#social media seminar houston
sunitakapoorsblog · 1 year
Why is Sunita Kapoor Lawyer in Houston So Famous?
Certain individuals rise to prominence in the legal world due to their exceptional skills, dedication, and impact on society. One such figure is Sunita Kapoor, a lawyer who has garnered immense fame and respect in her field. Let’s delve into the factors that contribute to her remarkable reputation and explore the journey that has made her a renowned name in the legal industry.
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Introduction to Sunita Kapoor
Known across the legal community as a renowned attorney with years of experience, Sunita Kapoor. Many people have been interested in following his rise from a dedicated law student to a highly regarded attorney. How does she get so well-known, though?
A Passionate Pursuit of Justice
At the heart of Sunita Kapoor’s fame is her unwavering commitment to pursuing justice. Throughout her career, she has been a strong advocate for the rights of the marginalized and oppressed. Her dedication to standing up for those who cannot fight for themselves has earned her the admiration of her colleagues and the general public.
Expertise Across Multiple Legal Arenas
Sunita Kapoor’s versatility as a lawyer has played a pivotal role in her fame. She has demonstrated expertise across various legal domains, ranging from human rights to corporate law. This wide-ranging knowledge has enabled her to take on diverse cases, further enhancing her reputation as a competent and resourceful attorney.
Landmark Victories in High-Profile Cases
It’s often the high-stakes cases that define a lawyer’s career. Sunita Kapoor’s track record of securing victories in high-profile and complex cases has significantly contributed to her fame. Her ability to navigate intricate legal challenges and emerge triumphant has garnered the respect of her peers and the media alike.
Building Strong Client Relationships
Sunita Kapoor is known for her exceptional interpersonal skills. She places a strong emphasis on building trust and rapport with her clients. By understanding their needs on a personal level, she is able to offer tailored legal solutions that address their concerns effectively.
Active Social and Legal Advocacy
Sunita Kapoor’s fame isn’t confined to the courtroom. She has also extended her influence through active social and legal advocacy. Her involvement in public discussions, seminars, and workshops has allowed her to educate and empower individuals about their legal rights, contributing to her status as a thought leader in the legal community.
Embracing Technological advances
In an ever-evolving world, Sunita Kapoor has shown her adaptability by embracing technological advancements in the legal field. She utilizes modern tools and resources to streamline her work processes, enhance her research capabilities, and provide efficient services to her clients.
In conclusion, Sunita Kapoor’s fame as a lawyer is a culmination of her passion for justice, diverse expertise, landmark victories, strong client relationships, social advocacy, and adaptability to change. Her journey serves as an inspiration to aspiring lawyers and a testament to the impact one individual can have on the legal landscape.
What are some notable cases that Sunita Kapoor has been involved in?
Sunita Kapoor has been involved in several high-profile cases in immigration, including landmark human rights cases and complex corporate litigation.
How does Sunita Kapoor balance her legal career and social advocacy?
Kapoor maintains a careful balance by dedicating specific time to her legal practice and social advocacy efforts, ensuring neither aspect is compromised.
What sets Sunita Kapoor apart from other lawyers?
Kapoor’s exceptional combination of legal expertise, interpersonal skills, and commitment to justice distinguishes her in the legal fraternity.
How can I connect with Sunita Kapoor for legal advice?
You can reach out to Sunita Kapoor’s legal firm through their official website to inquire about legal assistance and consultation.
What is the significance of Sunita Kapoor’s involvement in public discussions?
Kapoor’s active participation in public discussions helps educate the public about legal matters, fostering awareness and understanding among individuals from all walks of life.
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doctortreklock · 4 years
AU-gust 22 - Futuristic AU
For this. On AO3.
Captain’s Log - Dean Winchester of the USS Free Will Stardate 2254.42
We got in a bit of a scrape with some unfriendly locals on the planet and found ourselves unable to evacuate due to an ion storm. Which apparently Cmdr. Walker was unable to detect in advance, despite the size of the storm. This marks the fourth time in three months that Cmdr. Walker has failed to note a relevant scientific fact, despite his role as Chief Science Officer.
During our time on the planet, Dr. Winchester was able to...
Captain’s Log - Dean Winchester of the USS Free Will Stardate 2254.135
Following recommendations from myself, Dr. Winchester, and First Officer Harvelle, Chief Science Officer Walker has chosen to resign his post and retire, effective as soon as a reasonable replacement can be located. He will be leaving Starfleet with full honors.
Personal Log - Capt. Dean Winchester of the USS Free Will Stardate 2254.167
It has been two days, four hours since we picked up our new Science Officer, and I hate him already. Sammy said not to judge him so quickly, since we’re going to be stuck with him for the remainder of our five year mission, if not longer, but he said it with that pinched look that means he really does hate him as much as I do.
I’ve never worked with an Angel before. I knew they were aloof and cold, but the sheer lack of empathy. God. He’s an unfeeling bastard and it makes me wish I could punch him in the face and keep my command. Even if it would hurt me more than it hurt him.
...Okay, I just listened to that again, and I think I need to push for one of those mandatory ship-wide tolerance seminars again.
Captain’s Log - Dean Winchester of the USS Free Will Stardate 2254.181
...four members of the landing party affected by an unknown poison, including myself. Though I was unconscious for most of the remainder of the mission, I was later filled in by Dr. Winchester and Cmdr. Harvelle.
Though the away party remained under threat from the native Tulian people, Dr. Winchester and Chief Science Officer Castiel were able to fabricate an antidote to the poison using the readings they acquired from their tricorders and the limited supplies they both keep on hand, as the transporter remained inoperative during this time. I have since been assured by Cmdr. Novak that the transporter malfunction was an anomaly that will not be repeated.
I am recommending commendations for Cmdr. Castiel and Lt. Cmdr. Winchester for exemplary service under pressure.
Personal Log - Capt. Dean Winchester of the USS Free Will Stardate 2254.205
...how much is actual incomprehension and how much is willful misinterpretation. I swear, we had just talked about the structure of Human jokes and I know he knows more about prime numbers than I do. I think at this point he just gets a kick out of it. I mean, every time he pulls off one of his straight-faced Humans-are-so-strange routines, his eyes just freaking glimmer and he smiles a bit, just on one side.
Everyone on this ship must be blind if they can’t see how much he enjoys messing with us.
Captain’s Log - Dean Winchester of the USS Free Will Stardate 2254.272
Our newest mission from Starfleet has required us to stop off at Houston IX to pick up an ambassador, whom we will then shuttle to Carthage.
We did not experience any difficulties picking up the ambassador. Once he was on board, however, it became clear that we had a problem.
Ambassador Crowley is a Demon, from the planet Demos in the Etheril system. Cmdr. Castiel is an Angel, from the planet Angelii in the Etheril system.
