#microsoft apps for teams
appdevelopments798 · 2 years
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techniktagebuch · 2 years
Januar 2023
Apps und Dienste zum Schulbesuch
Seit Anfang des Schuljahres 2022/2023 besucht meine Tochter ein Vorstadtgymnasium. Damit einhergehend sind eine Menge neuer Apps und Services auf mein Smartphone und in meine Browser gewandert. Diese möchte ich dokumentieren:
Schon bevor sie an der Schule angemeldet war, konnten wir von der Web-Seite, die überraschend gut gepflegt wird, Termine und Neugigkeiten erfahren. Dort konnten wir auch eine PDF-Datei herunterladen, um die Anmeldung auszufüllen. Leider keine online auszufüllendes Formular, aber mindestens etwas.
Die Verwaltung der Schule kommuniziert mit uns über E-Mail. Ich vermeide dort anzurufen und bekomme auch immer einen kleinen Schrecken, wenn ich die Nummer der Schule im Display sehe, weil das meistens bedeutet, dass mit dem Kind etwas los ist (krank, Unfall,…).
Die Kommunikation zwischen den Eltern und den Lehrern passiert über die App SchoolFox. Diese kennen wir schon aus der Grundschule und sie wird hier an vielen Schulen benutzt. Hier ist das Kind in verschiedenen Gruppen hinterlegt: Neben der Klasse zum Beispiel auch in der Gruppe der Übermittagsbetreuung. Wir können nicht nur Nachrichten empfangen, sondern auch Lehrerinnen und Lehrer gezielt anschreiben. SchoolFox kann man auch auf verschiedenen parallel Geräten installieren und im Browser am PC nutzen. Also brauche ich dem Vater des Kindes die Nachrichten nicht weiterzuleiten, sondern er kann selbst auch lesen und schreiben. Mails oder WhatsApp-Nachrichten müsste ich weiterleiten.
Die Schule nutzt ein System namens “WebUntis” zur Darstellung des Stundenplans. WebUntis funktioniert sowohl als App, alsauch im Browser. Hier können wir sehen, wann das Kind welchen Unterricht bei welchem Lehrer in welchem Raum hat. Auch Vertretungen und Klassenarbeiten sind hier hinterlegt. Daneben findet man auch größere Ereignisse wie Ausflüge oder den Schulgottesdienst.
Für das Fach Mathematik haben die Lehrerinnen einen Zugang zu “Bettermarks” vorgesehen. Hier werden von Zeit zu Zeit Übungsaufgaben eingestellt. Bettermarks ist keine App, sondern komplett browserbasiert. Von den in diesem Bericht genannten Apps ist diese die einzige, die kostenpflichtig für uns Eltern ist. (Übrigens habe ich zuerst immer BetaMax und nicht Bettermarks verstanden.)
Alles übergreifend setzt die Schule ein System ein, das auf Microsoft Teams basiert. Hier gibt es für jedes Fach einzelne Kanäle. Im Falle einer Fernbeschulung kann die Schule hier ruckzuck auf virtuellen Unterricht umschalten. Im Moment werden hier nur besondere Arbeitsblätter verteilt oder auf spezielle Hausaufgaben hingewiesen. Dieses Werkzeug wird zur Zeit nur sporadisch benutzt. Auch der Elternsprechtag passierte über Teams, was für uns Eltern sehr sehr praktisch war, weil wir nicht in die Schule mussten, sondern vom Büroarbeitsplatz aus uns zuschalten konnten.
Anfangs wurde das Geld für die Klassenkasse über PayPal eingesammelt. Inzwischen ergab sich aber die Möglichkeit ein normales Konto bei einer Bank zu eröffnen.
Zu guter Letzt haben wir Eltern natürlich auch eine WhatsApp-Gruppe gegründet. Diese Gruppe funktioniert zum Glück sehr diszipliniert. Es werden gut und effizient Informationen ausgetauscht.
Die Kids hingegen haben gut ein Dutzend Klassengruppen mit unterschiedlichen Konstellationen (Jungs, Mädchen, …).
