs to keep him caged in and closer to you eventually after the third 'pop' you heard coming from his mouth on your skin, it makes him audibly laugh for a second too.
you tug at the hand on your mouth, expecting for the task to be hard considering his build, but suguru lets his hand fall away easily and hold onto your thigh.
"what are you thinking pretty?" he asks mindlessly before going for the opposite side of your neck
"mmmm–about how good–mm–this feels."
"tell me what you want to do. do you want me to drop you off at your place after this?" he blows on your most recent hickey and smirks when he sees you jump a little, "do you want me to get you food?"
"I want–ah!" suguru bites into your neck fairly hard, enough to make you moan and yelp at the same time, "I want to spend the rest of the night with you at my place. can we watch a scary movie?" the suggestion is simple and it isn't to hook up with him, although that's what you want more than ever now, but you don't want him to think you're that desperate so its what you settle for.
"couldn't imagine a better halloween than that." he smiles
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you're under suguru, on your bed later that night, the movie you had been watching was long forgotten and the t.v. was turned off the second things started to get out of hand. it wasn't his fault no, suguru's a gentleman and when you said you just wanted to watch a movie, he was just going to watch the movie with you. you were the instigator. after you had been cuddled into his arms, near his neck, you decided to place a few loving kisses...that eventually turned into what this was with suguru getting up to take off and throw away his shirt while you hastily yanked off the long gloves of your costume.
he was needy, grinding his hips into yours the moment he came back down to kiss you.
"you have no idea how fucking bad I've been wanting you." he mutters, hissing when a particular rub pleases him the right way
it makes your back arch, "I think I do suguru."
"really?" he groans into your mouth, "you touch yourself to me like I do for you?"
"yeah." you sigh, clinging onto him even more, splaying your hand across the soft skin of his back.
"move your panties to the side."
when he feels your hand move down and follow his directions, suguru moves his down too and slides a finger across your soaked folds.
"fuck, this pussy is so wet for me. were you even trying to pay attention to the movie?"
"yes, I was." you complain, and whimper when he starts rubbing circles across your lower lips, gathering your slick for added stimulation after every rub.
he separates himself from kissing you to look down at his ministrations, mouth opening in a soundless moan at the sight.
"listen to this sloppy fucking pussy." he rubs faster and you start to jerk your hips up by natural defiance at the stimulation, but he holds you down "no, let me touch you baby." he says sternly
your breathing starts to pick up and you feel that familiar knot that only you can give yourself starting to build up in your stomach and suguru notices, looking up to smile at you.
"are you close angel?"
concentrated on the feeling, all you can do is nod your head and he speeds up his pace at it, garnering close to wanton moans from you and screech like whines.
"come on come on, cum for me pretty girl, cum cum cum cum–fuck, atta girl." suguru talks you through it, mouth opening in awe at the sight of your body going limp and your breathing slowing down, his cock even twitches at how cute it is that your legs kick a little when you cum too, he thinks he'll be able to keep them still when he gets make you cum on his cock.
you start to hiss at the overstimulation when he keeps rubbing your clit after your high, "'s too much suguru."
he doesn't stop, "you want to stop now then?"
the shake of your head makes his eyes light up and bite his lip with a grin, "then just let me keep going."
it takes all of your strength to lean up with one of your elbows and grab his wrist with the other, obvious strain written across your features when you huff, "I want you inside me."
like he knew that was what you wanted, suguru's grin grows wider, "are you sure?"
you nod your head in confirmation, followed by suguru saying, "so cute." before he gets up and pushes his pants and boxers down in one swift motion and climbs on top of you, manhandling your legs by pinning them to either side of your head into a mating press.
he lets his cock teasingly rub up and down your folds while he leans down to nip at your ears, "let's leave your little costume on yeah?"
you nod and make a face when his tip catches on your entrance
suguru lifts his hips at your confirmation and pushes his tip in, savoring the way you're beginning to invite him inside you.
" 's so big sugu." you whimper in shock at the larger than expected intrusion
"never taken a cock this big?" he pulls out and pushes in again a little deeper
"no." you rake your hands down his arms
suguru laughs, "good thing I'm here to provide then right? see, look at you creaming around me already."
the words make you look down at where you both meet and when he pulls out again, you can see the ring and slick on his dick, it makes you shiver.
"I'll–make–this–little-fucking–pussy-take–me." he punctuates each and every one of his words with a thrust that pushes himself deeper and deeper inside you until you can fully feel his tip grazing your cervix and every vein on his dick ridging against your walls from how girthy he is.
every sound that comes out of your mouth after is incoherent when suguru starts to punishingly pummel into you and god does he keep talking to you.
"you look so pretty taking this dick baby. god, you sound even cuter than I imagined. you like getting stretched out like this? fuck, take it take it take it. wish I could make you sit on it, you'd look so cute trying to ride me."
it's all so much, especially when every thrust is accompanied by a moan or groan of his or with a sentence.
"couldn't fucking wait to get home after the party last week too. wanted to rip off that costume and fuck you till you couldn't even scream. and when you wear those skirts with pantyhose to class?" suguru groans, "all–I–can–think–about–is–bending–you–over–and–stuffing–this–pussy–with–my–cum."
"suguru!" you squeal, "im–I'm gonna cum!"
suguru tightens his hold on your thighs at the admission and starts jackhammering into you, "cum around me baby. let me fuck you through it." it almost sounds like he's starting to beg, "just cum for me, cum for me, cum–"
a silent scream leaves your mouth and you trash in suguru's hold while he keeps his furious pace.
"so pretty, angel." his eyebrows knit as he watches you orgasm and feels you clamp down on him. it has his peak lurching across his body and his thrusts grow erratic as he starts spurting his cum into you.
he leans down to kiss you as his cock twitches inside of you, leaking his cum into you each time.
at the end of the kiss, the both of you are heaving against each other, smiles on both of your faces until you erupt into laughter and giggles.
suguru is still inside you and places a loving kiss on your forehead, swiping away your sweaty baby hair, "you're cute when you cum. you kick your legs a little, I like it."
the confession has you trying to shy away and suguru laughs again, caressing your head, "why are you shying away? you wore this costume for everyone to see just a couple hours ago."
"well this is you telling me you think the way I cum is cute, its quite different than guys looking at my thong." you shakily grab onto his shoulders
"I suppose so." suguru nuzzles into your neck, "do you have a bath?"
"let me start one for us then." he pulls out and both of you look down at your lonely entrance until his cum starts to leak out. suguru seems entranced and you can see his cheeks start to gain a red hue accompanied by the blood starting to rush to his cock too.
suguru looks back at you the moment you do too. you reach a hand out to him and he crawls back on top of you.
"we can do that later right?"
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Prompt: How I think a relationship with Simeon and Barbatos looks like <3
Pairing: Barbatos × Gn!Mc × Simeon
Genre: Fluff, headcannons
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AN: I'm having thoughts about these two, so suffer along with me lol. If I think of anything else later I might add <3
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You being in a polyamorous relationship with Simeon and Barbatos is basically three tired caretakers taking care of each other. Doesn't matter if you're a chaotic little shit (affectionate), just being around these two will bring out their nurturing side.
You three bring out the best in each other and your children, and yes, by your children I do mean Luke, Diavolo, Solomon and the brothers.
Your relationship often includes making sure Barbatos doesn't overwork himself, that Simeon is not just putting up a smiling facade, and that you do not burn yourself out due to the various shenanigans the brothers get into.
Tea time is a must, at least twice a week. Barbatos needs the time to unwind with his most beloved darlings. It's usually held at the Demon Lord's Castle, and everyone else knows better than to disturb you three when you're having tea time together unless it's life-threatening.
Not much pda in the relationship, unless you initiate it. Both Simeon and Barbatos are the kind of people who don't see a reason to flaunt your relationship, unless they are jealous or want to make a point, but neither are opposed to giving you the affection you want. Simeon is comparatively bolder in public, often pressing his lips against your forehead or cheeks in a chaste gesture of affection before you have to leave for class, while Barbatos is more reserved, opting to place a guiding hand on your lower back when you walk alongside him. Even with each other, they are the same way; very subtle in their affections.
They are very affectionate in private though. Within the privacy of Simeon's room (because yours is basically the HOL's living room now, and Barbatos' room just has... doors), expect to be utterly drowned in their affection. So, so many kisses they shall bestow upon you, make sure to give some back to them. Also, both of them are big fans of ganging up on you, but with enough of an incentive, one of them (usually Barbatos) can be convinced to betray the other(usually Simeon) and help you bully him <3
Barbatos is the biggest tease when he wants to be. He'll spend the entire day giving you and Simeon just enough fleeting touches and soft affection that by the end of it you will have gotten permission from Diavolo to steal his butler for a few hours, while Simeon would have made arrangements at Purgatory Hall for the three of you to spend time basking in each other's presence and love.
Picnic dates! Where Barbatos chooses the spot and you and Simeon make the food! And you guys make flower crowns for each and talk for hours or just sit in comfortable silence.
Also, your relationship dynamic is very domestic. Like yall have been married for years. It especially shows when the three of you cook together. As rare as it can be, it's always fun, with gentle and soft kisses exchanged as you work in the kitchen seamlessly. Anyone watching the three of you in the kitchen will feel like it's a carefully choreographed dance, with the way you all move around each other, each one working on their task while stealing glances at their lovers.
Simeon loves watching you and Barbatos interact. Especially when Barbatos knows exactly which buttons to push to get you flustered and has made it his life's mission to make you blush as much as you can. He also thoroughly enjoys himself when you turn Barbatos' subtle flirtations against him and fluster the ever-composed butler instead. Also gets ideas to base the main characters of his next works off of you two, but always ends up liking what he's written too much to share with anyone else.
