#mi drone camera
todaywold · 2 months
Xiaomi ने किया सभी गैजेट का प्राइस लिक! खरीदने से पहले जाने सभी प्रोडक्ट्स का MI Price List
Xiaomi मचा दिया तहलका किया उच्च एवं प्रीमियम क्वालिटी वाला स्मार्टफोन, टीवी, स्मार्टवॉच, और अन्य गैजेट्स की MI Price List जारी। यहाँ आपको मिलेगा Xiaomi के लेटेस्ट प्रोडक्ट्स की कीमतों की पूरी लिस्ट और उसकी सम्पूर्ण जानकारी! दोस्तों इस Price List में आपको Xiaomi के विभिन्न प्रोडक्ट्स जैसे स्मार्टफोन, टीवी, स्मार्टवॉच, और अन्य गैजेट्स की कीमतों के साथ-साथ उनके प्रमुख फीचर्स देखने को मिलेंगे जहाँ…
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aggravateddurian · 11 months
Swooped by a Bird: Part 1
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Vega adjusted the jacket. It was always a little big, designed for a guy about a foot taller, and much broader than herself. She was still getting used to the effects of last night's events.
Right on cue, Johnny manifested once again, stroking his chin, a characteristic smug grin on his face. She'd seen it before, being worn on her face, "Vega, what're we doin' today? Rescue a netrunner from a pre-war Miliitech bunker? Perhaps launch a two-man attack on a corpo transport? Or..."
Johnny recognised the new influence... most importantly, the change in Vega's eyes.
"Oh, fuck..."
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Vega's accent had changed entirely, the Midwest Nomad accent, merged with Night City street kid. No mistaking it, the voice that came out of the woman was V's, "Johnny..."
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"No, Johnny, not V... but I'm startin' to notice a trend," she reached for her hand, rubbing the spot on her finger where a ring would go, "every time I want to reclaim more of V's life... you're there to stop me. Kind of like... you're trying to keep her from having as much influence in my life than you... two years, one consciousness merge, and still the same Johnny Silverhand..."
"Fuckin' shit, V! At what point did you get this gonk-ass idea? Do too much synthcoke and now you think the FIA's got cameras in the walls?"
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"Then why're you makin' it hard for me to get back in contact with V's friends?"
"Because it's been two fuckin' years, Vega!" Johnny shouted, "People move on, might not like what you see! I disappeared for fifty years and when I woke up, in the brain of some gonk wannabe Solo, and I saw the world I used to inhabit with my own meatsack, I wanted to fuckin' nuke it again!"
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"And what, pray tell, might I not like? Not like Vega, as in me, was personally involved in any of their lives. Thought I made that blatantly clear?"
"Who fuckin' knows? Maybe River's selling government secrets to keep 'imself alive, Rogue retired and Judy grew her hair out? Maybe Arasaka Tower got rebuilt, ten feet taller? The Emperor of Earth, Saburo Arasaka, controls the world from the Golden Throne of Terra? Your Ronin friend Takemura's a feudal warlord in the post-corpo war wastes of what used to be Japantown?"
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"You that good at makin' shit up, or did you actually glean some knowledge I somehow missed?"
"Hyperbole, V, don't they teach figures of speech and poetic devices at school anymore... oh, wait, you're a fuckin Bakker, so I assume school consists of clips of Vin Diesel from Fast and Furious. 'Family'."
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"Fuck you too, Silverhand."
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"Let's just... not talk for a while, 'kay? I'm liable to have a fuckin' aneurysm."
"Sure... what the?"
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"V... are you...?"
"What is it, Johnny?"
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"Someone's fuckin' with you, trying to breach the system!"
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"Quit... Johnny?"
"...what in the...?"
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"Oh, shit! Not feelin..."
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"C-can't... breathe!"
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"N...not like this..."
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"Oh, shit, maybe I am too hard on the hardware..." the voice muttered as a ghostly hand fell onto Vega's shoulder, "Give me a sec, I'll think of something. Can't leave you like this..."
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"No Relic... that explains it. Jacked directly into her brain... gonk mistake."
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"Almost forgot the smell of real air... the taste... no, focus So Mi, get her off the balcony and somewhere safe."
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"Now, let's see. Apartment 1242..."
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"Almost forgot what walkin' in Earth gravity feels like... careful, don't trip now..."
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"Okay... not bad. Get you onto a bed and you should wake up right as rain..."
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"God, I hope she doesn't remember this..."
How to Make and Keep Friends, by Song So Mi
Manipulate a dying woman into helping you steal a cure for yourself.
Take the cure and go to the Moon. Hope said dying woman finds a cure.
After two years of complete radio silence, re-enter their life by accidentally causing a neural net blowout that hits them as hard as a major Relic malfunction.
Use a proxy protocol to control their body like a drone and get them back to their apartment.
Pray to God that they don't remember this when they wake up.
Hope they aren't going to be mad at you for the things you did.
With this simple method, you too can have as many friends as So Mi!
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This day in history
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On THURSDAY (June 20) I'm live onstage in LOS ANGELES for a recording of the GO FACT YOURSELF podcast. On FRIDAY (June 21) I'm doing an ONLINE READING for the LOCUS AWARDS at 16hPT. On SATURDAY (June 22) I'll be in OAKLAND, CA for a panel and a keynote at the LOCUS AWARDS.
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#20yrsago Why Microsoft should get out of DRM https://craphound.com/msftdrm.txt
#20yrsago Fark posts 1,000,000th link, Web surrenders https://www.fark.com/comments/1000000/Birds-learn-how-to-open-doors-at-Home-Depot-Finally-they-can-make-that-deck-for-birdhouse-In-other-news-this-is-1000000th-link
#15yrsago Vancouver cops affirm your right to take pictures https://web.archive.org/web/20090618134523/http://www.news1130.com/news/local/more.jsp?content=20090617_112051_8240
#15yrsago UK cop: ‘War on terror means no pictures of police vans in disabled parking spots’ https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2009/06/police-camera-action/
#15yrsago British cops stop and hassle thousands to “balance racial statistics” https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2009/jun/17/stop-search-terror-law-met
#15yrsago Mind Over Ship: David Marusek’s hyperfuturistic, hyperimaginative soap-opera https://memex.craphound.com/2009/06/17/mind-over-ship-david-maruseks-hyperfuturistic-hyperimaginative-soap-opera/
#15yrsago Bozeman, Montana requires job applicants to hand over all social network logins and passwords for background checks https://web.archive.org/web/20090621103931/montanasnewsstation.com/Global/story.asp?S=10551414&nav=menu227_3
#15yrsago Canadian cops want to wiretap the net https://web.archive.org/web/20090618223330/http://www.calgaryherald.com/Technology/Feds+give+cops+Internet+snooping+powers/1706191/story.html
#10yrsago Copyright trolls cut and run at suggestion that they’re a front for disgraced firm Guardaley https://www.techdirt.com/2014/06/16/once-again-as-details-questionable-copyright-trolling-practices-come-to-light-troll-desperately-tries-to-run-away/
#10yrsago London police’s secret “domestic extremist” list includes people who sketch protests https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jun/16/domestic-extremist-metropolitan-police-spying-elected-politician
#10yrsago Riot control drone that fires paintballs, pepper-spray and rubber bullets at protesters https://www.defenceweb.co.za/aerospace/aerospace-aerospace/desert-wolf-unveils-riot-control-drone/
#10yrsago Seattle paid $17.5K to “manage” online rep of public utility CEO https://web.archive.org/web/20140623210450/http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/2023849447_citylightbrandxml.html
#10yrsago Oligopolistic America: anti-competitive, unequal, and deliberate https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/how-america-became-uncompetitive-and-unequal/2014/06/13/a690ad94-ec00-11e3-b98c-72cef4a00499_story.html?hpid=z3
#5yrsago Structural Separation: antitrust’s tried-and-true weapon for monopolists who bottleneck markets https://memex.craphound.com/2019/06/17/structural-separation-antitrusts-tried-and-true-weapon-for-monopolists-who-bottleneck-markets/
#5yrsago Fox News poll has Trump losing to Sanders, Biden, Warren, Harris, or Buttigieg https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/06/16/fox-news-poll-bernie-sanders-would-beat-trump-9-points