(die christine)
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sharepointdesign · 3 months
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techieberry · 5 months
How to Forward Emails to Microsoft Teams Channel?
Are you tired of constantly switching between your email and Microsoft Teams to keep your team updated on important communications? Well, fret not!
With Microsoft Teams’ handy feature, you can seamlessly forward emails directly to your Teams channel, ensuring everyone stays in the loop effortlessly.
We’ll walk you through the simple steps to forward emails to Microsoft Teams channel in a few easy clicks.
To view the complete post, visit this website.
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moonchildjelly · 10 months
I'm literally almost 50 minutes to make my stupid Microsoft Teams to work... Im so stressed and angry! I just wanna punch my pc!
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ntaflos · 11 months
Morgen ist es so weit: Microsoft 365 Copilot für Unternehmenskunden
Am 01.11.2023 wird Microsoft 365 Copilot offiziell für Unternehmenskunden verfügbar.
Am 01.11.2023 wird Microsoft Copilot offiziell für Unternehmenskunden verfügbar sein. Was das bedeutet und wie man sich, auch wenn man noch keine Copilot Lizenzen hat, auf das Thema vorbereiten kann, erfahren Sie hier. Einleitung Die Einführung neuer Technologien in einer Organisation erfordert sorgfältige Planung und Vorbereitung. Microsoft 365 Copilot ist ein solches Produkt, das Unternehmen…
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perfectiongeeks · 1 year
How Custom Microsoft Teams Apps Boost Your Business Productivity
Personalized Microsoft Teams apps can be the secret sauce to bring your teamwork to the highest level! They are customized applications created by tech wizards to assist you in getting the most value from Microsoft Teams. Suppose you're looking to enhance collaboration between your team members, streamline your workflows, or even integrate with other applications for business and tools. In that case, customized Microsoft Teams apps can be the best solution. The Microsoft Teams apps can be customized to meet your company's particular requirements, making them an effective instrument for increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of your business. Customized Microsoft Teams apps can help you reduce time and accomplish tasks quicker by automating mundane tasks and providing easy access to information and services.
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Kickstarting a book to end enshittification, because Amazon will not carry it
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My next book is The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation: it’s a Big Tech disassembly manual that explains how to disenshittify the web and bring back the old good internet. The hardcover comes from Verso on Sept 5, but the audiobook comes from me — because Amazon refuses to sell my audio:
Amazon owns Audible, the monopoly audiobook platform that controls >90% of the audio market. They require mandatory DRM for every book sold, locking those books forever to Amazon’s monopoly platform. If you break up with Amazon, you have to throw away your entire audiobook library.
That’s a hell of a lot of leverage to hand to any company, let alone a rapacious monopoly that ran a program targeting small publishers called “Project Gazelle,” where execs were ordered to attack indie publishers “the way a cheetah would pursue a sickly gazelle”:
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[Image ID: Journalist and novelist Doctorow (Red Team Blues) details a plan for how to break up Big Tech in this impassioned and perceptive manifesto….Doctorow’s sense of urgency is contagious -Publishers Weekly]
I won’t sell my work with DRM, because DRM is key to the enshittification of the internet. Enshittification is why the old, good internet died and became “five giant websites filled with screenshots of the other four” (h/t Tom Eastman). When a tech company can lock in its users and suppliers, it can drain value from both sides, using DRM and other lock-in gimmicks to keep their business even as they grow ever more miserable on the platform.
Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die:
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[Image ID: A brilliant barn burner of a book. Cory is one of the sharpest tech critics, and he shows with fierce clarity how our computational future could be otherwise -Kate Crawford, author of The Atlas of AI”]
The Internet Con isn’t just an analysis of where enshittification comes from: it’s a detailed, shovel-ready policy prescription for halting enshittification, throwing it into reverse and bringing back the old, good internet.