These two planets have been at war with each other for-fucking-ever, and I can’t believe Starfleet just royally screwed this one up, SO badly--
...Computer, delete--
Personal Log - Capt. Dean Winchester of the USS Free Will Stardate 2254.272
...that douchebag Crowley has the gall to stand all smug in the transporter room and say that he’s terribly sorry for the confusion and he deeply hopes that the inconvenience won’t be an issue. The dick.
Castiel, on the other hand, was what I’m pretty sure passes as spitting mad on Angelii. I’m not sure how I ever believed he didn’t have any emotions because oh boy were they written all over his face. I’m frankly very surprised he didn’t smite Crowley where he stands for the audacity to come aboard his starship.
This officially puts paid to any belief I had in those rumors about Angels being able to melt eyeballs or kill people with a touch, because if he had those powers, I’m pretty sure Castiel would have used them, rank or no.
Then, as soon as I became aware of this little snafu, I had to go ring up the Admiralty and try to figure out what the fuck was going on. Because the blood feud between the Demons and the Angels was basic knowledge and the first bullet point in the personnel files for everyone from either planet.
There aren’t that many Angels in Starfleet, and even fewer Demons, so I’m not buying Zachariah’s butter-wouldn’t-melt routine. The Free Will is the only ship in the quadrant with any crew member from the Etheril system, so there’s no way we were picked at random to ferry Crowley around.
Someone’s got it out for Castiel, and I won’t stand for...
Captain’s Log - Dean Winchester of the USS Free Will Stardate 2254.312
...injuries acquired while protecting a senior officer from harm. Dr. Winchester has assured me that Cmdr. Castiel will make a full recovery. The arrow that was meant for me hit him in the chest, which would be lethal for a Human, but Angelic biology differs in both the placement of internal organs and their capacity for rapid healing. I have been informed that Cmdr. Castiel can be expected back at his post within the week.
I am recommending commendations for Cmdr. Castiel for bravery under fire and dedication to the lives of crewmembers. I am also recommending commendations to Lt. Mills...
Personal Log - Capt. Dean Winchester of the USS Free Will Stardate 2254.346
...turns out that Cas hasn’t seen any of the new holos with Ford Harrison. Or any of the older ones. Actually, scratch that.
It turns out that Cas hasn’t seen any holos. Not even older two-dimensional films. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.
And that’s a crying shame. I have a large media collection, and I am not afraid to use it. We’ve started weekly movie nights. I’m also trying to introduce him to Earth snacks while I’m at it. Popcorn hasn’t gone over well, but he’s surprisingly into Thin Mints.
After we watch through my entire Ford Harrison collection, I might break out the older classics. Nothing quite like shiny, low-budget, low-tech, computer-animated explosions to lighten the mood.
Captain’s Log - Dean Winchester of the USS Free Will Stardate 2255.11
...seems like the rumors of extrasensory perception have not been exaggerated. Though we were unable to detect any signal on the frequency he described, Cmdr. Castiel has made it clear that he has been summoned back to his home planet for some urgent business.
While the Free Will is technically on a mission to deliver supplies to Lunar Base Kappa, it is not an urgent assignment, so we have time to detour to the Etheril system. If we had not been able to, however, Cmdr. Castiel made it clear that he would be returning to his home planet, with or without the ship.
Personal Log - Capt. Dean Winchester of the USS Free Will Stardate 2255.25
...won’t even talk to me anymore outside of shift! He’s cancelled the last two movie nights, and I swear he’s been avoiding me at mealtimes.
I don’t think I even realized how much time we’d spent together until we stopped.
I’m not sure what those bastards on Angelii did to him, but I swear to god...
Personal Log - Capt. Dean Winchester of the USS Free Will Stardate 2255.47
I’m not sure what finally did it, but he’s talking to me again.
Sammy’s been giving me worried looks for a month, and I’m pretty sure he was working himself up to one of those “you know I care about you, and you’re my brother, but I have to look after the whole ship, and you’re being a dick right now” speeches. Because I totally was. Snappish and frustrated and irritated. ...all because Cas wasn’t returning my calls.
Metaphorically. My metaphorical calls. Because I wasn’t calling him. Obviously.
He’s talking to me again. If I had to put a guess on it, I’d say it probably had something to do with the discussion we had on the Angelii government and social hierarchy. Well, “discussion.”
I might have ranted and yelled at him, but I was concerned, and he didn’t look phased, so I’m not going to worry about crossing any hypothetical boundaries here.
And I’m not sure what it was. But the next morning he met me for breakfast in the mess before shift as if we’d never stopped hanging out. I’m not sure where I went wrong, but I might know how to fix it if it happens again.
Personal Log - Capt. Dean Winchester of the USS Free Will Stardate 2255.93
Someone’s going to die.
I haven’t quite figured out who yet, but they’ve got Zachariah in their pocket, and they’re the ones who called Cas back home, and they’ve got nothing good planned.
I’m not sure what they wanted with Cas, but I deprogrammed him again and I’m keeping him, come hell or high water, so I’d like to see them try and take him again. I’ll be waiting for them.
...Shit. Does this count as a premeditated confession in a court of law? Probably best to be on the safe side then. Just in case. Computer, delete--
Captain’s Log - Dean Winchester of the USS Free Will Stardate 2255.127
...little evidence of large-scale corruption, it is nevertheless apparent that the Daughters of Lucifer were not a small or poorly funded organization.
Their activities - including the targeting of my Chief Science Officer - have been shut down, but I am recommending extensive monitoring of the entire Etheril system, as well as planets with large Angel or Demon populations. Both Abaddon and Ruby have evaded capture and it is not clear what their next moves are.
I am recommending a commendation for creative strategy under pressure for Cmdr. Castiel and commendations for bravery under fire for Cmdr. Harvelle, Cmdr. Castiel, Cmdr. Novak, Lt. Cmdr. Winchester, Lt....
Captain’s Log - Dean Winchester of the USS Free Will Stardate 2255.135
We are hoping for a quiet mission on Altair VII. Cmdr. Novak believes he has devised a way to operate the transporters through an ion storm. Cmdr. Castiel has identified one beginning to brew here in the upper atmosphere, so we’re going to try testing that theory.
Lt. Cmdr. Mills will be leading the away team with Ensigns Jones, Novak, Spengler, and Zeddmore. The primary aim of this mission is to test Cmdr. Novak’s hypothesis by attempting to transport blocks of matter to and from the surface of the planet. The secondary aim of the mission is to take tricorder readings of the air, soil, and native flora.
Cmdr. Castiel will take the conn during this mission, as it falls entirely within the purview of the Science Division. This will also serve as a test of Cmdr. Castiel’s aptitude for command, as Cmdr. Harvelle has indicated that she will be seeking a promotion to captain when we next return to Earth later this year, leaving the First Officer’s position vacant.