#5yrsago Traverse City, MI braves the wrath of telcoms lobbyists, pushes ahead with municipal fiber network https://upnorthlive.com/news/local/traverse-city-light-and-power-approves-fiber-optic-internet
#5yrsago After Hong Kong’s leaders delay plan to render dissidents to mainland China, 2,000,000 Hong Kongers march and demand resignations https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-48655634
#5yrsago The UK government gave away cheap money for property purchase deposits, which the wealthy abused, driving up property prices and leaving UK taxpayers exposed https://wolfstreet.com/2019/06/13/uk-government-blew-billions-on-help-to-buy-scheme-that-enriched-home-builders-and-drove-up-home-prices-taxpayers-on-the-hook-when-prices-sink-new-report-warns/
#1yrago Pizzaburgers https://pluralistic.net/2023/06/17/pizzaburgers/
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stromuprisahat · 4 months
Slovo hrdina může mít na Ukrajině hned několik podob. Voják chránící svou vlast, elektrikář opravující vedení pod hrozbou dělostřelecké palby, ale taky farmář, který na Ukrajině zasévá zrno v polích posetých minami a skrytě připravuje Molotovovy koktejly, aby je pak mohl házet po technice nepřítele. To jsem se dozvěděla od farmáře Alexeje, který nás na svá úrodná pole doprovázel. "První dny jsme tu všichni byli v šoku, když se nepřátelská technika prohnala přes naše území, a pak se prostě rozpoutalo velké partyzánské hnutí. Mnozí vstoupili do teritoriální obrany. Další pomáhali tím, čím mohli. Jídlo. Palivo. Technika. Farmáři darovali armádě taky své drahé drony," říká mi muž. Ještě toho rána jsme se u Sumy setkali taky s jinou formou občanského odboje. Náš Igor nám dohodl rozhovor s člověkem, jenž by jinak na kameru nešel. Mykola je ukrajinský mechanik, který vyprošťuje ruskou válečnou techniku uvízlou v ukrajinské černozemi, opravuje ji, aby ji pak vojáci mohli znovu použít na obranu Ukrajiny. Na tajné místo, kde se dějí technické zázraky, nás sice nevzal, ale jako kulisu jsme si našli jedno z mnoha vozidel, jež tu po Rusech zůstalo. "Ten už nikam nepojede," mávl rukou na tank, u kterého jsme stáli. "Koukej se. Optika? Nepoužitelná. Možná ty pásy by se na něco hodily, ale jinak je to kus šrotu..." svým expertním zrakem zhodnotil kus kovu u silnice. O své práci nám toho Mykola příliš neřekl, ale zato hned po natáčení se chlubil videi, jež se mu podařilo pořídit. ~ The word hero can have several forms in Ukraine. A soldier protecting his homeland, an electrician repairing power lines under the threat of artillery fire, but also a farmer who sows grain in fields littered with mines in Ukraine and secretly prepares Molotov cocktails to throw at the enemy's equipment. I learned this from farmer Alexei, who accompanied us to his fertile fields. "The first days we were all in shock here, when the enemy's equipment swept through our territory, and then a large guerrilla movement simply broke out. Many joined the territorial defense. Others helped with what they could. Food. Fuel. Equipment. Farmers also donated their expensive drones to the army," the man tells me. That morning we also encountered another form of civil resistance at Suma. Our Igor arranged an interview for us with a person who otherwise would not go on camera. Mykola is an Ukrainian mechanic who extricates Russian military equipment stuck in the Ukrainian black soil, repairs it so that the soldiers can use it again to defend Ukraine. He didn't take us to the secret place where technical miracles happen, but as a backdrop we found one of the many vehicles left behind by the Russians. "This one isn't going anywhere," he waved his hand at the tank next to which we were standing. "Look. Optics? Unusable. Maybe the tracks would be useful for something, but otherwise it's a piece of scrap…" he assessed the piece of metal by the side of the road with his expert eye. Mykola didn't tell us much about his work, but immediately after filming he boasted of the videos he managed to make.
Pod štítem Charkova: Autentické svědectví z válečné zóny- Kapitola dvanáctá: "Tichá noc a čisté nebe." (Darja Stomatová, Ján Schürger)
Under the shield of Kharkiv: Authentic testimony from the war zone- Chapter twelve: "Silent night and clear sky."
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thefinalv-rdict · 1 year
time for me to ramble
Thad WASN'T left behind after the events of Cabin Fever, and to prove my point,
Thad"can be seen 20 minutes and 29 seconds into the video, in the scene where Uzi is leaning on N, sleeping. He is shown for about 4 seconds, and is seated behind them.
"Kir, there's other Workers with green eyes. what makes you think it's Thad?? It could be-" shut up let me speak pls
First off, its not these two, they're sitting on a different seat.
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It's obvious, he's wearing sunglasses. Plus he fuckin died anyways.
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So... Yeah! That pretty much covers it. also, I only counted the 3 (?) other green-eyed drones in episode four.. so if theres any others i dont care and your opinion is wrong /j
(correct me if i missed one, anyways moving on~)
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second section of my ramble i call it
" "Kir, Thad died." no he didnt shut up", i call it. catchy name i know
SO. To start, this was a mis-input from the subtitles. Wow, crazy. did you not know that even animation studios that add the tiniest details can also mess up?? You problably didn't.
Anyways, as we can see.. This drone has purple/pink-ish eyes, a brown-ish beanie, also wearing a dark coloured hoodie with boots. This worker does not have hair.
To compare them to Thad, they are quite different. Thad has blonde hair and green eyes, with a red-and-white cap over top of his hardhat. He wears a green and brown jacket overtop of his t-shirt with a zero on the front. Thad is wearing sneakers or runners.
This is not Thad.
next section of the 'thad still exists' ramble, no cool name though ;c
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When the teacher mentions this, he is referring to the other 9 drones that were killed. 2 of them being caused by V and N in the early parts of the episode. That 'aint my point, though.
When Cabin Fever was released, alot of people said things like "THAD GOT LEFT BEHIND" or, "THAD DIED" however. Just because he was absent for various scenes, does not imply he had died off-camera. (he didnt you idiot /j)
Either way..... that pretty much covers it~
im aware thad also appears when V looks back at N and uzi i just didnt wanna type so much.
It appears to not help at all if you increase the saturation of the image.
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The only thing visible after increasing the image's saturation is the back of the seat this drone is seated in. But the top of the head of this drone has been cut off, so I guess we know it's not a female drone, at least. But.. yeah, no important information can be found from that.
anyways, if you need more of an explanation i literally dont understand how youre not convinced yet
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anyways, enjoy your day and stay hydrated
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canmom · 1 year
L'Aventure de Canmom à Annecy - Mercredi 2
Next thing for Wednesday: Mexican films, collection "urban and suburban". Mexican animation is the theme of this year's Annecy, which is why all the Gobelins intros are about Mexican stuff. As such there are a number of collections of Mexican animation. I don't think I'll be able to catch all of these, but I want to get a few because I know next to zero about Mexican animation!
So, Urban and Suburban: anything loosely related to cities. This was a pretty varied set for sure! It spanned quite a time frame, from 90s stop motion stuff that looked like it could have aired on Liquid Television to modern stuff using drone timelapses and such. A full three of the films centred on suicides.
Opening the collection we had La Ciudad, which lived somewhere between the UPA style and Cyriak, with a layered digital cutout animation style in three musical acts. I'm not sure I got all of what it was putting down, but the constant motion definitely grabbed me and locked me in.
Sin Sostén was our first suicide film, and the most liquid television in the whole set. Claymation, a businessman jumps off a building, and we see a vivid after death hallucination in which billboards come alive, and a cowboy catches him with a lasso and almost kills him. but in fact he dead rip
Made In Central de Abastos was pretty neat. Mostly it was timelapses from a drone flying backwards through food markets and warehouses, mixed with a bit of stop motion. Something that maybe brings to mind Koyaanisqatsi, but this took on a more chaotic effect.
Desde Adentro was interesting, it was animated by kids at some sort of institution called Reformatoire de Morelia, something like a homeless shelter I think? It was cutout animation depicting a variety of interleaved plots: two gangs of kids, variously stealing from narcos, fighting over money, and at one point skinheads getting involved. Felt kind of like a Fiasco session, or old school newgrounds. At the beginning and end were a few clips of the animators.
