#michael emerson tlb
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bbyvrtx · 1 month ago
Poly!The Lost boys(+Michael & Star) with a Zero filter reader Crack post.
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Pairing: POLYTLB + Michael & Star//Reader Warnings: Sexual innuendos, I may or may not have said some of these things .. Just pure crack. Everyone is a full vampire in this. Note: some quotes from movies, and from funny tiktok's Youtube videos. -Reader will automatically be considered one of the "Terror Twins" with Marko and Paul. -Sometimes every time, Star will cover her mouth and gasp at what comes out of your mouth. * This one time, you were all at the boardwalk when a cold gust of wind went by you guys, and out of nowhere you say "Ohhhhh-" you shiver, raising your shoulders as you lul out the 'Oooo' sound musically and say "I just felt my nipples harden" as you feel chills run across your body. - You get 6 different pairs of eyes on you. You look up and see them all staring at you. - Marko and Paul giggle. - David shakes his head, hiding his grin behind his cigarette. -Dwayne snickers, it was small as he tried covering it up and playing it off as if he had an itch on his upper lip. -Star looks at you with wide eyes and mouth agape as a gasp was let out. -Michael just stands there like "wtf?????"
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(bro's genuinely concerned) -Michael does laugh later on though; Covering his face as if he was the one that said it as he nearly dies *again*, from laughter. -Will they let you *un*-live that down?? No. Do they tease you about it later? abso-fucking-lutley ------------------------------------------------- -IT'S GIVING DEADPOOL ISTG -Cue reader rolling around the cave on davids wheelchair and bumping into shit. "That was already fallen when I got here!" knocks something else over. "that too!" ----------------------------------------------
Reader: *Throws out a skittle* Marko: Don't do that! What if a bird picks it up and chokes on it?! Reader: "Then it'll taste the rainbow while he goes out" --------------------------------------------------
Reader: "My mouth needs a hole in it." Paul and Marko at the same time: "But your mouth already has a hole in it."
One day, you were all watching some movie about this girl that has sexual dreams but is a virgin and you say - "She may be a virgin on the outside- but mentally every hole has been filled and used COUNTLESS of times" Cue David saying: "Like you?" "But I'm not a virgin... I have six hypersexual vampire lovers that make that impossible" ... yeah- that movie was not in anyone's attention to for a W H I L E. --------------------------------------------------
Paul: “He has a butt chin”
Reader: “How ‘bout you sit your butt on my chin?”
Star: “..WHAT?!” Reader: “What??”
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gothamslostboy · 2 years ago
Michael for the character bingo:):)
Thank you for the ask and especially thank you for choosing Michael, he’s my favorite rn:]
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persephone-s-moon · 2 months ago
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You're one of us now, Michael
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bornfreakdraws · 1 year ago
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*arrives 37 years late to the party* so uhhh 'The Lost Boys' (1987) huh
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gayassmullethaircut · 2 months ago
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bbyvrtx · 2 months ago
I need some Michael x reader NEOW.. there isn't enough Michael x reader out there and its sad. I mean yeah sure, being his sibling is cute- but if I have to I'll go full on Game of Thrones on his ass if I have to..
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lost-in-the-shadows · 10 months ago
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barbara-on-myspace · 4 months ago
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Lost Boys POV:
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They’re sooo important to me
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gryphonsthing · 3 months ago
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This is all I got
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bbyvrtx · 1 month ago
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gothamslostboy · 2 years ago
Male S/O
Werewolf S/O
Random Head Canons
please read rules on my navigation before requesting
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what-we-do-in-santa-carla · 7 months ago
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williamprattz · 11 months ago
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FTLOH 2023 | David & Micheal’s relationship
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the-avengers-not-the-nazis · 8 months ago
Bad moon rising I
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Summary: After a nasty divorce, you and your family are forced to live with your Grandpa in the lovely notorious Santa Carla, California. Filled with punks, geeks, surfer nazis and apparently all kinds of creatures of the night.
Word count: 3.1k
Poly!lost boys x Emerson!reader
[1] [2] [3] [4]
A/n: This is the first time writing for the lost boys, I will let yall know if there are any major warnings in each chapters or not. But I hope that you guys enjoy reading the first chapter.
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‘Don't go around tonight
Well it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise’
Your legs were killing you. 
After hours of sitting in the back seat of the Land Cruiser, you were growing restless. And Nanook didn’t really help when the dog draped his entire body over your lap, his weight making both of your legs go numb. 
You could hear the sounds of your brothers and mom arguing over which radio station they should listen too for the rest of the drive. The occasional static from the radio making you roll your eyes. 
