maiandros · 2 years
Any moots still active on here👁👁
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maiandros · 2 years
Im back teehee>:)
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maiandros · 4 years
I was super excited when The Fall went on Netflix but WHY did they have to call Stella Gibson an “ice queen” in the description? She is OPENLY empathetic and kind (e.g. how she deals with Rose and Katie), she just has a very calm demeanour. So why treat it like a negative thing? Why couldn’t they just call her a detective instead of something that (imo) is vaguely misogynistic? 
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maiandros · 4 years
“But don’t landlords deserve to be compensated for their labor, too?”
WHAT labor? I see my landlord once a month, when I have to fork over rent. My landlord is not a member of our community. My landlord is not involved in the maintenance of the property beyond commanding someone else to repair broken appliances or cut the grass, and usually my landlord doesn’t even do that–one of the office assistants sends out those orders. 
All my landlord does is sit in the office and send minions after impoverished tenants who live in fear of the streets and are about one to two paychecks away from being homeless.
Landlords. Are not. Workers.
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maiandros · 4 years
So my grandma wants to go on a coach trip as a family. I do love her but under NO circumstances am i gonna let myself be trapped on a bus filled with brexiteers ranting for a week straight
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maiandros · 4 years
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another five months of 2020 huh
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maiandros · 4 years
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a very polite gentleman if you ask me
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maiandros · 4 years
there are few things greater than a cat stretching out its paws and being able to see each individual toe bean
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maiandros · 4 years
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maiandros · 4 years
“Fun fact! Baby elephants, much like human babies, aren’t able to fully control their trunks because their motor skills haven’t fully developed so they plunge their face into the water to drink =)
Although this cutie is obviously playing lol 😍” 
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maiandros · 4 years
[working on a new writing project] Definitely the hardest part of writing is getting started. [working on the middle of a project] Definitely the hardest part of writing is what happens between the beginning and the end. [finishing a writing project] Definitely the hardest part of writing is the end. [editing] Well well well, if it isn’t my old arch nemesis, editing… defiitely the hardest part of writing,
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maiandros · 4 years
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maiandros · 4 years
in case y’all haven’t heard this yet........... it’s definitely an Experience....
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maiandros · 4 years
be healthily sensitive. tell them you're hurt when you're hurt. describe what hurt you. no silent treatment and passive aggressiveness. be honest. don't compromise your emotion. don't bottle it up. weigh the issue. understand and maybe, forgive.
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maiandros · 4 years
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look at tony holding his little Cuck Goblet while thor’s entire pussy pops loud enough to break the sound barrier next to him. we do stan. 
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maiandros · 4 years
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week 3 - tuesday, april 7 2020;
if you could go anywhere in the world for a week, where would you go?
i miss edinburgh, my favorite coffee shop, good tea, and warm pastries
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maiandros · 4 years
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