Mis multiples suicidios was, as the title suggests, another suicide film. Not a ton of story, but there was a revolving roto'd outline of a naked woman as sketchy figures moved slowly to the edge. Didn't really click with me I'll be honest...
Un día en familia depicts an injured boxer and his family taking a day at the zoo. I don't quite understand the ending of this film - he paid for his family to leave or something? I thought he was paying for a portrait and found myself kind of confused as the camera pulled back on the boxer alone.
Bestias Urbanas depicts a tiny man who sees a vision of cars on the street turning into animals. He is saved from disaster on the crossing by a centaur who shows up. I was briefly distracted in the middle of this one so i probably missed the key shots that make it fit together lol.
Última estación was a fun one in a thickly painted style that made me think of paint on glass. Passengers on a bus are kidnapped by a robot, taking them to a cyborgisation facility where they're turned into chicken brains vendors. The use of light on the nighttime dash across the city was really cool.
Liber was stop motion at a library using light, books, and then ultimately destructive stop motion animation by cutting the pages. Honestly, it didn't do a lot for me.
The Inksect was an example of a really cool visual style applied to a really dumb premise. It's a dystopian future where humans have turned into cockroaches because they don't read enough books, but some are trying to read and become human again. The dystopian city is rendered in a sick angular style and honestly I'd have liked this a lot more without the intro explaining it, even with heavy handed references to the statue of liberty and kafka.
Inventario Churubusco was stop motion using various bits and pieces around a film restoration lab. I was pretty worn out at this point, and honestly I'd be more interested to see how the machines work than stop motion of doors opening and closing lol
La niña del río was very brief. A girl leaves home to evade an arranged marriage, to become part of the river. I think the vo saying everyone can decide their fate regardless of station distracted me from like... this is another suicide one isn't it? fuck
Finally, El Héroe used a very detailed animation style that reminded me of John McCloskey. A man at a subway intervenes to try to stop a girl killing herself, but she calls the guards on him and kills herself regardless. Haha...?
It was a fun collection. Definitely not all hits but it was cool to see stuff I would never catch otherwise!
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twoidiotwriters1 · 2 years
Copycat: Agent Zero —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: Matt I’m begging you KISS HER ALREADY -Danny
Words: 2,017
Phase Four Masterlist
Previous chapter // Next Chapter
Listen to: ‘Iris’ -by Goo Goo Dolls
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xx: Desperate Times
"Hey, that's Copycat!"
"I thought she was an Avenger!"
"She should get arrested!"
A sudden moment of brilliance came to her, she knew the exact location of Peter's house! Pietro had lived there for the majority of two years! She stopped running and teleported right outside his apartment.  
MJ almost crashed into her, she pulled her into the home and slammed the door shut behind Copy, not even a bit surprised to see her there. Happy, May, and Peter were all agitated.
"The windows! The windows!" MJ urged her.
May was arguing with Peter, who for some reason was half naked, while Happy was walking around looking a little lost. "Cat," he blinked once he noticed her presence. "What are you doing here? Why are you wearing your suit?"
Peter stared at her with wide eyes and wildly gesticulated to keep her mouth shut.
"What's that sound?" Happy asked.
She could hear the crowd gathering outside, screaming at them to get out. Cat and Peter shared a quick look before closing the windows and curtains, there was incessant knocking at the door but they decided to ignore it for the time being.
The adults' phones began to ring, a helicopter was now at the scene, and Cat clumsily teleported to turn off the tv, but it was too late, Happy and May had seen it. Peter walked up to the window defeatedly and lifted the curtain. Everyone approached to look outside except for Copycat.
Peter stared at all of them with a pleading look in his eyes. "I mean, maybe it's not such a big deal..."
"Yeah, alright," Cat's voice sounded heavily sarcastic. "Everyone knew who Iron Man was and Tony's life was just perfect!"
"Well, actually, he didn't have such a bad time!" Peter argued.
"He was rich!" She exclaimed. "Do you happen to have three million dollars to get us out of this?!"
"Stop talking!" MJ was just as anxious.
"Okay, everyone let's sit down and think!" May closed the curtain and guided the whole group back to the living room. "Everyone knows, but why are they angry?
"They think we killed Mysterio," she explained.
"What! Why?"
"They made it look like Cat and I planned the whole thing."
"But you didn't kill him!"
Cat and Peter shared a look. "I mean... I might've shot him one time too many."
"But it was self-defense, right?"
Her voice was sarcastic again. "Yeah, sure! Yeah, it was... defense for sure..."
"That's not the point!" Peter distracted them from the horrible fact. "What are we going to do? You quit S.H.I.E.L.D so they're not gonna help us—"
"They should! I was working for them when this whole thing happened!"
"Yeah, but they didn't tell you to kill Beck, right?" MJ said. "They can't lie and say they asked you to, people think he was a good dude, they won't buy it."
Cat couldn't believe how unfair this was. She'd fought in Sokovia! She was there when Vision was created, and when the accords had been signed, but Beck's name was on S.H.I.E.L.D's records, and she as far as the world knew, she'd never existed until now.
The organization had Mysterio as an out-of-this-world martyr, Agent Zero's file, on the other hand, talked about her vigilante life and her violent methods to keep the city clean and under control. She'd been looking for items stolen from the ruins of the compound. Those items could've easily been Stark drones.
"I have to hide..."
"No no no, don't say that, we can still fix this!"
"Happy, I killed Beck and he got it on camera!" She gasped, abruptly realizing the second, perhaps worst mistake she'd committed. "And you're involved!"
Happy fell back on his seat and stared ahead, speechless.
"Ned— we gotta check on him—"
"I'll do it," MJ stood quickly.
"No," Peter and Cat said.
"I'm innocent until proven guilty," MJ stated. "Besides I can't stay here, my dad must be going crazy right now."
"This is great. My first week out and..." Cat stopped midsentence, her brain was working fast that day. "That's it!"
"They're looking for me," she placed one hand on her chest. "But they're not looking for all of the me's that I can be."
Peter frowned. "What do you mean?"
"I think I'll kill two birds with one stone, and finish my original mission," she looked at him with a serious expression. "But you can't get involved in this."
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Instead of going back to her apartment, she went to Matthew's place.
He was in his living room going through some papers. At the sound of her teleporting, he stood, dropping everything. He searched around a little disoriented, but once he recognized her, he spoke.
"Since when can you do that?"
"I forgot you didn't know," she walked up to him and picked up the fallen paperwork. "Kurt can teleport and I copy him when I don't want to be followed..."
"I heard the news this morning," Matthew replied. "How are you?"
"I... I'm sorry," she said quietly, avoiding his face. "I didn't know where else to go."
The man stayed in place. "Did you really kill that man?"
A knot formed on her chest, Cat tried to think of a way to not sound crazy, but all that came out of her mouth was an apology. "I was too rash. I'm sorry."
Matthew stood to his full height, he wasn't wearing his glasses so it was easy to read his face. Instead of replying, he walked to the kitchen and opened his fridge.
"I... I wasn't thinking—"
"I doubt that."
"If you would've heard the way Peter spoke to me— he thought I didn't care, that I would turn my back on him..." Matthew was hidden behind the fridge's door, and this helped her speak honestly and not to stumble over her words. "Peter got run by a train because of Beck! I found him half-dead— Peter's just a kid, Matthew! I couldn't stand there and watch!"
Defeated, Cat fell on the couch heavily, hiding her face behind both hands. She wasn't crying, but the weight of her mistake was starting to overwhelm her, never before she'd been haunted in this way. Killing Mysterio had caused a snowball effect, and she'd ruined Spider-man's reputation and her own forever. Kurt was going to be so disappointed.
"Then he targeted my old friends... and he mentioned Tony... he tried to shoot Peter in the head..."
Matthew showed up next to her holding a pack of beers and offering a single bottle to her. Without understanding, Cat silently accepted the drink and opened it, he put the rest on the coffee table and sat beside to her.
"You were saying Beck tried to shoot the kid on the head," he said, inviting her to continue.
"Yes," she replied, giving him a confused look. "Peter's abilities saved him. He stopped the attack before Quentin could shoot."
"But that wasn't enough for you."
Cat lowered her gaze. "No. I wanted to make sure he would never hurt Peter again."
"So you shot him."
"How many times?"
"Was he still holding the gun when you shot him?"
"Was he still standing?"
"Was he still in possession of the A.I?"