Barbatos, on the other hand, likes to make Simeon flustered himself more than watching you fluster him. Simeon has the cutest reactions, and so whenever he gets the chance to, Barbatos makes sure to fluster him as much as possible.
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Luke sees you as his parent, no doubt about it. Solomon is a little shit who likes to tease you, while Diavolo is positively ecstatic for the three of you. Lucifer and the brothers, despite trusting Simeon and Barbatos, are almost comically overprotective of you.
Barbatos is more accepting and open about his possessiveness over the two of you, but Simeon will be a little more reluctant to act on his possessive tendencies. But you best believe that Barbatos will coax him into acting on his desires a little more.
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the-spooky-children · 3 months
I’ve kicked down your tumblr door and invaded your void to hear more about your spooky month/sam and max au
I’ll give you a potato, bread or any form of starch and carbs you want in return
Okay so
(this is based on me watching the show and playing the Telltale games, haven't been able to find much stuff on the comics unfortunately)
Skid and Pump are now adults and have managed to stay best friends through their whole childhood and adulthood, they wanna help the town out but don't want to be full on cops, so John's like ok you can be freelance police or something whatever (part of the reason they managed to get this role because John knows a bit about Skid's familial connections to the cult)
They still go by their childhood nicknames of Skid and Pump because they feel more emotionally connected to those names than their legal names (Skid is also trans so his legal name is bleh to him)
They have an apartment together on the outskirts of town and no one is really 100% sure what their relationship is, all everyone knows is that they've gotten married at least 5 separate times, but for all they know that could just be for the shootouts
Skid loves shooting giant guns (and not ever hitting the desired target) and Pump's flamethrower is his second best friend
Pump grew to be actually kinda of tall, and is still fat, Skid is a beanpole
They're very very very close friends but if that phone goes then the more than willing to stomp each other's faces into the concrete
They still bother Kevin alot but in a different way to when they were kids, they go around to his new store, Kevin's Inconvenience, and listen to his ramblings after their shenanigans drove him partially insane over the years, and buying his shitily made weapons for like $1 billion (which they end up paying in counterfeit cash or tokens)
The Hatzgang also all live together, and they sometimes team up with the spookies when a job seems too much of a handful for only two people
Skid ends up getting psychic powers (partially caused by his dad being an eldritch demon) and I'm sure you can guess where that went if you've played 305
Might add more later lol
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shipsational · 2 months
I'm curious about your self insert for the golden trio. How did they meet Johnny and Jack? And, anything else you'd like to share about them. No pressure, though.😊 Sorry if you already answered this question somewhere before, lol.
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absolutely! Okay So the thing is the insert for jack and johnny normally is kinda Just Me, but in the CN city bumper crossover universe (im actually considering making a much bigger, nonsensical crossover world for all my f/os but we'll see!) unfortunately beyond that im still ironing out the specifics with my insert there, since its gonna be a part of something so extensive
however! beyond that, i Also have a fun and funky au for them that leans way more into the vibes of jack's canon- i call it Samurai Bravo: Space Opera, and its about me and the boys traveling through a retro futuristic sci-fi universe (think cowboy bebop meets lupin lll out of touch (synthwave remix) vibes lol) where aku is still the evil in charge of the greater worlds, and jack is from a family that was destroyed by him. he's dedicated his whole life to taking aku down, and this eventually leads him into a bar looking for information, and this is where johnny comes in.
johnny in the space opera au is something of an idiot savant- he's actually one of aku's top assassins despite being dense like a brick bless his heart. he's only in the business to take care of his mama of course.
but in this bar, some guys pick a fight with jack because that just sorta happens to him when people see he has a samurai sword and want to know just how tough he thinks he is. since johnny is a pretty good guy when he's off the clock, he steps in to help jack and its a real bar rager, and maybe they get a little flirty when they escape out the back door when things get out of hand, whatever its not like they'll ever see each other again anyway- except for a few days later when johnny is told that he has to go take care of the cute samurai he met. this is doubly unfortunate when i, his childhood best friend, overhear the phone call about his dangerous double life and he has to decide what to do about that.
well turns out that the thing he decides to do is to basically kidnap and hide me away somewhere that i'll be safe since i now know too much, and then he's off to try and kill jack.
obviously eventually we work it all out and decide to go on the run together to all try and stop aku. unfortunately bunny bravo might have had to die to catalyst johnny into going against aku but thats angst and plot for ya!
i'll of course add more to this eventually, and i need to actually get down a design for my insert (since its scifi im lowkey considering making them partially alien or something but we'll see!
as a fun little bonus, years ago before i was openly proship, i participated in a selfship halloween event, and i came in second place! it was for this moodboard and the idea that the three of us got stuck in a scoooby doo esque haunted house
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and this was the little prize doodle i got for it! my insert had really long brown hair at the time cause I had really long brown hair (it was exaggerated of course)
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i really hope the proship selfship community does similar events sometime if they dont already
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eldrytchcryptid · 11 months
"You gotta enjoy every part of your transition, you're still becoming a man now - even without it."
-a very wise trans girl
I've been waiting almost a decade to start testosterone, and finally having a date for my gender appointment has made me... almost ignore all the euphoric changes (and all the weird and funny changes) happening in my transition as a trans man. So I thought I'd make a list of pre-t stuff! I might add more later - or y'all can add some too!
Socially transitioning
- feeling I gotta make sure to let ladies go first (on the bus, through doors etc)
- "Ma'am?" "Who??? Oh right. Uh yeah no." / "Deadname?" "DEADNAME?" "WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO RN - oh lol."
- oh god am I making her nervous DUDE STOP BEING WEIRD *I'm literally just walking home and it's dark* BE LESS WEIRD *aaaAaaAAA*
- am i still allowed to say hi and pull faces at cute babies or is it weird cause I'm a dude now?? Am I creepy?? But kids! Kids are fun!!
- *on dating apps* oh god this is so different now I have to come up with conversation oh god oh no
- yes let me pick up these heavy chairs for you ma'am yes I am helpful I am a valid man now / yes let me get this thing off this high shelf even tho I'm only 5'7
- *watching videos of me a year ago* oh shit I actually speak lower now w/o T
- that crunchy morning / cold-ridden / drunk low rumbling voice 😩👌
With a (stp) packer
- *upon putting it on* oh oh it's a dick holy shit yes
- *upon taking it off at the end of the day* 😭 noooooo my dick my broski I miss you already
- the fcking toilet seat
- I really hope I don't look like I'm hard rn
- *need to adjust* *no I'm disgusting don't look at me*
- *upon crossing legs* oh shit I can't wait hold up it's in the way *has to change way to cross legs*
- manspreading?? Am I spread too much??? help
- these trousers as tight af but my dick looks amazing right now
- left or right. Too far up wait *searches pictures of dudes to find out where to put my dick
- *touches whilst sat chilling at home* fren. safe. i love u pp
- *squish* *wiggle*
- *I will hit you with my penis as an threat*
Minoxidil (pre-t beard growth)
- *stroking beard* hheeeeeee fluffyyyy
- researching how tf to shave cause apparently i can't fuckin do it right
- stubble???? Itch???? Euphoria???
- *strokes* hmmm yes indeed
- gotta fuckin use twice the face wash cause I'm essentially shampooing at this point
- huh yea guess that's me (instead of hatred/disgust)
- yeeeee hairy legsssss
- cis guys wish they had this ass dude
- need musle gib *too chronic fatigued to work out*
- mm yes men's clothes (on top half w/binder)
- mm no men's clothes (thighs and ass too strong 🥲)
- shoes make me taller let's fucking go
- men have tits too right? Ye man I just got man tits
- *stroking the mirror like I'm Mulan* am I just a gross man? Is this my fate?
- strapon. just. strapon.
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toomuchracket · 1 year
This is me begging for a George blurb <3
i need to be awake in 5 and a bit hours in order to catch a train BUT i shall fulfil your plea because i cannot stop thinking about being early-days in a relationship with george and him inviting you over to his place. the two of you might go out for a drink later into the night, but he tells you to come over early evening and he'll make dinner. so you dress up a little bit, because you're still trying to impress him, and you take a couple of good bottles of wine - george, in a distractingly open shirt, greets you at his front door with a sweet kiss and a "gorgeous, as always", before leading you into the kitchen. and you have no idea what he's cooking, but it smells amazing; all he says is "oh, just making pasta" when you question him about his culinary efforts, and gets back to tending the hob while you busy yourself uncorking the wine for the two of you. george does briefly leave his recipe, though, when you ask him to help you get wine glasses down from the cupboard, but rather than grabbing them himself he scoops you up into his arms so you can grab them - cheekily cooing about your height and nuzzling into your neck to make you giggle as he does - before setting you down onto the counter with another kiss. and the two of you chat and you laugh and you drink as george adds herbs and tomatoes and whatever else into a saucepan (with you ogling his arms the whole time), punctuated by more little pecks or him holding a spoon up to your lips like "tell me what you think it needs, angel". and all that good stuff continues during the meal too; it's very romantic, george having both decorated the table with some flowers and tapered candles in empty wine bottles in a way you described as "boujee as fuck" AND made an amatricina so good that you want to kiss him just to taste it more lmao. he blushes when you compliment the meal and protests when you say you'll do the dishes. and when you're at the sink, george comes up behind you to wrap his arms around your waist and kiss your neck like " you're perfect", which you take the piss with and respond "that's because i'm washing your dirty pots and pans lol". george blows a raspberry into your neck in response, then continues lightly pressing kisses to the area, before he pulls away abruptly and says "i don't even wanna go out, now. shall we stay in and watch a film instead?, and you're like "yeah sure" - the two of you curl up together on the sofa with more wine, until you both fall asleep content in each other's arms. v cute <3
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pikapeppa · 2 years
Hi! This isn't a request or anything like that, but I just finished the entirety of Chamomile and Gwent and I am filled with warm, happy thoughts about Geralt and his wifey! And I was thinking, since Geralt can't have kids anyway and Reader is also hinted to be unable to have kids, what if a few years later during their travels (maybe they're traveling for the holidays) they pass by a village that has been terrorized by monster attacks (in my head it's a werewolf that's exhibiting bizarre behaviour but that's just me) and as they investigate, they happen upon a baby (in my head it's a little boy) that's barely a year old, face scratched up but otherwise unharmed. Reader insists on caring for it alongside the village's very old midwife-slash-healer while they try to figure out what's happening and why it's happening. The child has been left an orphan because of the most recent attack and the people of the village are either superstitious and think they baby's a demon or they think its cries attracted the monster in the first place so for everyone's safety it needs to go somewhere else where it's safer and ta da! Geralt and Wife™ end up with a baby😂 I don't think I could ever write (and publicly post) this idea so I thought I'd share it with you instead if that's okay with you. At this point I think I'm more in love with the Reader in your story than Geralt LOL and every time she just gives her bleeding heart to anyone who's suffering I give my computer screen heart-eyes haha but I also love the idea of Geralt with a little boy! His relationship with Ciri is so beautiful and heartwarming to me but I can't help imagining him with a boy too! A little Vesemir Jr maybe lol. What do you think about this idea? I hope it's okay that I'm picturing the characters in the way you've written them in my head for this! I hope this made sense since English is not my first language and sometimes I'm not sure how to translate it from my mother language to English.. I've been reading your works on Ao3 much more regularly than looking at your Tumblr account since I don't use this website so I'm not sure I understand how to navigate it in case you have rules or guidelines for this blog. Apologies if I've overstepped!