Maybe your legs weren’t the only thing tired from the long drive, maybe the voices of your family were starting to drive you crazy. 
“Oh,” your mom suddenly said, turning up the music that was currently on. “This one is from my generation.” A smile inched its way on your face as you watched mom dance along to the music. 
Both Sam and Micheal turned to face each other, a soft grin playing other lips as they listened to the ole timey song. “Keep going.” They said together. 
“Ok, ok, I get it.” Mom said as she switched the channel. “My music isn’t hip enough for you guys.”
You leaned forward in your seat, hand resting on Nanooks fur to keep him still. “Hip?” 
“Yeah, you know. Cool, fresh, narly.” Your mom told you, bringing her hand up to do a surfers hand gesture. 
You glanced over at Micheal, trying to see if he too was hearing what mom was describing. He just gave you a playful eye roll, and a shake of his head. Not wanting to tell mom that nobody actually used those words in real life. 
“We’re almost there.” Your mom told you in a sing song manor. 
Glancing past Micheal you saw a billboard, the words Welcome to Santa Carla read across the front, an image of the towns beach drawn on cartoonishly. 
Sam let out a gag, his nose turnt up towards the window. “What’s that smell?” He asked, quickly rolling up the glass to try and block the stench from entering the car. 
Mom closed her eyes, taking a long sniff of the outside breeze. “That’s the ocean air, baby”
“It smells like someone died.”
You snorted at your youngest brothers comment, he wasn’t totally wrong. The saltyness that suffocated the air around you was a bit much, but you’d grow used to it, you all will eventually. 
“Look guys, I know the last year has been tough.” Mom said, glancing back at the rear view mirror at both you and Micheal. “But I think your really gonna like it here.”
You couldn’t count on either hands on how many times your mother had said those exact words to you three. It always starts with the ‘I know’ and always ends in your really gonna like this place. But, if you were being a hundred percent honest you missed back home. 
All of your friends and what’s left of your now broken family is all back home in Phoenix. And you know that mom is doing all that she can to keep everything positive, but deep down you know that the divorce is hurting her just as badly as it is hurting you and your brothers. 
As the car continued to drive down the road, you watched as the sign showed the back. It was packed with graffiti art and even a couple of stickers stuck to wood. But, what caught your attention most was the five letter word painted in black and red. 
Murder capital of the world.
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Upon entering Santa Carla, you’ve noticed that there is just about any type of person you could imagine walking along the streets. There were girls in bathing suits, guys with halve shaved heads, groups of tourists, the locals, nerds, jocks. Hell you even saw a dog with its fur colored pink. 
You just hoped that at night the people were better looking. 
Mom pulled beneath the cover of a food shack, allowing everyone to step out and get some fresh air after ten hours on the road. Sam leashed up Nanook and took him to the bathroom, also venturing his new home town by himself as he did so. 
You woke up your legs as you stepped out of the Land Cruiser, the nerves shooting up and down your body, you wobbled a bit on your feet before steadying yourself against the car. You felt sweat begin to form beneath your clothes, causing them to stick uncomfortably to your skin. “Holy cow.” You muttered gently fanning yourself to try and cool off a little. 
You were used to the heat from the sun, but God, the humidity is what’s gonna kill you this summer.  
As you continued to fan yourself off, you noticed all the small shops that surrounded you. They were old and kind of antique-ish looking. But, past that laid the boardwalk, were you knew you’d be spending the remainder of you summer break and nights. 
Sam came jogging back towards the car, Nanook right on his tail. He stopped before mom as he pointed a finger at the boardwalk behind him. “Mom! Mom, there’s and amusement park right on the beach.”
Instead of acknowledging the said park, you watched as mom pulled out a small wad of cash. Placing it in Sam’s hand she gestured to a group of homeless kids rummaging through the dumpster. “Sam, tell those kids to eat something. Will ya’?”
As you watch Sam walk over towards the kids, you notice a telephone pole covered from head to toe in posters. Stepping away from the car and wandering over you read a few, hoping to catch a couple help wanted ads or even just something small enough to help out your family. 
Though instead of any job listing you did find a good amount of missing children posters. Actually, it’s just about a missing everyone poster. There is a little boy that looks about six, a grainy picture of him is nailed down with staples. And beside it is a man in what looks like his mid to early fourties, his balding head and crooked teeth makes you wonder who would miss a guy like that. 
Glancing past the telephone pole, you eyed the teenagers in the dumpster carefully. For all you know these kids could go missing next, and no one would try and look for them. 
