#michel butor
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ozkar-krapo · 22 days ago
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Henri POUSSEUR [w/. Michel BUTOR]
"La Rose des Voix"
(LP. Igloo. 1985) [BE/FR]
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professeur-stump · 1 year ago
Le monstre lion jaillissant
[…]  marchant sur des trognons juste jetés parmi les buis (un manteau noir dans le clair de lune) — poux et puces —,  « et puisque vous le permettez, je vous dirai franchement que toutes vos fées, tous vos palais et tous vos meubles ne sauraient me récompenser un moment de votre présence, et vous voulez que j'en sois tout à fait privée, car je ne puis appeler présence une perpétuelle métamorphose.  — Crois-tu que dans le monde on puisse tout avoir ? »  lui répond le monstre lion jaillissant, craint dans les cieux, craint sur la Terre, […]
(Michel Butor, Répertoire V)
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aramielles · 11 months ago
faudrait je fasse un liveblog de moi en train de lire l’emploi du temps (flemme) mais jacques (lol) chouchou, go out and touch some EFFING GRASS
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davidlavieri · 11 months ago
This is where my real research begins; for I will not rest content with this vague abridgement, I will not let myself be cheated of that past which, I well know, is not an empty past, since I can assess the distance that divides me from the man I was when I arrived, not only the extent to which I have been bogged down and bewildered and blinded but also the gains I have made in some spheres, my progress in the knowledge of this town and its inhabitants, of its horror and its moments of beauty; for I must regain control of all those events which I feel swarming within me, falling into shape despite the mist that threatens to obliterate them, I must summon them before me one by one in their right order, so as to rescue them before they have completely foundered in that great morass of slimy dust, I must rescue my own territories foot by foot from the encroaching weeds that disfigure them, from the scummy waters that are rotting them and preventing them from producing anything but this brittle, sooty vegetation.
Michel Butor, Passing Time
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marcogiovenale · 1 year ago
"modificazioni. una serata poetica italo-francese" (villa medici, roma, 15 settembre 2016)
Registrazione dell’incontro “Modificazioni. Una serata poetica italo-francese”. Con Jean-Marie Gleize, Marco Giovenale, Michele Zaffarano. Interventi critici di Luigi Magno e Andrea Cortellessa. Roma, Accademia di Francia a Villa Medici, 15 settembre 2016. «L’incontro analizza la situazione attuale della poesia e della narrativa in Italia e in Francia, a partire dal romanzo di Michel Butor del…
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unionizedwizard · 5 months ago
Prologue and Book-bosomed for the ask game!
Prologue: What is a book that hasn’t been released that you want to read?
if it counts? @/cryptotheism's upcoming book on occultism is making me go 👁👁
Book-bosomed: what is a book you feel everyone should read?  
actually a good question, because i don't believe any single book is good for everyone, especially considering a book that was a miss at 16 might become your favorite, life-altering book at 23, and also because i have. i think? specific tastes so my favorite books are all some weird shit (complimentary)
everyone should experience The Wasteland. WHETHER you like it or not. go there. go in the modernist petri dish slash alembic post WWI hallucination poetry collection. also dont try to solve or understand it Just Vibe. like i cannot overstate how crucial it is that you Literally Just Vibe With It.
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polishmodels · 2 months ago
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Michelle Gutknecht, Sylwia Butor, Marta Iwanska, Asia Piwka - Undress Code Party 2024 campaign
Photographed by Dorota Szulc
source: pl.undress-code.com; instagram.com
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crazy-so-na-sega · 11 months ago
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Da dieci o vent'anni non succede quasi più nulla in letteratura. C’è un profluvio di pubblicazioni, ma un arresto spirituale. La causa è una crisi della comunicazione. I nuovi mezzi di comunicazione sono ammirevoli, ma provocano un baccano mostruoso.
-Michel Butor
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weavingwater · 15 days ago
biting and staring. i need to read more michel butor.
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s0laceins0litude · 5 months ago
june 3rd ✸ p.47 clf6 //50 Les Labyrinthes - Sous la direction de Malek Abbou
“*Écrire son histoire revient donc à en communiquer le vertige*, […] reconnaître ce lien paradoxal d’enfermement et d’affranchissement, d’égarement et de reconquête de soi.” p.9
“Il apparaît aussi comme une convaincante traduction topologique de l’univers, cette *sphère infinie où le centre est partout et la circonférence nulle part.*" p.9 // J’ai lu cette phrase au musée, à Lausanne avec Maman, et je l’avais déjà inexplicablement notée.
"Le cosmos est pratiquement le plus petit trou où l'homme puisse cacher sa tête." - Gilbert K. Chesterton, p.10
"Ce travail d'intensités secrètes qui mobilise en tours et détours la pensée ne retrouve-t-il pas le rhyme originel des premiers labyrinthes tracés par les hommes? N'en va-t-il pas de même chaque fois que *la parole restructure la mémoire*?" p.13 // Le fait que penser est labyrinthique et un processus d'égarement autant que de "retrouvaille". Qu'il est intense et peut-être même déroutant, si on me pardonne le jeu de mot. Et il est vrai: la parole restructure la mémoire. La question est, est-ce qu'elle la recrée aussi? *Les murs ont-ils changé de place?*
"*Un homme se possède par éclaircies, et même quand il se possède, il ne s'atteint pas tout à fait.*" - Antonin Artaud, p.14
"pour parvenir à la connaissance de soi, construire un labyrinthe qui vous ressemble." - André Pieyre de Mandiargues, p.15 // Sounds like writing one's own equation, which sounds just as right. Drawing oneself. less as a problem, more like a structure to explore and understand to see as a whole and not see it as daunting.