He grabbed a beer and opened it. "We can work with that."
Cat's gaze went back to him. "What?"
"He had the A.I. when you shot him. He was able to control the drones, right?"
She felt a bit of hope nestling in the middle of her stomach. "Yeah."
"Alright. So these are the facts," he leaned forward. "Spider-man's underage, all you can see in the video are two pairs of feet, according to Foggy, and when the camera moves up you can only see Copycat, cause Parker's standing next to Beck. Your face is covered, no one can't tell who she is, cause Quentin didn't have your real name."
"Right, 'cause I don't have one."
"But Copycat's the face of the young Avengers— and here's the important part— they put the word young at the front."
Cat tilted her head. "Where are you going with this?"
"For all we know, that day two minors fought for their lives and up until the last minute, Beck had the A.I. with him."
"Yeah but the video's edited so it looks like Peter had the glasses first—"
"Yeah, but when Peter has the glasses, Quentin's on the floor, remember? The camera's pointing at your feet and he's bleeding. How come one second he's bleeding out and at the other, he's wearing the glasses and on both feet? The fact remains that it was two underage heroes with one gun against a grown man with thousands of armed drones surrounding the bridge where you two were."
Cat didn't know if they could make the whole world change their minds, but Matthew's argument sounded pretty damn convincing, so much that for a moment she truly believed she'd acted in self-defense.
"Do you think Peter's going to get arrested?"
The man nodded briefly. "Sorry, Cat. It's plausible."
"Do you think you'd be able to defend him?"
He smiled a little. "What about you?"
"I don't need help."
Matthew raised his eyebrows. "Is S.H.I.E.L.D going to provide you with a lawyer?"
Cat scoffed. "I'm on my own."
"Then what's your plan?"
"I'll be C.C. Stark, or Katrina Maxwell, at least until things cool down. Once everyone forgets about Copy, I'll go back to being a quiet hero. You know, no flashy activities during daylight, and if I have no choice, I guess I'll go stealth."
"I don't think they'll let you go that easily. The government will go after you for the rest of your life even if you do the right thing."
"I'm not interested in being perceived in any particular way by the rest of the world... I just wanted to see you." Cat came to the conclusion that it was best to be sincere. "Now that I did I feel better, even if I shouldn't."
Matthew frowned. "You came to me because you wanted my opinion? I thought you just wanted to hide."
"I didn't want your opinion," she confessed. "I wanted to explain myself."
"I just said you didn't do anything wrong..."
"Yeah, and I honestly think I'll be crying about that later tonight, but I thought... I don't know... I don't want you to hate me."
"I'd be a hypocrite if I turned my back on you now. I'm not a saint, Cat."
"But you've never killed anyone..."
"You know what makes you better than me?" He reached for one of her hands and rubbed it gently. "You regret your actions. You wanted to protect your friends, I only do things to prove that I'm better than the bad guys."
Cat placed her beer on the coffee table, her body facing away from him, but she held his hand tighter. "You contradict yourself, Matthew. You have a heart, you're just really unhappy... like me."
He chuckled. "That's good?"
She rubbed her temple with her free hand. "No, I'm just saying I'm... haunted... by so many ghosts. I didn't want to add your face to the list, especially when you're the only one that gets this part of me, the one that's always... angry."
Matthew's hand left hers, he cupped her face to get her attention. "I'm not mad at you."
She melted on his palm. "Do you wanna know a secret?" He hummed. "I don't care if I live or die, and it'd be easier if everyone felt the same way." Cat looked at him, he was getting closer. "But I saved Peter instead of leaving him, and I came here tonight to make sure you knew the truth because I'm a liar, I want you to care about me."
Matthew leaned forward, his nose brushed hers. "Can I tell you a secret?" She nodded, knowing he could tell. "You make my world feel quieter, Cat. I care about you... and I need you."
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Billy welcomed her with open arms and a hungry gaze. "How was your trip, my love?"
"Didn't you see the news? Spider-man ruined it. No investors want to work with me. I live in the same city as that twat— they think they're putting their earnings at risk!"
"A teenager calling himself an Avenger," he sneered. "Like we needed more reasons to detest them."
She wrapped her arms around Billy and gave him her best puppy eyes. "I think I have a way to use this in our favor... but I'll need your help."
Billy smirked. "Do tell."
Cat looked around with disgust. "Let's go to your office. I want to keep this between us."
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Next Chapter—>
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insportsday · 1 month
Shop On: Mavic Air 2
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【Up Your Game】: The Mavic Air 2 Camera Drone Takes Power And Portability To The Next Level. It Combines A Powerful Camera With Intelligent Shooting Modes For Stunning Results. Push Your Imagination To Its Limits Because Aerial Photography Has Never Been This Easy.
【Next-Level Content】: Capture Impressive 48mp Photos With A 1/2-Inch Cmos Sensor While The 3-Axis Gimbal Provides 4k/60fps Video. The Secret To Incredible Hdr Video Is A High-Performance Quad Bayer Image Sensor. Ocusync 2.0 Has A Video Transmission Distance Of Up To 6.2mi / 10 Km And Can Also Deliver 1080p Fhd Resolution Livestream Directly From The Drone’s Camera.
【Improved Flight】: An Impressive Flight Time Of Up To 34 Minutes Allows You To Pull Off Epic, Fast-Paced Shots. Obstacle Sensing In Three Directions Makes It Extra Convenient For Beginners And Improves Safety For Your Mavic Air 2.
【Intelligent Tracking】: Mavic Air 2 Features Intuitive Shooting Functions That Make Aerial Photography Easier Than Ever. Spotlight 2.0 Keeps The Camera Locked On A Subject While You Fly Freely. Activetrack 3.0 Keeps Subjects Centered. Poi 3.0 Tracks Moving Subjects Like People And Vehicles.
【App Compatibility】: The Dji Fly App Requires Ios V10.0, Android V6.0, Or Above.
Compatible Devices Include: Iphone (11 Pro Max, 11 Pro, 11, Xs Max, Xs, Xr, X, 8 Plus, 8, 7 Plus, 7, 6s Plus, 6s, 6 Plus, 6), Ipad Pro (9.7’’), Ipad Air 2 (9.7’’), Ipad Mini 4 (8’’), Ipad Pro (10.5’’), Ipad Pro 2018 11’’, Ipad Pro 12.9’’, Samsung Galaxy (S20, S10+, S10, S9+, S9, S8+, S8, S7 Edge, S7, S6, Note10+, Note9, Note8), Huawei (P30 Pro, P30, P20, P10, Mate 30 Pro, Mate 20 Pro, Mate 10, Nova 5, Nova 4, Nova 3e, Nova 2, Honor 8x, 10, 9, 20 Pro, Magic 2, Mi 8, Mix 2s, Mix 2, Redmi Note 5, Oppo Find X, R15, Vivo Nex, X27, X21, X20a, Oneplus 7, 6t, 5, Pixel 3 Xl, 2 Xl, 2, Lg V20, Lg G6, Sony Xpeial 1.
【What You Get】: Mavic Air 2 Aircraft, Remote Controller, Intelligent Flight Battery, 3x Low-Noise Propellers (Pair), Rc Cables (Usb Type-C, Lightning, Standard Micro-Usb), Control Stick, Gimbal Protector, Battery Charger, Manuals, Ac Power Cable, Type-C Cable.
【Video Capture Resolution】: 4k Hd. Operating Temperature Range–10° To 40°C (14° To 104°F)
34-Min Max Flight Time Stay in the air long enough to get that perfect capture with extended flight time
10km 1080p Video Transmission * Capture amazing landscapes with stable 10km 1080p transmission
Get Inspired With Excellent Image Quality With a 1/2-inch CMOS sensor, DJI Mavic Air 2 is your powerful tool to master detailed aerial shots with smooth 4K/60fps video and 48MP photos.
FocusTrack FocusTrack combines three intelligent modes to make tracking your subjects effortless.
8K Hyperlapse [1] Warp time and space for stunning 8K footage without complex post-processing.
