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dhr-deleted · 1 month ago
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If you encounter any problems with the epubs please let me know. Many of the epubs I've made from scratch, there is always a chance for errors.
  2025 January - Uploaded
AddysenMalfoy - "Lockdown", "Ten Things I Hate About You", "The Kill"
bacta.junkie - "A Different Kind of Love Story", "Gin", "See What I See", "Suicide Note"
blaisewatson - "Because I Love You (5 chapters)"
bubblegumdego - "Lusty Pledge (12 chapters)"
camnz - "Voldemort's Court"
Carolare Scarletus (Ann10155) - "Encomium Ombre (14 chapters)", "Taste of Champagne", "Veritas Lux Mea (26 chapters)", "Hieros Gamos (1 chapter)", "At First Sight (10 chapters)"
DakotaDelacour - "Better and Better", "Beneath the Stitches (5 chapters)", "New Millennium", "Between the Lines", "Slow and Sweet", "The Numbers Behind the Lines", "New World Order (10 chapters)", "Once You've Fallen In Love", "Girl In Green"
Hermione_88 - "In the End", "Lure of the Dark Side", "Respect Me", "Two Wars to Fight", "Where Did I Go Right"
hoshiakari7 (starlitflora) - "You Again"
Jazmin.Salazar (BlackDemonAngel) - "How I Met Your Mother (14 chapters)"
kateofallpeople - "A Very Merry Christmas", "A Very Merry Christmas 2: What If (4 chapters)", "Pareo: Obey (9 chapters)", "The Eighth Year", "Take Two", "Eye of the Storm (10 chapters)", "Footnotes", "Trials and Tenderness (9 chapters)", "Ashes to Ashes", "Three Can Play At That Game (3 chapters)", "Ink and Blood"
Magical words from Muggle pens - "Business or Pleasure", "Community Service (8 chapters)", "Dear Valentine", "Drops of Amour (19 chapters)", "Forgetting you", "Guilt (3 chapters)", "Just for tonight", "Quick Fix", "Running Away", "Sinking in Pleasure", "Silent as the Night", "Tease", "The Grave", "The Meeting Point", "The Three Part Quest", "The Way We Were"
MariJuanaBreath (HaylesNune) - "A Better Man", "Tousled", "Monsters in the Night", "A Second Chance (11 chapters)", "Gone Mad", "Santa, Tell Me", "How Far Do You Dare To Go?", "The Snatcher", "His Mental State", "Seven Minutes in Hell (15 chapters)"
mhcalamas (mcal) - "A Fateful Lunch", "Christmas Beginnings", "Cursed By Frost", "Followed", "Haunting a Coffee Shop", "June Fifth", "More Than Enough", "Of Fire and Stars", "Overrated", "Permitted Pondering", "Piecing Together", "Potions, Proposals and Pleiades", "Puppets and Glue", "Seventh Year", "Smuggling Hope", "The Christmas Rose", "The Undeniable Power of Fairy Magic", "Unspeaking Stars", "Woven"
MrsDee26 - "The War Begins (8 chapters)", "To Save a Life"
mrhiddles - "Quaint", "Something Different"
MyLookOfDenial - "Alone", "Branded", "Forgotten", "Love Bites", "The Final Battle", "Time To Let Go"
Nesha Davenport-Coker - "Adult Truth or Dare (3 chapters)", "Because You're Filthy", "Get Low", "Hermione Zabini", "I Do Love You", "I Have a Secret", "Letters", "Malfoy and Granger: The Sex Game", "Never Harmed Again", "The Same Bet", "The Secret of Blaise and Hermione", "Thirst", "We're Family, Babe"
NJ Coffee Queen - "A Light in the Dark", "All Things Must Pass", "In the Snake Pit", "Reunion", "Second Chance", "Starting Over", "Superboy and the Invisible Girl", "The Escape", "Through the Years", "Wants and Needs"
PushTheButton - "Bleak Manor"
Rainbow Breaker - "A Very Bad Idea", "Drabbles", "Good Morning", "If I Could Rearrange The Alphabet", "My Last Gamble", "Only at Hogwarts", "Precious Light", "Shades of Gray", "Tainted Blood", "The Greatest Story Never Told", "The Price of Peace"
Red Wicked/Red W/What.Erised - "1001 Nights of Pride", "Malfoy the Fool! or Heartless Hermione"
shaybert - "The girl on the inside (15 chapters)"
The Great Uniter - "Draco's little angel"
The Ice Goddess - "Granger's Veela (15 chapters)"
TheTrueMrsEdmundPevensie (seddiefan64) - "A Day NOT In Hogsmeade", "Black Keys", "Dirty Little Secret", "Just A Simple Gift Can Make All The Difference", "Probably Shouldn't Have Had That Dance", "Someday", "The Mirror of Erised", "The Night They Couldn't Forget", "What Could've Been"
thatoneunevenchick - "Draco's Lies", "Promises", "Snow Angels", "The Pureblood and the Knife"
Vix777 - "Complexity", "The Only Way"
...and lots more.