First of all, I'm so thrilled that you enjoyed Chamomile and Gwent, and I genuinely love the idea of people fantasizing about Geralt and Reader's future together and what you think it might look like! The fact that you basically came up with a whole story for how they might pick up a kiddo during their travels? HELLO I'M SO FLATTERED 😭❤🙏
I'll be perfectly honest, I'm not much a kid-fic writer, but this scenario is so sweet that I had to write you a little drabble -- see below the cut!
It’s a peaceful winter morning at Corvo Bianco. You’re warm and cozy in your bed, drifting in and out of a dreamy doze with Geralt’s warm naked chest pressed to your back, when you hear the distinct sound of the front door creaking open.
The sound of the door doesn’t disturb you, though. What disturbs you is the loud and slightly-sarcastic voice that follows. “Yoo-hoo. Honey, we’re home.”
A second, deeper voice follows. “Shut the fuck up, Lambert. They might be sleeping.” 
“Not anymore,” Geralt groans, and you know why he’s disgruntled: the voices in the hall have roused the child who was, until moments ago, sleeping soundly in the cot beside the bed. 
He’s awake now, though — awake and starting to fuss. You throw back the blankets and sit up, but Geralt is quicker than you: the child is already in Geralt’s arms, his whimpering quieted to a happy coo as Geralt bounces him gently and pats his diapered bum. 
“See, there you go,” Geralt murmurs soothingly. “Nothing to fuss about. Not until you see Lambert and Eskel’s ugly mugs, at least.”
You tut playfully at him as you put on your dressing gown. “Don’t tell him that they’re ugly. All three of you are perfectly handsome, scars and all. All four of you, I should say,” you add, and you drop a kiss on the baby’s dark-haired head. 
You reach for the door, but before you can open it, Geralt touches your waist. “Hey,” he says. “Where’s mine?”
“Your what?” you say in surprise. 
“My kiss.”
You shoot him a grin, then pop up on your toes and plant a kiss on his bearded cheek. “Apologies, master witcher. How could I have forgotten?”
He smirks and gives your butt a tiny spank, and you grin cheekily at him before opening the bedroom door. “Welcome home, boys!” you say, and you hurry over to kiss Lambert on the cheek. 
“Hey,” he says, with a pat to your back. “So this is the brat, huh?”
Eskel scoffs. “Real nice, asshole.”
“Eskel, language,” you scold.
He grimaces. “Sorry, sorry. Gonna take some getting used to.”  
You smile and kiss him on the cheek before turning to Geralt. “May I?”
“Sure thing,” Geralt says. “All right, Ves, your mom’s got you now.”
Ves burbles happily and reaches for you, and Eskel raises his eyebrows. “Ves? That’s his name?”
“Yeah,” Geralt says. “Short for Vesemir.”
Lambert scoffs and folds his arms. “You guys are soft.” 
“I think it’s a great name,” Eskel says.
You smile at him, then rub Ves’s back. “These are your uncles, little wolf,” you say softly. “Uncle Esky and Uncle Lamby.”
Geralt chuckles and Eskel grins, but Lambert’s expression is surprisingly serious, and his golden witcher’s eyes are on the baby’s face. He studies Ves’s face for a moment, then sighs and shakes his head. “Damn. He got fucked up good, huh?”
He’s referring to the wicked-looking scars on the right side of Ves’s face — long and ragged scratch marks spanning from his forehead down to his jaw: the souvenirs of a terrible wound took Ves’s right eye, but spared his life. 
Eskel grunts. “Yeah, he’s gonna fit right in with us someday.”
“Yes, he will,” you say firmly. “He’s going to be brave and strong like you boys, and just as handsome as all of you. But hopefully with better manners than some,” you say sweetly to Lambert. 
He smirks. “Ah, fuck off.”
“Language,” Eskel and Geralt say.
You laugh, and Lambert’s smirk widens. He rubs the back of his neck, then gestures to you. “Ah, what the hell. I’ll hold the kid.”
You carefully hand him over to Lambert, who holds him rather awkwardly. Ves giggles and pats his face with enthusiasm, and Lambert wrinkles his nose. “Hey, buddy, watch who you’re throwing hands at.”
“He’s got the right idea, throwing hands at you,” Eskel says with a grin. “Here, hand him over.”
“I just got him,” Lambert complains. “Wait your turn.”
Ves burbles happily and tugs on Lambert’s witcher medal. Eskel edges closer and tickles his chubby neck, making him squeal with laughter, and Geralt sidles closer to you and drapes his arm around your shoulders. “Never thought I’d see these two making a fuss over a baby,” he murmurs. 
You smile and wrap your arms around his waist in a loose embrace. In truth, having a baby wasn’t something you had ever expected, either. But if your life with Geralt has proven anything, it’s that the best things can have a way of sneaking up on you when you least expect them. 
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imustbenuts · 2 years
talk more about buddhism in f3h please maybe? :3c maybe the things you like/find most intriguing?
Right. Okay. Here's one I bet you didn't know.
The Heroes' Relics
There are actually Buddha relics irl. Buddha actually instructed his followers to cremate his body and then distribute his remains (relics) to his disciples when he died, all of a single clan. But six other clans and a King appeared and demanded the ashes. And so his ashes was split into 8 to avoid conflict.
These 8 portions were then distributed to his followers. Then 2 more pieces went out as relics. One being the vessel in which the body was cremated, and the remaining ashes from the funeral pyre.
So, count that up and we have... 10! Duhn duhn duuuhn!
If you remember, there were the 10 elites, and Nemesis, the bandit king who killed Sothis to use her body parts as weapons.
Sothis is also visibly isolated in a void when we see her. She has essentially attained nirvana and is free from the cycle of rebirth until Byleth goes knock knock on her door. Buddha has also attained nirvana and will not reincarnate. So on, so forth -- Sothis is basically Buddha in this case.
Now these relics were placed into reliquaries, a miniature version of urns. Stupas are essentially burial mounds, and those 8 constructed their own stupas to house these reliquaries in.
Dome, mounds... Hills... Hrm. If it was gathered in one place it'd sound a little like Garreg Mach wouldn't it? Actually, come some time later, that is exactly what happened. A king went around gathering them, housed it one stupa, and then redistributed them into as many as 84,000 relics later.
Anyway, these bottom images aren't the actual reliquaries or stupas, it's just here to give you a visual sense of what they look/feel like.
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I put them there bc those original Stupas made by his followers were already in ruins come a few centuries later by Chinese pilgrims' accounts. Every one, except for one Ramagrama stupa which still exists today:
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Buddhism, man.
But wait, some might be thinking: "There are more than 10 weapon relics in 3H if you count. According to the fan wiki, it's at a total of 18. That doesn't quite add up."
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Well, surprise! This actually doesn't contradict bc apart from those original 10, there are relics such as the Buddha tooth and hair housed all over the world if we ignore redistribution of the ashes. Not kidding, there's even some in US right now. Check this wiki link for a basic read up on the Buddha relics. Authenticity of the whole claim beside, it's very something lol.
Sothis was effectively placed in multiple coffins and kept in a burial tomb as well. The original 10 elites coincides with the original 10 Buddha relics, and Heroes' Relics number matches up with the possibly smaller bits popping up over time here and there all over the world.
And that's about it for the Heroes' Relics.
Other extra bits of 3H others have dug up:
I'm going to plug Airy_Breather from reddit here who has written out their knowledge and diip bc the game's so dense the writers are insane like thank god you got KT and their overseas sweatshop branches involved huh you fucking slave drivers assholes you---
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Warriors: 3H
Shez is basically an Ashura. Ashuras are neither inherently evil or good, but they love to pick a fight with Devas, and are therefore associated with war. Ranking wise, they are lower than Devas.
Warriors, war, it's a whole game about war. Plus, Shez comes with a special class named.... Ashura.