How do we do that? With interoperability: the ability to plug new technology into those crapulent, decaying platform. Interop lets you choose which parts of the service you want and block the parts you don’t (think of how an adblocker lets you take the take-it-or-leave “offer” from a website and reply with “How about nah?”):
But interop isn’t just about making platforms less terrible — it’s an explosive charge that demolishes walled gardens. With interop, you can leave a social media service, but keep talking to the people who stay. With interop, you can leave your mobile platform, but bring your apps and media with you to a rival’s service. With interop, you can break up with Amazon, and still keep your audiobooks.
So, if interop is so great, why isn’t it everywhere?
Well, it used to be. Interop is how Microsoft became the dominant operating system:
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[Image ID: Nobody gets the internet-both the nuts and bolts that make it hum and the laws that shaped it into the mess it is-quite like Cory, and no one’s better qualified to deliver us a user manual for fixing it. That’s The Internet Con: a rousing, imaginative, and accessible treatise for correcting our curdled online world. If you care about the internet, get ready to dedicate yourself to making interoperability a reality. -Brian Merchant, author of Blood in the Machine]
It’s how Apple saved itself from Microsoft’s vicious campaign to destroy it:
Every tech giant used interop to grow, and then every tech giant promptly turned around and attacked interoperators. Every pirate wants to be an admiral. When Big Tech did it, that was progress; when you do it back to Big Tech, that’s piracy. The tech giants used their monopoly power to make interop without permission illegal, creating a kind of “felony contempt of business model” (h/t Jay Freeman).
The Internet Con describes how this came to pass, but, more importantly, it tells us how to fix it. It lays out how we can combine different kinds of interop requirements (like the EU’s Digital Markets Act and Massachusetts’s Right to Repair law) with protections for reverse-engineering and other guerrilla tactics to create a system that is strong without being brittle, hard to cheat on and easy to enforce.
What’s more, this book explains how to get these policies: what existing legislative, regulatory and judicial powers can be invoked to make them a reality. Because we are living through the Great Enshittification, and crises erupt every ten seconds, and when those crises occur, the “good ideas lying around” can move from the fringes to the center in an eyeblink:
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[Image ID: Thoughtfully written and patiently presented, The Internet Con explains how the promise of a free and open internet was lost to predatory business practices and the rush to commodify every aspect of our lives. An essential read for anyone that wants to understand how we lost control of our digital spaces and infrastructure to Silicon Valley’s tech giants, and how we can start fighting to get it back. -Tim Maughan, author of INFINITE DETAIL]
After all, we’ve known Big Tech was rotten for years, but we had no idea what to do about it. Every time a Big Tech colossus did something ghastly to millions or billions of people, we tried to fix the tech company. There’s no fixing the tech companies. They need to burn. The way to make users safe from Big Tech predators isn’t to make those predators behave better — it’s to evacuate those users:
I’ve been campaigning for human rights in the digital world for more than 20 years; I’ve been EFF’s European Director, representing the public interest at the EU, the UN, Westminster, Ottawa and DC. This is the subject I’ve devoted my life to, and I live my principles. I won’t let my books be sold with DRM, which means that Audible won’t carry my audiobooks. My agent tells me that this decision has cost me enough money to pay off my mortgage and put my kid through college. That’s a price I’m willing to pay if it means that my books aren’t enshittification bait.