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Hermione from @mhcalamas “Fireside Chat”
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bionicallywriting · 5 years ago
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Title: Hot in the Himalayas
Word Count: 14,000
Summary: Revenge is a dish best served cold. In the icy reaches of the Himalayas, years after their ill-conceived affair, Hermione plots out the steps to her revenge with a few old friends. It just so happens that things don’t turn out exactly the way she plans, not when tempers are running so hot.
Tags: Humour and some angst (in Hermione's mind only)
Malfoy suddenly turned intense red-rimmed eyes on her and breathed alcoholic fumes in her face as he said, “Hit me, Granger.”
He was completely crowding her space and forcing her to lean backwards over the stone stairs to maintain some semblance of distance. She almost fell over, but he caught her elbow and hauled her upright.
“What?” She tried to struggle free, but the scrawny thing was stronger than he looked. He smelled like he had been dunked into a vat of alcohol.
“Hit me in the face, Granger. You know you want to and it'll make me feel better. I wasn't sorry for third year, but I'm sorry now, for not doing a damn thing while you got tortured—”
“Oh, shut up, Malfoy,” she said and tried to shove him away. Almost everyone she had come across had apologised to her for that. It was strange that he was too, except he had always wanted to be on whatever bandwagon others were on. Also, someone definitely spiked the punch, because she felt decidedly strange being so close to him. She had never found his annoying little face attractive, preferring character over supposed looks, but he had swagger alright, and apparently her hormones were not immune to swagger, no matter what her brain wanted to believe.
“Hit me. Hit me. C'mon, I deserve it and you want to. You know you want to—hit me!”
So she did, because if she hadn't wanted to before, she definitely did now, because he was irritating her so damned much. 
He reared off her, holding one hand to his cheek like he had third year, his mouth open. 
She was the one smirking now, shrugging as he stalked back to grab her by the upper arms. “Hey, you told me to,” she protested.
He didn't seem drunk in the least as he stared down at her with those red-rimmed silver eyes. “I didn't think you were going to!”
She shrugged again. “Well, I can't help it if you're so slappable.”
He scowled down at her and shook her. Just for that, she slapped him again, and then he kissed her.
That shocked the hell out of her, but not as much as his next words, which were, “Merlin, I've been wanting to do that for ages.”
That was when she kissed him back.
See that beautiful aesthetic up there? Made for me by the talented @mhcalamas. So much thanks and a very belated posting of this fic, which was for the 2019 Salt and Pepper Fest earlier this year.
This fic, yikes, it took me a bit of fiddling to get it to the final stage. It was borne out of an extremely hilarious episode of Hot in Cleveland, in which vengeance on an old lover turns into all sorts of hilarious arthritic comedy. Needless to say, if Hermione had been completely serious about revenge, Malfoy would not survive.
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delia-pavorum · 6 years ago
If Rey could have a “stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking Nerfherder” moment with Ben, what do you think she’d say (because you know Han probably teased Leia about that forever)???
Oh my gosh, good question. I’ve actually written an exchange between them before where she calls him a “moof-milker”, which is now one of my favourite canonverse insults:
Mundane chatter, amounting to a greater picture of what their lives are truly like; idle chitchat that starts to feel like an old blanket—
“Could you refrain from talking with your mouth full?”
“Could you refrain from being such a moof-milker?”
—Something warm and comfortable. Safe.
(From Moral Ambiguity)
But in terms of actually blasting him in anger/annoyance? I can almost see her being exasperated with his self-flagellation and belief that he doesn’t deserve forgiveness/redemption and insulting him out of love. 😂 Either way, I hope we see it in TRoS!! 
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mykesprit · 5 years ago
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@mhcalamas writes A M A Z I N G stories in different ships and fandoms. Below are only some of my favorites. Check her out so you can love her as much as I do!