Byleth as I stated in my Avatar rambling before, is somewhat related to Devas. Even if in 3H Warriors they don't strictly qualify to have an association with Devas here, it's worth noting that the writers might be just going insane again (/affectionate).
Either way, canonically it seems like Shez is sore/angry after losing their entire mercenary band at Byleth's hands at the start of the game. I say seems, bc the game lets the player interpret if they truly hate or are angry at Byleth by killing them, or just letting it go and therefore letting Byleth live.
Which also then bounces off the idea of hate/anger being one of the Three Poisons. If you decide to kill, or let Byleth die, you will be locked into bad endings of every route.
Letting Byleth live nets the better ending in every route.
Anyway that's about it and what I found interesting. Ty for asking!!
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emiplayzmc · 4 months
Yknow what Frick it, dashboard simulator for if my addis were on irl tumblr because yes ^-^ Might make more later idk lol
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🔥 firefashionista12 Follow
Messed up that the most convenient way to order stuff is online now. What you MEAN it's more inconvenient to go to the store and shop for an hour rather than clicking a few buttons and getting it delivered. I DO NOT TRUST THE ONLINE DELIVERY PEOPLE TO NOT DELIVER A WRONG SIZE OR MOLDY FOOD. In person shopping is superior and you can't tell me otherwise
⬜️ kissingcarsin1997 Follow
pizza after a shitty work day on a Monday and a weekend spent doing CHORES instead of FUN STUFF and getting a RENT BILL taped to your DOOR.
🔥firefashionista12 Follow
There is one thing that's better when delivered online. Also, are you okay
21 notes
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♣️🃏gamble-chip-addison-1964 Follow
Goncharov is a real movie send post.
Am I doing this right? I was told to post this.
💖 click-for-free-scringly-blorbos Follow
Who gave you permission to have Tumblr and talk about stuff like this
🐠 itsraininmahimahishallelujah Follow
I did :DD
💖 click-for-free-scringly-blorbos Follow
Why. He's following me now. I don't want him to see my posts :(
♣️🃏gamble-chip-addison-1964 Follow
Clickbait what is a scringly blorbo and why are you giving them away??
🐠 itsraininmahimahishallelujah Follow
It's okay peepaw take your time you'll understand our language soon 🥰🥰.
♣️🃏gamble-chip-addison-1964 Follow
Do I want to??
🐠 itsraininmahimahishallelujah Follow
No 🫶🫶
132 notes
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🪷 jewells-spools-and-ools Follow
It is a crime that we can't have beavers as pets. Why did we not domesticate the river puppies.
🪷 jewells-spools-and-ools Follow
Wrong acc but I stand by what I said.
⚡️broadcast-official Follow
First off, river dogs are otters. Second, tf do you mean, nobody wants a beaver building a dam in their hallway at 3 am to trip over in the morning on the way to work. Nor do they want an otter
🪷 jewells-spools-and-ools Follow
Have you never known whimsy and fantasies a day in your life or did getting a sharp spotlight shined in your face every day dry that out of you.
🐠 itsraininmahimahishallelujah Follow
🎥 recordinggold Follow
For the record OP is right, and might I also add platypi to the list of river puppies.
⚡️broadcast-official Follow
🐠 itsraininmahimahishallelujah Follow
🪷 jewells-spools-and-ools Follow
Yeah no I wouldn't cuddle a platypus.
🎥 recordinggold Follow
That's your loss lmao, I'm gonna pet one and damn the consequences, they're huggable.
🦫 two-beavers-away-from-you Follow
Beavers are fluffier. Checkmate.
⚡️ broadcast-official Follow
Get off your alt and say it like a man, Target. Commit to your obsession.
987 notes
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🔥 firefashionista12 Follow
AMA about anything and I'll answer it in the first incorrect way I can think of
💖 click-for-free-scringly-blorbos Follow
What happened to the 11 other firefashionistas before you?
🔥 firefashionista12 Follow
They combined all their energies and created me :)
🪻wisteriainthesunshine Follow
Magic of friendship type actions, good for firefashionistas 0-through-11 💜
🔥 firefashionista12 Follow
Post broke containment get out of my Heavensent Minecrap server
🪻wisteriainthesunshine Follow
It's 42 notes and I follow @click-for-free-scringly-blorbos, how did it break containment 😔
🔥 firefashionista12 Follow
Broke containment the moment you showed up. Get out
💖 click-for-free-scringly-blorbos Follow
It's a public website 😭
🔥 firefashionista12 Follow
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(Not you Clickbait you're fine 😇😇)
🦾🥄 daydreaming-eclair Follow
60 notes
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🔶️ service-sirius-official Follow
Who sent me anon hate that was just the 'I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream' AM quote like five times in a row??
🦊 vicelikemetalfoodgrabberthings Follow
I did 🥰🥰
🐬 cybercitysnumber1poppupfan Follow
Please, Vice, you are on thin ice you cannot keep doing this.
🦊 vicelikemetalfoodgrabberthings Follow
Not now pookie 😘
💖 click-for-free-scringly-blorbos Follow
Not-so-anon hate and flirting with coworkers on the tumble network, why do we even follow each other again?
🔶️ service-sirius-official Follow
Digital footprint so I can monitor your activities.
🦊 vicelikemetalfoodgrabberthings Follow
-someone who I relate to about you 🫶🫶
🔶️ service-sirius-official Follow
I can fire you at any point in time, you know that, right? I cut you so much slack.
🐬 cybercitysnumber1poppupfan Follow
Ignore her, she's just trolling.
🦊 vicelikemetalfoodgrabberthings Follow
No I'm not 💖💖
💖 click-for-free-scringly-blorbos Follow
Please, at least disable rb's on your posts, Service, I beg
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thank-god-and-you · 9 months
For the 2023 in review ask game: 2, 7, 15, 22 and 30 ❤️
Thank you for asking!! <3
2. How many fics did you work on this year? (They don't have to be finished or published).
I'm always working on a million different things!
Fifty-four fics in total.
Nineteen for Suki/Eve, nineteen for Anna/Bates. six for Daenerys/Jorah, five for Anne/Ann, three for Bob/Helen, two for Felix/Calhoun.
I managed to publish/add to twenty-one of them.
7. What character(s) captured your heart?
I think it's pretty obvious, but Suki Panesar. Watching her journey in real time over the past couple of years has been wonderful, and even if the writing has been questionable at times (it is a soap, after all), overall the journey from belligerent denial to acceptance of her sexuality and the woman she loves has been absolutely beautiful, and the episode from 20/12/23 with Suki and Nish's confrontation was my favourite overall episode of anything of the entire year.
Eve Unwin is also everything to me. <3 She's so funny and loyal and cute.
Being able to explore happiness for them for more than the two seconds they've ever been allowed in the show has been the most important part of my year.
15. Rec a fic you wrote or posted in 2023.
This is the worst possible question you could have asked me, LOL.
I enjoyed writing the first chapter of Our Legacies Hide in the Embers. It was fun to write from Jean's POV because of her dislike of Suki, and I envisage more comedy gold on the horizon now that she knows her landlady/nemesis is shagging her daughter-in-law.
22. Share an excerpt from your favourite scene.
I'll cheat and post two--one for myself, one for Dany/Jorah fans.
Eve nods, coming around the table to give her a brief kiss. Suki holds her a beat longer before letting her slip free. Her lover makes her way to the back door.
And Suki has her first chance to prove that she means it when she says things will be different this time.
“Not that way,” she says.
Eve pauses with a hand on the knob. “What?”
“Use the front door.”
“It’s late enough that people might be about. Someone could see me.”
 The fear hasn’t fully dissipated yet. But Suki isn’t stupid. She knows she could be fighting against that for months to come. Maybe years. The only sure way of conquering that fear is facing it head on and lessening its power over her step by step.
This is the first step.
“I’m not ashamed of you, Eve. You’re not a dirty secret. I love you. I want people to know that we’re together. If someone saves you leave...so be it. I don’t want you to stalk about in the shadows thinking that it’s no different to the way it was before. Because that’s far from the truth. This time everything is going to be different.”
For a long moment, Eve stares at her. Her eyes are glossy with tears. When she blinks, they spill. Suki reaches up to brush them away with her thumbs.
“Are you sure?” Eve whispers.
“Unwaveringly. Come on, let me see you out.”
Eve follows along behind her as she leads the way down the hallway. Before she opens the front door, Suki turns to her lover one more time.
“I’ll text you later, yeah?” she says, searching Eve’s face for any sign of lingering doubt.
But Eve is beaming. “Yeah.”
“I love you,” she murmurs, and draws her in for one last, long kiss, right there next to the front door.
It’s with great reluctance that Eve pulls away and slips outside. Suki stands by the front door, shameless in a hastily pulled on dressing gown and hair in disarray, and gives her lover a reassuring nod as she glances back at her one last time. She watches Eve cross the square back to the Slaters’, and only then closes the door.
“I swear to ward the queen with all my strength,” he rasps, his voice loud and strong.
A hundred and more lords stand packed into the throne room, but it’s as silent as a crypt as they watch the proceedings before them, these seven new knights who will be remembered in their histories forever.
“I give my blood for hers.”
She hopes he will never have to, that her reign will be long and prosperous, uncontested, as peaceful as Jaehaerys the Conciliator’s.
And now for the changes to that sacred oath, the words that will give him a path to immortality, though he does not yet know it, though he does not yet understand the significance.
He takes a deep breath, looking up at her steadily from his place at the base of the Iron Throne, knelt with the reverence of a worshipper before its god. “Her family is my family and my family becomes hers.”
At those words, Daenerys feels all of the tension leave her, the low anxiety that has been itching at her skull for the whole day suddenly vanquished by his utterance. They are unsaid and cannot be undone. Now all that’s left for him is to finish the recital, to rise again as the official Lord Commander.