But not selling on Audible has another cost, one that’s more important to me: a lot of readers prefer audiobooks and 9 out of 10 of those readers start and end their searches on Audible. When they don’t find an author there, they assume no audiobook exists, period. It got so bad I put up an audiobook on Amazon — me, reading an essay, explaining how Audible rips off writers and readers. It’s called “Why None of My Audiobooks Are For Sale on Audible”:
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[Image ID: Doctorow has been thinking longer and smarter than anyone else I know about how we create and exchange value in a digital age. -Douglas Rushkoff, author of Present Shock]
To get my audiobooks into readers’ ears, I pre-sell them on Kickstarter. This has been wildly successful, both financially and as a means of getting other prominent authors to break up with Amazon and use crowdfunding to fill the gap. Writers like Brandon Sanderson are doing heroic work, smashing Amazon’s monopoly:
And to be frank, I love audiobooks, too. I swim every day as physio for a chronic pain condition, and I listen to 2–3 books/month on my underwater MP3 player, disappearing into an imaginary world as I scull back and forth in my public pool. I’m able to get those audiobooks on my MP3 player thanks to Libro.fm, a DRM-free store that supports indie booksellers all over the world:
Producing my own audiobooks has been a dream. Working with Skyboat Media, I’ve gotten narrators like @wilwheaton​, Amber Benson, @neil-gaiman​ and Stefan Rudnicki for my work:
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[Image ID: “This book is the instruction manual Big Tech doesn’t want you to read. It deconstructs their crummy products, undemocratic business models, rigged legal regimes, and lies. Crack this book and help build something better. -Astra Taylor, author of Democracy May Not Exist, but We’ll Miss It When Its Gone”]
But for this title, I decided that I would read it myself. After all, I’ve been podcasting since 2006, reading my own work aloud every week or so, even as I traveled the world and gave thousands of speeches about the subject of this book. I was excited (and a little trepedatious) at the prospect, but how could I pass up a chance to work with director Gabrielle de Cuir, who has directed everyone from Anne Hathaway to LeVar Burton to Eric Idle?
Reader, I fucking nailed it. I went back to those daily recordings fully prepared to hate them, but they were good — even great (especially after my engineer John Taylor Williams mastered them). Listen for yourself!
I hope you’ll consider backing this Kickstarter. If you’ve ever read my free, open access, CC-licensed blog posts and novels, or listened to my podcasts, or come to one of my talks and wished there was a way to say thank you, this is it. These crowdfunders make my DRM-free publishing program viable, even as audiobooks grow more central to a writer’s income and even as a single company takes over nearly the entire audiobook market.
Backers can choose from the DRM-free audiobook, DRM-free ebook (EPUB and MOBI) and a hardcover — including a signed, personalized option, fulfilled through the great LA indie bookstore Book Soup:
What’s more, these ebooks and audiobooks are unlike any you’ll get anywhere else because they are sold without any terms of service or license agreements. As has been the case since time immemorial, when you buy these books, they’re yours, and you are allowed to do anything with them that copyright law permits — give them away, lend them to friends, or simply read them with any technology you choose.
As with my previous Kickstarters, backers can get their audiobooks delivered with an app (from libro.fm) or as a folder of MP3s. That helps people who struggle with “sideloading,” a process that Apple and Google have made progressively harder, even as they force audiobook and ebook sellers to hand over a 30% app tax on every dollar they make:
Enshittification is rotting every layer of the tech stack: mobile, payments, hosting, social, delivery, playback. Every tech company is pulling the rug out from under us, using the chokepoints they built between audiences and speakers, artists and fans, to pick all of our pockets.
The Internet Con isn’t just a lament for the internet we lost — it’s a plan to get it back. I hope you’ll get a copy and share it with the people you love, even as the tech platforms choke off your communities to pad their quarterly numbers.
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Next weekend (Aug 4-6), I'll be in Austin for Armadillocon, a science fiction convention, where I'm the Guest of Honor:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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[Image ID: My forthcoming book 'The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation' in various editions: Verso hardcover, audiobook displayed on a phone, and ebook displayed on an e-ink reader.]
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threesixfivedgtl · 1 year
What is Microsoft Viva? Should My Company Be Using The Microsoft Viva Apps?
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As Microsoft 365 consultants, since the release of the Microsoft Viva tools we have been bombarded with enquiries into what is Microsoft Viva and if you should adopt the Microsoft Viva tools into your business. In this article, we will explore the purpose and use cases of Microsoft Viva. We will look at the current applications, what’s in store for the future, and how it can be implemented into your organisation’s current tools. So you can decide if you should be using these tools in your company.