Personal Log - Capt. Dean Winchester of the USS Free Will Stardate 2255.165
Sammy’s been giving me weird little half-glances all day, but it wasn’t until I got back to my room ten minutes ago that I figured out why.
It’s been a year since Cas came on board.
Just for kicks and giggles, I went back to listen to the first couple logs I made after he joined the crew. Man, was I wrong back then.
Cas isn’t cold or aloof or emotionless; I just didn’t know how to read him yet. I’m not sure if that’s a Cas thing or more of an Angel thing, but it definitely makes me happy that he’s on board. He’s my best friend, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Between Crowley and Lucifer and all of the day-in, day-out missions we’ve had while boldly going, it’s been a rough year, but never let it be said that the Free Will is boring.
I think I can hear Cas in the hallway, so I’ll cut it short. It’s movie night.
Winchester out.
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thestickchick · 6 years
I Here's what I did in the martial arts - training, reading, writing, etc. - this week. How was your week? TRAINING On Sunday, I helped out at my teacher's monthly Arnis Instructor's course.  This has been a truly fun thing to do and I'll miss them! Packing packing packing... oh yes, Arnis! Wednesday night.  We worked on a variety of drills from the "Kombatan side" of my teacher's blend of Presas Arnis - especially espada y daga, which is always fun! I was given some amazing gifts this week - a polyethylene espada y daga set, and some gorgeous wood training weapons from our friend Skip Todd down in Houston.
Last instructor's class. **sniffles**
I've already been hitting stuff with these bad boys.  Whoo!
The picture doesn't do them justice. Thank you so much, Skip!
Just so's you know, with moving week coming, I'll be working on pre-programming up re-runs of old posts, and there WON'T be a Stick Chicktivity post next weekend.  I will catch up with all y'all with some fresh stuff once I get to Kansas City!
Monday: Conquering Doubts (with Weapons) Tuesday: Viva La Resistance! Wednesday: More on Why the Weapon is NOT Just an Extension of the Empty Hand
Thursday: A Parent's Guide to the Martial Arts
Friday: Questions from Quora: How do you defend yourself without feeling guilty about it?
Prefer getting content from this blog via social media?  Come find us at  Google Plus, Facebook, MeWe, Tumblr, and Twitter!
Diemon Dave - the Hillbilly Ninja (I wrote about him here)  IS BACK!  Find him on Facebook HERE and HERE.  Video language is NSFW, warning.  But make time to watch them. You won't regret it.
Fascinating video on the Quarterstaff (posted at +Martial Arts by Coleman):
I have no words.
And I am so glad we get to wear shoes in Arnis much of the time.
I saw Deadpool 2 last weekend and I'm so happy.  Loved it. Today my school hosts an awesome Kombatan seminar with GM Shelley Millspaugh of Kapitiran Mandirigma.  VERY excited for this one, folks! If you're in the United States, it's a holiday weekend (Memorial Day is Monday).  Have a great one!
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HL Flake presents Social Media Marketing Webinar Monday 3/30/2020 12:00 noon MST Access via computer, smart phone or tablet LINK: JoinIf the button above doesn't work, please copy and paste the following link into your browser:http://tricountylocksmithservice.clickmeeting.com/socia l-media-advanced WhenMonday, March 30, 2020, 12:00 PM America/Denver [GMT -6] convert to my local time ▸Phone access (pin 877122721#) Ask TLA (Texas Locksmith Association), GHLA (Greater Houston Locksmith Association), or Derek Hooker (Prefered Locksmith Seminars) NC about the possibility of earning CEU (continued education credits) For Texas and North Carolina. Mark this in your calander now and make sure you have a quality internet connection. Plug in ethernet is preferred for best results. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-XdpnnFUnK/?igshid=17hwuwpwsb36o
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b2bseoinsights-blog · 5 years
Excavating the Future of Search as Per the Professional B2B SEO Services Experts in Houston In 2020
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This post highlights the strategies that the b2b seo services experts in Houston feel will be very essential in the coming five years and what are the key factors they anticipate Google to observe positively as the search giant constantly updates its algorithm.
Let us explore few vital predictions made by the b2b seo services experts about the future of search in 2020!
Understanding the Future of Search as Per the Professional B2B SEO Services Experts in Houston in 2020:
·SEO Professionals Believe That The Importance of Practice Has Increased:
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An important 75% of SEO experts in Houston believe that b2b seo services in Houston will become even more important in 2020 and beyond. This is not at all surprising in and of itself, however a few more granular details is pretty much enlightening and evident on how variable the SEO industry is. Around 37% strategize to stay in b2b SEO for only 1-3 years and a considerable 23% illustrate their jobs as unstable taking into consideration the Google’s algorithm changes. Moreover, whopping 80% b2b seo experts are worried that the constant Google’s algorithm changes will negatively affect their career. While the respondents are largely optimistic about the requirement for B2B SEO, they are not generally confident that their own jobs in this industry are completely permanent.
·SEO Professionals Must Stay Updated:
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When it about reflecting about their view for the future, there is a wide assortment of strategies b2b seo services experts in Houston are strategizing to execute to keep in touch with the industry changes. The free online courses and training were considered by around 45% of B2B SEO professionals as the best technique for SEO experts to stay updated while functioning in this fast-paced and extremely dynamic industry. Around 42% strategize to expand their skills and around 40.7% point to news or blogs to stay updated with the latest trends. Around 38% SEO experts believe that attending the conferences and seminars will assist them stay updated and around 54% out of them will attend the conferences and seminars.
·Increase in Importance of AI Optimization:
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Beliefs about the importance of specific SEO strategies in 2020 and beyond were a slightly more long-tail. Having said that, 31% of respondents cite AI optimization as effective and worthwhile and 29% see this tactic as being important within the next five years. Mobile stays a huge potential growth region for the b2b seo professionals. Around 20% believe that mobile optimization will amplify its importance in 2020 and in the coming five years. The voice search optimization and targeting featured snippets will also be more and more important among b2b seo services experts in 2020 and beyond.
·SEO Professionals Believe That The Quality Content Is The Top Priority For Google:
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When b2b seo services professionals in Houston have to predict the areas that Google will consider more and more while ranking websites, content comes out right on the top. 46% of SEO professionals believe that the content quality will be very important for Google in 2020 and even after that. Social media share, accessibility and mobile-friendliness are believed to be even more important areas for Google as per over 40% of SEO professionals.
Though the b2b inbound marketing industry is generally positive about the significance of b2B seo services in the future, this research surely emphasizes that the search community is very cautious about the requirement to stay alert in an industry where the top search engines can have huge impact on an individual’s work as budding technologies and client or customer needs do also.
Factors such as content quality, mobile and AI all seem to be top or close to the top of the list for b2b seo services professionals when it’s about predicting the primary areas of concentration in the upcoming few years.