He does so, with such conviction and passion. “I shall guard her secrets, obey her commands, ride at her side and defend her name and honour. I swear all of this by the old gods and the new.”
This is her cue. Daenerys rises from the throne, clasping her  hands in front of her. “Rise, Lord Commander Mormont. I thank you for all your years of loyal service to me, and I wish to repay that now with a gift for you, a token of my appreciation that you can carry with pride, and a symbol of my thanks for all you have done for me.”
30. What's something that you want to write in 2024?
I have no real specific plans, really, just to finish some of the fics I started/continued working on in 2023. Other than that, I have seventeen fics/updates sitting in my editing queue, so hopefully I can get all of those sorted in 2024!
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notasapleasure · 1 year
I'm asking aLL THE FIC WRITER MEMES!!! in reverse order from current WIP back through your published works
Omg thank you, you mad man! But you know now I’m wondering just how much homework you set your actual students… ^^;
So I’ve chosen to interpret this in a very literal way. I started with the bottom ask and applied it to the current WIP, and worked backwards through my fics as I went up the list. I didn’t answer any of the ones that needed a trope or ship picking, but am still open to being asked if anyone wants!
★ what was the scene you most wanted to write in [fic]? what was the hardest scene to write?
(Whumptober 2022 day 31: Comfort | Bedside Vigil | “You can rest now.”) The whole thing is really just one scene, but it really did epitomise the eternal problem with writing Francis/Jerott, which is how do you get them to stop being smart with each other and just. Open up a little? Of course this opening up is also the scene I want most to write at any given time. Though any and all Jerott whump makes my horrible little gremlin brain happy, so to be able to include various flashbacks to times Jerott was having an even worse day was fun. And Francis feeling guilty about the kiss in Anemone was also fun >:} But I think finishing this one was hard. I wanted to push for more intimacy between them but that isn’t where either of them is at this point, but Francis’ care for Jerott even in his disappointment – AND VICE VERSA – is honestly one of my favourite things about Checkmate, so it was trying to do that justice while keeping them in-character.
✿ did anything major change when you started writing [fic] to when you finished?
(Only Ever Just One Night). I initially thought I’d write follow-up chapters. I had a mean little desire to whump Brasso and have Cassian get him out of a Situation. But it would have meant Plot, which I never fully managed to figure out, and then I got distracted writing lead-up smut to the friends-with-benefits situation instead. But on the whole what’s posted wrote itself really easily – it’s often the way with my first fic in a new fandom, all the initial impressions and headcanons come gushing out before I can start making problems for myself by overthinking.
☉ what do you do when you get stuck writing?
Ahhh, sulk? Nah, it doesn’t happen too often, and usually I manage to knuckle on through. A tried and tested method is a two hour bath lol. Lock the door, turn my music on, nothing to do except figure out that tricky bit of bridging. Usually results in fewer words than it feels like, but gets me through sections I’m struggling with. Also just leaving gaps and continuing to write the bit I want to write, knowing I can go back and join things together later. Making a playlist to remind myself of vibes helps, too.
✄ what’s your editing process?
I re-read quite a lot and tinker with things as I go. I quite like editing (good job as I do it all day), and I like seeing things come together, but I am awful at kill your darlings. I’m writing for fun so I just leave it all in – ‘sure this might not be relevant relevant but it adds fLAvourrrr!!’ I will stick a bunch of line-breaks in or use highlighting/bold to remind myself that a section doesn’t read well or needs adding to, though, and try to go back and figure it out before I let myself continue much further.
✦ what was your easiest fic to write & your hardest?
Some of the Whumptober days were like pulling teeth and I think it shows. I think the sweet spot is when I have a pretty clear idea of vibes and outcome and it’s not had the chance to outgrow containment – some scenes (e.g. the chapters at the summer house in Inchoate) lie in wait in my head and when I get to that part of the fic they practically write themselves (sometimes it’s nice stuff, sometimes it’s DDDNE, but it’s basically kind of scene or action with a concrete beginning and ending). But often fitting these scenes in – what comes just before and after – is a nightmare. And like. Yeah ok, I could just write one-shots of the scenes I want to write without the thousands and thousands of words of context but – and you might have noticed this – I am a CONTEXT FIEND. In terms of stand alone fics it’s like I said above about Only Ever Just One Night – fresh in a new fandom and determined-to-get-my-thoughts-down fics are usually dead easy to write.
✎ how do you think readers would guess a fic was yours if you posted anonymously?
Ah this one’s easy: it would be LONG. Probably at least three times as long as it needed to be. For a long time very little would happen, but the minutest detail of everyone’s body language would be described and everyone would probably be in denial about their emotions/circumstances. Most likely they would fuck nasty about it.
♡ pick a fic and I’ll pick a comment that made me really happy
(Escape Velocity) Well OF COURSE I am happy the person it was dedicated to left lovely comments. But especially where you picked up on Brasso being worried about flying in ships because he knows how to take them apart, and even more especially the idea of Cassian ‘stealing’ Brasso temporarily at the moment it’s paralleling the light on Kassa’s face when he leaves Kenari :’) it’s especially pleasing when readers pick up on stuff like that.
▵ pick a fic and I’ll tell you my favorite line
(Counting on You) Still a wip, so subject to change, but I’m very pleased with ‘something crueller than punishment - the certainty that Cass is loved’ and utterly delighted that @elwenyere picked it out in a comment <3
♫ send a fic and i’ll make a 3-5 song playlist for you
(Brassian saga au) Thankfully I already have a 3 hour playlist for the vibes, so to cherry pick some essentials, here we go…
Kate Bush – Get Out of My House Sam Lee – The Devil & the Huntsman Björk – Pagan Poetry Nikniume – Nonantzin Anna B. Savage – Crown Shyness
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thotsforvillainrights · 9 months
Wowwww the box is open!! Woo!
Can I request that reader and giran get into an argument so one of them leaves and then they make up in like a hallmark way under a Christmas tree outside
Merry early Christmas!
(Reading Giran and Hallmark in the same breath is absolutely insane, I love it! I'll try to make it Hallmark-esque but we gotta keep in mind this is Giran we're talking about lol. Anyway, Cue the cheesy title!)
~I'll Be Home for Christmas~
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Nobody and I mean nobody would like to have a big knock-down/drag out fight with their significant other during the most cheerful season of the year. However, with billions of people in the world or course it would be happening to someone out there. How even more unfortunate that it's also happening to you in this very moment.
To sum things up shortly: the two of you were on opposing sides. Every year you and Giran were supposed to come with you to visit your family (or close friends depending on reader) during the holidays. It's become sort of a tradition by which you both usually had no issues upholding. However, this year it was different. He had a bit of important work come up between the two of you and that led him to packing up and preparing to go halfway across Japan to get the job done. You begged, pleaded, complained, shouted, and did all you could do in the moment. How dare he put work between the two of you during Christmas of all times? It's not like you were being a total brat about it. You didn't mind letting him do what he needed to do all year round. There have been times during some of the years where he's ditched you on your own birthday just to get it done.
You never complained then. You let him handle it and waited back home for him to return like a good little partner would do. You compromised on everything but this time it was different.
You had boundaries and you put your foot down. Christmas/the holiday season was the ONLY time of year you didn't want him leaving you all alone during. You would think he would return the same amount of respect and patience toward you as you did for him, but it appears you were wrong..."Y/N, look. It aint no hard feelings towards you. I told you this a million times. I need to handle this shit sooner than later because if I don't then it might spiral outta control." He grumbled while packing his bag. You weren't trying to hear it, instead opting to cross your arms and glare at him from the doorway while he zipped the suitcase. "Giran I don't want to tell you this for the millionth time but I-"
"You don't have to tell me anything for the 'millionth time'. I'm a grown ass man and I demand respect. Simple as that. So you can go throw your little childish hissy fit all you want." He shrugs it off and lifts the suitcase from the ground. You can't help but to feel a new round of tears threatening to spill over. "Are you being serious right now? After all I do for you this is how you're going to return the favor? I really can't fucking stand you for it." You try to not escalate the moment anymore than it already is, but he bites onto it and adds more on top. "No, this aint how I return the favor as you would call it. This is how I fucking make the money that keeps you living lavish. The way I see it, you outta be thankful for me working my ass off." That was that. Before you knew it he'd brushed past you without so much as a goodbye before getting into the car and leaving.
You cried a lot that night. For some reason the bed felt a little extra cold and it had nothing to due with the drop in temp outside. The next morning you had a hard time trying to find the cheer in anything. This carried on for another day or so until it was Christmas eve. You found yourself numbly folding and packing clothes before departing to your loved ones...alone. It was the sudden soft knock at the door that pulled you out of the emotional pit you were sinking into. You were cautious and slow to answer, wondering who was even here considering you hadn't expected anyone but the show shovelers today. You opened the door to see a familiar face standing beneath the snow covered tree festively decorated in the front yard. Although you had an annoyed face, it couldn't mask the way your heart beat in the moment. "What, did you forget something here?" You spoke flatly as he smirked. "Yeah, my mind I guess you could say." He reached into his coat and pulled out a small box adorned with a red bow. "Can we talk?" He asked with a small smile. You sighed and went back into the house to retrieve a jacket.