Just learned about the Jōmon people in prehistorical Japan, & they're what inspired the Sheikah in BOTW!
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Fire-flame cooking vessel (Ka'en Doki), c. 2500 BCE, Japan, Jōmon Period -- Cleveland Museum of Art
"Nous sommes toujours dans le labyrinthe, à la fois monstres et victimes, tant que nous ne devenons pas libérateurs." Michel Butor, p.24
"*j'ai [...] passé mon temps à le perdre*" p.25
Sur la Quinta da Regaleira, Sintra, Portugal: "Semés de références secrètes à la franc-maçonnerie, la symbolique templière et l'alchimie; ces lieux abritent le très curieux Puits d'éternité, qui est plus justement *une tour inversée plongeant sous la terre*. Accompagné d'un ami cinéaste, nous y sommes descendus par un escalier de pierre voûté en colimaçon, *d'abord en bavardant, puis à mesure que l'enténèbrement gagnait, dans le plus parfait des silences*. Expérience dérangeante que cette catabase en neuf paliers faisant écho à la géométrie de l'enfer que Dante décrivait dans la Divine Comédie." p.25 // Reading this account of a visit of this weird site I had already heard about made me feel the word, liminal feeling I love about eerie places. Silence truly says the most about human experience.
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"une ligne qui éclate en mille aberrations" - Henri Michaux, p.29
"Symptomatique d'*un rapport altéré au devenir*, l'actuelle reviviscence du labyrinthe révèle peut-etre un désir, conscient ou non, de faire jouer cet immémorial symbole comme une puissance protectrice, capable d'exorciser les peurs en les tirant à soi." p.29
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dipnotski · 6 months ago
Roland Barthes – Albüm (2024)
Roland Barthes’ın yüzüncü doğum yılını kutlama vesilesiyle hazırlanan ‘Albüm’, genel hatlarıyla kronolojik sıraya göre düzenlenmiş mektuplaşmalardan bir seçkiyle birlikte, Barthes’ın daha önce yayınlanmamış bir dizi metnini barındırıyor. ‘Albüm’de Raymond Queneau, Maurice Blanchot, Jean Genet, Michel Foucault, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Georges Perec, Michel Butor, Julia Kristeva ve Jean Starobinski…
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x00151x · 1 year ago
Efemérides literarias: 14 de septiembre
Nacimientos 1580: Francisco de Quevedo, escritor español (f. 1645).1851: Octave Uzanne, escritor y periodista francés (f. 1931).1895: Ezequiel Martínez Estrada, escritor argentino (f. 1964).1897: Eduardo Blanco Amor, escritor y periodista español (f. 1979).1920: Mario Benedetti, escritor uruguayo (f. 2009).1926: Miguel Brascó, escritor y periodista argentino (f. 2014).1926: Michel Butor,…
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chansonsinternationales · 2 years ago
Histoire de la poésie : les calligrammes
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davidlavieri · 1 year ago
They're good machines, granted, quite as good as any others, very fine articles that work beautifully, but that's quite outside your department, your duties or concerns, for you've nothing to do with the production side: you've merely got to see that people buy a Scabelli rather than an Olivetti or a Hermes, and that, naturally, without any really valid reason; it's a game that's quite amusing sometimes, an exhausting game, a game that leaves you hardly any respite, a remunerative game, a game which might destroy you utterly like a vice, but which hasn't done so, since today you're free, since you're going to find your freedom, which is called Cécile; and so no doubt, in spite of your material wealth and his too obvious indigence, you are more to be pitied than he, because he's doing what interests him, because his whole life is centred round what he enjoys, if you hadn't got that splendid love, that proof of your independence, that proof that you've been successful on both planes, since on the one hand you've gor nearly enough money and on the other you're still young enough in spirit to be able to make good use of it in a wonderful life of adventure.
Michel Butor, Changing Track
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marcogiovenale · 2 years ago
https://www.mtmteatro.it/events/era-come-se-nessuno-avesse-visto/ «Va bene, adesso prendiamo e cominciamo a pensare, adesso ci mettiamo a riflettere sul fatto che ci stiamo raccogliendo tutti quanti noi che siamo qui, noi che qui ci siamo incontrati e qui ci siamo raccolti, noi che cominciamo a raccoglierci qui, e allora infatti raccogliamoci, allora, visto che veniamo qui per raccoglierci, e…
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cerentari · 2 years ago
Una poesia di Michel Butor (in italiano e nelle versione originale)
Michel Butor (1926 – 2016) è stato un poeta e scrittore francese. Come scrittore di romanzi è assimilato al nouveau roman. LETTURE TRANSATLANTICHE Inerpicarsi con la serpescivolare tra le righeruggire con la panterasceverare il minimo segnocrogiolarsi nella sabbiaconiugarsi nell’erbafiorire in tutta pelle Tuffarsi con il delfinonavigare di frase in frasesentire il sale nelle veleaspirare nel…
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