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ecuatorianayaleman · 1 year
NO VAYAS a EGIPTO SIN SABER esto - Todo que REALMENTE necesitas | Ecuatoriana y Aleman
NO VAYAS a EGIPTO SIN SABER esto - Todo que REALMENTE necesitas | Ecuatoriana y Aleman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6hEroKfwOI Egipto, un pais que lo recomendamos siempre, uno de nuestros destinos favoritos que todos merecen visitar alguna vez en su visa, por eso les traemos esta guia escencial de NO VAYAS a Egipto sin saber todo esto. Aqui vas a encontrar todo lo que realmente necesitas saber antes de empezar tu viaje al pais de los Faraones.Tambien te animamos a ir a Egipto, es un pais totalmente seguro y te aclaramos todas esas dudas aqui. Si quiere apoyarnos para seguir trayendo contenido visita nuestra website: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/karenypatrick ⬇️ Activar los subtitulos en: español, aleman, ingles y más. ✅ capitulos: 00:00 Intro 01:35 Transporte 04:53 Mejor tiempo para viajar 07:02 Con tour o solo? 09:01 Respetar la cultura 10:55 Internet 12:17 Agua del grifo 12:58 Donde cambiar el dinero? 14:15 Aprender el lengua 15:43 Propina 16:36 No subestimes el clima 17:34 Visa 18:42 Seguridad 20:10 Drones y camera en egipto 21:26 Negociar 21:53 Solo hazlo! 23:08 Conclusion 📝 Informaciones sobre el lugar: ▸ Pagina oficial de https://egypt.travel ▸ Pagina de Go Bus: https://go-bus.com Este video trata sobre información NO VAYAS a EGIPTO SIN SABER esto pero también trata de cubrir el siguiente tema: transporte barato en egitpo mejor tiempo para viajar a egipto donde cambiar dinero en egipto y mucho mas Título: NO VAYAS a EGIPTO SIN SABER esto - Todo que REALMENTE necesitas | Ecuatoriana y Aleman ✅ Suscríbete Al Canal Para Ver Mas Videos De Nuestros Viajes: https://www.youtube.com/c/EcuatorianayAleman ✅ Links Importantes: 👉 Website: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/karenypatrick 👉 Todo el equipo que usamos esta en Amazon: https://amzn.to/3niNQXf ✅ Conectate conmigo: 👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ecuatorianayaleman/ 👉 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ecuatorianayaleman 👉 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ecuatorianayaleman ============================== ✅ Otros videos que te pueden interesar: 👉 El Cairo Y Las Pirámides De Egipto - Descubre La Belleza De Estos Lugares | Ecuatoriana y Aleman https://youtu.be/3x3YtmfbRBI 👉 Explorando la Antigua Ciudad de Luxor - Guía de Viaje Parte 1 | Ecuatoriana y Aleman https://youtu.be/m3Q0XXWRcDo 👉 El Valle De Los Reyes - Las Tumbas Y Templos Más Asombrosos De Egipto | Ecuatoriana y Aleman https://youtu.be/cWZr3HYn9mE 👉 Viajando Por Egipto - Descubre La Belleza De Aswan Y Abu Simbel | Ecuatoriana y Aleman https://youtu.be/LkFRHU5qPxc ============================= ✅ Acerca de Ecuatoriana y Aleman: Bienvenidos a nuestro canal, queremos compartir nuestra historia, nuestra vida, viajes, amor y mucho mucho más con ustedes... ❤️🙌 Nos acompaña 👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏼. Te invitamos a que veas nuestros videos y si te gustan te suscribas, Muchas Gracias y que los disfrutes. Saludos. 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔 Suscríbete Al Canal Para Ver Mas Videos De Nuestros Viajes: https://www.youtube.com/c/EcuatorianayAleman ===================== #novayas #egipto #transporte #consejosdeviaje #viajarbarato Descargo de responsabilidad: No aceptamos ninguna responsabilidad por ninguna pérdida o daño en el que se incurra si usted actúa o no actúa como resultado de escuchar cualquiera de mis publicaciones. Usted reconoce que utiliza la información que proporcionamos bajo su propio riesgo. Haga su propia investigación. Descargo de responsabilidad de derechos de autor: según la Sección 107 de la Ley de derechos de autor de 1976, se permite el "uso justo" para fines tales como críticas, comentarios, informes de noticias, enseñanza, becas e investigación. El uso justo es un uso permitido por el estatuto de derechos de autor que de otro modo podría estar infringiendo. El uso personal, educativo o sin fines de lucro inclina la balanza a favor del uso justo © Ecuatoriana y Aleman via Ecuatoriana y Aleman https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7eyJNbJn4Xlkq28zmKp7Hw April 10, 2023 at 12:30AM
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sciencespies · 2 years
How we’ll explore the unknown Universe
How we’ll explore the unknown Universe
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Two of the biggest-ever space projects began their journey of discovery this summer. In July, the James Webb Space Telescope sent its first images back to Earth. Then in late August, the Space Launch System rocket and Orion module were readied for the maiden, uncrewed test flight of the Artemis programme.
But as these landmark missions take their first steps, their successors are already lining up. Over the last decade, NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) programme has funded research into novel space tech that encourages inventors to take advantage of new technologies and break away from the traditional ideas of what a spacecraft should be.
At the same time, an ever-increasing number of new spacefaring nations and private companies are taking chances on new ideas. With results ranging from the innovative to the outright bizarre, here we take a look at what the spacecraft of tomorrow might look like.
A new epoch of spaceflight is upon us. Here, we explore the next generation of spacecraft that will take us to parts of our Solar System that we’ve never seen before.
Dragonfly spacecraft on Titan © Getty Images
Searching the skies
If you want to cover a lot of ground, the best way is to take to the sky
On 19 April 2021, the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Scout became the first spacecraft to make a controlled powered flight on the surface of another planet. The drone-like rotorcraft hitched a ride aboard Perseverance, NASA’s most-advanced rover that’s armed with heavy robot arms, instruments and power-hungry ovens that can bake and analyse soil samples. Conversely, Ingenuity, which only has a mass of 1.8kg, carries just two cameras.
For what it lacked in instrumentation, Ingenuity made up for in range. While Perseverance had to spend weeks skirting around the outside of a boulder-strewn field, Ingenuity flew over it in minutes and was able to scout the path ahead. With such proof of potential, there’s no doubt that while Ingenuity might have been the first such flight, it won’t be the last.
Even before Ingenuity launched, NASA was already planning on sending its successor, Dragonfly, to Saturn’s moon, Titan, in 2027. This moon is simultaneously incredibly familiar and totally alien. Like our planet, it has a nitrogen-rich atmosphere at an Earth-like pressure, while the terrain is shaped by mountains and liquid lakes. Only it’s -180ºC. Instead of rock, the mountains are ice, and the lakes are filled not with water, but liquid methane and ethane. Hydrocarbons such as these are thought to have formed the building blocks of life here on Earth. Could they have done so on Titan as well?
Read more about Saturn:
To have a chance of answering these questions, Dragonfly will have significantly more scientific power than its Martian predecessor. The increased lift of its eight rotors, combined with Titan’s thick atmosphere and low gravity of 1.4m/s2, means that Dragonfly can have a mass of 450kg – enough to carry a heavy radio thermal generator and still have a significant science payload.
Dragonfly will have spectrometers to analyse both the atmosphere and soil, as well as meteorological sensors and the all-important cameras. These will help the craft to navigate as it flies for more than 175km across TItan’s surface – double the distance of all the Martian rovers combined – in just 2.7 years. The images they send back will be the best ever taken of the moon’s surface, and will finally reveal what’s hiding among the hills and lakes of Titan.
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Artist’s impression of BREEZE spacecraft in Venus’s clouds © CRASH Lab, University at Buffalo
Cruising on stormy skies
Inflatable manta rays could scull through the acid clouds of Venus
In 2020, a group led by Cardiff University announced the potential discovery of phosphine on Venus. Here on Earth, the gas is given off by acid-loving bacteria, so could similar microorganisms be living in the sulphuric clouds of Venus? Unfortunately, a flurry of follow-up observations have cast doubt as to whether phosphine is actually present, but it’s undeniably put Venus back at the top of people’s planetary wishlists.
Venus’s clouds sit at an altitude of around 50 to 70km. Though Venus’s surface pressure is 92 times that of Earth, at an altitude of 50km it’s around one atmosphere – the same pressure as sea level on Earth – meaning a helium-filled balloon could easily carry a payload of scientific instruments through the air. In fact, in 1985, the Soviet Union did just that when they dropped Vega 1 and 2 onto the planet’s nightside. For two days, they were thrown around the turbulent skies, before the 250km/h wind pushed them round to the dayside and they burst in the heat of the Sun.