Understanding Microsoft Viva: A Revolution in Employee Experience
Microsoft Viva represents a paradigm shift in how organisations approach employee engagement and productivity. It’s a platform that aims to foster a more connected, engaged, and productive workforce by leveraging the power of Microsoft 365 and Teams. At its core, Microsoft Viva is designed to:
1. Enhance Employee Experience: Microsoft Viva prioritises the well-being and productivity of employees. It provides a digital platform where employees can thrive, stay connected, and access the resources they need.
2. Improve Communication: Viva breaks down communication barriers by centralising information and fostering collaboration through integrations with Microsoft Teams.
3. Promote Learning and Development: It offers tools and resources for continuous learning and skills development, helping employees stay relevant in today’s fast-paced world.
This is all achieved through a number of apps, that can be added to your companies Microsoft Teams.
Current Microsoft Viva Applications
As of now, Microsoft Viva consists of a few interconnected modules or applications:
1. Viva Connections: This app serves as your organisation’s intranet and gateway to company news, policies, and resources. It ensures that employees have easy access to essential information, fostering a sense of belonging and engagement. This intranet does not replace SharePoint, but surfaces your current SharePoint intranet through Microsoft Teams.
2. Viva Insights: Viva Insights empowers employees and managers to strike the right balance between work and well-being. It provides personalised insights, recommendations, and data-driven suggestions to help users manage their time and prioritize tasks effectively.
3. Viva Learning: With the rapid pace of change in the business world, continuous learning is essential. Viva Learning offers a platform where employees can discover, share, and access learning content, whether it’s internal training materials or external courses.
4. Viva Topics: Viva Topics leverages AI to organise and connect content across your organisation, making it easier for employees to find relevant information quickly. It helps create a knowledge-sharing culture that’s central to successful modern workplaces.
The Microsoft Viva Newcomers
5. Viva Engage: The predecessor for Yammer, Viva Engage provides a corporate social network, designed to provide collaboration and communication for company employees. Like Yammer, it acts as a companies internal social network, whilst integrating with other corporate tools.
6. Viva Glint: Previously part of LinkedIn, Glint provides a “voice for the employee”. Providing organisations a chance to understand their employees through employee feedback. Part of a number of tools in the ’employee listening market’, Glint is used to receive and make sense of opinions within the company.
7. Viva Pulse: Part of the Microsoft Viva suite for managers and leaders to quickly get feedback from their team, then take action on that. More project based than Glint, Pulse allows managers to get quick and precise updates.
8. Viva Goals: A great new introduction to Microsoft Viva. Viva Goals aligns the entire organisation from the top down, in terms of their goals and priorities and makes sure all employees are working to the same mission.
FAQ’s: Is Microsoft Viva Replacing SharePoint? Is Microsoft Viva Replacing Yammer?
SharePoint: The short answer to the question ‘is Microsoft Viva replacing SharePoint?’ is, no. Microsoft doesn’t have any plans to replace SharePoint with any of its new applications and SharePoint continues to be the core platform in the Microsoft suite. If anything, a lot of the new apps being introduced by Microsoft are built to work around SharePoint as the fundamental element to the suite.
Yammer: The short answer to the question ‘is Microsoft Viva replacing Yammer?’ is, yes. The Yammer web experience has now been rebranded to Viva Engage and will be slowly moving the Yammer features to Viva Engage.
FAQ’s: Can Other Apps be Included in Microsoft Viva?
Microsoft has ambitious plans for Viva, with upcoming enhancements and new applications to further elevate the employee experience. While the exact roadmap may evolve, Microsoft a promise more apps to come shortly and also further features to the current apps.
Although Microsoft Viva is a fixed set of apps released specifically by Microsoft, this platform has been cleverly designed to be included within Teams, and Teams does allow customised apps. As a team of software developers, we have developed many custom apps using Teams as the user interface. See below some examples of apps we have built within Teams, to work hand-in-hand with the Microsoft Viva suite:
Travel Booking Software & Employee Holiday Booking
Employee Directory
Timesheet Tools
Employee Onboarding Tools
Business Management Systems
Supplier Management Systems
Asset Management Tools
IT Service Management
Implementing Microsoft Viva
If you are planning to implement Microsoft Viva, our Microsoft consultancy services can help you get started. With our expertise and knowledge of Microsoft Viva and the entire Microsoft 365 suite, we can help you plan, implement and train staff on getting started with the new employee experience platform. Contact us to arrange a free consultation, to find out how we can help.