B2B seo services in Houston industry is very dynamic and is still evolving. However, with around 69% of b2b seo experts believe that they are content in their job, b2b seo is evidently a tough and rewarding industry to work in.
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Digital Marketing Seminar - Social Media - Search Engine Optimization
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Based in Houston, TX we offer social media and digital marketing seminars for your team. Learn about google analytics, SEO and online marketing. Locations include Texas and other areas. Contact me today or visit my site to learn more about how I can help you. https://lrtrainingsolutions.com/live/
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fuckyeamia-blog · 5 years
Internet marketing terms
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If you use this image in any way, shape or form, please give credit to: joshmacdonald.net
Tags: search engine optimization tips companies definition tools for dummies jobs basics techniques services pricing (seo) google training salary wordpress software strategies course 2015 articles an hour a day agency austin atlanta all-in-one analyst analysis amazon audit and social media analytics marketing pdf algorithms advantages advertising job description pay-per-click books best practices blog benefits boston business blogger banner backlinks bible by black hat beginners tutorial ppt cost classes certification career consultant checker company reviews conference coursera cincinnati crash online checklist cheat sheet case studies code new york degree dallas diy defined denver domain name dubai delhi do it yourself disadvantages diagram doc drupal duties duplicate content database driven websites download examples etsy experts education explained ebook ethics expert free earn money en español effectiveness executive elements essay francais ebay edmonton ecommerce small firm facts 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white paper web design what why important site word w3schools with example sitemap xml xara webplus x6 x5 yahoo your blueprint effective internet yellow pages yandex bing you gotta use zen cart zenfolio zazzle search-engine-optimization-starter-guide-zh-cn.pdf search-engine-optimization-starter-guide-zh-cn zh tw 2012 2014 photographers handmade jewelry blogspot bangla basic seo-tips-search-engine-optimization.blogspot copywriting matt cutts dan trik easy facebook top 10 pinterest image improve 101 simple ten uk nigeria philippines melbourne sri lanka south africa pakistan agreement ahmedabad australia baltimore chicago california charlotte nc consulting columbus ohio financial houston michigan jaipur singapore johannesburg maryland provider philadelphia ranked rated toronto us that english define wikipedia programs ca submitter submit adalah all one 2nd edition abstract asp.net book 7 dreamweaver documentation dynamic directory employment explanation forum 5th freelance features peter 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Posted by JoshMacDonald on 2016-01-17 17:43:22
Tagged: , internet , marketing , business , blogging , seo , search , engine , optimization
The post Internet marketing terms appeared first on Good Info.
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Why Is Digital Marketing So Important
Why is internet marketing so significant?
The next large hopes for the very best contributes to business growth and career growth.
As the internet users throughout the globe have been improved massively by year on year and as soon as it contrasts to because 2000-2018 the ratio is growing year by year. Currently the fifty percent (50%) of the populace around the world are utilizing the world wide web. And by 2020 the active internet users are crossing 65% of the population across the world.
The main reason to raise the active internet users in last few years is a result of the high usage of tablets tablets, and other smart mobile devices across the world. These are extremely convenient and useful to carry along with individuals where they go. Considering these things the online promotion is a huge and broadly open to all of the people around the globe to connect through multiple devices like (Mobile (Smartphone), Laptop, Desktop, Tablet, Smart TV etc.) So this will help the Digital Marketing industry to expand internationally their online market everywhere without having any stores in a specific place.
Now let us know the significance and the benefits of Digital Marketing. The important thing in the electronic marketing it is extremely simple to adapt and connect with the target market worldwide. There are a number of chapters beneath digital advertising class that's coming with different modules. A couple prime modules information are given below for the reference.
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The prime phases in digital marketing courses
1 Websites (for online presence) 2 Content Marketing 3 SEO/ Search Engine Optimization 4 Google Ads 5 Social Media Marketing/ / Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram etc.. 6 Email Marketing 7 Mobile Marketing 8 Social Media Optimization 9 Online Reputations Management 10 Analytics
So when the industrialist, company operator, service providers understand these approaches why those are extremely vital in the electronic marketing and advertising area and also the need of internet presence for any company in current scenario then this may come to be very easy to implement the online advertising approaches in their field or industry.
Digital Marketing project openings are everywhere around the globe. Need to find out digital advertising and marketing classes thoroughly to perform well in the business. When you complete the digital marketing and advertising training from the institute in Academy, your confidence level would be high and you may easily get the task as wanted.
The Main Channels of Digital Marketing Courses
The online presence is very extremely valuable to any of the company for the present generation in the present marketing situation as with no website or information on internet about your business which can not be obtained away. So that the sites that is getting the complete facts about your company and gives more information for your customers or customers and makes them understand more about your company and its functions. So without the internet existence, it is challenging to reach more people and create the knowledge about the merchandise and manufacturer name.
Content Marketing
Why is articles very crucial in electronic Marketing field or internet marketing? Since the material is the king of all of the other chapters of digital marketing or internet advertising because when customer see a store directly to buy or inquire about some of this product from the shops the shopkeeper will explain them thoroughly the qualities and benefits of the merchandise.
Nevertheless, in regards to the online platform, the content itself will probably act/work as a sales executive or shopkeeper hence here the content will be your representative on behalf of your business. So that the content will attract more client, visitors or business towards your site when you write a unique content on your own page by itself the content begins talking about your products and businesses.
SEO/ Search Engine Optimization
This is among those procedures which enable you to record and operate your websites online or search engines like (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask.com, AOL, Baidu, DuckDuckGo etc.) without creating any payment on them. But the very significant thing in this can be it isn't so simple to position in SERP/ Search engine result page since there are numerous sites have been recorded under these research engine platforms so which must work difficult to rank better in search engine results page. This Procedure is called as an Internet Search Engine Optimization.
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Google Ads
Google ads are one of the best instruments to market the merchandise, services, or brands anywhere and everywhere across the world. The tool Google AdWords which is includes numerous choices within this computer software. Google Ads will provide an immediate result for any campaigns. To make a better a effort of your brand awareness and services the Google advertisements will provide a very good platform to the company owners, corporate businesses as well as the service providers around the world to reach their target audience via the Google AdWords channel. It is one of the main paid modules digital advertising courses.
SMM / / Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is one of the very effective methods in digital marketing and advertising strategies. The social networking marketing tools are included with various social networking sites. The significant SMM tools are (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.) these tools are extremely powerful to get to the people round the world within a couple of seconds of time. By using or implementing the strategies of social networking in any sort of solutions or company area is really likely to give them the hundred% results within their Social Media Marketing efforts. SMM could be learned using electronic advertising and marketing courses.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is one of their very old advertising procedures and effective tactics to send a single newsletter and other topics to the specific person by using the individual's e-mail id. This type will exist in future also, in spite of many others advertising channels, but the e-mail marketing will be continued as earlier with no hamper. As an email advertising methods are completely different compared to other marketing approaches. It is also one of the primary modules of Digital Marketing courses.