You'd come back outside and joined him beneath the tree, crossing your arms and waiting to hear whatever he had to say to justify leaving you all alone. Giran sighed and scratched the back of his neck. "Listen...I'm no good at this kind of thing. I'm shit at apologies and whatnot. I just uh...I wanted to say I'm sorry for the way I was acting. I mean, I thought about what you said. I thought about all the times you let me go knowing I was missing birthdays and anniversaries and whatnot. Well Hell, I guess I'm trying to say I was an asshole. I'd love to join you on the trip if you'll have me?" He smiled small and held the box out toward you. There was a bit of hesitation hanging in the air considering you were still slightly hurt by his previous actions. However, your curiosity never failed to get the best of you as you grabbed the box and opened it to reveal a beautiful gold herringbone necklace. "Forgive me?" He asked hopefully and you sighed before rolling your eyes and opening your arms for a hug.
It was too cold outside anyway to deny such an offer as this.
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
Back with another headcanons request! So, we’ve talked about the hobbit before, and I was wondering about some of your Bagginshield (hoping I got that right bc this is gonna be embarrassing otherwise) headcanons?
to be completely honest with you, i haven't really thought much about it. that may be just because my friend and i are shipping them more for fun than anything though (listen, it is hella funny to watch the films with a straight face and whenever we have a thorin/bilbo scene that inherently has homoerotic subtext, which you cannot possibly convince me is an accident, going "gay.") (disclaimer i'm now afraid i must add lol before this gets weird, both of us are queer so that's 100% humour)
but nevertheless i think i might have created some universe in my brain where they're happy and together and no one's dead or scarred for life. so i'll gladly dive into that and share some stuff that happens there :)
- They spend winter and spring at the castle and summer and autumn in the Shire. Fight me on this if you want. Thorin leaves his throne to Fili for six months (what began as “training because once I die you’ll have to do it anyways so better start now” has developed into “oh uncle’s gone? well guess i’m gonna have to rule the kingdom again”) and Bilbo makes sure that Lobelia does not break into his home while he’s gone.
- Adding onto that, Bilbo - of course - shares his chambers with Thorin when they’re in the castle, but hell does that not mean he doesn’t have his own. Because he does. Thing is, they’re not used for sleeping, dressing or whatever you do in your room usually. Nope, Bilbo’s are filled with the plants he loves and tea and all kinds of lovely pastries, there’s a kitchen for him to bake in and a balcony to watch the sunset on. Thorin makes sure that he does not have to do anything else but keep the plants alive and eat everything before it rots.
- They regularly have the others over. Of course they all see each other often enough in the castle, but while Thorin and Bilbo are gone over summer and autumn, well, they don’t, and after all that’s half a year. So they invite their dwarven friends and family and celebrate that day that Dwalin stood in front of a little home far away from where he came from, and that day that a little hobbit opened his freshly painted door to see said dwarf and begin an adventure he neither knew of nor particularly wanted to go on. 
- Thorin absolutely adores the Shire by the way. You should see the way his face lights up as butterflies land on his fingers, as he plucks another set of flowers for Bilbo’s windowsill or as young hobbits climb onto his shoulders and laugh when he shakes them and teaches them all kinds of Dwarven songs. Everyone adores him, almost as much as he adores this place. He can absolutely understand why Bilbo did not want to leave at first, and to be very honest, he always goes away with a heavy heart too, no matter how happy he is to return to the mountain and no matter how often he reminds himself he’ll come back the next year. 
- And oh, don’t even get me started on their wedding. It was perfect. It was the most perfect wedding you’ve ever seen. Bilbo had beads braided into his hair, so many that whichever way he turned he shone, and he looked simply ethereal. Thorin was wearing a flower crown that his nephews had made for him, wonderfully intricate and so skilfully made that seriously, everyone doubted it had been just his nephews that had made it (sure, they may just have forgotten to mention that Tauriel had helped. but they did do a lot of the work!). They had chosen the most lovely spot in autumn; all around them were trees and brown leaves, but the sun was shining and barely a cloud was seen. Picture golden sunlight falling onto black hair, braided beautifully and carefully backwards, a crown of daisies adorning it, as Thorin danced with Bilbo hours later, watching the sunset and the stars come out, and the moon and dawn the next morning. I’m convinced that all of middle earth was present - the dwarves were certainly, Bard and his children, his boyfriend (though much to Thorin’s dismay - at least it would’ve been had he noticed anything but Bilbo that day), Gandalf and Elrond and even some hobbits from the shire that Bilbo himself had invited. God, it was perfect. 
- Their honeymoon to Rivendell must’ve been an adventure in itself lol. Given that Thorin was not too happy about the idea but Bilbo more than just certain that he would not spend it “just in the castle like every other day, oh my”, they had had some arguments about it - in the past, that was, because no matter how often I’m capable of mentioning that Thorin was literally mentally g o n e for anything that wasn’t Bilbo, it won’t be enough to actually get it across and tell you just how little he cared where the fuck he was going with his husband. 
- The day Frodo’s parents drowned was the day Thorin realised that there was no question whether they’d be adopting him, no discussion or argument or even two seconds of shared eye contact to make sure that they’d come to the same conclusion. I don’t even want to say there was any understanding, any communication at all. There was no “what will you do” or “what should we do”. There was simply this little, young, orphaned boy, and there were the two of them, and suddenly they were three and the little, young, orphaned boy was theirs. Of course Thorin had thought about being a father; of course he’d thought about having children. But once Fili had seen the light of the world, the second that Thorin had held this young dwarf in his arms, he had known that he’d found his heir. And despite all the love he later was to hold for Frodo, despite all that, not for one moment would he have given away Fili’s throne. Both Bilbo and - a significantly older - Frodo understood, certainly, and no one had raised the young hobbit as a prince either, and after all suddenly becoming royalty (regardless of whether you get a crown or not) is pretty neat. 
alright that’s it rn, hope you liked some of these in the end!
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i-am-megalodonna · 2 years
So in elsewhere and elsewhen getting the collector is basically the whole goal of philip does collector in any way try to change the timeline of him being manipulated by telling luz to not help philip????? Does luz feel anything from the fact that philip knows the collector somehow? Does she ask him about philip? The that part of episode is sorta focused on the collector so it’s interesting to know how that would change
Me when I first read this ask: Huh, that's a good question
Me two minutes later: oh that's a good question
This took me a hot moment to figure out and I had to talk it through with my sibling, so take pride in that I guess, lol. Time travel plots continue to be the absolute bane of my existence in new and exciting ways. Gonna put this entire explanation under a readmore because this got lengthy. There'll also be a tldr at the end.
So this episode gave me... a lot of strife. But that's what makes it fun yknow. Anyway, the main problem is that Luz goes back in time because she wants to meet Philip and find the Collector because they presumably know how to make a functioning portal door. Immediate and obvious problem: she already knows the Collector, so she already knows that that path is a dead end. In addition, I've been working with the idea that the Collector tells Luz Belos' true identity from day one. So Luz would have literally no reason to want to go back in time (that I could see).
The easiest thing to do would be to say "okay, it doesn't happen then". But I can't do that; if Luz doesn't go back in time and help Philip, then Philip doesn't get the Collector, and if he doesn't get the Collector then nothing in the show happens, and neither does my au. Plus we get cool aunt Lilith, and let's be real that's just indispensable. Point being, Elsewhere and Elsewhen is kind of a loadbearing episode.
In all fairness, I could just say that Philip finds a different sacrifice. I'm sure he could. But I'm not going to say that because it feels like a copout, and I don't do copouts (except for when I do, but I'm not here).
So after much deliberating and talking and writing in an attempt to add some sort of organization to my thoughts, I've come to the conclusion that I just need to change my au. The thing I mentioned at the beginning is now null - Luz doesn't know that Philip and Belos are the same. When Luz and the Collector meet at the beginning he tells her all he can about Belos' plans, but nothing about Belos' past. Mostly because he doesn't want her asking questions about their past, but also because they might not have thought it was relevant at the time. This would come back to bite them in the ass later (along with many other things).
When Luz learns about Philip and later on gets his diary, the Collector starts to get a little worried. But he can't rightly stop her from doing that because that would be hella suspicious. So they watch it happen and hope to the stars that it ends up being a dead end. They never did pay much attention to what Philip was writing in his lame book.
This finally brings us to Elsewhere and Elsewhen, where I will make one more small change and say that Luz is somehow prevented from hearing the Collector's name in the echo mouse's projection (which may or may not have something to do with the Collector themself). So she knows that Philip met with someone who supposedly knew how to make a working portal door, but not who. This last minute save doesn't help much, though, as this hole in information only motivates Luz more to go back in time and find out for herself.
Aside from that, Elsewhere and Elsewhen plays out pretty much the same. The Collector whines even more than normal that this is a waste of time and it's not worth it and there's no way they'll ever find one guy in a whole city and they should really just go home already. Unfortunately for him, Luz is having none of it. When they finally meet Philip, the Collector is silent.
When Philip uses them to get the door open the Collector learns something new, and they don't like it.
I considered him telling Luz that truth after E+E, but I realized it would be more effective if he didn't. His choice to reveal the truth to Luz in Hollow Mind is more meaningful character-wise if it's something he hasn't been willing to do before. At least, I think so. I'll probably talk about or illustrate that particular plot point more in a later post. But also, a large part of Luz's shutdown after going into the Emperor's mind is the guilt she feels about kind of being the reason Belos is able to end the world. If that reveal happens earlier, then most of that aftermath is diverted to there and she instead just feels angry at the Collector for lying to her again. This way she gets to feel both crushing guilt and anger. After all, why would I miss the chance to make Hollow Mind even more miserable than it already is?
I could talk more but this post isn't about Hollow Mind, and I think I've gone on long enough. There ya go, that's Elsewhere and Elsewhen. Hope this response sufficiently answered your question (and if not you can always ask more ha).
Tldr: The Collector doesn't tell Luz about Belos' true identity at the beginning, ultimately keeping the past intact. This information is revealed to her, by the Collector, in Hollow Mind.