I’m quite attached to this one because it was written for meeeeeee:
Too Much in Love
Pairing: Harmony
"Neither of them were really all right, she knew that. But they'd agreed to survive this celebration ball nonsense together, and that's what they'd done..." It's been two years since the end of the Second Wizarding War, and Hermione and Harry can't find it in them to say goodnight. COMPLETE
This GORGEOUS Reylo:
A Different Point of View
Pairing: Reylo
Why is the Force connecting us?
Kylo Ren is left alone with his thoughts and memories between Force connections with Rey... until they are connected in her hut... A completed Drabble/Oneshot of Kylo Ren/Ben Solo's POV of the hut scene.
This one has one of my favorite “side” characters she’s ever written--Moony!:
Completely Obvious
Pairing: Remione
Hermione was ready for a career change. Remus wants to hire a tutor for Teddy. An AU in which Remus lives.
Such an adorable fic! The first one I ever read of hers (anonymous at the time I read it), and I immediately fell in love with her prose:
The Undeniable Power of Fairy Magic
Pairing: Dramione
Hermione Granger has been turned into a fairy. Will her partner in the Care of Magical Creature Department, Draco Malfoy, be able to turn back into a human, or will she remain a fairy forever?
One of my absolute favorite Dramiones ever! Such beautiful writing, and if you love a great Theo/Hermione friendship or a Harry/Hermione friendship, this one’s for you!:
Pairing: Dramione
Astoria Malfoy is found dead in Paris. Hanging from her ankle, all the blood drained from her body, and the galleons and galleons apparently with her are missing. Aurors have a suspect, but mounting evidence seems to point to her husband, Draco. In a twisted tale of intrigue, suspicion and love, Magizoologist Hermione Granger wishes she'd never set foot in Paris. EWE. DRAMIONE.
Read her.
Love her.
Review her.
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riddikulusfest · 6 years ago
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Title: Puppets and Glue Author: @mhcalamas Characters/Pairings: Draco/Hermione Rating: T Prompt #: 2 Crack fic first kiss Word Count: 2274 Content/Warning(s): Some mild profanity. Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation. A/N:There is some mild language in this.Special thanks to the moderators for this fest, for Hystaracal for the inspiration, to Mykespirit for reading this and saying it was funny and my amazing beta CourtingInsanity.
Summary: Godparents Draco and Hermione have been asked to babysit for the day. Things may or may not get sticky. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18081395
“Why am I not surprised?”
“Surprised, Draco?” Granger answers, though the witch doesn’t turn her head of curls to acknowledge his entrance.
He huffs. “Yes. I’m gone for all of five minutes and, as usual, you’ve taken over. This can only end in disaster.”
That gets her attention. “If you’re referring to the incident with the Cornish pixies, I maintain that was neither my idea, nor my fault.” She pauses in her work nudge a pudgy baby’s nose with her finger. “Besides that, you’ve been gone for forty-five minutes—”
“ I have not!”  He’s indignant, but cannot resist brushing a hand over his trimmed fringe once more…
His godson coos and giggles from behind Granger and the witch turns back to the baby, saying in that sing-song voice she gets around baby James, “Oh yes he was.” She summons a pot labelled ‘Glue’ to her and sings again, “Yes, yes, yes, Draco was. You didn’t even mess his hair up—”
“He did so!” Draco yelps, carding both hands through his fine, trimmed and pristine hair, thank you very much. “He spewed that green vegetable mash all in my clothes and hair.”  
“Still not your fault, little James,” Granger keeps singing to their godson, while Draco vows then and there to seek revenge on Potter for conspiring to make them babysit their godson together.
Together for the day.
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dramioneasks · 6 years ago
Memorised - mhcalamas - M, 28 chapters, Words: 107,154 - Astoria Malfoy is found dead in Paris. Hanging from her ankle, all the blood drained from her body, and the galleons and galleons apparently with her are missing. Aurors have a suspect, but mounting evidence seems to point to her husband, Draco. In a twisted tale of intrigue, suspicion and love, Magizoologist Hermione Granger wishes she'd never set foot in Paris. EWE. DRAMIONE.
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quintalon · 5 years ago
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My wonderful and completely amazing friend @mhcalamas made this beautiful moodboard for me. I love it!! Thank you again, lovely! 💛💙
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lilibug--xx · 5 years ago
Any good suggestions for Dramione fics?