Mobile Marketing
The term mobile advertising sounds quite familiar to all us because of the people are extremely comfortable and fond of this device. Thus, this is among the most crucial factors of marketing with this application. There's not any limitation for using of mobile phones and the device will be with the people at all the time. So the mobile marketing which targets the users or audience of active internet users and non-active internet users on their mobile telephones. The distinction between active internet users and non-active net users once the user is utilizing the smartphone with info on his apparatus this is sometimes considered an active online user.
Non-active isn't connected with data or internet. There are a number of alternatives to make it to the non-active internet customers by sending out a text message, voice message and by phoning directly to their contact number and allowing them know about the features and services of the goods. For active internet users, it is possible to directly attain or send into your own inbox (email), WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts as well. Such marketing approaches are followed in mobile marketing. This module is also comprising electronic advertising and marketing classes.
To find out the whole processes of Digital Marketing Courses have to join a reputed electronic advertising and marketing training institute. At the seminar in Bangalore, we train the pupils from fundamentals to advanced degree advertising methods and approaches of internet marketing. That needs to be followed completely and this can enable them to understand each step through their training with practical understanding.
When you read all the above-mentioned info, you can readily understand that the value of digital marketing as well as the tendencies of current internet advertising situations also the benefits and benefits of its implementation in the industry, services or business around the globe to market and attain more your targeted audience/Customers across the planet to secure far better outcomes to the ROI/ return on those investments. Thus the digital advertising industry is going to be the next hopes for superior business results and career growth in coming years. To know more info click Houston Digital Marketing
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meryclayd · 5 years
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I am so honoured and excited to announce that @tntagency and I’ve collaborated … I am so honoured and excited to announce that @tntagency and I've collaborated to carry Houston, LA, Chicago, and Miami the possibility to attend a 1 day floor breaking seminar which can cowl dwell demos, social media ideas, and meet and greets! To buy tickets and get all the main points, click on the Hyperlink in my bio! 🙌🏻
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rickhorrow · 6 years
Rick Horrow’s 10 to Watch : Week of Februrary 18th
MLB in 2019 will "commemorate the 150th anniversary of professional organized baseball with a season-long series of uniform features and content integrations across its league-run media platforms." According to Sports Business Journal, the league's celebration will begin on Opening Day in late March with "special cap patches worn by every player." The cap application has "never been done to celebrate a major anniversary in baseball, but it will be similar to special postseason patches worn on the side of player caps." There also will be a "uniform patch worn all season on the right sleeve of player jerseys." Those sleeve patches "recall similar ones used to celebrate baseball's 100th anniversary" in 1969 and 125th in 1994. MLB also is planning an "extensive series of anniversary-driven multimedia content commemorations of great moments in baseball history that will run on MLB Network, MLB.com and the league's official social media channels.” It truly is a celebratory year, as the NFL is also celebrating its 100th anniversary and other key milestones of sport also unfold, which we will document throughout the year.
Overtime banks $23 million from Carmelo Anthony, Victor Oladipo, Spark Capital, and others. According to Hashtag Sports, the digital sports media startup focused on high-school athletes has raised $23 million in Series B funding. Venture-capital firm Spark Capital led the round, which brings the two-year-old company to $33.5 million raised to date. Others participating include MSG Networks and NBA players Victor Oladipo and Carmelo Anthony. With the latest funding, Overtime has a valuation of around $100 million. The company launched with short-form content centered on high-school basketball stars, and over the past year has expanded its coverage to include soccer, football, esports, and women’s basketball. Overtime also is looking to launch live in-person events and activations and is eyeing international expansion. People continue investing in Overtime because they’ve smartly monetized through branded-content deals and nascent ecommerce and merchandise business, and look to be a rising star in the youth sports digital media space.
U.S. Club Soccer and LaLiga North America have announced an expansion of their technical partnership first signed in August, 2015. The long-term extension continues a valuable relationship in youth soccer that has provided various coaching education resources to the American game, directly educating thousands of coaches and impacting even more players. It also points to LaLiga North America’s commitment to growing soccer in the U.S. LaLiga North America is a joint venture between LaLiga and Relevent Sports, which serves as the exclusive representation of LaLiga in the U.S. and Canada for all business and development activities. The operation supports the league’s growth in the U.S. and Canada through consumer-related activities including youth academies, development of youth soccer coaches, marketing agreements, consumer activations, exhibition matches, a coaching education series, and plans to have an official LaLiga Santander match played in the U.S. In 2019 and beyond, the two organizations plan to increase their Players First commitment by creating additional coaching development opportunities, extending LaLiga scouting to U.S. Club Soccer members, and offering exclusive benefits to Players First-licensed clubs and others.
The Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA), the non-profit association comprising 2,700 men and women professionals overseeing sports fields worldwide and critical to athletes’ safety, received outstanding participation at its 30th annual Conference and Exhibition in Phoenix. Visit Phoenix confirmed the community received over $3 million from total estimated direct expenditures from conference participants including event attendees, exhibitors, and organizers. The Phoenix Convention Center housed more than 2,300 participants including 1,400 sports turf leaders and 900 exhibitors from 14 countries for four days of industry education, networking events, and product demonstrations. The event was highlighted by a volunteer rebuild of Lindo Park baseball field, two “Seminar On-Wheels” tours of Phoenix area sports complexes, SAFE fundraisers, and the STMA Awards Reception and Banquet. SAFE, the association’s charitable foundation, raised nearly $41,000 through a bowling competition, live and silent auctions, raffles, and a golf tournament at Grand Canyon University Golf Course. Proceeds benefit educational programs, scholarships and grants enriching communities through safe, sustainable sports and recreation fields.
NASCAR goes all in on media advertising and teams up with Barstool Sports. With an aging fan base and no consistent uptick in ratings, NASCAR needs a serious revamp. To deal with this, NASCAR is launching an ad campaign for nearly 20 TV markets throughout the United States and has struck a digital partnership with Barstool Sports. According to Sports Business Daily, NASCAR is set to spend between $10 million-$20 million for this advertising campaign set to run throughout 2019 with a new technique of advertisements to be shown during non-NASCAR related programming. NASCAR is planning to launch locally themed ads on local Fox and NBC affiliates in NASCAR markets such as Atlanta, Charlotte, Kansas City, and Orlando/Daytona and such cities as Cleveland, Milwaukee, Raleigh, and Tampa where NASCAR doesn’t yet race. NASCARS’ overall marketing goal will be to tell the stories of its drivers and accompanying teams in hopes of bringing in new fans to the sports while retaining its core fan base.