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btsxmalereaders · 3 years
☆ Even in zero gravity, I would still fall for you!
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♡ pairing — bang chan x male reader
> genre — fluff | f2l
> word count — 4.3k I don't know how this happened
> summary — chan realises he likes you by not being able to use pickup lines on you
> a/n — i saw a tiktok where chan says he's gonna use a pickup line on felix and my love-deprived self ended up writing this lol i hope you all like it
| 05282021
| Please keep making more whosfan accounts and keep streaming WOLFGANG on the correct platforms!
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"Hey, how you doin'?" Chan casually says as he enters the kitchen, trying not to grin and start giggling right away. He even places his hands over the table and tilts his head a little in an attempt to look confident. Felix takes his attention away from the food he is cooking and turns on his feet to look at him with an eyebrow raised.
"Good?" He answers with an air of suspicion. "Why?"
Chan finally lets out a small giggle, "Oh nothing, I was just thinking that... I am not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together."
And Felix thinks it's a creative pickup line, funny even, but what ends up making him laugh is the way his best friend bends over to start laughing louder and the way his cheeks turn reddish at the embarrassment he's probably feeling.
"That was a good one, I must say," He chuckles. "Not as great as the Optimus Fine one, though. Even if it made you laugh for ten minutes after you said it."
And Chan can only laugh harder at the remembrance, placing his hands over his slightly aching abdomen and gasp for air when he can't handle it anymore. Felix giggles as well and denies with his head, going back to stir what's on the pot.
"Stays keep getting creative when it comes to flirting with you," He speaks again as the laughter finally dies down. "They probably think you might use it on someone you like, and you're here almost crying because you use them on us."
Chan hums, "Well, I don't really like anyone right now."
Felix turns off the stove and makes a -dramatic- pause, turning again to face Chan as he gets closer and squints his eyes. "I don't believe it."
"What?" Chan laughs. "Why would I lie?"
"I don't know, but I don't buy it. Maybe it's the love songs you have as drafts in your laptop."
"Ah, that doesn't mean I'm in love," He explains and takes a seat in front of him, nervously scratching the back of his neck. "That's why they're still drafts, though. They don't convey the feeling of being in love because I am not in love, you know?"
"Good point, but it still doesn't convince me."
"Why?" He asks again with a chuckle, a little embarrassed by the sudden interest in his - nonexistent - love life. "You know our activities barely give us time for ourselves, so it's almost impossible to have a relationship with someone. At least a formal one."
"You can still like someone and not be with them." Felix shrugs. "So spill it. Who is it?"
And Chan knows he's just messing around with him, but he can't help but feel flustered. "No one! I think so." He almost says it in a whisper; however, Felix doesn't comment on it.
"I still want to listen to those drafts," He stands up and smiles. "Why don't you show me?"
This was not the way Chan expected the conversation to go, so he hesitates a bit about his friend's request. Well, it wasn't unusual anyway, at least Changbin had heard a couple and also helped in the composition of the songs, so having someone else hear them wouldn't hurt. He might even listen to ideas on his part to improve them.
"Okay, I can do that. Next week Y/N will come to the studio and work on something, why don't you pop-up at some point and I can show you?"
Felix nods, "Sounds good! Y/N asked for help for his new album?"
"Yeah, he wants me to listen to some tracks he has been working on." He casually comments, taking his phone from his pocket and leading his attention to the device, so now Felix can't see the slight blush on his cheeks.
"Hm, I haven't seen him in a while. Why hasn't he come to the dorm lately? We should invite him."
"He has been busy with his album, that's why. If you think I leave late from the studio, that's nothing compared to him, he truly spends an ungodly amount of time there."
"So you see him often?" Felix asks with sudden interest, now being aware of how Chan's ears are tinted pink.
"You could say that, yeah. He also spends time on my studio whenever he has the chance. And vice-versa." He shrugs, not finding it odd. You two were really good friends, so it was a normal thing for you to do. "Why?"
"Nothing, I was just curious." He mischievously laughs. "So, next week, you said?"
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After a quick glance at the time on your phone, you decide to stand up and stretch your body. It's been a long time since you started working, and you still have a lot to do; and on top of it all, the progress you've made tonight doesn't totally convince you, and that just meant you'd be spending more time in the studio.
As you take your phone again to read your notes, a notification pops up on the top. You weren't supposed to meet up with Chan until later, but in the new message you just received, he tells you that he's free from working on his stuff and you could go earlier if you wanted.
You decide to go; after all, it was nearly impossible for you to concentrate again, and you truly needed to know what does he think about the tracks you sent him a few days ago to finally make an advance. So you grab your laptop after making sure you've saved the changes and the cup of half-drunk coffee, walking out to the long hall and taking the elevator to an upper floor.
The soles of your shoes are dragged across the floor all the way to the studio's door, where you softly knock a couple of times before remembering you already know the password to enter. Your fingers press the buttons, entering code you know by heart at this point, and the door quickly unlocks, making Chan to look your way and greet you with a smile.
"Hey, how have you been?" He sweetly says, seeing you entering the room and placing your belongings on top of the big desk in front of you and taking a seat on the couch behind him.
"Busy. And tired." You murmur and let out a sigh. Chan immediately plays a song at a low volume and takes seat next to you.
"You're still struggling with the track you told me about?"
You nod as an answer and pout, "I am desperate. It's like, no matter how many times I rewrite the lyrics or change the beats, it still doesn't convince me at all and I hate it."
"I get it," He sighs. "But don't worry about it, I'm here to help you out."
And Chan isn't someone who breaks his promises, so the following hours are spent listening to your music, carefully reading everything you've written so far, listening to your ideas and giving you advice.
In between work, he tells you every other joke to make you laugh and feel at least a bit less stressed; and it works wonderfully since he has a long list of dad jokes that take you off guard, plus his laughter is contagious, so not laughing with him is impossible.
It's no surprise that his advice and opinions are so accurate to the point of clearing your mind and helping you out of your creative block. Chan has always been hard-working and so good with words that every time you engage him in conversations, you feel more relaxed and less burdened. No matter what situation you had a problem with, Chan would always help you find the best solution for it. Maybe that's why you admire him so much, maybe it was one of the many reasons why you didn't hesitate for a second to go to him and find security in his presence and words... Maybe it was one of the thousands of reasons why you had romantic feelings towards him...
"Is it better now?" His voice takes you out of your thoughts. He's sweetly smiling at you; he probably realized you got lost on the way his lips were moving as he told you his thoughts on the recent draft of your song.
"Yeah, yes, honestly, you've helped me so much. I don't know what I'd do without you." You smile and go for a quick hug, taking the opportunity to ruffle his hair. Your fingers sliding between his soft and messy curls and making him fondly smile in the process. "You're my hero. I mean it."
Chan chuckles and can't keep his eyes off you as you type something on your laptop and hum. He recalls the conversation he had last week with Felix, and that ambiguous feeling settling on his chest makes him wonder if, after all, his friend was right. He doesn't remember when was the last time he felt the urge to hold someone in between his arms and dearly appreciate, and he wants to know why he smiles and feels his stomach tickling when he sees you.
Maybe it's because you spend a lot of time with him, a voice inside his head says. But he doesn't feel this way with any other friend.
Maybe it's because you have known him for a long time and you just appreciate him a lot, the voice tries again. Maybe. He finally gives in at the last thought. He'd have to figure it out.
His phone buzzes inside the pocket of his jeans and he takes it, knowing for sure it's a message from Felix.
"Felix is arriving in a few minutes." He murmurs, making you take your eyes off the screen. "He wants to listen to some songs I have, is that okay?"
"Of course, it's your studio, silly." You giggle. "I am almost done with this, so if you're gonna be busy I can go back to m-"
"You can stay, if you want to." He quickly adds. "Plus, he says he wants to see you, you know... He misses you." Chan laughs. He wasn't lying, but that wasn't the only reason he wanted you to stay.
"Okay! Sure, I haven't heard from him in a while, either." You nod and keep making changes on the file you have open.
Just as he said, Felix enters the room just a few minutes later, smiling brightly and immediately running to give you a big hug once he sees you.
Soon, the room was filled with laughter and long conversations to catch up on everything around your lives. Felix tells you about the new pastries he baked last week and that he was waiting for you to come around and bake with him, the new video game Jeongin bought and has been playing with Hyunjin, the new songs Changbin and Jisung have been working on and how Seungmin was learning to play piano, playing songs at night for everyone at the dorm.
"And you know? Chan hyung has gotten better at flirting." He laughs as the latter gives him a threatening glare. "He can't stop saying pickup lines whenever he has the chance."
"Ah, really?" You chortle. "You haven't said one in all the time we've been here."
"Well, we've been working, and I've told you many other jokes... Besides, it's not like I come up with them out of nowhere."
"Yes, you do!" Felix says. "You do that all the time, what are you talking about?"
You glance at Chan, who's currently blushing and at the loss of words. Felix, on the other hand, seems to be happy to see what he just provoked. And he'd definitely enjoy every part of it.
"I want to hear one! C'mooon!" You laugh. "Please?"
Chan rolls his eyes and tries to look confident as he would normally do. He clears his throat and thinks of a good pickup line he hasn't used yet.
"Alright," He says and smiles, he even thinks it's gonna start laughing before even opening his mouth, but the very moment he looks into your eyes, it's like he forgot every single word on his vocabulary. "Uhm, are you, no. Did you-? Wait! I forgot what I was gonna say-"
Felix can't help but burst into laughter, and you only look at him, as if you couldn't believe it. Was he nervous or was it because of the fact that Felix was in the same room? Would it have been any different if he weren't there?
You end up laughing at Felix's loud laughter, as well as seeing Chan blushing up to his ears and hiding his face behind his hands, probably also in an attempt to cover the huge grin he now has.