Read more about Venus:
Since then, engineers have been searching for ways to better navigate the stormy skies of Venus. A rotorcraft would be ripped apart, but a new concept from the Crashworthiness for Aerospace Structures and Hybrids (CRASH) Lab at the University at Buffalo, New York, could offer a solution. In 2022, the lab was given funding by NIAC to develop the Bioinspired Ray for Extreme Environments and Zonal Exploration (BREEZE), an inflatable spacecraft inspired by a manta ray.
“BREEZE’s articulated wings are based on the ray musculoskeletal system, using an intertwined, redundant actuation network that helps reduce the chance of total system failure,” says Dr Javid Bayandor, who worked on the project. This would gently twist the wings of the craft allowing it to manoeuvre along the air currents like a ray rides ocean currents.
“The bioinspired propulsion provides the light BREEZE flier with unique controllability. [This is] unlike balloon concepts, the flight paths of which are determined purely by wind direction, or conventional propulsion with large fuel consumption rates,” says Bayandor. “BREEZE is one of the first concepts offered to circumnavigate Venus from within its atmosphere and survive, making measurements on the dark side of the planet.”
Circling the planet once every four to six days, it would be able to track weather patterns, map out the surface using radar and perhaps even sniff out biomarkers (including the elusive phosphine). As it’s inflatable, it’s highly compact, so two or three could launch from the same entry vehicle at once, meaning a squadron of BREEZEs could one day float along the winds of Venus.
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Graphic of the SWIM probe © Ethan Schaler
In deep, dark depths
Piercing through the crust of Europa to explore its hidden ocean
Jupiter’s moon Europa hides a secret under its icy crust – a liquid water ocean. Could there be alien life swimming in the deepest depths of this quiet moon? Europa already has two upcoming spacecraft bound towards it – ESA’s Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer (JUICE) and NASA’s Europa Clipper. Both of these will examine the moon from orbit when they arrive in the 2030s, but the real hope is to one day land on the surface and explore the ocean beneath.
The first step, however, is getting through the ice, which can measure anywhere from a few hundred metres to tens of kilometres. One concept uses heated probes shaped like giant needles to melt through the ice. Microbiologist Dr Jill Mikucki from the University of Tennessee has been using her experience in finding microorganisms inside glaciers to test how feasible this might be on another world.
“There are many challenges when drilling through an icy moon,” says Mikucki. “The ice is much colder than on Earth, and how do you supply enough power? Testing melt probes on Earth’s coldest ice can help scientists and engineers better conceptualise their parameters. From my experience in Antarctica and other icy places on Earth, a lot can go wrong when you’re flying blind in an ice hole!”
Read more about Jupiter:
Most concepts for an extraterrestrial ice-diving robot, known as a cryobot, use the heat of a radioactive source to melt the ice. Others propose using drills or lasers to cut through the ice. However, most of these have focused on getting through the ice, rather than on what to do once they got there.
Not so the Sensing With Independent Micro-swimmers (SWIM) project, from NIAC. SWIM would stowaway aboard a cryobot, then deploy a swarm of 10cm-long, free-swimming robots to navigate the ocean.
“A swarm of robots can cover a larger volume of water compared to a single vehicle,” says Dr Azadeh Ansari from the Georgia Institute of Technology, part of the SWIM team. “If one or a few robots fail, the mission can still be completed.”
As Europa is in Jupiter’s strong magnetic field, the bots could scavenge all the power they need by creating electromagnetic currents, extending their lifetimes away from the mothership. The SWIM researchers are interested in measuring the temperature, pressure, pH and salinity of the water, but also want to add a chemical gravimetric sensor to detect big molecules that could be indicative of life signs.
Now, the SWIM team is using 3D-printed prototypes to test the bots’ steering, propulsion, comms and sensing systems, but one day a swarm of similar robo-space-fish could be swimming through Europa’s oceans.
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Asagumo ‘spider bot’ has legs to help it with tricky terrain © Spacebit
Into the shadows
Life on other planets is likely to be found underground, where there is shelter from radiation
In the past, landers on both the Moon and Mars have stayed near the equator, where there’s plenty of sunlight for their solar panels. Now, however, attention has moved to the darker shadows of our closest neighbours. The lunar south pole has craters where the Sun never reaches the bottom, potentially allowing for water ice to survive, while Martian cave systems could shelter microorganisms from damaging radiation. These craters and caves might one day serve as foundations for a permanent human base.
Exploring these new terrains requires a new type of vehicle, as the rovers that have so far traversed the Moon and Mars are ill-suited to a cave’s rugged terrain. Robots with legs have been suggested since the early days of the Space Age, but are only now becoming technologically feasible. In fact, the first lunar ‘scuttler’ robot, the spider-like Asagumo from UK-based company Spacebit, is due to take its first steps on the lunar surface within the next year.
Meanwhile, the BRAILLE team (Biological and Resource Analog Investigations in Low Light Environments) at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory are developing the tools such a robo-explorer will need. The bots will need to be autonomous, because the potential of losing communications, not to mention the minute-long lag time between Earth and Mars, makes direct human control impossible. The team use NeBula autonomy software that allows a robot to explore environments and adapt to unexpected scenarios without the need for human oversight.
Read more about Mars:
BRAILLE simulated a mission at the Lava Beds National Monument in California, using the software on a pack of Boston Dynamics SPOT robots. The first robot was armed with LiDAR to map out the complex tunnels and identify interesting targets. A second explorer took a closer look at these, even swabbing samples from the walls. A third SPOT remotely analysed the chemical makeup of the targets. During the test, the trio climbed up rough surfaces that would stop a traditional rover in its tracks, and navigated narrow passages that even a human might struggle with.
But even these nimble explorers could be stumped by deeper crevasses. This is where a NIAC project, ReachBot, could help out. This robot uses extendable boom arms with manipulators on the end to shimmy up and down narrow passageways.
Their compactable design means several could be transported together, allowing them to help each other out, pushing against each other to gain leverage. These could be dispatched into tight caves, coming back with samples that would normally be out of reach. It would be easy to carry half a dozen on the backs of Spacebit or BRAILLE descendants, ready to explore every nook and cranny of the rocky surfaces of our Solar System.
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Lunar Gateway will act as a waystation to the Moon’s surface © NASA/JPL
Expanding into the Solar System
Trying to cram a kilometre-sized structure into a metre-wide rocket is no easy feat
In December 1972, Apollo 17 flew to the Moon, marking the last time humans ventured beyond the bounds of low-Earth orbit. At least, for now. In August, Artemis was being readied for its first uncrewed test launch ahead of a future lunar landing. Over the coming decade, NASA will lead a team of global partners to build the Lunar Gateway, a space station that will act as a waystation to the Moon’s surface and perhaps even on to Mars. The Gateway – like the ISS and China’s Tiangong Space Station before it – is being built piece-by-piece from what can fit in a rocket.
But for interplanetary flight, you need bigger ships. The lack of gravity over a long-term trip through space causes muscle atrophy, heart problems, bone loss, eyesight degradation and immunosuppression. The solution is to build spacecraft that spin to simulate gravity (think 2001: A Space Odyssey).
The trouble is, to spin astronauts around without making them sick you need a craft with arms that are up to one kilometre in length. That would take dozens of costly, tricky traditional launches to build. But a NIAC concept from Dr Zac Manchester of Carnegie Mellon University could potentially do it in just one launch.
Read more about space travel:
“Our goal is to make a structure that can fit inside a single rocket fairing – which limits us to just a few metres across – and can expand out to a kilometre long in orbit,” says Manchester. “It turns out structures that only need to work in space don’t have to be very stiff or strong because the forces acting on them are very weak. In our case, the large structures we’re designing would launch folded up, so they would only need to withstand large forces in their folded configuration.”
He has been investigating structures made from interconnected sets of scissor linkages to create complex shaped structures that expand up to 150 times their original size. Such structures require thousands of moving parts, which is something normally seen as foolhardy in spacecraft, given you can’t just send out a mechanic if something gets stuck.
“This is one of the most difficult challenges in the project, and we worry a lot about mechanisms jamming during deployment,” says Manchester. One of the key parts of his current work on the project is perfecting the design to minimise the risk from any manufacturing errors. “We’re thinking about ways to strategically engineer compliance [the opposite of stiffness] into the structure to mitigate the risk of jamming.”