Oh. Entirely too many, anon.
Let's start somewhere though. I'll plug my friends first if that's okay with you.
don't get too close by @dreamsofdramione is a lovely war era little oneshot with feelings and smut and is just delightful.
literally anything @mrsren96 is golden but in particular in the middle & wanderlust
two desks apart by @ms-merlinblack is incredible and I adore Draco's pov. I'm a sucker for when dramione work together at the ministry.
learning to breathe by @frumpologist hurts in all of the best ways and who doesn't love an 8th year fic? It's fabulous.
taming granger by @ladykenz347 a really awesome 10 things I hate about you kind of fic. & couples weekend was such a joy and literally made me laugh. Now, I haven't read the troublesome thing about time yet but I'm working down my list for it, and it sounds amaze.
woven by @mhcalamas is a healer Hermione fic, at Hogwarts no less, with fellow Professor Draco and I just so adore that setting - I can never get enough fics like that.
butterbeer mustaches by @xravenslight is TOO CUTE. I love Hermione being her own boss and surrounded by books, and Draco, forever and ever.
wild mountain thyme by @nuclearnik is a historical au set in the 1600s and is just lovely. I adore anything set in Scotland, so got me hook line and sinker there.
good by @lovesbitca8 is so DELICIOUS that I am still literally salivating over chapter 1 and dying for the rest. It's temptation that has my name written all over it. & oh my god, they were roommates is so fucking good too.
traditions by @raven-maiden is so good I want to weep. Can't recommend that one enough.
distance by @indreamsink is one of the best post-Hogwarts slow burns I've ever read. It is so so great. & boardwalk is the fic I never knew I needed in my life. It's like a summer breeze.
And who would I be if I didn't recommend the gloriana set by TheBeMoon? It's so close to completion I can almost taste it.
Listen, anon. I think you made a big mistake asking me this because I could literally go on for days. And this was strictly dramione. Don't ask me about triad fics because I could write a book on how I love those. I also have A TOOOON of other Hermione pairing recs with really fucking excellent fics. I have all the deets.
Anywho. That's all for now.
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I just love this sweet fic by @mhcalamas
“Fireside Chat”
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dark-arts-society-fbhp · 5 years ago
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DAS weekend tumblr challenge!!!! Starting off the weekend of loving on fics, @mhcalamas shared a moodboard for one of her favorite scenes ever. It’s from Sweetly Broken, by @ladykenz347 and it’s Dramione sweetness! Reblog and share your manips and or moodboards and let’s fill the timelines with love this weekend!
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Join LadyKenz with special guest host @mhcalamas as they grill Frump on all things Frumpology!
|| Spotify || Google || iTunes ||
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nuclearnik · 5 years ago
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A snapshot for @mhcalamas 's Remus/Tonks fic
In Love and War by mcal
Summary: Following the love story of Remus John Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks through HP books 5-7. Mostly canon-based, but will diverge with some events.
Read here
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riddikulusfest · 6 years ago
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Title: Puppets and Glue
By @mhcalamas
Pairing: Dramione
Summary:  Godparents Draco and Hermione have been asked to babysit for the day. Things may or may not get sticky.
Sneak Peak:
“Why am I not surprised?”
“Surprised, Draco?” Granger answers, though the witch doesn’t turn her head of curls to acknowledge his entrance.
He huffs. “Yes. I’m gone for all of five minutes and, as usual, you’ve taken over. This can only end in disaster.”
That gets her attention. “If you’re referring to the incident with the Cornish pixies, I maintain that was neither my idea, nor my fault.” She pauses in her work nudge a pudgy baby’s nose with her finger. “Besides that, you’ve been gone for forty-five minutes—”
“ I have not!”  He’s indignant, but cannot resist brushing a hand over his trimmed fringe once more…
His godson coos and giggles from behind Granger and the witch turns back to the baby, saying in that sing-song voice she gets around baby James, “Oh yes he was.” She summons a pot labelled ‘Glue’ to her and sings again, “Yes, yes, yes, Draco was. You didn’t even mess his hair up—”
“He did so!” Draco yelps, carding both hands through his fine, trimmed and pristine hair, thank you very much. “He spewed that green vegetable mash all in my clothes and hair.”  
“Still not your fault, little James,” Granger keeps singing to their godson, while Draco vows then and there to seek revenge on Potter for conspiring to make them babysit their godson together.