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mahosop · 1 year
Emphasizing Teams App Development and Microsoft Teams Specialists
In the rapidly evolving digital era, mobile applications have become a fundamental part of our daily routines, influencing how we communicate, work, and interact with the world around us. Within the vast expanse of India’s tech landscape, three major cities — Mumbai, Bangalore, and Delhi — have emerged as epicenters of mobile app innovation. In this blog, we’ll explore the thriving mobile app development scenes in these cities, with a particular emphasis on Teams app development and the skilled Microsoft Teams developers driving this evolution.
Mobile App Development in Mumbai:
The dynamic city of Mumbai, often dubbed India’s financial hub, is abuzz with technological innovation. Within its bustling streets lie mobile app development companies in Mumbai renowned for crafting engaging, user-centric applications across various industries. These companies harness their creativity and technical prowess to transform ideas into seamless, functional apps that cater to diverse user needs.
Mobile App Development in Bangalore:
Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India, is synonymous with technological prowess and entrepreneurial spirit. The city is home to a multitude of mobile app development in Bangalore, each distinguished by its ability to merge cutting-edge technologies with artistic design principles. These companies are adept at developing apps that push boundaries, providing users with enhanced experiences and streamlined functionalities.
Mobile App Development in Delhi:
As the nation’s capital, Delhi boasts a thriving information technology sector that is home to numerous mobile app development companies in Delhi. These firms excel in creating adaptable, user-friendly apps that cater to an array of industries and sectors. Their collective skill set extends to integrating modern technologies into app development processes, resulting in solutions that are both innovative and practical.
The Essence of Teams App Development:
In a world increasingly defined by remote work and digital collaboration, platforms like Microsoft Teams have become integral to maintaining effective communication and productivity. Teams app development involves the creation of tailor-made applications that seamlessly integrate with Microsoft Teams, enhancing its functionality and serving unique business requirements. This specialized field enables businesses to optimize their collaborative processes and elevate their overall efficiency.
The Role of Microsoft Teams Developers:
Behind the scenes of every successful Teams app lies the expertise of Microsoft Teams developers. These professionals possess an intricate understanding of the Teams ecosystem, allowing them to conceptualize, design, and implement custom applications that align with specific business needs. Their skill set empowers businesses to harness the full potential of Microsoft Teams, transforming it into a versatile platform that enhances communication, project management, and overall teamwork.
In Conclusion:
As mobile applications continue to reshape how we interact with technology, the mobile app development landscapes of Mumbai, Bangalore, and Delhi stand as pillars of innovation. These cities house a diverse array of development companies, each contributing to the ever-evolving app ecosystem. Within this context, the realm of Teams app development and the proficiency of Microsoft Teams developers shine as vital components, enabling businesses to navigate the complexities of modern collaboration and communication with ease.
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digitalsprybit · 1 year
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appdevelopments798 · 2 years
Revolotech offer Customized Software Development Solutions. Hire dedicated developers. IT outsourced services. Enterprise solutions. Digital transformation
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thissidekhushi · 1 year
Hire our dedicated Microsoft Teams app developers to develop team collaboration solutions for your organization. Get the best MS Teams app development services with completed customized solutions
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sharepointdesign · 7 months
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LR Training Solutions
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LR Training offers training for corporations and organizations https://lrtrainingsolutions.com/blog-2/
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infydeva · 2 years
meet Microsoft365 COPilot, the enterprise ready AI
I wish you to experience the power of next-generation AI with Microsoft 365 Copilot —  for work. It combines the power of large language models (LLMs) with your data in the Microsoft Graph and the Microsoft 365 apps to turn your words into the most powerful productivity tool on the planet. How its integrated? Microsoft 365 Copilot is integrated into in two ways. It works alongside you, embedded…
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