Jack-in-the-box spacecraft could soon be popping up across low-Earth orbit, ready to sail on to other planets.
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psychicwint · 2 years
Dji fpv propeller guards
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Propeller guards are perhaps the most popular drone safety accessory among pilots, especially beginners, but it never hurts to fully protect your drone with these handy accessories. What other safety accessories are available for my drone? Here’s a breakdown of all the manufacturer-recommended propeller guards for consumer-level DJI drones currently stocked at D1 Store. Propeller guards also increase drag, which can have an impact on flight speed and acceleration time.Īre there Propeller Guard available for my drone?ĭJI manufacturer-recommended propeller guards are available for almost all DJI drones from the basic Mavic Mini all the way through to the Inspire 2. Thus, when the weight of propeller guards is added to your drone, it is likely that you will see a decrease in overall battery life and flight time. When weight is added to a drone, more power is required to fly it, especially at high speeds. Unfortunately, the many benefits of propeller guards do come at the cost of flight time. They are also significantly more affordable than any repair fees from crashes, making them a cheap and easy-to-use safety accessory. Most propeller guards feature a simple clip-on design making installation and pack-down quick and convenient. Propeller guards are a necessity if you plan on flying indoors, allowing you to simply bounce off walls. By protecting the most fragile moving component of your drone, propeller guards significantly reduce your chances of propeller damage and subsequent crashes.
Propeller guards are a convenient and affordable way to protect your drone whilst in flight by providing a physical barrier between your drone and obstacles whilst providing a full range of motion to propellers. Join us as we explore the pros and cons of propeller guards and find out if they’re right for you! Nullam maximus nisi nec mi facilisis.An essential accessory for many drone pilots and a no-go for some, drone propeller guards are a point of contention among the drone community. Pellentesque vitae dui lacinia, venenatis erat sit amet, fringilla felis. Phasellus eget augue tincidunt, sollicitudin lectus sed, convallis desto. Nam sagittis lacus metus, dignissim blandit magna euismod eget. Maecenas nunc nulla, placerat at eleifend in, viverra etos sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.Ĭurabitur vel sem mi. Duis congue posuere libero, a aliquam est porta quis.ĭonec ullamcorper magna enim, vitae fermentum turpis elementum quis. Ut consequat quam a purus faucibus scelerisque. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. US government institutions have issued statements discouraging their internal use of DJI products, but as of 2020 various agencies at the local and federal level continue to use DJI prodcts. The company's products have also been used by militaries and police forces, as well as terrorist groups, with the company taking steps to limit access to the latter. Its camera drone technology has been used widely for the music, television and film industries. It also designs and manufactures camera gimbals, action cameras, camera stabilizers, flight platforms and propulsion systems and flight control systems.ĭJI is the dominant market leader in the civilian drone industry, accounting for over 70 percent of the world's drone market. DJI is a world-leading manufacturer of commercial unmanned aerial vehicles (commonly known as "drones") for aerial photography and videography. (Chinese: 深圳大疆创新科技有限公司) in full, more popularly known as its trade name DJI which stands for Dà-Jiāng Innovations (Chinese: 大疆创新, "great frontier innovation"), is a Chinese technology company headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong with factories throughout the world. or Shenzhen DJI Sciences and Technologies Ltd.
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bisrsrch · 4 years
The drone camera market has exhibited a robust growth rate in the recent past. Cameras used in drones have experienced continuous technological advancement since their inception. Their increased adoption across commercial, military and homeland security end-users is attributed to their declining prices, compact size and ease of operability. Furthermore, increase in demand of drones for imaging applications, rise in usage of low cost Do-It-Yourself (DIY) drones, and high demand of drones for surveillance applications are driving the growth in the drone camera market. The demand of drone cameras has experienced a significant rise in the recent years and the trend is anticipated to continue in the next few years, owing to their cost saving advantage across commercial and non-commercial end-users. The rise in demand of drones across emerging nations and miniaturization of cameras are expected to open several new opportunities for the drone camera market in the years to come.
Obtain the Sample Report at: https://bisresearch.com/requestsample?id=502&type=download
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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ARMY-2022: Russian Helicopters reveals unmanned helicopter with high payload
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 08/17/2022 - 16:00 in Helicopters, UAV - UAV
Russian Helicopter unveiled a universal unmanned aerial system of type BAS-750 at the Army-2022 Forum that is taking place this week.
The system consists of two helicopters with a maximum takeoff weight of 750 kg, as well as two ground control and flight support stations. The autonomous mobile system ensures the continuous flight of rotary-wing drones for up to 6 hours.
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The BAS-750 is capable of carrying a surveillance payload and transmitting information to the operator at a distance of up to 150 km. The project provides for the installation of additional fuel tanks to increase the duration of the flight. An optoelectronic/infrared package can be seen in the nose of the UAV.
"The BAS-750 is the 'older brother' of the BAS-200 drone. It continues the line of multifunctional unmanned systems capable of solving a wide range of tasks. They are research work, cartography, monitoring of agricultural land, roads, reservoirs, oil and gas infrastructure facilities, power supply lines, communications and pipelines, as well as cargo transportation. The drone is capable of carrying loads weighing up to 200 kilograms at a speed of 180 km/h," said Oleg Yevtushenko, Executive Director of Rostec.
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The new helicopter UAV is capable of rising to a height of up to 3,500 meters and, in combination with a high payload and uninterrupted flight duration, significantly expands the versatility of the UAV.
"In a typical configuration, rotary-wing drones are equipped with an optoelectronic system, five daytime panoramic cameras and the ability to return to the starting point even in the absence of satellite navigation data," said Oleg Gulyaev, First Deputy Director General of the Russian Helicopters holding company.
Tags: BAS-750HelicoptersRussiaRussian HelicoptersUAV
Previous news
Latvia donates Mi-17 and Mi-2 helicopters to the Ukrainian military
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in a specialized aviation magazine in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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katsuflossy · 4 years
For the Sake of the Mission
Pairing: Aizawa Shouta x reader
TW: obscenities, slight sexual scene, angst
Word Count: 2.3k
Taglist: @sunset-novice-writer @goatsenpaiultimate
A/n: I’ve decided to change it from 18+ because it really isn’t just please use descretion as there are uncomfortable scenes. Asides from that I’ve gotten this idea from some British show my mom was watching so props to y’all who’ll now the reference. Please enjoy!! (Edited)
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The whirring of the vents took advantage of the silence in the room, making up most of the sounds in the metal chamber. It made the air cold, scattering goosebumps on your skin even though around you wore a black sweater. Walls showed no sign festivity, bare of any creative artworks, just reflective of where you currently are. A face devoid of any emotions looked back at you, but even without proper clarity you knew the purpose of the reflection; it wasn’t a giant metaphor to reflect on your mistakes and crimes nor was it supposed to be calming. Its purpose was to make sure you had nothing else left to blame. The only blame was to lay you and your “confessions”.
The interrogation room was like a confessional that didn’t allow you to come back from mistakes.
The contact of soft yet pointed footsteps on the tiles of the floor now dominated the mechanical drone of the vents. Like a sly fox purposefully tapping around its prey as a taunt. Your heart never raced harder before this scenario. Getting caught in the middle of a police raid will definitely pull you into more trouble than you are already in.Your eyes switched from the wall to the ominous black window in front of you. You can’t see them but they can see you. Hell, you don’t even know who is behind that window, gauging your entire reaction at this moment. But that wasn’t what struck your heart in fear.
The footsteps could be heard behind your seated figure. Its dynamic raised louder, practically echoing through the vacuum of a room. You swallowed with much tension as the knob turned, breaking the new presence in the room.
You wondered who it was and prayed it was a low ranking police man. If it was Naomasa, Kenji or any other high ranking officers, your cover would be blown and two sides would place, on your head, a hefty bounty, dead or alive.
Black boots stepped across your vision as you peered on to your own attire, crinkled and worn from the activities you were caught in. The whirring dominated the room again as he laid on the wall, one leg used to support his weight. Your eyes finally connected to his face.
“I spoke at your funeral, you know that right?” You stared blankly into his face. Aizawa wasn’t deterred from your deadpanned face however.
“Imagine making a eulogy for someone you care so much about, believing for 3 months they have died only to have her right in front of you again—” He moved to the chair on his side of the room, “not saying a word to you. Like it has just been a bad dream.”