The Alliance of American Football league is underway and the ratings show that it’s an early hit. The AAF debuted on February 9 on CBS. Surprisingly, according to Yahoo Sports, the new football league was able to pull off better television overnight ratings than a Houston Rockets vs. Oklahoma City Thunder NBA matchup and generally received positive reviews during its opening week. Although the early 2.1 overnight rating beat out the NBA numbers, there was certainly more curiosity about the AAF than a regular-season NBA game. In the past other startup football leagues such as the USFL and XFL performed well at the beginning before excitement quickly fizzled. The challenge for the AAF will be to keep the good times rolling as ratings will be harder to come by when the games are on CBS Sports Network and not CBS in primetime. Ultimately, compelling football will be what keeps fans engaged long term. The AAF will also be competing with the other new football league, the XFL, which is set to launch some time during 2020. The AAF will have to outperform other new football leagues in addition to well-established sports institutions such as the NBA and MLB during the spring and summer months.
Sports entities raise the bar on stylish celebrations of Black History Month. CBS Sports Network celebrates Black History Month with the premiere of “Althea & Arthur,” a documentary highlighting the legacies of Althea Gibson and Arthur Ashe on February 18. The documentary is narrated by Tony Award winning actress Phylicia Rashad and chronicles the impact Gibson and Ashe made to the world of tennis and in advancing civil rights in America during a time of racism and segregation. In Phoenix, The Arizona Republic notes the Suns’ Mikal Bridges, Josh Jackson, Kelly Oubre, and Richaun Holmes have "each worn themed sneakers in February" to celebrate Black History Month. The shoes will be made "available for purchase at the end of the month with the proceeds benefiting Elevate Phoenix, a local non-profit that works with youth." The Suns "commissioned designers to create the custom sneakers, but the players had a say in the theme.”
The PGA Tour continues to drive philanthropy. Last week, insurance firm Burns & Wilcox launched its signature philanthropic initiative Champions & Charities with brand ambassadors Webb Simpson and Jimmy Walker. The company will give a minimum of $50,000 to the charity of the golfers' choice. And the just-completed PGA Tour Genesis Open "will get a big upgrade" beginning in 2020, according to sources, in no small part because of its affiliation with Tiger Woods’ foundation. According to ESPN, the event held at Riviera Country Club and run by Woods' foundation will receive “elevated status,” which means it will have a significantly higher purse – growing to $9.3 million, as well as offer  a three-year PGA Tour exemption to the winner (up from two years), and have an invitational field" of 120 players rather than 144. The best thing that Woods could do to boost its prominence? Win the event.
As the 2019 NASCAR season opens at Daytona, Dale Earnhardt Jr. volunteered on a chainsaw crew as they "cleaned up debris from Hurricane Michael" in Panama City, Florida. According to the Charlotte Observer, Earnhardt "joined a crew from Team Rubicon, the non-profit group of veterans that teams with first responders.” Likewise, NASCAR driver Kurt Busch will "pay for and give away 100 tickets" for each Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series race this season to military members and veterans. The giveaway is in "partnership with the Veterans Tickets Foundation." NASCAR continues to be a team player and major contributor off the racetrack as well as working hard to keep sports fans’ focus on its racing circuit, state of the art facilities likeD, and high profile drivers.
USA BMX, Mongoose team up For STEM education initiative. USA BMX has signed a deal with the Mongoose bicycle brand to bring science, math, engineering and technology training to U.S. schools in a joint program that is projected to reach 225,000 students in 2019. Additionally, according to Sports Business Journal, Mongoose has hired nine-time USA BMX amateur national champion and USA BMX Foundation Marketing Coordinator Justin Posey as a sponsored rider and education ambassador. Interestingly, the Mongoose bicycle brand is owned by Pacific Cycle, a division of Montreal-based Dorel Industries.
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bloomsburgu · 8 years
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Alumna has dream experience at Super Bowl LI
In a span of just nine months, Rosie Langello went from interviewing fellow classmates at Bloomsburg University to covering NFL legends at Super Bowl LI.
Langello, a recent mass communications graduate now studying at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, spent time in Houston with her sports specialization program reporting on different aspects of the Super Bowl experience.
“Each student was at a different event and we transitioned from each event telling stories all around Houston,” said Langello, adding fellow classmates received NFL pass credentials and covered stories from all over the city.
One of Langello’s stories was on cancer survivors who were attending the Super Bowl. However, her most memorable experience was attending a press conference.
Not only did she get the opportunity to sit in a room with the Super Bowl MVP and the only coach-quarterback duo to win five Super Bowls but also got to sit among many prestigious journalists whom she had studied.
“It was my first ever press conference, and I got to be in that atmosphere,” Langello said. “It was surreal.”
Langello’s goal for next year is to be in Minnesota for Super Bowl LII and then to attend every Super Bowl after that. She loves the adrenaline rush and the intense atmosphere of the whole event.
“In 72 hours, I think I got 16 hours of sleep,” Langello said. “I barely ate or drank anything, because I was running around like a maniac. It was so worth it.”
Langello owes her prior experience interviewing athletes and covering events to BU’s sports information office and sports information director, Tom McGuire. That BU experience helped remind her to relax during an interview she had with former NFL player, Chris Draft.
She also is thankful for John Koslosky, instructor of mass communications, for teaching her how to tell compelling stories and report well.
Coming from a family of diehard Eagles fans and as a Cam Newton fan herself, Langello didn’t have a certain rooting interest between the Atlanta Falcons and New England Patriots. All she wanted was to see a good game of football, and that’s exactly what she got.
“A year ago, I never thought I would end up in Houston covering Super Bowl 51,” said Langello, who will be back on campus March 24 to talk about her Super Bowl experience and how graduate school is shaping her future as a journalist. “It’s crazy what happens when you work extremely hard.”
— Hannah Miller, history major
Mass Communications Tracks
Telecommunications — Studies include video production, video editing, broadcast journalism, programming and management. Students can also study sports, documentary, corporate video or dramatic/comedy production. Journalism — Studies include online journalism, editing, feature writing, magazine editing and production, public affairs reporting, and broadcast journalism.
Public Relations — Studies include public relations theory and practice, publicity and public relations, PR cases and problems, as well as options in video production, feature writing, online journalism, introduction to business, economics, marketing principles and practices and advertising management. As a capstone, students participate in a mass communications seminar, practicum or internship.
Emergent Media — Studies in Emergent Media develop the skills employers are looking for in web design, visual communication, social media, and other new media technologies.
A minor in emergent media in mass communications provides students in disciplines outside of the major with a broad background in emergent media and its functional uses. The program will enable students to develop a strong foundation in emerging media, particularly in the areas of new communication technologies, website development and design, and visual communications within a mass communications context. 