The thought made your stomach twist in a discusted knot, the idea that you or even one of your brothers could turn up missing one day and nobody would bat an eye, didn’t sit right with you. 
A car honked from behind you, turning around you noticed that your family is back in the cars AC and that they are all waiting on you. “Y/n, sweetheart.” Your mom called, poking her head out the window. “We have to go, grandpas waiting for us.”
You quickly made your way back to the car, plopping back down in your seat as mom slowly pulled out of the food shack. The feeling of cold breeze in your face cooled you off a lot more than your hand did. 
After a while the car pulled up to an old two story house, the arch way made out of tree limbs and nails made you question how sturdy that would actually be in a storm. Once the car came to a complete stop everyone piled out, the dirt road beneath you dirtied up the end of your blue jeans. The bottom of your converse’s making little patterns in the grime. 
Micheal, who had decided to ride his bike for the rest of the drive, slowly unstradled the vehicle, his eyes darting around the front yard of the house. Wood carvings of animals and an old trailer was near the back of the yard, the fence that surrounded us was slightly spaced out and cut into sharp ends. 
“This is homey.” You muttered to micheal, the backpack that you carried felt heavy on your back after hours of not wearing it. 
Micheal hummed in agreement, albeit sarcasticly. 
Glancing back at the house itself, you took in the porch, it had one too many rocking chairs and wooden tables for you to count. There were even empty beer bottles rolling across the porch floor. But, you stopped judging the home style around you when you noticed a pair of legs laid out on the ground. 
Taking erie steps, you all cautiously eyed the body. Both fear and concern bubbling deep inside of you. Fear that this would be the first dead body you’ve seen and concern over who will come and clean it. 
Mom walked ahead of you and your brothers, crouching down by the head of the body. “Dad?” She asked, swiping hair out of his face as she did so. “Dad?”
“It looks like he’s dead.” Micheal stated, eyes glancing swiftly from his mom and the supposedly dead body before them. 
Mom shook her head, gently shaking her dad awake. “No, he’s just a heavy sleeper.” 
“Why is he asleep on the porch?” Micheal asked, trying to understand the older man. 
You leaned over Sam’s shoulder, taking in the supposedly dead corpse in front of you. “Is the heat from the sun gonna make his body decay faster?” You pondered out loud, ignoring the glare your mom gave you. 
“Yeah. And if he’s dead can we move back to Phoenix?” Sam added on for you, receiving the same look your mom just gave you. 
“The both of you be quiet.” She scolded. 
Suddenly grandpas head popped up, his eyes half lidded as he held a smug smirk. “Playin’ dead. And, from what I heard doing a damn good job of it, too.”
You watched as mom playfully swatted at her dad, before leaning down and giving him a good hug. Sharing a quick glance at your brothers, they both held the same expression that you did. Confused and slightly baffled at how the old man acts. 
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The inside of the house looked just like the cabins from Friday the thirteenth. The floor was wood, the stairs were wood, an even the walls were wood. You honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the refrigerator and sink were made out it, too.
You walked through the house with a cardboard box labeled kitchen, both Sam and Micheal right behind you. Though Micheal was carrying a barbell with a couple of weights and shirts on it, and Sam had a bowl on his head with tied up comics ontop. 
“This place is straight out of a horror movie.” Sam whined, as they reached the kitchen. “I wouldn’t be surprised if their are dead body’s buried somewhere.”
“It’s not that bad.” you tried to reason, placing the box onto the counter and cutting through the tape. 
Sam stared at you bewildered, “Not that bad? Not that bad!” He started to raise his voice, setting down the comics and bowl beside you as he continued. “There’s no TV. Have you seen a TV? I haven’t seen a TV.”
You shrugged your shoulders, taking a couple porcelain plates from the box and setting them in a cabinet. “Use your imagination.”
“Imagination?” The boy raised his voice a little bit higher. “You know who else used there imagination? The Torrence family, and they ended up trying to kill each other.”
“Ok, one this is not The Shinning. And, two, you kill me I’ll haunt you for the rest of your life.” 
Micheal chuckled at yours and Sam’s conversation, “Oh, you think this is funny Micheal?” Sam asked the irritation of no TV or even MTV was starting to get to him. 
“A little.” He told his brother, placing the barbell down and walking back towards the car. “But, we’re flat broke, Sammy. Can’t afford a new TV for this joke of a place.”
You walked back and forth from the car, box after box, cutting open and placing your stuff with Grandpas. It was tiring, but, you wanted to get it done now so that you could go to the boardwalk tonight. 
Though your brothers on the other hand, weren’t as helpful as you were trying to be. 