You kept your tongue on a leash. Your gaze went to the window and back to the hero. He sighed in discontent before placing his hand on the recorder, lifting it up to show the lack of light on the device.
“The recorder is off and there’s no one behind there. So your words stay with me.” You sighed in relief however the situation now seemed more tortuous than what you were fearing.
“I know.” Your voice breaks in soft waves to Aizawa’s ears which croned to get more. After all, he went from listening to you everyday to straight radio silence. There was no explanation or your ‘death’ and disappearance and he had endured the worst. But now he has a chance to find answers.
“I did some little digging,” your head whipped back to his own as he went on, “the most I’ve found was a covert special ops able to infiltrate the League with only two members. One uses death to gain the respect of the league members in order to join their ranks and get a bulk of the information while the other stays on the side of the heroes. I’m assuming the former is you and the latter—“
“How did you get that information! You’re sleuthing around could ruin the whole mis—“
“You were dead.” His words ran echoes through your ears and sent chills down your spine, not in the ways that it used to. In three words his raw emotions shook you to your core and shook your trained mind. It seeped in back the old memories that had been blocked out for the sake of your profession.
“The latter, they’re keeping airtight, I’m assuming only the high members of the Commision have that intel.”
Panic began to whirl around you. If Aizawa had been able to collect such intel on you, others would too. And those ‘others’ are willing to go to any lengths necessary to find that information at the sniff of betrayal. Aizawa sat back and drank in your appearance. Your hair grew in the short but torturous span of 3 months and your skin accepted more battle scars. You should be seen as disheveled, crooked and less attractive but Aizawa thought you were the most beautiful person he’s seen in the past months.
“If you worry about your espionage being revealed, don’t. I used Shinso’s brainwashing quirk to get one of those Commission heads to confess.” Your eyes widened at his honesty.
“Shouta! You can get yourself prosecuted for that!” His eyes glared straight into your own as he scowled further.
“And the same goes for you. How many years do you think you’ll get for faking death and joining Japan’s most notorious villains.” As taken aback you were, you chose to defend yourself.
“It’s my job. You know well if I didn’t obey the Commission’s wishes then I would face even more serious consequences.” You paused your speech, abruptly realising how much anger you had concurred in such a short time with the League, something that should’ve never happened in the first place. You took a deep inhale of air.
“I had to do it for us. I did it for those kids. At the very most, I did it for the citizens of this country.”
His heart and mind were at their final battle. He thought about this reunion nearly everyday and how he would approach you. One route depicted his lashing out at you, the anger bursting through the mask of hurt. On the other route, he pulled you in a tight embrace, hands roaming all over your body to ensure you were in fact real. Now that his manifestations became reality, he couldn’t choose. The concealed pain in your eyes held up a black window like the one on the other side of the room. Only thing was that he was the only one able to see you, the real you.
What did the Commission drag you into? What have you seen?
His heart softened, sending him back to those free late nights, laying on each other watching stand up comedy with a bottle of liquor. You were just bubbly, cracking jokes that rivaled those of the comedian.
His hardened shell finally broke. He let out an airy laugh.
“To think that saving humanity would let us lose the ones we feel human around.” You hummed in dreadful agreement, stripping down a little of your wall as well.
“Indeed, I miss being able to walk outside fearless of any attack from the police or other villains.”
Your words made you sound like a true villain, but he knows you, your way of talking, your body language, your love language.
He leaned back in the chair, letting his back lay against the cold metal as you did the same, making yourselves comfortable as much as you can.
“Tell me. What have you been doing in the last three months?”
You began retelling your life as a spy in the League, how Shirigaki didn’t introduce himself to you until after the first month and the personalities of each villain. You made sure to redact certain information for the fear of roping Aizawa into the same situation they have forced you into, until you blurted out your recent command.
“The last drop off I’ve had they told me I wasn’t close to unfolding the master plans despite leaking various missions that could’ve led to disaster. I had to get close to the members, bond through hobbies, be their entertainer— shit those bastards said to use my womanhood to—“ Aizawa’s eye widened at your slip up, after noticing how careful you were selecting your words. You cleared your throat, heart beating at the speed of light.
“—basically just get buddy buddy with someone.”
“No, that was not what you were going to say. Finish your sentence.”
Your throat was suddenly dry as you tried to swallow down your fear. You took a second in attempting to gather yourself before responding.
“Shouta, I just said they want me to make a friend with one of them—“
“That was not what you were going to say—“
“Well that’s confidential Shouta—“
“I believe I should know when my girlfriend is forced to seduce one of the League’s members.”
You kept your mouth shut, allowing the vents, attempting to blow the tension out of the air, make up for your silence. Shouta stayed still, only moving he exhaled with shaking, tense shoulders, like a volcano ready to erupt.
“Which one is it?” His words came out with a sense of danger, a warning of eruption. You chose to stay silent.
“Shigarki Tomura?” You were silent.
“Dabi?” You were silent.
“Mr. Compress?” Your eyes darted to the side, in an attempt to avoid him from looking into your eyes. But he knew the answer already.
“Fucking shit!” He stood from his seat, a screech emitting through the air before he placed his hands on the table, calming himself down. His anger begged to throw the chair, break the table, punch the walls however he knew the outcome of that route. Many officers would rush in after the commotion before arresting you on sight.
So he breathed, he breathed until the thick humidity of anger evaporated off of his body.
Meanwhile you sat down, guilt gnawing at your heart without hesitation. Your eyes darted to the cameras, one at the corner of the room behind your back and the other on the table, turned off from seeing the look of despair in your eyes.
Your mind went back to the scene before the police raid. Atsuhiro’s hand gently holding your neck as the other laid on your hip. His body firmly pressed against yours, letting you feel the hard bulge on your lower back. He skimmed your ear, calling you a “pretty flower” before zipping down the dress from your back. The dress they bought for you. Just as he was about to kiss you, the police broke down the door of the hideout you were stationed in. Astuhiro escaped and you, along with the little lowlife villains, were the sacrifice.
Your head hung low, shame clouded your thoughts. You couldn’t even look him within the eyes and Shouta saw that. His heart hurt for you like how yours were hurting for him. He slumped his shoulders and let out a sigh. There may be another route he had to choose in order for a better reunion.
“I would’ve never fathom a situation like this. I don’t want you to do this and just the thought of another man touching you makes my blood boil.” You flinched at the harshness in his tone.
“But for the sake of our lives. Do what you need to do.” You snapped your head up to his face, confusion set on your features as he continued.
“It hurts me, like how it hurts you. And judging by your reaction, I know you don’t want to do this also. But if it is my feeling you are trying to protect, don’t, because I know you’ll come back to me at the end of this.”
Within this safe space Aizawa made, you cried. You cried for the first time in the last two months before being a part of the elite League members. The feeling of being human was brought to the forefront of your mind, showing the (Y/n) has known from before. His own eyes stinging from the tears on his waterline.
“Hey.” He lifted your chin to look at your face.
“Promise me you’ll come back to me.” Your cheeks dewy from your tears and your lips red from the blood rushing to your face.
“I will come back to you. I promise.” The corner of his lips lifted up in a bittersweet smile. He let go of your chin to walk towards the door.
“I’ll try to delete that tape from the camera, when I walk down the hall to the right, take the fire escape down the left. Okay?”
“Okay.” Your eyes looked at the camera’s peripheral vision, noticing it didn’t have a view on the front of the door.
In a haste you turned around and ran towards the pro-hero. As soon as he turned around, your fingers entangled in the strands of his hair, pulling down his head to mold your lips with his. A passionate tango of tongues danced within your maw, recollecting the feeling of old times. It wasn’t a goodbye; it was a promise. You both know it.
As your lips parted from his, you wrapped your arms around him, spanning the broadness of his back, and laying your chin on his shoulder. He embraced you with the same tightness. You whispered in his ear.
“For the sake of the mission?”
“For the sake of the mission.”
You released him and stepped back into the door frame, remaking the space you’ve left from three months ago. This time, a sense of hope will pull you through as you complete your mission. And an anchor will keep you grounded to the ones you loved, and not to the villains reaping your empathy.
As he turned to the down the right hall, his eyes met yours before disappearing past the corner. Your training kicked in, both physical and mental, and you ran down the hall to the left.
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