"Wow, that was an epic failure. And I thought you were the biggest flirt on earth." Felix teases him, to which Chan ends up groaning.
He continues talking about other stuff while Chan stops feeling embarrassed, even though he's not able to look in your eyes for the entire time until you have to go back to work.
You close your laptop and stand up, throwing the now empty cup of coffee on the trash bin. After thanking Chan for his help and promising Felix you'd drop by their dorm soon, you walk out of the studio with a smile and feeling your heart beating fast. There was no way you didn't have feelings for him.
"Oh my god, so I was right!" Felix says a few seconds after you left. Chan's first instinct is to cover his face again. "Look who got nervous so suddenly."
"Stop, I- I don't even want to talk about it." He murmurs, feeling flustered and avoiding Felix's gaze. He types something on his laptop and presses the play button, hoping that this way, his friend would forget about what just happened and could focus solely on the music.
And Felix doesn't talk about it anymore. The next few minutes are set by the music coming out of the speakers; the room filling with Chan's voice, singing the love songs that probably no one else would listen to. Felix seems to be concentrating on the lyrics, but Chan's thoughts are solely about you. As he listens to the songs, he is aware of how his skin bristles every time his hands accidentally touch you, the times when your eyes connect with his and you give him smiles every time it happens, all those times when his heart would race when he hugged you.... It's as if all those songs that professed a love he said he didn't feel, started to make sense.
He feels overwhelmed. Maybe if he was aware of it before, maybe if he listened to his heart instead of his head, this wouldn't be a big revelation to him.
Chan pauses the music, and before Felix can ask what's going on, he speaks up: "Why- why did I do that?"
"Did... what, exactly?" Felix asks, confused.
"The pickup line thing!" He blurts out. "I mean, I do that all the time, right? Why did I just forget how to even talk?"
Felix giggles, "Well, have you considered it's because when you use those pickup lines on us you just do it for laughing? To joke around with us, and with Y/N it's because... I don't know, you have feelings for him and it gets real? Like you're flirting with him."
Makes sense, he thinks. He remains in silence for a moment, processing everything that just happened and finally connecting the dots.
"Wait, you just had your epiphany?" Felix jokes. "It took you too, too long."
"I can barely fall asleep, how was I supposed to know I was falling in love?"
"Fair enough." He says, comprehensive. "Are you telling him?"
"Should I?" Chan's eyes sparkle, but he still feels confused. Should he even try? It's been so long since he last felt this way about someone, and given the circumstances of his life as an idol, he felt more reluctant to take the next step. Even more, considering he had just taken the first one by accepting his feelings a few minutes ago.
"I was right all this time by you being in love," He says. "And I am also sure that it's mutual. I've seen you two for a while, you know? I am surprised you didn't come the realization way earlier than this."
Chan giggles. "Alright, I get it."
"But it's up to you now, I guess. All I know is that you deserve to be happy, and you deserve good things... And Y/N is a great person. You should give yourself an opportunity on love."
Chan feels chills as he hears those words. Tonight's even have been too much for him to process, so he'll think deeply about it later.
"Okay," He nods. "Thanks, Lix. You've been really helpful."
"I know, what would you do without me?" Felix laughs. "Now let's keep listening to the songs, I am loving all of them."
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Fortunately, the help Chan gave you really made it possible for you to finish the songs in no time. You are just now walking out of a meeting with your managers and the people in charge of the release of the album to set the final details, and you quickly send a message to Chan to let him know the news.
In the meantime, you drop by your studio to clean up a little and maybe write down some ideas for new songs that have been in your mind for a while. After a few minutes, you hear a knock on the door, snapping you out of your thoughts and then feeling confused. You weren't expecting anyone to come. So you slowly open the door, and a smile spreads across your face the moment you realize it's Chan.
"Oh, hi!" You greet him with a hug, immediately letting him in afterwards. He shyly gets inside, taking a seat on a chair and placing a bag on the small table behind him. "What brings you here? I thought you were still busy with you guys upcoming album."
"It's okay, Changbin is working on his stuff now at the studio, so I took the chance to come here and celebrate with you!" He grins. "Congratulations on making your first self-produced album!"
He starts clapping, making you smile; he truly was the sweetest person you've ever met.
As soon as he read your message he went to the nearby cafeteria and bought your favorite drink and pastries, claiming that it was a special occasion and should be celebrated.
"For all your hard work and the success of this album!" He makes a toast as he raises his cup of tea.
Soon you find yourselves immersed in a long conversation about everything that went into creating this album; from when you had the first idea for the concept, to those sleepless nights when he helped you without hesitation. Chan was definitely an essential part of this whole process, so to be celebrating with him right now felt right. It was how it should be.
"You know," Chan clears his throat as another song starts playing. "These past days I've had this thought in my head, and after talking it out with Felix... I am certain about it. And I want to tell you about it. I know I have to."
You frown, feeling curiosity, especially since his semblance has changed to be a bit more serious. He still has a small smile that gives you some kind of tranquility, but another part of you can't help but feel nervous as he gets a little bit closer.
"Of course, what is it?"
"So, uhm" He starts. "Some weeks ago, when Felix came to the studio and we were talking with you... Well, the reason he came was because he wanted to listen to some love songs I've worked on. And, after listening to all of them I figured out why I didn’t like them. I was sure I wasn't in love. That's why, to me, they all sounded plain and didn’t convey the feeling of love... But then..."
He makes a pause, catching his breath as he feels more and more nervous. He knows for sure his ears and cheeks are red right now, and it's impossible that you haven't noticed it. His hands slightly shake behind the table, anxiously looking for yours, but refraining from doing it because he doesn't know how this was going to end. You don't want to interrupt him, so you give him his time to clear his head and talk again.
"While listening to those songs, the only thought I had in mind was you." He finally confesses, with his gaze now fixed on his lap. "I guess that for a while I didn’t realise that I started to, uhm, catch feelings for you. And, it's okay if you don't feel the same way about me. I just really wanted to let you know because the thought has been on my mind for so long and I needed to let it out."
For a moment, the only thing that can be heard in the room is your voice coming from the speakers along with a sigh from Chan, who still didn’t dare to look up and face you.
"So... what you're saying is..." You speak up, feeling incredibly shy, trying to process the words addressed to you.
"What I am trying to say is that I am in love with you."
And you swear you could start screaming to the top of your lungs right now, but you try your very best to stay calm and finally grab Chan's hands. With that, he looks at you again.
"Channie," You softly say, looking at him in his precious eyes and dearly smiling. You don't even know where to begin, but a voice inside you begs for you to give him a hug. So you open your arms and embrace him tightly, feeling instant comfort and love. "I am so glad you feel this way too. I love you too."
Chan sighs in relief, placing his hands on your waist and pulling you closer; his nose pressed against the crook of your neck and closes his eyes, melting between your arms and enjoying every single second of that gesture.
"Wait a minute," You say out of nowhere, so he separates a bit from you and tilts his head. "That's why you couldn't even say a sentence when you tried to say a pickup line?"
You laugh when his expression changes to look ashamed, his lips frowned in a pout and his gaze avoiding your eyes again.
"Try again, I'm sure you're good at this." And Chan's head only comes up with the dozens of lines he has read, but seeing you smiling right in front of him and your arms over his shoulders, he can only think how lucky he is. He can't possibly say anything to you. "Alright, let me try instead."
You hum and recall all the pickup lines you've read and have been told before, "Hm, can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll return it."
And you expected Chan to start laughing out loud, instead he starts blushing again and giggling, covering his face as he feels nervous.
"C'mon! Seriously?" You laugh and wait for him to stop being shy.
"You make me nervous, give me time." He excuses himself and laughs some more. "That was a good one, and you know what? You can borrow all the kisses you want, as long as you keep your word and return them."
"See? That's what I'm talking about!"
Chan fondly smiles at you, placing his hand on your head to pet your hair for a moment. You close your eyes as he does it, feeling his soft touch traveling all the way down to your chin. He rests his thumb on your cheek and after a few seconds you decide to open your eyes.
"Can I?" He murmurs as his gaze shifts from your eyes to your lips.
"You don't even have to ask."
And just as you give him permission, he breaks the distance between you two. He starts carefully, placing his lips against yours in a tender, chaste way, barely there pressure that makes you exhale through your nose as if you had been holding your breath all along. One of his hands still holds you by the waist, so he takes the opportunity to slide it to your lower back, carefully holding you and sending you shivers to your entire body.
You lean forward barely a few millimeters, but it's enough to feel more pressure over your lips. Chan angles his head and traps your bottom lip, tongue trying to dart out of his mouth to taste more of the sweetness of yours. He, however, contains himself and smiles in between the kiss, instead. He was probably gonna be the death of you.
The deep kiss loses intensity as a minute passes by, so you two end up giving smaller kisses and share smiles, your noses constantly touching in skimo kisses. And you think it's perfect; it's way better than what you one day imagined.
Chan can't miss the chance to make you sit on his lap, so now your head rests over his chest. Your fingers fidgeting the hem of his hoodie and shyly longing to intertwine your hands.
"Hey, Y/N?" He grabs your attention and smiles. "Are you a parking ticket?"
You raise an eyebrow, "Why?"
"Because you've got fine written all over you." He ends up with a muffled laughter.
"Oh no, what did I just get myself into?" You joke around, this time finally making him burst into a louder laughter. "You just declared war on me about pickup lines, you know?"
"Oh, so you got some lines, too? Can't wait to hear all of them, then."
And for the rest of the day you let yourself be held in between the arms of the person you loved the most. Later you'd find the way to flirt with him and make him feel flustered when he least expects it.
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