Sam ran through the living room, swaying between the boxes that littered the ground as he sprinted away from Micheal. The said older boy was running down the stairs, he hoped over the railing near the bottom and took off after Sam. 
You were pulling out a vase from a box, tearing off the bubble wrap and placing it perfectly on the table. You took a small step back and eyed the spot, debating if you should move it one way or another for it to look right. 
But, as you stepped back, you acidently stood right infront of Micheal’s path. He collided with your side, sending you both tumbling to the ground. “Dammit, Micheal!” You shouted, quickly getting up just as your brother did. Continuing with his chase after Sam, you immediately ran after him. 
“Hey, guys, no running in the house.” Mom called out to the three of you, though no one paid her any mind as you all just continued to chase one another. 
Sam stopped before two sliding doors, shoving each of them open. You and Micheal caught up with your brother, you about ready to shove Micheal for knocking you to the ground, when you saw what laid behind the double doors. 
Taxidermy animals laid on the table in front of you, some were even hung up to the ceiling because there was no more room on the surface. The three of you stood shocked at the room, you more disturbed that so many dead animals were cut open like they currently were. 
“I think we found the dead bodies, Sam.” You told him, referring to your earlier talk about grandpa hiding dead corpses. 
Sam let out a snort, eyeing the room with interest. Micheal leaned up against your side, his elbow coming up to rest on your shoulder. Even at pratically the same height he liked to remind you which of the two was the tallest. 
“Talk about Texas chainsaw massacre.” 
“Rules.” A voice suddenly called out, bringing each of your attention to grandpa who had a cardboard box in hand. “We got some rules around here.”
He gestured with his hand to follow, which you all did begrudgingly. The old man led you to the refrigerator, and upon opening it you saw a sign that read, ‘Old fart’. You hid your amused smile behind your hand as Grandpa began to explain the rules. 
“The second shelf is mine.” He stated matter of factly, easing the sign to show a couple of beer bottles and a box of Oreos hidden behind it. He waved a finger at all three of you, “Don’t nobody touch the second shelf, ya’ hear.”
You nodded along with your brothers, grandpa then waddled out of the kitchen leaving you to trail behind him. You watched discustedly as Micheal began to shove his finger in Sam’s ear, the younger boy trying to push him away when Micheal wrapped an arm around the poor boys neck. 
Clearing his throat, Micheal directed his attention back at grandpa. “Hey, grandpa? Is it true that Santa Carla is the murder capital of the world?” He asked, refusing to let Sam go from his grasp. 
Murder capital of the world. 
Those were the exact words you’d read off the back of the billboard. You hadn’t known that Micheal had read that aswell, although he appears to be taking the towns chosen nickname more jokingly than you had. 
Grandpa slowly turned back around to face the three of you, his eyes darting across each face. “There are some bad elements around here.” He told you, though his voice seemed to be a lot more serious than anything. 
Sam finally shoves Micheal off of him, “Woah, wait a minute. You mean to tell me that we moved to the murder capital of the world?” He asked, getting close to the old man’s face. “Are you serious grandpa?”
You watched as grandpa took his time with his next words of choice. “Well- let me put it this way; if all the corpses buried around here were to stand up at once, we’d have a serious population problem.”
That did about anything but soothe your racing mind. Are we gonna get killed here? Are you actually going to go missing and nobody would care? Could Sam, Micheal or even mom turn up dead one day?
Your thoughts immediately went back to the missing posters, all the untraced people that had disappeared off the face of the earth. And not one of them had been found. You don’t think your gonna like it here all that much, you concluded. 
Mom suddenly sauntered in the living room, a stack of hats resting ontop of her head. “Oh, Dad. You’re gonna give them nightmares.” She told him, not wanting to deal with three teenagers wandering into her room at night complaining about what grandpa had told them. 
Grandpa waved his hand, dismissing her accusation. Changjng the conversation, he picked up a TV guide that sat on the end table, waving back to you and your brothers he began to explain another rule of his. 
“Now, when the mailman brings the TV guide on wensdays, sometimes the corner of the address label will curl up.” He pointed to the address label on the guide, the corner slowly thrusting itself up towards the ceiling. “You’ll be tempted to peel it off. Don’t. You’ll end up ripping the cover, and I don’t like that
He tossed the TV guide back on a different table, making his way back to the taxidermy room. He yanked the sliding doors together and they closed with a great, smack. “And stay out of here.”
Grandpa then walked away, though not before Sam stood in his pathway, excitement rising in his chest. “There’s a TV?” He asked, slightly crossing his fingers for the man to say yes. 
“No. I just like to read the TV guide. Read the guide and you don’t need the Tv.” He then walked away, leaving Sam with a disappointed look. 