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Kali Muscle Going To TEXAS
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Event Dates: Saturday, June 3, 2017 10AM-6PM Sunday, June 4, 2017 10AM-7PM TICKETS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/american-fitness-expo-tickets-29718836841 American Fitness Expo is Houston’s Largest Health, Fitness and Sports Expo for all ages. Our 2017 floorplan is nearly 200,000SF and will include activities for the whole family. We are proud to bring you the biggest names in the fitness industry with guest ranging from Bodybuilders, Powerlifters, Strongman Competitors, TV personalities, Olympic gold medalist, Triathlon Competitors, Professional Boxers, MMA fighters, Motivational speakers and many more. We will have over 50,000SF for competitions including Strongman, Powerlifting, an obstacle course challenge for kids and adults, several more competitions to be announced. A 15,000SF seminar area with guest like Kali Muscle, Dana Lynn Bailey, Jay Cutler CT Fletcher and many more. motivational seminars, fitness entrepreneurship workshops, weight loss workshops, healthy lifestyle seminars and more. A 15,000 SF kid zone will be added to our 2017 expo including an obstacle course challenge, several giant bouncers, Face painters, a SuperHero Hangout and more. NRG Park will host two events June 3 from 10AM-6PM & June 4 from 10AM-7PM Ticket Information Ages 2 & up require a ticket. Tickets are $35 per day or $55 for a weekend pass. VIP tickets are available for purchase. Parking Parking is $12 per space.*Cash only *Parking rates are subject to change without notice. ▶︎ MY CLOTHES ▶︎ http://kalimuscleshop.com ▶︎ MY EBOOKS ▶︎http://www.kalimusclebooks.com ▶︎ HYPHY MUD ▶︎ http://www.hyphymud.com ▶︎ MUSIC ▶︎ https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/kali-muscle/id677825364 🔻 FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA🔻 ▶︎ TWITCH http://twitch.com/kalimuscle ▶︎ SUBSCRIBE YOUTUBE ▶︎ http://full.sc/1rgLfsM ▶︎ MY WEBSITE ▶︎ http://kalimuscle.com ▶︎ FACEBOOK ▶︎ http://facbook.com/realkalimuscle ▶︎ INSTAGRAM ▶︎ http://instagram.com/kalimuscle ▶︎ TWITTER ▶︎ http://twitter.com/kalimuscle ▶︎ SNAPCHAT ▶︎ http://snapchat.com/kalimusclesnap
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Affiliate marketing
If you use this image in any way, shape or form, please give credit to: joshmacdonald.net
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The post Affiliate marketing appeared first on Good Info.
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cathrynstreich · 5 years
Branding and Influencing, the Team Way
(Above) The Adam Olsen Team (partly pictured) is the No. 6 social media team in the U.S.
Adam Olsen has achieved much in five short years.
After graduating high school, he began his career in real estate solo—but there were challenges.
“It took me over seven months to sell my first property,” explains Olsen. “I ended up teaming up with an individual in the office, and from there, we just grew.”
Now, as leader of The Adam Olsen Team, based in Greater Houston, Olsen oversees 22 agents and staff, with headquarters in Huntsville. He attributes the group’s growth largely to marketing on social media, driven by a Facebook following of 48,000, and ads reaching upwards of 200,000. In fact, in 2018, Property Spark ranked The Adam Olsen Team No. 6 for social media in the U.S., and Olsen himself was ranked Texas’ top social media influencer by Top Agent Magazine.
(L to R) Andrew Richey of The Adam Olsen Team; Dr. Phil McGraw; and Adam Olsen
A born motivator, Olsen is also a public speaker, and has participated in seminars with Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak, Dr. Phil McGraw and others, championing the entrepreneurial spirit. Here, he discusses operating a team, and his advice for new teams.
Suzanne De Vita: Adam, you’ve cultivated a major presence on social media… Adam Olsen: Our biggest asset to any consumer choosing The Adam Olsen Team is the online marketing that we have on Facebook, as well as other social media. We were actually ranked No. 1 in the state of Texas and No. 6 in the U.S. and Canada for online and social media marketing by Property Spark in 2018. We reach 200,000 to half a million people a month on Facebook ads online. We have about 48,000 followers on Facebook. That’s why, generally, consumers choose to go with us. I will always invest heavily in online marketing. A lot of people don’t like Zillow, realtor.com® and similar websites, but my mentality is, ‘If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.’ That’s just the way we’ve always operated.
SD: You have a fairly large team. Do you have meetings regularly? AO: We meet every Wednesday and go over what agents and team members may need help with—issues that they may have encountered that week, etc. We also hold trainings every Wednesday. A couple times a year, we’ll go out to an event—a Grant Cardone event, we’ll have our Christmas party or go to a fun place like Top Golf or race go-karts, just to have fun and keep morale going. SD: How do you distribute leads? AO: Leads go through our automated system, except for call-ins. People can schedule time to take our team phone, which is a cell phone that we rotate between agents. It is the only number online for our team. In addition to that, all of our Zillow, realtor.com and other online leads feed into our CRM follow-up process. They get distributed evenly on a round robin to all of our agents.
The Adam Olsen Team
SD: How do you determine who fits with your team? What characteristics or criteria are you looking for? AO: We like to hire individuals with at least somewhat of an experience, whether it be a year-plus or two years-plus experience with at least a couple of transactions. That’s not to say we won’t hire someone new, but you really have to fit into the puzzle if you’re brand-new. We’re generally looking for highly motivated, driven individuals. That’s our biggest thing: people that are willing to work, because a lot of agents aren’t willing to invest the time and energy.
SD: What advice would you give an agent that’s considering forming a team, or to a team that’s just starting out? AO: Keep your head down and keep going. In this business, there’s a lot of ups and downs, and it’s easy to get caught up in the downs, because there are a lot of them. You get difficult clients or transactions that completely go south, and it’s hard to remove yourself personally because a lot of times you do take it personally, whether they’re friends or family or people you’ve gotten close to. If you take care of your clients, in return, they’re going to take care of you. Most of our business comes from referrals and online marketing. Those two are very important to us, and we’ve built what we have today because of them.
Suzanne De Vita is RISMedia’s online news editor. Email her your real estate news ideas at [email protected].
The post Branding and Influencing, the Team Way appeared first on RISMedia.
Branding and Influencing, the Team Way published first on https://thegardenresidences.tumblr.com/
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Digital Marketing Seminar - Social Media - Search Engine Optimization
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Based in Houston, TX we offer social media and digital marketing seminars for your team. Learn about google analytics, SEO and online marketing. Locations include Texas and other areas. https://lrtrainingsolutions.com/live/
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josephborrello · 5 years
Magnitude and Direction, Issue #39 | 9 Aug 2019
Hardware, Prototyping, and Fabrication
It's the dog days of summer, which means it's time to ask the age-old question: is it better to wear a white shirt, or a black shirt? These all-paper mechanisms put your typical pop-up book to shame. It turns out we don't really understand how tape works. ‍♂️ I don't really wear hair clips, but I think I need to get this one(which doubles as a multi-tool).