Together for the day.
Riddikulus Fest will begin posting on April 1! Follow @riddikulusfest​ to read this amazing story!
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indreamsink · 6 years ago
Prompt: Draco buys Hermione a cat
Some fluffy, friends-to-lovers fluff for @mhcalamas. I hope you like it! 
She felt Draco’s shoulder nudge hers and her mouth pulled into a twist. His grey eyes were wide, a heavy furrow in his brow. Hermione sighed, sinking deeper into the couch.
“You’re right,” she muttered, “it’s time I move on. I get it. He was just…”
“I know,” Draco agreed with a flippant shrug. “Crooks was family.”
Her mouth pulled into a smile at his easy admission. At the way he always seemed to understand her. It was strange to think how they had spent the first eight years of knowing one another at complete odds, when given the fact of how intuitive their friendship had become, years later.
“But Granger, really,” he went on, a hint of a smirk dancing at the corners of his mouth, “he was ancient.”
“Well fine,” Hermione agreed. It had been two months since Crookshanks had left her but she hadn’t quite been able to shake the melancholy, and Draco had caught her on a rough day when he’d Apparated over. “I suppose he’d seen quite a few days.”
“No greater life by a feline has ever been lived.” Draco gave a solemn nod. His expression was hesitant as he turned to face her. “But believe it or not,” he went on in a drawl, “I’m actually here for a reason today.”
“Aside from irritating me?” Hermione asked with a derisive snort.
Draco released a mocking ‘ha’ as he rose to his feet. “Wait here.”
He returned from the kitchen moments later with a large box in his arms. Hermione perked up, curiosity piqued, as she leaned forward in her seat.
Without ceremony, Draco reached into the box and deposited a small kitten in her lap. It was black and grey and blinked up at her with large blue eyes. Hermione’s mouth fell open, wide eyes swinging to Draco as he handed her another kitten, this one cream and toffee coloured.
“I know.” He shook his head. “You always tell me I’m indecisive. But look at them, Hermione. There was no way I was leaving with just one.”
She gaped at the fresh pair of kittens crawling across her lap, stunned.
“You bought me two –”
“Three,” he interrupted, handing her a pure white kitten with grey eyes. He offered her a smirk, his grey eyes meeting hers. “But you have to name this one Draco.”
“Three kittens,” Hermione said, her eyes stinging as she nodded. Something pulsed in her chest as she stared at the look on his face.
“Three kittens.” Draco gave an appraising nod. “You always said you wished you’d been able to get Crooks a friend but you didn’t have the time growing up to look after more than one.”
“Draco, I –” She shook her head, lost for words at the kindness of the gesture. She cradled the kittens to her chest, peering up at him from a mass of fur.
“Before you get too soppy on me,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “I also got you this.”
He handed her a small box from within the pocket of his trousers, and Hermione felt a surge of trepidation before he gave a hurried gesture and she popped the lid.
Inside was a thin silver chain bracelet, featuring a small charm of an orange cat. But it had the squashed face and irritable countenance of Crooks, and Hermione released a watery laugh as she grinned at him. “It’s perfect.”
“So you’ll always be able to keep him with you,” Draco mused, absently reaching for the bracelet and releasing the clasp.
Hermione swallowed, meeting the sudden intensity of his stare. “You bought me jewellery.”
“I did.” There was a hard set to his jaw as he held her eyes.
For as long as they’d been friends, Draco had stubbornly refused to declare for any witch, much to his mother’s chagrin. There was a heavy significance to the gifting of jewellery in the wizarding world, and Hermione felt a breath catch in her throat.
His fingers grazed the back of her hand, questioning.
She whispered, “You’re serious?”
His lips pressed into a smile but Hermione could see the nervous hesitation behind the gesture. He ran a hand through his hair. “If you’ll have me.”
Hermione’s heart raced in earnest now as she caught her bottom lip between her teeth. “Suppose I’m going to need help raising three kittens, now won’t I?”
He grinned, slipping the chain around her wrist. “That was the idea.”
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mrsren · 5 years ago
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It’s literally 11:59 here so.
A birthday offering for @mhcalamas. I love you and hope you have the best birthday week with wonderful fics from all of us who love you. ♥️
In the Middle
As her twenty-seventh birthday comes and goes, Hermione finds herself seeing the Potions professor in a much different light. It would help if she had any idea how to accept her feelings for what they've been disguised as all along.
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