“See,” you told him, walking towards a couple of boxes that were laid about the living room floor. “Now, you get to use you imagination.”
Sam pointed a finger at you, “When we go crazy, here- and we will, you’ll be the first that I kill.”
You pushed Sam out of your way with your shoulder, balancing the box on your hip. “Then be prepared for me to haunt you until the end of times, Samuel Emerson.”
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A/a/n: Hello and thank you for reading the first chapter :) Now we won’t meet the boys until the next chapter, but I am debating if I should just make that chapter about you meeting them or add on. I still haven’t decided. But thank you again and the next chapter will be done as quickly as possible ;)
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gothamslostboy · 2 years ago
This is perfect thank you!
David and Michael from TLB with a reader who loves animals? Like he’s constantly bringing home strays and injured animals to take care of
Maybe it's the autism empathy or the fact I have a very soft spot for animals but I totally relate to this. Because I have two dogs and I'm allergic to cats I can't help as many animals as I wish I could but still.
David and Michael TLB with a gn reader who brings home stray animals
Warnings: Talk of stray, injured, and sick animals, mentions of roadkill, taxidermy mentioned, brief mention of insects in Michael's part
David can understand your empathy to a degree but he really refused to let you bring stray animals into the cave. If you do end up bringing in an animal he makes you take it to the nearest animal shelter or a wildlife center depending on the animal.
Marko and Dwayne grew up around lots of animals so they don't mind but David still insists you don't bring animals in. If he hears far off calls of animals he's already getting up and walking to the entrance of the cave to meet you there.
The people at wildlife centers and animal shelters nearby already know you by name. David doesn't go in with you but he makes sure to watch from outside.
He lets some animals stick around longer than others. Like if you bring in a friendly cat that ends up eating mice around the cave he'll let it stay around for a couple of days before bringing it to the animal shelter.
This also applies to baby animals. Mostly only a few, quiet puppies or kittens. He makes it clear you're taking care of them but the other boys can't help but play with them.
He doesn't really tolerate you bringing in wild or feral animals. Especially one that's sick. So you two are basically going to the animal shelter every week.
If you keep a ton of animals at your house he won't complain but he will try to talk about what happens if you move in with him in the cave. After a lot of back and forth the two of you decide you can just keep all of them there.
He keeps the roads by the cave clear of roadkill just so you don't see it. He'd never admit that he does that for you though so don't ask him about it.
If you bring in an animal that you can't save he's there to somewhat awkwardly comfort you after it. He's buried plenty of animals with you before.
He's pulled you away from countless feral and street cats before. He's constantly talking about making sure you're up to date on your vaccines because he doesn't want you to get rabies from a dog you found on the side of the street.
But he will stop being leaniant if you do something really dangerous like bring in an injured hawk. If you bring in anything really dangerous you're the one who's going to take it to the animal shelter.
Will keep you away from his grandpa's taxidermy room as much as possible. Will also keep you away from any kind of roadkill he finds. But you'll find out eventually and he'll still try to keep you away from the taxidermy room.
Because of Nanook you can't really keep animals at Michael's house so if you have the space, they're staying there or at the animal shelter, which he's happy to drive you too.
He's grown used to getting calls at all hours of the day and night because you need help bringing an animal to the shelter or a wildlife center. At some point he's going to keep a bottle of caffeine pills in his room.
He also keeps baby formula for animals at his house because of how often you bring over abandoned baby animals. He'll help you keep domestic baby animals but he draws the line at wild animals.
Has the number for the animal shelters within a 40 mile radius memorized at this point. He also has the one for the wildlife center. Probably calls them at least once a week because of you.
But because I'm pretty sure his grandpa keeps horses he's willing to keep around a few cats you brought home because they could use them as barn cats.
He's basically an unofficial vet at this point. He keeps vet equipment somewhere in the house and is ready at a moments notice to help a cat give birth or give a dog a flea and tick bath.
While your love of animals can be a pain in the ass to him at times, he still loves you and your compassion for animals. He often stares at you with a smile on his face while you talk with people at the animal shelter.
He's gotten into some arguments with you about the animals you bring home. Mainly wild animals or reptiles. You could have at least warned him you put meal worms in the fridge for the lizard you're taking care of.
When you suggest keeping out bowls of cat food for stray cats he has to remind you that raccoons and possums can get it then convince you why feeding wild animals isn't a good idea.
But he compromises with you and keeps an extra bag of cat food with his dog food for Nanook. He has to compromise a lot with you because of your insistence on bringing home animals and getting attached to them.
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