Software and Programming
One of the most persistent and insidious computer worms in history infected 10 million computers, but it was never used to initiate an attack. (Also, did you know I don't have a worm emoji?) The NSA open-sourcing its code might seem counterintuitive but a lot of the technology they develop for... security? surveilance? spying? can also have a lot of useful applications in the general software development space - with the proper pre-release modifications. The best way to gird yourself against fake news is to play a game where you're tasked with creating fake news. From Gizmodo via the NYC Media Lab: "It's grim, but true: 'once you die, your image is kind of a part of the public domain,' attorney Joseph Rothberg tells Gizmodo. For some dead celebrities, rights are controlled by heirs. So, for example, Whitney Houston's sister-in-law and former manager Pat Houston calls the shots for Whitney's upcoming hologram tour. For-profit moves like these are the estate's decision, but making holograms for personal purposes? Legally, anyone can double your likeness whether you're alive of dead." Why did I use the computer/laptop emoji with each of these articles? Well, I hadn't initially realized I had already used it once when I added the second one so I decided to just keep going with it for every article in this section.
Science, Engineering, and Biomedicine
A volcanic eruption from the ground? Scary. A volcanic eruption from space? Beautiful. Do you go on dates for the free food (aka a "foodie call")? You might score high on the "dark triad" of personality traits, too. Everything you need to know about Uranium.
Mapping, History, and Data Science
What are the densest square kilometers in your city? The way New York jumps around from neighborhood-to-neighborhood is absolutely fascinating to me. From Ingrid Burrington, a civic-minded techie and dataviz artist I recently discovered: How much does it cost us when the MTA raises fairs? Could taxis be the solution to urban data collection? These initial results are certainly promising.
Events and Opportunities
Hold on to your hats, kids. We've got a lot of stuff coming up...
TONIGHT, 8/9 Uptown nanotech enthusiasts, this is your moment! Nanotech NYC's next Nanonite Social is being held at Harlem Tavern.
TOMORROW (& 8/17) If you've ever wanted to know what it's like to walk through the streets of New York City without getting hit by a car, you can find out tomorrow (and next Saturday) at Summer Streets, the annual multi-mile street fair held the first three Saturdays in August.
Tuesday, 8/13 Join the New York Biopharma networking group for their August meetup, back at Tir Na Nog in midtown.
Tuesday, 8/13 Celebrate the Summer season at this a special event where IFP members, the Media Center community, and DUMBO neighbors collide. Whether you’re a longtime supporter of either of those communities or just want to learn what IFP stands for and what the Media Center does, this event is for you! Meet and mingle while enjoying complimentary beer, wine, and snacks.
Thursday, 8/15 The Health-Tech Connect meetup group is gathering once again, this time for some drinks, snacks, and informal discussions over at Earl's Beer & Cheese for a special happy hour.
Thursday, 8/15 Join the Hackaday Make It NYC meetup at Kickstarter where Supplyframe's Giovanni Salinas, Sophi Kravitz, and Majenta Strongheart whill host an interactive workshop covering all things product development.
Thursday, 8/22 The Nanotech NYC meetup group heads to New Lab in Brooklyn for their next Nanochats seminar, featuring group leader Jacob Trevino. He'll be discussing the all-important topic of nanotechnology's role in society.
Some other upcoming events to keep on your radar...
Friday, 8/23 Join the New York Academy of Sciences for a brainy comedy night where local scientists will attempt to confirm the hypothesis that science does indeed have a sense of humor.
Friday, 8/23 NYDesigns holds its third community lunch, a great place to meet other inventors, tinkerers, and awesome startups working in and around NYC.
Wednesday, 8/28 The NY/NJ chapter of the Society for Conservation GIS are gathering for an informal chat over snacks and drinks. Come network with the organizing committee and other members of the chapter. If your map-minded data enthusiast like myself, they're always looking for volunteers, presenters, and suggestions for activities.
Wednesday, 9/4 The Transit Techies meetup is back with all of your favorite transit-and-data-related projects. If you like trains, data science, and/or the view from Hudson Yards, I highly recommend you check out what is one of my favorite meetups.
Wednesday, 9/4 NYDesigns is hosting is next Women in Tech Happy Hour at Bierocracy in Long Island City. As always, individuals who identify as female and men are also welcome to attend.
Thursday, 9/5 Join Columbia Nano Labs for their annual Industry Day conference. Learn how you can use and leverage the Nano Labs facilities, hear from a panel of entrepreneurs who have done just that, and listen to faculty and technical experts discuss the way these sophisticated tools contribute to cutting-edge research.
Monday, 9/9 Small science gets a big showcase at Nano Day at the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center. Learn about some of the most exciting nanotechnology research and innovations coming from the NYC area and meet other technologists working in the field.
Wednesday, 9/11 Scientists, researchers, cartographers, artists, andeveryone in between will be gathering together at Peculier Pub for the next SciArt mixer.
Wednesday, 9/25 Coming off their 1st birthday party, the NYC JLABS crew is taking a short break for the summer but will be back in September for their next Innovators and Entrepreneurs mixer.
Wednesday, 9/25 The RobotLab meetup's September event focuses on the good, the bad, and the ugly of Industry 4.0 and autonomous manufacturing.
October 11-16 Innovation Week at Mount Sinai. What started as just the SINAInnovations conference is now a week's worth of activities dedicated to bringing New York's biomedical innovation communities together. Here's the full lineup:
Friday-Sunday, 10/11-13 Mount Sinai Health Hackathon. The 4th annual Mount Sinai Health Hackathon will be an exciting 48-hour transdisciplinary competition focused on creating novel technology solutions for problems in healthcare. This year’s theme is Artificial Intelligence – Expanding the Limits of Human Performance.
Tuesday, 10/15 Careers & Connections 2019. October may feel far away, but I promise you it's not and you'll want to be sure to mark your calendars for our next big event, the Careers & Connections mini-conference and networking event, held concurrently with emerging healthcare technologies conference SINAInnovations.
Tuesday & Wednesday, 10/15-16 SINAInnovations Conference. The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai is hosting its eighth annual SINAInnovations conference around the theme of Artificial Intelligence. A range of talks andpanels will focus on the explosive growth of AI in our society and in particular in medicine, featuring international thought leaders across the range of relevant domains.
Saturday, 10/26 The Future of Care conference is back at Rockefeller University featuring some of the latest breakthroughs in clinical care and the innovators helping shepherd them from bench to bedside. Apply to attend the conference by September 6th.
Map of the Month
What will the climate in your city feel like in 60 years?
Odds & Ends
All you need to make this furniture is plywood or MDF, and a large enough router.
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